« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1830 - America Can Prevent World War III

2023-10-17 | 🔗

Joe Biden announces a visit to Israel in the midst of the ongoing war against Hamas; Secretary of State Antony Blinken calls for humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, even if it goes to Hamas; and Russia and China lick their lips.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The international sponsor expressly paean protect our online privacy. Today, it expressly peons icons, lifespan folks, before we get to the news of the day, and you want to take a minute to share some awesome news. So yesterday, on the one hundredth anniversary of the day walt disney founded disney, we announced the launch of our new company bent key it's a newcomer from the daily? Why are we are dedicated to creating the next generation of timeless stories that transport kids into work. the adventure imagination enjoy bent it's an entirely new app with original and licensed series. There are one hundred and fifty episodes available for your kids right now. With new episodes release every saturday morning. That's not I'll disney has announced that they have a new, so I awoke snow white where the doors are actually doors and snow white is actually not a damn. In distress at all she's, an empowered single woman- well we're not gonna. Do in fact, we announced bent keys first wide action, feature snow white and the evil queen starring our very own bread cooper
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I've seen enough, these two are right. Here we go. Please keep your eye on the clock times, korea, the party of the gallery, going on at the pretty incredible the we all have fabulous adventures to get the title bent or the little imagine the all I see is that the?
a little bit of our snow white trailer in time sword. Since that time, The. Now on the news of the day, in ninety. Ninety, after saddam Hussein invaded kuwait, president george w bush was considering the american response. He was torn
On the one hand, he saw the necessity of pushing said, I'm out of the oil rich state, maintaining impression of american strength in the region. On the other hand, he did want to avoid conflict, while three weeks after the invasion bush had mama made the decision, that's when he famously acceptable call from british prime minister Margaret Thatcher, remembered She said this is no time to go wobbly, but shouldn't go oddly enough. States expelled saddam from kuwait. That was the last red military victory in american history? Will today, the united states face down, threats on all sides, the wages of appeal meant of america's most vicious enemies from cutting awful deals with iran to appeasing russian aggression in crimea from ireland. Chinese expansionism to abandoning afghanistan the taliban to setting over aid to Hamas in the palestinian authority. America's foreign policy, particularly under Barack obama, Joe Biden, has bred aggressiveness among our enemies that aggressiveness when at last week in the worst single terror attack on the west, since nine eleven in the form of murmurs rampage through Israel but left one thousand three hundred people dead. Two hundred kidnapped america's enemies are betting
on us going wobbly, thereby adding on a morally blind media to press israel to stop or offensive into the Gaza strip in order to do it was the evil terrorist group hamas. their betting on an automated left to intervene to press Joe Biden to pressure Israel to stop, and if that that pays off, the west will be far less safe. Here's why? Let's assume for a second that Israel leaves Hamas in place in the Gaza strip, which would the end result of a cease fire. At this point. Hamas would quickly validated support not only in gaza but among palestinian arabs in west bank critic. other massive tariff river israel from its east that terrorism is already materializing. Palestinian terrorists have already attempted to infiltrate multiple areas of the. So called west bank today in somalia on Friday night, must around Israel play. Him was in call expressing solidarity with Hamas and calling for power means to join the violence now we grow worse. If Hamas survives meanwhile
hezbollah in the north, which is an iranian proxy, will know that Israel is surrounded on all sides and may choose to launch a massive offensive against Israel that would end with tens of thousands of Jews dead and israel itself existentially endangered again that possible he is quite real. Israel is apparently holding off right now on its ground offensive. In order to reach enough troops in the north to prevent a massive hezbollah move if Hezbollah Johnson is rewarded with everything in his arsenal, as it would have to iran then, presumably with russian and chinese backing could enter the conflict. At that point. Nuclear conflict would certainly not be off the table Israel will not allow a second holocaust to take place without using everything and its arsenal in fat in iranian attack on Israel could turn into a next stage sunni she'll war, thanks to IRAN's increase regional power. At some point, in the chain of events. America would inevitably be dragged directly into such a war. Meanwhile, the world's oil supply would be radically decrease crash in the global economy. So that's what one path looks like. The other path looks like a man
because standing tall and here's america's role, it's a simple rule, it does not choir american use of force. It does not require american soldiers. First america, provide Israel, the material and moral support to destroy commas, Israel extraordinary levels of blood of its own citizens in order ex in gaza and anti terrorists. But Israel will require rearmament and america should provide it in Israel. wonder by Hamas is an invitation to broader regional and possibly global conflict. Second, marriage must use our diplomatic might to push to alleviate the situation. On the arab side, we ought to be pushing Egypt, but its border to refugees to minimize civilian casualties. We should be pushing turkey to accept refugees, after all, except at three point: five million of them from Syria, america to leverage cutter to turning overcome us leadership to an international body or to america itself and push cuts are to get must release american and other hostages held by Hamas. Third, a merry must it her other actors from escalating this conflict? Presumably that's why Joe Biden himself is visiting israel and why not?
I currently has aircraft carriers stationed in the mediterranean. and prevention will be worth killer tons of cure all of this is doable without expanding significant amounts of american treasure or any american blood, but I can only and if the bite administration doesn't go wobbly if it didn't start parent, the dangerous moral equivalence of the media or the absurd perversities of international pseudo humanitarian organisations and make an demands of the terrorist group Hamas, which is currently holding two hundred hostages, including babies, but makes many demands on Israel. America conflicts for muscles without using american force in fact Should a world without america is a dark and chaotic place a more dangerous place? america and americans all that He avoided at virtually zero cost. So long as america doesn't actually go wobbly now, nation on the ground, continues to be ugly accordingly Austria journal rush, in china, are softly intervening on the side of Hamas. That is not a shock. These are two of the most nefarious actors in the world. Right now,
according to the wall street journal, the war between is Ecommerce isn't just risking your regional conflagration is also affecting the global balance of power stretching american and european resources, while really pressure on russia and providing new opportunities to china. Accord Former finnish prime minister alexander stub, where we are, in spite of shifting and moving world or when you ask, power vacuums. Someone is going to fill those vacuums. Russia is the has beneficiary of spreading people pointing mounting palestinian deaths, moscow, rebels and what it calls the quote: unquote: hypocrisy of the western governments, which have roundly condemned russian massacres of civilians in ukraine, but offer only mild criticism of israeli actions in Gaza and, of course, that is not even remotely a comparable Russia invaded ukraine in order to destroy the country, is is invading Gaza in order to stop commerce which just killed thirteen. Rid of its citizens. In fact, Israel had given the Gaza strip to the paulsen in two thousand and five Hamas took over they've, been in charge ever since two thousand and five, but the russians and the chinese are attempting to create an anti american alliance in the Middle east,
america where to go wobbly. There are things we get significantly worse for america's interests in the middle east and forget all the talk. The happy talk about technology. egging oil no longer relevant factor in the world economy. That, obviously, is untrue and is going to remain andrew. Meanwhile, Hamas continues to ratchet up the noise, so Hamas has the goals, your goal number one is to survive the best. for them to survive, is to really it's all the hostages today, if they release all the hostages they are currently holding. There will be significant pressure on Israel to stop its offensive, and everyone will just pretend that thirteen hundred dead jews around the Gaza border don't exist. That is likely the the calculus that is being put in place by pretty much everybody is that if Hamas releases the hostages, then they will If everybody go back the status quo ante, that's not acceptable for israel. If Hamas is leadership survives intact in the Gaza strip, there in ITALY, the Gaza strip after killing thirteen hundred jews with virtually no consequences for them all the consequences being. by the civilians they keep in in a cage effectively.
And on top of their own rockets, they'll be a big victory for Hamas. Everyone knows it Israel's goals are twofold: get back the hostages destroy coma, Hamas. Is goals, are twofold: humility, Israel retain power and the really one goal right. That's that's really what talking about right here and yesterday Hamas released its first hostage. Video of one of the hostages it is holding is a video of a twenty one year old woman in me, a sham. She has a dual citizen to french israeli woman. She was taken hostage, obviously she's been forced to say these things. So yet everything that she is saying here you have to understand. She literally has a gun pointed at her head during this video here she was talking about. About her status as a hostage right now. You can see in this video that their bandaging up harm saint, look out little good care there taken over The basil, she sang a prisoner in Gaza. They treated me and performed a surgery on me. The two three hours- everything's fine
ass. The return home as soon as possible return me family. Please get us out of here as soon as possible. Again that's propaganda by Hamas, Hamas. Currently asking for thousands of Hamas terrorists to be released back into the Gaza strip and for israel to pull everyone out in return for the hostages they just have now. I could just released them all the humanity in stuff. It's happening right now is on Hamas. Hamas could just like, I love that they release hostage videos, words, look how nicely retreating, the woman that we took an likely but will look organise were beings? Are these people are absolute monster Of course, Hamas is monstrous at any time present them as some sort of human rights protests. There is absurd on its face. How bad is Hamas right? Now all right? Now, Egypt, refusing to open the raft crossing to palestinian refugees. in allowing anybody from Gaza right now, Hamas, supreme leader, actually praised Egypt for closing the borders, not getting you they want israel too good that they want egypt, a plausible. They want the palestinians trapped in Gaza. Why? Because they need them as human shields. Here's
smiling you direct from cuts are again, pressure should be uncut are to turn honey. and the rest of the Hamas leadership over to an international court or to the americans. Here is here's ismail kenya. when the ringleaders cannot be technical, Your comments abroad by the way, the five star hotel, while everybody in Gaza suffers because this is what all terrorist groups do. Their leaders get rich and everybody else suffers here. He is, Talking about how wonderful it is that Egypt is closing the borders. What budget there or not as the people of Gaza, are rooted in their land and cling to their homeland? Torn up you up on him, london, your photo german with us Let me you will not leave gaza. It will not emigrate, no matter what the murderers and criminals do are. You are you hunt much anymore, lay cylinder to allow the new have. Only one have would just returned to our land to homes land, fathers and grandfathers. By that I mean celebrate in favour by the way it does not mean Gaza There is no immigration from Gaza, no immigration than was being no immigration from Gaza to Egypt. Can they want to keep
People theirs they can use them as human shields. Remember no one was calling for gaza We the Gaza strip until decided to murder thirteen hundred, israeli citizens and kanab two hundred others readings military conflagration. Until you sid I'll, come ass, it in full control of the Gaza strip and palestinians were living there happily under the rule. but again they don't care about the palestinians. His never cared about about health. This is openly I mean this is the part that amazing, as they continue say, the sort of stuff openly can just a second will talk about iran, threatening to expand the conflict and then the western spawns. Do all of this. First on talk to you about Whereas most trusted privacy, partner and premier sponsor of the shell expressive bbn going alone. Without it, We ve genocide using your smartphone without a protective case motives, I'm probably then there's I one time you drop your phone and these green its and you wish that would protect yourself or every time you connect to an unencrypted network in cafes, hotels, airport your online data is not secure. Any hacker on that same network can access your personal data such as your passwords or financial details. It doesn't take lot
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future in Gaza that they're going to Egypt, Jordan, saudi qatar, trying to create an international coalition that will govern the Gaza strip after Hamas is removed the map, and they need time to actually make that happen before they go, and that's what possible reason. The other possible reason is that as well, is threatening Israel's northern border. Now again, for folks who don't know, Much about this region defenders, israel again being a very, very tiny country, is bordering on all sides by countries that either have a corpse with it or have threatened openly to annihilate it, so the Gaza strip, which is in the south western corner of the state of Israel, the Gaza strip, was occupied. by Hamas and control by Hamas genocidal terrorist group. The southern border of Israel is a border with Egypt is a cold peace with egypt. Ever since the peaceful between Anwar AL sadat and menachem Megan, nineteen. Eighty under in eighteen, seventy eight nineteen, some night under the austrian Jimmy Carter. The camp david accords the what eastern border of Israel is
a sort of weird conglomeration of jordanian border, which is called these with the the kingdom of Jordan and the palestinian authority areas which are honeycomb with terrorist supporters, Hamas, islamic jihad and palestinian authority, all three terrorist groups housing Authority literally pays the families of terrorists, the northern or for israel is in the golan heights bordering syria, which is in iranian proxy and it's pure northern border, like it's straight northern border, that is a border with lebanon, which is occupied and controlled by by hezbollah, has villa is a terrorist group that is significantly more powerful than hamas like bite by leagues of leagues order orders of magnitude made they have some two hundred thousand rockets pointed apparently at the state of Israel. There in french themselves on the northern border of Israel, Israel has had to fight. There before in order to dislodge them from certain areas, most famously in two thousand seven, most recently on that did with Israel. So creating a D I rise on, but there has been
I tank fire that has been crossing that border there have been people trying to infiltrate terrorists trying to infiltrate from because hezbollah areas into Israel, so Israel is deeply afraid that if Hezbollah gets into the war will be now stretched on two separate borders. so they may be holding off on a ground incursion into Gaza until they feel that that northern border is solidified in IRAN, of course, is trying to ratchet up the game by saying that if Israel goes into the Gaza strip, then they might unleash hezbollah or they might instead poor reason into syria, which would then be used in a proxy war with Israel according to times of Israel, iran on Monday, said time was running out to reach a political solution to the israel. Gaza conflict warning the possibility of expanding the scope of war and the conflict to other fronts affair. the iranian president Ibrahim about easy? What warned the continuation of crimes by the zionist regime, and he wore a possibility of extending the scope of war and conflict to other fronts. He Furthermore, the iranian foreign minister further just in the possibility of a pre emptive action against Israel in the coming hours as Israel reprinted as israel prepare.
The possibility of in in in asian into the Gaza strip in order to clean out the terrorists, so iran is obviously attempting to ratchet up the threat for its part, america. Is attempting to do some of the things that I talked about. The opening the shop, so America's moved aircraft. Carriers in this region now would be to push hezbollah off the ball to save them. If you try to firefox and Israel, then will strike you with our droughts, and then you will be no more because the combined power of america meet america's need Israel's help, obviously, but the combined power of america in Israel or israel in a leading position with american? It's what position does not exist anymore. So don't get involved. Friends, Joe Biden keep saying eating, don't get involved. Also, The united states has been rearming Israel to this point, as on these very arm. But there is a third point will america let israel do what it needs to do in the Gaza strip, and here is Things are starting to get quite dicey for the binary ministration. They have the intestinal fortitude to allow Israel,
do what it needs to do in the Gaza strip, while maintaining the isolation of that conflict, which is in everybody's interest, in the interests of IRAN as well. Everyone, interests are aligned you're. Nobody wants this conflict spreading north to Hezbollah, into IRAN I may pretend that it wants a conflict brain north. If that happens, the most probably are not in power. At the end of this chain of dominoes, most probably dead, they probably want that they have to threaten because they don't threaten their watching one of their pawns hammas being taken If the war by the israelis, which is the next thing, it's going to happen, we'll get to this in just one. Second, first, it's hard to stay energized these days. It is I'm not going to sleep, but there is One thing that I do for my health: that is very, very easy, so I'm not good about eating the vegetables, because vegetables are made of vegetables and they're terrible. So instead one of the things airline is balance of nature. Bounds of nature, fruits and veggies are a great way to make sure you're getting essential nutritional ingredients every single day balanced. age or uses in advance callback and process than encapsulate fruits and values into hope foods when's without sacrificing their natural antioxidants. The capsules are
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actually going at all. Maybe the goal here it is to prevent israel from taking alchemists totally now. That is the great fear. The great fear is that this thing ends with some of the such is released. Many of the hostages detrimental many of them are israeli. Military from us is not release those people they're to kill them. Maybe the idea here is that everyone wants things: go back the status quo ante if things go back to status quo ante Israel's an existential danger. Why again come ass will remain on the southern border and will continue to be entrenched powerful tool group that members jews, wherever it can find them cosmo will be embolden around will be emboldened cereal, be embolden not only that Egypt, Jordan are going we need from state of Israel is again. Power is the only point of the roman Middle EAST. Whoever is most powerful winds. That's the way that it works over. There is about moral suasion in an area filled with dictators. The other countries that have joined the abraham accords, for example, to try and create an anti iranian bulwark. Those countries are gonna, be skittish Hamas is able to kill thirteen hundred using get away with it. Salary
it is likely not to get into a peace deal. Israel needs to re, establish its military capability and its ability to pay off its enemies if it hopes to sign any sort of long lasting peace agreements, for example with the sunni states against IRAN, so that situation could go really bad here of Hamas is not removed, and everyone basically knows that That may be the americans, except maybe Joe Biden again Joe Biden has a very bad habit of going wobbly. This is the same administration that was signing checks to the iranian about five seconds ago, so, suppose you visit Israel, that's a good sign of solidarity from from Joe Biden but decline there's gonna, be what exactly the effect of that is now again, none of since we putting off Hamas so Anthony in the united states secretary of state was in tel Aviv. Therein severance went off well, blinkin, wasn't tel Aviv for meetings there, we firing missiles at lincoln. I mean this is one of the things that Hamas was doing. Meanwhile, the It states apparently trying to our trying to push israel to I go into a they need to do and in the Gaza strip thou beer,
it was here some video from television this from yesterday in her the sirens going off. This is like the area where blinkin is meanwhile Joe Biden, ism and blinking are making some pre eighty wobbly noises among some pretty wobbly noises so Joe Biden, his lingo so far has been good. Obviously, condemn commanded barbarians because they are barbarians there there as better, than the nazis. They wish not only destroy every jew, but to do so publicly and and to humiliate the Jews in the process, at least the nazis, phrases. I've never said before. At least the nazis attempted to hide their crimes. It the end of world war to Hamas Imagine my gopro meanwhile Joe Biden. Yesterday, he suggested to mistake to occupy gaza. Now. Listen Israel wants a long term occupation of Gaza you're. So wrong, I mean look. I don't even know why anyone would think is Israel literally turned over the place to be a terrorist group rather than quote unquote occupying it. They don't want it
What exactly do expect I mean seriously. What do you expect? What do you think the alchemist says? So is the idea that Israel is supposed to so, according to Joe Biden as we'll see Joe Biden and Antony blinken, Israel is supposed to not hit. Presumably enough military targets, because there are many institutions in the way in densely packed areas. They can do it from here, you're not supposed to occupy Gaza, so they can't do it from the ground and they the posters, wills, humanity, blinking, letting quantum called humanitarian aid, even if it goes to Hamas, what exactly is the plan for Israel to destroy Hamas? Then. Now as then. I hope I mean they're wrong. I hope it will. Joe Biden says this: all he really means that he doesn't want israel to end the Gaza strip again, if you think is desperate to annex two million palestinians living in the Gaza strip. I don't know what you're you're high you're on supply, no one in the israeli government's talking about that. But in any case there is I am talking about occupying Gaza. Would you should words israeli occupation of Gaza. At this point we big mistake? You believe that Hamas must be eliminated entirely
I do, but needs to be a palestinian authority. There to be a path to a palestinian state. well, if he's got any ideas having everyone's open to them again I am so sick of hearing about. There needs to be a palestinian state when, literally the only leaders in the palestinian community are dead, is the extermination of Israel? You ain't, no good. An effort he thousand have five been super easy after two thousand five, when Israel walked out the arab states could occur. billions of dollars into Gaza to build it up into a glowing hong kong of the Middle EAST. They do that. No one said allowed Hamas to continue making it into a whole. That's that's what they did by the way. Lots millions billions of dollars poured into Gaza, it all wet for building extraordinary terror tunnels underneath the soil for poisoning the aquifer, apparently and for building rockets. So it is it is it in a never ending source of astonishment to me when people like you
nor anyone else in the commentary it or political spheres as there needs to be a two state solution, yeah. Well, it would be nice if unicorns, if unicorns provided nuclear energy as well, but like at a certain What you're gonna have to recognise that the palestinian cause has not It is not about setting up a working, functional palestinian state. It is about destroying the state of Israel. That's what it is it is it been aimed at the heart of Israel. It has been since nineteen. Forty eight everyone knows this: the palestinians notice. Hamas knows: the pianos as islamic jihad knows this. That's why they walked away every single peace negotiation ever held is what turned down. Every single deal ever offered them because again palestine liberation organization which became the pierre was founded in nineteen sixty four, when Israel was not in control of either the Gaza strip or the west bank, they want even in control of the old city of Jerusalem, That's when the pillows form the paulsen liberation organization. The free palestine crowd when they were saying that in nineteen sixty four, they didn't mean free, Romola bidding,
they didn't mean. We need you to free Gaza city and they don't mean right now they mean from the river to the sea. Palestine shall have no Jews, that's what they actually mean, so they don t So what is it I know? You're talking about yeah that'd, be great that sure again, if using Israel, is desperate to govern Janine your mind, Israel, We try to hand over the years to Jordan in journalism no away so this is it. This is Nicholas nonsense that that passes foreign policy wisdom in a second anthony blinking certain statements yesterday, the secretary of state again, listen, I would love for the buy demonstration provides, is the support. It's not hard contain them. Like what is real finish their enemies. That's it! That's the that's like that's, that's all not hard, doesn't require american blood or treasure in any serious man. Certainly no american. What and does not require american treasury in any serious amounts it does contain the conflict. and allows Israel to eliminate an enemy. Only visual but of the world require you know some actual spinal, get to that momentarily first and not getting a lot of sleep
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I nonetheless, along with you, it's better. Sleep starts right now and catch up yesterday, anthony blinking like eight hours of meetings with the israeli government, and then he emerged to give a message and here's what anthony blinking attache on Wednesday president Biden visited Israel he's coming here at a critical moment for Israel, for the region and for the world. and he's coming here. Do the following: first, the president will reaffirm united states, solidarity with Israel and our ironclad commitment to its security, and Biden will again make clear as he's done unequivocally, the mass slaughter of more than fourteen hundred people, including
is thirty americans that Israel has the right, and indeed the duty, to defend it's people from Hamas and other terrorists and to prevent future attacks. President will hear from Israel what it needs to defend it's people as we continue to work with congress to meet those needs. Second, president Biden will underscore our crystal clear message to any actor state or non state trying to take advantage of this crisis to attack Israel. Don't to that end he's deployed two aircraft carrier groups and other military assets to the region. Third, the president will continue to coordinate closely with our israeli partners to secure the release of hostages taken by Hamas, including men, women, small children
Holocaust survivors and american citizens as an indispensable humanitarian effort forth, president Biden will receive a comprehensive brief on Israel's war aims and strategy. Fifth, the president will hear from Israel how it will conduct its operations in a way that minimizes civilian casualties and enables humanitarian assistance to flow to civilians in gaza in a way that does not benefit Hamas. To that end today, request united states and Israel have agreed to develop a plan that will enable humanity, from donor nations and multilateral. Innovations to read civilians in gaza and them alone, including the power ability of creating areas to help keep civilians out of harm's way. It is critical, aid begin flowing into gas as soon as possible. we share is almost nine sadie seas or destroy eight entering gaza or otherwise preventing it from reaching the people who need it
if a boss in any way blocks humanitarian assistance from reaching civilians, including by seizing the aid itself, will be the first to condemn it, and we will work to prevent it from happening again, Look I'm gonna. Let last part is the heart of its game. Having sat there, everything he says up to that point, you ok, that make sense. That's exactly what I am talking about right, contain the conflict say don't to the foreign actors once you get in make sure that Israel has the wherewithal to take outcome ass. All of that, then it gets to the very end any says we need humanitarian aid going to Gaza. They everybody would love for the civilians of Gaza, to have you, material aid- This is why Israel turned back on the water in power in southern gaza. The entire idea is turn it off up north to push everybody down south of civilians. Museum people in the north, who still have water power, the people living underground, the terrorist bessie, here. Then when he says well, you know if, if that humanitarian aid is then used for terrorism, we will condemn it. Oh thanks. Oh thanks. or maybe you shouldn't put aid.
When an area where terrorists are likely to seize it made me Now it be. Maybe you should pressure egypt into letting civilians out of the Gaza strip into Egypt. Maybe that would be good, maybe Egypt Being controlled, the Gaza strip in Egypt doesn't want it, You you're providing problems with no solutions. When you say things like, we will be the first to condemn it of Hamas. Seizes him and by the way, didn't see humanitarian aid literally yesterday. Our w way, the? U n refugees administration, which is in agency that is specifically dedicated only to the palestinians? Amazing it's, a garbage administration run internationally. That allows for full indoctrination and drew hatred at you and are doubly way schools and the hiding of weaponry beneath you and our w way. Resources they had. Yesterday on twitter, briefly that come up, literally stealing aid, and then they deleted I'm afraid that Hamas, my commanded them, so is it likely that that's when only likely it is. It is certain that Hamas is going to steal that aid and then use it in its war against the Jews. That obviously, is going to happen. So how
I believe, does the united states get we're, not sure yet, but the sure is certainly being brought to bear. The media have done the moral equivalence game. They continue to do the moral equivalence game this this notion It is incumbent on Israel not to achieve its military objectives in order to prevent million casualties caused by Hamas is absurd on its face. No one talk like this after nine eleven. No one talk like this during world war. To no one is tackling this during any war that I am aware of. Barack Obama was kneeling, people, drones and killing civilians by the score, and no one seemed to bat an eye about any of that, and that was not a matter of existential american security, it's all right now is attempting to kill the people who killed, thirteen hundred jews and would kill all of them, and recurrent you uttered hostages and we're getting from media battle. You gotta be careful that the civilian casualties really do remember. our conversation the aftermath of nine eleven any the answers We didn't exist, neither conversation, my isis somewhere between One thousand and ten thousand civilians were killed. there can warrant isis did anyone care. They will talk about that. The answer is no
one talked about that. Why? Because the military objectives were clear, you jake tapir on CNN, who yesterday was was questioning a former israeli official, and he said how? How dare you take? Take military measures that are hurting civilians and the answer? Is it wouldn't be hurting civilians? If Hamas were not using the civilians as human shields. They want them. They say so publicly. Certainly taking off Hamas is leadership. I understand the point of that These are the palestinian health ministry in Gaza says twenty eight hundred palestinians have been old and somewhere between a quarter and a third of them are our children. That's not Hamas leadership. Can I please a word of caution now? I know that there is real suffering in Gaza. Is a war going on in an innocent people are getting caught up in a very difficult situation? I dont minimize that, but you have to get to take with the grain of sand.
Any information that comes out of the Hamas controlled ministry of health in gaza that has to be said that burma is not a democracy. There is not an independent health bureaucracy that is trying to do its best. Every doctor, you speak to every hospital direct. You speak to works under the gun of Hamas. That, of course, is exactly right as exact right and exactly true, in fact, the journalists in the Gaza strip haven't it is much too have admitted they can't report, except what commerce wants them to report, but the good news Hamas is there a bunch of but pfizer's in the media for hamas. In fact, the bbc had to fire seven seven reports, Should I seven four expressed open solidarity with Hamas, seven. So, if you're worried The journalistic enterprise is a is corrupt. That's because it is the way, Jordan is also saying no refugees, there also saying the refugees, in fact, king of, do it he says it's. A red line is refugees in jordan, no refugees in egypt
which again, I just remind you that eight hundred thousand jews were expelled from arab country. Some hundred eight hundred thousand jews were expelled from arab countries and forty eight Israel took all of them all of them. Now. go palestinian refugee has been accepted by any surrounding arab country in eighty years they just I'm in refugee camps is unbelievable So the binding illustration is getting pressure from the media because of the media. Moral equivalence that suggests, of course, that that trying to kill terrorist when terrorists are hiding behind civilians. Somehow the responsibility of of the people who are trying to kill the terrorists there. Also pressure from the intellectual class and the intellectual classes. Just it is here. to imagine how morally corrupt and evil the intellectual class in the united states is it's. It's disgusting disgusting, many, People were most fetid and rewarded in american society. Someone most perverse moral. We ferocious human beings on the on the planet. We get to that momentarily. First flues he's in class americans. Like eleven billion dollars every single year, when your kids get sick and miss school
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He also. Yesterday, I received in the mail my box of merge from banks, so banking is a brand new. children's channel and it is phenomenal, honestly were so proud of it here, a daily wire. I am the proudest some of them anything we ve ever done here at ted. It's amazing stuff. It's clean, pure entertainment for your kids, excellent quality, excellent quality stuff, my kids open the box and they feel doubt at all the awesome, something we're talking that policies from all the characters from chinchilla and the than me Wilma clay books row like all sorts of amazing awesome stuff. We have plushies books, toys and stuffed animals. binkie original shows now available at the daily shop head on over to bend key shop. Dotcom get yours today, adorable there It gives free kids, my kids love them. My kids all slept with them their beds. Last night, all the plushies they're they're great once again go to bent key shop dot com. Get your bent key merch today Meanwhile, the intellectual class in america in abroad continues to be utter. Scum, I mean some the worst people on earth, so the new york review of books proud an open letter from suit
Intellectuals like tonic, easy coats, literally tunnel huntingcoat, is the number one signatory to this disgusting letter tunnels codes. Of course, a person we should have known with moral cretin when he wrote an entire book talking about evil. Amerika was how I wasn't how he watched nine eleven happen from the top of the building. While smoking patent fell, nothing we should have. No. From tallahassee codes, but we are supposed to take him very seriously as a pseudo intellectual because he called for slavery reparations because he, a very wealthy black man has been so victimized by the united states of america. He was a fool. it needs. A fool, now all the people who signed is disgusting letter and again it is some of the most Emily intellectuals in america who signed this ridiculous piece of garbage. So here's what the letter says quote. We are writers and artists who have been to palestine to participate in the palestine. Festival of literature is the first one. We start right there. Where was the house Festival of literature is in haifa, was in Haifa. Paper is in Israel, so
immediately doing from the river to see. Palestine will be free there immediately, calling for essentially the destruction of the state of Israel, because he can't call it we ve been too If you want it, if you want to heifer, you can go to palestine and israel. We call for the international community to commit to ending the catastrophe unfolding in Gaza and, finally, pursuing a comprehensive and just political solution, a thousand you're right. No efforts have ever been expended at some sort of peace, and in Israel and in between no one has ever tried anything like that. Wow genius idea, you you, you absolute geniuses. You. We have exercised our privileges, international visitors, move around historic palestine in ways that most palestinians are unable to what. Why aren't you won't be able to buy it? Why? Who runs those places interesting? Why? Why say you we have met with Been hosted by palestinian artist, human rights workers, writers, historians, We stood on stage with them. Many of those
including the festival organizers based in palestine, are in fear for their lives. Right now, one festival, organizers, locked down with their child in ramallah, sharing updates about the people killed by armed settlers last night when partner in Gaza magazine editor is no longer answering messages as the first one I should point out at this point. I know people who are located in israeli areas around gaza and is these are located in areas around ramallah, morning calls I mentioned at the top of chopin. Wasn't calls that's what happens like on Friday night. You ve heard the tapes of it wanna call the prayer book super are being sent from the top of mass from loudspeakers calling for solidarity. The hamas and violent uprising against Jews. Using a lot of these areas, are living in fear that people, come down from ramallah and kill them in their families. In any case, these these moral and these moral, more on sake. What Israel, imposed what it calls complete siege until one point one million people in Gaza to evacuate within twenty four hours to wear. Oh, I don't know These are the places where they re map to maybe that, by the way, when, when they say to where I just
Hamas doesn't want them to evacuate at all commercial. Tell him not to move from us killing people were attempting to leave six days of bombing, that of already killed? Two thousand two fifteen people seminar in twenty four of them, children in the fourth major aerial bombardments in the sixteenth year of closure, the question to wear rings unanswerable around the world. While I mean it, it doesn't concerning the refugees have been leaving north africa for italy by the boat load for years on end also again I mean what's amazing, about this this idiotic letter. Is they never bothered to ass the question: why? Because they did, they might actually have to come, confront the truth, which is that Hamas is an evil terrorist group. Why israel bombarding the Gaza strip, why the answer is I'm terrorist attacks because of rocket attacks, from its civilian areas by the way we are now. only two paragraphs into this pathetic exercise in moral idiocy, and they still not mentioned the Jews were murdered. What, when Israel stop
well reversed the palestinians as human animals. That's not what he said here for to Hamas as human animals, and you know what people who rape women and then kidnapped them or merge them with their babies. Those are human animals. Sorry you don't like get tough. You're state department to reach a statement calling for a ceasefire well yeah, because the conference where, before israeli even done anything, we feel we are watching ethnic cleansing on a scale unseen in decades, As a hell of an ethnic cleansing again, I will point out that at the time of nineteen forty eight war? There are apparently one point somewhere between one point: At one point: five million palestinians herbs living in the area. Today there are two million palestinian arabs living in the Gaza strip. There are another two to three million palestinians arabs living in judea and scenario, and their one point: six million palestinians airport israeli living inside Israel hell of an ethnic cleansing. Anyway, he's dead, continue. The governments of the usa, uk france and others are participating in this crime. By ramping
military support for Israel, as it weighs a war that its officials have plainly stated, aims to turn gaza into city of tens or even worse, empty of its people. A population over two million, mostly some families that were made refugees in nineteen. Forty eight half of them are children have been living under an israeli and egyptian blockade since two thousand and seven, and two then being told to leave again is not an option on Saturday. This is the best part on Saturday. After sixteen years of siege Hamas militant, broke out of Gaza. Well, that's that how are the characterisation it broke out? for sixteen years. Isn't prison break easy, but it wasn't like most runs the damned place they broke out. You they broke out and, more Thirteen hundred israelis were subsequently hild. Well, look the passive was right there, not their hamas terrorists when, murdered and beheaded and burn know what and raped not an kidnap. None of that all that happened. Something happened to some people as ilhan Omar marmite. Hamas militants Look out of Gaza and more than thirteen hundred israelis were subsequently killed. Well. What? But, by like cars
Did they die of influenza? Was it coven mean how did that happen? the ass usual people in america, disgusting, human beings, more. Thirteen hundred israelis newcomer sympathisers period, more than eighteen hundred israelis were subsequently killed with over one hundred more taken hostage. Some of them friends and family are signatories to this letter. We deplore the law, of all innocent life, and now, as you write this letter, Israel is executing the largest expulsion of palestinians in nineteen forty, eight as a bombs gazans without discrimination. That is a why it's an it's an abject lie. The reason Hamas hides its web behind civilians is to dissuade Israel from hitting them that in another self admits the lie. if you want to kill civilians in order could do not tell anyone to move not try to hit military targets, is not doing any of those things only MRS Ewing, those things are worth feel smallness terrifying escalation after so many years, and so many deaths we must all together. States has to end, and it can only end with a free paulsen. Remember this thing started by declaring Haifa part of palestine, so that is from your great intellectuals. That's china hussy coats
we should be summarily thrown out of any intellectual enterprise. Ever is a joke, but he's, not the only job, we're professors at america's top universities doing the same thing here, for example, is a coronel university professors and Russell rick for cheering the terrorists. the other day since it was exemplary, is exhilarating. Whose energizing you segment reduce, if a warrant accelerating by this challenge: the monopoly of violence. Shifting of the balance of power not be human. I was exhilarating, he says, there's a professor is professor at cornell university, our intellectual glass. Meanwhile, a columbia university professor has up has called, ass. His terror attacks against Israel awesome joseph massage or politics in history, column,
has no comment, of course, because why would they? Why would they. Corner was, as they can't have. Move now need to see more of what he said, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. Well, I mean it. I feel, Can you express support for commerce terror attack? At that point, you can lose your job caught. Call me a cancel. Culture maniac, but it seems to me that if you support an open terrorist group, murdering civilians like when babies and burning them, then, at that point, You'll need a job, I feel it's ok, viewing have job I'm ok. What that I can. I can live with that in just one second, we'll get to rest of the pseudo intellectual glass in the united states. First, if you're honest mobile, if you do need to plan ahead, one of the best ways to do that is by using stamps dot com for all your mailing and shipping needs. Stamps are common put your own postage and shipping labels right from your homer office bases incredibly convenient your shipping labels are ready to go in minutes. She back to running your business sooner. We don't waste Your agenda, where we ve been using stamps dot com. Since two thousand seventeen our office management staff, loves it stamps outcome because they don't have to spend hours at the post office anymore, stamps dotcom offers ray.
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Around the country. Not only of these giant rallies in favour of Hamas, but of n Y you, students, for example, literally tearing down posters of the people kidnapped by Hamas. So this is to such people additional, and why you and there's a a line of posters. Of the these are the faces of the kidnap, and this is three young people are going around pulling us off and throwing them in a garbage can, lest it less god forbid. People actually see the faces of the people who are being held in bondage by Hamas terrorists. Don't worry, he's probably wonderful people, they're, probably their probably can be good for americans, you're, probably a net add for the united. We need them here. We need them here. Just like you need obviously huge protests in dearborn on have of Hamas. Here's some video from dearborn yesterday, This. A lot of people who are again They have giant signs heinz decolonization and resistance like the first in his lines, is resistance but get resist since its solidarity with Hamas. That's what they're talking I know, that's why they are doing this in there
calling for Hamas to be deposed and for a peaceful palestinian state to be created. They're, not in fact sets out what they want. What they want is Israel destroyed, clearly, obviously not just in you're born also in Dallas there's some some video of a giant pro hamas rally entails and again this is a programme Hamas rally it is it not a pro palestinian rally. It is not Allie calling for you now One per cent of these values is called for the release of hostages, not one zero. Now one then we'll condemn what come ass actually did not one zero. Now Of them will suggest. The palestinian leadership needs to be replaced in as europe so as to forward and foment peace. Not one. Zero is very obvious. exactly what's happening at these rallies question. Is it you are a sympathiser with an actual terror group cs politically correct for these is easier and left to say. I support them. that is to say a man is a man or woman is woman. Unless these days it is easier
because you get to pretend that you're on the side of the dispossessed cut dispossessed, colonized people just pretend the Jews are white and the herbs or brown and therefore jews are the oppressors, and the brown people aren't the oppressed. What about the fact that, racially speaking, this is the abject and silly nonsense that a huge number of israelis are not in fact from a european country. is that a huge number of israelis are from places like morocco and iraq and egypt. I mean watch entire families of artie, none of that matters to these people, it all has to fit inside this peculiar. An intersectional framework. That is perfectly fine with antisemitism, because it absolutely crosses streams with a broader left wing concept that if you are successful, if you develop a successful state in the Middle east, it must because you are awesome of colonial oppressor. Me love! You don't want the again. This sort of stuff is throughout
united states does a there's a video from two thousand and twenty two. These are kids who are singing allegiance to qassem soleimani. You remember soleimani, who is the leader of the iranian terror regime. He was one of the leaders of the I r g c, the iranian revolutionary guard corps and responsible for the. thousands of americans these arm these art school aids or singing legions took us. I'm actually money into in twenty two, the tiny little care than others There is also all wearing on their wearing head bans. The pledge allegiance around here. That's what this is as others, videos, and this is in Houston. Headway is in Houston, not in not, is not in iran in not in qatar. In houston The question is this seemed like a good practice. Do I'll- tell you. It probably is not particularly good practice again. This is not the fault of these kids. These are still there and their small children
the fault of their parents and the organisations sponsor them. That's terrible, it's awful and and their parents, don't belong in the united states of you. If you support customs alimony, you do not belong in the united states. We support, Hamas does not belong in the united states. Draw the line somewhere it to me supporting open terror groups is the place it rob online. I feel it gets too restrictive as it you can still. In favour of a palestinian state, you can see in favour of a two state solution, but seems to me that if you support the full scale, murder of jews full stop, quad use that we support come up. If you support hezbollah, if you support these groups, I feel it and find someplace else to live and I'll tell you what happens when countries find other places for terrorism, but I is to live the terrorism. go and do terrorist kinds of things so version Well, yesterday, two people were shot dead in brussels. There are shot dead in brussels in eight in in by a person who declares his legions to isis.
A man claimed in a video on social media. He was the assailant in Monday's attack and whose, from isis They are clearly this this purse, is claiming that he shot you random people in brussels, in retaliation for sexual muslim boy who killed in illinois over the weekend now the difference in this guy, and the guy in Illinois is that everyone condemns the guy in illinois. We all want to see that that piece of get the death penalty, the guy who killed a palestinian kid, no one away. Every one wants that. While there are millions of people all over the world will cheer this. This particular human who just murdered two people for no reason in brussels be claimed, is inspired by the islamic state. Brussels has now raise the terror to it's top rating of meaning. The threat is extremely serious. so this is em again. If you import tens, thousands of people will give them ass. You should not be particularly surprised when they agree with compassion and do things that from us might like. Meanwhile, the good news is that we have the Hamas caucus in our congress as well, so the squad, now put out a letter
is signed into his house resolution there attempting to to push its being pushed by, as you would guess where she did so On re, carson, etc, Corey Bush calling for an immediate de escalation and cease fire in Israel and occupied palestine. Whereas My life is precious, they say, and the targeting of civilians nomadic their faith or ethnicity is a violation of international humanitarian law. Wars between sober seventeen october, sixteenth, armed vital it is claimed the lives of over twenty seven hundred palestinians number fourteen hundred israelis gotta love that there it is see you see the moral equivalent right there. They just lump everybody together. It's all just a cycle of violence, gang commerce running into peaceful israeli villages and murmuring everyone insight is exactly the same as israel trying to kill members of commerce and commerce hiding behind a civilians exactly the same. the other. The only way you can ever get to the point that Israel is possibly the bad guy in this conflict is, if you just pretend you just pay and away the entire conflict, if you prefer History does not exist and the situation on the ground does not exist. If you pretend that hamas is equivalent to the idea of its.
thirty, obviously so is divided into training in a cave to these type of fools. if they do their ones make america much weaker. What america in wasn't much more dangerous place, because you know what terrorist love more than anything they'll, have hope, weakness in their opposition is the thing that drives them, we can of the west is the driving motivating factor for terrorist groups, sure they will, kill anybody, but when they, when they are scared, they kill fewer people and the reality is what exactly do have to be scared of in the west, when the west is so deeply worried about cleanliness of arms that it won't allow Hamas to be taken off the board, and that, in fact, is what happens here. Get meanwhile closer to home, Jim Jordan. has been inching closer to the speakership they're supposed to be a vote today to determine Whether he has in fact going to come speaker of the house here is some here.
Jim Jordan saying we are going to let you speak, he is saying that they're going to do that today view it said said before you want to earn seventeen first. Well, I do think that's that's ideal, but one of my colleagues in the room I dunno, if, if there's any weight ever get that in the room, I would love that, but I think the only way to do this. The way the founders intended is you up? You have the vote tomorrow. We ve said it for twelve o clock. I feel good about. We have more than one ballot if you don't, to seventeen on the first we're going to like the speaker bar? That's, that's that's what I think's going to happen. Okay, so he he's suggesting that he's going against you, seventeen right now. It appears as though Jordan is in fact engine closer to seventeen, some the hold out our are still they're moving over into his camp. I think everybody in the republican clock is tired of this nonsense. A huge majority. The republican caucus doesn't even understand. My mccarthy was ousted in the first place and so that, We find with jordan being the guy there. Bunch people and swing districts are a little nervous
jordan being the guy, because jordan is a hard charging dude and so what they are worried. is the jordan because of his own political prior is going to not be a conciliator in the republican clock. Is he's not gonna be willing to cut the sorts of deals that they would have cut in the past, even with each other nothing will get on they're gonna be saddled with what other, whatever Jim Jordan says, that's donald trump, because Donald trump right now is the likeliest nominee. So the m, the sort of bizarre situation in which the public can caucus find subs. If they dont go with Jordan, who do they go with democratic, are very excited about Jim Jordan. The reason the Democrats are excited because they're going to try to attack of the moderate republican legislators and left wing publican legislators by saddling them with Jordan's record mike rogers, whose the house armed services committee here he now has endorsed Jordan and wagner of Missouri, who is a squeeze backer said that she would vote for jordan There's some other no votes out there now include
ample mike waller of new york, Carlos men as florida models. by a lot of lords on bacon. Nebraska can buckled colorado there still saying They oppose jordan. job resource are indicating as a high possibility that your naturally has his high water mark on the first votes if he doesn't get it on the first vote, and these are salute support I get guys pick a speaker, doesnt, honest to god. doesn't actually matter all that much the reader this matter, although much because the incentive structure is what matters in congress, I know that everybody, what to believe about american politics that if you just put the right guy in the right place at the right time, it makes a world of difference is not about the right. Guy so much as it is the incentive structure that makes the wrong. I do the right thing right now. There we can have an incredibly narrow majority if they have to go to left. legislators in and republican caucus to get to that majority. That's what I don't have to do and if you go right, wingers together majority, that's what they're gonna have to do so This idea that that what is going to emerge from a jordan led clock is going to be significantly better than what emerged from Mccarthy locust again
the case I love to see that materialise. I don't know exactly that looks like it, meanwhile, must comment the fact that a judge non pose a pathetic gag were on donald trump. Ms ridiculous. Now I think, from spent last week can mouthing off to do enough. ITALY, Portugal, in the middle of a world crisis where his opinion really does matter down from its most pro israel present in american history bar none. His voice Time could be really powerful. Instead has basically been attracted with other issues again this my problem with his candidacy. I think he will be distracted with other issues all the way up through the election, as many can't win does mean makes it more difficult for when meanwhile round dissent, as has been using the power of his governorship in florida, tat should get things done, is allowing flights to to Israel with material aid has also been allowing. already in to get home. Yes, she charter flight from Israel get floridians home here,
greeting them? On the tarmac the other day, we were happy to be able to welcome the first plane load back to florida, two hundred and seventy people here, I think, if you were watching lot of families with young did a lot of these people were real no we're not able to get and the state of war does answer the job good for dissenters. Meanwhile, trump is obviously occupied with other things. This part of the problem, so trump is measly faraway, the pole leader at this point during the third pillar, trumps campaign raise some twenty five million dollars. He has a lot of cash bilbil on hand. Obviously right because you spent virtually no cash. You just it was a gag border indices. The Democrats obviously doing their best to elevate trump in the primary by hitting and with the kitchen sink. So yes, a federal judge, barred from from attacking witnesses, prosecutors in court staff involved in his wash, in these criminal case imposed a gag words, be judge, tanya tracking
taking every possible answer from position. She first men sections yields the administration of justice in the protection of witnesses. His presidential candidate is not given carte blanche. To vilify public servants are simply doing their job and she is running too, ought to arrest him and put him in jail if he were to use his social media megaphone to attacks eight. The prosecutor, in this case jack smith or fear Go after the judge in this case chuck and acknowledge trumps rights and public policy issues but said the trunk could not pretrial smear campaign against those my testify against him. which, again this is it. This is real violation of first kind of stuff. Her from yesterday, commenting on it the butter she gave a gay gotta. You know the gag orders, you can't speak badly about your opponent, but this is weaponry all being done because Joe Biden is losing the election and losing very, very badly to all of us in the polls he's losing badly, but what they do.
I understand is that I am willing to go to jail if that's what it takes for our country to win and become a democracy again he's is willing to develop. We may find out if chunky decides to take this all the way she Declining to restrict crumbs claimed that the prosecution is part of a political vendetta. She says you can still remain jack psmith as part of aid. political vendetta, but he's not allowed to attack the court staff or any of the rest of this sort of stuff. So and while I barely the meeting, the sort of hearing was bizarre one of the attorneys for trump is going to John lauro lauro of alternating between forceful defenses of the former president first member rights, and acknowledgement that he would tell try not to do some of this sort of stuff laura purely disk. The prosecutions against trump is a sign of a nation veering into detail tyrannies maturity. Laura said, george world would have a field day. That's what we're hearing from these prosecutors.
and then the judge, muttered george Orwell definitely have a field day, some yet again, This is all going to benefit from any and because any time from appears to be restricted, republicans rally to his cause. All of it is a very large scale, distraction in a very serious world and a second will be joined by an idea reservist where she took hamas terrorists, in the middle of the october, summoned terrorist attack with just a pistol charcoal station have to be a member, become member use, good shapiro check every two months, rennell annual plans put that linking the description and join us yeah
Transcript generated on 2023-10-18.