« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1828 - Hamas Is Here

2023-10-13 | 🔗

Hamas sympathizers rally to support their favorite terrorists on campuses and in major cities; the pseudo-sophisticates in politics and the media start pressuring Israel to stop crushing Hamas in the Gaza Strip; and we ask where the moderate Palestinians are.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Oh wow, one of these. They say it's the thought that counts, but they aren't shopping iq vc, because here it's much more than just a thought. It's a pleasant, deep dive into the inspiration. Then, stories and possibilities behind every product shared by real life hosts with expert demos on everything from food. Fashion to the core and more gifts. Won't be a dozen game, though began. Oh my gosh. This is so perfect. For me, top q, VC, dot com and use coda. Q vc twenty podcast for twenty dollars are forty dollars for new customers. This is shopping. Ah to life. I want to tell you two stories, the first stone, is from my daisies, your away when, as an undergrad students you're going back twenty years now, the muslim, soon association, an organisation that has routinely supported Hamas and hezbollah, ideologically and otherwise put out a student news by the time called all to leap. That's you know
paper joked in the run up to nine eleven about renaming the newspaper all taliban and making osama bin laden editor in chief. They also again in rhetoric, supported, Hamas has what bit then make any bones about any of this when I such right about this stuff as an undergrad for the usual, ideally bruin, which was the campus newspaper I was told, such columns would not be run. Those were the only columns I ever road for the usa, daily bruin gets back and like two thousand two thousand one, that the daily bruin ever refused outright to run sort number two is about a decade ago. I've never it'd london. It happened be boxing day, and I think that boxing day, but it turns out that everything in london was basically closed. Everything except for Madam president, last museum, my we had nothing. to do so, my wife and I went there and inside. Museum. There were the usual by the famous figures, final room, there's wax and albert einstein so took some funny photos in then we turned around and what we saw was three young muslims to women and a man there
Taking pictures with the einstein wax there are strangling the einstein wax well. It occurred to me that perhaps that might have something to do with the fact that einstein was pretty obviously jewish but a brush off, because I'm a good westerner you'll. Maybe these guys hated the general theory of relativity or something well at the time the museum also concluded with a wax of adolf hitler. This wasn't wax it. My wife and I particularly wanted a photo of, but it turns out that these young muslims did this time not really buddy buddy with the wax they put their arms round. Hitler it puts smilingly with hitler cultural assumes, a failure. It has always been a failure, multicultural the suggestion that all cultures are at root, the same in quality and beauty and truth, it is a lie that why is that numerous fell. I leads to moral blindness as we discussing the last few days it leads to atrocities murmured babies, rage, women, kidnappings, beheadings at least to death. It leads to carnage,
but multiculturalism doesn't just excuse evil abroad. It brings at home multiculturalism suggests that we in the west, in the united states, the uk, France, germany and the rest of the western world, we have to open our borders. After all, if we don't we're racists, believe that all cultures are morally equivalent and all cultures. equally meritorious, the only reason then to deny somebody. Entry is race, and that makes your racist there's a reason. The multicultural advocates our open borders advocates it's because their logic demands it. What difference would it make to? You is grins arriving from the Gaza strip or from taiwan. Underneath all cultures are the same. Well, that is ridiculous. And we all know it's ridiculous. We ve all been afraid to say for decades in countries where the leadership has recognised the failures of multiculturalism. Broadly speaking at sea, europe has been totally unable to speak the truth about migration and when they do, they are chastised by the media. This is why the media has pretended away disproportion. criminal activity from middle eastern african migrants to europe to recognise
the truth would be awkward, It might seem racist because we're not allowed to point out that not about raise its about culture, now cultures are the same we're seeing this shyness today across the world and the effects of it fundamentalist muslims rally in favour of Hamas a terrible their slow. Thirteen hundred jews in western countries, their joy, by useful idiots on the radical left who believe a coalition of the dispossessed, they can tear down the institutions of the west. Hence recently, by left wingers about mass murder of Jews has just you know, decolonization question, at least we actually want in our country to serious question. These are not people who are pro fighting for a palestinian state or even more. Nothing is rarely policies. These are people who are protesting in favour of a terror government that just committed the worst atrocities against Jews since the holocaust, and there are thousands of protesters in the west because multicultural is a failure. We can pretend it but it is and what That's right now, breaking out from one into new york from our campuses to the streets of paris is a
breakdown in the social fabric of the west is about Jim, brought about by a failure of confidence in our own values and a willingness to declare the superiority of those values now we're here, that in my community directly today that because Hamas has now called for a global day of rage in the middle of war, the they initiated because they to slaughter civilians in their beds. Instead directing all their resources towards helping gazans civilians, which you know what a normal government might do that does matter at all instead What they are doing is they are calling for a worldwide day of jihad that is for today there are offering to as the oxen flood according to write Bart the middle east member, research institute memory, which has been an amazing work for years, largely ignored. I've seen them on this show, but a lot of other shows haven't play there of all they do literally all they do. All day, long as they watch Hamas tv and they watch palestinian arab tv, and they watch Al Jazeera in arabic, and then they translate that stuff and they put it online memory reported. Hamas has end quote. We declare next week
in the friday of the locks of flood, as he have general mobilization and our arab and islamic world and among them, people of the world. It is a day to rally support, offer aid and participate actively and z to accept, the crimes of the occupation, isolated and foil all of its aggressive schemes and is a day for sex. By terrorism and dedication and to earn the honor of defending the first kubla of muslims holiest mosque and the assumption of the trusted messenger. We call upon the free people of the world to mobilise and solidarity with our palestinian people and in support of their just cause and legitimate rachel freedom, independence, return and self determination. They ve called more specifically for protest. They have suggested that policy and rise up within judaism area in the so called west bank they call an arab citizens, Israel to attack the state they called on jobs in the surrounding countries to attack the boards of Israel and these protests that there calling for across the globe may aren't just protests they have called for action a part of a global day of jihad. Well, this is halted in life
foresman having to step up patrols on jewish house of worship and businesses. Two NBC news. Local and federal law enforcement agencies across the united states are stepping up their patrols of jewish house of worship. Jewish on businesses is road, diplomatic buildings. The amount of worry in the jewish community in the united states is extremely high, while people keeping their kids home from school, today, because they are worried about the global day of jihad, and those worries are not have we seen mass protests in a huge number of cities regular, relevant self, lord them in a bunch of protests, lot of these protests have devolved into someone of chaos, if any counter protesters show up the the attempt to international with the sort of stuff is a new thing, usually when they call for a day of rage is usually something that happened specifically in the Middle EAST. Now there wanting to broaden all of this out how serious, ie is nypd. Taking this apparently Nypd cancelled all training officer, all training for officers on thursday or the entire force to be in uniform and on patrol the officials at the police departments.
They'll have additional security at large gatherings cultural sites and how of worship. All personnel have report in LOS angeles, in uniform as well. So things are getting. Very ugly and allow these major cities apparel. None of the online threats are specific incredible at this point, but I have an abundance of caution again their schools in new york. There We shutting down there saying there no credible for but I don't know what what you would expect. To believe at this point about a credible threat, considering it is the greatest slaughter of jews. Since again, holocaust. A lot of jews are, are very, very worried. Today, some schools. I mention in new york have closed. The worries are not empty, nor is around empty and there did, you know that the words are not empty is because of what is happening here in the united states as well as abroad. So just take a quick example. Apparently, according to an odyssey, dont come and ten ten win
a nineteen year old woman attack to twenty four year old mail is really stood with a stick, etc mumbai, university's, main library amid division on campus regarding the israel, hamas war, the police responded to airport of the assault in mourning side heights ass I but little lab at six ten pm on wednesday the attack occurred. The victim. Confronted the woman ever watching her tear down flyers, displaying the names and pictures of israelis kidnapped by Hamas last weekend, the victim who s to be referred. Two anonymously for fear safety included suffered some minor bruises. But apparently what happened? Is that A group was hang up posters of the people who are currently being held hostage and be suspect, ripped the posters and when they said, why are you doing that? The suspect than tat the people who put The posters up here, I think that isolated incident. You may well, you know. The sort of stuff happens campus all the time, except for the fact that what we see in broad scale. In universities are the very centre of it is
green red alliance and by green red alliance. Here, I'm talking about Hamas green, I'm talking about far left red alliance has been ongoing for a very long time on campuses is bled over into our regular politics and into sort of daily life, for an army horwitz. He went down he's village of new york member. This is not the Gaza strip is not middle east. This is the village of new york and he asked some thirty people. Whether Mass was justified in motoring, thirteen hundred using their beds and here's. How went their attack on Israel with justified It is the cause of oppression, Hamas have the moral, high ground messages defending themselves for years and years of oppression and looking around they can take the wrong. I feel like this is justified. Their traumatized. One of my friends side with Israel.
I feel like there's more than one side of this. I wouldn't say the attacks. Are I'm justified, I'm on the side of the brutalize, the I understand why they try and fight. I understand where they're coming from, and I understand why they're doing what they're doing in the trash or fifteen years, seventy five years of oppression, the need to of the years of genocide and raping and stuff. Yet they have every right to defend themselves. Out of the thirty people that we spoke to a total of two but Hamas is brutality, was unjustified again, that is not rare. That's the east village of new york so again the green red access rights and it is very active in the united states- is active in one in its active in france, a fairfax county who were member named abroad, amish elected official investment
county with his virginia actively oh a moment of silence for the victims of the Hamas massacre. Just is just a couple of nights ago. It might seem simple aggressors attacking families in a state of seeking vengeance. We often sympathise with an humanize decide that we relate to and aside that looks more like us or that are biases guide us towards, but doing so obscures the root of the violence. Centuries of human history teaches us that escalation happen. One problems are ignored, realities are denied and voices are censored when one narrative dominates from the world stage all the way to our classrooms. We do our students no favours by calling for peace being unwilling to back what peace requires as the old silver rights adage? That goes? No justice nope, you know just as no bees. According to an elected official in fairfax, virginia eyebrow romanes requires that
Babies be slaughtered, no grids. This is this. What honestly interested shit you need country you need nuance, or perhaps a lot of very very evil people who believe a very lot of evil things living in the west, because the west lessons opening up a wide with multicultural nonsense. Here Michigan Democrats just the other day, refusing a vote on a moment of silence for israeli victims. You know why this is this is because a huge percentage of michigan demo support comes from the michigan muslim community. Thou be the same, Immunity in, for example, dearborn those holding a mass rally in favour of Hamas over the pet course of the past couple of days speak recognizes represented. Surely thank madam speaker. I moved to discharge the committee on government operations from further consideration of eight hour, one forty six and request a record roll call vote. I represent a shooting,
if the discharge of his resolution, all those demands supported the demand is not the point of the question is on discharge. All those in favor say, I suppose name. The resolution is discharged speaker recognizes majority for leader. I ass it, is apparently not for owning the house during standards on how tuesday october seventy that one thirty without objection so ordered the house see entities that's right, the michigan house dominated by democrats this refusing a moment of silence for israeli victims for jewish victims, again north massacre in the past eighty years against Jews one. Second, I want to get you what's happening on campus. First, obviously, all of it is creating an enormous amount of of uncertainty in the economic sphere
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Four generalised left wing activity in the united states violence if the green red access, the Hamas communist come ass, far left to access is going to form an alliance. Obviously it's going beyond campsites precisely overseeing. We have so much the pouring in of protesters at various universities, demonstrating the moral evil it is, possible, go through all the bull start with colombia, columbia, some protesters at columbia, and in short, from the river to the sea. Palestine will be free, that's what of course, they genocidal slogan, men to destroy literally every jew in the region and, as we see from come ass. We know it today means that means the full scale slaughter of Jews and those are aware, presumably who are shouting that in the middle the columbia, university camus now remember he's our campuses deeply worried about micro, russians if you, say that a boy and girl is girl. Then you may, of microbes
ass to the point where you will be disciplined by the campus offices, but if you shout from the river to the sea, palestine will be free that, like directly, anyway, that thirteen jews were murdered in their beds. While, then, that's that's just you know plex moral millions, because multiculturalism gang in two different culture is a different type of thinking and we have to explain Yet we have to understand it really. Things are very nuanced and cycle of violence. He very very complex. Now you can feel people reverting back their prayers. I said a couple days ago that people revelations about politics in hot moments. In moments of clarity, an immediate intervention, the prize you can feel it happening in real time, and so already is shock effect of people who are protesting in favour of the people, just murmured and burn babies already there architecture that is wearing away, because we are already can feel it happening. We are already going back to our western priors, which, as everyone, reasonable. Ever have a conversation, have all cultures are basically the wind everyone wants to be free, and it's not true. It's not true
Will our shouting from the river to the sea, palestine will be free? Those people are not friends of the west enemies of the west, those people who hate the west just as much as they hate israel. Those people are fully willing to give their full backing two moorish genocidal. anti jewish group. And we all kind of like brush it off, because we don't want to see we don't want to see the blinders are right back on. You can feel it happening in real time. You can feel it happen. People want their prior to be true, and prayers are so comforting prior that anti semitism malta, vestige of the past, will never have a holocaust in this matter. We just saw holocaust level. Violence against Jews in Israel, just killed for being jews. It doesn't I wouldn't rican textual legit it and pretend away the reason that had happened organism fisheries reasons wide happen or going to say that the Jews are just as bad as the nazis that they face better we're going to say I can feel it happening in real time, because otherwise to look at the spectre of thousands and tongue thoust The people across the united states rallying in favour of a group that is, as or worse than Al Qaeda might be somewhat disk.
hiding it might call into question some of our priors about who we should let into the country or about which call, cars are equivalent to other cultures and which cultures are abjectly manifestly inferior. There is such thing as an inferior race races. While I mean it's not clear exactly where the boundaries are between races. Race is a genetic aspect that it has to with facial structure, maybe has to do with point of origin, or he has two with your skin color. None of that is relevant when it comes to human, interpersonal relations. The only thing That really matters is culture. Culture, of course, is how you act. It is the way that you think all of that is environmentally, and by that doesn't come from your race. That distinction is crucial that, thinking is really important, saying that sort cultures are worse than other. Cultures is simply saying that some ways of thought and ways of acting are worse than other ways of thought and ways of acting, which is obviously true. Unless you are an idiot and u c, l a mass protests we'll screaming intifada, intifada, intifada means uprising, and this is a call for. for palestinians to mergers, obviously
pretty mass rally at my alma mater again. Folks, if you have a kid, getting ready for college. You should think very seriously about whether you wish to send them sworn these garbage indoctrination centres and instead, maybe I'll get him a job here. Is what it looked like at? U c, l a yesterday the By the way you can see how many of these people are wearing masks. You know either unmasking because they're afraid to call, but the reason they were wearing masks is because they don't wish to be identified. Why don't they we identify with their cause because they know that cause evil. That is particularly true for the for the members of radical muslim communities who are not saying this I've just for show their lot of fellow traveller liberals or trying to demonstrate a bona fide he's in the same of these bunch, morons gotten the street rallying. The perverse organisation black lives matter in order to them their bona fide each their fellow liberal friendship, a lot of that at these camps, as that would be the right
part of the green red alliance here, but the people are truly committed. Those are the ones are covering their faces. There's more. protests in college campuses and just one second, so I got my average. It matters a lot to me. These days have been spending literally every moment on the phone. The phone coverage that I trust pure talk. As you know you're talking to me where a company they speak to them. They have core values that are aligned, the values of the daily wire, our veterans, If everything to protect the nation and pure talk understands the sacrifices that David is endemic, his goal to eliminate ten million dollars in military jet by veterans day. They can't do it alone. They need your help. When you switch to pure talks, lightning fast five g network, they will donate a portion. Every new orders is noble cause. You can make a real difference just by choosing superior cell phone service. Pure talks plans started just twenty bucks a month, a limited talk text more data and mobile hotspot. Just go to pure talked outcomes that shapiro make debts which today, let's rousing show our unwavering support for american veterans is pure talk, dot com, slash, shapiro, switch to pure talk. Today again, they often have amazing coverage, which is the reason I love
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In case you can hear what they are a chance and what their chances they got. Tanks we ve got hang gliders lorry to the resistance fighters, thou be a reference to the need for most members who jetted in unresisted on and hanged liners into an area music festival and moved down nearly three hundred people that is the majority george university openly cheering them again ten pretend as much as you want. This is what these people believe. This is what these people believe. You don't believe it. What what are you making things about? The arrogance of the west is that they say it right out loud to your face and you're like now. Don't believe you double, it must be. Something else must be held. Cheerier motives come it's like one. Member of the jews media is like, but what do they really want? These people shouting that they are there in fact, into the resistance fighters who just mowed down there festival, attendees and everything,
But what do they really want? It's really about the complexities of the middle EAST. Isn't an hm shit lot of chin stroking these days, a lot of people think, oh, my gosh will notice. Does this conflict does have a long history, nelson? We can go through the history, even my youtube page of an entire forty five minute explanation of the history and we're going and so this weekend that are some on the myths about all this, but that's how it is about murmuring jews and they are in favour of it up upwards? on the number of jews years. Yes, we're like. We don't believe you, I'm sorry You say you want to mergers. What I think you really want. What you really want is a better economic way of life they well if they wanted a better economic way of life, maybe they would have pursued that or put their focus there, but I that's our they're putting any of their focus, but have you ever noticed the any dramatic lack of palestinian advocates, rushing mike funds economics? We notice that just a little bit like it all now, using in the united states whenever there is any sort of horrific shooting that is committed by somebody who's even
We associate with political cause, everybody vaguely associate with that political claus comes out and condemns it, of course, because they want to make are, they are dissociated from their evil? Have you seen any coming out being like men that Hamas group therefore evil. I mean we're not associated with them, their truly evil, and the answer is no. The answer is no because The cause is not a territory. Dispute Israel could I give away land enough. Absent its own destruction. That would please these people they couldn't. The way you know that entails. That means death of every junior area for all the talk of what is really apartheid. Let me point out just a quick fix: one per cent of the population, is arab. You know that just zero percent of Gaza's population is jewish zero percent of any of the palestinian world areas in the west bank, our jewish, percent of jordan is jewish. Zero percent of egypt is jewish. Zero percent of iran, effective,
Speaking as you, george and tiny jewish population, zero percent, Syria's jewish zero percent of lebanon is jewish zero presented saudi arabia is jewish and weird weird. Just strange how that worked strange, but don't worry it's it's it's israel. That is the problem and again they say it right to you face they say rachel they're, not hiding bar, is the part that is it there. Astonishing to main and will never cease to be astonishing. They do it right in front of you. They say it right to your face. Everybody in the media goes now know. We'd know now couldn't now. The protests continued across the country, Aristotle, Arizona state university had a big protest yesterday, in favour of commerce again look in his eyes in this protest I have a question: are these people who are for marching in favour of Hamas that you'd want working for your company, serious question? You have to choose
Yet it seems to me that supporting hamas, a pretty good barrier to entry forever people you'll earning a sound living in chase manhattan bank or should be university of Washington had amassed programme of protest as well. Here is what that look like amazon, antigua, joined together with palestinian advocates, of course, in my house, aiming for advocates and remember all the time about how Hamas is separable from the moment. The moment in trying to separate hamas, I noticed just the thing I noticed. It it. How have you heard a single call for Hamas to turn over the hostages? Many of these people any call any bueller. Of course, not they don't care
they're perfectly happy for jewish hostages to be murdered in tunnels, healthcare, innovation there. Care whether a coma, whether gazans civilians die. Has there been any call for because united said they turn of water in power in Israel said by the way, will turn it back on if you give us our hostages and embryos, how good. Turn off the water and how I notice that a conditional statement, If you turn the hostages over, we will turn back on the water and power and it seems like not an unreasonable demand, since you are holding babies and women and holocaust survivors. That seems by the way, you're holding it doesn't americans at it. Is it not the most and but has one rochester said that Hamas meant one turn. Those people are not not one Has one protester acknowledged that of Hamas? Would would stop all as if the if they would turn into a comment which what Israel wanted them to do for twenty years after hanging the entire Gaza strip to them that none of this would happen. It's a civilian deaths are on the handling of
not. Are there any demands on the governing body in the Gaza strip, which is common to protect civilians? No, of course not The goal is the destruction of Israel and if they can't you by running into Israel murmuring every civilian than they were? to do it by relieving the international legitimacy of israel by planting babies directly in front of military targets. That's precisely what they are doing right now again, campuses, which are supposed to places of safety in an opening? and every city to Stu, jewish students, feeling you just elgin, Stillwell threatened by people who are now defending mass murder of Jews and then, of course, there there's nothing to be done here. Jewish students, the university of washington, witnessing this pro hamas rally and being told by the authorities. While you know that's just where that goes now, listen free speech is indeed speech. Also, free speech has never obtained at these camps I've been banned from half these campuses for trying just speak about things like economics,. These- are places where again, if you use the wrong pronoun, they will put you. In the gulag If you say, Jews should be murdered on mass and is justified. Then, if it
gets upset, that's obviously that you know freeze that's what that's. When the free speech bone back an interesting, interesting health. Your standard kicks back in minute. The Jews are victims, the again it is it remember it's it's a micro. Why would you live in fear after thirteen hundred of them were slaughtered and then all of their advocates come out on campus rallying for the slaughters? Why were they I have read in the world of micro aggressions. I know There's a micro russians, you guys do not seem to care macro aggressions rather than you don't to care very much about at all. Now get back to the question of how much
What does Hamas have in the so called moderate palestinian community or pro palestinian community? And the answer is, I'm still looking for the people who are wildly attempting to just dissociate from comments at this point. Where are they like? Really? Where are they gonna? Give you an example. So, there's a belgian american activist and human rights attorney named Jack Erika, whose on with katy tour, the media about we are desperately searching for palestinian advocate, will do so. He had Hamas and say the Hamas is utterly unjustified, a garbage organization and terror organisations. They can find anybody they can find anybody. You know why, because it turns out that these folks don't think like you, they dont think like you. They don't think bad, they don't think it is in bad to kill babies. They don't I don't wanna tell you there saying it to your face, I'm not saying it they're, saying it how many times you there I said before. I believe it is that you can meet characterizing. What they're saying it's them saying it. So here is a a moderate. Seating american activist and human rights attorney, is what human rights attorneys do is they worry deeply the legitimacy of em of Hamas and we're a deeply about how much hamas has provoked to this disaster.
Africa saying that Israel is responsible for all of it. the images that we ve been seeing for the past six days, both inside of Gaza and the images of what opened the israeli citizens both have been so got, itching so difficult to watch it makes it feel like there is an interactive billy to this. Fight, as you ve been studying this, what what can happen next. Thank you can. These are indeed got retching and got wrenching images, but they are also preventable images and preventable mass atrocities. The condition that the largest crime, in the condition that sustained this violence is the crime of apartheid in the pipeline. That israel overseas and that the united states has been the primary supporter of and military, financial and diplomatic support. Ok, way nor our cut again. Human rights attorney she's very much in favour of human rights she's
capacity political movement nourishes explaining interpol all the guys. It's not a terrible group civilians and aims rockets at babies. And murders children in their bad and rapes. Women their political movement? Don't you see? These? Are the moderates isn't moderate? Where are the moderates guys? Where are they? I ask: where are you Israel's been searching for the moderate for, like forty years, Israel does not want to govern two million palestinians in the Gaza strip; they don't they wanted not to govern it so strongly. They handed over to a terrorist group. Israel wants so strongly not to govern area What do you mean they handed over to yasser Arafat's in actual terrorist who actively shot jews like that's how much do not want a government, but Not just Israel I mentioned before Israel tried to turn over the Gaza strip to Egypt, Israel, Egypt, that there are no, we don't want them. Are you out of your mind? They tried to do. Over places like Janine, jordanian controls, dreams like are you kidding me no way
Don't worry, Hamas, a legit political group where the moderates? Where are they? Where are they? She turns out that all your crap about the peace process. It requires a piece partner. But if there is no peace, pursues a wish cast your way into a piece partner. It ain't gonna work, again? These are the moderates. Moderate say that Hamas is a political movement and a unity, come on. I can stay. Whether or not they can or cannot stays is not the issue. Because the alternative of what you are saying is that we decimate hamas- and I have to remind viewers amass- is a political movement confront of palestinians who believe in a freedom struggle, for they are now merely disinflation sensational images. That you see the members of Hamas that you saw recently right. I just want to make clear to people that these are not monsters who emerged from underground just one to terrorize israelis, these are, young men who have only grow gone,
under siege for the past seventeen years, who have been subject to for large scale, offensive that have bombed in their arms that have targeted medics and hospitals and water supplies that every few remember that fosters the rape, women and kidnapped babies and kill them they're, not monster. She says she says it by the way. What position the context? free insanity of what you saying here. You know they ve been victims of granite. What way pray tell what might have precise those ground incursions that Israel had a fight. My hour, the aerial bombardments that Israel had to use in the gaza. What may have proceeded that all? Was it thousands of rockets following on israeli cities mighty, that the guy of these people in the media by it, because they want to believe they can't believe it. They refused. We did. It undermines their entire world view. If there are people who have cultures that are inferior, it undermines their entire. I'm sorry, any culture that calls hamas freedom fighters and about the victimization, people murderer babies in their cribs that isn't it
european culture and, if you can, that there is something wrong with you, but there are some with the media. The thing that is one of the media is they hate their own culture, so much that they cannot even deal with the idea that there are superior and inferior cultures and, if surrendered, and when you surrender you lose by way again, not just a problem for for our media is also problem internationally The number of mass protests that we are seeing all around the world in favour of us should be truly terrifying to westerners, who actually care about. You know western values we'll get it in a moment. According A recent report plan paranoid continues to rake in billions in taxpayers, money and private contributions, and yet for organizations are winning the hearts and minds of their clientele. Well, planned parenthood continues to. In the big bucks, the number the balkans performed year over years, slowly decreasing. In short, we are winning the to end abortion, but there is a long way to go. This is why my show partners with pre born there is the largest provider of free ultra sounds in the united states. People figured out that by letting a woman C4 began, ultrasound and listen to a target that babies chance in life is doubled, but preborn right on a really really slim budget. All the money is
Towards evening babies their risk over two hundred babies every single day, no government funding they need Help a donation of just twenty eight box will cover a free ultrasound to unexpected, after seeing the life going inside, her she's, twice ass likely to choose life, please cancer. making a small donation, your tax deductible gift, although directly were saving babies, lifestyle pound to fifty sake. He were baby that is pound to five zero baby. Go check them out right now, pre border conflict. When they're doing an amazing thing for mothers for babies every single day who to pre, born dotcom, slash, ban or thou pound to fifty and say keyword, baby. Ok, so it's not the problem supporting terrorism and an terror support to the united states. Obviously is also happening in countries across across the world map. Save protesters in protest in paris. Yesterday. Here's what I look like besides I and the size of their protest. Look at the size of the number of people who come on
love baby murder, look at that astonishing there. There saying it out loud, although quite per se, say out loud all of them. doesn't have any obligation questions the west of any any obligation to absorb people who who will cheer the murder of babies? I have a question like The obligation to we the west have to take in people from it sure that says not come ass just did is totally fine and part of a broader struggle. what obligations washed up and if you feel that way that obligation. I ask your question: why has people in your house, We welcome on and you want to earn you take. Em put em in your house, put vineyard, put your apartment got extra bedroom. What's the problem after all, multi cultural world and are all the same underneath you're, Hamas supporters in vienna,
again look at the m side, the size of them we mass support here. The few police officers surrounded by the mass protests in favour of the dancing ensuring that in Austria gang and that's not me, that's not in gaza, city that is not in a manner that is in Austria. There is in Austria. I haven't one We know london's been a serious problem in terms of its some it's dangerous. He was for quite a while here's the way brothers, one of smaller protests. In recent days, Yet here they m caring smoke, and
and palestinian flags and all the rest of this again is in the aftermath of attacks. Hundreds that's what this is So all of this is part and parcel of this group of people. It is going me to Hamas and it's its borders or pay. Suckers game with you, I'm suckers game is you are a fool and you will revert back your price. That is the suckers game and you probably will the west probably well, because the west does not have any sort of components about its own values at all. None. So they are immediately shifting the focus to what's going on in Gaza. That's fine! We should be focusing what is going on in Gaza. Terminal and suffering in Gaza. Every bit of it is come ass fault ray single part of it is commences. Vault I'll, say it again for those too slow understand I'll, say it real slow in small words, Israel abandoned the Gaza strip in two thousand five It is now two thousand and twenty three Hamas has ruled the Gaza strip since to them,
and six. It is now two thousand and twenty three hamas in control of the Gaza strip. Hamas is holding hostages, Hamas, is income. Of its own civilians. Those civilians live under the rule of the Hamas government in the Gaza strip. Those In our common responsibility, it is a way crime, too, what your civilian in front of me terry targets. It is a war ran to shield your rockets with children. It is a war crime to hold ostriches. It is a war crime to put hostages any war zone to four tried prevent bombing. All of these are war crimes every ounce but that has spilled every building that has taken down every ugly photos you from Gaza is on commerce. It is that simple. There is no duality about this. What have I been unclear? please explain the floor in this particular thinking. I'm waiting. Naturally, beyond the Hamas advocates if they have now decided that they have degrees in international law. It is exciting. Outside
a cosmic cortez one we're most brilliant exporters of international law being a bar tender and all she She says this is collected talking about the cut off of water and power to the Gaza strip, he's really energy. Minister cats he's had no electoral which will be turned on no water hydro will be open. No fuel truckle enter until these really abductees are return home well again, seems like unconditional statement by this point. As he could say, you know what They're, holding like a bunch of americans in africa are probably some of them have already been raped. If not all some of them Tortured, many of them are probably dead already, but calling for the return of the hostages. Of course, out of here, Instead, she saying that america has to draw a line with these railings, but he's rallies the ring war crime is fighting Hamas yeah she's, a genius Ok, this is this. Is your rising starting the democratic party slow
and for you geniuses who decided to make her the face. Your party, our responsibility, is to the stability and the security of the region. That means being able to support or not support yeah. Israel, in its defensive capacity, is right in its natural, not supporters roma. That no context, but also in light of the fact that the united states has a responsibility to ensure accountability, to human rights, to prevent the ethnic cleansing of palestinians and to ensure that horrors do not happen in the names of victims who do not want their tracks, He used to justify further violence and injustice, she's going to speak on behalf of the dead Jews in As a she's going begun to have the dead Jews instead wrote she's going to speak on behalf of the grandparents who watched their grandchildren, be murdered in cold blood, choosing
on their behalf? I want I want every Democrat who defended this. I want them explaining what she meant by that I want them, explain I want her, explain what you meant. What did you mean when she just said that in the name of that they don't want victor, they want their victim hood to be used to justify this you're. Speaking on behalf of the dead body, He's a very bad way in kibbutz. Very That's what you're speaking on behalf of, let me explain something: That's not how international law works geneva conventions twenty nine, the party to the conflict in whose hands protected persons may be, is responsible for the treatment accorded to them by its agents, irrespective of any individual responsibility which may be incurred when come up. In other words, for those who can't read and don't speak legal. What that means is that, if you are the governing party, and you have civilians and you put them in front of military targets. That is your fault article. Twenty eight, the presence of a protected In our view, civilian may not be used to render certain points or areas immune.
Military operations, which is precisely what left. Morons, are claiming today that basically murder, Jews plus hide behind children means immunity, that's what they're claiming That's the formula I merges plus, I hide behind a godsend, civilian. I know em you. That is what they are attempting to claim neither convention, three, no press of war may. At any time, you sent you or detained in areas where he may be expelled. The fire of the combat zone, nor may his presence beast, render certain points. Are areas immune from military operations and sound familiar like don't put hostages in fire which is exactly what they've been doing or how about this? I statute, utilizing the since its civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations constitutes a war crime and international armed conflict have up to now, in seventy seven additional protocol, one article, fifty one seven says quote: the parties to the council,
will not direct movement of the civilian population. Are individual civilians in order to attempt to shield military objectives from attacks or to shield military operations? You may have noticed that precisely what Hamas is doing, Israel is currently telling people too The Hamas is currently telling them to stay. To use as human shields according to the geneva conventions, article fifty three structure by the occupying power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively, to private persons is prohibited, except where such distress, is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations, which is what is happening, right now I mean it. Its clear under international law. That country has the ability to defend itself, and it is also clear under international law and human rights violators, the person stations babies in front of its rockets, but I can
can't get over a saying that I can't I can't get over her saying that dumb she speaks in the name of the victims to leave us alone the and there are no words there are, there are no words by the way her garbage route. Ethnic cleansing is a talking point that I'd just like to bunk that I like to clean this up real fast. This talking point the palaces the palestinian population in nineteen. Forty eight, which is the obvious I was one of the state of Israel in that region. In the inn, and of gaza. Israel. Today, danes, Maria all, that one we seven million. Here- are the populations today in these particular areas in the Gaza strip, two million in judea and marry the so called west bank three million inside Israel, one point six million, so in other words we're in this area. One point three: seven million palestinians living in nineteen forty eight today there are almost seven million living in these areas. That is a really bad job of ethnic cleansing. I've noticed, however, you know what else I noticed the number of Jews, we're living in Iraq. There are tens of
energy, Jews, living in iraq in eighteen, forty, you know many of their now zero haven't you we're living in IRAN. In nineteen. Forty, eight hundreds of thousands we need to love there now zero, how many jews we're living in jordan in egypt in any of these places, before nineteen forty, eight. The answer is a lot: how many zero, but you know what happened historically speaking, the state of Israel, the tiny state of israel with barely military took in all of them. Some eight hundred thousand jews were kicked out of arab countries muslim freeze in nineteen, forty, seven eighteen, forty, eight and Israel took in all of them. Meanwhile, you know the arabs did with that these with these refugee populations, they put them in refugee camps and they left him there for seventy years. For seven years- and this is why J tapir yesterday, whose pointing out you know, I notice that muslim countries are not doing anything to help guys and civilians. Oh that's a shock at the shocking cept, unless you ve
you know a book here is jake tapir. Yesterday? What about the innocent palestinians? Can they get out right? The women, the children, the elderly? How can they get out It still has not been figured out now. Egypt does not want to open the raft crossing their refusing to the veto right, Egypt, Jordan. I mean cutter the usa, saudi arabia, all these countries that prepare the talk about how much they care about the palestinians. They could help right now they could help the palestinians escape. They could help you, they could say, ok stop bombing and we will go in there and we will we will. We will help Gaza like become of thriving society. They make you do all sorts of things they have money by the way. I've heard that yeah yeah, but we are then where are they is where they usually are, which
as you know, generally on the sidelines in and pretty myopic lay thinking about themselves plus, you know they would all like Hamas to go away show on uniting in any began. Egypt you'll get map again Egypt, right there in December that Raphael crossing right there? You know you ve said no way, no way In fact, not only that, let me show you some pictures of the Egypt Gaza border. This is what the Egypt Gaza border looks like you think that that's that terrible: a tear separation wall and one that was breached by Hamas. That's that's terrible I'm going to show you now what the wall looks like between gaza and egypt. Oh look its aid, who lay our giant wall? That's amazing who could have foreseen such a thing like that? it is a giant to layer wall backed by military. Also along that there are some. There are tunnels. Massive tunnels had been built,
and massive underground barriers that are twenty metres deep to stop. Those those from entering into the sinai desert, which is controlled by Egypt. The barriers made a bomb proof super strength, steel which cannot be cut or melted, so yeah that that's that's the thing that at that, I notice, as far as where the muslim countries are, the answer is where they always are using the palestinians as a tool for their own revenge, while simultaneously denying them entreat you to countries again and asking for it seven hundred thousand palestinians were either weaving or expel unclear how many left preemptively, because all airbus cited broken down and forty seven forty eight and how many were kicked out, but seven hundred thousand palestinians leave or are expelled zero are taken in by the country's zero, and you know it then have and it turns out the palestinians who ended up in other areas, there are subsequently could doubt by europe. trees in nineteen. Seventy Jordan spelled it twenty thousand palestinians and killed. Three thousand of them by the way in eighteen, eighty, two during the lebanon war. The peel was please, be expelled and ends up in tunis
in ninety. Ninety one is this: one nobody remembers, but it did happen during the gulf war and the beginning of the gulf There are four hundred thousand palestinians who are living in kuwait. Four hundred thousand, during the course of the gulf war and after the number one to zero, they were kicked out. They all went to Jordan. Nobody cares because how arabs treat other arab and muslim strewed other muslim? Don't care about that? I don't care about that. What we care about is that if, whose our victimized by muslim here then Jews have to we let themselves be victimized in the autumn. Good, you is a submissive. Jus seems to be the world's perspective on these particular issues. All too often. This, of course, is why the world has decided immediately that these have, in casualties in Gaza, brought about entirely by Hamas. It could be under tomorrow by Hamas. All of that is on the Jews now telling, and a former prime minister of the state of Israel. He was
The sky news- and he was confronted with this dumb argument in here- is his answer, and what about those palestinians in hospital who were on life support and babies and incubators whose life support an incubator will have to be turned off, because these ratings of cut the power wa to Gaza? Are you seriously keep on asking me about palestinian civilians? What's what's wrong with you? Have you not seen what happened were fighting nazis? We don't target them now. The world can come and bring them anything they want. If you want to bring them electricity, I'm not going to feed electricity or water. My enemies, If anyone else wants, that's fine were not responsible for this is the point that you be. Finally, you no one is very little. Meadow listened in unison with amazement emails. I weren't you enough. Neurons of you hear this is, your honor. My show- and I am asking the questions you
waiting. Your boy like, and I ask you and we ve already people we ve already stop, please. Let me finish of already distinguish between her master. I want to tell you showing most you're trying to become our not shame on you. It's nothing about sharing with private conversation, about a very serious situation here and you are using usually threats to jump over immediately and again and again you absolutely monopolies in their new responsible, because I can tell you that when the uk absolutely everything was fighting the nazis during world war, to no one asked what's going on interest them, It happens to be a fact, and I see a lot of I you a lot of the anchors on sky news shedding great deal, overall. That's it happened a long time ago, but point out at this point. I forget about world war. Two I mean if you look look at world war two and the amount of civilian death that was incurred by the allies in the defeat of nazi germany and and fascist japan.
You're talking well in excess of a million people, were killed. The firebombing of Dresden killed tens of thousands of people, the firebombing bombing of tokyo, killed, like hundreds thousands of people in that that that's why they were military targets, their military targets, and now we have luxury of looking back and going oh well. You know that was bad. Maybe we shouldn't have done that or maybe we should have gone to harder, but when bar we're falling on london that ain't the mentality. Put that aside those those eighty years ago, let's go more modern during afghanistan. In war that the united states fought in Afghanistan, at least fifty thousand civilians were killed at least fifty thousand fifty, not one not to fifty. And that was not an existential threat in the united states, a terrorism was a threat to the peace of the united states. Hamas is an existential threat to Israel, especially because, if Hamas we're to emerge unscathed. Hezbollah would When from the north- and everyone knows that, if possible outcomes and by the way, you're looking nuclear war, that is there
We get to the international this in just one second, because what we're attempting to avoid here by allowing israel- and I say we as the united states we are attempting to avoid here- is a very small regional conflict developing into a global war, including We're weapons, explain that in one second, but just back to the civilian point. The number of dead civilians in iraq. Due to the invasion of the united states approach. Only two hundred thousand that isn't it. Very far away. That does not next door to the united states, but put that aside how many dead civilians are there in libya, thanks libyan bombing campaign undertaken by the obama administration at least one thousand three hundred coming Civilians were there in the ices war at least one thousand four hundred. Those are just words involving the united states, You'll be dead civilians in the Middle EAST. You haven't we five hundred thousand in syria in the last few years alone, no one seems to care weird why? I wonder why all the human rights airborne, whereas, whereas all the woe, the human, the hue and cry
the anchors had sky news: where are they? Where are they they're gone now care? I normally only care about one. I won t there's only one time they care, and that is when jews defend themselves When do you defend themselves? That's that's. Gonna, get very uptight, that's what it's like and does and those jews are taking more precautions to save the civilians in Gaza than the ruling power of Gaza. It doesn't matter it's the Jews fault that you have to go back to the status quo ante. They have to I have to lick their wounds, absorb their loss and wait for the next time that Jews get slaughtered in their beds, because that's the that's what jews ought to do? That's what Jews ought to do in order to justify that you have to come up with them, some sort of moral self justification where a lot of people have done. It is via involving themselves in propagandistic efforts to deceive themselves. As I said before, everyone wants to go back to their priors and, going back I, as the moral equivalents prior that was always stupid, has been stupid for forty years. The best way to do that is just deny that what's happening is actually happening and the best way to do that Turn that you're being lied to sell out to take a quick example yesterday?
I tweeted out a photo, and I shall it on show. It was a photo put by the prime minister of Israel. Yesterday by the first responders in kfar, it was a picture of a baby burned to death, whose hideous horrible picture didn't wanna showed you, but we have to know the nature of our enemies in the same way that we a huge mistake, as a country in the united states, by not showing on a loop, What happened on nine eleven when we bar that from our tv's we blinded ourselves what our enemies are? and then we're reminded of it every so often when you know they take over a country like have, cannot stand and murdered. Tens of thousands of people and blow up a bunch of american soldiers, then reminded of it. But we put ourselves to sleep so people one of the back to sleep. So what do they do? Yesterday the community noted my tweet and claimed that the photo ay. I generated the photo was obviously not a general It clearly is not here I generated and welcome not anyway, and people who are gullible and who wish to both.
Sides. This thing he's: that's always the easiest position in any given conflict is very, very easy to say both sides both sides. The problem is that, in this particular case, it's pretty obvious and on both sides, if you want to both sides. This, in what you have to say is that if the atrocities weren't so bad Please don't really matter. Should we really be concerned about the atrocities and so the community noted and obviously this is why, again, the propaganda, worse Hamas is fighting them right now and then a global dupes out there who want to believe. If you want That can only attribute your your desperation to believe. Well equivalence in one or two things: one lack of understanding, stupidity or two you actually he jews and you just want, and you and your perfectly fine, coming slaughter fur virtually everyone, I'm to say one, but their allotted choose out there attitudes out there, many more than I would have thought that is for damn sure can well what's going on here with the united states, stationing battle carriers in the in the mediterranean.
I've seen a bunch of isolationists who are like. Why is the united states even getting involved? Ok, let me explain this once again for those who are slow, what the united states wishes to prevent his being involved in a war. The way you avoid being involved in wars, by demonstrating that if somebody does get involved and where you're going to destroy them, you're going to send him forward in the case of the iranian mullahs too, to the stone age. That's how you get them do not do the war. You know rights. War in the Middle EAST. Weakness you not to prevent war, knowing that there The bomb descent on your roof in five minutes? If you start thing so the real risk for israel in not finishing off. Come out. Right now is that this is taken as a sign of weakness, as it certainly would be by hezbollah, hezbollah. What is a far more dangerous terrorist group them Hamas commodity, dangerous terrorist group. These proves it by killing thirteen hundred jews. Hezbollah currently has over a hundred thousand highly sophisticated rockets aimed directly at the north of Israel. Estimates suggest that work has been to fight. All of those rockets wouldn't be talking about. Thirteen hundred edges you'd be talking
out somewhere between twenty and thirty thousand dead Jews day, one if Hezbollah gets in ro will have no choice but to unleash the air force if they unleash the air force. They're not going to be. That point about civilian casualties at all, they are simply going to have to eviscerate the entire south not an toppled the regime in lebanon that supports cause more. If that bends. Iran undoubtedly gets in and so to syria, if that happens, and Israel is now faced with a with a full war in the north. Combined with a war in the south. Is they want, not have defeated commas? That's the predicate. If Israel is forced to the wall, Possibility of nuclear exchange is extremely high. That is why, It is very important that the united states provide the material aid to Israel. And that they also just wait husband from getting in its wider bite has been warning because no one not to get in that happening right now, so united states. Again Joe Biden made a fool, he's a fool for having come.
a to the to the iranian regime. For so long is what led to that in many ways it turns out. Once again, showing your neck to the iranians ends with you being dead or your friends mostly for the united states, get your friends killed, but it certainly got a lot of americans killed in iraq when we should an actual run. In any case,. the united states and qatar, which has eight, which is an iranian cut. Up, have now reached an agreement to prevent iran from accessing six billion dollars recently unfrozen as part of the prisoners swap now. The real question here is why the united states, not putting pressure cut out to turn over come ass, his leadership to an international court. What why Those states has economic leverage over cuts are perhaps they should be. You know encouraging costs too much leadership to be arrested, but they're not going at the very least that as a team, an admission that, what's going on in qatar, the egg, the entire Hamas leadership didn't care, what happens in the Gaza strip? There are millions of dollars in the living in qatar in like posh five star sweet as it typical of terror group
the great lie of these terror groups that the leadership deeply cares about the car Very often leadership doesn't care about the clause. These legacy rich and living in partial states, Yasser Arafat, by the time he was done, was with hundreds of millions of dollars that he had stolen from his own people, but the very rich man. That's because again living it up, posh style in qatar, far away. The human privations dave clause in the gaza but the bottom line here is that the interesting The state has no one wants war, the strongman that that everyone is itching for worthwhile. My name named the person like named the people, I a windy grams dumb words. Sometimes, but aside a sizeable instagram can you name, people were like yeah. Let's go to work is doesn't want war with iran. No one knew this bizarre isolationist notion the straw man, that it's? U verse, the war know it really really is not. It really is not there and what what it really is is. People, understanding the middle east and understanding that, if you do not throw people off the ball
right. Now, it's gonna get way worse, really quickly is gonna, run it, gets involved. Iran has sponsorship, and both china and russia, and things get really ugly really quickly and well. This week has been just death. Getting absolutely devastating and every level it's been devastating for westerners generally or should be if they had a shred of of class or an ounce of dignity and their many millions of people who do I'm not discounting any of those people. Obviously they the outpouring of support from me, And for israelis, and for jews generally has been amazing watch, I've gotten calls from tons of of christian friends. Calls from from tons of people were irreligious irreligious, just people who are seeking to help, and god every one of you seriously. God bless you and god bless people who are who are willing to stand up for the lives of jews. It is rarer than you would think. It's been I was an unbelievably difficult time. I don't know a single person in my in my inner circle. You're, not you
and been devastated by this, obviously in the jewish community, it's it's a singular. It's a singular. Tragedies reminder of our vulnerability is reminder how many simply want edges and are refinement, edges and cheered edges. Its reminder of all of those things but I wanted to end the week on, with with anna on a a note of of heroism. So, every time there is human evil that that exposes it's fangs. There are many but who rushed toward the fire. The russia- and we saw this nine eleven. Obviously, people literally russian for the fire in this particular case, their bunch of stories that have emerged from Israel that that are there are worth telling these are people who now streets named after someday amazing amazing people. This one is from it. Then your opposed. Our tired major general for the israeli defence forces raced rescue his and his family who are hiding their home near the gossip border. As Hamas terrorists destroyed their village, no him bone sixty two all the moment he assured his son journalist amity bone. He would save him,
this family, when their small kibbutz have now who owes fell under siege by Hamas on Saturday. He said you have to be quiet. You have to be locked said, trust me. I will come at this, my profession nobody! Nobody can stop me over the span of ten hours. He sixty two, the determined father raised from TEL Aviv to his sons home rescued several survivors of hamas and fought against terrorism on his way to his family, to his son Was in his home ceremony, her the more is flying overhead and then he and his wife raised two too high. They have to young daughters? Three and one. You said when you live on the border with Gaza tacit does happen from time to time. Sometimes wait now. Are you pack your bags? Meanwhile, when there's a break of a few minutes, he's in the car eagle towards more secure place, but the brig never came instead of Hamas infiltrated kibbutz any thought we're going to die. After being reassured, is father would come for them a mere said. He tried to keep his daughters, common quiet, telling them entrust their parents I have to do the same thing right now. He said I have to trust my father is a trustworthy man now, c mon in his wife and raised from Televue tuna hollows, it's about an hour and a half way they stopped along.
It helps survivors of the nova music festival mask or who running way, barefoot after delivering as many people as they it would save location away from the border to bomb, went back and arrived at the outskirts of novel owes you pulled out a pistol to fight. The members come ass. Many of them were armed with automatic weapons, spotting injured, sold It's t once again opted to put his personal mission on hold to help them to retreat to a hospital before going back to look for assigned by the way. That is, and can you you're that your own child is calling you from the bunker and asking for your help, and you literally stopped to help other people on the way twice. He gave up his card up the wounded. So many hot he enlisted of another attire. Gentlemen. Israel's eve, the two men drove into knuckle, owes and there they join the idea of in fighting the terrorist demands I came to the area my son's house. There were at least five bodies of terrorism in israeli soldiers killed. And and one grandfather arrived and saved everybody.
Using amazing story, but these stories are coming out fast in various from Israel, amazing people who, who are racing toward the fire young women, that this new talking about the people who were killed in and there are many people again thirteen or that many people who were murdered. Eighteen nineteen years old, russian, into the scene. To try and save people I to the the nation of Israel is, is coming together at the there have been at least three weddings that took place in rush circle atlanta is on idea bases people who are scheduled to get married in the next couple of days when all this broke out, and instead they just decided. There are going to hold their wedding on an idea base. Here is footage of of one of those weddings. Since he has just decided there was wanting together and for the moment again, this is a soldier who's gonna go into harm's way to protect, is fellow jews and fellow israeli citizens, jewish inaccurate alike,
Their weddings like this that were put together spur of the moment. People dancing and singing in the wake of human able and c'mon says says that the love life we love death. That is certainly true. Hamas loves death, the Jews, love life and Hamas is going to get already folks in just a minute I'll, be intervene? Rudy rock man he's an idea soldier who is currently on the ground is one of the first just respond to the moscow that took place in Kinshasa to hear that interview, You need becoming delaware, plus member, had on over to delaware, plus right now, enjoin. Oh wow, one of these they say it's the thought that counts, but they aren't shopping at qvc, because here it's much more than just a thought. It's a pleasant, deep dive into the inspiration An stories and possibilities behind every product shared by real life. Hosts with expert demos on everything from food
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-14.