« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1824 - The Face of Absolute Evil

2023-10-09 | 🔗

Hamas murders 700 Israelis, rapes women, kidnaps children, and mutilates bodies in the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust.


Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF): http://FIDF.org 


Israel Rescue: http://IsraelRescue.org


American Friends of Magen David Adom: http://Afmda.org


International Fellowship of Christians & Jews: http://IFCJ.org


The Ari Fuld Project: http://AriFuld.org




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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I am a jew, those when the words of the jewish people for three millennia. Those were the words of the men, women and children of maceda those are the words of the followers of our copper as well the Jews in granada intend sixty six and the rhine linen her. Ninety six and from an escape from sixty forty eight. Sixteen fifty seven kitchen ever ninety no three and have in twenty nine. Those were the words of Jews in our and for blinker. Those with asked words of Daniel pearl and those are my words to the words of my parents, their words, my wife, my children. Over the weekend, my people, the jewish people, were attacked emerge mutilated are women were raped, our children were kidnapped. This happened millions of times before to millions of jews across history, jus hatred exists because evil exists, because There are people who have for litter we all of human history hated the jews and sought to strike at them. While they are weak. We blame the Jews for their own problems of crafted
Lex conspiracy theories about the supposed power of the Jews were so to destroy tomorrow, to mutilate rape, the Jews from pharaoh to Heymann, from hitler to Hamas. The words of the nazis are indistinguishable, from the words of the hamas charter, of june. Hatred is unbroken for two millennia since destruction of the last jewish dynasty in the holy land of Israel, those jus haters were ascended on the longer that is the path much of the state of Israel, never again the Jews. I stand by that, will not be murdered though, not leave their biblical homeland. It will not surrender. They'll be strong and courageous. Kazakh biomass as Joshua three thousand years ago, Israel. indispensable, as we can prove it is indispensable its presence is a miracle. It strength gift, thank god for the state of Israel. People who say an anti zionism is not anti semitism. Tell that the dead women and children instead wrote tell that to hamas
claiming their charter court. Israel will exist and will continue to exist until islam will obliterated justice and obliterated others before it. There are those who say that these really urban for to the cycle of violence. Only the morally blind obtuse could ever say such a thing. Today I want to show you videos in the videos I'm going to show you I'm gonna be ingrained on the inside of your eyelids for the rest of your life, because this is what evil looks like. So look today, I want to show you videos he'll, be steered in your brains. Look look because this is what moral equivalence brings: the rape of women, the kidnapping, of children, the murder of hundreds of innocent, including full families, look For decades, we ve been told that if you look evil in it that was somehow unsophisticated To pretend evil away was an act of intellectual virtue that to cater to evil. To concede to evil was the pathway toward a better, more peaceful world. Damned lie. Look there are those out there who are poor,
I mean the complexity of it. All those people are fools, they are fools and, what is worse, they are enablers of evil. They are fellow travelers. They are just a virus of the worst human rights violators on the planet, people who target civilians and hide behind them. Today I will let you will show you its face. Do not turn away! Look this week, and this is the worst day for Jews since the holocaust- do not turn away. Look look it in the face and I know that you will. I know you will, because I'm a jew- cause. I'm an american merit love justice. Americans love the good americans resonates book of song, says hate, evil, those who of the lord hates evil, hates evil and fight it Americans always have always will. I know we will so For those who have been following the horrific and heart breaking and knowledge of inducing news over
We got here's. How we found out what was going on over the weekend my family and I flew from Israel on Friday morning, twelve fifteen friday morning, we are back in miami bout, seven o clock in the morning and jam. Touch base with family members we still have in Israel, are friends, horses in Israel and in an now the day went as he normally goes and went to sleep is friday night, which means that pretty much all indications, devices are off, we don't use the phone, we don't use a computer, we use the internet, none of that sort of stuff. I had four for sure on Saturday morning. the two day. Yom tov, it's a two day period in which mostly access electronic equipment. If you are you're, an orthodox jew. in Israel, one day in america, studious and on Saturday morning, my security, guys for outside the synagogues they are missing, security guards at my house, and then I see The security guards had the synagogue, and it comes up to mainly starts informing me of law,
is going on and over the course of the next few days the information bleed slowly out into my community, because obviously nobody in my community as the internet on, has their phones on their members. My community, who are who cut no idea what their relatives are alive or dead in Israel the course of his two days of love- brothers and sisters, parents and care or in israel right now, not what's going on trying to trying desperately to to get information without violating jewish law and John, Obviously the information was was being disseminated. We heard rumors. We knew some of What was going on and then, and then we came back online last night, and I and here's what we came back to over the course of we can eat hundreds, one thousand terrorist- entered Israel for a problem the eighty gaps in the fence in the sky, He bore that was supposed to be secure in me. A lot of questions to be asked about the intelligence failures, her about the technical failures here and then proceeded to attack twenty communities and eleven is relative,
four spaces idea basis at least Hundred people are dead. Several thousand had been wounded those who are claiming that this is because of Israel, trade of Gaza just recognise israel has no presence in the Gaza strip, Israel abandoned the Gaza strip into them. In five under this while disengagement plan come ass, a terrace establishing nineteen eighty seven eighteen, eighty eight with the express purpose of destroying the state of israel and killing jews globally. Hamas was elected to lead the Gaza strip in two thousand sex. Continuously, since two thousand seven, They ve initiated multiple conflict over the course of that time: in two thousand and sixty thousand eighty thousand eleven, two thousand and eighteen, they initiated large wars in two thousand and eight two thousand and twelve, two thousand and fourteen and two thousand twenty one and the israeli security perspective was keep them hemmed in keep that wall makes. Got been breached that border area, so often there be barrage of
Can fire use iron zone to shoot down? Those rockets an essentially relegate your population to living in bunkers underground. For several weeks every year, while Hamas fires rockets at them so long as the casualties are minimized, just continue to live, and then the weekend So then, the time line of the weekend was essentially that about six thirty, a m local time, the hamas terrorists. began. Firing a barrage of rocket fire from Gaza into Israel hitting several cities ranging from TEL Aviv, which is basically low. It is in these central coasts of israel down to recover and an good national on those areas that are that are slightly closer gosh. One is pretty close to the Gaza strip. For those who don't know the geography of the state of Israel. State of Israel looks like kind of a wedge. The Gaza strip is a is at the corner. Of that wedge. If you imagine, is rolls over any law They did diamond it's at the lower left hand, side of that longer diamonds. Fairly small area was about two million.
palestinians palestinian herbs, so the Gaza strip, they say it's been under the complete and utter control of commerce. Since two thousand seven, Israel has no presence in the Gaza strip. It does not control as on inside. The Gaza strip doesn't allow weapons to flow inside the Gaza strip, and it has been providing free electricity and water to the Gaza strip for literally decades. They start firing at about six thirty, five, a m. The sirens I went off the m people rushed underground, an attorney The dissolved distraction technique is a highly just operation plans in greenland, apparently by the iranian government The iranian government on the geopolitical level is terrified that Israel is about to make peace with saudi arabia, and the peace gonna break across the region providing original counterbalance to the worst terrorist state in modern history, iranian terrorists, it, which has spread its tentacles of evil across iraq, criteria, oppress Lebanon in yemen, into the Gaza strip.
At about dumb seven, forty, a m the command I began. Blowing up parts of the border fence is the was supposed to be technologically sophisticated, was so called touch fence, which means that if there were ladders that were stacked on the fence, then they would so often than we ever would be alerted. But apparently there was a simultaneous attack, a cyber attack on the border fence, which meant that it was not functioning properly apparently about eighty places in the wall or breached they rushed through They proceeded to blow up in an murder, a bunch of jews. In these idea bases, and then they proceeded into. israeli border towns and though ass to house murder people in their homes, kidnapping, children, people and kidnapping women, murdering them house to house understand is the worst disaster for the Jews since the holocaust. It is then the nineteen seventy three yom kippur war- that was a military operation designed activists, writing Israel, but at least it was a tough.
torreon military attempting to take on another territorial military. These are terrorists who have no. Actual military agenda there only agenda is to murder as many jews as possible, because anti zionism is anti semitism because the distress The state of Israel is coincident with the murder of as many jews as possible with more jewish blood, spilled with the murder of infants. These people were shooting women, their shooting babies. This is what date. This is what they do. Proceeded to stare out generic near the Gaza border, which has been numb hit with thousands of rockets over the years they shot at a civilian car. They then opened fire. A variety of vehicles shooting as many people as humanly possible the basic timeline for hours on end going through these cities, these twenty cities and murdering people. We have people in our community in romania, who had brothers and sisters in some of these communities, people tempting to hide their being dragged out of their houses and shot. If they were hiding, there will be
There has been burned the reinforced out and then trot and again people kidnapped, now going to make you look at things. So this is your morning. I'm gonna make you look at things that you don't want because this is what evil looks like it was a blot. The moral imagination of the united states that, after nine eleven, we did not put on a loop, the footage of nine eleven, because people to understand what evil looks like. Is we don't we're lucky? We do not encounter evil on a daily basis. All of the people who we think are truly evil in american politics, or at least the vast majority of them are natural evil and people we disagree with me, the people who we disagree with on politics, well agendas, but they're not evil. What evil like is what we saw over the way. in and to show you stuff, that is, that is going to be in power, well to wash out of your brain and I want you to look at it and- and I want you to look at it because you don't We stand what has to be done about evil, that it must be absolutely eviscerated and eradicate unless you look it in the face. This is not Out of territorial dispute is not a matter
though she to compromise, does not matter of failure of a peace plan is a group of people who want to murder, as jews as humanly possible, If the exacerbation of jury The murder of innocence undermine its what they want. It's all they care about remember, there was no military engel here. only anvil was the murder of as many jews as possible. That is all. So this began life brigade members invading military posts, tourism, video Brigade members invading a military pose this put out by Hamas the vast majority. This video was not put out by the israelis, pro by hamas bragging about their their evil their human rights violation here is the beginning of the military operation that they that they performed. This were there she breaking through the wall and you're going to see them invading military posting shooting as many people as possible. Obviously, credit here to memory tv, which is the shouting
obviously, as they break through security barrier to very tall cement barrier breaking through they blew up cut through an iron fence the rushed israeli military bases of short staff based because it was a jewish holiday. I don't remember for muslims for radical muslims. It is obviously a violation of religion for for any to do anything going round on, but any jewish holiday is an excuse for tat tomorrow's major as possible into a military base and start murmurings many human beings as possible. This is just more video them doing. Just that, and then they proceeded into israeli towns It is again this was not about. You're saying these are their jeeps. These are their hummer jeeps. They then proceed into melody. They then proceed in civilian towns. so again, their simultaneous attacks on multiple civilian towns, as well as a massive dance festival.
We'll get to the massive dance festival in a second, because that was the chief place of death. It was again is not a right left issue is not a political issue in Israel or anywhere else. These largely secular jews at a rave. An m rave when they call me peace, rave somewhat near the Gaza border. Get em entirely, but here is what I am again. I'm gonna make you look at images that you don't want to look at and dumb, because this is what this is. What the! world really is when you read when you rip off the veneer of civilization, when Judy christian morality disappears when, when morality disappears generally making what you end up with his is worse than that. There are no words for this sort of evil. There, no words there, then you can't describe not analysed it, because animals would not treat each other. This way is not animal it's a it's a monstrous Because there are no monsters there, only human beings. There there only some of the most demonic evil pieces human excrement ever to walk the planet. That's what that's! What hamas is
Here is a video of an entire family murdered. You can see. These are women on the floor. The man on the floor this Hamas putting out his they again. This is not the israelis. Hamas is putting out this video. As an entire family in their home they've been gunned down and murdered they're, just shooting people are already dead on the floor, the there's, video of a father whose attempting to his family escape from the top story of of his home. in one of these villages, and you can in the corner of this video. For those who can't watch these helping assembly escaping in cities are women and children who were escaping the top window here. Trying to get terrorists are in their home. Imagine a second terrorists were in your you're, trying to help your family escape something to get out, and ass person out is going to be the father here, but he's not going to get out he's going, be murder his mission
He's going to be killed in this video. And people are sending texts throughout this throughout this day to front in family members telling them that they are about to be murdered, and then those who be less acts. You can see the sum this father has been shot and he dies in the window. Here, the m Hamas a video of entire families being murdered on the roads. A straight literally shrift. Cars filled with women, children, entire families, And these are, these are videos that were taken in the aftermath. These are you can see. The zoo, both strewn on the ground, entire families. see here are just minivans filled with with the dead. The m. The date it did not matter just as in the bible describes it scribes, I'm a lake as a as preying on the weak and the elderly.
That job. This is this. What they do is a picture of a grandmother. who was murdered. she she was murdered by Hamas terrorists young woman in the picture found out. Their grandmother had been murdered when she's video. The Hamas had posted on her grandmothers, facebook page of her being murdered, is a picture of a couple. time had their chaskey about thirty. They had ten month old twins, two months twins thereof: their village, which is called far Gaza, which is a key boots. in southern Israel, kibbutz sort of a commune in southern israel. They they shielded there These would there with their lives. The baby's worm were next to their dead parents twelve to fourteen hours before they were before there were rescued by the commission. Stop there. Of course, they they proceeded to mutilate as many bodies as they could find. This is all these videos disturbing is this. It is by the way they tie worker who
whose mutilated bernard mutilated, nine american it by the way that, at the very least thyssen dad german citizens are dead, wide right? It is the worst terrorist attack on the planet, since at least two thousand one. You can see they're going around and and mutilating the bodies of the dead nay he did this. This guy is not dead, he's just wounded there still mutilating him kicking him and beating about the head another, taking a shovel a spade and beheading him. This is This is what these people do. This is what these men instead, these these its I want to show you this. I don't want to show you this, but it needs to be seen and needs to be seen and needs to be seen these people. This is that peace partners, moral equivalent cycle of violence.
or maybe not and is not the only em, mutilation, abbadie video dead soldiers. their bodies mutilated, kicked in the face beheaded This is a more video from Hamas In writing the bodies of the dead taking their ammunition and then find the dead bodies, the corpses of soldiers, they ve, killed and jam and kicking them in the face and mutilating them stabbing them. And then posting this video online. What I thought that it cannot one way. dollar going binding body to mutilate than last year's programme. Nobody there did there can be no negotiation with visible. There can be no level could all be. There can be no talk, with this global. Like me, no dealing with these these wretched
This is filtered me. None of that there can be none of that, who claims once again any sort of level moral coevals see. There are people who did this by the way this is only the beginning. It gets worse Gets worse what you're saying here were murdered families women on the ground. It gets worse, they took, they took hostages but before we get so even the hostages, here's what happened at the israeli music festivals, there's a massive music festival is an eyewitness accounts of that festival. That's been it over a tablet magazine the sequel, two leah liebowitz writing. He says I spent last, while thou speaking to israelis, where the supernova music festival, their testimonies, as you would imagine, are very emotional. At least one broke, on mid conversation, wasn't able to continue his recollection, the attack on the festival, side of radium, began around seven m. The party was at its peak by then, which meant by then most people were inebriated at first party, Was heard allowed explosion which they took to be another? erratic rocket attack on southern Israel. The explosions grew louder and constant, kept going about five minutes. The music stopped the police protecting the five or
Four or five thousand rivers began pushing everyone's leave by then terrorists were approaching a pickup during Hamas' military markings shooting began, many were exley there on the spot two hundred sixty were found so far on the side of the ravens. Now, probably in excess of three hundred many of the young men and women started running in a flat expands western negative desert The tears begin rounding up the victims somewhere bound and kidnapped. I saw As the male getting how by a group of arab kids like the sixteen, seventeen is virus as their kids, the young men already they're holding this guy, he looks his girlfriend is being mountain bike and driven away from him. Women have been wrong did the area of the raven next to their friends, bodies dead several of the red victims appear to have been later executed. Others were taken to Gaza, we'll get to those videos momentarily here's what it look like the actual festival. As you can see, the festival people were partying Andy the background you can see in the distance commerce, para gliders who flew in Armed tumor, as many dancers as humanly possible ensued in the background,
there, they were arriving huge majority. The people in this video are probably dead. Now people were in the music festival en masse. These are just people running across empty fields, trying desperately to get away from the people who would murder them for the great crime of dancing and being jews. I'm answer here, ism and here is a video of the aftermath of the music festival. We can see what it looks like after a massacre like this. This is ism again horrifying stuff. I've been going through the night, a lot of young people there enjoy themselves dancing enjoying the music the sun was coming up and then the missile strikes they
they intercepts they. I am dome going off an all that confusion and outer that confusion. It appears that Hamas ran on. There were just killing l a frenzied way, anyone that they could that they could reach anyone that they couldn't so to pull back in and take away and get back to closer. Look at this video into dead bodies all over the place and see the burned out cars it and body bags everywhere in that in that earlier photo. That cnn was showing Cars on the side of the road, because people are the to escape and and Hamas set up a blockade and just begun mown down people as their attempting to escape again. This anti, even that's, not the worst part Hamas has now taken in excess of a hundred and fifty hostages, when I went into towns, they they stole babies, they still literal babies. They stole women.
This is Hamas, taking a woman hostage and shoving her into the back of the vehicle and driving her back into Gaza, where giant crowds of people cheering like animals This woman has obviously been rate multiple times, she's bleeding through her pants and enforcing the car in viciously, raped. You imagine, sodomized from the amount of damage has been done. There is some cheering parking, their horns, other who are their shouting in the video stuffing women in the bath and trucks. And die. If you're wondering what happens to the women they do this to terrorism. The up here is I will get in seconds the worst video of the day. Here's another you're, more women who have been held hostage. Entire rooms filled with women who have been held hostage, will be turned into rubber rape, victims and sex slaves. Presumably. entire lines. Women. Who are and have been kidnapped in boss. Releasing this video is Hamas doing this, because
there under the mistaken impression in a break the will of the Jews and the israelis They are sorely mistaken. They are sorely sorely mistaken that ass of god? They just brought opponents, are they hit. This is this is by far the Sorry to have to make you watch this, but I'm not sorry that term that we, but I'm not sorry, because, frankly again, we all have to watch This is what evil looks like it's. What evil looks like it's? What evil looks like it's? What evil looks like this This is the body of woman woman. Her name is shiny, look, we know, hurt, we know her name. Is german citizen she's at the grave. This is a this is a video of her mutilated body, on the back of a truck see that her legs are bent in unnatural positions because she's dead there during our walk bar in a massive crown. in Gaza. Over her mostly naked body.
he's been mutilated, she has clearly been murdered. this is on this issue. These these people are amusement workpeople as loosely as as humanly pie more hostage, videos, women, more ass, you look look at how many women they've taken captive. The goal here is to paralyze the state of Israel to stop them from what must be done to clear gaza of Hamas and destroy it utterly incomes, led to eviscerated to kill its leadership. As you mentioned this point at every hour of blood in Gaza is on Hamas every some blood in Gaza, because not only do they seek to murder israeli civilians. Take. in children hostage, we haven't to the children yet I'll get to the children they hide behind their own ongoing citizens. For years, there's literal video I've played Now, before recalling a buildings and telling them together because civilians are in there and Hamas saying
We want the civilian should be there, there's a reason that they put their military headquarters under hospitals because they want is to retaliate and then the kill civilians by hiding behind civilians. Hiding behind civilians is a war crime. Every ounce of blood that is shed there is on commerce. Every ounce of blood, palestinian and israeli is on some us hidden. more hostage. Videos get to work and that we get to the children. I'm pulling israeli soldier animal tank, militant groups. Here's some hears it. If you think what we done so far is logical. Just weighty, evil has no limits. Evil has limits here is a m.
Hostage, another hostage, video of em a twelve year old, the child being dragged away again released by from us, in an attempt to terrify the israelis- dragging israeli children back across the border into gaza, meanness holocaust tat style, is holocaust style, material. The worst video the day. In my opinion, this is a hostage video. Of an israeli child, this kid camping than five or six years old he's, been taunted by other by palestinian children, their hitting with sticks and telling them The ema emma Emma means mother means mom in hebron and not simply an audio Him grabbing by the head is rather children Other children are marking time. whose parents are undoubtedly dad hitting homeless and telling him tat you might be these are these? Are these are noughties? These are nazis their nazis,
Anybody who called anyone in nazi online these that's what nazis and looks like that's what nazis mocks like this ism? and they took israeli grandmothers. The hostage and one of them was a holocaust survivor is, of commerce. Grabbing, an israeli grandmother and driving her again terrorist group driving in israeli grandmother across the border. And then their celebrating as they do so that noise they lily? That's the m ass. The celebratory noise and in gaza that is israeli grandmother, holocaust survivor, the this one. She was actually rescued by israeli forest, But entire israeli families have been taken hostage. This is this is video. It's almost and logical. of an israeli family ties when I say almost I mean really- is unworkable but again look evil in its effects. This is another israeli family taken hostage. Their sister has been murdered by Hamas are being held in a room by Hamas
The mother is saying it didn't happen. It shows crime is their older sister had been murdered, the children are crying the child. The child is saying the elder brothers saying I wanted her to stay alive and the girl is saying: there's no chance, you come back and the man and mother says now. I'm in and then ass. Her saying his sisters and my sister digesting english, amounting to terrorist to the terrorists the mother says the kidnappers say she went to Heaven
Girl says: maybe it's better for her there. The girl is no more than eight years old, your ma, ma, ma ma ma. No, it's the terrorists screaming Mother says get to the ground now and she covers the child with her body, the hot this holocaust material mother says can be careful. I can't afford losing another wife right now. They ve already lost their their older sister The final there's another cannot family taken hostage then another video I this is from this- is that a father saw a she called his wife. And and then he saw his wife on the news and his two children being taken hostage. the woman holding two red headed children and, being
in pulled away by terrorists in the Gaza strip of a hunter fifty people being taken taken hostage by these pieces of human debris. So cannot, of course, was celebratory about all of this, because this would evil does they commit acts of evil and they celebrate the the act of evil released a video showing their political leadership, many of whom are in qatar, thanking god To celebrate thinking Allah boeing, celebrate the murder of innocence in the rape of women and the kidnapping of small children and the torture of all these people. Harry her. They were thanking not thinking Allah for his beneficence in all of this, watching all jazeera watching images in one year, you can hear them celebrating smiling. Broadly isabel
of commerce every every one of whom should be in in early early grave as soon as be possible. They go not even looks like it looks like men in business. It's in fancy, businesses in qatar, burying their heads and thanks to god, at the rape of women in the murder of children, and so does It looks like right there. That's what it looks like in the suit doesn't make it any less of a terrorist. This is Come ass thinking IRAN we'll get to that in a moment, because the geo political ramifications, The situation are quite brave, the united states. attempting to avoid the bush administration's tempting to avoid its own complicity. In fact, is provided hundreds of millions of dollars to various palestinian groups, ranging the palestinian authority to hamas itself. Billions of dollars to the iran regime that sponsored this will get into in just a little while here. Is that Hamas leadership thanking IRAN for all of this, thanking them for their help. globally
this person, whose masters courses, thanks to all these individuals, groups and countries. particularly islamic republic of IRAN, but supported us generously with money, arms in other means providing us with the missiles had it been battering designers strongholds during past confrontations with the occupiers. They also supported us with anti tank missiles which, by the grace of god, and the fate of our fighter shattered the myth of designers, superiority, and that really was the goal here. Obviously, the goal here was to shatter the the notion of israeli military invincibility by murdering as many civilians as humanly possible, while these people are about to find out the hard way exactly what Around and find out. Hamas is leader, is male, honey is millennia
Has now called on other herbs to join and call on Israel to leave the land that you saw him earlier bowing down in thanks to allow for the Steve merges here here as suggesting the real purpose. The real purpose is not a territorial settlement. The real purpose is not control of the Gaza strip. Hamas has been in control of the Gaza strip since two thousand, and six here He is calling on all juice leave the land of shopping, they'll philosophy me abner, Martina lobby well islamiya, I say to the sons of the palestinian people and arab and islamic nation. No, I didn't you on the verge of a great triumph and a manifest victory when moving in them a shot in the arm Yet what happened today reveals the fragility of this enemy. This enemy suffered. Defeat today has even see. I see why scary was what political military intelligence secured, hair, security and moral defeat says this Evil piece of human break in
I will grant all this with a resounding defeat. We're the german model dinner what's in the end, we will leave our land. Are jerusalem are locksmiths, that's that'd debbie the temple mount. And we will liberate our prisoners. Are the goal here is not merely to liberate liberate, Bye bye liberally mean you know, have these monsters take over more territory, which is, as it turns out, by linking giving territory to some of the world's most evil? People is a horrible idea The dead there have been those have been convinced in their sophistication and giving territory to the world's most evil. People is actually a wonderful idea and that its the best its role of world peace, as it turns out, Way to promote rape of women, murmur of children, kidnapping of babies and that's that it turns out the young. Their goals are very clear. Meanwhile, there are secondary goal here is to have israel kill as many palestinian civilians as humanly possible, in the hope that this will somehow scuttle Israel's burgeoning peace with the saudi royal government. This is why it came up
We are today that the Gaza ministry has been telling people not. You pay attention to his really want to get out of their buildings. Israel does a process whenever anyone suggest that Israel is well. we killing civilians- that is most ignorant, bigoted anti semitic book ever said, is was out of its way more than any army on earth, not to kill civilians to the point They literally have a tape, obama drop on routes to shake the building and warn people to get out they make ozma on radio to get people out. Meanwhile, from is literally telling people that's on the ice of tax and voice messages should be ignored. Why? Because they want the pic of dead palestinians hammas once pictures of dead palestinians. Meanwhile, the conflict is: is going more global. According to the associated press the same day, all this when downer the following day in egyptian police person, fire on israeli tourists in alexandria, killing at least to israelis, and one egyptian meanwhile come supporters all over the world celebrated
nah supporters. In these, so called west bank I'd be judea and scenario they sell. Because this is what you do, and babies are murdered and when and where women are killed by the way. Israel is now how many mothers have emerged. Israel is now calling on women in Israel to donate breast milk. because so many women have been murdered and their children still alive. Small babies, don't actually have proper nutrition they're calling on people to donate breast milk. That's it that's how many, women were again it honey, people at least dad at this hour hairs supporters in the west bank celebrating you see the small girl patch up her, so atop a man's shoulders carrying what looks in sixteen or newsy The american enforce rather. There have been suggestions that those American enforced where those coming from those are american enforce been suggestions. They came wait for it from Afghanistan. Where Joe Biden surrendered to the taliban meanwhile. Hezbollah has so far not join.
In the party. The reason has not joining on the parties because they have the most to lose. Commerce is how to find out exactly what it means to wake the sleeping giant that is the israeli military hezbollah no part of that of credible outward and start launching rockets across the border. Israel would not dealing with ground troops, Israel going with them the israeli air force and was sufficient in force in the middle east, and they would simply eviscerate southern lebanon. It just would not exist tomorrow, because Israel cannot afford them. and fifty thousand rockets falling on cities in the middle of something like But, of course they did praise the situation. Has Hezbollah is funded by IRAN, which is the which is the chair. Stay behind all this hezbollah's or a sonnet nuts ral. Another terrorist who said it sends a message to the arab and islamic world and the international community as a whole, especially those seeking normalization of the enemy that the palestinian causes an everlasting one alive until victory and liberation, again. That is the end goal here. The end goal was to prevent the the possibility of an israeli saudi peace deal. So, while Israel was pursuing peace with the saudis, while the saudis and pursuing peace with Israel, IRAN was fomenting the worst hit.
As violence that we have seen on the planet in several decades and the worst violence against Jews on the planet since the holocaust. Meanwhile, Celebrations were taking place in islamic commute islamic communities all over the world I run a clash, not neuron. There was a video emerged from IRAN, where they try you shine, a palestinian flag at a soccer match in the iranian people, were calling on them to take it down, because the iranian people understand that there be governed by terrorists, and they do not wish to support that. But celebrate it took place in turkey. Here are some of the tape from turkey, because this is what this is. What you do when you, when you murder women, rape them He'll babies kidnapped them. This is what you do with your in Islam. Is you celebrate her? Is here's video from turkey and now these people cheering if the god that you cheer, if the got each year seeks
murderer of babies There can happen in the rape of women. Let me Have you not worshipping god, you're force something very, very different. Meanwhile, celebrations in london far be it for the west to be in from this sort of evil. London is built with people who are celebrating this cause, which of course, is no shock. Is the radicals, miss presence in london for decades? At this point, or celebrations in london lie right now around. is it primitive, primitive uncivilized would be, to say the least, bit when america bonds afghanistan was. I went out on the street celebrating when america drop bombs, you, this lobby, to stop this water. There were american down the street celebrating, and that was dental civilian death. Can you american celebrating the the kidnapping of babies can use. Can you imagine that in a match? I think
That here is pictures from boulders green guilders, green eyes, very jewish area of london, apparently, palestinian sympathisers anti sign as private, not answer. We don't because there's a big difference, are. They started smashing windows in a in green, in sydney mass rallies in favour of the in terrorist remember. These are not rallies in favour of a government, These are rallies around every terrorist group. Calling as many people as possible here is you're from sidney, australia firing. Fireworks penetrate Here is video from rotterdam over the world there. But who believe in a sort of evil is not a rarity. That's it! That's me for ages, human history huge we will be able in miss continues today. This is video of rotterdam people carrying palaces in flags in the streets flags in the streets after the murder?
of eight hundred the wounding of over two thousand others Oh yes, the non american shores as well. So yesterday, over the weekend, theirs molly in new york city, a rally by palestinian supporters by by some people on earth and in europe here is video of some of celebrations in your celebrations celebrations. Celebrate evil, celebrating their chance in palestine will be free, my palestine, when I say from the river it and see what let you know what that means. You ve heard that before from the river to see what that means. That means murdering babies. That means ripping women. That's it. That means Palestine from the river to the sea will be free, but they dont mean is free. What they mean is jus free. That is what they mean here. the speakers at the new york rally by the way this clip forty four when the speakers being shared out
the outside these really consulate in in new york. The the in saying that jump in cheering breaking through the fence and murdering civilians, some sort of way or whatever were having a great time until the resistance came and electrified. Hang gliders, least favorite cousin, hipsters drink very with the new york now that some that is them cheering the murder of the these, so called hipsters in the desert for the crime of dancing? I sent them cheering. Meanwhile, america the political class, the to the chattering class of the left. They continued demonstrate their full scale evil. The anti summit is the jew, hating caucus thou be squad Alexander Cassio, cortez Omar richard to leave Corey bush,
Demonstrate once again their true colours, because there is no ancient between anti zionism and anti semitism, the hope Reference has on as an instrument for as many jews as possible. That is the entire purpose of the elimination of the state of Israel. As I said, happily show for millennia juicy been slaughtered on mass. The state of Israel is the guaranteed That does not happen again. The slaughter of in Israel is just part of a broader mission to slaughter jews everywhere, the extent of the jew hatred. Remember None of the excuses apply here. This is not happening any so called settlements. This is happening. the jet part of his relatives, intelligent part of israel since nineteen forty seven, this is not happening because Israel occupies the Gaza strip, Israel does not occupy the Gaza strip. Hamas is in control of the Gaza strip. None of the usual excuses apply the pure simple vast. Break out directed at the murder of civilians and cheered and facilitated by members of congress demo. And party had any balls at all. They expel all of these members. Eleven Amr tweeted out. I can I'm the horrific acts we are seeing unfolded in Israel against child
the women, the elderly and the unarmed people who are being slaughtered and taken hostage by Hamas such was violence will only repeat these back and forth cycle. We ve seen which we cannot allow to continue. We need to convert escalation in ceasefire, I'll, keep admit for peace and justice throughout the Middle EAST. He's injustice de the escalation in sees via their communal de escalation and cease fire after the vast murmur of nearly a thousand of your own citizens. The kidnapping of hundreds of people the escalation. Anybody who calls for a cease fire after that for a fire after nine. Eleven there'll be no cease fire. There cannot be a cease fire. Anyone, for a ceasefire is a terrorist sympathiser. Under these circumstances, if you call for cease fire after this with a hundred fifty civilians, who are still being held by Hamas in the Gaza strip after the murder of hundreds of people by the terrorist group you are in. Emissary of evil and ill hanno, mars and emissary of evil inches match that evil by retreated to leave she put out. Another statement quote. I grieve the palestinian and israeli lives lost yesterday today and every day and determined as ever
the fight for a just future, where everyone can live in peace without fear and with true freedom, equal rights and human dignity. The path to that future must include lifting the blockade ending the occupation and dismantling the apartheid system. That creates the suffocating dehumanizing conditions that can lead to resistance. Let me at this point. There is no apartheid, twenty percent Well, population is arab, a huge number of people In fact, positions are arab there to Israel. our party sitting in can us it right now Sprinkle been court justices that our arab. This is the sale I ending the boy paid by the way Israel has admitted fifteen thousand. cars in recent months, given fifteen thousand visas from the Gaza strip into Israel for workers, Believing that gesture would be then print reciprocated. It was rejected, in the form of murder she's a liar, she's a viciously evil. Irish ITALY quote the filler too
recognize the violent reality of living under siege occupation and apartheid makes no one safer. No person, no child anywhere, should have to suffer or live in fear of violence. We cannot ignore the humanity and each other as long as our country provides billions in income. Unconditional funding to support the apartheid government is heartbreaking. Cycle of violence will so her solution is that we should continue one from us, and we should put our funding from the state of Israel americans, in the aftermath of the worst terror attacks in silence, This crime against Jews since a holocaust that that is the perspective of islamist terror, sympathiser extraordinary she'd, its legal elected congresswoman from the state of michigan and member of the wanted squad, but but don't worry, Then the squad goes even further. Soap, Corey bush put out a statement as well. The berlin congresswoman from misery quote: I am broken by the ongoing violence in palestine and Israel, and more in the over two hundred. Fifty is really and two hundred thirty palestinians lives have been lost at four. the equivalence is non existent, the paulsen lives have been lost, are solely the result of Hamas, Israel targeting and killing leading members of Hamas
And their hiding behind women and children, because this is what they do, because they are the world's worst people. They are committing war crimes on every available sighed. She says I strongly condemn the targeting of civilians and I urge an immediate ceasefire and the escalation to prevent further loss of life. Our immediate vote, must be saving lives, but our ultimate focus must be on a just and lasting peace that ensure safety for everyone in the region. Violation of human rights. Do not justify more violations of human rights, and a military response will only exacerbate the suffering of palestinians and israelis like not want a military one It will end the suffering of israelis. That's the idea. The idea is: Israel kills enough of these sons of bitches that this is not a problem again. The issue This is where there is real provided demilitarize zone to protect its own citizens. Whether is It provides enough of it, terry hand in this area. Renoir rocket fire on the citizens, whether Israel and since the Gaza strip, as damn? Well should because of that, the palestinians have proved themselves. capable of self governance in the Gaza strip by law, come Hamas to overrun them and not only of them govern them. Come was annulled
the government is canopy loud to continue. No sovereign state would allow this. If this were happening on america, he will compare this to america. Southern border. Yes, if America's southern border, we're not just being over. Run by migrants, seeking jobs by terrorists, with guns walking into the streets of laredo taxes and bowing down people, and then taking women and children, hostage driving them back across the border or firing tens thousands of rockets over the course of years into EL paso taxes or san, diego california. If you make a comparison that would be the comparison north amerika would do this rate. The border is this rate. It occupy it annex it set up a dmz, that's what would happen. Korea, bushes, trash elsie, is trash yours. Her statement today is devastating those signal lasting peace and respect for human rights in Israel and palestine. I condemn Hamas is attacking the strongest possible terms. No trial in families never have to endure. This kind of violence and fear is violence will not solve the ongoing oppression and occupation in the region and immediate sees baron de escalation is urgently needed. Set you see the risk, was too short, the jews existed, and that was the big problem, the jews by
listing in their story homeland the holy land of Israel by existing? They earn? This That is the message of the squad democratic parties, a disgrace in absolute abject disgrace for championing these. These rash heaps of congress, the the media's joining in as well so as academia harvard palestine solidarity group has put in blaming solely israel for this, for this debacle what we, the undersigned student organizations, hold the israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence, Today's events do not occur in a vacuum for the last few decades: we need a policy needs and does have been forced to live in an open air prison personal. Force them to do. That would be Hamas commodity it and billions of dollars to terrorism, zero, to building actual infrastructure, to investing tashin, making life livable for the people living there don't give a damn about those people is really she promised to open the gates of Helen. The massacres in Gaza have already commenced. Palestinians in Gaza have no shelters for nowhere and nowhere to escape in the coming
The palestinians will be forced to bear the full brunt of Israel's violence by the way you know it doesn't need an iron, because Israel is target civilians. That would be the reason your party regime is the only one to blame. Israeli violence is structured, every aspect of palestinian existence for seventy five years. You there are no they're no words strong enough for the vat moral garbage- you are, if you sign a statement like this for the absolute top waste, of a human being. You aren't moral level if you back to sort came in good news. It supported by no less than thirty one different groups, including the african american resistance organization. Amnesty international in harboured harvard act on a dream harbour. And muslim students association. The harvard college pact and soon association, the hybrids disco muslim association, the harbor islamic society harbour divinity school students for justice in palestine, harvard jews for liberation, the harvard prison divest coalition, the heart, for an grew he hovered underwear,
nepali students association define these. These so who's, it institutions of higher education immediately and then, of course, you, the usual suspects in the media. Already equivalent rolling off the pages of the new york times is something to behold. They call it cycle of violence already they suggested, is robotic upon itself. Is it just? The tensions arising on both sides on both sides is a lie. It is a lie. If someone comes in your house and rapes, your wife and kidnaps, her and murderers members of your face, we and steals your children and then you respect that is not a cycle of violence. That is not both sides. Anybody who believes it is morally benighted. They are there on the side of absolute evil, MSNBC host More yelled in blamed Hamas is attack on Israel as well, because this is what trash people do so that the abraham accords did bring Israel the peace
that is really wanted to break brought them some business. It brought this resolution deals with again important stuff. Yet, if you're trying to solve a problem, that is now persisted for the better part of a century and you're trying to do the same way over and over and over again, it is by definition, insanity, and what we are seeing today are very deadly consequences of failed policies. Failure on the american administration's part to change that worse, to take a different course of action with how it deals with the power. the and the israelis. Failure on Israel's part failure on the regions, part if only if only Israel had made more concessions to terrorists. This is certainly would member, if only Israel had say, pulled out of the entire Gaza strip and handed over control the clause and then avoided throwing Hamas completely for for decades. If only they done that, the unbelievable lies. Meanwhile, Karen atta, who,
It's for the washington post and I is apparently a disgusting human being echoed a social media post by a fringe somali that said quote what did y'all think the colonization meant vibes papers, essays, loser. As a twist on the ex post on x, suggest that those You have to bandy about terms like decolonization, but don't support. Terrorism are hypocrites. She then said she then added we are forced to see. State violence is justified in moral, while violence by non state actors isn't. This is changing Well, no actual, what's a moral is rushing into towns and more? I can't I can't enough anybody who the level of moral blindness you have to that you have to demonstrate to do. This is just its on its absolutely beyond A misery, meanwhile, Israel has obviously declared formerly war, they declared war does not operation is not an incursion. It's not going to be a limit. operation. It is going a full scale war in which israel has now activated some three hundred thousand reservists. Apparently, the rose reservists are showing up on mass one hundred and fifty percent turnout for all the time.
what israeli really society over the course of last year and a half being wildly divided. There is one thing that brings is really together, and that is the that is the third, about substantial destruction that is a threat to jewish life. Israel comes together round life paulsen a authority, islamic jihad, Hamas. They come together around death in the celebration of death, Israel comes together around life and defending it. it now has put out a statement. He is the palestinians to leave gaza. Here is what he had to say. This affair swear locally. The whole come on citizens in Israel, killed of his this morning on shore and how it actually cluck show, but most invaded israeli territory to mean. And murmured innocent citizens cutting children and the elderly, was started. A brutal and evil war muzzled we'll be victorious in this war by an unbearable price should build on. It difficult day for all of us
also wants to murder us that, in fact, the enemy murders, children and mothers in their homes in their bad shape, and I made it ducks the elderly, children, young women should to its waters and massacres our citizens be let them should article, including children, We simply went out to and fro the holiday home. Lonely obviously would have today is unprecedented in Israel, and I see to it that it does not happen again. Meanwhile, president visualize occurs out it's more of a ceremonial position, but it sort of a unified position as occurs accept our enemies have made a great mistake here was Isaac. Her.
I'd, be, president of Israel might be levied citizens of Israel. My dear citizens, I know how difficult and painful basis by the israeli spirit has always prevailed and natural triumph at this time as well. Just a few hours ago, I visited the injured and their families, and I saw an on israeli stirring the end or rain generosity of soul, and I have to say, our enemies has made a grave mistake in their assessment of the strength of the israeli spirit, because even through this peer sink We can see this israeli power in full force in Israel's military authorities are declaring war. have major general hassan AL yon.
As the commission is open, the gates of hell- and that is exactly right- there cannot be. There cannot be any limitations, Israel's military operations here, every ounce of civilian blood is on Hamas every single out. They hide behind civilians, they hide behind shown, they hide behind women, they murder israelis and they murder their own people. And Israel cannot hold back is working we're back on the basis, the they're going to act with more question with regard to palestinian civilian life than Hamas is willing to evidence. Israel can not risk its own citizenry. It already has failed, people are wounded or dead because of it. Here is here is Israel's idea of major general hassan AL young, no country worth its salt would allow terrorists. To dissuade them from from saving and civil law. protecting their own citizenry by violation of their own human rights. Its it's it's insane here is ideas, major major general hassan alien, but that issue a hub, I could tell us what he says. I want to say one thing about it: Hamas is open. The gates of hellenes the Gaza strip has left a tumble in Missouri, Hamas made the decision and Hamas will be,
responsibility and pay for its deeds. So who is behind this A bunch of questions are gonna be asked you're. The security failures are going to occupy israelis for decades the the the level of failure here is unthinkable in unimaginable and people on the ground and talking then, every minute pretty much. are stunned by it as well. They should be, but this was a sophisticated attack. This is not a baseline attack in east jerusalem by palestinian arab with a knife. This was. Highly sophisticated attack with hundreds of writers breaching walls using highly sophisticated military weaponry accords. whilst journals coming directly from IRAN, quote iranian six The officials helped plan Hamas saturday surprise, attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut. Last monday, according to senior members of Hamas and hezbollah, another iran backs militant group said deliberately telling them really saying that it was them We must analyse Hezbollah, work the finger iran authors of iran's islamic revolutionary guard cor had worked with Hamas since august, the air, land and sea incursions most significant breach, visuals border since seventy three yom kippur war details
operation, refined or in several meetings in beirut, member Beirut, is a Its lebanon and its aid iranian proxy state, attended by our gc officers and representatives of fort round back militant groups, including Hamas, which will pay in Gaza, because belarus, she had militant group and political faction. In lebanon. Meanwhile, the? U s, because dominated? This administration is dominated by cowards their pretending? None of this is happening there. Of course, you signed billions of dollars over in funding to the iranians that pretending money isn't fungible is our? Don't worry, I'm gonna go for terrorism, but that's how money works. If I signed a track and I say can't use it for drugs, but I know you're a drug user. I sign your track and I say a paper food. What do you think you're to do with the money you were going to use for the food you now use to buy drugs, the same thing is true here: money fungible the united states is granted Billions of dollars to IRAN asked billions of dollars. Not only that. America we negotiate with iran over nuclear programme, well, their own there. when negotiating team led by Robert Molly, was Full trade by iranian agents well documented
its officials have a stake in pretending. Iran had nothing to do with this. Sufficient said we don't have any information at this time to corroborate discount and second christina Anthony blinken denied it. He said we have not yet seen evidence around. It was behind this particular attack, but there certainly along relationship. asked about the meetings mouth mood of mere dowie senior commission officials had the group plan the attack on its own, which of course is a lie. A spokesman for runs mission to the. U n said iran was in support of actions, but didn't direct them. Fiercely autonomous, which is again a lie. The reason their attempting to pretend that was just Hamas is because, if your to try to dissuade saudi for making peace with Israel. You pretended hammas alone. If iran was behind, it sounded aids, IRAN as much as these rallies do actually exacerbates the chances of a piece with Israel. Meanwhile, Joe Biden The president of the united states spoke out yesterday here what he had to say about situation today. people vs you're, under attack, orchestrated terrorist organisation Hamas in this matter,
What a tragedy I want to say to them into the world and the terrorist everywhere that the united states stands with is We will not ever failed to have their back we'll make sure that they have to help their citizens need, and they can continue to defend themselves, You know the world scene, appalling images thanks. Iraq is a space of ours. Raining down on israeli cities up this morning, started Seven thirty, eight o clock. My calls masters crossing in Israel, killing not only israeli soldiers, but israeli civilians in the street and their homes. Innocent people murdered, wounded entire families taken hostage. A mass just days after your mark? The holiest of days in the jewish calendar is unconscionable, cable, Joe Biden better, keep the support coming because he has done fortunate history being pusillanimous about all this. Meanwhile,
the same day here you made sure that you held a barbecue. Apparently, according to the pool report from the white house six pm sunday evening. Our poorest, They could your live banned in the white house when they asked about it and the white house present. Firstly, they hosting a barbecue from the white house second of residence staff and their family. Meanwhile anthony blinking. he's, setting mixed messages. He says correctly. The hamas It's only death and destruction. As we'll see. He then admits that iran funds terrorism and calls on Israel for restraint, and there are basically two paths that are before the region right now. One is the path of of normalization, of integration, of people working together and by the way in that and on that path. It's not a substitute for resolving the since between israelis and palestinians. On the contrary, it needs to be used to advance that effort as well, but that's one path. The other path is what we ve seen from Hamas terrorists, horror and
something that offers not only nothing to people throughout the region. It offers nothing to the palestinians. On the contrary, everything that Hamas does makes their situation their plight even worse. They bring nothing but death and destruction not only to israelis but to palestinian, Of course. That is. That is absolutely true, but that doesn't answer the question as to whether by bite administration reinstated support for the past In all authority, they suggest that not provide any sort of hamas, but in there one documentation, they admit that being so called humanitarian aid into Gaza, was probably being used for the sort of stuff quote due to its own strengthen level of control. Regards we assess, there's a high risk. Hamas could potentially derive indirect unintentional benefit from your sisters. The Gaza there is less but cells. yes risk. You assistance would benefit other designated groups as well as, according to internal united states documents, do not stop the binding ministration from shipping millions of dollars into the Gaza strip.
Enabling it has admitted that iran, funds terrorism they should billions of dollars into IRAN or least unfrozen billings dollar flowing into around here is lincoln. The argument money is fungible, so IRAN may have known this money. is coming and used. Other funds to help fund attack that iran has. Iran has, unfortunately always used, and august, is funds on support, terrorism on supporting groups like like Hamas, and it's done that when they ve been sanctions is done that when there haven't been sanctions and is always present, Is that so Why exactly? Would we unfreeze money to them the united states? That is why and the answer is there is no explanation. Is pseudo sophisticate dolt, who believe you can negotiate with evil and give the money, and somehow this is going to make things all better by the way terry stay, blinkin, actually committed a heinous with It was moral atrocity when he tweeted out. Yesterday quote turkish foreign minister
a confidant who, by the way, terrorism, adviser- and I spoke further on Hamas as terrorist acts. It attacks on israel encouraged turkey's because you re cease fire and the release of all hostages held by Hamas immediately. A ceasefire I see what you told that to be the terror supporting four minutes. Of turkey. Did you ask anybody? and then deleted that Things are going really well over, therefore, for the Biden administration, speaking of which the? U S, so palestinian affairs tweeted output? We. publicly condemn the attack of hamas terrorists and the loss of life that has occurred. We urge all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing that was pulled down after It became perfectly obvious that when you tell Israel not to defend itself, that is in fact an act of evil meme. lincoln call on Israel to avoid civilian casualties he's behind Hamas to avoid civilian casualties, since they are the ones who literally max my civilian casualties for the cameras. If this is a prolonged attack, what
kind of humanitarian crisis. Are you expecting here an impact on civilians? what we ve seen. This, unfortunately repeat itself, although the magnitude the scale of what Hamas did here- is something we haven't seen before, but in practice prior instances, those who have suffered along with the victims of terrorism. are civilians, including in in Gaza and whatever israel does in Gaza as always, we look to us to do everything possible to avoid, casualty, something of course, that Hamas doesn't do. On the contrary. Not only does it not seek to avoid them, it deliberately target civilians, it will. Then you might stop telling Israel to stop of warning civilian casualties, as we are actually doing, is putting the onus on Israel to put its own citizens in harm's way to defend. In the colossus pudding in harm's way, no three worth it. Salt would put itself in that position. On its own borders, not if the murder of aid
british citizens and a kidnapping of hundreds of others so I've got a lot of questions over the past twenty four. hours about what people can do. So I would refer you in this- option below to some of the websites, but for those who are listening, friends of the idea is providing people need kevlar. They need help it's their their bit. They're sort of basic supplies, friends with the idea of helps, provide resources. So here here are five ways. You can help friends of the idea of F idea of dot org A mugen divvied adam is red cross in Israel. They needed armoured ambulances, because The Hamas terrorists as jihad all these terrorists, which they shouldn't ambulances, because this is what they do again. The world's most evil people go to a f The eight hour get em vienna org. You should check out we'll rescue dot org, which is united huts Allah. Again, they are an emergency medical response. Service can help dedicate since you medical responds vehicles. They can get places very very quickly to have good emergency response time, and I need your help again. That's Israel, rescue dot, org
our friends over the international fellowship of christians and jews are doing good work as well as check out. I fc j dot org and up my friends run these so called the airy fold foundation are if old was, Was a jew who was murdered from of being a jew whose funding other people and stop the terrorists but died in the in the attempt are equal to that. Is providing all sorts of resources to soldiers who are about to go in into battle. I'm a jew. aren't just the words martyrs there, the words of euros, the words of moses in front of pharaoh and jonah on the boat and esther. In front of us whereas the words of the maccabees, an air of the words of the soldiers, Lee, serving in Gaza, protecting their families and protecting their children and protecting their land. Emma Jus. Let me tell you what those words mean they mean I'm child of the people of the book. The people who but the world moses message of freedom and jeremiads message of justice, and I say a message of hope: the people sent the root of the
values of the west. The people who preserve the tradition, thousands of years old, stretching back to sign the people of the ten commandments splitting of the red sea of the holy temple. The abrahams one god, I'm a jew, other people will not be victimized again. Israel's called up three Four thousand reservists peep volunteering in mass numbers flights in Israel. Flights out are largely empty. A hundred fifty percent, a voluntary numbers, have been hit now and tax from people. I know brothers, sisters, friends in Israel, this from a member of my security detail in Israel. We just left couple of days ago, he's been called up he's twenty five years, quote on my waiting for my brothers in combat and this from a close friend doktor from the united states, who response Israel's call urgently for doctors. consent in florida, knowing what's happening, and this from a soldier in Gaza quote today our hearts beat with fear who among us is going to die and who return safe and sound
We are your messengers in battle, we fight, so you live in peace with your children, so you can stay alive. We are your protection. Will you be one of us, We go on this dangerous mission, knowing that some of us will not return, will ascend to our next position in aceh, to Heaven as Elio who the prophet did. We, devotion and dedication. We ask you to be our protection through your prayers attacks by going beyond yourselves through spirituality and good deeds. Pray for us pray We will not see another mother marry her son. the will not are women as widows raising our children in tears, pray our children will grow knowing who their fathers are prey. The wheel hate, the terrorists who aim to destroy us and that we do not harm innocent women and children. Please we implore you, as you read this: don't just onto the next thing. You do say a chapter of songs awaken king able to ask the almighty for forwards. Emption and peace for the whole world Take upon yourself, another good deed and please ass. This, I am sure your prayer we'll make it Remember we are in this together, we're on the front lines, weapons and you fight with us in your prayers everywhere
Your prayer gives a strength, protection and success. Every year we Jews reed on past or in the I gotta, which is the re telling of the exodus from Egypt. The following words that he should anja babo sane Avellanos le had been bought a model in a hollow, say: new era. the whole dora door on de Marlena, colosimo cottage bicycle matthew enemy item- and it is this- the Torah judaism it has stood by our ancestors and by us for not only one enemy has risen up against us to destroy us been every generation. They rise up to destroy us, but the holy one blessed be. He delivers us from their hands. We read in psalms one twenty one. He nay by unknown below you shine shall marry Israel behold the guardian of Israel, neither slumbers nor sleeps is a famous song that we sing in our synagogues a lot of our events. And says our brothers, the whole house of Israel or industry in captivity, whether oversea or a man may be?
The present have mercy on them and remove, from distress, relief and from darkness alight from subjugation redemption now speedily and close at hand, and here is that song a new car days years row a new call basis as soon as bed saw rob it's all over. She ya are on the band by our move in by ah bah shaw, Hama com. Yet, ah, ok, I'm yet to say my lai him, the your gm. It's our lives that caught my eye. Valet owe me a shiba ligula harsh DA bug allow this mon calamari and finish with one more thing that we say:
Once you remember, the people of Israel lives our father in Heaven. Liz god bless you. God bless the united states, that was Israel and all the people are going to go into harm protect innocent lives, and may god, avenge, the blood of the innocent.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-10.