« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1818 - DeSantis Challenges Trump Directly

2023-09-29 | 🔗

Donald Trump calls on the Republican National Committee to cancel all future GOP debates, while Ron DeSantis finally comes out swinging against Trump; and so-called “red pill” influencers are telling young men not to get married, and we examine whether they’re right.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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in truth is basically now declaring the primaries over and look if you look at national polling data right now he is up by a long shot on the rest of the field. If you compare this to say twenty sixteen at this point, in the twenty sixteen raised. Tromp was up, maybe ten to twelve point on the rest of the field. At this point, trumped up we all have the pulling about forty points over the rest of the field. The latest economist Yougov poll, for example, has trumpet fifty three per cent sensitive fourteen and everybody else well below ten. The monmouth poll before that has trump a fifty five chance at seventeen everybody else well below ten. However, This is not a national primary. When you look at iowa, for example, trump's lead, it starts to shrink a little bit, not that he's not in the lead, but it's closer to thirty Points then forty points when you move on to new hampshire. His lead again is closer to thirty points than it is to forty points out these fifth at least forty five, fifty percent of the Republican based in these primaries. Does One donald trump were adverts, It is time my voting already about people who are not donald trump and there's a solid number people who like them.
from, but would be open to others, design, point is showing right now. What from would like you can't future debates, because he says to train our fire on Biden now, that's kind of it. run acclaim coming from president trump, whose trend most of his fire at this point on various press who's going after him or enron scientists, trained in enormous amounts fire on president Biden. To this point, however, to end. The primaries early is obviously in from best in well, the orange he goes along with anything like that is another question according to media, yes, the trunk campaign has now asked the urgency to put an end to any further primary debate, following a second debate that former president down from skipped a note from it, Your adviser, christless veto was sent from the trump press office It's a nice job, he debate was boring and inconsequential is the first debate. Nothing that was set will change the dynamics of the primary concept being dominated by president from president from in the forty or fifty point lead in the primary election and a ten point lead over Joe Biden in the general election. Well, that is, according to one poll we talked about that poll a couple of days ago. There are two separate
then commit since then, one with by up one one with by no five disease to suggest that in the real capacity on average, for example, trumped up ten is not right in the average. Basically, he and inviting are running within margin of error The hour should immediately put an end to any further primary debates. We can train our fire uncrooked Joe Biden and quit wasting time and money that could be going. evicting Biden from the white house now again, one of the problems here is that the arguments that team trump We spend all their money on evicting victim buying from the white house ignores the fact that an extraordinary amount of the money that is port trumps campaign has been spent on his legal bills and will going for be spent on this legal bills, particularly if all of his assets are locked up in new york because of this fraud case. Meanwhile, president from his is doing the trumpet he did this you a w speech at the other day. That was not to the EU aid. Obvious about eu aid, w and m stagecraft who called stagecraft girls, who called fitting so president from stacked, the rule
apparently with a bunch of his own supporters, many of whom are not union members. In fact, there's one person carrying a sign that said union members for sure for trump who then admitted to the press he was not in fact a union member and basically been handed decide. According to the uk, guardian wins out from here, speech in michigan on wednesday, seeking to capitalize on the? U s w strike at least two cravat. holding signs in union members for trump and autoworkers for trump turned out to be neither going to the dry news, one individual in the crowd who held the science at union members for trump acknowledged she was not a union or when approached by rapporteur. After the event, another with my design, the red autoworkers for drum, said he was not a worker when asked for an interview. Both people do not provide their names. The paper said that between four five hundred people attended the event it was it a non unionized, automotive part supplier and couldn t touch You can go to get union as job. He runs like a non union job to do speech about how
You, a w workers deserve more and how their being screwed by president by now get the general message that from gave with regard to Biden and electric vehicle mandates in all there s. A lot of that is true. However, again the manipulation stagecraft is eddie wild is pretty wild. It well donald from lawyers. Meanwhile, as you say, there are looking the barrel of a no problem for donald trump. With regard to his assets, people, I think, are not spending enough time to energy. On the fraud ruling in new york. The reason being again, all these criminal indictments, they're gonna, go whichever way they're going to go in everybody knows that their politically motivate Progress is also politically motivated, but the real The impact that fraud willing is devastating do present trump on a purse and familial level. The president from swears. Apparently, don't really know what to do, because the judges, cases, so obviously parson and so obviously always have. The judge actually find trumps lawyers for making arguments he didn't like in their last ruling, to the new york times from could lose his grip on buildings, including from teheran
avenue the trump international hotel, looking overlooking central park and all the rest. Judge sided with new york attorney general Letitia James and as a punishment. The judge, effectively revolt from licences to operate all of those properties and alive much his new york operation hanging in the balance trumbull expected to appeal is already suit. just as anger on himself, whose thorn in the side of the from work for more than a year in Wednesday. Hearing from there's blood for clarity, asking justice, anger, angrily to explain exactly what the effect of his ruling would be, and the judge refused to say so. It's it's we unclear what happens now, so it could spell the end of the trump organization it could for forced to sell off of several properties. It could basically transport innovation in new york, more likely said, legal experts is a period in which trump would be unable to operate as properties which should be handed to court. Appointed chief executive such an arrangement would preserved from sociable, preventing humanist who don't sons from running the machinery of the empire without permission from the core, which could be a problem.
adding on how much leverage is taking out against buildings, for example, in order to fund his his legal enterprises, and all these are obstacles due to trump's reelect again, it is not that trump can't be Biden. He certainly can. Is that a probability? I think it's not a probability. I think that it is a. I would say Forty to forty five percent shot the trumpet beat Joe Biden in a general election given his performance in the last election, given the fact that right now he's not the actual now me yet, and so many Democrats are focusing on the field, Joe Biden, rather than how much they hate donald trump. Obviously Joe Biden is folks in tremendous fashion, on trump and from alone. And the only reason, basically that he stayed in the race is because trumpets denominate. He believes that he's the only candidate that he can be met, more than just one second, first on top daily, whereas most trusted privacy, parliament premier sponsor of this show expressive. Vps internets providers know every single website visit and concern. This information to add companies Tat change then use that data to target you express bbn, help parental that route. You're, networking,
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He's doing what he wants to do. Nobody else can, in the swarm fighting each other will finally randy answers is actually training his fire on trump, and this has been the the the sort of pattern when it comes to primaries with trump going all the way back to twenty sixteen you go back. Twenty have seen what you'll see is a temporary Marco rubio wonder the weird assumption that Donald from support base would simply collapse at a certain point and then they would just walk into the nomination. That obviously didn't happen. Then fighting each other to the end and enshrine case estate in to make sure the Donald trump was the nominee by sucking up like ten, Fifteen percent of the vote in competitive primaries down from, whilst in the nomination, despite the fact in the early stages, only winning thirty thirty five percent of about it. Well today, I was a lot stronger than he was in twenty. Sixteen and he's been a sitting president before a huge percentage of the base is absolutely addicted to present from they love the guy and so well. running against from a certain point here, is going to have to stop this notion, then from he's going to just fall off road somewhere he's not someone's gonna have to take him on directly
and the only person right now is position to do. That is the the number two in the race renaissance. It descends It's for all the slings and arrows that he's taken is basically in the polls. Where he's been for the last six months. He is he's stuck in the fifteen to twenty five percent range. He is in in a second place holding pattern, and so something has to change, and so finally, francis- was now than to separate debates with the rest of the with the rest of the second tier republicans, he's beginning to fight back because he's using an argument. The yerevan basically is look. I have one last you debate and the only other solid candidate and the only guy who's running double digit, even against from in these primary so if you're gonna consolidate field, don't consolidate veal round one candidate who has not had to go through a debate and who has blemishes on his record instead, consolidate the field around two candidates. Let us battle it out and then from winds from wind by the way that that is The the polls are showing neither the poles are showing that people
leave that that stance is one last debate, for example, cnn focused, when can I yesterday, and I have seen it focus. Groups group suggested that this answers was the big winner of the debate. Now can do enough, but lord who you think did best during this debate. All of you or what christy. because it has toughness and appealing but tonight to santas one two three four five, six? Seven, eight, nine. Eighty one, two three four five six pence swami one has got as you can see this answer cleared fields when it came to it when it when it came to this debate and an appalling, did it support that sort of notion, so five thirty eight did april on the debate and what they found it three percent of likely republican voters watch the debate said two senses perform the best. Only five percent said that he performed the worst Nicky Hayley,
women second june eighteen percent rating as the strongest debate or seven percent rated her as the worst vigour. swami fifteen percents and he did the best, but ten percent houses that he did the worse. A lot of people love. The big lot of people have a vague everybody hated Chris Christie tim basically do not register people hated. My past performance, nobody, and I d burgos on the stage so desires, it is now making the case that he should it made a long time ago, which is when it comes to winning the needs. election, I'm your guy. I've tried the proven track record in florida. I have not lost to present, and before, while Donald trump has an down from her Stop talking debates about time for donald trump to actually debate me. Now, calling for one on one debate with trump directly here was to sense. Yes, we're getting a lot more aggressive with trump he's had a lot to say me on social media really, since twenty twenty two right before the mid term election, he started he started
tacking me when I was well. We all republicans we're supposed to be united for red way. Now he tried to attack me and has been doing a lot. You it's one thing to do behind a keyboard step up on state. it shouldn't do it to my face, I'm ready for it, you used to say I was a great governor now, all of a sudden you're saying the opposite: let's have that discussion and I'll do it. We can do it one on one. I was always a sean last night. Let's do that, let's, let's give the american people the choice that they deserve. Now- is trumpet actually going to do that, of course not from it, and that that should raise some questions if from is unable to debate Rhonda santa's Who is an excellent republican governor from Florida and who is the second place finisher in the falls right now and by the way, who actually is a threat to him in iowa? I know that but he's writing off the scientists overall right now but the reality is that this answers has done an enormous amount of groundwork in ilo right now. Two sentences running by the latest CBS news newspaper in the twenty in but from has a major lead, but that's not the way the aisle Cox's run their carcasses and the caucasus
rely a lot ungrounded. There lay a lot on endorsements. I is still very much in open question. There is a world where descents wins iowa and so, if, if trump, just kids during the chances mean at a certain point, somebody's going to have to take it to trump and his answers is going to have to be the guy who does it because no one else in the field really is capable of doing it. Big problem here is that, when you're and consolidation of you'll trump once the fields can sell it just him. It premature to do that. Considering can all of his vulnerabilities that we discussed, ranging from the fact that he's wildly unpopular with suburban women, so the fact that we already lost to Joe Biden the first time the fact it he does not have the self control to actually meticulously attack. Joe Biden record The things we all know about down from those, fair game for debate, but can sell it. In the field to chew is necessary, this point, if you actually want there to be any sort of raise instead we have also rand's we're staying in the field, and this is ridiculous, There were two serious candidates on the stage in that last debate. Rawness answers, Nicky Hayley, everyone else on the stage it is is, is joke
Why didn't why there? They should not be there, but they grammar swamis. Running for president he's running for senate from Ohio or he's running for a cabinet position under president from or he's running for a new business in the media critics. he is running a pure revenge play. He is a homicide bomber of politics. He committed words most famous political murder, suicide, new hampshire against Marco rubio, basically ensuring the nomination of donald trump Apparently he wants to do the same thing again. Chrissy says I'm not gonna drop out. Why should I dropped the answer. I should rather as being of no shot of winning the presidential nomination, so why are you doing this? Stop it if it Gonna come down in new hampshire, and you know this better than anyone having run. We ran a bright camp. in twenty sixteen? How are you getting the since? The it is going to be winnowed and if you're down before new hampshire, would you drop out of the rice.
Now I have every intention of winning new Hampshire and I wouldn't drop out before that, and I don't think I'm going to see any evidence that would compel me to do so But what I would also say to you is where I see up in new Hampshire, is donald trump, in almost there Report well below forty percent, the unreal will arrogance of people like Chris Christie staying in the rest, even Of course you would win new Hampshire. Do you think? pretty goes on even compete in south carolina or any the primary. The answer, of course, is no. The answer is no. this field needs to win. Oh and it needs to and are fast. If there's going to be anyone to challenge, remember, there's no one who's going to challenge trump. Maybe the polls are exactly right nationally. Speaking and trump is We the, if you maybe fine, but if there's no way be the alternative to feel hast window again, in that real proposals pulling average and what you're saying that real politics polling average. Is that even in the national pulling from like fifty three, which means Seven percent of the republican base is not in love with trump, but you have eighty three candidates, including like christie at two and scott.
he intends at four and rob the at five and hayley at seven fields, they have to window and winter pretty quickly. If anyone is going to challenge from again defence can have a lot more aggressive on the campaign trail against trump against trump. Among people in just a second we'll get to Joe Biden, who is deeply relying on Donald trump's candidacy in order to project him back to the presidency of the united states. First, did you know that poor sleep really bad for you? because weight gain mood issues portmanteau have lower productivity. Sleep is the foundation of our mental and physical health. Women's and our days having it can in item routine non negotiable. You need it. If you're struggling with sleep, you really should check out beam. Beams top selling beam dream there are new formula drinking the powerful all natural blend of re, mad elsie and in an app agenda to help you sleep stays. We can help you wake up a fresh, just mixed beam dream into how water or milk stir and enjoy before bedtime today, males let's get a special this on the beam dream powder as their best selling healthy. How cocoa for sleep with no added
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an ugly in causing terrifying and and yet and yet because trump was seen as such as a threat by sea. Any sort of moderate voters, the any was that the Democrats over performed in twenty, Did you until you are on the same playbook back again? here is Joe Biden yesterday. Talking about how movement is a dangerous threat to democracy. Democracy is not a partisan issue solution. An american americans and you have several I've come to honour mercator to the library, because their home, proud republic put his country's first our commitment should be? No less democracy. Should you nine all american, regardless of critical, I speak English now something dangerous happened There's an extremist movements does not, the basic pollution or democracy the maghreb, not public, and not even the majority republic, and here too, the minus extremist ideologies do something
Much work with republic is my whole career. There is no question of the days republic report is driven and intimidated by migrants. Extremists Firstly, regenerative carried out fundamentally all institutions, american democracies. We know it, that's it I would say he's on value, but this is natural. State is when I haven't pumped them fully amphetamines. Wow wow mean that zone again, this is big. Just pitch is going to be that he is the person to protect you from the threat to democracy. That is now trump he's gonna play the gonna zero at the play added used, is an authenticity in casting. He is just a walking animatronic corpse producers, as suggested he looks like he's direct from the hall of presidency, disneyland miller, Actually, that is more lifelike than Joe Biden is at this moment again. Is that a ribbon him not have to pay?
is the guy on the other side of the ilo. Is crazy person. Who's gonna destroy american marketing. I you know that crap. I note this crap, but while meaning people then believe that So here is Joe Biden going through. All of this is it. He started, quoting Magda manta called chairing a magical, Joe Biden. Automation, metro by I've never heard that the longest word in the english language is numa from topic, silicon volcano, honey doses or lisa. as until the speech and was Joe Biden together. At least a thousand words into one is an amazing achievement, I'm not sure I've ever seen a word this long, like the word you're about to hear Just consider these as actual costs from beggar mega minor movement. I am your retribution. So the throats of civil servants, replacing them of extreme political cronies onward, my assurance for claims, support for law enforcement only to say we quote, we must destroy the fbi.
Not one person. so you're trolling element. The house would probably comport whitewash attacks of january six, by calling the spirit and stopping a police, quote: on legitimate political discourse. Again this is going be the deck and there's gonna be the stick all the way up to the election. and he says it's an inflection point in our history. This is his closing pitch. It's an inflection point in our history. I've said it before we're at an inflection point in our history One of those moments, in our happens, once every several generations happens once every eight or nine generations. The decisions made in a short period of time were now are going to determine the course of this country in the world for the next six or seven decades.
So you may? Every america is committed to preserving our democracy, constitutional protection. We carry special risk, it's ability again like garbage, but the case that he is making Is going to be an always comes down to this? One is Biden versus trump, who is less offloading? Who is the person who is going to project solidity now, when it comes to record from record, is way more solid and biden without a doubt when it comes to personality by and particular salad. The good news is that you know I've anymore, so you'll have to worry about whether he solid or not, because corpses generally aren't all that volatile in just a sec we'll get you the other votes Joe Biden candidacy. First, when it comes to the air that we breathe it is a lot more polluted than you think. I'm starting talking look outwards outdoors if you live in los angeles and your lungs are turning back. I'm talking about the fact that you and your family's health may be affected by the earthquake, in her home allergens and germs floating in the air you breathe, can make you sick, but the good news is: there is technology out there that helps you purify your living space easily and affordably within viral clans. You'll never have,
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the house yesterday commenced their impeachment inquiry sizing jested beforehand that I dont lose its strategic need for an impeachment inquiry. Given the fact we are already on the Republicans, I'm looking into all of his corruption. I'm not sure how like putting a stamp mps when the inquiry help things other than absorb out as you and because you don't come to in impeachment at the end of the impeachment. grief, you exonerate the guy and a question is going to be what they haven't votes, even on the republicans out of the aisle for an actual impeachment. That means holding together your caucus really strong fashion, which is kind of a problem. Since again, the impeachment inquiry was launched without a vote in the house, meaning that the The majority in the house. The republican majority is not even there in that. The fact is that that Mccarthy could not get enough publican The vote on the dotted line with right, impeachment inquiry to it. That way, which raises the question asked whether he going to get enough republicans to vote for an actual impeachment, which would be a giant fail. If you want an inquiry without coming to an actual impeachment, you get nothing out of it.
the republicans did it anyway, they launched the impeachment inquiry lot of people. Think that that was an attempt by mccarthy to stave off the right flank, saying: listen, I'm giving you guys what you want. You got the impeachment inquiry. What do you want from me? Whatever, whatever this is that yesterday they had a six our hearing on impeachment not like amazing for the republican party. It didn't present any first hand witnesses. Instead, they in some testimony from a variety of other sort of difference, hours, including Jonathan Turley, forensic account, Bruce dubinsky ski former justice department tax, turning eileen oconnor, the they knew going in the Jonathan turley was was going to say that they have not the evidence to impeach Biden. Yet the problem is that that is the headline coming out of the impeachment ingredient. One is that their publicans
witness said you can't impeach him based on what you got right now here is Jonathan Turley. Yesterday this is a question of an impeachment inquiry. It is not a vote on articles of impeachment. In fact, I do not believe that the current evidence would support. Articles of impeachment, that is something that an inquiry has to establish by also do believe that the house has passed the threshold for an impeachment inquiry into the conduct of president Biden. needs up its first part that everybody is focusing on his truly say: why don't you and yet to impeach, but it's ok, that there are no insane viruses. Impeachment inquiry would be appropriate. Is he jamie rascal who sitting I to comber, whose we the inquiry gents calmer, easy ride. As a Democrat, Shifting in his gleeful the turley. Sadly there, how don't have enough evidence to impeach right now what level
continues to emerge yesterday, according to break our hunter Biden. Apparently, reference selling access to presidential biden as the keys to my family's only asset according to mess One hundred binds icloud backup released by the house. Ways means committee on Wednesday the coming least information confirming devon archers testimony the hundred Biden travel the world selling access to the Biden brand, meaning Joe Biden hunter or to access to Joe s hold the keys. To quote my family's only asset, which is pretty strong language documents, And by the committee confirm associates of the button business had direct access to the white house in then vp Joe Biden's advisers, according to the committee buttons associates, were told not to mention Joe being involved. White house logs, show many biden. Business associates visited the white house multiple times. In addition, after the irish launched its investigation into the by family hunter by an apparently court expected all this stuff to go away when he's dead becomes president according to an well between hunter Biden, any cnn producer that the committee actually obtained.
Then the producer has an email from hunter saying he expected all this stuff to go away when his dad became president. So that's not good there will be more evidence to emerge for sure. Homer his part. He said we now have evidence that the chinese government is sending direct payments to Joe Biden's immediate family. Well, of course, that's true when we knew that have you been most identify what specifically Joe Biden did to get paid all these people who are paying the buying spurts about job I met with every single one of em are top to him on the phone, even though he lied to the american people and he never met with any of them met with oliver. They were all in trouble. They were leading helpful united states. If you talk about the remain, in money, the ukrainian money. They were being investigated for corruption in their home countries. They needed help from Joe by China. This was the chinese government, this the chinese government sitting direct payments to Joe
violence, immediate family and what they needed was help. Never The bureaucracy in eliminating barriers to entry in our markets, in all. That is true and more evidence is going I'm here and it's not going to be good for Joe Biden democrats for their part, There are dumping on republicans yesterday there were suggesting that they ve got enough there is no evidence of the rest of this kind of stuff, but it doesn't matter because in the general american perception of Joe Biden, the idea that he is clean and pure and honorable, no one thinks that the polls show people think Joe Biden, his crop, mainly cause he's corrupt. But here had yesterday slaying slit, go heads lay kings and queens go for it are so. Let's get it straight sixty two hours away from shutting down the government of the day, states of america and republicans are launching impeachment, DR based on a long, debunks and discredited lie. What, today we are having here, isn't it right? I mean let's not as a former director of emergency management. I know a disaster when I say
I want to say thank you to MR donald trump for calling this hearing today. We see the long arm but little hands stern, donald trump, whose fingerprints all over this hearing and this sham impeachment donald trump impeachment. Oh, how many improvements we got to their? How many indictments we got for how many provided zero, zero donald, trump is right. Arms sick, a winning he's. When in running away with it, and that's why we're here they can't donald trump. I can't take away the to impeach, and the four nightmare, but they can try to put some numbers on the board for Joe Biden, but the problem when you sling mark you gotta have mud and they I don't have anything, mr chairman, honestly, if they would continue. What it plans to answer and we were playing a drink I would be drunk by now. If the romans had a smoking gun, we're even dripping water pistol.
Would be presenting it today, but they ve got nothing on Joe Biden come on. If you all, think there's so much evidence. We're here call the vote, impeach them right now or personal, let's, let's not as an inquiry is for months now an inquiry is but also guys go off, off, really continue to talk about this, because it's very very good for Joe Biden, opposition in just one second, gets await us on the way w. It turns out that, when you incentivize unions to strike they liked to strike more, it's amazing how that were first, as you might know, where fish our friends over at jenny's salt, you don't have to take my word for it. Ella from Rockford says I both agent acne spots, this stuff's actually feeding both of them. This serum is worth every penny. Ela is raving about the famous dark spot corrector from jenny, so it must have after months of record heat and humidity, sun spots, brown spots, discoloration even read, inflamed patches all- will disappear in front of your very eyes. Genitals, amazing, guarantee, you'll, see
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you pledged to widen and strike on friday, barring significant progress and toss it to try carmakers as the companies take steps to keep critical parts flowing to their dealerships the talks between the. U w and gm ford motor and cry my parents, lances continued. A union officials had Wednesday nearly two weeks into a limited strike at all three automakers. You ate it official said the union identify new strike target detainees on friday with walk out to begin a new unless bargain. make headway in negotiations for new for your contract last week, w expanded, that's right beyond three assembly plants to include a thirty eight per distribution centres- by gm and the land is the union's. Therefore, from europe, companies that they are getting more concessions from forward, but the widening of the strike. Why do you think that they're doing that, because the president of the united states literally showed up and walk the picket line with them wearing you a w had. That is why you end up with more strikes out if they caught it really great sweetheart deal with all of these car companies and your car becomes aware. It'll be more expensive. You know exactly who to blame his name Joe Biden, that's exactly who to blame. It turns out
again, then, when the president of the united states endorses ones I'd need private Lieber action is very likely that outside it's going to be incentives should take a harder line position not to come to the negotiating table and bargain speaking of failures, ukraine. War continues to slog on. According to the, our times. Literally. No one has gained ground this year. both sides and wash ambitious offensive. The frontline has barely shifted after eighteen months of war, a breakthrough looks more difficult than ever again. The frontline ukraine basically change not at all from last winter they're supposed to be a major ukrainian offensive that was going to reverse russian gains in don bass in the crimea region. Instead, the map looks pretty much the same. This by nine months, bloody fighting less than five hundred square miles of territory of change can, since the start of the year and in wow Joe Biden has no off ramp he's providing off ramp. He says that the ones he's going to do all the negotiating we're just going to keep signing cheques. That is not the way it should work. Let us work. Everyone knows his words would not every year,
there gonna be a negotiated settlement. No one believes the ukrainians are pushing the russians all the way out of crimea and aware of the non basque. There has been almost like zero territorial change the last major territorial change was in. member december of last year. Otherwise, no territorial change whatsoever since the status the start of the year. Ukraine is going about a hundred forty three square miles and russia's gain by three hundred thirty one square miles. These are not major amounts of territory, and yet and has no plans and this war, it's just going to continue ad infinitum Presumably, is why some other democrats are sharing a look around like wizened anyone jumping in on this guy he's vulnerable and the seventy percent of democrats. Don't want him to run again one people who is now delusional. We thinking about for present is barely chink weaker. I myself have debated watch that youtube its fascinating stuff here is china
yesterday announcing that he might be staffing up for a twenty twenty. Four, a primary run against Joe Biden crystal. We are definitely unsolvable an yet. As the corporate Democrats say, I will not disobey. I will always bout. My Why right and the progressive say why I can't run the mainstream media, will destroy me, the destroy my life until destroy store my career, etc, right right. So how do we pass at? That's? Why I'm desperate enough to think? Maybe I should do it and I'll tell you why? Because let's say that somebody like me, gets in the race yeah, the democratic voters are dying for an alternate. They keep saying every pulled from I'd say you were someone else, give us some one else. If someone like me. Where'd. You get the twenty points. You have any idea how quick, newsome and whittemore would enter the ray major leads Chang, basically saying I'll get in the race just to show the button vulnerable and then you'll see some of the more serious candidates jump in there's a reason. The Democrats are hitting the panic button right now and cenk doesn't having to be wrong, I mean again they there time
with what he's doing there, I I I think that it's a it's a mission, doomed for failure, but he's saying his admission: doomed for failure, it's kind of fascinating can just second, we'll get into the conference of the day on the right side of the isle first in some the shouts of people whose job it is to hire from small business owners growing their teams to hr directors, hiring hundreds across the nation. You have one of the toughest jobs out there like toby from the office. It's unappreciated, hiring good hr team is one the most important things you can do we are so grateful that we have sierra over here at daily, while making sure that all hr procedures are followed. I mean not not the not that hr at daily. Wire has told me that I'm not allowed to roast my own employees on air before and then I just obey them and it turns into a big internal fight and you know doing their best in everything and just listen Somebody complain all the time, but let's say that net Certain point we decide, you know it hr, we we need. We just needs new people, well with zebra. Could you can make your whole hiring process faster and easier? Zip workers, powerful technology worked for you. identify people whose skills and experience mantra drop zipper could receive
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in that marriage is bad for men. Men should not get married now the case that they're making is not me liberal feminist case that Basically, men are useless in terrible one woman needs man like a fish needs by school, or anything like that. The case that they are making is that the stakes of marriage had been chain by things like no fault divorce, custody arrangements, neatness child support, pay. and all the rest spousal support that? Basically, the legal regimen has me not a bargain for men to get married. Now I agree with with the critique of all policy ending novel divorce is a disaster area. I think that the chair custody arrangements that that basically always go to mom no matter what, That is a serious problem when shift the incentive structure. There's reason why the majority of divorces, the vast majority of us, are now initiated by women that that is not because in the past women were, wildly abused, and today there wildly liberated what there really is when you ship the incense instruction, it turns out that all the risk is now you can buy men. Women
be the ones who actually activate and push that wars button. However, the red pills have taken. It one step further and now they're telling young men. You should not get married, it's too dangerous to get married. Don't get married that foolish! That's what she Let's go through some of these arguments because they become very popular on the right. So I sat with pearls dive davis is an anti feminist who has become we propose, is laudable label, her sort of a female and rotate, although without the checkered past, and here is pearl Davis. Talking about marriage, the trash cans daily wire conservatives were are saying that pearls just the doom and gloom or who lies about stats, just focuses on the negatives. Never the positives.
and all the men complaining, you're describing, and so one day he comes home and he finds out that his wife had called the police on him and told them that the first time they hooked up ten years ago, he he had called on call raped her and the truth of the matter is when a man as children there, not his kids, a man has no way to have children and those kids be actually hits. There always hurts, because the court's give the way: in custody. Ninety percent of the time and rich men are really the only ones that have the money to fight it and the time. So I ask the daily wire jeremy boeing that walls, or is this just
Cry: babies are they just? Are they just their cry? Baby, weak man who don't man up and want to risk that? So you know it's interesting because, instead of demanding that the laws, change and demanding women face repercussions for doing this stuff, you guys demand that men need to step up and take part in a system that discriminates against them. You say, oh find a girl that price she won't do it, but- and I had this thought to until I found a muslim girl- they did this- One thing I found a christian girl, they did the same thing. I found a catholic, the it's happening all over whether you want to believe it or not. It is happening. I dont care about your religion. I don't care about your church. This happens everywhere, ok, so the argument that use Meng against all these policies, those that those are correct arguments and nobody is disregarding the pain of men who have been wrong. victimized under these
was the answered. Worthy incentive structure is completely stacked against them. That is true. However, the benefits of marriage are still unbelievable It does matter for you mary to pretend that there is no difference between the person they marry. That is happening with christians and muslims in and all that statistically untrue there things you can do to mitigate against the risk of divorce and the personal mary is the chief mitigation that is that in the jewish community we always have a back up land in the sense that every little contract is a green up. Every marital contract between appendage, you. Could you by easy brean up it guarantees that certain levels of thousands of word, for example, if you, if you give it get, then it makes prior arrangements and all the rest, but one of the big throwing out the baby with water is not the solution so have about how about we revise the system of law, but also in the meantime, you do need to find these thousand get married to her and if what it requires for you, too feel comfortable doing that is to shift away from me
a mandate in law in short, a contract arrangement and then do that as well, where we can have churches that sponsor that sort of thing, because the truth is that those are enforceable contracting cord. Very often the customer precocity arrangements and all the rest of that sort of thing I want to go through some of the stats with regards to the benefits of marriage, because I think that it's also possible to exaggerate how bad things our format, as doesn't mean they're, really bad for men who end up divorced or that way. Aren't divorce amended incredibly high rate overall women are initiating the vast majority of them again. I agree with many of the critics of corn marilla. I gridlock stuff. The problem is that when you take it so far, these the solution for many do not get married now, you- have done it. You ve created a second order. A fact were unmet men become actual menaces hitherto. Ality is that men channel their aggressive drives toward building. or they challenge or destroying an system in which women are unmarried and men are onward, unmarried, that's something that the left wants and if acquiesce in that, then you actually end.
Destroying the very fundamental based society that allows for the growing and building of society beyond leftist principles I make my answer to pearl is both an but yes get married and also we should work to change those laws, but by the way, the way that we date has it has an effect, on how we get married, who get married to what, when I did in my wife, we went in knowing, as we begin today than we are. We were not going to sleep together until we were married. We know for a fact and we were going to have long conversations about things that matter and in is by the way. Did the best available I suggest that this is how you end up with a tangible, durable marriage. The last very long time is that everybody be committed going in that value. Put values at the of dating. That obviously does mean that you're going to be impervious to the possibility of divorce, but it does mean their chance of divorce are really a lot lower, alot lower, not only By prohibiting the thing I am relying on parole frankly there there there's a bunch of other people who are making similar plans so, for example, Brian.
This was on the whatever podcast in here he was talking about marriage. Would you consider a preen up preen ups are regularly thrown out all the time they typically none for More especially the longer the marriage goes on, the less likely they are to be enforced. Men get absolutely destroyed, in marriage hang and in divorce financially. Winning Instead, the kids women are more likely to get custody and then if you do get a divorce, the financial cost of just the turning getting all the animals if their. If it's a contested divorce or in spain, mid five figure, six figures on attorneys and you have to pay for her turn to of fifty percent of marriages and in divorce. Eighty percent, the divorces are initiated by women. Ninety percent of she's college educated. Ninety percent of child support payments, go from men to women. Ninety seven percent of alimony payments go from men to women. You know you have no fault divorce, so a woman can cheat on you. She can still get half years. Okay,
a lot of what he's saying, is wrote. The stats on marriage are not completely drug or through those in just one. Second get the rip on on the divorce law, good rip. It is a fine rip and the answer is not from any of what marriage. The answers from if you find a good woman to get married to who is committed to values. Yes, of course, marriage is a risk. Of course it is, and that risk is disproportionately borne by men at this point. That is true also, but is the reward worth the risk? The answer, a huge majority of circumstances where both people are committed like say, half share christian values, for example the writ the risk is is worth it is, is the basic prince and these arguments are may not just by people I visited and rotate has made that the same sort of of arguments his hand, hey talking about how men benefit for marriage and ass the environment, and I think, and I view as the world s way would be. I think the reason it's not having today's. I dont think many men actually benefit from marriages or relationships anymore, and people are always going to have to require some degree of incentive. I think that we
at the world now in a way where men are seen as worker droids they're expected to go work all day. Come home clean up as well share the cleaning with a woman not have any, not no meal prepared for them. Nor have any of the all over the house, all unjust and just be a worker droid and be a sad, and I dont think that many people understand that men are intrinsically wired to desire respects amongst our people. and in our environments. This is why seals worked so hard because they get respect in their company. Ok. So again, I don't disagree with much. What do you say? the solution. Very often, with the red pill movement. The diagnosis is correct, and the solution is wrong that, at that
It's very very often in this sort of movement that the reason, by the way that parole and the rest of the red pill movement think the way they use because of arguments like the one that that a person named destiny makes with pearl in this particular clip. Women are earning men have a hard time respecting them underwear. That is not sure of that signature. I read into that data and explained why a lot of the time the women reported that they were expected to be in charge of the household duties as the worker job, and they act to cover ropers that have bothered women
actually Kirk automated. Nowadays I mean you have a washing machine, a dishwasher that as much as I as much as men. Still don't do it. They still don't do it. That's that's. The issue is that of the one of the big problems with divorce. Lately is when you get when you get older and you manage a household on your own perl you'll see how annoying it is when you're working and then you come home and everything is horrible and nobody typically an alien, yeah yeah. It is a totally valid reason for divorce. Of course, chores to break up a home. Her family lived in a field like it's: lifelong friends from like grade school high school will dorm at college, and they hate each other forever overlaid bad dorm, room mates and that's not even a relationship, so yeah, of course, I think stuff like this is perfectly valid:
I think I think splitting and splitting up splitting up duties in the household is like one of the most important parts of like a relationship, because it's where you're spending most of the time ago. This is why I say people could trigger and say I don't think you even dating until you live together, because until you live together, you don't really know what the other person is like and once you start living together and you see what the household duties are like, then you get a feel for what the relation is so destiny, saying here is totally crazy. Okay, the idea that you get divorced was he have kids get divorced because he can't split up who handles the dishwasher. Is nuts and comparing marriage to roommate's couch from it, because your expect to be roommates with your roommate for the rest of your life and have children with them generally speaking, Marriage is not supposed to be a contractual arrangements that is purely about who shares household duties, the about building a house. So it is that attitude towards of work that is making the red pill, crew, basics, well that's your version in areas that I'm not, and I agree there. my version of marriage. I would not be in the point that I am making is that there should be anybody's version of marriage the conversion torsion be anybody's version of the wars now and get me some stats demonstrated
not all marriages are created. Equal, not all predicates for marriage are the same, so Brad Wilcox was a social science scholar and all this he has a book called get married, It's all about marriage and divorce, and here are some of the facts. In ever there well substantiated by the data The number one factor in predicting a high quality marriages perceive partner commitment. If you believe that your partner is deeply committed to the marriage, you owe me deeply committed to the marriage which is one of the reasons why it really matters how you date. It really really matters how you date. So breathing new concepts for keeping up a girl at a bar. Then you live together. They get married to her, that's a very risky said, If you put yourself in a situation that is very risky, but that is not how I've ever recommended dating that is out of her have recommended getting married is all part of a holistic view of how Female relationships work if you just a marriage institution, and you just throw it out. However, you date is supposed to be equivalent. That, of course, is not true.
women who attend church are fifty percent less likely to divorce for examples when heard. Pearl earlier talk about, for example, I've seen christian woman dies, you muslin yes, but the questions likelihood You can always find somebody in any group who does ex wires eat. The question is: how often does that happened, having mitigate or risk as far as these, at fifty percent of marriages end in divorce, just a bit about forty percent right now of first marriages and divorce, which is way way too high. It's also down significantly since the nineteen but again it's not equivalent between groups, college educate Parents risk of divorce has fallen by about twenty five percent since the nineteenth seventies, and here is a good start. almost ninety percent of their children for college educate appearance, are being raised in married, largely entire families tonight. So it turns out that there is act, a formula to a successful marriage. It tends to be conservative. Religious highly educated, though those would be like he biggest the biggest things that are going to affect whether you end up staying married. What you end up divorced better, the another factor that
determining whether you stay married or end of divorce is again about the nature of the marriage. You have kids just with kids divorce. Far less and then marriages without kids. In fact, the divorce rate for couples with kids, about forty percent lower than the divorce rate for couples. That makes sense, because you have less investment once you have kids than action it damages another party for you to get divorced over the dishwasher and then then somebody else pays for your crimes. At that point, Seventy seven percent of college educated conservative parents are still in their first marriage source Ninety many cent of moderate and sixty eight percent of liberals. And again, then, the number of newly divorced people per one thousand married americans has declined pretty markedly since the eightys was twenty two point: six, nineteen eighty. It is thirteen point. Six today in two thousand and twenty one As far as the notion that it's like damaging actually from end you get married. No, it's is damaging from india. Divorce is not damaging for many get married merriment. the authorities about ninety five thousand dollars.
Cohabiting there about sixty eight thousand dollars. If their single data about forty two thousand dollars, the average merit premium in household assets is more than two hundred ninety thousand dollars for a stately married man. So again I think people we argue about over here, to be fair to the red grew. I think we're there actually arguing about is divorce, and so the question is: are you more likely to stay married or are you more likely to end up in a worse situation, and that is a fair question, depending on the process that you use for dating, In the cultural mill you in which you live in the community, where I live, for extra community. Not one divorce, very low divorce rate, Why? Well, because everyone is religiously committed. he's every goes into marriage, believing it is a sacred bond that actually matters good people, dont date for sex people actually date looking forward to the day when they will have kids together, because every family in my neighborhood has four plus kids
I know those are the preconditions, but if the, if the idea here is that your your your basic binary is, are you getting married or divorce divorced is is typically? worse than never married and married, is way better than both divorce, never married and so yeah to risk. But is it a clean? look out things going. What I think it is, it is a disgrace. you have to make. Is what kind of person illustrate how you wish today that person? What kind of relationship You wish to belgian how seriously we take document in the first place. Do the work we've absolutely and they need change their garbage. I totally agree that it is easy for Maybe the victimized. Under these circumstances it so easy that you should not ensure the risk. Let's look it's upsides in the downsides yours chart from brad about opiate over it. Deaths by gender, educational attainment and marital status, and what you see is that among men, if your single, never married easy? Is the opium overdoses per one? Hundred thousand each twenty five plus twenty five,
for single, never married men. It is unique for divorce men- and it is three love for married men, really really low for married men and again that's that nets are even be one of the people, s worse, not wanted. you can know going in, is you will never get divorced, and then you have to when you marry a woman woman never before we can pretended that a divorce on you, like rain from heavens, accelerate the person whose this life, I give dating advice all the time. My number one dating advice date for values date for values. the end is the only thing that's going to remain ok time for some things. I like Joe things that I like today the Senate has apparently now unanimously, a dress coat, a formal dress code, because there change, their rules that john farming addressing my seven year old son, to be fair in my seven yr old son, significantly better than John fetterman, I a old son, pretty dapper john Looks like a slob and hold out
What are you actually have to send a passed, a resolution on wednesday to make businesses higher requirement on incentive? Lore remove, came after bad lastly, sent a majority. We restructure its directive, two scuttle, the chamber's informal dress code, which is widely viewed. Inspired by senator John of herman bipartisan resolution requires resolution requires attire business, a terribly more on the floor of the Senate, which financial, including coat tie and slacks or other long pants. Again, he had been he'd shown up after going to the hospital for depression and he'd, presided over the senate, boring shortly short earlier this month, so We, though, we ve never had official, dress code events and ass. We commit us all feel as the formalizing one is the right path forward. I deeply appreciate reform in working with me to come to an agreement, and we all find acceptable as I appreciate centre amendments and romney's leadership on this issue. I'm not sure why exactly this was necessary in the first place centre veteran for his part who his wheels. He he he tweeted, but he never do it I mean it's, it's esteemed waiting for him out a meme
coming james in, like shrubby attire shrugging its and then he showed up to the senate wearing a big boy suit So it is exciting news he shot. Wearing a suit and looking kind of your bewildered by the whole thing? More We're like my more like my baby than my three. Or a seven year old army, giving a bizarre thumbs up as he walks through the halls? The senate trucks humor undoubtedly told him that he would take him to the ice cream truck and if he wore a suit and sir John fishermen put on a suit, and then he also shave. So his is energy. invasion, hair, continued man- he is MR potato head a piano hanover. I used to be booker. It is now John settlement. Ok some things. I hate and we're gonna get in to you! I must being sued again by the federal government is amazing. How if you cross Joe Biden, the federal government magically you find yourself in the crosshairs. If you're not amend become member is controversial average months rennell annual plans put that linking the description and join us.
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-30.