« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1813 - How Howard Stern Avoided Cancellation

2023-09-20 | 🔗

Howard Stern provides a case study in how to avoid the consequences of your own vile public behavior through Left-wing pandering; Joe Biden heads to the UN and mumbles incoherently; and Zelenskyy pushes for more aid…and cooperation on climate change.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Howard stern, provides a case study and how to avoid the cat sequences of your own vile public behaviour through leftwing, pandering Joe heads to the: u n and mumbles incoherently and farmers landscape just for more aid and cooperation on climate change. I bench drove us. His venture out Well, the today's show is sponsored by express vpn. Do you, like your web history being seen and sold to advertisers? No me neither european right now expressly begins icons, lifespan. The rule is in our media and in our international politics, as it turns out that view mirror the priorities of the left, then you can pretty much do whatever He wants a long as you're not caught on camera. Doing it any other thing. You're pretty much Okay, the reason I say this is because if you look at the disparate consequences for public figures ranging from say Russell bran. On the one hand, to somebody like howard stern, on the other. The public consequences are quite different.
I use Russell brand as an example here for just second, so I've talked about Russell brand at length this week, Russell worse has been accused now by for several women of actions ranging from sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, and whether his allegations are not I dont know. One thing I do know is that at this they're just allegations, there has been no actual criminal indictment brought against him. He certainly not been convicted of anything, but youtube has now says funded Russell brand, from making any money on the platform on tuesday days after that report broke from channel four and bbc, and these are outlets that used to pay Russell brand but who's in the midst of most flavor. we vile behaviour- and, as I pointed out the other day, there is some irony to the fact or some incurious to the facts about that Russell brand when he was at his most vile, was being paid by all the same media outlets that are now investigating him. When he's married and has a couple of kids in his preaching heterodox political opinions when it come, Do you do but brands channel with six point six million subscribers going to daily, where has now been set
for modernization falling following serious allegations against the creator, according to you to begin. a very strange standard. The youtube is now preparing. So if there serious allegations made against you of any sort. Now all of your videos to immediately get demonetized, be very bad news for half the wrappers on the block. As as a significant number of actors means Firstly, there are these allegations out there about an enormous number of public figures if New standard is an allegation, is tantamount to a conviction in the court of public opinion, An allegation alone is sufficient to have your. billowy demonetized your videos move from you buy you do as a horrible standard. You have now read it a massive incentive structure for peoples big allegations against people. True- falls in order to destroy their careers again. Nothing of the women who are coming on same stuff about bran our wine. no other, they are or not. But what I do know at this? is the youtube. I dont know how they could possibly uphold such a understand
Then a public allegation comes out, it's ugly that somebody and they immediately demonetized everything having to do with Russell brad now. Does that have something to do with the fact that Russell brand is again a heterodox political thinker. Somebody who says things about, for example, covered the youtube, doesn't like a very much Somebody who says stuff about Joe Biden that you too, but might not like very much these Sort of standards are, sir, we're not going to be evenly applied, obviously than I can be evenly and this is what brings me to howard stern to howard, stern and making headlines last couple of days by pushing very loudly to the left, now howard stern spent privilege my entire life from him? a teenager on. They were most famous people and being in absolute deviant. a degraded person beyond all measure just remind you Howard stern is the kinds of behavior that howard stern has regularly engaged on in publicly throughout his career? Aren't disgusting I mean they are disreputable. They are violent toward women and all the rest, just to remind you.
Here was here's a compilation of howard, stern, randomly disgusting comments, just female guess on his show europeans when you were thunder you do. Are you looking at You know one day: that's right. You say something give rush hour incredible there, really not that normal beginning when you walked in and you have their evil on here with incredible money that your head, we need to review and moaning stew pan. Finally, we're just stand. Bodies is miles or stuff it ours. Sound his show for years and years and years and years in this approach. who literally had women into his studio to sit on vibrator said he could
record, the reactions and blasted out millions of people in his audience he's one of vial. people in public life for decades annette, but now how turn is apparently one of our moral exemplars so overlap couple of days, for example, here ripped into lorn barber, now warm bogart, gauged in what I think is discussing behaviour. We talk, and I made fun of her on the programme, because it's just insane to go with your boyfriend to a showing of beetle juice and get handy with your boyfriend, while vaping and then to yell at people who, do. You know why I am when you're, when you remove from the venue, is really rose behaviour But you know, doesn't have a leg to stand on talking about gross bad public. Behavior is howard stern, but howard stern, apparently has no. He has no function. By doing any of this now inevitable judgment was bill, Clinton the oval office, you know receiving favours from monica lewinsky. I remember, but but here is a here's, how restricting very upset about more barbarous. Suddenly, he is on my side of the of the isle when it comes to apparent prudery,
lauren vall birth is a disgrace to the country, not because of the very you are a hundred percent right at the politics she's in a dress, if you saw the video she's in a dress, she's with some do looks like she's obviously vaping but also looks like she might be grabbing his penis during a beetle juice, she was wearing a tight dress. I've seen porn stars were more when I watched that tape ago, god. She must be so much fun to oh, my god, she's a hot girlfriend, but you know we need her in congress. What are you restrained, eater and strip club, and we need to give lab dances and we need it at play with guys in order that is howard, stern right again No, we don't you during congress, she's a disgrace to congress, says Howard stern now how to households are unable to get away with others have because again he mirrors the political priorities of the left, you miss grosses. You want to be so long as you mirror. The political priorities of the left gets more on this in a moment. First, Vladimir Putin has called us.
I was dropping dominant objective and irreversible. Brazil, russia, india, china and south africa have formally agreed to use local currencies in trade instead of the united states dollar is that the first should evolve. But one thing I do know that it is smart to diversify. Investors and savers are looking to harness the power of physical, bold, held in a tax sheltered ira. I buy gold from birch gold. I trust them to help me diversify my savings. You can protect your ira or four one k by diversifying with gold from birch gold, as the us dollar continues. Pressure from foreign countries, digital currencies and central banks arm yourself, with information on how to protect your savings tax Ben to ninety eight. Ninety, and yet they'll also knew every invoke it on. Would enable us waiting with better business bureau. Thousands of happy customers televised our views. I first brcko to help you'd ever spent got a central bank digital currency would become a reality, will be nice, have some golden. And upon again, tax ben united ninety eight. Ninety eight like having all my ass subjected to the whims of central bankers. You probably shouldn't either
take spend ninety eight. Ninety eight. Ninety eight ask all your questions. My friend, a virtual men get start investing in precious metals already so back to howard, stern, again, howard stern has discuss the magic elixir, the whites away, all of your past and present sins, and that is be far enough left so how certain A couple of months is getting more and more to the left. Carry was just a little while go couple months ago. Going after kid and Travis drank, claiming that they are transphobic for pointing out that, for example, Dylan mulvaney is not a woman I wish I could call kid rock ahem come on the show and just tell me what is it you? Why are you so upset about this like? Well? How is it original I'm really dumbfounded by why someone would care so much that they would blow up a can I have a bud light, so you can hide your bush. I don't get it again. Remember that, because howard stern is the kind of person based homage to our secular, religious priesthood. This me and then get away with pretty much? Anything me here
is committing sacrifices. The secular religious precepts of the great sacrifice of all, which is to suggest that you should get it may booster shots as humanly possible. Here is howard, literally yesterday talk about how he is now woke, is a woke, die since howard stern? I get every back seen at good and for those of you who think either governments trying to kill you or implant ships or they have paying you. I don't know whether chipping you go for those concerned. but I am woke. Mother and I love it. I want to be awake. I want to read legitimate whose sources here's I awoke. I am, I believe, The election was not rig again here, in all the nostrums everybody on the left really wants to hear and then that is fine from you. I was so wise as important. Why is this sort of self important because we have an immunized class of people, a classical were immunized by
association with certain left wing causes. First of all, it incentivize is bad behaviour by those people, but second of all, it also creates this man. a double standard where, if our heterodox. You can expect to be targeted, but if you are orthodox in your practice of leftism, well, then, you can expect that you're going to have an enormous amount of breathing woman. Everybody understands this that the secular left priesthood that now prevails in the media. In hollywood When it, when it comes to our government, that secular Should get to decide who are? They favoured and why the disfavour so take this to the international level and some sort of fascinating happening with ukraine war and I'm not talking about the actual. On the ground fighting and talk about perception of ukraine, a new framework so other things that started pretty early in ukraine, Brazil, russia war, is this bizarre left white spots they didn't seem to mere reality, the beginning at the very beginning, there's a lot of talk on the right about russia was in a religious state where ukraine was irreligious. What by all available holding the opposite is true far more of you
You can go to church on average than then people in russia. They go to church, far more frequently Iran is a far more socially concern of country. Then russia, in a lot of ways, despite Vladimir Putin's attempts to be more socially conservative from the top down its farmers, or atheist estate is russia, then ukraine, but he presumption on the part of americans, was the art from for a lot of americans, ukraine, because it was immediately adopted by the democratic party and because job I decided to make it his sort of was on the international stage. Immediately, the assumption was unless the ukraine had to be some sort of san francisco on the volga, which is absurd, mean that that that is not true, but very quickly. You not ukraine, learned. What you re learned is that they actually were were able to get left wing support. My pandering exactly to this it's a truly, astonishing thing, sovereign, of arrears lansky. He goes to the u n and he's trying make a pitch for further funding
It makes the usual bed you starts off by talking about how russia he's going to cross nato's borders, and is it it's going to engage in mass destruction? This example your expect to hear from a country that is in the middle of a war, but then beyond that ok, here's the ones whose original pitch, which is that it's really all Russia, and that was in russia. Ukraine, for territorial integrity and the rest. terrorists have no right to hold. nuclear weapons? No right, but William, not then use this care, somehow wound Europe's remain in place. The message: function, is gaining momentum. The aggressor is appetising many other things and all things are used not only against our country but guess all of yours as well. Ok, so you this gazing disagree with this gate, but the lens can
spent an enormous amount of his speech. Not talking about the war that has killed hundreds of thousands of people in ukraine. Instead, he spends enormous amounts of his speech. Talking about climate change, I have a question: do you think the people of ukraine give a good bleep about climate change with this? right now the bombs falling in their cities there in the midst of the biggest another war in europe since world war, two and vote There's one skis overgrown talk about climate change. Why are you doing that? Why are you doing that? Because we talk about climate change than this gives you dislike the golden ticket to leftwing money. It's what earns you support from the left. If you talk about their favoured topics in the same way that howard stern, buys expense, leftwing people dispensation by talking left wing talk. Farmers once he has realised that he can do the exact same thing that need the bizarre split between right and left over the assume politics of russia, vs ukraine- if you please
into that, can get Joe Biden to sign him more casually. Get the left wing media to support him in a higher order. This, presumably, is wise. Wednesday's talk about climate change here as well, lecturing the world about climate. Which again is super weird though, humanity is failing on its climate policy objectives. This means extreme weather will still impact. the normal globalized and some evil state will, also weapon eyes outcomes. What exact, what exact, what in the world is jabbering about wise, even taught by the regional talking about this is because this is the admission price you only part of the club, the mission priests you talk about the very issues he didn't more. He dug out how people running Climate is weapon. Thank god. People having learned the climate is weapons, his lottery or Lansky, without this have to do with. price of a missile in ukraine doubts so intelligence could be trained to combat. Well.
Pour it on the lawn to help the humanity. Thank god. I have an orgy of loans to use climate as a weapon Presumably, this is also the reason why ukraine is now trotting out a spy, person for the military whose transgender woman I'm not kidding, you cannot same sex. Marriage in ukraine is not legal. Ukraine is not a left wing country but back to the matter is the easy, culturally rightwing country, in twenty ten european study. For example, only twenty He presented. Ukrainians pull believe that energy, bt q individuals should live freely and, however, they, like those laws The number of all european countries pulled itself for russia, the only other one that has lower numbers, the the notion that is like a wildly left wing place is really was it is not a wildly left wing place by any stretch of the imagination, but they stand that if they want buying from left, they're gonna have to pretend that there are
employees. Presumably, this is why they are currently trotting out Sarah Ashton Sorella a trans woman from nevada who came, grain. In march, twenty twenty two and his become a spokesperson for the country's territorial defence force last week, according to france had twenty four russian television showed an hour long special calling ashes, really terrible disgrace the ukrainian people and a monster. Ninety In she's, a junior sergeant who live youtube shows his friends. Forty four from her studio, ukraine in the no and russia hates the truth. actions role does not even speak ukrainian, her rolling food monitoring international media by the way? These are obviously France? Twenty fourth pronouns busy do in august. She announced a boycott of sea in an ethical foreign fighters in grain mercenaries. He. So this way, brain is doing ukraine as a propaganda. Light is playing left, which is what they have to do things. It states is now established a baseline standard, which it near the prairies left, or you will be
ized worthies you'll, be writ at risk of being exercised. Its moral, Charlie first, you know them Right now, my heels wooden address will be out of here. You can see. I am here in amazing jerusalem during the jewish holidays thing there, family over her. It means they lose a bucket load of sleep and right now I am missing my helix sleep, mattress manner I had the helix elite huge his harness years. Extensive mattress expertise to bring their customers are truly elements with experience that he'll silly collection includes six different matters models, each tailored for specifically positions and from his preferences. I've had my heedlessly mattress from us a decade this point. It is fantastic again. I wish our relying on right now with my eyes, closed helix. Has he where's the matches your body had been sleep, references to the perfect mattress. Why would you buy? was made for someone else. I took the healing process from the fund, the breathable efforts you have made for you as well. He watches Brazil is still going on there? Often twenty percent of all matters were replaced. You free pillows from listeners, but seriously that conflict
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let me be clear, shot to go James goes your annual yeah, Steve Carell from Bruce almighty. It's! What in the world is wrong with that guy. When he was in speaking incoherently, I mean at least physically unclear he's being incoherently about its values. Where are the values that america most champions accordingly by those our climate change and energy bt you I might is divided by sign right here- was Joe Biden, stumping EL gb jake you, I plus divided by minus sign rights in a room with a bunch of countries that do not believe anything remotely like what Joe Biden believes raptor continue working to ensure that women and girls enjoy equal rights and equal participation in society that indigenous groups, racial ethnic, religious, minority people, disabilities do not have a potential stifle systemic discrimination
the Gee bt q, I plus people are not prosecuted retarded with violence because of who they are these rights are part of our shared humanity, absent when the rhapsode anywhere felt every day. So you wonder why landscape is appealing to Joe Biden, favorite priors there, the reason dies. That's the reason in a standard has been set up and fulfil the standard of access to the cash. If you don't you, don't You're tapped on the shoulder by the angel of leftism, and it gives you blanket immunity for pretty much anything. Truly internationally, is the way that it works. These days, by the way. How radical is this administration when it comes to climate change? Couple years now mirroring most insane lessons machines women's. She suggests it is reasonable to now. One have kids because of climate change, which is totally wild in I've, heard young
let's talk with me about it, a term they ve coin climate anxiety, brain which is fear of of of the future and the unknown of whether it makes sense for you to even think about having children, whether it makes sense for you to think about aspiring to buy a home. But what will this climate be?. This outrage crazy. These people are and those of priorities your expect, its mere. If you wish to be welcomed into polite company in the interim national meetings. It's a moron. All of this momentarily. First, let's say they knew art captain of a small boat living in a small massachusetts town, and There are a couple of shark attacks in the area and you're called upon to go out there and you're into go and stop the shark well before you head out on a boat. That's too small with you know, like a sheriff. And a guy who studies oceanography before you do those things you should get life insurance, because about the time the giant shark is chomping under torso you'd, be thinking shitless, finish: bureau
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and ordered who had to leave her job as the prime minister of new zealand, after basically turning it into a fascist island where everybody was forced into locked in and then nobody I vaccinated as it turns out, which would turn out to be a really really bad policy The present censorship with tremendous enthusiasm use over the eu and russia about how we need more censorship, because free speech as a weapon of war? How do you who climate change. If people do not believe it exists, how do you in with the human rights of others are upheld when they are subjected to hateful and dangerous rhetoric and ideology. The weapons may be different, but the goals of those who could pay choice them is often the sign it chaos and reduce the ability of others to defend themselves, to disband communities to collect the collective strength of countries who worked together.
But we have an opportunity here to ensure that these particular weapons of war do not become an established part of warfare. I mean this is crazy. Stop what she's talking about, but it is part and parcel of what so many governments are now pushing for in part of the necessary. Platform for the left is to censor all the voices? which, presumably is why uk is now about to pass the so called online safety. Billets ready become law. According to the government of the uk, the online safety belts has now passed its final parliamentary debate. It is now ready become law. What exactly does it do? What equitable zero tolerance approach to acting children, a makes sure social media platforms are held responsible for the content they host. If they do not act rap leads, prevent and remove illegal content and stop children material that is harmful to them, such as bullying? Your face, significant funds that could reach of billions of pounds in some case The boss may even vase presents. We are talking here about creating algorithms. They get
Just illegal activity, it goes much further than this. This goes to things like. Doing, which is pretty vaguely defined or inappropriate content, pretty vaguely defined and making social media platforms responsible for all that obviously puts them in danger of bankruptcy. It's setting standards for platforms like facebook, youtube tiktok. Technology secretary Michel, darwin said the bill What game changing these legislation said Uk will be saved his place in the world to be a mine, but why do I have a feeling that the government setting these standards is going to be very interested, in what sort of material is now considered too? This information laden to be allowed to cross your screen. No one is in favour, of course, what harmful social media content. The question is: what constitutes harmful platform
have to show their committed to removing illegal content, which again I hear but apparently they also want to extend this into the realm of, for example, hate speech, which is really really dangerous. Stuff. There is a reason why the weather Happily, and informational dissemination has to be maintained, and that is again just another wage quit a barrier to entry for anyone, disagrees with the generalised agenda. All this is going to create a backlash. Create a backlash internationally and is going to create a backlash right here in the united states, one right, Donald trump. once a well a lot of it is because If the agenda of the united states supposedly is climate change, friends. Gender writes that in censorship on the back of those two things there's something most americans are for. If you want to make the ukraine wore a proxy for cultural issues, it will become a proxy for cultural issues. Is one of the reasons why republican enthusiasm for the ukrainian war and for backing? rain in that war has waned tremendously. The minute it became a partisan issue, the enthusiasts
began to decline markedly reverend by resides in florida. He says: listen, in the house. However, we are not interested in providing more funding for ukraine at this point. What is your message to zelensky when it comes to capital on thursday? He wants more money from congress. He claims that it's. You know. He says it's very important to stopping the war in ukraine. What message does it send that so many conservatives are opposed to more money for ukraine personally I'll tell you a little money. House. Right now for ukraine lies another using there's, no support for money and to be global, in the two trillion dollar deficit. Any money we give to ukraine we're borrowing from our future. That's the facts, those are the truth, everybody you feel how you want to feel about it, I'm here to tell you what's right and what's real okay, he happens to be correct about the fact that we are spending a boatload of money but, more importantly, it seems as though the leadership class in this in this country particularly arm left, but I think overall, just doesn't have any connection to the things that people actually care about in the country
at the same time, their riving the economy into a brick wall there are simultaneously things: mass illegal immigration, for example, some one had dvd economy that is driving into a brick wall according to the street journal the fed is about to face one hundred dollar oil? Almost uninterrupted rise in oil prices now push benchmark. Brent group was four hundred zero, posing a new challenge for central banks in their battle against inflation, the rise of it, refer Saudi arabia, which sought to book surprised to find a planned transformation of its oil dependent economy, russia. another winter. Did you countries back there? early this year when they said they would restrict supplies until the end of the year. Now, what is exacerbating that, obviously the unfairly attitude of this administration freshen towards more drilling in refining, then please been a major problem. Meanwhile, the administration continues back unions like the: u s w as the way w puts the car industry in america and very very tender putting as laws regional point out,
united autoworkers strike, is going on day. Five presidential shaun has rejected the latest offer from Atlantis of a twenty one. And pay raise over four years. He keeps suggesting the corporate it is the issue yet Telling this weekend, when you refused to discuss the union's impact on future job creation, asked guess his face the nation how he would make the case to tray automakers to invest in more expensive union chasse rather enjoy rights. Work states find out. He said the? U, a w worker patient be compared to how pitiful tesla pays their workers and other companies pay those workers he added most of these workers and those companies are scraping to get by agrees, ceos and greedy people like you. I must can build more rockets and should herself in the outer space, Mr Van, and criticise musk montgomery wants, is the wall street journal, but tesla is the chief competitor to the defrayed automakers in the government, mended electric vehicle race. Accordingly, We, as you see the median worker at tesla, earned thirty four grand last year in total compensation compared Eighty granted gm and seventy five ran forward so as to set as the average workers or sixty a grand. Isn't. It
Calculations include non production level workers as well as employees located in other countries,. Yet those accounts for a larger share of cells, this workforce than it does report or salons is a larger, For the pages verdi, detroit higher retirement cos. Again, the union's night negotiating. Lucrative contracts and its key with a lot of jobs in detroit, so What does the bite administration doing about others? Their backing? The union's again. So randy Weingarten, who is another union, had they who is it? Is it right ugly disgusting hand in glove relationship to bind ministration. It was she who was getting forswear behind school closures for two years for no reason she's.
back in the? U s, w shrank look what's happening in both the entertainment industry and look what's wiping the auto industry look as was happening in terms of aid. I every industrial, the revolution. Sorry, I'm in such as your every industrial revolution that has happened not only the countries of the world, there are winners and there are losers and the workers always seem to be the losers in every one of these transmissions. So I would actually route for the people in america to have a better life to have this new industrial policy. Look! What has happened manufacturing is coming back to america made in a man. Is now so, let's actually invest in the workers who have actually made these companies more profit. Ok do not meet these companies more profitable union contracts, me the companies less profitable leaving it made the companies more profitable. The last couple of years of massive supply chain defect,
which is why the prices are coming down and why in the end, be Biden, push forward, vehicles is going to make these companies far less profitable. How is the binding ministration responding to all of this too? in ongoing strike in want of amerika she's industries. Well, seeking their geo January mosque? So if they, if they can't a good deal between the: u s, w the big three: dead they're going to go after tesla the competitors of the way w, at this point, According the water journal, federal prosecutors are scrutinising personal benefits tesla. Provided. You must, since twenty seventeen as part of a criminal investigation, examining issues including the proposed house, the chief executive. Now, if you think this has nothing to do with you, I must politics and nothing to do with the fact that was the chief competitor to Detroit three. Yet another thing coming, of course, its political of course, its political, the reason the recent ideology is going. Everyone must on this. There is whenever him on space acts member, they there right now the civil rights of it Assuming you I'm ask for
hiring enough refugees over it. Spacex. Despite the fact that, as musk says, you have to have security, where's fulfilled in order to work and spacex, because a federal contractor with access to classified material. Reason are coming after mask is eminently political. He violates the rules cross them, and this is what you face down. Meanwhile, the same administration that is pressing forward with a with eight. Stagnating economy with inflation. That's prioritizing climate change As far as having l, gb jake you postmarks, divided by sign issues over the baseline kitchen table issues every of everyday americans. Meanwhile, there facilitating illegal immigration, a record levels because that momentarily first, are you a few decades? years out of school and wondering what they could even learn. What what exactly was the point You might think yourself, don't have the time to learn something new. Well, that's not true. You're, not alone, it's not too late. Since eighteen, forty four hills jail college has been provided education and bathe freedom in character. They ve taken some of the poorer classes.
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it is become basically a giant settlement spot for illegal immigrants. Spencer have you heard about america's largest illegal immigrants settlement that said to be a hub cartel activity. I visited colony ridge for daily wire to learn about a development, that's home to forty thousand, to seventy five thousand people and is in the midst of a rapid expansion. Here is what I found the You can see this giant grid houses being built and all the rest. Well, morning to spencer a texas land developer has established. A sprawling zelman north of using more thousands of illegal immigrants, are believed to have settled, raising concerns among experts and elected officials that development four hundred miles in the interior of the united states could chemistry jack asset for the cartels, apparently Israel's crossing at least these four miles rather size, Washington DC, its forty outside Houston, much of when you read the third world shantytown where foreign flags outnumber american ones. How do you know that but for illegal aliens, and he says
Let me show you. and here is driving through town at half built houses, the people living in them people living in tents and trailers. Locate liberty, county, texas, near the small town of plum grove. The colleague irish development is sprawling community. not an analysis of publicly available information is growing. It Let us be anywhere between fifty thousand send five thousand people. Why? Because they plan targeted, texas, hispanic population, it anywhere. The development by helicopter, to assess the true extent of its growth, how fly the flags, foreign countries, many home? display. Their residence spray painted be supply. Would many doctors, many of which are not running? Water were under construction, others, what unfinished but didn't appear to be actively getting worked on at least one, Landon have any structures at all the tent in the corner, nestled between the shrubs spiral.
here to be poor living conditions for a much development colony ridge is exploding from the sky revealed a sprawling labyrinth round about an endless rows of sidewalk with street, with empty plots waiting to be developed, early according to jelly wire colony ridge, owned operated by developer named william a tray harrison rapidly expanding, at least in part due to financing arrangements. It makes it possible for illegal aliens by land deep in the heart of texas, beneficial financing methods require credit ratings, improve income bends. Many national security fellow the centre for immigration studies, told the daily wire the by A colony ridge, are able to circumvent the usual requirements, even dodging the need to write it so Skirting number, then, and because of the traditional bank lonely. You have to show you a credit rating improve of income. He says there now moons, are being created. Where all It is a few hundred dollars down as a down payment, the loans Only from the developer, bypassing traditional mortgages, the buyer might high interest rates, your fifteen percent of its a great deal for somebody who has no
the option to by land at all the incursion by buyers to reach our what's up low income and nothing on them at an affordable price. The current offers to adjacent plots of land for sixty five grand and told the anywhere calling rigid in the midst of maybe its greatest boom ever so again we're just creating. Apparently massive cities filled with illegal immigrants thanks to job I'm so things going spectacularly now, all republican. Have you re here is pick up the chimps right and all the chips are on the table. This all publicans have to do avoid doing stupid stuff that pretty much it. Unfortunately, you been talking about a lot lately. The republicans have an unfortunate habit of jumping with both these onto every rake insight, so now, apparently, the job he has had a directly for eight government shutdown, mad gates is saying openly, you want some sort of government shutdown can't blame Joe Biden and the democrats for whether, apart
controlled house of representatives hasn't passing subjects bending bills- that's our fault, so so we have to deal with that we will likely have we endorse some degree of a shot down. Ok, I'm or, alternatively, you have to do but the reality on the ground which they democratic senate, and you know a democrat as the president the united states going to political house of you, hardliners, locked debate on their own parties, defence spending built on tuesday making pentagon funding latest casualty of a civil war between mccarthy and conservative critics republican rebels blocked the angle. Fence appropriations bill in a procedural vote. Living are studying, lost, mccarthy and hawks who try to break it. some federal spending enforced leader, seeing the legislation. Last week, Many consumers withheld their vote on the pentagon bill to force republican leaders to take a harder line on a stop cap in order to keep the lights on. Ultimately, it procedural vote, hold on the eight and twenty six billion dollar defence spending well known as a rule, and it failed to twelve to fourteen vote on tuesday republicans defected on the procedural vote which honest
This falls a long party lines just phenomenal. Defence hawks decried conservatives, let chiefly by the house and freedom cocksure block military funding for the past week and get what is it I don't even see what exactly is the ask at this point? What exactly is it you are asking for it eggs. It makes very little sense at all when you're getting made fun of by John futterman you're doing things wrong. Here is john fishermen, who, I will say, John futterman, he's been appearing on tv lately with must end. so the beard is gone. Remember he had the lincoln beard Now he looks like an old, tiny west bar tender, whose ones captain had my horse areas with Chris. How it with chris is jabbering nonsensical. The house today looks like it's falling apart evolve. got. Seventeen no votes in that house republican cock, saying we're not passing anything. What what are you things happening here like I truly I was. I was very proud of my colleagues because they're really about governance, that's what it is
on the other, the house that, whatever they call themselves team america whenever they call themselves, I have just like a legislative body and you go in otherwise they need to go help. A different leg, But if your legs is john fetterman, are ya mean that guy's out fully functional and were now or setting up actual It rules to accommodate the fact that he wants to wear gym shorts, even though I'm not sure that he has ever worked out in his life by by the look of him, but but matter when John veterans, making fun of you and succeeding does not exist Leah win for republicans, and meanwhile again there are tons of things republicans to talk about in this election cycle, ranging from Joe Biden's incompetence to his corruption. All that stuff is on the table to talk about So what are republicans talking about? What? Whatever is the latest revelation in the donald trump cases? Of course? And again, that's not up to trump. Now because he seated that ground, when he took activities particularly with regard to classified documents, had put him directly in the crosshairs. If you are, a person
who has the biggest target in human history on your back, which is probably the case, Donald trump in terms media hating you. Why would you put yourself wearily in the bright loud. You make that target gigantic. were now learning, according to particular sources that one of down from aids woman named molly, Michael, she apparel has told the authorities the download from attempted to obstruct justice or suborn per we accordingly abc news source said Michael told, federal investigators the last year she grew increasingly concerned without from him recurring request from the national archives for their return of all government documents being kept in boxes marilla, she felt claims about it at the time would be easy to disprove. According to the sources sources that differ from heard the f b I wanted to interview Michael last year, he said quote you dont know We think that the boxes is unclear. What exactly he and by the apathy, is leading a lot of people to suggest it. He knew that you knew about the boxes and therefore the
basically telling her to fib to the fbi? Again, none of this stuff is particularly good for donald trump, just isn't On the other hand, it is amazing how d o J continues to show its corrupt in so as many of you know there's been a large controversy surrounding re apps re absence in target by people, including some karlsson. He was a participant in the january sixth riots. The shape of him, telling people to go into the capital building their save them than before. Telling people to had over and invade the capital building and all the rest of us, It was never charged because he was never charged and suspicion was on the power of a lot of people on the right. They must have been some sort of government plan. now. Apparently, deejay is charging him, but there are charging him with one his demeanor account of disorderly or disruptive conduct unrestricted grounds. Now we want the right as why does he get charged with pretty much nothing when there are other people who did not all that much ungenerous. Equally wander around the building and spent months, or years in jail. Why? Why is that
he's gonna to claim law enforcement going clemens because he cooperated that when he saw his name on tv he called of law enforcement. Apparently, we'd guilty to the charge, but slap on the discharges post facto. Don't look much like justice to the vast majority people who watch halfway up. Meanwhile, over in pennsylvania, Josh of heroes, the governor of Pennsylvania is promoting pencil. Is brand new programme for automatic vulgar. Voter registration is pretty much like for his motor voter leather, apparently half a dozen stage or doesn't states that already have this on the books. They your medically registered vote winning driver's license your shapiro championing this in Pennsylvania. I am proud to announce that, for the first time ever, pennsylvania
Is an automatic voter registration state? That's right from now on when you get renew your driver's license or an idea card at the deity you'll be registered a vote. Unless you choose not, I made a commitment when I was campaigning for this office that we would bring automatic voter registration of pennsylvania and break down the barriers for legal eligible products. This is a key step to make our elections more secure, adding important levels. verification to the voter registration process and by expanding voter registration energy, and these will save taxpayers. Time and money reduce the number of costly paper registration gee. I'm wondering how it actually adds voter security to have people simultaneously registered vote automatically. But ok, let's assume that's all is this. This makes pennsylvania the twenty fourth state to actually roll out this sort of automatic voter registration process. Now I understand why there a lot of people on the rivalry exercised over this lot of people. Think that
This paves the way for, for example, ballot, harvesting and they're, not wrong. In the fact is that, according to rule Clear pennsylvania, dotcom athens could seal rhombus writing is ballot harvesting capitals in suburban philly. He says prior dynamic has waited had passed an election reform while enabling mail in voting, unlike in person, voting, which requires no voter, idee pennsylvania's melon ballot process, requires the applicant right eye either a driver's license or social security number county boys Elections are required to verify the information about can't be cast. Pennsylvania's mill in voting has more failsafe than traditional in person. Voting for fraud will occur. with milon balloting, scullion, effective state when election has to happen a two point: harvesters we the obtaining list of drivers, licences or social security numbers to complete applications, and then cast so that voters, knowledge or board of lessons workers conspiring to invalidate applications. So Is there a lot of ballot harvesting while gathers tons of ballot harvesting in pennsylvania's suburbs
is that going to be exacerbated sure I mean the more eligible voters. There are the more you're going to have. People were basically paid by the parties to go pick up the votes, but republicans have a couple of choices here, one they can whine about. It then complain about it too. They could just go out and make sure that every republicans registered vote they could ballot this themselves and one of them I cannot stand is one republicans complain about the playing rules, but with no plan to change while simultaneously ignoring you actually being able to win with these rules. The reality is that in florida, a lot of these already obtained, and guess what florida a big republican state when the fact is that if you look a list of the states that have magic, voter registration. That It is not all left wing states someone it's that already have automatic voter. Illustration- those clued, for example, west virginia michigan. They include the set of georgia, no there's that don't ever was days, but there is some it's an already do
The end of the world in those states know the here's the answer. When the answer is when you can make excuses or you can go out and you can win- and it seems to me How can you to stop making excuses and go out and whatever the candidate do in order to win these elections by the way they are doing some of the right things in pennsylvania? I am impressed with the fact that doug mastery uno, who who's apparently considering a a senatorial on against Dave. Mccormick in Libya has decided not to do so gives. Instead, indorse mccormick in his potential senate run Mccormick. Was an excellent candidate, probably should have in the nominee last time against unfair bali will run stronger than members, so him again. I think his eight A very good move: ok time for a quick thing: that I like em, anything that I hate, so they. that I like tonight yet give credit where credit is due The ladys, the view occasionally, are correct and apparent they are now saying that is for the senate, to change tresco, just good john fundamentalist, where Jim short, while good for them. We know
really, congratulations on saying something occasionally right and when constituents came and they would even drop dress up. They d like this are bitter chambers that abraham and walked in John Mccain. John F Kennedy Lyndon Johnson there's a hallowed sort of ground to even if, at times our current representatives tended to face that a bit I to war of those halls and I walked into the supreme court building and, and I walked into federal court rooms all the time and you dont where genes and you don't wear hoodies and you dont. Where would you would wear coming out of the gym ass? They got their release that you can do is just dress appropriately MA am in good for them Well then, there's shot. I do not element. I did not see that one coming home from for a quick so as you may notice, I'm here in his really can see the backdrop of jerusalem behind me. New pull out from a ap and arcy in advance.
The well americans are generally view israel as a u s, partner or ally. Many question whether the two countries that share the same interests and values to first, while no two countries to identical interests lie build up as the uk is not sure identical interest with the united states. Now that his friends it neither does germany countries have their own interests. That is the reality. However, ocean that there is no cross over between Israel. The united states in terms of values is obvious, andrew Israel is, in fact a multi religious democracy, It is a jewish state, but it has sizeable arab minority muslim minority. Many christians live here. It's a partisan breakdown question in the region's parson breakdown. Question has less to do with Israel and more to do with the left view of what american values are. So, according to this all about We're in ten americans said israel's the us, should cooperate with, but doesnt show the us interests and values, those else reveal the partisan split more than half of Democrats said. Israel is part of that.
I american values and interest, but should be cooperating with compared with thirty two percent of americans. Of republicans, who said the same, Does it turns out that republicans overall believe that israel does your values with the united states? Why his ears, values general include things like patriotism and judeo christian die, Judeo part judeo christian judaic values like religious values, wrote some sort of communal. Value to religion, things left, forcibly dislikes and so when they will get a country like Israel? They don't like that very much liked. It rosy nationalistic country. Despite the fact that america has historically been very nationalistic and patriotic country. it is a partisan breakdown, is prickly, what's happening here and has to do with the redefinition of israel and much more to do with the redefinition of america along hard left lines? Joe Biden for his part here, as is really two fracture relations between the state of Israel and the united states. That's because he has been.
effectively intervening in israeli politics in domestic politics in a way that it is rather unprecedented minute Israel as far as and where has never really sounded off on, for example, how the supreme court adjudicate rovers his way, then it's basically what Joe Biden has done with regard to judicial reform in the state of Israel, and that's because he believes, I suppose that he can get an ally I have to be the prime minister of Israel if he pushes hard enough by dumb. Again I say I say again that it is much more reflection, is poor of have left thinks about america? American values than it is reflection of of Israel changing in any significant way. as the rest of the show continues right now, you're not going to miss all jump into the mailbag. If you're, not a member, become member use code, Shapiro checkout get two months rental, I know plans click the link in the description enjoy yeah
Transcript generated on 2023-09-21.