« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1810 - Is Hunter Going To Jail?

2023-09-15 | 🔗

Hunter Biden gets indicted on gun charges and faces a decade in prison – and the media question whether Republicans can leave Joe Biden alone now; Joe Biden unleashes “MAGANOMICS!”; and Megyn Kelly grills Donald Trump.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hunter Biden, gets indicted on gun charges and faces a decade in prison and media question, but the republicans can now leave Joe Biden alone. Joe Biden unleash my god now mix and megan kelly grills donald trump adventure of systems. here I shall The Ben shapiro show sponsored by press vps privacy is right, not a privilege, defend your rights at express vpn outcomes, com, slash so in what it'd be one of the most obvious poise of all time. The d o J has now indicted hunter Biden on federal gun charges. Why do I say this is a ploy, while there are a bunch of reasons why I say this as a ploy he is not going to jail for a significant period of time, this prosecution, Not over the actual charges anyone cares about, namely the tax charges and the foreign agents registration, I urge that have not yet been brought. The clock is ticking on those. This is eight distraction. It was always a distraction. The gun charge was basically a way for them to smuggle in we're gonna end the rest of all these investigations in the gun charge,
That doesn't mean he doesn't deserve the gun charge. He clearly deserves the gun charge because not just that he lied on a gun form. Instead, he lied on a gun forum and then attained the gun. He actually got and then he had the gun and he threw the garbage can as can be awkward for these. administration because now hundred Biden and lawyers are going to argue that violates the second amendment for him to be prosecuted under these terms means this data is out there saying that knows you have a garage, you recover our vote during the gaza. So, let's go or for Joe Biden, but is this a key issue? in terms of hunter and job, of course, not be curly an impeachment inquiry going on. That is entirely predicated. upon the corrupt relationship between hundred Biden and Joe Biden in trouble response to this in his deal, jays responsiveness, presumably is we will prosper hundred Biden on some ancillary charge will get off with a relatives on the rest, and then you got you I'll just go about your business. There's nothing else to see her. That's that
the boy. According to NBC news federal prosecutors have indicted hundred biden, the son of president Biden. Undone charges for documents show by it was thursday in federal court in delaware on three counts: such possession begun while using narcotics to council. despite him having completed a form indicating he was not using illegal drugs when he bought a colt, cobra revolver in october, two thousand and eighteen. The third count. Electricity possess a firearm while using a narcotic indictment the Biden certified on a federally mandated form court. He was not in unlawful user out and addicted to any stimulant narcotic drugs and any other controls, since when in fact, as he knew, that statement was false and fictitious too of the counts, can be prison sentences of ten years, a third has maximum sense of five years. Each count also carries a maximum fine of two hundred fifty thousand dollars, given the fact Joe Biden has not spent a day in jail yet and he's never plead guilty to crimes. As far as I am aware- and this means he probably again not going to go to jail for any significant period of time. that is being overseen by special council David wise, but is it anymore the point out this again
kennedy scam prosecution. Why? There are few reasons? One This particular case is happening in delawares. Any mccarthy points up or, as a recall, Entire scandal, revolving around David wise, is that he was not granted access to prosecute hundreds. In any jurisdiction outside of dollar. He always had the jurisdiction to prosecute hunter Biden inside of delaware So what took you so long answer? Is who's trying to cut a sweetheart deal with hunter Biden. The Joe Biden this also doesn't actually robot any of the charges waste- was denied the ability to prosecute hunter by now out of jail where because again, he's currently prosecuting him inside of delaware as yet hardly rights. There are no binding appointed ghosts. Attorneys to blame for waste is failure for five years to file the indictment, those finally return on thursday, the station. imitations was on the precipice of expiring. It was weiss and weiss alone who delayed bringing one of the most straightforward, felony gun cases you will ever seed weiss, wasn't being blocked, he was stalling and
also the mccarthy point out, given the fact that dividing justice department had disappeared, the case against hunter by just a couple of months ago, with that diversion plan his undermining svensson, we really really easy there just going to point to the prosecutors insane guys they didn't take it seriously, nor willing to sign a deal with us five seconds ago. It's only because that deal fella in public view that they ran away from but they obviously don't concern is a particularly serious crime. mccarthy says its rich for the same dresses departments put out of steam in connection with today's indictment. Stressing countries facing up to twenty five years imprisonment. It binds evicted on any or any or all of the three felonies his defense lawyers are going to have a really strong argument. They'll just need to recount the prosecutors said and did in the first place, and then is Andy Mccarthy points out quite correctly. Only case white has brought, is the one that hunter Biden is involved in but Joe, isn't he didn't bring the tax case yet now remember the clock is ticking
there's a six year statute of limitations on possible tax crimes. Those tribes have not yet been brought. The latest possible tax friends that we know about four hundred I didn't in some of the charging document in the proposed plea deal arrangement. The latest charging documents carried crimes up to two out in eighteen, two thousand nineteen. It is currently two thousand. In twenty three issues at the last crimes that their one to allege are in two thousand and eighteen. That means they haven't like the beginning of next year to charge him on the tax crimes like the middle of the campaign election. So what? What? What does that mean? Well, and the statute of limitations could easily run while they are trying to distract you. The shiny gun, gun indictment object no one cares about this. In other words, should they invite him? Of course they shouldn't item it was crime should go to jail? I mean or his own fathers Protection of the law should certainly go to jail,
any difference at all to the real underlying issues surrounding hunter Biden. Of course, not their charging him on the ancillary crowns his tracks in the fact that do not charging him on the key crimes, namely I wish the foreign agents registration act, which might immediately link up with Joe Biden, influence link or on a tax avoidance, stuff where'd. You go that might immediately link up to his father, Joe Biden, Turbines lawyer, for his part, is claiming that really, the only reason is happening is because a partisan interference, which is where the reason this is really happening, is because you guys tragic creed is Guardiola and a judge expose the sweetheart deal and in the g, o d, o j was embarrassed and reneged on sweetheart deal with a brand new statement from one hundred Biden's attorney. Me, abbe law that has just come in it says in part quote as expected: prosecutors file charges today that they deemed were not warranted six weeks ago. following a five year investigation into this case. The evidence in this matter has not changed in the last six weeks, but the law has
and so has Manga republicans improper and partisan interference in this process. He says okay, Abby law also continued by telling Erin Burnett quote the law says whether or not the person is possessing the gun while they are addicted. There is ambiguity in the statute which will have to pursue if the case continues at the time he purchased the gun. I don't think there's evidence that that's what he was suffering when you referred to his book had just come out of rehabilitation, so they're going to present whatever defenses they're going to present, but really again. What is this about this the d o j, getting this charge off the table, so they can then claim that they ve done enough here, and then they can wash their hands of the entire thing. This is the direction in which they are moving pretty odd. as you can see, the media are calling for we'll get to that momentarily. First, let us talk about the american meet American me. It's the best, it while you get meat from anywhere else, america makes the best meet and not only the american make the best meet. We know the company in america that makes the best made. That would be good. Ranchers
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But all this is really about is providing the impetus for the media and for democracy. Listen hasn't hunters suffered enough. Hasn't his loving father suffered enough. Why did you leave her alone? You can hear so the tenor that the media are now taking cnn on a few issues. Like is anyone else. In charge. This way hunter is actually a victim. Isn t he's kind of a victim when you think about it. You know that by the attorneys, are gonna point to that ruling in the fifth circuit that calls into sure whether this law is even going to stand when the time. This is all said and done sorted before it gets a supreme court, so I then Evan pursue it. I mean it, was another defendant. Would they be pursuing it? I think that's a question. I think me a hero from hunter Biden steam and certainly from people who support him. Yet why why why, in pursuing Why? Why yeah, I'm sure be asking the exact same questions if one of donald trump children had been
and, while he's president of the united states or or maybe maybe they would actually just be cheering that I should break out the pom poms in cheerleader outfits and all the rest. Reporters were going after james comer comer, of course, has been leading the investigation into hunter Biden's. Corrupt business relationships. Dad and reports are like. Isn't this enough? Why can't you leave the poor drug addicted prostitute? using derelict blown, sounds like you're still extra seeing the scepticism here I mean the idea that you are you. You wanted an indictment from your perspective here. That's not an indictment for money laundering they should have the foreign agents registration act, tax evasion, the list on and on you ve, never heard me say anything about gun charges. So again, that's the one crime is committed that you cannot tat Joe bud, right, that's gems come from Kentucky. Of course. This is right, and this is also why the media they make one wipe the slate clean, but that's all they want they loved the sweetheart deal. It was their favorite. It's what Democrats want as well, but here's the reality the
Impeachment inquiry is not going away because it is perfectly obvious. As I said yesterday in the shop when you hear people shouting, there's no evidence their total. right. There's no evidence that Joe was involved in hundreds business. He in his business trip actions in his business life, except for evidence from two of underlines business partners. Statements by hunter by himself text from hunter buttons. What's apps from hunter Biden, actual bank accounts moving money into shell companies. Yet for all that No evidence whatsoever coat totally cleanest evans now james comer. Meanwhile, his pledging that innocent people they will get into personal Biden bank accounts themselves have filed suspicious accounts, and I just want- or are they help when you are they obstructing? It sounds to me like they be happy on. in themselves and shut. This after the banks have been there. help with the shell companies. Now we're getting to the personal by bank account We suspect that the lawyers have already warned the banks get painting
thing over the earth, but we're going to get the bank's another chance. and will say represent nancy may of south carolina she's. Similarly saying that they will subpoena hunter well investigating Joe wishes, which is right there, explain why they didn't answer the sabena hunter Biden. Well, I believe that will happen, but we gotta get the bank records. For us I mean it's the chicken before the We have to know how to Can I tell the truth and are under oath, and so we want to make sure that we have all of the financial statements in records in accordance with the transit that allegedly happened in so that way we know, if he's telling the truth and me you gotta, have that there's gotta be some due diligence. We ve gotta be deliberate. We gotta be factual. We have to tell the truth net. Meanwhile If you ever wonder how Donald trump had happened, how he happened. The reason is mitt romney here. That is the reason that sound from happen for a wide variety of reasons, reasonable one The media, the left, attacked mitt romney, whose most milk toes politician of our europe with extraordinary alacrity and so
everybody in their public imposing ok, you didn't give you a giant orange middle finger nail. You didn't like the super polite guy who, it used to say a bad word about anybody. You like that guy. He was too much for you or how bout. This is that's reason. Number one reason number two is because mitt romney is a guy who's spent a lot of his political career, providing cover for democrats and so action for later republicans, we want people like mitt, romney, have inhabited party, and I see it I do I get it. I mean first of all Republican party. Broad rid, has rejected that sort of direction, even the other people who for the republican presidential nomination were running right now are not mitt romney lane, there's not much, but a mitt romney lane the republican party anymore, nor should there be met, run yesterday again his soul job appears to be to to strange new respect from the left. At this point, and again I think, is it Personally, I don't understand why he thinks that the market, that person is to gain respect, unlike the cnn and the MSNBC. So yesterday rami was asked about the impeachment inquiry and Joe Biden has now now. I think you wonder why that why that annex
party has tremendous loyalty among its base. There there's not a lot of brake ways in the democratic party. the reason is because the democratic parties and excellent vehicle for progressive as and when it comes to Joe Biden and burning tenders are not separated much other than affect turbines power, he's got what like Bernie sanders. The radical look to Joe and like ok, eyes, old, yeas, decrepid yeas correctly, the things we want to do. Meanwhile, there can basically the republican party like we. We ask you to do acts, and you won't do it your ears, mitt romney saying that he's not hearing a high crime and misdemeanor when it comes to hunter and Joe Biden. I know the house is beginning an impeachment inquiry I haven't heard any allegation of something that would rise to the level of a high promise to me. I think it would be very high usual that actually see a referral of impeachment. I don't expect that to happen. okay, that's an amazing statement, given the fact that he voted for trumps impeachment on both accounts right
the first one, ukraine one which is insane gave you re wondering when alleged crime, and he said that that down from disease, we appeal for high crimson misdemeanours well by the way, defending the business relationships in hundred Joe here's mitt romney a couple years ago. The grave question constitution task senators to answer is is whether the committed and act so extreme and egregious. That it rises to the level of a high crime and misdemeanor? Yes, he did the president asked of foreign government to investigate is political rival. The president withheld vital military funds from that government depressing to do so. the president delayed funds for an american ally at war with russia, invaders. The president's purpose was personal and political. Accordingly, the present is guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust,
by the way. In that exact same speech, he actually defended hunter and Joe I'm not getting. I mean so so that the EU and by the republican party turned it from its because of metal. That is part of the issue here, but he actually said in their speeches, quote with regards to hunter bided, taking excessive advantage of his father's names unsavory, but also not a crime given in neither case of the father nor the sun, was any evidence presented by the president's council that a crime being committed, the president's insistence that they be investigated by the ukrainians. It's hard to explain other than its political pursuit. There is no question in my mind that, were their names not bind the president never would have done what you did that the fact that the mirror we spent his days. Defending the binds while attacking trump and still doing. That is kind of an insane referendum on the old school republican party. Again just one second, we'll get to Joe Biden. Attempt to avoid a rather bad presidential electoral fate by relying on his economic lands. Good luck with the first, the bench shapiro
launched by grand canyon, university and affordable private christian university with vibrant campus and beautiful phoenix arizona, its ranks top twenty in the country according to need that com. It is a beautiful campus, then their gc was a christ centred university, striving to foster a culture of community, giving and impact tissues going help you develop into a servant leader who makes a difference from finding a purpose: the threerd, thirty economic power, arms over retorted semi online as of june at twenty twenty three gc integrates the free market system with a welcoming christian world view into your best, those masters or doctoral degrees, finder purpose, a grand canyon, university, private, christian, affordable visit gc you, eddie you today to get started in new up Joe Biden, is attempting to rest, his reelect efforts the base of the economy is not going to work. It's. Why? Eventually, he just going to turn to democracy talk. In fact, there are ports today that the next several weeks I'm just gonna, say the word democracy over and over and over again that it can be as campaigns campaign is going to be down from some insurrectionists. I stand for democracy. It seem to work out fairly well for him in the twenty twenty two elections
when he ran against the so called maga again insurrectionists. In all of this and running and settled from he's hoping that it will carry him to victory again. He certainly not rely on his economic probe, because economic programme is a full scale- disease, stir area according There are times, president, by challenges. Republican opponents on thursday, in their area of political strength, argued is that a better job of managing the economy and former president donald trump did and accusing his predecessors congressional allies of undercutting working class americans yeah good luck with that again. americans on agree with that by every available, leaving the trumpet better job on the me than binding by leaps and bounds by now, relying on old stand by talking points that just don't work here is job in explaining its republicans wants what, therefore, that you're so a target one half of what your four is, what your against we should point out like it. If, if you say I wish to take this car, drive it over a cliff, and I say you shouldn't do that. I don't have to offer what I'm for when I'm for as you not driving the car over, the cliff here is Joe Biden. Trying
a word from his mouth hole and unfailing. America has the strongest economy in the world of all major economics. but boy all they do is attack it. What you notice of them for all the time they spend attacking me and my plan. Here's what they never do. They never talk about what they want to do. No think about it. They tell you what they're against why more for you not doing the things you're doing that's what we're for we're not inflating the currency well, for you not spending seven trillion dollars a year. Refer you not blowing trillions of dollars into random boondoggle projects via the inflation reduction act, which has not reduced inflation, or for like that? That's a bunch of things that I'm for well that argument arrogantly so stupid truly moronic argument, honest to god, is it is it during please embezzling against you and you're, like you call the police,
against my employee embezzling. Can you arrest them and whose I hate you what you're against mediator for it. Not that's! Not the way any of this works meanwhile, Biden, branding genius, he has decided He is going to create a new term since by economics is not working here. Deep into the recesses of his brain. They are not very deep, its edge very very shallow puddle that brain at this point and always actual use always He was always a mile wide an inch deep was was Joe Biden mentally speaking. He has now coined a new term. Here's yours outworks. He takes a term and then he adds the he adds the knee suffix next to it, wait for what watch this. It's amazing under mega nor mega as com megan annex, you mean mad dynamics, megan homage you see now thinks he's at his men, at nam. Mega mervyn nominative, look good heck
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everyone is so goodness. No, that's the amazing thing when it whenever folks tell you that they watch a show like house of cards, you should just no politics is not house of cards. No one knows what they're doing they're all idiots. There are buncher morons, run into walls at top speed and then yellow how much it hurts and everyone has victimized them. And then they turn around and run into other walls at top speed. While this while spending our money. This is how politics works. Typically speaking, it's the best system, except for it is the worst system, except for all the others, but I did it, What we have, naturally republicans who decided they're going to run top speed and walls over a possible government tritium? Now I don't know exactly what are the deliverables here? I said before give me: the liberals that you are seeking from cover mccarthy and may begin deliver them, maybe can't but there's one thing that I have noticed, and that is that they don't. Control descended in the presidency issued a thing I noticed king it so small concessions from them
but the notion that you're going to radically remake american government, because the power of the purse is what the house- yes, the power of the person with the house and guess what happens if led to a large scale? Government shutdown, you probably lose the house wiggins, wildly underperformed and last electoral cycle. They have a majority. Slim is reed, into an election cycle that is going to be at best very close for republicans and this is a time that you're gonna pick a fight inside your party. The reality is that report Gins should make Hey when the sun shines. The sun is not quite shining right. Now you make of it. What you can they're gonna have circular firing squad time, so I'm Matt gates attacking, can Mccarthy for for no reason I can really. What is the principal reason from mad gates here? they want what is deliverable. He gives me deliverable. I'm perfectly happy go along with deliverable chip. Roy during the last speaker should fight give me a list The liberals now is very much in favour of a lot of those deliverables, and so that was fine, then he got most of them and then he made a deal mccarthy, those good
but I'm wondering like what is the point of this summit gates tree? It sounds like speaker, mccarthy, is having a total normal one. Not rattled at all. Truth is Kevin control zone fate, so, instead of emotionally cursing. Let's do this single subject: spending bills, term limits vote, balanced budget vote released january. Sixth, the tapes to all subpoena hunter. We must begin immediately pull yourself together. Covenant, a few of those are deliverable hundred is going its opinion that is going to happen. releasing regenerative tapes to all fine. He can do that. That's fine, a balanced! budget vote is gonna go down a flaming defeat and a bunch of republicans are to vote against it. So one thing that you don't do when you're speaker of the house is bring up a vote If one party is not going to vote for it. That's a typical thing. You don't do just don't bring it to a vote when it comes to term limits. Same sort of deal and when it comes to single subject, spending bills was- and I would love that I would love to run it. That way. Also, you know what's going to happen, none of that stuff can pass. So if the idea is all the or government shut down, the reality is going to be government shutdown. That's just what is gonna be. I had the honour of packages
think they're garbage. I also don't believe the Democrats are simply going to cave republicans because mac aids goes on MSNBC and about Kevin Mccarthy, so here challenging mccarthy speakership again, you suggesting He is going to want to challenge mccarthy speakership again lena. Behind closed doors, meeting mccarthy was defiant with his caucus ends. he said you move, move effing motion for moving, from his position. If you think that you can do it and here we read about that again there, like a hundred eighty hundred nine, your publicans inside the republican clock, is we're not gonna vote for any one else, a pair he said if you think you scare me, because you want to file a motion to vacate move f emotion. Many said if you, up. Replacing may my successor will make the same exact arguments I am engaged heartedly responded by saying just move the effing spending bills, but again he of the spending bills, and they could go nowhere. So what? What is the fight? about as the part I don't understand. What is the big victory here? What is the victor? U r c to achieve here. Mccarthy, for his part,
he's a non wins and governments are trying to understand something: mccarthy, one the last government shutdown. He did you want against by. Why? his blood made a massive tactical blunder he opened by saying I will not negotiate over government shutdown, a negotiate overspending at all and then mccarthy Hey? I'm perfectly willing to negotiate. All I want is like these few things is: that's reasonable. In fact, I passed a bill like a big omnibus bill, because you virtually everything you want one you negotiate and a wrong footed Biden. Biden has not me. a mistake again now binds cases happy negotiate. Let's talk about it, we have to do whatever we can to avoid a government shutdown, it mccarthy, not the sea and I'm going to shut down the government. Then all of the benefit the government shutdown accrues to Democrats, it's simple calculus or there's something that that objective and sort of my industry a lot of people in my industry who are who believe that idealism requires you to charge headlong into hard objects. Idealism is under scanning. What we would like real is a misunderstanding. What you can get in It was too is not a realistic, a fool if you're
if you're an idealist and what you think is the you always go for broke always and forever Anything short of that is ideological reason. That is incorrect. It is not true. A business get done is how politics gets done. Is I know anything gets done? In fact, in fact, it is recipe for losing repeatedly, because You go for a hundred and you to get. It wasn't a hundred your much likely to get zero than you are to get eighty. bring it most of what you want: we'd, better know the way the land, but actually take into account tactics in strategy, and there is this defeatism, but has am into the republican party that suggest no matter what we do, we're not going to get what we want to may as well just yell as loud as we can with no actual end goal here that is doable and then ever One who refuses to do that, we're just going to yell them out of the party or we're going to run and alienate them are going to put up candidates who are bound to lose, because if we yo up, maybe we'll feel better about defeatism is a sin. defeatism is a sin. Despair is a sin, is not stuff that you should be doing as somebody who watches politics and people in my industry shouldn't be doing either. It is my job
to tell you yes what my prince our, but also the realistically lands. We know what we can get an answer there are lots of people in my industry. Dont tell you the way the land, and so they give a false perception of what it is that you can get and that's a mistake. Because it sets up unrealistic expectations, it means that their Politicians were negotiating for frying to make the sausage, and then we object to the sausage making process than the sausage get made them really mad. The sausage didn't get made. We blame them. Yeah. The reality is that it's an ugly process it will always be an ugly process if you want republicans to make serious changes in spending habits of the united states, which is what I would like. But I would like is the stuff. No one will talk about. I restructuring and settlements, the vast furthermore, national that are not marginal programs like it does not matter cutting around the edges of the defence budget. The vast cuts that we need in programmes are going to be had by restructuring major programmes. Yes, like medical and social security, those third rails. in politics, democrats and republicans know that there were
I'm a boy were austerity has to be brought upon. The american people tell include tax increases will include massive cuts to social benefits. All things will happen is just a question of when or and for it now, but nobody will touch that. instead will jabber about pork barrel spending in bridges to know where the cost a fraction of what it would cost to you actually look social security medicare and reality we're not going to do any of that unless you actually win when you have to own that you have to own the house, you have to own this area. On the presidency. Then you can move stuff, What's amazing to me is that the calls for political courage constantly seem to be directly and in inverse proportion. The amount of power republicans wheeled a tenement amazing thing. Truly, when republicans control the house, the senate and the presidency, the calls for political courage disappear on the right when front was present and republicans round the house in the senate. Where are the calls for us now is the moment guys restructure social scared to restructure medicaid,
was change. How we do spending bills now's the time. Let's do it right now, let's, let's do it right now? Where were we We totally one, why known here and then, when the republicans merely uncontrolled one house who comes to be strong. You have to stand up, and now that was no? Actually, you don't you things done when you have control of believers who now? What does that's? What does that bespeak? It be speaks When you're victorious, you tend to be lazy and when you are not very if you tend to be defeatist and thus desperate and thus charge into walls at top speed. Here's mccarthy, talking baja nobody ones into government shutdown, which I mean speaking in terms of of political winds and loot and losses. We had several of these notes like a big winner from a government shut down in the recent in the recent past The frustration in here because I am frustrated with the committee- are frustrated with some people in the conference. But when we come back we're not going to leave we're going to get the done. Nobody wins in a government shut that that happens to be truly, you can you can yell about it? You can you can protest about
A government shutdown is not going to result in Barack obama. When the carry wasn't going to and had crews did this routine back and twenty thirteen a governments are doing is not can result in Joe Biden, reneging The inflation reduction act or whenever garbage wants to ban is going to do it. I'll give you the idealism. I'll, tell you what I want and then I'll tell you what's realistic, because that's what responsible people do and it seems to me that Talking about the fate of the united states and our fiscal future responsibility should be at the top of the west. or we can just be defeatist and then run against walls. We get to that in just one moment. First, let's talk about how like make, of healthier more easily. That would be with balance of nature, fruits and better Their railway make sure that you're getting a central nutritional ingredients every single day through bounds of nature's advanced, back in process, the vitamins, minerals and vital new trends of the fruit and vegetables are preserved, senior that vital nutrition in every capsule downturn. Natures. hope would supplement with no additives, fillers extracts, synthetics pesticides or added triggers. The only thing in their capsules is pure fruits and vegetables. Balance of nature send a bunch of the product downstairs
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Additionally, can immerse herself in discussions that nurtures spiritual side, logos, illiteracy, Jordan's ground, breaking series on the book of access, there's just tons of stuff there beyond or sure series is everything: Jordan, that you would possible One plus there's even more new exclusive content on the horizon is only the beginning, become a daily wire plus member you'll embark on an unforgettable experience that will fuel your thirst for knowledge and inspire personal growth like never before had never daily wire dot com. Slash subscribe become a member today. Okay, meanwhile, now speaking of the idea, the defeatism and despair is a bad strategy. We gotta talk about the twenty twenty four presidential election. Donald trump has a very decent shouted. president of the united states. If, in fact, is the nominee receiver decent out me like fifty percent, are mean sixty percent to seventy percent. I mean, like a thirty three thirty five percent shot. The reason that I say that is because again he lost the last election cycle and he lost in about did. He should have lost, including arizona in georgia, and I dont know how we can make up the ground in places arizona in georgia given his crime panes status, the faculty, spinning this campaign money on, for example,
expenses and the fact that face down four separate criminal indictments in the next year That doesn't mean. I can't possibly president there's only one thing that could certainly foreclosed from from being president like one hundred percent, he will not be president there's only one. It could happen. That would do that and that his his allegation. The the auctions, reg gaps, others before once donald trump says the twenty twenty election is read his now created in unfollow viable reality, because how can he ever win serious question? How can he ever win if tell you. I played really hard lesson. I might ask a gamble. Let me tell you: the referee was actively paid by the other side, actively paid, never them. the bali the fell, didn't matter what is happening on the court there is. Way. For me to win and say: well, you know guys next game same rough same other him. can you win? The answer is no he's been paid off.
The only way, ironically for trump to be able to claim that he can win in the twenty twenty four election is one of two things. If he says that is rigged, one has to stop saying that its rigged has to say was it? If we had enough voters out, there will win. This is not rigged because it yet I washed in twenty two unexciting gonna vote, but I'm in a way next time you someone get more votes. not regulation vote, because we actually know but when he says, for example, that things are rigged, so you should vote. You know the outcome is twenty. Two, Ninety one, georgia election, democrats, senators in seven trillion dollars and spending thanks to donald trump, dumb ass attempts to only georgia, twenty twenty one special election into a referendum on how he did in georgia, leading a bunch of rule republicans not to vote in hand to separate tendencies. To Democrats, control of the senate and seven trillion dollars in spending, so you not gee. I would like to not do that strategy again. Don't want, can win. Yes to stop saying that the election is rigged. The region, s something saying elections rabies. Why would you vote if the election is rigged? Why would I vote if the election is
no matter what I do, they're going read the election date. The other thing it's a theoretical you something has changed systemically between twenty twenty and twenty twenty four right. He could say. Well, you know they're a bunch of republican states that have cleaned up their act, which Sure I mean george about a bell. Flora passed a bill. Ok, you got the erratic make that case. Although he's can have its overtime arizona, he could you can make the case that we are taking serious on the ground. Steps to enjoy age and some things. Democrats, you like ballot, harvesting, early voting to say those things that would change the factors on the ground. Does he say any of those things he is not say any of those things. So yesterday he didn't interview with again it it's so irritating. To me down from could still be president, he could still be present today. If he had run a good campaign in twenty twenty five, you'll be leaving Joe Biden by leaps and bounds if, after the election of twenty twenty he had said, okay, I will but your minds can be a terrible president and I'll be back in like a year telling you a terrible. It was an ear and want me again. It would mean that simple or live in them
in any donald trump, does an interview with megan Kelly and she asks the question that I have been asking for like a couple of years. At this point, if you say they, twenty twenty election was rig. How'd, you plan on winning the. and he twenty four election. If it is similarly reg and his answer, everything that I said he should not say his answer is it is rigged, there is no way I can win they'll just rig it will bring. In fact, voters will bring in fact ballots, though, throw out good ballots. And so what you strategy he says well, we'll get great voting that doesn't matter. If your entire argument is that Stalin is in the back room, throwing out the vote, you get a bit killing in both you and a hundred million votes and you'll still lose because you're our It is, as we would have said, in law school, an argument that proves too much in fact, you're discouraging your own voters from voting when you say their votes, don't matter like this is just strategic, it's strategic Jesus. I don't understand it. If he's these phenomena and above all, I want him to win. If he's the nominee, but does not reggie for winnings vote. This tragic forgetting voter turnout up its strategy
in despair inside your own party. I understand this here. He megan Kelly yesterday. Everyone knows you think twenty twenty was rigged. How are you going to unring it in twenty twenty four, I get that question larger. Look they use budget, they cheat anyway, because how can you, when elections, open borders, high taxes, high interest, It's no voter. I d, I mean everything they do is like April fool's day. It's the opposite. Ok, they have horrible policy only go to cheating on elections, you want another drink and I get the question too. We have unbelievable people and we're gonna be fine it ain't like hell, because if I don't win the election, I'll get them for a second, we have unbelievable people and we're going to be and we're going to I'm going to be fighting like hell is not an answer to the, it and rigged all the rules. How are you going to win in twenty twenty. I assume he would have said the same thing that he had unbelievable people and are going to fight like how fighting like Hell is. Not a strategy fighting like hell description of a thing, it is not a strategy. If I tell
again, the referee in this basketball is paid in it. That's game is paid off by the opposition and is going to ring the game for the opposition, and you say how are you gonna win amateur play, unbelievable that doesn't answer the question. it doesn't answer. The question must be answered because if you want him to win, he better have an answer to this question. Otherwise, the same thing: they didn't twenty twenty. According to him, not according to me According to him again, my cases symbol, you wanna twenty, sixteen you wash and twenty twenty he can win in twenty twenty four, because we want twenty. Sixteen, you could also lose like you lost in twenty twenty rights between He's should run election campaign and then he'll win like, but he's forecasts that possibility now and now to box into boxes. Making and the only pursue benefits from that box is down from the brain, but not download from the presidential candidate down from the brand benefits, because if you lose as he can claim that it wasn't actually loser if somebody else's fault The rules are very mean to him and all the rest of his whining nonsense, or
and by the way, when I say nonsense, I don't mean it's not true. I just mean that whining in politics, if you're, whining you're losing because that's just the reality whiners wine and winners win. so. If you actually wants to win, you should stop with the whining and he should start actually. I know investing tens of millions of dollars, ballot, harvesting operations, you should start tens of millions of dollars and get out the vote efforts with regard to early balloting. He should spend tens of thousands of his own money. He should be spending this money. and his legal fees. So when I give a dollar to his campaign in the general, which I am sure I will then that money will not go to his legal fees or go to actually doing the things necessary to win votes but hidden, stop there. He keeps doubling down on it. acquainted out from the election, isn't just rigged its super rigged, which doesn't answer the question because if I, when the election, meaning this philosophy, the slow but about a when the election, I think our country is finished I think is the most important election we move ahead. If I don't win this election, like you talk
tell me about all of the different prosecution. These occasions. These are these abiden in mrs indifferent fishes in god, coming down from high and indicting youth is. This is Joe Biden is crooked, as three dollar bill used to say to dollar bill, but we have a few of them. How does the authority of the question is how you gonna win, could deliberation and he said, indict my political opponent, so when they say into anodes very interesting, the press first tasted that way, but then, with time they say oh he's under- and these are all by indictments, including the days of his generally put his top guy in the days of his and then, Everybody says it's not even a canal in it shouldn't even be brought. You say that you ve heard that you probably have said not ok, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, but they put he put his top people in the day. He's dealing with fanny well as in atlanta it all
but but here's looking to exact but has to be very important for people to be publicly are burned out there. Thinking I'm not gonna vote. Forget it my votes, not gonna, just the opposite there. You know they're getting added by an amount in values. Again they gonna vote in numbers that you ve never seen before, because they see what's happening. Should they do the mail and should the gnp voters do the mountain? Ok, here's what we can allow yeah, I would, I would say, let him do it either way. You know I'm lesson that I'd like to tuesday stuff, but then you see what happened to carry like we're all the machines were broken or big portion of it be smarter to banks and vote before. What are you going? I rang hurry lake now, ok stout plus it for a second husband lake is running again in this. For now the senate in arizona claiming that you want she did not win. She lost way, wet dish. Towel You know what drives down the vote? It actually drives them, but we took a shit they vote relation. They vote early mail, it younger gmail it in or you kidding me. Are you kidding me? Ok, there's
one state in which there was a red wave in twenty twenty two, you know what state that was as the state I live in. You know why, because everyone, I know, voted early every one, because learn the lesson of twenty twenty. You vote early However, you got about you, make sure you get devoted Y, see ambivalent about this he's a candidate. I don't understand You could call it an they, throw they throw the votes out its crooked. A viable way. This will be clear. What is the message that voters do you want them to do the put them in the mail in vote or know everybody people say yes do it. We have a bigger, I believe they send in fake ballots. Ok, that's the bigger problem that your third problem. That return from the in fig ballads, they throw out the balance that you are sending. They broke all the machines, no matter what happens, I'm going to lose. Also vote for me like how is that, possibly your campaign message on how you're going to win how so That leads to a leads. You ok, this kind of protest mentality, ok, a yellow, loud enough, then magic happens. That's not how this works. If you want
from to win, he needs to have an answer to this question and actual on the ground answer than about spending money in particular ways and applying resources in the killer ways and if he's not focused on any of those things you have to ask, the question is why he is not focused on those things I don't know the answer. Is it because it takes much effort? because it doesn't care. Why, if the only thing he cares about is feeding Biden do the things you need to do to defeat Joe Biden. You know that doesn't involve come meaning that they're literally going to take all the balance and throw them out the window. That's true! in matter what trump does gonna lose according to him, not according me when I was in the end of donald trump interviewed maiden kelly, so megan gave the first interview a trumpet. In a very long time that actually was a good interviewed with trump, because megan is the best in the business. Wasn't sycophantic nonsense about whose knights to my pants- and it wasn't that the left They asked me why such a bad mean man. It was her asking actual, incisive questions and I gotta say from underperformed. He did the reality of the situation in this interview with megyn kelly and if by if there were any one who are still objective in this race, I don't know.
That would be in love with trumps answer. So, for example, she asked him performance uncovered performance on common was at best eight extremely mixed bag. Everyone was there, it wasn't memory longer than about fish knows that. I remember it Remember. It is ripping on brian camp in one moment saying how well as the reopening is dating and the other he was like, liberate michigan and is like what I understand what you want on one hand, it was doktor value greatest bugs and on the other hand it was diverging used arab, it was just all can view. This can Bobby waited that's the best case scenario. In any case, she asks drum a question that a lot of people have asked from which is widened firefox, you know what I actually think, there's a reason, even fire of algae. His big mistake was I in charge. In the first place, once you put Faccia in charge, it happens to be political case in defence of drop that fell cheap, in fired would have created this massive firestorm in which had been the science vs trump and I would have been bad going into the elections I get it. I actually do get that. But now trump
folgate once once the weed moved your further along why was he giving fallaci in presidential metal of commendation like that's it? That's a real question A presidential metal accommodation came long for all of this here is from megan, tele trying to explain this is the criticism of you that you made him the face of the white house corona virus to link shows, It aims at every pressure that he was running heard for the illustration on covert and that you actually get a presidential commendation before he left office. Wouldn't you like a do over on that I don't know who gave him the commendation. I really who gave him the commendation with an obligation. One glenville marked somebody's gotta, be candid and the combination, probably, but let me just say about thirty found. She was very important in the administration, much less important. If you know he didn't want to up china. He wondered let everyone come from China. I stopped it. I overrode it I over many of the things he did? He was my
less important to me now, without all being said, he's been for years. He was respect He had lost a lot of the respect because of covered, but he was respected and on call If you know what I did, I let the governors run this states. That was, as part is that he didn't vaguely covers. One is right about that, but he gave a present yes, of course, he gave a presidential commendation toot on the day before he left. That's! Ok! As my january, you already lost watching whose leaving office and he gave it central combination to by the way, not just not just Anthony vow He gave one to the much maligned general mark, milly haven to Deborah Burke's If you recall this is literally in the same list, you want you Deborah works. one to mark milly, and he had we anthony voucher, but he has no. Who did it was me, since your signatures on the page, I assume you're the one who did it. Then, of course, you suggest that the scientists was a big voucher fan which like come on. This is just that you can live trumpeting beaufort from all. That's fine, it danny
stop pretending that he's being an honest advocate here, he's not That is a lie. It is a lie that that donald from was somehow a lesser fan of anthony voucher. Then rhonda santas that's absurd. He said, then they kelly interviews, ridiculous. This answers fought back on that, of course, is he shut, I'm sure you saw the former presidents interview with megan Kelly last night, trying to relate to gate a lot of these covert issues and controversies from the end of his presidency. You what are you were accused of having one of the worst locked out in the country? axing mandates. Praise In fact she for months on end, I want to do a chance to respond to all of them, because that all that stuff was mentioned by the former president in an interview well I also think it's important to say that that is different from what donald trump used to say. I mean he used to praise florida for having been open. He used to say I was one of the country's great governors. Said we handled kobe correctly
brilliantly, so he used to say that he was on record always saying that now, because I'm a threat to him, that's when he's now changing his tune. That obviously, is true thousands into the kelly interview. Again it was a really good interview by megan. She did a really good job with this. She asked trump about his classified documents case and by the way meghan is a believer that from should not be prosecuted and classified documents case so far as I am aware, specifically because Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted for pretty much the same thing, but im a pretty simple question, which is, why did you keep the documents and then why were you waving them around and also? Why did you lie to bret baier and say that the documents you're waving around on tape saying that they were classified and you could have declassified to them, but you didn't. Why did you say that those were golf plans when they clearly were not, and at this point trump's lawyers must just be like setting their hair on fire. I mean my goodness he's just again guys if you're do climbing done to the crime and on tape, and then dont retrospectively admit that you did the climbing, like this horizontal, making his lawyers, Europe.
Adding his lawyers all have just brain aneurysm to this point, and why would you describe a newspaper, article as highly confidential and still a secret saying as president, you shouldn't be classified it limited now, you shall limoges, number one. I did nothing because come under the presidential records. Fascists who were going after me and then I'm going after buying, even though he has about ten times more documents may be more than that. He has documents going back. Forty or fifty years. We nothing wrong. I come under the presidential record jack. I'm allowed to have these documents. This This done and nineteen seventy eight, and this was done were exactly this reason: I'm allowed to have these documents, but so In other words, you lied about. Baroness, had evolved lands in iran, newspapers they work class a document that is being the argument is allowed to have the classified documents I mean now he's basically just settling
What he's talking about is a legal interpretation of the statute it by the for the record, the press, central records act covers personal. Presidential communications is, if you keep it three of your time in the white house that does not become classified material. That is yours. It does not mean if there's your report, that crosses your desk and you dont declassify it and you take it home when you put it in your drawer, that is now magically declassified. That is not what the presidential records act says. It never said that is that. Is statement of the law, but even if you Herbert the law like from is interpreting the law. That's a legal argument. That is not a factual argument. What trump is gonna be acts to testified out if you testifies and cases here, that he well and his lawyer certainly will not let him if he, if you will, I testify in that there are going to ask him about his interpretation of the presidential records act that for legal analyse they are to ask him whether he declassified the documents, whether he went through any process and he's going to say no, because you did not go through any process. He's gonna say their automatic We declare that again, that's legal argument, not a factual one they're just they did you go through any proof,
the three clasping the documents, the usa. Now then they use it on tape. Did you say that you could have declassified the documents, but you did not mention it. say asking their money and then they're going to say those documents, the iran plans. Were they something that was classified and he's going to have to say. Well has that, because he saying all of it like right on megan Kelly's show again to that process should we brought against from no is trump like his worst. Worst enemy when it comes to these legal matters. Absolutely finally, and did ask trump about his stands on transgender. which has changed radically overtime, Eustace, that he would allow men to compete against women in this universe contest here he said that he would famously in twenty six. allow caitlin jenner to use the women's restroom, even though caitlin is is a male and and here is his answer. It is amazing, uneasy. He is to just say that a man can become a woman, it's kind of fascinating and uk, And this bruce I'm your brother Bruce was a great athlete and a very handsome person very handsome guy
and all of a sudden, bruises caitlin. Said: what's this all about this was a brand new subject to is a brandy subject. She asked him about. Why use ladys the female restroom and you? Well, you know nobody is talking about the time. First of not true, but ok, fine, that's that's your case. She then ass him, How can a woman become man and it can I hesitate? on the question of very weird way, because just think that europe is very easy for him. Simply say the things that would be they'll be correct way I changed my mind on the subject but from his admitted ever that he's ever made a mistake such impossible for him. It now is any this kind of matter. The answer is no Four lot republican voters in another, not looking. At what he says that I'm looking when he does, they feel like they know the guy and their loyal to him, and they believe that it because he won in twenty. Sixteen he'll pull a rabbit out of the hat in twenty twenty four and he doesn't have to have a plan who magic his way to the white house. Okay, fine, but you know
the world of actual political analysis where we are supposed to look at what people say and what people do may encourage it. Job of interviewing trump, and he did not do the job handling those questions just on any objective level. Ok, for some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like today, I'm excited to announce to you. that the union solidarity coalition, which is apparently a of a quasi famous actors and actresses and writers, and such they are now auction. off their services to benefit their crews healthcare fund. Now, at this point, I should remind you that every day a person is offering all sorts is worth many millions of dollars and if they actually, wanted to help and if their crews, healthcare from they could just wanna check. In fact, I would be the best way to do it. So if you are Lena dunham, number one. You come from a very wealthy family and number two you you have a network of ten twelve million dollars- you not a great way to help out the people. Our members use animal jack. The amazing that much money do that. If you're say bob odin kirk
and you made a massive success of yourself over the past few years and you have a net worth, that ranges in the sixteen million dollar range. Well, maybe you sign a sonatrach. Well Are they doing an event know what they're actually doing is their auctioning off their services guys? This is exciting. Exciting such let me read Some of the auction items that are now available because man this is this- is what what Gems are available to you. He's bids are open. by the way for the next seven two a days. I cannot. I cannot wait so you could, if you spend a proper amount of money, have a mural painted by done him in your house. She'll come to your house. If you live in your gun in your allies and she will paint you a mural in your home, which sounds like it either, because I'm lena dunham is up most famous for being upset. With the genitalia. So oh, she says that when she was growing up her, her houses effectively covered in pictures of a female genital. So
I hope that you are ready to enjoy that then their pictures of her like gum, doing near in kids rooms ends There are some restrictions on the bed. She says package does not include any item services, not detailed in the above description. It's not true. Verbal and also respect for talents and their staff will be expect at all times, inappropriate behaviour or solicitation for personal gain by the winter could result in the meat conclusion of the experience with no refund a town the right to end the experience at any time for any reason, with no refund and a background check it out, all the rest. So if you want Lena Dunham, a weirdo in your house painting strange things on your walls. You could do that by the way. That's only wrinkled you, have three grand other items of interest, so you can get a cell in asking maggie juvenile twenty minutes and twenty four since maggie juvenile. Now one is going for about rule a thousand dollars right now, twenty minutes and twenty questions with maggie juvenile, so honest
like if you're going to do that, I recommend you just ask her about the whole time. If you just ask alike How did you feel when he was doing prince of persia when he was in October sky? How did that make you feel maggie now? That's the I think that'd be of better it did to the world. Natasha leone is a is allowing you to help her help. You solve the new york times sunday, crossword puzzle. I don't know why and you would desire that or how she is at issue like amazing crossword, puzzles or why it would like o k, I suppose, now. There is one of these out bid on and that is apparently john with gao. We'll do it watercolor. portrait of your dog, which is pretty hysterical and I'll admit that seems kind of like kind of fun and kind of worth. It. apparently you can also been on other items, including, for example, twenty since twenty minutes zoom with Sarah silverman now the problem is
during that soon we will have to actually listen to serious overman's voice. For twenty one minutes. You that the little tutsi baby voice you'll have to listen to that and she presumably as swear words alot. Now, that's that setting stuff from to mean Jimmy kimmel a lot of money just did not have to listen to serious overman's voice. So there's that early autumn, Scott. You know the guy severance he is offering. Walk your job for one hour. Ella base dogs, only twenty five hundred dollars or Adams got, could sign check that benefit if it, the crew but he's gonna, he's gonna walk your dog for like an hour which sounds amazing or theoretically. You could just walk your dog yourself, but I guess I really want to be able to say that you hired adam Scott to walk your dog, because it's like a good cocktail party story or something you could you could do that I'm very into These sessions that are now being auctioned off with like old fox shows that lasted
a few seasons, but nobody remembers so there's. virtual hang out available with the cast of bones who the Emily David Michaela and tomorrow I excited member bone, I barely two also mostly just where the commercials during twenty four, but if you really hang on to cast a bones. Now is your absolute virtually of course it now I'm in a room with you, but the virtually now now is your moment I'm hold off on bidding on that until lie to me until the cast of lie to me, a short lived, laval series is available by tumor off I'm just gonna hold my fire. Apparently there's a person in the alley pinkerbloo, I don't know who that is: ellie pink you and any ideas guys alley. pink hill is a director. What has she directed she has directed first, full season of netflix feel good and she has Written on a in unpronounceable
show on not because it it has a curse. Word on twentieth century fox, bleeps, creek, I and and yeah I n. She has done like an episode of black mirror. So that's exciting! You can have this. No name called you throw in our direction mentorship, who met somebody Let me just awesome options here, all of which would be obvious by any of these very, very wealthy people signing a track to the people who actually do most of the work on their show. Really amazing. Busy Philips is offering in york experience for two. You can take a pottery class. A busy philips is just like the worst remake of ghost ever interest you. and busy philips in a room while she, while she yells it you about the wonders of abortion and you make pottery wow so many opportunities here so many opportunities. Well, these
the the richness with which these people have endowed our lives and the lack of richness, which was with which they will endow their crew, who were out of work right now, is truly awe inspiring, as are inspiring stuff. ok time for some things that I hate I so a! U unofficial has now come forward to explain that we are an information war, which means, of course, that it's time for the? U n, to crack down on information flow, ledge, was coming here? Is a u an official? They melissa, flemish, the under secretary general for global communications. Talking bout need more trans global control of information flow. We do feel like we are in an information war and that we need to massively ramp up our risk, once so we're creating at the? U n a central capacity to monitor, monitor and also have the ability to rapidly react?
when mis and disinformation and hate speech is threatening not just our people, our operations, but also the issues in the causes that we're working on, but also we're gonna, be gearing up our verified initiative around climate change and developing this. You in code of conduct on information, integrity unto digital platforms, hoping to set global standards that we can all ethic it around. Oh good global standards we can all advocate around run by an organisation that has on its security council, china and russia. I can't This will go wrong in any way, shape or form. I can see how people who worry about the globalist agenda. Why are they can I mean. After all, we have experts on hate speech, we're gonna come in and dictate to all the social media companies what they can and cannot allow. How could this be simply go wrong. The arbiters of of
morality over the? U and the most isley of international politics, a wretched hive of scum and villainy, determining what you can say what you can't say: l l b are guys. Russia show continues right now in our continent. We join underlined by douglas brown he's the author of a brand book called to the mysterious case of rude of diesel truly fastening Look if you're, not a member become member use, could shapiro check out for two months. Rennell annual plans click that linking the description and join us and the
Transcript generated on 2023-09-17.