« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 181 - Hillary Won't Stop Losing Until She Stops Being Hillary


Hillary releases a doctor's note, Trump defenders unite, and the Vaunted Mailbag!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This election cycle has been cruel to those in the prediction. Business thrace is sick. Two volatile. The candidates are too with unpredictable. The external some stances, are two bizarre wikileaks. Using the nine eleven memorial there's stuff will be rejected. straining the bounds of credulity by any decent fiction. Editor, which means not to fall into the trap of believing that the immediate is the permanent or six weeks ago, conventional wisdom- and this was my opinion too- was donald trump was absent. We gotta, get crushed. After all, he had demonstrated no capacity to control himself he'd, appointing the all right, renew head of bright parties campaign is trailing by doubled, it's in a babby swing states. Then wikileaks started dumping material and hilary continued to flail over her emails, and then she went completely absent from the pain trail and then she called haven't from some supporters deplorable and then she died on camera and trump meanwhile began using a teleprompter and somebody changed his twitter. password and they duct tape. His mouth started headquarters and everything looked better
We trust that the momentum he's got a bunch of positive poles to boot will tell you that does in a little while, but while trump recovered from his were showing the few weeks back there's in Hillary Clinton might not recover. Generally ass, you stop being Hillary Clinton, so trumpeted being trump in order to gain in the polls hilary has to stop. being hilary in order to gain in the polls, but it was easier for trial stopping trump, that's because trump was defined in the public mind as a borderline. Java, crazy guy willing to say or do anything a wild men to stopping from merely required him to start reading from a script. So I shall above he got on message. the filming and saved his actual cannibalism for the off hours. For hilary, the problem runs deeper, well think she's, corrupt and dishonest, not crazy, corrupting dishonest. That's mainly because corruption dishonest to stop being hilary. Yes, you stop being corrupt and dishonest. It's easier to find sobriety indecency than it is to feign truthfulness. Even one hilary tells the truth. These days is still sounds like she's lying and there's no way for her to escape herself. This is:
cruel reality of politics. Political standards operate exactly like personal standards. If the family, members and alcoholic homeless person, and if you drive out and those who are halfway house he's a success now to you. He's had a great week if you have The relative, whose vice president, a bank, makes million bucks a year and it was fifteen, and, in vegas he's a giant failure that weak objectively, the Pollack ranks lower on the humans. You trust with your children scale than the gpa chase manhattan, probably but you're holding membership standards, because this is what we all do. The same thing is true for trump. If he acts like a rational human he's one, but Hilary has to overcome her serious trust issues ted crews, learn it really really hard to shake the untrustworthy label. One somebody has applied, it. If you're, not actually untrustworthy, which means that help has a serious, lasting problem. Here she can't just stop being hilary trump could stopping trump long enough, maybe to make it to the wider I mentioned here. This is the bench of erosion. Ok suffer
We have a lot to get to today tonnes to get you to get to the mailbag later on. In the show we have an epic stuff, I hate segment coming up and we're gonna talk about everything from hilary health records to new gingrich, saying some pretty ridiculous things. Are national tv will get you all of that in just a moment, but first we say hello to our friends over at the tracker dot com- it's tee, thou tracker darkened. So what is the tracker? Do what the tracker? and you stick its your key chain, artistic, it's your wallet and then you have a problem. Your phone that allows you to locate your keys and you're in your wallet and in your phone the way you lose your phone. What the tracker dies as you can actually activate. The ringer on phones. Even if you ve turned off the ringer on your phone, you ve lost your phone and you have second, I'll find you call your phone try and find out where it is, then you can. You can is the track or a activates the ring on your phone, so you can actually locate your phone, which is super cool. This is going
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We release is a letter from her physician by the way around me also release a letter from his physician says that her Omby had a head old and got a shot, but in any case hilary it has. A hilary has released a letter now and this letter is from her doctor, LISA barred act was the diplomat of the american board of internal medicine and the chair of internal. in a care about medical and they basically say she's. Fine, that's that's what this we're boils down to the letter itself, as she's been seen by me regularly this year for routine care really only goes back to July, two thousand and fifteen. So it doesn't tell you what happened before July. Two thousand and fifteen she could have had lost a leg in a tragic cottage, an accident it would be in this letter, but they did what the letter says is that as recurrent blood testing for coumadin dosing and adjustments. That's that stuff, that's a blood thinner, basically to prevent blood clots cause remember, should the blood caught in your brain a little while ago. She says at levels have been relatively stable, which is a little vague, she's ass, ransom, several allergy where's over the past year, which has been a typical pattern. Most of her life in within application with her allergist, you responded walter medication adjustments, they said
january should develop signing citizen, an ear infection, she's trade with hands steroids she had to be given a I guess they called him. My myron charge being my range autonomy to place in her left ear. january. Twenty sixteen no big deal, they said no, no abnormalities and then that they say that answer Secondly, diagnosed her with pneumonia There was a low grade pneumonia. They called it a mile man contagious bacterial pneumonia, and then she became over here. Dehydrated and she felt dizzy and she fell over. That's the story from Hillary's position. Now there are two questions here. One is: do you believe this? Do you believe this it's an open question. You can believe that you cannot be that I tend to believe it just because I dont think doctors you're, my wife is a doctor. Idling doctors make a habit of lying, patients. Medical conditions publicly, like the doktor, looks pretty bad if two weeks for, hilary slump, silver because it turns out that she had the black plague and she's infected half the population of the united states before Randall flagg shows up like. I just don't think that that's how this is going to work, so I tend to bully
What's in here, which means- and this is the part about hillary- the tone credible and it's why she has a serious problem in the selection means the hilary actually was not lie right when hilary said it was allergies and she coughing lungs up the doctor says that was basically right she says she had pneumonia. Yeah yashmak reveal that on friday, but she did have pneumonia issues in setting about that wish said. Was overheating dehydration? Her doktor says that True to now to the doctor, it's not just Hillary's credibility, it's the doctors credibility, but even when hilary tells the truth now it sounds like she's because she's constantly covering up four things constantly, is there nothing bad is happening constantly. Acting is he's totally fine all the time, and this creates a man. Opening for donald trump so soon and sandy. gupta, he said you know it. He released his health document. This is not technically a release of medical records, but again that there is not there. This is not a a a. This is certainly not a a release of medical records by any means. This is very similar in some way.
So what we got July of last year, there may be more coming. It's it's a little bit unclear, but those are sort of the highlights. Jake you say says: it's an instrument not for medical records, so donald trump doesnt things donald trump goes on, doktor oz's show, and he releases here at dr doctor I. So there is a lot of confusion yesterday he said he wasn't gonna releases records on doktor oz at first it settings I hand the records over to doctor oz, and then Dr Oz would reveal them to him maury povich style and presumably some snuggled with the woman walk out of the back, because it was a paternity test too, but instead what ends up happening, what you see here, if your help is as strong as it seems from your review systems, why not sure your medical why not? Well, I have really no problem in doing it. I haven't radioman. Should I do it? I don't care, it's two letters, one, the report and the other is from lennox he'll hospital, massive saying yes, you. So this is a report that farmers would all the tests they would just done.
ok and then he goes through a niece has basically your normal trump says: he's a gag us. Two hundred and thirty six pounds slightly overweight. This if he's on he's on some medication, for for his cholesterol, which is normal for people who are seventy. His blood pressure is fine. He said that he feels like he's thirty five and when he golfs with Tom Barry he feels like he's just slightly older than Tom Brady wishes delusional, but in any case what he says is This is good tv and then it looks like he's being much more transparent than hilary, whose real these letters. What hilary should have done is gone on tv to release the letters the same way. The trumpeted trump understands how tv worked. Hilary doesn't trump appears, honest. Hilary not so troubles rally yesterday and from really is now and here's what we're trump, almost help himself is it is this actually is a bit of a booby by tramp tramp in the middle of his campaign? Fiji goes off teleprompter and he said
actually ripping on Hillary's health as opposed to her dishonesty? After giving what looks like a bizarre come hither? Look to the audience think this is so easy in this beautiful room. That's one hundred and twenty two degrees. It is hot and it's always hot when I perform, because the crowds are so big. These rooms were not designed for this kind of crap. I dunno folks. You think Hillary would be able to stand up here for an hour and do ethics, its is, it gets comedy staked arose in an interim, treats it like a rose, the reason I say This assembly is because she- released or medical records. You should be doing the routine. You know whatever she says her if there's I'm sure, that's what her health is but she's been designed. In the past and her dishonesty makes people not trust her. That's that's really what he should be saying, but you know I also think that its noteworthy that he says whenever I get up here and I perform suppressed
nor can it not a performer, but he still thinks himself the performer get, but needless to say, We have some serious problems. Everyone thinks she's lying about everything to the point where hilary on tv yesterday, and she said she was transparent literally everyone in the room, started laughing. I've worked very very hard to be more transparent than not just my opponent, really in a in a comparison to have anybody who's run. You know that the medical information I've put out and we're going to put out for a nice that exceeds the standard that the other predators oh candidates, including president barman, mitt, romney and others, have met locate. She made any here's the problem for hilary. She might actually not be lying here, but she's always We have to assume she's, like somebody today said to me the maybe ocean, do. We should put both of these candidates and allied detector and find out who's lie. More often said the problem for hilary.
nor for a lie detector tests to actually work. There has to be a baseline where they have to be able to test the wise again something So if you lie a hundred percent of the time, there's nothing to tested against it comes across his truth right. Ask you your name, and you just lie about your name and that's the baseline, then everything else that you say that is a lie also looks like the truth. This is the problem for hillary, the means You have not helped hilary in this respect by attempting to quash questions about heller. health. Instead of asking questions about hilary health, they ve put themselves in a position. I have now covering for Hillary. Adam corolla is friends with DR drew. I think DR drew is kind of a schmuck, but Adam corolla is. Is the doktor droop and they do is show together and apparently doktor drew let's head to Adam corolla directly that he won't talk, Where is health anymore because he's afraid there'll be career ramifications from the mainstream media? Freedom, mentioning it? let's say Hillary Clinton and all the pneumonia and all this stuff without eyes get through to call in just tell us how pneumonia works, what we should be looking out for
Andrews mind, he cannot come on this podcast and speak about Hillary Clinton. I said just come on and talk about pneumonia, about pneumonia and then war. The Hillary Clinton math now got a couple of deals: bruin any does not one to risks. Risks risk risk, okay, so that fact right there. The idea the doktor drew one go on Adam corolla showed even talk about heller itself for fear of the backlash. That's pretty amazing that's pretty amazing stuff, because any, let's be real, their loss in tv doctors speculate about their health and public figures on a pretty regular. Basis. It also doesn't help when you ve got bill Clinton out their screwing up your diagnosis every five seconds now here's the thing bill Clinton, probably knows it bowed It's about Hillary's health, as I do because bill probably talks to her about. As often as I do mean, bill has other priorities. He's got other, ladies, that he likes to talk to or not talk to is the case
the other receptacles other other human humidor is that he that he is more interested in chatting with but bill yesterday. He out there and Hilary just has the flu we He says the flow right, it's crazy tat! We live, and you know when people think there's nothing unusual about getting the flu next highlights over two million people redundant here, I don't know it haven't a belt than he looks like such a creeper. Now he would heal agenda It looks like the child molesters from family guy, and we need just that. Just he's. The kind of this really has to describe them here. That's it that's what he looks like, but in what he said, the flu and then everybody does weight, but she said she had pneumonia so whose telling the truth, and then they say bill and made a mistake, but he's your husband shouldn't. He know that here no, that they haven't been the same thirty mile proximity since the convention, when just stare at the giant balloons coming from the sky and thought about dolly pardon bill, went on to also europe, hilary gmail scandal. Again, the lack of honesty on part of the clintons is so astounding that
who in Hilary is telling the truth even for doktor, is telling the truth about our health there's no way for any but he does hell that effort The blue, over this email. Do we know it was a per year we were told this is the biggest problem in a world war to finally the white and impose their everlasting credits, and I think we ve heard about a method is ok, but we can I had enough of this so again, they're covering up everything and the Clinton foundation is doing the same thing. The head of the Clinton foundation, Donna Shalala, was on tv. Yesterday and jews saying there is no impact that the Clinton foundation was working hand in glove with the state department and corrupt fashion. No
it believes. This no one believes what the Clinton foundation presidents about to tell you, but I mean with all respect: how can you dispute that the lines were crossed? We have evidence of it from the emails now, there's no evidence that policy was impacted by anyone's requesting an appointment. So let me dispute any indication that MRS Clinton's behavior on policy was changed in any way. The most important thing is: this is a magnificent foundation that is reinvested reinvented philanthropy from malawi to haiti, to Carta hanga, we're doing a spectacular work and we have to make sure that work continues, but not under the Clinton foundations umbrella. If you lie this, much is constantly line. No one's going to trust you, even when you tell the truth, is the boy who cried wolf. You lie this much. No. Is going to believe you when the wolf is finally thereof, but when you tell the truth when it turns out yet
did have pneumonia and it was just an allergy, then no, and I believe you and so people don't believe you in the past show that today the poles by the way for Hillary Clinton are devastating. I mean she is now hitting the panic button somewhere Joe Biden just sitting at the core of crying to himself, because, if you're running You understand, I think it's important people understand this donald trump not soaring in the polls he's at forty two percent against Hillary Clinton in the new york times poll, which means there's hide? Okay, that's how bad Hillary Clinton is. This Hillary Clinton is legitimately the worst candidate in american political history, she's going to lose to donald trump. Okay, I could find small children who could beat donald trump in an election, and it would not be hard for me to do it. I could find Farm animals would be donald trump and election disease, farm animals would likely be donald trump and an election hilary. He's gonna lose to him because she so terrible at all this, which, frankly it's hilarious because she deserves all that. I mean she does, As you know, I m not a donald trump Van will talk about that in a little while here, but that said there something sweet and wonderful about hilary lusting. Her entire life after the high
office in the land only to fall short to a tv. orange con man it'll just be over. It is just that this woman's entire life around politics, shillong the out of it by a guy who decided to get into politics almost legitimately a minute and forty five seconds ago. It's just a death. I do I do other ok, we'll take a quick break for? U s. Tax yield to folks of Europe so the I if you have failed to pay their taxes, if you forgotten to pay If you have miscalculated- or maybe it's just a bad act, and even bear tat is taxes. Now is the time to fix that you don't want to let the iris rack that up on you, particularly as as the political power, this move for the irs politicize you wanna talk to them now get the stuff settled right now, go to? U S, tax yield, even plus rating with a better business bureau and they help people with personal tax liabilities, business, payroll taxes, these penalties you caught. What what you call them for a free consultation and they actually will conference call with the s and find out how much money you owe then they'll actually give you a quote on on the phone
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overcome that in any serious way, which means that now Hillary has to wait for trump to fail. Trump has to avoid the big boo boo. If trump could avoid the big boo boo, he definitely has the advantage. He definitely has a major advantage if he can avoid the big boo, boo and trump is starting to look better trump is when he's on teleprompter. As I said, all we need from trump is to is to be shy. Labeouf when he's reading from the script on trial, above when he's being thrown out of a broadway musical for trying to eat the flesh off of another human being. So if trump can do that, if he can stick to teleprompters yesterday, for example, he drops his great line about flint michigan. Do we have this this trump line from flint? This clip turn used to be think of this? Is this true: it used to be cars were made in flint and you couldn't drink the water in mexico,
now the cars are made in mexico and you can't drink the water in flint. Great line range great line lines. Pre written is a great line. I loved it when trump does the the the comedians He turns around, starts singing the audience. Yeah! Isn't that a great joke, C'Mon- and I mean this- is this- is good stuff. This is good, and this is why trump, the polls right now trump is, is now neck and neck in virginia, which has scared the living crap out of Hillary. She just pulled all of her resources from virginia cause. She figured she had at one he's running neck and neck laredo. That disaster for her he's running ahead in ohio, he's running ahead of us he's running up head by eight in iowa he's running ahead in in nevada by a couple of points. He's running ahead Arizona he's running a little ahead, north carolina folks if he wins that state. He wins the election, we're talking about president Donald trump were there Are we really are? That's that's. How close this thing is. We'll talk more about that I will talk about. The danger
What what this involves when we can? I mean watches and daily wires it to watch the daily wire dot com. Eight bucks a month means you become a subscriber, and subscribers gets right in The violent events, spiritual mailbag, which will be doing absolutely shortly, plus you can can to watch. This thing live there and have to wait for us to release the audio later on itunes or sound cloud. You don't have to be plunged into into the black hole of failure daily word, I can subscribe right now and become part of the daily, your team there will be to see their in thirty seconds. so do you talking about donald trump is not conservative right mean that the last couple of days he unveils as maternity leave policy, which is which is a giant boondoggle for the left. It's definitely not servant of policy, but the real reason. I think that so many partial oil, the trump really them in the region. People are, while the trump has very little to do with them
from policy. I think the reason so many people are very loyal to donald trump is because they like donald trump enemies, meaning that he has the right people, hate, Donald trump Isn't it honestly the reason that I get so much flax and supporting donald trump is because p sort of assume that I would because I'm very, very conservative, and because I really really dislike Hillary Clinton That's a major exaggerated, major underestimation of Heaven. I dislike, like Hillary Clinton to say dislike? Her is major underestimation of how much I dislike Hillary Clinton sort of assume that I was coming on the trump team, and so when I'm not the maize it, then they they don't like tat. I did doesn't fit into there. Were there the boxes they ve created, which are the trump enemies in the trunk friends, because sort of fall into the trap of enemies category, in the sense that I don't like him by this. This makes puzzled and angry. I get lots of emails about that, all of which is fine, but the real reason that most people who, like trump like tromp, is they despises enemies? He pissed off the right people. A lot of politics works this way by the way
the reason why Hillary Clinton used the deplorable line she's trying to suggest that the people who dislike her are the racist sex, they get home and that's why she sighed side with her trump is trying to suggest that the people who don't like him are the are the pandering polarizing racist people, a black I've matter and In the end, the illegal immigrant groups that are that are pushed from where illegal immigration he tries to in media all the people, with the latter that that the american people hate a lot here Those are my enemies to an everyday those people. showing a bamboo and words. Here's a perfect example. So yesterday, trump expedient for michigan he's being at a church this past her apparent black female pastor. She asked him to speak its church and, as you speaking as you speaking this black female, shows up and tries to shut him now,
We failed on the economy, just like she's failed on foreign policy. Everything she touched didn't work out. Nothing now. Hillary Clinton, you think us no one. Oh okay, okay, political, okay, that's good! Then I'm going to go back on the okay, okay, flinch, flinch pain! Is result of so many different failures in one case, a trump being good trump. There doesn't immediately go right back at her like wait, I'm a presidential candidate. You invited me to her to do what it up. Now, I'm not supposed to give a political speech. People look at this and I say that most of noxious thing, I've ever seen, and it is really a notch viewed by the presidential candidate and then tell him he's not allowed
attack the other presidential candidate in the middle of his speech is super obnoxious and so trump slaps back at that. But dropping was up because I notice she was so nervous when she introduced me and she called NBC apc she you know a b c was up the owner of an NBC network and she said he owns a b c. If we sought a smile together backstage and when, when she got up to introduce me, she was so nervous. She was shaking- and I said, wow. This is sort of strange, and then she came up so she had that in mind. There's no question about it: okay, so he and he's exactly right he's exactly right and people looking down they go. This is honest. It's just it's ridiculous. You invite them to a black church to speak to people and then the minute he starts talking about Hillary. You shut it down, give me a break other people who, who are obviously targeting trump Vincent, a fox, the former president of mexico. He talks about trump and people look at this normal americans look at this and they say back
on my side. So why exactly shouldn't I be on trump side here is Vincenzo fox. his and his moustache, which he apparently uses to dust after after he does tv talking about donald trump and MR trumps candidacies specifically remind you of any past demagogic candidates in latin america, some of the years we suffer from that all along the twentieth century. The real challenge is the occasion. Is that bit on their my groggery populism, and I'm surprised, designation- is now going back to the old days of the building, fail: the ugly america, but also between back to port, to listen this nation grand already. This nation is great because of their work. This millions and millions of workers- and yes, someone factor in jobs were lost thirty percent in the last ten years, but what?
She is not telling. The truth is that maybe fibres and growth on the new economy and the new jobs that quality jobs, which is what you s, americans have here. So it's It's wrong or memory position. Is wrong on boy drug trade war with china with mexico, he doesn't know stand that: u s economy has a deficit with every single gonna win the world series. When I go to war with, everybody will frighten outside Work with ninety five former heads of states are two of them are very than we are now in one solely on their gaze. This man, this is not the voice of united states. This is not the boys overcome passive leadership. This is not the boys. Brilliant leather, which would be world.
lie that are not only president of united states, Lenny that comes from the gringo fail, which I know that means he says they doesn't the chinese great, while failed. So here's how a lot of people vote for tramper decide to vote for tromp they watch stuff like this. and if their blood pressure rises, they vote for trump. Brilliant, frazier blood pressure when you have the MSNBC anger, specifically soliciting so which dictators to trump remind you of Can you one was less than anybody said that about hilary reminds me of a lot of dictators by the way she reminds me of every corrupt oligarchy dictator in south america. She does because that's what hilary is is what obama is too have you ever seen, MSNBC bring on a republican and say so tell me which dick Does this have to remind you of? But it must you bring someone sent de foxes, which dictators does. It does. Does donald trump remind you and the media are, are just another group of people who really tick off the trump supporters and should take off the trump supporters, because the media are terrible. If you wanna watch something funny, I did an interview with
pbs in Bloomberg. Yesterday it's up on the net now we'll will put up a daily wire. The com in nato, with Brian stelter cnn, and I really ripped him a new one when he suggested there was no bias in the media against donald trump, because obviously there is clearly there is now the media are the least trusted group in america is a pull out today, showing how much people hate the media really really just like to me that the reason they dislike the media is because of stuff like this Ivanka goes on tv and immediately the the questioner start sandbagging her with Donald trump's nasty quotes about women during an interview with cosmopolitan published wednesday ivanka trump abruptly stopped a q and a after being asked about some of donald trump's. Past comments about childcare and maternity leave. The grb candidates daughter reportedly bristled, when interviewer prachi gupta asked in two thousand and four donald trump says that pregnancy is an inconvenient thing for a business. It's surprising to see this policy from him today. Can you talk a little about those comments and perhaps what has changed
events then responded. I think that you have a lot of negativity in these questions. I don't know how useful it is to spend too much time with you on this day. We're going to make the do. We know we don't need. The full report on the bottom line is that that she gets upset with cosmo, because mosey asking questions with the quota, and it feels like a sandbagging when's. The last I'm somebody asked Hillary Clinton. You claim that sexual salt survivors, should be believed. Your husband, sexually assaulted people never happen ever, and some people rightly look this does not feel it cosmo's out to get people because cosmo is out to get people. Cosmo is such a left. gesine that cosmo had an hour. Well today about how the maternity leave policy trumps maternity leave, policy, which I think stinks, but they said trot maternity leave policy is transfer back because only women get maternity leave. So what about men who think their women really is? What thereof? I'm not joking. So in any case, people look at the media and they say you guys are just full of crap here's another example. The CNN panel yesterday, a trump supporter comes on said that trump looks like he's healthy. He looks like he looks fancy
I and the panel loses because, obviously it's hilarious. If, if they'd send hilary looks fantastic, then they all get up. And cream. But if they say trump looks fantastic, then that's the end of the world. He said he wants to lose at least fifteen pounds, at least, and that he's on medication to control his cholesterol that doesn't sound like the healthiest individual. If you're doing that, as a matter of fact, where did say he was he said, two hundred and thirty six, the audience member says two hundred and sixty seven. It is anywhere in that range for six of six for three man he's overweight. If he's at two hundred and thirty six, and if he's at two sixty, he is obese that doesn't sound Andy as the most healthiest and fit person or done first lockheed looks fantastic to me, and I'll tell you that he is getting exercise in the sense that he's flying to two or three different states a day, and he walks these lines and shakes motives. Resounded there's any dean is works, works for trumpeted surrogate for trump, and so this typical CNN panel, the trump supporter and then three people laughing at the trumps important. That's pretty that's pretty much.
I was on cnn, plus the house or fourth person laughing at the trump support people. Look at this nigga attacked and they have a right to be ticked. Trump makes a lot of the right enemies. He also makes enemies people who are actual conservatives so as one of the wrong enemies he has habit of taking people off as long as the right enemies and so people feel very loyal to him and they feel like they're gonna, the follow him where he wants to go anywhere, he wants to go there. Were there absolutely willing to follow him now? The problem with this. The problem with this is what I'm going to call the great collapsing and have talked about this yesterday, and so I don't want to beat the point to death. But after this maternity leave speech there, bunch of people on the right who pretended to this was conservative and that a new conservatism has to take the place of the old conservatism. Now there there's a bunch of people supposedly, on the right who believe that this new conservatism, which really means this, this nationalist populism, does this teddy roosevelt progressive europe populism or this path. You can
an isolationism or this or this tom tain credo. Ask these terms increase to us closed him, close borders, stuff that that has to take precedence bunch of people who believe that there are people who celebrate the death of traditional conservatism. People like the all right who actually hate traditional conservatism, the all right for people who don't know they just the western civilization can only preserved by the preservation of european nick majorities and therefore, if we import many humanity of the wrong color than we are to destroy western civilization, so their thrilled with transparent care about limited from it didn't believe in equal rights, they just believe in equal rights for people harm in particular shade. Then there are the- canon. I too believe a lot of trump's policies and they don't want that. They, like everything trump saying so when trump says stuff, that's anti small government, they really don't care and then there are locked in conservatives who seem to have surrendered trump, and here I hate criticising russian bob accepting rush. Lemme is truly one of the most important right wing figures in modern american history living that did look at russia's impact before and after the ninety. Ninety four republican,
lucian. If you look at his impact during the bush years, no one has been more impact on the future of conservatism, then russia, limber and attempts to do. play. Him is just an entertainer miss the point with rush rushed at something that I find very disturbing and very disheartening has rushed said about from maternity leave policy. We have two candidates representing the two major parties, neither of which is conservative. I don't think the republican party is conservative, maybe maybe it is if, if, if compared to the Democrats, certainly at what baby, but if you are defining conservatism honestly and strictly don't have a conservative political party. We have two candidates representing two major parties.
neither of which is conservative, the parties or the nominees safe to assume so we'll get trumps plan for child care, maternity leave, elderly care you can sit there in lament all day. Gosh see. This is exactly why we needed clothes. We wouldn't even be miserable cause. We wouldn't have to wade through all this. Maybe if or what stuff we used to have a ten percent flat tax, put everybody under it and virtually get rid of all deductions and just end the government paying people to do this and not paying people to do that. But we don't have that and crews didn't when we have what we have cocaine, he went on to basically say small government. The ear my government is, that we have two parties about the government parties now and many and then he went on to basically say the donald from rumours at least half conservative? If this is what has happened?
I mean this is an others more honest. Take then shown hannity or lord ingram would keep saying that their maternity leave policies actually conservative, but russia. What russia is saying is is, at the very least, very disheartening. The suggestions to be the year of small governed, is over, conservatism is over. Perhaps we ve all last night was ironic about this. Is that back in the mid two thousand there, people george well, who now opposed trump, whose argo exactly the same thing. He actually said in two thousand and seven that american desire a strong government, a big government. I wrote at the time this back in two thousand and seven republicans therefore have a double task when it comes to economics teaching in winning, but it seems like people have lost desire to teach they did they. want when there no longer interested in teaching here's here. Rushed said here said, look bottom line and the last person on earth who wants any expansion of government. I think just for people that are not
illogical, which is a hell of a lot of people in this country. I think they are going to respond so positive really to this, and it's going to disappoint a lot of people now descriptively, that's probably true, descriptively, that's probably true, but where did that alleviate our capacity to speak, the truth about terms policy and we're seeing that happen now we're seeing people who are just falling victim to this there just there just shifting conservative. basically saying we need something new, because we don't do something new, we're, never gonna win, ignoring the fact The ideas are the ideas: our eternally true, I suppose you can I do when I suppose you can shift a policy to win, but if you want to tell them as a priority to me and if we're not if we're losing, is because, when on educating enough, people is because we ve done more job. Educating people about what real priorities look like from a conservative point of view and new gingrich, I thought the most ridiculous things that I've heard him say recently and he's had a lot of ridiculous things recently. He said that people who aren't voting for trump these never trump people. First of all, I have to point out before I even get to this comment: the amount of energy that
indeed, these sort of trump people are wasting. I never trump. People is insane, it's totally crazy and in its debts or begs. The question is: either doing that? Why? Why did requires you to ask? Why are these spending so much time on this? The fact is that having in the latest nortons Eighty five percent of republican see their voting for trump, whose ninety two for romney, so it's very comparable vast majority or a couple. into circle. The wagons be people like her the arena or endorsing trumpeting ted crews will probably endorse trump in the coming weeks. Why their wasting time on people like me, who I'm not actively telly He will not about trouble. I'm telling you why I'm not voting trump yeah they did, but their spending an enormous amount of time on this. It speaks to one of two things either a guilty conscience because they feel they feel that their shamed in some way, like I'm telling them they're doing something immoral for voting trump, which again I have not said or too they actually don't want to talk
trump in touch easier to talk about trump's opponents. Again, it's easier to talk about the enemy, the never trump or his than it is to talk about trump's maternity leave. Policy here is trump saying that never trump is in love with the past, I'm in love with the past. If you so past the you want to write off the future. Then never trump makes some sense cling to the failed ideas cling to the failed bureaucracy, cling to the projects that didn't work cling to the war we didn't want. If that's what you want to do, that you're right is a citizen. Don't expect the rest of us to be impressed with it. This a sign that you're so mired down in the past year, so unable to see reality one willing to look at that, and that goes for mitt, romney and his crew and our role and therefore that goes for the wall street journal in their crew. That goes for eleven It was a little more mixed and in all fairness, the wall street journal has sort of a mixed bag of tromp side. I run down here. Ok, so personal new gingrich, listen up old man
you talk about mired down in the past new gingrich you're old enough to be at least my father, old enough to the ear you're significantly older. My pops k spring of mere down past your candidate is seventy years old You're came when I was born. Your candidate was thirty. Eight. They dont tell me that Meyer, in the past. Don't tell me: is it because this new ideas that trumpets bring to the fore he's up learning anything now he's an operating anything? he's bringing back nelson rockefeller conservatism which, as you say, big government, new york, conservatism, he's bringing back richard Nixon conservatism, which is to say week on national security is richard. Nixon was not strong national security weak on national security. We're talking we're talking big government programmes king, we're talking new bureaucracies. If this is your idea of the new, then screw you, really visited, this maddening stopped, because the fact is that the whole point of being conservative issue concerns How can you say we want new ideas and then you're new
Ideas are bunch of crappy old ideas that have never. In the past, in the only reason that working hours, because you're running against legitimately the worst candid in american history and Hillary Clinton, nuke angry, Blathering on about new ideas is an end for him to poses the the cast of the future. If these were such great winning ideas, why didn't he try it in two thousand and twelve and actually win something? It isn't but watching him in hand be poses, as is arbiters of the new conservatism, it's really say, it's really sickening. If the new conservatism is teddy roosevelt bureaucracy, if the new conservatism is rich, Nixon's racial strategy. If the new concerned, This is all nonsense rolled up into a ball and tied a bow around by pat buchanan. Then I don't want any part of that and it's hilarious. The new is exactly the same as the old you. Nobody actually been. You try
and conservatives. When was the last time we had a real conservative. Even reagan was a big government blow out spending guy. He tried to rein in the spending, but reagan was was not a supremely small government. You talk the terms of small government, but you look at his record the last truly truly conservative candidate that we had all the way across the was maybe calvin college nineteen twenty four a long time since there has been a truly fully conserving Reagan was conservatives who had the modern era, but reagan still preside over a blow out spending and that because he had a democratic congress, but still true, but this idea that did you have to just come along can you just leave this in the past, leave it all behind what are you behind? If what you're leaving behind is right, if what you're leaving behind is true, then would we leave it behind and if you think, victory just involves campaigning as a democrat then why didn't we nominate somebody who is better at this rigour nominate a democratic going at george cloning run for president, for goodness sake, but new
wished and dig continued along these lines. He said that the new services missing new set of issues its things we never thought about before new brilliant bald when I lose for trump. Does that movement that we knew BP coherent couple years ago, come back together, probably not. I think that you you're, seeing genuine evolution. Anyone set of issues a new set of principles. What are they? Well, I think one of them putting america, firstly, a very rude, lensless ruthless. That says you show me a trade deal I wanna see. What's in it, for america is made after the new conservatism is, is anti free trade, that's the new cancer, I'm old enough to remember when newt gingrich's prone after which is like five minutes ago I'm from everyone whose an advocate of free trade, but did they. This idea that he's now that the. I see the house eons in the future. Are everybody in the republican party over the age of sixty? If you want to see a gender asian gap go to a speech with a bunch of young concern,
and see how many of them ardently support tromp then go to a speech with a bunch of older can rose and see how many of them ardently support trump, there's a major generation gap, every conservative under the age of forty it is deeply uncomfortable with trump. They think that its policies are closed. They think that its policies are backward. They think that its powers are big government, democrat crap. You talked a bunch of people over the age of sixty and it the trumps the next coming manage. Really. It is amazing, stops and then that this this twisting what is bother me all along that the great collapsing and in its It is very disturbing, and it's really and truly for conservatism dies when its leading advocates become the detractors of conservatism, new gang, which used to be a leading advocate for conservatism. Now, apparently he's one of its leading detractors. Ok time for some things like them. Some things I hate and then got mailbag, so we'll start with things I like. So. First of all, I don't this too often, but we had a special request from one of our listeners. To give a happy birthday shout out to Ricky rocks Bora rocks Bora Ricky
thanks for thanks for watching listening. The shop really appreciate and I hope we have a wonderful birthday. We won't do this every day, because we have waited many listeners for that. It can take up half the shop, but that's it but happy birthday to you because you're the first person you asked me to do that, will do it more, will dedicate a love song to you. Late night, I'm late night, hawk radio, ok, other things like reading memoirs this week. So I'd be remiss if I did not plug Andrew claimants book the great good thing now. This puts me in a controversial position because of course, cravens book is about how he was doing now is christian as a as an orthodox jew. This is not something that I like so much. I am a big fan of Jews staying jews. The reason that I actually recommend the book and I've read the book and it's a very well, it's a very well expressed book, and obviously I agree I disagree with with cleveland. On his rationales for conversion to christianity, as opposed to revitalize believes in western civilization, based on judeo christian values that springs not just from from christianity but from the route of christianity?
It is, but the reason that I actually recommend claims but produces because I think it is important that you realise what drives jews away from judaism. From that angle, really interesting. Memoir, as an orthodox jew is really interesting, because the entire bases of the first part of drew's book is about how he didn't grow up in a he grew up in a household those actively antigen isn't. He grew up in a household willard judaism was considered in old country thing. It was considered something for the backward his parents, patently real, stryver tat kind of escape. cultural judaism and be seen as sort of the wasps middle class- and and then they wanted him to have a bar mitzvah and he thought this is really hypocrite. they don't want me to be anywhere near the jewish community, but I'm supposed to take all the money for saying stuff. I don't believe and that I've been told not to believe, and so that's that's. I think it's fascinating and I think that it's it's important to read for jews, because I think it's important for you to understand when you parent the way that you parent has and
add on how your kid is going to see the religion in which you in which you raise them, and if it's just cultural judaism, if it's just a massive ball soup every so often or if it's just ethnic judaism, you had a great other than the holocaust that ain't good enough. Your kids are not gonna stick around and they should instead because then you're not giving them any reason to do so. Ok, another thing that I like we're doing memoirs. I mentioned the memoirs of yours yes grant these are. These are frequently overlooked. The this is it's actually really well u s s grant has now been rendered by history as this drunken failure, and it really isn't true use grant was actually a relatively successful president got bogged down and patronage scandals, but but is really interesting character he wrote this near the end of his life in order to earn money cause basically broke, but it is written, Harry clean, clear prose. If you read it now, it's still reads really well, that's it understated it ends in eighteen, sixty five before he's president, but it, but it did the entire civil war acres, son of childhood, and indeed the entire history of the civil war. It's really it's real.
Interesting and good rate- ok time for a couple of things that I hate self Let's do it things that I, Ok, so we'll start was skip. Bayliss escaped Bayliss is did, I understand, is popular to do hate skip bayliss like we all understand that skip Bayliss is considered sort of an income poop. Most people who watch tv has his own show. Is it on fox now fox sports? Something like that. He here he doesn't interview with trends dilfer who's, whose nfl common
later and skipped bayliss as the honorary as the honorary lefty on the show he decides to go after trent offer. If you go to the to the place of that you're telling a black man or a black woman, you should know your place and stay in it when you get there. Them is fighting work. Yes, that smacks of plantation mentality. You cannot go there, not. He went there because, no matter what you're trying to say in the football context will not in the football context anymore, we have risen above it to an issue. that is far more important than any football game, and I love my football and you love your level. We take it almost dead seriously model. What our have today's haggling? What I got it! I got it out. I watched every game. I watch baltic games lester. Ok, I get all that, but every once in a while, you have to stop and you have to rise above and say this country is facing an issue that could divide
once and for all? Absolutely right yeah? This is such a run noxious and you big crimes will weigh less well done. Lack up quarterback had the got so the vision to stand up or sit down, neil in say now. Ok, we shut this mrs dahl job so so skip bayliss because he thinks he's earning moral points. Ease earning their a lot of lefties are not particular religious, but if there's a lefty Heaven which presumably involves enormous amounts of drugs. If, if there is a lofty heaven to which skip bayliss hopes to aspire, one day. This gets him in right because you see said that its implementation intelligence to say the college capper neck is, is it is adult and more on is doing. There. thing is: is a racist and and hates cops, and we tell him that he should that he should sit down and shut up, he's a backup, quarterback and instincts at his job. So what are we even charity also say in the first place: that's a plantation mentality, plantation mentality, really, the last time I checked slaves weren't being paid. What is he being paid? One hundred
twenty million dollars hundred nineteen million dollars, yeah plantation mentality, from skipped bayliss, who gets paid, be professional idiot. That's one of things. I ain't thing I hate Kristen bell is: is and by many issues in veronica mars, corrects says over there though, out of IRAN, a calmer stands out, there never watched the shot enough. Any good she's. The voice of one of the characters in frozen tonight but that means she likes telling babies these video, a children's movie. That means that you like coming babies. Apparently a christian bell has now done, video in when she talked about motherhood and a gap and also she's been planned. Parenthood advocate it's just so obnoxious. She did this for huffington posed, which Is your company looking to maximize their output while cutting back on costs? Why outsource all your production, too far away? Countries like china and narnia when we have the cheapest and best workforce right here in the good? All? U S, survey, women!
right with pink sourcing. Women are a bargain at the workplace, since you only have to pay them. Seventy seven cents on the dollar strike happy what I like sixty cents, who are you bill gates? They again, I make eighty five percent, who is she is he no come on? Those are men even more importantly, you don't have to pay women overtime, they'll, never ask for a raise and they don't complain about their working conditions right Kathy. Don't forget: women are great at remembering birthdays, they're, the only ones who bring baked goods into the office and smell nice. Also, you don't have to pay for women's birth control and if they do get knocked up when they leave to have the baby you get off scot free, but don't worry guys, your boner pills are still covered. Okay, okay, was this supposed to be funny? I guess they were supposed to be humor here, but
if this is when the left gets political. It's really really really not funny. So this is super not funny and there's so much that ally here. First of all, I just wanna point one thing out: Kristen bell's net worth as of two thousand and fifteen sixteen million dollars, sixteen million dollars so clearly she's being disadvantaged by the by the great bias against women in the workplace. As far as the idea that lawyers are interested in their employees in their female employees. Getting pregnant and then take I am also we don't have to pay for them. No, because when they take If we lose money, we have to hire a replacement right when there that replacement means you have to train up the replacement and by the way. Why is it myra she? She talks about viagra being covered in cake. I don't remember the last time that that condoms were covered by any any sort of health care program. I missed that part. The the whole thing is the this is all insipid and she and she continues along these lines. She talks about how women are really disadvantaged and it's pink sourcing, but what's funny about this, is that what she does
understand, is that you actually making the case against herself, because if this actually existed, if needed, of everything shore saying were true. Companies would actually do this. Wouldn't they right, I mean companies are evil. I deserve asian companies are evil and they did it in a hate women. But if this were true if they could pay women less if they could disadvantage women, if they didn't give them birth control and then they get pregnant, we throw them out on the street and we beat them and all this nonsense. If that were true, there would be a company actually called pink sourcing and companies would call that. company to hire all the women, so they could pay them nothing do. Is there a company called things, notions, because the entire company called think sourcing. It doesn't exist gang in the region, The reason it doesn't exist is because in the large cities in america, this with women who have the same qualified. in the same marital status as men paid more, are paid more than men in the top fifty cities in the united states according to time magazine circa, two thousand ten as the but facts have no no
no relation to reality. Where we're christian bell comes from victim, that christian bell is, it had met, but again what what people and how they would get from all of this. This is tremendous feeling of moral superiority that cannot be overcome before we get to the mailbags yourself to guess the male back, because time it's no meaning here, but before he gets in the mailbag, I want to say hello to our our friends over at birch gold, if you're deeply worried about the future of the country and you're deeply worried about the future of your economic plans in your in your finances, the stock market. You need to talk with the folks over at birch gold. The number is eight hundred four nine six sixty six, sixty three, when you do call them, should ask all the questions you want about. Why it's worth while to invest in gold and other precious metals, and they have a comprehensive sixteen page kit that explain gold and silver can protect your savings, and hey can legally move your, I re, or for one k out a start in bonds and into precious metals which actually, which, actually,
is that there's an irish law that allows you to do that which you with without paying taxes when you, when you move your irish oversell, get your no cost an obligation cat with birch goals group that eight hundred four In six. Sixty six sixty three go to birch gold that comes lashed bandits b. I r c h, gold, dot, slash band, make sure it's birch gold, slash ban, keep this last because the that allows them to know that we have sent you and then they can do we to advertise with us and keep are a bunch of ne'er, do well employees working ok time for the vaunted we've reached the end of the week. Ten for the vaunted much sought after and often imitated, never duplicated, Ben shapiro show mailbag hearing a robber rights rubber right high. Then I was hoping you help I've been wondering at hilary statement. She thought the sea and email letters had something to do with alphabetizing or filing or something. My question is if she ever My emails were only being filed undersea. Why was it? Nothing was ever being files under the other twenty five letters of the alphabet. That seems like a pretty
Can filing system thanks in advance, for helping to make sense of hilary see files, logic robber? Why? I think the reason robert, that we thought that it see was the only letter that appeared at the top of the emails. I can make this joke. It turns out What what's loosely the that I have a joke, but its way to have seen for the form for any sort of fervour for any sort of broadcast media by the way, if watching this live right. Now, a daily wire dot com are doing a new routine. Where, if you actually message us during the show will- and you ask questions, then we will actually pop those up in real time, and I can respond to you in real time, which is kind of gore. Ok, Brennan rights haven. My best friend in toronto said you and the producers are what humans should look up to when they want to go to animal. Have it a couple of weeks ago I got into they would my bro about the relation of religion, a marriage. He said religion hijack merit.
I made it it's own, but I proved him wrong and he still ignored me. How do I make him understand facts? Furthermore, he said a christian. Refusing to bake a cake for a gay couple is illegal. I know it's not, but I don't comprehend how it is not. Could you explain? Okay? First of all, it depends on the state. So there are certain states where they have made it illegal for a christian couple, not to bake a cake for a gay couple, but not only for again couple for same sex wedding, so washington state, for example, a baker just got suit out of existence because they didn't want to participate in a same sex wedding. It not be illegal because I'm actually fully consistent on this. I don't think this is even a religion issue. I think that this is a freedom of association issue. I don't think I should have to serve you. I don't think you should have to sort of make it and people always say to me things like: ok. Well, if you walked in wearing your keep an eye, and I refuse to serve you, wouldn't you feel bad? Whereas, yes and also you're allowed to do that lots of things in life? we feel bad, but back don't care about you since I am fond of saying- and so I really dont care or go to a different place because
now that the market solves all this stuff when it comes to when it comes to free market economics, if somebody does, Take my money. My money is just as green is anybody else's and there are plenty of other people who are willing to take my cache. That's the real solution to discrimination in the market. Place is other. Mrs competing and taking those dollars, which is why, for all the talk about gays and lesbians being just managed by the market system. I've yet to see a market system really just vanishing gays and lesbians. We have gay and lesbians at disneyland, and we do it with gay and lesbian days at the ballpark, and we have specific games. It's been cruises where you really have to be gay and lesbian to go on the cruise. We have gay and lesbian retirement homes, there's a whole market that exists just for gay and lesbian people. So the idea that The market is disadvantaging gay people and if the christian baker doesn't want socio with the gay. What would the gay couple that they have to adjust its silly? to me, it doesn't make any sense elation of freedom of association, besides, which is a violation of freedom. If the idea is you get to crack down on me. Your version Society should look like, then. I will understand my christian,
get to crack down on you, what their version of society should look like. Haven't we just agree not to crime our versions of what society should look like on each other and we leave each other, how alone spencer rights? Can you speak, a norm, chomsky descent into establishment, puppet status and have left converts radical intellectuals into apologists. Well, I mean I'm not sure that that known chomsky deter has become carnival. Leftist establishment figure more than the left has just move right. Go in Bernie sanders used to be a radical and now he's establishment and because the entire left moved laughed so he's where he always was. I'm not I'm not aware the chomsky has moved to the right in any way. I mean Chomsky is a legitimate, nutcase radical, but I think the entire left has moved left. This is why I don't think that parties, liberal party anymore there now full on leftist party and they're, going to continue to move left, by the way is one of the real why it from presidency, if you're a conservative could actually be harmful if the real George w Bush was transformational leftist, Barack obama. Imagine what the reaction to donald trump willoughby,
well, actually have Non chomsky. Is president a chase rights, coke or pepsi? Whether show then keep it up you know I'm doing enough. So honestly, I don't I'm doing enough. So did have a clear opinion on this one, as I call back in my more soda drinking does actually did like pepsi, but I, but there there's also to brands of coke others. There's there's sugar, coconuts, corns europe colleague, so the the Jews, those of us who keep pass over on pass over. We can't you score Is europe the ashkenazi jews? We don't use corn syrup, and so we are, and so we get the the sugar version of the coke. Then the sugar version of the coke is better than the corn syrup version of the coke as well. Mitchell. Writes Ben I was talking with the work. We were a machine shop which I started doing I was in high school the guys like to give me a hard that being the millennial which is fine, I hate my generation, but I'm stuck with them the asian.
The generation that much will live beyond all the rest of these people cause you're young, I told him, I think part of the problem is kids- are not forced to become adults at the age of eighteen, like previous generations. They are allowed to be kids until the age of twenty six. What are your thoughts? Do you think we need to start forcing people to become adults again at a younger age. Yes, I absolutely think that people should be given responsibility at a younger age. That doesn't mean that we have to throw people that we have to throw people immediately in the workforce it aged sixteen, but it does mean that we that we have to start giving people personal responsibility and training them for how to balance checkbook. How to have a bank account how take care of their siblings at a younger and younger age that they can become responsible human beings alot younger scots, has been. Do you think that stop and frisk violates the fourth amendment I do not think stoppin frisk violates the fourth amendment fourth amendment is in this is work. This is live, though. The reason that that they stop frisk doesn't us inviolate. Fourth amendment: this is what The supreme court is that I think the right on this is because the idea is unreasonable. Surgeon seizure is forbidden by the constitution of the united states that good
is unreasonable, search and seizures if there's a reason for it. In other words, if you gave theirs I for it if they spot a gun under your code that can stop and frisky if they just die, for no reason in frisk you that's the problem which, by the way, is why things happen phrase if there's a reason for the breast is not necessarily unconstitutional, but what maybe uncas who should, in my opinion, is alcohol checkpoints if they just stop every car, that's coming along the road to say it's possible could be unconstitutional, because it's because you are forcing everybody to be stripped down. And their luggage searched without any sort of reasonable suspicion. The way the day the supreme court is going, on that one is that the supreme court has had its privileged to fly. It's not a writer. That's pretty dicey territory, Austin is asking. Why do hispanics fully countries with less policies and then come to america? and vote democrat while it's not just hispanics. It's a lot of people could do this for the same reason that a bunch of people from california this axis and then vote for california policies that people's politics is job more with what they think is right in
then what they think is effective and ineffective. So what is it? You grew up in a system. they say the government is supposed to take care of you, then you're gonna come to a new. And you're still gonna. Think the government is supposed to take care of you is what polls show for a lot of hispanic immigrants to the united states overwhelmingly. They think that the government is obligated to take care of you if you're, sick or, if you're out of a job. They think that a big government with law, social services is a moral good, not that its effective, but that its moral good also. I think that If you haven't lived under a fully communists, ismail guarantee that people who are currently escaping from Venezuela are not going to be voting for Democrats anytime soon them extreme the system you lived under the more you once he anything remotely resembles it in the next place. You live rose is is asking right now, then, what governors are worth watching for the next four years? Why that gregg abbot is The one that comes top of the list, Greg abbott of Texas is the one that comes to mind. I think worrying north carolina is a real, tough andre and I think that he's taking a lot of crap but he's doing a really good job in north carolina that there, if you
if the governors who then their names escape me, but but I did there's some- there are some up and comers for sure garrett writes hebben. Do you think it's possible I have a true conservative, make it to the white house or as pc culture, so bad. Anyone that campaigns on real conservative values will eventually have to flip. So he has a chance of winning the general. I do think the conservative values could we could win, but I think they have to be The values expressed concisely in moral terms. A campi concern The values are just are just things like entitlement reform, it's gotta, be you owe it to yourself to save money for your own retirement and take care of your parents, and children is not the job of the gun it's your job to subsidize anybody else's retirement. If you speak in those terms, I think most will understand that maybe I'm wrong, maybe move beyond the era. Maybe russia's right may move beyond the era when a real conservative can win. I dont believe that's true, because I don't think that has been expressed correctly. I think the conservatives a very terrible job of naming the left and shaming laughs and pointing out just how evil leftist ideology is
John, is writing live. How far should the government go to protect the environment? And the answer is that the government should go far to protect the environment, that we don't I'll die? That's that's pretty much. They did, but I dont think that it's the government's job to get deeply involved in environmental issues that don't have externalities. So a lot of other than a lot of environmental issues do have externalities when polluting a river and somebody else lives down river. That's an externalities and polluting the air and other people are breathing the air. That's an extra reality and government regulation is probably necessary, but if you're talking about preserving, land that nobody has ever going to visit at any point and there are no real, externalities, like they're doing to the arctic national wildlife refuge? For example, then the government doesn't really have a role in doing that and the government certainly doesn't have a role in magic Renaming things pollution letter not actually pollution like saying that the carbon pollution carbon emissions are something government has to regulate them. any legislative authority to do that. Ok, final question of the day: let's see this
Let's do a listeners question I may have missed it. no one. Color Putin's recent law against religious freedom have only heard it from friends and colleagues who, like me, have lived temporarily in russia. Are you aware of the lotta came into effect restricting people's right to publicly state their religion? not aware that I will check it out. I will check it out and out speck it hasn't been widely reported in the united states, because the obama administration, is busy catering to putin and sows trumps everybody. Busy catering important actually call out the things that he's doing. That there are great just went also when you want to paint somebody is right. Wing idea, law, the right when fanatic, like they're, trying to paint Putin, then last than you, to do his point out that he may actually be left us. I mean the guide to work for the kgb. Ok, this brings us to the end of the week, but that doesn't mean it has to be the end of your experience for the better. If you're a chef, not a daily wire com, comment, subscribing be part of this. This is new thing I mean we were reading those questions live as you. People were watching in real time, so you part of that. A daily wired dot com, all this cool new-
Ology me part the mail bag and you can watch this thing lie as it happens that you can be part of the magic he's, try not to run the country anymore than it already ruined over the weekend. I know that you're gonna have to play in this way. And and and things are going to go to hell in a hand basket, but for the love of god folks try to rein it in I'm ben shapiro. Is the bench of euro.
Transcript generated on 2023-03-07.