« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1809 - The “No Evidence” Lie

2023-09-14 | 🔗

The media rush to Joe Biden’s defense as Republicans prepare an impeachment inquiry against him; inflation jumps again as the Biden administration tries to make “Bidenomics” popular; and Mitt Romney announces the end of his political career.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The media rush to Joe Biden defence, as republicans prepare an impeachment inquiry against him. Inflation jumps again, as the by demonstration tries to make by dynamics. A thing admit the announced at the end of his political career, where this is the bench barrow show This show sponsored by express vpn is time to stand up against big tech, protect your data express vpn, dot com, slash Ben was pretty Is that republicans launching an impeachment inquiry are going to end this process with an impeachment? There is no purpose for he's been inquiry if it does not end in an impeachment thou just be a giant proud fall by the republic. party to launch an inquiry that does not actually end with an impatient which means we are steadily moving towards that. And so the question becomes what exactly must be proved in order for an impeachment we pursued with vigour and alacrity, and the answer is pretty much. Whenever Democrats did in the last few years, the trump administration so merrily. That means you don't have to watch a crime. It means that you don't actually
brad evidence that a crime was was full on committed? All you have to show is that there was corruption or abuse of power enough for your own party. That's basically all you need. And to this point we ve already shown that when it comes to Joe Biden and hunter Biden and the geo J, all that material is already public when the biggest ghastly episodes ever seen is happening right now in real time media. Determine that actually, there's no evidence whatsoever that anything is wrong: Joe Biden or hundred Biden that that effectively, these people are just as clear, as the driven snow, for example, entire media montage last night of the media claiming there's no evidence of jos action with hunter binds, corruption, which is a lie. It is an absolute overt. Why? Not only do we have to separate business partner, a hundred biden saying that those involved in a business I'd be devon: archer, antonia, bioenergy. We have them both testifying that Joe Biden would stop by meetings or
into meetings having to do his sons business with direct tax from hundred bind to his own daughter, suggesting that you pay daddy's bills. We have whatsapp's apps from hunter Biden's computer to foreign companies, suggesting if they dont pay up his daddy is sitting literally right next to him and we'll just outsize political power in order to punish, said companies with tens of millions of dollars moving around from foreign forces sources into of right of shell companies and then into companies and people connected with hunter Biden? Embryos by living in Joe Biden task. Well, a lot of this stuff is happening, so yeah I mean there's a little bit of evidence was a little. I mean a lot of evidence, the thing that is missing is an actual transaction wider showing money moving directly from hundred Biden to Joe Biden. But let me just make something pretty clear when it comes to parents and kids at source.
doesn't have to happen, nor for the bill to get paid, we're pointing this out is pretty obvious. Have you ever going out to dinner with your parents in then you pick up the tab. You you pick up the tab right well. Does that mean that your parents do not benefit from you picking up the tab you have to actually transfer the money to your parents account and then they pick up the tab in order for it to be considered a benefit for your parents. Idiocy anyway, here media denying denying did I get remember. These are the people who, for four long years, every single day on cnn remember, I beat the gym, which is the only place it did. Cnn has ever appeared my life and yet would unfortunately be on the wall and every single day, wolf are be talking about the bombshell was emerging in the russia investigation is going to blow this thing wide open who's going to destroy the trump presidency for four long years. We heard all of that, and Reemerged adam shift is still sitting in the house and honoured member of the democratic caucus. The media went crazy over things like he'll dossier for years on end, but here there is no evidence, none not not not a whit. Now, scintilla
not an iota of evidence that Joe Biden is in anyway, just listen to our vaunted media having months and months of conversation and hearings and news coverage of well. What exactly did go on with Joe Biden, an hundred violence, business dealings and, as we have all said, no evidence yet has been presented, but that the violence have made a lot of money and so on and so forth. Again, no evidence that we have seen even some housework, black can say: they're, not convinced evidence exists plus for war publicans insinuated they might not back the move, they might not vote for it. Given the lack of evidence to support such a drastic actions, but house republicans have so far not provided evidence that bide, indirectly propagated off his sons, business deals or made any decisions as nice press the cause of them? Ok, so here is the thing the media are relying on a very, very broad definition of evidence here in order to
skip the reality. So there's a lot, there's only circumstantial evidence. So let me first point out that circles: actual evidence includes thing in court like, for example, fingerprints, on a weapon. circumstantial. The definition of circumstantial evidence is evidence that indirectly points to outcome, but doesn't directly attest to the outcome, so direct evidence is, I witnessed, saw oj simpson murder. His ex wife that would be direct evidence, indirect evidence, would include things like blood all over oh jason's, bronco blood, all over the crime scene. All of that matching, I doubt I'll, be direct evidence, abbe, circumstantial evidence. When you hear people saying there's only circumstantial evidence that Joe and hundred were involved together, circumstantial evidence like job directly saying that he threatened the ukrainians, the billion dollars and removed withdrawn aid if it in fire prosecutor overseeing the prosecution of his son company? Well. Yes, that is Circumstances also pretty indicative it's pretty indicative again. If the standard now on impeachment is effectively
that if a party doesn't like another member of another party, they just get to impeach him. They don't have to allege a crime and you don't even have to define the crime. I just gotta tell you. If what I have stacked up here is donald trump impeached in two thousand team for the great crime of calling a lotta, muslins, keep and allegedly threatenings with raw military aid. If wanderers wednesday's not dig up dirt on the bite and then, on the other hand, I have jobs being impeached. For ongoing scheme with his son to clear tens of billions of dollars, by essentially using his influence, as vice president of the united states or by the way, even ve, his son purports to use his influence as president of the united states and clearing actual money that way and shaping u s, policy. That way, because I mean, whilst this job I care about victor Shokhin, wise in charge, green policy in the first place, why you squiring son around to china and air force, to what are those who want to stack up at least fairly we at the very least, and yet were told them. No evidence whatsoever, none no evidence that
why there is in fact evidence but the media let us continue along these lines: Caitlin Collins, for example, version and directly after working congressmen mike wall to florida. Have you seen any direct evidence? Warming, no, naturally see like the a breeze, my handing Joe Biden, a sack of cash, but the difficulty definition of direct or indirect evidence. We have tons of indirect evidence for you yourself when you are talking of the evidence that you save sing and for those sitting at home. Have you seen anything that directly ties president and and shows that he profited from his sons, foreign business dealings. We have a son complaining to his relatives about how many of his father's bills he's having to pay a with these illicit gains. I we haven't had any whenever my last night and profit we have it, but I mean, but they caitlin. The point of the inquiry is to give us greater standing to get the full evidence. If we get full cooperation, if they say we have nothing to hide and give it to us and we
see anything than that's where the facts leaders through your thing may allow you to an actual amnesia and yet no don't get more evidence. We need data, we need if we are going to follow the facts. We're gonna do this responsibly, but again, I'm amazed at the standard. I'm amazed The standard here I mean that the standard which is hunter by and says to his own daughter. I pay dad's bills and killing. Have you seen any evidence that hundred Biden pay does bills women said. He did that's how it works. Evidence that he paid his dad's bills and the fact that Dad has millions of dollars of unexplained wealth. I mean that's pretty suggestive, so I guess the new standard is that republican I have to show that hunter Biden directly signed a check to Joe Biden and has to have Joe's Joe Biden's name on the back of the check handed the bank. In order for any of this to be good, I don't think so. That's I know, any of this is going to work and by the way the american people don't believe that either the reality is that peached or not is the relevant, because we know that romania's not can be removed by the senate of the united states is dominant by democrats
What we do know, however, is that the american we got by and large believe the allegations that Joe Biden is involved in corruption, because very clearly is This is your binds responsiveness momentarily first, you know a company is looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for its great news for new and current pure talk. Customers pits just agitated to every plan and include a mobile but with no price increase whatsoever. If you ve considered per talk before the amid the switch will now be a time to take a second look for just twenty bucks a month. You get unlimited talk taxi now, fifty percent, more fight You data, plus there are new mobile hotspot. There's just one reason I love pure talk. Their vote one. They only hire the best customer service team at located right here in the united states of america, most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year while enjoying the most dependable five g network in the country. Remember you vote with how you spend lisa. Stop supporting companies that actually dont, like you very much, that's that's her door of pure talk. That's reason they sponsor the shop when go to pure talk,
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he is the republicans are pursuing impeachment, so they can also persuade governments shut down which, by the way, is actually the opposite of the truth. if you are cynical about politics, what you think is the Mccarthy is pursuing the impeachment inquiry in order to get his own side off his back, so he can cut a deal with regard to the continuing resolution, not the opposite, but again jack. Love and Joe Biden pretends that he doesn't know what the hell is going on with regard to his son, when you very clearly does so that the goalposts continue to move the white house is using the same line as the media Green jean pierre says, there's no evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong. there's no evidence to back this gesture year, suggesting interests. Actually, Oh, she says that now, there's no evidence that, but my favorite is they went from Joe knew nothing about. Hundreds businesses do yeah, you know something about hundred businesses, but he wasn't involve too well. Yeah yeah he was in ball, but he actually clear the money and now they're moving to where you don't have any direct evidence that he cleared the money and from
and they're, going to move to what? What? How could you expect them not to clear it, helps you it's for him not to benefit. After all, this wasn't really for him. It was for hunter. He just loves his. Too much. He just loves his son too much in that's gonna, be the final reply. worry. This argument is tried out yesterday by the houses in sand say The reason that Joe stopped by hunters business meetings was out of love. It was just out of love, just like in the in the corleone family members. The family would stop by meetings held by other members, the family just out familiar love. Now I love my family. I do I'm also not a public servant, I'm not somebody who works for the american taxpayer and it turns out that, if your love for you it requires you to engage in corruption at the expense of the american taxpayer. Daddy's is impeachable and quasi criminal behaviour. I love this defence. He d just loved hunter to too much. You loved him too much a tragic love story. Why was the president at those meetings on those
Of course? What again, I think this is part of the right wings, miss information machine to try to confuse people about what the truth is. The truth is that the present, as he has said publicly for years, calls his we every day to check, and he calls it. Sir everyday check, any causes other family members to check and to see how they're doing he loves them. There's a very tight knit family there there so tightening who just checking in is areas doing, which is why has some, would call him in the middle of business meetings and to everyone? phony jake. How learn in your group and gave on- and they say that's fine, dad and click the phone It's easy! I get my down on the phone anytime. I want a court into the new york times. The strategy here is to battle it out in the court of public opinion, says ian sams to the new york times a while good luck with that, because again it's pretty obvious the level of corruption. The Joe Biden been involved in his entire career. This is nothing new for japan. This the protests told we astonishing, I'm not
how many democratic skin let's get ignored by the media on the basis. utterly unthinkable, they totally cannot be true and then is pretty obvious that they could totally be true, so I have mentioned before in a complete The different context, scandals involving, for example, allegations about Barack obama's drug and sexual behaviour. wait. Ninety nine billion, that's unthinkable! That's totally! Gracie hap, that's terrible Maybe those rumours are untrue. Maybe they are immediate and bothered to look them up for five seconds. Why? Because they were unthinkable, and then it turns out that you know Brok mama admits in his memoirs that he was doing cocaine and he also wrote letters to his girlfriend talk now fantasies of having sex with men and them When, when those roars, I don't get nets unthinkable. We cannot talk about this and then later the like. Whilst you wait, there's nothing to talk about you, ok, here's the thing escort since those rumours, maybe what were they highlight them? washed implausible rumours. I mean not the most implausible rumours, but putting that aside here we're not even talk now rumours here. We are talking about
well documented relationships, but mean hunter and Joe testified to by jos business but by hundreds business partners with documentation from one hunter's computer backing off and with decades decades of record. of Joe Biden engage in corrupt bargains on behalf of his family, with a variety of sources ranging from m b n a in delaware. He was known as the senator from Ambien a he was known as this, because his son hunter out of law school already being a derelict got hired over an mba Me I was a huge bind donor. Let me while I was getting sweetheart legislative deal. two m, which was growing by leaps and bounds in the state of delaware, like sort of stuff's going on with the binding he put cutting sweetheart realestate deals with the heads of ambient air I'll, be back in the ninety seven use, cutting sweetheart deals with unions in organs of elected, in that there is nothing new, the corruption areas, cutting sweetheart deals with banks. In order that those banks, you ve loans, was rather Jimmy's, as is brother. Jimmy
these rights, a rock bar in Wilmington, delaware, so, like him using his power in order to benefit his family. Financially has been the entire Joe Biden story for as long as Joe Biden has been in public office. As when the entire stick wisest implore, there's no evidence there's no evidence, while actually there there's a lot of evidence, guys there's a lot of evidence Meanwhile, there's another scandal, this path on top of the actual corruption, and that is the cover up of the corruption, the obstruction of the corruption we'll get to that in just one second, first, I love watching my baseball. Even the my websites are absolutely terrible. This here, I guess I it sucks the joy of watching baseball when you're here is really bad, but one thing that can help inject some fine back into the sport is using prospects, pray it's the easiest and fastest way to play daily fantasy sports, you pick two to six players and you choose where they will score more or less than the price pics projection. You can win up to twenty five times your money on any entry. There's no competition against others. Let's just u versus the projections. Prospects offers projects on pretty much every
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Was that Joe is currently the president and the d o J was attempting to cut a very obvious sweetheart deal his sweetheart deal with hunter so obvious that the judge in the case uncovered it we blew it up in a geo o was forced to pretend that it hadn't cut the sweetheart deal in the first place. Meanwhile, the white house maintaining guys jody talk to anybody about two hundred. europeans? Have the white house anxious that you mean residents been very clear about this since before even took office that, Justice department and his administration is independent. He has not been involved in case. He has not talked to anybody, but that case, but don't take his word, for it. Take words of the geo peace own witnesses in the house who testified in an open hearing that neither attorney general garland nor prayers, inviting interfered in this case or get well, I mean what they did testify to. Is that The attorney in this haste, David wise, had asked for a special council status. The g o j and was not given it or the very
is that he was not given special council status. Even if you ask in america, as you didn't, even ask for it, and for what it's not up to him to ask for it, you just give it to him. If you wish for him to be truly independent will now politicos reporting an fbi agents involved in the hunter Biden. Probe said the prosecutor, it sought, but was denied hope from a key fellow Those are turning lack of cooperate, does not prevent charges from being brought against the president's sound, but it did make the prosecutors job harder. The testimonies liver, Hi closed doors is consistent in part with an irish whistleblowers, description of the probe and comes at a critical juncture in the investigations into the button family, republicans of point it's. That was a description when making the case for opening an impeachment inquiry into presidential by the asian, said she did not recall another key part of the whistleblowers allegation. Republicans have focused on that David wife said he didn't have final authority to charge the president's son. Apparently the agent said quote. I remember learning at some point in the investigation of Mister weiss would have to go through his other processes, because the us attorney's office had, I guess in that sense, using that terminology wasn't going to partner
asked if she recalled learning the martin astronomy, also turning from the central district of california specific I did not bring tax charges against hundred by the agents. Had I understand that, yes, a decision has been made that the central district of California wasn't going. Do I guess my understanding? Is they weren't going to bring the case on their own? So here is the problem with all this again. This is this: is the price? inherently with issues involving the d o J, Joe Biden, doesn't have to say anything to merrick garland for all of us to get done. There are widespread reports in the public me in the new york times about how upset Joe Biden is but all these charges with hunter, how much he loves his son said he is with all this stuff haven't meeting their garland doesn't know that Garland isn't interested at all, has no political steak and making sure that a sweetheart deal gets caught with hunter a sweetheart deal the to bury and a gun deal you think. That's Joe Biden doesn't have to like pick. The phone and sage miracle america way to quash this investigation, is a sign of letters in europe, hello. My son, make it go it to have to do that. All yes
making clear that you would like that happen. Amira garland knows how to make that happen, so he makes it happened and what this makes it happened. Disease to David wife, I'm not giving special council status, you work for me of Things go wrong here. I get blamed anyway now, like let's make this thing. Galway, that's all Democrats, for the record are beginning to turn on hunter house. grants are beginning to realise that some maybe hundred has to go under the us in order to say that Joe here, which is pretty good, poor, gets that momentarily. First innovation refunds has been helping small businesses. The qualify get business Well, tax reform through the employment in credit, also known as the e r c, the arctic, tax refund for businesses that kept employees on payroll for parts of twenty twenty and twenty twenty one. If you wanna bet with more than five employees, it could have money waiting to be claimed. Innovation recent survey, research shows a large number of small businesses who had from five to five hundred full time. Employees in twenty twenty twenty one may be eligible for an energy tax. Deduction qualifying for that year see goes beyond sales decline of your business faces,
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problems, yet to find any evidence directly linking hunter binds business dealings to Joe again they keep saying this over and over. I don't stan. You do have evidence. Hunter talked about it. Tony Baba lynskey talked about it. Devon archer talked about what what are you talking about? But I guess they're gonna pretend delicate stacy place get of the virgin eyelashes our job, or my job will be to remain the american people that over and over again hundred binding The administration him you're asking You can't impeach hunter Biden body will be prosecuted, Democrats Donovan plan to try. then hundred binds conduct during his serving on the board of ukrainian natural gas company bereavement that arrange them. Publicans say, allowed him to trade on its fathers influence at the time, as vice president, by the way? That's not just what we can say hunter himself set it. He said of my lastly, we're not Biden, I wouldn't have been on the board of a natural gas company in ukraine- knows nothing about. natural gas. He knows nothing about ukraine, but last name is Biden. said the president's party is keen to keep Joe as far away as possible from the drip drip of damaging information coming out about a sun during adler of new york.
He's a hundred nine may very well done some improper things he's a distort ban almost every president, a problematic failures. Yes, but as the president in business with them question, we understand that roger Clinton, bill Clinton, brother, was really screwed up. Dude was built. Clearing checks was nor billig actual actively using his influence once you get Roger Clinton jobs outside the administration, I'm just I'm so confused by, but there's what democratic going to do they're going to throw a hunter under the bus it'll be fast waiting to see. It's almost shakespearian whether Joe is eventually just gonna throw hundred under bus as well. If the if the mask of is occurring, Father goes by the wayside when his presidency is at stake. If he says a hundred does a lot of corrupt terrible things got problems. Obviously You know I love. I was involved in those one hundred man he's gonna have to go down based You think I was going to do that. It will be interesting to find out meanwhile, democrat Come up with a secondary angle here, and that is the person behind all of this- is the nefarious tramp tramp tramp
the trump his minute is pulling all the strings here. No I'm just going to say no. There are a lot of republicans who think that Joe Biden has done corrupt and terrible things here, nothing to do with donald trump, but again everything has to be trump's fault. That Ugh is not going to hunt. That is not a dog that is going to. That is that its trump from behind the scenes manipulating genius like all of this donald from can lee manipulate his own hands. Are you kidding me? That's not a thing. From manipulating the republican party into impeaching, Joe Biden gimme a break According to yahoo news, sweeping patio overlooking the golf course it is private club in bed minster, new jersey for a president. From dying sunday night with a close political ally, marjorie taylor green there's a chance for former president to catch up with the hard right georgia congresswoman, but over halibut, diet, coax green, Combination of considerable interest from the push my house republicans too and peaches they opponent and extra election. I did months strategy. I want see laid out with impeachment brief greens edna brief phone interview from dinner with greece.
can just to night before how speaker covent garden. Announced his decision on tuesday to or ordered the opening of an impeachment inquiry are so just to get this straight. The theory here from the press is that trump talked to mtg, who then dictated terms to Kevin Mccarthy era. Yeah that makes hence nailed it. That's probably what's going on here, but of course is what jamie rascal, who again was involved in the impeachment from twice now, let's go that the impeachment is coming from. So tiresome? You know it's coming from its coming from the fact that Joe Biden has a lifelong corrupt politician for decades. You know No, you wouldn't have to worry about impeachment if not been a lifelong corrupt politician for decades deploying is drug, addicted, booze, addled, prostitute, abusing son to go pick up my for the family. I mean I don't understand why this is so tough understand. It's amazing here, Jim you're, asking you think the white house should have could have handled the hundred biden saga better. Do you know I'm not closely watching the white house. What I'm doing is engaged in the war.
The oversight committee so far, seven months we have watched the Republicans and over A committee in german cromer get all of the witnesses they want all of the dock. Whence they want more than twelve thousand pages of documents- and there is no evidence of any criminality or wrongdoing by Joe Biden ninety one criminal charges against Donald trump right now. Thirteen criminal charges against congressman santos, who was just on the show a few moments ago. They have nothing. about that. There are no charges against Joe Biden and they want to impeach the guy, that's obviously coming from donald trump, its values, I ve come down from, or maybe it's coming from, republicans who look at the fact that you impeach down from twice with, actually alleging crimes and though I turn about is play in your president- is corrupt and in cooper's. Doing the same thing: trump is behind it all it's the nefarious trump. I do enjoy the spectacle of donald trump.
annually a bumbling fool, but also he's a mafia belly ingenious, manipulating all the strings from behind the scenes. Cement is reporting that the reform present from spoke today with the has Juba conference shirley stefanik about employment strategy. Is here is. Is he really the one driving this I don't know whether is driving it directly or indirectly, certainly as as he participates in social media and talks about this on. For media driving activists to call members of congress in and get involved so whether he called Kevin Corinth directly or whether he is just sort of getting the the riled up, I'm not sure which weigh it happened, but certainly was a congress are hearing about it. Oh you mean well shocked dont transmundane publicly. He wants to buy an mp from the very first day, so what This is new. Well, then, One of the reasons the Democrats are in a state of outsize panic about something that is not going to come to fruition by the way again, let me remind you democratic control, the Senate but he's not going to remove from office. The reason
I'm across our fighting mad about this is because, by announcing an impeachment inquiry, mccarthy and republicans and successfully put this type of the news- and that's it I don't want so glad from there. the old news of trumps indictments and all the rest of this kind of stuff. They don't want to talk about Joe Biden being absolutely corrupt. Is something they wish to speak about. Why? What? Because their fighting, I mean they, afraid, beyond all reason and all measure about harris that's really one of the things that's happening here. It's it's hysterical. Every colony tells Joe Biden not run always in lose an addendum from these democratic kind of advisers. the council also should run David Ignatius? As we talk about yesterday, the programme David when a column in washington, post, ngos should not run and also asterisk, and also kamel harris It's kind of amazing right because she supposed to be this wunderkind is political genius, it, be amazing at this, and we just saw misunderstand her But the problem is nobody likes kamala harris, so the regional panicking about Biden is today nobody to back him up who The person waiting in the wings you gave a new. Let me tell you running on the record.
California is not likely to win you, the presidency, or, at the very least it incoming all go amazing. California's been bleeding population, including my entire family. For years, under Gavin newsom. Is truly an amazing spectacle to watch the democratic party wrecking I mean they really do. They must cease this, madam to so wax figure of a human into battle and he's melting, but you better get back in the presidency before that dude completely melts, because backing him up is Kamel Harris can hear the democratic unease. Nancy Pelosi was asked yesterday about whether Harris was the best pick for vice president for Joe Biden. She refused three separate times to say yes jake, while you know jody, in what you say? I wish her all the best running late for this present. He think so and that's what matters people shouldn't underestimate. What color aspirin to the table. Do you think she is the best running made them cheese, president of the united states or people say to me why,
and she doing this or that is it because she's, the vice president. That's the job description. You don't do that much! You know, you know you, you you're a source of strength, inspiration, intellectual resource and impressed again you're, not saying shit that you should be the renovation saying. Well, you know she is good. Hayden and Joe nobody's comfortable with common house? Why will cause she's terrible it s? For example, She was asked about her limited abortions. Remember the talking point from the Democrats, including from people agents, aki farmers, but for us and for the president of the united states, be talking point is there not for abortion on demand. The problem is When asked name a situation in which you would outlaw abortion, that they cannot name any
PAMELA harris on face the nation botching it once again the wood. What is it that you believe I mean what week of pregnancy? Should abortion access be cut off? We need to restore the protections of roe vs wade, which we're not trying to do something new, but does it need to be specific in terms of defining where that guarantee goes up to and where it, not which week of pregnancy, we need to put back in place the protection of rovers way. You your I am asking, but I should like out because we are not trying to, but we're not trying to do anything that did not exist before june of last dear to now be abortion on demand by the way doesn't recognised Question was: where would you mid abortion and the answer is I'm not going to answer a question because they don't have any limits on abortion, she's terrible at this riyos she's terrible? Does it, meanwhile, it's too they too front war for Joe Biden in this election.
On one hand, you got his corruption and some popularity their hand. You have a bad economic situation that is manifesting itself right now. According to the wall street journal consumers, His rose in august at the fastest pace in more than a year due to a jump in energy costs illustrating the potential obstacles to ringing inflation out of the economy without a sharper slowdown, the consumer price index. Closely watched inflation gauge rose your point six. sent in august from the prior month according to labour apartment? More than have that This was due to hire gasoline prices, but that doesn't matter because I mean you're still paying for it. The monthly core reading likely keeps federalism. The fish was on course to hold interest rates steady at their meeting next week, however, annualized basis. Prices were up three point: seven overall in august versus three point: two percent in July: annual more inflation is still four point three percent in august, so these are not good numbers it supposed to be again at percent, remember every time they say that inflation is long, recognise that the inflation that already happens not being undone. So if you
Is that a good cost? Ten percent more this year than last, and then you say next month the cost only five percent more a month after that three percent more in the month after that two percent more. If the aggregate all of those for the final price right now, people are paying in a boatload more then they were paying for their goods and services just a couple of years ago, and that is thanks to job I which is why his economic numbers are in the toilet, every single shows a plurality of americans trust from overburdened to handle the economy without a doubt, but meanwhile democratic, keep saying that they keep trying make fetch happens not going to and keeps saying by namus over and over and over amuses cutting campaign commercials for publicans and this one years Jean Pierre suggested by economics turn the economy around, which is quite shocking. The economy is already turning around by queue for of twenty twenty.
why is he going to maryland state instead of maybe a red state to talk about his economic policies? So not going to get you heard you heard Jared the chair of ca. Talk talk specifically about the economy, speak to speak, specifically about a major speech. A major speech at the press is going to do tomorrow on by nam x. You've heard us talk about biodynamics and how we believe has turned the economy around and just not from us, but from the data that we certainly have seen- and this was the president has been very clear. He wants to see an economy that come that build that is built from the bottom up middle out and not the trickle down economy that we've thought about the middle. Apprehend republicans want to continue to do it's all slogan. By the way. That's also the title of the next megan thee stallion cardi b song bottom up middle out can be fantastic job bernstein who just reference there he's I mean congressional publicans for quota. What allowing child poverty double. I love the way to lead this games. The game is what if we just infuse
millions of dollars into the economy on the basis of emergency measures and increasing ass of inflation, and then that expires and then you blame people allowing it to expire that that's the game here. So we create a false per se. Of child poverty being relieved? blowing money into a pandemic euro economy and opposed condemning pandemic on economy and then, when it expires, because you know inflation is through the roof, then it's the fault of everybody else. It's your fault, guys costs and benefits accrue to every power. it turns out the long from causing. What you guys have created here is a in a stagflation, That is what we have right now. That's not ok, content in an economic context where congressional republicans have allowed child partly to double by by refusing to extend at this child tax credit they are so tiresome. Meanwhile, Joe Biden is facing some serious problems on the union front against that momentarily. First, are you one of the millions of american men and women dealing with premature hair, thinning and hair loss, or maybe your skin,
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it's like a raving about convicting a murderer, calling it one of the best documentaries of twenty eight twenty three. It's been a massive success. Reaching over eight million views, ranking number two in documentaries on rotten tomatoes were blown away by the response and if you haven't begun the series, yet it is an absolute must episodes one through four are now available, right now, a daily wire plus without much why it is wild to see how netflix his filmmakers exposed by candice in convicting a murderer, episode foreseeable right now of sneak frantic look coming up on convicting a murderer. What would be the upside for this man? I mean he just got out of prison. He has this new lease on life. What would be the If, for something like this we're talking about somebody with unexplainable impulsive, behavior, a pattern of violence and aggression, there were a lot of coincidences on the day that Teresa Halbach was killed and making a murderer are either completely omitted them or only presented half of
Sorry Steven avery leaves work and doesn't tell his brothers. He never used his sister's phone number to book an appointment before a remakes two phone calls to teresa's home. Why is he blocking his id? I don't think theresa. Like Steven Steven wanted her to like him, You have such released, thursday exclusively a daily wire plus head over there right now to start the series, if you haven't already, if you're, not a member head on over to daily wire plus dot com, slash subscribed to join today. Okay, meanwhile Joe and is having some union trouble. So Joe Biden has always been a union guy in the region has been a union guy is because there's fairly good evidence that the union's were actually heavily involved in Joe Biden. First Senate election campaign been tracking jha, writes about this in his book. The violence that basically the davy
or Joe Biden, originals and election campaign back and like nineteen. Seventy, actively there was a mailer that was supposed to go out in all the newspapers that day and the union's picketed the newspaper to stop the mailer from going out at the behest of people connected with it That's what he's always been bought and paid or by the union's will now he's running. In reply, because the? U s w, is seeking another big pay out from the car companies, despite the fact that the eight hour an enormous work and fifty sixtys and seventys to completely undermine america's car advantage, which is why, by the By the time of the eighties everybody was driving a toyota. The waiter is closely monitoring as detroit big lot. there's an eu. U a w in acrimonious negotiations with labour threatened with a strike. An agreement is not reached before their current contract expires and eleven. Fifty nine p m thursday, full or partial strike attention. wade's through the economy, also calling into question Biden's pledge to create a win win transition to clean energy future.
Not directly involved, but he certainly has a strong interest in seeing a settlement. Both sides can limits and hardly shaken a labour professor at the university of California, at berkeley with it wine approaching you a w's fiery new president Shaun Fein has not echoed Biden's optimism. He says the union's roughly one hundred and fifty thousand automotive members are ready to walk off the job if their demands are not met in the next couple of days, which could completely destabilize the industry, the workers are calling for a thirty six percent pay hike over four and the restoration of defined benefit pension plans, which means the utter bankruptcy car companies again. You remember that brock obama, bailed out the car companies so we'll get again, Joe Biden, presumably will come down on the side of the union's because providing care about the economy. What about the car companies? He cares about. Pleasing union cronies will then presumably spend a billion dollars in the upcoming elections to get him reelected get all of this bodes ill for Joe Biden. Reelect chances. The good news for the democrats, as they always have. The republicans to fall back on, which is exciting, exciting stuff,
republicans- are about to have a circular firing squad with regard to a possible shutdown accord. Acts. House republicans evolve, fallen into a state of paralyzed chaos and their secondary back from recess, with no obvious exit ramp in a government spending fight of their own creation and the first sight of the house speaker election published a peace, had lining the ungovernable house, gb eight months later, Sentiment has never been more true. The house was to cancel the vote on wednesday, advancing funding for the pentagon. Every freedom caucus rebelled, overspending levels another. Typically uncontroversial appropriations bill funding. Agriculture has been scrapped entirely over an internal gnp debate about abortion policy mccarthy's now have an impeachment inquiry appears so backfired with some republicans trashing it as a distraction, jumpy It is now asking for a short term continuing resolution to avert. And shut down, but it Mccarthy puts a bill on the floor. Matt gauge is failing to trigger daily votes. To ask him a speaker. I have a question. What is the point of this like what you see to be achieved here. and this with regard to the first threats to do not hand, mccarthy, the speakership
as he handed some concessions to the house. Conservatives I'm fine with that, but can we name points the you actually are advocating for some mccarthy can either you know, do them or not. Instead, what we're getting it seems is another fight over harvey with nobody waiting in the wings to pick up the pieces, because a hundred nine your say they are committed to mccarthy, no matter what well Democrats just sitting on the side chortling is what are they care? Not behind. All of this is real sort of bizarre ideological battle and it's The battle over the value of tactics at all there there's part of the republican party things. The tactics don't matter at all the best way to three the eyes in situations in which you don't control the powers run directly at a wall at full speed with your head down. and if you do it over and over enough, the wall will crumble. I've yet see that strategy achieve any sort of real success, lasting success. more likely that we should do is you should make moves that eventually, guarantee full power across all branches income, and then you can really make harsh moves stay where you can get internal squabbling, maggie
two goes on. Msnbc to bitch about mccarthy, it's always a dead give when republicans are appearing and MSNBC to do this sort of stuff. This is about term limits, a balanced budget amendment and single subjects, spending bills, just like been saying for an entire year, I am them was investigated man in the entire congress and right there you saw Kevin Mccarthy lie and like a dead dog because I have never asked him to interfere in any ethics matter. I think I have the I n d o j who hate me investigate me for three years you covered it nearly nightly, and even you acknowledged at the end that my denials held up consistently and the people who spread lies about me are sitting federal prison right now, because they were part of a criminal scheme, not me. Yeah. I dunno the hell that has to do with KEN mccarthy, but suddenly I guess the idea is that if what you you yellow, mccarthy that you'll replaced by whom, whose wedding things school. He doesn't want it jim shortening and take it. What are you talking about right now? Meanwhile, mccoy
He's getting gauge of tipping up with teaming up their swallow to attack is speakership So this is all one great guys the but let me be very upset about looking back on the entire myself again resource. firefights are completely useless but leads republicans to shoot themselves directly in the when facing down the possibility demo that's doing the same. I saw watching democrats and their republicans do battle with one another is like watching a gunfight in which both guns, yours are pointing their own guns at their own heads and threatening scheme. Suicide. It's it's an amazing thing. You're staying ten paces apart and the Democrats, like you, don't know what we want
I missed you myself right now in the head and of hooligans like doc dont, do it I'll shoot myself in the head and have also shooting a? Why don't you understand what like? Why don't neither of you do there? That seems like that's him But I've been saying for years that this point first party to sandy wins, but that it seems like we're not going in that direction. Any time in the near future. while other big political story of the day is that mitt romney is now announcing his retirement from the senate of the united states and mitt romney is one of the more peculiar figures in the history, american politics. He was a very, very moderate massachusetts, republican governor he ran as the conservative in two thousand and eight your recall against John Mccain. He came in seconds John Mccain in that nominating battle and he was considered the more conservative candidate. against John Mccain, largely because of immigration. Then he ran again in twenty twelve and he won the nomination and anyway, the presidency to brok obama in an election there
and actually broke the country, because you had an incredibly milk toes republican running against a radical democrat and radical democrat winds by cobbling together a coalition of the supposedly oppressed against the against the the demo? firstly, elderly white majority. In all this nonsense, and any breaks politics permanently does does Barack Obama in the united states. He said mitt. Romney goes to the senate in utah, the you job, because he's mormon he's elected to Senate overwhelmingly and he proceeds to work with democratic on a on a wide variety of issues, his record overall is pretty conservative, but on some key issues on certain bill, like, for example, the infrastructure axioms of working with Democrats, the widespread perception from republicans about mitt. Romney is almost a circle. It start from here moderate republican, not sure how conservative years, but guess he's gotten r by his name too he's very she is. She is a harsh conservative is a harsh conservative in two thousand and two he's a harsh conservative, but he didn't really stand up to Barack obama. The way that he should probably
why he lost if he had been only a little bit a harsher too he's kind of a model. Republican you can as an hour by his name, but not all that conservative here rami, announcing he's not gonna run for reelection at the end of another term, I'd be in my mid eighties. Frankly, it's time for a new generation of leaders they're the ones that need to make the decisions that will shape the world. They will be living in now we ve. critical challenges morning: national debt, climate change and the ambitious authoritarian of russia and china. Neither president Biden or former president trump are leading their party to confront those issues. Political motivations too often impede the solutions that these challenges demand the next generation of leaders must take america to the next stage of global leadership.
Well, I'm not running for reelection and that retiring from the fight I'll bet you united states senator until january of two thousand and twenty five he then Sheridan interviewed mackay happens is his hatred for the rest of the republican party in- and here is the thing about this kind of stuff. A peculiar standards had the republican party for council working accounts, disloyalty for Semiramis attacking all the other republicans. He showed a unique disco, four senators, Josh holly and ten crews, we said quote: put it's about the interests of liberal democracy and the constitution. He also whenever senator jade events it out? I don't know that I can disrespect someone more than gaiety vans and and minnesota. that is considered disloyal by bilateral publicans. Irony I hear it like. Why are you in your fire inside the house. Also, I tend to hold that rule about donald trump attacking fellow republicans inside the house, but its its view strange to me that certain types of attacks arkansas completely verboten and certain types of depending on who is doing them are considered totally appropriate when Donald trump suggests that in some way
the fantasy rhino his hands again that's true in a way, that's not true at all, and then, when people attack mitt romney as a rhino, then the same people will be like. Well, that's that's appropriate or inappropriate how about one standard for whether you attack people inside the caucus or not when they violate actual conservative principles, then you attacked them. Donald trump spent spent the day celebrating the ouster of mitt romney, which is again Damn it from spends more time celebrating the Ashraf republican senators and any Democrat that I know he did. He put out a statement saying fantastic news for america. The great state of you try and the republican party mitt romney, sometimes referred to as pierre de facto I will say, the guys, really body that that was his up his peculiar screen m, unlike an alternative twitter account, will not be seeking a second term in you, send it where he did not serve with distinction. A big primary fight against him is in the offing, but now that will not be necessary congrats to all make amerika great again. Now, I'm
when the romish having young and I'm fine with a lot of people, thinking that it wasn't conservative enough anita. I agree with you as criticism. A lot of these criticisms. I just went out down from his now celebrated the astor of of people ranging from Jeff leg to John Mccain to mitt romney veinlike eat as this kind of all the time. So talking about like it's bad for rami, to attack the republicans in the senate sunk rate to tackle the republicans in the senate. You you, you might think Ok time for some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like today, I have to say that the the pigeon mentality. This taken of a corporate amerika is truly an astonishing thing, so there's an that was released yesterday by apple in which they effectively for worship of mother nature, immunity just pure again, gaia, worship, nonsense! So this show is tim cook, and supposedly the rest of the apple board meeting with mother nature. Who, of course is a is a black woman
and she shows up to express our unease at the progress that corporate amerika has made in protecting her the environment and a here's how this commercial, those mother nature, you're, welcome to apple. How do you whether getting in The weather was. However, I wanted it to be less cut to the chase and twenty twenty you promise to bring apples entire carbon footprint to zero. My twenty thirty today with a roll over here said, I'm a profound opportunity to build a more sustainable future for the planet we share. I haven't got ten o clock at the same time. They are you all right. This is my third corporate responsibility gig today. So who wants to disappoint me first well, we've got some updates
we are excited to share with materials status. Is our materials person Jes, we are in the process of eliminating all plastic from our packaging by the enemy. Guess fifty From now on, someone else's left, holding the bag by the end of next year actually august can I just point out how stupid this is. So there are a few things incredibly stupid about this. This entire commercial, which apparently was unveiled the apple product launch, demonstrates just how environmentally friendly their first of all it begins with mother nature, arriving and then they say has the weather and it gets real, dark and other nature says whatever I wanted to be. somewhere, we worried about you, for I am confused Nature is all that powerful. Then why is it that we are not seeking to protect ourselves from you and not the other way round which, by the way, was the story of virtually all of human history until the last five minutes mother nature trying to? and people trying to figure out a way, not die from the story of all of human survival and civilization, still kind of the story.
of all the humans rival in civilization, gay, but immediately. Is it the image countries. Then it turns into how can we worship at the altar of mother nature while we won't run what if cycle all of our past. Mooning used plastic, one of you cycle all the aluminum that we use in our phones- and this is what we're or proving to you, what good people. We are. What amazing amazing people, we are! Don't worry about values, don't worry about the whether what you're doing is good or evil in terms of the product that you produce? What kind of protections it has for say, children, how content actually reaches we'll be in the phones and computers. You put up, don't worry about any of that stuff, while you really ought to worry about is mother nature. So, first of all the substitution I mean this, it is paganism. worshipping nature is a form of paganism. Is the reality. Is nature, don't care about you and if you are making pagans
our faces to the gods, but what you're offering up is not? You know reign in me. What you're offering up is instead like recycled aluminum, I'm not sure what the difference is. My favorite part about all of this is the apple were disposed? Apple bore me when mother nature. Here it's supervisors, we got black lady, an asian woman got an indian woman, here's what the actual Apple board looks like right now that is the widest group of people in human history. That is a very white group of people, Maybe one person on this entire list who is not white, so yeah when one put down the commercial, then would just be a bunch of white people meet with a black lady and I wouldn't you know nearly as good or or quite as diverse what I like about It is good when the mass comes often when corporate amerika basically says when people liked him cook a while. You know my my chief goal is to worship mother nature and to use my giant company to do so. we want produce of our products in communist china, where they completely abuse the environment? Don't care about anything yet
I don't believe you, but I, but I appreciate the sentiment time for some things that I hate I things that I hated today. Soap, SAM smith, is run out of boundaries to transgressions who has become boring, on the other day, SAM smith, who used to be a talented musician and now become a parody of himself, they self herself z, self, put up a tick, tock dressed up intel, tele tubby boots. I hesitate to show this just me so creepy by. I here up that is SAM Psmith Oprah demand to be urgently wearing jeans shore and tell us hubby boots in a t shirt with a small boy on it, eating an apple grown man wearing shirt,
with little boy eating apple on it. In short, like short short, jean shorts, like daisy dukes, and antella tubby boots as he danced in the towel: tubby music. Why during all these things involved with children's branding, if you don't have the area, has nothing to do with children. I'm just wondering in you know it. I dont do showed and activities. In the absence of my children, a girl sit around dressing in teletubbies outfits or playing with teletubbies or any of those things unless I am yo adrian some sort of play with my small children, SAM smith, is a gender variable. Gay man who is wearing easy dukes, antella, tubby outfits? What is this? What is this? If result, its hideous, but besides it besides being hideous
but why we're not supposed to find maghribi possess is super. It is super duper gravy, but the entire media have bought into them about it. the bizarre creepy nature of art of our gender posts, gender world, Which is why presumably, my pants, the former vice It is currently running for president gives appearing on cnn, and he had to face down from a mom who is distraught that her trends daughter would not be able to drop in my pencil america arms? this removes nation, rather not sienna hard for me to ask these questions after just hearing, but I heard what is your policy plan to protect the drains gender community, specifically black and brown trans women from this store, clia high levels of life? it's where let me say I dig. grieved here about those tragic circumstances? And I hear your heart
I moved by your emotion, truly I presently the united states. I'm gonna see to the protection of every american and the rights of every american turn out. Well, that's that's squares with my values or not I'm a bible bleeding Christian. I have for chicken views as emma whose matters and you have a different view of those pornography or not. But I want you to know, I believe in the you're not about religion, freely, knowledge and, I believe in the freedom of conscience. I believe every american to live the work to worship according ok, so years here is that your penance answer doesn't matter nearly as much as the questions being aired like us. The actual answer is black and brown trends genders trend, and people are not experiencing historically high levels, violence or not that the line there's, like a great slaughter of transgender people going on in the united states, is statistically untrue. Put that aside
actual answer to this is not you know I, the only your pain. I hear your heart of this kind of stuff. The actual answer is, I'm sorry. They are very upset. Ways are not girls, girls, boys, men are not women and women are not. Men is none. japan argument and you are doing rate disservice to human beings. When you tell them a why, when you all human beings the delusions and they are experiencing are in fact reflected in reality and then the job of everyone in society to reflect that back at them, you're not doing them. favours. You are engaging in a cruelty. It may sound but at some point someone's gonna to say some, but something harsh about all this people can take dead. Then maybe the american people deserve what they get honestly. If you can take basic truth, then you're you're voting for what you proceed. already guys. The rest of the show continues right now and you're not going to miss it we'll be joined online by Yasha monk, author of the identity trap. If you're, not a member, become member use, coach bureau check out for two months: rental annual plans, click that link in the description and join us,
Transcript generated on 2023-09-15.