« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1808 - THE WAR IS HERE: GOP Launches Impeachment Inquiry Into Biden

2023-09-13 | 🔗

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announces an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden; some House Republicans threaten McCarthy’s speakership; and Democrats begin to consider whether they ought to dump Biden entirely.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
House speaker, Kevin Mccarthy announces an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. Some house republicans threatened mccarthy's speakership and we review the video music awards and Ben shapiro. This is the Ben Shapiro show today shows sponsored by express vpn thousands. My listeners have already secured their network data, join them at express vpn dot com, slash men. Well, it's now a He'll yesterday the house speaker have mccarthy announced that there would in fact be an impeachment ink very into Joe Biden surrounding all of his activities with his son hunter as well as presumably the cover up. That's been attempted by the d o j of any investigation into a hunter's activities, including Joe and here's the thing we already know a lot about this particular topic. In fact, there's a ton of evidence, that's already out in public view. Thanks to the called laptop from Hell. You know the one that was supposed to be russian, just information that was dismissed by the entire media in the months leading up to the last election cycle in europe. Many of the things we know we know that hundred Biden has spent the last
gate jet setting around random countries as a derelict drug attic, prostitute abuser, anyone picking up bags of cash on foreign boards, Well calling his doubting on the phone to prove his connection to his daddy. We know the tens of millions of dollars, have flooded into hundred by active businesses or directly to hunter by. We know the hundred, texted his own daughter, suggesting that he paid his dad's bills. We know all of these things. None of that is interesting. when people say, there's no evidence like everything you said tons of evidence for all of that literally, the only thing missing would be the declining called smoking got, namely some sort of transaction between one of hunter Biden, businesses and Joe Biden directed bank account, but it doesn't require that prove bribery or corruption and by the way, job has not been criminally jars, bribery or corruption. Here is the thing the Democrats broke hold it when they decide decided to impeach donald trump without actually alleging a crime, not once, but why
when they said we are not going to attempt to push even prosecutor aerial motion of what crime was committed. No statute was actually cited in either of the impeachment papers there were filed instead There are general accusations of corruption, general accusations of pressure, and they can do that because that Impeachment is to political process, but once you say, you, don't actually have to alleged crime in order to push impeachment, and then you do it twice. Why It's not gonna, come around and clock you again. You broke the glass. The glass is still broken and here's the reality for publicans did not do the same thing in reverse. Well then emily- so just continued into this willy nilly these there two possibilities here in terms of going back to status quo ante, where people didn't randomly just impeach the presence of the opposing parties there, there possibilities, one everybody goes weapons down unless there's an actual full scale, crime committed that could theoretically be prosecuted but because the president of the united states is immune to
federal prosecution. While he's a president of the united states right that thou beat the better atlanta that we don't prosecute every president or ex president, they actually commit a federal crime, and we end in has been completely even handed and how we actually pursue justice, maybe the better version, and then there is the second version, which is we just willy nilly. teach pretty much everybody and from here until the end of time we impeach everybody, and you know what I suppose we can live with that too. I suppose we can do that. I don't think it's the best thing for the country per se, but sure I suppose we can do that, and that is where we now are so yesterday can Mccarthy and that house committees would open a formal impeachment inquiry into president Biden, ramping up job he ever wonder if any evidence wrongdoing ahead of the twenty twenty four election here was speaker, mccarthy, announcing this yesterday. These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction and corruption. They warrant further investigation by the house of representatives. That's why today I am direct
our house committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry into president Joe Biden This logical next step will give our committees the full power to gather all the facts and answers for the american public. So what's up powers attached to and impeachment inquiry oversee noninflationary. The answer is not all that much. All these committees already had subpoena power so Well. Presumably they will just have a better excuse to use that subpoena power. So, theoretically, if you're, subpoenaed and you're a member of the executive branch, you can say I'm not going to show up not going to testify, because this is not within the normal purview of a congressional investigation. Typically, congressional investigations have one of two purposes: one is oversight of and have a function that the executive is supposed to be so. I pass a piece of legislation that piece of legislation as executive branches posted disperse monies in a particular way
and now, I'm subpoena in the executive branch, make sure that you did the thing that we legislated that you are supposed to do. That is possibility. Number one possibility number two: when it comes to congress and and legitimate purpose of a subpoena would be legislative purpose. Is we're doing an investigation into this problems? We can then craft legislation in order to pursue an end to it. particular problem. impeachment inquiry provides a defence two possibilities. We neither of these two so regularly ass, crafting piece of legislation on the one hand, and are also not doing in foresight, function of a of an executive job that was delegated by the legislature. You doing something else. Another constitutionally perform duty, which is in a patron inquiry, and so, if somebody says I don't want to trumpet the subpoena theoretically, you go to court and you say well, you have to and I have two more than you normally would because, even though it's not legislation and it's not quite oversight, it is an impeachment inquiry, and that is a natural function of the of the house. Now. What does this? Really what it really is, just the republican saying that we are taking this impeachment stuff into high gear, and there are few problems with this particular
budget from mccarthy problem number one is that my car is doing this without a vote, so nancy Pelosi did do this unethical did not take a vote of the house before she actually pursued impeachment of president trump and that, allowed the trump d J to claim that the impact inquiry actually didn't have the authority to proceed properly, so no, you assume that the vitamin oppression is going to do the same thing. They didn't say you didn't even take a vote in the house to open an impeachment inquiry. So why should we respect the notion? This even is, legally and impeachment we're we're not gonna even acknowledges impeachment inquiry. You can't restart impeachment inquiry was proms case. Actually, when it was democrats in charge of congress trump's case was does not like Michael Scott shouting bankruptcy, these walk in rebuilding iraq open and impeachment inquiry. This doesn't attach any new powers to. You was the case that from steel J made that can now be used. That exact case can be used. By the bye Dundee oj against cover mccarthy and in the house republicans. That is the point validity.
is making today, in january, twenty twenty donald trump le justice department formerly declared that impeachment increased by the house her and valid, unless the chamber takes form of votes to authorize them. That opinions should, by the justice department, oilseed, the offs of legal counsel, and it came in response to bigger nancy blowsy doing just that ceiling. Angle was then the head of the deal jays offs of legal counsel, and so we conclude, the house must expressly authorize a committee to conducting impeachment investigation and use compulsory as in the investigation before the committee. They compel the production of documents or testimony so presumably the byte administration is going to do the same thing now. Mccarthy was asked why he flipped on this, because mccarthy had suggested now that long ago, that, like like eleven days, If he's gonna move on and impeachment inquiry, and who is going to do so with the house vote, then he didn't do so, how about you just declared I've open and impeachment inquiry and em? and he was asked about this- and he said well, you know, what's good, for the goose is good for the gander. Nancy Pelosi did that and now we can. We can do the same thing, which again is true.
but it does underscore a bit of weakness in this impeachment. Encroach we'll get you in just one. Second, first: let's talk about the weakness of the american economy right now we've got new economic numbers coming in we'll talk about it a little while I gotta tell you they are not good at it. People are having a hard time figuring out where to put their money. I am, I think, pretty much everybody as you put it in real settled. Think the real estate market is cruising for a bruising you put it in the stock market, looks like stock market is overvalued when you look at like price to earnings ratios. So where you put the money. One thing you could do is take it with some of your money and put in precious metals as a hedge here that this is a smart the people do they diversify their assets, base investors neighbours are looking to harness the power of physical world held an attack. Sheltered ira. I boggled from birds gold. I trust them to help me diversify my savings. You can protect your eye or for one day by diversifying with gold from birch gold, as the us continues to receive that pressure from foreign countries, digital currency. central banks, it's good to arm yourself with the information that you need to protect your savings tax Ben to ninety eight,
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it has to do- is like five republicans and he doesn't have a majority in support of an an inquiry. So instead he's doing it without about what the problem is and if you don't have support to open impeachment inquiry, Harrigan actually vote from peace and so is you writing a check any then can't cash, because peter, an inquiry that ends with not impeachment looks like an exoneration, if the opposing It opens an impeachment inquiry and then says: well, you know what forget it. It turns out. We just never the goods that looks terrible for republicans. So, mccarthy is opening investigation and unclear in which direction? This is going to go, which raises the question as to Why exactly? He is doing that. So one piece of speculation: from the principal reason there's the non principal reason. Other possibilities. The principle some turbinate impeachment graze because there is actually, as I say, tons of evidence that job an hundred by more involved in crop bargaining together that that evidence is widespread, it exists, it is out there you. She don't even need all that many additional facts
and I wonder what they think they are going to discover here- that's going to change the math. The only thing I can think that an impeachment inquiry might discover that we don't already know is just the level which the g o J was pressuring. People like David weiss to cut a sweetheart deal with hunter Biden to kill any investigation into hunter Biden's relationship with his dad financially and that's the part. That's the other drop. That, presumably, is why, given mccarthy is talking about not just corruption or so power, but also obstruction of justice by the idea. The deal James weapon eyes on behalf of the Biden family in order protect Joe from his corrupt relationship with hunter and that you might find out in the impeachment, because the principled reason to open impeachment inquiry is because you think are actually going to get more, formation via the impeachment increase, then you would otherwise and then there's the sort of unprincipled reason, and that is mccarthy is under severe fire right now from the man gates, wing of the party and again, That wing is really small just by by actual numbers a vast minority of the republican party magnates is putting a true, an amount of pressure on cabin mccarthy with regard to spending.
threatening his speakership right now and one way, if you're Kevin Mccarthy, to avoid that sort of pressure is to go back to the base and say: listen, I dunno what you want from me, I'm giving you what you want and given you the impeachment inquiry, I'm going after Joe Biden, I'm going to pride concessions out of Joe Biden who's your alternative so maybe and parents to the pressure he opens the impeachment inquiry and thus avoid speakership fight. That's the that's the more syn the reason that you'd open an impeachment inquiry without about tours mac aids. Yesterday trying to pressure mccarthy, I rise today to serve notice. Mr speaker, you are out of compliance with the agreement that allowed you to assume this role. The path forward for the house of representatives is to either bring you into immediate total compliance or remove you pursuant to a motion to vacate the chair, MR speaker, you boasted in january that we would use the power of the subpoena and the power of the,
but here we are eight months later and we haven't, even since the first subpoenaed a hundred Biden. That's how you know that the rushed and yo somewhat rattled performance you just saw from the speaker. Is it real at this point during democratic control over the house of representatives, there already brought in don junior three times and we haven't even set the four subpoena, so hunter Biden, ne zope again. The cynical reason here is the mccarthy is basically saying that ok, so now, I'm doing it ambering and everybody we're going to do the subpoena power can do all those sorts of things. Here's the reality, the sort of quixotic quest to get rid of speaker Mccarthy. I said this at this I dont understand what concession you're to pry from them. If you can the concessions that you think are going to make governance in the house a better and more conservative, I'm all for it. Chip Roy did, though he had chip around the program at the time when they were having this if I'd knitted like what do you want from Mccarthy elicit a bunch of things, I said, mccarthy gives you those things we support amuse. I guess
a position to make sense. You know not a position to make sense, I'd always fecal macaulay He should go and I have no alternatives. So I'm just going to go about things that guy not. energy and is not a plan. So, what exactly is it that you are seeking to achieve at? This point? Has Mccarthy now opened the impeachment inquiry. So kevin kramer of north Dakota called the inquiry and appropriate step for the Republicans senate minority little miss mcconnell. Some mccarthy didn't need his advice on how to run the house, which is a good way from a colonel to avoid that fight the matter of macao has to say anyway, since he's not the majority leader, so he has no power to actually produce I'd over any sort of senate process, for full scale removal from office, even if by more to be impeached over these sorts of charges, representing can buckled colorado, he'd argued include be unnecessary because of existing committee investigations. He said the mccarthy the decision to not hold about. He said it would from work, we're trying to get done, which would have been the attempt to fund the government so again the power that have been extended to the house a realm simply minor here. All it really does is in very public terms. It says we know that your corrupt and we'll go
You come after you with whatever powers we have at our disposal, and that is not a bad thing I think that is very worthwhile thing for, as I said, to mrs one is mutilation, destruction, if you guys keep Impeach. Republican president's like over and over and over just because you dont like them, will then we're going to do the same thing to your guys and will see how you like it so mutually sure russian is one way of getting back down, and the second is the Joe Biden. Actually is deeply corrupt and has been deeply corrupt for decades. On end, one. Second guess the democratic responds to the to the impeachment inquiry. First, let's talk about bond charged, take holistic wellness brand with a huge range of evidence based products to optimize your life in every way and all sorts of great stuff. Their extensive range of prey well as proud, I'll, be asleep, perform better recover, fast, reduce inflammation and so much more from louis. red light therapy bone charge products help you naturally ass, the issues of modern life effortlessly and with maximum impact. If you have an already checked out the infrared
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we on the impeachment agrees in a work alongside Jim Jordan of ohio and jason smith of Missouri again in its It didn't require majority vote to do this. The fact that he didn't have majority vote makes the system risky move, because the question is gonna, be where you get enough. Republicans vote in the end to impeach job. on whatever they uncover, nonetheless, Democrats are fighting mad about it, as you would imagine, chuck shimmer these Senate majority leader he's now using language that we remember from from the trump days member when, when trumpet said that its that's a witch hunt, witch hunt, member that in pretty much every week and I'm it kind of was well now chuck- is adopting that language. I think the impeachment inquiry is absurd. The american people want us to do something that will make their lives better, not go off. On the Jason witch hunts. Oh and what's that
I notice that you delegated tens of millions of dollars to chase and which ones when it was present from again turn about is fair play. When it comes to politics, senator dick durban, I thought had sort of a quarter of the day He said you know sure I mean his behaviour is weird and panic rob it that others and here I mean come on- I'm not saying that hunter Biden broke the law or that there should be any punishment involved in it, but I don't feel good about the situation. If it looks like a a son or daughter, is capitalizing on the public achievement of their parents. Yes, it does raise some questions in my mind, so fast forward on this. If this house inquiry turns into a full blown impeachment- and I have to say it's hard to imagine- it doesn't mean they're not going to do an impeachment inquiry and then clear president Biden, right I mean, is the bottom line. Looking forward, there's no way impeachment supporters are going to get to third
of the senate, so Biden will be quit. This is just a diversion on the parliament carthage he cannot governing. He cannot his majority in the house of representatives to do the basics, to keep the government's lights on and so on, That is for a diversion. Let's talk about something else that they might agree on an impatient what a waste of time and money I love dick Durbin is like yeah. He might be super corrupt andor. It's it's really ugly, but it's a waste of time and money. First of all, when have democrats in the legislature has ever cared about wasting time or money, Gerry Connolly, who is in the impeachment of present from ITALY both times congressmen from roger He also says it's a distraction. Its is refreshing for our vital work of of wasting your money. right now we're in the distract days right so yeah a flood disasters. Charlie said too, so everyone gets impeached so commonplace but I think it's also to distract us from the fact that
Donald trump is not indicted for different times There are ninety one counts pending against him, he's at enormous legal peril, ah, and they don't want us to focus on that. Celebs created different outline and sure enough. That's the headline of today s I mean it works in reverse, as well as possible that you guys have filed for different indictments against president trumpet the middle of an election season, because you wish the headline should be that, as opposed to Joe Biden being crap, it is job and also corrupt. John futterman has emerged from from frankenstein's laboratory to do Who is a different look, John fishermen, so used to be that he was sort of a francs who did near dwell? And now he apparently his graduated into a into a low level muscle enforcer for the sopranos, so airs John. Means response. While why, through the hallways. The congressional basement on his they too, to bounce outside a bar?
explains at how how upset he is about his impeachment news that, as mccarthy has formally launched, he's going to my god. Really, oh, my gosh, you know its devastating don't do it, don't Oh, no. Similarly, here reaction to learning that scooby do had been moved in it I'm slot on cartoon network that John futterman, your senator from pennsylvania? Well done america, you guys are doing an amazing amazing job, so Is there going to evidence from each turbine again the answer is there is already evidence to impeach abide if you want to get to that momentarily. First, He knows I love my helix mattress right again. I don't really like. Last night, we did a backstage in nashville. I'd fly back to florida. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, but the sleep that I did get is thanks to my helix mattress will now they have a new and collection, huge elite he'll, just
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but he was working with talking about how his father was sitting directly. Next to him, I will make life for them incredibly uncomfortable disappoint made by our represented scott perry of pennsylvania. He was asked about. What do you guys even have evidence to do this is like I'm? Yes, what actual evidence do you have, as opposed to allegations to show to the american public? That would merit an actual impeachment inquiry of, bite and improve it. Today is not just about some of you. I don't love my coffee for the sake of enacting political revenge this is an innovative nautical revenge. We have the bank accounts, we can see man, you can see that the homes that binds own can't be afforded on. I am congressional or senate salary,
You also understand that is not normal for family members to receive millions of dollars from overseas interests. Those things aren't normal. This not normal. Have twenty self show country companies? These things are not normal ended alludes to not only just widespread corruption but money laundering, if not influence peddling itself, and we also have the president or the vice president at the time on record, saying that the prosecutor was fought well, son of the prosecutor was fired right because the prosecutor was going after this, the company that his son was working on. That is what we have. If you can't see that if you want a viewer of that blog, that mean he happens to be grabbed. Meanwhile, marjorie taylor green correctly points out that it's not just that. It's also the possibility that Joe Biden's d, o j was shutting down. Investigations mood you already have whistleblowers who have said as much. I'm very excited to see it happen. I think americans deserve the truth. They deserve transparent.
And we need this investigation to go as long as it means to to uncover all the corruption that has been involved in covering up Joe Biden. Crimes knew so not wrong on any of those. Now Democrats are already trying to spend this into up what about gerard and vodka and all the rest of that sort of thing. His first personal journey, vodka, we're actual employees of the federal government hunter, was never an employee The federal government. Well, Joe Biden was vice president hundred, which is going around as a bag man for his family for milk. Built that millions of dollars in calling his daddy into meetings in order to demonstrate that he had flex with the federal government. That is not there same thing as your a federal employ ye whose work on things like the abraham accords, which, by the way the most successful middle east peace initiative of last two generations, which is what jared and of ankara we're doing. That time and then after you leave office, then you end up doing a business deal that is publicly disclosed in all of its details. Publicly disclosed How do we know about george investment? but the saudis, and vice versa, because culpable
We disclose, as both a hundred Biden, who hid this crap for years, where there is increasing begin differences right here, obviously, but what wanna conflate, all the things. At the same time, of course, in the end, how much is the impeachment stuff going too damage, Japan, it's only one, a damaged robot and if it just means there is additional attention brought to his corruption. So you could have done that Medical without impeachment will can be obliged. I don't know if you're gonna have to get four five begins in purple districts. On in order to do that, but one he's being underscored for democrats net is Joe Biden continues to be an extraordinarily we candidate, the economy, not doing well under Joe Biden, it is just that simple according to actually owes a measure of power track by the census. Bureau rose in twenty twenty two, covert. Europe benefits expired and average income, fellow according to reduce airport child poverty, so sharp increase in twenty twenty two, knowing the record low the year prior now, the reason to record low is because job I spent it, but julian dollars just pouring money on the right flame of inflation and turn it into a huge gap.
fire that is engulf the entire american economy. And then that wasn't renewed and there's a walk, are increasing child poverty because we're not signing giant checks to people well yeah. turns out that when you sign enormous amounts of money over to people that temporarily relieves their poverty, but it does not permanently relieve their poverty. The only way to truly reduce child poverty in the law from in the united states is to have a growing calm. Your mom and dad our meriden have jobs. That is the better the should reduce child poverty long term, not by simply signing checks, drawbacks Where's blaming his political opposition, but the reality is that the Democrats used cove as an excuse to blow money out the wazoo for three straight years?. And that was not maintainable, as we can see from the inflation rate, as we can see from the stagnating economy. media and household income. It fell by two point: three percent from twenty twenty one to twenty twenty two adjusting the for inflation incomes. You could in white and non hispanic. White households remain similar in black asian and hispanic households.
inflation rose. Seven point: eight percent in twenty twenty two: on an annual basis. By the way we have new inflation stands out today, and it turns out the seed the eye, the consumer price index climbed three point: seven percent in the year through august, that was faster than three percent three point, two percent july reading and even faster than the three point. Six percent that economists had expected where's they're blaming this on high gas prices, which means that Joe Biden is going to try to cut some sort of sweetheart deal with the saudis in order to get them to pump gas again, as to artificially boost his real act chances. But these are bad numbers here. Remember, which must be seeking. Two percent the there was into presented three point: seven percent. We are almost double the expected inflation rate in this country. Right now and even a lotta Democrats are starting to across. I did Joe Biden say I don't know why we are running this one. Why the real reason. The running this one is because the trying prevent in internal firefight overcome a harrison side. The democratic party is the problem. When you picking affirmative of action candidate for vp, as opposed to you know he best qualified candidate, I'm gonna chosen anyone for bee bee colonies did not,
yeah the black vote. You did not bring out any one. Kamala harris is one of most alienating politicians of our lifetime. If Joe Biden wanted to pick like a if I'd be get a bunch of the Jews from me, that stage with him when he was running in twenty twenty there, a bunch of people, easily could have chosen as gb candidate? Most Obviously, some really gaming closet our four minutes out. He did. He decided not to do that. Instead, he went with common, whereas whose off and widely despised, and so there I can prevent a firefighter from breaking out inside the democratic party over cannula, and so you got to leave the old man in place. But democrats are starting to paul number stocks of David Ignatius, Democrat writing for the washington post has an entire peace at a total president Biden should not run again in twenty twenty four, He says what I admire. Most of our president Biden is that in a polarized nation he has governed from the center out, which of course is a joke. He is governed from the left the hard left, but I don't think that vice president harris should run for reelection. I love that aegis nigger.
The vice president here is read their address president harris Kamala harris. She is not. Eighty kamala harris is in the prime of her political life, and there are already like. Can we like dump her off the side of this ship like lebron right now a push the old man and if she goes down, also be great, I dont think by now and vice president here should run for reelection- says David Ignatius painful to say that my admiration for much of what they have accomplished but and here is campaign together in twenty twenty four, I think Biden risks undoing his greatest achievement, which was stopping trump by harry tubing liabilities into a twenty twenty four campaign the age when he began a second term. That is why what number one and labelling number two is harris. Just thirty nine! five percent approval rating, according to five at thirty eight harris says measures, has many laudable qualities. But the simple fact is just failed interaction in the country or even within her own party Biden, could encourage more open, vp selection process that could produce a stronger running late, and I love this. He says start with the mayor of LOS angeles, Karen bass. Look look out the infrastructural democrat
How do they can't get rid of camel hair because they don't have a black woman tobakcre up? His first move is what about karen basque, who barely be rick, caruso, whose a republican in l a or commerce secretary gina Raimondo yeah, that there be a charmer gina raimondo, the calmer secretary, that without the amazing greater, but there there's the desperate and is starting to set in among the Democrats, which of course is why democratic party rigged, the primary is in the first place, as are of key junior, is now pointing out in the wall street journal. He said this became clear. The dmz doesn't want a real primary and is willing to disenfranchise democratic voters from choosing their nominee the dna. Refused to host debates. The vast majority, kind of voters want expect them, so they can judge which candidate has the poppy appeal and vigour to challenge the republican nominee the gnp has new Hampshire's century old statuses, first primary state in their place of south carolina, because by more I've got a line about loss, both new hampshire in iowa. The deal he is rapid rules that have candidates run in unsanctioned primary new Hampshire, Dnc chairman has the power to punish them.
Regardless of the margin of victory, such a candidate, would receive zero delegates further. The joy the democratic party has a rule allowing it to ban from the ballot any candidate who doesn't follow dnc rules, so rfk jr. Out there already read this thing: would Biden stepped in and he rig this thing. So Democrats, are stuck with Joe Biden, which is the reason. Presumably why the impeachment inquiry is really bad for Joe Biden, if you're talking about Joe Biden. That is a good thing for Republicans and if you're talking about donald trump, that is a good thing for democrats, that is the simple, simple math just one. Second, we can get to Joe Biden foibles overseas because we are seeing now information about the six billion dollar gimme that, Biden just signed over to the iranians, which is the prelude to a broader iran, deal that presumably will give them much much more more access to cash. They can pursue their terrific intense first. When you running a business, your employees can create all sorts of fascinating situations from remote
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they lack lustre economy. The daily work continues to thrive and grow. We're hiring right now we're looking for a skilled social yo coordinator to join our fast growing marketing team as a social. yo coordinator. You will be responsible for identifying posting video content and are branded youtube, snapchat and tiktok accounts now draw our brand as well as exceptional grammar skills are essential in this will know. Typos oppose it is based in nashville tennessee if you have experience and social media marketing or content coordination, would love to hear from you if your interest during our visit daily wire dot com, slash careers as daily wire dot com slashed careers. Today, ok, meanwhile, the democratic, administration in the white house to continue to make nice with iranian. So the m the Democrats have decided in the white house. it would be good to hand the iranian apparently on the anniversary of nine eleven six b, we in dollars in some sort of hostages change, but the reality is that the the thing that's happening right here is an open invite to the iranians to make some sort of deal that looks like your on nuclear deal. Better nuclear
I fell apart because the iranians were breaking the nuclear deal and donald trump was like I'm not interested in doing this. This nonsense, as we pulled out of it Joe Biden, has been laser august, on trying to put that back together, even sitting in the negotiations- people like Robert Molly, who was arrested lee and obama envoy Robert mally ended up basically banned from the state department. He was leading the diplomatic effort on IRAN's nuclear programme, and then congress learned at this stage from had suspended his security clearance because of an investigation into possum his handling of classified information which actually elevated to the fbi level is so not a great job there that normally is, is not a political good that he was one whose leading up the negotiations with iran. So caught with weather- the cookie jar giving iran pounds of cash, just like Barack Obama dead. Now the the about now the white house is claiming that actually none of this happened at all in your imagination: here's heresy
department spokesperson yesterday, math miller, explain that no one actually gave her on money. It was there. My known gave them a dollar. Somehow these restrictions impacts plunge ability of these No? I don't I don't when I will say it again. As I said this, but one dollar you what you have, what I suggest that you have in your wallet, you can use, spend anything you want, and you don't have to worry about So all that I gave rise where that analogy breaks down. No one has given iran a dollar here. These are on funds, these are wrong. But when, when I that's ridiculous, I think the pool he sees a drug dealers funds and then sweetheart deal. They release the drug dealers funds today, give the regular money. While I mean yeah I guess you could say that it was a drug use mine, but he's a criminal. So it's his money. That's the whole point, that's ridiculous, and then
better iranian president. Yesterday he goes on with them with, I believe lustre hold and he's explaining that actually there's gonna use my forever. They want the zebra emerald easy he women's. That this money is not going to use for terrorism, or anything that would threaten american interests can be useful if food, unlike band aids, and raise he's like nominees vote, everyone actually work. The expectation of its use were tall that it's for humanitarian purposes, food and medicine. You believe you have a right to use that money in any way that you see fit no more to a little we're doing all this money belies today stommick republic of IRAN. Naturally we will decide this not major mob recovery run. This side too, is to spend it then We need that serbia how to spend our money off worse. It is under the authority of the stomach republic of iran
so um yeah, but you can use it for like whatever we please when Abraham or Jesus, as my favorite part of this is where John Kirby is like know is untrue. They can't they're wrong and I don't believe you. I don't believe you, John Kirby. Yeah a giant obey. I wanna get your reaction. The administrations reaction to present our easy saying that the iranians will spend the six billion dollars quote wherever we need it now. That's not true. The system is set up, such that this money, these funds can only, parcelled out for humanitarian purposes. Food medicine, construction of metal facilities or even educational purposes, but that each and every Withdrawal is gonna, go through a series of checks and balances checks by the treasury department checks by the country's national bank, although the qatar nationally, yes, very trust me
the bad. That's can be that an unwanted actually in the iranian pocket. They're. Not. nicholas, but this administration is ridiculous. What weren't one of the key ways? The you know, that left his wrongfully is? When did you start lying about what it is there doing went out there doing, and I now we're not doing their than you know You you! Actually I like. Yes, of course, we are, but it's not bad, that we're doing it, which of course, also applies to what they have been attempting to do in america's public schools, so entire fight. It is now happening cross, the country over removing wildly inappropriate material from school libraries books like look where which are basically just pornography. Removing from school libraries democratic. In saying this, a form of censorship Well, this turn into a very weird hearing. Yesterday, when Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana, he was like listen adults as roma, read into the congressional record. One of books to you suggest must be in a school library unless you ve got uncomfortable because of your uncomfortable.
maybe it shouldn't be in school library, where seventh operators can read it. The first one is called all boys are blue and I will quote from I put some whew born and got him on his days, and I bet- and the schwab into him from behind. I poured out of here and kissed him wildly masturbated. He Ask me to turn over while he slipped a condom on himself this my wife and I was struggling to a man. urgent, someone inside me, The entire movie was like what a weirdo while John Kennedy read that outlet. Well, if you're, if you think that's weird, then the doge is is reading that Why do you want? A sixth seventh, when you read that I notice that as you, by promoting this material.
and when John Kennedy says the thing out loud. Then you get all uptight. What are you some sort of prude it? The hell is wrong. With these people, honest to god, My favorite part of this was dick determined centre from Illinois suggest their nobody's, advocating for sexual material to be available to elementary school kids, right, I mean technically you wanted to be available and fifth grade. I fourth grade like middle schools. What you're saying no one is advocating recycling explicit content to be available in an elm. Preschool school library or children. Sectional library, that's a distraction from the real challenge. what what is it is fresh from the real challenge. Then I have a question: why should I even be available in school, every four high schoolers? Why should taxpayers defining a sort of crap If a local school district sides they want that their, what business is it of dick durban to decide that it must be there? What is it? What is the reason why that must be? What is that a piece of great literature that is required for you'd passer, english comp class? I think, I think not forget they have to deny their doing the thing they're doing no
not doing it, but it's good that we are sent. Him seems to be the argument at at all times from this group. Ok, meanwhile, on the republican side of the isle. Some movement in the polls in Iowa knows that the front runner, in the republican party remains by leaps and bounds, donald trump, but he has seen a significant drop in the iowa republican caucus according to emerson college, just a few months ago. He was at well over sixty percent in that poll I, in that emerson college, boils down to forty nine percent which to drop of thirteen percent. Meanwhile, governor rhonda census, my penzance numbers also dropped from aids. Senses numbers were at twenty percent in may their non fourteen pensee crews from five percent to three percent you'd, seen some gains for tim, scott and Nicky Hayley and vague rama, swami, all of them still running. We behind donald trump, obviously rhonda santas, who means the national, the national can place runner up. Now by all available pull metrics he appeared
nor o donnell last night, and he was talking about the age presidential candidates. Obviously this does not just apply to Joe Biden, obviously also applies to donald trump. Age has become an issue in this presidential contest. Should voters worry about the ages of president Biden and former president donald traffic as absolutely legitimate concern? The presidency's nodded job for someone. That's eighty years old and there's nothing wrong. With being eighty. Obviously, on the governor florida, I know a lot of people who were elderly, their great people but you're talking about a job where you need to give it a hundred percent. You need. We need an energetic president, and I think that if the founders could could kind of look at this again, I do think they pay but we would have put an age limit on some of these offices that that I may very well be true: here's the region buddy inside the republican party? There is only one way that someone is going to be donald trump, ok, they're gonna have make the following case, Donald trump lost in twenty. Wendy, and I will not- that is the only case that you can make.
It is the only case that can be bad design. Can me about age as long as we are temperament, because republicans very much kind of like donald trump's, of temperament and some the wild stuff, untrue social that reminded that the kind of enjoy it. I think it's fun. it is not being done on the basis of record, because most republicans think that down reckon the first three years was. Presidency was good, even if you didn't really know what he was doing the bureaucracy and, in fact, dashi chalk up to his bed, besides the fact that he didn't know what was going on to bureaucracy, because then they say that bureaucracy try to afford him and look at all the things that he got done in the face of the bureaucracy will definitely do better next time. The only if any Republican is going to be donald trump in the republican primaries? Is by making a very simple case you lost in twenty twenty to a dead man, you're going to lose again in twenty twenty four to a dead man, you're going to spend the entire year locked up in court. You won't be whining untruth social you're not going to spend a dollar on actual electioneering. You're, not gonna, spend five minutes outside of moral ago or often true, social and those are all obstacles to winning the presidency. Somebody's gonna have to make their case
problem, is, I think, all the republicans in the race are afraid to make their case, because they are afraid that if they see that from law in two thousand and twenty their entire audience is going to disappear, but here's the thing if Donald trump won in twenty twenty. Of course, we should nominate him in twenty. Twenty four either one rewards where there there's no third possibility. So if you lost in twenty twenty, we should properly run somebody else and if he won in twenty twenty, which would for sure run him because he will win again right. This is the entire debate and if no republican is willing to say the obvious, which is trump was on twenty twenty, because we didn't He being the white house right now, not sign crab. Iran deals. Well then, who the hell's overtake him into primary means I have learned, according to reports from producers, that does something called the video musical words happened. Last night, the amazed, empty these. The amazed and m it starred such vaunted names, as did he and she cure us apparently of time travel back to my high school days, which is exciting news. You may have really been super duper relevant for a long time, but every so often they just try another shock tactic, so it
according to my reporters on the ground, savvy, was responsible for this segment. I've been told that basically, it was pretty blas a it had the usual heaping helping of cars nudity and all the rest This was led off by brand new song from those artists, spoken word, the shakespeare's of our time make these stallion to age because you are the stallion megan thee stallion an cardy, be ah too, of the great artie in the pantheon of the cannon, it's going beethoven brahms garage when John cage cardy b, as that's, how that's gonna go, it's can be amazing, so they have any song. there. There prior hit was, of course web which which I did a better version of the knitted and their new song is called bongos it just move around the bath so well
was, of course, about the female genitalia and bongos is about the moody taking a taking a page from sexy red another to be fair understanding the bongos doesn't directly. about the aim is in the same way that sexy, read does which is of benefit to us off bongos is about the but cheeks apparently so we we have. We are, we are. We are a nation with deep spear. Tool value and connection to undying beauty that that is. We are so their new song bongos, they did a. They did a version of at the vienna is, I feel it I can predict where they're going knacks right there, only a few other body parts are. So I assume that next he's gonna be the boob song right. Where did it? Why maybe bongos. They have to move the boobs eyes him next. So here here they are. They were last night, these these geniuses of creative enterprise,
yeah we broke. My first rate is making stallion a little person as emancipated fragile, so they are working and shaking their thereby says my privilege and have not had to watch me. I mean there's. Taylor pertaining to choices, are making an enormous megan megan megan megan play power borg for the other, labors, ok, and so is just a lot of talking wow. This is, and this is what a display one, what incredible display of athleticism anne and female glass. This is what woman fought for generations to gain access to visit. This is women for generations.
It is, though they were living as as As though they are under the heel of the patriarchal society and finally achieve the liberty to be actual quasi prostitutes on screen which is something they never had before, except for literally all of human history too. You know shake their bongos for money now that never women achieve this sort of this sort. I mean, except for like in all societies, but but except for that, True feminism at work again, I'm just like how dumb this has become. We are now that They ve basically decided that there to do the sexual version of head shoulders, neeson toes its eye, you know the song you sing with, like your small kids like head shoulders, knees and needs and house now but single bodily orifices resides is like ears, nostrils mouth and wipe, Are you that when the running out of body parts, and so that there will come a point where they run out of body, cavities may have to start going to actual internal organs its they're going to end up with right. The running
body cavities to rest into another gonna at your small intestine ass. as that's as you gonna go there. Having troubled. Exactly what hot is assuming right a song next about their epiglottis. This is this is where we're going It gets you songs about the spleen, I'm purse we very much looking forward to a song about the liver. I think that the processing of bias, requires some sort of of extended meditation from carnegie and megan. These stallion show it, Our cultures is in the best of hands. Meanwhile, taylor swift, one best pop award, because you know it's a year and- and this is what happens every year and she's very grateful- oliver softwares, all mine thousand of them every Taylor, swift remember that time when taylor swift was a songwriter, remember that and she wrote her own songs, her own lyrics, and now she has a team of minions, maybe in india, writing songs for her.
And then she has another team opinions, maybe in in china, auto shooting it for her. taylor, swift, may be our first musical ay. I think it's possible areas. Taylor, swift overdue, winning. Yet VM a which will yet we go into her garage I'm so sorry, I'm not doing well pivoting from this event I had I had your dolls, I like what are you doing something? What's going to happen now? What are you there's something they're going to they're going to do something, and I need to know what it is you guys are you're you're, personified so to to to receive this from you in the same hoskins countries. So all that labels
pop stars. Are now my age, my god, I'm thirty, nine. HU there haven't you. Do I call back to in sync: that's it! That's not russia, meanwhile dodge account Hu, I have been reliably informed, is named after a strain of marijuana and her cat. I'm not kidding you, that's a real thing dodge a cat showed up naked, so that's that was exciting for everyone, I feel, has something in her teeth in this picture. is that because there is a watermark on it or as they did something in her teeth fashion is like having stuff in your I want you hard on at the at the open at all solid baron got some calgon honour that in any case, she showed up with nothing upon her her by will those on her by those that those are her. What what it will be the appropriate or I don't know. I don't need your suggestions, act. There is now an open invitation for advert euphemistically, Knowledge and aunt em and then,
she did a performance in which women? dancer again, we ve now reached led the openly boring satanic there used to be so. Here's the thing I said about burning anti. when the counterculture becomes the culture transgresses stuff is actually incredibly boring in our view to transgress against it, The thing has to have some sort of cultural cachet or power, so somebody walks around at doing like the madonna routine, like the stripper routine, but she did in the early eighties. It has no cultural penetration at all because- it's, because the church has no power in american society any more. Unfortunately, so same thing is happening here now right. If you back after the nineties, then satanic imagery used to really shock people. Why? Because we didn't like sentencing was bad, but we all knew that satanic imagery was like a bad thing now, because we have basically flattened. all moral ground in the united states and we are supposed to attain our great moral attainment will be moral apathy more apathetic. About everybody else's moralities, better a person you are used to be that if you cared about morality and you care about people,
a higher good or a higher life. This is what made you moral now, if you actually, Others have major immoral, so it's not friends gretta to have strip dancing around and satanic gear, its actual custom representing the regime, so was that dosha cat again a woman named after marijuana and her cat which, as we say mean is it it's like. I hesitate to even to even compare her to poets of the past shelly keats dodge a cat area, megan people in blood violets, mrs called paint the town red with blood, apparently do people like this
Now I want to know if my people actually likeness and if so, why where they dropped on their head heads children you sitting around in here is taken pretending that unites us all, and then you have these cribbage children of the corn? Whoever? just in time from like the latest horror movie tat, did to be bloodied up strippers by though I think it can say that if this is anyone's fantasy, you need to see a psychiatrist immediately. I so again I can gotcha cultures in the best of hands were we're all in great shape over here. It's all going amazing. Our as the rest of the show continues right now, you're, not gonna, wanna miss it will be joined on the line by Joe berry of the Babylon bee. If you're, not a member, become member, it use code, shapiro checkout for two months, free on all annual plans, click that link in the description and join us yeah
Transcript generated on 2023-09-14.