« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1807 - Joe Biden’s 9/11 Debacle

2023-09-12 | 🔗

Joe Biden travels to Alaska for 9/11 while signing a $6 billion giveaway to the Iranian mullahs; the Fifth Circuit smacks down the White House for interfering with free speech; and Republicans seek new ways to lose the House of Representatives.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Joe Biden travels to alaska four nine eleven well signing a six billion dollar give way to the iranian mullahs, the fifth circuits max down It has for interfering with free speech and republicans seek new ways lose the house of representatives. Bench brothers is the bench. Morocco, later, sponsored by express vpn. Thousands of my listeners have already secured their network data, join them express, vpn, dot, com, slash man, so Joe Biden, not a good president. not with it and his plan on nine eleven was somewhat puzzling, so he was in vietnam and you want to fly back to the I did states instead of presume we delaying the rest of his nine eleven sort of tribute remarks. He decided to fly You alaska from vietnam is a short of light and then who's going to do some sort of memorial for eleven in alaska, which is, really related to nine eleven and added there's no relation he's in alaska. it decided that he's going to do an event in alaska
at this event in Alaska. He paid tribute to John Mccain, which again I mean that's, that's nice, but no one that has to do with nine eleven per se and They tried to do the Bi partisanship regime, which is kind of amazing, considering that he's called half of americans the kind of people who to overthrow the democracy. But sure here is the president of the united states. Yesterday, on a day of national unity, four nine eleven one thing hours marred about John, was how he put duty to country first and ask that I personally did above party about politics about his own person. Tat reminds us from us never lose that sense of national unity. So let that be the carbon Because of our time but his honor september, eleventh by renewing our faith. It one another letter, about who we are a nation is true. He did but duty first jesse
What Joe Biden was doing during the vietnam war. He received five student draft deferments first as an undergraduate at the university of delaware and then later as a law student at syracuse university and then after a medical exam in April, sixty eight, which would have made him eligible for the draft. He received a one Y classification, which meant he could only be drafted in a national emergency. Why? Because he had childhood asthma. So just a quick counter seventeen John Mccain, who Joe Biden round and remember Joe Biden was the vice presidential candidate for brok obama into that in eight. I know it's now decade and a half over that's a thing that actually happen entering campaign. Joe Biden was not surprised to John Mccain but Put aside all the mccain, the real thing here that that can a sticks in Nah is Joe Biden talking about national. You, because he has not even the universe is awesome. Who cares about unity here pretends to care about unity, but the reality is that he has pursued the furthest left agenda of any president. My lifetime in that actually includes barack obama stuff that has attempted to do in restructuring, for example, student loans unilaterally from the executive branch, the stuff that he is tempted to do in cramming down there means on eighty million people be osha, the
in the same level of spending has pursued post covered. The Insane amount of money, these poor down. The rattle of environmental causes, while inflating currency. All this stuff is dramatic. Expand and in terms of the size and scope of government and his boss in foreign policy as well. Plus he's just an insult. I have to Joe Biden is just an insulting person. I mean I know that people like to left, you look at donald trump initiative down from his insulting person. He insults the intelligence and he's vulgar and he's and all this kind of stuff, Joe Biden it's humiliating in a different sort of way. Joe Biden is humiliating because Joe Biden is corrupt politician who lies regularly. He lies overtime, went Joe Biden opened his mouth. The wise flow forth, like baubles from the mouth of the mask the needs, meaning that the only thing that comes out of his face hall is untruth. So today, during that eleven he was talking. He can help himself. He starts talking about how he was at the round zero cite the day after nine eleven. That's clearly not true, even Joe
Fortunately, bushed didn't go to ground zero until nine fourteen say just making things up here, because this is what he does and he knows that the media are never gonna hold him accountable. because when he was younger, they might have am accountable in their other democratic running against. But now he's the president of the united states and the rule is that if you are a Democrat who is the president of the united states, nothing you say will ever be used against you, it's the opposite of criminal justice. Anything you say: it can or will be used against you. Well I mean for Joe Biden once the president of the united states in euros democrat, nothing, you say, will ever be used against you in any context. Here's your by just telling lies about nine eleven our journey, your eyes member states the next day and looking at the building I felt like I was looking through the gates of Hell. It looks so devastating because the way you could stay away from where you could stand oh you mean look bad nine eleven and you know exists to EL as opposed to the rest of us. you know, saw images of nine eleven and all but- and this is
Joe Biden has now all of this. We just become normal political carpaccio all this would just be me, except for the fact that, the anniversary of nine eleven Joe Biden thought this would be an excellent time too Ninety six billion dollar checked the iranian mullahs now juxtaposition, nine, eleven and that is pretty awkward, not because the iranian participated in nine eleven, not because all Qaeda was they are not there sunni terror group, but because the overall thesis, which is that, if you give money and resources and sucre to islamic terrorists, that eventually, that is going to come back and bite you in pretty significant ways. That is, in the big messages of nine eleven, if not the biggest message of nine eleven, and on that date the president who handed Afghanistan back to Al Qaeda, that's what he did. He ended it back to the taliban and back to Al Qaeda, is now hitting six billion dollars to the leading provocateurs in the Middle EAST. The greatest terror sponsors on the planet in IRAN. That is what you did on the anniversary of nine eleven measures for
The reasons you would think that he had a brain in his head to think? Maybe they should wait a week, but no he had to do it. Now, because and once a deal with the iranian. the broader deal with europeans. Why was it can put on his resume in what did he want to pull out of afghanistan like a moron, because you wanted it on his resolution, not because he thought would actually be good for the world now, because cashing had a plan. He didn't but because he wanted to say that he was the guy got. It done, never put it above politicians, never below politician for them to do things just out of pure egotistic desire, one on their regiment into just do. It is not because they are the best interests country at heart. It's clearly not the case here, Joe Biden, doesnt have since the country at heart, when intend to six billion dollar, checked to people who have been responsible for the death of literally thousands americans in the least Remember during the iraq war. It was iranian, answered she ate militias there were killing american soldiers. and your line: assigning was Joseph billion dollar checks on the anniversary of nine eleven, while paying tribute. To the heroes of nine eleven adjust its beak
reason, will get to the details that story in just one. Second: first, is your cellphone running out a battery all time in this, this happens, what right, as your cellphone ages, the battery ages, and this means that you find yourself plugged into a wall which defeats the purpose of having a cell phone in the first place. Why not get that thing? Replace when a five g samsung galaxy from here talk for free get a free, five cents? galaxy with judy battery life edge to display ultra stronger ass. When you sign up for pure tots, unlimited talk text in fifteen gig data plan for just thirty five bucks month, plus it comes the mobile hot, if you're not using chertoff you're, simply paying too much at all the data it ever need for half the price of the big carriers on america's most dependable five g network had on over to pure talk, dotcom, slash, apparel free soup. Durable five g samson gouty. When you switch on over to peer talk again visit pure, talked outcome. Slash shapiro make the switch to myself company pure talk, the official wireless partner of the delawares had all medicines calls on peer talk, because again I value those calls a month and drop it. Network, and you have also benefits when you go over to your talk, including that free super.
five, you samsung galaxy, when you switched over to potential hanover to pure talk, dot com that shapiro today gave up. What is this deal? Joe Biden apparently signed? Yes according to the washington post them administration, is now issued a waiver for banks to train her six billion dollars frozen iranian oil funds without fear of your sanctions, a key step in securing really survive american citizens detained in IRAN, people failure. The matter said as part of the judgment administration will release five iranian citizens detained in the united states, and so just to make this clear does not even a straight afraid of Iranian citizens detaining the united states because we believe that they are involved in terrorist activities, for Europeans have been wrongly detained in iran is. I must reiterate its that plan six billion dollars. I gotta say Joe Biden's record here is looking a lot like the gm of the new york jets. At this point he is treading brittney griner for the merchant of death and now he's running two billion dollars: five iranian we are holding here for five american citizens. I have a question
What exactly would be the incentive for terrorist groups? Not you take american citizens hostage at this point. You know that sucker in the white house can assign you over the bank. If you do that central principle of don't negotiate with terrorists obviously play around the edges there, such certain situations where negotiations are necessary, but why The key elements here is you don't actually negotiate with terrorists to the tune of six billion dollars. Plus five detainees in the united states for five people wrong We detained in IRAN. That's crazy talk congress! notified of the move by Monday is likely to come as relief to use prisoners, families and supporters so the washington, but while is nice, amulet listen. I want those people back as well. also, the united states has national interests. Those national interests do not involve giving six billion dollars to the world's leading terror sponsors, my god, it's also expected men are harsh criticism from republicans in congress, opposed to any agreement that allows for the release of frozen iranian funds, money that is now being transferred from south korea to cut our
in limited for the purchase of humanitarian goods like food or medicine. Okay, that's the part! That's why they're saying it's going to be for humanitarian purposes. There's only one problem: the iranians immediately said nerd. You understand we're going to use wherever we please according to NBC news, iranian press every human icy said his gun will decide how we spend six billion dollars and previously frozen funds due to being due to be used in a prisoner exchange, he said be spent quote wherever we need. It Oh so you mean you're going to spend it to murder people, because that's what you do, because you'd, rather that your country be impoverished and your people unhappy than that you actually stop with the terror crap and start building. That's what you'd rather do. If you're the the evil regime in tehran in an exclusive interview in tehran. Racy suggested the americans held in iran would becoming on soon saying. Yes, prisoner exchange, will be completed in due time. The merit detainees were very healthy condition. Under the arrangement, IRAN will be granted access to the roughly six billion dollars in IRAN. in oil revenues, Officials are lying in their saying honour, their only gonna use for food rags,
so they do. If you have money to dictatorial regimes, the hatred- that's probably they use it exactly where you see. If there's one thing you know about the iranian to tat, we can trust them. They ve never now done a deal ever if apple, they say they are developing nuclear power for peaceful purposes. Despite fact that one of the great oil producing regions on planet earth- you probably have to believe them. that they would never deceives eighty. I, though, never ever do that sort of thing. I love them. It seems you're, saying the quiet part out loud he's like yeah, no we're using it for whatever we want. That's how All europeans even respect Joe Biden like yeah. You got some money and then you the your people- and you tell them that- will use it for it for good purposes like food or something, and then I'm going to say publicly. on american tv, Emily use it. However emmeline screw you old man amidst that's effective, what does it rightly said. Iran would have authority over how the money would be spent quote this money below the iranian people, the iranian government. So these loans, republic of iran will decide what to do with this money. So here directly by lester hold if money would be used for other purposes. Apart from humanitarian needs and re, she said quote: I love this,
humanitarian means whatever the iranian people needs. So this we'll be budgeted for those needs and the needs of the iranian people will be decided and determined by the iranian Government, oh, that that is like classic right there. That is such an amazingly. I kind of love it because so blatant? That's like you get a credit card and you tell me Incidentally, why you give me a daily where credit card you told me, I need to go use it for daily wire resources, written what you mean. Is you want me to go down to the local to local office depot? appalachian paper and ink, and I'm like over delaware resources. Perfect that credit card belongs to me. I want to use it for whatever resources the daily wire deems necessary and who deems it necessary will be me and so, completely colombo on the credit card, that's effectively what they're doing, except in iran for the government, a rambo is just a bunch of shoulder fired missiles that that's that's what it.
the prisoner exchange calls for the release of five american citizens held in iran in return for five iranian under attention in the united states and again gives them six billion dollars. The five american prisoners were placed under house arrest, august tenth as a first step in the agreement, the ban? russian, waited until, of course of timber eleventh to inform the house that the optical this this is what happens when you have a white house that legitimately, does not care what the american people think Emily, the media will cover them no matter. What did you crap, like this anniversary of nine eleven, assuming that everybody will just shrug- and maybe the right Maybe everything is so baked into the cake. Is the polarized cake Nothing can outrage the american people. At this point, I dont if you think, that's an amazing bat. I think Joe Biden that bad on afghanistan and its sunk. His approval ratings into lope into low forties high thirties and he's been there ever since, citing the source of can damage Joe Biden. I know that he thinks he's invulnerable because he's likely to run against donald trump for president and there's some truth to that. That means
durable. Forty five percent of the american public will certainly vote for him, but forty five and fifty so he's playing a very risky game by the way, speaking of a white house, really does not care about american defence, according to political, as an Joe Biden, would veto it rightwing defence funny but slated to be considered on the house floor this week, according to his administration, what makes it right wing what makes a right wing that your publicans are saying we dont want taxpayer dollars used to fund people's frame, to other states, get abortions cause less. I checked when I pay for a military. Typically, when I'm paying for is like the basic medical care of the people were having the american military. So they can gotten break things and kill people that american break and kill in order maintain its own security, but that's what it's for but the white house is like no, no, unless you're going to spend that money on abortion in the military, we're just not going to sign it. Where is that going to sign it? I'd rather underfund, military, it's not gonna pay for abortion. Is the white house his position here? administrations as including divide of policy provisions within an appropriate. since bill also dramatically increase. The threat of a continuing resolution, which are
further damage america's national security again, all that was here that house republicans included provisions to block funding for the pentagon's policy of allowing troops to travel for abortions, as well as surgery and hormone treatment for trans military personnel, so that their hooligans who want to increase military budget. You know to spend on military things, but here's or not paying for you take your babies when other state to kill it and you to cut off those are the things we're not gonna pay for my husband, lots, things we're not gonna pay for and what has like? No, you will pay for people cutting off their their balls that is a thing you will pay for, or there will be no restocking on a black box George party cares about national security. The situation was wondering your clearly holding hostage america's national security. She can cut the balls off dudes. That's what you're talking about here, which is nuts, I'm sorry by any moderate stretch of the imagination, that's crazy and as far as the abortion policy, it here, here it dies out of state and you go out of state to visit your your green mother, because your dad died. The military is not
pay for that. But if you go out of state today, your baby tweet to a an abortion clinic and get killed. Then Joe Biden says, that must be paid for by the american taxpayer, and I remember for most of Joe Biden's career he's big back of the so called hyde amendment which bandit legislation they use. Taxpayer funding for abortion. He's decided there is no longer the case. Now you ought to pay for that abortion against the person, and so if it's you paying for the abortion, it's me paying for the abortion and the media, of course play this as though it's the right word attending sp attending tilt of the of the spending bill. The rightward tilt of the spending bill. So they apparently the bill is a non starter, would send a democrat it just it. It's incredible is absolutely incredible. This is what they're holding up clearly an administration that cares deeply about american, she'll securities, ninety six billion. So yes, sir, six billion dollars to the iranian no money to the military, unless it's also going to pay for a woman to have a fake penis. So do her clear,
priorities are absolutely clear here and just one second wheel. the fact that again Joe Biden is incredibly vulnerable and their friends, of him by his allies, are born weaker and weaker when we talk an abortion here. The fact democrats want to fund it. We should play add that abortion continues to rage across the united states by some numbers that is actually elevated this year, because there's so many people who are freaked out about the possibility they won't be able to abort their baby that they're trying to actually do it right now, but there is a way that you can help prevent this it would be by giving to pre, born free, born network of clinics expire, over two hundred miracles per day people and gives women with unplanned pregnancies, free ultra sounds introducing them to the beautiful life growing inside her room. One she hears the heartbeat the chance for babies Doubles because of your generosity, people can do all of this for twenty eight bucks per ultrasound, gifts are tax deductible and go entirely just having babies someday, you might meet a baby. The rescued, maybe they'll, save in life, the way that you have today, one thing is for sure: you're not going to regret saving a life, because life is indeed a miracle and you can do it for not a lot of money. All you have to do is donate by
I'll pay? You fifty and say you were baby, that's pound to five zero baby or go to pre, born dot com and slashed man. That's pretty boring, dotcom, slash, benyon actions Anything remotely is important. Negative pre born dotcom, slash, ban and give generously, ok. So, given the facts This administration is invariably try, and most that belief is is, is apparent. in the foreign policy rome domestic policy is bad enough, but you can spend domestic policy and on a foreign level, what american is in favour of sending giant checks in iranian? What america? What are what americans in favour of american national security at risk. So some, from a generous fora, can be shot up with testosterone like what What exactly is the is the balance there that americans are in favour of well, The defences of Biden are now coming fasting. First winner, defending you're losing this both parties remember the way there We can hardly remember this was trump if you spend the rest of the elections heckled defending trump you're going to lose because again, if every
Talking him how bad your guy is a need to spend the entire time talking to how he's really not that bad you're, gonna lose and for democrats same thing If you spend the entire election cycle. Talking about how Joe Biden is not that bad. We all know he is. here is an avowed trying to do work on behalf of the environment is talking about its authors fake it's all in your head is it is when I favorite approaches and they geniuses over. The view is something you can clearly see happening in front of your eyes is not real, because any viruses, so this administration has really gotten at a time of very difficult by partisan legislation through in a divided congress, with a very difficult senate, make up a fifty fifty bipartisan infrastructure, bipartisan safe communities at first major gun legislation in decades you as innovation and competition at bipartisan, climate, healthcare and tax package physic. Responsibility and the list is long. So what are they needed?
I was on the need to focus on the undeniable Joe Biden is old and that's a narrative that's been created to cause panic and equal and then so, what's the second part that narrative Joe Biden is old. camel hair is as unprepared zoah there's, not a narrative. Joe Biden is old and Joe Biden has also terrible at his job is terrible at his job. It meanwhile they're trying to clear the yield against any potential democratic might run against robotics again he's intensely vulnerable. Here's the thing that that, if you were truly a rebel for example, our central kosovo has believes she is, if you're sure, the rebel. Then you would run Joe Biden from his left, you would Alexander lukashenko has she's thirty three years old. I believe that She would be theoretically eligible for the presidency. The truth is that she could easily up the ball. Were bernie sanders left off and run against turbine from his left,
because he's really really vulnerable, but none of them are doing it. Why? Because the democratic party is in fact a vehicle for radical left is, and this is the difference between the right and I've been terms their parties right wingers, don't the republican party because they don't believe it's a vehicle for their ideas. Democrats trusted what kind of party, because they do believe that is a vehicle for them. Well, that's why they're all standing shoulder to shoulder behind the old man meanwhile that old man is using the white house as a military weapon, again. Social media will get that momentarily. First, we have a great dog. His name is happy incredibly cute. One of the best things about happy is that he really allows my kids to just like get rough with them. They might my seven year old son has extra energy. I only jumped around with the dogs and dogs jumping around with him. It's extremely cute. We want to keep happy living a happy and healthy life, which is why we give him rough greens every morning, the dog food you have been giving your dog is dead food. It doesn't have much nutritional value. Take a look at it that brown food doesn't exactly scream at nutrition, but green food does, which is why you should try out rough greens. It boosts happy's food back to life. It can do the same for your dog as well. You don't have to
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friday limited the scope of the district court ruling the restricted communications between government agencies and social media companies, but they found in several agents likely violate the first amendment. There should be like top of page news. in an era where the media actually cared about freedom of speech, which they clearly do not at this point it would be top of the page news and what went when Donald trump. Saying things like the present: the enemy, the beta animated. All we got was business. On the first amendment on american, how can you say that the enemies of the bee? Meanwhile, you have actual government aid, he's going to social media websites and telling them to shut down falling certain streams of information and the media's like because, if mainstream media agrees with. They think it becomes truth. The mainstream You're disagrees with saving, it becomes falsehood and it would be good if nothing were suppressed. Well, here's the thing Making the argument that social media is a private and and can make its own rules that carry only so far as the government is not pressuring the private entity into doing the thing once
a government agent, you can't do that thing the governor puts a gun to your head and tells you to do a thing. You are now a government agent. That means that whatever you who is attributable to the governments of the government those two social media and they say to them. Either. You ready the speech or we regulate you, which is effectively Democrats have been saying since about twenty eighteen if they say that sort of this turn social media companies into operations of the government once they operate. The government, then the pressure that brings to bear is in fact a violation of the first amendment, which is exactly what the fifth circuit court of appeal says. Into CNBC. The ruling will make it easier for several federal agencies to communicate with social media companies still officials remain subject to modified injunction, including those in the white house, must remain careful. Discussions with the platforms will not be construed as coercive. A three judge panel of the fifth circuit court of appeals concluded at the white house, surgeon general's office, an fbi likely violated the first. And by coercing social media platforms into moderating posts on their site. It also
the cdc likely violated the first amendment. The appeals court says that some federal agencies won't be subject to the injunction, but they did say and it's pretty amazing ruling. They did say that the pressure brought to bear on social media companies by the federal man is a violation of the first amendment which clearly is and that sure is obviously continuing, here's the thing that genius out about battle it be done so what the decision is not pressuring anymore, but the message. out there that the pressure exists. The threat is already out there if elk and threatened to burn down your bar because you wouldn't pay the protection money and he did that a year ago it probably something to pay the price money, even after a court says he really shouldn't do that and its effective it's happening right now, according to the washington post threads really blocking searches on the topic. of covert and vaccines instagram tax base, so
if the platform threads, which is supposed to be the answer to twitter rolled out its new search function not even twenty. Four hours later, the company was embroiled in controversy when users went to threats to search for content, related covert and long called it there. The blank screen and showed no this results in a popup linking to the website of the cdc about government pressure have pressure on social media into shutting down actual social media posting and just linking directly to the government. That's like orwellian crap men are acknowledged in a statement to the washington post. A dredges henry blocking those search terms and so other terms are being blocked as well. The company didn't give a list, but those words include sex nude gore porn. Ok, so far, I suppose our right and they corona coronavirus, vaccines and vaccination. Those are blocked now you will be delegate you'll, be directed exposed each government sources the search functionality temporarily doesn't provide results for keywords that may show potentially sensitive continents and potentially sensitive content, because, god forbid you should
the non governmental distortions. That government was so absolutely honest with us during the covered regime. I mean there are there being so honest with us now now that you've got the white house promoting masking again amazing stuff here and in the fact that that is not a national scandal demonstrates more than anything. How could the media are these again? The media you'd imagine would be protest mehmet. Well, not so much. Ok, too, Imagine that all this would be wind in the sales, for a public is going into twenty twenty four. After all, this is terrible governance. This is too ethical, using social media. The american people are not up for all this to all begins have to do is beat not stupid. Well, boobs, so republicans always have a way of doing dumb things, all the talk right now about Kevin Mccarthy is going to be basically deprived of his speakership? I'm just wondering what is the upside? I keep I have been asked in the sense that the original rebellion against Mccarthy it's one thing, leverage, mccarthy for more concession the conservative side of the out. That's fine, that's a strategy. We have to be the land the plane
No, it is not a strategy. What do we get rid of mccarthy, and then we have no one to back him up what we should have a rent. speakership fight said people on tv like this sort of stuff is deeply unhelpful. According to political, car these facing the greatest peril to his speakership, since he caught his way into the job eight months ago, with multiple factions of his party, being a looming revolt ahead during a battle to fund the government, ultra conservative members, it has your p r talking in unsettled terms about turning on mccarthy, if he does not take a hard line in negotiations with the senate in the by demonstration. Now let me just point out here Joe Biden in the senate, all they have to do as they were willing to negotiate in the not negotiate in order when this battle, they made a crucial tactical wonder during the last round of these negotiations, Joe Biden pre com, it beforehand to not negotiating that gave my car some say that he was the negotiator and eventually button had negotiate. The rule in these sorts of political brinkmanship situation is that the american public are poor whichever parties has now come to the table You won't come to table them like you. So if you
already starting off with we're not coming to the table and the this is something that you're certainly not going to get from the democratic will, then the devil It's probably win that in the battle of public opinion, mccarthy, Political is a political survivor, even his critics. Not deny his skilled nature as an accommodating, his persistence in winning over even his most dog critics, but interviews, than to doesn't she will be members needs reveal it'll, take only a few robe lawmakers hell bent on his own fall to risk mccarthy fate in an entirely new way centre. a party spiralling into a new period of chaos. Even of those defectors failed to actually eject Mccarthy someone's, because conference privately can, there may be no way to recover. and you bob goodies, vocal mccarthy tractor. He says the speaker basis to choices you stairs down the senate, stairs down the white house forces them to even as a transformational, historic speaker or he can choose to make a deal with democratic out. Let me be clear about this. There is no situation which deals are caught with Democrat, you no wonder why because the president is a Democrat. So is the senate.
What is amazing to me is I more fiscal conservatives and virtually everyone in congress, I happens, live in this world called reality where you do get to unilaterally dictate the terms of engagement when the Their side hold most of the cards. The president has veto power the president has the entire media on his side. He can fight this You can say well, you know the present really should cave on this, and you really gave on this and you might be able to pry certain concessions away from by the river. the last time they got some small concessions from it, but if you're talking about affects waiting list, Scale change with a democrat president, any democrat senate. Good luck to you The way you know what have been really helpful here is winning that would be super help. If you actually want to effectuate large scale change, it'll, be great, controlling the house of representatives, guys that'd be awesome. That's why we focus on running good candidates in swing districts hell don't we focus on monday in the most electable republican for president whizzing and drive our democratic turn up, there might be a It actually effectually large scale change, or is there dear here, they just yet
Your leadership class and in and if you use the morning of the magic happens, I don't know but honestly like one of these bizarre tweets, where the logic goes, something like step one yellow your leadership, step to dot dot, dot, step three fiscal conservatism like the dots is the whole thing guys. You need to figure out exactly what you're strategy in your play here is again, I'm not saying you can leverage, mccarthy and being more conservative, I'm fine with that. I think that's good. I think pressure from his right is a good thing. The point I made: Then, if you start off with a series of demands that are the unrealistic, and if there are people in the conservative, ecosystem in a concerted, immediate ecosystem who suggest that government shut down we are going to be away toward political victory here with a democratic senate and a democratic president. When you know a deal is going to get signed, I don't understand what exactly the upside is. What republican republicans needs provide right now is a sense of sobriety. Is this so they know what they are doing to all. I'm asking
or as always, the plan that it gives me a plan. But I dont and your publican strategy that is not a strategy at all is an impulse is if the if the impulse is yell at mccarthy until good things happen, that's not a strategy, and it is not a plan if the impulse is now whoever and run them against bind without any plan for victory. What's the plan, if the plan is shout the last election cycle was stolen and then have no plans to actually reverse that or explain even how you would attempt to do so. That's not a plan at an impulse impulse do not make for political victory? Not Democrats have continuously plans is what they do professionally. So, for example, according to political in nine days, state and federal judges throughout Who can rational maps and helped them that's what a worst case scenario in ohio kicking off an unusually busy redistricting calendar heading into the election year. All told a dozen or more see to cross it? We six states could be redrawn, increasing the likelihood Democrats could chip away the five seed gnp has majority through redistricting alone. Democrats could pick up an extra seat, including in it,
florida, alabama, anyways, Yemen's your deep red state, perhaps several more in your republicans could still pick up, and he's foresees north carolina, but the region for democrats in a position to us at some of those losses and then some two again they are finding judges who are overthrowing these districts that are drawn, and then they are basically creating democratic district. That is what doing right now, that is a plan publicans my way, play the game. They can win this. The other thing is this note. there that republicans can play the game games rigged became when it comes ballot harvesting. Yes, Republicans him play that game and they can win. That's what happened in florida during the last elections cycle, Yes, the judiciary was rigged against Republicans and then Republicans credit. The federalist society has been thirty years building up in it, bench of judicial nominees and then to control this report. So, yes, you can do this, but it requires actual plans. I understand that the easiest thing in politics is to think for today and maybe for tomorrow, but never for ten years from now. That's not going to achieve it and and here's the big question. What exactly do you expect
mccarthy to do mccarthy's, actually giving us what we want. I say us too conservative none from spending. you're not capable of doing and no one's capable of doing and by the way, I do find it ironic, that many of the same people who are shouting baja mccarthy is not sufficiently conservative on spending. Are talking, at the wonders of of, for example, president from who says, we should not restructure social security, medicare or medicate, which are the biggest winning programmes in american life bar none, but put that aside, mccarthy, is in fact moving toward impeachment inquiry events. You care about mccarthy's, doing it. According to fox news coming cars will tell how republicans today beginning in impeachment. Inquiry against Biden is the logical next step. The house to conference To hold a meeting on thursday morning, four key committee chairs to lay out there his findings in the status of the investigations into the Biden, family house, judiciary committee, chairman representative, Jim Jordan, of ohio and house oversight committee, chairman representative, james comer of kentucky are expected to lead the meeting at the meeting mccarthy's. but did you say, impeachment inquiry is the logical next step for the report? majority soap,
that will obviously wants this into higher gear, hundred eighty moniker would need to support an impeachment inquiry against Biden is not certain that actually the house republicans have the votes to do it. There are several european lawmakers, including ten buck and down bacon of nebraska, have voiced scepticism about impeachment, which is interesting, his is a fiscal conservatives, also pushing mccarthy from the right into Spending has got come from where, I'd, fellows you're, but mccarthy is, very pliable to his own membership. The problem is: if give many options. He's got no options to have this. Have our focus on you know the measure there are likely to lead to electronic greet. You can actually effectually change that there has been that ever since I have been following republican and conservative and endemic politics at all, which is like fourteen thirteen years old. I have noticed in an extraordinary tendency. Among those in the activists base to simply say over and over and over, but they wish a thing to be, and then, if the power Please don't make the thing happen. Then politicians avail. What does that mean?
Your wishing for is not possible under the current circumstances, but might be possible with a little bit of actual forethought again just one. Second, we are going to get to crime. problems spinning out of control in washington dc again democratic governance is probably vulnerable right now, the stuff they ve promulgated is really really bad. First got about Brian Ryan is a video editor over here. He is the meme lord. over here he's the guy. You see whenever you see our videos on youtube, negate all the memes that that is largely Brian he's doing his post editor, but I only know Brian from making me play minecraft and I've been waiting for this This is the day Brian, it's time for you to be separated. because the reality is making me play minecraft sure it might be entertaining for some of you. And sure our audience might like it, but there is very little on this earth I hate more, it being forced to pay my uncle for like an hour and a half, because I will not get, Hours of my life back into my death, I'll think back to those video me play minecraft on youtube and say my guts, o brien zip procure
best way to use aim to help. You find people to replace the people you want to replace zippers air identifies candidates are best suited for all kinds of roles right now in tried for free zippers outcomes that daily wire, if you want the most qualified candidates, zipper credible use it. awful ay? I define and send you people whose skills and expertise matthew job then super grid easily invite them to apply to encourage them to apply sooner. In fact, over three point: eight million businesses have headed on over to is appropriate for their hiring needs the leading edge on hiring with zebra gregoire five employers, your post on the procureur, get equality candid with india. Once you yourself have reciprocal for free and simple kurds outcome slack daily wire the simple grooves icons, I d- I, why don't you worry, zip recruiter is the smartest way to hire also a few more the gap is certain chocolate company sold themselves out of the woke he trotted out do said the lady, new spokes lady on international women's day. It was ridiculous. That's why good friend, Jeremy, boring, decided to start producing jeremy chocolate. The campaign was a huge success we sold out in a matter of days.
and we got more in and then those sold out to the best way to strike back at these leftist regimes is through the free market. Halloween is quick approaching we are bringing back our chocolate soon have to settle for ideologically inferior chocolate, it's time to stock up on good, unwilling kosher. I guess it's kosher so head on over german chocolate dot com order today check this out. This is the she her bar from Jeremy's chocolate, and it goes without saying. The she her bar is not less so. Yes, that is a thing so, on halloween, give this out to the kitchen- and I can understand, what's going on their parents- are gonna laugh super hard to go check it out now germany's chocolate, dotcom, ok, meanwhile climate. Remains absolutely out of control in Washington DC. I know you're supposed to pretend the crime is going to end after the defined the police movement. Remember, is become by yeah. I mean wash in DC, actually wrote blacklist matter in giant letters on street, and if that would solve crime, I frankly don't know what will they could? the George Floyd square, it was it was it was them
at the moment that all crime was going to end in Washington DC and then numb yeah, it turns out washington d c is a terrible for a place filled with a crime. According to the washington post, a shaken washington, surging violence. This not normal. Oh, did, though, according to the washington post, any heisman. A northwest washington when planner notion may sound almost absurdly cautious as she describes how, after a regular sunday dinner at the friends house, five blocks away, she travels by instead of walking home. She has her reasons. A year ago she was woken by gunfire outside her Adams, morgan apartment building and, from her seventh floor window, saw a car speeding away in august, after a night out with her friends. Her uber driver couldn't reach her building, because police had blocked off the street where bullets had just killed. Two men and fatally wounded a third is ridiculous heisman. On the other hand, onawandah randomly get shot crime, has long been part of washington life, the worst of it during the early ninety nineties, when drug trafficking upheld the annual homicidal nearly five hundred and disease
he earned an inglorious reputation as america's murder. Capital is actually during this period that Washington DC had renamed the basketball team. You'll recall that Washington, d, c basketball team in the nineteen eighties was called the washington bullets and then they had renamed themselves, because whoops and they became the washington wizards though gand offers like walking the streets, washington dc the volume, One of these is not nearly as high most easier Residents are unlikely to ever be a victim of violence, but a sharp, rising I'm over the past year punctuated by reports of home, I too, brazen shootings in carjack ends by armed keen interest is rattling a city already struggling to recover from a pandemic that up ended its rhythms and ravaged its ones. Thriving downtown I wonder how this happened. Oh maybe it was that you guys decided that the police were bad, maybe that maybe that would be it. the spike in felonies homicides, robberies, europe, twenty nine and sixty seven percent. From these same at time here last year, according to police, tat is not the only did causing alarm the number of jobs. he's arrested for car jacking has increased slightly since last year. Forty one of the sixty four
charge between the ages of twelve and fifteen as of august first anyone minors had been shot in the city this year, while patterns of violence occurs. Word often has the poor, neighborhoods stats showed the geography of crime has become more diffuse. prosperous areas less immune than before, while I'm in equity equity suggest, this is necessary, Obviously, the richer areas also have to suffer from people being shot on the regular, so that that that is exciting. Stuff in Washington DC, keep voting democratic work now great for same thing happening over in philadelphia. By the way there video that emerged from philadelphia showing attics on the street in a trance like state out on the sidewalk of these cities, multiple homeless encampments, I mean, if there's not horrifying, the real crap, I'm not sure what is this. kensington areas in philadelphia. For those can see the video is people literally just lie. Ang on three just in the broad daylight. Like zombie doubt these people, You would think that this was some sort of a horrifying play. It is not
a homeless man who just standing there on a street corner. I mean this is just creepy. Is living hell, just people song out. Obviously, drug users are seen according to the daily mail hunched over with no control of their limbs? Other there's, probably crusty garbage covered street we have taken over the sidewalks turn them into homeless encampments, where many people live in their own filth. Many of the ex living on the streets are forced to turn to crime enough to sustain themselves. One local act said: businesses are using booby traps like sprinkler systems to keep a drug addicts away from their storefront front his end up, throwing soapy water on the ground, so it's wet and it's not a comfortable place to sit down. There's businesses that set up sprinkler systems as well primed, what about the philadelphia enquire shows. Kensington has one of the highest drug rates in the city. Apparently one of them one of the worst. on the street right now is is a drug known as trenck for those,
that is a potent animal tranquilizer called zile is a powerful sedative and people mix it with sentinel to make that even deadlier and worse in the new york times, have been reporting on it for awhile back in january. There is an entire story about this. Xylazine causes wounds that erupt with a scaly dead tissue called Escobar untreated. It can lead to amputation and induces a blackout, Super for hours, rendering users vulnerable to rate and robbery when people come to a halt, from the federal has long since faded, they immediately crave more because I was seen as a sedative inoculated resists standard, opiate overdose reversal treatment more than ninety percent of philadelphia, lab tested dope samples are not positive at first, I was in. it's too late for valleys had shown wasteful outreach worker with prevention point four, I don't think health services centre in Kensington, though you supply saturated if other places around the country have a choice of what they need to hear our story, a study published in june. has detected silencing the drug supply. In thirty, six states, as well as dc in new york,
I was here- has been found in twenty five percent of drug samples, but this Adoration is certainly greater, and this is gary scary, stuff. the drug exists, legal grey zone, it was improved. Fifty years go by, the fda as a veterinarian. prescribed. The analgesic is not listed as a controlled substance for animals or humans. So it's not subject to strict monitoring, but it started, of course, with them. Prescription obi aids were now. Those are hard to come by. People started moving onto trenck, so this, what we ve done to large swathes of our population is its working out great by the way guys are all this working out beautifully probably a little bit more left wing policy, will fix these cities, where maybe maybe some in a needle exchanges for the train that all that will definitely help or maybe, if we get rid of it, Sk is really. The problem here is systemic racism. As I said earlier when it came to the republican congress. Yelling Bad things in life is not a solution to the bad things and get that seems to be the policy that is being followed in the cities. I dont like Frank is not a solution to drink. I dont like
homeless. Zombies on the street is not a solution to homeless zombies on the street You know disillusion, more law enforcement, you not the solution. Mandatory drugs now you notice in actual solution in voluntary commitment for mentally ill. These are actual solutions and require actual funding, and they fix the problem That may require somebody to actually have the courage to say that in an area where it's not popular and more than that, it's not about courage by politicians. It's about voters coming to grips with reality at a certain point, when the politicians anymore. If we're not cutting our debt, maybe it's because we don't want to cut our debt. Politicians much as you want, or even when the fact that people have no capacity to think second order when it comes to politics, already folks time for some things that I like already well. What does things we like here, adventure, shows brcko than one of our biggest sponsors. Obviously, with them every so often about the state of the economy. Joining us on the line. Right now is philip Patrick, a precious metals specialist from birch gold. So, phillip, let's talk about the state of economy and me right now, Joe Biden clemming, we have strong a growth. Inflation is coming under control. How to use it
look, you can cherry pick the numbers and certainly make that argument, but I think it's a mistake to focus just on economic growth and the real question I think this is how is the economy working for most americans and the numbers? Really don't look good The last two and a half years liquor, prices. At home up twenty percent electricity up twins one. Gasoline prices up: seventy two percent: let's look a people's biggest expense right. housing, rent payments rose. Twenty five percent median mortgage payments up. Eighty five percent and very importantly, wage growth- is trailed inflation consistently. In other words, not just our imagination. Thus, virtually every essential is more expensive today than it was before. Biden got in office and wages just haven't kept up, right, consumer dad recently had an all time high over a trillion dollars for the first time. So I think people are desperately trying to maintain their living standards in the face of white. Nor makes
that's the reality for most americans today, despite how we, I dress up the numbers, so villa one things that their claiming now is that they ve brought inflation under control. The federal reserve obviously has increased interest rates, to sky high rates is why mortgages are now clocking in seven, eight percent, the reality that by historical average is the interest rates aren't actually all that high at this point, but also the the inflation rate is oh that low at this point, is a lot of talk right now, the inflationary being under control, but they usually target two percent, its well in excess of three parts. Celso still fifty percent too high, but there still claiming now that maybe they're gonna stop with the increases in the interest rate. Yet look lower inflation generally is good. Good news ride with his cup points to remember festival. Inflation is cumulative right. A ten percent inflation rate one year, followed by five percent next means that everything Fifteen percent. More so easing inflation doesn't mean a return of purchasing power, it's just destroying it more slowly. Now the
On the side of things, which I think is very important, is the feds preferred measure of inflation, which is core pc personal consumption expenditures. They ve been more than double, as you mentioned the two percent target for years now, the only thing that's really been driving that headline inflation number down has been energy prices and, of course, they are starting to creep up again oil. Here ninety dollars a barrel just a few days Go aids particularly concerning whether what is showing us now that is in inflation, is becoming entrenched in the economy, and I think this two percent target that the first have maybe a pipe dream for the foreseeable future is proving particularly sticky at the moment, and the one of things become pen the obvious really since two thousand seventy thousand and how much power the central bank, We have over the economy and their use. The time is now decades ago, where legislatures really had sort of the chief all over the economy and you can hold them responsible. If the policies were bad, there is still an interest in some
well fiscal discipline, because you couldn't just print dollars willy nilly and then put them into the economy or blow the jet off for couple of generations. I was just not true any more, and that means that the central banks have been given this extraordinary power to control. How your dollars are worth particularly ones. You very much Taxes on the matter in the bank already yeah, I mean aids absurd- the power that the federal reserve have a is really showing itself in today's economy and the real policy is, as you mentioned there, an unelected body. We really can hold them accountable, and you know this reserve has a problem as well. As you know, the tools, that they have available. I think a very limited their ability to raise rates significantly enough to crush inflation is limited, look at what they did to the banks earlier this year, and you know the ability to fix the economy by lowering rates and stimulating, also very limited as well, so they've got their hands tied behind their back, but but I agree with you: the fed, as as a body the power that they have over the economy,
concerning when their own electorate and an army council within a fillip patronage, depression specialist spokesmen for brcko group so felt I get the question time that, in a really serve uneasy economy like this, in a really is uneasy. No one, obviously where to where to put their money. It looks to me, like the real estate market, is going to have some sort of sell off here, just because the mortgage rates are so high, there's a lot of stickiness, because people don't actually want to sell their home because then they'll have to take a new mortgage that isn't going to be a two point: five percent: it's going to be at seven percent, but at some point people will lose their jobs or lose their savings and they're gonna to have to sell those houses. The same thing is happening in commercial real estate. I've talking with them in commercial real estate and the occupancy rates are dropping fairly rapid we at this point and met them is the underlying value is really going on. The wall street journal has widely report this. Meanwhile, when it comes to the south market lot of uneasiness. Their new ip ideas are doing afraid what they were doing just a couple of years ago, and and meanwhile If you put your money into a money market account, you might be earning the best return. It's a very concise using economy now obviously have a vested interest with birch gold. But what are you
men in terms of things like precious metals, Against all of the guys precious metals work very, very well in climates like this, simply because of the nature of our problems. Right we have inflation, which we mentioned. We have potential recession on the horizon, tied into that. I think we have issues without currency longer term. The world seems to be at least for now, since in from the dollar. These things, of course, very negative in isolation, but very positive draw. It is for a safe haven. Commodities like gold and silver say the climate really good, and, as you mentioned, you know, the options out there at the moment are very limited, so precious metals, a ton of sensing climates like this fella patrick precious metal. Specialist spokesmen for brcko group really appreciate the time folks, if you do want to get in there with birch called we talk about them. A lot on the show their sponsor of the programme, birch bertold, will make sure they have.
all of your questions answer you can expand to ninety eight. Ninety eight and I need to get your free information kit on gold have got that a plus rating with the better business bureaus thousands of happy customers. I've trusted virtual. My cell phone, where's my into gold so go check it. I'm out right. Now my texting bend to ninety eight. Ninety eight. Ninety, I felt really appreciate the time. Thank you. It is time for some things that I hate so what on in Israel right now is actually quite astonishing. The supreme court of Israel is, Claiming that it has the ability to strike down literally any war, including what they call the basic law in Israel for violating the duration of independence for israel. So let me put this in context. and this has ramifications for the united states, because this is the way that the left would love to see courts rule in the future and how the courts have ruled in the past. So basically here's the way it works. The united states is we're we're lucky. We have a written constitution which
it means that the very least you can refer to that document to determine what exactly courts can do and can't do in terms of striking things down while legit, while legislatures can and cannot do israel doesn't have anything like that. Israel has eight dec creation of independence, which is not a piece of law. It is a disease statement abroad, mrs about Israel should be jewish and democratic. That's pretty much what it is. It's not war, is your constitution there, because the israelis couldn't come to some sort of agreement about how exactly the government should work. What? we're inbound. What what was constitution What was not, they basically just agree to disagree. That means that every Often they passed what they call a basic law. A basic law is peace, majority in legislation that then carry, with it in inability You override that law, except a sort of a super majority. These basic laws exist, they lived, they ve been created throughout israeli history. The supreme court of Israel, typically has you basic law in order to strike down non basic law in the same way that the supreme court of the united states, will use the constitution to strike down particular legislation. The same thing Sort of happens here in Israel is
historically has used a basic laws as it as a of striking down non basic law in the ninety nine. There was a seizure of power by the supreme court and they decided that from now on, they basically just say reasonableness to strike a variety of executive actions and legislation. Well, be minute whose current coalition they said, the supreme court has too much power. We want them to do that anymore. So arrogant have to cite something that reasonable mess if you wanna strike down legislation and to make this a basic law by they they dashed how did this in a basic laws. This will now be the law of the state of Israel and it is concerned quasi constitutional, so the questions. The big question is now come up before the supreme court is, when the soup, court of Israel instead. Down. A basic law in the name of room in name of boot, like Normally, in the united states is the constitution to strike down a bad piece of legislation in Israel. The basic law is equality, institutional highest law. How can the supreme court site something else to strike down a basically So the argument is currently happening in the supreme court level is whether the supreme court can you
the declaration of independence, to strike down a law that imagine if these superman the united states, went back to the deck ocean of independence and said that, because the deck I independence says that you have the pursuit of happiness. That means can strike down anything we want. We other woe who gave you that power as, but that's a pretty big sentiment. strike down things, but that's pretty What is real supreme court has now declaring their now declaring that, because they don't like the current legislature of the state of Israel, they have willy nilly power to strengthen Anything they want In the name of an incredibly vague document, declaration, but depends on the state of Israel, which is not in fact practical law. It does not spell out how the state of Israel is supposed to work. It does on spell out how the knesset is supposed to work. It doesn't spell out virtually any of these things. It has a bunch of sorts. These lines, statements about what they hoped the state of Israel will be talking about how it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of its inhabitants and when we based on freedom, this in peace and will ensure completed
the social and political rights and freedom of religion, conscious language, education and culture, but those are pretty vague. Statements to strike down on a piece of legislation that simply says the supreme court does not have the ability to say did something is unreasonable and then strike down. If this report were do this constitution crisis in Israel, is effectively what they are saying is that elections can be overrun by supreme court anytime, that any time a basic was established gonna supposed him, it would be as though the congress of the united, aids and very state legislatures passed. A constitutional amendment to the constitution and supreme court then stepped in and said in the name of the declaration of independence. We strike down this constitutional amendment by while you can't do that. No one gave you the power to do that that basically what's happening right now, according to the times of Israel, during fraught exchanges between the court and the attorneys defending legislation. One justice indicated Israel's democracy was at stake again, I have to say the irony of people speaking name of judicial tyranny.
That their doing so on behalf of democracy is really going. It's really really going. Basically, the supreme court right now is our there should be no like name your limits. What are the limits on the supreme court of Israel? There are none according to the supreme court of Israel and according to many of its supporters, national action, they don't like the results of the elections and other going to use the supreme court to basically establish that there are no limits at all. You want back as the attorney representing the government yards. just as are empowered to interpret the legislators words, there's no legal or constitutional basis for them to review basic laws in response. Alex dying ass bond back, what is the source of the canasta authority to legislate laws? Format pointed to a nineteen fifty supreme court ruling. So I note- because it was formed before that. The original power source was in the declaration of independence, well Yes, in the sense that it says there should be a legislature, but it doesn't have a specific provisions on how lists work. All that was I wish later other just
also challenged back indicating that, in their view, since the declaration of independence defines Israel as a jewish democratic state that connects it cannot, slate laws, even basic laws that erode israel's it. Jewish or democratic character, which means that the high court can simply straight down whatever it wants to sign strike down, which is pretty amazing stuff The declaration of independence of state of Israel is, in fact a basic document. But that does not mean that empowers the supreme court to override anything in the name of the declaration of independence anymore than Import them of the united states can use the declaration of independence, which is far more imports documents in the western civilization to to strike down law The supreme court has never sites the declaration of independence because there is no purpose to doing so. It is not a piece of legislation. If, if these remote in Israel does that it's going to be a rather large mass has a the percentage of the israeli population is gonna believe that elections basically have no consequences at all,
monsieur on the left, in which case they just run roughshod as really negative stuff. I've railed in the united states against p in the united states. Doing this regime, where, if the bad guys and that means that democracy is over the long in israel- who is really bad for any civilization articles. So the show is containing right now and I can order miss it we'll be talking about our educational system, which apparently is rife with them, some rather perverse people. If you're, not a member number use could shapiro check out for two months. Oriental annual plans put that linking the description and join us and
Transcript generated on 2023-09-13.