« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1806 - Is War With China Coming?

2023-09-11 | 🔗

Joe Biden visits Vietnam, where he assures the world he has no interest in containing the Chinese; the G20 refuses to condemn Russia over its invasion of Ukraine; and New Mexico’s governor says to hell with the Second Amendment.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Joe Biden visits vietnam, where he assures the world has no interest in containing the chinese. The g20 refuses to condemn russia over its invasion of ukraine. those goes governors as to hell with the second amendment. A measure of this is Barroso show invention. the show sponsored by express vpn protect your online privacy to date express vpn, dot, com, slash Ben it very easy to get caught up in the horse race and because again we are in a president. Shaw. Pre year, the presidential year used to start in like twenty twenty four, but now stretches the full year beforehand, it's only september of the prior year and we are already in full horse race mode. But it's easy to forget that the presidency actually matters. It's not just about all of the lights and the is also about: can you be the president of the united states and do a good job, and Joe Biden continues to prove that he is not capable of this, so only weaken Joe Biden when two hanoi on his strategy in vietnam was too apparently attempt to.
create. Some sort of division between vietnam and china is essentially a containment strategy, and this is a strategy that has been pursued in bipartisan fashion by every president for the last ten or fifteen years. The basic idea is, you get japan and south korea and vietnam and all the countries that sir- china to basically create a counterweight to china and box than in such that america has allies surrounding china in pretty much every direction that that at least is the strategy. American there's some delicate diplomacy, because the fact is that china is a very aggressive country in one region paying an increasingly aggressive country. It would also require that the chinese, you know, have a little fear that the american president is actually going to stand by his word that the american president is actually somebody going to stand up for a critical. on and for wine is drawn and outline is cross that the americans are ass. You can and do something about it, but that is rather undercoat when the president of the united states is feeble and no question about this. Joe Biden is feeble, so his
higher team put out a schedule of his events yesterday today, he apparently was going to be invalid. And yesterday, over the weekend, he flew there and he had a bevy of events and he got on a plane and he headed to alaska for the september alive. memorial, of an unwise in alaska fur september eleven memorial man does make any sense to me last. I checked. I was therefore September and so are you eyes him aunt em? You recall had literally nothing to do with alaska, but some for some and your violence can be Alaska four september, eleventh because why they held up and- and this was proof of his veracity. This is proof that he was. He was somebody who's durable and he was going to be somebody who can stand up to the rigours of the job was only one problem by the time he had. Vietnam do was asleep and he just state asleep the entire trip. So, for example, Joe Biden, I've had to cut him off in the middle of a sense because he doesn't know where he is he started wandering onstage? No one knows
he's doing here. We talked about, we talked about at the conference. Overall, we talked about stability. We talked about making sure that the third world, the screaming third world, the the the the southern hemisphere, had access to change The access we really wasn't. Confrontational became a faint thanking. Everybody descends account press conference thanks. Everyone I like you I think we piano playing. is, is the tony's. Now getting a war. These I'm sorry. Your time is up, MR president, due to do just get the thing just get. Can e g in the one with the saxophone Joe Biden also said in the middle of this press conference that he was going to bed, which is always a great indicator of just the the absolute vital
many of the presidency here was Joe Biden explaining that he is going to sleep. I don't go anywhere. I just think that sir other things on leaders' minds and they respond to what she needs at the time and look nobody likes having celebrated international meetings. If you don't know what you want at the meeting, if you don't have a game, He may have a game plan. He just hasn't shared with me, but I tell you what I know about you, but I'm gonna go to bed The very encouraging self there from the president of the united states, who apparently is capable of allowing a sound full emerge from his mouth. Only once every five or six seconds before he has to tell people that he is ready,
is betty by his warm cup of milk and a big big hug from his night nurse, presumably his practical. that that is. That is insane stuff. But here is the problem for Joe Biden he's. Bad added the job. It's not just that he is physically feeble, which he has or that he is mentally feeble, which he has I have always been and he's just more so now, the problem with Joe Biden has passed, These are garbage and we have aggressive enemies. So today is in fact a tunnel There are many lessons we should have learned on September eleventh and that we ve busily. Bless twenty years? All morning, one of those big since is foreign policy, actually matters. Italy has consequences If you dont have a little bit of foresight, the consequences can be disastrous. Now before that we did not have the ninety nineties is that if we did not stop AL qaeda in cracked and ninety ninety eight, when they bombed the embassies in tanzania in kenya, that that would, back to want america's Al Qaeda grew at metastasized and end with the death of three thousand americans on nine eleven cape that what we're talking about right now.
or it is, is oars magnitude larger. If you don't stop the chinese government in its tracks when it comes to its aggressive instincts. We're not talking about thousand americans dead, which was worse tragedy on american soil since Second, world war you're talking about like a full scale, conflagration with the largest physical army on planet earth America has the best army on planet earth most technologically advanced army on planet earth. But if you don't stop the chinese people bumble. A way into war because of misinterpretation. They think the other weaker than it is most war in the modern era, get started exactly the way the war between russia and Ukraine got started. Russia misinterpreted signals from the west that they wouldn't you anything of ukraine was invaded and misinformed Ukraine's military strength and then they invade and now we are now in in year to a long war that is killed, hundreds of thousands of people, those sort, misinterpretation, are are created by failed. years of communication and jobs,
Can I communicate he's not capable of this and meanwhile gg paying is becoming more and more aggressive, his entire strategy regard to china is quite frightening, not because it's bound successful, make china stronger because It is bound to make china actually weaker and thus more aggressive. I've talked about this before China has massive problems we did a youtube. Video should check out in our serious fact when I talk about the big problems that china has, but they include things like demographic trend is completely democrat. We upside down, they do not have enough young people. Tat, should provide the labour force or the earning forced to pay for all of the debt they ve taken out, speaking of which their debt is extraordinary if we take into account all public and private debt. Incurred? There's no such thing as a real private sector. Everything is backed by the government over there. You are talking about a country that is up to its eyeballs in debt, and you are met a country that has now cut off the only mechanism for economic success that was available to it in capitalism, so least, prior regimes in china were moving more toward a sort of bizarre backdoor. Capitalism were hung.
Long acted is basically away to flush money into the system. It would allow corrupt capitalism to grow up in a little, their their wonderful regime of communism? Just to support but now you should pay, it is actually an ivy logging is like no we're not going any of that. All turkey inside our own borders will, as china gets weaker its betting moron, military budget as gonna have to get it so the uninformed borders get to this in just one second. First, I need to talk to about delawares. Most trusted he parker and premier sponsor of this show express vps using without express vpn. It's like checking in your baggage at the airport. Without a lock, we you think your stuff is kept private, but you don't really know who's going through your belongings. We are now in the back room whose just sniffing lawyer cause you don't want that. they happen with their luggage. You don't want to happen with your data online either when you go online without a baby and internet service providers can see everything. What's that you visit, they can legally Well that information without your consent to add companies intact giants, who then use your data to target you when you
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His position. His country is a full on opponent, ready to align its own block against the united states, its partners and international institutions. They support she's bracelet. Establishment has been a long time coming his predecessor and integrated china into the. U s lead global order by joining its foundational institutions like the world bank and the w g o for much was ten over the past decade, she kept a foot in the door too western order, even as china's relations with the us have deteriorated. Chinese purchased I painted the grudgingly in g twenty efforts to help alleviate debt burdens on struggling low income countries, but over the course of his rule she has now hostile to the existing or he's intent on altering. It is focused on develop alternative institutions, beijing could leading control from the infrastructure, investment bank travel, the world bank he's go to competing international forums like shanghai cooperation organisation, whose membership includes russia and IRAN he's gonna grounded the, u n, because, obviously He can militarized it, but the g20 is not one of the places where he is actually flexing his influence. Because you'd like to undercut the g20 the map kind
where'd. You suggest Jesus she's nationalist pursuit of global power could undermine. Pushed to lead a new block against the west, because here is taking off by the way the indians, for example, but he sees the united states as his chief glow opponent. This is being highly over the weekend by the china, when on high lord effort using canadian ships, went through the time on straight. According to frost press trend, on Saturday that its report on constant tyler effort to ships belonging to the us and Canada transited, the taiwan strait according to a military spokesperson this by the is one reason why the united states cutting its military budget. Portugal in the navy, is idiotic in the extreme It is for the united states has the world's most powerful, maybe by a long shot. It is also true that the united states requires the wardsman powerful, maybe because many of the shipping lanes that are easy, choked points for our enemies are very, very far away from us china doesn't require a deep water navy in order challenge the united states, all they require call gray water navy, in order to ensure that they can basically
Control the taiwan strait, the talents, he's right. Their backyard. It is not in our backyard. Obviously is this: is this a problem for so you'd. Imagine that strong american leadership would be something worthwhile will. Meanwhile, Joe Biden he's out there saying things like I don't want to contain china. I don't want to continue well. Why not Firstly, why not? Why do not want in China. I understand that we're sort of pussyfooting around this whole issue with china, but the reality the g is not and taking were aggressive posture towards china- sang listen, the that your regime is currently is currently attacking the rest of the world with its soft power and sometimes with harvard it is not acceptable to the united states working to build up our military and we're not going to allow you to your expansionism to threaten american interests, which do include places like taiwan. Here just now what about button. Is that he's he's signals completely confused approach? from time to time. He will say things like if I wanted to take america defend which, as I said before,
actually not a terrible thing to say. I think actually the right thing to say, but it would require an actual dedication to a village budget capable of supporting that kind of brass drop by talk on foreign policy is generally empty. Words followed by very little else in this great sticky situations, as will see when it comes to ukraine and second, Joe Biden binding, it doesn't want to contain china Ok, so I mean all of that He doesn't want to contain china that No, what he thinks he means by that I really don't so use. Vietnam specifically to contain china? We should note here the heat That's why he's there? Britain's had a new conference. Today we can trace a fifty year, arkell progress in the relationship between our nations from conflict to normalization he's talking to the it
secretary of the communist party in vietnam, He says this is a new elevated status that will be a force for prosperity and security and when the most consequential regions in the world there's only one problem, of course, which the vietnam is also aligned with the russians, literally where the weaken the chasing a secret russian arms deal, even as a deepens american ties in order for america? big umbrella. America has to have a very strong umbrella that strong umbrella has to include things like making sure that if we think that vietnam is, is actually going be weapon ice against china, but doesn't by its weapons from the russians who are allies of the chinese all this would be. A lot was complicated if the united states actually muscular approach to the world, but your mind doesn't have a muscular approach, the world's he says he dies, but then he doesn't fit. When the gaps is also too when it comes to, Ukraine will get to that in one second first, everybody knows I love my helix mattress. Have you checked at their most high and collection? The helix elite here His harness years extensive, mattress expertise to bring their customers are truly elevated. Sleep experience, the helix elite collection includes six different matters models, each tailored for specific sleep positions and firmness
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I did say should be doing in ukraine has been perfectly obvious since only the beginning of the war that this thing was going to end in a stalemate, because it was going to end in a stalemate and made a lot of sense for the united states to be so. We go to the russians and set your want to keep crimea you're gonna keep up that on bass, we're gonna get care to guarantees to ukraine and everybody single that status quo ante. That was always what the deal should happen. there is always what the deal was going to be. The united states is. It does have an interest integrating the russian military and the truth is money, we ve spent in ukraine contra public opinion that money has actually been money we well spent with degraded the russian military dramatically. They no longer have the capacity to cross other countries borders. That threat to NATO has been tremendously mitigated, which is for our allies in the region and by the way, a lot of the money that we ve spent is in fact, coming back to us, because proof of the use of those weapons on the battlefield means, for example, that overly and Poland announced it was gonna, spend about ten billion dollars in terms of buying american military armaments, get all that can be true and still there,
We should be here because hundreds of thousands of people are dying in a war, and the borders are moving very much. Every consignment of ukrainian breakthrough. Ok, when it when it happens- and I believe it, but basically we have two choices, What is your arm? The ukrainians, to the point where they are capable of actually does defeating the russians throughout Ukraine, which would mean presumably giving them things like that, sustains or you're, not that which is you should be looking to cut some sort of deal, but instead, the united age and its allies, who consorted is half way measure where they say. So. if he is going to lead the negotiations, which means no peace, because the lenski is incentivized by his people correctly? So now give back into line Meanwhile, the russians have no incentive to leave because their not being physically out of donbass or crimea. And what are you just retreat for? No reason and so this thing is, you can go on and on and on. Meanwhile, The longer it goes on the less support the united states is going to have for this thing going on for prolonged periods of time, so Russia, for example, which is part,
the g20, they hailed the g20 as a success according to see it. russia on sunday deem the g20 summit in india's capital of new delhi and unconditional success. They have the means for declaration stopped short of explicitly condemning its invasion of ukraine. Speaking at a press conference. the end of the summit. Russian foreign minister, Sergei labourer, said the summit was a success not just for india, but for all of us. The final group statements had quote: all states must refrain the threat or use of force to seek territorial acquisition, but it didn't single out russia. The statement acknowledged quote, we're different views and assessment of the situation, ukraine and Chris. As the g twenty final declaration, Ukraine's foreign ministry spokesperson wrote on facebook. Ukraine is grateful to its partners, who tried to include strong wording in the text. At the same time, the g twenty has nothing to be proud of in the fact that russia russian against you. It continues. Obviously, the participation of ukrainian side would have allowed the purchase. to better understand situation. The principle of nothing about ukraine without ukraine remains as key as ever
Meanwhile, antony blinkin is trying to pretend that this watered down state but is actually something positive and good. There is anti blinking trying to explain the subject. Tapper that is significant. We weaker language than last year's joint statement, which called for russia's quote plead and unconditional withdrawal, unquote from Ukraine, and why did the? U s agree to a watered down declaration that It's not even condemn russia by name or explicitly call for russia to leave ukraine jake. The g20 countries in the statement all stood up for the importance of territorial, unchecked, sovereignty and that's very clear. I was in the room when all the leaders look today with with present body, and it was very clear, we think that they said that Not only do they want to see this warrant, but they want to see an end on just ended, we'll terms, and it was also very clear that the consequences of this aggression are being felt throughout the g20 countries.
throughout the developing world, and this is all unless it's all a messenger to mess, because this administration is extremely massey when it comes to china. Are they aggressive, or are they conciliatory when it comes to russia? Are they aggressive or are they week? What exactly? did they are attempting to do nobody here, explain what these, what they want, the final product to look like. But when it came to ronald reagan, much the soviet union. His approach is very simple: we when they lose now that negotiation within that framework, but the framework was you- are our enemy We're going to aggressively confront you in this sphere until you bend when it comes to china, we if used to take that view, because again we ve integrate our economy with theirs, which is one of the world's worst worse measure. By the way you can actually understand why we were doing there from the seventies up through eighty nine but effort tenements, where there is no excuse whatsoever for the west. To integrate its economy with china, the eagle the liberalization of china, which is partial in the extreme, never amounted
political liberalization of china and we welcome Russia were sending mixed signals as well as, on the one hand, we're not providing ukraine the support necessary actually win in ukraine, but at the same time, were telling them you're, leading the negotiations so in Annabelle war. What all this means an This goes on. It doesnt favour democracies by the way autocracy our favoured by long wars. Why? Because, very often and when it comes to warm wars between afghanistan or iraq, democracy, lose faith in these words, they don't like them, democracies, you wake them up and we get really. If we get really big and really strong very quickly, and then we mash, but real matthew, pretty fast in autocrat then I'll you, because he's, not changing administration. All it takes for american form, city. Swivel on a dime is new election. Everyone knows and so it's just a matter of out lasting the other daubeny tumor, vietnam, iraq or afghanistan. The only wars miracle win successfully are wars that opera, in very short, were with very clear objectives. and where you use the amount of course necessary to achieve that objective.
The only wars, america winds and is also the only wars america prevents. Is we make clear to everybody? If you cross? one. We will smack you so hard. You will be living in the stone age, and then you can negotiate within that framework, but we're not even come closer. Why have you come closer? That line we're to knock your head off. Diplomacy is always the velvet club, if there's no iron fist inside another glove. What's the matter, vacillating, when you're wavering when you're being deliberately unclear or maybe not really unclear what please everyone supposed to take away from your behavior in just one. Second, we'll get to the area where Joe Biden Leads you actually does have international unity in international leadership. First, how often you pray out. The answer is probably not often enough so I'm an orthodox through the means that I pray three times a day when as to the big holidays, coming up to be more than three times a day. Honestly, without prayer. My day would be pretty unlivable, because you need to tune with the divine to give you a sense of purpose, even a sense of comfort and all the rest, while, if you're having our time with that or regardless of your alleged break
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whenever somebody says that they're going to forge global leadership on global warming, it's absolute nonsense. It is a is a tossed away lines and left china in participating, russia in participating, india, ain't participating and guess what so long as they are pumping carbon into the atmosphere We ve been lowering our carbon emissions and they're gonna keep increasing them because they are in competition with us. This notion of global cooperation against a against a force like global warming. It's not going to happen and so who is Joe Biden speaking too when he says things that global warming is an existential risk whose you talking to It's a continuation bashing, his domestic political opponents because you're not gonna, say this directly to the chinese. the chinese will just lying continue doing what they're doing here is Joe Biden talk about global warming over in vietnam we are facing The is global warming, the in the
go away again when, when you are in doubt and have nothing else left to go to if you're on the left the place. The EU goes global warming because it is an unbeatable enemy and the real and the euro tempting to beat is your political domestic opponents, which is why Joe Biden again his he's so out of it he so out of its yesterday. He was and going on often when cold climate deny it and he again brings up this line dog face pony soldier, routine dude New frame of reference made to me is the same party words like our foreign policy stuck in the nineteen. Eighty. Your president is sucking Eighteen, eighties, farrago source, basically percent. It is come with me will take care rule. We have really good and the indian scottie. India looks to china's points of view to small says: he's a liar dogfish party soldier what was a lot aligned line punish those rather about about
global warming, but not anymore. All of a sudden realise it is a problem which is creepy old man was about what is even talking about by the way. This is not in fact, from a john wayne movie It's from, apparently a tyrone powerfully called pony soldier from nineteen. Fifty two which if your frame of reference is nineteen. Fifty two you shouldn't be present anymore, just point out to you like ninety if you do was seven years after the end of world war. Two! Ok, I was personally born through two years after this movie came out that is currently referencing and it's not because you like to watch all these visits. This in the theatres, I'm not kidding Joe Biden, was born In the year nineteen forty two, he was ten when pony soldier, came out. Yeah. She watched him with his family, I'm sure in the theater,
grandpa pennsylvania in nineteen fifty to join. This is how great is I'm thirty nine years all the gate. Job like simple math, would suggest Joe Biden, as one nineteen eighty four german was born. Forty two years before I was born, Forty two years, that is two generations before I was born, and he is still the president. This entire generation needs to leave the political stage go go joy, the rest of your tyrant, please where's, the idea that that are of his political opponents are the root of all evil, because their are climate, deniers, Are you not? I noticed, and those at the climate in ireland, the united states are not in fact the problem when I note That is the regime in china. That actually is probably don't have the balls to stand up to those peoples who, instead, what are you doing your friend? imagine an americans for no apparent reason. I always going down with more economic turmoil as fox news reports.
Presidential binds administration finalized plans for a programme. It argues, will further reduce air pollution from heavy duty engines in vehicles across the united states. Truckers argue that the proposed standards will crush the supply chain and put the american food supply at risk. The new emission standards put, or by the epa are significantly more stringent, they cover a wider range of heavy judy engine operating conditions compared to previous standards through Visually went into effect march. Twenty seventh of this year is: can we the renewed trucks old after twenty twenty seven, but truckers are safe, that the new energy standards are going to get way way way more expensive to ship all of your foods. You you, like Biden, inflation, wait for by an environmental inflation. Here's a trucker, my qatar sky, talking about sepia regulations. My concern is that if this fails, the entire supply chain, daddy, water and failures that merely income. He ended its catastrophic robbing it. This is not an option, especially for the food supply chain of american, and these changes were also made.
Without checking the supply. The supply chain. Channel is that we have just decided without consulting if we were truckers supply chain, the supply chain has a safety stock by the rules always been, especially with food. You know the less stock, the the last of no the more profit they make so that this principle, a stock is is, is super thin to give you an idea. If all the truck stop in america we run out of you know, the stores would start running out of food within forty some two hours. It would be very quickly to the aviation as a technology that their requesting for the new rules will cost between. Twenty five hundred and eighty three hundred dollars per vehicle, the american drug dealers associations, has its forty two thousand dollars per truck. That's insane Chomsky said a new clean diesel, long haul tractor typically costs in the range four hundred and eighty thousand two hundred thousand dollars a comparable battery electric cracker cost upwards.
Four hundred eighty thousand dollars is free, thousand other up charge so, while job and is jabbering to the vietnamese about how his Local opponents at home are climate, deniers, he's the crammed down on you exponentially higher food prices all to make himself better because again, it's not going to mitigate global warming in any real way. That. Global warming is happening right now, if you believe the man made global warming thanks to china and india, and we were Japan's economy continues to exist right on the threshold of a major major problem. At the very least, we are now in a period of economic stagnation, you're, seeing in the size of the ideas that are currently happening. So initial public offerings are very often a measure of the durability and sort of the sore the exposed None of the american economy right now, all I appeal valuations are dropping so institute currently targeting evaluation, roughly eight point: six billion to nine point: three billion and its appeal in Two thousand and twenty one it was raising money. Eddie. Thirty, nine billion dollar valuation institutes are now part of that it has.
When you twenty twenty one, a lot of people buying the instant cart because of cocoa, now there s a disorder stuff but part of it. There's a lot was lose money one. And I know a lot of companies have been thinking about IB one another. Looking at the market and they're saying I'm not going to ip. Oh I'm not going to go public, I just can't raise enough money in the public markets to make that worth my while the company's stuff, market debut. According to the wall street journal isabel, whether for the appeal market, muted much of this, your last will be closely watched by investors. Bankers wares and traders will follow them, I want to spend it offering by british chip designer arm elsie. Do we shares are expected to table this week in the biggest? U s, appeal of the year and again insecure is an excellent company and my wife using start all the time. The fact that excellent companies are now lowering their ip expectations by a factor of four over the course of last year's, I should tell you something about the state of the markets. Anyone who comes to Joe Biden, all the hunter Biden stuff, is still lingering over him because the reality is, that the hunter Joe relationship is extremely corrupt. It's been corrupt for thirty years. There's nothing new
the sun here in your times already trying its latest cover up. It's all about how much joy loves his son just trip so much love, katy rogers. Earlier this our president Biden was feeling hopeful his hunters, worse, had struck a plea deal with federal prosecutors on taxing gun charges. It seemed to them. in the long legal ordeal would finally be over. Blending collapsed in late July, MR barton's public image often belies mercurial temperament was stunned. He plunged into sadness and frustration. According to several people close to him, we spoke on condition of anonymity since then, his toning conversations about hundred has been changed resignation that was not there before his confound say now is justice, madam, to indict hunter on gun charge in the coming weeks. Why has advisors are bearing for many more months republican attacks and the prospect of trial and middle of between twenty four presidential campaign. Republicans have cast tremble hundreds troubles few of nepotism and corruption which the bite, destruction denied, but there is no doubt a hundred case is a drain Mclean emotionally and his father and those
If you see him re elected all the shadow old man? That's really the story here is, is it's so sad? He said he just wanted to be a, rightful father Jeez wanted to be a loving father, which is why you sending his son to foreign countries with a bag of cash and getting on the phone with foreign oligarchs, or to help them achieve those bags of cash. According to the new york times ass, his father and brother should a talent for public service hunter envision as the finances are supporting the family, business or politics for a time it work the maiden proud because it made him feel needed decades later, though, known to complain about the responsibility, a person close to hunters Complaints are exaggerated, expressed at a time when hunter was feeling bruised of. Of course, they're gonna say that, because if you point out are actually texted his own daughter that pays half of pops bills and sounds a lot. We're corrupt. The whole thing, of course, is whole article is about how to it is for Joe Biden that his son is really is really so. Screwed up, president Biden keep his son close one hundred the president on trip to ireland in spring. He travelled on air force one and slept and economists fathers hotel room
hundred lies to washington from his home in malleable, who stays at the white house sometimes for at a time. Because security blanket hundreds hold the new yorker in twenty nineteen allies of the press, and have deep respect for the bonn but have privately criticized by apparently, inability to say no one hundred to Poland was business dealings some hours The presidency. His loyalty to his son has resulted in holy avoidable political distractions. Oh that's what it is loved his son too much. That's the real story. Ok by weight that dog ain't gonna hunt. The corruption of hunter and Joe is perfectly obvious to everyone, which is why, when jobs, its shuffling away from questions about hunter. Everybody is sceptical. That's another and having internet. in vietnam shuffling away from the questions once again? That is our music. Allow me, as a kind of tissue, the old man, is he stumbled off the stage.
This administration is a disaster area in just one. Second, we're going to get you d situation in new mexico, where peril the governor of mexico thinks the constitution has been applied her first, my team is constantly talk about delicious all american meat from good ranchers, we'll have good ranchers, because american meat can be free. Source, the best meet america delivered to your door, even better right now, they're offering to years of free ground beef to anyone who subscribes that is for eighty dollar value? Not only are you the best cuts of meat from a tree one hundred percent american source company going to locking for two whole years. When you subscribe to any of their boxes, that's two years and free. High quality ground beef and a locked in price. No other meat coming guarantees you one hundred percent american meat and that locked in price, because no one else is good ranchers in save on your beef, chicken and pork walk in your price. Today, every single state. Quality cut is individually wrapped flash frozen to make mealtime easy, subscribed the ranchers get that guarantee price and trusted one hundred percent american source of your favorite I can tell you that meet really, though they may be a cautious step. One time amazing go to the ranch
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simply go to delaware, plus dot com. Slash subscribed, join today or meanwhile Apparently, the governor of new mexico is under the weird misimpression that constitution does not apply in new mexico monsieur governor mission, well Lujan has now announced that dumb she has issued an emergency order, suspending the writer harry firearms in public across albuquerque and the surrounding county. For at least thirty days in response to a spate of gun, violence is going to be associated press said, she expects legal challenges, but she was compelled to act because a recent shootings, including the definite eleven year old boy s, had a minor league baseball stadium this week, eugene gresham said stay. Police would be responsible for amounting what in for enforcing what amounts civil violations by the hour. iraqi police? She was saying like I'm not gonna, to enforce that like this is. This is unconstitutional. As the new mexico governor claiming that emergency powers for the ability to simply suspend constitutional law.
The constitution is unconstitutional to say the carry license with one exception. and that is if there is an emergency I declared in emergency for a temporary amount of time, I can invoke external powers, no constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, isn't it Did you have salute. There are restrictions on free speech restrictions on my freedoms in the summer Do you see this eleven you're all and all these parents who have lost all these They deserve my attention to have the debate. About whether or not in an emergency we can create safer environment, because what about their constitutional right? so on this is when people say political fascism. This would be it. Ok. Well, And when of the government simply declares the
urgency, order that they can violate willy nilly constitutional rights like full scale. Constitutional rights based on no actual emergency! Can we are not talking here about a tornadoes hitting the state we're not talking here about. There is some sort of giant earthquake no emergency here. This is just her saying I dont, like the people got shot. Therefore, banning you from exercising constitutional rights this, but you could do this for anything, but you could say: listen given national epidemic of hate. You see in this by the way in places like cargo, where the former mayor Lori Lightfoot, tried to declare that racism was a public health emergency. You could see somebody like this idiot governor, saying racism, hate, they're, a public health emergency and I'm declaring an emergency Therefore, you are not allowed to say the following words in my state and then just them off. Maybe a pretty significant first amended elation or she go go even further. Presumably she could you say: you're not allowed to use the internet because the internet, obviously his fist, they did so much violence, so you're just not allowed to use it anymore. I've decided in my state that you're, not
use that not on the basis of any sort of elected legislative session. On the basis of her own judgement that an emergency has now been costume. Could she doesn't like the thing that's happening of all of your right? simply dependence on one lady deciding that she really doesn't like the things that are happening in the world that is doing. That is the essence of tyranny and to me in that you'd try this, but it was all is going to happen to me in the minute that we shut down everything in the world for covert, and then we maintain that for two years units the data emerged that it actually wasn't the sort of national emergency that was being suggested only manner time for democratic officials. Try to do something like this. It really was by the way, I'm missing something I almost never say, which is points to ted lou ted Lou. I may get credit where credit is due tell who said I support gun safety laws. However, this order from the governor of new mexico violates the us constitution knows,
in the union can spend the federal constitution, there is no such thing as a state public health emergency exception to the united states constitution. Women. That's a welcome change and then not even david hog, who is one worlds, larger radiance and got into harvard university, on the basis of his movement, about gun control, There have been wrong about nearly everything ever he says I swore guns, but there is no such thing as a state public health emergency exception to the: u s: constitution that good I mean like I'm whether there there are starting to realise that now will see how broadly they apply these again. If this the new way, the democratic law. Then you could do it on base of anything right. Joe Biden so the democratic declared the climate change is the grace emergency facing humanity period is greater than what then covered the nuclear war that anything that raged emergency facing humanity is according to them, and the planet is getting warmer by a few degrees, and thus what couldn't they justify in the name of all of this
while the mexican and new mexican governor lujan grisham, she is saying that violators could face civil penalties and a fine of up to five thousand dollars under the order. Residents can still organs. Some private locations like a gun, raise your gun store, but the fire has have a trigger lock some other container or mechanism, making it impossible to discharge. That there is no way this remotely stands up in court, there's no way It remains amazing to me that the same people who declare that rule of law is deeply important to them. Many of them are going to ignore this and look the other way and pretend that it doesn't matter that january six. Is an assault on the rule of law and overthrew institutional norms. Well, I mean how, but just ignoring the constitution entirely, The mexican governor is doing pretty amazing, stuff There can be well. Donald trump was, and I went back to the forefront so donald trump was over in iowa, overly so gonzo's round the scientists and em mixed reactions, I would say so from visiting I will rat the frat was naturally quite warm to him here. Some, the video,
yes inciting how's genes over their form. You know, president, I'm doing good now you think about it. This is some turn out. I guess they used like stroke, but we love iowa. We just I have south dakota last night. It was an amazing evening. We got a wonderful endorsement, as you know, from the governor and we're here in this reception has been incredible. He's going to go over to the have the barbecue pit throw a couple burgers on. It looks like I dunno. Of course you've got to get shot of that, That's a nice wagon! turned from doing some, some retail politics, which is good for him. Here I went to the I will football game and theirs.
Of online controversies broke out over whether using booed or whether he was being cheers. Here's where the raw footage and as you will hear the answer some about the the uk. You can hear people when you went down into the stands. You spent most of the game, not in the stands. He went not using normal luxury box below or flipping him off and all the rest of it. But you can see there are a bunch of enthusiastic people there in iowa as well, which of course is not a shock. He did win iowa in the last election cycle. Where does poles from our showing trump bigtime, the I was state civics, pull that was released just a few days ago has trumped up thirty. Seven points over the rest of the field, the enemy using one register. Paul has from twenty three points over the rest of the field in iowa, now I want, is notoriously fickle
call it very rarely has the I will cover what are actually been. The person who went on to win the nomination. In fact, the last time it didn't, I will cost winner in their public and party went onto when the nomination was two thousand. When George w bush narrowly defeated steve, forbes forty one to thirty one in two thousand- was rick. Santorum, of course, is that there are many and twenty succeed. It was ted. Crews, of course, was not the nominee so yeah. What happens in iowa from is more vulnerable, and I want, but a sunken be enough for any one to feed him in iowa. Maybe that creates the impression that the bleeds a little bit, but that's really not wear All of the heavy lifting is going to be done. The same thing by the way is through a new hampshire, so new Hampshire also has a spotty history of actually nominating president's. So ninety ninety six have you can't remember? What did we have for primary and he didn't in the nomination bob backdoor ended up winning the nomination in two thousand John mccain when the new Hampshire premise, throwing a scare and george w bush in two thousand eight, and was very popular new hampshire, one morocco. Did when in two thousand and twelve and from one in twenty sixteen, but it's a bit of a spotty record in new hampshire
it's only ones. I went in new Hampshire, that's gonna, throw scare into donald trump, but really from last stand. You are showing vulnerability in right now. Zol speculative, considering using by leaps and bounds in both of those states would be south carolina south carolina has been entirely predictive of the republican nominee every year, but two thousand and twelve so in two thousand. Eight, it was mccain in two thousand was george w bush and ninety six. It was doll in nineteen. Eighty eight, it was george hw bush, nineteen eighty, it was reagan so again, right now is a moot point, because trump leading in all of those states with that said, he's going to show vulnerability, obviously plays you're going We see it not only in terms of calendars but principles, he's going to be iowa where other candidates are spending a lot of time. Speaking of the republican hopes in twenty twenty four according to need cone over at the new york times. One of the problems for republicans is that the supposed electoral college advantage that republicans enjoy, which is the way that they ve won, presidential elections, twenty sixteen two thousand and that those letters
college advantages, meaning that there are certain states where, by winning a Slight majority there able to pull off a narrow victory that seems to be disappearing accord to night cone of the new york times if the polls show donald trump and president Biden tied nationwide, that mean trump has a clear advantage in the battleground states that decide. The electoral college is history. Oral questions. When I see quite often in this first, you presidential campaigns from fair far better in the battleground stage. Then he did nationwide, but there's case the electoral college should manage, has faded in the mid term election, last fall. Democrats fared about the same in the crucial battleground states, as they did nationwide over dear staples day, pulls compilation of new york times. Sienna college surveys have shown running as well or better. In the background, as as nationwide with results by sea broadly mirroring midterms, in other words, the the purple states, are getting more purple is on the purple. Seeds are red and blue states or more blue, which is how you, actually, when these narrow elections that purple says we're getting more purple to blue and that red state, just getting more red, so that there is a bit of a problem again when you look
the battleground states they they what is more, similarly to the united states in general, in twenty two we do than they did back in twenty twenty, so, for example, wisconsin content in twenty twenty overall, the date. They voted a d plus five rate in the twenty twenty election. and then in the house vote they voted almost even Republicans democrats are. The popular vote did not reflect exactly these sort of electoral vote, but that gap is basically shrinking now and your and you're starting to see that over and over and over again that the gap is shrinking. That's a real problem for applicants, as he points out Democrats held the round and battleground states allowing them for tenders and nearly hold the house nationally republican house candidates when the most votes, by about two percentage points the margin almost identical in the presidential backgrounds and arizona Pennsylvania, a in wisconsin republican, candidates also won by a couple of points. the words or the national members are more reflective are more afflicted now in the battleground states. That's not so
It's gonna help trump. Obviously, now it's possible that could be false, but your banking, again whatever numbers you have, that I'll say again is certain possible that all the numbers are wrong and that their off is also possible. They're, not worthwhile. Taking all of that into consideration. I've been looking at the poles recently in some. The polls that are very positive to a republican contenders are relying on a couple of and, I think, are very likely to now materialise during the actual watch, and one is minority voters coming in at fifty four thirty eight, for example forbidden. republicans are considering. That means that hey look at me, Biden is going to win only fifty four percent of the vote know what it means. Republicans are gonna win. Thirty, eight percent of the vote, the ceiling, Publican support is in that poll. It is not that the rest of that support is going to go to republicans, or even that is going to split evenly because remember once again, fifty four plus the eight is. Ninety. Eight percent of votes vote still outstanding. That's not gonna split for four republican democrat, which means that the gap is can be much larger
The other gap that I think is gonna, be much much rectified. it's a lot of these poles right now are rooted in lack of democratic enthusiasm That's true because their very unenthusiastic attribute it is all true that one donald from his on the ballot africa had twelve months of coverage of his supposed criminal, foibles democratic crawl, overblown broken glass civilians from reality he gets out turn up. democratic, alternative, republicans idea. If you're a publican, what you want is too low. turn out for democrats, an increase turn out for yourself. Donald trump increases turnout for both. So The right now, for example, that the recent cnn pulled that showed trumpet Biden dead even had the democratic enthusiasm. it sixty one percent in the republican enthusiasm and seventy one percent. I do not think that maintains for the integrity of the election cycle. Ok, some things I like and then some things that I hate so things I like over the weekend. red line of drivers, new novel, should we stay, or should we go a little further
is one of the best living novelist she's, really terrific. A lot of work is excellent. I should most famous probably for for her book. That was me into a movie of the same name. Starring told us when we need to talk about Kevin This one should we stay or should we go? The premise is, there is a couple If you want an woman's dad has done of alzheimer's. I m how about how much they suffered during his last year's because very difficult to care for a with alzheimer's, and so she, her husband make a pact than on their eighteenth birthday, they're, going commit suicide together and very, very dark sort of premise but then what the book does in various chapters and sort of spells out innovations, what happens next? They hit eighty two days the is not is not just one decided to it. Neither decides not to what happens if some sort of magical medicine. That is the reverse is aging, and how does that impact life? It's a wildly creative anne and really interesting book and is all rooted in the
secular, modern notion that the only thing that matters on this planet is sort of the life you have on this planet. Others higher purpose. only be divine by you. It's only something that is internal to you, You can see how that doesnt work out to really any advantage throughout the course one, the one part the one chapter that line on travelled in right, because when all drivers, knowledge person, she's just a quasi concerned a bunch of issues, but she is not a religious person, one trevor. Never writes the chapter where the couple actually finds religion, Does that impact their decision making process? Is it about is a fascinating, broken and spells out a lot of these sort of com. the secular, modernism phases. Ok other things like so joke about. You know that joke of catch the eye, they tell us where he is the greatest of all time. There's no question I e it is not yet that he is an amazingly scale blair, you can make a case there. Professor was more skilled player and a lot of ways than novak joke of, but now joke vetches.
Determine player I've ever seen, maybe in any sport, yes, Jordan, s levels of determination, it there's an in, saying that he does. If you, if you watch his matches, where there comes a point where he it's just ones and he's like I'm just done here: I'm not I'm not going to allow the other the other person to win, so he won his twenty. Fourth major at the s open over the weekend. It was is an incredible thing, no actual vote, that that I would have at least another three majors were not for the fact that he was banned from participating in major for about a year and a half for not taking that, and why should you ve, taken of acts he's thirty six years old and he's in the best shape of any living human being, is absurd to think that he was going to be killed, or significantly injured by colbert legislature, nicholas thing, so he didn't ya, in an excellent shape and at the age of thirty six you beating guys who are literally half his age. He won I already know Medvedev who he beat you're in it.
The other major in the recent past, six, three, seven, six, six, three years later, the footage- robotic today during a shot of the danube is saving way, told them how much point to get a number twenty four. There are lots of shocks, highly impact for years. The final I love it. There's a maternity or the unbalanced novak childlike. That is an amazing thing, the definition of the day. Brassy return so so dead. So ridiculous, some well done to Novak djokovic, and this is not going be his last major- that he was going to win- probably another four or five. He is just that good. If, unless his body breaks down already one thing, I hate today, so obviously
the situation? Morocco is terrible for, for those involving there was a very, very large earthquake is six point. Eight magnitude earthquake in morocco two thousand people have died more than twenty four hundred have injured three days morning, him declared nationwide according to the washington post, the building, basically algae collapse in a small town of amusements buildings were still can on sunday, after nearly forty hours remove from the friday night quake in one humphrey. If its former inhabitants, according to the washington post, could be glimpses rosebud. Second for ceiling, velveteen blankets, suitcases rugs, sagging mattress. Survivors had moved to higher ground, pitching tents on stretches of flat dry land. Eight is trickling in, but is a full on disaster area, Obviously it is a good reminder that we are extraordinarily privileged to live in a foreign country. Living in an extraordinarily wealthy country means the when a disaster heads very few people die. I remember being in california during the north redruth earthquake and the northward yours, quick nineteen. Eighty four was a was a large earthquake. Does a six points out?
in russia. This one is six point, eight slightly larger than the northward earthquake. It was. It was frightening, be total debt tools, fifty seven, and that was way back in nineteen eighty right now, those almost three decades ago, at this point and I am still again that that is the privilege of living in a first world country where people actually build for the possibility of disaster as to reminder that, when disaster strikes, countries that are much much poor, the Consequences are much more significant, life and limb articles the rest the show continues right now? You're, not gonna, wanna miss it we'll jump into the mailbag. If you're, not a member, become a member use. Coach bureau check out two months free on annual plans, click that linking the description and join us the
Transcript generated on 2023-09-12.