« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1803 - Get Ready For The Censorship

2023-09-06 | 🔗

As America prepares for yet another brutally fought, close-run election, the potential censors increase their volume; Jill Biden tests positive for covid; and we examine whether Donald Trump’s old colleagues are about to flip on him.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
As america prepares for yet another brutally fought close run election, the potential sensors increase their volume. Joe Biden has positive recovered and we examined whether down trumps old colleagues are about flip on him. I'm bench, carelessness, avenge, morocco, yeah, Today's show is sponsored by express vpn. Do you, like your web history being seen and sold to advertisers? No me neither get express vpn right now express vpn dot com, slash man well in the last election cycle. There is an awful lot of talk about dis information and misinformation. Remember a conflation that occur between twenty sixteen twenty twenty first and twenty two the story was. This information. This was the russians, were main lining, a bunch of foreign propaganda into him because watching and thus twisting the election against the wonderful and innocent Hillary Clinton and for evil russian stooge donald trump. That was the narrative in twenty sixteen twenty seventeen and then a kind of blood,
because it turns out the data. Wasn't there to suggest that it looked like the russians had a bunch of crappy facebook pages that not all that any people saw, and so instead, the media turn to their new variant of this information, which was missed, information. Misinformation is just stuff. The media doesn't like, because sometimes a troop and sometimes is false, can't tell the difference in the way that the media treat misinformation and thus, when it came to twenty twenty, the it was, for example, at the hundred Biden laptop story. Well, it wasn't quite This information could couldn't tell if it came from the russians, but it might be miss information and by misinformation. They just meant something. We don't really want you to see, and ever since twenty seventeen there's been all talk in social media fears about the stuff tat you should see and stuff. You shouldn't see all this talk about the vast panoply of miss information that is going to be rammed down upon you, so you won't know right from left. You will be able to know right from wrong. You won't be able to know what's true and what is false, and this terribly ramp up just before a presidential election, because what the media really What you believe is that they are the arbiters of truth. They are the ones who will tell you
What is misinformation and what is not misinformation if it doesn't come courtesy of the washington post or the new york times, If it comes courtesy instead of shows like this one, it must be misinformation and to prove the point. The media and its various outside interests They will lobby social media to shut down other outlets to reduce their reach, though use the slogan it. Well, it's not freedom of speech, its freedom of reach. and then there's no such thing as freedom of reach. If we just downgrade the daily wire while upgrading the new york times, while we fought back against misinformation and once again misinformation or what speech remains an undefined her there, certain stuff that we can all agree would be misinformed. if you say, for example, that the world is flat, thou be miss information, but also that fairly really rebutted beautiful thing that misinformation it's possible to rebut, virtually all misinformation with actual good information. The problem for the left very when members the mainstreaming is they don't want their bad information about it? They don't like the community notes, feature on twitter because it might smack then once in a while
well, they're, starting to ramp up in anticipation of twenty two four because again, if you look inside the boundaries of traditional media. You might notice, for example, the Joe Biden is not an empathetic older character with a sterling history of wonderful honour in his office. Instead, he might look like a career, corrupt power Anyone who is plagiarized everybody in sight and used his position. of power in order to enrich himself in his family. He might look like that. If you look at the quantum quote, miss information sources, and so now the media are ramping up the calls the hue and cry for censorship, in advance of the twenty four election can nothing under the sons of the same things. Twenty twenty there just replaying it the latest indicate this is a long peace for Christiana lemme from the washing post held why a perfect storm of misinformation may luman twenty twenty four. This is also by the way, a built in excuse why Joe Biden loses so if Biden loses, the answer is going to be not that he was a bad kansas you ran a geriatric doddering fool who can't spew sentences. from his face hall, a person was terrible economic record. A person who has
all the empathy of quite that's not gonna, be europe, it's going be the fault of all the misinformation. It's the the corrupted wouldn't allow Joe Biden to win their already setting up for that narrative as well. Here, peace has a majority of researchers, expects global misinformation to worsen, one in twenty four, the politicians in social media opposing the most serious threats according to a new survey released to say, first of all, let me just point out: are you? Are you saying that politicians why sometimes they are not wholly truthful? No, no speak not of such evils. Honestly so stupid. The pole, which surveyed almost three hundred researchers across fifty countries, found that only a small fraction, twelve percent, think formation environment in their countries will improve next year. Fifty four percent said it would deteriorate. The internet no panel on information environment said the swiss. This was based Governmental organisation behind the survey said the results demonstrates If you can't pessimism among the experts are all the experts there. Pessimistically it'll, be the same. Experts who declared that hundred pounds laptop was actually just or russian play
or something the findings arrives. Platforms, including mehta. An airline must act, rollback policies in scale, back teams dedicated to combating this information. I have major elections in the united states, europe and india. Now it is worth noting at this point. authoritarian states like, for example, venezuela, or borderline, authoritarian states like say mexico, a rule by members of the left. The rule of law at the summit in Brazil, these people are very friendly towards shutting down clinical misinformation. Is the information environment, brazil getting stronger or weaker over the course of last couple years ever since was watching by the way, but the story It was the bull scenario, is the real authoritarian, rotarian lula hasn't been try by shutting down his political opposition in brazil, just the media don't care about that because they, like lula, philip howard, says he is the as a university of oxford and share of the idea you said quote, this has the potential to create a perfect storm next year. He says that staffing costs two tech companies, moderation forces pose a huge risk.
Warns. The survey two thirds researchers and the inability to hold social media is companies accountable over bosh content moderation. Efforts posed significant hurdle fifty five percent reported, poorly John made it moderation, was another. So in other words they want to be able to govern I want to be able to issue social media companies in order to get them to do the thing that they themselves are not allowed to do so. The government of the united is not allowed to shut you down on free speech terms. They know they can do that. Can pressure youtube to do so in pressure facebook to do so in pressure x to do so while third of researchers globally flag social media companies as one of the most serious threats to healthy discourse, those that special in regions with democratic governments, so politicians themselves posed a big arrest can, of course, here It just mean right. Wing politicians at these are the things that they care about. This is that there were about right wing politicians in hint they mean trump. that people would say false things in the means they will maintain their position as the arbiters of the ultimate truth. Of course, veiled
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That's not the case. even what we now know up to and including the information from hundred binds laptop talking about ten percent to the big guy off the money that was obviously fall into It's because hunter was using daddy's name job. Phoning into meetings, even if only to talk about the weather. Just to demonstrate hunters connection to Joe Biden appeal, only members of the upper staff a breeze, my openly talking about the kind of corruption that they were able to effectuate with Joe Biden office, but nomes woman, ass, the biggest question of all right, there's one I've asked as well, which is there's an actual tax from hunter to his own daughter, Naomi literally saying that he paid half his dad's bills. What's the deal and philip bum again philip bump is a is a communist for the washington post has now yes, and he literally just refuses ate like he knows what the question is, what you are
uses to even allow it to compute. It's an amazing spectacle. Here we go. What do you take from the text message to his adult daughter, a hundred sacrifices that I have to get fifty percent of my income to pop? I have no idea what that means. I don't. I have no idea what that means. Let's it's it's it's. I know it's circumstantial evidence and you prefer that what what what Could I have no idea what has it done a lot? I appreciate your eyes. Anybody has anybody asked her. I dont know I dont know. Don't you think somebody should ask her? Ok, I like I'm, not. I just said I dont know what I dont know what to make of it. So nothing epic saying on it you ve got the omens, are you say, there's no over the lebanese within as a text message where he says I give pop fifty seven. My money, that's that's evidence. Ok, what would you ok, fine, solar? I appreciate that you get any friends to walk off the show, an interest you walk off the show now was it. Often shows before we're. Somebody was being personally offensive to me is a bad motion it on it, but I've never
off the show, because I was asked about a piece of evidence. They contravene by argument that there is a wild thing right there. So philip bump just prefers not to see the corruption involving Joe and hunter, and thus does not exist, aeronauts. Make of that. Don't know what to make of that. We all know what to make of that. honest answer. There would be well you're right that suspicious, it's weird that or would text his daughter that he's paying half his dad's bills. There could be various explanations ranging from He was tang, literally half his yes bills to use it I was reading to his daughter for a fact too, he was high as a kite we'd have wait more evidence from actual bank records to prove whether it's true or not, but yeah. That's a weird thing for a hunter to say, like that'd, be an honest, take that still leaves the door open to Joe, not being guilty but I'm going to u Miller, I don't know, I literally don't know and have you ever seen? The hbo westward per season is really good. Second seasons mass in that show it's a basically it is basically about these very sophisticated robots,
in a made up world that is a western land. Read this white west world. The robots are programmes said they can't actually compute day that is not within their data set, so if they see something, it's completely out of place it doesn't computer for them. They don't see it, and so the catchphrase of robots is it doesn't look like anything to me. They originally piece of data that doesn't match the world around them of their in west world, and suddenly they see a car driving through internally didn't. You see that say it doesn't look like anything to me. That's not bump he's the here's. The robot he's left wing robot. That message, doesn't look like anything to him. He can't see it it's right here and it can see it nothing to him. We have me on, and these are the people who are policing misinformation, these people who have tasked with policing. If of information in our society which says to me. They're, not that worried all about misinformation what instead, there were deeply about,
is information that they don't like getting out there in public sphere. We philip approach routinely about going on misinformation. He wrote a column just last week. Why'd. You republicans disproportionately believe health misinformation. have more than you are another one. A deeply ironic reinforcement of right wing misinformation constantly writing about misinformation like it's his favorite thing to write about, and yet there he is not even bothering you make any of legitimate argument about why the thing that is right in front of him is thank you. tens doesn't exist. It is in this world that misinformation truly does flourish. These are used to be That is the very least we could have arguments over what truman. What was false? We bring evidence from Marshall that events in and we agree once you know the evanescent marshalled that some different something was boss, but in the world. Just ignore the opposing argument, utterly we're just it doesn't even compute It is a season, the wallpaper, how the homer
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aren't even the risk factors that attend to the latest bout of covered the people are experiencing if it turns out there huge percentage of the population either has natural immunity or backs immunity, or that arts of care are way better into the death rates are significantly lower than the original variant. Then people, Joe Biden wearing a mask around me like. What's he doing isn't just he's for him not to be in the public eye it. Well. Yesterday Joe Biden tested positive for carbon according to access she's experiencing only mild symptoms. She's there remain at home, enabling each delaware president by tested negative for the virus he's going to test any regular. Is this week and monitor for symptoms. He's supposed to leave. Those for a g20 summit in india, the first ladies past. Test results, is actually has come amid a surgeon, covert infections across the united states at the emerging. New variant over the summer now we also getting back into fall territory. Kids are going back to school. You gonna he's busy a surgeon alot of virus like an awful lot of iris over the course
the summer and also the fall for, for example. My kid recently because I've kids, like the constantly sick. Basically, the juggling act as to which one of them is can be sick at any. Given time when my kids can now a strap last week went into the darkness like gets a huge percentage, Is that because of the evils of recovered? Or is it just because? kids are associated with one another freely again the immunity is war down cause. They spent the last couple of years, bubbled it depending on where Levin other, in any case there already setting of the press for Joe Biden behind the basement, sears green, jean Pierre world's worst press secretary, explaining that suggests it is now going to mask up indoors because you should mask up indoors because so dangerous guys. President Biden tested negative last night for coven nineteen and tested negative again today, he's not experiencing any symptoms as far as the steps it he's taking. Since the press, and it was with the first lady yesterday he will be masking while indoors and around people in alignment with cdc guidance and he as as has been the practice in the
asked the president will remove his mass when sufficiently distance from others indoors and while outside Well, so much silencing happening right, you're insane levels of silencing happening Joe Biden is going to he'll, be socially distancing and he'll be wearing his mask on occasion, a surgical mask, I assume none and ninety five, which would be the things actually protect him, a man, his age or any of the rest, this is part and parcel of a broader covert alarm ism that is about to spring onto the scene. So we can have this cultures, this stupid culture war. All over again thanks to a left that continues to maintain that they did all the right things during the covered pandemic, according to envy, are used to seeing a late summer, spiking covered cases, prompting some schools, hospitals and businesses to encourage, or even require people disarm, asking up again, mostly and CDC data from earlier this it shows nationwide covered hospitalizations increased by nearly nineteen percent in a single week and deaths by more than twenty one percent. Now this is what we call fun with base rates. This is where
you have a pretty low rate increases slightly and that looks like a twenty one per cent increase. If I make a buck a day and then suddenly I make a buck twenty one, a day doesn't mean I got rich, that's twenty one percent increase is a twenty one percent that that's like the pudding, what your base rate, as that might mean a lot or am not mean very much at all, according to em see director heat cohen. She said up today thousand people we ve been hospitalized covered, but that is far fewer than forty thousand such hospitalizations weak. The united states had its highest point last august. She said much different, better place in this august. Twenty twenty three, but she says commentaries risky people who are on vaccinated another and amidst are pushing the vaccine is again. Apparently the latest version, which is nicknamed era, I was all macro. Economic growth has now been dispensed with. Denounced rests it has become dominance in the united states. Apparently, more transmissible, but it doesn't cause more severe disease so for the passenger people, it looks like a call for like the vast as fast as well.
Forty people lives, I call the matter or we talk about, however, been used mask began. Speaking miss misinformation. This is pretty amazing stuff, so anthony out, she was finally asked about masking and use ass by someone on cnn, believe it or not is met mark on issues like you, you notice that those giant mass mandates didn't do anything to lower the rates of transmission and faulty just tries to funds as well. It's not misinformation when the voucher says it, because he is, of course the science is also not misinformation. When he currently says to his colleagues. At the beginning of the pandemic that this might have been produced in a chinese lab an enemy, It reverses field and tries to get them to attest to did that it was natural made. In any case, there was Anthony fatty distributing misinformation. If, in fact, we get to the point with a volume of cases, is such an organizations like the cdc
recommend cdc, doesn't mandate. Anything I mean recommends that people wear masks. I would hope that they abide by the recommendation and take into account the risk to themselves and to their families and again we're not there's forcing anybody to do anything. They always say they're, not talking about forcing anybody to do anything and then the next thing that happens is an attempted force. I also love that He was ass, actually buy Michael's mercator, so the mass managed and actually do anything at all, but for individuals they might This is so tiresome. That's the only piece about science going out the door. You have doktor vin gupte on MSNBC, doing the same routine, he's now claiming that of europe. The age of six months. You should get a covered backs. These things are untested on infants. Add to all of us a boosters ad, so at six months of age and up we're going to have posters by the end of this month, hopefully- and those will protect, we believe very strongly against these new versions of the virus so tiresome. So so. Tiresome again, remember trust the experts trust
If we learn one thing over the past few years, where the experts have screwed, the putin every available way from economics to health policy, to electoral policy, its trust, the experts, obviously, and don't believe any of the miss in nation in just one second gets latest any twenty twenty four campaign. First, we have a dog. His name is happy b is a really really nice doggie. He is, he had himself a wonderful we can really got to associate with with the other dogs and really homes good time. Oh here's the thing we want happy to live a long and healthy life. That's why we give him. Rough greens. Every morning the dog food you're giving your dog that food is dead, food it has very little nutritional value. We look at it. It's like dried pieces of gunk green food hazard frictional value, gruff greens boosts happy. Life, a can do the same for your dog is well enough to go and buy new jobs. sprinkle reference on your food every single day it contains necessary vitamins and minerals, your dogs not getting from their regular dog vote, happy loves his rough greens. It is keeping him happy and healthy and delightful,
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our moral arbiters, the auditors, by truth, they consume bans on from from the ballot and magically he will just go away It's really driving out of is, of course, how much they hate trump. I mean the idea here is that if we ban from from that, we never have to think about him again. What's the matter, what the actual loss as that is at least is the perspective of sunny hostile, of the view again, one of our resident geniuses over there. What she had to say. I think the larger question is he's gonna be convicted of something right. I've said it all the time federal defendants convicted, like ninety seven percent of that states and, in the georgia case, he's on tape for one of the charges so he's gonna get convicted. The larger question is: why is he allowed to run- and on this I was talking about an earlier- there are conservative legal mines and experts that are
saying that under the fourteenth amendment, he is not even allowed to run, even though he hasn't been convicted. Yet because the fourteenth amendments as a few participated in public office after taking an oath to this country and in an insurrection, you ineligible eligible to run on Don't worry guys. That's, not misinformation, she's, just she's being a legal analysed. You know that any hostile was the senior legal at correspondence and analyst for a news which show the quality of legal analysis. These days, donald from brain was ranting about this. Yesterday hundred socialists has almost all legal scholars have voiced opinions that the fourteen them Has no legal base or standing relative to the upcoming twenty twenty four presidential election like election interference, is just other trick being used by the radical left, communist marxist and fascist, so again still little action that their candidate, the worst most income but in most corrupt president in you, as history, is incapable of winning in a free and fair election. Make amerika great again now he's out wrong about any of that. He is not doesn't matter, we're going see articles now up to election day about why he should be removed from the ballot.
Well, that's also going through the product for why Joe Biden is not going to debate them, provided will motivate donald trump just wait, for it is going to happen bank on it. Put it put the honestly like take that back put in the bank right now. market in meanwhile on the legal front. Donald trump is facing I'm pretty dire legal peril. Apparently is co. Defendants are starting. Turn on him according to politico, as is for criminal cases march towards trial, some of his age, allies and co defendants are pointing at the former president in court arguments in hearings, lawyers for people in france orbit. Our start reveal glimmers. They tried and true strategy in cases with many defendants for free ourselves was pawn. While piling blame on the apparent kingpin bennett, If I hadn't called Michael Cohen, which again not a misinformation when you quote Michael Cohen, but Michael Cohen, is a convicted liar. I should point out at this at this point, but it does happen to be the case, There are a bunch of people surrounding donald trump who start making motions like they might turn on trump last week, transform the white house even staff mark meadows. Signals. His defense is likely to include blaming the former president as the primary dry.
or of the effort. By the way be surprising to me if, while Moussa did the same thing, that as the aid in the in the classified documents case, who was moving around. Try boxes of classified documents, Donald trump best, apparently trump. Actually, would it not onto social them? Well now, and never would have done that he never have moved like if he had known that ass by documents in the boxes, he never would have moved them, which of course suggests that if there are classified documents in the boxes, while that is to blame and I'm not sure what from strategy there is with regard to the people who actually have to stand up for him in order for him to escape criminal liability here hearing, the atlanta, a offence attorney for meadows, called attention to trumps prominent role in what is certain. A crucial element of the prosecutor's case there that infamous january second, twenty twenty one phone call in which trump demanded the georgia secretary of state, brad, rapids, burger a Republican find enough votes to declare trump the winner. It's a strategy that could sharpen, as the georgia case, moves closer to a jury.
and again would not be a giant shock, and this is one of the risks of donald from not paying the legal bills for all his age. If you are a donald trump aide for somebody who with donald trump and he's up hangar legal bills, and you now face jail time, while trumpets out their defending himself our old europe in the next ten years in jail. Well done from blames you for all of your problems, Jonah from attorney in the federal election K signalled recently, he intends to follow. Sweeping immunity claim to attend to, rail charges, many the defendants in Georgia have already been maneuvering for individual advantage. Prosecutors are also raising question about funding that from political committees are providing for defendants as well. So Yet again, things are going get messy for trump before they're, not gonna get messy for trump, but with all that stuff is from being eligible for the ballot. Of course not. Meanwhile, Joe Biden You need to run an unbelievably. We grace. Basically, the entire twenty twenty four race is the meme from predator. you, the the bicep flexing hand, gripping mean where the two arms gripping, or both
so like what do they want to Democrats and republicans, publican grand there's, no way we're gonna lose to that guy for democratic. From nowhere we lose him for republicans is no able to lose to Joe Biden, Joe Biden numbers continue to be absolutely crap, cnn brianna killer. She says you know he found said said: the economy is good, nobody, she believes him. Yet not everybody is sold on violence plan. In fact, he is struggling to convince voters that his administration has been good for the economy and new pull from the wall street journal finds. Fifty eight percent of voters say the economy has gotten worse over the past two years, just twenty eight percent say it's gotten better, which is why today, president Biden tried to hammer home the point that he is better for jobs and his predecessor and potential twenty twenty four competitive. You know I will tell you- is not a winning strategy in politics. If everybody feels really bad about a thing, stop telling them that they are wrong to feel bad about the thing now that may be the truth.
Their many cases in life or somebody feel bad about a thing. They really should not feel bad about the thing, but as a political strategy, when you know sixty presenting the american people. I liked economy stinks for me and drivers, like Just as you don't understand, you gotta make a dollar Joe, it turns out that people by that line very much, and yet that's the line they're using here's, the white house's jared bernstein of the council. The economic advisers me like people are wrong. The economy is amazing, it's your fault! If your mad, now my point is that you can barely get americans. Eighty percent of americans to agree on anything here. They are line after line agreeing about the importance of the components of by non it so I think it's inaccurate and are not an inaccurate narrative to declare that somehow by economics, isn't working or that it's not fair, we received by people when you drill down into what it actually is momo. Actually the stuff they are pulling is like. Would you like that spend money on acts. It turns out that every
like when the government spends money on acts, because people think the government makes its own money, but you know people don't like. Would you the government to take money from you and spend it on. Then all the numbers go the same thing happens to be true when it comes to. You know, like the people are living right now, when they ve experienced wage to inflation. Actual declines on, of course, of the last bill of years in very significant weight, everyday things are much much more money. The washington post, in fact, has a peace today talking auto insurance costs, have soared across the united states that these are real world problems. We are having a lot of it has inflation, according to the washington post, have kept climbing, even as other types of inflation of cooled. According to the bureau of labour statistics, car insurance for yours drivers in July, with sixteen percent more expensive than in July in twenty two seventy, sent more expensive than in twenty thirteen frank palmer achieved Sharon's officer at insurance as car repair caused by shop wages used car prices have all had to increases the entire industry has had to raise rates to keep up with these trends motor
vehicle maintenance costs are up thirteen percent from July of last year alone. If your car breaks down right now, it costs you an absolute fucking fortune to fix the thing, in the middle a mechanical metro motors says it's more expensive to diagnose newer vehicles. The parts aren't a whole lot more expensive, but the frequency of repair on them is more than it used to be. If an airbag goes off, it's thousands of dollars, a new car, might have eight airbags in it. This is also an attack by insurers, make up for big paths driven by floods and natural disasters, which ensures categorized as catastrophe losses as well and theirs state from the higher premiums. Because, again, when it comes to mind during your mandate to get your car insurance or you cannot drive on the public roads. All of this paper. contributing to binds economy, which makes sense because All this is going on Joe Biden spilling billions of dollars, hundreds of billions of dollars into green boondoggle. As the walls general points out. According to a report later month by the new york state, energy, research and development authority large offer when developers are asking for an average forty eight percent price adjustment in their cars,
to cover rising costs. The alliance for clean energy. New york is requesting an average sixty four percent pricing, freeze on eighty six, solar and wind projects, the eye ray, which is the inflation reduction actually has nothing to do with with inflation reduction includes federal tax credits that can offset fifty percent of our projects. Clause but noble developer, say their costs are increasing faster than inflation, and the projects won't be economically viable. I will be unable to you two construction operation under their existing pricing so again The way that's gonna be solved. Imagine is by the federal government coming in, and spending an awful lot of money or energy production coming to a screeching halt Joe Biden again, really it we cannot, but. There are a couple of things: the button hes going in a safer thing, number one: It has going in its favour, he's absolutely stone dead, boring he's absolutely boring. Even I get. Until I can look at our numbers every time I mentioned Joe Biden, everybody who is watching or listening to the show immediately go no coma using a man, is
if you say beetle juice three times and he appears and if you say Biden three times, cars fly off, freeway all over the united states, as the drivers go comatose, their foot hits the this and their their foot hits the gas The steering wheel comments to the right mass carnage. Everytime, you mentioned Joe Biden just because people benaco attack the minute. You mentioned the guy he's all he's boring and that often boring is a real ass for him. I've been saying this since twenty fifteen, by the way that the job and, if you run in twain, sixteen would mean a formidable canada because he's boring. The same thing is twenty twenty, you literally didn't run a campaign. His campaign belgium being dead his campaign involves mean double dead. How, tell because again, all the metric say so, for example, no one wants to buy a book about Joe Biden. According to political NBC news is Jonathan Ellen when on multi stop national tour when you call wrote a book on how Hillary Clinton was donald trump during the twins, Sixteen campaign shot. inside Hillary Clinton, doom campaign, so hundred twenty five thousand copies, but for the hands. you're a book and he wrote
Joe Biden Ellen's and even get the satisfaction of seeing a copy and stores he didn't go on a tour lucky how Joe Biden barely one the presidency never made. The new thus unless it is sold fewer than ten thousand copies and is now a lot of copies folks, and has been the Biden era to political, has been a bust for the book market. Does not just the case mainstream journalists accustomed to chronicling the presidency but form conservative readers? Aren't I? interesting reading, hundreds of pages about president. They, think senile eric nelson, my former, moreover, at harper collins, really good at her job? I'd, never does anything interesting a hundred binding. It's done pretty well because he's appropriately interesting but hundreds and the president of your name is be Joe. It's a kind of simultaneously say this person is ruining everything and also is supremely evil, but also he's an apt. Sort of a challenging combination at one major. Conservative publisher and up books about the maidens have been doing terrible business. In some of these books by the way are very good. I've mentioned before politicos bench reckon during his book the Biden's inside the first family's fifty or rise to power. It's almost five thousand copies that says
Michael my garbage book about donald trump fire and fury, which holds a hundred Almost a million copies or woodward's book peril about from its own foreign thousand copies, and that the great the great irony of of Joe Biden is that his boredom is in his sin, is blocking blocking up factories. Unbelievably radical about his job, his advice, It continues to be that you so much less interesting. The nano from in just one second we'll get into what that's hiding And it turns out is hiding some really unbelievably bad policy. First in a world filled with uncertainties, its crucial to be ready for ever comes Your way, lower talking about a natural disaster or sudden emergency or unforeseen circumstances, haven't reliable food stores, I can provide you with peace of mind and the assurance you and your loved ones will be taken care of right now. My patriot supply is offering two hundred These off a three month. Would supply shall we say prepared for anything head over to prepare it. Benda come rather special praise before it ends your three months emergency. Supply provides over two thousand calories everyday for optimal, strengthened. jeanne stressful situations we can enjoy
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I don't want to believe that he did disney blonde, there was an add back area was indicative of head. My brother next push a lot of people around about anything. I can do about it. How were these filmmakers able to convince so many people and the man like Steven avery's innocence? How many times that easter was show me where I hear they gave him power trying to get everything? That is not good for the avery to have power. I told you I would want to talk about shots that aren't seen in my life, I can't watch combating a murderer. A new ten part series on daily wire bus, the teaser is only the beginning mean and honestly, the series is fantastic: go check it out right now, daily wire, plus. If a delaware plus member, you can watch convicting a murderer early september, seventh is free to watch for members. No reason
The official premier for convincing murder takes place on excellence, formerly known as twitter. On september, eighth, nine pm eastern canada will be live chatting with special guess at the excellent at five p m Sure you had an over to the experts to join that conversation. Full series will only and daily, where plus hadn't over to daily wire dot com. Slash subscribe to join us use code truth for twenty five percent off your daily wire plus subscription. Don't miss out subscribe today. Okay, meanwhile, a so because Joe Biden is so unbelievably boring and also because he won't talk to the media and also because he ys lot and also because the media have you know a full investment in pretending that he's not doing any of those things. They simply don't cover all that much when full, disasters happen on his watch. How know full scale it was happening on his watch zone party, is now attacking him on immigration, according to axe yos tunnel. Between the Biden, administration and local democrats are coming to a head. Just around the country, overflow and thousands of immigrants arrive in major cities. President Biden stuck between growing calls help the democratic, controlled cities, the politics of the vulnerable issue, what the administration views as legal handcuffs, prohibiting much action in cities like new york, boston and Chicago,
the humanitarian crisis for people hoping for new lives in the united states, has become desperate. His leaders and lawmakers at various levels men are demanding the administration do more to help accommodate migrants. They are frustrated by what they is by the lack of response centre. Insect urban was a very strong EL. I too, to Biden, says what I wrote him and may have been four months to find out. What's going on, I ain't is pretty amazing stuff. You, you ve seen me eric atoms in new york city in your government. Cathy hopeful publicly feuding with atoms, demanding the rest in state, receive migrants and hopeful being like now. It's Biden fault We're melt, filmore fee of new jersey, shot down by two ministries report idea of relocating migrants in atlantic city international airport. As for political federal affair, those view. Many of the man's with political posturing, not realistic solutions, because they all face legal or practical challenges. Now here's the thing nobody ever considers the possibility, maybe should work on closing the borders, because that would run up against all of the favoured leftwing nostrums about gimme.
tired your poor, yearning masses design bring freedom in all of this, then the real But he had some like? Oh my god, what to do with all these people. I'll tell you what massachusetts is doing masterpieces shoals of well by rival migrants, who now activated the national guard, is this for more housing, governor Marah, healy, mobile, it's fifty members of massachusetts. It natural guard on Thursday national guard to help transport. The latest wave of asylum seekers, which is again a star, King masters has nowhere near enough housing or resources currently available to accommodate the influx, so badly you running directly up against reality. Remember that time, when all the Democrats, russia, that why why is texas whining so much? They have hundreds of thousands of people arriving every month. Why are they whining so much when a tiny town like brownsville texas just gets overwhelmed? How dare they? Why are they so racist Nothing should to mass. I call the national guard We need to do something about this protesters claims.
It has prioritize the need of migrants over the unity of its own homeless residence, including veterans, many it around were flashing signs, the red vets and cape homeless. First, apparently, there are out six thousand. Families more than twenty thousand people currently residing in massachusetts, state shelters according to officials. Amazing amazing, of all of this flying well under their remember, alzheimer abkhazia. Court has the greatest and most wondrous so fresh, so face fresh face, mixed faced, fresh alexandria, cause cortez congress person from twitch cheesy she does suffer the instant pot and then she also does social media. Your members went down to the more while Donald trump was president and fake cried an anti parking lot. directly the camera. Remember that now she I'm not doing any of those things I noticed, which is weird, because I thought that you are fully committed to this to this bit me to real bit by the way But apparently the commitment ended when the stress began. This is really funny she was. She didn't interviewed the new times where
the new york times asked her speaking of course neighbours. I wanna talk about immigration provide more asylum seekers are being held in private detention centres than under trump families are still being separated. The binding ministration kept from your policies that sped up deplore asian and made it harder for legitimate claims to come to the. U s so upgrade you give ministration on immigration and she answered. Immigration is like a Let us administration's weakest issue. it's one area where policy is dictated by politics, arguably more so than any other. This is worse starting, arguably a lot because not she's talking about there are very clear, recommendations and suggestions. You been demonstrations, bread relieve on this issue, as I believe so the hesitation around this- has to do with the fear of just being seen as approving or providing permission. Structures are really just the republican narratives. Then surrounded immigration. Ok, there's a lot of verbiage. That means nothing nor thing. What about you on a phrase like permission, structure, asthma,.
We also need to examine the root causes of migration and addressed. This problem does not start our border, it serves our foreign policy and the new york times report says. Why haven't you use your considerable clout as latino leader to visit the border and the ongoing issues, there is This is something we're like actively planning on I've done towards via new york area facilities like where so, I noticed where you weren't the border. I noticed it's it's over shit. This is so that the new york times report to their creditors, under the trump administration. You did make the southern border an issue should yes, and again I will be visiting the border when like Joe Biden, can be visiting, ease palestine, ohio. Because I I noticed anything that you're not doing is just something that I noticed I'll get. Meanwhile,. China continues to be on the on the edge of a of an economic cataclysm. According to the new york times, china's
Biggest home builder is now reeling as the economy slows when countries and the biggest developer in china's increasingly troubled real estate sector published its annual report in April. The cover design exuded help a phoenix spreading its wings. I was wishful thinking shortly after that worth release china's nascent economic recovery law steam in already sluggish real estate market started to collapse, a country guard. precepts of unfinished apartments, a crucial indicate future revenue plunge more than fifty percent in june. july twice the rate of decline in the preceding five months. For the past three years as dozens of major property developers defaulted after years of excessive borrowing country, It was now why, last month, it missed to interest payments so, knowing that it too is at risk and financial collapse with one hundred and eighty seven. we in dollars and debt is a lot of debt. Folks had a lot of that. country garden, has staved off in media crash. It told creditors and made the interest payment of twenty two point: five million dollars within the grace period before default
On friday, the company won a last minute. Approval from creditors postpone repayment of five hundred thirty seven million dollars has been in fall or country garden. The company's improbable As regional home builder to a nation by behemoths tracked china's own you're, a meteoric assent now, its collapse reflects the speed and severity of the country's real estate meltdown. which threatens to derail the broader economy. By the way you know what has happened. The reason is happened in china is because they have won metric for success, and that is gdp. Gdp is a measure of fire no end use sales. It can be job by borrowing and spending. If the government borrowing, and on empty apartment buildings to develop my country garden. Well, that is key. as gdp growth. It doesn't matter. Was actually buying those apartments he continued jack the gdp citizens by borrowing and lending and borrowing? There's only one problem at certain points: carousel stopped. The same thing is in the united states, which is why it is so puzzling and stupid that the united states continues to follow china down the primrose path on this one, It really is kind of an amazing thing. Ok time
some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like today, so bill mar was I'm Joe rogan again, I'm from the bell from those Joe Bill used to be a mainstream left, winger he's a mainstream liberal, mainstream democrat and now, as people on the twitters are saying he sounds like me. and this because I have moved, and releasing the mars moved its because everybody else who used to consider themselves on left his moved so radically left them are not left behind so here for exams, was bill gilmore speaking about cause. You got ripped up for this, but of course he's dead, right here. He was can be woke with all the, nonsense that that now implies, but dont say, that somehow its extension of liberalism right, because its most often actually I'm doing a liberalized, and I have always believed, as liberals, for example, in a car blind society that they go
is to not see race at all anywhere. For any reason, I guess that's what lib, joys believed all the way through obama going back, cannonade buddy. Martin Luther king, that's what the rope they believe. Race is first and foremost a thing. You should always see everywhere, which I find interesting, because that to be the position of the cooks, clan that we see race first and foremost everywhere. Now so again, you can have that position but don't say That's a liberal position, you're doing something very different erect. He ripped up. How dare you know, of course he wasn't it be a lamb is doing the same sort of stuff is the complex latin hussaini ideology. The race is the differentiated and that's the first thing you should notice about a person hissing, that's bad, which can I thought you'd like when I grew up. That was just what everybody got taught I am confusing. I grew up in the nineties and now on the dough I went public school and this was what you were taught and was considered a good thing in itself,
and it's the reverse, marceau slammed black eyes matter point. it is always in black lives, the matter to be alone. In minnesota, for example, I think was minneapolis after the george floyd murder and the riots. I think there was a movement to Just spend a lot of the police and they did. I think a lot of the police were let go were somehow. The police force was was a lesser forced and it was and what happened was a course. Crime went up in certain areas and One of the officers who had been hired or let go were quitter what, for whatever reason they were on the force anymore? They were hired as private security by who the rich people who could afford to do it. So their neighborhood states, so that wasn't it.
exactly, I thought, a victory for liberalism. Murders have been happening way out of control in chicago among the african american community for far too long, and not really reported in the same way in the way that they should be address, amazing, how black lives, seem to matter when their taken by black lives, but but did them in now, Chicago, my friends who lived there, saves not save anywhere yachts, very sketchy, very sketch and that chicago see he sang reasonable things. The left is not this white again, the first party It shows that it can be seen irrational is gonna, win, broad swathes of the electorate. I mars speaking for pretty much everyone at this point on this left right gently if you're in reasonable categories. You agree with your group maroni stuff: the left is ignoring it and the right is too busy
with itself over here on other issues that that it's not it's like. These are like right. Therefore, the picking just say the things by them, but apparently would that be too good for the united states ran up ok time for a quick thing that I hate. So I m, apparently, austin police are now urging robbery victims not to comment on one that seems bad according to fox news. in police and taxes are asking residence to call three one one. If they get Robin you're an atm as the department struggle, in an increase in urban crime? Three one One is the number usually used for non emergency request. Nine one is like I'm being robbed through is like yeah somebody rami three hours ago. What can I do about that? So Apparently they now don't want you to comment on one. Even if your book rob like right- the second because they're just ah simple. department roquat, even if your cautious and follow all safety advice may still become the unfortunate victim of robbery. You know your next should be make a police report,
provide as much information as possible. We can recover your property quickly and safely here. Did twenty twenty often has now had he seventy seven percent increase in auto theft in eighteen percent increase in aggravated assault, any thirty percent increase in murmur so yeah. It turns out that left wing governance. It has some serious bad cause already. As the rest of the show continues right now, you're not going to want to miss it. We're going to be deconstructing a little bit of culture with miley cyrus. If you're, not a member, become member code shapiro check out for two months. Oriental annual plans click that linking the description you join us, the
Transcript generated on 2023-09-08.