« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1802 - A Nation Led By The Elderly

2023-09-05 | 🔗

Burning Man gets hit by Biblical flooding, and we examine the cultural fallout; the polls get uglier for Joe Biden; and Elon Musk goes up against the Anti-Defamation League.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Burning man gets hit by biblical flooding and we examine the code will fall out. The poles get uglier for Joe Biden and elon musk goes up against the anti defamation league. Adventure of this is the bench Barroso. the bench bourgeois sponsored expressly beyond protect your online. you today express vpn beyond icons, lifespan, so it's rare to see actual biblical level events taking place in you know normal everyday life, but that is exactly apparently what is happening over at burning now. I've ignored burning man successfully for several decades. This point because it seemed like a bunch of weirdos out in the desert being weird with each other and that's pretty much what it is. Apparently for those we haven't been following burning. Man was founded, nineteen. Eighty six is, according to the richest dot com, when a small group of friends gathered to burn a nine foot tall statute on the beach in francisco's, as you might imagine, where people each.
More and more people attended the bonfire and then they actually moved it over to the nevada desert, and so now it's held in black rock city, a temporary community erected by the thousands of attendees who construct the gatherings infrastructure news using nothing but their own tools and equipment. Nothing is sold at burning. Man is one of the sort of communist properties of instead, they sell a coffee and water and everything else they barter or gift. So, first to ask why there selling the coffee or war, and the answer is because you can provide supply unless there is an actual monetary demand. It turns out. Capitalism is great at getting things from place, a to place, be front, Where will communism such a pretty much everything from any attendees known as burs events? providing a space for culture. Cultural expression, as Examine, however, what the weird elements of the united states, the counter culture, is no longer counterculture. It's just the culture and the counter culture in the nineties, is the weirdos from the nineteen eighty four gathering on beaches in building John. burning men and all the rest of us, those people. We used to consider a strange now, if you,
hey that they are weirdos where participating in weird pagan estate behavior. You are concerned strange. Your concern, part of the problem. You are How are the counter culture is no longer the counter culture. It is in fact just the culture, which is why, for it, but you see so many rich and famous people now going to burning man, it used to be that if you are rich famous person, you took yourself seriously seriously enough. They didn't show up in the middle of the desert, with nothing but a hammer and then expect to basically just go to the orgy dome. All they used to be the serious people and our culture or you no actual serious people in our culture. They go way back to the age of the tycoons when you're looking at john rockefeller and you are looking at Vanderbilt These are people who are at least pretty serious about their own lives, but the reality is that culture has now become the culture and the way that you win cultural cachet is by participating in a pagan. Extent of values that actually is incomplete, convert distinction to the actual values you live out is appointed. The Charles Murray made in his great book coming apart, which is that all of the
tech billionaires who show up at burning man and then proclaimed they have allegiance to these sorts of principles, actually their own lives. Reject these sorts of principles is just but he also picks up the principles. Then it becomes the culture in which they swim, and it's really really bad. It's true, whether you're talking about our pig verse, of communism, that you're seeing at burning them or whether you are talking about single mother, which is practised by nearly no one in the tec bay area. But given the moral, green, light by everyone in the tec bay area, where there is something weird about the fact that these weird hippies burning crap on the beach suddenly turned, two billion years arriving. Entourage toads participates in building a garbage city in the middle of nowhere and then having sex with, renders, which is effectively what burning man is according to the just don't come in recent years. Many want members have resented how the festivals, growing popularity has changed the experience, they sate unready posts, the new class member, consisting of celebrities internet influencers billions,
you I must mark Zuckerberg. It is true by the way that again, unlike in the past, when everyone who was poor aspire to be and what tat meant is that, if you are poor, you aspire to also imitate new lifestyles of the rich and famous, which meant, and if you go back to them the photos of the great depression. People are standing in line for their tickets for their food and they are addressed in suits. Now you have them If people in a society who are attempting to dress like homeless people, to prove to them everybody else, while they're earning billions of dollars that they actually despise the billions of dollars, they're earning a culture that hates itself cannot long survive by the way. What you see in terms actual stats from burning in, is that it two thousand six. Eighteen percent of surveyed burners listed their personal income as a hundred thousand dollars more by twenty. Sixteen their number had almost doubled to twenty eight percent the surveyors added a three hundred thousand dollar plus personal income category and that now represented through and four percent of all the people who are showing up at bay, and by the way, their cheating, so
used to be that if you showed up a burning, any basically shut up like a bunch of plywood and hammer, and now, if you are a person you show up at a turnkey according to mashable, these offer luxury amenities, cleaning staff in shops. More importantly, wrecking havoc on the environs by charter flights to get there so the entire. I was supposed to be this hippy gathering. Were you bring? What you have and you give what you want and you receive from others, more, generous and turn into a bunch of rich people who want to pretend that this is what they are well, We just paying people to set up basically clamping in the desert, which is amazing, It is totally amazing. In two thousand and eighteen burning man, ceo marian Goodell wrote she was stunned by the growing commodification and exploitation of black rock city and burning man. Culture. On the one hand, you can say, capitalism always wins like no matter what everything is. Of commodified, because human beings are driven towards doing less work and being able to compensate people for the work they are doing the capital is. Molly looked the other way to view this. Is it again you have
entire elite strata of our society that haiti itself, and that is constantly seeking to signal to everybody else. How much aids itself by doing things like going to burning man they're not seeking to ignore if I'd behaviour that everybody else should engage in and if they do they believe that behaviour should apparently be this hippy us garbage, and we should all basically just last, in an giggle along with them, as they go to the pleasure dome that has been set up in full sodom and gomorrah style, into to burning anzio marin girl stood whether its commercial, photoshop, product placement or instagram post thinking, friends very useful item attending. including fashion models and social media. Influencers are wearing and tagging brands in their playa photos. This means they are using black rock city to increase their popularity to appeal to customers and to sell more stuff. Black rock city record significant investments of time, energy and resourcefulness she said. But what makes burning you need a powerful that everyone has to work to be there so I do love again the fact that all of these rich, If people are showing up and doing like instagram photos for popeye's
right DJ diplow, descended into burning mandatory nineteen on a popeye's branded plain and came out with two plastic bags filled with dozens of chickens which its and then he remarked and social media wendy's your move, some celebrities are different, it'd, be Susan's random, famously drank the ashes of psychologists than lsd? Advocates him if you weary, when she should happen, twenty fifteen, which, by the way gross and it s don't drink other people's ashes by the way its gravity get your asked terrible, terrible way to go. But I the idea here is that the elites mirror the worst morality. They don't actual practice in their real lives will get no more of this in just one taken, first Maybe the only thing keeping me alive at this point, not the ashes of timothy leary. It is black rifle coffee. Black rifle coffee is what I need every single morning. My kids get me up at like six, a m as after my baby has kept me up until later, and despite all the stresses of the day, I have to get up. While it is time for my black rifle coffee, black rifles. Coffee subscription gives you nothing, but the best coffee of the month,
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joke about how if a bunch of morons decide that they are going to get set into the debt in the middle of nowhere, where two hundred and fifteen degrees to screw each other and then there's a giant rainstorm biblical style that floods them and no one bothered to bring enough wood to build an arc. Sorry I joke about you guys, your own fault, ok, so currently principles that that's what kind of happened here principles of burning men. They are written in two thousand and four. Co, founder Larry Harvey this is a religion. It's a religion, and it just goes to show you that name era where actual religion declines, traditional judeo, christian religion, the cleanse other forms of religion, supplant it, whether that is political polarization and following of the great leader or whether this sort of pagan stick hippy crap that you're, seeing over a burning then radically inclusion is one of the principles. Anyone may be part of burning man. We welcome and respect the stranger. No prerequisites exist for participation in our community. So, first of all not true. Have you show up in your bible thumper, I guarantee you nothin. We welcome over a burning man where they have a giant dome where no one has shower, but there are having sex with one another. That is an actual I can
and train mentioning this, because this obviously most famous part of burning man is the orgy dome, which accord Two cosmopolitan ism is visited by five thousand people every year. Radio show up with from windows, and I and then you for them- and this is the this- is the height of human experience. Apparently the radical inclusion, apparently would not really worried anybody who has you know like baseline moral standards in a traditional way, a gifting burning man is devoted to acts of gift. Giving the value of the gift is unconditional. Gifting does not contemplate a return or an exchange for something of equal value. So, first of all, again That's the radical inclusion point. If you just include everybody who is a leech and they are living off gifts with no expectation of any sort of return, isn't going to work because began This stuff doesn't exist at scale. The actual real rule burning man, I would assume is that if somebody gives you something you give them something in return, which is what we used to call trade where we used to call that thing capitals.
but instead we're going to pretend that when I give you something- and you give me something and the real reason we're doing, it is because, of course, if I just take something from you and I and I never give you anything, no one will ever give it something to me again we're going to pretend that that's communism now deacon modification in order to preserve the spirit of gifting. Community seeks to create social environments that are unmeaning by commercial sponsorships transactions or advertising whoops. Why didn't work? It turns out that people's I giant group of people and and elite. It is now fashion cool burning them. I'm intergroup, I would mention what kind of like tail end of millennial, age and they're, like I remember when this used to be the cool thing announced a bunch of people who forty two years old or showing up the average. burning at has been rising in recent years to be the thing for you, dumb, ass, twenty one year to do announce a thing for people: to recapture the feeling of being a dumb ass, twenty one euro, but there actually forty two divorced and have a kid, That is what burning that has become radical self reliant.
Burning man, encourages the individual to discover, exercise and rely on. In a resources. While we see that what we have said that momentarily how won't they relied on their inner resources too? You know be stuck in the mud for days at a time complaining they are located. You know a few miles away from a freeway radical self expression, radical self exe. rises from munich gifts of the individual, no one other than the individual or collaborating group can determine its content. It is offered as a gift to others. In this spirit, the giver should respect the rights and liberties of the recipient. Isn't that isn't that nice, radical self expression up? What I like is the proviso there. The proviso there is that your radical self expression makes no demands on others. It makes no demands on others well yeah, except for the fact that radical self expression, as a core value system requires the x since approval and tolerance of others. Clearly there are limits to radical self expression, communal effort, our community is creative cooperation and collaboration. We strive to produce promoting protect social networks publicly.
his works of art and methods of communication that support such interaction. Have you seen all the amazing works of art that have come out of burning man? You know, I mean other than the stds We value civil society, the civic response, Lenny community members, who organised, should assume responsibility for public welfare and endeavour to communicate civic responsibilities to participants else, must assume responsibility for conducting events in accordance with local state and federal laws There is legal liability that attaches also leaving, It turns out this one. They just don't do that our community, next the environment. We are committed to leaving no school trace of our activities wherever we gather we clean up after ourselves and endeavour whenever possible, to leave such places in a better state them when we found them, which of course, is wildly untrue. It turns out that burning man has had a bad history of the past years, just leaving garbage strewn along the highways as p karina out of there as fast as possible. This, of course, is no shock. Go back to the occupy wall street days and all the socialist lefties were camping out in the parks in new york city, and it was just a wilderness of criminality
drug abuse and fresh and then went to the tea party re, always people who supposedly hate the environment, everybody that he picked up for themselves, no one at occupy picked up after themselves, because again it turns out that only respect for the commission, values that you actually share would require you to do this thing and any can founded on radical self expression in angola, a freeloaders and people free ride purchases, These are the final two principles: right, not ten commandments, Alec, thou shalt, not kill. Thou shalt not cannot now firmly commit sexual since that show making their results. We are none of those things. I don't those none of that. None of that. Read the things that actually matter here are things like participation. Our community is committed to radically participatory ethic. We believe Transformative change, whether any individual or in society can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation we achieve being through doing every one is invited to work. Every one is invited to play Finally, immediacy immediate experience is in many ways most important touched on value in our culture, which of course, is something that has been completely done away with, because if you look at burning man, it's just a bunch of selfies
just an endless series of selfies forever, stamping. The human base forever sunday second, we all we'll talk about what god wrought, because it turns out it didn't end. Well, this year is like the fire Somalia, is that momentarily first, as you may know, I'm a big fan of our friends over agenda, so I've known about any salt for literally years back and twenty thirteen, when I was doing a local morning, show in los angeles genius holes and advertise run that show, and then you know, I stop doing that job. and my family continue to use genuine products, because they're just that good ella from Rockford says I have both agent, acme spot and the stuff actually fading both of them. This year is worth every penny l raised by the famous talks back rectify genuine must had after months of record heat and humidity sun spots browns, Discoloration even read inflamed patches, they all disappear in front of your various. It's really useful downturn. Floral got really hot sun this summer, so generous help
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the ten commandments of burning man with you know the actual ten commandments things like respect, my father and mother. Remember the sabbath and keep it wholly dont commit murder, don't commit adultery document. Ideology don't make it like. One of these sets of rules has built a civilization that has lasted and been successful for literally thousands of years, the other side, lasted a heavy rainstorm, so maybe that maybe the story of of his arc. Is that maybe the rain when all that heavy here's the rabbit? Here's a radical heretical view today, the rain wasn't all that heavy is just the society was not all that durable. Maybe that's what we are finding out right now, so here's what happened were burning according to the AP in unusual late summer, storm turned a week long counterculture fast into a sloppy mess, with tens of thousands party goers, stuck in foot deep mud with no can toilet in the northern nevada desert somebody
men reveller said sunday, their spirits remain unbroken, unfortunately than toilets do remain broken, and so they are just sitting there worse in there in their own poop scorn. Each other tat sounds like the most the height of human experience. Somebody did I, but apparently that that's happened before like there was a guy a few years ago who burned himself to death because he threw himself onto the burning man or something so in any case, it wasn't because of the bad weather, so organizers. Was the festival to vehicle Everyone that was reported offs officials provided no details, the vitality of the guiding brown or anything. The annual gathering in the black rock desert about a hundred and ten miles north of renault attracts nearly eighty thousand artist musicians and activists from its wilderness, camping and avant garde performances disruptions? The festivals, recent history, organizers, temporarily close entrances and twenty a danger to dust storms event was twice cancelled altogether during the pandemic.
I love this more than half an inch of rain fell at the festival site on friday, disrupting this year's that wait, half an inch half way, not half a foot matt, not like half a metre half an inch. This much rain fell this much right here and the everything fell apart. more than half been terrain, possibly closer to one inch films. We can import north northwest nevada. That includes the area where the burning and festival was being held. Road closures came Just before a large wouldn't effigy was supposed to have been burned. On Saturday night so basically is the story of Elijah's radiologists areas like ok, guys take your time. sacrifice and see if it will burn sacrifices. God. Will you touch it? No rain. So the good times Is it in Joe Biden told reporters in delaware? He is aware of the situation at burning men. The white house is in touch with local officials they are making fun of here is that the people who Interested in this, it has become
goods and glamour festival is the part that is truly fascinating. Megan, fauna, hippies in the desert. That's easy pickens! But when those These involve like the most famous people in our society in the end a famous people. Our society are suggesting that there is something to this value system that is worth noting that something worth noting that a value system that that thinks it orgy domes And not showering and building crap in the hazard that you just then leave there. This is somehow a form of higher living and in the since, if god paganism rules and is not that there is no god it's that god's rule in those gods typically involve self worship which is really where, where things currently stand, good news. Diplow was there again, I don't know if he had his popeye's plain apparently not christine. Was also there and they escaped these escape from blackrock.
this is a fan. Often chris rock, and I a right out of the book after walking six miles through the mud operas could think about was an f in cold brew. Well, that is, medicine heavy stuff there. The other part of this is hilarious, is that obviously it wasn't biblical flooding. Obviously, thank god. Tens of thousands of people did not die and yet every person who's there. This is, why said, the is actually just idolatry of the self everybody there is. This as though they escaped the beaches at normandy or something. Like this. What their treating it like, it is truly an amazing amazing thing like, for example, neil cat yell who you ll remember as a supposedly serious legal analysed here, put up a picture of himself tat about the incredibly harrowing journey out of the burning man festival. So apparently people said
they could walk about five miles from the festival side to the nearest town of gear. Lack or shuttle buses would take them torino. First of all, can I out that five miles is not a lot of territory. It's a flat desert. Take a little water and got like five miles. The whining, my goodness he said, quote incredibly harrowing six may take a minute through heavy and slippery mud, but I got safely out of burning man. Never before and it was fantastic with brilliant art and fabulous music, except for the ending. ah near these outermost areas, people that I was these acting solicitor general under Barack obama that acting. I think the guy who they haven't msnbc everyday talking about the legal threats to donald trump and how the rule of law must be upheld, was a burning man lying about hide. You walk five miles in mud because you put himself there because they ve nor genome or something how old is neo kyle by the way, neil, no kyle is fifty three years old.
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so you morons went out in the middle of the desert to worship, to worship, you're, pagan, selves and in that stuck in the mud rough ride, for you really really truly feel that. But this is the point he cultural arbiters are not on the side of the so called culture, they are on the side of the counter culture, and this is the important point burning and values or its pseudo values represent the actual prevailing mindset. for many of the powerful in our society. We will write a boil down the front phenomenon to what would I really like tariffs or donald trump? we want to build a wall on the border or donald trump. It's really subsidies to industrial towns in ohio. That's not what donald trump is about. What donald trump is about is about a cultural says, that used to be called irrational culture of the united states, he is personally representative of that, but that's what the trump movement represents and those people have been dispossessed of the judeo christian architecture that used to under the united states. Africa and they'd been dispossessed by a bunch of pagan morons who believe that the actual you system is radical self expression and individualism. Now
this does unite some of the great capitalist of our era, because there the great capitalist market. It used to be that every one sort of understood particular the great capitalist that learning. Capitalism, wasn't judeo christian values system. You know actually understood this fairly well, Adam smith, theory of moral sentiments came before his wealth of nations, but the great early tycoons. These are people who went the church on a regular basis. These were people who actually, who actually were interested in what happened around them. I who took their responsibilities as human beings seriously. I mentioned johnny rockefeller, but John D, rockefeller is a great example. This is a guy who went to a church and he sat in the pews next to people who were a fraction of his wealth. What used to unify the country was a belief system that the elites held in common and with the common man, it was the same belief system over all the issues around
were proclaiming the creed of of radical self expression, also not the radicals. Now it's the most powerful people in the society who have basically decided the reason they became powerful is because they followed their star. But that's not really true again, if you look at the people who are most us law in our society. They didn't follow theirs to the tune of. I will ignore basic values like educating myself or living a sexually response, lifestyle in the main remarks. Afterward. Mary die with multiple kids and that's true for most of the people, actually high earners and american society there actually more likely to be married with kids and people were, I urge in american society, but OMG values of the low Well, I mean, like they hippy, Then the commune were burning, giant nine foot, statues, and that says something and the kick back to that a bunch of people were angry at the fact that they have had the rally system supplanted and insulted and derided by people whose main focus just be tearing things down I mean burning and is actually echelon. Metaphor
build a man, and then you burn him. That is it! Let you bill radical individualism represented by a giant, In football idle, and then you burn it. Because what does humanity matter? If all humanity is a piece of meat wandering through the universe, with hedonistic impulses? It is only when human beings are connected to a higher value system when their connected with a divine value system of some sort that they become worth more than a block of wood that you burn or an orgy dome. I just cannot human beings from a telos. This disconnect them from a from a a purpose, a higher purpose and what you end up with is burning man right, live in the moment, immediacy of experience, radical individual self expression and then have an interest in you. Don't you're done you toast, so Then there is something to be said you. It is amazing. It's the way the organizers here decided to tell people to handle. This thing is to get themselves, would block input, buckets. I'm going to Vienna come the first time a match amount set up a
burning than the annual ephemeral city that attracts thousands of free spirited revellers in the nevada desert chauffeur pat I prepared for maybe months recalled, I read all the packing was on the reddit threads on. What's up chats preparing for burning man, but this year, when heavy transformed remote venue into a muddy mess, enforced at any shelter, and conserve precious resources mounts have it wasn't is prepared. She became one about seventy thousand people stuck at the event when blackrock doesn't received over two months worth of rain in just twenty four hours, the storms. Deserts handed sloppy slippery, clearly made it impossible for drivers to exit or enter sovereign It is one of the events, core principles with organizers, emphasising the participants are ultimately responsible for their own health and safety, so that meant that summit, had to wear fresh bags on their feet and then also that they were told to to bring poop buckets. In case the rain made the porter parties inoperable. The website recommends the five gallon utility bucket with a lid and garbage bag liners. This sounds like a great civilization to you. It sounds like a great civilization to me. Here's the festival, attendee David
date describing the absolute carnage in the desert. What's been the most difficult aspect, this weather and and being trapped. There are also the most difficult aspect mantle to this problem. We have is the concept of a work, someone who shows up to this event with they in other than their army, and you know their salvation jameson they offer nobly. They offer nothing to this. Can Maybe they don't add anything to the city is other people that are fleeing. Setting leaving their trashing, creating a crisis from which burning it not survive as sad story. I cannot, I can't believe this in this way you mean that a city that built on freeloading actually has freeloaders. Who arrive? One other note here: no children, a burning it. It turns out that we are not that we are now civilization. That is completely focused on the adults in the region. There. No kids, a burning man aside from the fact that is radically inappropriate and apparently bears risk, is the fact that
If you live immediately in the mama you're, not building for the future, the point about, and that is not building for the future. There are times in every culture where you take off, and you focus in on just the moment right that sister and every culture, but when you build an entire value system around that around whatever opens tomorrow is not my business around why buildings for generationally? After all, it's all ephemeral building in the desert. You'll be gone to morrow the most that's connect, with a higher value system? It means nothing. It means nothing, please nihilistic, so we celebrate a holiday in judaism. That's coming up in the in the very near future culture coat into insult you based We do kind of burning man. What you do is you build a hut outside your house and you actually are supposed to live in it for seven or eight days. The purpose of it is to remind you, they are at the mercy of god, where you're supposed to actually build the hut such that you can see the stars and so is open to the rain. That, though, but the whole purpose of it is to remind you that you are a physical creek
but there is something more spiritual to you right. That is not that it actually that's, that's must represent the entirety of human experience. Is one of the holidays, because the idea is that when you decorate all the physical, rounds around you. That's not the essential you, but what is the essential uses? Unity with God are the essential you is the divine you. That's the part that matters disconnect that, and all you end up with is a bunch of morons rolling around in the mud and then being mad at each other when they have to poop in a bucket, not quite the same thing. Can just one second one and get the latest polls on Joe Biden there's a reason that Donald trump continues to lead. The republican primary is not just because he's a magnetic personality so because Joe Biden is running really really week, we'll get to that in just one. Second, first whether we love it whether we hated ay. I is here to stay I expected great of one hundred million new jobs globally sums include data scientists. Practice there's robotics engineers to presently tat managers with ay. I skills reciprocally the best way to use a to help. You find people with all kinds of skills, so, for example, mac him he's a director of postproduction.
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I don't want to believe that he did disney blonde. There was an add back area was indicative of head. My brother likes to push a lot of people around about anything. I know about it. How were these filmmakers able to convince so many people and the men like Steven avery's innocence? How many times that easter was show me where I hear they gave him power trying to get everything that is not good for avery to have power. I told you I would want to keep your mouth shut, that can hurt cnn, I'm happy my life, watch combating a murderer. A new ten part series on daily wire bus, Again, early access to watch inventing a member is available to delaware plus member September seventh, it's free to watch If there is no reason to miss it. The official premiere for convicting a murderer takes place on ex, formerly known as twitter on september, eighth, nine pm eastern and it will be live chatting with special guests.
The excellent at five p m maitreya had gone over to the space to join the conversation. The full series is available. A daily wire plus head on over to daily wear dot com, slash subscribed to join us use code, truth for twenty five percent off your daily wire plus subscription everyone's gonna be talking about this new candace series. Don't miss out subscribe today Ok, meanwhile, donald from continues to be an incredibly viable candidate in the republican primaries right now, the real or politics pulling average put him up. nine points over the rest of the field latest wall street journal has from all the way up in the republican primaries at fifty nine percent rhonda santas running a distant distant seconded. Thirteen, followed by Nicky Hayley, who seemed a bit of a bump at eight, followed by the vague at five, which is probably had a field, is, is truly stacked. Right now trouble one way to help out. In fact, one of the reasons for that is the main argument against from has been an illegibility argument. That is the main argument, because republican voters that they really like There are a lot of what he did their willing to we're look or maybe embrace a lot of the foible and the crazy tweets and all that kind of stuff.
Certainly a lot of warmth inside the republican party for trump, but the only count we'll be yeah, but also he wanted binding. We twenty and will probably loose again. The problem is when the pole, show the Joe Biden is absolutely weak but makes look a lot more durable inside the republican primaries. It's like! Well, I mean I get both of the things I wanted once the guy who I really like on a personal level and also he can probably be Biden, which is what the republic Poles are showing right now inside, publican primaries. Now I have my doubts. The latter. The polls that whereas seem right now, are overestimating, for example, minority support for donald trump underestimating that support for Joe Biden. I think a lot of Democrats who right now are saying that they are wavering on Biden, are going to come home in the same way that a lot of republicans who say they waver about trump are going to come home. However, it is weakness that is leading to this impasse. It voters overwhelmingly think Biden is too old. Run for reelection and even more marked for handling the economy. According to the latest walter general lee let us use it. Binds agent performance help, explain where only thirty nine percent of voters with a favourable view of Joe Biden in a separate question. Forty two percent,
They approve how he's his job well below the fifty seven percent, who disapprove and write down a potential rematch from falsified rematch. Each of them has four Six percent had had The journal survey point so large. That of challenges that bind faces in persuading voters, he deserves reelection and also funds weaknesses in trump. Voters in a survey rated from his less honest and likeable than by a majority view to transactions after his twenty twenty election laws as an illegal effort to stop congress, declaring Biden the proper winter. But if you look at the disapprove numbers, Joe Biden on a wide variety of issues. They are absolute devastating when it comes to inflation. It is approval. Numbers are well over. Sixty percent seem on securing the border when it comes to dealing with china. Just over thirty percent of orders, approve nearly sixty percent disapprove when it comes to creating jobs even there. He is split like forty six, forty six and right now forms of handling of the worn ukraine he's register bring in a well over fifty percent disapproval. Furthermore, seventy three percent of voters say they
trot abiden is too old to seek a second term. That's only forty seven percent of voters who say the same I'll drop, even two thirds of democrats, say the Joe Biden is too old to run again. There's more in this poor that again bolsters trump and hurts Biden by an eleven point. Margin more voters, tromp, rather than Biden as having the record of accomplishments as president some forty percent, Biden had a good record as president fifty one percent say that from headed the record as president by an ape we margin more voters said from has a vision for the future by ten points more, grab from his mentally up for the presidency. Forty six percent said that was true from only thirty six percent, so that abiden, What amazing about that is that those numbers are really awful for Joe Biden. I truly truly garbage for Joe Biden you're dating that of Joe Biden. Numbers that low his rumbled an opponent would be like at fifty percent. Fifty two percent, the problem is the down from the natives, are also supervise. So basically, the american public thinks that donald trump committed criminal acts
like this, I'm not saying everyone, I'm saying that a plurality of the american public believes Donald trump did illegal, or at least morally bad things in the aftermath of last time's election, and they also don't like him personally but also they think that is more competent than binding, and they like his record now that provides opening trump, if he runs on his record, but if you Eric campaign is gonna, be about what he did after the election last time and his criminal cases that's going to be kind of a problem going forward in the election. Is what tony for breezy us. As you say, he paused for a super back that support I'm sick of this raises about personality, and temperament Biden has an advantage if the ratio houses and performance trump has the advantage of. Let me remind you: Now that virtually all races and of being about performance in time but these were about policies and performance from port of one in twenty twenty. Without a doubt,. So again, these are really bad numbers for binding those bad numbers, provided that they are really strengthening down from inside the republican primary, because the electricity argument basically goes away. Democrats cannot believe that romania's pulling this love, they have
leave it because they live in an echo chamber where everybody loves Joe Biden. So here is george stuff and former lackeys clinton being quite shocked, it is kind of shocking, in a way that, despite although the baggage donald trump carries he's tied with Joe Biden right now, they. George. When I looked at the recent poll the wall street journal, I settle. This could keep me up and I looked. The problem is in the biggest challenge we face is is democrats. I say we because I'm a democratic set young voters, young black and let tina vote as they are not to come back to the party they're, not even looking at the so called mess that's being sent to them about the economy, about climate change about student debt really need so again, even whereas are stunned by his unpopular, but it's not all that stunning Joe Biden is not an empathetic figure, as wouldn't pointing out for months on this programme. I'm good at his job. I love the fact that job sprang to steer into his age at this point, but simultaneous
wait denying that he is lazy, wish at this point in his life. He he spent like the last month on vacation. Well behind was burning down. You do for a living other than sit on the beach and then say words badly, microphone then run away from the press. Yesterday, he was asked why he was in rehoboth beach like why I certainly wasn't on vacation. Well, then, what the hell are you doing row of beach, you gotta for business. I'm no, are you all know that what you're telling everyone online gay someone if ever part of this is also, he doesn't say it's hard to get somebody, but he says you're, not a vacation he's going to. About each because the other
he doesn't have any other place to go like it. If this house were to burn down in behind or something like, has it he's just like that? What what what a victim he is Meanwhile, he flew up to philadelphia to do a rally by a rally we mean once again he escaped death so that you can say that for him ever every every day, with Joe Biden just building appointment tomorrow, this went any case job I here at this rally was saying I've been doing is longer than anyone while, yet we noticed by this, I hope you mean corruption cause, that's true Someone said you know, admiring your no matter what guess what word Can you tell me all the time it comes with a little bit of wisdom normal incontinence there as well What are you doing you to do with your help? Well, I mean one thing that does not come along with age. Speaking. English clearly has a lot of Potatoes and I'll be right there
there s no longer no age was romania stuff there from the president of the united states, where my favorite things he said on the campaign trails, where people call me middle class, Joe. No one is africa, the middle class, Joe literally, no one that has never have not once there is no one was like back over there. That's middle class joe, you know I don't the middle class Joe cause. He hasn't been middle class since he was a child. That is why middle class Joe, was making Forty four thousand six hundred dollars per year when he first entered the centre at the age of thirty, inflation money. That's three hundred twenty! Six thousand dollars a year middle class, Joe my ass here, forks
at the time the republic of risotto referred to as middle class joe, I guess they thought that was the one that was not very complementary. Well guess what that's, who I am and doesn't mean you're not sophisticated, because you're middle class. That means you've worked like Hell. You know what your family has to work like hell to be able to make it. Joe Biden is a coup Rubbed power has been a corrupt politicians. His entire life he's not remotely middle class adieu. Don't multi million dollar properties. He's not middle class. That's absurd and he still also by the way who like. Who, in the country's looks down the middle class, choosing whose, like looking in the middle of the we will look down middle class. Are people morocco, Joe Biden in the more on tibet burning their like those are the only people, their people. The middle class america's? They are, those that those robes living the lifestyle remembers rock obama whose declaring that people voted republican because there are bitter clinkers were clinging to god and xenophobia because there are losing their jobs, Joe Biden looked down middle class job, I
is there to enrich his corrupt union bodies, which have been true since literally he was elected to the senate here, in the union's pocket. Since the day he entered the senate in delaware, and bench reckoned you're right in his book about the burdens that there is. very solid basis. Leave the job on one is for senate race, basically at them of unions that that may have illegally picketed in paper, rent a mailer going out about him from his opposition, in any case one of my favorite things about Joe Biden is that he equates being pro middle class with being pro the heads of major labor unions, which not I'm saying it turns out that forcibly removing a piece of people's paycheck Mutual bunch of union bosses then select corrupt politicians like Joe turbines. They can enrich their their funds. I is pretty amazing stuff. This is presumably why the acting labour secretary Irena Julie, sue, she's out there saying that job He loves the middle class cause. He loves labour that it that he loves the union's you're right. As the union's represent fewer and fewer members, the middle classes- and I noticed, can you
what the administrations role is in negotiations to the extent there is one at all. Yes, thank you so much I mean this presidency is the most problems. Pro union president that we have had, and that means echoes policies that centre working people that are good for workers, it has created a tight labour market in which workers and you have more power to demand change demand. What's right. For workers, and their fair share at the bargaining table amazing, stuff, again middle class joe pocket of the unions. That's really what it's all about again. The only argument for Joe Biden at this point is that he's not trump Bernie sanders just said that out loud is like really Joe Biden. All the bad at this job, but at least not from so right now you have the republican party betting on at least he's not Biden, the Democrat, hardy. Betting on at least he's not trump, and only one party can be right. Here is bernie mac neck as real living in an unprecedented moment in american history or donald trump is donald league of
they pathological liar, has not only helped way an insurrection. If you like to prevent present in buying from taking office not only is denying american democracy. Fighting against american democracy. So I think at this moment bob we have got. Ring the progressive community together the site I want we're gonna fight for progressive agenda, but we cannot I have four more years of donald trump in the white house. Again it's all they care about, and so what you have is as already clarity and views as a frozen battlefield? Republicans think that anyone can be Biden, Democrats believe one can be trump and you're gonna end up a trump Biden in all likelihood right now Meanwhile, the media are attempting to do their best to ensure that round, santa's and everyone else in the republican party remain secondary to donald trump. There so in some cases of budget lines are rolling stone magazine which is not famous for its some. For its honesty, they rode up airports.
Staying there, a bunch of neo nazis, marching in florida by a bunch I mean, like fifteen, marching in floor, a representative of governor dances, political support, according rolling stones, misleading or put this in some of the martyrs individual expressed their distaste for down from saying they prefer government flora, governor rhonda, santa's and dumb answer and supposedly they said, we're all the santa supporters, only one problem, which is that which is not true, which is not true at here's, the actual video that rolling stone was lying about. We'd like Wang missing after sentence right, they're, saying sarcastically, Some of that part out. They could make it look as though, all the nazis and floor to support the census, which is weird thing since all the orthodox Jews in florida support dances. So up to there's that that's all ongoing. Really, while meanwhile, over the weekend, Joe Biden stop. I florida very briefly in the aftermath of a hurricane that
She didn't do a tremendous amount of damage. Thank god and the big virtually over the weekend in flora was wise in rwanda santa's getting together with Joe Biden, and the answer is, there is no reason for us to get together with Joe Biden. Joe Biden was just going to stand there and job about climate change. So what exactly is the purpose there is? No. Actual fundamental obligation for a governor of a state of either party. I don't like any of these optical to talk about this for years. I think it's all stupid. But de Santis actually has a job to do. As the governor of the state, Joe Biden is coming round to stand around and look at things and wander around leslie bump into walls and talk about climate change, a governance governor on Friday. There are no plans for him to meet with Joe Biden contradicting Mr Leinen made earlier in the day indicating that they would the media. it only took. This is a great insult to the honour of Joe Biden. I will say this to his credit
mine was asked by meeting this answers and he didn't actually take the opportunity to bash dissenters. Rare moments of a rare moment of of not garbage behaviour from our current president handling visit makes it seem like politics is getting in the way of your joint in response to this crisis, disappointed he may have had other reasons because nobody did help was planned. This. What's this where we should go were released, disruption very pleased, the guy you we don't We very much at all distinguish former governor and see you senator came about me, you all about how incredible incredible job credible job photo gun was, and I found a reassuring
No one knew again rare moments of shocking decency there from the current president of the united states. Msnbc, however, was not going to be deterred by words. Instead, they jumped that this is horrible. How could he not meet with with joba? Oh, my god, people will then hurry up and I'm gonna be on the ground for for sandy for hurricane sandy way back when, and you think back to the meeting that Chris Christie then had then new jersey, governor had with. obama right and the embrace, and some folks said. That is the reason why, then president obama got reelected Is this you think one of the reasons why dissenters is choosing not just to meet with the president and today and making it more about politics. Why there's no! I do not think that the Vienna go and her go to be the president and do your presidential duty on that. Obama was president was in fact the reason that he was re elected. Look. I think governor the santas here team and by the way he has two teams, rightly as a team in the
I office, urge all fears and any other team on his campaign. I think that the team of the campaign and is likely negatively influencing what the the decision The team and the governors office makes and so on, yeah, the media, and I can lead that one I'll get. Meanwhile, you on musk is at war with the anti defamation league. So, let's be clear about the head of mission, which is a progressive interest group that proclaims speaking in the name of jewish causes. That is, that is untrue. It is just a progressive interest group, that's all, and sometimes they cross dreams with actual, not horrific ideas and a lot of the time they're targeting people on the basis of spurious nonsense or ignoring people on the basis of other spurious nonsense. Because again, there are progressive interest group sk, is now in a in a battle with the audio and on you
in about with them, because you saying that you guys are basically trying to slur acts formerly known as twitter by having effort, has removed the revenue he's right about that. A lot of these progressive interest groups are very much interested in removing advertising revenue from sources where they can't control the speech, so he post on x, saying the idea has been called trying to kill this platform by false they using it and me of being anti semitic. Continues will have no choice but to follow defamation suit against. Ironically, the answer defamation league if they lose affirmations influences: they dropped the anti part of their name. Since, obviously, now is that really going to happen, its em impossible to win a defamation suit against public figure aids. I is really really really rough because you have to show actual malice, which is a nearly impossible standard with that it is the adsl constantly speaking up on behalf of the root causes, Absolutely not I mean they made excuses for some of the world's worst anti,
might in congress along as their democrats, because again it is a progressive interest group, they posted a report suggesting that access now filled with People hate is a way for them to work together with groups. We have discussed on the programme of warlike arm in order to reduce advertising to platforms like acts basically abide by left. Standards of speech or what your advertising dollars disappear. That's what elon musk is. I is sounding off about, and he happens to be correct about all of that, and it's really really ugly which is. Why is very important that if you are in behind her and you are looking at platforms advertise on. You probably should be looking at freer speech platforms like winter, because otherwise twitters lashes Is that is going to revert back to type and is going to do the same kind of crap that facebook has done or youtube has done in censoring material, okay time for a quick thing like and then a good thing that I hate so things that I like tonight. If you wish to understand what exactly
is going on in china, fantastic new book out by a person named Yang long. This book is titled the rise and fall of the east How exams autocracy stability and technology brought china success and why they might lead to its decline, though the basic premise of the book is that for centuries, millennia, almost bakes into the chinese cake has been the system of test. Taking that basically chose single standards of merit in order to elevate people. His lead? You top down authoritarian rule in china, has been incredibly durable, what more durable than it would have been in, say russia, and you can have using paying whose being his authoritarian as he wants to be and still maintain control of a country that fear right. What like white, why doesn't never fragment. Why does trend ever apart? Why does it seem as though its continues to be durable? Everyone's economic numbers go down. It also has some lessons to teach the united states about how economics ought to work and also about the sword, standards that we use in terms of economic growth. So one of the points made in their eyes involve the east is that basically, all of the test
systems for elevating people inside the c c, p r aid in growth of gdp, if your regional leader in China and you group BP, in your area, you're very likely to be looked at for top posts in decentralized government or the problem is the genie. He is a is a standard as well Finally, while reliance in china and government borrowing spending, which is why see china now in serious trouble troubling borrowed unspent way too much money? Why have dried empty cities in some of these places because of europe, a public official in you wish rise and chinese communist party? What better way odin, borrow bunch money, build a bunch of empty citizen, claim that you just increase gdp dramatically really fascinating book again go check it out the rise and fall of the east by Yang Guang, if you're interested in the actual situation going on with china and the durability of the chinese regime, even if they are are experiencing economic failure. Okay time for a quick thing
that I hate. This is a peace by David gibson, whose director of the centre on religion, culture, fordham university and his ripping into american conservative catholics for being at odds with put frances. He saying that dumb, the loudest voice is an american catholicism report backward looking. Moralists can disconnected from the roots of the church catholic church. History has frances is about moving forward, changing to live the gospel message in the midst of current realities, pokes pope's words both surprisingly free. Frankly and surprising, given the persistence of right anger, directed modernizing approach. This episode That is part of a long saga of tensions between roman. U s church since the nations in pubs have regarded. The american experiments in democracy would suspicion separation of church and state dangerous, two souls in society. It should pay a glass at americanism, modernist trends, the election of pope Francis in twenty three, in flip the script. However, suddenly the vatican began pushing americans to be more flexible. We're pastoral, more inclusive, lestat trinity, rigid, it is now the engine of reform, a historic reversal, friends, we're
leader in combating climate change, insistently to Christ, economic injustice in the treatment of migrants. Opening new, It is on the universal right to healthcare, housing and decent jobs. Indeed, in Portugal, france is criticized, fixation on sins below the waste, while, if you exploited workers of lighter cheated it didn't matter. Meanwhile, This columnist, much of american church leadership, remains focus on a pelvic theology. Ok, here's the thing! It turns out that the american catholics, more critical of chances are right. There are certain unchanging principles in catholicism and france doesn't change that wretched. France is not actually change. The churches position on same sex marriage is not changed. The churches position on divorce is not changed. The churches, vision and contraception. It's just that he keeps making overtures towards those, would in order to make time I'm clean the change and social redistribution ism in essence, he's elaboration geologists is now occupying the office of the papacy, an american catholics. Concern catholics all over the world notice, which is why
More than any other pope has created a schism inside the catholic church. That is, that is francis fault, and that is not the fault of american. What's he doing exactly the same line, the review in twenty years ago, articles rest of the show is continuing right now, you're not going to miss what we talked with vati bochum, his brand new book out, if you're, not a member, become a member use code. Shapiro check out for two months, free on all annual plans, click that link in the description and join us the
Transcript generated on 2023-09-06.