« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1799 - There’s No Such Thing As Free Medicine

2023-08-30 | 🔗

The Biden administration uses Medicare to cram down pricing on drug companies while claiming to help patients – but the law of unintended consequences is undefeated; the National Archives reveals there are 5,400 emails from Biden using pseudonyms; and Hurricane Idalia prepares to make landfall.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The binding ministration uses medicare to cram down pricing on drug companies while claiming tell patient but the law of unintended consequences is undefeated, national are reveals that are fifty four hundred e mails from Joe Biden using pseudonyms and hurricane ideally prepares make landfall. I'm bench of europe. Is the bench Barroso. today shows, some expressly again, you, like your web history being seen in saudi advertisers, no mean either inexpressibly can right out we ve and accomplishment old saw in politics. There is no thing as a free lunch. Well, apparently, their lot rather believe there is such a thing as free medicine and the way that they are basically make negates is the big farmer in the united states makes a lot of money. Now. There are a lot of problems with big farmer for sure there are drugs. There really not for people that are marketed as though they are amazing for people at the most example being aussi cotton, but it is also true that everything
drug you take was developed by big farmer. Every single medicine you take was developed by big farmer, so big farmers response proxy com there also responsible, granville. It big farmer is responsible for the emanate vaccine that you didn't want it. The farmer is also responsible for all of the chemotherapy. Indications that your mother is taking. So big farm is responsible for all of those things, medical advances in the united states have led to a tremendous except the expansion of life expectancy in the united states, beaten five year. Cancer survival rate in the united states is much higher than anywhere else on earth, the reason being we have better medicines than anywhere else on earth. It also happens to be that we develop a huge number of medical patents right here in the united states, or the reason for that is because the united states, when it comes to drug The thing is maybe the last country on earth that actively allows since, and doctors to by drugs at the price that farmer is selling the drugs yet as opposed to using the government to cram down particular pricing, now, there's been a bug. who for a lot of politicians, because they look at canada or they look at germany, where they look at you
up or anyplace else on earth- and they say, while their buying those american drugs for far less than we are paying for those Eric drugs. This is but lead yesterday. The binding ministration too, through the info reduction act had nothing to do with inflation reduction at all. It turns out the promotion entire thing was about give, away, money for green boondoggle and also apparently screwing up the drug market. Yesterday The US government named ten drugs will be subject to the first ever price negotiations by medicare, taking Eminem, though, widely used in costly medicines in the country. According to the water, at stake, is arguably the government's strongest ever today to tackle hydra costs if drug makers can persuade scuttle the negotiating powers and medicare was granted at last year on the list of tat we medicines, announced by the abandoned instructions whose job treatments for cancer diabetes. Heart disease that can cost thousands of dollars a year or more, including the blood, thinner, eloquence and diabetes treatment. Guardians medicare spent five fifty
when five billion dollars on those drugs last year, according to jp morgan chase, the ten drugs include many drugs fighting diabetes and arthritis, drug from amgen called umbrella term. The there. there's a drug from johnson entrancing, satiated Zena, a health You, professor at vanderbilt universities, schools, medicines and is a major step towards reducing drug spending and, of course, Joe Biden is very excited about this. He says we pay way more for prescription drugs in any other economy on the world. Well and here he was yesterday explaining that if it's sold in Chicago you're paying more money than if you're buying it in toronto or paris or drug company, that makes a drug here in america, it was sold in Chicago. You can buy the same drug in toronto or priors cheaper than you combine in toronto and in chicago Yeah, well that's true, but the reason that that's true is because basically unit states has allowed a bunch of countries to free ride off,
prices that americans are paying. So, what exactly with the downs from effects of this being accorded the wall street journal positive downstream effects would be lower prices, those who take effect in twain when his ex medicare, would save us, maybe twenty five billion dollars a year by twenty thirty one. The savings would mostly go to medicare because it pays the bulk of the costs of the drugs. The reductions wouldn't directly affect the price patients pay at the pharmacy counter. But the price cuts would have an indirect impact on people spending medicare plans to use this just put a two thousand our annual cap and how much members have to pay out of pocket for drugs, starting in twenty if that's entails again unalloyed good right, everything is great. Its awesome there's only one problem. which the medical innovation in the united states is about greater it. When the government can crammed down pricing in any particular we and remove the profit margin from the from the actual pricing mechanism. That means we are not going to invest the kinds of money that are necessary in order to create the drugs in the first place, in the same way that rent control decreases, people building, constructing, because while you build a new apartment, knowing there's no profit in it
The investment in the biotech sphere is going to utterly dry up if the government via medicare, continues to cram down policies like this one. By the way, the policy itself is absolutely wild. I mean the way that they are cramming This thing down is that they go to the companies that medicare Gozo, companies that produce the drugs and then they tell them that they are now going to be subjected to this serve arbitrary, choice where they were, they pick your drug out of line of, and they from now on, we are going to cram down a price on you. The cfo. can only slight drugs had been on the market for a certain period of time for It's a small molecule drug. A product in pill form like aspirin, must have been on the market for nine years or more to be negotiation eligible, a biologic drug, a vaccine or a gene must have been marketed for thirteen years or more for eligibility. There are a couple of exemption, the drug makers, can use things into their small by attacks than they manufacture like one drug or biological.
and of a high likelihood of getting by a similar competition within a couple of years. Unless there's no reason to cram down the price, there's gonna be somebody who develops a generic, but the the start of the negotiation process. Basically, they are notified by medicare that they are now subject to a price crammed down They have to decide then, whether to enter into talks if they choose not to they would then and excise tax scaling up to ninety five percent. Ninety five percent of the there would still be able to sell their drugs medica biomedical within claw back via the power of the federal government. Ninety five percent ninety five percent of any income from their drug. or they would have to leave medicare or medicate altogether, which, by the way, doesn't patients on medicare or mitigate oh hell of a lot drug companies and enter into talks. The final negotiator rate on the first two drugs applies in pharmacy counter starting january first, one What is next up was the downstream effect of all of this. One. Here is the thing that people are not seeing to develop a drug, yes, you're. Looking at the rug, you see it come across the counter. You're like whoa. Look at the sticker shock on that thing
that is, it doesn't cost nearly that much to produce the drug. The amount of money that is put in r and d on drugs is insane, I mean totally crazy. I know this because I personally invest in biotech companies the amount of money that is sunk into biotech too. Like a working drug is totally crazy and I promise you of your move. The profit margin from these companies. There are just be less investment in his sphere. Drugs that would have produced just will not be produced, gets more on this in just one taken. First, Wanna talk to you about daily, whereas most trusted privacy, partner and premier sponsor of this show expressive. Bbn we're living in an era of journey. The internet is at the frontier of a battle for control. When powerful interests want to push their agenda, they get big government and big tech to silence any voice that doesn't fit the narrative. Americans are being forced to grow up. The very thing that makes americans great our freedom of speech, while I don't like my voice being censored, also don't be monitored by big tech and big government, that's why I use expressly vpn. You should do the same. The problem with big exact, not only they tend to censor you, that's a track, what you do online
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Nineteen alone, the pharmaceutical industry spent eighty three billion dollars in twain, nineteen, eighty billion on our andy research and development. According to one twenty twenty study, which covered six hundred thirty, two New therapeutic drugs and biological agents approve by the FDA. The estimated median capitalized research and development costs per product was nine hundred. Eighty five million dollars counting expenditures. Unfair trials, which should because the vast majority of drugs that are rigid, We'd melt, never make it to market somewhere. In eighty five and ninety percent of all drugs that enter phase one, never make it through FDA approval process, costs a lot of money. That means that for every drugs actually hits the market and its not them in drugs every year, maybe look a dozen couple dozen drugs hitting the mark area. It's costing like almost a billion by some estimates, something one point three and two point: four billion dollars a year to develop each one of the two women in point four billion dollars to develop each one of those drugs. That's how much money these companies have been up front
and develop a working drug, so make their money back. What makes a profit, but why would they spend one point? Three two point: four billion dollars on creating a drug or hundreds of millions of dollars on drugs that aren't ever going to make out of three others, it is because, on the other end, there has to be some sort of way too. That money now kids, do bear the brunt of the clause because other countries are free riding. We also capture the industry upside used to be, in the nineteen seventies that huge for Drugs were developed in Europe today, a huge percentage of drugs are developed in the united states according to one When you ten study, the united states accounted for forty. Two percent the prescription, drugs spending and forty four the total gdp among innovator countries. End was responsible for forty three point: seven percent of what are called an m ease, new molecular entities according to the boy last year, a labour statistics, the pharmaceutical, a medicine manufacturing industry is responsible for about three hundred thirty two thousand jobs in the united states over. It is a big business and to big business because there's actual free
of pricing in the united states are what exactly would happen if medicare gets away with cramming down this pricing structure according to national views, just mirror drug development would drop off and that accordingly going to see beyond the congressional budget office has predicted the scheme provided for the inflation reduction that would lead to a man baxter revenue, loss of fifteen percent. Such a cut in cereals predicted forty five new drugs per year. Would you just round it having fewer drugs per year. a hundred and twenty one drugs lost over an eighteen year. Time horizon, as one report estimated so wished. most likely to disappear? The drugs most likely disappeared actually be the ones that are for recognition. The ones that have less of a profit margin to begin with those just go away soon, forget about drugs being developed, for the rare condition the mother just got diagnosed with those you're not going to be in the market anymore, because who the hell's going to develop them. If there is no money on the other end,. there's another solution it this by the way, that's solution wish me to aggressively make other countries pay their fair share. When it comes to american medication, we can use every leave.
our disposal in order to do that, and this is where Trade war would actually be somewhat useful sang to canada. saying to the national health service you guys one to pay american companies, but we here in the united states pay and we are going to use the levers at our disposal in order to make that happen now would be while we re now basically america, subsidizing the rest of the world when it comes to drug creation, but the solution to that isn't for american govern. You then crammed down a pricing mechanism. I'm a big farmer companies, and the drug companies medicine companies. What, when you do, You just get rid of all the innovation. Imagine for. Second, if the united in any other industry, decide the words ratchet down cost suppose it government clause, on any other area of american life, I take the tech sector or or table actual fact we're gonna ratchet up taxation and we're gonna do so in order to lower supposedly the cost of the american taxpayers going to tax that particular sector. What do you think? People flee innovation goes way. Mrs
both supply and demand kind of stuff when you get rid of the profit margin and critical product line, there is less innovation. There is less. Investment in that area is very simple. the doesn't care about that. He cares about the top line. Look then he'd bringing down cost The wash innovation is of no consequence to him whatsoever because when it comes by economics. Second order thinking is completely irrelevant. It's all first order, thinking I don't like the president drug, therefore we use governments crammed and a new price on the drug. Sure is that a bunch of drugs on convergence made medicare yours We have to get over the counter sure it means that you are going to lose. The innovation by these companies the base themselves somewhere else, but you, I feel good about having mostly brought down the caused by the way like democrats care about the cost of medicare. Citizens when have democrats cared about the cost of medicare, they won't even restructure. Medicare medicaid social security, which represents sixty six percent of the american three budget every year anytime. Anybody mentions maybe should restructure those programmes in order to lower the costs are not no. No, we can't touch it.
apparently only way it is to confiscate money and innovation from the private sector. Gene ideas, to another genius idea, that's going under the radar and is being crammed down by the by, illustration, via the net, the labor relations board in just one second first, it can be very tough to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a busy schedules. I'm pretty busy and I have another problem. I have vegetables at that they're bad, but I still need a neutral to be gotten from vegetables. Balance of nature, fruits and values are great way to make sure you're getting a central nutritional ingredients every single day through battle. natures, advanced kodak in process the vitamins. It meant and I dont nutrients in britain. Batteries are preserved and get that vital nutrition and each capsule balance of nature is well food supplement with no additives, fillers extracted, synthetics pesticides or added sugar, the only thing in their capitals, the pure fruits and veggies the stuff that you need balance of nature since a bunch of the products down to the studio. It's kosher, so I've been taking it. It's and it is very, very useful. I joined by other members of the delaware staff in taking balance of nature. It may be keeping our company running at this point. I was really
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What on american life? by all feel laws and regulations or delaware. Ok, so with all I keep saying it over and over because before? Stick anna larvae literal, if you make joke, they literally will launch an investigation into you requiring you to obtain a lawyer to explain what a joke, as is the thing that the dangers many of us have been dominate over the federalist hemmed, a bunch of people, so these doubts over the entire lobby or union based socialist. They they they have decided. They now issued a decision in the case called summits, construction, materials, pacific The new framework for determining when employers are required to bargain with unions without a representation election, so normally you'd, have rubber international action right you have? Your entire base of employees vote for a union or not. Now, in favour of that. I think national labour relations act is ridiculous on its face. If employees which to unionized than by all go ahead and unionized. But that means that you have to get all the employees to be part of.
Union, not by voting a majority but by getting them to actually join the union about. The european union. I wish to independently negotiate my salary with the employer. Actually, my prerogative and free country I should be forced to join the union just because the majority of my employees of my fellow members, I wish to join the union? What, if I'm better at my job than they are? What I'm going willing for less, because I need the money, but their bunch of reasons why you might want to join a union which is presumably why union membership in the united states has dropped to a small fraction. once was union membership and I sector in the united states is now what seven percent something like that there's a reason for that is because unions weren't doing their job bankrupting the companies that they were opening money away from, in any case many of these unions. No luck that they would have representation election at the the national labour relations at posited that, if a Jordi of members of your employer base vote to four. Union, you, then by war, must negotiate with union. Again, as I say, that's ridiculous. You should be
say I wish to negotiate with the union if I lose them those employees with their other employees out there. The national labor relations act says rebel laws and regulations here at the daily wire. Okay. So here is what they're doing now, at least they used to have to, intellection. These two have actually have an election now the national labour relations bordering the opposite. They say the new framework will affect women Effectually employees rights bargains representatives of their own choosing in improving fairness and integrity of border conducted elections under the new framework. When a union recognition on the basis that majority of employees and inappropriate bargaining unit have designated the union as the representative unemployment the recognising bargain with union or promptly file a picture. In seeking election result must be clear. We are now saying: there's no watching and there's no less, to determine whether a union was formed. Local amazon plant It was just some union organizer went through and had had every sign a petition saying I wish to join the union. No one, so that it can bring an awful lot of pressure to bear. Unions
Here's a brought enormous amounts of pressure to bear on india no employees in all your buddies or, thank you, don't sign this year petition your screw bob over there about knows where you live which is why there are there, used to be in this country? In know, we, when we go to vote there is the secret ballot with with unions, and I'm moving against. That they're are basically saying no more secret ballot, you're going to be able to go around to your other employees and you're going to have them sign a petition, and now the company has two choices: one they can either accept the union as fully for then negotiate with it or they can petition seeking an election. However, If an employer who seeks an election commits any unfair labour practice requires setting aside the election, the petition will be dismissed in rather than re running the election, the board will or the employer to recognise in bargain with the union. So what does this mean? This means? What did you find out for them that somebody has actually been pressuring employees inside your company to sign a petition and then want to and who fired them for interference with your labour force.
the nlrb army could come and backdoor linked to. You know how to follow that path and now you are automatically forced to bargain, with union automatically forced to bargain with the union, it's a major change. This is why the america, prospect is extremely excited. They say the summit, decision was preceded by another one day earlier, in which the board also long party lines set out rules for representation elections which required them to be held promptly after the board. Having asked can them curtailing employees to a billy ability to delay them often indefinitely. So a lot of the employers would basically say: let's hold an election, but let's wait a month. We can actually you know poor people and give them some material as to the cost of implementing a union. Here now the boards are not gonna hold the election right away. So, let's just be clear. No action a stir in the first place. Getting people to sign a petition to if they do requesting election. The ocean I beheld like now and three you are not allowed to take any action that ETA larvae deems your responses.
or bad, and if so, they'll just automatically declared the union as the amount prospect. A far less magazines has taken together once you punch effectively, makes union organizing possible again after decades in which unpunished employer illegality was the most decisive factor in reducing the nations rate of private sector. Unionization from roughly thirty five percent will bear six percent. All this is ruled by the way in a perverse and stupid version of economic has in which it was unionization in the american workforce that led to american prosperity that is an based in american economic history. It just isn't I'll get to that in just one second, first labor day signals that fall is fast approaching. Apple picking fall leaves chilly nights there. On the horizon. With legacy box, you can cozy up and watch something special. This fall your family's home movies, sod stuff, that's out in the garage moldering. All those old pictures. All that old yeah. All those old reels, but you're not doing anything with that stuff and the bugs are going to get to it and the rods can get to it and what you really should do is get a preserved for ever had legacy, box, dot, com, slash or beer. You can enjoy fifty five percent off and you get started with legacy box today. Do you know where your old box
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And you have to have the ability to unite in origin and conditions of the company down. However, unionization that america's car industry actually destroy the american car industry in the nineteen fifty because Amerika was the only place capable of actually making cars were the only industrialized nation on earth that had been wiped out by world were too big profit margin and the union's organised and they find themselves. sk, ordinarily rich contracts and was extraordinarily contracts and are basically bankrupt. All those car companies by the seventies, this very often what happens when unions are giving outside ability to organise these particulars, in the public sector. By the way you want to talk about the bloated public sector in the united states, private sector unions, in some cases, There are at least understandable. Public sector unions are blocked hector unions are the most corrupt bargaining american politics. Essentially, what happens is that you have a of union organizers and they ve negotiate with legislators for some sort of big giveaway deal, including very often the ability for the city
to actually take our peoples paycheck union dues in hell over the union. The union then use that money to get a bunch of Democrats elected and then negotiate with those people to sign it more giveaway. for themselves at super duper corrupt and is one of the reasons the cost of government has been skyrocketing year on year for literally my entire life and beyond. If, think that the combination of this sort of top yoni gonna, control centralisation of american can of controlled. The american economy by latin administration is have long term effects are wrong. It's can have, while the fact when it comes to the drug industry is now while the facts. When it comes to business rob with regard to these new unionization rules, in writing in the bandwidth vision and care, they're, understand economics and who care about it in a very small children and comes economics I dont like, prices. Therefore, I will use the power of government to yell about high prices to bring them down okay, but they are second order effects of this sort of stuff. There are unintended consequences. Always these are the kind of idiotic thinkers truly who believe that
in in what they call the broken windows fallacy with regard to economics that if you throw a rock through a window, you just help the economy, because now somebody has to go, buy a new pane of glass, neglecting the fact that when you break the window, what are was going to use that money to invest, maybe in another employee, maybe the chaplain was going to buy new equipment. If the waste their money on another pair of glass, this bizarre notion in economics, but the only thing you have to focus on is the thing right in front of you, as opposed to all of the outside effects. Beyond that thing, it's the death of sure efficiency is the death of actual innovation by restrictions in character, looking forgive wasted. A political allies anyway, me Joe Biden has to walk down those political allies because the entire, can public knows the Joe Biden is unpleasant a growing impression that he is corrupt. That growing impression should launch drawn up at the beginning of the sitting. growth has been corrupt for literally half a general half a century at this point in american politics, but
that the biggest thing that seeking to right now is that the man obviously is no longer with it. Yesterday green, jean Pierre, try defend Joe items. Virility say you did go to ukraine. You mean here a plane and then wandering around there while shocking stuff, their green, but I'm talking about what amount say when they turned on the tv and they see you know Joe Biden been in politics since literally since you were born and like like that, swap let's aged well, let's talk about as we all do. Let's talk about this annual talked about back when we were well we're warm marking the one year anniversary right, look of the war in ukraine to unprovoked war, one by one. What did the president did? He went to Keith and he was there with the with the alarms blaring in the back and people were so impressed that he was able to be there and look strong and represent represent the amount the american people. Indeed in a war zone country. I know the guy. she she has to do this for living, but I gotta
that is, that is pretty weak sauce. Even jos, like yeah, we're all kind of concern about his age, Eighty nine percent of republican, say Biden is too old. Sixty nine percent of Democrats, he's too old and seventy four percent Independence say the same. This is something that the white house the Biden campaign cannot avoid. It is a reality. It might be uncomfortable for some people to talk about. But when you have private dinner, parties when you go out and at the ice cream place in the summer, people do even Democrats who, like Joe Biden and plan to support him, they do have concerns about his age. He afraid do errand, it's just that. It's just the fact that they have to deal with it mean the fact also is, where those damn, rats, I think, are are highly unlikely to say: ok, he's too old our vote for donald, yet its problem, Even his own party knows the man is too old and by the way he is mean. Yesterday Joe Biden forgot the name of his secretary of homeland security, America is was doing. That,
my security, a guy who took the job. Thank you for taking the job the guy who do the job yeah he's lost. Madame is not just that he's lost. There is also growing perception that he's a nasty person which, of course, is room. I've been talking about this for a while, the The facade of Joe Biden, captain of empathy was always ally. Joe Biden is a pathological narcissist is the reason why any time somebody else's suffering immediately starts talking about his an idiotic experiences o uses lustre How can a fire- and who I am- I tell you about that time in my kitchen- got set on fire really twenty minutes. Oh you up the child blown up in afghanistan. I'm going to tell you about the time that my son came home in a coffin draped, the flag, which is not even true. Joe Biden is well now, there's a new book about the last couple of years, the abandonment my friend and for whose eight Biden ally, regimentals friendly toward button and the biggest
Last politician inside your binds white house in the struggle for america's future and for talks pretty openly about the fact that Joe Biden does not care about people like Joe Biden is, is not person who is truly empathetic, that his is famous Empathy goes away the minute that essentially the minute that, across his his political stream, as long as is one quote for a man, wanted for his empathy, he could be detached even icy when confronted with the prospect of human suffering is what four says about binding it becoming increasingly clear to people and should be clear to people The reasons why his approve weightings tumbled in the aftermath of afghanistan is not just that by the way We now have information that the national archives has some five thousand four hundred Joe Biden emails using fake name, sedition when information to hunters and others as president of the united states, according to your opposed the national. as records. Administration has admitted it
possession of nearly five thousand four hundred emails, electronic records and documents potentially showing president by using a pseudonym during his vice president vice presidency. narrow confirm the existence of the trove in response they June twenty twenty two freedom of info. That request by the south eastern legal foundation. The request sought emails pertaining council, robin where Robert l peters and J r b, where those are the Zimbabwe very very outside brilliant pseudonyms right there robin. Where would be like Joseph robin net Biden and where is delicate, where catechized genius level stuff right there from Japan, what what using pseudonym south eastern that legal foundation on Monday filed suit against narrow for the release of the records essay Too often, public officials abuse their power by using it for personal political benefit when they do. to hide it. The only way of governmental integrity is for nerds release binds nearly fifty four hundred emails to as eleven. Thus, the public there are choosing
era of having drag its feet since the foyer request since june twenty twenty two. Earlier. This month, house oversight, committee chairmen, djinns comer, demanded the narrow hand. For any unread active records, in which Joe Biden used a pseudonym, I'm confused as to under what guy is narrow, is denying access to these emails? Is the net archives him in there they should really be giving access to these ye males are very suspicious. None of this is going to benefit Joe Biden. Ok, meanwhile, time for these stupid racial controversy of the day, so we we have a couple. The stupidest racial controversy of the day is non racial. At all. Accordingly, I finished I come videos, awaiting an ax this week painted a young elementary school students? Colorado springs, colorado being removed from class rubbing aghast in flag patch on his back back, a clip appeared to be recorded by james other. If she, her son in a school, ensure discuss the wedding pulled from class at the vanguard school that day, because the batch according to the staffer epic
I charter school. The patch was disruptive to the classroom environment in that origins with slavery. No, it doesn't know it really really doesn't aghast and flag for those who know nothing about it, was formed in seventeen seventy five before the american revolution. It was formed as another. Version of the snake flag, the kind of the joint or die flag, those actually in play for the colonies since, like the seventeen fifty's, It has nothing to do with slavery whatsoever at all. So is twelve year old kid campaigning for vice president. I love that the school is basically running. Like steel dossier, otto on a twelve year old kid in strong self happening right here, apparently, James disputed the school staff member throughout the meeting arguing the flag originate during the american revolution. The video open Jane, his mom, an unnamed school administers and down for meeting in her office to discuss the child's dismissal from glass and the staff explains. The reason that I want to flag is
due to the origins of slavery and slave raiders would have sounded like they know the what is the flag so they're? The reason that they do not have one The reason is yes and the slavery and slave trade. That is what was the reasoning behind them. The don't tread on me the most I was like, oh yeah. It has nothing to do with slavery. That's like the revolutionary war. Pakistan will never blame the british, like that. Wasn't that is available. Maybe you're thinking like that, the competitors I
and then we teach them to always stick up for your beliefs and your revolution this for seventh grade. I need the founding fathers stood up for what they believed and against unjust laws. This is unjust, He just sitting there being like the entire administration is, is filled with more of its xxix, so on the family. Has it turned over some of the emails on this mission, as discussed in providing the rationale for determining the gazing flag is considered an unacceptable symbol first case when She required the complaint to be reviewed, tied to confess. flag and other supremacy glue groups, including patriot groups, and also tied to hay groups. So Apparently, the idea is that if some bad people use the gadsden flag, this means that the gadsden flag is itself bad witches, kind of weird, because I know a lot of bad people who used to be a lamb flag. I dont see, Anybody unless saying, is bad and the monroe back.
spitefully everything can be considered racist and hide what supremacy its sad, because, when everything becomes races, nothing is a problem for people of Well, like me, when we actually need cry racism and oppression, and it's actually happening normal, take it seriously. Making everything racist is racist, Ella! Well, I've been random things I see from the school and type in racist into the google search bar lets. You can come up with air racist, math, racist, definitely just as a person color, I agree totally racist good stuff right there again. It is amazing but by it's just show, petty that even the governor of colorado who's, a democratic, our policies like now. This is not a thing at your palace was like this is. This is ridiculous He has shared the and I think it's great when can express themselves in different ways. Loans are not creating a disruptive environment, certainly the guy in flags great iconic american flag, other kids have lgbt flags other have flags of major political parties that its it. So it is so
nicholas aids or by the way, even comparing the gods and flags like the algae bt flag is absurd. The gadsden flag is just a flag that symbol, the united states, by where we get me talking with Jane a little bit later on shuddering member block. So apparently there their doubling down, but not on the gas inflate their allowing him the gas in flag. But he has passion that has to go. I so, apparently you know just that are associated with actual amendments. The united states constitution, those people. we need to go away. I have serious questions as to whether the school is bad. other? Similarly, political statements, men, geniuses, all levels about. Probably we should delegate pretty much all occasional power to these people without any. Beat up our over them. That's probably the best. I think and that that that'll work out absolutely fabulously. Ok, we'll get you in just one second updates on hurricane, ideally, first, let's talk about Chris Chris is a guy who works for the show, Chris. His job is to pull the clips for the show from the schedule every night and he has a greater
that mean we send him like tons of clubs every single night. He he pulls them from the morning. He pulls them leading up to the show, but sometimes sometimes on rare occasions. It is the wrong clip. Or the cliff is cut. You short, and on those occasions I immediately had on over to zip recur. an absolute recruiter- I say we have an employee increased employment- name Chris. He must feel the pressure. Thus, I am posting for his job. Zip recruiter is a place where you can find the best employs for your job. Superpower is the best way to help use ay I to help you find people with skills they need. There is a identifies. Candidates are best suited for all kinds of rules. Right now I can try for free precludes icon, slash daily wire. If you want the most qualified candidates, zip recruiter uses Therefore, I too find and send you people whose skills and experience mantra job venza, preclude I too easily invite them to apply and to encourage to apply sooner. In fact, over three point: William businesses have come to ziprecruiter for their hiring needs head on over to ziprecruiter right now get the leading edge of hiring with zipper grew forty five employers, opponents of growing inequality candidate within day one for this excuse.
what redress, tragic or group of raising precludes outcomes life daily, where again at superheroes I d, I l, why don't you irish workers, the smartest way tire? And, if you're like me- and you sometimes give insufficient instruction on which gives you hold any want. Somebody to blame to produce a great way to have withdrawn Billy had an unreserved precludes outcome: slash, delaware! Also, whether cha the definition of words are trying to convince you. Two plus two actually equals five. It sometimes feels like current culture is making you We stupid. I've got good news. Our good friend demonstrator has answers in his do. Our pleasure is Prager. You masters programme in the masters programmes dennis its progress gathered. Forty Here's with wisdom he's and a number of wide ranging subjects that is offers useful advice on marriage happiness and how to be a good person plus a lot more in a world that wants to make you woke Dennis, wants to make you all episodes available right now. Only four days where plus member state had daily wire plus can become a member wash Prager. You masters programme today. Ok, meanwhile hurricane I dahlia has been slamming the panhandle of florida. It was a great briefly twig
but for it was then downgraded to a category three as it made landfall Obviously we are keeping an eye on what is going on over there and praying for all the people in the path of this hurricane. Its major storm surge it it was up at one hundred and twenty five miles an hour in terms of the the speed of the wind, a catastrophic kind of stuff. Obviously the governor of florida is On top of that governance answers, he says that they have one point: one million gallons of feel that are stored for people were now up to one point: one million gallons of fuel that is on stand by to be able to mitigate any fuel interruptions, and sometimes you have it. Sometimes you don't we'd rather be safe than sorry, so that fuel is there and that can be deployed as needed if there isn't in iraq and in fuel. Also there are a hundred thousand forty households have already had their power restored as of the morning, so Therefore, that is, on top of this thing, how you
A crisis obviously can boost you both politically domestically in terms here, homestead, but also in terms of national politics. That does make some difference. Meanwhile, speaking of national politics, president trump has said the clap her out he's nothing. That he's opens the idea of a vague rama swami for vice president, which is one of the most expected things I have ever heard in my entire life, since the vague is basically running. Vice president this point here he was with one back yesterday. Have you thought of vice president rama swami? Well, I d give great look anybody that said, I'm the best step, president did a generation you'll have to define generations alongside and ah he said it a couple of times, and he said it in one hundred years. So I happen to like a guy like that. You know I can't get upset with him, but he's white guy he's a young guy, got a lot of talent,
very, very a very intelligent person he's got good energy and he he could be in some form of something. I tell you, I think it'd be very good. I think he's very good. I think he's really distinguish himself. again: is there any doubt that donald trump, when he sees you as a threat Iran is designed to make here. made by your rand, diminish the earth read to him. He dressed squash, like about you, you're, not a threat to him he's very best friend. I mean it's a little where there was a very flip of a vague yesterday, which I do love these old glimpse. The vague was on hardball, with Chris matthews back in may, two thousand and three. So at the time he was in college by the way, those people to judge on the show. This is really funny so MSNBC. nobody's, got the them the early two thousand three haircut looks a lot like minded same time in my life, and I envy vague is asking our sharpen.
why he should vote for the person with the least experience in the race. I some vague at this time was a Democrat vague, and I would ask you at last week on the show we had senator carry and this week and then before we had sent a red words and my question for you is of all democratic candidates out there. Why should I vote for the one with the least political experience? Well, you should because I have the most political I got involved in the political movement when I Twelve years old and I've been bob and social policy for the next thirty years? So don't confused? People that have a job would follow experience or whoever the la of some local bureaucracy has a job in cambridge that doesn't mean that they have political experience and I don't mean to have these first run the united states or governments
that we confuse title holders would political experience. As we have seen with the present occupant in the white house, George bush was a governor and clear Me has surely that no political experience, it is only partly because the the in the lake was asking there is about lack of political experience. My ship over, you obviously makes now the person on state with no political experience and he's running for president of the united states by the way, just at a quick note, the same exact year, I also asked now sharply into question I think I was lucky in two thousand three. I would have been nineteen years old and the question that I asked AL sharpen in two thousand three was why he had helped incite not one but two riots, so slightly different questions there, depending on your a political perspective Meanwhile, hollywood continues to sink into the mire. The latest indicator is fine
If late night hosts, who nobody even knew, was missing, did you know that those late night hosts weren't even on the air? Did you notice that I didn't notice it because that, because no one noticed it, but now they have their own crappy pod gases, heads crappy because actually try to listen to some of it yesterday and it's pretty almost noble, it is Stephen colbert. Jimmy phelan jimmy camel south mayors and John Oliver all created a podcast called strike force five, because their striking guys cause you see there aren't there on strike but they still one makes money. I assume off the pod cast and their teeming for a new park, has ended helping their staff, as these right continues to special twelve part podcast yours, it sounds like somewhere between cancer and death, I hear, is a little bit of what it sounds like one more time Jimmy I'm Jimmy found, I'm stay colbert, I'm jimmy kill. I thought you said Jimmy. You meant me Jimmy, but you meant to meet Jim. I'm always mean you, but when I always said wires. Who do you mean I mean driver it makes a five of us together for
maybe an hour a day strikes fine. I can subscribe to it now, spotify or wherever else you get your podcast but spotify. Youth welcomes the industry gang. And nanette everybody's over by gassing, which establishes put it that way. Still, I assume, a better sort of backup plan, then the backup plan of dread matteo. She is the really excellent. as from the sopranos. I she a sheep played adriana server. I she has now joined only fans, which is I suppose, one way of making money. How old is red material. At this point, she's fifty one. if you're relegated. If you want to doing only fans, something has gone wrong: in your life, seems like kind of a problem, but up indeed, this has been her back up plan just showing what what, how how well things are going in hollywood. According to usa, today,.
She announced this week on instagram she's, taking her towns to only fans. Only fans is live right now are only fans photo banner features. A picture of her dump donning a star printed blue bikini and her in the final pictures features a nazi for work, snap of herself posing on a mattress wearing nothing but cowboy boots. The support knows reads her bio on only fans, yeah hollywood, slow, clap for our moral betters, There is an amazing job, ok time for some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like an actual piece of good news according to the daily delaware, a canadian father whose thrown in jail africa. What miss gendering his general confused teenage daughter has now score legal win in the british columbia court of appeal judgment issued this month said robert who go and do not have to spend any more time high bars the court dropped in order for him to pay Thirty thousand dollar fine who movements had expected? finish. If now that six months, a big chunk of it is a huge and what it does is. It was setting a precedent what they want. a real deterrent for parents, especially when their standing up against transgender, with what's being pushed
the schools by the school councillors for all of these different things who was feature anonymously in it anyway, enormous hit documentary. What is a woman legal action ever canadian children's hospital in twenty a team told him his daughter, whose thirteen was going to be injected with testosterone without his consent colombia. The infant act permits minors to consent to their own transcripts of doctors, think it is in their best interests and parents consent becomes irrelevant. The court said the girl can move forward. Just ass romans had who one was barred from publicly miss gendering. His daughter sickening refer to her as his daughter who continues to speak out. He was thrown in jail every talks about the case and his daughter is found in contempt of court So one he said about two months behind bars most that time he's inside. Mary confinement, Pollute insanity by the way is the sort of stuff that, if the left had its way become, america in California. I am sure they would pursue something like this. They, the good, is that he won if court- and he is now out for the moment our time for
thing that I hate So, ladies, I gonna ask you: why is it left the gentle? to be annoyed by men. Dressing is women. Pretending to be women shouldn't you be insulted I use, as example, one and one a dylan mulvaney who continues to given all sorts of lauded for being a gay dude who acts like a gay. Do but wearing female get up here. There is absolutely indistinguishable from his behaviour when he was just a gay dude, now it claims that he's woman and you a stream award on Sunday according to cnn, during his ex. In speech. I don't use false pronouns. Does not woman Z he during his acceptance. mulvaney said he didn't expect when he s for people watching to support trends. But publicly and proudly and and suppressed gratitude and love in her heart for his supporters best knight. Ever ever, he caption his post
Here is a here's, what dilemma of any had to say while wearing em a red ball, gown, a diamond necklace, and bleach blonde died, long. Hair my god you know I'm really shocked, because thought. The only word I would ever maybe win was maybe a tony award, but now I'm a musical theatre gal with a stream. peter tik tok. We made it to the main stream five hundred and thirty. Two days ago, I made a coming out. Video that turned into my diesel girlhood series and my life has been changed for the better, but on the flip side there has also been in extreme amount of transphobia hate, and I know that my community is feeling it, and I now know that even our allies are feeling in and I look around
this room- and I just see so many amazing allies that have platforms, and I think our ship right now needs to look differently and you need to support trans people publicly. Ends and eugene, it can be a man dressing as a woman and win awards and and when plaudits work again. What, by pulling the the polling data suggests that women are warmer to the source of the men men, because women are nicer than men until women look It's sorta like yeah, it's bull crap, but I'm gonna pretend it's not because I'm trying to be a nice person, whereas guys like yeah, that's bull, crap, now, nope nope, nope, nope nope, but ladies defend your own because of your defend your own sex from men, pretending to be you, then, who do you expect to do it exactly already coming up or then we speaking the jaded, the twelve year old, was kicked out of classing cholera for wearing a gadsden black. If you're, not a member, become member use code shapiro check out for two months. Regional annual plans put that lincoln description and join us
Transcript generated on 2023-09-01.