« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1797 - Will Bernie Run?

2023-08-28 | 🔗

Democrats ranging from Bernie Sanders to Gavin Newsom are waiting in the wings for Joe Biden to fall down on the job; Jerome Powell spells out an unclear path forward on inflation; and we examine the latest Republican polls.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Democrats, ranging from Bernie sanders together, newsome are waiting in the wings for Joe Biden to fall down on the job jerome spells out an unclear path forward on inflation, and we examine the latest republican poles. If is the bench shapiro show yeah spiritual sponsor by express vpn, protect our online privacy today express vpn dot com, slash man, Joe Biden, very, very dangerous game. I just mean, with regard to his presidential run against the presumptive republican domini. Right now, Donald trump, I mean regard to his own party, so Joe Biden is non existent as just a human being. According to the republican national committee, Joe Biden has spent twenty three of the past. Thirty days on vacation later this week, he's going back to our of beach for more his entire. strategy as a president of the united states is now apparently the same. as use in getting to the presidency, which is hide in basement in delaware and just stay there Often they opened the coffin
and they roll joe on out, and then they makin. It is now for and then they move him back into his coffin. Then the door shut click, but here is the problem that a lot of them I am particularly satisfied with all of this particular because the person who is backing up Joe Biden has also wildly unpopular in Kamel Harris, republicans are not just going to run against Joe Biden. They are also willing to run against the person who presumptively will pick up the pieces when, god forbid something happens to the current president of the united. This is why, presumably you Bernie sanders back in new hampshire over the weekend. So Bernie No business in new Hampshire for burning be new. Hampshire is because he thinks me you just maybe Joe Biden can be around if it's time you run for president again, Everybody has talked about. The gave a new of the world will get him in a moment and precise about common hairs. People forget that in one. I want a new hampshire in the last democratic primary season was neither of those two characters. How maharashtra everywhere before even in california, the person in one was burning and if it had not been
the entire democratic party infrastructure coming together to stop Bernie sanders from winning the nomination. They literally all got together and they all endorsed Joe Biden simultaneously. If that doesn't happen, Bernie Sanders is the nominees for the democratic party, and there is every belief that Donald from we re election over bernie, sanders or Bernie is get an active again, and I gotta tell you communism, must be amazing for your fair blood because, apparently being a complete leech another well for your entire life, which is Bernie sanders story, one most useless people in all the american history Bernice. Here entire life has been built around useless uselessness, taking american public dollars and other he is just the workers and Bernie is back in new hampshire over the way. And he delivered a speech entitled the agenda. America needs at saint anthony. College is new Hampshire instituted politics. He said this will lay. A conquered agenda which speaks to the needs of the long, neglected working class and
he put out a statement saying I've always believed good public policies, good politics, the american people are increasingly disgusted at the growing levels of income and wealth inequality in our country and the rampant corporate greed. We are seeing all of this As sparking some speculation. Cnn did an interview with Bernie over the weekend. Here's what he had to say was that, if we're going to defeat the creeping authoritarianism and right wing extremism, there has to be an ideal logic. a change of course can explain what you mean by that. Well, what I mean by that data is that the president has a right to be very proud of many of the accomplishments that we have achieved in the last three is unemployment very, very low. We bought inflation down or investing in clean energy they were rebuilding our infrastructure. We have made real progress in a number of areas, but
The reality is that today, sixty percent of our people living pay check the paycheck. We have mass of levels of income and wealth inequality, three people or more wealth in the bottom, half of america let's hope Bernie, that this is the language of a person who wants to campaign. Wait as new Hampshire instead of politics. Executive director at Neovasc, told the christian signs matters that we invited him, but he is coming for reason. I think once the door for a lot of other sorts of thoughts about whether or not Biden's going to be the nominee. Whether or not Biden is going to be running in next year's presidential election now Biden it burn. is that over and over and over he's back Biden, but again It seems as though there is now that the doors. open to Democrats openly talk. But what happens if Joe Biden doesn't survive and this has been sort of verboten right- there's been a kind of its name, the talking about Joe Biden to allay the just: don't talk
and it'll go away, but now it is perfectly obvious to everyone that Joe Biden is ailing and until even Bernie sanders by the way is older than draw by Bernie sanders. Eighty one years old, bernie I can give up the ghost right here here I feel these as well I have more of a support base nationally than gavin newsome The possibility that burning could. Theoretically be waiting in the wings. Fortunately, I don't think any of the people are going to jump into directly against Joe Biden a month, Joe Biden has some sort of serious health scare, but god I mean it seems like day to day the possible Joe Biden having serious health scares like fifty percent, every time that man has a press conference waiting for hit, for god forbid something to happen to the current president of the united They don't want anything bad habit, anybody for health reasons, but if you're a demo Waiting in the wings right now and you look at Joe Biden and they are hiding him on a beach by himself trying to stop you and from getting covert or something you have to be thinking well, who's. Backing up and no one is happily kamel Harris. Despite the attempts by politico to sort of revive the
the enthusiasm that never existed around Kamel Harris so Bernie, maybe back in the ballgame. Meanwhile, everybody's pretty. Pretty clear on the fact that govern newsome is waiting in the wings as well as ever. Newsome has been running a shadow campaign it twice against round his answers. According to NBC news newsome, increasingly being viewed as a nuisance by some of president Joe Biden's political advisers. According to four people familiar with the matter, the Biden's camp no longer sees newsom's want to be challenger. Newsom's plan to debate florida governor around his hands on t v carries more risk than potential reward. According to those people, this has caused concern. Nation within binds operation, and particularly among vice president camel hair salvage. It should caused consternation, become PAMELA, the notion, of common areas where the repair job I know my counter is nonsense. Everyone would challenger number pete. The rate of common harris is the presumptive air to Joe Biden is insane That please give me more crowded, then the? U s open this weekend, I mean it's, it's totally crazy Somebody advisers who complained privately the planned debate could make vote
I think newsome is running a shadow. Twenty twenty four campaign at a time when most Democrats say they'd, prefer a different candidate at the top of the ticket. You, could elevator senses whom one has advised initially perceived as a greater threat binds reelection hopes. Then the geo p front runner from president donald trump, how I sell it. As allies take particularly umbrage at what they see as nuisance, attempt to position himself for the twenty twenty democratic presidential, primarily at her expense. So again, there are a lot of Democrats in there, champing at the bit to go after Joe Biden and at least half the people who had come after Joe Biden. there is reason Joe Biden steam is hiding him away in just one. Second, we'll gets the continued. Mercies swirling around remind me some incredibly vulnerable, even inside his own party. First, is your cell phone in desperate need of replacement. signs that shore battery lifelike literally every time you walk out of the house for batteries down to ten percent, and then you charge. Then five minutes later she had a ten percent again, it's time to put that old phone out to pasture upgrade to a new five g, samsung galaxy from pure talk for free, get a free five g, samsung galaxy with today battery life edge to edge display,
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There's an article in the new york post over the weekend. It's pretty dicey with regards to jack smith. Jack Smith is, of course, the special counsel who is appointed to go after donald trump. In multiple cases he's got the florida is over down from mishandling allegedly of classified documents, and he's got the generous escape up in Washington DC. Well now, according to the new post, it turns out. The white house councils off has met with a top aid to special council jack's myth just weeks before he brought charges against from oppression from for allegedly mishandling classified documents raising serious concern. About coordinated legal efforts aimed at present binds likely opponent in twenty twenty four j brat who joined. Special council team in november twenty twenty two shortly afterwards, I took a meeting in the white house on march thirty, first, twenty four march: thirty first at twenty twenty three with caroline Sabbah, the deputy chief of staff for the white house counsel's office. According to white house visitor logs, There are joined in the ten meeting by Daniel rain FBI agents in the washington field office nine weeks trot was indicted by smith's office on june eighteen. Twenty twenty three brad Sixty three also met with sab out in the white house in november twenty twenty one winter
was mired in negotiations with the national archives. granted a third meeting, and why has written between twenty twenty one, this with catherine right. An adviser to the white house. His chief of staff office is not clear what exactly was discussed. What critics and legal experts are questioning? Why bratwurst taking meetings at all with the white house? counsel's office. What part of an active investigation into president binds likely twenty twenty four republican opponent. I was originally on he's. Fighting databases is no legitimate purpose for a deal gotta be meeting with the white house accepted, which coordinated at the highest levels giuliani said that he believes that. Obviously this is some sort of coordination trojan in university, what professor Jonathan Turley said, the media was particularly troublesome and resolve these concerns about visits to the white house after Brad began his work with the special council, he said, there's no reason why the delegation not be able to confirm whether this meeting was related to the ongoing investigation or concerns some of the matter now here clay could concern some of the matter, but the fact is that when you have meetings between the people who are prosecutes,
donald trump and members of the white house staff. That is not something that a special councils office should be doing. Quite Obviously, meanwhile, on the other side of the ledger, the congress, investigations into Joe and hundred Biden continue have mccarthy over the weekend, speaker- He was asked about shutting down investigations into hundred or Joe Biden set. Of course, I'm not doing their work so you're scenarios that you expect do, you think, will see a short term continuing. resolution, while you finish the appropriations process, One of our goals is to change washington. We're tired of these omnibus bills. Were congress doesn't do their work like the appropriation so in the debt ceiling? We provision in there. If you didn't do your job, there was a one percent cut across the board, made a lot of members man, but there actually doing their work. I dont believe. we have enough time to pass all the appropriation those by september thirtieth, so I actually like to have a short term see are only too our argument stronger, because Maria,
we shut down all government chance it down investigation everything else. It hurts the american public, but if we are able to pay if appropriation bills, weren't stronger position to remove those those polo the policies that are locked into law right now. So Investigation into hundred is going to be ongoing from congress as well. It should be victor shokhin is the center of a lot this conference, you remember vector shokhin. He was the former top ukraine prosecutor, who is targeted by Joe Biden as well as by bereavement. Now Joe Biden claim is that the reason he got choke and fired in Ukraine is because there is international consternation over viktor choke and having the power that he did, that he was corrupt and that's the reason that Joe Biden was doing all of that prisma was at I'm lobbying for shokhin to be gone because he was investigating breeze. My his claim is the reason Joe Biden did. It is because he was investigating berries by hunter Biden was on the board of bresma, and Joe Biden suddenly took a magical interest in his particular job over We can did didn't interview with brain can lead in which he talked about why he thinks he was fired, victor Shokhin,
Why were you fired from? your position by president bush anchor now knew what I have said repeatedly in my previous interviews that oral shankar fired me at the insistence of then vice president Biden, because I was investigating respond, so did president bush, Go tell you that the he will I need you to stay on the job, but there is pressure from president vice president Biden no succession of roma- are you understood me, That is how it was the word, no complaints whatsoever, no problems with house. I was forming at my jobs but because Russian was repeatedly put on my presence, harsh anko, that is What ended up in the environment,
he says the reason I oversaw the breeze. My case was because I was prosecutor general breeze, most of an ordinary case. There was nothing particularly different about it. So the reason I was handling it is because it deserves a special mention. It was on a list of cases, merit special attention because hunter Biden was involved with brees might, of course, his father, the vice president Biden at the time oversaw ukraine affairs for the white house. This is why he so added, he had no doubt breeze most engaged in illegal activities, and so it would have. nato explained and among the allegations he said, the breeze my illegally produced, sold and utilised natural gas supplies. This going fox news, is I ve? No doubt there are illegal activities engaged in by bereavement. As a matter of fact, the criminal case had been started before me. It continues. Explain his love chesky, who, at the time held the post of minister and was the founder and ceo bremer started, bringing people who could provide protection for him. Hunter Biden was among them the corruption network expanded as results. So, yes to answer your question, there is no doubt, in my mind, berries, most engaged in illegal activities. Now, as fox news points out, it's pretty obvious that hunter called d c to work.
And shokhin house oversight committee, chairman james commerce, and what one brief ma's owner was facing pressure from the ukrainian prosecute investigating company from corruption, devon archer, whose hunt mines were business partner, testify the brazen executives asked hundreds call DC after bereavement board meeting in dubai and fascinated reported that on a number second, twenty fifteen bereavement executive that impose our ski emailed hundred Archer and fellow hunter associate Eric schwerin about a revised proposal, contract initial invoice for breeze beholding from lobbying, loosed our strategies hundred portly connected bereavement with, used our strategies to help the energy from fight corruption, charges levied against Islam, chaskey the company's owner. Ambrose risky emphasised in that email. The ultimate purpose of the agreement was shut down any cases or pursuits against nickolay in ukraine, be so I've chaskey. And showed can also went on. He accused the burdens of actually taking bribes. He's had had they need to oversee the breeze. My investigation, we would have found the facts about the corrupt activities, no engaging and then included both hundred by an end even archer, and others is. That
deal and unproven facts. My firm personal Fiction is yes, this was the case. They were being brought the fact Nobody gave way one billion dollars in: u s money unchanged for buying dismissal by firing alone. Isn't that a case of corruption in the answer is yes many other question there is whether Joe Biden is able to hide his motivation, which may be over breeze ma seeing that everybody wanted token fired anyway, but two things can be done. Somebody wanted shokhin fired and the real reason the job I was interested in choke into the pot. where he was calling up the president of ukraine and actually sending missy going to account to Biden into hunter over ukraine. The recently He looked like a special interest, maybe it's because of the fact that his son was working for breeze month at the time. All this is not that not a longshot other democrats. No, it is why there's little bit of blood in the water. With regard to the current president of the it states ok, we're gonna get to more on this race in one second, particularly with regard to the economy, which is very, It was when the economy is going to go. I have my doubts. First, we have a wonderful dug. His name is happy yes
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today as well. Ok, so, meanwhile, the economy continues to be on sort of the edge here. So Jerome Hell gave a speech, Jackson hole over the weekend. the federal reserve- and I will say it once again- the fact that aren't Our economy is run by a small cabal of human beings who preside over massive enormous globe. Economy. Breaking power with regard to central banking is despicable. It really is despicable the gold standard used to take this directly out of the hands of craddock quantum court experts raising these people are uniquely bad. What I the system of incentives is uniquely bad. The fact the federal reserve has been tat, simultaneously, keeping inflation low and keeping employment high ease. that was the job of you know legislatures. That was the job, and now, and you handed after the federal reserve. Basically, their job is to continue to back fill all the bad legislation commander, washington, dc fiscal, responsive That can only happen when you don't have a bunch of central bankers or manipulating switch is behind the scenes
case jerome hell, who everybody now watches like watching people conclave after trying to going to cope eggs waiting for smoke to emerge and that's how we now watches economic advantages insane so rome pal in a room in jackson, wyoming, because this how again our macro economics has now done, he gave a speech talk. about inflation and interest rates. Lotta people are worried, particularly that the reserve and central banks across the world are going to continue to raise those interest rates in an effort to quell inflation and doing so their basically going to clamp down on the ability of lenders when they're going to increased standards for lenders, because We ain't going be quite as easy to recoup answer, afraid that will tip us over and recession here is Jerome pal over the weekend. Two percent is and will remain, our inflation target. We are committed to achieving and sustain sustaining a stance of monetary policy that is sufficiently restrictive to bring inflation down to that level. Over time
It is challenging, of course, to know in real time when such a stance has been achieved. Ok, meanwhile, he says: is he going to have any guidance? I mean we all know that he wants to bring inflation down to two percent. That is always the target rate for the federal reserve which, by the way, isn't enough itself immoral. But let me point out Then? He two percent inflation rate over the course of fifty years is a one hundred percent inflation rate. which is why everything is way more expensive and just pure dollar terms than it used to be back then we deliberately inflate the currency in order to artificially jog consumer spending in this country is, is what we call in niche a shonda. It is thing that a shameful. We should not be doing this. We are actively degree people savings in order to jog fake consumer spending. Which does not actually generate innovation by the way. What generates innovation is investment which great innovation is our andy, which enrich, innovate, It is not you buying initial hamburger today that doesn't generate new products and services that make the world a better place.
Jerome Powell then gave very little guidance. He basically just kind of said. Well, No, we don't know you know, nobody knows, as is often the case. we navigating by the stars under cloudy skies. In such circumstances, risk management considerations or critical and upcoming meetings. We will assess our progress based on the totality of the data and the evolving outlook and risks. Based on this assessment will proceed carefully as we decide whether to tighten further or instead to hold the policy red constant and await further data. When you on that that is very edifying in just one. Second, we'll get you what that means for the economy. First, if further small business, Important planet had won the best way to do that. If you stand start coms, mail and ship stamps are common to print. our own postage and shipping labels right from your homework it's ready minutes, you can get back to running your business sooner stamps outcome offers rate you can find anywhere else link up to eighty four percent off your speeches and you ps rate plus the autumn
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Finally, an end stats rose friday afternoon a rare advancing in august slogged for years indices, but futures market showed a greater expectation rates could see higher for longer they well. Ok, you're not going anywhere for a bit. And what point is the bond market price competition to the soft mark in the eyes of investors said David. It in a betty the chief investment author of sea, I bc private wealth. U s! Where did the idea would be? The stock market right now is is still inflated a little bit of a? U s. Indices remain in a green for the earth. This month has been difficult for investors in riskier air assets. Signs of containing strengthen the us economy, a flood of treasury that sales expectations effect could keep it higher retire for longer lifted government bonds to deck. Plus eyes, traders on friday assigned of fifty four percent probability central bank lifting rating. and by the end of the year that some from thirty two percent, but they estimate we eagerly again the fact that everybody is now sitting around and reading chicken and trails to what a bunch of central bankers are gonna do with rates is absurd, there is a natural rate of inflation. The natural rate of inflation occurs based on products and services and productivity.
There is a natural rate to lending a natural First rates exist. There are different from it Let me to economy, they are not consistent, they should not be set by any central point. It is amazing that many of the same free market, economic thinkers who understand that no one cadre of people Is capable of setting prices in literally any other area of the american economy believes that there is a contradiction. We should be setting the price of debt, totally insane. It is not just let me believe is mohammed. Our area of ali on super to book a long time ago called the given town all about how basically central banks now control virtually all of economic policy, well being and be able to save it's such a set of perverse incentives. The perverse incentive is, if you're, a member of the legislature, you spend endlessly hoping the federal reserve is going to come in like mommy and kiss the boo boo, and it's basically powell. Job promised them that everybody else out here who's trying to invest. We don't have any idea what Jerome palace gonna do tomorrow. you're sitting around waiting for this guy to fit
out exactly what the plan is for all the rest of our lives. You're, saying it because annulled the position. The fact there is not more hue and cry about outside powers. The federal reserve is absolutely beyond me. Especially because I so central bankers, no the hell they're doing again when of a small country and experts, say that they know exactly what they are doing. That is almost never the case. According to the wall street journal, central bankers from around the world are finally getting inflation, slow down, they been expecting, but they worry won't. Last that apprehend explained. The uneasy optimism underline their discussions here in the way mountains this weekend about whether interest rates have reached a summit. Federalism those are grappling with new economic cross currents you as consumers, has grown faster than they expect in recent months, but we buy high inflation, adjusted wages, stronger demand, prompted concerns and my prevent inflation from falling further. But a recent surgeon, long from government bond yields, combined with weakening growth abroad, could help such off a. U s. Economic slowdown. Fed officials have been trying to engineer by raising rates aggressively over the past eighteen months, the problem,
once you tipp over the cliff, you don't know, what's your, how far down it is. Meanwhile, china through their own economy them in doing that over the course of the last few decades been hiding it with fake growth numbers based largely on borrowing extraordinary sums of money than spending it on empty cities. Will now? According to the wall, street journal ideology is driving. China's economic policy should agree not seen since the country's opening to the west nearly half a century ago determine leaders from taking steps to spur the sputtering economy so used to be they when trying to get in trouble. They might try little free market stuff, not anymore, economists and investors and calling on beijing to make bolder efforts to boost output, especially by promoting consumer spending, if necessary, by offering cash handouts as the us. The pandemic. The topic she can has deep rooted. Philosophical objections to western. consumption driven growth, people familiar decision making in beijing say she sees said growth is wasteful and at odds with his goal of making china a world leading industrial and technological powerhouse. Now the way that china could theoretically do, that is, you know open up, but they're not going to open up so instead they're, just going to follow,
corporatist path. Much amazing is that the same corporates path that china follows is ones What's in the united states, wish to follow its china? That takes a hundred billions of dollars and shovels it in particular industries in the belief this will somehow magically fix their ailing economy. Job Was it exempting here? He calls it by economics. Communist chinese call it common somebody's in either what it really is corporatism. It really is the government picking choosing critical of business sectors or businesses. think are the most important business sectors or businesses and take money if the most efficient to give to these particular sectors. It exists the left in the right, by the way, and it really is- is favouritism. Combined with little ideology, which is not the way that, for market economics is supposed to work. It does not generate the most efficient levels of growth. It does not generate the best outcomes. the vast majority of the population, the fact that the west wishes to help, china is china falls directly into the pit is, is slowly insane, but again, the illusion control is such a. It is so just desirous for so many people- in positions of power. Illusion
they alone can control. They alone can fix domain of power. Now the american economy and the answer when every year president of either party say he has created jobs. It is a lie. The president of the united states does not create jobs, neither congress people, you create the jobs in your business. I create the jobs in my business. Create the job. I know because we sign the paychecks over here- the fact that the federal government pretends that it creates jobs. The federal government can take away jobs by destroying the baseline, preconditions for economic growth, and that is what the things that happens when you participate in the economic favouritism and the corporatism that both parties engaged in here in the united states and that is engaged in some of the most economically fascist countries on the planet. We all the seven pretty dire affects not just on world economy, but more specifically on the or end of the world economy, you're sorry to see a bunch of countries absolutely collapse in terms of emerging markets, emerging markets, especially sensitive, fed follows policy. According to the wall street journal, because higher us rate make riskier
it's less attractive to investors, re, investing nigerian bonds and the money is just not as easy job and get ready for for all those, we believe that the markets are solid footing. I have have a bridge in brooklyn that is for sale at moment. Ok, meanwhile, on the republican out of the audio biden is incredibly vulnerable. Even demo are noticing this, which is presumably why you have Bernie sanders travelling to new Hampshire, republican, our steaming- twenty nine from nomination there's just no two ways about it. Right now, the twenty twenty presidential nomination, the update in the real power politics pulling average has donald trump. Forty points over the rest of the field there has been some sign that the vague lobby is starting to proceed back to the field that Nicky hayley start. pick up a little bit of ground the salad number two continues to be around us, my pretty much all leave available polling day. right now, he continues to be number two pensions a little bit aground in some way to sport By a little I mean he's up to five or six percent in some of the latest pulse, nobody
women shouting distance of donald trump after Donald trump pick was took at the at georgia, courthouse at the forum county house. It was in. The court, has the jail at the full in county jail here is more money. On that day alone than he had the integrity of the campaign, which is both, I would say, it's encouraging in the sense that republicans are very, very motivated and a little bit discouraging in the fact that if you want donald trump to be president, probably shouldn't one, we present just because He took a mug. As I said, the monk is an amazing amazing marketing opportunity for donald trump. I tried on friday it's a great most shot. If there is such a thing, it is a great man- and there are- I mean frank sinatra- most famously like there are great and iconic. the shots, iconic mug, shotwell trump turn that georgia shot into old according to politico from break Seven point one million dollars since whose book and in atlanta jail on thursday evening, according to figures provided first the political bias campaign
friday alone from brace four point, one million dollars, that is the single highest twenty four hour period, this campaign to date. According to a person familiar with the totals, pain, fundraising, empowered by merge, isn't through the online store, which again makes sense. is our people signalling to each other that they also wished to throw the establishment the giant or Northanger, the campaigners. Have been prodding online donors with emails and text messages as well, comes campaigns, as it is reasonably twenty million dollars in less than three weeks, based on the repeated charges against him now, as I said last the polling does not demonstrate that that donald trump, I agree too, when election and based on this demonstrates that he is like, wait. You win the nomination based on the based on the charge against him, but the fact is that most Eric, unfortunately still believe that from should stand trial before the twenty four election. He has a court date in Georgia today. On one hand you see today, all this can be about setting the timeline.
Washington d c is all about setting the jack Smith january. Six cases that can be before the election or after his team is trying to argue. He shouldn't be tried there until two thousand twenty six actually, which I think is unlikely in georgia is really about trump, but there legal case against mark meadows. That is ongoing. Their mark meadows is trying to have that court move his case to federal court and he's then going to claim that, basically, is missy clause prevents him from being tried and state court that whatever crimes supposedly committed, he committed federal officials, chief of staff, Donald trump, and therefore he should be tried in federal court non state court if, from fred same thing, thou always foreclose the possibility. then he'd be tried and convicted in state court and then he'd beyond the ballot, and then you have a real massa constitutional mass because the present, and pardon himself of federal offense, but again. Pulling does not show that the general public over all is incredibly warm toward donald trump legal troubles, there are some people who are more warm than they would otherwise would have been, but they were in a lukewarm to begin with
I am more animated on behalf of trump because of the trials than I otherwise would have been, but I voted for trump at twenty twenty, so I can't vote for him twice. you'll, the appalling data from political and what it shows as it, six, one percent of americans believe that trumps election trials should take place before the election. Sixty one percent, meanwhile fifty one percent believe that trump is guilty of alleged crimes in the federal twenty two thousand election at some virgin election case at pens, twenty six percent who say no, as are not great numbers,. Meanwhile, a plurality of respondents to politicos, conviction in the case, forty four percent would have no impact on the likelihood of supporting trump, which makes sense again you figure half those people are pro half those people are against, but among who said that the result would inform their vote nearly one third of respondents, thirty two percent said it: Can we make them less likely to support from? That includes one third of independence. Only thirteen percent of respondents total said a conviction we make them more likely to support from that figures.
more likely, republicans the not, and by the way the numbers could go down, because as the case drags on, this sort of the shop from being indicted drags on it becomes less shocking and more normal, and then they should comes baked into the cake by the way. If you look at who is considered a villain in this project, A case here is here's the polling data again political magazine, ipsos poll do a favourable. in favorable opinion of the action statements or behavior of the following people regarding the cases against trump fifty eight percent unfavorable, twenty seven percent favorable Joe Biden, forty five percent unfavorable, thirty, six percent favorable- that is a nine point gap negative for Biden that has a twenty nine percent gap for donald, right here. Jack Psmith to this point still has more favourable than unfair bulls and so does the geo J. So if the hope here is that not from legal cases, are going to spur him to the presidency. Again, I think, there's any possibility these forms of invitation, but I think that there much lower chance that they actually have the sort of countervailing affected
then a lot of people said about impeachment. I've never bought the argument by the way that impeaching somebody actually helps them electoral. I still See the evidence of that a bill Clinton was Impeach. Ninety ninety eight- maybe it helped democrats a little bit in sort of men from elections. It didn't help. Al gore in two thousand and ITALY, impeaching from twice, didn't really make a difference on behalf of trump in the two thousand and twenty election either. Meanwhile, there is a case of foot two now truly the one talk about election interference. This will be true election interference against trump. We get to that in just one. Second, first, everybody knows I love my helix mattress. Did you know they just launched their newest most high end collection, the helix elite. He looks his hardest years of extensive. Interest expertise to bring their customers a truly elevated sleep experience, and he actually collection includes six different mattress models, each tailored for specific sleep positions and firmness preferences as well. We've had our helix sleep mattress, seven, eight years at this point, as I've said before it basically is the thing keeping me alive, because my kids keep me up. Wake me up early. I have to go to bed late because of the baby and all the rest. Helix has a sleep
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from enemies are now attempting to have him removed from state primary ballot. According to york, he says that Even though convention does not legally barred from from running in winning, the hope is, there is no way convicted from could regain the presidency from left, but there are some from its opponents going further there now exploring possibility that from is already disqualified from running for office, stay luxembourg or secretaries of state, they say, can and should simply remove his name from the ballot Their states no need for a hearing. While legal ruling legislation or any of the other stuff now how this magical silliness work the magical. the kurds proponent, say by way of the fourteenth amendment section three of them. Private, genuine, was taken an oath to uphold the constitution and then engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the united states or given aid or comfort to the enemy is there of never holding public office. Section three was intended to apply to former confederate officials, it hasn't, played any significant role in american governance since eighteen, seventy two- and it was basically letter now, some people are saying misuse against from now. What's hilarious about, that is
entire claim against trump for all the bad stuff that he did between number in january of twenty twenty one. The claim is there, no legal basis for my pen to simply throw out state certified, a total votes based on nothing in the constitution. You can make that judgment there s to an actual reason that you are doing it, but now trunks opponents are attempting to do precisely that against him on the estate ballots. Its absurd is not going to happen if a word it would be a complete disaster area for both the republican party in the country can't just take people off the ballot without, like an actual legal reason, to take them off the ballot, totally crazy, okay. Meanwhile, I understand this has paused his campaign, because there are a bunch of 'em issues in the state of florida, particularly this giant storm that is bearing down on the gulf coast according to politico He cancelled campaign events this week as major from bears down on the state and also in the aftermath of this horrific races shooting in jacksonville, which will get you momentarily santa said during a sunday news conferences can remain in force in the coming days. This tropical
storm idea is expected to become a hurricane. Make landfall one gulf coast later this week says in this. We're going get the job done. I'm here he was slated to scant camp. In south carolina on Monday, probably I should he will be taking his place at some of those events. It is also went to a video on Sunday night for shooting left three people dead and jacksonville on saturday before the gunman killed himself dissenters, began a sunday news conference by condemning the shooting here, was rhonda santa's, showing at a vigil over the weekend and a bunch of idiots started shouting at him because, supposedly what the governor of the state is not supposed to show up in solidarity with communities that are afflicted by white, you mass killings. I am so confused. Why would shouted somebody over this? In any case here was the scientists- and I hear of this particular story- is a democrat council member named ducal? pitman, whose steps in here and basically tells the protesters shut up or on the same side of this one.
going to allow these institutions to be targeted by people. We ok, listen! You limit. Let me tell you, we ve been put parties aside, causing a bat parties today, a bullet down now I thought I'd get me started this one of the beautiful things I will say about living in florida, and this is why there are distances. Democrats as well in the state of florida is that in florida, when it two times the actual crisis. Everybody is on the same side by the way that is the nature of what a community should be is when there's a crisis. All this stuff goes to the wayside. The fact that there are people who are protesting when this sort of stuff happens, and the answer is not responsible in any way for this response is not an lack lustre. Isn't it so he went no comment in a month for weak on the beach. While all the sort of stuff happened, This is actually a apolitical good for this city council woman for for doing that,
believe it or not. There. Members of drums campaign work cheering on all of this nonsense, the people who are protesting. laura Loomer, predictably enough, who is desperate to be donald trump press secretary, which for entertainment value would be very, very high. I will say she, of course was. It was celebrating people yelling at Rhonda santa's for for being terrible, to show up at this sum at this particular event. Shit, I'm glad he was booed, he's disingenuous, just an absurdity, obviously, she's a while rotten governors hands was heckled, individual victims of shooting Jacksonville forty dollars Well, today, comments he made back in july by floors, we're going back to bite in the ass. It is come on seriously come on ridiculous kind of stuff De Santis is doing what he's supposed to do. He's the governor of Florida he's back in the state and- and he is going to be there overseas whatever happens with regard to this florida, hurricane, meanwhile is weak. While noting here that dumb again instead of lord of florida-
a fascinating and complex state, no, because I know of your I'm resident and um yeah this. This to get a shooting is, is obviously it was murdered by white supremacy. According to the wall street journal authorities in The florida identified a local twenty one year old sunday as white gunman, who shot and killed three black victims are two dollars most or before, killing himself attack, local and federal official said was racially they did, the gunman then shot himself. who's going to hand on any military style, some automatic rifle with swastikas marked on it? According to the police, the jacksonville Gee K waters said this: is obviously motivated by a by hatred of black people afternoon is grappling to understand why this atrocity occur. I urge us all not to look for since
in a sense, this act of violence, there's no reason or explanation that we'll ever account for the shoes, decisions and actions. His sickening ideology is not representative of the values of this jacksonville community that we all love so much. We are not a community of hay. We stand united with a good and decent people. The city we reject is inexcusable violence, and this agency will not rest until this investigation is complete and every available out Avenue of accountability have been exhausted, is perfectly worthwhile to talk about the ideology of the sugar and sugar, have a criminal history, but in twenty sixteen was named in a domestic disturbance call in twenty seventeen had you we put on a to our hold for mental health evaluation. I will point out at this point that whenever there is wide premises, shooting we know the motives like right away and whenever there is a pretty obviously motivated anti christian say in nashville tennessee, just to take a quick example. We still don't
the manifesto of that sugar, and it has been how many months since all that happened, which seems a bizarre to me at the very, very least. The shooting obvious is condemned by everyone, ranging from press. Biden said we must refuse to live in a country or black families going to the store black students going to school of fear being gunned down because the color of their skin, which of course, is true. The governor de said something similar. He called the shooting horrific and said: did these state was offering support to the local authorities? But, as I say, Florida is a fascinating and complex place. There was governor Add speaking about the shooting florida, the state and its people condemned the horrific racially motivated murders, I traded by a deranged scumbag in jacksonville at the dollar general store trading. Violence of this kind is unacceptable and targeting people due to their race has no place in the state of Florida casey. I extend condolences to the victims of their and their families, on behalf of the entire state of florida.
So that was his statement. Meanwhile, the sheriff over here again a man named chico waters. He says you know you want to try to blame the guns, not the guns. That person is wielding the guns stories always about guns. These people back this guy's a bad guy. If I take my gun off right, Well, no wait on this counter. Nothing will happen. It'll sit there, but as soon as a wicked person grabs a hold at hand, gun and start shooting people with it there's a problem, the problem is the individual So that is the part of the press conference. The mainstreaming. You will never show you What are you talking about? The white supremacy? They'll, never tell you that. What he's saying is that, yes, it was the shooter who pulled the trigger in there. There are a lot of black americans by the way, who are very, very pro gun and something that the left Is it too ought to obscure? Meanwhile, the rest of the republican field is some is trying to figure out. Wait you pry way some of the senses support and all of them are withheld behind trump, obviously Nicky hayley picked up some ground after her last good debate performance and by the pulling she did have probably the best night of
anyone in terms of the amount of movement that her candidacy actually experienced shoes ass, president trump in him leading the bullshit. Why? When I dropped out from from carry lake she's calling on all of the candidates to pause the campaign to get behind our trump because of cheap, application of the law ice. I suppose you're not considering that meat. I appreciate anybody's view on what should happen, but we ve got a country I save and I'm not gonna stop until we save our. I think that we look at the fact that were thirty. You trillion dollars and dare you ve got crime? That's up. You ve got a lack of transparency in the classroom. You ve got an open border and we, We have threats facing us around the world and I think that we need a new generational leader. We have some serious problems. We need new solutions, so she's not going anywhere now. The problem is that, of course, the field can fragment six ways, You ve got gardner gaily, who, presumably if she continues to show some sort of credibility in the race
I sometimes got at some point- is gonna drop out because really has no support other than from some money people if he drops out Some of that is what I assume will move over to haley, which makes her more competitive in south carolina, which ironically, makes Donald trump a lot more competitive in south carolina because of the south carolina primary splits trump, the santas haley from probably walks away with an nomination fairly. so even if this race gets a lot tighter. Meanwhile, Chris Christy continues to double down on the never trump lane thinking this is going win him new Hampshire here was over the weekend and the truth is that you know we can have a convicted felon. as our nominee for president expect we're going to win, and it was the most amazing part of the debate to knee was the idea that in The majority of my competitors believe that you can have a convicted felon. as our nominee for president and that they support that and that you can win. I did that's an impossibility. Nature
I mean that is not what they were saying on the sage. They were saying, if he's the nominee and by now vote for him, that's not quite the same thing as a. We think that he is likely to win. If all those people on stage thought he was likely to win, they wouldn't be running. I assume. Meanwhile, the person who sort of wanting still as Donald from shadow is with chrome swami vague in the data has taken some hits since the debate. But of course he it'd be a lightning rod, he has lightning rod and his real campaign isn't for the presidency. So I'm not sure that he cares. I think the idea that, Getting all sorts of outsize detention means that he's pretty well set up first in ohio centre run, Ohio was residence or for being a down trouble cabinet back or for vp, while he is in an attempt to bend over backwards for trump shifted his opinion completely on down from its behaviour after january sex. So if you look at his what one of his books when his latest book he talk specifically about january six- and he says that you know when you an election. You should just admit you ass. An election I hears now his opinion radically here, is
He was not asked during the debate. A lot of other candidates were asked during the debate about MIKE pence's behavior on January six. Did he do the right thing in certifying the election? The answer by the way is yes unequivocally, as there is no legal basis for mike pence to return, state, certified election results and sorry, if that hurts feelings, that's just the way that it is but vague has tried, it he's trying to square the circle here and come up with a way a pleasing, donald trump and rubbing might as everybody knows perfectly well, that my pencil did the right thing on january, sure he was saying a thing that makes no sense at all and again vigorous too smart for this. The candidates stage Wednesday night said. Migrants did the right, thing on January six, do you agree I would have done it very differently. I think that there was historic opportunity that he missed to reunite this country in that window. What I would have says this is a moment for true national consensus, where two elements of which required for a functioning democracy in america. One is Secure elections and the set
is a peaceful transfer of power. When those he's come into conflict, that's an opportunity for heroism. Here's what I would have said we a single day voting on election day, we need paper. Bag what's Emily government issued idea, matching the voter file and if We achieve that. Then we achieved victory and we should not have with any further complain about election integrity. So what would you guys like ants you? What is it like of outside the election sitting? In my? ass. It is president of the Senate. I would have led through that level of reform. Then conditions certified the election results served it up to the point President trumped linda sign that into law in january, seventh declared the re election campaign pursuant to a in fair election. I think that was amiss. Opportunity, but that's the kind we're gonna need to unite the country rather sweeping those concerns under the rug. So just to get
straight? His solution was an ungenerous eggs, have renounced front trumpet, spend two months line that my friends could unilaterally overturned the election and ungenerous january. He would have not certified the election on the condition that they pass a law doing when things that I like, I like those things also, but that's not what the president of the Senate actually does. He doesn't initiate legislation is a deciding vote, he's not a center, but according to a vague he should. go outside is constitutional duty should start proposing legislation? My plans not certify the election in defiance of the actual job as the present programme of the senate, and then he should at that wait certify the election the next day, and this would heal america's conflict. Does definitely have been happy with that. Probably donald trump would have said. Okay now they've fixed the next election. I'm really really happy with the results of this one. Probably everything would have gone away, whereas even talking about I mean like that. There is an archive. Ok, no vague z, super high. You did. He knows way better than this This part, my frustration with his candidacy is, when gained this much credibility this quickly in this much attention.
It seems to me that you have sort of a duty to say honest things: his entire campaign is truth? You gonna done that. He knows you wouldn't done that. Come on. You know you wanted because he literally didn't do that. Okay, I I've spoken with the vague after january, sex between general. That's when I actually spend the most time with the day between january sixth and like now, and for the cause I talk this way. I mean literally talk the opposite in his book, okay, but this is forever for but to shift with the prevailing winds bothers me and again. I feel it We're talking about blown opportunities. The vague has an opportunity to say dude from the outside who's, extraordinarily wealthy, really really bright and has the opportunity to shift the debate and a lot of really fascinating and interesting directions, and instead you saying things that he know are not actually viable or true. I think, because again, I don't think that what he sang is coherent and I think go here- a guy sovereign. He piece in the american conservative today about his foreign policy.
he says I will lead our nation from the bloody follies of neo conservatism in liberal internationalism abroad, sort of strategy that affirmatively defends our homeland we'll be uncle. Sucker. No more, have been spending billions, projecting power into global vacuums. Our allies will not spend to maintain themselves, will put america first again, as george Washington urges we can recalibrate and consider our true interests. First of all, let me just point out every republican can most democratic candidates campaign on exactly the same language. virtually. No one campaigns on the language of unlimited spending on foreign policy and intervention memory were morocco, I didn't campaign on that? In two thousand? Eight generally, We shouldn't campaign on that in two thousand. The only candidate I can think of who actually campaigned sort of like that was mccain in two thousand and eight, but every other candidate of I've time has campaign in exactly the way that the vague is now talking about the part problem with any of this. The problem that I have with this is that he seems to believe that, like just things happen in foreign policy, so, for example, here is his solutions. Ukraine, now here's. My visit and you can imagine ukraine is the united states should be taking the leadership position in negotiations with the russians. Who should
would be saying to the russians. We are willing to allow huge, maintain occupancy of crimea and part of the don basque region in return we are going to do, security guarantees, but not nato membership to the ukrainians, and that's can be the end of the war. Vague wants to go step further in a way that I dont think is even plausible. Hey, here's what he says is: go to moscow and twenty twenty five. I was alive repeating brain only under the terms that you matter to us terms that put american interests first, the buying. restrictions. Foolishly try to get g to the putin, Regina to dump russia. In reality, we should get Couldn't we dump g, ok now nope no american, but that our nope russia is a giant gas station in nuclear weapons that is its entire economy. Using we're going to dump china. That is not a thing that is going to happen. It is a weak state. no international ties. Signing a peace agreement with russia is not going to restore those international ties. The extent necessary that russia would suddenly magically site you dump trying to call it
deal requires all parties to get something out of it, that in accept russian control of the occupied territories and pledged to block ukraine's candidacy for nato in exchange If you're exiting it's military alliance with china, you know russia is going to do not that they're going to their military alliance with china, why the hell, what day time is the only competitive power on the world stage in the united states, and then meanwhile, he says, for example, that he is going to he's going to declare economic independence from china, which is fine, and then he says that he is going to be clearer with regard to taiwan so he's take on taiwan is he says that we have operated in strategic ambiguity with rights. I want for far too long amongst its to strategic clarity, by which I mean the china must understand. I will defend american interests in taiwan. If don't want. Many partnership and elephants you'll need to raise. defence spending in military readiness to acceptable levels. Meanwhile, image, making sure taiwan has the weapons they need for that's fence, but from a seaborne invasion and in the future for long term insurgency against any occupying foreign force, if needed there now
there's only one problem that is, our current policy is exactly our current policy the strategic ambiguity by the way our member we're not gonna miss the part in that area. says whether we will actually like actively defend taiwan in case of a chinese invasion. I did not yet in this kind of from the vague. It's a reason why you, his surge, was based on the idea that he was a free radical. He could say whatever he wanted and then is things now saying things he's gonna morbid audience capture. It seems like you, things they want people to think he believes, but it seems unlikely I doubt that he actually believes those things, and I think that one of the things that came off on the stage yet an ever makes up my recommendation to him in this campaign of actually wants ticket. You, as a presidential candidate, is stop trying to please, president from personally and start did we saying the things that people need to here, because I think he has the strength of character to do all those things are. Meanwhile,
let's do some math. Let's do some things I like and some things that I hate so things that I like over the weekend ready up. You might brain relaxation is sports. Big basket, boffin rich cohen, whose one of my favorite writers wrote a great sports, but called when the game was war. It comes out this week. I it really is fantastic, so I dislike my early So it's about the eighty seven eighty eight season ass, only three or four years old, but were all of these players because they all continue to play until the early nineties. This is like bird magic, Jordan, Isiah, thomas charles Barkley and all the rest, and the book is just a fun fun read because, terrific writer, it moves really fast and I'm it reminds you of a time when a basketball was was. Less about the pretty and much more about the gritty. It's it's. It's a lot of fun highly recommended when the game was war by rich gonna pay. Another thing that I like so environmentalists: they think that somehow, then again support for their cause. My being incredibly annoying like super duper,
and what, if I grew myself this angle, painting and a visit, I hope that they just dump you into the river with what what? If what? If I just you know take this road and shut it down a result. What, if we just you know, let people run you over, because your annoying that your view very annoying. Nobody wants him to die, but like come on, get off the road. In any case, these idiots in nevada decided You ought to shut down a road and about up with signs like abolish capitalism or capitalism. Unfortunately, for them was not abolished And instead they were abolished so basically tribal rangers. Why not? You know what you're holding up the line and they here's what occurred guy way round? Everybody will be arrested. Thirty thirty. talk it up the the yeah, the good stuff right there
and you better and a move here? I come now begun ok, so you the arrested as well. They should be- and I go The idea for the traveller injured by which they want to cars. Stupid jacket blocking like First of all, whenever there's this sort of stuff happens, people shutting down traffic and it doesn't matter to the country, does matter. The timing stopped shutting down traffic, its obnoxious these are not just because other people have lives are not the only person with life, but also it sometimes creates like a medical hazards.
we sometimes there's like an ambulance on the way to somewhere. Stupidity is my only regret here is that does that in general there, but the good good for them already we'll do a quick thing that I hate gents aki has been maintaining that no one is favourably term abortion, which is weird because you all want late term abortion. I noticed so I she tweeted out on MSNBC. She tweet out the axe. No one supports abortion up until birth switch I'd. I excellent. these new legislation you would prevent. We would provide in order to prevent abortion up until birth, should not answer that question, because just now answer so here, she was trying to explain resumption saki. No one supports abortion up until birth. I wrote that because there is a part,
They and misleading talking point that is used by a number of right wing leaders, including presidential candidates, on the stage suggesting that democrats are advocating for an even rooting for late term abortions of babies who could live outside one just like it. Listen to some of the answers in the debate on Wednesday night work. better than what the Democrats are selling. We are not going to allow abortion all the way up till birth and we will hold them accountable for their extreme, as we cannot lead states like california. New york in illinois have abortions on demand. Up until the day of birth, that's for someone to ask Biden and calmly hairs. Are they for thirty eight weeks? Are they for thirty nine weeks? Are they for forty weeks this wasn some throwaway line for applause and the debate stage. This is a talking point report can presidential candidates use repeatedly on the trail, because it's true
nowhere in the segment does she actually were, but the idea that she would support Station legalizing abortion until birth instead just goes like what doesn't happen all that. Often that's not the question. The question is not whether abortion happens. All that often close to bear the costs should it happen at all should it become illegal and she won't answer those questions will any other democrat, because the democratic party position is there shall be no legislation, there is, fritz abortion at any point up until birth. That is the a party position. And it's just an ice it outright. It's an amazed, They must be found to have taken you to do that way. Where were you We oppose any restrictions on abortion and then, when you called on cabin at all, but I like it well that care, whether you personally, like I care whether you wish to make it illegal or not. We are it's a public policy? Are we not it's so dishonest, but you know she's towards providing up there. You have it. RT guys the rest of the shows continuing right now, you're not going to miss it we'll be getting into the mailbag. If you're, not a member, become member use code, Shapiro check out for two months, free and all annual plans, click that link in the description and join us,
Transcript generated on 2023-08-30.