« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1796 - Mugshot Of The Century

2023-08-25 | 🔗

Donald Trump gets his picture taken by the State of Georgia after turning himself in for arrest; polls are in on the Republican debate, and we examine the results; and Joe Biden’s DOJ targets Elon Musk’s SpaceX.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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oh ubiquitous president donald trump yesterday went to the fulton county jail house where he was arrested. Fingerprinted they took his picture. The monk shot is out it's destined to be the most famous mugshot, certainly in the history of humanity. It's a I will say that it is a win for trump to have his mugshot taken. I know it was supposed to be some sort of big win for the left. They finally got him. They fight a lot frog, marching in the so here's the thing about trump. An image sticks trump is A meeting is a walking living breathing mean everything he does is memorable. He is made for tv is made for the internet, he's changed our age because of that and so down from also happen, the person has been consistently on camera since the time whose about twenty years old, he is currently almost eighty sixty long years of being in the public eye and of having your picture took means that you knows how to take a picture and the motion of trump again. It is such a I have to actually giant images of wind for him, because we,
oh that use can be arrested. It's not as though no one knew he was arrested is not as it was a shock dawning on the american people, down from his under indictment for separate jurisdictions. We ve known about it. this for months and what the mug shot does, especially this particular monk shot? Is it gives trump the appearance of somebody who's bravely standing up to forces that are going after him and again his image here actually conveys well that, because Donald trump is phenomenal again and whatever else you can say about the guy, the dude was a tv star for decades, and I promise you he knows what he looks like camera. There is zero chance before he did this month shot he didn't sit with esteem and say: okay, what expression should I use in the mouth shut since it's gonna be the most traffic photo of me ever? What expression should I use, because this is a pitch perfect thing? I mean just from a theatrical perspective. The most out of donald trump for trump's purposes is pitch perfect. He doesn't look as
he's, afraid or concerned or anxious. He doesn't even look out eight angry. He was determined remedy. That is the guy. Well, here is to look as though he is the the face of doom and coming for his enemies and that's what it looks like I mean if you flash that back up there. That is exactly what donald trump looks like in this mugshot and this is the this- is what he is going to convey for the rest of the campaign is, coming from my enemies, and your enemies are my enemies. That is it there's a reason: why is already trotting out on a mugs isn't right reason why he's already trotting it out on the t shirts in that the kashmir means at the from headquarters are going to are going to just be Going nonstop today when it comes to the georgia indictment. As we discussed, fanny willis is Please spinning up something that doesn't make a how reliable legal sense she could have charged donald trump for conspiracy to commit some sort primary? That's an actual crime in georgia. If you have a conspiracy to go rob bank the conspiracy to rob a bank is an actual crime, the problem is
She can't actually identify the crime that the consumer involve a conspiracy to challenge election result. Is conspiracy to commit a crime, because you're allowed to challenge election results. So it's going charged with that, so side. Instead, the Jews gonna go for a regal charge. Now a rico charge me an ongoing criminal organization dedicated to a variety of criminal activities. The problem is: what are the four? these criminal activities that the organisation was dedicated to normally have some sort of mafia organization. There are dedicated to things like prostitution or like prohibition, iraq, alcohol running or drugs, or any other right protection money right that that is what the criminal organization is dedicated to. And then you wrap everybody up in a big ball. And then you prosecute everybody together, because you wanna make sure the leaders are held responsible for their lower downs are doing. But this pretty, the case was there, an actual criminal organisations around interim dedicated climbing. What we're? What climbing
What what are the crimes that were dedicated to, and so she stuck in the inn between she doesn't like what prompted there are people on low level who may have committed actual- ams but there's no clear evidence that trump actually told them to do those things residents that from himself committed a crime and so what you? here is her basically living in the space between conspiracy, enrico he's trying to basically bridge that gap with iron bout january sex, Should this indictment comes down to it, so talk about how this whole thing went down yesterday said trump again, he's very good drama why he was the president, so maybe again, you you really, personal note just before he showed up in georgia for the arrest and said that today, I will be going to the authority violent jail in full and county georgia, where I will be arrested despite having committed. No crime is an interesting
but my entire life without ever ever getting arrested, but suddenly, out of nowhere once I decided to run for president as political outsider and fight for the forgotten citizens, our country I get arrested for times of this vote of five months, not only that judges rule that today spectacle maybe televised for the entire world to see the american people. What's going on, this are punished. handed down from deep state for daring to challenge the state well and give a voice to the silent majority. The left one soon Are you out of voting for political outsider? Who puts the american people first, but today I am walking into the lion's den, with one simple message on behalf of our entire movement I'll, never surrender our mission to save america when I walk into the jail one arrested. I will I will I will not will I will stand tall and remain resolute in our mission to save america and that that's again, dude is great. At pictures. That picture is the resolute faced four trump right and if you see me on tv during my amorous just remember, you are the source of micro, I hope my resolve to save our country if you're doing poorly juice, sinister people in control of our country. Now, don't even think about donating, but if you can, please make contribution to save america during the start chapter in our nations history that is brilliant marketing.
it's really really smart. It is. It is again. Emotion is emotive, it is empathetic mean even very angry drops like if you care. Because your suffering under Joe Biden don't give to my campaign. But if you can and gives my campaign- and there is something to the baseline idea. Obviously, that dude wasn't arrested for his entire career and then the many he walked out of the office and ass before the election. Suddenly, afore indictments ring down on him. as those in the middle of a summer storm in south florida, so that that is a very that is a very strong pitch from president from an ironically pitch was actually exacerbated by Joe Biden, so everybody knew the donald trump was supposed to show up for the arrest of seven thirty p m. Last night. Eastern time is constructed in, fulton county courthouse to be arrested at exactly that time. So at exactly that time, at exactly that time seven thirty p m last night job. into didn't out apropos of nothing. I think today,
Great data gives my campaign. Those are real bad optics. Those are truly bad optics entire. The entire case here is that the democratic party infrastructure is going africa. From to make Joe Biden president. So the exact time the trumpet showing up to be arrested, you tweet out, come support. My campaign, you want this isn't a political prosecution and then you're tweeting out, The arrest is happening not, sadly, Our country the rule of law, must be in you're. Not treating that you really get a campaign link mean guys The quiet part out loud here using it really really really loudly now, there's another side to that, which is the Joe Biden. Pretty clearly wants donald trump to be the nominee because he thinks he can be donald trump, because he'd be donald trump and two thousand twenty. He thinks that donald trump, his performance in twenty twenty plus four indictments means he loses now. Bide may be wrong about that. He certainly could be, but it's pretty obvious that that Biden would both like
from to be indicted multiple times in order to degrade his candidacy and also he certainly doesn't mind if thou trump is the nominee, because the polls show that donald trump is. he's not running, amazingly well, against a deeply unpopular president of the united states right now, Donald trump, older people ratings are lower. Joe Biden's approval ratings, so Biden both wants trump indicted and also wants him elevated in the republican primaries, but that tweet is so gross minutes of disgusting tweet. Really your political opponents getting arrested by people who are of your political party on charges that are basically serious and you are tweeting out apropos of nothing. I think today's a great data gives my campaign and sort of blithe, oh yeah, by the way, the zeal political An unreal stuff will get more on this in just one second, first, a central banks in
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ask all your questions. In all your answers, and then never silently so little bit into gold with my friends over at birch- bold, ok, fine, so the folks at cnn, they they're pretty giddy over yesterday, because the spectacle in person they absolutely despise showing up at the foot in county jail house to turn himself in is one of their favourite footing. jail is not a pleasant place to be, you do not want to be there. It is not a court house. We ve been informed by one of our own producers, whose name rhymes savvy that dumb she spent some time at the fulton county jail house at one point because her deep and abiding criminal history, we here at the daily wire, we tried to reach out to the the underprivileged who have had arrest records, which is why south yorkshire, but a savvy, had to spend some time at the fulton county jail and for for the record guys. She was there basically by mistake: she ended up having her her arrest, expunged
was also in a spot, but she described the place, and apparently it is just a garbage heap siena and described the place. Also. They also say that it is a garbage heap but they're real excited, because that means that donald trump has to walk into a garbage heap. Mr trump will be booked at the fulton county well, it's a jail known for rather deplorable conditions, including in make deaths and excessive force and in population that is more than double the amount it was designed to hold for people, have lost their lives there and just the past few weeks, anybody connected to the criminal, What's the system in the atlanta area knows that if you're ever told you gotta go down to rice street brace yourself, because it's going to be horrible, we can give you some details on this place. Now: fulton county jails, the formal name, it is known as rice street, because of its address it opened in nineteen, eighty nine, but almost immediately effort open. It was overcrowded, had deplorable conditions and which is just a horrible place to be just like
last month, the just I've, never seen someone so excited out into this place, terrible allocates jailhouse, unsafe, unsanitary living conditions, excessive force and violence. Somebody get that due to paper bag ass, he is really really excited here is like so many people. I did for girls jealous and from throwing up there Are you there now the main europe again, I dont think that this is going to go for them exactly as they wish it to rachel. I also covered the arrest and again I did the more more in sorrow than in anger routine, but it did not. It did not succeed. Officially. Now Donald trump is under arrest in the state of georgia. We had come, I mentioned earlier that he had entered the jail and as of right now, former president Tromp is in custody. He has been arrested landmark moment and, as I said before, for all the worst reasons: no just now, I dont believe you rachel, I just don't
You seem very upset, you seem supersaver. Super upset, take his on thirteen counts stemming from the efforts to reverse the georgia. Twenty twenty election certification He was wearing a dark blue suit and a red time he arrived at the fort mackenzie Joel. Seven thirty p m and that jail records listed him there are actual betting markets on what who's going to be listed at for his weight, but that was assuming who's actually gonna be weighed up. Here is one thing After all, he was listed at six foot three inches tall and weighing two hundred and fifteen pounds and donald trump is not two hundred and fifteen pounds donald trump during his last physical in office, clocked in at two forty. He is significantly heavier than he was when he when he left office. Six three to fifteen, you fifteen tight end for the baltimore ravens like does not that that that, but bottom line as he was released on two hundred thousand dollars bail and then he strolled to the cameras and did what he does best. The dude is great on camera. You really is I to play it here? We go, we believe is a very sad day for america. We should never happen.
Challenge and election should be able to challenge and election. The election was a rigged elections stolen election, and I should have. Right to do that. As you know, how many people that you ve been watching over the years do the same thing, whether its hillary Clinton or stacy, able and many others, when you have that great freedom to challenge. You have to be able to, otherwise you could ever dishonest elections. What has taken place here is a travesty of justice. We did nothing I did nothing and everybody I've never had such support. The end and he went on along these lines for another twenty seconds. Then he walked away again fought for donald trump. This. This may be the best day of his campaign, honest to god, today today. These are the best days of his campaign because it is so obviously political in georgia and is so obviously political. The mug shot the guy in the first place again georgia state. What does not require a mug shot if you're a well? figure who has taken a recent photo. George De La
Why are we get a mug shot unless we have a you know recent photo of you? Well, I mean I feel that we have some recent voters have donald trump. I feel like that. the case, so they were being vindictive in going after him with the mug shot and he completely First it on them with what is going to be an iconic vote That means it is isn't iconic photo that there are few iconic sort of monks It's in american history, when he got the very famous frank sinatra, mug shot you have in in sort of pop political terms. You have the martin luther king, shot in in hollywood terms of multiple and you owe hand mugshots shots, and then you have obvious Donald rumsfeld shot and, as I say, just on a pure, theatrical level that mug shot is great for him. It is a great image for him in just one second we're going to get to what this means. For you know the republican nomination process, first, innovation refunds been helping small businesses, the qualify business apparel tax reform through the employee retention credit- that is e r, the arcy is it actually fund for businesses
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first of all, it means it down from his can we spending like the next year and a half in various court houses right now has proposed to trial on georgia. Election interference is supposed to be in october, twenty third, they want a started like forthwith, one as other co defendants as I've been charge and will start his trial. which one are presumably trumbull, try to push that into the middle of next year. At the very least when it comes to the mar a lago classified documents case that is already slated to start may twentieth of next year. Just before the conventions at yeah, the primaries his manhattan J case, stormy Daniels now and as stated in march, twenty five, which is literally the day before super tuesday. So all this is pretty obviously when he says the russian interference I mean yeah. It is pretty clearly is and when it comes to the january six case that was filed in Washington DC, we are still awaiting some more information as to when that case is actually going to begin. As far as the thirteen charges that donald trump is,
pacing, is facing one charge: violation: georgia rico three charged solicitation violation of vote by a public officer with presumably be him asking people to put their names on some sort of alternative elector slate, which I'm not sure why that's illegal. Actually, he has one charge of conspiracy to impersonator public office, which is a very weird charge to charge of conspiracy, commit forgery, the first degree to charge of conspiracy, admit false statements and writings. One charge of conspiracy commit filing docket filing false documents and a couple of times and false statements and writings and filing false documents, so that that that is where the georgia khaistan. So what does this mean for the election? Well, obviously, republicans, me included by anybody who is conservative, looks at this and looks at what's happening our job or lives. What's happening, ungenerous skating DC with what, happening in manhattan. But less so in the case in Florida, where is pretty obvious, the donald from violated the war? The best case that you can make right there is that toted Hillary Clinton.
The political prosecution because of double standard which again a sort of agree with. It is pretty obvious to everyone that there's a lot. Sympathy for trump on this, and there should be a lot of sympathy for trump on this that he is being politically targeted. Now he could have made it a lot harder for his political opponents to target him in the classified documents case, particularly, but that wouldn't have stopped the other three cases which are all ginned up a soap. That being the case, as can be a lot of sympathy for the idea that if you nominate him there has to be a groundswell because you feel it right, I feel it. Everybody who watches this on the right side of the eye feels the sympathy, trump, they really well. This can't stand. Somebody has to be punished right as from himself says this. His entire campaigner I am your vengeance right. I am your revenge. This is going to be my vengeance. Campaign against the deep state. Having to take them out is what from himself is saying in his statement. The problem is that, because we were in various silos, an echo chambers, it's easy to forget that there
other voting populations that don't agree with you and don't feel the same things that you do democrats get caught up in this regularly is why Democrats run down weird rabbit holes with regard to you know: transfer of the children, they'll they'll say things like well, you know where I live, everybody feels the same way. How could anyone else feel differently and it turns out a vast majority. The country feel differently than they do well. This is why it is important to look at the actual data on how a merry feel about trump and how they feel about the incitement and how they feel infer from because I understand that people want to every time there's Poor confirmation is a very strong drug whenever there is a pull that confirms your suspicions or likely to site it. Whenever this report it's not confirm our suspicions, your unlikely decided, so one things I try to do here on the show is: give you poles. They're both confirm my suspicions and also do not confirm my suspicions. I mean you all the data I dont think zero data is a substitute for some data. If that some data is not perfect data, because no such thing as perfect data, so in a second I'm they get into
what the poles actually say about whether additional from india since whether mug trout with any of this, actually is going to lead from to victory in general action against turbine, which are the thing that I care about. I can do two things at once: sympathise with donald trump legal plight promote the legal funds of his of people are being charged. Tokens bears are going to tell us what you ve done on the show an online lingua that and also recognize that is he the best guy to beat Joe Biden. Come next fall we'll get to that momentarily. First, we have a dog. His his name is happy and happy is a very cute. Have a nice dog very sweet, my kids also, it turns out he's a protector of the virtuous. So the other, the other day, happy woke me up at like six twenty in who's barking. What the hell was the dog wake me up at six, twenty and barking, and it turns out it was staring out our back window and he saw an entire road gang of raccoons.
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our stock he's underwater by seventeen point according to the absurd poll. About the same time it seems it says, unfavourable ratings point four point the water, thirty one percent favourable rating. In fact, there are zero polls that I can identify that have donald trump anywhere close to even parity with guard to his favourable eighty or unfair ability rating now, even here that you Joe Biden, whose person you'd be running against. Andrew and also has terrible favourable unfavourable ratings for sure, They are very similar, actually a job capability ratings are in the forty two to forty four percent range Sometimes you may refer forty five percent trumps average right now, but right now, the thirty. Eight average for favourable ratings on Biden is about twelve point. Three points. Underwater donald trump favorability ratings are about seventeen points. Underwater
so is more unpopular, just on average than Joe Biden is, but what's more important is who's going to come home right. So one of the big questions in this election that there really two questions turn out for your site will free turnout for years. I'd turn up for the other side and what the people middle do so Joe Biden believes that turn out for Joe Biden is driven almost entirely by the presence of down from the ticket, rather that denmark, don't care about your by now. Like Joe Biden, I ve been thinking. They think instincts embassies, mediocrity, he's either he's a person gonna standing there. If you can even stand, but they really hate donald trump, now in order to understand that you have to live with a blue area and red area. So during twenty sixteen and twenty twenty elections, I lived in california and let me lane to people who have never lived in a blue area. The level of hatred for donald trump in places like california, is deeper than the level of hatred
that people in California have for like isis. It is it is, it is deep and it is visceral. They despise donald trump despise him, which means that they will walk across broken glass to voting donald trump in that there really is the reality, and that is particularly true. After twenty four when he was definitely not supposed to win the war and to walk across broken glass to vote against donald trump and twenty sixteen, because he was kind of an unknown that know quite what he was in. There is a widespread assumption that Hillary Clinton's going to win, and so, like I dunno, maybe you know, do I really have to get out of bed, I'm in Hillary's corner we're going to win and then trump won and their level of went so high that every single one of them voted. The change, the voting rules, obviously with the male imbalance in everything else, Joe Biden presupposition. And this has been shown by the way by pretty much every subsequent election, twenty eighteen, twenty twenty twenty twenty one, twenty twenty two subsequent elections, show that one from is perceived even to be on the ballot, every single person-
who is a Democrat, shows up to vote against him knock. They love the Democrat because they hate donald trump hate him with fiery passion of a thousand burning suns, out in their public areas, people really really loved from, and so they show up and they vote for trump in really high numbers. However, there is a core of people. They tend to be ignored, but the from folks who say they will not vote for trump under any circumstances is not a minority. It's not. A tiny position is that of huge position. In tiny position, either the number of people in the dome I've had a one hundred set will not show up, for Joe Biden is essentially nonexistent, there's no, never Biden crew among the Joe Biden, you're looking at who's. Gonna come home in the democratic party. The likely answer virtually everybody in the republican party. The answer is likely like ninety two percent. Thirty percent makes a difference. and very very tight election. And then you look at it and and beyond that there can be some republicans who are just like not enthused, with the idea of a trump Biden election again and then maybe like well,
I I like trump- and I one be president, but it is raining today and Joe Biden is like mare or german. Get in one animated from gets people on the right, animated and against people on the left, animated. So down it turns out vote for his side and he turns out votes for the other side, but the tour vectors, the people in the middle, the people in the middle by pulling data they break for Biden. It broke right in two twenty twenty there's very little evidence looking to switch back to trump now. The case for trump is very easy, actually the case for trump as it was, better when trump was president, then when Biden is president, the problem is that if all you're gonna next year, is not from prosecuting case against job in his economy and his incompetence and how bout a presidency is the case. You're gonna get It's really unjust that I'm jailed by fanny willis or by the manhattan dna album brag or by jack smith. That's a bank shot because you basically have to say that all of these people working for Joe Biden and therefore its unfair. The Joe Biden is using all of these people who, after me- and it is not quite the easier-
argument, actually for four trumped to make, which brings really is why what the polls show according to the moon recent pointed data asking the question: there is a call from a p and arcy. This is circa that we could go make having a more than half of american say there is zero chance of them. Voting for donald Donald trump return to the white house in twenty four. Fifty three percent of americans told the eighty and our centre survey. It would definitely not support him next time. another another eleven percent said they would probably not pull the lever for the forty fifth president, which means only thirty six percent say they would probably or definitely support trump in his third consecutive bid for the white house. So it is this disconnect between republican voters who think that other everything's, like them and the rest of the country that is leading to trump's increase in the polls. Now I think this is going to wear well for trump and overtime. It tends not to overtime what tends to have. There is an opening here, there's an open,
for another candidate in the republican party to make the very simple and convincing case. Donald trump should have all our sympathy for the legal travails he's under going, and also he's very unlikely, Joe Biden. That's actually the case as the my case that you can make your republican at this point and hope to win primaries against donald trump, which raises the of having to make those. We now have some data on the debate fallout, so I gave you my take yesterday and my take as I suggested is different from the take up some of the lanes inside the republican party and its allies. You know count for what which is one person's opinion. I'm gonna give you the data that we now have from some of the poles. First of all, important to note a lot. People watch the debate, not twenty six e numbers, but twelve point eight mill. In total viewers watched the debate, into the nielsen ratings, the first debates in twenty thousand fifteen did like twice that because tramples on the stage but
Thirty million people is not bad there. Another one point: seven million people are so watch non fox business would actually look like fourteen million people, probably who should it made sense, leaving aside everybody who watched on rumble or watch and other places. and that that is a fairly solid number and that's gonna be a large percentage? and none insignificant percentage of people who actually vote in there. wiccan primaries, so turns out that that, It may indeed have mattered little bit and when people say, while yet trumps interviews, Carlson did two hundred and thirty million video views and all the rest of it. That again, the metrics for a video view on twitter are not the same as the metric for a video view on nielsen, not even we, the same nielsen ratings required watch. Several minutes of the thing, in our view, be countered of your a twitter view counts as the post is. in your screen more than fifty percent in your screen for more than two seconds for two seconds or more, you can be swirling any just, are looking into tweet below it and is playing above and accounts of you.
Also, if you reload, because your connection went away, which I did as I was watching the trump tucker thing, I had a dream. That sucker thousands plain I'd, really that sucker, probably fifteen twenty times, and so that each one of those is a view the actual percentage of people who actually watched a significant portion of the trunk tucker interview is not enough. Won't two hundred thirty million. It is by some metrics as low as a couple of million, because again wasn't broadcast anywhere it wasn't. It wasn't particularly illuminating that interview. You really have to really Love trump in order really find it and stuff eliminating. I talked yesterday, the sharp confronted and if you, whose ass no serious questions and given a serious answers entertaining, but a religion illuminate anything. Is up. Means that maybe the debate mattered a little bit, so we now some polling data with regard to whom and and who lost the debate.
so the washington post, five or even if those all conducted a before and after last night's debate according to the washington post with potential We can primary copies voters, including those who watched the debate. And to those voters not going to make the voters the twenty nine percent, who watched said that the scientists have the best knight. They run the swami coming to twenty six percent. Now again, my generalised is that everybody basically accomplished what they wanted to accomplish in the debate. Chances wanted to escape fire and look presidential, they run swami wanted attention which he got in spades, Nicky, hey wanted it locked down there. national geo. Peeling gets a momentum, their pencil The sharp is legacy christian one for a couple of punches in europe than ever. Trumbo vote are pretty much I got what they wanted from the debate, but what the stats actually show is that the scientists, according to this poll, twenty nine percent, say that he performed best, which is a far cry from a lot of the people who are big trump fan, saying that he he was terrible as awful as all
It's really not what people who the that made said. Twenty six percent said the vague performed. The best. What's more important, actually is What percentage of people say they are considering voting for each of the candidates. So again, this is just for glp debate watchers for the for the people who actually watched the glp debate, which you know again is twelve fourteen million people it is, these forty or fifty million people who prison, we will vote in republican primary, amber only debate, watchers sixties, ten per cent of people say, they are considering rhonda chances for president of the united states. That is an uptake of about four or five percentage points from where it was That, actually is the number one interview number two in the fuel is trump sixty one percent say they are considering voting for him. Nicky. Hayley had by far the biggest punctual from twenty nine percent of people in the debate, the joke about watchers, saying miracles, in voting for her to forty six percent, saying there are voting. her or would consider voting for her vague move from forty to forty six percent. We picked up some ground, but not
the time he's now tied with nikki haley in terms of people who would consider voting for him in a primary, that's followed by tim, scott at forty three percent mike pence and twenty three chris Christie at twenty two and the inimitable. An electric doug burgum at twelve percent. Now, when you take a look and she ll be primary boaters, just overall geo primary voters, not just people who watched the debate, what you find it fifty one and say they are considering this answers. Sixty four percent say there erin from a nobody else, is even within remote, spitting distance, Nikki haley's at twenty four vegas at twenty three from Scotus at twenty five, twenty six or at pence. Fourteen christie, four percent, the inimitable and electric doug burgum. So what does that mean for me that actually the census got a little bit of a bump from this, actually what actually even more info?
this is how the favourable and unfavourable went for everybody in the field. So the the favourable rating fortis answers basically increased slightly and is unfair. Bulls went down slightly, so two percent favourable twenty five percent unfavourable, which makes him the highest in the republican field. Donald trump dismal Gnp debate watchers among Peter bay waters, fifty nine percent said that they are favorable to trump thirty five percent unfavorable she's plus twenty four de santis, is. If my math is correct, your mental math here he is, and he's currently plus forty seven, so that those are big numbers. Nicky Haley's favourable went up pretty dramatically she's up to sixty five percent variable twenty seven percent unfavourable weirdly vague because nobody had heard of him up until the last few weeks actually but makes favourable ratings went from fifty to sixty, but his end his unfavourable ratings, when, from thirteen to thirty two
So he actually on net lost favorability ratings over the course of the nato there's more people said they loved him, but there are a lot more people who said they didn't like him after watching that today, which it makes sense a very polarizing performance. They say for one crowd was in a in for one credit was a d so dissenters, at least given up a little bit of a boost from this, which has again kind of surprising and he maintained he maintained. The biggest mover was highly What does what does that mean for the primaries? I mean it may mean very little for the primaries, depending on whether anyone can capitalize off the back of that and and move forward, but the the the in that light. There is that that dissented scottish clocks if the campaign is over, which is something that that don trump Jr, for example, is trying to push. That, obviously, is not true. Here's a fox news focus group directly after the baiters. What they had to say he went in last night. Open minded lenient love at the santas. How did you feel what I think
the scientists. Definitely so what solidified? In my mind, thank goodness that the election isn't tomorrow, because I feel I still think we a lot to learn and allied to hear, I was really impressed with making Hayley I, like till she came at the issue of abortion. She talked about it in a way that I think can neutralize summit negative having from ok cabernets view you came in I think the santas, and did you like what you heard I think that something about France is that he's very much touting his background and what is accomplished in florida issued a kind of saw a lot of people talking about what they will do once day once they get into office to send to set up in florida and I'll: do it on a national level. So to me, someone who has the cap since there are really resonates with me. So that was a clip that involved a couple people who are ordered he's a proteins is, but there are bunch people then focus group who are actually more programmes or or more prosaic- and they also they thought to sensible again
that standing for dissent as he could turn into, nothing really could be just another kind of moment at which it seems like he's going first on the scene and then nothing happens or it could be the beginning. Of build momentum. What happens next again? And if I said this yesterday, what happens next is wont to define what the debate means for everybody else. As always, can only see inflection points. In retrospect, Things look like they're going to be inflection points and they turned out to be nothing something to look like they. They could be inflection points and they turn out to be something we're about to find out in just one second we'll get to Joe Biden, has just sitting there. Waitin gets that momentarily. First, we have some great employees here at the bench appear, osha, one of those employees is Adam Adam is the utter on the show he does all the clips. You make sure that Everything sounds great in terms like being put together. Exemplary and I've been informed. I myself that the atom makes virtually no mistakes by Adam is as per is perfect, can be, which means is jobs and danger, because as I said earlier on, the show we hear tried, be diverse. Adam is white guy
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Are you sick of all corporations, dragging your values through the mud wash your hands of it all with Jeremy's brand new hanzo? Yes, here it is this hand, hope it is the perfect solution for everyday grit and grime. It smells absolutely delightful delectable. It is scented with green tea as well as citrus jeremy cares about. You input parable in don't you know where he would get paramount, but it's not here. Not only is it urban free is also free, sulphates gee. I yesterday, it's not tested on animals. It's made right here in the united states. What more could you want from your hands up than to get clean hands while keeping a clean conscience? Do yourself a favor, wash your hands of hypocritical leftists once and for all? This is the worst of all, hands up. I value it so unbelievably much. It is just something I would never give up, go to journeys, razors, dot, com or green tea and citrus hands up today. Ok, meanwhile, Joe Biden again that dude super week is really really week. It is funding here. People try to defend him, so Dnc chair, Jamie Harrison.
He says that Joe Biden is one of the most successful presidents since LBJ, which is weird since lbj, was so unsuccessful. He had to drop out of the zone. Nineteen sixty eight reelect race because he was so unpopular. I don't take much credence in terms of old, because in the end, in a day biomedical hairs are going all across the country. Democrats are gonna, cost a country that talk about how this ministry which is probably one of the most most successful since linen baines jobs and has done so much to improve and put america back on track. We are going to make sure that message gets out to the american people. Yes, they are so popular. There's hope, political is now trying a common harris, relaunch it be number twenty seven, it is there. Super funny. The kamala harris thing is just it will never not be funny commentary it's awful at this she's awful tank. If you recall Kamel Harris was a very bad center in california, and people kept trying to make her a thing that kept trying to make fetch a thing, and it just wasn't It wasn't a thing. They tried it when she was going effort regularly. Is this calmly
Moment turns out: no, it was not commentators moment. Then it was like she's running for present She'll be amazing. She a strong black woman and she will be incredible, and then she went into a debate and she told a bunch of bull crap lies drove Joe Biden didn't want her to go to school is a good reason and everything- oh my god, it's a moment and then, like five seconds later, her campaign imploded didn't even make it to california, like oh man, she sucked that was terrible, then buying petrified. Presently, oh, my god, knows incredible, eighth, look a couple harris and then it turns out that her campaign was terrible, an awfully run and people kept getting. hired knowledge, and then there are man, she's she's not, and then the election happen, and she one that was you know, could be incredible. Wait for common. She could be unbelievable and then it turns out she's garbage job airline man that socrates really badly. She can speak english properly. She should go bringing other senses she's handling it
school, marm who's, trying to educate you, unlike what duck is all the time? It's bizarre. She just like she. She just start speaking in bizarre hike, ish, poetry about electric buses and then diagrams. What happen and then about, but but wait, wait, wait turbines week. So you know what we should give a look at wait for guys waiver. We should give a working combo harris, so this take number eighty seven here quote: I can't get into people's heads Harris tries to reshape our public image ahead of twenty twenty four in political interview. The vice address how she views the growing scrutiny she is under, as republicans use her as a bogeyman in two thousand twenty four, oh she's a victim again, oh so she sucks at her job she's a victim again, that's how this crap works. So they can pretend that she is the heir apparent to a to a. I met an old man who I ask our guys german. In such fragile hope that some of us do we do a daily wire involves me cutting videos a couple of weeks in advance that we can edit them properly, and so we actively
There are things like if I make this video. What's the turnaround time on it, If the jury on time is like several months. About job Biden, I'm not sure we can do it. It might not be relevant, he's are active. situations that people make in the political world, based on Joe Biden's, frailty and ailing health, so that, of course, they're trying to prop up kamel Harris again backstage as she prepares for a not so intimate fireside chat about gun safety in front of hundreds of people, hundreds of people, the voice print hundreds of people, It wouldn't. Let me explain something I can draw hundreds of people she's a vice president should be anyone come here, unscriptural and seemingly at ease, no notes or teleprompter insight, while slow platform, lady, who doesn't need a teleprompter for talking were backstage wow. No, notes, even ah the punches flow out of her. Like water from Moses rock she's comfortable, offering condolences and councils, have lost loved ones, did on violence.
extreme and wearing red shirts emblazoned with moms demand action, students demand action, she holds their hands and looks into their eyes. We speak their names. She whispers to one woman that one probably looks around like. What's she, I should whispering. What's she gently reassures man clearly anxious about where to stand in the photo on all eyes are on her, but that's for years for a while now and the view has not often been kind. Yes, yes, she is a victim she's victim. The fact that she has such a dramatic failure throughout reverence higher political career that she keeps failing up if she keeps being is bad at her job. Now as she has been throughout. Her career eventually shall become empress just every time she fails. What do we give her a higher slot, maybe better, even if you'd like to Michael mules and politics. The were she does her job more or less. What are we just promoter more her? Here's your binds number two has not been known for election or moments like those in chicago. Instead, Harris's term has largely been marked by stilted performances of public events at odds with the uninhibited interact. interrogator she was known as in the senate. They filled whispers met with,
she'll be a drag on the real ticket as twenty twenty four heats up now, her political future equipment. Thirdly, the success of the democratic ticket hinges on a simple question: is it possible for common hairs to make a second impression Do you mean by second you mean to thousandth impression for harrison. Question and fundamentally misunderstands the point. In her mind, she is the same person. She was when the baling narrative, her was that of star prosecutor assented political towns, even the future of the democratic party you could have followed me around, and I had of twenty twenty harris said: you'd have seen the same thing for years ago. It's always who I've been. I can get into the other which heads about why they characterize things had been one where another, it's not as they have just found myself. I've always been here. I never went away, then the entire goes well, that's not true, and how really she's the Its others around her who have failed the great leader but really should actually up and pathetic and sympathetic and wondrous guys. If this is the best, you got you better pray, the Republican jog democratic turn out because common areas is a disaster area here. What I say
Joe Biden has being event. President, I mean he's really quite terrible. President's only migrant crisis continues to mount I know that we all forget about it intermittently, but it is still a problem. According to CBS news, officials in new york are assembling ten cities. Those who can be placed in it The system of more than two hundred hotels and other facilities already having sixty thousand migrants and more than Fifty thousand almost residents in go housing over seven thousand migrants, police stations and powers have been converted into makeshift shelters plans, house a silencing and big and schools have generated fervent local backlash. exact memento in denver, so migrants who found themselves on the brink of homelessness in Boston arrival of thousands of families and pregnant women seeking asylum, prompted the states governor to declare an emergency, a perfect storm. This is U. Business. Reporting has brought the hidden migration crisis along the us mexico border to some of the largest cities, the sinister how tens of thousands of destitute migrants and their growing as for federal action, have also placed melting pressure on the bind administration to intervene. Local leaders have em the administration for funds and allow me
work legally, so they can be self sufficient citizens, hundreds of millions box serving migrants, housing them in hotels, churches, schools, parts, please, even the national guard base the bite, The situation is set aside. Seventeen, seventy million bucks for new york, chicago boston and other cities. Innovation recently ass congress for another six hundred million dollars. But The administration has refrained from taking other actions requested by local leaders, such as granting migrants temporary legal status. They can apply for work, permits more quickly now, what's her, is that nobody at these cities will say you know I do is goes clothes the border. We could do that. Don't do that obvious They'll be thou, be super bad. Can't can't do that so instead there stuck in the unenviable position. of alone the remain wide open and migrants but by the tens of thousands, their cities and and then complain never have enough money to deal with it. Yours, cathy hopeful, be failing.
Of new york, but new york has shoulder this burden for far too long, since the first migrants began arriving at the port authority bus terminal last year, city and state of poured tremendous funds, billions of dollars and energy into helping them. This city is help than helping by the state to manage this in partnership with our state legislature. In our budget we allocated over one billion dollars now upwards of one point: five billion dollars for providing shelter, national guard, public health, transit case management and legal services to asylum seekers, especially the housing That's an addition to the over one, two hundred shelters and hotels that are stood up by the city of new york, with the financial support from the state, whether you're an amazing job, but now they have to now they have to beg the federal government for more money or they could. Actually. You know talk about the fact that their stupid policies have generated this problem in the first place. We can meanwhile
speaking of Joe Biden, failures his theo J, such a mess, it such a maximum bid right between trying to cut sweetheart deals with undermine and then getting exposed for in that blowing up in their face and going after done from a non climbing two between those two things, now. They the adage that that their filing a lawsuit against space acts. You know the only truly success based company in amerika. The lawsuit alleges that from at least number twenty eighteen may, twenty twenty two space ex routinely discouraged asylum and refugees replying and refused to higher. get them because of their citizens to citizenship status. violation of the immigration nationale act, spy, sex, apparently wrongly claim that under federal regulations known as export control was spacex only hire you citizens and love or permanent residents in green cardholders. But a silesian refugees permission to live and work in the united states does not expire? They stand on equal footing with us citizens,
a level from the residence under export control laws. So there now stewing there now suing space acts for the great crime of discouraging people have claimed asylum and refugee will apply, for and position because they haven't an been given a green card. So dont worry guys, don't they're, not encouraging people to falsely claim asylum, refuge by suing companies like spacex, which, by the way, has national security contracts. So what the federal government is doing as they want. People have claimed asylum or refuge and whose cases are sounds like either pending or being a jew. They want those people Hired by companies do national security, business like a naughty naughty. Was it but it's designed for a purpose. It's like that. You must. You must higher more refugees if you're spacex, apparently that this is that that wild that a wild,
lawsuit and, of course, the real reason they're doing. That is because elon musk is a political enemy and you're not allowed to be ulemas. That's bad! You know how many you know how many These are going either way to hire people who don't have green cards, because you not really hard to check whether but he has legit refuge or so it's a lot harder to track them green card or citizenship status. Ain't. But apparently you know there are a lot of companies for the do this space axis. One of course, that comes up must said I think people are very confused about this during two thousand sixteen speech so, unfortunately, does not as if you're working on rocket technology. This concern an advanced weapons technology, either a normal work visa is insufficient, must get special permission from secretary of defence. This? Isn't some desire of space x? You just hire people of green cards because you're not allowed to do anything else I think that's not wise policy for the us. There are so many talented people all around the world, we'd love to work at the coming unless they can somehow get a green car were legally preventive. Hiring someone musk added that's more laws do not apply to tesla and then about forty five
percent of the engineering staff of tesla was from outside the country. So am I Jonathan growed immigration attorney. He says it's. Basics is not barred from hearing for nationals at all, but companies to have certain visas for foreign nationals or obtain government approval when it comes to I G. A restrictions. Spacex is within its rights to not pursued their path but he said the refugees should not be affected by eighty eight hour restrictions. So what? If they just got it wrong? I mean what it wants. Just got it wrong, but they have a business incentive to avoid an accidental J, ai violation and be conservative, but apparently now they ve. Now it's been disincentives, so if they make a mistake, then your mother gunman content and destroy their security clearance and if they and if they don't irony of the migrants they want them to higher than you see them in federal court. Amazing from the Biden D o. Ok, meanwhile, she comments on it. there are many grave mistakes made with regard to russia. First unlisted is, of course, invading. Russia, during the winter time seconds.
this is leading a coup against the russian leader failing and then flying a private jet near russian airspace, That is a very, very bad mistake. Soap, as predicted the vulgar mercenary group chief yevgeny have any promotion him he's dead, according to the wall street journal shortly after sixty moscow time on Wednesday, an embraer jet carrying bognor paramilitary groups owner if any promotion, but a short, lived june uprising challenging Putin abruptly disappeared from flight tracking later, north northwestern moscow videos pose posted by. In short, the plane missing a wing spiralling the ground missing, a wing that that is not a normal mechanical failure, gang missing link about an hour later, when reporting stepped up to electronic heard about five miles away, made no reference to the crash. Instead, he wants. Into a speech talking about how russia defeated nazis in world war two and talk about ukraine, russian civil aviation authority and promotion into other type of agriculture were killed. One is plain went down. The government has don't worry. We're investigating the cause of the crash will turn out to be suicide pro
he committed suicide on the plane. That's probably what happened. I mean very weird, always went when applying jumps out of a fourth story window. There's somebody People who commit suicide, who are enemies of reboot and you know my shooting themselves twice in the back of the head, then thrown himself from a fourth story window, so yeah that this it's a shock it's, it's a super dry shock. But let me just point out d: move by promotion. What if I fly private plane, you know like halfway between. in petersburg in moscow is there going to go wrong? I was somewhat predictable: Joe Biden of course, was asked about it, and he had no comment because he has been working out doing what My question here is not the job and has no comment on it. My question
if he says that he works out like how he walks up a stair with the president. He overreacted between correct and russia, the am I going to supporting, and why do you wear with roger hamley? I dont know precisely what happened You didn't do anything you want to happen. Russian I don't know, I'm workin out he's didn't work. at the last year and a half guys, you can see it hey where's well, but that it is ripped and by ripped em.
There is not a tenant in his body that has not been ripped. Apparently, things are? Things are going great there just going spectacularly, ok temper, some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like what were starting to see some sort of school hollywood, an old school musical stars well we're starting to see them speak out against some of the woke insanity. So we saw recently Steven Spielberg, for example, come out with regard to iti and say, at that time that I removed the the gun for meeting at the very end of each for those have never seen the classic film great film. It had very end as Kids are approaching a police barricaded, there's a shot of a police officer holding shotgun and in the revised e t, there came out maybe fifteen twenty years ago that we remove the gun as this was going to like change the math or something similar. again, I was stupid. I shouldn't have done that, ensuring as yet more more different directors and act. I mean, like you know what you should be able to play whatever you want to play, if you're an actor or what
now you have musical stars were coming on saying things like you know it. It turns out that duty, just and ladys, just so car. Santana was at a cost recently- and I he was like you know what I'm going to tell you the scrapper- we have to pretended that, ladies, We got made you before. We came out of the woods You know who you are and what you do later when you grow out of you see things when you start believing that you could be something then It sounds good but do you know any right? because no woman is a woman in a manner. I ended. Agnes is now like a transformative statement is amazing. Yet it turns out the black magic woman.
a very different song. If a dude could be a lady, I feel I gotta be that be definitely, now definitely be a difference on. They would have a surprise ending for one await. Oh no, My team has just informed me that car Antenna has apologised now for these comments, so this turns thing I like thing: I hate ralph, asked affair. he put a statement out on facebook is- and I am sorry for my insensitive comments. They dont reflect want to honour and respect all persons, ideals and beliefs. Irene but what I said hurt people that was not my intent. I sincerely I'll to the transgender community and everyone. I offended. Ah, who the other things like so disney is just getting its aspect damaged in the stock market. They're getting destroyed their stock price closed. It. To forty seven on thursday, that's the worst, showing nearly nine years since, like two thousand fourteen, so the disney syndicates stock to be serious Ivan three point nine percent over the course of the day since just one in twenty one about two and a half years ago,
his loss of sixty percent of its value well. Maybe that's because they decided to work every single thing incite. Maybe it's that, as I said before it, Surely it cannot? Turning to me that I can take my kids to disneyworld like I grew up with disneyland loved disneyland. It was great, my wife and I were annual passholders when wondering california, and then we fully intend on being annual passengers disneyworld when you came here to florida. And we ve not until we have not done so. Very specific reason is because of the politics they decided to inject in ever, I'm not gonna walk into disneyworld with me heads and see some do dressed up as a lady waiting. three year old and debris body, I'm not gonna, do it and I'm not the We want to feels that way. There are tons of people who feel that way. All disney would have to do is stop. That's all you have to do If you're gonna make snow white, haven't you make it not about how a woke princess is going to is going stop seeking her prince, charming and she's going to to fight on her own. But what are we actually made?
a children's movie that did not include a non binary character have a bad. It's really not that difficult guy. you really is not at all, but for you Apparently it stopped because your held hostage by your own politics. So if you wish to destroy most valuable, I being in the history of humanity. I suppose you can do it, but it really is quite terrible, ok time for some things that I hate result I e number one, apparently the binding Ministration customs and border protection employees received an agency email on tuesday, according bright bart honouring national breast slash chest feeding month, that's exciting stuff, you do have to make sure that dumb national breasts last trust feeding month is is duly honoured. Now or I come from heavy kids with just do with boob Where I come from his place, whereby wife has three month until speeding? Is you know a daily occurrence in our house, then
and that this is now to be called it just feeding in sympathy with men who wish to leave that they can become women by ingesting extraordinary amounts of hormones, is totally insane or that a woman who calls herself a man that her breasts have now become just a male chest: This is so unbelievably shoe, so dont protect the borders, but do sure that no one is offended by national breastless just feeding month. Divide administration at its absolute best may well they're, not learning that in mally, nor this horror fire happen in line up, be how why power utility believed to have started the deadline. If I removed damage power, pulse and other equipment from keen key potentially affected evidence that is part of an official investigation and how ablaze ignited is accordingly, fines imposed hawaiian electric called away fallen, pulls power lines, transformers conductors and other equipment from near a lot this observation, starting round august wealth before investigators from the eighty of could even get there
Those actions may violated national guidelines on how utility should handle and preserve evidence ever wildfire and deprives investigators the opportunity to view any pulsar deadlines in an undisturbed condition. more or after the fire started accordingly where he have a lot of equipment, is already moved regard by the time. Investigators shortage problematic, Europe's where the equipment was relative to the ignition site. Maybe there there's a homeless, encampment or kids or a power line down on the ground where the ignition occurred. Once you move, it is kind of hard to figure out exactly what happened. Why? Electric pretending that died. They didn't move all of this stuff. One of the claim utility did not shut off power in advance of high winds blow. It said it took some other preemptive, it is now facing at least nine lawsuits. So is that an accident hmm when evidence disappears like that. Sometimes it is not quite an accident already folks, we are going to jump into the mailbag we'll be doing that right now, but you can only have your question answered if you are a delaware plus member. So if you're not a member become member use code, Shapiro checkout
two months, rental annual plans, click that lincoln the description and join us
Transcript generated on 2023-08-26.