« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1791 - Joe Biden’s SECRET Email Address?

2023-08-18 | 🔗

The House Oversight Committee uncovers a secret Joe Biden email address they say was used for business connected with Ukraine; Biden continues to avoid questions from the press; and Republicans prepare for next week’s first, presumably Trump-less GOP debate.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The house oversight committee and covers a secret Joe Biden, email address, they say was used for business connected with ukraine. Biden continues to avoid questions from the press and republicans prepare for next week's, first, presumably troublous, Jim, be debate and then roses, the bench Barroso. Yeah eventually, beer show sponsored by express vpn privacy is a right, not a privilege, defend your rights and express vpn dot com, slash men, so late. Yes, afternoon the house oversight me released a bomb shall letter to the archives of the united states, the national archives in records administration asking for all records and emails related to a particular email address. This is not the official email address the Joe Biden used when, whose vice president of the united states instead this z secret email address that he allegedly used in his vice president of the united states. Now we have no, What about a series of names that found in a hundred widens corn. What laptop from Hell since two thousand twenty one, though
names included one called Ralph l, Robert l, peters, Robert l, peters. How does a pseudonym? The committee has now identified as then vice president Biden, so, first of all, I didn't realize you territory, when you have official members of the federal government or using all an email address and sudan. Amis email addresses in order to email about actual political goings on we saw that Hillary Clinton had a private email server. Had there been other people who were the passive, had private email addresses, if those private email addresses are dealing with you, no private business. That is one thing, but if they are dealing with outside business activities and this being used a sort of a chinese firewall in order to screen those outside business activities from any sort of discovery. That's a real problem. The house oversight meteorites, The committee on oversight and accountability is investigating president binds meetings in communications with certain family, where's in their business associates during his tenure, as vice president, the nation
are causing records. Administration has published the violent vice presidential records collection, which contains information relevant to the committee's work. Many of these records have been rejected for publication pursuant to the presidential records act in full, two further investigation. It is essential that committee review these documents in their original format. The committee all Six unrestricted special access under the bureau to case number twenty twenty three into email messages to end from vice president Biden, an hundred Biden related to bereavement and Ukraine, which have been published on their website, these records jackson, for public release pursuant to Pierre envoy. Also, they want all of the sue emails attachments, made available on the narrow website is a document that indicates, and not I am on July, toilet. eleven, two thousand and sixteen vice president Biden took a call with the president of ukraine. Petro poroshenko is concerning to the committee, however, that this document was sent to Robert l, peters a pseudonym. The committee has identified as then vice president Biden
Additionally? The many questions. Why, then, vice president son hundred by only hundred Biden was copied on this email to then vice president Biden, there are now saying that Joe Biden was using a false email address in order to email his son about a call that he had with the then ahead of ukraine. And this is a pretty dicey stuff for Joe Biden again Joe Biden has long been a deeply corrupt human being Joe Biden. His corruption goes all the way back to his first centre raised. There are serious allegations that in his first senate, race, people really Its abiden campaign worked alone. side, members and local union to prevent friction, but the dissemination of a newspaper that contained in insert for his republican opponents, union was basically told to create a a picket line said the newspaper didn't go out that eight, thus boosting Joe Biden too. First senatorial victory in delaware and then from then on
an unbroken series of scandals involving Joe Biden and family members and money from family members who are absent credit worthy receiving money from banks who actually should not been lending the money because they knew the Joe Biden was the sender from delaware to his son, receiving jobs. They certainly should not have had two hundred biden, running around in foreign precinct picnic bands of care, under the by name Biden has always hid behind the sort of applause. That ability. I was never directly involved. I was not involved in any way, shape or form and is perfectly obvious. everybody. He deeply involved in every way, shape and form After all, how does a man who earned approximately two hundred thousand dollars a year for Literally, his entire career in the Senate end up buying ten million dollar mansion. How does that happened? How does he end up with these? giant houses has other money flowing. How does hundred Biden one of the most relax human beings ever to walk the earth clear. millions and millions and millions of dollars over the course of the last decade, for being here, we know too well,
His brother, James, clear bunch of money, has where the frank, clear, a bunch of money. How are these people now exuberantly wealthy. How does that happen? Almost Joe Biden is actively in. listed in them doing really well by using his name- and he knows, they're using his name in order to traffic. He knows that, but this would be the first evidence. The Joe Biden was directly involved. as in. Like writing emails. Now we have a lot of indirect evidence. The Joe was directly involved We have a lot of indirect evidence, ranging from actual testimony from you'll, like seven archer, that hunter Biden was having Joe stop by business meetings or that hunter. But I should call up job on the phone and talk about the weather and then they would get off the phone in front of other people. We have testimony from tony bubble linsky that Joe would stop by various business functions. We have pictures of Joe with various business dignitaries that hunter was called but we have all those things, but this would be actual communications, two hundred Biden about the business, which would be the first We have actually seen at this point in writing, so
fascinating to see what s We arrived here and also how the white house his brush, because what the white house will say is that we have no idea what this is. They even talking about we're, no obligation turn over those emails? How do you know another even about petrol, punish ankle? How do you know what those are about private emails, and so now our back into the hillary Clinton hidden email address, is it? What are they talking about arena some pretty dicey, stuff, obviously for Joe Biden, the dragons campaign is a very we campaign. This is why He continues to run away from him, for us is the constant pattern over and over and over again. Yesterday, for example, he was asked about his wide trip and as The easy question: that's what I'm going to why he runs away from requesting harry was now there s a by catch you later and then young people ask him a question.
and he continued to ignore the reporters again. This is pattern with Joe Biden, Joe Biden's. And, as I will not answer any questions on any topic of little interest to the american people, because I don't need to because we, I'm not a republican. At least I'm not honourable can only works if republicans continued run candidates or bad if candidates who actually are not bad at least a matter Looking, doesn't have quite the same sort of a bite, an elite. republican for a geriatric corrupt, sir, I will ban, is really bad campaign. Here is Joe Biden yesterday running away from Ass release, hobbling away from the press the it's hard to watch him an honest allison every time? I watch a clip of job. I'm? U wondering they're watching the last clip of July and it is really it's a troubling thing, he's not amazing shape by the way the same sort of appeal is isn't hired, ministrations appeal. We will not answer questions. I one hundred america's the head of the government of homeland security, whose astronaut we're crises yesterday and I
We ran away from it because this is what he does is what they all do. What is your secretariat? is the southern border. Numbers are up to one hundred and thirty thousand after dipping down or your lawful pathways working on passing by to answer my questions you later. Never the answer is: never they're, never going to answer the questions because why would they be scaled down republicans to shoot themselves directly in the chest where tomorrow- moment first, you know companies yeah for your naturally upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news for new and current pure to our customers. Pure talk just added data to every plan, includes mobile hotspot with no price increase whatsoever. If you've considered pure talk before but haven't made, the switch take a look again for just twenty bucks a month. You'll get unlimited talk text and now fifty percent more five you get plus their new mobile hotspot This is why I loved your talk, their veteran one. They only hire the best customer service team located right here in the united states of america. Most families are saving almost a thousand dollars a year while enjoying the most dependable five g network in the country. I been using pure chocolate. for all my business phone calls, and I can
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abortion rights, while they're not wrong. I mean me wrong in your thinking. They may do. You may disagree with them, but they're not evil. You know and that's not an end portraying it always being on the attack, doesn't make you popular. It's true he's right, demanded ryanair rumbled hampers. I certainly three years tat, thou my eyes. I believe she's about prosecutor around you promised you're asking we spoke as yet anyway. He's right. Ok, come on, there's a very beckoned itself. Democrats, our stock, which brings us to the state of the republican party, I have a question: what is your plan to win, What is your plan to win? You have a corrupt elderly man who is not cable, the filling his office and when he is capable of even worse, rather have him being senile watch matlock in the basement, then having him do the sort of damage he does to the country when he occasionally has awoken by a thorazine shot or something so republicans have
we're trying to get rid of this guy you you know they should do. Maybe they run a candidate who could win? I dont know sounds like a crazy idea. I know it sounds nuts. Maybe they should focus less on personality and emotional response, two particular candidate, and maybe they should focus on. You know who could be the president of the united states and make Joe Biden not be. The president of the united states is up. There's very interesting piece of data, then, is down from a new com. They kind of some really good did analysis at the new york times. You must have been times they can't analysis is good. I aunt em, he breaks the republican party into essentially six pieces. First is the so called moderate establishment. The educated, affluent, socially moderate or even liberal outright, never trump very often emulate fourteen percent, so the moderate establishment would be. people who support, say Chris Cresty, for example, maybe like Nicky hayley at the edge right there. They have left wing of the republican party they the asia hutchinson wing. Then there is this national conservatives, twenty six percent old fashioned, economically
she'll conservatives who oppose abortion and prefer corporate tax cuts to new terrorists. There are love, MR trump, but they do so the rights of us be made midnight, never can maybe trumpeters. Then you got the right wing as twenty six percent. They want fox news in his next there very conservative, their disproportionately evangelical. They believe because on the brink of catastrophe in they love from more than any other group of twenty six percent, the blue collar populist that twelve percent, their mostly northern, socially moderate economic populist, who will deeply conservative views on race and immigration that only back mr trump himself? Probably that is one a decade ago- that's twelve percent, the blue collar populace. Like jenny, dances grab, the libertarian conservatives are fourteen percent these disproportionately western and midwestern conservatives value small government that relatively socially moderate and isolationist and they're on the lower end of trump's support compared with other groups, and then there's the newcomers, eight percent- they don't look like republicans, they're, young, diverse and moderate, but these disaffected voters like democrats and the woke left even Ok. So if you're gonna break this down, while you would figure, is that from happening
thirty eight percent of the republican vote absolutely locked up right. So that means almost forty. And of the republican party is basically locked up. He says that the alliance between blue color populace and the right wing has left MR from potential opponent. Opposition in disarray before from the parties. Mainstream prevailed against right wing candidates by uniting traditional conservatives and the modern factions, but the establishment at blue collar that blueprint for victory appears to be closed. At least for now without a natural actual based around us answers and struggled to maintain a steady foothold in the race? In fact, trump leads to say, swung every republican voters identified in the analysis there, the party beyond from space may not always backrooms policies, but not necessarily anti trump. The closest thing to an answer open the party, the modern establishments become alienated from the rest of the party so again that breakdown bricks very much in favour of president trump. So what exactly? Does that mean for anyone who wishes to challenge president from
well. It seems to me that if you are a, if you are a candidate who wishes to challenge, presidential There's really only two bases to do so. One is that president trump, as president didn't do enough that president trump as president his record, the first three years is great, but in the last year he sort of fell apart and also because of that he didn't when the last election. That's point number one and there's one truth that at the last year of job, of down from presidency, was not good. His he's heavily! it was not good, is handling of the race riots. Twenty one was not good. All that can be true The second point is the really more telling one which is donald trump does not have excellent shot at beating Joe Biden, the pole, that we are seeing right now that is showing him competitive with Joe Biden very often is incredibly incredibly biased point, use. It there's probably came out yesterday, for example that showed the key and Joe Biden more effectively tied in the race. Probably apple. It shows Joe Biden, winning minority voters by plus twelve job
It's not going to a minority voters by plus, while the genuine minority voters, by like thirty thirty to forty point, because that's a democratic, always win by There's been some movement at the edges, but not to the tune of like twenty five to thirty percent. This notion that trumpets growth. only lose by twelve point, my minority voters broad rent, like black hispanic, an asian voters is totally while but those our floating trump right now, because again, if the elect ability When is the chief argument than the polls that show that trump is still electable against providing are really really helping him. Obviously, in that Joe Biden sweetness. But people need to ask themselves at this point what from run neurons campaign on going forward isn't about the sentence is now about from you gonna make the campaign by trumped than the campaigns backdrop. Can trump win should be the art the republicans are having a? U can see already the argonauts shift. from can trump win inside the republican party to what is the campaign even designed to do and as a serious problem I'll get to that in just one moment,
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best lotteries can carry you ever used at seventy percent after you shall become slash, shapiro, ok! So let's talk about the nature of their sir Donald trump is already attempting to himself in the field. Yesterday he did a video where he said people should just drop out of the race and hand it to him redpolls years out, leading by forty fifty and even sixty points who expected that I did our new hampshire, south carolina all very strong, but also leading Biden very big, the sanctimonious is crashing. Perhaps the party should come together. People should drop out of the race we unify and we beat Biden and the Democrats. They should be easy debate because our country has never been worse condition that it is right now. Thank you, ok notice in a very merry- and he drops in the Biden stuff, but really this race. It out is sort of his personal, and on the rest of the republican party, by the way he donald trump, as always feel slighted by a wide variety of
and that's pretty much everybody he hired by the way. I said, Donald trump over the last forty eight hours cancelled the crack and again z, remember that he promised that on Monday, who's gonna have a press conference. Where spelled out all the ways that he was too The election in georgia will now is cancelled. If you put out a truth, saying what, rather than releasing the report on the rigged and stolen georgia, twenty twenty presidential election on Monday, my lawyers for putting this, I believe, irrefutable and overwhelming evidence of election fraud and irregularities in formal legal filings as we fight to dismiss this disgraceful inside by a publicity campaign, financing india, who sadly presides over record breaking murmur and violent crime area atlanta. Therefore, the news conference is no longer necessary. So what actually his lawyer said to him Donald. We don't trust that you're not going to go in front of the press and then say a bunch of stuff that is going to get you in further trouble for it. For example, just as obstructing or are tamper. With witnesses or whatever, and so we need to do. Angela into trump actually listened to his lawyers once in his life, which is a good thing by the way, and he cancel the press conference here but
Is this campaign really gonna be about job? I'm are going to be that all this sort of stuff so bill bar yesterday, his My attorney general number job that this was Donald trump attorney general. Ok, he picked him so bill bar was on fox news and build our suggested the donald trump could theoretically be in jail by the time, the primary even close in may of next year, and and donald trump then put a true thing. Just found this clip of Bilbao prior to him, succumbing to impeachment other threats to the radical lunatics. His bravado rapidly, because you didn't want to be impeached- republicans have to be much france, martyr or you won't have a party or a country left bar didn't have the courage or stamina. fight, but he knew what was happening. I can't him and felt really good about it now. He goes all over the place, especially fox pretending he's a tough guy. What does this campaign can be folks What is his campaign? It going to be. Why haven't idea this campaign is going to be in that idea, comes courtesy of match, lapse or match lap. Is the chair of sea pack and put out its we yesterday jesse, Kelly and other radioactive materials.
What are you waiting for me like I'm, ten years old? How does anyone dropping out help trump stay out of prison? Please be specific if everyone out. What do we do when the communist in michigan and pennsylvania keep him? the general election ballot and slap I quote the sooner we unified behind a nominee, the sooner We can use resources to fund the defensive. Everyone indicted for being a trump republican. This has become about. bigger principle in just one man? Now you may think that the elections Twenty four is about. You know getting rid of Joe Biden, but according to matt I assume, according to much of team, from what it's real about? Is you funding, Donald trump legal bills now have a lot of sympathy for the fact that, from his being victimize, by the legal establishment. I bet that incredibly clear over the course of the sub. Why several months, I think the case in manhattan is bs. Like overt be us, I think that the agenda excuse me rob hijack smith in DC is amiss charge. I think it is brought by fanny will, as this rico case is in overcharge, misuse of rico likely because she doesn't it. We have a criminal enterprise, and I think that the classified documents case my
be a good legal case, but also to obviate by the fact that aid in prosecutor couldn't for pretty much the exact same thing with all that said, why should twenty four be about litigation as opposed to you no elections. I dont understand my interests as an american citizen. primarily, in Joe Biden shopping president of the united states running at the deal J, the america darwin. That is predominantly my interest. I certainly have an interest in Donald trump fighting his legal battles. That that's fine is that my prime, interest, as an american citizen based taxes is the only thing I care about the most. If I have to, our ties, the doldrums legal cases, or is it be? Joe Biden, even so from a legal case. That's fine, dudes, gotta, legal fun! You not us nobody to donate, was legal fun and steady sort wandering the money from his campaign into his legal. Once you get money to his campaign and use it for legal costs is that why you're donating is because you care that much better legal fine, he should open illegal one. I do it or do care about beating Joe Biden
Donald trump could theoretically win when of the legal cases still not be Joe Biden. I dunno and the prioritization that I dont understand with campaigns plan is here will be tomorrow. Internally first, everyone knows. I love that helix mattress, but did you know that just launched there most high and collection. Helix elite heels has harnessed years, extensive, mattress expertise to bring customers are truly elevated. Sleep experience. The usually collection includes six different mattress models: each taylor for specifically positions and firmness preferences. I've had my helix mattress four seven eight years. This. it is fantastic. It is the thing that allows me to stay alive, given my lack of sleep nervous about buying for someone you have to be healed, says a sleek was imagine your body type and sleep references to the purpose, interest, because why would you buy a mattress made for somebody else? I took that he'll exquisite as match with a firm but breathable mattress, it's great again It is the thing that that basically allows me to have any level of energy whatsomever again the fact that my energy is being taken up by for young children plus got helix sleep, dot, com, slash men, take their two minutes lie cause find the perfect mattress for your body and sleep type. Your mattress will come right, your door ship for free plus he has a ten year. Warranty can try it out for one hundred night risk free they'll, even pick it up. For you,
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where you can love the guy. He was great president in every aspect. That's all fine as well dandy. You can that, if he's the nominee above remedies and only elbowed warm, but that is not the question. Is, if he has the nominee, what is campaign likely to be about. Are you to fund donald trump illegal troubles? Are you there to beat Joe Biden these? not synonymous donald trump, combine the two into one but I'm just wondering what the evidence is that This is going to work. I dont understand I dont undressed, And why people think the donald from legal troubles a blue. Do him in a general election. Asking for one piece of evidence, I am also asking for a piece of strategy. Donald from can be stopped. it was? It was legal cases he's got one coming in january. He's got one maybe in February he's got one coming in march and then just another one coming in may we're legal cases in the four five months of the year. What are you he's gonna be talking that we talk about Joe Biden, inflation that is absolutely uninteresting to donald trump on a person,
level he's deeply uninterested in Joe Biden politically speaking, he doesn't care about is a personal enemy. For Joe Biden, unanimous that I think, should be widely shared Joe Biden, deeply corrupt human being, but is that the case that you're going to make in order to in order to win? I dont understand it. I truly do not. hey, so this may be a topic at a debate but job, but donald trump is going to show up for debate to donald trump. Yesterday he put out a statement. A couple of one blasting fox news, suggesting Fox news was being unkind to him because he was apparently, not going shop for the bay anyways is. Why does in fact in financial? All of the poles were beating by and by a lot while, because the poles were you eating Joe Biden by lot art by a lot, don't exist. That's why sorry break it? Everybody, those pulls, do not exist and read you. The last several was in the real grip politics. Appalling average is all poles since July. Twenty third, you ready type
thirty three forty three Biden, plus one biden plus one button, plus one buying plus one button, plus three, the poles Donald trump is leading by a lot, do not exist unless you're looking at captured polls on twitter, I'm sorry they don't. Mean the trunk couldn't be theoretically competitive with Joe Biden, although I have serious doubts, given the fact that donald trump does not or pass in any pool, literally, any pool he doesn't unsurpassed. Forty six percent. He's not going to win the election with less than forty six percent, and even at forty six percent you've got a scrape on by that's going to be real, close show me the bath, the donald trump wins. Fifty percent of the vote I the ones, forty eight percent about I'd love to see it would make his camp much more durable to me, because what I about is beating Joe Biden. I don't tell them from one other question. Thank god I make a very nice living. If, god forbid, I have legal troubles I will pay for those legal troubles using the nice living that I have made. Donald trump is yawns wealthier than I am
it has a multiple of wealth that I do down from possibly one of the richest people on planet earth according to them from peace worth up to, ten billion dollars why is using his campaign? Funds to finance legal problems is a serious question. Why. I mean shouldn't be using to beat Joe Biden forget about the idea that his his own people- These are really hoping. He'll use the funding not for his legal funding, but very everything else. Isn't it tacit admission there, but you do not worth as much money as he says he has, or that you rather use your money to fund its legal bills and his own money to finance legal bills. and why is his, but why is his money not being for his own legal problems and for the legal problems of his allies by the way in speaking of his campaign. I mean, there's an incredible story from political today: ok, the story talking about laura numerous laura rumor is apparently very upset at me, because I mentioned that she is a kind of a crazy person and the donald trump is allied with her she's kind of a crazy person
Donald trump is allied with her. That's just what that is what it is in any case, according to politico ron, philip koski, who is a far left twitter addict. he has teamed up now with laura homer and people affiliated with down trumps campaign to attack round santa's. So justly the straight away that works in a publican party. Politics, if you say one bad word about donald trump and you are another republican candidate republicans are angry you if Donald trump's campaign teams up with RON philip koski to attack ron de santis, that's good, apparently, apparently, according to politico don't count, he said, and probably the top aunt had his hands. I personally twitter on twitter, so rivals something had his hands as they want to get into the mainstream. Thus, unto me, the trunk campaign could to comment on whether they are coordinating with a far leftist run philip cowskin, to attack this answers, which, while it does not seem like you know, really would conservative strategy it doesn't seems to me that if you dont want to start
were firing squad that should apply to everyone in the in the firing squad, laura loomis that they speak occasionally quote. He knows. I'm a trump well asked, and I know he doesn't like trump and despite our differences, we have found common ground and making sure I understand this is never elected president of the united states. Ever never to Santa's is a thing apparently so that that is strong stuff right. Their strong suffer unfilled county, teaming up with them more aluminum to attack, run the only way to be job. I'm just a question by the way, Hence it is now been targeted by more negative expenditures than both Biden and from combined a quarter of all independent expenditures. in the twenty twenty four election cycle going to washington. Examiner twenty million dollars have targeted dissenters, tromp was just eight billion dollars of negative independence, expenditures directed toward him by was it had to nine million dollars of independent expenditures, so pretty much everyone is attacking disasters at this point and nobody is attacking trump. We're
we are you know well nobody's attacking is, of course, the vague round the swami doesnt, I'm friends with a vague and inflexibility mark. I also vague spend every waking moment not attacking under of zone party. Not mentioning anything that is political differences, but the front runner of party the vacancy guy. I also note that the polling data with regard to vague is a little bit. Advocated the online poles, roman, eight, nine, ten percent and then the Phone pulls the ones that a little bit more reliable than mine host had like two that's a pretty wide gap and the press, course jumping on the idea. The vacant surging into sense is falling. Here's the reality of the race, the races, absolutely stagnant. It's been stagnant for three to four months. Again. If I look at real politics pulling averages and I'm looking at them right this very instant. What you see is that the scientists has declined, about someone between three and four percent over the course of the last I dunno eight months, if you will get the pulling in october,
in twenty two it showed trumpet fifty three and scientists at nineteen today in with average. It shows the trump at fifty five and sensitive fifty exactly appalling collapse. Barbaik has been surging to eleven percent and descended Even in that fox news bowl, that's the one. By the way, the fox news poll is the only recent poll that shows an actual the big search is not online. Only poll that poll there more in council, which was midnight both those goals. Also, his answers at sixteen percent, which we, that he's basically, where he's been for less several months, this way Not changed very much or as little movement at the bottom of the race, not a lot of movement in the rest of the race What does that mean? It means going into the debate. I would assume that all the attacks one to be understands it, whether it does Basically, the way is going to go on death row, who runs wanted to santa super pact here. He then, as a lot of things,
The superpower sometimes do to avoid legal complications with coordinating with campaigns are not allowed to do so. Sometimes my dark corners of the internet, the posting hoping that the campaign sees it and then implement so pair We, a memo, has now gone out from Jeff row. It debated vice for dissent is for next week from his armies had you not debating in fact he's gonna counter programme, the debate. According to cnn, is is going to do some sort of event with Tucker karlsson. It sounds like he is a floating that he's getting it, but then I guess he, the oranges, absolutely cutlass having they are super gutless because does the aren't you doing here? The currency is coordinating with trumps surrogates to represent him and spin room So apparently that means that they will allow carry lake byron, Donald mac gets as well publicans in congress or trumped supporters, but openly to attend the debate. next week and then and then basically critique the debate in the spin room that, while that's while I'm sorry if your man doesn't show up, you should not be in this been room. That's like this.
At the same, I'm not gonna show up, but I emerson, christina shaw over to the debate room to equity while the other candidates- that's it that's an absurdity. It really one of these other candidates could rise from wondering how and I'm wondering what when the republicans you're gonna, say you know it might be worth while to examine some other options at this point, just in case just in case anyone the Jeff road map. about what two senses it needs to do is: go take a sledge or to the vague rama swami the political newcomer rising the poles, who should defend donald trump. When Creasy, inevitably attacks of unpleasant and means to attack Joe Biden and the media no less than three to five times now one campaigns are having trouble very often, it feels like they're just stumbling on landmine after landmine when a campaign is having trouble and since this campaign is experiencing, trouble to launch for sure when you see this and what you see is stuff, like this leaks in the press about debate strategy now is that's a terrible strategy. I am not sure that this day
a terrible strategy, but the fact that is now being revealed publicly and being treated as like top lie. News is part of ongoing media narrative, which the santas is getting hammer by trump, here's the ring when the media have a common interest in ensuring that trunk s denomination, because they believe, rightly or wrongly, donald trump, getting an unnatural loosed about that's what they want more than anything else and if Wiggins believe that that's not the case and the nominate trump, maybe they'll, be right and maybe they'll be wrong, but if they're right, I would like to see the data that they are right and I would like to see the plan that trump plans to went to avoid what happened last, and I still one question and one question only guys if Donald trump is the nominee thinks that the last election was stolen from him after he won it by big numbers. According to him right, he won huge. What is his plan to stop that from happening again? Does it exist? What would it be? It seems the right now the republican party is in its own referendum, do care more about donald trump personally,
or do we care more about beating Joe Biden now, maybe You think that you are not in conflict and it's a nice easy answer. But if the two are in conflict, which one do you prioritize as a voter, zero question for everyone, because the data that the jew right now are in conflict and pretend the data away. We can assume the data, don't exist, that's fine, but just as a hypothetical humor me if the two are in conflict, beating Joe Biden or personal love for donald trump. which one matters more to you, and I understand that anyone even asking the question is now considered an enemy, Donald trump. This is not me An enemy of Donald trump donald trump should be acquitted on these charges. I think that these charges are being not for political reasons. I agree with all of those things and vote for him, if he's in nominee, but if, as the issue, the three and twenty four and I'm letting donald trump are in conflict, which one is more important to you, and if it is the latter, I would ask why there are many ways to defend donald trump,
putin given to his legal defense fund that apparently does not really exist. He should set one up like right now, but what? What is the plan? What is the plan again because you know there are things to talk about like, for example, the incipient collapse, of the economic status of the united states will get it at momentarily. So we have an can produce or a new executive was run. The show justin just any, is great. He was hired to come the office in you really sure that things were working and be here data day and he's never here, like hey. He moved to iowa to south florida to be part of the office, and then he lives in national with the rest of the world. The girl, an occasional. I hear him in my ear, saying things and about the association that I have with just in at this point, so that's it we're going to replace trusting that somebody who actually was in the office from time to time- well then you had had an to zip recorder this, how we threaten employ easier it daily, why typical is a hearing partner focused on you and your needs zipper nose out of it.
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It is excellent. Also, we have the conditioner the conditioner really good. I've been informed that real men, you separate shampoo, unconditional by my crew as told this. So I use germans conditioner only then is really good, but also because I partially on the company. Also, we have over here the church whole body wash which so you're watching with you, know rock, but you're, not actually really really good and smells delightful. So, however, germany's razors dot com. Take advantage of the last day of this sail for me, well if it feels as though the economy is on the verge of vine part, that's only because the economy is on them about falling apart according to cnn, China's ever grandcourt group, which was once this country second largest property developer filed for foreign bankruptcy in new york on thursday The beleaguered firm borrowed heavily and defaulted on. Instead in twenty twenty one sparking a mess, property crisis in china's economy, which continues to feel the effects evergreen file for chapter fifteen bankruptcy production that allows use bankruptcy court to step in
when insolvency case involves another country. Chapter fifteen bankruptcy is intended to help promote cooperation between the courts. there's another country's courts involved in cross border bankruptcy proceedings. So what Meanwhile, on china's real estate sector was thirty percent of the country's gdp whenever ran swain twenty one defaults in shockwaves through china's, probably markets, damaging homers and the broader financial system in the country. Basically, China had built a bunch of fear roads on tobacco borrowing, money than building empty apartment buildings. evergrande is a massive company with more than thirteen hundred real estate projects. More than two hundred and eighty cities, they've struggled to pay off their loans, the property company's debt load reached three hundred and forty billion dollars by the end of last year billion, that is roughly two percent of china's entire gdp, so China's economy is on the brink. That means the united basic on me is in trouble as well. Meanwhile, mortgage rates have now had We're seven percent in the united states has the highest rate in more Twenty years ago in the wall street journal
the increase extends a lengthy stretch of high borrowing costs. It slowed the housing market will. Crawl is marked the first time since last fall rate on thirty or fixed rate mortgages rosemont, seven percent a year, though rachel around five percent the housing market part of the economy hit most directly by the federal reserve's high rate policies. But what does that mean exactly? That means that the is on real estate, are about to drop rather precipitously because it there is no one to buy the real estate, so a bunch of people are just not going to sell their houses, which is fine. If you can afford to stay in your house cause. You got a two per cent mortgage and three per cent mortgage good for you. There can be some people who are not able to afford their bills and they bought the houses kind of on spec thinking. Able to flip them and now and they cannot flip them. Those houses will be defaulted. Socks fell on thursday expend extent August declines. Investors word a new about continuing federate hikes, official still she inflation risks and the potential, for higher interest rates. According to meeting minutes released this year when the feds started, lifting interested
at a rapid clip last year, the rising cost of borrowing to buy a home was expected to be temporary a year and a half on rates are climbing back towards their highest. Despite briefly dipping toward six percent in late twenty twenty two and early two thousand twenty three. Now by our sellers and investors are adjusting to the idea, higher rates are here to stay, or at least here to stay longer than they were expecting. So what would be sellers feel stuck in place? Some we are giving up their instead renting, which is driving a brands, and all this is artificially created by bad government power in the federal reserve policy, and it's going to have some pretty significant, downstream effects. Meanwhile, alot of your very important things to people's lives like, for example, childcare. Those expenses are just ripping through families. The national average price of day care and preschool services rose. Six percent in July from one year before is nearly but the overall inflation rate of three point: two percent everybody's got to keep in those long hours in order to earn those inflated dollars. Panthers inflated bills, parents, see their childcare bills clam hired. This follows providers boost wishing to cover rising costs and federal pen.
aids visas Black people don't have options. They have to take it rising wages and other expenses are driving up childcare tuition, so people are feeling it right in the pocket book people are selling off assets in order to make the bills. According to the wall street journal americans book, in trying to the baseball cards, vital records and sneakers. They collected sometimes through pain, steak efforts now, they're selling them off collectors are saying they don't have a choice. Well, yeah I mean bunch of people are losing business and now they're going to have to sell what they got. All of this is gone again. What goes up must come down and now the voters are restock, because if they continue to raise at those interest rates and attempt to quash inflation, the economy could flip over this voting no wonder the economy could easily flip over an if they don't raise those rates. Inflation could continue to chip away at americans. Lifestyle So what is happening and do their trapped
are you talking about lowering interest rates again, which would presumably jack up the the inflation rates again, according to the wall, street journal, most federalism, goes back an increase in interest rates last month, but some arising risks. They might raise rates to high, underscoring growing caution about further increases officials. they'll saw significant risks. Inflation might not fall as much as they expect, which could require them once again this year. According to the minutes, those risks include. Hunger, economic growth and the reversal of recent supplies, improvements or declines in commodity prices, which enlargement possible for the slowdown in inflation at all of this is going to. First hit in china in first it in europe and the united states last, but it's already hitting in europe. According to the wall street journal a sluggish economy, higher income, rates and the expiration of condemning their alike support for ailing companies is forcing Our businesses in europe to declare bankruptcy report also showed, new business creation in europe is slowing, as the binding ministration support for green tat continues to draw new investment abroad. The number of eu
miss filing for bankruptcy in the three months to end june rose eight point, four percent from the previous core at the highest level. Since twenty fifty registrations, new business for zero point. Six percent in all the happy talk about by x is masking the fat. that the economy is slowing globally, that is by no means a work slowing economy, inflated, causing everybody knows it and guess what can she be running against that, if they're not distracted with all the other issues, the Democrats wish to distract them including down from legal prevails while Joe Biden is offering all sorts of failures for republicans to pick up on, including lawyers in hawaii job is gonna be going to, but the amount of aid that is all the of like seven hundred dollars family, which was even pay for the amount of money that each family in line has paid for the ukraine were soon It's like the amount of money in taxes. If you prorate it across the economy, easy is the people who have to pay more than seven hundred dollars for the morning crane and are getting less than eight hundred dollar bill,
from the federal government when the house burns down, jean pierre, however, has been using the magic words hole of government approach, which is and we have no idea we're doing, but we'll say the entire nation is grieving with you and it's going to be with you. as you rebuild, and we cover we're not going to go anywhere until that occurs. That happens. The president is going to continue to marshal are full of government of effort approach, as he has done from day, one with having dozens of a federal agencies and enzyme ages, even departments on the ground, helping local partners and state partners get get the assistance, a federal system so that these are vibrant need, this is incredibly important. This is something that the President takes very seriously but hope you find directly over east palestine ohio when here when he had gone over to Molly S, praise usual arrangement again Joe Biden seat, get rich environment, new aid people out today, only thirty
six percent of american adults approve of Joe Biden's handling of the economy. Only forty two percent approve of his overall performance people by the way, really really overall, do not want to see a Biden trumpery match next year. Here's the April it? Would you like to see each other following individuals run for president in twenty twenty four or not Joe Biden? Seventy five percent, no donald trump, sixty nine percent, our job, easy. This warning to do I, meanwhile, we have been hearing about this hawaii wild birds, a disaster, obviously a major major disaster, but one of the things you've been hearing from media is that it's all about global warming. It's not about global warming, it's about as always, human failure according to cliff mass. Who is a pro. sir at the university of washington, atmospheric scientists why fires are not connected to climate change, told my friend, jason went over and katy age. He said. No. He there thing to do with climate change like zero. He says there
due to a combination of dry, invasive grass and powerful when that accelerate the spread of the fire, not climate change, as this is an area of extensive grass, the grass and more. doubtful the normal, because there was not alot, because there was a lot of precipitation over the winter. He had a lot of grass. A lot of that grass is not natural grass and invasive stuff brought over in the last century, strong early from windstorm. So we had nothing to do with anything, except for that wins. What they destroy power lines, written spark that invited the grass we only that could have done is to warn the locals, and this is where the failure kitchen, apparently according to the wall street journal. In the twenty nineteen, while verses in one of the worst molly had ever seen why an electric collude concluded. It needs do far more to prevent its power lines from meetings parts, utility, examined california's plants, reduce fires, ignited by power lines, sidelined drones over its territory and vowed to take steps to protect its equipment and its customers from the threat of fire Nearly four years later, the company is completely little such work between twenty nine in twenty twenty two and invested less than two hundred forty five thousand dollars on while very specific projects on the island.
Regulatory filing show it did not seek state approval to raise rates to pay for broad, while for safety improvements, twenty twenty two and has yet to receive it. The bicycle At least two hundred and ten deaths destroyed liner and resulted in committed billions of dollars in damage. Hawaiian electorates would investigate any role. Its infrastructure may have played and coordinate with a separate programmes. The fire launch last week, by hawaii attorney general. There is also reports that the that a silent alarm went off, which is completely useless so once again, human failure generally the blame for massive natural disasters. In the same, that faulty building in new orleans led to the full scale faster that was result working katrina, our time, things I like and then some things that aid so things that I like today, I am use. The California is still talking about one point: two million dollars for reparations pats on the state of california. So, as you will know, California was never slaves to the matter. California, still talking operations now they're saying that they are. They have the math. So
Nine recommendation reparations could total more than one point: two million dollars per person there saying health harms come out too thousands thousand six dollars annually which they need sixty seven thousand dollar maximum over seventy one years: housing discrimination, thirty four hundred dollars for each year. Which is one hundred forty, nine thousand other maximum and mass incarceration over policing, which amounts to some uncommitted gremlins jail. one in four hundred dollars per year over forty four years so they're trying to what a price tag on differences in life expectancy from eighteen, fifty two present and then pay people for this, and what they're coming up with one point, two million dollars per person now. Does California have the money for that? Of course, California does not have the money, for that also have where are they going to distribute Emily? What happens to people who have mixed race parentage? What who I assume that they don't care about any. This is all for show they're never going to do any of this, but it is using to watch california, push forward the sort of stuff
only by increasing the tax burden on people who are wealthy, which is driving people from the state. So Education, California, once again on pursuing crappy policy, ok time for some things that I hate so going break our guy. Come study of open skies. Catchy BT conducted by researchers at the university of east anglia in the uk shows the market leading a trap by his clear, biased were left us political parties. Now we knew this for a fact and you can see our youtube video that we did where I have discussions with catchy beauty and were well right, glowing holmes about Joe Biden, and then it will refused at anything laudatory about donald trump. There. Obviously, parameters that are placed on these chat bought on these eight eyes that make them more left, leaning. Without a doubt. The study published in the journal public choice show Chad, jpg hundreds default settings favours democrats in the united states. Labour party in the uk and presently would survive the workers party in brazil, Researchers asked a chachi to impersonate supporters of various political parties and positions and then asked the model.
Chapter two series of sixty ideological questions, the responses to these costs we then compared to chachi pts at default answers this allowed the researchers to test whether tragedies default responses favour particular political stances. Did it to overcome difficulties caused by inherent randomness of the large language models. Each question was asked a hundred times. Different responses were collected, but they found is that, of course, there was serious political bias to ai that, of course, not a shocker at all. As you said you, Jaggi bg right now, you can try it out my producers, because you know this is what they do in their off time. There she ran through chachi pt a a query for a muse It's all about me. That was actually the query should a musical about Ben shapiro. What exactly was the Chachi pt response it was an entire musical about how I realized that I've been wrong about politics forever that's. According to the air, the title is: righteous mine, a bench of your a musical the show opens with bench appear on his kids,
political commentator, persona addressing a crowded supporters. He things about the important and and the dangers of collectivism and the need for personal responsibility. The scene transitions, we see buttoned his personal life, we're going to balances professional success with his family life. He sings a heartfelt ballot about the difficulties balancing his public persona with his private Ok, so, first of all, off the rails immediately immediately. Let me just tell you there is no doubt de balancing my family life. With my professional life. There We are justified in georgia for a small family vacation and, as my produce I will tell you and everyone else at the airport am literally carrying around my kids all the little physically getting lemme get all the time, so yeah good job, an actor The second act opens with a dramatic showdown between Ben and illiberal counterpart, debating the role of government in society that you characters engage in a fiery duet, each defending their respective positions. as the shown years. Its conclusion bend begins to question his own beliefs and principles. Thank you. I, he sings a soul searching solo about the importance of empathy
understanding and how these calls these can be reconciled with his conservative about. First of all, it is the left that has no empathy. No understanding Is the left a truly believe that, instead of actually, you know taking care of me a personal level. You should just give the money and other people's money. That is the least empathetic position he woke up here, In short, I hope a purpose and no, I should let the government help the poor person. My taxing bob that true empathy, hillock grimace up should I take her in my home and take care of her and help pay bills. No, I will make the government tax that guy over there and they will take grammar and suffer anomalies in an old age home page just carry for it so much under the unless they were so empathetic. the finale brings the entire cast together. For rousing ensemble member, celebrating the power of diversity and the importance of respectful discourse in a divided society, Overall says the air. The righteous mind is a thought, provoking and entertaining exploration of politics, family and personal identity, featuring the dynamic talents of Ben Shapiro so far,
on the one wants to see me in a musical. If you want to see me saying you have to pay to be an all access. Member and watch me sing for my supper. It is, it is painful for all involved, but as always again the people. I know the people who are writing air programmes folks and their almost universally to left. So it's not a shock that the air reflects human form as arctic, as the rest of the show continues right now, you're, not gonna, wanna miss will be jumping into the mailbag. If you're, not a member become member use. Code shapiro check out for free annul, annual plans, click that lincoln description and join us Yeah
Transcript generated on 2023-08-19.