« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1787 - Joe Biden’s Big Hunter Coverup

2023-08-14 | 🔗

Joe Biden’s DOJ appoints David Weiss special counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation – and we examine why it’s a coverup; Republican candidates descend on the Iowa State Fair as Donald Trump swoops in for a visit; and a blue collar man creates the viral song of the moment.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Joe Biden D, o J, appoints David. Why special council and a hundred Biden investigation? We examine why that's a cover up republican cans It's descend on the iowa state, fair as donald trump swoops in for a visit and kellerman increase the virus on at the moment I mention here. This is the bench Barroso, yeah, venture the show sponsored by express vpn, protect your online privacy, the danish press, uganda coms lifespan, so it was only matter of time until the true cover up of the cover up began, so in order to understand why the Joe Biden D, o j, just appointed David weiss spare the council in case he was already investigating. You have to understand the timeline. So basically Joe Biden, son, britain has been under investigation, since twenty nineteen has been under investigation for wide variety of tax offences, he was also under investigation for gun crimes. Well, just a few weeks ago, it turned out that a pleads you had been cut between David Weiss was the U s attorney in charge of prosecuting investigating the hunter Biden case, an hundred Biden's.
legal team, and that plea agreement was a sweetheart deal without a doubt. The way sweetheart deal worked was this. Essentially he would get no time whatsoever. for any of his tax crimes, and he would also get no time. It is our version for his gun crimes, but not only did the plea we'll do that. It also basically immunized him from all further criminal charges, aren't do anything tax or funding related, which of course is the hunter Biden, Joe Biden stuff, that's all of his foreign agents registration. Nations. That's him going abroad, pinup sacks of cash and and questioning whether those crimes involve Joe Biden. All of that will just gone away. and the g o J tried to bury this in the deal. The d o j, instead of putting this in the plea agreement with regard to the tax charges when they went to court. Instead, they put it in A agreement with regard to the gun charges. It was not actually under the purview of the judge, was presiding over the tax charges, but would be left to the judge to actually enforce that plea. Agreement now what's the judge quite arms, this rejected hold up a second, I dont understand: are you guys
basically wiping away olives other crimes of this plague ribbon, or are you not, and at that point the deal J, which was in fact attempting to wipe away cover up all of hundred by other crimes. The plea agreement at that point they got called there and in the cookie drives. You know that we were trying to wipe away all these future crimes and when they said that undermine I it like well, then we don't have a deal. What do you mean? his deal. Was you think he was just going to plead out on the tax charges and the gun charges without wiping away all future prosecutions on similar charges like the corruption with Joe Biden or foreign agents, registration act, issues even worse sign or names on the dotted line for echo. Cause you sweetheart you'll know we want the whole thing, otherwise we're going to court and the geo jason. Well, we were going to give you the whole thing, but then we kind of got caught, giving you the whole thing and the higher arrangement blood, the judge? In that case it did. She had never seen any deal remotely like that. You and all of this place simultaneously with I, s whistle blower, Gary shabbily, testifying before congress that David Weiss, these special, the usage,
in this particular case, had not been granted special council status now. Why would that of matter what we ve been given? Special councils, She would have been allowed to prosecute hundred by busily wherever a hundred button committed a crime, he would have been given enough independence to four hundred biden, However, he believed he needed to go after hunter Biden, but according to gary shapley, David way, said that he had actually been denied by Joe Biden, steel, J, special council status in the investigation of hunter by, in fact, Here is the iris whistleblower garish, happily testifying in open. eternal testimony that David Weiss said he was denied special counsel status and that's when David weiss in october, seventh, two thousand twenty two said that the dc us attorney's office said they will not allow surcharge there, and then he added that he would request special count. He requests a special counsel authority and was denied in that meeting. I even had him repeat that, because I knew how important that fact was- and I wanted to
Sure I understood it, you were there and you remember it crystal clear in your mind. Not only do I remember it crystal crystal clear, but I documented it the email, this an exhibit in the house, ways means committee. Testimony was when I returned home that evening. I documented it in an email and some exhibit? You can look right on there, so shapley said he was actually prevented from pursuing any leads that involve Joe Biden, including in twenty seventeen email from james, giving our business associate of hundred Biden, which bore the subjects expectations and outlined a provisional agreement for equity energy or the chinese energy company? That included the famous phrase now ten held by age for the big guy shapley says he wanted to investigate that whose prevented from doing so by David, wise and by the people who are in charge of this investigation, who were not given special council status. Now that J, then said: well, we didn't give special council status because you never asked for special council status for, of course, that's not how special council status works. Your wife into the deal jays office and say I would like special council status, you don't walk
Eric ireland's often say? Listen. I hereby request special council status. Your given special council status volunteer, we buy the geo J because they want to establish some form of independence, from the actual investigation? That's going on this, for example, is why they give special council status to jack smith. Down from instigations they could at least claim that it wasn't merrick, ireland and joe by doing that, they didn't bother, don't know thunder because they clearly wanted their fingers still in the pie with regard to hunter by nokia. Will all of this controversy led up to merit garland over the over the weekend on friday, announcing that David Weiss would now be appointed. A special council. Now understand. The timing here is everything Giveaways waste should have an account appoint a special council. If they want a special council like at the very beginning, then you would have had the full powers to go after hunter Biden, but he was not given that special counsel status, so he didn't have the power to after hundred Biden. Then, given waste any time during the subsequent period could have given us for council status and then he was not, and then the hundred Biden plea you'll, came through in a blue up and then Gary
happily testified, and now it appeared that David waste was one too agim from congress to explain why he was not given special council status and who's gonna hear You actually testify in congress under oath endanger perjury using I have to testify with a merrick garland in the d. O J had basically told them how to handle the case. So in order to first all that merit garland in the J then gave him such a council status and in doing so, they accomplished a couple of things- one, they back filled the special council status when it was basically to wait and two they now essentially prevents congress from calling him in request because anything he is question about now. He could see as part of an ongoing investigation, and we can't answer it. So if he is asked about why he wasn't given special counsel status before he can say. Well, I have special counsel status now and I can't really speak about what was happening before, because that is all part of a case that is now ongoing. So this is a cover up of a cover up understand the original crime. Was hundred Biden and Joe Biden in june. Whatever it was, they were doing. We still don't know all the answers there, but it's pretty obvious what was going on and then part two was the cover up, which
it's appointed person who is not a special counsel to investigate that thing and have that person cut a sweetheart deal with hunter Biden and then, when that blows up, you get the cover up of rob, which is now give that exacting person special care Statuses works when it just a second it. Probably. the illegal under the special council step jute actually give giveaway special council status at this point. First from banks in countries like china, india and australian transitioning to digital car, the federal reserve's been contemplating doing the same thing for the united states. This is super dangerous. Stop because it fully digital currency means the government can manipulate everything you do financial, can track every single purchase you make. Officials could even prevent you from purchasing certain products so we freeze or sees part or all of your money. These are just some of the reasons concern americans reach out to my friends over a birch gold. They wanna have a physical ass like all the independence of the united states dollar, we can protect your eye array or for one can by diversifying with gold from brcko. Historically, gold has been. if even in times of high uncertainty right now would be one of those times learn of golden river.
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No just a few minutes after this happen. Deirdre players then asked the court in delaware, where this entirely agreement blew up. If they could withdraw the case hundred binds. They could revile charges in washington dc in california and cortical. Do it the right way The wall street journal homan jenkins point out. This whole thing is a sham. Its absurd, According to Holman jenkins, he says to get fully right side up, even by its own dubious standards. The department needs not just in special council not hundred case in east returns and status, or of order prosecutor, jack with the special council, from case how can be a conflict of interest for the partnership the criminals, while swept me the president's political enemies, it's not It was only named after a leak, signalling Joe Biden, displeasure with environment for not being aggressive enough against. Mr the deal, has every natural incentive to throw the book at from if it couldn't convincing but had sufficient grounds. This might be a problem, but its corruption of the special council concept to believe the problem. The special council regulation should solve age america. It's friday announcement in a hundred biden cases bizarre in a different way when examined again special council logic, garlands of the hunter
destination will reach the stage where such a white most appropriate, but what state? they went through the entire investigation, literal the whole investigation, and then they are but a swede argument blew up. stage, was it not appropriate to actually make him special counsel? Where is this stage because, as it turns out, the special council is supposed to come from outside the government? You're, not suppose you just give in ordinary attorney work. for the government special care, status in this way saying that it has now reached a new stage is an absurdity as woman, Its point out, he says would be the stage where iris collaborators publicly klute accuse ways and his deal J overseers violet normal procedures go easy on hundred, then they would on any other alleged. Offender is mister the special council now going to investigate. Mister Weiss, the ordinary. U s attorneys problematic handling of the case this going to work exactly as MR I going to start noticing the accumulating evidence that Joe Biden actively abandon his sons, access peddling scheme is going to follow up on I, by his own irish colleagues, here
actions in the investigation were tainted by favoritism toward hunter The reason they're doing this is so he can testify in front of the house committee recently. This would include urging the alleged received by multiple members, the my family of millions bucks from hunters international dealings so now the space We just a way of shielding David wise from the instigation of the original cover up by creating a new cover up. This is what the if the house oversight committee, James comer of the things that I was about to connect Joe Biden, the criminal activity and then they dumped this on us, we produce more better than anyone that supposedly investigating this criminal activity by the bye baby and right as we get to the point where we tried to do the job, I m were at a position where we can winning court to fight their attorneys and get their actual personal bank record. He comes out with this. This is another attempt to try to obstruct they're gonna, try to use this in court. When I say no, we can't give the oversight,
eighty bankrupt, because there is an ongoing investigation, russia David, why it is absolutely absurd on every level, democratic media, predictably spinning this as now runs beings. unfair. The hunter button cheers democratic, represent jerry Connolly, saying that you know normal people would be subject to this levels. Are you kidding if a normal person bought a gun claiming their non drug annex while they were drug annex in their girlfriend through it in a fresh can across the street from a school, and then it disappeared juveniles and would not be in jail if a person committed I'm so genes of millions of dollars and tax evasion. Do you think go by the wayside, and no one would care during their no foreign agents registration act, investigation of twenty million dollars entering families coffers because their travelling around the world making problem on behalf, presumably of the vice president of the united states, This is insanity. A lot It will make assumptions about people about life, getting especial deal with blank. Often it's the opposite. That
they're gonna, get no no corners cut at all their guns, they're gonna. Have the book thrown happened because nobody wants to be perceived as showing fail, tourism, in the the justice system or the police unfold so I you're right? I think I am one hundred violence being subjected here. to a level not only scrutiny by the accountability that mere mortals would not most mere mortals would not dude Most memorials were crack attics who are addicted to hookers, though people don't annabelle millions and millions of dollars in a bank account because the last name isn't Biden. It's free obvious. What is happening here average defender here is joy, reid, joy, reid, who is constantly talking about the two track system of justice in the united states? The systemic racism of the criminal justice system will now she's out there saying hunters I mean I just can't believe how how unfairly hunter is being treated.
In other words his he's being treated differently because he's Joe Biden son. I want to read this little piece here, the another gun charge that the feds brought against Joe Biden this when the daily beast, a drug user in possession of a firearm, is rarely brought as standalone crime, especially that roughly a fifth of the country used cannabis within inevitably significant overlap with the nations estimated eighty million gun owners is one that I think when the feds do bring type of case they come down hard, but it's usually a tool they used to take down a tough to arrest. Criminals like militant white nationalists. Islamist terrorists or narco traffickers, I think, all the evidence that I've seen so far in this case. Is that job hunter Biden. He could be tariffs, out an old. Never, madam, is being treated worse than any one else, would be worth. I'm question with joy, red say this without any white republican anyway,
in any white non joe Biden. Son about that would worried ever say anything remotely like that. A rich white men getting off on these heads of crimes ever must protect the precious and the precious is the Biden family gets more of this in just one second, first out about you but bizarre he in south florida it is. It is hot down here. One thing you should have to be so in this hot summer. The price of meat will thanks to good wrenches. You don't have to, because your price can be locked in for two years. You may be thinking a price lock guarantee. I meet yes, it is amazing and you need it because Joe Biden's inflation is not over yet good. Renters is the company, locking in your price, with their industry first guarantee, since twenty twenty one and in helping combat the inflation in the media as well as the mystery of it to it turns out over eighty five percent of grass fed beef is imported from our seas. Only a store bought meat, expensive, it's often low foreign quality as well. When you subscribe to good ranchers, get a guaranteed price and a trusted one hundred percent american source for your favorite cuts, you can save on your beef, chicken and pork by
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The primary added an authority is really independence. The special council no longer will have to be ruled over by Lee by the attorney general, although technically special council does have to report to the attorney general. in a way the attorney general already indicated that David waste and broad investigatory power, so the real question is what the inference can we draw from david voices request to become? special counsel I mean the inference is that he wants to cover up. he's, going on clearly clearly even see, illustrates amber ellison, adding Jake you're, obviously, is a left, leaning I but he least attempts to be objective in his analysis. Sometimes so I, and as some of the others on cnn actually questions council employment, rightly so, the? U s attorney had made the decision to have it
be a diversion programme and a misdemeanor it, but now it merits a special council. So does he know of stuff that should be innocent The council investigation that wasn't in that plea, let me maybe he dies, but then why do they please it's all right, it's all very suspicious classic! Remember: we've heard already from David weiss about what the process was like he has said. I have the authority to do so. All the talking points are contrary to what my experience was, but now this raised a lot of questions, or whatever happened on tuesday. That Paul is alluding to now does make me feel surprised about. Well. Why? Now? What is happening here remember? He is still the us attorney in delaware, but now the special counsel allows him to actually go beyond his own jurisdiction. You can look at other areas as well as reason you have jack smith not having to confined to one particular jurisdiction can go beyond that. He can have things and fought in florida and how things in Washington DC. It does now go beyond that, but at it's core, I wonder what the decision really came down to the special counsel statute says you can have this
If you first looked at the grout, does a matter actually warrant an investigation? Is it warranted? He had to conclude that it did if your garland was there a conflict of interests at play. Here I mean it is pretty amazing when even cnn is like guys. This is pretty weird. Meanwhile hundred and attorney abbe lowell was asked point blank. If hundred items for miss it's dealings, wouldn't anywhere. Connect back to Joe Biden, listened to the warily language or from Abby lol. But can you answer the question about whether or not you're from what you know if you're confident that this won't end into a link back to the president? What I know is what the evidence has revealed. I mean that is what people should focus on: it's not as if this started yesterday or a week. It started for five years with so many people in the united states, including with the power of subpoenas as mister
This has had to look at every transaction that hunter was engaged in in any place in the world in which he was engaged, and what did they come up with? They came up with the decision that the only to charges to file were to misdemeanours and a gun diverted charge, not any of the other things that the magyar right wing have been yelling from money laundering too far in corruption, too far agent none of that you notice what that wasn't, that wasn't a full scale, full frontal denial of relation between joan hundreds business. You notice that wasn't that wasn't there won't be any evidence, that's uncovered. I note the oven. and covered that thus far, but we is the. Where is the full throated Joe hundred we're not in business together in any way shape or form. No money that hundred ever took in from a foreign source was used to Jos benefit, nor was hunter by. ever associating Joe with business of his foreign businesses. None of that like none of it using none of it. In that particular statement, instead, there's gonna play victim.
In fact, europe zombie losing their concern. Now is that from Was this could influence the investor? How could from forces influence? The investigation is job deal J. How could this happen and the answer is now they're afraid that big I caught with their hand in the cookie jar. So maybe fairness might look like that a little bit when you say forest, what hurry referencing, what what I'm referencing is- and this is not a surprise or secret right from the moment this arrangement and agreement has been announced and filed. You have every maga right wing, fanatical person yelling and screaming and saying it's not right, and it's not fair, and it's not just you have the former president trying to use hunter Biden as a way to excuse his own conduct and at some point that could pierce. The noise could actually be so noisy that it get in the way of the facts, and the law would now be a tragedy when be tragic.
if it turns out that dump the giant bubbled you ve, created with the help of Joe Biden, studio j, actually started to cave in if some actually popped up on what a tragedy that they will get in just one second to president from whose responding to all of this first, The bench shapiro show shows supported by grand canyon, university and affordable private christian overshoot, with vibrant campus in beautiful phoenix, one of those ranked have twenty in the country according to need not cheesy. You is a mission of Christ, centred university, striving to foster a culture of community. Giving an impact just use goal is tat you develop into a servant leader, who makes a difference through finding your purpose and fulfilling god's plan with three hundred and thirty academic programs and over two hundred and seventy online. As of june. Twenty, when you free cheesy, you integrates the free market system with welcoming christian world view insure petrol is masters or doctoral degrees find your purpose. A grin can you versus private christian, affordable visit gc you that EU tonight, ok, so president from has not responded to the picking up
why's. He put out a very weird seven. If he's a david waste was picked by the two democrat centres from delaware under blue slip, you would not have been picked by me, but have a great idea. Why? Don't they used arranged jack smith. you don't continued. Waste has been investigating hundreds of warriors, giving him the sweetheart you Laval, sweetheart deals, but a broken I can tell through it all now. the geo J wants a new judging jurisdiction, but so do I with far stronger reasons than hunter and crooked joe mega? Well, action, tromp formerly nominated wife for u s attorney for the district of delaware and waste sorting while tromp was president of the united states. So I'm that's up like the best statement from from, but suffice it to say that he is obviously correct that wise is a stooge on behalf of the g o J. At this point that all indicators point to that end, the faculties now basically escaped any sort of congressional scrutiny by being appointed special council is pretty obvious. Corruption will. Meanwhile, president trumps presidential run continues
He is facing down, presumably some sort of indictment that is going to come down either this week or next week. Accordingly, if the journal georgia, ground zero for exhaustion of illegal dramas, drama surrounding donald trump and the gnp debate of whether to stick with him in twenty twenty four george, There are still signs that voters have tired of between twenty election, replace end of trump himself back from fatigue is pervasive in georgia, according to republican strategies It's serious problem for him in a general election now. The possibility of another indictment looming is pretty obvious, president from but out to save over the weekend going after the fulton county. The eighth anti willis here whenever pretty hard. Obviously, he suggests that some she is grubbed. He suggested that she, is driven by politics. Of course. She she issues a partisan democrat, but As these cases stack of it is going to provide a serious challenge to his ability to actively run a campaign according to breitbart dot com
animals is plain to bring multiple witnesses before rendering next week. As part of our investigation into president from from wrote, I hear that racist fulton county district attorney phony fattening fanny willows. Weekly presides of one of the deadliest communities in the united states, with thousands of mirth, violent criminals and gang members. Roaming, the streets along untried, free and our free with kid gloves is using a indictment of me and other innocent people as a campaign and caught and fundraising cod job all based on a perfect phone calls, president challenging election fraud. My duty and right should be transformed, fourth indictment in the past five months and, of course it would bleed into the presidential election trump was asked whether he'd be taking a plea deal in georgia and correctly he said. no way man, not a thing. That's going to happen,
is there any tells you think of what the other georgia with everything the wise guy came, the wise. We knew nothing can even when the election by himself became election. So what they did is again and then you see they acted yesterday when the council itself and that of course Let me translate all the way through the election. The question is whether that is going to be a winning message in a general and then something that republican voters gonna have to decide? I started. friends over the weekend and we're agreeing that the reason that republicans, any of them. Love love, love from it. Course was a hand grenade those thrown into these sort of debt. Vipers that
is american politics. But the question is what happens? If that hand grenade become- I died or what happens if it starts to blow up in your head that something republicans are going to have to decide. So they think that trump is still more of a tool against the left than he is capable of victory in a general election or is hand grenade and are going to blow up in. And right now the opposing just the republicans. very much on board, with the idea that europe is still the best guy to nominate the real politics pulling average has from raw riding very high. Fifty four percent has rhonda. Scientists at fifteen percent grant swami at six pence at five hayley at three. Everyone below that now, be pulling on. Rama swami is very weird and, as I say, disclosure I'm umbrella, linked with the big for some further with many. These candidates is the truth, but the eggs polling is super weird, because all of the online poles have him at seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven all the phone poles have me to which, which suggested that these This may not be the most reliable polling statistics for the vague because he's the only one here seeing picking up support right now, other than trump
I was actually on a bit of a high right now in terms of his pulling numbers and has declined the broker politics pulling average around twenty five percent in obligations all about fifteen percent. Today, the vague in the local politics pulling average has picked up about three points. It, but it's really trump whose sword during that same here from one from about forty five percent in not in the beginning of April, to fifty four percent today well that dynamic was clearly on display in iowa over the weekend it was the iowa state fair which this giant. huge, fair that happens every four years in iowa. I believe every year now a they really breaks into the open during primary season, because Everybody goes there hoping to win votes in the ilo caucasus napoleon. I was significantly narrower than the appalling nationally. The pulling it- what shows that, donald from his for sure and led by his lead over over dissent, is significantly smaller the last new times interpol had
at forty four and santas at twenty, which of course, is still a big gap at twenty four point gap at at twenty four point gap is, is not a forty point gap, so that is a fairly significant difference. Well de santis showed up and I ended in interview with I was governor- can Reynolds also showed up at the island state fair and they here's what sense had to say believe if you have an opportunity to do good things for your community or your country, that you have that you have a responsibility to do that and to get that done, and so that's really, I think you know, influence me all the way up to the present in terms of what I'm looking to do like with running for president, I'm not running to be somebody I'm running to do things on behalf of the country and for the american people. Nay so, obviously that's that's nice line, but the big problem for dissent is: is that in terms of who is more exciting candidate who's, the one who's once you suck I'll be around the room? There is no question that, from here much more exciting candidate according to the world
imposed the crowded agreeing to wash governor to census, flip pork chops it I was governor, suddenly look towards the sky. Downtrend trumps plain was arriving, they clapped ensure we from some of them had chanted earlier when from cuts the portent MID day with the senses, far way resting in the shade he didn't partaken actual grilling, hebron, entourage of supportive lawmakers from senses, home state imposed for selfies and A mega hats to a clog. The fair's grand concourse from was gone before two p m, so that could actually now that kind of behavior could theoretically harm from in. I will call you Remember he did when the irish box is the first time round. It was actually ten crews who only iowa is trump vented what he has become famous for doing. He denied that ted cruz had won the iowa caucus. He suggested that ted cruz had stolen it from Ben Carson, that Ben Carson had dropped out and and the and that he not formally dropped out, but TED cruz was telling people he had dropped out, and that meant that he picked then Carson's votes in they should learn from him really trump one hour and all the rest so from you theoretically could lose iowa again, but
here's, the footage of from splain arriving and again there is dead them. The man does have a political magic to him in terms of real to retail politics. You start making them do. Gender classes like the erika trump plain we be, like a bull, run now what All this mean? Well, it actually turned into a bit of a bit of a bra dimension from vans. Who are being extraordinarily route, which again nazi? shocking. We saw some this behaviour in the twenty. Sixteen election is while discharge to drown out the interview between Kim reynolds and rhonda senses. I gotta say like for a lot of republican voters. If they look at this, they have to wonder the sort of behavior that actually is going to win in november of twenty twenty four. I don't know that it's going to appeal to
people who are going to be swing? Voters were suburban moms in two thousand. Twenty four and heroes at Kim reynolds vs trump fans so runs out there at two in the ninety nine county tour. I think you may be ahead of me. Hey you know what no at wherein iowa. At an eye aware, I wouldn't eyes so, let's give everybody the thirty day here are candidates new job now that the question is whether that is going to be an appeal is: is an open one for his part, two senses Wendy front, because trump had been going after Reynolds he's campaigning. Well- and I mean actually did since esteem- seems fairly conference, thereby when going to iowa the truth is that the republican primaries primary this just need when iowa he's with our end of Hampshire news when both of those few loses new Hampshire after winning iowa then from is probably going to win in south carolina. He really start consolidating the feel very very early in this respect,
he's doing the hard on the ground work. This logging work that is necessary if the census going from for attacking reynolds You were just to write off all the republicans. Your joy to go to rentals, except for the former president. Is that a missed opportunity, for I think that Donald trump's attacks on Kim reynolds are totally out of bounds. I couldn't disagree with it anymore and she's done really nothing, but do a great job she's never done anything to him, but that's just how he operates to attack one of the best governors in the country Obviously the senses right about all this. But this is really one of the questions you again to go back to that. an grenade analogy that the question is is the hand grenade effective, whereas the hand grenade not effective. If the edge was the trump is going to come in who's going to wreck the the ways that thinking who's going to wreck the status quo. The question is: what does that mean read the status quo in terms of actual policy, because the truth is that, in terms of up endings,
of causing the chances that a hell of a lot more than the state of florida than trump did as president of the united states, but if what we mean is that trump takes off all the we like to watch ticked off, there's no one better in politics. Probably in history, then trumpet that the question is whether it actually up to a policy win public voters are gonna, have to decide kind of what they want here didn't want the best shot at will independence they want to buy shot. A winning nationalism went by shouting in place like georgia was wisconsin in the arizona they want the guy who's gonna, his off the left, the most because if they want the guys going software, the most you're, never going to get it in front promptly I left better than literally anyone in the history of humanity. Ok, just one second, we'll get to the latest on the economy, because again Joe Biden remains in We cannot now focus on that, because it is important to recognise that publicans losing twenty twenty four- that is republicans own fault, hey. I knew it was twenty twenty, their running against a dotterine old fool who could not leave his basement and whose
higher party was endorsing mass riding in the streets, as was a giant national coded lockdown and somehow and found a way to lose you what we want for that. But the fact is that a publican should run away with an election they didn't. So they blow twenty twenty four unnaturally blend. Then they blew twenty eighteen, They blew twenty twenty, the blue twenty twenty two. If they were twenty one at some point can somebody be held responsible for blowing that was just can be pointing the finger again, it's more or less. just one taken. First, if you like most americans, you might be struggling to make ends meet, but have you pay the bill, philip, your car, and grocery shop is almost nothing left, everything is more expensive. Most of your paying these deals with a credit card. consumer debt rose over one trillion dollars in the last year. It's the biggest increase in twenty years. If you're a homeowner, there is a way out. You should call my friends over at american financing, I'll put together a plan to pay off that high interest credit card debt and meaningful satan's free every month there saving people four thousand, more than closing in as fast as ten days doorway herself, a better position call their salary based mortgage consultancy day, see how much you can save twenty five years.
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What pre made right here in the united states and get him a precision, five razor with welded steel blades and a flip back drummer, though groom his face. Not his worldview help. Your son, escaped academia is leftist in doctor. more than just a close shave, go to burmese razors dot com for major deals and give germans back to college bundles of full ride. Today Meanwhile, the death toll continues to mount over in mali and The president of the united states is backer rehoboth, each again she just went on it, thirteen diversification, and he came back for four days now. He went back to the beach because he is no longer with us. He's no longer sentient. And he was asked apparently about the rising gentlemen. Why, while he's on the beach- and he said no but in many headed home, so slow black for a very, very carrying deeply compassionate president of the united states. Meanwhile, we have more stats about how much families are paying than they did two years ago, according to cnn business of all places, the typical
african households been seven hundred and nine more dollars in July that, eighty two years ago, by the same exact goods and services according to bodies as him, some increase massive increase theirs. seven hundred dollars a month, the disabled in services, etc. The course of the year and eighty four four dollars. They are spending more this year than you were two years ago. Those are huge numbers because remember whenever Joe Biden as well The obliging writing and cutting down everyone, not letting her know. The increase in inflation is coming down every month, except for the last month, when it didn't, but it was coming down and remember that just means that your adding inflation on top of inflation- it's like saying I spent a thousand dollars last month on your credit card, and this was spent nine hundred dollars. You brought it down by a hundred dollars, the true He also had nine hundred dollars to your debt, which is what, it has been doing with regard to inflation martini andy, the chief honestly, moody's set high inflation. The has two plus years has done a lot of economic damage. most, that increase in household spending is driven by housing clause, which surge
that families are also spending more the grocery store, I'm buying maintaining ensuring vehicles in racial services like cable, paychecks, have not grow. by nearly as much as the cost of living is like saying that gravity is one to drag the economy back. Here. was your journal has an entire peace, but america's credit rating according to spencer, Jacob writing the wall street journal investors have historically paid a steep penalty, two hundred down in super safe, short term government securities, gentle? A hundred bucks invested in three month treasury bills in nineteen twenty eight, which only One thousand one hundred forty one bucks by the end of last year, while became forty six grand invested medium grade corporate bonds and a whopping six hundred and twenty four grand have invested in stocks according to data from n y. U finance professor asked why dumber and dumber Darren, especially years following the financial crisis, anything short term and safe paid next to nothing but the federalism. Fighting against inflation is hampered by the risk of an unthinkable fiscal crisis, possible by decades washington dysfunction so there
the people are actually spending a bunch of money to get short term government securities, which pays you almost nothing, that's a freaked out. People are cash, might be king, although they were called sorts, of confiscation inflationary nineteen seventy longer from fresh had been the goat. You acid. In times of crisis, the ten years no yield, is literally the risk. We rate used value all other securities, but the governments pal that has no swelled following the war on terror, the global financial crisis, amicable, nineteen pandemic, low interest, And fed bond by mass the strain interest costs were recently no higher than in the early nineties nineties, but the trust barely seize the opportunity to walk in those rock bottom raised by issuing more long term notes and bonds, and now it is too late. Long term budget work ass, a just and held by the public, surpassing gdp, this fiscal year, interest on that legal. Three core discretionary non defence spending by twenty thirty one. It will be as large as right, first on our national. That would be the same as all discretionary non defence spending in the american budget by twenty thirty one. So,
We are in serious trouble. Actually there Has this probably too optimistic the swelling than this, bowing pilot. That means minor changes in assumptions. It now have huge consequences about three Where's treasuries must be rolled over than five years. Compound interest has quickly has wave quickly New bad situation, worse xo, watching basically, is that America's debt problem is snowballing and it's going to get worse and worse and worse in romania has exacerbated the problem. So what exactly do democrats have to rely upon here? They can't rely on their good governance, so at their dinner, lion is trying to scare the american people into believing that democracy itself is about to collapse is what Kamel Harris is saying is why January sixth is at the center of everything the Democrats do come over here- is over the weekend world's most untenanted politician, making her case that our policy is at stake. Of course, what is it that You have all your mind when you wake up in a democracy, wherever
everything is at stake. Right now in a democracy is intact, it strengthens the people, it protects and fights. was fundamental freedoms, individual rights, it's it's for order against chaos, strengthens on the other hand, no democracy, incredibly fragile, it will. only be as strong as our willingness to fight for it. Now, when you power truisms lightly. Then that is bad power, significant what she is truly offer this truly truly. this. But she also does declares of roma sense. Exciting a roma to dumb people everywhere, hairs Kamel Harris, but the thing. about being a role model, people why what you do to see lines up with what you say. What she does is nothing, it's nothing. She does nothing for.
I think, but in the end, is all they have they're going to try and scare americans about the republican party and the truth is so far. It's worked when republicans can say that it hasn't, but it absolutely has since twenty sixteen went down from was lighted ever since then became Democrats who made is the crazy has to stop. and then they point and a bunch of republican candidates, rachel virtual walker in georgia, to blake masters in arizona. two doug mastery, ato and pennsylvania and voters go and it listen to. It and it turns out the republicans should stop banging their head against a brick wall. Perhaps the best way running and somebody supremely unpalatable, like Joe Biden supremely irritating likeable hairs is run. Somebody was actually somewhat palatable Because the truth is republicans can't get excited to vote against it. Joe Biden, combo Harris. I don't know what business republicans have getting into a boating booth mean just because Joe Biden is incredibly boring. Elderly,
does not mean you should be extended to vote against him and get him out of office, but I suppose they have. If all parties just becomes a battle, a personality, then We are in a race to the bottom from here until the end of time, probably some dark thoughts here on a monday, but the reality is, that I'm hats are incredibly beautiful and Joe Biden, Kamel hairs cannot be beat. I and I Look. I don't understand what republicans are doing for living wherever remember a couple of years. Guy spoke at a house republican summit this before twenty twenty two and I said to you, If you guys don't take back the house, every one of you should be fired because a detour you're rich environment. This is it get rich environment. If republicans cannot actually achieve dragons Joe Biden homo harris, I dont know what they do for a living or why we should continue to support them in any way, shape or form. I'm sorry, but blaming everybody else for losing is not going to cut it part time. some things I like him in some things that I hate so last week I suggest, The current lake would be a bad candidate for senate in arizona,
and I hold by that because she lost to a wet rag and katy heart. However, she did have have a nice woman in iowa over the weekend shoes about whether there is in fact your generous. She was milking a cow at the time and I hear is a response which one of you for the new york times. You know. There's only two agenda is right: there's only two genders and they know that in iowa. I challenge the new york times reporter and the washington post your border to try to milk cow and then try to milk a bull and see how that goes. Ok, I left other things in l, so there is a song that has going completely viral I ate virginia countries hundred and oliver anthony. Who is a former factory worker was apparently really really down on his luck and he was asked to play a song in sort of a local event and the song that he played his one, that he calls rich men north of richmond, which of course is reference,
people who occupy washington DC. This, then, is this thing has gone unbelievably by roaming, millions and millions of views to resort towns like and fell in organ over time. Here Why down, that's it. I am what now Why it is, in where man rats.
Thank you, no accident and man nation, This song obviously has hit a nerve with people, because it is, I think, cry of a lot of people in the united states who are just trying to work a job and make their way of life and feel like they're too many people who have their hands in their pocket, particularly elite. In the federal government who believe that their money should go to other people want some of the lyrics in this all our lord. We got folks in the street and got nothing he and the obese milking welfare will guide for five with three hundred pounds has ought not paper bag budged rounds, fair enough, fair enough, He posted a video explaining his and things were not good for a lot of people in some respects. I was one of those people and waste a lot of nights getting high and getting drunk and sort of gotten. To a point life or even things. I did care care about, didn't mean anything to me anymore. He's isn't a dark.
calypso I found out in this music and I start uploading a couple of songs. He said. The universal thing I see is no matter how much effort the working class puts into whatever it is they're doing they can't quite get ahead because the dollar is not worth enough, they are being overtaxed. I want to be a voice for those people system of humans in general, as long as you're above it you got a fighting chance so on this thing, has had gone incredibly viral he's, That is not right winger. He says that this is pretty much dead centre. he's a because he's more isolationist in terms of foreign policy, but He talks about the last part of the song suicide rates, mental health, depression He says there is no reason why that research should be happening in this country, so I'm john rich friends of daily, where of course he's off, to produce oliver's album. and the videos getting all sorts of fresh and obviously- and I understood that this entails a guy, ok time for a quick thing that I hate
already so I don't know why disney keeps deploying rachel's angler to say things about snow white that are likely to alienate pretty much anybody, whoever one one movies are making alive version of of white live action, version of snow white, which is really stupid, since the original is, of course, a film classic Rachel ziegler, who is playing snow diversity because we can Snow white anymore, because obviously not be racist. Asiana must remain a blackbird rubber boots. No, I cannot be a white princess. Even if her literal name, snow white, because she has skin ass white ass snow. That is literally the line in the movie I mean I I'm sorry, I didn't make it up. That's just what the very tail is. It's, it's not called you know any other color, it's called snow white. That's literally what it's called. In any case, rachel's angler also feels the necessity apparently scrap on the myth and crap on me. it will be so overly And here she was explaining that the
in snow white, is actually the bad guy. I mean you know the the original cartoon came out in nineteen, thirty, seven and very evidently, so there is a big focus on her love story with a guy who literally stalks her Weird weird, so we didn't do that this time, so no prints or a different kind of print. We have a different approach to what I'm sure a lot of people will assume is a love story just because, like we cast a guy in the movie and you burn up great dude and it's one of those things that I think everyone's going to have their assumptions about what is actually going to be, but it's we not about the love story at all, which is really really wonderful. It is so wonderful, lovey super bad guys. It's you. The prince is creepy stalker. Did you know that you you're bleeding? if you watch the movie or remember snow white, literally standing above they were and singing a song where she said then she wishes. for the one? I love to find me today. That's literally lyric, you may remember it from the original.
But apparently the prince than responding to that. by finishing her song, which is what happens. That means, soccer. Now, that's that's it. You know. odyssey, wouldn't better if he just left her to be dead, dead and better. I mean she. She was there she's and she's done. The buyer rhyming slang near the glass over her she's pretty well preserved. He should have just left her alone. They should have been dead, Everyone happy right, I mean that's all because from a debit, but still he's creepy rape stalker, and showed him better if she had been in the apple and died in that you never wording on kiss and then should be dead. You know who else would be that also sleeping beauty should still be dead. In fact there is bunch of princesses would still be dead if we just you know, I did buy me too, because it turns out that even when a woman is in love with a man and even when they want to be, together, the worst thing that could possibly happen is for him to kiss her while she is dead to wake her up from being dead, The worst thing you could do it urim. I mean obviously the best thing, probably the
come along issued a barrier. About when the best thing is to bury her alive? Quasi now would be in the best thing, but. at least this isn't gonna, be about love. I mean honest to god. Why is disney doing? What are they doing they are so high on their own supply. It isn't say what are they doing the market for this is The parents really I'm desperate to bring my child to a movie, but is not no I but is in fact about itself empowered woman, this link like blonde, but for children must do that. Its genome is already while the rest of the show continues it right now, not anonymous, it will be getting into the mail If you're not a become member use, good spirit check out for two months: randle annual plans, click that link the description and join us the
Transcript generated on 2023-08-15.