« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1786 - Biden Bribes The Iranian Ayatollahs

2023-08-11 | 🔗

Iran releases five Americans to house arrest after Joe Biden pays them $6 BILLION; the House Oversight Committee vows to subpoena the Bidens; and a massive brawl breaks out between a group of white offenders and a group of black defenders in Alabama.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Around releases, five americans to house arrest after Joe Biden pays them six billion dollars. The house oversight committee vows to subpoena the bidens in a massive brawl breaks out between a group of white offenders and a group of black defenders in alabama and bench girl. This is the Ben shapiro show yeah the Ben shapiro show sponsored by express vpn. I talk about them. Every single show! Why haven't you gotten a vpn, yet an express vpn right now express vpn, dot com, slash ben, so Joe Biden, has found a new group of people abroad. So this is Oh, I guess how we do business if you A double nba player, who is not famous cause. You know she's a w NBA player who to russia and brings with her drugs and then she has rested and she is stuck in jail. Yes, unjustly we're like what trade to get her back and he answered. The merchant of death, which can bad trade like white socks, gm level trading right there, merchant effort for britain reiner. Well now we have a similar type of trade.
IRAN, apparently has released from prison. Five americans by place them under house arrest and actually being fully released or not being sent back to the united states they're. Just under house arrest in tehran, which sounds like a real parties like being stuck in a house in tehran. What exactly do we have to do to get them out of jail and into house arrest, which again is like its own sort of prison in teheran? all we have to do is give them access to six billion dollars in oil revenue for clinical humanitarian purposes by humanity and purposes around means. You know terrorism and nuclear development. a statement from the national security security council. Spokesperson adrian watson's scope. We you ve confirmation that iran is released from prison by the americans were unjustly detained and is, the one house arrest, while this is an encouraging step- these? U S, citizens so animals eat more add tabs amid shaggy into americans with this and wished remain private should never. Detained in the first place continue to monitor their condition as closely as possible. Of course, we do not rest until they are about common united states. Until that time you go, genes for their eventual release remain ongoing and our delicate. We will therefore
have little in the way of details provide about the state of their house arrest or about our efforts to secure their freedom. So just to do the math, for for those was one that good enough. That is one point, two billion dollars per hostage, so I thing. Maybe IRAN is gonna, think about taken some hostages in the future about russia, but so far. The training strategy here appears to be like baby in the new york, yankees from the Boston, red, sox level, of trading strategy. Here, in that visit these regions, its egregious iran, is a terrorist state. We just gave them six billion dollars to be fair, it LISA wasn't ill a hundred and fifty billion dollars on the upper end or fifty billion dollars on lowering of cash in palates sent to IRAN. When brow Obama was president basically to cut a crappy nuclear deals that he could have a legacy in the Middle east, and to be fair, he wasn't trading taliban terrorist for both burg doll a deserve, putting good
and if you wish, you intensifies terror. Stacy, take american hostages very difficult to think of a better way to do that, then, by giving one point two billion with a b dollars to get these people released from jail to house arrest in tehran was getting another billion and a half bucks to get them released from house. Back to the united states, or is it precursor to the long awaited by move towards IRAN. Deal is Joe Biden any use. This is the predicate argue that now relations are actually warming, their thawing with iran, I tell us now. We should remember this when that europeans are due equally responsible for hundreds of american debts in iraq. It was iranian by force that killed hundreds Arrogance in Iraq, IRAN is the nefarious force in the middle east. Whether we are talking about. and the who these in yemen overtime, backing hezbollah mass terrorist group in lebanon, which could lead to a war. between Israel and lebanon in the very very near future, whether we're talking about iran ballot, backing Hamas in shipping them rockets, iran back in syria, every bad thing happening in the Middle EAST right now can be
Basically, the doorstep of the iranian something you don't want to do is give them asked billions of dollars in capital, so jobs gave them access to billions of dollars in capital which again that dude not good. The president was entrenched in american hostages. Out of terrible regimes is a great thing to do, but one point: two billion dollars a person that is not the correct price. It turns out that actually six can be very effective as well, not just carriage but the binding ministries and has offered no such stick. In the past, The reagan ministration was able to free the iranian hostages by basically being we threatening toward the iranian regime. It turns out a fantastic way to incentivize people to take just made him billions of dollars per hostages is this can be the predicate in even warmer move by Joe Biden toward neurons. So we should remember this point that Joe Biden, his chief negotiator with regard to IRAN. Was a man named robber, mally, robber, mallet,
was recently removed in terms of insecurity, clarence security, conscious literally removed because you suspected of trafficking spite information families in a long time, critic The state of Israel has been a long time peacenik. With hard to. The iranian ayatollahs goes all the way back to the obama administration. Robber molly is one of obama's guys mally just last month, had his security clearance removed, leading a group of republican senators to urge the state department internal watchdog to investigate the suspension of malice. Declaring wrapping up scrutiny of the administrations handling of the incident mally? Why Joe Biden stop IRAN envoy, and he was the administrations efforts to restore nuclear Judith IRAN when insecure includes as quietly suspended sometime this spring, he was then put an unpaid leave in late june following media reports that is, clearance have been suspended, this administration bend over so far back or to try and draw some sort of neurons you'll up that now there sending negotiators, you can't even get security clearance, and there are clear
billions of dollars in cash to the ayatollah simultaneously, there's something to force the state of Israel to make concessions to iranian backed terror groups like, for example, Hamas, the latest Attempts by Joe Biden to draw peace in the middle east is a supposed saudi israeli normalization deal now, facilities are, perfectly willing to normal relations with Israel. I been wanting to do so, since the trump administration. That's the reason why the? U n, e bahrain, morocco, all these countries that a very friendly relations with the saudis have normal relations with the israelis already shouted clearly want to do that I've, seen public officials from Saudi Arabia directly talk about this. What was the hold up the hill is the Joe Biden. Basically pressures on this out is not to do it. I must Israel make concessions to the palestinians. The palestinians happen to be governed by terror groups union authorities a long time. Terrible islamic jihad is an actual terror group. Hamas clearly a terrible back by iran
right now, Joe Biden game with regard to the saudis and these israelis, is you try to box Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel in by essentially offering the carrot of a saudi steel and the stick deciding piece you will be removed and must be Netanyahu, makes overt concessions to a group people are likely to use all those concessions as launching pad for terrorism. Accordingly, acts, prairie now who is seeking insecurity agreement with the united states focused on deterring iran in the country? of that make a deal that the administration is trying to reach with saudi arabia and is a formal agreement, would give it the? U s, security guarantees to Israel at a time when iran continues to advance its We are programme, I presume the fall with iran is just another way of attempting to pressure baby into taking some sort of deal with disabilities. That would to concessions to the housing is now again the sell. Don't care about that. Realistically speaking, this idea, the salary are desperately involved in palestinian peace. Negotiations is nonsense. They don't care,
The reality is that economics trumps everything right now in the Middle east, because all of these kingdoms are dependent on prosperity for their people. These are not democracy They do not have the democratic support of their people. The reason that they get you staying power is because they enrich their people through economic growth if economic growth collapses They also collapse. Naval strong interest in creating economic ties with the strongest economic power in the region, which actually is Israel, is by, its standing in the way of all of that sort how all this develops and will keep an eye on it obvious in just one second, we'll get the latest developments in the hunter Biden case, where the house oversight committee is preparing to issue subpoenas about hunter Angelo first have you ever investing like a nice jacket? Choose maybe a nice dinner? Well, that's tough! relatively temporary? No one is not temporary issues. These reuben s suffering of four years like eight hours, and I- and this is why you need bull and branch start investing in your best sleep with boeing branch they make. The only sure It gets off with every single wash bone branches to made from the finest one hundred percent we're gonna cotton threads on earth. If you'll buttery to this house
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are you going to subpoena hunter Biden, they had Don Jr under oath during the trump administration and they asked him all sorts of questions about we understand what we understood at the end of the day to be a lie about russia collusion. this is always going to end with the by you coming. Part of the committee we are going to subpoena the family. I mean we are putting the case together to waiting court obvious. with all the opposition and of structure were getting from the by net charlie's thou. We know that this is going to end up in court when we subpoena divide so we're putting together a cakes, and I think we ve done that very well now. Will they actually pay attention to the subpoena? Probably not. In we bunch have not have not past the past, obviously see banning, didn't pay attention to a subpoena. He ended up in contempt and call them and whose attorney general's and pay attention to a subpoena. He ended up in contempt of being held in contempt by congress. At this point has very little consequence, but the fact that the house- site and accountability. Committee is now attempting to actually subpoenas binds means that this is getting more and more so
commerce as we want to talk to three or four more associates. First, we ve been getting with a couple of them. We're trying to bring the men like we did devon archer for transcribed interview. If they don't come involuntarily, they will in fact be subpoenaed he's. It will be very difficult to get information from Joe Biden through subpoenas because, of course anytime you today in the presence of the united states, the president tends to ignore all of that, but comber correctly points out thing that I've been pointing out for literally a couple of years. At this point since the hundred my laptop the single damning piece of information that we have with regard to how the money flowed in the Biden white house in with regard to Joe Biden, as vice president hundred by another ass. It is the same staring he's. Residence is a text message set from hunter Biden to his daughter, talking about how he paid half of his dad's bills. Now here's the thing hunter and Joe could have commingled and very easily basically Jos defends here- is that the money didn't formerly enter my personal bank account, but if I pay for it with my father, then key benefits Like all the time I got to do with my dad and I'll pay for dinner.
benefits my income of hunter is basically signing tracks for all Expenses. Obviously he benefited here is, hence comer, saying that dumb Damning piece of information is hunter literally saying many pages bills. Why are they block at us for more bank record rob the president then nothing wrong, then they should allow us to see their personal bankruptcy. I mean you saying that emails that showed the hunter bond was complaining to his daughter that he had to give half of his income to his father. That's pretty damning evident when his income, one hundred percent came from my emissaries around the world, were input ben for for violating the foreign agents, registration and so yeah he's right about all that, obviously and needs it's. The position between the g o j, basically attempting to cut a sweetheart deal with hunter Biden and the o j simultaneously going after president trump, is going to have some pretty major ramifications for the twenty twenty four race. Percent of gm user republican pennsylvania. He points out a juxtaposition and how awkward it is for the bad administration.
Well, how do you see that, in terms of this coincidence, that something weapons in terms of evidence coming out, one hundred and one hundred about it in the next day. Another attack on donald trump. I think it's pretty obvious and the american people, I think, are waking up to it and they're do everything they can to suppress their their own malfeasance. activities and hide their own accounts and do desperately trying to keep the Biden family out of jail. Meanwhile, there completely focused on indicting that the number one opponents in in a political campaign again I mean you know that that's banana republic stuff people gotta on understand that lead. That is exactly what's happening. We gave up right about that. He also points out, of course, that Joe Biden has lied repeatedly during this entire debacle. mean Joe Biden literally said that hunter receive no chinese money, he said an open debate in twenty twenty He said that he never benefited. He said hundred really never benefited from even using his name. He it he had nothing to do with hundreds business these things run through here.
Represent amuse are pointing out that japan is a liar. First talk about things. New findings from the house oversight Kennedy had he sale see all of this. Well, It's pretty ugly, it's pretty clear that Joe Biden lied. And why did he lie because he knew the business that was taking place. He knew a lot about the business. I mean he informed as son that he was in the clear in the clear joe, and why were you lying? Because you knew you without a net pronouncing it, I mean you, I know that this is where there is some shady dealings taken place while here the thing the white house is immediately referring to its final position in there and bailey argument. There there there was Joe Biden, It's nothing about any of the businesses and their bailey. Is you know the thing they retreat to his Joe Biden, you're such a wonderful father, and they can actually show that the money flow directly to Joe here? Is the white house person for oversight, investigations, intangible comber and his fellow extreme republicans in congress are now admitting. They haven't uncovered any proof of involvement or wrongdoing by president Biden. Well, I mean they proved involvement,
Archer literally testified to it. They simply will continue to spread innuendo and lies as they pursue baseless impeachment stunt to attack the present. Well, I'm sorry Did you guys? You opened this door. It was you it was you? U impeached, president trump, not once but twice it's a largely on the part of it that down was a russian agent, which it's all innuendo and lies. It was not true. It was completely baseless. You made it higher presidency about a giant. Why pursued by the miller investigation any trouble? now congressperson after congressperson to say that the smoking on was just behind the next door and it wasn't so congratulations place the games winced the prizes. at the time as soon as they meet for the first time ever from here on out, is likely to be reached, as long as the house of the opposing parties. It is very likely that person is going to be important in this case. It may well be deserve, but even if the work is a matter because this is the way this is going to go now, here's the thing: If Joe Biden really starts to go down for this, if the, This continues to mount it's not too late for democrats to get out that right
in a very real possibility. Elizabeth worn is starting to show a little bit of a crack in the damn senator from as you said, to use tat presidential aspirations of her own and then it turned out. She wasn't native american well now Elizabeth Warren says she is worried about influence peddlers on all sides, which is an interesting answer. because to Joe Biden or people close to Donald trump I'm talking about Joe Biden, making tens of millions of dollars because of their close to him that can't be some that you like that cabin something that you're comfortable with the phenomenon. What I always worry about influence peddlers in washington, regardless of party affiliation. One things. As you know, I spent a lot of my time in congress. Working on is how We bring more ethics. more oversight in general to Everything that we do in government. Look at
We ve got a united states supreme court where people take gifts, and don't even report them, even though the law requires them to report It will get to that in just a second, because the crash are not willing to clock clarence thomas. This is the way that this horse, you became works so there she started your little but of comfort with defending Joe Biden. As I say, things start to get real bad for Joe. They could throw the old man overboard and unfortunately, he can't swim, don't care, but there can swivel over to clarence thomas, that is their next predictable mobile gets that momentarily first Many americans have lost faith in the government, media and schools. That is the bad news. The good news is there, something you can do to help get the country back on track trigger it was an educational nonprofit. Fighting since the future of the country even watch five million times a day. Prager you videos, spread messages of liberty, economic freedom, judeo christian values, to the generation. We work closely with brigadier their basically a sister company to our own I've produced some
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Take him on vacation. Go now got a point out here. This not rare at all like it really is not where people go on junkets. All the time Unless there is some sort of connection can be shown between the people who are basically take, clarence, thomas obligations with them or letting him use their beach house in an actual He's a conference in from clarence house does not corruption problem. software is one c. Here's the thing when job. Was vice president of the united states, whose presiding over ukraine policy hunter Biden was put on the or of a ukrainian company. You can see the nexus. went when Joe Biden, as vice president of the united states, had influence on china policy so live. I thought so, which is presumably why they were willing hundred and you can see the nexus. If, however, There is a supreme court justice, any rich friend and his rich friends would you like to spend the night on my boat, and its report, justice goes and spend the night about enrich friend has noble, before the court never has had any business before the court will not have any business before the court.
Where exactly is the corruption, as opposed to you know somebody just going on vacation with a friend, while probable guy is not making a distinction, even entire well today, talking about how Clarence thomas had thirty eight vacations. Wow thirty, eight, while that sounds in a wild, except for we are talking over the course of thirty years. So we can make per year during his three page on the supreme court clarence thomas, has enjoyed steady access to a lifestyle. Most americans can only imagine well, yes, supreme criminal justice in net a poor supreme court just as quick, go. A cadre of industry, titans and ultra, while the executive to treat him too far, flung vacations board, their yachts ushered him in premiums. Sporting events and sent the private jets to fetch him, including on more than one occasion in his hire seven thirty. Seven, ok, I'm going to point out that as a person who, what who traffic in economically elite circles. This That's not uncommon, like at all I spent in luxury. Sports and I'm not a supreme court justice and I've travelled on private jets and I'm not a springboard justice and
they can prove some sort of actual gre, even alleged natural corruption. Here, clarence I was going to a sports game with a rich. And does not amount to corruption likely work, Thomas's leisure activities have been underwritten by benefactors. Assure the ideology that drives his jurisprudence. What you mean his friends agree with him on politics. That's cool racy, hell, no beast Still my beating heart Propublica, of course, being used as a as an excuse to try and get rid of clarence thomas, because clarence Thomas is the most influential justice of my lifetime has been incredibly influential in a wide variety of ways it scully up until a school is untimely death. Obviously, but there, just angry clarence thomas, because he's a conservative black man and that you're not allowed to be an originalist black blackmail on record now to do this, then the real animas here is about his politics, which is why supreme court analyse for cnn Jonah biscuit pick. It up. clarence thomas controlling our lives, which is weird since he's one of nine justices,
whose dime or they on river they work for us part of being a supreme court justice is, they set the law of the land for all of us, clearest was one of only five votes that rolled back Roby way, players time rosalie opinion expanding the second amendment and gun rights, closed tom is controlling so much of our lives. I think you should answer to the american public ok, I'm by answered the american public. You you can try impeaching him anytime! You want here is gonna have funds actual criminal rounds of joan have at all, but other than that is again the way this when democratical after a political opponent, you dont need an excuse. You just do it when republicans go for political opponent, even if there is good evidence that the person is corrupt, we pretend is not happening, is more than just one. Second, first hiring somebody to be. This hard, I know, can be exhausting long expensive, thankfully zippers bring partner. Folks on you and your needs superbly knows it is really time but they figured out solutions for the problems we face and see for yourself right now. I can try for free at difficulties icon, slash daily, where we re using zip recruiter over here for years. It's not only
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it's just okay. Now that the january six committee, deleted all of its records. What the hell is that institution in america. At this point that has not utterly incompetent and or corrupt The fox news, the house, let's committee, the investigated the capital right on January sixth failed to quickly preserve documents, data and video depositions cutting communications, it had with Biden white house that are still missing according to their. lookin lawmaker overseeing the gnp investigation into the committee's work. This is nuts ok, basics committee, the most highly touted congressional committee, since the nine eleven commission. This. This committee, though, in all of its records. Now, Normally that would make a huge difference because, presumably their other records of, for example, the put it right- the police that sort of footage the Senate has that sort of which, however, habit indications with the white house, what sort of cordoned in political coordination, was going on in the J six committee and abiding whitehouse what's house was Go considerations were going into the questioning that was happening. How much was white has running the show. The now
a six committee, which was run by democrats and included only two glp members has also felt right. Any evidence it looked in capital security failures, the day the right to claim to represent a very loud or milk republican of georgia. He's germany, subcommittee on oversight for the committee on housing ministration, louder mode. his staff had difficulty gathering all the information it needs to invest. Represented betting thompson's handling of that J. Six investigation. He says of our task. As this oversight subcommittee is to actually addressed the security failures. Looking to how did it happen? Are these people able to get into the capital he said means they obtained came over and boxes completely, unorganized no table of contents, indexed, nothing of an index at all he says, then we realise that there is really no. from the blue team at all. That's the group within the J six committee that was directed to investigate security failures, the capital, so they ignored the actual part that would have mattered about j sex in terms of preventing a future J sex, namely Why was there like? Zero cops at the capitol building on a day where everyone knew that things were going ugly like where that's
your question. Where were these security plans? Why was it that a few hundred rioters could warm, what should be one must secure buildings on the face of the earth on a day when the election The presidency has been certified. It still beggars the imagination and put aside However, the evils of people breaking into building or in those were substantial efforts. Tacking cops obviously but Why were there are seven cops? We're we're capital police, we're Was everyone by this the thing congress should be investigating, apparently didn't even bother. According to our milk, He said the blue Jim was essentially shut down by the committee, for example, using women from you haven't, got lost depositions got lots of subpoenas, got video. Other documents prove It drew subpoenas by individuals. Writing any from the blue team. As far as What's on the investigation, they did looking into the actual breach itself We also didn't have any videos, while the deposition. as an amazing amazing things they destroyed. Presumably whatever records they had or theirs turning any that stuff over there.
Not remote, setting him across a letter? Those not turned over to his committee from thompson to how special council, richard sober and the G8, discussing an agreement made between the J six committee and the executive branch generally personnel whose names relate reacted so apparent. The basics too many new, like certain staffers at the white house, no staffers justified, and then they just refused to turn any that stuff over. So this is really dicey. Sort of stuff. If you're, a fan of transparency should be pretty upset about all this. The interim for his part, was upset about this year's president. today about it.
italy disputes an election. I think it's ridiculous, what happened and that they allowed that to happen and that the media doesn't want anybody to talk about it, but now we can- and we did something yesterday. You know now that we have the subpoena power, because we now have subpoena power all of a sudden, the J six committee, the unselect. So I call him everything was deleted and destroyed the documents. Everything was deleted and destroyed. That's a criminal act. It is insane It is a really really crazy thing for sure for sure I, meanwhile, we are now learning that dumb. the prosecution, jack, Psmith, going up against donald trump, actually and obtained a search warrant for donald trump twitter account what they want we're draft of his tweets, apparently according to politico jack, did obtain a search warrant fort from twitter account earlier this year, through his initial resistance to complying with the generally seventeenth war, resulted in a federal judge, holding the company in contempt and levying a three hundred fifty thousand dollar fine, a federal court of those upheld that my last month, in a sealed opinion on what
the court unsealed rejected version of that opinion revealing details of the secret core battle for the first time. What is it who is not seeking from from Scott. Apparently he was look of what drafts of the tweets obtaining from twitter might reveal patterns about from use of the account whether others had access to it and whether there are any draft statements that were sent now? That's really weird right. What would be in the draft statement that would of relevance to jack Psmith. If trump going to send a drafting. I know the election was last by me but riot any. A thousand b in the draft statements or something In fact it didn't send. It would be a pretty quick and obvious to anything that might be found in the grass anyway twitter? clayton the order violated? The first amendment, the us, record, judge said no enforced twitter to turn over the records by the way one of the things about this particular attempt to to obtain from stood a record. Is that one of the federal judges was overseeing the prosecution apparel
suggested in a footnote: that's not the that. They had reason to believe that trump would quote flee from prosecution service. this record judge who say we need to check is twitter. Account was also saying that they thought the trump might actually abscond like leave like free forthwith, he's worth, he is literally the most famous person on the planet. Where would he flee to evidence. Could you suggest that you just done what is going to flee prosecution here. Megan more more. This case looks like just a kangaroo court. it's really absurd, meanwhile The members of the media, who are very excited about the fact that Donald from twitter Three is going to be searched, including his wrath here rapporteur from reuters, Jeff mason thing. It's got me tonnes therein from twitter draft there not more things that could be in those records that we wouldn't see publicly drafts, and I
from my reporting covering him, the entire time using the white house they would draft tweets, he would, he would say, tweets. He which give tweet ideas to a staff and they would put em together so there's gotta, be a wealth of knowledge. There alone there messages a bunch of stuff like that that that could be useful, Well, I'm just because you think a thing is useful. Maybe that's what a fishing expedition is pretty absurd. That is come this far. Meanwhile, president, from is going back to spain. The first mate you imagine he says, he's not going to sign any sort of our energy world. He pledge ahead of the first of may. The currency has said that everyone does have designed a pledge that they will vote for, whoever the report candide isn't support that republican candidate. From said, I'm not saying oblige, out of sight of There are people on there. I wouldn't have you told there When you get in three or four of the job challengers? He would not support for president and he's been severely criticized: crisscross see what you can see and the hutchinson and then he had, of course, romances, because that's the way these dumb nonsense works, but bottom line is that done:
the idea that he was ever going to participate in debate, I think is, is foolhardy he's up a lot in the polls have done logic, the lot of logic suggesting that he knew Stu jump into the debate for any particular reason we'll say, that's gonna be used against him, my Joe Biden, so all the people who are were voting for trump in the hope that there will be a Biden trump debate, I'm predicting it Now there will be no trump Biden bait. It's going to happen Joe Biden, much may present trump he's not gonna. Do it, Joe Biden is simply going to say may I obeyed. Today's converging arabas area enemy, although what I euro, what a hero that Joe Biden, intravenous I've rulers and all cheer, and this It will slowly dim the music rises and that that that's, why is this idiocy- is going to go Now, what does that mean for the rest of the republican? Veal love? Basically, It is a grab bought and these are all going to be in that party other applying each other down, though that may presumably rhonda scientists will be you ve target of all the other candidates on the stage
from seeking to sit out here enjoying himself, which again is in fact the these smart strategy. Ok in just one second, we are going to do You ran Paul, going after anthony, voucher, referring and actually for prosecution. in just one second, first right now you ll get the stock market I gotta say on a personal level. I think that it is overpriced. I think I do not understand why the markets right now to be defined gravity? I could be wrong, but I liked ever vacation, one way that some people diversify is by investing in high enough, but you can't afford like a high and piece of art, can you well, you could if we invest fractionally in that thing just days ago, our long term, on your master, words delivered a seventy seven point: three percent net return to some other investors and seventy seven when three percent net return minimise losers and seen masterworks aren't investing platform hand back ten, seventeen, thirty five percent returns from other recent exits, of course, as with any invest, past performance is not representative about work. That is not happening. It's not a guarantee of future returns but, as I said, master works, art investing platform,
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This is a collect call from an inmate at the calumet county jails and served eighteen years of prison until dna evidence cleared his name. The two rivers man was convicted of sexual assault and nineteen, eighty five, but exonerated with dna evidence in two thousand and three. So this is the infamous avery lot. Now, two years later, he again finds himself tied to a police investigation accused of murdering teresa halbach on the avery property Steven avery. Sixteen year old nephew admitted his involvement in the rape and murder of teresa Halbach. The car is discovered just around the bed was just this worldwide phenomenon. I think the frame this guy think he intended to crush a vehicle but ran out of time. Every thanks. The thirty six million dollar lawsuit he filed is why he's being targeted in this investigation, netflix made millions of dollars from making a murderer, but the filmmakers left out very important details, mountains of evidence that you have not yet seen the blood vial the most egregious manipulation from the movie interrogation. That's when they started beating me, because I told him that his sick cell phone and I saw melted plastic parts of a cell phone interviews. Arms were pinned behind her. He made Steven avery looked like a victim, you believe your brother's guilty. I dunno. If I'm a suspect,
and the I'm getting sick and tired of media deception. Evidence piling up. Why would they omit so many different things? Why are you editing my testimony? The I am not going to make the same mistake. The filmmakers did rearranging the testimony to lead a portion of it at the. How could they claim to care about the truth? They all know that Steven avery committed this crime, the server the evidence forces me to conclude that you are the most dangerous individual ever to set foot in this courtroom. Get the rest of that story. You have to watch convicting a murderer coming to you september this year, our is exclusive to delaware, plus join right. Now, a daily where'd com, slash subscribed at twenty five percent of your new annual membership. She can watch
making more when it premiers trust me you're, not gonna, wanna visit. Ok, meanwhile, ran. Paul is now referring anthony fallacy to the video J. He is suggesting that Anthony patchy actually committed perjury before congress. When he said I said that he was not involving gain a function. Researchers ran Paul going after it what we turn the tables for you. What evidence tat. Well, I don't think there's never been a clear case of perjury in the history of government testimony and I dont say that lightly. He said adamantly that the government never funded. This gain a function. Research we now the government accountability office, the geo has admitted The funding came from their age. We have their acting dry it's your day back of the nih admitting it in writing that it came from nih, but now we have really the smoking gun, and that is fallaci in input it, saying the opposite of what he was saying in public, that is right,
so anthony vouchers, it turns out, was saying the opposite. In private, the free press has a fantastically David Zweig about this? Naples seventeen twenty twenty with much of the country, still in some form of lockdown and news of overall hospitals dominating the headlines, doktor anthony I've been a member of the president's grown virus taskforce was asked two questions for the end of a white house press briefing. What. their possibility the novel virus came from eleven when china There's a study recently found. She said where a group of highly qualified evolutionary biologists looked sequences there and quinces and bass, they evolve and mutations it took to get where it is. Now is totally consistent with jump over he's from an animal to human. So wasn't from a lab. Fancied maintain this for a year a very long time, but how'd. She had an incentive to arrive. That conclusion, because is the win instead of raj, who is known for doing high risk biology, research, studying a manipulating coronavirus and failed, she had funded such research at the wi v last month. its trove of explosive emails and other documents released, but a house like subcommittee uncovered these.
Evidence of values and other officials behind the scenes, involvement with scientists and journalists demonstrating their efforts to quash the We theory entirely the recently because private communications first report by public and rapidly bear at the highly qualified authors of that paper actually sense of uncertainty about the various being the result of a natural event at all. Apparently, a month just before, that's that paper was published. Christian andersen, one of the paper's authors, wrote a slack message to his colleagues. Saying quote: the lab escape version of this is so friggin likely to have happened because they were already doing this type of work and molecular data is fully consistent. With that scenario, the co author, rode on slack. What it's not crackpot suggest this could happen, given the the function research we know is happening. No doubt you then intervened and he basically got them to write a paper saying that it was very unlikely and then he went. He lied and said he hadn't funded gain of function, research in the first place and he tried to redefine gain function, research to mean in a function within a species. It not crosses species, so sure
be tried for perjury on this one I mean he print pretty obvious that he should marriage garlands you're going to take, I went up yet another there too busy going after everything that Donald from does obviously, meanwhile left, which it turns out, was wrong on so many aspects of covered they he'd doubling down and critics antsy scenarios where control is justified. So SAM Harris, a person with I've been friendly and- and I have had him on the show he's had me on his show. It's been a little while, since we taught as him as an interview, that's gone viral in which he taught now government control and in from to justify government control during the pandemic. He basically how to make the case that, if covered had been capable of killing. Everybody on earth would have been ok with government force. Well, I mean may be, but also that wasn't The case I failed yes and if aliens were attacking earth and martial law might be necessary. I don't I don't understand what that has to do with the price of tea in china, as they say here is a sam harris. You know, but dial up
The the deadly nests of the pathogen you know give us something like airborne Ebola. That ain't you bates for a month. You, don't you don't know you have it and your what you walk around spreading it and it's got. You know. Seventy five percent vitality rate and it's mostly killing kids know one gets to make that choice anymore. I may then, literally the the cops come in and vaccinate you and I I would say that all of us would agree to that the moment again, do you turn up? without the on they on the pathogen? U turn up. The effectiveness the vaccine? U turn down the risk of the banks and give me a truly say, vaccine weathers. Now and one documented case of vaccine injury right so that then you have to be completely crazy. to be worried about being vaccinated in that invest in that kind of environment, dentistry and no brainer than than we just don't tolerate.
a diversity of opinion, because the stakes are too high, is it on emergency bodies of care. Serbian, stacked up in parks right. We, there's so many of them. We don't know what to do with them without these mobile morgues- and we have vaccine that actually works, and then we ve got our of K, junior saying you know maybe I don't want you, maybe they're gonna get the job unrove spock Ass right! That's it that this, in the world had been worried about ever since co. Well, I mean so I assume the argument that he's actually making here deserve steel man. His argument is that he's worried that vaccines scepticism is going to mean that if we ever do get a virus like this, then the react It is going to be a lot of scepticism but number one the fault of the institutions and to be fair, it and people like SAM Harris who were quoting a lot of government interventionism along these lines, Then there are the reality. Is that if you look at this, it's. What you saw is that wherever the virus got incredibly privilege,
people actually voluntarily took the vaccine more during those time periods than one virus was not prevalent, which is precisely what you expect anything with mass people, in other words, take prophylactic measures. As see fit in order prevent themselves from getting really severe versions of the virus. This is why else. People took the virus. It took took the vaccine at a far higher rate than people who are twenty and that that should have been the case by the way, but I mean, of course, if we are talking about airborne Ebola, killing seventy five percent of people that attached- and mostly When kids, I mean- I wouldn't do that facts that what would you like? Why? Why would anybody and Yes, I mean a full blown. Emergency is different. That is the whole point. The point here is that the government treated this full blown emergency for three long years in many places in the united states and across the world when it wasn't centre stand how the government's failures here are somehow justified by a completely speculate, hypothetical scenario I mean I can make those up to
it it's very easy to make us up. What is the government why there was no covered at all when that just fight no govern interventionism and suggest that their action lines you minute there their habitat was all across the board. It's not hard to do a hypothetical I'm just confused as to why SAM Harris thinks that justifies what the government did here. Okay, meanwhile, in what then a bizarrely hilarious and yet controversial case, there is something happened the other day in Montgomery alabama that is now in called the alabama tea party. Bra it's the or the alabama sweet tea party, I've seen so, apparently, what have and is that it was a saturday evening, I Montgomery's river front and a black the river about co captain was attacked by a group of white people, as other black people rushed to his defence. here is a video of what exactly happened. Mr riverboro captain trying to park is river about here, somebody comes damon, actually hit him away. He's coming, you hang the black eye, the black
throws his hat. presumably saying that he wants to go. And these other white people are walking alongside the white guy and they're, trying to pull the black guy off and then other white people run in and tackle the black guy, at which point a bunch of nearby black people. are they got the hat signal and, and they run wanted to intervene, one black eye jumps in the water and swims across the idea that the river here to go and help the they black security guard actually is. As video continues. The tree Oh man was trending on twitter after theft, So the reason this was treated with with some humor is because understood that the white guys here were actually doing the wrong thing. They were the ones who arrested and nobody actually got you is the injured in all this, as of Tuesday warrants were issued against, three men were on the pontoon boat, roberts, forty, eight to cancer third degree, assault, allentown, twenty three one counterfeiter of third Zachary jason ship and twenty five. One count
third degree assault all our misdemeanours, the three charge white men on board pontoon, but the prevented the remote from docking for nearly an hour so sounds like they were being jerks here was the montgomery, police chief, seeing the prosecutions. The police I didn't have the luxury of a video that we all have seen now now that we have more information again, more charges. The video certainly paint a vivid picture after the initial altercation members of the crew and community jumping in defend. The river boats, co captain Damien picket, as you can see from this new footage defined quickly escalate and one point, a man even swinging a holding chair w delhi's this morning, Richard roberts, two other men, Alan taught and Zachary Shipman are expected to turn themselves in all of them. Facing misdemeanor assault charges, thyself, missis, Bizarre story with a happy ending. It seems like the people who are engaging in assault.
are going to jail now, the police. It is now racially motivated some age, twenty drunk. While being drunken and attacking other people, but the media. quickly turn this interracial stories? That's what charles blow is doing over at the new york times. Does the alabama sweet tea party, that was one nickname people gave to a brawl this past saturday on montgomery, alabama, riverfront dock captured in viral videos? After a group of white people attacked the Damian picket in some These ways the whole episode sad situation should never send and violence that people were. some of their boats, the river Boca doc. She doesn't. we can live, but another Many black people in particular sought as an unfortunate but practically unavoidable, responds to a can feel an unending stream of incidents in which black people are publicly victimized, with no one willing or able to intervene or render aid people coming to the events of that black man wasn't just a specific thing that happened at one time and place. It was also a departure in some ways from most memorable images in a history that centuries of black targeted brutality which traces the journey of black people in this land. That became the united states, so leave it to the I was well to turn
into a referendum on all of america's racial history as opposed to some drunk jackasses attacking a black guy and getting their asses kicked for the benefit and going to jail. It got By the way, with Charles lobby, writing the reverse. If this memorable black people attacking a white riverboro captain, I have serious, serious doubts there be anything like this level societal analysis from Charles Sometimes dumb people and criminals and people do bad dumb criminal things and the race in actually meet the main issue. in all this, which is why again, white people and black people were mainly happy the perpetrators were arrested regardless of race, ok time for some quick at things I like, so things that I like today again there's something amusing about the immigration policy pursued by democrats coming home to roost near mayor. Eric atoms, yeah he's people whose, like we need a sanctuary city here, haven't you ever seen the deck or haven't you ever seen. The statute of liberty and the poem on the side about the huddled masses, yearning to be free, like a guy can please declare a state. Emergency. Her new york like please, please, please,
He doesn't say turbines name here, because you would want to do that in those Joe Biden fault here was Eric Adams. Acknowledging the obvious, which is illegal. Immigration is a lot of cities. the immigration system in this nation is broken has been broken for decades, will also ask in the federal government to declare a of emergency this will allow federal funds to be allocated quickly to help address the urgent challenges we face? Even todd overrun emissaries. He was like a well. I guess that dumb, I guess. Greg habit was right when he said that the democratic gonna turn on each other over illegal immigration. cities, growing humanitarian crisis, the shelter system, slam by an influx of migrants, nuke for federal help is Greg it was right. He said one he got blue cities to deal with this- that they would be very up
at the federal programme that sad or that sad, you been, the blue cities have to deal with the actual consequences of bad blue policy, all how tragic how add already guys. The rest of the show is continuing right now, you're, not gonna, wanna miss it will be joined on the line by riley gains. If your non member become a member use code, shapiro checkout for two months, rental annual plans, click that link in the description and join us. and
Transcript generated on 2023-08-13.