« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1783 - I Will Never Forget Biden's Disastrous Afghanistan Pull Out

2023-08-08 | 🔗

Joe Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan policy left millions under the rule of the Taliban and got 13 American soldiers killed – but the media don’t care; Ne-Yo gets hammered for telling the truth about gender; and more charges are on their way for Donald Trump.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Joe Biden, disastrous afghanistan policy left millions under the rule of the taliban got thirteen american soldiers killed by the media. care neo gets hammered for telling the truth about gender more charges are on their way for donald trump. I venture adventure lives. Is the bench barroso yeah the show is sponsored by express vpn. Thousands of my listeners have already secured their network data, join them, express, vpn, dot, com, slash men, Today, I can do california, the families, thirteen service members who were murdered in a terrorist attack, a couple airport in two thousand and twenty one held a press conference along with the senior member of the house, foreign affairs committee, congressmen, general Ayesha from orange county. While they are, they appeared it s candidate city hall, and they call on a binding ministration give them. Some answers. Inform the public is to have their loved ones actually died in this terrorist blast. This is,
Well, the single most egregious act. I've ever seen a president undertake the cowardly, pusillanimous and disgusting pull out from afghanistan without any plan whatsoever. The complete collapse of afghanistan to the taliban, the millions of people left behind the hundreds to thousands of americans who are behind in enemy hands? The green cardholders were not able to get out. The translators were left to be murdered. The people falling from we'll wells, americans, has been blown up at the airport, because proper security was not actually guaranteed. It was feckless. It was ridiculous Biden has never paid the political price for Joe Biden approval rating dumped into the forty step when it is never quite recovered, but he has never played a real political price for it simply because in two thousand and twenty do. The election became all various senate candidates, who are here chosen by his political opponents, but the real story or Joe. This presidency is not about the economy. It is not enough. Hundred widened the real store? Joe Biden presidencies encapsulated in the arrogance, the egotism
it's gusting self involvement of the president of the united states in fighting over the greatest foreign policy disaster of my lifetime and then just blithely talking in a way it- He is disgusting in the way that this person, who is perceived as war and generation. Fuzzy income. leave the guy who nozzle small children for no reason that anyone can comprehend the fact that this person was so cold in calculating not just about. The the running away from a twenty year, commitment and the sacrifice of a country to the taliban? Not just that was cold and calculating about that, but that he really did not care what happens to people we got left behind, including american soldiers could be more evident, and that was certainly evident from the testimony of the goal. Star family members and wounded soldiers who actually we're at the press conference yesterday, and we do not have this any where sort of attention they would have if the president of the united states were donald trump,
because again, it underscores what kind of person Joe Biden is. Joe Biden is not a good person. Joe Biden is the kind of and who ignores for europe grandchild for four years. If he thinks it's politically beneficial for them to do so it is the kind of person whose entire career has lied about. Others he's the kind of person who slander a man who is involved in a car crash with his wife, in which his wife and one of his children were killed any slandered. That person is drunk driver for like thirty years. That's the kind of person to Joe Biden is Joe Biden is a person who cares first and foremost about himself and that is perfectly obvious in the way that he treated these gold star family members remember in two thousand and fifteen two thousand and sixteen when Donald trump was running for president of the united states. The first time he got into a widely published. spat with keyser con, whose gold star family member, who was actually speaker at the democratic national convention talking about how much he disliked donald trump in all the rest and how donald trump was a racist and xenophobic and all of that and
and from one ad him, and this became a major issue of contention in the two thousand and sixteen election campaign. Joe Biden is currently but he's not the candidate he's. Currently, the president of the united states is the president of the united states. When thirteen american service members were murdered in and the treatment of these gold star family members was egregious and disgusting and immediate dont care they dont care These goals are family. Members are of no consequence to them. No one knows their names known gives them. Coverage not people who you're going to see on the nightly news you're not going to see interviews with wounded soldiers, those wounded soldiers. You only get interviews with them. If there's a a peculiar belief that from this done something really really bad your member during the current presidency. Supposedly he didn't pay proper homage normandy, the ngo, out onto the beach something has it was raining and is widely reported by Geoffrey Goldberg. They land, where any real support and turns out the story really had nothing to it. Where's Jeffrey but in the atlantic on this he's, let's get into some of the gold star family members actively side at this california, press,
france yesterday paying tribute to the victims of the act I understand terror attack that claimed the lives of thirteen american service members, a cup. It was only a couple of years ago. Here's the mother a fallen marine, colonel hunter lopez, who read the names of the dead you a service members in Afghanistan yesterday, I as then our children are honoured. Those germany and those that may be home for major kyar that they be honoured by speaking the truth, stuff, sorted, tubular, cooper. sergeant, nick, oh gee, sergeant giovanni paternal stuff. Sergeant, ryan mouse, Joe Biden, you mention these people's names
engine them a couple of years ago, and now that you know her them again get down from above in this way, the sort of press conference that were being held by the families of dead soldiers. It would be. page news all over the country. I remember because energy and for election campaign. I'm old enough to remember that one. I remember the attempts to paint george w bush responsible for the death of american soldiers and it became like a real major political issue for georgia, again, the rule is one republican as president and troops are either put. danger or not even endanger proper homage is paid to the great soldiers is a major blow no story. When a Democrat is presently pretend it doesn't exist, Because the mainstreaming are so dedicated to the proposition that Democrats dont have to care about people like this Democrats. After all, our peace, loving people mean sure they preside over many america's biggest wars, but they are the most peace, loving people there are the people. We should give all sorts of faith and credence you even as they participate in again. What is the black spot on
erica foreign policy record, certainly of my lifetime. We get to more of what the golden family members and wounded soldiers had to say about Joe Biden and his personal interactions with them, and this is not a good man folks who gets that in a second first If company is looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for it. This is great news for new and current pure talk. Customers pure talk just added data to every plan and includes a mobile hotspot with no price increase whatsoever. If you've considered pure type of orbit. You have made the switch take a look again for just twenty bucks a month. You'll get unlimited talk text and now fifty percent more five g data plus, their new mobile hotspot. This is why I loved your talk that veteran one. They only hire the best customer service team located right here in the united states of america, most families saving almost a thousand dollars your while enjoying those dependable five g network in the country. Remember: with how you spend your money. So why would you give your money to companies that actually hate your guts when go to pure talk, dot com, slash If you are, you will save an additional fifty percents off your very first month of coverage because they actually value you as pure talk, dot com. Slash up here up your talk is wireless for americans,
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goes over to reach, for my fingers cares about and in So my fingers are showing and dislike grab. My fingers doesn't say doesn't greet me anything just that's. What happened just got my finger and I was like ok, that's why you and me almost immediately starts talking like about there's some served in the military doesn't say anything about what happened starts talking. but others are served in the military, and my mom is just like she's fury at this point he leans over me and he's like this close to my face and he's like what do you want? What do you want? He said: what do you want? I said what he said. What what do you want? So I confused matters got blown up just saw my friends die next to me, I'm like I just want to be myself,
And he's like huh, then my mom's furious and she's like he said he just wants to be himself. He just wants to be him, so he just wants to be me and he goes oh okay, and they just continue to talk about everything. But what has happened? Joe Biden, most self centered man in the universe. Again that this is his go too, is in tragic circumstances. He goes right to his son bovines death, which, at the beginning, yonder but when he's gone that well hundreds of times at this point, done so in the most inappropriate possible circumstances at that point becomes a political power electric at that point is pulling it that card a hat like a rabbit and its growth, and it's disgusting bo Biden died of brain cancer but Biden did not die because he died as a member of the military, the Joe Biden has tried to suggest that his son, both death, which is tragic and terrible, is somehow the equivalent of people being blown up in combat and, in fact,
this was his goat. You card during the afghanistan debacle. Because his sunday of cancer, apparently he didn't have to pursue policies, does not get american soldiers blown up in afghanistan if it's our moms rural rex talked about how Joe Biden had invoked bow and suggested that both died in circumstances similar to her own son when he approached me his words to me were my wife, my wife children. I know how you feel we lost our son as well and brought him home and five draped coffin. My heart started beating faster, my started shaking knowing that their son died from cancer and they were able to be by his side, also wondering how someone could honestly sorry, bees so hurtling to say he knew how I felt a little over twenty four hours and learning of my son stuff, just vile, just vile. By
wait. The rule I mean just just for those who ever have to visit a house of mourning the Will you shut up that is legitimately rolling. You visit a house morning is to shut your face because you don't know how that person feels you ve gone through something similar and by the way, this is not similar but Joe Biden in care about these folks. In this this caring grandpa routine is a lie. He's a corrupt politician. He has been for forty years. He's never held a real job outside of the federal government. And he's going around telling people who just lost family. where's were blown up, that he knows they feel because he had a son who died of cancer in. Stance entirely unrelated to his military service goals the father, Darrin Hoover, called for the immediate resignation of Joe Biden and tony blinken, and all the people who presided over Afghanistan not without good cause. In closing. I'm calling out secretary blinkin secretary Austin
General milly general mackenzie, lieutenant colonel waited, who could not give the order to the snipers to take out the bomber or for he detonated his vest and ultimately, the president. Do what our son did be grown ass man at met your mistakes, learn from them so that this doesn't happen ever ever again. You owe me to resign immediately. I point out point literally no, unless their job, no one lost their job over the afghanistan tobacco, which is insane it's crazy. No one lost their job I repeat again, just as I go in and go through just for quick review, in light. Otherwise the Joe Biden told the consistent
Many of the american people, the attempts to paint you pull out from Afghanistan to accept as a success. Well, americans were left Behind afghans were falling from we'll wells and americans were being blown up in kabul is still that. The fact that this president is trade with any modicum of respect after what afghan assent is absolutely I'm understand that in politics we have a memory. There are five seconds long. I get it, but I just like to point out that the entirety of america's political, of course, is currently centred about january six, the two thousand twenty one. How much you americans discourse is around august of two thousand and one which was and you know it was actually significantly more impact, will to America's foreign policy. You no significant. we more undermining of america's morale, the pull out from Afghanistan, the plum afghan assent again, the single. Disastrous foreign policy decision and and plan of my lifetime, has been completely whitewashed by the american media. and the people who suffer during upon continue to suffer today because they have been completely
Allen's by the media or ignored, will get to more on that in just one. Second, first, let's talk about getting better employees, so we have some pretty great employees here at daily wire. But let's say that you have an assistant, let's just we'll call her kelly for for the sake of argument and then Kelly, she's great at her job. She's, really detailed, did she really on top of things. But every morning you get nervous and the reason I get nervous visiting comes in and she's doing, one of two smiles, No? No, it's what it's gonna be theirs. The relaxed good morning smile, There's the smile that is so thinly pasted on her face is very clear that she incredibly stressed out and bad things are about to happen, and you get that running feeling, you're stomach you're, not sure exactly what kelly's going to say because, again terrible actress, the Scully She comes in with a smile, and you like you know what may be a need to look at zipper quarter. Well, if you need to replace your employees, if computer is the place to go, as everyone knows, how tough it is, they figured out solutions for the problems are facing, see for yourself right now in try them for free, so precludes outcome. Slash daily work
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Lower manhattan into a disaster area destroyed parts. The pentagon and made have on grounds of failed and shanks phil pennsylvania and sparked an american promise that we would never forget So, on keeping without agreement and with our national shall interest the united states. We began. Our final withdraw begin on. May one of this year will knock. Doktor hasty rushed to the exit. What do we do, possibly deliberately and safely this. This bleeding liar is bleeding. Dry, eighth, Joe Biden, so don't worry! This won't be like Saigon. It was
exactly like it wasn't exactly say. Saigon was better organized than this. By far not close, some some vietnamese veterans see echoes of their experience in this withdraw in afghanistan. Do you see any parallels between this withdraw and what happened in vietnam, with some people feeling with one or zero, which you had as you had entire brigades breaking through the gauge of our embassy? Six, if I'm not mistaken, the taliban is not the south. The north vietnamese army, they're, not remotely comparable terms of capability, unbelievable, unbelievable and by the way is people are telling him that this collapse is going to happen. There were all telling him that he didn't care, because the stubborn ass not only is ass and a fool, but he's a bad person, he's a bad person. You knew all this and make any plans and then again when things went wrong, he did not care by august eighteen. This let this about eight days before
the bombing that killed thirteen american service members using knock on what when but died, diet all going great tumbling, great sure. It's true that nobody had died. Tons of afghans had already I'd taken care about that. Obviously, it took two days to take control. Therefore, we have controlled airport now, still a pandemic, any amount side, the airport, other aid, but looked but no one. being killed right now, god give room for if I'm wrong about that, but no is being killed right, No one is being killed right then. He said at the at the airport, not across the country across the country. Thousands of people are being murdered by the taliban were dragged out of their house and killed, but he doesn't care about that that same day. He said. Don't worry, we're not gonna leave our afghan allies behind by the way spoiler alert. We left tens of that friends of afghan allies. Behind we run into everything everything that we can provide safe evacuation for our afghan allies, partners and afghans. Hoo hoo hoo hoo might be targeted if
because of their association with the united states, He was a liar. We left all those people to be more. He said, Two days later, we would not leave americans behind this too was alive. We left hundreds of americans behind we're, to do everything in our power to get all americans out and our allies does that mean troops will stay beyond august First, if necessary depends on where we are and whether we can get ramp these numbers up to five to seven thousand a day coming now, if that's the case, but we shall all be out because you ve got like ten to fifteen thousand american the country right now right and are you committed to making sure that the troops day until every american who wants to yeah, yeahs out, yes afghan allies. We have lawyer about eighty thousand liar girl, that's not true. I rose to her We must remember giving somewhere between fifty and sixty five thousand folks tat kind of families, as the commissioner for them as well,
maybe maybe holes to get everyone out that, in fact we can get out. Everyone should come out and that's the objective. That's insane! The commission holds together borne out who we can get out It's not a commitment that same day about wage or, by an also said, Al Qaeda, we're not in afghanistan, ally in abject, clear and obvious to everyone After relying on the exact same people were involved in nine eleven to provide security at the airport, there was Joe Biden. We we made clear to the taliban that any attack any attack on our forces or disruption or operations. The airport will be met with swift and forceful, spots, also keeping a close watch any potential terrorist threat or around round the airport, no more and no less they damned weren't. Obviously, we now have debt american service people to prove it. This
the great moral exemplar by age. This, the person on her back to the white house this one this one, the fact that the media have again basis shove. This entire incident back into the shadows, his demonstrative of just where their allegiance is lie, and it is not apparently with sympathy for american troops to amazing. It's amazing is an amazing thing. According to a recent report plan parenthood continues to reagan billions of dollars. Plan parent is generating vast profit, including millions in taxpayer. Funding pre born operates on a very slim budget as they risk over two hundred babies lives every single day. They don't get any government funding. They rely on donors, like you, donors, like me, preborn, the network of clinics are situated in the darkest corners competing head to head with the abortion giant's. They need our help. Now more than ever, when you donate twenty eight bucks to preborn, you will offer a free ultrasound to an expectant mom caught in crisis. Once she hears that heartbeats use that precious life or babies chance at life doubles. Please sponsor a precious baby's life. Today your tax deductible gift will go directly towards having babies. Lives will be generous. There is no way to regret saving a baby's life. Preborn helps to do that. The ultra sound quality these days
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the email will any way that we can possibly reach americans to get them home if they want to return home constraint is the house's official position, always I think, I'm just calling you out for stating that we are stranding americans in afghanistan. When I sit when we have been very clear that we are not leaving americans who want to return home, we are going to bring them home and I think that's important for the american public to hear and understand, Ok, now, okay, now has a show ananas NBC again, no one lost their job. Every one failed upward here. The bombing of course took place on august twenty sixth, the administration was openly sang at this point, They are relying on the taliban provide security. The airport, which legitimately the worst idea in human history here is some general can mackenzie you have sent. Saying that they relied on the taliban for security at the airport where the bombing took place? Do you still trust the taliban,
Is it possible that day let this happen dome, as you were there at yeah, but I don't know. I don't think, there's anything to anything to convince me that they let it happen as to whether or not I press. They met a man, ass, surely ass a word. I use very carefully. You ve heard me say before it's not what they say: it's what they do. They have a practical reason for wanting to get out of here by the forty first of all, the next, but by one reclaimed they wonder if I may airfield a week. We want to do I that day too. If it's can it be possible to do so, so we share a common purpose. We share a common purpose, tell them. We are told by this disgusting administration on the bodies, came back on Joe Biden using rush, yet things too, I mean reruns matlock were on your recall that, as they took the bodies off the planes job I was looking at his watch. Your looking at his watch. It just a vile man,
on august, twenty. Sixth, according to usa, today, eleven marines one every hospital, corpsman and an army. Older were killed in bonds and gun fired jaime cars. I international airport isis K claimed responsibility and also killed. Two hundred sixty nine afghans Biden, said during remarks american service members who gave their lives. There were heroes, heroes who have been in vain it's a dangerous selfless mission to save the lives of others. Biden met with service family members and attended his first dignified transfer as president that'd be the transfer of the bodies and. he checked his watch apparently three separate times during the ceremony associate photos photoshop contaminants part show Biden, checking his watch it during the ceremony another photo from non france presse distributed getty also button glancing at his watch as well and a video from c span showed Biden checking his watch ones near the end of the dignified transfer ceremony again deeply important for the present. Know what time it is during the dignified trend, someone's got his hand over his heart and his eyes on his watch. This person, who really truly cares because, after all, he has to declare a success and just a couple of
later, that's exactly what he was doing. You on a national television and set the whole thing had been a wonderful success for his administration. This is august. Thirty first rush in Kabul, the united states ended many years of war in afghanistan, the longest war in american history be completed. One biggest airless in history. With more than one hundred and twenty thousand people evacuated safety. That number is more than double what most experts seller possible, no name, no nation has ever done anything like it and all history. The only the united states at the capacity will be led to do it, and we did it today: The extraordinary success of this mission was due to the incredible skill bravely and selfless kurds, united states, military and our diplomats and intelligence professionals never forget.
This man sinned against the american people in sir afghan allies and again soldiers and their families, we should not be forgetting that by the just as a copper to all of us. After the bombing Joe Biden then proceeded to drone randomly an entire family in afghanistan. According then you are times almost everything senior. And the officials asserted the hours and then days and then weeks after eight and august twenty ninth drone strike turned out to be false. The exposed explosives very claimed were loaded in the trunk of a white toyota struck by the drones, hellfire missile water bottles, a secondary, exploit the courtyard, in a densely populated cobbled their neighborhood, where the attack took place was a propane or gas tank. According to officials, the car pose no threat at all. Blow up a car in order to demonstrate Joe Biden was a strong, tough leader and so what they just killed. Ten civilians for no reason one of them was apparently somebody who worked with afghan translators. That is who Joe Biden is. That's what americans should be focused on
one of the twenty twenty four election and that's why these families will never see the light of day on national news. That's why these? our family members, you won't hear their names again, it necessarily it's, not a conservative media It's why the names the soldiers won't be household names, you'll, hear endless about january sex where no one was actually killed, etc, Ashley Bab at one of the riders you'll hear endlessly about it. Won't hear a damned word from now until the election from the mainstream media about the debacle of yet and stamp out that ended with the least thirteen american service members dead. Hundreds of americans left behind thousands afghan allies left behind and thirty eight million people under the tender mercies of the taliban you'll never hear about it because it underneath. Exactly what Joe Biden is, which is a person absolutely unfit for the residency and its leaving aside the fact it is physically unfit for the president, Yesterday. He continued wander around aimlessly morally benighted
nearly dimension ridden old man is the president of the united states, where he was yesterday wandering around you, there's some sort of ceremony, the white house, where the Houston asterisk end up once again. is wandering around aimlessly, whereas where am I supposed to go, I do I may Everybody I clapping for him for people at what is even happening right now, is this is this is who he is by the way when you wanna talk about Joe Biden and his corruption, leaving aside all the hunter button, corruption, which is still going to haunt the rest of his campaign. We should point out at this point that Joe Biden didn't, and the fbi and law enforcement officials crammed censorship down on the american people in the early years of his administration in bring on the daily wire? We now know that the fbi, under the auspices of Joe Biden, was doing that sort of stuff,
the members, the f b I will cracking down on the job I hunter Biden, laptops story during the elect cycle itself. These are the conditions under which we labour to have a fair election in this country. Under a condition of censorship, where the biggest get downplayed smaller stories, get up, played and certain story buried. Absolutely completely theirs: in my job. I never feels the necessity to answer questions and that's because nobody in the media actually wants to ask him a tough question. Yesterday he was back from his vacation. You spent pretty much half his presidency at this point in rehoboth beach, delaware, where he has sits on a beach doing nothing, and I a questions in the press, obviously thereby catch. You later room that'll leaned forward because of here. If he stands up for even a hot second
be on his butt. In a matter of a of moments, or even NBC, news at this point is recognizing that his brand is tarnished and it should be tarnished while president, finds brands? Family oriented public servants has been a signature political asset and for more than fifty years, This help them when the argument that, when judge up against the alternative, rather than the almighty he's tax, are pretty well but the burning on buttons branded being tested like never before, have a close twenty twenty four election, some of the presidency when a gallows are worried about the central fall out from a conflict valley, dramatists, builded public view, anthem, republican attacks that cut it rocco binds long time, political appeal, the gnp lighthouse investigating the extent of binds role in helping is unbutton hunter, earn millions of dollars from foreign business interests during his time, as vice president I don't have much more personal major bias. Button recently acknowledged for the first time that he has the seventh grandchild navy john Robert, a four year old daughter of hunter Biden and again
while leaving aside the fact that the man doesn't care about anything that is not in his immediate purview. He is. He truly is a bad man, and we should remember that because again, that the attempt by the media to paint him some sort then you'll. Elderly fellow is so far from the reality of who Joe Biden is that it, it beggars the imagination, ok in just one second guessing latest cultural here Of that I I know it can be somebody I never heard of, and once I in actual wrapper, I believe who is it? well, here of the arrogance that momentarily first most, we will only think about we're air quality when we have fires like the ones that happening canada, which cause new york to dubious, angel, orange color, making the air quality absolutely garbage, but have you stop to think about the polluted air? In our day to day life? You and your family's health could be affected by the air quality in your home allergens and germs floating in the air you breathe, they can make a sec. The good news is that their technology out there to help you pure fire living space easily and affordably within viral cleanse you'll never have to worry again enviro cleansing in home air purifying unit
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His contributions have set new standards and remain unmatched by any other platform. Daily. Wear plus now has a vast array of exclusive jordan peterson content, offering hundreds of hours of captivating content you're not going to find anywhere else. Journalists created thought provoking works that reshape your perspective on life. Those include vision and destiny. Marriage, and dragons monsters and men. Additionally, you can emerge yourself in discussions. The nurture spiritual by like logos, literacy and Jordan's groundbreaking series on the book of exodus. That's only the beginning and we can about has begun, or a lecture series or his extensive archive of lectures and punk has got basically everything: overhear, Jordan, Peter and related- and this is only the beginning- by becoming a daily plus member you'll embark on an unforgettable experience that will fuel your thirst for knowledge and inspire personal growth like never before, go to daily wire dot com. Slash subscribe, become, Member today already. Meanwhile, we have our hero of the day. I've been reliably informed by producer savvy, who would know, because I have no idea. The neo is not just a character from the matrix neo.
An e dash. Why, oh isn't aren't Basinger did not know that had no clue, but this neo person not from the matrix again, not not calories, What he is saying, true things and then defending himself saying true things which is like this is good stuff. Okay, this stuff doesn't happen very often in pop culture, so neil again, not metrics guy, the r and b singer. He was on a show in which he committed the grave sin of suggesting the five year olds should not be picking their on gender. Here's. What you had to say Parents have. I was almost forgotten what the role of apparent as I go gas control, if you little boy comes you, usa, daddy. I want to be a girl. and you just let him rock with that. Just let right he's fine right
and where did he get that you let this five year old boy decide to eat candy all day he's going to do that exactly when when did it become a good idea to let a five year old and a six year old and a twelve year old, make a life changing decision for yourself when it they re, like I'm anonymously correct her. Ok, so he said that and the energy bt q plus minus divided by sign rainbow mafia came for him. Anza, and they said he you very, very bad, and then he put out a statement on his twitters. The statement on his twitters was an apology, tweet and it said quote after much reflect I'd like to express my deepest apologies to anyone. I may have hurt with my comments on parenting and gender identity. I've always been an advocate of law of an inclusive in the algae. Be you I plus community. So I understand my, I could have been interpreted as insensitive inoffensive generated? these new ones and I You bet I plan to better educate myself on a topic, so I can approach future conversations with more empathy. At the end of the day, I led with love and support everyone's freedom of expression in pursuit of happiness,
Ah well I mean that was the maoist struggle session apology, but it turns out that he didn't write. It actually believe it or not. I mean shocker. It was his pr agency. It was they who decided that neo, not the guy from the matrix, the rb singer, had to walk this one back, because obviously it was terrible. Then he had suggested five world cannot in factories there on gender and it's bad parenting to suggest that they can well yesterday who's gonna, up and down by a lot of people on the interwebs, pointing out that dump what he said in the first place was not wrong and he did something that you almost never see he came out and he walked back to walk back. He said I didn't write that I didn't put that out, and this is bull crap. What I said places right. First and foremost, I did not apologise for having an opinion on this matter. I may the three year old, heterosexual man raising five boys and two girls? Ok, that's my reality. Now it might indian offended, somebody yeah sure
I apologize for being offended because that wasn't my intention. My intention is never to offend anybody. However, I'm entitled to feel how I feel I was asked the question and I answered Damn question: ok, I have no beef with the elbe eating U I ate, plus community whatsoever rang and I'll be for job. Do whatever the hell it is. You want to do what you want to do. It shall kids, however, but it s my opinion on this matter, and this is how I feel I will never be ok with I want a child to make a decision that detrimental what a life. I will never be. Okay. With that, I don't act. I definitely plan to educate myself a bit more on the matter. However, I doubt that there's any book anywhere or any opinion that somebody's going to tell me there's going to make me okay, we'll let the child make a decision like that. That's just period point blank and, as I feel, so I like this neo. This knows better than the one in the matrix he's really good. That's awesome and really good for him, because,
Let me read about this. When you just say no to the mob, the mob has no power over you. It's when you don't say no to the mob. When you came to the they have endless power over you, because the moment you show them your throat, they just have you buy it. They have you been and then they just choke the life out of you and the next time you step out of line they club you and the next time you step out of line the club, you again where neo did here by base- we castrating his own managers and saying is not ideal I and say what I want to say. you even undermine his vast audience? Of course he did not. Do you think it can turn to people who boycott neil. Because of this, the answer, of course, is not. Instead, he actually did is he said something that everyone in america knows to be true and those who say that it's not true, they're, pretending and lying for the sake of political correctness and from Google alliance inconvenience good for me, oh good for him, we need more of that. Nor pop culture and here's a reality if it's eleven How can do it? Who the hell is as emu, you're, the guy who has to face down de ion. Yes, three. It is worthwhile and the fruit being fired and losing his livelihood niels. A very
We note that it is about selling, our increasing ripe and widely informed, and this means that he can action afford to take on the powers that be in this particular area, so good for him good for agony. Rarely see it when it does happen It is worthy of celebration. It is worthy of being loaded on. All political I'll, the courage to speak. The truth is a big big thing, good for good for neo on this. Ok. Meanwhile, We are still awaiting more charges for donald trump because today ending in why apparently, according to the wall street journal already facing three colonel indictments from his now bracing fray forth in georgia. That is like income with a legal he hasn't face yet sprawling racketeering charges. This is one of fanny wolves, his favorite charges, fulton county diego. was the prosecutor who made a name for itself bringing charges like this in high profile cases where's, who have followed the invest, Nation, including some have worked as well as in the past, expect her to invoke drug is re. Georgia's rico act. That is the racketeering, influence and corruption
organization act, modeled effort, we federal racketeering influencing cryptogams nations. Nineteen. Seventy signs certainly pointing that direction. Said Anthony Michael Greece, a walk, faster georgia, state university within the net couple of weeks. Grand jury is expected to consider whether criminal charges are appropriate for trump and his allies of people who supposedly intervene in the georgia election trumped has but of course, not guild. in both washington dc and floor to all federal charges, internet separate case in new york surrounding pain, violence, george rico law is a powerful tool for willis estate quotas model that for a federal state, which was designed to take down the mafia and about the federal in george's rica law prosecutors show. There is an organization of people who commit crimes together on a recurring basis. Members can be prosecuted for crimes that the group committed together. So This is supposedly the way that willis probably go about it. The rico stature
lends itself well to the georgia investigation, because trump allies around the country tried a range of tactics to keep in power according to legal experts and replacement. Defense lawyer in Atlanta says it gives prosecutors lots of choices as far as venue goes at least very long complicated trials, the where down defence attorneys critics. the regal laws here lies the government's joint defence little connection to each other into a single prosecutions. In other words, rudy the crimes are now, we wrapped in John east, and now we wrapped in trumpet, then we wrap it up with a bow. Willa says that she likes the rico sort. Actually I've been jurors, are very, very intelligent and want to know what happened. we'll make an accurate decision about someone's life and so rico it's all that allows prosecutor's office in law enforcement. Tell the whole story. We are awaiting presume racketeering charges against from coming in georgia. Meanwhile, Donald trump is you would imagine again. I understand it he's distracted with you, legal cases, as you will be all the way up until the elections from
we're talking about afghanistan in July and being a bad person. Instead, what we're going to get is a lot of talk about jack smith and maybe some side swipes at the St Mitch Mcconnell. So yesterday, Donald trump went after jack smith at one of his rallies. Deranged jack's, but he's a deranged human men. You take a look at that face. You say that guy is a sick man. There's something wrong with it. I would somebody said, wonderingly be nice to them. I wouldn't matter, wouldn't this guy's a maniac figures. we have mania myself this can it be the campaign and by the way, even if he's right still gonna be the campaign? he did take some time off yesterday from doing that, decides what measurable mcconnell for a reason I cannot discern concerned. How has been one of his less bogle critics overtime. He got booed mid consulted at an event and donald trump, then said. I agree. Boo retire, retire, retire boo. Now, let's make something very clear down from cheap it, meant, as president of the united states was putting free consent Just as on the report
there's only one man. He asked to thank for that. Its Mcconnell Mitchell, I was the reason that donald trump has a judicial legacy at all. It was Mitch Mcconnell, not donald trump, who stopped merrick garland the current attorney general, the court, The attorney general from being on supreme court in the first place was much Mcconnell, who basically ensured the breath cavanaugh got on the court was miss Mcconnell. Who ensured that conservatives entered the supreme court of the united states as now from pick them, and that is how down from preaches friends this again we can run this campaign. Is gonna go amazing. I have some doubts. I have some doubts. Out the media doing their best to take out the only plausible rival, rivals, Donald trump, this point round its answers. Yesterday they went after descent because the census didn't interview with NBC dissenters claimed correctly. The Democrats wanted to be legal through all my months and doktor burns tried to fast track him saying
it's a misrepresentation of what happening just one point: three percent of abortions happen at twenty one weeks or higher, which still is like twelve thousand abortions a year. But yes, democrats openly admit that are in favour of abortion up till point of birth. This is particularly true in new york, where literally the empire state building was lit up pink after a piece. legislation signed by andrew cuomo than legalised abortion through all nine months in the state of new york. The that that the simple fact is if the chance is right on its merits, meteor still going out from it's sort of a two pronged attack. On the one hand, to trying to undermine him with debates by suggesting that he said: election is was all on the up and up in two thousand and twenty, which is not what he said. What he actually said is that donald trump lost, but that there are plenty of factors stacked against donald trump. That is- and then their the claim that he's lying about abortion, which again is not true, understand the tactic here for the media, the media's tactic is build up. Joe Biden ignore his problems attacked from attack to santa's. That's that's the media astray.
Gee already now to the things that I like and things that I hate today, so things that I like so is actually says Adam is William freakin famous director. He died yesterday the age of eighty seven he's most famous for films like the actor as an sorcerer. I think that is best movie is actually one at that. Nobody thinks is best movie, which is rules of engagement, so the french connection, when a bunch fosters including best picture. Obviously sorcerer was a remake of another great friend from Wages of fear, but dumb rules of engagement is my personal favorite, because it is natural gutsy take on what the war on terror actually looks like it was made in two thousand before the actual war. On terror, here is a a little bit. The preview for rules of engagement, starring tommy, Lee jones and samuel l, Jackson Luther
I think they're out to crucify the a well trained fighting unit, ignored the rules of engagement when their orders were simply to protect and, if necessary, evacuate. The embassy was a peaceful crowd that is until colonel childers arrived and prevented me from pursuing further avenues of diplomacy. The movie is tremendous. It's ben kingsley, as an ambassador in, an unnamed arab country and the embassy, He is being overrun and rings are sent in to protect the evacuation and there is firing the crowd and the marines fire on the crowd and Samuel Jackson's the person in charge and they bring em up on charges of human rights violations and massacring civilians. Lucidly and tommy lee jones, the lawyer, who has to defend him, it's a really good film, is a really gutsy film about what actually tends to happen in the middle east and
the intermingling of civilian and terrorist targets, its is a really balls. You film, honestly totally worth watch great cast urban from guide, Here's to Tommy jones, similar jackson to Ben kingsley is terrific in it super underrated film go check it out. the rules of engagement again, that is william frayed, can who passed way yesterday a time for some things that I so shortly after the new york times I did that it is no longer races to sing a song called kill. The boar, the person who was singing at the head of a group called e f f in south africa, He then came out. I got eyes very serious about that. He says never be afraid to kill knowing as revolutionary harry, was your both of these good people. Who said that at some point that must be clearly because the treaty
up at the pollution, not an act, so presumably that sort of genocidal language is totally ok mean the new york times is downplaying kill the boar. As you know, just an old rebellions on Julius malema, apparently, Will he find what he is saying when he uses genocidal language because obviously he's a man of the left and of the racial left? And that's the thing that really matters in the end? Ok, meanwhile, the media are out in full scale: defence of megan rapinoe, who blew the years when the national soccer esteem ability to move on in the world cup again and again, pretend I care very much about that. Now, I'm I'm not! I never cared about women soccer. Nor will I ever care about women soccer and it just it's not is not going to happen, but megan repeated is some a nasty person may make megaera. Pino is kind of you and who kneel for national anthem while benefiting more vigilant, We want anybody in human history from america's freedoms, and liberalism is totally incredible that a person who is truly as privileged as megan repealed
who makes lots of money for plainest, bore. No one has ever cared about or watched and pray to be a rebel in a culture that celebrates her, but she is so championed by the by the establishment it really is So a lot of people were like you know what this woman's national soccer team wishes, boycotted the national anthem and the champions people make european talk about terrible and racist america is, you know, I'm glad they lost, and I feel it I get it. I'm I'm there man, because when you route for the team, if the team does it, I like america, if the team says america's bad. I dont like the team, it's pretty much a simple! Is that not everybody on certainly megan repeal and the people who are most dollar by the media will now You are very angry that people are kind of over the that megan repeal and her team around that she's, the one who really blew it. The Washington post chemist buckner, says it's america. First, the? U S, women's national team is involved as the highest form of gas, letting it wasn't america first for the team that team didn't like america, or at least its most prominent members didn't. So if we don't like the team, that's because we like amerika
is absurd, is like saying, Think howard's in is bad. My work here Eric and authors. You must hate. Americans acknowledge the dude hates america. That's why, why cowards in ridiculous but says canada after they waited for long years, for this stocking up an antiquated ammunition, preparing their muskets than most pointless fight, while noticed your writing about it Megan repeated the lion hearted heroin for one side and a world trade or for the other, miss the target on her penalty. Kick her enemies prepared to take long re shots from across the globe, There is a thousand year culture with no end in sight and no purpose beyond stirring the pot, a we declared, the. What did we? I knows she's, the one was kneeling for the national anthem, convincing her fellow teammates, you so whining about nonexistent pay gap and then proclaiming the choose a victim in a society that turns her into one was probably people. America has we're getting metals from the president of the united states. We declared the cultural, it's my favorite thing honestly that the lead Is constantly playing the game that older siblings play with the younger siblings, where they grab the aggression, his arm hit their young
sibling with their own uncle sub heading yourself, something this is what they do. Its total gas lighting. You start to cultural war, and you declared your war anymore. We notice it and we say no, we don't like these people. I got Kaji. I hate Why are you starting a culture war? All conservatives have been doing for my entire life. is saying things that were true for all of human history. With regard to the culture war, literally all of human history, male female child, general building point of all societies, know that culture. What position boys are not cross It's a massive cultural europe is woe. Many women should be treated. Individually in the market. Place now Oh, that's a culture war. It's amazing that you say things that are perfectly obvious two plus two equals one like wallets culture war, as a college work there, go out. There was a recent, and until five
he's thought you close to his work, but now that's now become an absolute hallmark of of thinking, that is, that is biased and terrible and patriarchal This commerce has. If, for a moment, we can ignore the throbbing migrant and mental fatigue caused by the vitriol and take this bottom feeder conversation affairs valley, we are surmise, those women losses we'd, not because they could not score, go through a hundred twenty minutes, but because, players were anti american us, how long they lost desires and we lost we're just saying we're happy. They lost because they are anti american now be why I'll go and I lost in I don't care about women soccer. A good high school boys team could beat the living hell out of women's national soccer team. They did. The under fifteen football club of Dallas beat the women soccer team by five to one or something. but says this column is the exited. The world cup in the round of sixteen, because majority of stars were were too busy protesting the military to mount the lyrics of the star spangled banner before march, as it was shocking. Most of players, are not of a team and into this level,
Can sort of conflict the groups the nation their supposedly to proudly represent? There are not part of the core that won the programmes, fourth world cup in twenty nineteen, while also carrying the burden of out its own federation in fighting institutionalize gender discrimination through it all that lightning rod of a spokesperson repeat one to smoke and any social and cultural matter she could find for her rainbow dr her right knee that at times remained on the grass during the national anthem forgot reaction about potentially accept, an invitation be honoured by the former one time, president, I'm not going to happen. Whitehouse repeal became the representative of the national team and the rights enemy of the state. Again she declared these positions and we said we didn't like them. and she was the person you tat. It is the most important soccer player in human history better than I will messy and more important to future real prosperity and peace than daddy. This. Was you guys. following the loss. Alexey wireless, a former men's national team player, current fox analysing moment provocative. While the team polarizing likeable to abortion america, that is true, but it
range coming from a person is being paid to elevate soccer knowledge for americans, not a hannity eyes again, and this is always the same stupid game euro. Our culture war. We notice it, we don't like it and is our fault, don't be gas it by these morons began by them. Here it's ok, to say that your happy megan Rowena lost it's ok to say that Are you guys? Recipe show continues right now, not can one of us will be getting into the mail bag? You ve not amount to become a member use coach of your check out for two months for an online or plans put that link, and that is good, join us,
Transcript generated on 2023-08-12.