« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1782 - Trump, Racism & Celebrity Anti-Semitism

2023-08-07 | 🔗

As the economy begins to soften and the Ukraine war drags on, Joe Biden’s poll numbers show his vulnerability – but will Republicans be able to take advantage?


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
As the economy begins to soften and the ukraine war drags on Joe Biden's poll numbers show his vulnerability, but will republicans be able to take advantage on bench? Growth says the Ben shapiro show venture transparency expressly paean protect our online patsy. Today, it expressly peons accomplishment wasn't alone speculation for very long time that the economy is going to soften, and now it is finally begun. According to the wall street journal earnings for the nation, because companies are poised to fall for the third strict quarter, hurt in part by the decline in energy prices? So exactly we technically in a recession, presume Wait because consumer spending remains pretty high, because, while the inflation in the economy is while the extra dollars the Joe Biden blew into the economy cause of the easy money policies, the federal reserve takes a while for that to wash it's way out of the economy. But, as that happens, consumers are not going to be able to outpace producers. Producers are starting to cut
They are seeing the writing on the wall there starting consolidate their gains, and they are starting to realise that if they continue to expand their actual manufacturing, their actual production than they are going to under, themselves and so you're starting to see earnings declines for virtually every major. Many members of the esa. Ninety five hundred, according to the wall street journal on, pays to collectively report a five point: two percent decline in earnings and worse performance. Since twenty twenty revenue interact rise, your point six percent from a year ago, but that's largely due to inflation. At this point, some of this is due to the decline in oil prices. For example, the energy sector is taking it on the chin, but it's also happening in materials and is also happening. In apple sales fell from the third consecutive quarter amidst offerings man for consumer devices, the only is the continued. You have quarterly revenue. Growth are areas of healthcare communication services we, the state is continuing to sort of hold steady at this point, but we are about to see more. These companies report bad earnings, and that means that the economy is like
to see a downturn in the coming quarters. Employment number came out on friday, their weaker than expected. That, of course, is not greatly a shock because, as we have been saying for months, you're on this program, what goes up must come down the idea that an overheated economy was not going to crash off. The cliff was always a rather specious presumption. Meanwhile, on foreign policy, ukraine war continues apace according to new york times ukraine, structure bridges connecting russian occupied crimea? Do the recipe on Sunday part of a broader pattern of attacks on and around the peninsula. It has sought to scramble critical supply routes for the kremlin and push the scope of the war in fresh territory. The tsar part of the ukrainian offensive their hoping that it will push the russians back so much that the russians will come to the negotiating table question at this point is what exactly the russians are asking for, because everybody knows lines of the negotiation here and they also in nice that there's a missile wine of incentives. The west keep saying that once he gets to make the deal,
once he keeps saying there will be no deal until the russians are off of olive russian territory and the russians keep saying there will be no deal if they are trying to put if they are being pushed out of what they consider now to be formal russian territory, namely crimea and the down basque region. Sundays attacks A driver enclose traffic on a second bridge to the east of china are near the small town of henry task. According to the governor of the rich vladimir, how those Russian got one of the strikes our three holes in another roadway as well. Ukraine's forces took credit, both strikes on sunday. Another departure for them typically way approach. As lenin, others have officials emphasise? Their new aim is to force ordinary russians to face up to the kremlin's worse things are likely to get worse before they get better Meanwhile, the american public do not have their heart in this any more by poles. A plurality of americans are not interested in an endless level of support for the EU. Rain war or really for much more support than is already been given at this point, and russian and chinese forces are also upping at the anti over
We can combine russian and chinese naval force, patrolled near the coast of alaska and what? U s? Experts had appeared to be the largest such flotilla to approach american shores. Apparently Levin, russian and chinese ships seemed close to the illusion islands. According to us officials, the ship's never you're just territory of waters. They were shadow, my for! U s destroys unimpeded poseidon aircraft, its historical first, brent, sadler senior research, fellow at the heritage foundation, given the context of the war in ukraine and tensions around taiwan. This move is highly provocative. A spokesman for u s, northern command confirmed russia and China had carried out a combined naval, patrolled their alaska and specify the number of ships or their precise location. Help? Russia and china are upping the anti and while the bottom illustration really has no plan, because while they are asking for concessions from china, while they continue to fund the war in ukraine, there is no off ramp. With regard to the war in ukraine to allow us to shift focus To china and meanwhile china is realising, then it's going, we boxed in both demographically, economically, in very short order of which spells the possibility of future conflict. Now, let's recognise something: it is the unprotected
already in changing america's foreign policy from weak and passive, too aggressive. There really throws people off kilter. fact is that russia would have invaded ukraine if it had not been for the sins of the former binding thracian, one which reads vice president of the united states. Your remember the russia actually invading ukraine originally in twenty fourteen there was one barack obama. President of the united states. Over the weekend, obama did another forming interview with the glowing media in which she could. They did all right. Things are christian among poor of the worst. Pseudo journalists in the business asking Barack Obama about american foreign policy when russia first invaded crimea and part of what happened was both myself but also merkel, who I give enormous credit for had to call in a lot of other europeans kicking and screaming to impose this
sanctions that we did and to prevent Putin from continuing through the dumbass into the rest of ukraine, so I actually think that, given both. ukraine was out at the time and were the european mindset was at the time we held. The line. Ok, let's be clear. They do not hold the line and the entire attempt to hand over crimes. to russia in the first place was deeply tied to Barack obama's pathetically intransigent approach with regard to iran When you cut a deal with IRAN, a nuclear deal with iran, he wanted russia to help broker that deal until he was willing to hand crimea to the russians. in order to make sure that happen, and then, when there's another russian advance in ukraine this time provided for. In the united states begins why russia thought there one get away with it again. Confusion in foreign policy. That leads to all of these problems, and all of them are starting to stack up with regard to. binds administration the polling membership he's really really weak right now, he's point even with donald trump in michigan,
in most of the major national polls right now, Donald trump is running about even with Joe Biden The latest national poles have Joe Biden up one according to insider advance. tied according to your terms times up three occurrences. Console and trumped up for according to messenger harris act. So that says that time is running extremely weak right now, and you should be because policies are absolutely awful and when you went out with the fact that the hunter in scandal is not nearly over and could easily break into them. instream over the course of the next year, and a half Democrats should be running scared in fact, you're starting to see a few cracks in the base for the democratic party reparative. Jake ocean question? What kind of massachusetts he We admitted on national teams that have hunter committed crimes. He should face penalties for that hunter. Binding, in crimes. Hundred Biden should face justice and accountability for those crimes which, by the way, is a sentence that I have heard very few republic, say about donald trump for much more massive crimes. This focus this obsession, I would say
hunter Biden is really just a whopper of what about ism, because the republicans are trying to deflect to diminish to defend donald trump. From the grave crime of conspiracy against the constitution of the united states and this is going to be the great mr racked by the Democrats, is going to be denied trump and the question as to whether a public can take advantage of Joe Biden, weakness, rest entirely and whether the republican base is going to nominate a person whose want to make the entire subject of the next election about his various foibles and legal peccadilloes, we'll get to that momentarily. First, it's time to talk you about delaware's, most trusted privacy partners. Premier, sponsor of the show express vpn, huge tech companies in america nothing in taxes, meaning they barely anything back to the society that actually made them incredibly wealthy. They may not do it. I'm getting, but they should do a lot of taking they take your data they monetize. Had they been you from their platforms, they sensor you and then they again make money of you, why would you allow them to do that? To protect your identity and data from these two giants, I recommend using express vps every time you got
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in manhattan trial in florida. The trial now in Washington DC. When republicans talk about this, they say that the subject of the next election should be the corruption of the d o j, and I agree that an ideal world we would be talking endlessly within abandons about corruption of the deal jane weapon, a state of law enforcement and use of the ecb I had to go after donald trump, beginning in two thousand and fifteen, at the behest of a Hillary clinton campaign, and all of that all that should be highly relevant. Is that going to be the topic? The bread and butter upon which americans vote or simply going to make the journey. world decision they always make in every election in which is. Do I like this guy dwight trot this guy. Do I think this person is likely to lead to a more stable america where I can send my kid to school, knowing they'll be safe and where I can have bread on the table. Right that those are the real big questions and publicans can win all those questions, because democrats have made the country less safe with regard to crime, because democrats are threatened, your kids interim the values they are promulgating at schools. All those questions are questions. Applicants can win, but not if they never talk about it again. If the central issue in twenty twenty four
is whether the deal J is being mean to donald trump for political purposes, or whether donald trump is in fact committing criminal acts That is not going to be a winning formula for republicans and twenty twenty four. It just isn't there where the twinning formula is of so many Democrats stay home because they are just unhappy with Joe Biden Donald from squeaks by, but that is not a recipe for a sort of broad based electoral there that is a recipe that relies on work and we started it's one of the things we we sat at the very beginning of of of daily wire was luck is not a business strategy. While luck is not a political strategy either, and the idea that you're just going for a walk into twenty. Sixteen, again, the basically Joe Biden won't visit wisconsin or he would visit Michigan that that hills, so absent in the election or the democratic stay home again there. A couple fact The militate against one of them is the factor that a lot of them
I remember twenty sixteen, and they remember that when they thought Hillary Clinton was a ninety nine percent lock to win, they didn't show up until Donald trump became president number two Hillary Clinton in the polls is running well ahead of where Joe Biden is running right now. So, if you're a Democrat, you understand, there's a very real risk that donald trump is going to get in the white house, which means are very motivated to go and vote When it comes to the message of the campaign. Democrats are gonna, be able to basic We shy away from whatever? Is these supposed corruption in the oj? The alleged crushing, crushing, I think, is very real and very parson. Im able to shy away from that, and just talk endlessly about donald trump and donald trump loves to talk about donald trump and the entire election will be about donald trump. If the election is from he's going to lose if you like. about Joe Biden. He is going to lose. This is not a particularly hard mouth again. Whichever candidate is the subject of the referendum will lose. Nobody likes Joe Biden's of their thing about Joe Biden at the time they pull the lever, they're gonna vote for his opponent and if their thing about donald trump at the time they vote, they are probably going to vote for Joe Biden. So what exactly has trump been doing
Just what you would think he's been doing sure he's handling his legal troubles, ensure he's talking about that stuff, but he is spending Z. Our focus at all on his actual political opponent, all of his folks I now can you can blame them for this, because, if you it was eighty seven charges or whatever it is, if you're hurt them, you would also spend all of your mental energy thinking about that sort of stuff and presumably truth socially about that sort of stuff at all hours they now from does that even on a good day, but on a bad day he's for sure going to do that, but the problem is again that we're donald trump puts it. but what is also where the media are happy to put their spotlight and democrats we're happy to put their spotlight of every waking hours spent on donald trump truth, social talking about how much he hates Nancy blowsy interacts method, my pants, that is not a recipe for it. for all success and here's the thing I want Joe Biden not to be and into the united states anymore, I think he is a terrible president. By the way, I don't think so, is really in control of his own administration. I think that the staff people nastiness for while, where she runs the the Biden administration and the answer is,
basically, everybody who staff for Barack obama was really fascinating. We have a tablet magazine with David Guerrero, biographer of rock obama, autobiography biography in twenty seventeen abroad those largely ignored by the media, because it was not complimentary. A biography of iraq, mama included the fact bra while he is younger days, is pretty rapidly anti semitic that which is not at all he's at german red shirt for twenty years, as we all know that he wrote. Love there's two his girlfriends him, which he talk, that fancies gaze at all sorts of real. Salacious, an ugly material in that biography by David Guerrero, whose appeal surprise, winning historian by the way, and that David Garrow says in We tablet magazine that Joe Biden's. running large parts of it. Administration obama- is, he doesn't have to pick up the phone these people are already in the white house. They hold the iran file. Tony blinking doesn't rob malaise, one person, Brett, mccarthy, incoherent israelis, monaco injustices and rice running domestic policy. Its turtles all the way down there obviously large parts of the white house, policymaking that belong to block a bomb because their staff by his people work for him and no doubt report back to him personnel policy
as they say in washington again this biographer. Ah Obama, David areas to me, this very odd kind of a spooky arrangement spooky because happening outside the constitutional framework of the united states government and yet somehow has been placed on the list of permitted subjects. Report on a good indicator of the extent to which the information we get in public reactions that information is being successfully controlled. That, of course, is exactly right. but one of the things that happening here is that we're not talking about any of that stuff. The only thing that we are spending time talking about. Presumably, I want from legal troubles which will get you in just once. I waited based on that. First, the economy is really an sort of a razors edge unclear which way it's going to go. I am big into diversification, particularly into assets that are like, led to a crew in value overtime days ago, our long term sponsor masterwork liberty. Seventy seven point: three percent net return to some other investors, that is, seventy seven.
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all over the news making defences of president trump? He points out that president from six questions of concern over election irregularities. That's all first amendment protected material he's pointing out also that the actual statutes and brought in the indictment against donald trump are not actually properly formulae so very likely. There may even be a pre emptive appealed to the supreme court to try to get this thing. Stop a sap as fast as possible, that is to encourage by range of mark Lavinia centre sen, mike in utah a flourishing Recent statements on sunday from from any legal, seem previewed how they might seek to defend the foreign president against federal conspiracy charges, According to LAO rows on an a b c said, the government will never be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that president trump had corrupt or criminal intent. That's what this case is about now. That is again that that's the legal issue and whether true or whether, as false, we're going to find out it down from his the deck stacked against him? No question Judge in this case number one is a delicate I'm ok actually serve the same law firm as hundred biden, apparently because this
Taking place in Washington DC, which the very unfriendly area for jury selection, apparently team trump, let's get the same, moved to virginia because they believe the washington DC is a place where trump can't get a fair trial and, of course, the zone when a the trials the trunk is currently undergoing and we are expecting the george. dear to drop an indictment on donald trump, any moment settle before different trials over the course of the next year. Well, all that is true. All that is. It really is outrageous again that they're just go through each once more the manhattans years cases absolutely specious its garbage. This, no doubt stormy, Daniels and donald trump, supposedly taking personal money and spending it on stormy daniels to silence her as opposed to campaign money. It's all ridiculous. It's well beyond the scope of the manhattan DA. He did it anyway because he wants to be famous it's a ridiculous case that one pronoun summarily it's a manhattans who could get invented the wonder, in florida about classified when some pretty serious case, because that prompted the climbing on tape don't do cramming on tape. First, rule of law with that's at should be prosecuted,
political cases, jimmy brusquely, because Hillary Clinton is not prosecuted for essentially the exact same crime, but in a court of law could Donald trump depressed. Sure, but it also in florida, which is a much more friendly territory for donald trump, since he won the state twice and then you had up to washington dc have an incredibly we case brought by jack Psmith on January sixth matters again, if you wanted to bring the charge of indictment. That is an actual criminal charge. You didn't bother to bring that charge because you couldn't prove it to. Instead, he brought a bunch of ancillary margins, ranging from obstruction of justice to fraud. None of this yet really seem to apply. So all of that can be true and at the very same time, on a political level, all Donald trump did over the weekend. All he did over and over and over is just worried about this and that selection is going to be so question for you an nor conservative or normal independent is: is this top of mine for users? The thing you wake up every morning outrage for certain percentage of population. Sure is population larger than twenty five thirty percent. I have serious doubts that that's the case, considering again that eight,
solid majority of independents think trump should be indicted and they don't really care about. What the charge is to me very hard, and independence not only should from not be indicted. He should be elected because he's being invited a very, very heavy left, and yet I encourage republicans to think very seriously about who they think is likely to be Joe Biden, not just about who they think it feels good to nominate those are not same thing. So over the weekend, Donald trump started going after the judge. In this particular case said there's all caps. There is no an get a fair trial with the judge assigned to the ridiculous freedom of speech, fair elections case. Everyone knows this and so she will be immediately asked refusal of discharge on very powerful grounds and likewise for venue change out of DC judge. I can, of course, pointy a former president barack Obama, again, I don't say that comes concern here is not well predicated. I think that it is. as MSNBC legal analysed, even Henderson says this judges trumps worst nightmare. I mean that's true. This is a very leftwing judge, obviously
frank, turns amen. She is trumps worst nightmare and she's his legal teams. Worst nightmare, I'm just gonna be real when I say it again: Woman with a lot agree is a virtual, unstoppable force when it comes to the justices them. Here's a reason why it taking similar been subjected to two different forms of discrimination: discrimination based on gender discrimination based on race, the instructing extracting them on the law. In terms of how things are actually supposed to work then- we live in an environment where they see people get mistreated and based on do they are everything obey their career. Now you somebody walking into her courtrooms dangle hang on a second. I deserve a tree treated differently, because I used to be a super powerful person and expect to become a super powerful person again. That is I'm going to work on her. Ok, the fact that the left so excited about. This judge demonstrates, and from his exactly one hundred percent right again the case that this person is making is that because of right entity as a black woman, this will make her trumps worst nightmare, which is the opposite of being a good judge. What it means to be a good judge that you impartially beside the case in front of you, not that you look,
within the wells of your own soul and then come up with some sort of jerry reads: explanation: For why the bad orange man has to go to jail, betsy, with emerson, MSNBC analyst, so get from complaints are well predicated here about the judge. I think there's very little doubt about that. The question for republicans is: should that be? basis on which the elections run. It doesn't stop there, of course, because the posters keep coming in coming in coming over the weekend. We get him, I suggest one. Second, first guy tell you really really rough weekend, so our baby is due and a half months old. He came down with rsv having trouble breathing. That meant that we were up a lot of the night like pretty every night over the weekend? And so in those rare moments, when we got a lie down, we need to go to sleep right away, and here is where helix sleep. Mattress was really really useful Why does my heel exley mattress and you can do they vote new high in collection called helix elite? He was his harness. Sweet scented, afrits expertise to bring their customers are truly elevated. Sleep experience, the utility collection
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Is entirely within his purview that, however, and jack Psmith spiralling jack. Psmith is the prosecutor. In this case the special council He filed emotion hit, did in emotion. He said all the proposed order seeks to prevent the improper dissemination or use of discovery materials, including the public. Such restriction is particularly important in this. It's because the defendant has previously issued public statements on social media regarding witnesses, judges, attorneys and others associated with legal matters pending against him in recent days. Regarding this case, the defendant has issued multiple posts, either specifically or by implication, including the following. If you go out for me, I'm coming after you, If it were to begin issuing public post using details or, for example, grand jury transcripts obtaining discover year, it could have a harmful chilling effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fair administration of justice. In this case, trumped later defended the claim you said it wasn't about potential witnesses. Wasn't him threatening people he said that it was for called the rhino china, loving, dishonest special interest groups and super pacs, like the ones funded by the koch, brothers and club for no growth, which may very well be the case.
Again: this is just how things are done, get litigated all the way. Until all of this is over. He didn't stop. he went off about his civil rights being violated again, I'm not saying the double from his role about any of this. I'm just asking what, An electoral strategy that seems to be worthwhile here was donald trump going off. his civil rights being violated, Montgomery alabama rally on friday, really civil rights that have been violated in this matter and my civil rights and those of the countless people that by then the communists have been persecuting and they are communists, their marxist there, their people that dont get it again get the euro, the vicious and they're smart, where spotter and we're tougher than they are now again. All of this may be fine well and good. Is it this time
If the election, I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here, but the horse ain't dead. Yet in the sense that people keep saying over and over that, if the election is rollins, bassist donald trump will win. I just don't see the evidence of that over. The we can. He also went after a variously nanny, Closely and my pants social. He went off on Nancy blowsy because Nancy. You suggested that he looked like a scared puppy, which is definitely getting his goat and, from put social. I purposely didn't common Nancy blows, he's very weird story concerning her husband, but now I can because you said something about me with glee. That was really quite vicious. I saw a scared puppies as you watch me on television like millions of others, that didn't see that I wasn't scared. Nevertheless, how mean a thing to say: she's a wicked witch Husbands journey from hell starts and finishes with her she's a sick did cycle will someday. live in hell all capital. Letters woke up again. I ask you who does this went over wisconsin michigan pencil? yeah, whose georgia arizona, who are the voters, were like well now that did say that she is
second demanded cycle, will someday live in Hell and that her eyes, journey to hell, starts and finish. with her now on totally in this, one thing. If you're running for reelection, he is now running after an election that he lost, and so you can have the winds medicinal about who does he went over with this It may well he's going after my pants suspense, who has said that has no plans to testify against trump over the weekend, to my pants, He said that and then from came back at him and said well, it's finally happened little. My pants he's running initially starting this cycle through the same nicknames over rumour, there's little mca, little backer, Ruby, I let him and then there is cricket heller. Aid is now crooked. Joe sees now recycling them which is good for the environment, has little my pants. A man was about me It is governor of indiana until I came along and made him did, he has gone to the dark side to move the power of the dark side, so I'd never told. A newly embolden not based on is two percent numbers pence to put me above the constitution, or that make was too
honest he's, delusional and only wants to show is a tough guy. I wonder what a major magazine article and mike it said he was not a very good person. I was surprised by the article was right sad. How many people has fallen from selected for positions of power who turned out not to be very good people? Is it pretty? everyone, do you know them as the worst selection in in personnel in human history, or it turns out that he crossed swords and one of them when working for him, because he doesn't do the right thing very often with those people who oriented about fellow republicans over the weekend. Here he was suggesting that that is other. can solve that he's being invited right now, which again is weird considering that is really his own. Ok, it's democrats vault and it's his vault but it's hard to blame say but rhonda santa's or Marco Rubio or Chris Christie or my pants, for what donald trump did can we draw ones, can be unfairly targeted and also in some of these cases programme ass. My documents case dude made his bed and now he's having a lion it and is not pleasant, and you shouldn't be.
differential rim of military Clinton, blaming the republicans for his own failings, that at some point war public voters, look at him and say you're a little responsible for your own actions here, no like a little but when they indicted their political opponents and they did I said now that loves her off he's. A crooked incompetent and he shouldn't be allowed to be the president and the Republicans better get tough and they better get smart. Because most of us look like a bunch of weak jerks right now and you gotta get tough and smart, and you have to fight fire with fire. You can't allow this to go on its other we can follow. The guy was present from four long years and he allowed his entire justice department, apparently to be completely run through
with people who hated his gods and did other men now is the fault of random congress person from like iowa. That's it again is it's a winning electoral strategy. I ask you this over and over and over I'm not going to stop asking, because the only thing that matters to me, the only thing that matters to me is what the policy of the united states looks like going forward. Donald trump's personal it allows in his myriad foibles. I was going to those aside when he was doing good stuff for the country in question is, is you can have has to do those things again by being re elected president on the basis of those things donald campaign for reelection, is actually very simple. Things were better when I was president Joe Biden has been a terrible president. Europe because I'm a legal stuff I'll take care of it in court I'm big and brave, and strong stomach and I'll take care of all of it in court and if they come after me, it's because their corrupt by The real issue here is that job. I is a terrible president. Until every day, from now until the election, I'm to talk about a terrible present, Joe Biden is not going to look at be these sort of victimization narrative here, I'm not going to focus
I have the biggest story in america is how people are being means me, legally speaking, I can handle that I'm a big boy, a very rich person. I've gone through these I was before our continued go through these battles. But the real issue here is Joe Biden, but Joe Biden, never seem to leave president from slips and that's why the problem in a general election and if from vans and and republicans decide that the chief factor in terms of Conservative loyalty is somehow following down the primrose path. The losing. I don't see that here see how that works. It seems like there is certain, not there's a number of people who are You are very into this sort of thing that, like the rock and soften robots of it more than they like the idea of actually taking job, I now the presidency so the weak, enlarged from the at the president's daughter in law. She she was talking about how trompe stoic any standing up to the bad guys and and you gotta began for this from republican crowd on Henry, I saw my father lots. I saw him on the way to the plane. I some get off the plane to give all
saw the higher on high donald trump away. I that's a pretty I will say that bad. It's not that I believe the donald trump was made for such a time as this, because any other and would have given up by now the fight in front he's not just fighting for himself. He is fighting for every single american okay, so I just have a question who what would it mean to crumble? We won't cut a plea, deal modem into crumble at this. Why, just just purely on a factual level he's being indicted and now he's defending which is usually what happens, what gets invited and then defence and again, when comes to the GC indictment. It's complete bull crap, the jack smith, is putting forward when it comes to the florida indictment. That's his own fault. He did not have to keep those documents. He couldn't Even the documents backs the national archives and, as I say, unjust prosecution sure because politically motivated at the same time,
What would have been a smart thing is not to keep the documents and not to step on the rake in the first place, but republicans going to run on that basis. I want to see the data that shows that the indictments actually make them stronger and the general I keep hearing this. I see no data this. In fact, I see a lot of data. It's just that trump is stronger in a primary because of the insight, because again, a lot of republicans emotionally are resonating to him being unjustly persecuted. I feel it I get it here when a Republican is is being targeted by his. political opposition to be put in jail for crimes that any democratic committing get away with that political prosecution. We all know it and it's terrible. Does that mean he'll win a general election? I keep asking question over over because apparently no one else will I've set. I have yet to see president from articulate a play for how he wins reelection? How what does this plan we're all of his money, literally all of it on legal bills. Right now he's burning, none of it on building, The voting base necessary to actually when election is not spending it on ballot, harvesting he's not spending an underwater, knocking he's, not messaging where the present abiden at all aid or the predictable effect This is the data I'm seeing it.
It could be a really really rough year for republicans in twenty twenty four. Why? Well? There are some early special actions Elections can be a bellwether for how the actual elections of twenty twenty forego twenty twenty three special actions and then going horribly for a so far. I wonder. Why could have something to do with the fact that, instead of focusing on Joe Biden, and his terrible governance that everyone hates according to the bulls, we're not folks in one I order on that. According to five the aid they did in numbers crunching they found in thirty eight special elections held so far this year, democratic output the partisan lean by an average of ten percent romping in parts of the country, the typically, the party and cutting down on gnp margins in red cities and counties to, for example, the democratic hands that and will start wisconsin state assembly. Special lecture last month was by just seven points in it area, where republicans have a twenty two point: edge or trump be Biden by almost seventeen points in twenty twenty in new Hampshire, special watching in may for a state house. He the Democrat one by forty three points. That's far beyond the twenty three point edge in the district.
And these are not good numbers for republicans and for him harrison. According to five thirty, eight democrats outperformed the waited partisan lean by about four percent in special elections held between two thousand and eighteen midterms and twenty twenty elections. When Biden won the white house by four point: five percent, but democrats underperformed in house races their up. I like ten percent in these special actions as that in that necessarily nothing can change. it still really really early. But there is no question at this point that, if down from once an election campaign that is based solely on his indictments. That is probably not going to down to the benefit of republicans, and so I ask once again: what's the plan for victory here we get more or less in just one second first, my team knows I need my black rifle coffee. I spoke earlier about the fact that I haven't had sleep in like three nights. That means I'm going real heavy on the black rifle coffee lately, if you're busy like I am. You need to check out black rival, coffees, ready to drink, hands, ready drink coffee is perfect for people who need their coffee really fast. Each can and at least two hundred milligrams of copying and is well born of right
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recent us. What razor and men's care bundles, such as, for example, this would be shampoos, and this would be conditional and I've been told that you should never be united in one bottle, and so we have now These are pair, have been free and no parabens sulfate free, woke, free made in the united states, get him a precision, five razor with welded steel, blades flipped back from her that will groom his face. Not his worldview help. Your son escaped academia, his leftist indoctrination by more than just a close shave. Go to journeys, razors dot com for major deals, give germany's back to college bundles a full right today. Meanwhile the media seem absolutely determined to knock rhonda santas down. The idea here but if you can knocked his hands down and from hens up denominate and you get the race, presumably that you It is why newsweek is promoting edge and they dont round his hands was met with a large number of empty seats at a meet and greet event in iowa. He went to cedar falls before eating breakfast at the can family restaurant we're heading for meeting Rita livestock off chin in temper, but then there,
a viral photo shared on social media. That shows that there weren't a lot of people who showed up. At this point, the journalist tim Miller, who is very much a sort of bulwark type left winger on a quasi I suppose it concerns he added a caveat setting for what it's worth the senses doing a bunch of events. This we can not all been the sparse the reality when you reboot and have to do, grind it and have to grind out lots of small vents letter and be run deal. Ok, but again, it is pictures like this that the media are promoting. Meanwhile, we have political with an entire article. Today, just fantasies, conservative populism has left some donors chafing. when Rhonda Sanders unveils economic plan. From last week he presented himself as a conservative, populist, a sceptic of corporations and said party, often allied with them, but senses rhetoric hasn't always mashes record as governor he's an assurance, We're corporations, as a presidential candidate, has relied on contribution from titans of the business world. Attention between these two impulsively kept at bay for months as two chances look well positioned,
challenge donald trump for his party's nomination, but as he stumbled and continued war with select corporations like disney and bud light, big business is starting to show signs of irritation. So again, the new narrative, that's going to come out is not new. Is that de santis is already done for the campaign is already over in the reason they are seeing the media mirror. That is because, despite the fact that it is august. There has not been a single debate, yet we are still six months off from a primary, even killed. chances in the cradle. Right now the really anybody in the wings the only other candidates right. In the republican party who are already in the race. pulling in single digits. If you look at the real, clear politics pulling average right now, Donald trump, fifty three point: seven percent is it fifteen points ambushes drop of like three to five points the last two months, the vague round the swami has jumped into third at six percent, and my parents at five percent in iowa. By contrast, trump is running about twenty seven point ahead of the scientists in new hampshire format. Twenty four points ahead of this answers to santa's is in second place in both of those nominating contests right now. None of the other candidates are clocking and more than
single digits in any of those in any of those races, right now of the media can knock this answers down his eyes. Then the idea would be that from wild as to the nomination, which at this point is apparently sort of the plan? Is that going to be again? It doesn't have to be disappointed, but it can. From a trump he's, gonna, have to shift his campaign away from everybody jump to mine because that's how I'm going to protect myself to here is is what I'm going to do to stop providing women do to stop Joe Biden name. The thing please like I'm waiting for it. Ok, meanwhile, just demonstrating the insanity of our racial moment. That's me our absolute garbage at pretty much every on matters of race is particularly drew so the way this works, apparently, is that I suppose black people, All over the world can be as racist and anti semitic as they want to be, according to the mainstream media Racism and anti semitism are bad, except depending on whose performing them
The reason I say this there is an amazing headline in the new york times is from a few days ago about a song that was sung at a giant political rally at a leftist south african party rally, already, the e f F is run by a person in Julius melema. Who, has been challenged in court before for racism he started. Chanting kill the bore, a kill, the ball, b. O ye are is reference for killing white people permanently farmers in south africa. Went to the new york times a video clip of that moment, shot across the internet and was seized upon by some american. on the far right who said it was called the violence that notion. Really. Got when you unmask south african born billion are left the countries, a teenager turned it into their openly, for genocide of white people in south africa. While I mean yes, I mean clearly If this had been a white party in south africa, saying, kill the black people
I mean, I don't know the exact supersonic. What's going on right. Here is the headline from the york times over, kill the boers on fuels backlash in south africa. And u s owes the backlash. That's story. It's not that you have full scale political parties in south africa calling for the extermination white people the stories, the backlash head from the new york times. Rightwing commentators claim that an old anti apartheid chances are called to answer by violence, but historians and left wing politician when bracelets and should not be taken literally Ah, we don't doubt literally, you see, killed the white people. We don't take literally well Do take literally, obviously, is when in ask our driver retreats in a george, would mean that only taken super literally, and we just raise career so over the weekend. Now are suspended, ravening Noah Gregson. Why? Well? Because he appeared You have like an insensitive mean with a photo of george floyd on social media legacy. Or financed gregson suspension. Things actually do not represent the values. Our game now, gregson violated. The stock are racing member conduct section of its rules, which has in part
We should not publicly spirit people based on their backgrounds, so I'm Gregson do not agree dress the alleged member acknowledged his actions is disappointing, It's not for lack of attention and actions on social media. Apparently, the post shows a photo avoids face and includes a reference to his death. The immediate response is that he must have been racist to repost the meme, which again not sure why that would be racist, as opposed to goes not quite the same thing, so the same media who declared this nascar driver is a racist and must be extirpated from an american society and his job they're? The same people are like the ball is actually subtle. Message about the evils: white supremacy. According to the new york times, the child was born time when lack south africans were fighting inviolate racist regime and was made popular in the early. Ninety nine may promote about a former use leader in the african national congress, but into well, the answer they distance themselves from this
and they expelled mister malone over his incendiary statements. Apparently the m This is not a big deal according to the new york times, despite the fact that again, this song was actually banned. I believe it's been declared a hate speech song in south forgot for years and years, but now we have to kind of go back now, because a minute that the right wing americans recognise that, perhaps there are in fact people wore black while racist against white and place like south africa. If we notice that the song apparently is good again, that's that's the way that this work. Meanwhile, in in other aspects of race that are terrible for people, everywhere in chicago mayor Brandon, Johnson is focused, late like on crime problems in his eddies there's been mass looting all over the city of chicago in recent past and the new mare who is not lorry life, but he's male warning
but Brandon Johnson. He actually scolded a reporter for calling a mass looting mobs, and this was racist language. So again, the way that this works in the median on the left is, if you say that a mob ransacked a place, that's racist, if you say, kill the bauer. That's not racist! That subtle political messaging! That's not appropriate! We're not talking about bob actions. I didn't say that us care what am I gonna? Second, ok respectfully these large gatherings. these large gathering just hold on a second, your promise. You we have time talk it's important there, speak of these dynamics in an appropriate way. This is not the office gaped. What is actually taken place. this was the scene near roosevelt and canal sunday, night groups looted a convenience store more than three dozen teenagers were arrested on a mob tomorrow and at least one drawn in origin How many teenagers, how many internet
it's a lot of teenagers, not a mob according to the chicago mayor at just duchess. Great so- it turns out that the soft bigotry of low expectations leads to increased racism. It also leads to increased crime. Ok. Meanwhile, only talk about the soft bigotry works. Petitions expectations, the level of anti semitism that is tolerated, so long ass, it comes from black left us is truly. Is pushing it really is an amazing amazing thing and the way that that anti semitism is treated in the press is its white fan of donald trump or white. Non van of donald trump, white supremacist, then anti semitism is true, deep scourge of its coming from Hamas hezbollah, it's coming from any of the radical middle eastern muslim groups and seek to destroy the state of Israel there is more a political question than you know, wiping the Jews off the planet and of its coming from prominent black people than it's pretty much, not a problem at all? We just ignore it completely. By the way, this extends all the way to review. top of how the media treat people, so I mentioned you're in the day this interview,
historian, David Garrow, about Barack Obama, is the fact that Barack Obama anti semitism was overlooked for literally years, is an amazing amazing indicator of just how easy people unless go when it comes to anti semitism coming from members of the black community, tat a magazine covering this David Samuels is the is the other he writes quote theirs. Knitting passage and rising star David Garros, comprehensive, biographia, Barack obama's early days? in which these dwayne examines obama's account in dreams. From my father of his break up with his long term chicago girlfriend. She, let me rigour in dream Obama describes a passionate disagreement following a play by african american playwright August wilson, in which the protagonist, defenses incipient, embrace of black racial consciousness against girlfriends white identified liberal universalism as readers. We know the stakes of this decision will become more than simply personal The black american man, obama, wills into being in the scene, would go on to marry a black woman from the south side of chicago and Michel Robinson and after meteoric rise when election is the first by president of the united states, it what girl, documented after tracking down and
reviewing she let me Yoshi agar was an explosive fight or a very different subject in yeager selling, the quarrel that ended the couples, relation was not about obama. Self identification is black men. The impetus was not a play about the american blacks black experience, but an exhibit at chicago's spirituous institute about ninety six. He won't trial of environment at the time, robotic. Sheila visited the spirits institute, chicago politics is being world black mayoral amc copley when it's yours. What? organised by gooseberry. Combination of Islam accused jewish doctors in chicago of infecting black babies with aids. hundred genocidal plot against african americans. The episode highlighted a deep rift within this his power echelons, some proud of black official supporting, hopefully others, calling perspiring enigmas recollection. What set off the coral that precipitated the end of the couples relationship about stubborn refusal after seeing exhibit in this role of the cope with their to condemn black racism. Well, now, There are bombers embraced the black identity had created some We have distance between the couple. She insisted what upset her that it was obama's inability to condemn kohli's comments. It was not obama's blackness that bother her, but that he would
I condemn anti semitism. Well, I mean yeah That again is not a shock. Remember that morocco I sat in Jeremiah rights church for fully for full on twenty years for twenty years. So is it any shock and he would not condemn anti semitism back? in his younger days, while the latest example black anti semitism one is being ignored. One is one, is not being ignored as much jamie fox over the weekend grow to post on instagram saying what they killed. This dude named Jeez, What do you think they'll? Do you followed by the hashtags, fake friends and fake love the actual deleted the post not before being accused of anti semitism on social media, because of course they killed. This dude named visas, we often that is used by people who know like do very much driver to Jews, jennifer Afghanistan, like the I was the forest deleted and then she she and liked It- and she said I didn't like this post on purpose or by accident, apparently was miraculous. More importantly, I want to be cleared by
in any one hurt by showing up in their feed, not support any form of anti semitism. I truly don't hate tolerating of any kind period. Now Alex posted, an apology said: I want to apologize to the jewish community and everyone who is offended by my post. I know my choice of words has caused offense I'm sorry that was never mind. Said. Instead, he was referring to a fake friend who had betrayed him Apparently, there was also speculation that this sort of radiologists used frequently the black community, suggesting they killed. Jesus which sometimes in implication with regard to Jews or jamie fox backs off one. Meanwhile, cardy beaches gets away with certain most outrageous. You're stereotyping available so carnegie and again as a person who is not a connoisseur of her entire over a car to be, who is a deeply unintelligent human being, but she tweeted out the other day a picture of to consider and these jews are unlikely, follow considered garb, probably in brooklyn
One is wearing a stream of which is the kind of free round hat that you see sometimes the other Is wearing a a black hat and is also wearing I Shall we just got him along blackjack at these bed, the etymology since they go back to poland? and the various typical stereotyping picture of, like ultra orthodox jews, and she says: remember: dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, What exactly is your referring to apparently she's, referring to a line in her? shakespearian song beacon head. I shot. She says this we applaud and apply them. the top no so I'm a lawyer is a jew. Is the wine right lawyers jew he going to get my money reagan that this the idea being that be cut? So there is a a typical jewish.
Inria type, that that jews are disproportionately the worst stereotype. As that's true, jews are disproportionately lawyers. Doctors, accountants are a lot of different industries in which Jews represent a disproportionate share of of members of the industry. What is actually you set a glance. Medic is the implication that if you take a picture of two very hasidic jews is- is somehow representative of like her wish lawyers. Now we actually have pictures of her jewish lawyers her jewish lawyers. Look like secular reform, jews at the very very best did look like the Jews that you just saw on the streets of new york and the idea that all jews are? This aim is a hell of a is a hell of a stereotype. If I was like wow wrappers and then I just posted a picture of Barack obama and Eric holder you'd, be like that's a little racist. Isn't it isn't that a little racist, Would he be, however, says this kind of stuff on the routine and no problem whatsoever, and this is true throughout unfortunately rap culture. This
is posted routinely by people ranging from like ice cube to cardy b and everybody's got lever is a really big deal. While I mean it would be if we are talking about any other race attacking members of any other raise. This is that the fact let off the hook is astonishing to me. But again it shows that when Racial preference in racial hierarchy is create in the name of intersection, allergy ugly things than occur. Meanwhile,. the new science crowd is out. There are continuing their work, Harry's razors are good friends it here you remember harry's harry the recently launched. I hate harry's, so Harry's razor it used to be a sponsor. In some of the show's over here and then they realise that our host didn't believe the men could magically become women and vice versa, and so they pull advertising and said that they don't like our audience. Basically, we launched I hate harry's, though we have well a hundred thousand subscribers who, by our razors instead of harry's razors. Well, I think it's time for more. you who are Harry's razor subscribers. Consider I hate harry's dotcom after harry's put out
a piece of social media advertising celebrating, quote my first pride with facial hares, and this is a woman who had her breasts tissue. carved out of her and then had hormone treatment to grow facial hair and is now using harry's razors in to shave her face Those are our trans gendered stars that are happening right there. Growing up. I always was envious of boys going through puberty getting patiently and learning how to shreds, as the person I'm going to be maintaining it haven't. Facial heron grooming within is most gender. Affirming thing to me. The job harry's You have turned this young woman into deformed young woman, like really great job, you give you
celebrate the mutilation and self mutilation of a young woman. That's just that's just tremendous or folks. If you don't wish to actually give her money to those people, perhaps you'd like to give your money instead to a company. That is not hate, your guts, but this is all part of the push. For science tat. We ve been seeing eye so near grass. Thyssen we ve had sunday special before and we had an exchange over transgender ism in in which which the rest thyssen suddenly became. Very unscientific expressing many non v, viable ideas about what constitutes manhood womanhood. Now he, as I decided to go even further here as neil de grass Thyssen talking about talking about men and women competing against each other in sports and michael shermer show. It is a little weird that we split people by male and female in this way, I'm imagine a hundred years from now. Looking back, do you know back a hundred years ago they split boys and girls
couldn't competitive and as they did just be kind of a little weird. I danone, because I can imagine and find a way. I can imagine that too, but the differences are so massive on. Ever again, I've seen the pictures together all round well, listen rick, but the average not going to be able to take the average woman. Wrestler is not going to be able to take down you when you were in your your pk. Maybe like us female you sound like you're you're, an old man on the porch in a rocking chair right now, I'm telling you that I'm telling you you're criticizing something that is in need of modification. You mean human biology, that's it! You need a modification and sorrow get you scientists near the grass thyssen, but women and men on average not perform. Similarly, with regard to athletics, which is why. Venus Williams and surrender ones at their asses kick by a two hundred ranks. Man who is smoking between sat and there are the greatest women's tennis player is probably ever certainly. Arena is meanwhile
there is no. The grass has in trying to explain away his lack of science. Here is a more complete take on what exactly gender is supposed to be according to astrophysicist kneeled grass eisen point is apparently the x x x Y chromosomes. Are you sufficient because and we wake. in the morning we exaggerate what ever feature we want to portray the gender of our choice either the one you're assign the one you choose to beat whatever it is, and so now puts up so now just touch of tie a beau. On this I say to you somewhere, I read somewhere what I'd think I read But the united states was a land where we have the pursuit of happiness,
suppose no matter my chromosomes today, I feel eighty percent female twenty percent. Now I'm gonna put on make up, gonna be tomorrow. I might feel eighty percent now I'll remove the makeup and I'll wear a muscle shirt. Why do you care? Why do you? care that I care. Do it you're going to do and then live in the world and also recognise that this is not make your man or a woman business I have so I've it today, if you can ask, This is somewhat eighty percent astrophysicist today, tomorrow, wake up it'll, be like ten percent astrophysicist in the day after I will be astrophysicist at all. What does he? If I walk into a lab and start performing the job astrophysicist. What is the matter? I mean, after all, I'm identifying as an astrophysicist. What exactly is the problem, but if I also white lab coat, and I and I where weird wines, or what do I do all those things that would them Minister, I mean I'd identify that way. It would make me feel so scientifically. you feel the science happening you feel
happening in real time here from neil digress, thyssen and if all womanhood is, is make up and dresses then I have some bad news for the future of human reproduction. It turns out that that's not the case, Meanwhile, again the scientists doing their best to you, know Do science, the american academy pediatrics. According to wall street journal plans review the Friends for gender, affirming medical care and potentially amended policies that help guide doctors and clinicians, providing the treatment of transgender youth and it'd be amazing. If you'd done the damn research in the first place and cared about it as opposed to simply dictating that we should shoot children full of hormones and then cut off their genitals about an amazing you got done. Millimeter research first, but apparently now is important that they do the most tolerant possible thing, which is to refer people
for physical mutilation, rather the mental health treatment that they show clearly require ok time for some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like it today so over the weekend, I had a lot of time to regions has in the hospital watch. My child breathe is really a terrible we can, but I did read what was eight Nominal book is a book by immortalised call a gentleman in moscow and it is the best novel that I've read in five to ten years. It's terrific! It's really good! So it it centers on a a guy named count rostov who's, sort of an old school russian member of the of the upper class beef and he ends up being taken by the red soviets in the aftermath of russian revolution and tried and then confined to a hotel and he's stuck in the hotel metropole for literally the rest of his life. That is the sense that he's going to be he's going to be sentenced to live in a fairly small room in this hotel for the rest of his life and he's not allowed to leave ever and so the entire novel is about what happens.
in this hotel and the people that he meets and how he finds meaning there, and it is a beautiful novel, its truly beautiful, not just because the writing is terrific, because it really really as but also because of the generalised take, which is that, yes, there are things worth preserving from the old world and those things are worthy of care and that protectionism in how you approach everyday tasks, actually matters, and that you have to open yourself up to experiences of family and child bearing in order to find your most purposeful self and also, of course, it exposes the tremendous evils of the soviet union, but it does so in a really subtle and I, amazing way it's it's true master. gentlemen in Moscow highly recommended by m or tolls. This one is Manage me my friend Andrew Craven, who has interesting literature. He has hit rate with me about like seventy five percent. This one is like one of his best backs. Your four book really work: rita gentlemen. Moscow by immortals go pick it up today. Ok, other things that I like, so I ask you what
way. Western man is a picture of the prime minister. Can who is now getting divorced and it is picture of him with his son at the barbie movie and dumb, I just have to say, Are the chinese quaking in their boots? At this point he had treated we're a team barbie and is a picture of him in a pink sweatshirt. That's how I love you more and his son, who is wearing a pink t, shirts and stars. Shorts, and there gazing, bizarrely increasingly into the camera right in front margo Robbie buying gosling poster from barbie, so here are choices. The people who are team barbie with people who are not team barbie. Yes, this
yeah. You know where I stand on this, but where do you stand on this and am- and I ask you shouldn't: does this speak well of the future of the western world is this? Is this where things are going? Are they going amazingly while russia, russia and china just at a joint military exercise near Alaska? And meanwhile, head of canada is treating out bid. Voters himself with his son from the barbie and saying his team barbie. Ah, the future is in the best of hands, but I love it. When people expose themselves through, they are unjust, justin trudeau. Can it can you imagine it man fidel castro must be turning over in his grave to see his son acting this way. Okay time for some things that I hate already so megan repeat, no one irritating people on planet earth she had an opportunity to push the united states women's national soccer team into the next round. Now
he's most famous for having blue hair and also for really hating. America means the national anthem is bad and america deeply sexist and racist place, even though they're paying her way too much money to play sport. No one has ever watched, except once every four years, when we all pretend to be interested in women's soccer and all the rest of it, while Rubino apparently had a penalty shot and she missed and the united states loss, and they got booted by sweden. And up bizarrely enough, she started and of laughing and smiling effort MR shot engine missed by little. She missed by like a lot now to be fair to megan repeal they're all these picture that are going on around of her laughing and smiling and all the rest of it and dumb shi Ite.
yeah people react and bizarre wasted. Terrible things happening to them. Some not going to blame her for a like laughing and crying people do reactor. Weird ways to bad situations. If you've ever had to tell somebody truly horrible news, you can don't know what to do so. I get that I'm making a penal that is annoying is that Jeez megan urbino, and so she was asked after blowing this game. She asked about the most important things to her her best memories from her career and arrest, memories, Maguire, absolutely obviously, political! Is there a memory that stands out to right now. In this moment I mean probably who pay chance after the final- and I think you know They'Re- saying equal pay but could have been saying a lot of things. I think this team is always fought for so much more and that's been the most rewarding part for me, of course, playing in world cups and winning champion
in doing all that, but you need to know that we have used our really special time. Did you something? You know? That's really like change the world forever. Them is a most to me in you know the players in this locker room here, they're just getting started and enough to all players. played with. Obviously, you know who know what it's like to be in the grind and the best part I mean my president Biden. Tweeted out. You ask old national cup team. You ve made your country proud. Relations on an incredible run. It seems especially I'm looking forward to seeing how you continue to inspire americans to your grit and determination on and off the field. It's the worst performance in years. President Biden of course had to sign him because he is big fans of megan rapinoe, where we all pretend that the women's soccer team is even remotely similar to the men's soccer team's completely different sporting and way less revenue on a on a four year basis doesn't matter, have you no containing beheld by left as a heroine again, the problem
In my view, knows not to miss a penalty, shall ask people has penalty shots and promise not to cheat reacted. Thirdly, when that happens, when bad stuff happens, bad stuff happens. The problem making up you know is that she's kind of a terrible person and that she spent her erica. We are pressing for the idea that america is a terrible horrible place and has made her extraordinarily wealthy and famous for playing a sport, but no one cares about worldwide no, that the evidence the known cares about the sport worldwide that the united states winds every year. That's that You know that no one cares about the sport worldwide, because they're like even people in the united states who takes or seriously compared to you know the rest of the human population so for winning at that sport? That means that half the population in the rest of the world doesn't even compete in that sport. That's that's just the way it is, but we have to pretend that america is terrible, no good, very bad place. So that's a that's! That's that and we bid a not particularly fond farewell to make pino. Don't let the door hit you on the way out already guys. The rest of the show is continuing right. Now, you're, not gonna, want to miss it
getting into media coverage, suggesting that actually sexual. Assault cover ups in virginia are okay. The real problem is that we notice You're, not a member, become member use. Culture para check out for two months for an iron. Your plans click that linking the description and join us Yeah,
Transcript generated on 2023-08-12.