« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1781 - Are They The Baddies?

2023-08-04 | 🔗

New York Times columnist David Brooks speculates on a shocking revelation -- are our liberal elites the bad guys?; and Trump goes to Washington D.C. and pleads not guilty on multiple January 6 charges.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
New york times columnist, data brook speculate on a shocking revelation, are our liberal elite. The bad guys from Washington DC and leads not guilty get multiple, generous, sixth charges. I've been fearless venture purusha. Eventually, the Ben Shapiro expressly and I talk about them every single shout. Why haven't you gonna a vpn, yet get expressly began right now and express begins icons lifespan, while the term phenomena he's been puzzling people ever since Donald trump popped onto the political scene in started, making ways Andrew enormous amounts of support from members of the conservative base from people who are high school graduates in ohio for people who are college graduates in florida, where was from support base coming from and the left was utterly puzzled. this after all, Donald trump was not historically socially conservative down from was not somebody who's historically, even really are a publican donald trump, really a major cultural figure who didn't seem to sneer at those people, and so ever since people, unless mention and to figure out why
his brands durable. Why is that so many people feel connected to download from this, particularly true, because Donald from continues to pull dreamily highly among republicans, despite the fact that his shot at Joe Biden is probably weaker than that of other republicans, despite the fact that he is facing down a bevy of indictments, if all that happens to be true trump right now, is vulnerable, mainly in the early states. The primary are not yet over and you look at the early states. I want particular donald from leading iowa, is twenty four points, as opposed to thirty seven wade's, nationally set is a pretty significant difference and rhonda santas is in second place with twenty percent versus transport. For in item scott earning nine percentage, points were on the swami at five hayley at four pence, it three etc. There are some vulnerabilities there, but the polling day on, for example, the indictment surrounding donald trump show, a disconnected in what can survive sink the rest of the country things and what the rest of the country actually thanks. So conservatives thing
People are going to immediately react to news of the spurious trump indictment in Washington dc with the sort of rage that they feel that that we feel are people like me leave the donald trump is in fact being unfairly targeted by legal, forcemeat, while hundred Biden has being let off the hook, and that is that this is really happening because, of course, he's the front runner for public, a nomination and because democratic, the guy, and also because democrats would like to see him elevated to the nomination, and so we? and believe, ok well, if Donald trump is nominee, many people in the middle resonates that argument that has been treated unfairly. Therefore, he should be elevated to the nations highest office, but that's not actually what the polls show. When you look at how voters see the indictment, what you see is that on the twenty twenty elections I've been fifty two percent of voters approve of the federal incitement the same I'm a classified documents, data which suggest that really not about the topic or even about the legal case against donald trump. Basically, see. Two percent of voters want to see donald trump in the dock. That is really what that comes,
which is the sheer majority, because the classified documents case is a stronger case legally than the twenty twenty election indictment case. Now among penance there actually is a difference is what kind of interesting among independence fifty nine percent say that they approve of donald trump being indicted on the on the twenty twenty election. stuff. Only forty nine percent of they provide the classified documents stuff, which is again, fascinating you'd, think that would be the reverse, because the classified documents cases much stronger legally speaking, then the election stuff from twenty one All it really shows in that independents, really don't like Donald trump talking about the two thousand and twenty election. They really don't like what he did in the aftermath of the two thousand twenty election. They really don't like january six, okay, but there remains this massive disconnect between the conservative base and independence and the rest of the country. With regard to president trump- and this raises questions like- why is it that so much republicans a really really behind from in deep and abiding weight, and
answer is that it has less to do with donald trump than it has to do with reaction to leftist elite That really is the- and that's always been. The answer I have said since: The from phenomena DA donald trump has always represented to conservatives and two traditionalists age. Pulsating middle finger ate an orange middle finger directed at the entire leftwing apparatus. That's what he is red. The single best summation of the trump phenomenon is and get ready the button trump, because you read that has always been the appeal of donald trump as the pill down trump and twenty fifteen twenty. Sixteen is the peel down from twenty twenty, as even more the appeal of donald trump, Twenty, twenty three twenty, twenty four! You don't get to tell us what to do is sort of the generalised mood with regard to present europe. So the question is: where does that mood come from where where does it come from and the answer is, it is a direct reaction, we liberal elite who have this did, the dare values are more important than your values. We have decided that
their priorities are more important than your priorities and frankly, it comes from a a group of people who could theoretically be called values. Traders catch up, to understand what exactly is going on here yet eastward to think of a framework of history. Broad broad read his Karl Marx, famously at the beginning of the commons manifesto, along with angles. He he says the history all hitherto, existing society is the history of class struggle, and this is wrong now. That phrase has shaped nearly every theory about politics in the modern era, Everybody ranging from Francis fukuyama to the march last year in the early twentieth century, is shaped by the idea that everything is about class. Politicians left and right, Bernie sanders and on the right people I took her karlsson very often tend to caen late issues that are values laden with issues their economic laden. So the idea is that, before forgot
man is actually the person who's being left behind by the new meritocracy by the economy, that everything is about class conflict and if only we could redistribute, if only we could subsidize, we could do all of that. We could create solidarity again. All we would have to do is change the economic systems by which we live, and this would magically fix everything. But it's not true. the history of existing society for all of human history has not actually been about class conflict. In fact, virtually no conflict in the history of humanity have been fought purely over class, is what world war one did the marxist idea world war, one completely defeated them are said to you the most idea. Whether one is that there would be europe wide class revolution to end world war, one in fact be the of marxist revolution was not supposed to be in russia, which basically hadn't classes at have like a group of a few elite. And then it had a giant giant proletariat. Basically, farmers serfs people were very poor. It wasn't those happening. Poor countries, if you look at
mars. Writings writing supposed to happen in like great britain is They happen in richer countries where the excess capitalism, would eventually cost so much income inequality and wealth, inequality that lower ass, would rebelled against upper classes and thus, when world, where one broke out marxist were utterly befuddled because, instead of the conflict breaking up between lower classes, no glasses in upper classes, the conflict. Instead, go between nationalities, broke out over borders and germans, who are very poor. Sided with germans were very rich to fight british people we're very poor, and british people were very rich and didn't cross. Pollinate across class marks was wrong. well, you're one proved him wrong, but his idea can t used to be the motivating factor in nearly all thinking politically still, which is the idea that economic circle dances determine class solidarity which in turn determines politics, and it's not true. The real answer to the driving force behind history is, in fact community community
community of interest, if we're going to rephrase marshall you'd come up with, is the history of all hitherto existing societies. The history of community struggles, struggles between creedle communities, religious communities,. the people will have a common interest because they live together. Because they share certain values. That is the real struggle that has taken place in him, and that is the real reason. The Donald trump is represented, vapor one class. You not representative of the lower classes, Donald trump, because there, a bunch of people like me, make a lot of money who I support donald trump against Joe Biden and did in twenty twenty. There are a bunch of people who are middle class, who are supporting donald trump against Joe Biden, and there are a bunch of people who are lower class or supporting donald trump against remind despite the redistribution, is promises of democrats. So what does that about? That is not about comic circumstances than about pure redistribution ism. It's not about class struggle. It's about community struggle
it's what that means in just one. Second, first, let's talk about how you protect your asset based, so here's the reality The united states continues to downgrade the value of its own economy, as you have places like fitch downgrading america's dat, because currency could be in danger in the future. Is just that simple. We ve already inflated our currency, there will be delayed and will be inflation, there'll, be speculation in the markets, one way to protect yourself against the vicissitudes of a government driven market. Is to invest in the only acid that has never been words: zero gold on august, twenty and bricks: nations, brazil, russia, india, china, south africa are expected to announce, launch of a new international super currency, fully backed by gold other commodities? Is if their long term plans supplant the united states and the dollar as cornerstones of the global financial system, you can produce your irate or for one gave from the followed from this landmark announcement by diversifying with gold from virtual historically borders safe haven in times of high uncertainty, which is right now for school. Those are the people I buy my gold from so do thousands of concern savers. When currencies fail, Hold remains a safe haven how
the more time does the dollar have left to protect your savings of gold gold. Has that a plus rating with the better business bureau, thousands of happy customers text Ben to ninety eight we didn't yet have free info on of a central bank. Digital currency becomes a reality, will be nice to have some gold to depend on again sex bench. Ninety eight, ninety eight ninety eight today hey so, which is a description of how society works, which is a description of what? What are the sort of even points the points at which american separate from one another, and where do you in to explain it? Its name where americans unify we dont unify around class middle class people? before you don't necessarily grid middle class people in florida, poor people in miss? Don't necessarily agree with poor people in new york, rich people. brass, don't necessarily agree with rich people in Chicago. So it's really not about class. It really is about communities of interest. History. lay that has often been religious community if you're talking about historic wars, basically from it one of time until the peace was
virtually all war, was religious nature, then afterwards it into nationalistic war, and now we are what better religious war as it turns out, are very rarely fought on the basis of pure economic ideals alone, and if it is in and I'm ideal. It's not because an economic ideals, because its religion, marxism, has effectively become a religion, so communism was a religion with great sainted, leader at the top, must be worshipped and so that the real we, the djinn american society right now, is not in economic cleavage, per se, is a values. Cleavage is a community cleavage aid is cleavage between people were More traditional values with regard to the united states and people who do not, and that has led to a class conflict, People who are high income earners have essentially left behind their church in their community of interests and formed a new community of interest with other people who earn We are now transmuting what values conflict into class conflict, which is weird because again, if you
go over to silicon valley, widely perceived as a leftist hop at nato. Tons of people in silicon valley talk them regularly. If you should go. what a silicon valley in talk to the heads of social, the accompanies the same people for promoting diversity, equity inclusion invite for social governance, those same exact people in their own homes, they are practising conservatives. Those same people are married married for twenty years. They have kids, they don't let their kids play with the with this short media apt that they themselves create the values they we in their daily lives, are fairly conservative, disappointed charles what makes him coming apart, all the same people who are preaching liberal nonsense directed at the very poor First in society who they see as essentially please of the gods, the guy's being themselves, those some people live, values that are much more consistent with conservative middle class. Americans traditionalist, americans and it is serve a fascinating phenomenon
We stand that you have to understand to separate ideas of what they call the forgot mantle. The forgotten man is phrased, its use in politics. All the time and who is the person whom politics ought to be directed the forgotten man? The person who is? behind. So who exactly? Is this forgot men? That phrase is made famous originally by go and roosevelt back in nineteen. Thirty two and the forgot according to franklin delano, roosevelt was the guy who's poor, where they are really poor. He's been forgotten by society and its our jobs, make it up for him and the way to do that is to essentially redistribute all of america's resources. With that, guy in mind, we ve merits creasy behind leave idea of performance behind the person at the bottom of the spectrum is the person we ought to focus on. This is a fine democratic party policy. For a very long time. You can find that you cannot make level deejay. Liberal social policy ought to prevail and that basically defines the democratic party today. So, according to Democrats, forgot. Man is the poor guy who must be given money and then preach to about the virtues of transgender ism and social justice, and then there's another the food, the forgotten man and that's the actual array.
No concept of who the forgot man it. So there is a yell university professor, named william, graham sumner, who a clergyman, a and a classical liberal, and he wrote a p in eighteen? Seventy six about the forgotten and here is what he says: quote: as soon as a observed, something which seems to him wrong from which x is suffering a talks it over with me and an then proposed get a law passed remedy the evil and help acts there will always be How is this to determine what c shall do for acts or in better case what abs shall do for acts. What I want to do is look up. Acts is look up, see I want to show you what manner of man he is. I call him the forgot men. Perhaps the appellation is not strictly correct. He's the man who had never thought of. I call him the forgot man, he works, he votes generally. He praise
we always paid writer who the forgotten man according summer. That is the person who has like the traditional night. It's the person who goes to church. The present supports his community and the person who is targeted by the people in the elite class on a values level, because they don't care about his values, don't care about that and he's always the person who they are taking from both in terms of values for themselves then attempting to destroy the values and institutions upon which he realised, and there also taken economically in certain ways as well, but it's really more about the values that it is even about the economic takings, because truth is in the united states, the people, the very top of the economic spectrum, pay nearly all income tax. It is not the middle class payment, amtrak's in the united states, it is the rich people paying income tax. So really. What is? This is not a class conflict. It is a values conflict in which you have an elite group at the top, while promulgating a set of values that is absolutely destructive in that they themselves do not live by two people in the middle class and people who are in the lower economic classes, That is not economic conflict that using
community struggle. As I say, that is not part of the history of class conflict merely struggle, and this is what under girding david boxes column today to fascinating column in your countries trying to grapple with the trump phenomenon? He can't quite escape sort of marxist tinge to to history being described class conflict, but how is start. It is starting to dawn on him that perhaps attacks. on traditional judeo christian values are in fact in defining feature of our politics right now and then america is dividing. It is not dividing alone class lines, its abiding from people who believe that traditional jude christian values are good and people believe the traditional judeo christian guys are really really bad. You wonder why culture wars are first and for in everybody's mind, because the things that we actually care about it actually predominantly are pocketbook. We all care about our pocket book that is not predominantly what we care about when it comes time to make lifelong decisions about what matters to us. It is values. Is always always. You will always be valjean helps been values. Economics determine what jobs we take,
they may determine where we live, but its values that determine how we live and that's the thing in the end that she matters most to us when you have an entire cadre of elite liberals who, presumably do not even live their own values, but our cramming down and alternative valleys on all of america in the name of the quantum cool marginalized when that happens, There is going to be a backlash. Net backlash is taking the form of trump, not because trump is great representative of your trip, criminal geo, christian values, but because, when you are I wanted enough. All you want to do is throw the bird that's. What trump is we get to that in just one? Second, first, let us talk about your sleep quality, so let me give you an example of sleep that is a problem. So last night, eleven pm and my baby son couple of months old costs call that, as as you know, if you have small babies, that's actually can be kind of dangerous, because babies are obligate nose readers, so that means that you have to be up like all, time taken this not out of his nose and like a lot of up and down last night. For me, so
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Donald trump seems to get indicted on a weekly basis. It is utterly dominating his republican rivals in the polls, and he has tied with Joe Biden in the general election servants from poland, are stronger against by now than at any time in twenty twenty. What's going on here, why is this guy politically viable. After all, he's done we Trumpery, often tell a story to explain that it caps encapsulated in a quote the university of north carolina political scientist mark hetherington gave to my colleague terms. Ethel recently quote republicans we'll changing around them uncomfortably vast and they want to slow down, maybe take a step backward review. Person of color woman who values gender equality or an lgbt person? Would you want to go nineteen sixty three. I doubt it in the stories The brooks we had trump are the good guys, the forces of progress and enlightenment that trump Reactionary, bigots, an authoritarian, many republicans from no matter. What, according to this story, because at the end of the day, he still the big chief embodiment of their resentments and that's what matters to the most, I partly what the story says David broke, but it's also a monument to elite self satisfaction. So, let's be clear about this, this elite self satisfaction really took the fourth. Barack obama is a fascinating
over a tablet magazine all about Barack obama and his value system and all Is the media ignored about Barack obama, including the fact that he was like a bleeding anti semite back in his college days and all this, but he's a member of the liberal elite who hated the values of the so called bitter clangers, and it became a sort of cultural cachet to to read on people who had financial, judeo christian values with regard to two life, so didn't books as let me try. Another story, and I ask you to try to and each one in which we have had from powers are not be eternal good, guys, in fact, where the bad guys- and here is where David Brooks somebody's about say is right, and some of it is a conflation absorb marxists theory with the actual history of humanity, which is the story of community struggle, this story begins in the nineteen sixties, when highschool grads had to go off, fighting the vietnam, but the children of the educated clasped that college deferments. Ok, that that is true ray he strangled. Roth's is a class conflict that high school grads went to fight in vietnam, but the children of the educated class go to college. For that that is certainly true. However, it is also true.
But the objections to the vietnam war did not come from a high school educated class. They came from this in college elites, who got the college deferments patron if the americans were willing to go fight in vietnam and they did and they died in large numbers by the way disproportionately white people is all of the myths about how vietnam was bunch of poor black people who are dying that that's actually not true. Like eighty eight percent of all casualties in vietnam were white people. Fifty per cent of all people who are serving in vietnam war middle class. So it was not all can of brown people as the as the platoon myth would sort of suggest virtually. huge percentage like eighty six percent of everybody who served in vietnam was actually you're not drafted, but put all that aside. what airport is missing here is that vietnam, these values conflict. It was a community conflict between a bunch of long haired, hippy left wing judo chris values rejecting elites on college campuses, weren't even serving who objected to the war. It was not all the people went to church who objects
the war, was all people who dropped out a church and dropped acid who objected to the war? That was the actual costs, bridge out, but we now try to rewrite into a history of class conflict. He said it continues in the nineteen seventies, when the authorities imposed busing on working class areas of boston, but not on the upscale communities like wellesley, where they themselves live. That is one hundred percent, true that that part that he started. that's a community's conflict right. The idea here is that a bunch of liberal left wing elites when lived in super white areas and then imposed forced busing on a bunch of poor white people and poor black people. That part is true, but that's not again. The class conflict as a community conflict because, if those liberals actually should their own values, there would be imposing in on themselves as well. The idea that we're all in this together was replaced with the reality that the educated class lives in a world up here and everybody else is forced into a world down there. He is right about this, but I'll use level is all discuss more in just one. Second, first is that dark spot on your face? Still bugging you but the liver spots on her hands neck and just what you can watch those disappear safely and quickly. In about three minutes introducing the genuine eldar spock rector. There are three step: three men.
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members of our class are always publicly speaking for the marginalized, but we somehow somehow we always in a building systems that serve ourselves this again true, but the reality That is not even a they build systems that serve themselves. It's that the systems that they themselves. Build are not intended for themselves on a values level, so The processes thing against the meritocracy- and this is where I dont, like the conflation between the marxist history of class struggle and the history of coming struggle, which is not the same. It really is not enough. Just to take a quick example, John jay rockefeller used to go to church like on the regular and eve tons of charity inside contracts from the time he was very young He was more in line with poor members of his church than he was in line with many members of his own social class visit. This is just the reality. Ripping on meritocracy doesn't solve the power. Well, it's a marxist solution, place. which values problem ribbon, because here's the thing was he'll turn into meritocracy. I should well both left and right, ripping the meritocracy, meaning like
people who are most meritorious get the job and right now in the information age that is going to benefit, people have facility with information than other people, but it's also drinking where people were more facility with machines are ones do better than we do not have the with machines. People are facility, we are going to better in that industry than people who do not have a solely with forming yet what's turn it. No one has ever provided an alternative to meritocracy. That makes any sense on the economic level. This is why I really am. After the crossing streams of promoting the meritocracy with promoting liberal, left, when social values are not the same thing. The best system, it's system in which economically speaking, meritocracy does obtain, but also that is by judeo christian values of community when we all care about each other because we share a set of values. That is the best form of the system. David Brooks, however, again infused by this sort of thoroughgoing marxist idea
then again he's not a. But this is an ideal that is permeated premature, every area of social science, the class all this nonsense. He says the meritocracy is the problem most important of these systems, its problems, the modern meritocracy, an entire social order that sorts and excludes people on the basis of the quality we possess. Most academic achievement, highly educated parents, we need schools near each other work at hyping, professional jobs and where enormous resources into our children into the same elite schools, Mary each other on past their exclusive plaque class privileges down from generation to generation, he's completing a bunch of stuff, you're, so credentials and isn t bad. You don't have to go to college make an amazing living in the united states and and lead a business our business, your daily wire is led by a triumvirate. It is me law school and you see how I grab. Is germany boring a guy who did graduate from college and his robinson person. We did not even go to college. That is our triumvirate. The thing that we share is work pretty good business robbery, smart, but an integral it's the performance when he says
This is a pathway that is unavailable to anyone by the way. I challenge him to look at the entire asian community in the united states, which wildly outperforms based on class data, where they should be in terms of their kids by the way. How does he think that people become rich in this country? he's assuming a self perpetuating elite. But let's be real about this again. German do not grow up wealthy. His kids will collapse in our group. We, his kids, I contrary to public opinion to now grub, while they might as well for the wreck. I grew up until I was eleven years old in a two bedroom: eleven hundred square foot house in burbank california, with six people sharing one bathroom, I showed a bedroom with reading younger sisters until I was eleven years. What look? I have mean ass, poor ass, solemnly middle class, but that's like solidly middle class knots, how the upper class the point here is that again he's complaining plaster. Well with the actual struggle here, and so is missing. The point here is the here is the part that where he is totally right, however, he says when he gets beyond. All of this quote
arms of all kinds of economic, cultural and political power. We support policies that help ourselves free trade makes the product, Cheaper and our jobs are unlikely to be moved to. China can he's messing up the economic sphere, but here's the part we get so that the part that actually matters like all elite we use language and mores as tools to recognise one another and exclude others using words like problems, sister under laugh acts and interception is a sure sign. You ve got cultural capital coming out of your ears, Meanwhile, members of less educated classes have to walk on eggshells because they never know when, change. The usage rules said something that would say. five years ago now get you fired. We also since the mormons in ways that should ourselves selves, never mind the costa others. For example, there used to be a norm that discourage people from having children, s, marriage, but that got wash way during our period of cultural dominance as we eroded norms that seemed judgmental or they might in him. individual freedoms, After the social normals wrote it, a funny thing happened, members market to overwhelmingly married and had children within wedlock, people without resources, unsupported by social ones, were less able to do that.
As adrian words points out in his majesty aerial two thousand one when both the aristocracy of talent for sixty percent of births twinned with only a high schools If we get a car out of wedlock compared with ten percent with a university degree that matters It is because the rate of single parenting is most significant predictor of social mobility in the country. Does this mean, I think, well in my class, our vicious and evil. No most not most of us, our earnest kind of public spirited, but we take for granted and benefit from systems that have become oppressive, you mean institutions had become politically progressive in part, because the people in them want to feel good about themselves as they take part in systems that exclude and reject its easy to understand why people, unless educated classes, would conclude their under economic, political, cultural and moral assault and why they rallied around trump their best warrior against the educated glass again is not really about the educated class. It's about a cultural class that has decided writ large, but the morality of be forgotten man, the person who actively holds together community, who provides the glue who provides the net journalism, patriotism and allegiance to traditional judeo christian values that underpin any sense.
social solidarity, its those people, their attacking it's that glue that their disintegrating, people by the way are living off the fat of the wind because they are better from all of those things they are still living inside. solid parent household taken care of kids and sending them to private schools. That's the the limousine liberal, Nobody liberal is not a limousine liberal, because you a literal limousine he's limousine because you lives a set of values that he then rejects writ large. When you say your church, I want my kids to get married, go to church, have children within wedlock get a job when you say that and then the person who does virtually all of those things in san jose says no, no, that's bigotry we need to set up a system where, if you don't get married, you have kids out of wedlock. You dont go to church in you, don't get job, we pay you, then of course people in the middle are going to say what in the hell is going on? What is wrong with you? People, if you wanna talk about people there, there's that there's phraseology, marshes and touch my class traders.
class. Freighters, presumably, are people in the working class who vote with the elites. People who vote for the meritocracy or who vote for capitalist even though their members lower class. This was the basis for the famous, but by thomas frank, in the middle of the night. Thousands call what's the matter with kansas in which that why are there all these poor people in Kansas, who keep voting republican when they could be voting benefits to themselves and the answer course was not voting based on the benefits. Their voting based on the values which matter where'd you them than the actual government handouts yeah, that's how bluff left tends think, but the reality is that we should be talking about traders we should be talking about values, prayers, people who live a set of values and then promulgate a complete. we different set of values to other people who are too bid and too poor to actually live those values. The assumption is that everybody was not living in San Jose. Everybody is not living in uppercross manhattan. All those people are too stupid to actually live values that most of these people themselves actually live, and that's why the way why people
with regional judeo christian values. They tend to have stereotypical beliefs about but living in san jose and new york. They think that they're all in poland, gay relationships because they believe that's a set of values being promoted by san jose manhattan when that actually is not with their actually living out and then we're in San jose in manhattan like well. Why do they think all this stuff about us? Well, maybe it's because you make the mark of virtue flying progress flag from your house. Maybe it's that even while we're living in a headache, sexual monogamous relationship with three children with why pick offence. Maybe it's that thing. the way that social solidarity was actually created and promulgated in the united states used to be rich people, poor people and middle class people all went to church together. They'll send their kids to the same schools actually interacted with one another. I had very similar such values. Again, John Jay rockefeller went to the same church as
poor janitor down, but I have a question. Whereas did you really believe that eight jack dorsey or susan wash kicking or any of the bank? interest giving those people are going to church with worthy, or you think, they're hang out exclusively with people that their country club, who are members of the same socio economic, liberal elite, the answer is ladder, and that means they. Ve got themselves off from the same values and they used to actually create social solidarity. Ok that is now being telescope dollars being telescoped trump, because again, the way that that virtually all politics works is that, unconsciously. We all just look for symbols and the symbol right now of resistance to these liberal elites, who have decided to make virtue signalling the most important thing among them That is the thing that is more than anything there too symbols today that this but it's amazing to watch it happened. One is resisting
the trump. They are the resistance from a fascist edmunds, everybody on the you know what middle finger trump and that's what that's one in four transferability and other issues. And he was absolutely clearly isn't support for the war in ukraine. So the beginning of the worn ukraine heavy by partisan support for the warning crane heavy I mean look at the data republicans gretchen, but as everybody, supported the idea, the uk few people to fend off russian invasion and then the minute, the left trends- You did that into a values: conflict about upholding cortical, liberal democracy, with pride, progress, flags, An enormous number of people on the right one, Now we see what you're doing the many diminute that a conflict that was not actually a cultural values conflict was transmuted into a cultural values conflict in The same liberal elites who hate your church suddenly love ukraine, a bunch. We went up not interested, It's that reactionary and understandable, reactionary politics that driving everything right now. While this would be a re engagement in social solidarity by the liberal elite, but that would require them to understand that they are quote unquote, pursuit of just
as for the marginalized, is not pursuit of justice from large marginalized anymore, hasn't been for very very long time. What is really about is a is transgresseth notion that if you destroy the centre, you have made the world a better place. That then is called for what was not started by the right. It was in remote, be started by the right no because the battlefield, if the culture and started by the right when we I met with the boys, can become girls. Girls can become boys, of course not, There was even considered a battle five years ago now to massive battle, and this is true: for every victory gained on the liberal elite battlefield while being as I say, telescoped into trump, and if prompt is this will of resistance and attacks on tromp are seen as symbols of the regime tearing down from which brings us down from showing up in washing these yesterday will get to that in just one moment. First, you know accompanies looking out. Everyone actually greater service and don't actually charged for its great news for new and current kyoto customers. Pure talk just added data to every
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in court there was no mugshot every still assuming there will at some point, be a mugshot of trump in court. That probably will probably is going to happen when he gets arrested in this jury. jackie surrounding january sex. The cases have been Having is really really spurious. Politico does I've what it was like inside the quorum said if you blind, you miss it. For a fleeting moment, say donald trump and special counsel. Jack Smith appeared to make eye contact, as the former president prepared to fend off charges that he sought to subvert american democracy itself, that shared grants crystallized the historic weight of thirty raymond the third in recent months for the vice president, who spending federal and local prosecutors, even as he appears to be coasting to the twenty twenty four g, o p presidential nomination smith, said nothing, audible during his hour in the room I repeatedly shot glass at trump, occasionally shop and back until their eyes briefly met even before Donald trump. The federal government declared himself not guilty. The weight of history was evident in war, in d, c, federal, courthouse minutes before trump entered the silent room. Seven
federal judges files into the public gallery turning themselves into spectators in a building. They typically rule. After a day of anticipation, the atmosphere darkened the moment, Psmith Strode, into the wood panels, chandelier courtroom from a nearby ante chamber It was flanked by system special counselor, re hussar and several fbi case agents ass. He made his way to the back of the courtrooms. Well, later, there was from seated at a table. It has, in recent months, been occupied by some of the very people who stormed the capital and are now paying a legal price The drama o the magical drama up, Donald trump came out and was a combination of, I would say, stoic, plus a and a little bit. I would say puckish so download from actually put this on true social It's entering the fact I had to fly to a filthy, dirty falling apart in very unsafe washington DC today, and that I was then arrested by my political opponent, who's losing badly to me in the polls crooked Joe Biden. It was a very good day and honestly. This is why people love him
middle finger, pulsating, dry, middle finger, all the time it opened or all the time again down from twenty twenty four, because here is a horizontal trumps, actual verbal response.
pretty much. This is a very sad day for america and it was also very sad driving through Washington DC and seeing the filth, the decay and all of the broken buildings and walls of the graffiti. This is not the place that I left it's a very sad thing to see it when you look at what's happening. This is a persecution of a political opponent. This was never supposed to happen in america. This is the persecution of the person, that's leading by very, very substantial numbers in the republican primary and leading Biden. By a lot, you can't beat a new persecutor or you prosecute them. We can't let this happen in america. Thank you very much. I mean to be fair. Not in the polls leading Joe Biden by a lot. The last poles have them, basically that even but the point is taken It is obviously true that he is in
being hit with a variety of charges that no one in the democratic party would ever be hit with. Without a doubt, he at added later another show that be very dangerous if he were jailed, which, of course is also we have not seen in the united states. A former president of the united states thrown in jail is something that concerns you of you know of the people making. sure that they don't go out of their right mind if something like That happens, because I know what I'm thinking of could happen if that, for example, they do hey jack Psmith S. Ok, I'm going to put down a trumpet jail and it was a very dangerous thing, teeny even talk about, because we do have a tremendously a passionate group of voters- and I mean maybe you know it'd be one hundred one hundred and fifty I've never seen anything like it, much more passion than they had in twenty twenty and much more passion than I had in two thousand and sixteen
where's. The left has taken this as the threat of violence from himself is yelling revenge. You takes office in twenty twenty four. He posted on truth, social to that affected. Look it up. about my political opponents in the democratic party, crooked Joe Biden has told us attorney general to charge the leading republican, Domini and former president of the united states me with as many crimes can be concocted so that he is forced to spend large amounts of time and money to defend himself. The dems don't want to run against me, or they would not be doing this unprecedented weaponization of quote unquote justice, but soon in two thousand twenty four, it will be our turn mega. So yup, that's what this battle is going to come down here, and, of course this is the language in its being spoken by a lot of the republican primary electorate, because that has always been the language. can buy their public in primary electorate. The problem, of course, is that independents don't actually here. This call The thing that morning a lot of republicans lotta conservatives lot of voters in these primaries. Just because you feel and believed the thing doesn't mean that political independence and swing voters are going to feel the thing it doesn't get. We have out of our own heads little bit. I understand the thing I feel the thing myself
I also understand that I'm not the only voter in the twenty twenty four election. The download from case here is going to come down to in the end. Basically, one issue with regard to this link The issue is going to be whether down from actually believe that was the lesson if they can prove the now from believed that he was the election it'll be fairly easy for to convincing deasey jury that donald trump was lost. That was fraudulent, always now. I dont think that the elements of this crime are too are tailor made. For this, I think, is very difficult to see how this fits into a civil rights violation or how this fits into a fraud case or ivanovitch into an obstruction case. at the very least, they're going have to prove that he knowingly did. All these things knowingly gets into donald from TAT s really what this is all about, and this is down from where was saying yesterday, one to download from lawyers. Her name was lena habit. She said just because,
I told you lost the election doesn't mean that he believed you lost the election here she was yesterday. There are a number of their testimony and there's a number of aides have said that the president was made aware that he lost the election and yet continue to argue that it was stolen from him. How? How do you reconcile those two things? I think that everybody was made aware that he lost the election, but that doesn't mean that that was the only advice, he was given. As anybody understands what happens in the oval office, there are numerous amount of advisers and, petitions and lawyers, not just one or two that are giving you advice and telling you what they Beavis true, so he may not agree with my pants. He may not agree with one of his lawyers with doesn't mean that there were other people advising him exactly the opposite again. And they're taking her out of context and they're, suggesting that yeah yeah, he was told he was told, so he knew he was told that Jimmy believed a thing, that's very common, for now from he's a lots of things that he doesn't believe then, meanwhile tie Cobb was a former trump where he says that, well,
If, yes, she pursued a conspiracy knowingly, then that is, violation of war is not free speech again Some of them come down to knowingly here is here, is tied up he's been out, insisting that their criminalizing speech where the simple counter, that is, you. You actually can facility. Further crime through speech and be prosecuted for it, just stir assign example in some of the reporting today, where, if tony prep soprano tells one of his guys to whack witness well that speech, but that's a crime. Get well, that's true, but you actual would have to have them do that which is not exactly what happened in this particular case job. what's gonna happen, and you see what I mean. Is it easy jury approach can be advert for president from the real question, is what that means for the twenty twenty four election and again I remind everybody to things- can we draw? Wants it to be an unjust indictment? They kept me going after from unfairly and also from may not be the best person.
to run for the republican party while facing indictments every other day from now until the election, well, independence look at him and scoff already reached the end of it. Today strolled back our money with much more on bench bureau. This is the bench. Morocco and
Transcript generated on 2023-08-06.