« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1780 - The Rigging Of The 2024 Election

2023-08-03 | 🔗

Bogged down by specious legal cases – and elevated toward the Republican presidential nomination because of them – Donald Trump faces insuperable obstacles to the White House; Devon Archer tells Tucker Carlson about his relationship with Hunter; and Bidenomics means America’s credit being downgraded.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Bogged down by specious legal cases, an elevated toward the republican presidential nomination because of them donald trump faces most insurmountable obstacles to the white house. Devon archer tells Tucker Carlson about his special relationship with hunter. And by dynamics means america's credit being downgraded. I'm bench grimaces is Barroso The Ben shapiro show sponsored by express vpn, We talk about them, every single show. Why haven't you gotten a vpn yet get express vpn right now and express vpn dot com? Slash ban already so today. The the president of the united states is expected to appear in person for his arraignment in federal court in Washington DC, so we're going to get another oj simpson day where the president is trailed by helicopters, as he leaves moral algo, and then he gets on a plane, and then it goes to washington, d c and then goes into a courthouse, and then he exits a courthouse and we're going to get off all the usual hullabaloo about this is historic and the biggest thing that's happened.
United states since ever- and it's like an amazing amazing day for the left, they're all going to be celebrating they're all going to be wooing. It's going to be so exciting. We've done this several times at this point because trump, of course, to go to new york for arraignment, and then he added in florida in miami for an arraignment, has been Washington dc for redmond. So it's the arraignment world tour here with the with the trump campaign, and this is not Donald trump's fault, because this indictment is garbage. The indictment is yesterday is charging crimes that are not actual grind. They. They are things donald from, for example, committed some sort of What against the government of the united states, which is a lie? That is not in fact how that law works. What they wanted to charge him with was incitement. What they really want is charged with was He is the one who created the ryan on January six, but the problem is, he doesn't fulfill the actual element of incitement, because incitements under american law requires the you actually tell people to go. Do the thing is not enough to say Well, you know, I really really don't like that guy and then somebody goes and they burn down the guy's house. That's not enough! You have to say I want you to go to that guy's house and burn down his house and here's his address and that the the the
matter is incitement from didn't. Do that he said on January, sex go peacefully protest, page radically protest at the capitol building, and then he didn't do enough to get people out But again that's not the same thing as incitement. That is not an actual crime, is just him being a bad precedent at that time, which, and his activities during January x, I think we're egregious- I mean his activities. the election in january six, particularly in the aftermath of state certification of vote. I think it was wrong. I think it is false. Fascinating is none of that is crime, I can do lots of things in america that I personally think are egregious wrong and damaging to the country that are not crimes happens pretty much all the time and every single day. So former president trump again he's going to up in Washington dc in order to be arranged- and this just underscores the fact that not only could president trumps life it riskier because he now faces. Seventy eight felony charges across three criminal cases, if proper, convicted on all counts let it go and given the maximum statutory penalty for each one, you officially
opting six hundred and forty one years in prison, which I assume means you would not represent, although he is seventy percent preservatives point, because he had so much mcdonald's and diet coke. Not counting additional criminal charges you might face in georgia. The actual plausible criminal term is probably nothing like that in both state and federal courts. Judges have wide latitude in sentencing, none of the crimes trumps been charged with carrying mandatory minimum sentence, defence with no prior criminal rarely receive the maximum and sending from to prison is pretty unprecedented, practical legal issues, given the fact that right now he's slightly person, be the republican candidate for president. So there is the actual real possibility that donald trump card, campaigning from prison in the middle of it? next year, which again high drama- and maybe I mean I would love to see a presidential debate in which Joe Biden being corrupt, the thunder and haven't violated the law. Theoretically have a presidential debate in which you have the candidates in full jails, elles across from each other, at folsom and just shut.
at each other across the hallway, as flaming bedsheets follow round, in which, frankly be more entertaining and us presidential debates at this- my- but is this a mist- just as you have in this indictment, should not go forward. I discussed at length yesterday not only that it is very clear that Jack Psmith, once this stuff prosecuted like as fast as humanly possible, Donald trump defence. Turning on our he said prosecutors want to force a trial in sixty to ninety days. So if I get, my math right now means that, what a forced the trial in like October november sometime, presumably before the primaries begin. The prosecution let's go to trial, I'm ready and seventy days fair enough, you're, not ready and seventy days how about an irish have, I think, we're going to have, but before he had three and a half years, why don't we make it equal? What the bottom line is that they have sixty federal agents working on this, sixty, lawyers, all kinds of government personnel, and we get this indictment and they want to go to trial and ninety days, does that sound
like justice to you while means not just in the prosecutors nyjord, maybe he's in general meetings here that it is ready to go to trial. Is you have to force a former president united states to trial in ninety days, when you ve had three years will, as you well know, tat, there are two things that are happening right here from a sort of political perspective, one is the entire election cycle will now be about genuine sixth about trump's activities? Is legal activities will be classified documents That is what the elections going to be about, and that is what Democrats want the ought to about. They would love nothing better than that is why I make if laws with the world's worst historian and right speeches for Joe Biden comparing january six to nine eleven, which again this is such an absurdity. I'm sorry
january sixth was a was a rally that turned into a fairly small scale riot in the context of the twenty twenty rise, which was the most damaging rides in american history, in terms of property damage and and your many lives were lost, Michael bush lost, comparing a bunch of dolts going into the capitol building and by the way, killing no one, okay, because the the rear. it is that the one officer who died Brian signet, died, afterward and is unclear that the cause of death was directly related to January but put the only person who actually was killed, that it was actually the habit. Of course, comparing that's two nine eleven which three thousand americans died in a full scale attack on the united states, including both those rights and pentagon independent on comparing the two pearl harbor bush losses. He he's a terrible historian, but this is the narrative. pearl, harbor nineteen, forty one, we were bombed, Our system was very much endanger our democracy. Many people, getting it up and saying that you know that
receive had seen its last days. Frank of Roosevelt helped to put a coalition together at the last minute to save democracy and freedom around the world nine eleven two thousand one also I've been login and other terrorist hated. Our of course, they try to destroy it. You see where I'm going, what we see that's indictment- is that january, six. Twenty twenty one donald trump, just like those reference to american democracy try to destroy our system, so. He is now comparing donald trump to osama bin laden and hirohito there than that, who are Democrats want go and they loved run this election. Iran's washing paper can twenty twenty. Iran's People can twenty twenty two and it actually went pretty well for them a lot of us we're pretty exercised about what I think is still the worst presidential speech. I've ever seen given Joe Biden's bizarre and fascistic speech front of the independence hall, where he completely
read what liberty is an then of his political opponents. Enemies of the republic blue red, independent all, but the soldiers like human background, remember all of that, but it actually worked out there. Our political forms are democrats want to re run that play books. That is point number one point number two is that it bogged down your political opponent with lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit criminal kay em for criminal case. I forgot that back if some pretty busy and not only If you hit with bunch criminal cases, there are pretty obviously politically motivated, it elevates him in the primary, so Democrats are getting had all the things they want here, we'll get to that in just one second. First, let us talk about the fact that big tech, big government- these are not trustworthy. Sources, it like to silence any dissenting voices into submission, in fact they work hand in glove together. There is literally a story out today that the white house kind active facebook and ask them to dig daily, whereas traffic like degrade daily, worse traffic in two thousand and twenty one, we don't trust big tech, we don't trust. The government you shouldn't either. This is why you should fight back against having a
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only Democrats, shipping in bed I know the night or dead people voting in chicago in nineteen sixty or stealing in election for Alfred. In over norm, comin in minnesota, fats have does happen. That's what I'm talking about here where I'm talking here, is the pre rigging of twenty twenty four election by essentially making them from the republican domini, knowing that the amount of baggage brings into the general is going to drag him down in the general election because that's I to be the most predictable whether this election cycle goes. It is very difficult to believe that independence are going I think, like republicans and conservatives on these issues, because most people don't watch this stuff at the granular level. If we listen to the show you're more politically informed about ninety eight percent of the american public, the rest of the public, a huge percentage of the public, It does not follow this stuff closely, and so is when they see headline after headline after headline suggesting that donald trump is a criminal if they are not in the forty percent base of donald trump. If they're in that ten percent, which tends to be less engaged, tend to be us informed, which sends you not listen to conservative podcast, but made
on cnn every so often that they be the people who catch. The news will not reading sport section for those people do you think they're gonna be granular really involves among the geo. J was weapon ized against donald trump, because after all trump has been arguing that for years he was right, but those arguments kind of are baked into the cake. So the question becomes both practical and messaging. On a practical level, how is Donald trump going to contend with the fact that he is likely to have at least four ongoing criminal trials in the middle of this election cycle how's he going to do that. We already know that his super pac is spending every dollar they have raised. All of them on his legal fees. Right so first virginal down from socio billion are he should be using a super back money for that? Don't you can be paying his own legal bills and when you donate money to donald trump, it should go towards legal defence. It should go for defeating Joe Biden by building up a grass its operation, which is simple politics, but put that aside, even if you're fine well it by way down from we started a separate legal fine and then, if you wanted to get to its legal fun, you could have this. How did he get but put all that aside, every job
donald trump is bringing in is being spent right now on legal every moment, trump is online, is being spent thinking about legal every. So often isa what's wrong answers, just gonna keep em down, but most of focus right now he's going to be on legal cases and ranting about jack smith and stuff. It will that's an awful expenditure of time for presidential car who needs to run an election in swing states in order when, beyond that, they met the practicalities thing about the court, it think about where he actually has to physically be in many these cases. You're gonna have to be four days or weeks in florida for for his care on classified documents or in washington dc for for the general, Dickens indictments meant in georgia for electoral interference, indictments that are shortly to becoming or in new york for the stormy daniels nonsense. He's gonna have to be in all those places. Just on a practical level is very very difficult case for donald trump to run its a very rough race because big set up all these options gun this. Why say? It's been rigged once you bring a bunch of specious alligator
against trump and lock him up in terms of his time in his money for the next year and a half is a form of rigging the election and as a as another com. of this? By doing this, you're are also helping to rid the republican primaries in a bizarre sort of way when all of media coverage goes toward donald trump such are the guardroom, nobody else can compete. It means the donald trump with all His baggage is likely to be the nominee because everybody on their public inside of the aisle myself included. Well, look at trumpet we're like Becker's, being my eyes, and we would like to give him as much power as he can have an order smack back. I get it. I totally get it, but here's the thing, if you whose, as none of that the power of a nomination, is no greater than the power of a not nomination. The power of the presidency is the thing you need if Donald trump doesn't work giving him the nomination, but actually help him one iota like not one little bit You need someone who can win if that person. when's. Presumably, president, pardoning theoretically have federal charges. They could make the deal J, that's the thing we should all be focused on.
Actually care about fixing the system and making sure that don't get bad indictment against political opponents, but their wares victory, The question really, as always, comes back to victory. So again, that's the practical, that's that's pretty! callin number one is his time being stacked up. hit him being basically jammed up all the way until watching their criminal cases and then again There's message number two, which is the message it romantic rammed down push it push? It pushes push it. These criminal cases allow them to do it every day from his can be in court, talk about it every day and from social talking about it. If the if there's one person who legs talking about front more than Joe Biden external from you as it is favoured thing, We need an entire election cycle that so maybe that something that europe for four dramatic purposes or because out of loyalty to jump on some sort of personal level. I I don't blame you for I get it I'm just asking is the thing that is most likely to result in actual in your victory as seen. A second is quite probable.
They. Joe Biden basically said all this up at least in terms of the indictments that are now coming down from jack smith, we'll get to that in just one. Second, first, we have a great dog. His name is happy he's very cute. He got groomed yesterday now I got you know now it can middle school. He ida actually like clean and room. and he is he is a very, very cute. I have unease and so his is growing long and he looks like a the many version of chewbacca our kids which is why we want him to live a long and healthy life is also what we give rough greens. Every single morning thereof. Would you been given the dog is dead food. He doesn't have a lot of nutritional value. I mean look at it. It has like brown, dots or something green food better for your dog rough greens, boosie happy's food back to life. It can do the same for your dog. You don't have to go out and buy. dog, would you just sprinkle some rough greens on their food everyday? It contains all the Sorry, vitamins, minerals, your dogs, not getting from the regular dogwood happy loves his reference. He dies into them every day.
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Is it kind of sounds like it is an article from march thirty, first, two thousand, when he reached a few months ago items and what the Biden justice department would do is let the department of justice be the department of justice. Let them make the judgments of who should be prosecuted. They are not my is there, not my personal lawyers, but in the new york times reporting back in march. He does have opinions in the past. Mr batten privately told his close circle of advisers. Then, MR from pose a threat, Accuracy and should be prosecuted for his role in the event of january six, according to two people familiar with his comments, he also told confidence here and it's very general merit garland to stop acting like a ponderous judge and you take decisive actions. Well, that's weird that he then did those things, and this is very much like when brok of alma said: wouldn't be rid of the ira, wouldn't be great if the iris, when, after all my political opponents bobby great they deserve it and then naturally, I rested just that number: will we in order them to do it right when you say publicly you want the people who work for you to do a thing.
Typically, they tend to do the thing. If artists Just on my show that I want my team to get me a birthday cake tomorrow. for no reason. I assume somebody would probably here that in maybe you'll get birthday cake tomorrow, even by then, possibly tell him that by the way, guys only the british, but that's the that- is the way that this sort of works, Wendy boss as a thing, and he says it in public subordinates- tend to do the thing Is it a coincidence that Joe Biden one of these things to happen and now another magically happening? Is it also a coincidence that Barack Obama apparently told Joe Biden earlier this the summer. The Donald trump's political strength could actually be a problem for him, and so maybe maybe maybe canonize If something would happen to that, guy right I mean, if you just got hit with a bunch of indictments that, but I bet they wouldn't get terrible thing according to the washington post at the lunch held in late june, it they have residence obama promised to do all it could to help get the president reelected. According to two people, familiar with the meeting
but he also warned that down from political strength in- an intensely well following a trump from the conservative media ecosystem in a polar ice country underlines worry that from could be more formidable, candid and many them That's realise, we know what is it great way to undercut that opposition. By walking him up with a bunch of false legal charges that could, in Washington dc quite probably result in a commission neo cargo from a federal process. He says this almost certainly result in a conviction which, again it's in Washington DC, so yeah there's really jot embraced. each of the mean trumps defence has been well. I just said it. I didn't actually do anything like that never your defence and the law like you and if I don't Are you to kill someone in a word? You know, conspire with you to kill someone through my words or something like that. Does it mean that I like? Well, it's only speech. Therefore, I can't be prosecuted that's thoroughly bogus, were generally jack. Smith's indictment here is straightforward,
pretty narrow but boy, it packs a punch. It's clean, it's calculated and feel like it's almost certainly going to result in a conviction. it is not clean. It is not calculated, it's not back a punch, it is an up ad masquerading as an inside it doesn't matter. It's in Washington DC. There is every possibility that donald trump could be convicted and unconvicted insure or in washington dc in terms of the danger to trump again there yet stack it up in sort of two categories. One is the actual solidity legal case in terms of the solidity of legal cases that are currently outstanding, standing against trump on the criminal basis. By far the most grave charges of classified documents charges those ones, there's pre, solid events, the trump did. The thing with regard to the political concerns. The political concern, of course, is the double standard with hilary, but it's a whole different thing in terms of what charges are the most dangerous in terms of the stuff that trump has violated. The rankings go floor to case deasey, incitement, which again a specious. and had an indictment which is super duper speeches in terms
actual danger to go to jail disease by far number one. By far for once to washington, dc jury, and that is a huge difference in this case and democrats know it they want to jam up this. Is it is ringing it when you, if suddenly there are a bunch of legal cases that arose against Joe Biden just prior to the election in which he had to sit in the dark. A bunch of deejays decided to just try him month after month after month for a bunch of specious charges. Yes, that would be form of election rigging in the same way as from of lecturing when the better government literally lied to be about whether hunter binds laptop was real, causing social media censorship of the europe of story at any messenger, of course, as I said, is the democratic message, which is that down from the worst person to every person and he blowsy is trotting out, went out at you, apparently she's heartbroken. There is nothing I hate more than crocodiles years. This is like crocodile tears just in extreme us. You have a singular experience of during your sex.
As you read the indictment, what was your reaction and what jumped out? You is heartbreaking for our country to have a president of the united states with this list of charges against him and I just want to commend the january in romania, the house committee by partisan committee, then he thomson and lose cheney and all the members of the committee on the staff for the work that they did. They made a foundation of facts about facts and the war and made a criminal referral to the justice department. So she seems very heartbroken. Doesn't she or maybe she super happy? This disgusts be the narrative going forward, and this leads us to our favorite thing Two things can be true at once, and I get to all the things that can we draw ones in just one. Second, first, this show is by grand canyon university
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four donald trump, it can also be true, but donald trump maids, this bed himself edmund their lot. For very angry at my penultimate day and anything that might pence should come out strong against the indictment Here again, I think that you should have. I think she said this indictment. Specious doesn't appear to be legally predicated, but my point, was also the guy who Donald trump was lying about for like three months he was the person we don't trump was, was basically directing all ire in the universe at his own vice president who'd been apps, we'll be world him. For four years there was no more loyal servants of donald trump policy positions in the white house. Then my pants for four long years. An honest I'm from switzerland and edges clock him in the face repeatedly by line. It was Why that my pencil unilateral ability to overturn the election? It is not true, just as common area It's not have the unilateral ability to overturn the election and I'm constantly amazed by anyone who gives any credence to this legal theory, and there are people who are doing it for like several months
I can see any reason to do at other than for a sort of nefarious purpose in in of self aggrandizement, because it was so obviously legally specious and inside the rifle and does not have the capacity to simply put aside state certified boats if he did make him a dictator. Silly, hey butt. Two things can we draw once from pence, should have said that the indictment, specious and also donald trump, radically mistreated. My pants there is no question about this, and migrants is not wrong to talk about that. Here is pens talking about that. Yesterday Let's, let's be clear on this point: it wasn't just ass for a pause, the president. Specifically asked me and his gang goal of of crackpot. Lawyers asked me the literally reject votes to which would have resulted in in the issue being turned over to the house of representatives, and literally chaos would have ensued, so Martha just people, people can read the indictment and, frankly, I
so before I had hoped that did not come to this point. You know I I don't know if the government can meet the standard, the burden of proof beyond reasonable doubt for criminal charges of the american people. deserve to know other president trump. and his advisers didn't? Just ask me to pause. They asked me to reject boats. Return vote essentially to overturn the election. Don't be angry. My pencil downtown I'm sorry, you angry my pants for again not coming out against the indictment strong, but it's trouble made his bed with regard to my parents, so trump then tweeted out, I feel badly for my pen is attracting no crowds, enthusiasm or loyalty for people was a member of the front administration should be loving him by the way it should be at this point, that of all of the cabinet. officials who served under down from a gradual afore have currently endorse, and he didn't fight against election fraud, which will now be easily able to prove this.
Most recent fagin diamond and information which will be made available to us. Finally, a really big deal vp had power I didn't understand, but after the election, the rhinos endemic changed law. Taking that power away down from tat about world youth around my pansies, really pretty grouse? This thousand did you things can we draw wants role now should be indicted. These are not crimes, they are just very, very, very bad behaviour. Activity. It can also be true that done. from relied on advisers or some of the worst advisers in american history, sidney How is a cook? She was a cook the whole time everybody was watching, should have said that she was a cook. The whole time we looked at her claims established on the show that our claims were cookery from basically the very beginning. Yet unruly giuliani on his legal team. It turns out that rudy seems to be now Fortunately, he went from being america's man when he was a terrific mare of new york in american neurons. Aftermath of nine eleven and a pretty formidable presidential candidate, to begin in two thousand it race into a man? appears to be a habitual drunk. When there is it.
An outlet out there there's a lawsuit out right now from a former assistant in which the former assistant accused him of sexual harassment and and other and others or sexual misconduct, and I'm just gonna it. She has tapes of giuliani talking to her giuliani. Again, it's these are the people that trump had around him? These are the best people do things can be true at once. Donald trump should not be indicted and donald trump does not surround himself with the best people is the giraffe. Quote from ready, giuliani staple can get ready to the or guys your ego he's talking to a in assisting in no l done fee and she is apparently suing him again. As I say right now in civil court, and here is the transcript- that of a tape MR giuliani, come here, big come here. Big belong to me, give them to me in discernible. I want to claim my I want to play my part I want to limit. These are my mistake.
Oh yeah, MR giuliani. These breast belong to me. No one can get near these. Ok, I don't care of their flirting or they give you business cards. These are mine. You got it. Mr Monti as Mr Giuliani understand, I'm very possessive. I've gone easy on you miss dunphy, I dunno Mr Giuliani, I've been easy on you, Mr Dunphy you're, pretty tough MR giuliani, ebeneezer on you give them to me these were the people that that down from surround himself with in the middle of the election cycle? Is that like a good thing? Is that what you want in a candidate? I just because you think just because you are being prosecuted and persecuted by our political opponents doesn't mean that you are actually good at the thing or the you aren't making obstacles for yourself by hanging out with people like Rudy giuliani, for example, while rude giuliani shows up at like four seasons. Gardening with hair dye dripping down his face, like that. Does it is. Does that sound, like the mark of a good candidate
I can now, from his lot of things, have been said before he's a genius for telescoping the ears of the republican base. His genius for he put his finger directly on the pulse of the republican base. He feels what they feel, and that is an extra power. Also, he has no discipline whatsoever. He surrounds himself with the absolute worst people who, who apparently are there just based on some sycophantic Have a personal loyalty to him and he is not a meticulous on behalf of his own position. He he's not if he were, he would have. then a better job and last year was presidency, which frankly was a disaster area the first three years as presidency. His kind of personal foibles not in any way really hampering the efficacy of this programme. last year was a disaster, it was black lives matter covered handling and all of this stuff is kind of a disaster. So the question is: is that the person and then put aside electoral record. Is that the person the Republicans want to dominate? Do you?
you wish to be suffered by democrats into doing precisely the thing they would like you to do, which is to nominate donald trump, so they can hit him with eighty three false indictments between now and the election, lock him up and hidden with a media waves suggesting that he is a criminal and you think that don't from it be able to overcome all of those obstacles do doing. That's that's likely plausible solution here or is about well. The best thing that could happen is for Joe Biden not to be president anymore. We can fix the problems, so can fix the problems and this brings us to the other candidates inside the republican race, enron. Descent still be solid number two. There is no number three. All the talk about deals rising inside the republican pulling just is non existent or the right now, if you wish to see someone aside from down from nominated it is the santas or bust. The real grip politics pulling average has trumpet. Before, and it has had stating as everyone else below five percent. No one is getting steam noticed the picnic traction, not tim, Scott, who stuck it briefly,
nike hayley who stuck at four percent, not my pencil stuck at four percent. Now the vague roma swami who stuck at five percent and certainly not the the inevitably. absolutely magnetic doug bergen. We ve never heard of the cell descent. is finally doing the thing that he needs to do, which is. He is aggressively finding people on the left a bunch. So, according to go dissenters has now agreed should be given some on fox news, which is good now, Some is very clever guys who doesn't really enough to prep for this. This is a debate that really the country should have is We wish to be more like flora or whether we should be more like california. Our personal stake in this debate, since I literally move my family from California too, What am I a company from California to Florida, national, so the I'm fascinated by this, I think that it would be the debate that actually is worth watching as opposed to you know. Two old men screaming at each other about their personal corruption or alleged personal corruption
This debate should be interesting. According to political, the flawed republican in california democratic, peter liese part over policies in their respective states, each representing one side of the ideological spectrum through occupying different political purchase. Descent, This is trailing trumpet. The republican presidential nomination newsome is basically running as a shadow candidate in case Joe Biden should follow. and thus matches snack his head. wednesday descents agreed to the debate. He said, tell me one aware: in agent is untenable. Let the governor was also in apparently, the proposed debate dates maria on november tenth- and he would be the sole monitor. So it should be a fascinating development something that this house is obviously needs to do and here show that he can be a better candidate. A better weapon against left then trumpets that I've been saying this for a while. It's not about what publican candidate can tear down front because no republican candidate container drop demonstrating republicans at the best person to achieve the agent there, the republicans once he achieved and to stop, for example,
weapon edition of the deal J. The present most likely to beat Joe Biden is the per. Did you get the nomination right now. The polling data is not suggesting that it s about from that can change and it contains pretty quickly. I just again remind people that the candidate who not facing down four separate criminal indictments between now and the election is probably gonna have quite as many obstacles the guy who is, it seems tautological, but it's worth noting again not emotional argument. A purely factual argument was, like goodwin the guy who has to spend all the time in court, the guy who doesn't have to spend all this time in court and who also doesn't hire. You know some of the worst advisers in history. Advice, ok in just one second, more breaking news on jobs an hundred Biden devon, archer didn't you took across and a good photographer, getting the interview, because, honestly, ten of astonishing that that devon archer would sit down with him given his legal situation, but we can see that in just a moment first, a good life in
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Now his worldview or other parts of him go to Jeremy razors dot com for major deals on back to college bundles. Today, ok. Meanwhile, More breaking news on seven archer, apparently fox news has now gained access to the transcript of the conversation between seven are sharing congressional investigators. According to fox news, Devon, archer hundred buttons for business partner, hold investigators that hunter uses called very powerful name. To quote add value in pitching and securing foreign business centres. Archer. Seven hundred betancourt would not be overt or overtly say we're gonna use might add for this. Instead, archer said that he would use to get leverage. You said quote defensive letter the devalues there in his work, the value that hundred brightened brought to it was having No, there was the theoretical was corporate governance, but obviously, given the bran, there was a large part of about yeah there and then we're bringing in hunter bite in a drug addicted crack addicted horrid dictum derelict to do corporate governed that's not that's not exactly the person that hey. You know that guy was a crack. Hound when one snorting parmesan cheese off the carpet breyman for corporate governance
I sit on the board of a large, privately held company. That would be daily, where I also sit on the board of a publicly help company and ass, actually company, and let me tell you we don't do corporate governance with crack attics, that's not how it works. I don't think it was the sole value, but I do think it was a key component of the value said Devon archer. It was the salt value, it wasn't a kick about it what else is evaluate. What is the value of undermine? across his entire life. What is the value of him? They really name it, namely productive thing that hunter Biden has done other than having a last name. That is the same as that of a senator vp, and then president. archer, told investigators than hunter put his father, then vp Joe Biden on speaker phone. While me with business partners at least twenty times, archer said that the idea was to court, sell the brand said The broad those values of brandon was hundred by him, we'll just having. You know an understanding of the sea, and that was differentiating component of us being able to raise capital. He added it. Wasn't it Is it because you know the vice president's on, but obviously the brand carried you have to say it in to god, you have to say it like you
from junior walks into a room, and he says you know I have connections who do you think he's saying he has connections to his literate name is down from junior turbines. Literal name is hunter Biden. When, it's harsher hunter. Would tell business partners they'd unique access because of e binational guess routes are we unique understanding of this in how it operates and how that you know could positively reflect on the terms of our business. referring to breeze my archer, told investigators hunter use the brand of jail for having doors open, which sent the right signals for brief, meant to carry on its business and be successful. Archers My only thought is, I think, Barry's mo mobile going out of business if you didn't have the brand attached to it when pressed archer just kept repeating I am saying they were able to survive for as long as they did just because of the brand, because people, to mess with them? Archer explained in what way legally. Well that's interesting. They felt that if there s a breeze illegally that the brand would would come- and let me spell that out they're afraid that if they must bring
molly great, be vice. President of the united states, might without a billion dollars and aid to get the prosecutor fired. Is that what they are afraid of the brand interesting and meanwhile, devon archer didn't interview with Tucker karlsson, which he openly said selling access to Joe as it's certainly an abuse of soft power. I guess and pivoting against the lie that I'm hearing people tell with a straight face. Congressmen Goldman, for example, that we don't really know what was going on really you're taking a call from the vice president and put it on speaker, it's not just hey dad, I'm in a meeting with some buddies right. It's let me let me put my dad the speaker yeah in the rearview. It's a it's a it's an abuse of soft power. I'd say that abuse of soft power and inter
I think, it's certainly an abuse of power, and then Tucker reveals a letter that you're bi national center of an archer thanking him for just being besties with testes with his son. I hope you enjoyed lunch thanks for coming sincerely just for Biden. Jr p s handwritten happy, you guys are together. So there are many levels here, but here's the vice president united states sang to you a man. Mid. Thirties was not a government official, I'm sorry! I was occupied with the guy, who runs the world's largest country. I would much rather talk to you and thank you, and he was begging me and in thanking think at the end of the day for bringing this idea of this government regulatory strategic advisory business into the private equity world, and I think he was excited about the prospects for
therefore- and you know, he was just just thinking that there was a nice gesture but he's a vice president- I'd stay right and he's talking about foreign business deals with you in thanking you for rat. I think again, it goes back to my other earlier point in yeah. I think I hit that time. I think you hit the jackpot in finding the regulatory environment or company that can navigate right to the top, but you know obviously, as times told you know, being a little bit too close to the sun ends up burning. You know show, and at this point I think that we can point out there if there will be a fallback defense, because the defense that Joe didn't know what was going on it's out as obviously they lie that the idea that the was not involved in any way with his sons, businesses is obviously lie. All always. Are clearly lies, so we're going get to the file Defence here is gonna, be job. Of course you did, he had two hunter was derelict. Hunter was a beautiful boy going
a rough time, a wonderful artist in his soul who shipping his brothers widow among other women while doing crack and trafficking, and all that a wonderful, an ngo loved his because he loves family Jos, a family man, There is one final obstacles, adventure, and that was the fact that he was ignoring a four year old girl who actually is genetically. His granddaughter a huge, ignoring her, and now they have decided- but the real reason he was ignoring or is cause. He loves his family too. Much to me, That's why you ignore members family love them too much. According to NBC news in recent weeks, as an essential by unrealized. Silence was no longer tenable that it was time for him to publicly recognise as for your granddaughter caught up in a bitter child support case involving his son hundred people, familiar with matter said, but before he could do so, you want to take one final step. getting the green light from his son, which you received last week once or said, and on friday, night and fight. We spoke out about his seventh grandchild, whom for years he wouldn't so much is acknowledging public. Now, the present,
wants to meet little, maybe John roberts of arkansas and dispel the notion He was ignoring the vulnerable member of the vine family tree. It is at the root of his political identity, according to the people. We were the matter out. He wants to mere yeah when, like a bet, he's gonna meet navy, joan approximately and that he is he's palestine, Ohio or the border, though the same threat problem There is no these palestine visit. The trained relevant member is going to that. Never yeah navy, John she's she's gonna, be a frequent white house guest, never family dramas, we play out in private rarely when the first nations for families involved, the president was wrapped himself in family throughout his career is now in an improbable twist. having to explain why he publicly goes to the young girl was as much as rancheiras any of the others whose highschool graduation she attends or who playfully call him pop public. claiming davy jones member of his family may offer by the measure of peace politically. However, it also serves to blunt a gnp line of attack that doesn't not doesn't
obvious that he was ignoring his granddaughter because he doesn't care about that. Granddaughter It doesn't care about the granddaughter, because hunter clears the checks for him, It has declined to comment on any of the family developments, including whether by wants to meet his granddaughter in person in. A white house aid referred the two products David and called the issue. private family matter. That's weird! It's private family matter! I gotta there now claiming privacy. No one knows any of binds other grandchildren other than davy jones, specifically because he doesn't ignore any of his other grandchildren. So it's not a story. Joe Biden is a bad man. He's a very vulnerable candidate. Republicans have an opportunity to run against that vulnerable candidate, and it's particularly true because I am not sold on the idea that the economy is in solid state. I know that everybody in the media are already turning eagerly to, idea that the economy is going to be just fine and there will be no recession. I have some doubts as you know, who else has doubts as it turns out the fitch credit rating service? So, member by economics it so amazing, dynamic economic means that
Fitch ratings now downgraded the us government credit rating weeks after press binding and russian republicans came to the brink of a historic diva warning about the growing debt burden and political function in washington. Well, you know one way to solve the debt burden is two issues spending seven trillion dollars a year the bottom line I was like nah fitch, just got it wrong. That's probably what it is Fitch got it wrong. Now I'll remind you that when These downgraded israel's credit, like a few weeks ago in the aftermath of judicial reform in Israel. The entire media cited this as evidence that Israel's economy was about to collapse. It has not yet collapsed when fitch downgrades america's credit rating, because We are spending way too much money and we will never catch up. Then it must be that fish is wrong. Here's your bernstein on the white house, council, counselling economic advisers where further Is their own measure started to track back towards aaa? If you add that observation to the economic tell that are ongoing. Now, despite the
if I can get out of step forecast about where the economy is headed yeah. I think you recognize why some folks yesterday were calling this and are now quoting from a bunch of different statements from mosley partisan people, as are an apt, arbitrary, absurd, strange, personally timing and We will that from a man while their theirs One problem with this, which is that a merry Our own way way way too much money, and that is just a reality and nobody is going to take this on at all the factors again, because we have jack our interest rates. That means that the interest payments that we are taking on our new debt is going. Stored narrowly high the amount of money we're gonna have to dedicate paying off oliver creditors for decades to come is extraordinary. Net interest is going to reach seven hundred forty five billion dollars in the twenty four fiscal year. That is three chord. Of all discretionary spending, excluding defence in the united states. That's just the interest on It's only going to get larger again that the fact is that as a share of gdp,
projection of Eurostat has shown. Gross domestic product continues to rise, absolutely, astonishingly and dramatically which is one reason why you're starting to see credit downgrades, that's gonna continues along as the programme of the united states as you spend more and more and more money, the administration When is denial, s help these digital divide. Administration is to pretend that you know that doesn't matter as always: janet yellen proud feet. She. She says that dumb, it's puzzling, at discredit downgrade end? This administration deeply cares about fiscal responsibility, which is strange because people fiscal responsibility and spent seven trillion dollars a year, Your term, the united states remains the world's largest most dynamic and most innovative economy. With this frank, is financial system in the world This decision is puzzling in light of the economic strength we see in the united states. I stress We disagree with fishes decision and I believe it entirely unwarranted fiscal response
the reality, is a priority for president Biden in me early. this year. The prey it didn't sign, did limit legislation they included. For a trillion dollars in deficit reduction. His budget would also improve with the fiscal outlook, by reducing the deficit by two point six trillion dollars over the next ten years, yet right the deficit, guys by that, by that I mean that they are going to supposedly spend less. Money over what we actually are paying than they did previously. Not there can reduce the debt that that's thing that is going to happen. By the way the economy is tender, hopes here because as the wall and points out earnings season is still coming more dynamic now. You know how the earnings of these companies are going to do it and we'll see how that impacts. The stock market, while stocks and climb corporate profits have fallen according to the wall street journal, he's in the us and be five hundred are set to walk at roughly seven percent year over you're decline in earnings for the second quarter, which again is hard to see how these stock market.
Its increasing while earnings are going down. We are also going to see the jobs market that is cooling, pretty rapid. U s? Employers! Added about two hundred thousand jobs in June- that is, the smallest monthly payroll gain since late two thousand and twenty the July employment report is coming out this friday. Wage growth has slowed as well and we are seeing fewer and fewer jobs. so again what what goes up must come down. The economy went up way too fast in terms of just the heat and it's going to come down, and I I have very little faith that the bite administration has somehow avoided the pitfalls of reality. it's time for a quick thing I like, and then we'll do a few things that I hate so things that I like to do I enjoy when people who do not have leverage sometimes believe they have leverage it's kind of So, for example, rachel's angler is an actress. Now there are Many many actresses, like every borri start into in los angeles, is an actress
rachel ziegler, is an actress who is on broadway. There are many, many many people, travel, broadway and work quite talented. It turns out, in a country, for forty million people there? A lot of talented people who are actors actresses singers, but rich I believe that she has leverage you know again, no one truthfully in hollywood! No one has the capacity to open a movie any more like does. No one does that then the number of stars who can open a movie in america that is down to basically Chris Pratt. No one of Tom cruise crisper, that's the entire list. You knows now missus rachel ziegler rachel ziegler for its part, the actor strike, and she says that dumb, because She she essentially promotes the birth theory value when it comes to acting here. Yet is it. This is not going to be how this this labour strike at solved, the iconic, the
Well, then, you couldn't go, show then your contract, but do you not? I noticed so what you saying there because she's standing there is new dress, she should get paid for every hour that snow white and the non. What that but in us snow white, any non dwarf dwarves of, first diverse backgrounds and sexual orientations for every hour, that the they have the abandoned for her. That's going get dream like for two hours so sancho, be amazing, but even put that aside, that is not how markets work. Did she take the actual Risk is she in putting the capital into the making of that film or she getting paid a salary. In order to do that, film, a pretty lucrative salary, I would imagine she could negotiate for appoint right their actions have done and has gone very rich doing that does she have them the power to do that. The answer is, of course, Things go down, straighten and hire somebody else. So good luck to her in her in her leverage plainest how business warrants ok time for a couple of things that I
So there are some people today who are laughing and celebrating the separation between in trudeau and his wife. First of all, I didn't even know that he was married to a lady but in any case justin trudeau, as the babylon bee joke, by the way, so credits of babylonia, in any case, justin trudeau, whose for sure not fidel castro son, in any case he and his wife Sophie said wednesday. They have separated after eighteen years of marriage, the weather then if this is on their respective instagram accounts, which is the way that most honorable people do this thing. When you have three kids, do you go to your instagram accounts and then you let the world know that you don't like each other anymore sophie, and I would like to share that. after many meaningful and difficult conversations we have made. The decision to separate introduce add on instagram and they both asked for privacy assemblies, and from the couples had they ve signed a legal separation agreement there. Close family and and the prime minister are focused on raising their kids in a safe, loving and collaborative environment. Both parents will be a constant press,
in their children's lives in canadians can expect too often see the family together. I'm sure the canadians will be absolutely thrilled. They have two boys fifteen. Ninety four one daughter, so congratulations to them on helping to completely the scrub. Their kids, like even worse than it is screwed up being public figures, but you met engine what do thousand in three to charity gala just introduced in his memoirs and enchanted and floated for much of the evening. Then they went on a dinner date and then he said I felt a giddy sense, but so Would be the last one I ever dated and now it didn't until I intelligent. They were married in montreal in may two thousand and five. She apparently worked as a tv host. She became an entertainment correspondent in quebec, She said in march two thousand fifteen. I can tell you right away. No marriage is easy and most kind of proud of the fact that we've had hardship because we want authenticity. We want truth. The reason I put this in things I hated because again the the kind of No one should ever revel in somebody else's divorced when their kids, because it screws up kids incredibly badly.
the kind of soft peddling of the effects of divorce on children in our society is astonishing and what's amazing is that it's become so wrote. If you go back to like the the nineteen seventies before no fault divorce, worse became a sort of come place. Aspect of american life and watch a movie like kramer versus kramer, which talks about the effects of divorce on children. Divorce is devastating goods, it is devastating. It rocks the world. What is the world it it? It destroys whatever feeling of safety, they have improved stability, they have it one of their parents. Out of the house, I mean it's just it's horrific, so the fact that these people married for eighteen years, have decided to divorce while their kids are still at the youngest is nine. That's a that's a disaster area era. We really is, and this is why a barring there, their reasons to divorce abuse,
cheating either that there are real reasons to divorce? But if none of that is happening, it's just people like. I don't feel like living with you anymore, you're, you're, doing the wrong thing. Your kids come first. That's that's really quite bad! Okay, a couple more things I hated today, apparently mia khalifa, who is a former porn star, who has now become some sort: social media star. She is getting marital advice, so the general I don't take- marriage advice from people who have stopped half the human population just as just a general rule and she here, a whose mikuli forgiving marital advice she also by the way, a residence as I'm. Here we go. Our comparing stats. Baby girl doesn't know that I am Tom Brady at this game, married at eighteen divorce at twenty one. Second, marriage married at twenty five divorce at twenty eight thirteen engagement met, engage at twenty nine ended at thirty, but I kept the ring. I'm still keeping Tom Brady on his toes
We should not be afraid to leave these men. We are not stuck with these people. Marriage is not as sanctimonious thing it is, it is paperwork. It's something! It's it's! It's a commitment you make to someone, but if you feel like you're, not getting anything from that commitment and your trying you gonna go, you gotta go you have to go. I know it's difficult to fill up paperwork and to make appointments and to do all of these things. But this is your king life. Do you want to be stuck with someone its period, that is terrible. Normal advice also has not what the word sanctimonious means in the words of many potemkin. I do not think that word means what what you think it means I think what she was going for was there's no daddy to marriage, which is a hell of a statement considering that literally it is the most sanctified institution
the institution with the most most sanctity in human history but terrorists, to these papers. I have a question: why sandpaper at all I get getting marital advice from a lady who regional list of her marriage, as this is like somebody financially myself for going bankrupt eight times. Well, you know After that, it doesn't mean you have to do, examine documents and you're supposed to have off, but there is bankruptcy. Why? Why committing to like paying off your debts. Man, it's just a piece of paper. You don't just go to court and declare bankruptcy. What's the problem? Ok. Gentlemen, stay far far away from this human, because this is not a person that you want to be in a relationship with also allows you. It just means it's a commitment, a commitment I can violate whenever I please and leave, which is not what we call a commitment, genius level stuff there from ah again, a wise, wise human I'll get final thing that I hated it. So this one is actually quite important. We now have asked
will open evidence that the Biden white house asked facebook to degrade the traffic of daily wire, my company, according to you, just an asian giants element the memos said asked that the binding white house inquired in meetings with facebook executives asking whether facebook could tweak its algorithm to showcase stories. Then your attention wall street journal over content posted by called polarizing, journalism, commentators in early twenty twenty one, the memos review by just news, chronicle series of meetings between the white house, digital direct, rob, flirty and executives from facebook now known as met up in bring two thousand twenty one as the first questions about the efficacy and safety of the covert covenant, seem can surging on social media. The memo is delivered. Recently under subpoena to the house judiciary committee made clear. The white house was actively interacting with facebook. and sometimes pressuring the social media giant moderate content in a way that would encourage more americans to get inoculations on April, fourteenth two thousand twenty one. For instance, the white house's flaherty asked facebook whether it could promote the your times and whilst regional over the daily wire thirty ass facebook employees quote
if you were to change the algorithm so that people are more likely to seniority whilst the journal any authoritative, new stores over daily- tommy leering polarizing people you? Whenever mechanisms material impact daily, where of course, we're weary that filed a landmark lawsuit, challenging the osha vat mandate under Joe Biden We are the only major company in the united states on the rights to actually file a lawsuit against the ocean of acts mandate, while other major media american companies are on the right were actively forcing their employees to get the shot. We were suing the federal government to stop it. We are not afraid to sue the federal government again, we are not afraid to sue the Biden white house. First of all, there may be criminal violations right here. Thirty is cited in the notes is asking the question, because candidly there's not a lot of trust or facebook and binding it has wanted to know whether the platforms for finding things that are effective, that you are doing to combat resistance to vaccines. in terms of interventions, know that there are groups that are hotspot. Admins have to propose a if violating contents proved gives the group a strike.
I'm uncovering new examples on common public figures on comments may be contributing more than those court. The facebook executives as saying so we are absolutely pleased to look into the effect on our business of the Biden white house engaging in an absolute first amend violation. There is no question. This is the first meme violation. It is a symbol, as that is the first man violation, because the federal government cannot force, or even pressure, the company into censoring information that is a first amendment, violation pretty clearly, as my friend there are says it's a criminal violation. Government officials were attempting to use empowered suppress the civil rights of american citizens mean that that is right so maybe there'll be a criminal and sent me here. Maybe there should be. Certainly we are examining all of our legal options at this point and we have no hesitancy whatsoever babbling about going to bind the white house again, we did before will do it again. It causes millions of dollars to god. For, though, should act mandate, we helped overturned the thing and prevent eighty million americans from having to take the shot. If didn't want to take it, we are perfectly happy to do that,
exact same thing with Biden, white house right now to stop them from ever waiting the civil rights of americans by pressuring facebook and and other social media companies again and by We have looked at the traffic on our website and weather. declined in the aftermath of this conversation? Suffice it you, a evidence will be presented. This is it's an astonishing story. It truly is already coming up we're going to be joined by trent horn to discuss protests while jokes and his abortion debate on whatever podcast you're, not a member become member use. Could shapiro check out for two months regional annual plans put that linking the description and join us yeah,
Transcript generated on 2023-08-14.