« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1777 - ‘Family Man’ Forced To Acknowledge Seventh Grandchild

2023-07-31 | 🔗

Joe Biden spent four years pretending his seventh grandchild doesn’t exist…but now he’s reversed himself; the Department of Justice encourages the arrest of Hunter’s business partner two days before his Congressional testimony; and Trump’s vengeance campaign rolls on.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Joe Biden spent four years. Pretending seventh grandchild doesn't exist, but always reversed himself. The department of justice It is the arrest of hundred Biden business partner, two days before his congressional testimony and down trumps venture campaign rolls on a bench bear this is the bench shapiro show yeah spiritualism answer my express bbn, particular online privacy today expressly peons accomplishment president of the united states is wildly unpopular and a lot of people have attributed that to his policies. The fact that its policies are all about gigantic government spending or equity at the centre of all things or weak foreign policy including the pull out from Afghanistan. But the reality is that the reason Joe Biden has been sinking in the post, because americans don't like him personally, unlike Barack obama, where the poles they would like I personally it and legs policies with Joe Biden. The two are just intertwined. Joe Biden is not liked person, and the turning point for him was actually the pull out from Afghanistan until that point them the widespread perception. It was a kind
the elderly gentleman wasn't all there but in essence, was a fairly ok guy, but when you pulled out, innocent and basically said. I dont care. What happens there when their people falling off we'll work. An american soldiers getting blown up in his entire administration sitting there, argument would wonderful job, they are doing it really sunk. The percent the american public about him, but he has now underscored that in radical terms, because his association with his son hunter, so the public mind with regard to hunter Biden, has shifted to it, started off with hunter Biden dear what bad guy drug abusers, for now. Groovy abuser, prostitute, abuser, guy, a bad person, but Joe ill decent try and take care of his drug addicted sauntering. Make sure that his son was ok. Sympathetic, figure as all these corruption stories roll out the story,
now how hunter was going ramping up giant bags of cash from foreign sources and Joe was in all likelihood benefiting from that the documents on hundred buttons laptop and which undermine these bragging to his daughter about funding. Doubting the documents from his laptop suggesting that Joe was taking part in meeting either by phone or sometimes even in person, stop. meetings in saying hello documents suggesting that hundred and was saying to foreign officials I was in next to him as he attempted to assent would prime money out of them. You combine that with Joe Biden, treatment of hundred widens illegitimate, daughter and things start to go bad for Joe Biden, insurance, public perception, real fast, so long, working in the background of the Biden. Family story has always been this idea that they are incredibly tribal, that if you are a bite and then you get, if it from the sweetheart deals that are associated with the Biden last name. If you're frank Biden can go around pickup cash, Joe Biden's brother, if you're a hunter in go round, pickup cash because of course you're a member of the corrupt Biden family, but if they choose not to give you the name
if they decide that they are not going to extend the name to you and your basically cut off at the knees and who better to apply that logic to then a small baby. So, as we all know, at this point, hunter Biden had a sexual relations with a woman in london roberts, london roberts was acting upon, we as his quasi, didn't buy. Quasi system mean that hundred was basically using her, not just for her support. Real abilities, but for apparently other purposes, reasons sexual nature and that she or a child by him whom she named navy joan navy joan was baby, was born way back in twenty nineteen is currently too Twenty three four years, Joe Biden has maintained that he has six grandchildren. He does not yet seven some grandchildren for four years there's no real religious objection. Here I mean it's not as though he has differences with hunter and therefore is cut hunter from the family or something like that. This is so.
maybe they're hundred got pregnant and a kid who obviously is Joe Biden granddaughter, who he simply roof were refused If the Biden lesson, which, of course is the from a tour of not only legitimacy but also of money making in the binding. Literally. The only thing that matters is that last name is the only thing it does not Joe Biden, magic, political skills that he has no magic political skills that he ran for up for president one hundred times before you trying to the rising star of broccoli, and in road that, in his octogenarian ears to the presidency of the united states over donald trump hid, the Biden last name is the money and that is explicitly what was needed davy jones, in fact, in the paternal hearings about navy joam Joe Biden, presumably hunter Biden said- In the final analysis, the navy, John, would be denied hunters last name. The only thing that hunter would be giving two navy joan and in her mommy work some finger paintings that hundred Biden had created. Then, presumably there be some sort of corrupt deal or somebody buys those paintings off of navy jones.
money laundering operation, essentially on behalf on family. Yet again by big name, donors will buy hundred items paintings from london roberts and then money will eventually see navy geneva. Navy John will be denied the magical by last name. That has meant literally tens of millions of dollars flowing into family coffers for aids on end, so Joe Biden care at his granddaughter so much that he literally refused with acknowledge for existence at the white house. There is a christmas tree for his dog, you know the one that was biting off the secret service agents, but there is no christmas stocking for a grand, he refused to acknowledge, will over the weekend Joe Biden reverse that, while the pull members, can robot, because there is nothing that change in principle. Here it was ass, though Joe Biden. Suddenly it dawned on him that maybe he should acknowledge the seventh grandchild. No, what happened here is pretty obvious. The american people don't like it when this supposed kindly old family man, whose entire excuse. for his really ludicrously soft treatment of his son has been that
loves. His son owe so much as the beautiful boy he's never done anything wrong. It turns out hold water when you are willing to disown a four year old. It's easy to make the claim that you love your kids Much do you let them get away with stuff when you're went when everybody in the family is treated with this level of war. But when you say this four year old, who, through no fault of her own, was born of of your son, not part of the family, but the son, who is a crack addicted daryl who runs around the world picking a badge of cash. He is indeed with me that a beer a lot more like corruption than does like family loyalty, because, apparently to the family. All that is required is for your mom somebody, the Joe Biden doesn't like very much or finds humiliating, but to be included all family activities up to and including present day, even after plead guilty actual federal misdemeanours Are you really have to do is go out and continue to pick up bags of cash if your hunter Biden or have picked a badge of cash in the past, so over begun? Joe Biden and Joe Biden put out a statement? Finally about this missing
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I just said, seven grandchildren, the whole time with adamant I or would we now would be no navy jones name. Do you know any of Joe Biden other grandchildren's, namely put it that way? Name. Another Joe Biden grandchild, got quick. Do no! No! No! You ve ever heard of them right because it's only a controversy when you refuse to name your brand trial, because your son sire her office, a formal strippers, something this is a political issue it's a family matters had president Biden Joe, and I only want what's best for all of our grandchildren, including navy, resourceful we know with the situation, tells people the regional resolve. Child support. Dispute between hundred london has dictated how the relation This played out so far, ok that that source the situation probably be the Biden family, because who else exactly are they quote?. yeah. I remember there are some fairly contentious legal proceedings between navies parents happening until just a few weeks ago as grandparents, are following hunters lead, they aren't you, and giving hundred london space and time to figure things out what and understand what the hell does that have to do with Joe
knowledge and that navy joan is granted. How's that impact a legal dispute it that there is I'll just be whatsoever, but that is in fact the case. I mean they literally due to paternity testing. May twenty nineteen to determine the navy joan, is in fact, hunters kid George has been saying this. The whole time is a gather in the middle. I'm not going to comment on their legal situation has seen mommy and daddy in this particular case, but of course she's our grandchild and we love her. I mean that's such an easy answer again reality is that there's only one thing that Joe Biden cares about in life, and that is the Biden name. He has made this absolutely clear. He says this one and over in public life at the bar, verily, I swear on the Biden, family name, the Biden family in it, because the button family name again is only valuable tool and it was only but really to everybody whose around him, because able to parlay here. situation as a centre into jobs in cash for his son for his brother for everybody else and presumably summit yeah she back to him. I it presumably because again we have documented accusations that that is the case from hunter from his laptop speaking people the source notes. The situation of families quote thousands of them
if a similar circumstances working it out and private versus the spotlight? No, they haven't really How many families are there where the grandparents refused to even acknowledge that they have a grandchild unless there is sort of family dispute, in which the parents of the child are strange from the grandparents truly. I it's yours question. Does this happen? A lot where the parents are not assume? not only is, is daddy, not estranged from grandpa? They ve been We lived together in the same room. Daddy is, is flying room the world and sting literally in the same room in place like ireland with grandpa? If he has an illegitimate child is, is this a commenting at the center? as a four year old girl. Everyone wants what's best for her, including all of her grandparents. I don't think that's that's been proved by the record. Let's say that it took until she was four ok just four years old she's for does not a two month matter, the four year matter. Why does this mean? well because it goes a character because in politics, if, as the rapporteur,
are you suggest character matters in there's so much so that donald trump couldn't should never been then he should never be president again because of his character defect, or the fact is that Joe Biden has freedoms up in a way that don't what never did tremendous portrayed himself as a generous kind hearted family man, who only cares about the members of his family, above all so much so that is purely sympathetic to drug addicted. Booze, annulled son But when it comes to the grandkid well, then that's off limits its off limits until we decide to say something it would put a time limit for just a second to say once again, what a great grandpa Joe is and then back to being off limits again. And of course the media are lapping is up, because the media had no questions that is a very very long time so here for exam is MSNBC anchor alley. Refusing all they want is to preserve this little girls, privacy again What is worse over privacy? You noted in the easiest way to do that. You just have Joe Biden say he has seven grandchildren, which you did Alex them as it has never shared his reasoning for not publicly acknowledging this little girl, but a source familiar with the family situation. Tell
NBC news, he's avoid doing so until now to give his son and the girls mother, the time and space to navigate this. The president, whose always made his family a very public part of his life, now asking to preserve this little, privacy, so at this point, is still unclear whether the We dynamics change at all that again, is all about the preservation of the privacy and then You have mention the actual situation, then, the media shutdowns as yet, and whose case you hunt was had asian and analysed and scott, jennings and jennings is going pretty hard after hunter and image in any case of engines and show we have to be respectful. Do we, though, do we have to be respected and hunter? Who endowed lose acting as a foreign agents of multiple governments and who said shared a child. By a person he called to secretary training nor that of warriors and was denied Charles is last name we have two three hundred with respect under is a terrible person.
I don't feel any necessity drama and he is a public figure in so far as he was picking a bag of cash with his daddy's name on them. Me come on but here is yet again going into defence mode and spend mode here. It's not republicans, with all due respect to made hundred Biden into account, scumbag on this and other issues, the ignoring his daughter, the four years in the press, united states hanging up a stocking. the dog mean that a minor his seventh grandchild cannot women also have three. We can also sympathy for people who are struggling with addiction. Let's keep this gratification respect. Listen. I totally. I agree, and you know where I'm from a lot of families deal with addiction, and you know who ends up picking up the pieces, the grandparents, and in this case the grandparents would not acknowledge this little girl. It is fences, but the bottom line is that they have now the pole. Oh what a hero. I mean the fact that she says But she jumps in and tries to stop stop Scott jennings from from doing
it just demonstrative of everything that the binding family relies upon, which is the acquiescence of the media in all these. Relations, which is really what so much of this is about. We get more on this in just one second, because again, the hunter by saw. That is in fact, going to do serious damage to job in a way that nothing is going to damage trump, as I said before, me has been true for years, donald trump. When it comes to this race, is essentially a mud monster, the more money you throw at him, the more he is made of mud. You cannot, you cannot sully the frock of somebody whose frock is made of mud. There's no way to do it, but Joe Biden proclaimed that he has a decent, honest hard working family man, and it turns out that he actually is a pretty corrupt old politician who is willing to monopoly and use his drug annulled son to pick up bags of cash abroad while ignoring his grandchild, I mean that's, that's not quite the same look with more or less just one second, verse, innovation, has been helping small businesses the qualify, get a business peril tax refund through the employee retention credit also known as the e r c.
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just as obviously attempted to cut a sweetheart you're one hundred items like a real sweetheart. You so if the sweetheart deal that, as we explained last week when it was exposed In the light of day, they meeting we dissociate themselves from the de sweetheart you'll they attempted to cut. Basically they had two sets of charges. was the tax charges. One was the gunshot zones hunter Biden in the tax charges, anything about waving further investigations and charges with regard to, for example, the foreign agents registration act, undermining clearly violated use, acting as an amused onboard was bored and trying to lobby politicians on behalf of breeze. My embryos ukrainian energy, coming he was doing this also on behalf of chinese companies. So there is no question that he violet terms of before and agents registration by any available measure. And so the question is: are there for their investigations that are going to bear fruit not only with regard to hunter, but maybe might just such show. And the deal J was eager to basically get all of these claims off the table, and so there is this bizarre open battle that was happening
between the geo J, an hundred dinars legal seem a hundred pounds legalism would go on national television, and then they would say things like well by our understanding all charges are now on the table and the judge a big now they're, not really, and he would say yet. You know they they really are well. It turns out that Mine's? Lawyers had reason to think so, because these tax charges, which were publicly available, those did not wave their charges, but you know what did was diversionary agreement on a gun charge. It said that Anything related to the tax charges. including presumably, fair violations, would be wave of judged on this, and that immediately was like this seems: corrupt and bad, like you're, hiding the deal and the deal, and we never made a deal. What are you suggesting, and so they had to back off that? Which is why the plea agreement, is still in limbo. Between hundred Biden and the g o j, I mean that's really really corrupt stuff. Ok will, over the weekend, the g o J also sent a letter. two devon archers attorney. Seven archer is the former business partner of hundred biden, whose now testify today, behind closed doors before congress, talking about Joe Biden and how Joe Biden,
what good called into meetings and how the big guy Joe Biden of this sort of stuff really could be devastating stuff. four hundred Biden, as well as Joe Biden began Joe proclaiming Nothing that hundred maidens businesses, which is why weird when you're getting called by one hundred buttons business partners on the phone and he's putting you on the phone with them says line. In other words, while he supposed to testify before congress. Today, while literally two days before that happens, a letter sent from Damien Williams. U s attorney, saying quote the governor respectfully request that a family words surrender to date and time determined by the court to a facility designated by the bureau MR commences term of imprisonment. The government is conferred with council furtively vetted about this request and ask the council propose a date for the defendant. Surrender council. Respond with the following position. Mr actually It is premature to set up a report date in light of scientific. The continuing appeal as well as the newly discovered sensing error. The government has now concluded council for MR actual put in response to the government's request by wednesday becoming disagrees with the council's position report. It should not be sent to. In other words, there is a dispute.
between the attorney for dublin. Archer he's been convicted in other crimes, and yo J literally sent a letter over the weekend saying, we would like to set a date for him to come in and turn himself it. So this wasn't it re interpreted by some, including in your posts, miranda divine suggesting that they wanted devon archer terms of india, fail before he actually was able to give congressional testimony. Apparently, that's not the case, but the letter itself is still kind of weird. I mean a letter that you send publicly and is now publicly available or what these and to the authorities of the person, is about to testify before congress. from the deal j run by the father of the person with whom you are business partner, saying region is often for jellia What's the story right, you re going jail, went well We're going find out, that's a little weird. It raises whose specific issues one publicly it again tries to label. have an arbitrary and untruss worthy and viable source because it reminds the entire public at the guy as plead guilty to crimes and second,
Mine's definition was in charge, namely the d o j, and you remember like Joe Biden archers. council again rejected the notion, there's any connection between archer stiff with the justice department as potential imminent jail time. you said, we're aware of speculation. The Js we can request to have archer report to prison is an attempt by the by an administration to intimidate him in advance. His meeting with the house oversight, many to be clear The charter is not agreed that speculation in case, MR actual duty has planned to all along he'll show up on monday and honestly answer the questions put to him by the congressional about what else do you think he's going to say? he's actually being intimidated by Joe Biden's d, o j and he's going to be out there being like I'm being intimidated by Joe Biden's geo Jay, who has complete control over my sentencing, or is he going to go out publicly and he's going to say was he's expected to say thus achieving the purpose of the letter so see what seven have an address say behind closed doors, but that is definitely super weird. Meanwhile, you have people who are very much involved in the trump impeachment. Like reference Dan goldman sachs
the process on on the geo? This? This is all fully above board. One hundred and plea deal is fully above board and great. Were you surprised to see the judge in delaware reject the plea deal not rejected, but not accepted? Well, this is a fairly typical. Process that goes through. This was an unusual agreement in part because it's a twenty four month agreement and there is the possibility that donald trump will be president, and we know from his presidency how much he weapon eyes the department of justice to go after his enemies and to favour his associates and so hundred biden. Lawyers are concerned that donald trump, if he were to get
The presidency would weapon eyes the department of justice, and so it is an added calculation to this. But the fact of the matter is that this is a trumpet pointed: u S, attorney a trump appointed judge. This is a very independent and thorough investigation, and I think that whatever happens in the hunter binding case, we can rest assured that it was done based solely on the facts and the evidence and that their is nothing else to it are there's nothing to it. It's all its! How wonderful? According to the angolan head of the impeachment management for four now trump Yes, I I totally believe you dan golden in just one. Second, we'll get to the other side of the race. First, you need life insurance, it just a simple reality of the world. We are all going to die in a dark thoughts you're on a monday, but it is reality yet make sure the gods. somebody from happening, get hit by a truck in the middle of the street or something that your family is taken care of
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Eurobonds, potential involvement in that corruption, is that there's nothing to see her truck time over on on visas in other. The are gonna go after Joe an hundred what does anything there or not First of all, let me point out: you guys set the standard, you did it. Politics works well may wish that it worked where one side acted above on the other side was scurrilous, but here's the reality. the rules only apply to one side, the ain't rules, and so, if you go after donald trump, four long years. Bull crap investigations are actually who is a member of the russian darky. Many have Adam shift trotted out I'm places like meet the press routinely zagreb Have a smoking on hidden behind closed handled you're now the contract, but sooner or later they will emerge from behind the prices is curtain, explain to you exactly how donald trump was working hand in glove. when reputed and turns out to be false, What, when she was on the other foot, things are going. How does it now? Here's the reality we We have more documented evidence that job
I was receiving benefit from hunter buttons. Foreign pay, us not donald trump was receiving foreign pass, bet. Evidence is much better for Joe than it is with regard to donald trump, we still have yet to see what it. What does the documented benefit? The donald trump received from for example the russian government. Where is it well? We know full well hunter and I keep coming back to it, because it's so perfectly obvious, have you ever texted your child, your adult child? Let's say the forty fifty years old, have your text, you you're adult child, that you are paying grandma's bills when you're not actually paying grandma's bills hunter literally texted, his daughter saying that he has been paying for everything in the family and for pop for years, thing, think that was made up even even hundred Biden was high and crack at the time did just come up again that out of nowhere really here is charted proclaiming Well, it's it's just unfair they're going to go after him, no matter what, but here's the thing that the media will defend: obeid, no matter what so yeah I mean that is,
We have this goes. Do you think it would be hoover president from to come out and say I had no business dealings with my son. My son's issues are my son's issues. You think he needs to say that more directly cause there's a lot of people that believe something something else. What happened? let's be clear about that point. Chuck there's been a five year investigation, five years by a trump. Pointed: u s attorney, This investigation started during the trump administration and they have come forward with. not one shred of evidence, tying president bind any of this. I am encouraged that, in sharp contrast to president trump abuse detailed, his mountain of legal problems where president this fighting and pushing back and obstructing hundred binds come forward. Take responsibility paid his late taxes, as you, discuss with czech Rosenberg, I think that a hiccup in the delaware district court we'll get ironed out pretty quickly, and I dont think president needs to say anything more than he has algeria. Caverns
they're gonna make the accusation is inexcusable halls where they still have the evidence or not or where they have the evidence I love the Democrats rating of where they have even sent four years of accusations that the twenty sixteen election was stolen by putin on behalf of trump with zero evidence for years, but still maintain, oh by the way, fairly amazing, sub. Ok, meanwhile, Donald trump is, of course, using as the impetus for his campaigns of this campaign, you gotta say download from is one luckiest s, hobbes ever to live in politics, because when the dice are down, they tend to break his way. Almost always- and this is particularly when it comes to the way this race is shaping up right now in shaping up them. Republics. Site is referendum on Joe Biden, corruption, and so that is gonna break very much in town from safer, because getting donald trump, as he himself has proclaimed with the in instinct, that he has an end. This is the magical benefit of down from truthfully. Donald trump is not an intellectual donald trump is not a person who thinks policy position fell from us in a person with
how's he positions. Donald trump is a series of impulses, but his instincts are inherent when it comes to targeting people when it comes to destroying political opposition. The do is a genius. He really. I he's really good at this, or I should rather say, he a genius for it because it doesn't come from I points as much as it comes from just guess. I got left understanding. The word put the knife in even graded this, since two thousand and fifteen campaign, which is why the nicknames that so many people dismissed as dumb or or a waste of time including make their resonate. Obviously he'd. He does have a capacity to speak to the seventh grade side of people. That is, that is really an errand, and it also true when it comes to a kind of capturing be political when he had when it comes to a person whose sums up the political it and is able to capture it in a way that no other politician my lifetime can trump is that guy, so Trump understands the momentum in the republican party, with with regard to Joe Biden, is all about the corruption. It's not about his policies. It's not about what a bad politician. He is it's about his personal corruption and so over the weekend
from really went hard at Joe Biden on this, and in fact, from here campaign using outside of his favorite thing to do done. was the president of the united states has stronger level of loyalty inside the republican party any still campaigning, as now better because it allows them to be free willing, as you wants to be the minute, your burdened with the feed, of being an establishment figure, though the mummy actually have responsibility for your own party. Well, then, people can hold you accountable for failures, is what started happening. Twenty twenty two after from endorsed wave canada while walked in the senate? There was just brief moment in time. Republicans were like wait. Doesn't he bears? possibility for those losses. Maybe we shouldn't dominate him and then went right back in the freewheeling sort of free, radical actor. Everyone else is not responsible for any of that, he's only responsible for for what he himself does not for anybody else, so he is his again when it comes to his. He does have a genius for this. So donald trump over the again. He aimed at Joe Biden buddy simultaneously aimed at all of his republican opponents. So again, free fire zone
donald trump always always always noticed in the fire, but fire in every direction. So he says that not only should judge Joe Biden be impeached, wit, We are. The evidence may very well indicate that you should be impeach. I said this last week, but he also said that if people don't vote to impeach Joe Biden, regardless he's ones, then primary them, which is, of declaring his poetic. Virtue, jus republican members, the bays really really don't like Joe Biden. Again, I made things bad politics. Well district. Evil Virgil binds impeachment. You may lose your zebediah fumbling care about that again. He bears no responsibility for the republican party. You don't do it don't from doesn't care what republican party windsor lucy, but whether he wouldn't lose is missing. probably true, since he was running in twenty five ten twenty. Sixteen, when you refuse to endorse the idea that if you want the primaries, he'd even vote for the other guy one two years, donald trump, in eerie pennsylvania. Over the weekend. They play a different game. These people occur this hell and they play a different game. They play a much tougher game of hardball and the republicans have to pay
like these two guys in these three people actually for people that we have they have. To play tough. and they have to be and honestly do not willing to do it. We ve got a lot of good tough republicans around that people are going to run against them and people are going to win and they're going to get my endorsement every single time are they going to win because we win almost every race. When we put aside the fact that that is Is it not true in the major top of the tickets and arises where his record was abysmal, but that doesn't matter because again, this is donald trump being able to run against anyone and everyone at the same time, which is the that of being down from every other candidates to worry about attacking from from, doesn't worry about. Taking anybody who go, where he wants. Dont want for primary opponents so, the republican party, you will go after national primary opponents, the end and again, because he channels that police id for the republican party, we all feel in the republican party. Why do people feel like hildy? so the democrats to which is wrote you will
I mean so long as they're on his wrong side. If they start to wheedle him and if they start to massage them a little bit, then that may shift and that may move him and donald trump, continue to aim at Joe Biden over the weekend. He said these time, ukraine, and now agnes suggesting he's trying to come again. This is the guy. I've said the word genius you're a few times, but it is true, There is a growing sentiment inside the republican party. The war in ukraine is somehow an element of corruption. Now, several things at once. One the ukrainian government is corrupt. It is, it has been for decades to War in ukraine against russia is in america's interest, in the sense that it raise the russian military prevents them from invading for their country's maintains. The reliability of nato against foreign aggression sends a message to china that if they enjoy Taiwan. There'll be actual consequences for all of that and prevents when booting from consolidating resource on behalf an anti american alliance right. All those are real american interests, but you can also see that with the position that is the money that we spend over there. We have to know where that money is going.
isn't that some that money is going about places in all of the rest, but from understands that there is, Rising sentiment against the funding of the war in ukraine until now he's going to blame. That underlines corruption in ukraine linking to issues now for the republican base, where you have chunk of who commits issue. One is ukraine which again for a properly plurality of repose, on this point, or at least verging on a plural, ukraine, wars, unpopular merging, the opposition, but the answer Joe Biden position to create a sort of iron nexus very useful them politically, because he's the only one articulating it harry. Why talking about how the suggestion is that war, it more in ukraine, specifically because Joe Biden wanted to up cash the weapon stockpiles to ukraine and Joe the f b, I d, j at iris handover, greece scrap of evidence they have or the by crime, families, corrupt business dealings, you have to know, and the public deserves to know In addition,
We should immediately vowed to block your bindings. Recent call of reserve forces were sending their troops over to europe to fight. So It is not true about whether we're sending troops europe to fight in Ukraine that that is not actually true, but again. This is smart politics from donald trump. Now MR zalm from actually have any sort of plan to win the actual elections. place inside the republican primary wherever they aids Joe Biden every knows the job I grew up, hello, I d gray more but an actual election when Joe Biden and better risky strategy, because the reality is that the ukraine war is fill a majority proposition in the united states the reality. Is he gonna stack up from again Joe Biden, we'll get to transfer, wasn't just one. Second again, I've praises inherent political instinct because they really are quite good but by the same token, a lot of them and he's preparing for when it comes to the actual general election are not going to materialise. We get to that in just one. Second, first, not a big fan of the values over here. As you know, I don't like how they taste,
There are just not that budgets are my enemy. However, I still need the nutrition to be got from the budget, which is why I love by belgium, nature, fruit and vegetable great way to make sure you're getting a central nutritional ingredients every single day through balance of nature's advance call back in process. The vitamins, minerals and vital nutrients of the fruit and vegetables are preserved. Singer that vital nutrition and each capsule bounds. Natures. Would supplement with no additives fillers, that synthetic pesticides or added sugar period budget, on the only things they put in their capsules will balance nature actually sent a bunch of product down to the studio, for the team try it's kosher, so I've been using it and let me tell you it may be keeping me alive at this point, given the fact that I have four children who wake me up at all times of the night plus dog bruce r Jake also he's been trying the balance of nature, fruits and veggie really hate garlic, but he loves the benefits to be got from things like garlic, and this is why he likes his downturn, nature, fruits and veggie capsule again, as I say, kosher
I take them as well for limited time this summer, when you become a preferred customer, a balance of nature that throwing in a free fruit and veggies travel set, giving an additional twenty five bucks off your first order, go to balance of nature, dot com use, promo code, shapiro for a free travel set and twenty five bucks off your first order. As a preferred customer, that sounds of nature: dot, com, promo code, Shapiro also, are you sick of those will corporations dragging your values? through the mud, wash your hands of all that, with Jeremy's brand new hand supplement look at this this right here. This is made of soap. It says right on it soap, and it has also wanted Jeremy, it is thus journeys hands up the perfect solution for everyday grit and grind it delightful. It scented with green tea, and citrus jeremy cares about you. He didn't put any of that parable in his hands. Hope I don't I'm not parable is, but also there are sulphates, don't know those are, but there are none of them in here. no, the irish g testing on animals make here in the united states. What more would you want from a has work to do to tell you guys just go get
this unbelievable soap, that keeps your hands clean because after all wash your hands guys, it's actually good germany's hands. Hope it's the ideal addition to your bathroom or kitchen sink, as you liberate your home from the once will companies and or germs go to germany's razors dot com or your green tea and citrus handsome today? Ok, meanwhile, now again, because the campaign against Joe Biden is coming down to not his policy so much. I sort of personality, corruption and all the rest, really benefits from because this is the area where from really excels in tearing people down for little years, you just been ragging people down into the mud with have any ideas once they're both in the mud, then he's computer. that, by the way, is what the poles showing right now, what the showing that he's very competitive with by not because popular, because Joe Biden is unpopular with. That said, the thing that trunk would then need to do is one in sure consorted race with regard to you, know, expanding resources to get the votes so over the weekend, Donald trump suggested that all of us,
mary opponents should drop out dropouts people would stop spending money on whose primary opponents give the money to him, and then he would spend it on things like ballot harvesting, any republican that does act on Democrat fraud should be immediately pride and get out. And then he came out and he suggested that he's going to spend All this money that he raises from his primary opponents getting up, he's going to spend all of that on ballot harvesting. Now, there's only one problem with this you'd be kind of foolish to believe him. He didn't do it in twenty. Sixteen, he didn't win twenty twenty. He had no ground game in two thousand and sixteen he really didn't. I mean this is well documented. His campaign was run basic. We from thirty thousand feet and then he relied on Hillary Clinton under turn out to actually won the election again, my favorite staff from the twentyth external. Is that in twenty sixteen down from one fewer absolute votes in wisconsin and mitt romney, one in twenty twelve, but down
One was gone to emit Rami lost wisconsin it twice. unilateral was just as much, I think, more about lack of turnout for hilary, as it was about additional turnout for donald trump and twenty twenty. We didn't have a ballot harvard operation. He actually told people multiple early do that again, and twenty twenty one in the center run off race in georgia, both of them that that he ended up losing The republicans public up losing then hand uncontrollable, the senate and the house to Joe Biden who preceded spent six to seven trillion dollars so you think the down from is spend tens or hundreds of millions of dollars and a ballot harvesting operation outbreak I should get out the vote. I have doubts the reason. I It is because we now have a story that donald trump has spent from his, pain, super packs or has campaigned. Stupor pact has spent on his behalf, tens of millions of dollars on legal fees. That's not what you're giving money to you you're not down from is a billionaire. Now I think that a lovely
problems that trump is facing. Some of them are of his own making like the classified documents, nonsense down in florida, that of his own making. He could have just handed those documents back to the national archive, and none of this ever would have happened, but many of these legal troubles are not of his own making that'd be like the manhattan DA's going after him. For stormy daniels nonsense it's of his own making in the sense that he shouldn't the stormy daniels than paper to be quiet, but is not making in the sense that is illegally specious case, but even assuming There are tons of bills that are being incurred by trump on a personal level that are their frivolous and it shouldn't have incurred. When you give money to firms campaigns, you think you're paying his legal bills or do you think are paying for them. and harvesting, because his legal bills didn't help you won. The election also is a billion, a priest. Well, he can pay his own legal bills and then he can use the money that you are giving him the small donor. He has tons of small donors and he can use that too, Joe Biden does not actually where the money is going accordingly, your times, the political action committee present from his using today's legal bills. They such staggering was this your requested, a refund on sixty million dollar contribution made to another rube supporting their approval.
Front runner according to two people familiar the matter, the decision signals a pensive, a potential money crisis for trump, who so far views to pay his own voluminous bills directly he's also what a greeting legal defense fund for himself and people who have become entangled in various investigations related to him. He could have created a legal defense fund and you could have given wheedled offensive on just bananas, legal, those. But no, you know you're not can give money to legal defence. One You know that you want you want to get money to campaign, so he'll beat Biden that the reason why you care about donald trump, presumably, if you dont want Joe Biden people not anymore, not you care about how Donald from handles paying his big ticket lawyers there fund, was sought. As the political action committee save america spent more than forty million dollars in legal fees incurred by trumpet witnesses in various ok related him. This year alone, according to another listen familiar with matter. Numbers will be part of this america federal election commission filing expect, is made public today than forty million dollars was an addition to sixteen million dollars that save america spent in the previous two years on legal fees since then, of course from has been indicted.
in its expanded, the size of its legal team has to go to london. the case related whose retention of class by material work for him total legal spending. Fifty six million dollars. So when you donate money to travel, think that's going for ballot harvesting! I I have doubts. I am not certain that that is the case, and that is a problem because again you can like, in the primaries data suggested a lot of people do like trump in the primaries. The current state of the race, if you look at the latest polling that is out today, suggest that donald trump does eight new york times unit. Eligible of likely republican primary electorate. Fifty four percent before trump seventeen percent, two santas, seventeen percent others. Thirteen percent- no answer so the senses, the closest person, any is that within thirty pointed them, so that the press, we base seems like their cruising toward trump, and not just that from space makes it more and a third of the likely republican electorate. She have thirty, Ten percent say they are the amalgamation of over from no matter what and then you
there are thirty, seven percent or persuadable in twenty five percent were not opened from so, the basis thirty seven, according to this more, not opened it from her twenty five. That means that you are, meaning thirty. Seven percent would have to split in favour of one other candidate, none favor of light. Ten other candidates in favour of one other candidate by essentially a margin of two to one in order to feed but the primaries zero percent zero and of the mandate, category say that committed any serious federal crime. Two percent said even did something wrong mishandling classified documents and nothing is changing right there and again, you look at the remaining half more than remaining eighty, two thirds who say that their persuadable are not open to trump. Well, yet even in among those members of the republican electorate, its agree on the issues that fractured it's me very difficult for anybody to consult, it is going to take home looking at the data over at the new york times descent,
Support right now is split between those who are still open trump and those who are not. All this anti soldiers. Thirty two percent of voters who aren't considering trump rights. It means that you have just said All twenty five percent is either not open, trumpets shift into this category right now, there's split with Chris chrissy teams. MIKE pensioner, gaily and vague roma swami each attract between five and ten percent of that vote. So once again, the field is very, very split, so from as Imagine primers no question the problem is: does that translate to an actual general election victory? Is anyone even thinking about is trump even thinking about that at this? What what is it? What is in the case that trump is making for why he will do better in twenty twenty other than Joe Biden's failures by the way is exactly this because the debate has been backdrop- the buyer, Is the Biden is being bad trump? Is I can be as terrible as I want to be amused corrupted I want to be and be, as as women and out of it I wanna, be- I mean, there's a picture of fine that's floating around the internet of him on the beach in rubber beach, delaware over the weekend. It is not flattering.
he's an eight year old man walking around is when trunks and no sure, with some glass and a backwards baseball cap, and it it looks just like how you imagine he is very, very old, he's very, very dotard Lee he's not anymore, but his entire cases. I am not trump and meanwhile trumps entire cases, I'm not Biden, so I mean that that that is a hell of a dynamic going into a presidential election which, by the way, is why, so many people worry about no labels or are of k or corner last or some these third party candidates. Now, in the end, being a binary about almost certainly it will, but is only guaranteed That goes for either side no guarantee at all. So is that the best way to run a campaign? I have serious doubts. Ok, meanwhile, there's a lot of uncertainty out there about the economy and you, since the sort of growing warmth in the press, for the idea that we're going to escape recession, because the inflation data came at last week and it's coming in kind of close to normal were now back down toward the two percent number
people are looking for from the federal reserve and seems as though the the economy is sort of defined gravity at this point because the gdp is still clocking in. At two point, four two point: six percent, which are good numbers. According to wash regional recent good news on inflation, is united debate over Helen central banks- interest rate increases are responsible. The answer matters where inflation inches interest rates are headed. The federal reserve in european central bank in the past week lifted their benchmark interest rates to twenty two, your highs and left open the door to additional increases. If I rates were not responsible for progress on inflation. Today, that's just central banks able to lower them before a painful recession sets in. So this is really. The question is whether the inflation came down, is because of the increase in interest rates or whether it supply chains basically healing themselves. If it's because the supply chains are here, themselves? Theoretically, if we it's going to recession, many central banks, ironically, lower those interest rates again without jacking up the inflation. If it is from the low interest rates in the first place, and that will create the bubble, then lowering inflation aids, with lowering interest rates right out, create another secondary bubble of inflation, but there's more
Significant problem on the horizon and more significant problem is economic stagnation. So last week there is a lot of talk about the gdp coming in and the G8 istat came in, and everybody was very, very excited about how it came in analysts had suggested it was going to be a lot lower than it actually showed. Apparently, the gross domestic product grew at a two point: four percent annual rate last quarter, while analysts had been expecting a reading of one point, five percent, and so a lot of people were saying that while soft landing might now be possible. Here's the problem, gdps, bad bandstand. The reason gdp is about tat is because it is about consumption gdp measures, the amount consumption, end user consumption in an economy, you pay a price at the store to buy a product that goes into gdp. The government spent a crap little money on things that goes into gdp. But the problem with that is, it doesn't actually answer for how this dynamic work, the keynesian model of how
economy works. It is that it assumes that the more consumption there is the better the economy is doing assumes that if you buy a bunch hamburgers economies, doing amazing if by fewer hamburgers is because the economy is doing poorly, it also imagine but if the government spends a rap lot of money, president the amount of money that that me, economies, when great, because all that gets counted in the gdp, the better statistics, then called gross output. So gross output has been a statistic. That's been in semi why? since about twenty fourteen there's any an of denmark's coups in wrote about it in twenty fourteen, when the era of economic analysis started using gross output as an alternative for gdp in. He explains this ways as in many ways. Gross output is the supply side, statistic a measure of the production side of the economy gdp Does the use economy as devalue all fight or finished, goods and services used by consumers, businesses and government. european economies rose up what has been around since the nineteen. Thirty, a gross output,
essentially measures the amount of business investment writes me make economy, the tone sales from the production of raw materials through intermediate producers to find wholesale and retail trade. So, instead of just looking at all of the product that is bought by you at the store, it looks at the That is what all the way along the chain and stuff. Buying a chair it looks at who paid for the wood and then who paid for the planks of wood and then who paid for the screws and the planks put them together and then, who paid for the varnish makes right. It includes all of that broader measure of the output of an economy because klute actual business investment, so schools in says, I pay attention to gross output for starters researcher Ninety ninety shows does a better job of measuring total economic activity. Gdp, useful measure, but country standard of living in economic growth, but its focus on final output omits intervening production and, as result christmas mitch much mischief understanding of how the economy works. In particular, it has led to a misguided keynesian notion. consumer and government spending drive the economy rather than saving business investment techniques.
You're entrepreneurship, If you look at gdp data gdp data always suggest that consumers is the number one element of this. Why yet statistics about consumer confidence or consumer confidence is low? The economy must be about tank. We are spending less money, the store. That means the economy is about tank and then the next biggest of gdp would be government expenditures and then business investment- third it. But in reality, when you flip that and you look at gross output, what you find is that suddenly it's only about forty percent of the uk in a business outlays are substantially larger than consumer spending in the economy they make about fifty percent of economic activity, so in other words, government spending is not a giant giant. Chunk of gross output is a giant chunk of gdp and government spending that goes to directly, if it's that, then he spent. That is a huge part of gdp, but it's not as big a part of gross output and gross output matters. Why? Because the reality is the way the kind worsens the biggest argument, any economic. For at least a hundred fifty years is whether you come
are driven by consumers, buy you buying products or are they driven by people making the product right? The keynesian demand, Siders, basically suggest that, because you spend money somewhere makes a product for you. supplies? I daresay you Jim I knew better innovative products and that makes people want to buy them, so the in favour of supply side economics, which is something I subscribe, do because number one. I think it's it's true and number two. It pushes for a more liberal, free market beauty is that when people are allowed to keep their own money, they produce new and better services, what a consumer based economy cannot do is create new products, is the supply side or who creates new product? The entrepreneur who creates new products is also why you see a gap between how democratic talk about the economy and republicans talk about the economy. Conservatives very often when they talk about the economy, they talk about the value of the entrepreneur, which is really a credit to Joseph schumpeter. The the dns economists who really talked a lot about what he called creative destruction
entrepreneur comes along and yet bracelet products makes amazing new products. It's always some Norton elon, musk, Henry ford or thomas does it somebody comes along, makes new products available to you that you never would have thought of, but now you need it twenty years ago you, just as a consumer, have thought up the eye, even if you had to have made the iphone. The answer, of course, is no use your programme shelf and then you wanna buy, who made their product it? Wasn't you you're buying it? So, what's more and what's more interesting about that that creation of the new products or who buys it so gdp and to measure economic strength, Who's buying the phone as opposed to measuring shrank by who invested in the phone, whose putting money into the phone whose create the phone, because the idea is that supply in essence will create demand. and for a new and better progress henry force. It ford suggested if I had lost the consumer. I just would come up with a better horse faster horse. That's it. but instead he came with the car because he was the entrepreneur okay. So here's why this is important
You look a gross apple right now. Raising a gdp as are the economy is going great guns, gross output, not so much so according to gross up dot com. U S, economy is resisting recession, but it's flashing red business spending has nine percent. In real terms. Over the past two quarters, The federal government released first quarter gross output, the top line and national income accounting german you're spending at all stages of production real grows out but rose two point: seven percent compared to two point: zero percent: real gdp consumers is still robust, rising six per during the past, of course, but business spending is floundering nominal, just a business bending have been flats in september. In real terms, it is down. Nine percent recession is still in the near future. and I was going to grasp what I think is a much better measure of what The economy is because how I spent businessperson isn't about a lot do my employees is gonna matter a lot to the consumers of this company right, that's true for ever but he who has lots of employees and lots of consumers.
When you're being given happy talk about how the economy is going greatness of gdp number one thing to check check the gross output number, which had been basically flat for the last couple up to three quarters. Ok, meanwhile, Why does that matter? It matters because we're comes with general election yeah, Joe Biden, personal corrupt. he's been matter, yeah joins personality is going to matter, but- it's matter even more If we are in recession, Joe Biden is in serious trouble if we're not recession, job and probably shells to reelect very I've got to lose a real act when your economy is good, it looks like become. Can you bet, you know, be great somebody's able to You against that this is wipe. One of great frustrations is that many of the things that make Rhonda santa's in excellent governor also, make him a politician who doesn't have the piazza sizzle of donald trump, namely he just does the thing right, jack governess answers great win, as governor of yet has been all the time. I woke in all the talk about fighting education. All matters matters an awful lot, but is also really good. The bread and butter floor. is the number one incoming state for tax revenue.
according to the daily mail californian york, lost combined six hundred forty million dollars in tax revenue due to people moving out, Debbie may, as can sort of florence, She boost of twenty three billion after an influx of movers. Then the number one state for incoming money florida twelve point four billion dollars in net income migration to the state of florida? as because it is a well governed state is a good place to live to well governed state, and that's a boy message, but also one that tends to win general elections, the message that lot more controversial is the character message, especially when you have character was of your own the middle of legal battles that will likely culminate in actual trials with you in the dock in may of two twenty four, which is very likely to happen right now run a talks like you actually want a politician to drop like about the things but is that what people want in primary? That sort of up to here is wrong chances. For example, over the weekend talking about the dry on the economy as the cat
thing that, for me, is actually It's like this. Why wish our politicians we're talking about, but they are not? Here we go, I think the biggest drag on the economy as the administrative state. And the bureaucracy, and yes, I mean I want lower taxes I'll go as far as we can on that right. But when I talk to small business people, I almost never hear about that. I hear about the growth of government and what government's doing to choke off their ability to just run their businesses, the way they see fit and the bureaucratic state the administrative state It gives an advantage to the big guys because the big eyes can handle that they are lawyers account thousands comply, those farmers when small businesses medium sized businesses, so getting that off. In addition to the energy that is going to be a huge, huge thing, the fed getting that reined in, I think, is very important. Reducing federal spending very, very important. Yes, it's super boring and all, Let me remind you at super important: is the stars
for it you're on the middle ground, there fence in the twenty twenty four election, and somebody like this As for someone, like Biden, Biden's, run the economy into the ground, and he has somebody else on the other side. Saying here are the things I'll do to fix the economy that might actually matter an awful lot, because it turns out number one issue for most americans when it comes to presidential elections, the state of the economy? Okay time for a quick thing I like and then, of things that I hate sell things that I like For the weekend I was reading a really fun novel by andrew we're underwear is the guy who wrote the martian the book as project hale, Mary and its It's a any where's he's the light, just as it has an author is the light because he's actually having fun with the reader and he's always them from writing this sort of stuff. So, basically, it's about a middle school science teacher who, back in his academic days, had written a paper about alien life, and it turns out that the sun is Declining in the amount of energy that it's releasing because there is alien life, but it's living on the sun and it's sucking away the energy from the sun and he has to somehow figure out a way to fix all of this, and I won't
spoil it for your honesty to really fun. If you like, the martian actual martian is very simple. I concept prenticed right, which is man on mars, trying to survive this one even a little bit more high concept because it is safe, humanity by journeying to a foreign star and and then hooking up with with alien life. It is it really isn't it. really enjoyable book again, you can tell he's having fun writing it, and so it's a lot of fun to read as well. So, if you're looking for like a summer beach, read that that'll teach you something about physics and chemistry about signs generally. This is a really book anywhere great fur, if its drank it, you're like sixteen year old and in school, interested in science, this would be a really good book for them. ok time for some good things that I hate Well, ok, thing number one that I hate so stop. Normalizing people were totally insane like not normalizing insanity, they have to treat it the respect, but I'm not going to treat it with respect when
Man spent fourteen thousand dollars to transform himself into a kali. This, apparently, is a thing. A japanese native has transformed himself into a canine after forking out more than Fourteen thousand dollars for a custom made colleague costume, a private citizen says unusual garments of actual eyes, his dream of becoming animal. We have reached the end of expressive, individualism marbella predicted that expressive of individuals in the idea that what is inside use most important thing in all humanity that at that is that is the end of the individualist europe, that's where we are men dressing up as dog Two roller literal I mean I'm not sure you could get and more literal with demand returning to the animals. Sort of metaphor is that we, the people whom I intend to use- but I here we are- spent fourteen thousand dollars to dress up as a dog so that he can. Ro around on the streets with other dogs and presumably smell there, but here we go. This is up
then this, this crazy lady, whose walkin around this man dressed as a dog as a that as a human being in a colleague costume, and everybody is pretending that mrs someone or look at these little kids in the background where, like work, dog eat dog and they get up there and its creepy creepy human. So horrifying and can even tell you the island. Doktor moreau happenstance typical doing it to themselves just area the know how the purse got into this costume, nor I wanted a chance terrible man. This is. and the breeding is gonna be horrible. Apparently he wrote in the club, do you remember your dreams? When your little you want to be a hero or a wizard? I am writing my great schools, graduation, but I wanted to be a dog and walk outside here had a vague dream of becoming an animal ever since he was child when I fulfilled bedroom how it turned out. He chose becoming
Due to the negligible size, difference between that breed and and humans,. so he said I rarely tell my friends because I'm afraid they will think I am weird. My friends and family, seem very surprised to learn. I became an animal, you didn't. You are crazy person who is wearing a dog suit and then those who pretend that is probably not. Why not we're society that also says that men can become women cosplay as a dog. Everybody, including people on the left, thinks you're a weirdo. If you cosplay as a member of the opposite sex, we pretend actually I remember of the opposite sex, and then we pay you, forty grand a pop, apparently Dylan mulvaney is now charging for we thousand dollars in speaking fees. Female empowerment it is amazing sure, this. I believe this makes all any the highest paid female empowerment speaker in America dude there better at everything, apparently. Mulvaney announced the upcoming speaking torn in instagram story last week and encourage college students to books. We can gain runs through the agency christa spatter, for he said
at the university and college friends, I'm booking speaking opportunities for the upcoming twenty three twenty four school year and would love to come visit now. Listen, nothing wrong charging. I speaking fees I charge a fortune in speaking these, yet if people are willing, it sure also. Is there some deeply perverse about a man pretending to be a woman being paid. Forty thousand dollars for the privilege of talking bout, female empowerment, but not a female number do even if he were according court a female? He has been so approximately a year. is it because there are millions and millions of women who have been females their entire lives. Amazing stuff here from a from Dylan mulvaney, honestly dome of chinese best shakedown is gonna, be when he threatens to endorse products. I don't have any come to delhi daily wanna be like you need to pay me. Twenty million dollars I'm going to threaten to endorse daily wire product. that I'd be amazing, shakedown, try. I wanna get my ideas, but the that risk. Meanwhile Obviously, things are going well in western civilization, according to bright bart opposed on transsexual canadian has now requested at these social myself,
system providing assistance, suicide lethal injection in order long term suffering pain from surgery to manufacture a neo vagina. the cardinal self described sterilised. First nations postal transsexual has expressed regret over two thousand nine surgery to create an imitation vagina out of an inverted penis saying that euthanasia will be preferable to and paid from the novel operation z an open wound that is created. In the human body, colonel, I am in constant discomfort and pain. It signal psychological burden on me. If I'm not able to access proper medical care. I don't want to continue to do this. Things are going amazing in canada. Welcomes the brave new world we have created, people can be dogs, people can be women. their unhappy enough and we will just allow them to will will help them kill themselves? Why not ready guys, the rest of the show continues right now not going to miss. It will be jumping in the mailbag. If you're, not a member, become a member use code, shapiro checkout for two months, free and all annual plans, click that link in the description and join us. The
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-14.