« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1774 - Hunter's Sweetheart Plea Deal and The Continuing Biden Coverup

2023-07-26 | 🔗

Democrats turn to the race card to distract from Joe Biden’s looming corruption problems; The View  gets very upset at me for not liking Barbie; and Bronny James suffers a cardiac arrest.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Democrats turns in the race car to distract from Joe Biden looming corruption problems. The view gets very upset me for not liking. Barbie and running james suffers a cardiac arrest adventure, this eventually I'll out today shows monster, makes vpn you, like your web history, being seen and sold to advertisers. No me neither can express vpn right now express vpn dot com, slash Ben said today. Hunter Biden is expected to plead guilty to a couple of misses No account of failing to pay his taxes and a federal court house in delaware. That is, of course, You NBC news is the first time the justice department brought charges against the child of sitting president, but of course the charges have been knocked way way way Out he's going to iris whistleblowers, this dude hunter Biden took in literally seventeen point three million dollars on behalf of the family over the course of two thousand fourteen Doesn't nineteen and then the irs addio J and the die, all waited until a bunch of the tax evasion, charges had basically fallen off the radar? They went beyond the statute of limitations and then, of course,
apparently, according to the iris whistleblowers, deny David Weiss. The US attorney in this case the ability to pursue the case as a special council which have allowed him to do our views in certain ways in charge in certain districts they did not pursue anyone's enquiry about how exactly the money passed two hunter and then, whether that money passed from hunter to the big guy Joe Biden. The media are going to play this up as the d o J and the f b. I really did their job here, but this is a sweetheart plea arrangement and everybody knows it. According to recent news by and is expected to follow the terms. The plea agreement reached last month of use attorney David weiss outlining the charges, his office said in a statement. Hunter Biden receive taxable income in excess of one point: five million dollars annually in two thousand and seventeen two thousand and eighteen, despite owing in excess, hundred thousand dollars in federal income tax every year he did not pay any income tax due for either year may mean. Put aside the irony of the fact that Joe Biden is constantly talking about how the rich are escaping, taxes. Now the rich don't pay their version go to and how his son is the wretched
and pay his fair share. I promise you, I paid a lot of money in taxes. Last year I paid way more than my fair share. This dude paid pretty much nothing twenty, seven, twenty eighteen, the fact, is that hundred is being let off the hook it because, as far as the present As for our usual arrangement, Biden, was facing a separate gun charge freely we owning a cold cobra. Thirty eight special gone, but the g o J said they had reached a programme remit and allowed him to essentially go to drug rehab, instead of being charged for lying on federal forms again put aside, the in the fact that Joe Biden has basically said that you, the law, abiding gun owners should not have a gun, and one hundred Biden gets to go to drug rehab after apparently lying on federal forms, helping drug annex in order to obtain a gun which then end up dumped in a dumpster near a high school. Put aside. All of that fact is. This is once again a sweetheart plea arrangement, now is a sort of late breaking story. With regard to the sweetheart plea arrangement, the new york post reporting it yesterday. First, one hundred Biden's legal team appears to pull a dirty trick on tuesday
to block the release of damning evidence ahead was expected guilty bleeds federal drugs of tax evasion and weapons crimes, the drums began in the morning when the house ways and means can be found and advocates breathed delaware, yours district judge, Mary Ellen eureka, arguing the fifty three oral had benefited from court political interference, which calls into question the propriety of the investigation into his alleged crimes finally included the testimony from the two iris whistleblowers. What happened next, was outlined in a letter sent to the judge on tuesday afternoon by the committees at top lawyer, theodoric, Attila woke and a problem we won thirty billion, we receive that our filing was being removed from the rocket. So the house ways and means many filed in amethyst brave asking for the plea bargain to base would be thrown out for corruption. and weirdly enough. They got a notice at one thirty yesterday that the filing move from the dark. We probably contacted the close office as the wherein we advise that so I contacted the court representing they want from my office and that they were asking for some of from the docket we immediately this was an accurate? The clerks offers responded that we need to reach.
while we have done so now until included email exchanges with court officials in hundred binds attorneys in the fresh filing height add following up on a recent telephone conversation, the woman who called was a jessica bangles, confirmed court official samantha grimes. She said she worked with theater aka patella and it was important It was removed immediately or they could find. motion zeal. I do deeply apologised for the confusion on our part. Bangles is the direct of litigation services, at least them in watkins. A massive europe based on offer. and I'm a hundred different Chris Clark was formerly a partner over there. When can you looking for the first ones legal team, hundreds urgent hunters attorneys tried to claim. filing contained confidential and identifying information, even though it was testimonies been public for more than a month, the time stem from the emails indicated their request to take the document that was made. Africa will refuse to request to further testimony under seal. This is what hundred by military role as far as I am aware, the managing attorney from late them and walk and called the clerks office to note that
no tax information of the defendant had been filed in a non redirect manner and to enquire regarding having the information. As we told you, we- wouldn't you said you understood as far as I am aware, the corporate the filing down on their own accord, patella, that more and you should probably take a step back from your statements. The clerk's office advised that it was representing tour. The request is being made by my firm. We will be invited, judge Noriega this improper contacts with them and walk in saying no, we just ask that it be taken damage, didn't it contained identifying information but the house ways and means committee is a narrow. You call them up, and you said that you were us and the euro questing as us that we should take down the filing pretty amazing. So we will see how this shakes out, of course, but one thing is perfectly clear: If the person, whose name or on the charges, were anybody but hunter Biden, bachelor we're going to jail as well. Regional editorial board points out: Eileen, J, o connor writing you'd go to prison for one hundred Biden did. Prison for tax crimes is real in the ninety nineties. Nuclear Mona homely
serve it nearly two years in prison for defrauding the government. haven't or business painter personal expenses declared tax deductions for them. What has been called Your guidance, we are pleading, wasn't the subject of the house oversight, committees July nineteen hearing where the two iris whistleblowers testified lawmakers intended to explore ways in which iris agents said the justice permanent worded their programme again, if wording of the programmes really the big issue here, because our way deeper questions to ask than hundred items tat scrunch like we're? Did the money go? Who was the big guy? Why are there tax on hundred widens computer talk? about how he paid his daddy's bills. Why are there texts on hundred Biden's computer? What's apps, foreign agents saying my daddy is sitting right here. Why is it that all of this was shut down? What we fear, we could find bout. Some answers to this in the future David wife? Who is the hunter? and prosecutor who, according to iris whistleblowers, was essentially block from special council status. He How may testify in front of congress will get to that just one more than first, you know companies.
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the bureau- that's pure talk wireless for americans by americans- go check them out right now. Ok, so Now the hunter button prosecutor, David wise, he's the us attorney for the district of delaware. Apparently he will be allowed to testify before the house judiciary committee. Department of justice sent a letter to the judiciary committee. according to the daily wire white. His testimony would come after the announcement of a pleads. You we're hunter would plead guilty the deed J appreciates the committee on the judiciary, acceptance of our offer for waste to testify in a public hearing before the committee harmonies rachel offer wise to testify shortly after congress. Return from the august district work period as described more fully below the potential dates for the testimony for twenty seven or twenty eight october eighteenth nineteen That is a long time in the future. You may notice that the data is July. Twenty six maritime last september Toby for wasted testify, because these apparently so darn busy the medea J added in his letter that there are many. We're standing about what exactly it's work was and why? Why wasn't? I special council status or if he was according to whether what we are doing
concerned by any misrepresentations about our work, whether deliberate or using for misunderstandings, could unduly harm public confidence in the even handed administration of justice to which we have dedicated. Well, I mean I am concerned about the even handed administration of justice, given the fact that, apparently, according to the ira whistleblowers Why was barred from asking serious questions where the irs agents about how, it was blowing, which is the exact topic of this investigation. I get one iris, along just ziegler, he's the gay Democrat who point that out during doings testimony to say, listen errand have dog in this fight. beauty. Several statements made by wise saying that hunter should is more serious. Criminal charges. Now David waste has been very worley about what exactly he asked for more exactly he received from the g o j Apparently there was an open meeting where he told iris whistleblowers that he had asked for. Special council status was denied. Then our garland was like well, he never asked for it which
If you watched the question as to why you didn't give it to him in the first place, which is exactly what merrick garland did do with regard to, for example, the special counsel going after donald trump, there, america was like hands off you get special council status when it came to hundred Biden, it was like well elsie asked for them. I suppose I will give it to him. then we in have an arguing over who asked for what, when all this is going to blog and public because the fact is that we now have too many pieces of information suggesting corruption involving Joe. We do beyond the all the texts from hunter again that the most damning text remains the two thousand and eighteen texts from hunter Biden to his daughter, which she says he pays dad's bills. That is a wildly damning text, but now we have information has been put forward by no less than two hundred items This virus talking about jos involvement into the in the business, at least to the extent that jos being used as the deuce ex magna it when something happening and they needed joe to demonstrate that they actually had some pull the column on the phone devon archer, who is John, carries
son in law and in somebody who is busy partners with undermining he supposed to testify. And closed doors this week. About all of that, and of course, we know, tat, when you bob Linsky, was largely ignored in twenty twenty said exactly the same thing, you said that hundreds would call Joe Biden up on the phone. You would bring Joe Biden meetings. All the rest of this sort of stuff on cabin mccarthy, for parts as the impeachment inquiry will probably get underway sometime in the near future, is very jolly impeachment inquiry does not lead to impeachment I've yet to see an impeachment inquiry that does not lead to impeachment and again it is it. I I find it incredibly difficult to believe I laid out the inside timeline yesterday on the show that Joe Biden is pure, is the driven snow knew nothing about hundred picking up bags of foreign cash all over the world. using his name was on the phone with hunter and form business partners, with squiring hunter on air force to to places like china and was acting policy in the countries where hundreds picking up the cash all this just a big going to dinky speaker mccoy, We said yesterday that impeachment inquiry could be something very likely in the near future
So now you have the president saying one thing that we prove it is not true. You ve got iris whistle blower, saying something when it comes to go. treating the binds different. You got an informed, claiming that the Biden family had been bribed should you ignore that are should investigate that? The only way you can investigate that is through an impeachment inquiry so, the committee would have the power to get all the documents that they would mean what I said last nine, and I continue. I said it before More of this continues to unravel it right. As is to the level of impeachment inquiry, where you would have the congress to have the power to get to all these answers? I would think the Biden family would want to answer these questions as well, provide the documents instead of holding them back. What's amazing about this, is the Democrats response to all of us, because again,
the evidence. Is there that there was something to various going on? I mean and Joe are worth their hand in glove for years on end, while all this is going round and meanwhile, Jimmy rascal, who again was one of leaders of the impeachment into donald trump. Who said that this is a second here, years old allegations were what would first constitute first inelegant. I mean it is not secondhand hand about He was business partners of undermining devon. Archer was business punter was business partners with undermining hunter Biden. Texted things about joke. That's all That's not second hand, there is a very very first in these are people who are directly involved in the allegations at issue apparel. According to jimmy risk, in the only thing that would count as a first hand, allegation is Joe Biden raised his hand and literally said, money removes rose on, or he got drank records into spilled them in public view, which is something he absolutely will never do. while the white house is treating unquote, their eagerness to after Biden regard the truth is seemingly bottomless. At a brief,
tuesday? Why has prosecutor green jean Pierre said we're not gonna get inside pathetically when asked about european efforts to impede Biden now this was always going to happen. Ok because Joe Biden has been crop for very very, in time I mean the dude, a lotta houses for a guy who's on, like eight hundred and fifty thousand, a thousand a year salary as asunder, and yet he had very, very nice houses in delaware. There there's been talk about Joe Biden and the delaware credit card companies. Favor a long time to this is not anything new or shocking, yelling and shocking, the extent to which the media will go do not ask serious questions about this. Meanwhile, other democratic are completely uninterested in this inquiry. Here's representative madeline dean, she's a Democrat from Pennsylvania, just I've no cost about this, all my questions have been answered, really I loved here they're answered and we're questions. You asked so we're at a time of great contrast, democrats leading investing in america and republicans chasing conspiracy theories on the subject of what could be appending impeachment inquiry into into president.
what questions? If any, do you have about Joe Biden's connection to hunter Biden's business dealings. I don't have any at this point, but certainly there are questions that can be asked and and should be answered if there was the connection, but we don't see any evidence of that whatsoever, so they're making it a whole cloth norman can you up. Everything is made up, which is weird because is not made up and again we let out the entire time line and we have current contemporaneous documentation and we have whistleblower allegations and we have confidential human sources hooks so we say but the the breeze. My were openly claim to bribe the hunter and Joe Biden, and all of this is worthy of questioning. Is it not? we're just told to hand over the way it's all old allegations who cares better, but there there's nothing. There's nothing to see here, but here's the thing the smoke is going to lead to fire
and the smoke is not there for no reason in the second we'll get to Joe Biden continuing collapse on a personal level You want the one you're anniversary of overturning rovers. Wait, there's a lot of work to be done. In fact you might as well. We are now than ever because there is more work than is capable being done. Abortion is still the leading cause of death among infants in the united states and on planet earth, sadly, but the abortion he'll, accounting for fifty percent of all abortions, babies, lads heart a greater risk now than ever. Thankfully, you, can do something about it. Thanks to our partners at pre boys network of clinics reborn is the largest provider of free sounds in the united states. They offer love at supporting compassion to hurting women, helping them make the right choice by letting a mom, see and hear her baby and ultrasound. The child's chance in life is doubled. People and clinics provide moms, his life of maternity and baby clothes, diapers car seats, counseling and much more, all those services up to two years of assistance are provided free of charge. All of this, so the mommy will have it. Maybe jointly on emissions, have seventeen thousand babies from abortion. One alternative twenty bucks, One hundred forty dollar donation does five babies chance in life of fifteen dollars.
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the president, claims that his care cancer- perhaps next you will cure dementia, I have I have. I have doubts and quibbles. Meanwhile, in is to Joe Biden story of that. It's funny because it essentially little sad as a new dog owner. Let me tell you: how your dog act is largely reflection, hey train it out. If you are good in and your dog, your dog, will not by people and yet Joe Biden has had not one but two dogs who apparently routinely bite people according to the new york times, one of press, mine's dog has now bitten. Several secret service agents and even set one to the hospital part of a series of at least ten incidence of aggressive behaviour according to internal wales, recently obtained by conservative watchdog group. The correspondence shows commander the nearly two year old german shepherd has struggled to adjust to life at the white house where he arrived in two thousand twenty one and delaware where the viands onto homes early november, twenty twenty two affair, on the white house. Medical team shows you send an officer who commander had bitten on the arm and the fight to the hospital. Just a week later, and agents on agents left die, that's more than other agent was left shaken when he felt the need to weigh up the chair. You sitting on Use a shield when commander began
barking at him from the top of a white house staircase six of the innocents, whereby the result in some form of medical attention. This this is not the only Biden dog we ve been a bad bad dog, go in fourteen twenty one, the partnership to have their other dogs champ in major to delaware. For two weeks of printing after major, had a bite, and with way how staff member jumped I'd later there here assassinated by Hillary Clinton. Apparently so gap is easy. There brett great great job job by Meanwhile, on policy front, a federal judge has now tossing Joe Biden administration asylum rule for migrants, according to the washington post judging california, struck down the bite administrations. Timber restrictions on migrants seeking asylum ruined its plans to reduce illegal crossings on the mexico were actually violated, federal law, so they put in place a system imposed, penalize penalty migrants across the border illegally trained a funnel them to ports of entry? Where then they'll, when the country, willy nilly and so has been. The result is a lot fewer lines at the border there have been,
It was chaos on the border, but a lot of those people to enter the country. Willy nilly, bigger problem came to illegal immigration was never the kind of vast. On the border problem was what problem remains, which is good illegally entering the country by claiming us, I would when they don't actually have a legal right to asylum, but because the process works and is overloaded in this that you come, you claim asylum, and then we basically give you a delhi ticket counter and we say show up in three months furnaces I'm claim, and then you drop in three months. Let me give you another tickets and show up for a court it than you ever shop again. Today. agree. This is what happens. People show up for the first court date, but not their second court date. This is why you have eleven twelve fourteen million illegal immigrants in the united it will now. A judge has argued that Joe Biden you can do that. So even legal immigration policy, the Joe Biden design in order to get people to at least, stand in line at the ports of entry. Now, judges said and even do that accord the washington post, the judge, sided with advocate
groups. It is argued. The vine restrictions violated federal law by endangering migrants fleeing harm and preventing migrants from seeking asylum if they cross the border illegally, which congress never intended. So, even no binds attempts to regular eyes. His a bad illegal immigration policy are failing on every front. Well, when democrats are failing when approval ratings are low, when it appears that the president of the united states is on a weakened footing. Well, it's precisely that time they can expect. The Democrats are probably don't start playing the re scarred and, as you might have gas, that is precisely what is happening it's momentarily first, but when I wake up every morning, my kids wake me up. Businessmen, my three or old- she woke me up fairly early being very few, but the only thing you get me going. Is my black rifle coffee, black river coffee literally fuels the daily wire office drinks about forty pounds, their coffee every single week, if you haven't tried black river Yet you need to a great places. Is their complete. The mission fuel sampler, giving a taste of the entire spectrum of black rifle coffee flavour profiles, offering for
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these are the wages of racism, and so now the federal government is going to establish the emmett till and mainly to mobilise national monument, which is going to be in a few different places, its eyes on just one place The monument honours not only emmett tell, but also his mother, who became a renowned civil rights advocate, we will wait. House visual, new monument will protect places to tell a story of emmett too short life and racially what about the murder, the unjust acquittal of the murderers and the activism of his mother, who courageously brought the world's attention to the brutal injustices and racism of the time catalyzing civil rights movement and it will include things like the robbers temple church of god of increased in Chicago. That is, where funeral service was held also the gabel landing in mississippi, where words believe that tells bodies recovered from the teller Hatchie river. That will be the second location the third location will be any tell Hatchie county. Second, this record house in mississippi we're tells killers were acquitted. All of that will it is worth remembering the evils of american history in order that we can see how far we ve come, but that's not the real reason why Joe Biden is
the reason that Joe Biden is doing this, as you can see from the announcement the real reason Joe Biden, Como Harris are doing, this is so they can pretend that they are a bunch of republicans large, It's like the that is the way they that really is growth, should we something about which americans are fairly united, I would hope universal united a merit American racism is evil. Racism is bad, the murder of people on the basis of their skin. evil right. We should all be on the same side of that. So why is it that this administration is now using this announcement of the monument in order to go after ron de santis in florida and falsely claim that florida is replete with the same kind of racism? It's really gross. So by letter off yesterday, he was talking about complicity in complicity in ism and, as you'll see this more more very, very quickly into an attack. Joe Biden, uncommonly harris's political opponents. it's the lesson I learned coming out or not like real leaders and civil rights mobiles. I came out of the civil rights movement as a kid. Defender and I used to- and I,
you say you think it he passed, something This could make it go away. He ever goes away just hides It hides the rocks? and give a little bit of oxygen like bad people. become roar and out again. it's up to all of us to deal with it, After all of us to stop it, all of us the best. It is the truth, those regions in different contexts put. I think it's time applies here. Silence is complicity. I will not be silent, nor will you be silent Okay again when he says things like it doesn't go away. It just hides under rocks and first of all, racism in the united states has abated beyond any. Western country by a long shot. I love the pulling rights, for example, interracial marriage, it went from
virtually no in the united states was in favour of interracial marriage to everyone in the united states is fine with interracial marriage by the polling data. According Joe Biden, he never goes. Waitress goes to hide, so what does he mean by that? What does he mean? What you know? What the implication is the implication is that, even though those evil republicans who oppose Joe Biden won't openly be racist, quietly, they're very racist, kamala Harris who you know is obviously ramping up for the possibility to draw mind just keels over any day, because he looks like he's going to kill over any day. She really does
says the choir part out loud. She just goes right after wanders answers in florida. Again, there is a reason why their linking these two issues today there are those in our nation would prefer to erase or even rewrite the ugly parts of our past those who attempt to teach that enslaved people benefited from slavery. Those who insult us in an attempt to gaslight us who try to divide our nation with unnecessary debates. Let us not be seduced into believing that somehow we will be better if we forget so number one. No one's forgetting people get taught about emmett till in florida Old, what she's saying here, which is that these are its unnecessary to have debates over american history release into you. Guys are the ones who pushed the sixteen nineteen project. You are the ones you suggest that america's ray History means that today,
The only solution is quote, unquote: racial equity. When it comes to government policy, I e reverse racism in american government policy. This is what they're doing its super gross. It's really grows honestly, find me the american politician of either already today, whose like yeah I'm a big, I'm standing for emil's murmurs like who are those people, they don't exist, but it doesn't matter. campbell harris believes, and she wants you to believe that really down deep Applicants are very much in favour of black people being murdered for no reason at all. She did this by what she was saying all this during the m until announcement, which super disgusting, I mean really is growth is Joe Biden doing the same is acting. at a time when there are those who seek to ban books. Very history were made. Kelly, clear, crystal crystal clear darkness and denialism can hide much they re nothing
but they re snuffy. We can't just choose alarm what we want to know. We have to learn what was she like funny, I should know about our country. We should everything, the good bad, the truth who we are as a nation. gas letting liars is such liars their wires. Ok, all this gets taught in florida, schools, nothing! Ronnie santa's has passed in the of lord I sign into one's native florida bars. The teacher american history. On the contrary, it preserves the teaching of american history by preventing the inculcation of lies into the curriculum wise like. If you are black, currently victimized in united states and if your white, your inherently privileged in the united states of america, and that all systems of power in the united states are created for the explicit promotion of white people, that's what critical ray. The teachers, that's what they're attempting to ban in the state of florida, not teaching the evils of american history or wait supremacy, what it's a lie, there liars and it's disgusting. It truly is growth
years ago. There is no disagreement in united states about the evils of a man, in history. When it comes to racism and white supremacy, there's noticed women about that. You only too, is that you guys all say at the white supremacy is still there working beneath america's surface and that all of america's key institutions from capitalism to the meritocracy have been infused by that evil racism. And thus, if you oppose the democratic agenda secretly, you are a white supremacist secretly. Your league, damn it sells murderers, that's the case there trying to some of them are even more open. Abc news is mary, Bruce actually openly try to connect longest answers to the linking of emma till now, the president's consummate the president, who is roughly the same age that it would have been a continent seeing this controversial and very polarizing debate in this country over the teaching of black history, that move by the floor to board of education, to teach that some slaves may have benefited from the skills they developed sparking a fire storm. But robin this white house says that monuments like this to till will help to teach the complete story
of our nations history robin yet how about rhonda chances in the evils? Meanwhile, MSNBC hosty, Andrea Mitchell, another objective journalism she comes but this is also happening in some states- are being accused of chipping away the teaching of black history. The accurate teaching round sensitive used by the Washington post editorial or just yesterday a french quote: whitewash slavery. It's it's so decide I think it's so clearly disgusting and then there's secondary disgustingness, so gregg got heartfelt his on fox news doing a shout, and he was talking about are these false accusations. With regard to run this answers are obvious. As the couple harrison Joe Biden are talking about about how american history won't be top, like history will be taught in flora, schools anymore, which they lie. It is not true It is a lie. Ok, so got felt. It was talking about the part of the curriculum that says that some slaves debated skills they could use for the personal benefit after slavery, which is clearly true, and he makes the pretty much unobjectionable point.
but even in the worst circumstances, human beings could possibly be in. They cultivate skills because this how human beings adapt and survive and demonstrates their resiliency, even in the worst places human beings can be. They cultivate skills that they can use for the personal benefit afterward and The comparison to viktor Frankl ready man search for meeting after the holocaust, the notion that he was able to cultivate certain spiritual levels through suffering in the holocaust and I naturally then I've comes on that. It's just intimate your ears, gregg heartfelt. Do you think that she read the whole thing, and this decided to cherry pick something I I do think that she read the whole thing and I think that it an incredibly complex peace when you have a hundred ninety one passage as you have some good, and frankly, I'm just fundamentally uncomfortable with the sentence that boy spend offended at all from this and made me
someone, obviously I'm not black, but I'm jewish. Would someone say about the holocaust, for instance, that there were some benefits for Jews right while they were hang out and concentration. and you weren't a strong work ethic right. Maybe you learned a new scale. Did you ever made man search for meaning thick franco, talks about how you had to survive it's very often camp. By having skills you had to be useful utility, The facility kept talking about middle schoolers here here again wicked field says there is absolutely unobjectionable as an orthodox. True, no end thank god MIKE my immediate family. Our family line was in america since the early twentieth century, but the entire extended family was in europe at the time of the holocaust or we lost a lot of you know. Just relations and family relations in europe during the holocaust, of course, billions guns in the jewish community, employment. Everybody knows a holocaust survivor, what he is saying there, which is that the durability and the adaptability of human beings. The resilience of human beings in terrible circumstances leads them to. Culture
skills that are useful to them in the rest of their lives, even in the worst circumstances, one of the glories of being a human being. That's actual. So what is the white house? Do they immediately call him, and now he raymond you're, not bright. Just qatar love brought it up, but wait for the weight. The usual castro characterised you sound off so andrew bates. What fox news allowed to be set on the air yesterday is an obscenity. in defending a horrid, dangerous extreme lie that insults the memory of millions of americans who suffer from the evil of enslavement. A fox news told another horrid, dangerous and extreme. Why and insults the memory of the millions of people who suffer from the evils of the holocaust. There was nothing good slavery, there's nothing good about the holocaust foresight, no one said: there's anything good about slavery, the holocaust. They said the brazilian. Human beings sometimes are capable of making the best of theirs their horrific situations, which, of course, is true. Then of course, True, that's the story of the heroes of the slaves making the best of when the world war situations in human history. Same thing holocaust survivors by trying to
to survive, trying to cultivate a skill set. Well, the worst horrors a human being, can imagine, but of course they have to lie, they have to lie. I I first of all I don't wanna, hear this white house talk about antisemitism, because this white house is replete with antisemitism. This white is perfectly willing to roast on a spit the state of Israel front of iran that perfectly willing to do it here. That they are perfectly to bend over backwards for like some proceeded to leave and ill had omar in them. about anti semitism aided, you won't talk about ridiculous letting that would be it. So whether in the white house gonna play the rays card, because this is what they have to do. Meanwhile, on the right side of the isle, it appears the donald trump is cruising toward the nomination will talk more about that in just one taken. First, if you are higher, probably dealing with economic uncertainty, now more than ever as important a higher the radical, faster and more efficiently to keep those overall costs down. Thankfully, zip workers Erin partner focused on you and you need from pricing to technology everything's. A does this for you right now. You try them for free at grew dot com, slash daily wire, zip workers
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radical tradition, others have lied themselves and I think they know needed spouts. They think they'd, rather billy dog bomber, something well, here's the thing men and women are both convince for now they're, better off being single. That is a lie. It is not true, despite what the left would have. You believe. Marriage is a profound good finally, personally mentally physically, that's just scratching the surface of the earth, it's emerging alone, all about it and Denis breakers new episode of Prager. You masters ram streaming exclusively over a daily wire plus epigram is massive programme. And is sure in forty years worth of harden wisdom. Exploring all kinds of topics like the consequence, secularism. Whether human nature is basically good the differences between left and right. This episode will make couples think differently about marriage. If you're single observe will absolutely open your eyes. Go to daily wire, plus dot com, become a number watch Prager you masters programme today, ok, meanwhile, the republican side of I'll donald from continues to lead by leaps and bounds, the rest of the republican field in In terms of national pulling wanted things that is propping trumped up atop, the republican field is the feeling by republicans in polling. Data shows us that he asked
This is the most viable candidate to go up against Joe Biden, but that is not what the statistics are. The statistics suggest that broad sense, for example, run better than than trump word against Biden in swing states like wisconsin as oana Georgia, but there is some national hauling that has trumped up against Joe Biden, there's a late messenger harris exports from July twenty first and twenty fourth and shows trump for on Joe Biden, has more cause of all the chosen within two of Joe Biden. There's a harvard harris polishers, my five on Joe Biden, so there's some polling day to suggesting that, I was actually outrunning Biden at this point again in the race for, republican nomination. Right now, the republican, nomination race has trump, with a thirty four percent lead on average. The latest morning, consul polls show him at fifty nine percent sixteen percent for his answers. Eight percent for roma, twenty six percent for parents and meanwhile there is a harvard harris bolt showing him with a forty point lead over on his answers. with Paul, showing him with again a thirty point led thirty, two point we over on his hands. Fifty four to twenty two
in the story, the campaign thus far is that no one seems to have broken loose from the rest of the field. Trump is just sticking around fifty per and everybody else is engaged in this kind of scrub near the bottom. Meet the expectations early on in the race. I think for a lot of people, including me, was that Ronda stance is going to break loose in this race right now he's in the middle of a campaign shakeup. He just had to fire about a third of his staffers who spending too much on staff, and so now he's attempting to recapitulate. His campaign I would assume at some point did he's going to get aggressive with the media. I thought that you do get it over with jake tapir last week that the issue of with the rest of the report in fields that no one else is going to start jumping out from the rest of the republican feel. So maybe that will happen. in the future right now that is not happening. Just answers is going to have to recapitulate and he's going to have to rewatch his campaign in fairly short order. Now that has happened before to be fair, John Mccain was abandoned, left for in two thousand eight, in two thousand seven may two thousand he wasn't charting and pulls Rudy giuliani was leading in all the polls in two thousand and seven iranian twenty twelve was basically the front runner. All the way through, but there are people like you
Bush were running really well at this point in the race in two thousand and sixteen. So it's still very early, but things are going to have to change rather dramatically. There is a reason why the term campaign is is focusing fire understands. Is they they put out a bizarre statement yesterday that from campaign? using rhonda chances of colluding with the binding deal J, which is four weird: how do you know that supposed to mean They literally put out a letter saying dissenters and his establishment handlers have resorted to directly parroting. The talking points radical leftists when, right sanctimonious was most recently summoned before donors to explain his wailing campaign has tolerated, the major waiting donor money on fire, though even more telling atop the sentence, fundraiser confess there How does your light? An endless political prosecutions of president from by radical left is prosecutor, another claiming santas is somehow in league with the d o j, I mean this is really weak stuff. Here's the thing is that going to translate to a general election for trump. This is the big question. People should be asking themselves again I'd love to see the data supporting it.
Yeah the strongest candidate? Not that he's stronger than bad, maybe is maybe he's not yet. I have doubts, but the the data that he is. The strongest candidate against Biden is somewhat lacking, and that is particularly going to be a problem for him, given the fact that again, a lot of the people who are around donald trump, are now putting from an uncomfortable position. So today, in a court filing Rudy giuliani, just admitted that false allegations about georgia, election workers and no longer contest the outcome of the georgian election it was leading up a lot of the election narrative, twenty twenty, Donald from actually won in georgia. He was putting significant pressure on people in georgia. Now he's admitting that use making stuff up in georgia. is any of that stuff can matter in the primary. Absolutely not is any of that stuff going to matter in terms the general election. Certainly I'm going to help president drunk, but right now from is by far the most horrible candidate in the field. He's proved that he has the support of about forty five to fifty none of the republican base and unless another republican changes their strategy and breaks loose, it will be
for the nomination- that's it we shout appears right now. Now republicans are facing some pretty uphill battles in twenty twenty four situation. Overall, according to the wall street journal new highest court is that way in congressional maps in the state, a ruling l, a sacred position, democrats to pick up as many as five. U s house districts in closely held chamber, you're, Wiggins on tuesday appealed the most recent ruling in a democratic lawsuit that seeks to throw out district lines that were in place for last year's elections and helped the glp pick up three seats in the empire. State Democrats said those maps were only meant to be in place for twenty twenty two, the new york state court of appeals, apparently, is likely to rule along those lines. That means that if republican redistricting, north carolina and ohio happens, new york will then re restrict itself, and at present had a bunch of house. Palsied back to Democrats be henriette. Mostly health housing. These battles are ones, be ongoing. The countries but very close to fifty fifty every available, I'm ok. Meanwhile, the latest in the can,
doing fall out from me not liking barbie. Apparently, this is just an endless national story and I'm confused as to why except american views I meant and a couple of days gone show. The reality is that I stepped up on the idle you're not supposed to step upon the idle you're, not supposed to mention the barbies about movie you're, not supposed to mention the radical feminist, radical feminism is complete, Failure, as was mentioned earlier, that because the idolatry of these movies of these cultural totems must be complete and you must be made to bear before them. This, presumably, is why the great intellect, over at the view, were decrying. My specific critique of the barbie movie so as always, I am perfectly willing to go on the view not only perfectly willing, I'm probably eager to go on the view. It has been several years since I have suggested that I come on the view and yet I'm shocked I have never. Dinner. By now, I know for a fact why that is in friendly, with mega mccain news on the show for years she routinely us producers. If I could come on the shown they routinely said now. I wonder why in any case would be goldberg weaving light.
And any person who believes that, apparently, hitler was not erased. It will Whoopi Goldberg had some views about ending the wolf barbie movie. That y'all be happy issue has no genitalia sex involved can has no genitally. So he can't me to answer doll. movie- and you know who the kids know it's colorful and its barbie veda haven't lived through what the adult have left so when you're, seeing this moves, that's not how there looking at the cannes. Looking there's a barbie movie, you guys, I want you tell your daughter's. Why you're not taken them to see the barbara I'm so taken by the seventies right when men, who have all these thoughts on masculinity like somehow the barbie movies gonna, make them feel emasculated, no caring, so
about it is obviously the most emasculating thing I can think of vat at the last minute. As an engineer and if you're sitting there new footed on ahead- and it was they looked like you should be in the buy it now- oh oh in in what capacity will be there? That's that that's a strange. I look like I should be in the barbie movie, because I stunning ryan gosling, like good books. I won't work Ok! So just a few comments on this, a few comments on this number on the insane gasoline by people like will be goal: briggs amazing, so they made barbie into a cultural moment, intercultural moment and the movie stacks of politics. Every single review left and right point out there, step two politics: they please dumb ass game. It's a really ridiculous. Clown knows on clown. Nose off came well, it's so political it! So, port and everyone should see it has such important things to say about the state of modern womanhood and then we're like yeah. What has to say is garbage and stupid and wrong and bad for girls, and then the like. It's just a movie about at all, it's just a movie about adopt. Why subset of a movie about it all. I know why
said that, I would set about movie about it's all, because it's not just a movie about a doll you idiots, obviously you're really lie or to meet you No that's not a movie about it all only it's a movie about men and about women and about feminism and about the patriarchy. You know what that when a girl who made the damn thing you know, what's that Remember of the media. Ever included will be goldberg, so this whole regime well! Well, I don't even know why you're so upset about this. I don't even know why you care verse, while the monkeys, bad I'm upset it wasted too much ado two hours of my life on the movie, but what really is upsetting? Is the gas lighting is the lying? You don't get to say, look into super import. thing, and then I noticed I'm lucky. I think it's bad. No, it is not even important all. Why we ve been noticing it. It's so irritating cassettes. Number one number two: I was affair griffin. Ok, I know Alyssa catalyst Work in my pants off is the first time I visited the white house. Alyssa was an aid to my pants and shoes, and of the show gay and I'm home. making a personal view so decided to make this personal. So let me point out here that we are talking about.
emasculation and all the rest. You noticed kind of emasculating moving from mike pensive office over to the view where you get to be designated conservative, that all of your friends, your pseudo friends. dump on every single day and where you win points of favor, and they pay you on the hand, give you little scooby, treats if you say the right thing, as far as feeling emasculated on a personal level- I just had my fourth kid man like gimme, a break my region, success has been assured at this point. Folks, I'm not particularly concerned about the imagination charge from this affair, a griffin by the way. Again you guys I notice that you spend a lot of your our time on this so Yeah, obviously, is important for you to comment on. Here's the overall to the overall. Take again is that for a group wine moms, who art daytime drunk watching barbie movie by themselves crying in america for era whining about being a woman, and then they go on the view, and then they talk about it. And then you mentioned the movies,
This is idolatry. You must never ever ever speak ill of the bretton woods of the worthy must never speak ill of movies What is this too? And if you do- and they will pretend real story. Is that why you even know why is it a movie about adult by the way? America first barbie speech barely two days and thirty to fifty takes to film, which is incredible? Could it sucks he's got a point out? It's bad! It's a bad! Take it need to fifty takes refilling citizen kane here thirty to fifty tags for america, verdicts whiny speed, Apparently gretta garlic said that when she gave that speech, everyone on was crying in the men, the women they were all crying. Only the most self absorbed people in the world would cry over speech as pathetic, dull and and honestly, shallow, as as that particular speech Meanwhile, in other news they made a lot of headlines yesterday, brony james, whose lebron James his son and is expected to be or was expected, be a first round pick in the n b. A draft at some point in the very near future apparently suffered a cardiac
arrest. You since been released from the icy you and stable condition, according to a statement from the I see Galen center yesterday, while practicing Brian James suffered a cardiac arrest, medical staff was able to treat brony and take him to the hospital he's now in stable condition. No longer in the icy you we ask for respect and privacy for the James family. the media, when there's more information about this I wish to publicly send their deepest thanks and appreciation to the: u s, medical and athletic staff for their incredible work and dedication to the safety of their athletes. This, of course, lead to a massive amount of speculation online that perhaps the reason that brony and had a cardiac arrest is because of the wild spate of cardiac. The minutes. Variance by young men in the aftermath of the covert pandemic is a lot of suggestion, the vaccinations in particular, because they cause a higher rate of my o cardenas than the norm. That because of that What has led to things like branch of now? We don't have any information about that, and so I'm not fond of speculating on the medical situations of people, because it's quite possible that there's a congenital heart defect right, one before
Kobe or vaccines were thing. People like reggie lewis, who played for the boston, celtics literally dropped dead of cardiac arrest. She was a star for the boston celtics. This sort of stuff has happened, for a very long time. In the country the rates are are much higher. It is unclear just to give you the data. It is unclear whether those rates being high. There is entirely due to young people taking the kovacs or whether it is due to young people also actually getting cold, because there is a rate of increase male cardenas among young people who get Cobain as well. Now for the vat has vast majority. Young people they're not going to have a cardiac arrest. It is true that the second dose of the vaccine particularly raises the risk of a mile cardenas for young men in particular. according to a systematic review of the evidence that was released in April of twenty twenty three, this from pubmed, apparently the highest incidence of american range from eight point- nine thirty nine case for one hundred thousand persons in studies using
for stratify years, six studies reported in incidents greater than fifteen cases per one hundred thousand persons or doses in males aged twelve to twenty four, after dose to have an m r and a based vaccine. So there are a lot of questions about the myocarditis effects, on young man. I know that their people wisely do frequently with doktor mortimer carry over johns hopkins was deeply concerned. I think we should all be concerned over the rate. America, that is arising in young men after the taking, That is also unclear at this point, whether what what sort of different, shall I just to give you the data again is not political point is just what data we have available is unclear. The differential in my car data related incidents for young people who have gotten covert verses. Young people have gotten the cove it back in the evening seems to show America as post vaccine is less severe than it might cardenas post covered, but may be, many more people were actually getting. Marca are getting it.
the vaccine as opposed to call it. We just Don'T- have solid numbers on any of that. Apparently there's a study by penn state college medicine. This came out october of twenty twenty two and found that the risk of veld while current is sometimes higher with kobe nineteen infection than with the vaccine but again we seem to mixed evidence on all this. The only reason I'm pointing this out is because in this that I'm not fond of suggesting that every day and every time it's a hot day outside that is because you drove your car, I'm not fond of jumping to conclusions about brawny james is vast status or whether it was the vaccine. Did this son, pure speculation. We can wait for it. It may very well be that scene. I don't know you don't know nobody knows, except as doctors at this point we'll find out in short order, and so I'm very much a fan of waiting until we have the evidence to us to determine what the case is now. Does that mean that Eighteen years old, I'm saying you forget about no, I'm not saying that. In fact I did not get my kids vaccinated. Nor do I that would be a wise decision. I think that, basically must you are morbidly obese or by the age of sixty five, the evidence,
very dicey on whether you should be taken the vaccine as opposed to just getting about of va. But with that said again, I think the wise move in all of these situations and the fact that you can convert some kind of crazy is wait for them. No evidence to arrive as to what exactly happened to brawny james before engaging in speculation. Ok, meanwhile, over in Israel, the media are blowing up the situation in Israel or the countries about to collapse. It is not. It is really stupid. People who are taking advantage of situation in order to exacerbate perceived global weakness in the state of Israel Let me comment on this because it is being treated as top of news for everyone. Its that's happened was for anyone. This is an internal debate in israel over a fairly small judicial reform at measure yesterday, for example, there isn't it and by the? U t J, as I mentioned, that united tragedies, which is already party of an ultra orthodox party, to push forward in actual bill there would have that tourist areas, equivalent you army service and the coalition
duty years apart were like nope we're not putting that up, because it's bad we're not doing it. That did not get the sort of coverage that the git that the initial reform has gotten his quote: unquote: a divisive factor in israeli society. This is why, we went when you see, for example, the stupidity of moody's downgrading the debt of of Israel is just ridiculous, is really really stupid. Moody moody's giving a negative report, because you know there are people who don't agree with the government did is really foolish. It's also worth noting at this point that the media coverage Well, look at that. Ten thousand reservists say that they're not gonna show up on a volume your basis to start. First of all, if there's a war there showing up number two, there are literally tens of thousands of reserves will show up, but nobody ever pays attention to any of that. All I'm just saying comes to this particular issue, is give it time it will come down. Just there are massive rise in france. Knitting get this sort of attention and there, in france are much more indicative of bleeding social decay in france than the current conflict in Israel is indicative of some sort of internal collapse
Ok time for equipping. I like and then a thing that I hate so things that I like I will admit that I am laughing about the essential barbara suburb, that is very upset about some. moving in prince area and Markel according to the new post when mobiles in a secluded, santa Barbara, california, enclave of hope, ran heard. The prince Harry and Meghan Markle might be keen on leaving nearby matsuri to buy a home in the exclusive suburb they didn't roll out. The welcome mat, a whole branch, realtor told the post. months after the rumours reported their office continues to field tk calls from concern long term residents who fear the couple and their security team will disturb the peace in the quiet community warehouses go for as much as twenty point: five million hours. People are not happy, that's all around town; they want them to stay in months cedar and up, I'm a kind of attention to hope branch. Another real turned santa Barbara native confirm to the post, so at first of all, they all urban all them deserve each other of the rich while these santa barbara residents are very into the lived em. that they enjoy their new neighbours,
We don't want attention, please, please stop paying us attention south park characters of harry and Megan, who are quickly running out of things to make them prominence. I know, there's been a lot of speculation about the possibility that the couple breaks up there's been a lot of page six speculation about that possibility, which they have kids, that we say Any divorce involving kids would be really really sad. It would not be surprising, given exactly the course of this marriage and who made an markel has proved herself to be, unfortunately, ok time for a quick thing that I hate.
so crime in leftwing areas. Now so bad that even cnn has to cover its it. Yesterday, cnn senior national correspondents, young law report on crime in san francisco, real to retail shops. Reporters pre stunning queenborough walked into a san francisco walgreens when he saw in the frozen food section. This chaise heavy chains that went from padlocked padlock on both sides of the doors, and this was a bizarre something I've never seen before. This is just more icing on the cake telling us that revenue crime is is has become a regular part of life, so typical that in the thirty minutes we were at this walgreens, we watched three people, including this man. Still
the back. I pay the fact I pay you didnt pay unbelievable. So why said it more than a dozen times a day when thieves tried to clean out ice cream and frozen breeders, workers grew so frustrated. They resorted to change their oars, by corporate because of the negative messaging, but walgreens isn't in the only retailer impact in san francisco. Yet to ask an employee for help at this store. Those in food is controlled. They cable, lock, fig eyelashes locked behind play glass, one lotion and nail polish another grocery store. Fourteen dollar bags coffee under lock and key a mate seeing stuff from san francisco so again, wonderful job, leftwing governance rulings, America's most beautiful cities- and you know what you get. What you, vote for already guys. The rest of the show continues right now, you're not going to miss. It will be jumping into the mailbag. If you're, not a member, become a member use called shapiro check out for two months. Rental annual plans, click that link in the description. Join us
Transcript generated on 2023-08-14.