« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1773 - Biden Will Be Impeached

2023-07-25 | 🔗

As Hunter Biden’s former business partner Devon Archer prepares to testify, the stage is set for Joe Biden’s possible impeachment; Republicans struggle to fill the stage for their first presidential debate; and Israel passes a judicial reform package, prompting spasms of apoplexy.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
As hunter buttons, former business partner, divine archer, prepares to testify to stage a set for Joe Biden possible. Impeachment Republican struggled to fill the safe for the first presidential and israel past the judicial reform package, prompting spasms of apoplexy, I'm Ben shapiro, is Ben. Shapiro the today show sponsored by express vpn thousands. My letters have already secured their network data, joined them or recipient icons lifespan. So Joe Biden is just an innocent elderly gentleman he's also in amazing. Father cares deeply about his drug addicted son hunter, and that is the only reason why he has been squire, the hunter around or butter hundreds. squaring him around. Their connection is purely on the up and up at any accusations of baden family corruption. Having Joe Biden are absolutely out of bounds, they are
you shouldn't talk about them. This is the narrative you ve heard over and over again, and Joe Biden has repeated this narrative over and over and over. So for example, Joe Biden has been asked at this point by a thousand times that hundred buttons businesses, because hundred Biden for a decade made money by running around, earth, picnic, giant bags of cash and then doing god knows what, with those giant bags of calf, then, when serious questions about How Joe Biden accrued all of his wealth? Where did all this money come from serious questions? In fact, a lot of those questions were at the center of Donald trump's. First impeachment inquiry when Donald trump called up the president of the rain and ask them to look into allegations of corruption involving breeze. Knowledge is paying hundred by something like eighty three thousand dollars a month, while Joe Biden was vice president and prison. over the foreign policy of the united states with regard to ukraine. Remember that resulted in donald trump being impeach for the first time These areas questions have been swirling about hunter and Joe Biden for a long time, and every single time Joe Biden has
I never knew a damn thing about my son's business. Not once I purely innocent hunter is wonderful guy and there's nothing see here, here's your by saying it over over and over again have you ever spoken to your son about its overseas business dealings. I've never spoken. My son was illnesses museums. What's your understanding of what your son was doing for an extraordinary manner I don't know what he was doing. I know he was on the board I found out. He was on the board after his on the board, and that was it. Nobody. We also a lot of time, isn't something you want to get to the bottom of now, because I trust. My son, I have not taken a penny from any foreign source. Ever in my life, we learn this president paid fifty times the tax in china as a secret bank account with china does business in china and, in fact, is talking about me. Taking money I have not taken a single penny from any country what so ever ever,
Son has not made money in terms of this thing about. What are you talking about china I have not had the only guy made money from china is. This guy is the only one. Nobody else has made money from ten years Joe Biden, is a liar. He is a liar. We know for a fact the job I knew about his sons, businesses, The notion that you do not know about his sons. Businesses is absurd, is absurd on its face from the through the entire timely, and now increasingly appears that Joe was in on it and as more more people around hundred Biden are called testify as more or records emerge, showing people openly talking turning to bribe Joe Biden via hunter hundred impeachment is going to be on the table and predicting right now. Inside the next year there will be impeachment inquiries into Joe Biden. Forget inquiries. There will probably been impeachment vote inside the next year on Joe Biden because of the corruption. That is pretty obviously engulfing. He Biden family here, devon archer is the latest person who set to testify to that
for public oversight committee, he supposed to do that within days three times they ve moved this testimony, Javan, archer and hunter from rosemont seneca part Back in two thousand nine one with christopher hides son in law of former senator John Kerry, he and hundreds managing partners of the firm archer heinz had been dramatic, roommate, archer and hundred Biden accord. you: can uk daily each land and lucrative seats on the board of bereavement, despite hundred not having any expertise in the field is by being a drug So bad he was kicked out of united states navy. The firm brought report in eleven million dollars. Furthermore, the arrangement based on informed and gleaned from hunter's infamous laptop they're photographed golfing, but then by vice president Biden back in two thousand and fourteen and now devon archer is expected to talk with the house oversight committee. His interview, suppose take place behind closed doors. According to an eight who noted such appearances are usually led by committee staff pennell charging James, who issued to subpoena, says he will testify about court all the time he saw Biden meat, hunters business associates following reports under meda habit of putting his dad on speaker felt,
in a possible bid to impressive potential partners and clients. that comes african or another? Top republicans have repeatedly accuse Joe Biden have taken part in crimes, but failing so far to produce the hard evidence, but here is the evidence that is coming it. So let me just begin with this, and this is the statement that should help over everybody's imagination, when you're talking about Joe and hundred by personal, Joe knew full well that hunter vitamins, drug addict, first, rule of drug addicted, family members or friends deprive them of money because they use the money to buy drugs. Joe Biden did not do that. Ed he lent his name and apparently are forced to to his son. So they could run around well hunter picked. A badge of cash here is the statement that should hover in all of everyone. mine, as we examined the timeline here of the relationship between hunter and foreign businesses and his dad, who is now the into the united states and was vice president for much of this. Here is the statement. This is a text from we bite into his daughter and twenty nineteen on the infamous hunter Biden lab.
The non russian disinformation laptop, that hundred biden, drug addicted deerlike left at a computer repair store quote. I hope you can all do what I did and pay for every for this entire family for thirty years, it's really hard, but don't worry. Unlike pop, I won't make you give me half your salary. That is a text from hundred I didn't to his daughter. Twenty nineteen now that's kind of the ballgame. Is it not? Do you think the one hundred button is lying to his daughter when he talks that that actually no money move via one hundred and two job that you just made in all of this up? Does that sound, like the kind of thing that you would text to a family member being entirely false, then when he had ever change hands ever or is that like that? Has the ring of truth about it in Second, we go through the full time line here, because there is now mounting evidence that not only was hunter, obviously speaking with joy about all this. In fact, we know that you, speaking with Joe about all of this den,
men who is a democratic congressperson, essentially spilled as much the other day open hearing- it goes much further than that the chances that the money was flowing from foreign sources, jus hunter and then from hunter to Joe dreamily high and when Joe Biden had an open debate that he never seen before and our technically that may be true receives money directly from the sun, thereby berries, worley and bury loyally over at the white house, their change there too, even if abandoned now line that joan nothing about hundreds business, you list is obviously not route. Through the timeline in just one. Second, first, let's talk about who you trust, you shouldn't trust big tat with your data should dumb thing to do: those people, they use your data to make money off of you. They have back toward the government. Very often your data, Is your business? You should meet in over your data to online data, Workers are selling your information to the problem of homeland security to mass my own digital footprints, protect myself with expressing viviane think how much of your
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strong, narrowly margins that Joe never benefited from hunter buttons, business dealings those chances, are vanishingly small, I'll explain why when you go through the entire time line here- and we are also going to go through some of the documents that have now been provided. by confidential human sources. Talking about what ukrainian, for example, were saying about Joe and hunter Biden and we'll talk about what exactly seven hour has already said what tony bottle Linsky another business partner of joy of hundred binds has said a so I'm a very first twenty thirteen is a time it's been put together, but house oversight committee on november, first, twenty thirteen hunter Biden and some of his friends created china be hr, gave the china be hr. Was a chinese investment from bohai harvest. Rst equity investment fund is controlled by the bank of china, whose focusing on emanate an investment in and reforms of state owned enterprise. That was in november of two thousand and thirteen in december of twenty thirteen
president Biden, an travelled with hunter Biden on air force to to china and methods e o of the company. Jonathan Lee shortly after being jars, business licence was approved and Mine was magically aboard member so understand that the way that works when it comes to foreign corruption is foreign states believe that access to high ranking american officials means that they are going to get sweetheart deals. The reason they believe this is because in their own country, this is in fact outworks. If you're in china, You want to get something done: you're going to have to go to the top levels of the politburo. You're gonna have to talk with members of the ccp, and if high ranking political members and c c approve a thing that means that you can get special benefits. The chinese assume that the same thing works in the united states that you have access to Joe Biden. That means that magically didn't get sweetheart treatment in the united states The same thing is ruining this is why wider constantly attempting to by access to american politicians, even though connect with american centre, is more like a cup of coffee, the reality you can connected to a thousand a bunch of american centres, and it may make no difference to your businesses future it may connected.
Lot of politicians and won't do anything if you live in a foreign, corrupt country where you have to no a high ranking member of the governments, get anything done. Knowing high ranking members of the american government, you think is going to get things done. So do you think it's a coincidence that november of twenty thirteen hunter Biden starts a fund with the chinese government effectively and one month later, Joe squiring hunter there and meeting with the sea. A ceo of this brand new fund and then it's getting Rima by the Chinese. You think that that's coincidence, february fifth, two thousand fourteen cans, Rocca chef- a cause stani, businessmen, meets with hundred minded hotel in washington dc in April of twenty fourteen bereavement, appoint hunter business associate to their board of directors being paid, something like eighty three thousand dollars a month for nothing for nothing April. Twenty second, two thousand and fourteen records shows, singapore in company, where two hundred forty two thousand dollars through his latvian company to a rosemont enter now rose. Montana guy is again the company that was originally founded by hunter
and in devon, arduous and John Kerry son in law April. Twenty second of twenty fourteen that same day, vice president, traveled ukraine and gave an anti corruption speech about ukraine so clear that he was running foreign policy in ukraine, literally. At the same time, this is happening so April. Fifteen twenty fourteen is when hunter is appointed to the board of breeze ma. Now April twenty seconds, when fourteen you have Joe Biden talking about corruption in ukraine and not only that this becomes now running seem turbines. GonNA, one foreign policy in ukraine. As will see, this has increasingly been ramifications for how bereavement runs as business and how the money flows delicate thing to say to a group of leaders in their house of parliament, but you you have to fight the cancer. Corruption that is, that is endemic in yours.
System. Right now I remember going over convincing our team or others to convincing us that we should be providing for loan guarantees, and I went over- I guess the twelfth thirteenth time to kiev and- and I was gonna supposed to announce that there is another billion dollar loan guarantee, and I had gotten a commitment from poroshenko and from yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor and they did so. They said that they were walking out to press conference, and I said I'm not going to or we're not going to give you the billion dollars. I said you have no authority If the president, the president, said I should call him, I said I'm telling you not getting a billion dollars, so this is him openly saying the thing as we'll see The thing that he is saying is that he basically I'm down on ukraine, the kind of deal that donald trump was accused,
threatening ukrainians. We think I'm peace for the first time, your member than in it in that cover hunger. perfect phone call with Vladimir Zelensky. Remember that donald trump appeared to say that he was thinking withholding aid to ukraine. If they didn't dig up Option on the Biden family, I was well, that's quit broke well. Well, that's terrible here is Joe Biden, saying we're gonna withhold from aid from ukraine, you get rid of this particular prosecutor. Victor Shokhin figures show was targeting bereavement at the time. the international community, like victor shogun anymore, but that doesn't matter because there could be a conflict of interest when it comes why Joe Biden wanted victor shokhin to go to things could be true once one, but you're Shokhin could have been corrupt, people internationally could have wanted him to go and too Joe Biden could have seen an opportunity to do a favor for breeze ma. Well, rid of the guy, with the plausible cover that but he wanted a guy to go we'll get it. In just one second one and continue going through the timeline, because again the more you see of the timeline and the more if the contemporaneous statements by people involved in hundred items business more damning, this becomes Chopin was being
called into meetings. He was being called on the phone he clearly knew what was going on in a vague level. He'd have to know the particulars in the same way that no, boss knows the particulars. If, yes, the heads of the mafia back in the day, if they knew the particulars. Of specific measures, the answer was no, where they would say to them there lower downs I'd say to their regimes. That would say things like go: take care of and then the cobbler regime would go to the hit man and a hypocritical do the thing and personally but you never knew that the whole idea. The whole idea is that if you're, the most powerful person in the organization, you always have plausible deniability as to what your associates are doing the money just magically enters your bank account. You have no idea how it got. There will be more on this in just one. Second, first we're days away, from the durban accords the greatest threat to the: u s dollars global dominance. In the past, years. This is when brittany it's brazil, russia, india, china, south africa are expected to announce the launch of a new international super currency, fully backed by gold and other commodities that is in competition with the united states dollar. Obviously, you can protect your I re or for one k from the fall out from this announcement
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seneca entity the next day after that there as much as anywhere hundred hundred forty two thousand three hundred dollars to mount a car dealership to buy a new sports car for hunter Biden right. So there's money, that's going directly to hunter Biden. Meanwhile, china a jar ravages that original trainees from that hunter form with the chinese government essentially and then took air force you to china to make sure that all of that agreement- They invested one point: seven billion dollars in a chinese communist government party linked petroleum and chemical company and then in December, of twenty fourteen hundred by an in business, invested almost a hundred thousand dollars into ba jar and then its number of twenty fourteen. extending oil company and breeze my joined with the chinese company to announce a transnational financial arrangements of this is hundred Biden. Basically, brokering Connections and now he's got the kazakh standing oil company embarrassment and the chinese government. Working together and though important twelve fifteen and here's what and start to get really really hot missis
joe turbines, involvement becomes pretty apparent, so marsh twentieth, twenty fifteen hundred by an organized business dinner, a cafe milano in Washington DC, where he has his father, stopped by the dinner to meet high level breeze. My official vadim porthos are by these pretty hundreds, now connecting his daddy in with the folks over at breeze ma, This is about the same time that the head of recent during twenty fifteen is apparently telling a confidential humans horse who reports and twenty twenty two the fbi, that quote it cost millions, pay one biden and five million another Biden apparently live what made some comment that, although hunter Biden was stupid and launch huskies with smarter, so chaskey needed countrified and on the board, so everything will be ok, be confidential human source report. Of this, the f b, I inquired whether hunter by an orgy of light and towards love chaskey. He should retain hundred biden, insolent, chaskey replied. They both did. They both did kate. So, according to love, chaskey,
it's confidential human source now reporting this to the fbi. This is the document that SEN chuck grassley released this week, so I'll just chesky, the head bremer said that he paid money to the Biden's in order to obtain Joe Biden support for bereavement, and we know then hunter Biden was organizing dinners in march twenty fifteen, where had his dad stuff. I need a high level breeze. My official a gun named redeem patriarchy september of twenty fifteen. The charlottes, the chinese company, joined with another chinese entity to acquire a us based automotive company, a deal reportedly worth six hundred million dollars in november of two thousand and fifteen porsche, our sky, the guy who met Joe Biden suggest that high level you us officials comes ukraine and talk with victor shokhin and present import petrol. Photochemical about my, was what chance these investigations on chaskey again is the had abridgment shokhin was sid and breeze. My embryos owners le chaskey for fraud shokhin, is the ukrainian gum. official vice president Biden demanded the pero than fire, that is,
Very early november of twenty five fifteen and, as I say, according of an actual common source zalewski is openly suggesting at this point that he's paying hunter and Joe in twenty fifteen twenty. Sixteen. In november a few days later, AMOS, hoxton high level goes government official working, the obama administration met with hundred biden to discuss bereavement and then have seen a few days later with vice president Biden in west wing,. A few days at one day after that hoxton called hundred Biden, so clearly entrepreneurship over here and clearly hoxton struggle. one hunter and Joe november thirteenth. Two thousand and fifteen Joe Biden announces a trip to ukraine to take place. The first week of the number of twenty fifteen and things really heat up november, fourteenth two thousand and fifteen porsche nl, hunter by confirmation, the vp, will be travelling to ukraine december, so twenty fifteen hunter and uneasy fc, chairman eugene, begin, communicating regarding a possible use partnership as we come relevant in a low, but.
December seventh, twenty fifteen. This is where by an arrival and grain and demands that show can be fired if ukraine wants billion dollars, and I m f loans a so just noticed november. We start having indications that breeze? My is under investigation by shokhin by some Joe Biden is arriving in ukraine to talk about firing shogun openly December nine. Two thousand and fifteen Biden departs ukraine and gets a commitment from poroshenko. The choking will be fired. Little bit later. A couple of days later Biden has a holiday party at the vp resident, both AMOS hoxton and one hundred Biden are present during that time. A all of this should be getting your hackles up just a little bit. It's a little. stalking going to Devon archer's involvement in all this in just a second, because we now have information from devon archer on Joe Biden's involvement in all of this first yup all this corruption. All of this ugliness makes it hard to sleep at night, but there is one way I can ensure that you get a better night's sleep than that of
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and you have archer as new york post reports quote- hunter bind went down in his father, then vice presidential by non speaker phone into meetings overseas, business partners, according to testimony expected before congress this week from archer, so apparently hundred would just get Joe on the phone. Now again Joe. claim that he has no knowledge of the specifics of these business dealings. He doesn't have to know It is very easy for Joe apply. Well, then I abilities where all of our lives advisable ability goes something like this shows in charge. the green policy. Hundreds getting paid up as you buy charisma to basically be a drunken derelict prostitute, using John who snorts cocaine off the carpets and happens have the button lesson it the breeze. My owners are like yeah, we're we're connected to Joe ever connected hunter and so will make sure that choking gets gets in the neck. So meanwhile, you have american officials talking with hunter and then going back to Joe and then no really corrupt as victor shokhin die and
Look an intuitive got us people look at and all them are saying yeah chauvinist corrupt. We get rid of him and just as well. Ok. no no harm of L. L, push for the ouster of victor shokhin push for him to get because again the entire international community wants a thing to happen, and it just so happens that kind of good for hunter, and it's good for the companies connected with, and you know the people, we have talked to one speaker for and why don't? I recognise that many hundreds of hers with no because I hired that's all just by turbines, role in this is here just a shadowy figure who gets call them every softened by his son and, as will see hunter, is very and of using this particular tactic. As tactical socio me fast work, twenty seventeen in china, he uses this particular tactic quite openly. have evidence that he uses the tactic quite openly say so, nor the early twentieth point. Sixteen we've now entered at twenty. Sixteen vp bide meets with pet course ankle than the president of ukraine at the world economic forum and bind
enforces the linkage between the loan guarantee and the necessary reforms the next month, because I love chaskey again be head of breeze. My aquarium financial human source. Things undermining dumber than his dog gives hunter by an unsound fight extravagant birthday gift few days later by an approach, anko conduct, another call. Meanwhile, Brush is asking shokhin to resign. That's february, sixteenth of twenty. Sixteen, two days later Biden personally. Calls for a thank you to thank him for calling on choking to resign a couple days later. Choking actually does resign The money just keeps on flowing march, twenty. Sixteen choking is gone ukrainian parliament approves, pershing was firing of shokhin and the money just keeps on following it keeps on flowing. Ok. So now we're going to the period where Joe Biden is out of office so nobody's gonna do now that he's out of office answer, as hundreds can go shake down the Chinese on the basis, but try
is going to be connected to Joe and Joe still has a lot of connections. So twenty seventy now Romania's exiting office be hr, invest heard sixty million dollars, that's the chinese company, of which hundreds apart invest for sixty million dollars into chinese facial recognition company in february of twenty seventeen german, you jean Mang of sea, he gives hundred I'm in a diamond hundred buying a diamond was eighty gran. After having dinner, either in miami florida. I march. First, twenty seventeen terminal, shit means company, where three million dollars robinson walker, llc- that that that is an entity, owned by a Biden, associate rob walker. A couple later Robinson walker, wires unspecified Biden, accounts, five, grin and then a few days after that, another twenty five grand If you don't have that another twenty five grand and then a little bit later again, this much march another. Fifty grand Is it just during march robinson walker, wires
counts associated with Joe Biden, two hundred thousand dollars. Let me correct that, because I march thirty first there are another two payments for one hundred and fifty. So three hundred and fifty thousand dollars gets paid from robinson walker, which are being paid by the chinese two hundred lightened various accounts. The wires keep on common april. Fifty grand to James Biden account another fifty grand regimes by an account. Ten grand to a hundred biden account three hundred grand tour beatnik, amazon April. These are large amounts of money that are being wired by a soul. It's under by two two hundred widen the other Chinese, we're hugging hundreds. of thousands of dollars. In may of twenty. Seventeen Joe Biden attend a sea of sea meeting at the four seasons in a way according to buy them, remember associate. So this is a prison but twenty bob linsky is talking about bubble and ski says. I've heard your mind: it has never discussed- is dealing with hundred that's false efforts and knowledge about this because it directly
how would the Biden family, including Joe Biden, hundreds thousands of them Now, going from the chinese to rob walkers company and from rob workers coming two hundred Biden and james by hundreds of thousands of dollars. Probably billions when he had it all up and Joe Biden again. Oh yes, it is most of the room they bring in buying any waves of the Chinese, and he walked away on made thirteenth twenty there's an email between Biden. Business associates about the ownership of this particular cfcs, ulitsa trend This is a very famous email from hundreds laptop mentioning ten held by h for the big guy. Now we know from abroad. I other documents that the big guy generally refers to Joe Biden taken. The idea, There is then hunter is holding in escrow, essentially a bunch of money or could be if the diagnosis a bunch of money for Joe Biden July, thirty, eight twenty seventeen. This is the one where becomes absolutely clear how this operation works too lightly.
If twenty seventeen in a watch, our message to the chinese company hundred biden, says quote: please have electrical me not james or tony origin. Have him call me tonight, I'm sitting here with my father: we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. I am very concerned that the german, either change his mind and broken argue without telling me or that he is of the promises and assurances and have been that that have been made there have not been kept. Tell tell the director its resolve is now before it gets out of hand and now means tonight and see if I get a call or tax from anyone given its other than you Jane or the german, I will make certain that the man sitting next to me and every person who knows and mobility forever hold a grudge that your great regret, not following my direction. All too often people mistake kindest for weakness and wasn't I'm standing over the top of them saying I warn you from this man until whenever he reaches me, and then continued quote. Ok, my friend I'm sitting here waiting for the call with my father, I sure hope every hour. Doing is very, very, very important, so that is punter openly saying to chinese business partners
Make the money happen. I'm sitting here with my daddy and my daddy is very well. Can I did in my data can make things happen. There are very, very bad for you, a few days August second, twenty something: the arrangement between sea He and the Biden family changes, because the original Biden associates are now remove undermine rights, quote the german change that you'll after we met in miami to a much more lasting and lucrative arrangement to create a holding company. Fifty percent owned by me, fifty percent owned by him. insulting fees is one piece of our income stream. But the reason this proposal by the chairman was so much more interesting to me and my family and my family is that we would also be partners in the equity and profits of the jv investments joint entity. A few days later is formed. Fifty percent owned by sea fc asian gong window was a chinese communist agent and fifty percent owned by a hundred button, next day in a whatsapp exchange hundred Biden tells me you have to associate don quote. The bidens are the best. I know at doing exactly what the chairman wants from this partnership, and now the money starts flowing. One hundred thousand dollars
yeah see two hundred pounds: company o moscow pc, see. I see a one day later or four days later where's five million dollars to hudson west, but three, which is another fund in which under is associated september, twenty Twenty seventeen hundred requests keys made at his office shared with his chinese partners november. Eight twenty seventeen petrol association in America is arrested at jfk airport on suspicion of bribery and money laundering. On behalf of cfc China, in march of twenty eighteen yuan, Meng was the head of cfc was detained by chinese authorities suspected economic crimes. His whereabouts remain unknown, so presumably he's dead, but presently the chinese government l them all. This is insanely, corrupt, ok and member. A hundred Biden says quote this october of twenty
hunter. Neither played a role in the formation or licensure of the hr nor owned any equity in it. While his father was vice president, he served only as a member of its board of directors where he joined, based on his interest in seeking ways to bring chinese capital to international markets. It was an n position today under has not received any compensation. for being on being charged were directors he's not wishing to anyone on his investment, there have been no distributions to be hr shareholders since hunter obtained. His equity interests, moreover, hundred played no role in directing or making ba charged investments hundred and tense resign the age, our board of directors honour by october, thirty. First, twenty nineteen yeah I'm gonna go no on all of that. So all of this is deeply suspicious. Obviously, and here's the thing the the irs knows about all of this. Ok, the cover up is what's truly astonishing. According to iris whistleblowers, the amount of money that was clear by hunter Biden during the period twenty fourteen, twenty nineteen was like eleven million dollars. Tons and tons and tons of money, much of which hundred never pay. Taxes on the irish didn't investigate
According to those iris that those iris whistleblowers we're sabotage in their efforts to search storage. Units of hunters are not allowed to in search warrants are not allowed to ask witnesses about the big guy. They were told not to dig into this. I mean this is deeply suspicious stuff again one of the iris whistleblowers testifies: it wasn't eleven million. He testified to sell ten point: three million dollars from twenty fourteen to twenty nineteen in total for income stream? So very shell companies too door and his associates better, three point one million dollars from romania, three million dollars from state energy hp, H, k from affiliated with the sea. b and c yet another. Point seven million dollars from sea, She affiliated hudson was three and six. Five million dollars from bereavement. that seventeen point. Three million dollars, apparently hunter received eight point. Three million residential, immediate family members and associates. Again I read to you the text that hunter Biden sent to his. Daughter in twenty nineteen quote. I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire,
Emily for thirty years, it's really hard but don't worry on my pop. I won't make you give me half your salary. Do we really believe? Do we really believe the job. I knew about none of us in benefited from none of this, but Joe Biden was pure driven snow. His son was running around all over the world using his name. He was calling you on the phone during business meetings. Zambia's father stop by business meeting here. With officials were meeting with his father. Are we he supposed to believe Biden was sitting there, often the core and noble we recruit and he knew nothing about any of this. Its absurd, its absorb honest basin. Everybody knows it's absurd on its face and when he's vice present and he's doing this sort of stuff if he was actually affecting ukraine policy. Based on this, which appears he was then that's actual bribery, it that's the kind of stuff the people get mps. For the stuff he's doing in twenty seventeen wishes. Influence peddling, isn't illegal, it's ugly, but it's not illegal so happens to be the Joe Biden was lying consistently to the american people when he says over and over and over. I know nothing about my son's business dealings.
wiring his son personally on air force due to china to can pick up your bags of cash. That is obviously a lie. It's really alive, because yesterday the white house gave away the game. So why has press? was most untalented press secretary arranged on beer to specifically asked About Joe Biden say, he knew nothing about the businesses with his son, and here is our answer. Chairman game, commerce, vases and oversight. Greek society has evidence that the present, asked, communicated directly with foreign business associates of the hunter vital and many times curious house and the president still stand behind his comment that has never been involved in is never even spoken to his son about so I've been I've been asked this question a million times. The answer is not going to change. The answer remains the same. The president had was never in business with his son. I just don't have anything else to That is not the same answer has not the same She's the answer never changed and then she changes the answer, no the phraseology of the question there, the physiology of the question the rapporteur asked, is
did Joe Biden know about the business with his son. This is where the sun or the benefit many business and her answer is. He was never quote in business with his son, It was never in business with meditate the airy, loyally answer as well. Let me tell you that is a very worthy answer, because when he says in business the definition of in business since it what's the definition in business, so my, however, bank account. Are we in business together, not really show more for me out for her we're married. We share bank account. Now. Are our financial activities deeply intertwined like a completely one hundred percent intertwined absent frickin, lately, zombie in business with my wife. No we're not technically in business and business with my business partners right in joint stock and company with them. But I have many business partners and we all own stock together in like daily wire and other businesses that I own I'm in business with them. Am I, in business with my wife or my children, I'm technically not
but does the money flow to my wife from our bank accounts? Of course, who does what they're doing there? That is most we're only language available. That is a big change from. I never knew a damn thing. But with my son about this. Joe Biden, was lying when he said that and he's lying when he says that you never benefited from this. It wait and see how he's not lying in vat. and they're asking you to pull the wool over your own eyes are asking you to be an idiot into question how stupid you wanna be again, I think the deed straight line from here to impeachment is pretty clear it up is that there can be a lot more digging and a lot more data that is going to emerge. I can't get over that text in which show, but in which hundreds of egypt, their multiple, instances of hunter Biden acknowledging the scheme, their monthly There's a mineral watch out message. What are you saying my daddy sitting next to me Let me money my daddy's right next to me. he's literally telling his own daughter, they picture badge of cash for his dad and we're supposed
believe that this is all above board absolute nonsense. We get to the the one of the kickers here in just one. Second, first in the world filled with uncertainty its crucial to be ready for never comes your way, whether for natural disasters, sudden emergency or unforeseen circumstances, having reliable wood storage system can provide you with peace of mind and reassurance, you and your loved ones will be well taken care of right now. My patriot supply is offering twenty five percent off a three month. Food supply to help you stay prepared for anything go to prepare, then dotcom grab. This from price before it ends your three month, emergency food supply provides over two thousand calories each day for optimal, strengthen energy in stressful situations. You can enjoy wide variety of my patriot supply and you can customize your supply. They offer an ultimate breakfast get a mega protein can with real meat, even gluten free get the best part of each meal. It's delicious. It has a shelf life of up to twenty five years. Don't wait for disaster to strike before taking action? Invest you're safety and well being by securing your food storage today go to prepare with bends outcome at twenty five percent three month emergency food supply vote you prepare with benda,
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a critical leftist once and for all is the ideal addition, your bathroom, we're kitchen sink, as you liberate your home from the influence of woke companies and also germs go to germany, razors dot com or this delightful, green, tea and citrus hands. Up today, Meanwhile, the goal of the Biden family Assuming that you are a moron is truly astonishing. The most obvious example is hunter by a crack attic deciding to become an artist, an artist guys he's just you know some of the people from labile em a lives in in an apartment, and he paints in his free time and he paints masterpieces And in those masterpieces gulf like half a million dollars to unspecified buyers, don't I mean in fact hundreds paintings are so amazing that he can deny to his own biological child, his name, but if he gives with masterpieces, then that makes up for it. These amazing works, article one of the questions has always been hanging over this is that it is pretty obvious money laundering routine. We're hunter binding is clearly selling these pieces to unspecified buyers where allies of the family is here
people who are buying this well now we know, according to one report, insider is reporting but our real estate investor Elizabeth pershing natali, was given tens of thousands of dollars to the political left, purchased a piece of Joe Biden artwork several months after hunter widens art went on sale. The president's appointed now talley commission for the preservation of america's heritage rod. Oh how magical so so hundred buttons are goes on sale. Some lady buys the art for way too much money, and then she also magically appears on the president's commission for the preservation of america's heritage abroad. Wow. Well, the reports- and it was not clear if the archie purchased came before or after she was appointed to the commission hunter Biden wrote in an email discovered on his abandoned laptop that he could have sway gets comic, measured. that's right and literally already mailers. Like you know, I could probably figure out who gets on the commission for the preservation of america's heritage. Broad also, I paint finger paintings who wants to buy a finger. Painting areas like
yeah I'd like to be on the commission for the preservation of america's harry's, where I will buy your finger painting another a hundred pounds, art is L. A turning Kevin morris was recently spotted, The bonn during a visit with the president sun, can I in your time said: more might have received. The art is a gift insiders than the most purchase the art, one by air, identity, unknown, reportedly purchased eleven pieces of hunter Biden's paintings for eight hundred and seventy that seventy five thousand dollars Only five thousand bucks for eleven garbage ending by hundred biden, gents Aki said at the time on actions regarding the selling of art in the setting of prices will be handled by professional galleries, adhering to the highest professional standards. Yes, I am sure I am sure that There is no corruption. It is all aboveboard see the things they do all this out in the open, and they know the press is never going to ask about it and they also with the president to downplay it now. If this were the trump family and let's say the Don Jr had gone around the world, picking up bags of cash while his dad was president by picking up the bag.
Cash, and pretty obviously following it to his dad and also pretty obvious and use daddy on the phone. While all of this was happening, I think that maybe that would have earned some mediocre, but instead here's the narrative again the narrative to go back to the beginning. The narrative here is Joe Biden. Is such a good, caring father? How dare you ask him about hunter? He is a caring father and he's had a tragic life filled with tragedy and because of his tragic life filled with tragedy. There's some truth to that. That means that you should not ask about this. In fact, is it is appalling that anyone would ask about any of this? Well, here's the thing. I think a lot of Democrats we you nervous about Biden, not just because they think that he is actually falling apart as a human being. According to a new, harvard harris survey. Fifty nine percent registered voters have doubts about the president's mental fitness, but it is at that by the way, includes seventy one percent of independence, who doubt binds mental fitness and so to twenty four percent of democrats. According to this pole is not just about that. I think the deep, back of their minds. Democrats are getting a little worried about the fact that Joe,
It is not actually all that clean and he's never been all that clean and to their starting to you can see it. They're starting to camila, again they're gonna, try make fetch happen and fetch england, and kamala harris is superbad about this? So Kamel Harris has been speaking a lot more often from the press, a lot more often and here's the problem for them, the more she's in the press. The more people despise her because she is just terrible at this. She is she inhabits the actual. Uncanny valley, she's, she's, built a summer home in the uncanny valley, so here is explaining the work today, don t get our know what you ve been taught. No one knows what she's talking about. We all know that she's annoying and of noxious and think about what our work together in our progress.
However, has meant to some money people so many think about the progress and also by an ex as they call it. The call it by now makes all of this is part of our law print together for what Kennedy together. This is by the now her hands connected to our voting, invest in america and build a future that all people can truly it is rife is bad now makes you know is, but I wouldn't surprise you to learn that there's a person behind commonly harris who is actually the arms in the end, these to play Like a little brother, where you stand, hide them and you put your arms out from behind them and you actually move the arms where the arms are disconnected from the actual body that is there's. A good luck with the Democrats is working our great that your corrupt elderly dotard president, backed up by common here
The worst politician who has ever been put to paper, so good luck with that it may well be. republican party continues to spiral. It is unclear who the nominee is going to be at this point, but it appears that donald trump, of course, has the upper hand and have set a thousand times. You know me rate? Is a campaign run against Joe Biden? Now would be the best thing is if you ran a campaign against Joe Biden, so media have two missions: you're one, make sure that our trump is the candidate and the other is stripped down any potential other candidate. So the latest attacks the media are honestly summit. scurrilous yet with regard, Rhonda de I gotta say this is just absurd. So first of all, the republican rates are coming up. The first one is supposed to happen august twenty third- and that really is the kind of opportunity for somebody to start jumping in the polls is august. Twenty third, problem- is that down from his head he's going to participate in the debate, because why should he as he says, because he is the front runner, there's no point to it and if he doesn't show up, does anyone care what all of the other sort of all of the
People in the race are, what does it doesn't matter them fighting with each other, like what differences man does make, so the people who qualified so far are santas mickey Hayley tim Scott, the vague rama swami Chris prissy says he wants to do as well former vice president pens, my actually make the debate stage, because you have heavily for forty thousand individual donors and one percent in three national poles of republican voters. He doesn't have that number of donors, yet I think it is the idea, but if from south onstage what difference does any of this make and that's really the question? Is it trump or is it somebody else right? That's the big question of reno's, that's the big question, and so the media are trying to take out that everybody else, so the biggest potential right now is run here Everybody knows that as much. I, like they promise wanting personally debate is not taking the nomination way from from he's running against from the eggs entire nominating strategy. We would basically be if Donald from kills over then maybe she gets. The nomination and so he's not he's basically running a very varied from supportive campaign. Dissent is obviously one being attacked by trump.
Point and the media are helping him out there doing so with lies their waiting, is that wrong senses sponsoring some sort of curriculum here in the state of Florida that is I black, which is absurd. The african american curriculum in the state of florida was written by a commission largely comprised of black academics. We've talked about this. There are two specific things that the left is claiming that this particular curriculum does one they're claiming the curriculum talks up the benefits slavery. Why? Because this phrase in the curriculum say that some slaves used skills that they weren't while they were slaves to benefit themselves after they were slaves. That is not at the wonders of slavery, that's about the resiliency and amazing entrepreneurial ism of the slaves. Clearly, it is not about the wonders of slavery. You idiots in your wires. Is that is one the other one? Is that currently the curriculum talks about the white on black violence that occurred during.
Particular race right in the united states, as well as black and white violence that also occurred in some of these rights rights. Ok, well, yeah! That's a thing that happened to me can pretend it didn't happen, but it absolutely did happen there. Does that mean that the race right we're not based on its supremacy no but was, violence that also occurred toward. Why people sure it's all I media you're, going to run with the lie to try and portray ron de santis as a racist. This is the dumbest thing. It really is garbage and yet seeing the media pick up on this. Of course, of course, it's pretty obviously think the trump is the one that they can be most easily here is stephen, a smith going after honest answers, but the more I see stories like this, the more it alerts me to the fact that ron de santis, you don't need to be governor of sorry. You don't need to be president either the battles that he's fighting and just unconscionable. Why is the governor concerning himself with african american studies by the way in the state of Florida has been b? Is it? Is it's been being taught at night
He. Ninety four, why you concerning is of such things and when it says here, because I want to make sure that I'm quoting a correctly bought structures, schools that suggest anyone is privileged or press based on their waste or skin color. Are you trying to deny the fact that white folks had been privileged compared to other races of people in this country? Are you kidding me? That is a fact did even white folks have a dinner. Okay, do we stop right? There Steven have been and have been and are not the same thing of course why people were privileged done their race in nineteen sixty? Are they privilege, based on the recent twenty? Twenty three are no stephen But since you have a thirteen million dollar at your salary from espn. Thirty million dollars a year. This dude sitting here talking about how rough black people have in the united states compared to white people Ro in the united states,
I'm sorry. This is not. Nineteen sixty, in fact very happy is not. Nineteen sixty like visited it truly means Meanwhile, washing suppose you Jeanne robinson during these action thing than the number of lies, the people tell in order to go after a candidate and by the way it shows you what the media's actual agenda, what their actual agenda is, because if their agenda were to stop from new, presumably not be elevating trump at the expense of his opponents, but that's precisely what they're doing this? Why don't believe them when they say trump, is a fascist and that the country's at stake in this can be the end of the country in all of us? I don't believe you, because if somebody is actually a true threat to the republic, what you do you try to defeat them at every stage. I will give you the ample. Does I think, Bernie sanders, Z, true threat to the united states I think we're sanders? Ideology is just wrong. I thought in twenty twenty Bernie sanders would be far more defeated candidate by donald trump, then Joe Biden, want to Joe Biden when the primaries, because I did not Bernie sanders to be president of the united states. because I actually do think the burmese generals of threats, the country, the Democrats,
I think that, which is why they're perfectly willing to elevate donald trump's. There are liars on both scores and wires about the finances and their lives about trump. Here they are after the sense again based on why my conclusion is that vice president errors and our editorial board our right here, because it not only in that passage but another passages, that's as well. These standards seem to me to be attempting to sort of contextual, wise americans lever in the wrong context to normalize really to tat kind of say, while other people have their. You know others people at other times, slavery in and they don't. In my estimation, adequately explained they. The unique horror that was american chat. Chattel slavery, it is all, is all but again it's about. For the Democrats. Upholding from voting and trump is more, maybe they're wrong, maybe they're wrong. Maybe trump ends up getting the nomination and crushes by it, maybe or maybe Democrats
right and they their frank elevate from for renewal, is from running Joe Biden, is trump really going Japan very hard. Of course, not it's going around us answers. Injection of those are his actual targets, download from going efforts, answers I like Ronda sanctimonious now they won't like him any better. Six months from now with the start of primary season, the more people get to know him. The lower his polls are going he's now in the mid teens and falling fast. He will soon not be number two looks like it won't happen much longer, but he deserves it because they're very disloyal person make america great again. Thank you Much. Let me again is everything a test of worlds, each donald trump personally, this is what you want to run. The campaign based on two not underlines corruption, not on Joe Biden not being capable of doing his job, not on his crap policies. Are placing the american economy to position permanent stagnant and our foreign policy in a position of permanent weakness, not on that
personal run and personality rna guest. Republicans wanna do it. This is exactly what they're going to get it. Meanwhile, so I'm bringing the latest over in Israel supposedly is democracy is on the brink of absolute destruction. Why? Well, because, the israeli knesset, the parliament over there with a sixty four vote, majority voted. In favour of a law in amendment one all the basic law, which is kennedy quasi constitution, but not really over in Israel. That says that grim court of Israel cannot simply overturn any executive or administrative action on the basis of clinical reasonableness. So imagine that the presence of united states issued an executive order and superman. Or didn't determine whether whose inside your authority of the president, they just determine whether it was quite a reasonable. You see how this would be a problem, because this In that the supreme court is basically dictatorship, they now get to use their own judgement of what is reasonable to substitute for elected purse. Or an elected bodies judgment for what is is reasonable, which makes them not a court and makes them in. she'll legislature, just now elected a so the original
we propose judicial reform package by we could and by the majority in Israel, was a lot more reaching amended allowed a change in how the springboard justices were selected. It got rid of it is that exist within every bureaucratic department in Israel that allowed them to preemptively strike down pieces of legislation and and and other measures taken by those departments. In of the judiciary, is extraordinarily powerful in israel because it has irrigated to itself it has. It has simply usurped in extraordinary, our sins. Ninety nineties, because with the judiciary, which has been a preserve of what israel for very long time saw the rise of the political right. His role can be better grab a bunch of power right now to prevent the elected branches will take an hour later, and it's really what the battle in Israel is about, that story in Israel and the breakdown of rarely population is effective among the jewish population. Is about
Eighty percent of the entire population, Israel is jewish about twenty percent, is arab muslim christian. The the eighty percent breaks down about forty percent is what you call yoni, which are people who are secular and then the other forty percent, It's really but right. I'm half is people who would be considered majority, which means financial reward. That's me: religious zionist and People are already, would you like to ultra orthodox, and so the pillow name they served proportionally army. They pay a disproportionate share of the taxes. Largely the sardine do not serve in the army and pay almost no tax because their income is too low. So the bologna have, for a long time, had sort of a tacit deal where it's like. We will pay the welfare We will shoulder the burden, but we also get the political power, and now the demographics are turning against them, as they're freaking out about all of that they're afraid, essentially of a shift in Israel from their power to the power of the opposition. This election was a perfect. Ample that, because the opposition right now is secular parties as well as air parties,
the coalition is essentially ultra orthodox parties, religious zionist parties and likud. That is that that is the current coalition and what the fundamental debate is, is how jewish is the state going to be right in terms of sort of religious precept, so the the idea of the How is that? This is a state where a lot of Jews wave but its basic, we run just like the united states or, like any other liberal democracy, and the idea of political right in Israel, is that it still going to be a liberal democracy, but is going to have more jewish elements of its origin but buses not running in particular areas on sabbath or the abyss have of him to have sex, segregated workspaces stuff, like that, they they or or whether there should be comments like living in the hospitals on on pass over but these are. These are questions that in Israel actually has significant impact here, but here's the thing the rift is over judicial from isn't over that, because the actual reform is pretty mild and their these mass roads, never going on for months and months. Amendments and the
here- was that the protesters were simply going to shut down the economy, shut down the road shutdown everything until they got their way. This me The israeli government can't abide this, especially because the reservists we're saying you're not going to serve if the government did what it wants to do. No country can survive. A bunch of people were not elected dictating to the elected government. What you elected, mentioned. It means that elections have no meaning. So, of course, this thing had to pass now. Tell you one thing but didn't it not only have to pass it's actually a good piece of legislation, the way as the Biden white house pathetically. Actually, And off on this piece of legislation, not aware, though, by might how does this work we anywhere else, except for Israel. Truly there's no other way. democratic ally of the united states, where the united states sounds often their internal politics. Joe Biden doesn't make statements about the economic policies of france, here's make statements about the immigration policies of the uk or not Israel does. He feel the necessity to actually speak out about all this, but here's the thing, the reason that so this divide is being exaggerated, is because of me a cover,
the divide and pull up. Politicians in Israel who, like politicians in america, have a stake in playing up the idea that we have reached crisis point. Everything is on fire. That's what you have to support me. It's not true! but whose colonial israel has a cousin who's that you will mean reduce that you will meet, has a cousin risky loney and have if they everybody's going to end up going over to each other's house for shabbat right, that's the basic idea, but if the media exacerbated, if the political leadership exacerbates it, it gets worse to take a perfect in the aftermath of its very mild judicial reform being passed, the there's a in. A hurry party and ultra orthodox particles, united toward judaism party, you t J and they proposed a basic law aimed at saying. quote? Tourist study is supreme value in the heritage of the jewish people and therefore it is an equivalent, to serving in the army sunset of actually have served in the army, because encouraging generally get religious exemptions as originally based and they ve been going. Prime minister of the state of Israel, whose secular he made a deal with the ultra arthur
that in return for their support of the government, he would exempt at the time. I think at least six hundred each of us do Melanie! Seventy army today that exemptions like sixty thousand people a year being exempted just dumb, training once again, all government programmes get very, very large. In any case, the there's been a basic conflict between the killers and by the way they don t Leumi and the majority against the authority. where the hurry. The are saying that studying and you all day. Tom is the equivalent of you serving in the army which, to my mind, is incorrect, long position? Morally, from a tour perfect, I things wrong after our things wrong. Again, just go back to the bible, and the fact is that that pretty everybody in the bible is a warrior scarlet in any case, put aside the actual alaska, the jewish law of all of this I'm invested in minority militarism kept, but here is here is sort of the basic thing the media played up. This proposal by you to exempt all hurry, deem from army service, basically forever enshrined in basic law. There is only one problem:
coalition is not backing this this you have one right now to jerusalem post. Oh my god like that that the theocracy has begun. there is only one problem we could, which is the party in the majority in it. In a coalition with you t J, I quote the is not on the table and will not be advanced. It will not be evinced. Another clarity, party, shas roaches, they started clarity, part. actually said that their party was in shock. The proposal was even put forward without its knowledge or consent those are the media, are attempting to use course play up the exaggerated differences in order to join are more discontent. That's the basin. Idea here and it's and it's really gross everybody needs to take a breath by the way I say the same thing in the united states, Here's language I don't like in the united states. The next election is the last election. Guess what an ape when Joe Biden won the last election, guess what it wasn't, the last election, in fact, the person who was defeated
I Joe Biden is likely to be the republican nominee next time around in western democracies. Language that people should never use is. This is the end of the country like the end of the country, because guess what it almost certainly is not and you're going to have to deal with that tomorrow and you're gonna have to live in the country. If people tomorrow and the same thing is true over in Israel by the way is quite possible that over in israel after this, some after this judgment after this, a law was passed by the by the sitting, majority it is quite possible at this point that that is going to be overturned from this? How crazy the system is in Israel. The supreme court could theoretically basis of reasonableness, overturn a saying they can't do that. That's how crazy the system is yeah, thank god for the american constitution. Okay time for a quick thing, I like and then a quick thing that I hate so things that I like today. So if you look at rotten tomatoes, I have a basic rule that rotten tomatoes, the basic rule about rotten tomatoes- is that if a, if a movie clocks in at so
or between sixty percent and ninety percent, on rotten tomato, sixty percent and eighty five percent on made us is very likely to be good movie if a classic above eighty five percent critical cotton, candy movie is probably crap. Crap clocks, Mcloughlin below fifty percent, is probably crap well indiana. Jones medallic destiny falls squarely in that category red sixty nine percent on rotten tomatoes right now, so the rule applies and em I don't know why this movie underperformed at the box office other than the ip is a little bit old and so a lot of the people who have sort of, we'll teach the indiana jones ip our people older than I am, and I'm thirty nine. However, this movie is delightful. So I went to my wife to see it yesterday and the movie is quite wonderful. The last five minutes this movie. like the best thing in the indiana jones series. Medicines raiders. I think I think that, like better than some stuff in laughter said, The movie is predicated on the notion that any entrances actually eighty years old, I will say that the deal
gene technology using this movie so much better than it is inside the irishman or or rogue one? It's really advanced a long way like the first twenty minutes in the movie is young harrison for at least a facial technology is very, very good. I mean like much much ass out on big screen much better. It's a day We advanced so won't be long before we have fred astaire starring in things again in all likelihood, but the movie is predicate on the idea that harrison forty eight years old, he's now living in, like nineteen, sixty nine america and yes to go track down. Artifact, though, but what money is really about is is harrison ford, a man out of time right is Indiana jones, a man out of time. Or can you find a place in the kind of new world that he's not used to inhabiting is there and firm to continue living as the premise of the movie is that they basically to undo the trial above all of our other remember. The trial was in, I believe, crystal skull, anthem and child office. Now killed in the war, I presume the vietnam war, and I and so indy
has lost his son and he's broken up with his wife marian Jones and and so he you know it has nothing to live were basically goes on this kind of one final adventure. There's a call back. the end of making given away there's a away. There's a callback near the will movie to raiders. That is one of the best writing reverses lets. You we'll be for a very, very long time like daily. a reversal in movies, where you say a line. Particular way in later. There is a callback to the line, but in a completely different way. There is a reversal at the at the end movie. That is really one most beautiful reversals. I've seen in a movie in years, We enjoyable like all movies raised by fifteen two belongs in the chase- has gone well but to all, but why enjoy better at the box office is beyond me because, honestly, it's pretty good you good again. The end makes up for all the end is really really strong. Last ten minutes of this really great, so
highly recommended indiana jones in the daphne. When my dad said that I was kind of surprise, and then we heard from producers act, the same thing it's as I say, delightful, ok time for a thing that I hate. Ok, so it is amazing to me that the left is decided to only idea. The parents should never should not be told as social service workers working for the state try to turn them. He's into girls and vice versa, This is an insane position, and yet it's now been adopted by wide swathes of the democratic party, so Phil murphy, the governor of new jersey, Barely one examines whortleberry should have one easily. I lost you. A personal jack He won over than injection. Really, no one knew that I was, and he almost lost him governor murphy, explaining that yes, school workers should I'd from parents equalled social transition of their children. This is not wise, Mr Christine wrong. When he says parents are the ones who knows but no best here and they should be involved. Lucid report
these actions, because it's the right thing to do to protect these precious young people well, one of the attorneys first school board and Marlborough. One of these districts said that this blocking a school, counselor or staff. Member from telling apparent about this is a violation constitutional right for apparent to direct and control the upbringing of their children. Why isn't that combating usefully pair? are the the existential reality in it and in the upbringing of any child without question. I don't deny that for one second, but let's not violate the constitution, a constitutional and civil rights of precious Folks, in many cases who are coming to grips with life, it is they as they grow up and grow older. Let's be respectful of that name. Again this is- and this is really
so you're, respectful of five year old, who want to change their gender. These friends, their parents, know It again shows you how willing democrats are to rip kids away from their parents in order to pervert them mean? That's it. That's it a truly outstandingly extreme statement there. from the government sitting governor of new jersey is why, when people are like, when you vote for trump, a favor forbidden yeah. I mean if, if Joe Biden is pushing this kind of garbage, not only but from other from three times, and that that doesnt a question one ready made run by a guy who I have real problems with and who, I think was, honest about january sex and and use rhetoric that is not stopped. I like, and one party is run by people who think that it's ok take parents that take kids away from parents and tell them that they are members of the other gender and prepare them for. Of misery gather somewhat rejoiced. Guys are as the resolution contains right now you not going ornamental will be joined. My breath cooper from the common section disagrees with me. I'm barbie I'm going to ask her white. If you're, not a member become member use coach repair, check out for two months, rennell annual plans, click that linking the description and join us
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-28.