« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1770 - Bombshell Whistleblower Testimony Exposes Biden Double-Standard

2023-07-20 | 🔗

Whistleblowers testify about the corruption of the Biden family – and the Biden DOJ’s attempted cover-up; we analyze the possibility of a Trump January 6 indictment; and Xi Jinping humiliates John Kerry over climate change.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Whistleblowers testify about the corruption of the Biden, family and binding deal. Jays attempted cover up. We analyzed the possibility. From january, sixty indictment and asian ping humiliates John carry over climate change, and bench fearlessness bench show and this show sponsored by express vpn it's time to stand up against big tech, protect your data express vpn, dot com, slash so most of the legacy media did not touch the big story of the day. Yesterday they pretended. There was really no big news. Yesterday they covered other things like sex in space or they covered what is going on with the possible looming trump indictment, which we'll discuss but leads information about what is actually in the indictment suggest that they really do not have much against president from shock of shocked, but the big of the day. Was this whistle blower testimony that happened on the hill? Now, just let's play the game imagine, if the rules were first imagine a democratic brought forward in irish whistleblower, who had suggested open corruption
inside the trump family and then suggested the trump militarized the oj to protect his kids. Do you think might lead the news: do you think that might actually serve as the predicate for impeachment? I'm gonna go with yes on that, but if it's true by an hundred Biden. That not only are we supposed to pretend that nothing bad happened, we're supposed to choose sties people for speaking about the whistleblowers themselves are now consider bad whistleblowing is bad. If it's against Democrats, this is the way that all of this works is how you get through the entire obama administration, which was a scandal, ridden administration. Everything from the iris targeting political opposition to Benghazi, you get the that entire administration, with the entire media, proclaiming that the only scandal brock Obama ever had is that he wore a tan suit at a press conference once a this? Is the game? Well, here's the thing: what was was or said yesterday is pretty damn it. I said a bunch of thing or two separate whistleblowers. One is an animal at he is one of the whistle from the ira's the other We ve met array that Gary shabbily also in iris whistleblower, and they testified to a few things one. They testify that pretty obvious than hunter, and Joe Biden spoke about business to that
to fight about the amount of money that was passing with any Biden family the button so called I'm family from a wide variety of sources ranging from romania to china to ukraine? bereavement alone is responsible for paying the Biden family business. Seven point three million dollars over the course of several years, including wind turbine, was vice president. According to that iris agent, Joseph hitler The iris whistleblowers also suggested that the prosecutors who are supposed to be going asked hundred by more basically stopped from doing so by Joe Biden, deo J, so was very bribery. Crime, perhaps was there a cover up It appears to be that the dvd J used as leverage in its power in and prevent harsher sentencing being brought against hunter Biden and also from certain questions being asked in the first place so go through. Some of the testimony so, first of all, let us introduce ire. whistle blower Joseph Ziegler, so intent get ahead of the smearing than never lose income. His way Joseph Ziegler pointed out that he's gay democrat now identity,
politics doesn't work in this way for democrats, the way there were for Democrats is that, if he's a gay democrat, no you're, not that that is the typical response that he's a bad person nonetheless, which means probably he's a straight republican. But here is a Joseph ziglar talking about his personal life, a sort of action, against the fact that Democrats, presumably climate, whoever makes reporting so Biden via family must inherently be some sort of conservative republican. Her ziegler. I hope that I am an example to other algae boutique. You people out there who are questioning doing the right thing at the potential costs, sums and others. We should always do the right thing, no matter how painful the process might be a kind of equate this areas and feelings I encountered when coming out it was also one of the hardest things I ever had to go through a contemplated scenarios. it would have been highly regrettable, but I did what is right and I'm standing or I'm sitting here in front of you today mozilla is announcing like an incredible source right. All you have to do is is gauge the credibility
sources by looking at their testimony or by the contemporaneous documentation brought forward a shadowy is going to explain just a minute. The other whistleblower he's the only Who has any sort of corroborated reports, everything that David Weiss, the us attorney, who is going after a hundred Biden in very soft cushy fashion, was saying I've been corroborated by anyway, everything shabbily his hat was being corroborated by other sources. In any case, ziegler also pointed he's risking his greatness reputation by coming forward on the sort of stuff members of the committee today, s I sit here before you not as a here or or victim, but as a whistle blower compelled to disclose the truth that sad and coming forward. I believe I'm risking my career, my reputation and my case work outside the investigation we are here to discuss. I ultimately made the decision to come. lord. After what I believe for multiple times a blow the whistle in the internal revenue service. At the internal revenue service, no one should be above the law, regardless of your political affiliation, myself ziegler, then
divide that he was stopped during this entire investigation from interviewing Joe Biden adult children, that there was an attempt made by his superiors to prevent their from being any serious questioning of hundred Biden about all of his corrupt foreign affairs? Why did you want to interview winter, adult children. So a lot of the business deductions expenses related to adopt children. Did you get the approvals? So we never received our approvals too to talk to to those people. What did the assistant? U s attorney, tell you that that's gonna get us in the hot water is that in the iris handbook avoiding hot water. No, but I mean I was asking to do these certain things and roadblock after roadblock was put up. Promise me in his opening statement. Ziegler testified quote. I have reason to believe that gross mismanagement present throughout this investigation that there was a gross waste.
funds relating to the tax dollars spent on investigating this case. Then there was an abuse of authority with d o J tax and delaware, united states, attorney's offices said democratic members tried for a bottle of this by pointing out David? What was originally a trump appointed? U s attorney had been appointed by a bill bar and the idea here is that these people- All were somehow overseeing all of this, but here is the problem with that particular that assumes there's not institutional capture, meaning David weiss at what point was he actually preventing these destinations from going forward. That was in twenty twenty one, twenty twenty two I wish that is under Joe Biden. There is also the broader concern that has now taken root in all of the g o J, which is this bizarre. Space has been created largely by james call me as we can be involved in quantum? What election interference? That typically means is that they are going to overlook Criminality almost name is donald trump, if you're donald trump than the deal J will go after you with the hammer and tongs, and if you or anybody else, meaning a Democrat, then even republicans
inside the geo J, not gonna, go after you, there's gotta be wants, jennifer everybody, either its election interference or not election interference with selection. Interference too deeply investigate the Biden family in the after the twenty twenty election? Even if those publicans doing it, that's if that's the rule can get involved in election reference. James com is not going to get involved in election interference because if he indict tellers in twenty sixteen and somehow prevents the election from going for fairly and what exactly You call it when prosecutions are brought, over and over and over against donald trump. When the leading candidate for the republican nomination. Would you call it it's either election observers or not election interference. If the idea is, we can't investigated billion assistance or by partisan consents incidents. High deirdre can't investigator deeply contest serious questions because obviously might interfere with the american people's choice. Well then, Let's do it trump like that? Everyone can see that opel standard and you wonder why institutional credibility with deal jays absolutely in the toilet. This would be the reason and one second we'll get to the other iris whistle blower garish, aptly first
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and only money that goes into my bank account. Every two weeks is from my employment, for the federal government and kate. Sharply also pointed out every single decision that was made during the course of this investigation benefited divide and what are the words, the decisions treated the Biden's adversarial. The answer is you: can Emily investigators or not the follow up and what sent messages from hunter binds apple icloud, backup where he suggests said he was sitting next to his father, assistant united states, nice attorney, leslie, wolf, cited. The objects of executing search warrant by his residence. As deciding for for not allowing it. Even though she agree the probable cause existed press who does instructed investigators not to ask about the big guy or dad when conducting interviews the buying is this. Your team was tipped off about interviews and night before the investigation went over a fact. My fbi counterpart confer to this committee in recent testimony where the result
was it only one? Witness spoke to investigators that day are just some of the examples of how our investigation was stymied again, not wrong. he is the only one who has cooperated documents, a point that he makes here. He says: listen David Weiss told us like straight up. You just told us that he had been. Denied special counsel status by merrick garland's d, o J, which would have allowed him to charge in a wide variety of jurisdictions, and I'm the only one who has that story. Corroborated, says shapley. Meanwhile, you have David wise, saying things that are rebutted by other other testimony from other witnesses. Mister Weiss was consistent with the investigators up until this october seventh meeting, and then he changed. What do you think happened, MR shapley? I don't know, I don't know what happened internal environment, justice. What I can say is there is that the store it has been changing from farmer, justice in you is turning wise and I think the only person who really have any documents have been corroborated. My own sharply said that
merrick garland and company were using their offices in your tax dollars to put our carefully crafted narrow, non denials that have confused rather than clarified, for the public. All without being subject to cross examination on the facts now here's the thing is: there are partisan aspects of this. Of course, merit garland is a Democrat Merrick ireland is: can we protect him of Joe Biden, but many of the accusations that are being made by these iris whistleblowers suggested he o j under the trump administration was actually acting in this way now again that may go to this are broader cortical, good faith. Attempt by the g o j, not you interfere in elections, because a lot of these decisions will be made in twenty twenty. But if that only applies to one side, it is not fair as everyone the original sin here, as I've said a thousand times the original sin is the james commission charged Hillary Clinton holder clearly violated the law when it came to her handling of classified documents. If she had been charged and twenty sixteen thou does that the products for the idea that charges would be appropriate for anyone who violates the law going forward, because Here's the thing that so stupid about this logic. You can't interfere in the election. If you dont prosecute, you are
interfering in the election. If you owe me of omission when it comes to prosecute whirl. Discretion is very often just as graves things of commission, James commies, failure to prosecute Hillary Clinton is just as damaging against the Republicans, for example, as the democratic attempt do now process, donald trump events of an election, and It is particularly drawn. You're talking about double standard word appears that election he's just don't exist, I suppose. With regard to republican candidate for the presidency of the united states. Now the media have decided the biggest and here is not anything. Iris was, are saying: the systemic corruption, the attempts to cover up, hundred and Joe Biden they're, not even willing to to point out some fairly obvious points that were admitted in in some of the cross examination dan goldman Democrat, representative and one of warriors in the impeachment hearing dangle when accidents. We confirmed in the middle of the hearing that Joe Biden did this hunters foreign this dealings with hunter heroes.
Goldman doing, that it was big lucy moment, and you testified that he said to to that hunter told his dad. According rob, walker quote I may be trying to start a company or try to do something with these guys. now. Let me ask you something that doesn't Much like Joe Biden was involved in whatever hunter Biden was doing with the sea have see if hunter Biden is telling him that he's too I am to do business with them doesn't know what it does show that he set, he told his father. He was trying to do business, and he woke alcohol that, after a hundred by now, god is try to do business. That's correct! So you don't know not only have no direct evidence connecting Joe Biden to any of hunter buttons. and this deal. You actually had proof that he wasn't involved. That is the proof that you have well actually know
what what you just demand and government is that Biden and Joe Biden and hunter talked about his business dealings and maybe sort of winking. Not not arrangement was You go when you do your stuff and money, just magically appears in my account and every so often I take a meeting and that's sort of the way that we play this game by the way. This would not be a giants. Apparently the way, particularly with the Chinese that that you do business and this issue in a lot of foreign countries, because so many countries are deeply corrupt and deeply political. In in china. Many chinese business people are working hand in glove with the government. They believe that power- works. The same way, the united states, then we get a meeting vice president of the united states, for example, that this, like magically green light your business project and means billions of dollars flow in your coffers, industry, lot of foreign countries and it's exactly impression of the vine families traded on four june entire political career is that if you meet with a senator than this, means that somehow something good is gonna happen for the business. So americans can look,
that and even be like okay, so you met with the center, who cares, but if you are from a country where meeting with a senator very often involves that center, now being your friend and that friend, now cramming through a bunch of stuff, you like You can see why the Chinese were deeply invested in hunter Biden, hooking up with Joe Biden and others. acquire Joe Biden to deeply invested in every aspect of hunters business owners. Position that job I, sitting there in my going over the books with hunter Yours matters is that money, appearance, bank account and Joe Biden, what richer than normal vice presidents, who have been on a centre salary for most their career, typically are, we're media have decided, of course that this is not the story. The real story is, of course, of course, of course, how evil donald trump and there are people in are during whistleblower hearing about the buttons. Clearly we'll get it I'm terribly first, our friends, bridge any cell sold out of their dark spock rector? Our listeners had been begging for recent. Well, I have some good news for you just in time for summer it is back in stock, genuinely famous talks back rector has not one of the three cutting edge ingredients and goes to work fast to target sons
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some questions about hundred items laptop and decided that it would be a good idea. I think, frankly, swear is to show all of these Shares of a hundred Biden unclothed on his on his laptop and doing the drugs so winner, when hunter Biden paid for swore men to do this with him to travel. Cross state lines from california to washington dc on june fifteenth, this is a violation of the mann act. This was prostitution. Mr shapley You use our investigation under hunter, binding code name sportsmen which opened november of twenty thousand and eighteen, it was an offshoot of an investigation. The iris was conducting into a foreign based amateur online pornography platform.
This. This is evidence of a hunter buys aluminium angling facts. Excuse me, this is my time coming making pornography should we be? splitting this extra germany did the committee ladys tab has expired. ok, so I'm the media's take on this was margaret hale greens. Dailies inflicts hunter by nudes. I'm congress inflicts oh, you are so wounded. Aren't you? Oh? I mean all my god. You care o b Still your puritan beating heart Oh yes, I believe you, I believe, you all you Democrats, who believe that we need to re gender queer to our seven year olds, I totally believe you, I think that you are deeply concerned about graphic nudity in congo. in front of a bunch of adults by the wage whacked out. I am I am I think that I totally believe you. I think that you guys are just the sensibilities congress have been offended they all of the exact same people who said he should cut the balls off little boys. Just it really is
Yes, I believe you, I believe you, the islands of the foe outrage from these people. Jarred Moskowitz kind of lord, I said in an effort to own hundred by their assembly. Nude photos of him having some interim have to sit in a room and blow up these voters and put it on postal boards and figure out o, which ones are on the pale and a o c acted really offended. She called the emigrant the images pornographic accused republicans of reaching a new low that she made the kid's book out of it and put in school libraries, and then Democrats would all be out front protesting in favor of it. Animate hundred, porn from his laptop and stick it in a school for six letters and democratically like how Dear you try to take them out of the library you censorious bastard, you you're, so tiresome you're. So tiresome. Ok, if you like hunter binds. Nudes, honest laptop that I have a few recommendations. One hundred my needs a scumbag. You should stop the funding hundred by two hundred and one engine left his laptop being a drug addicted, derelict he's in his fifties at a at a stupid computer repair,
three version while claim that was rushing this information and for maybe should let him be prosecutor any commit crimes like transporting prostitutes across state lines, apparently and an allegedly taking tax write off for them. Maybe to you implement other words. Is it I'm so tired of this crap that the Democrats do this with regard to so many issues, it's like if you show a picture of what an aborted fetus looks like they're like that, so offensive. That's what? Yes? That's our point. That's our point. Not your point yoga to act offended your your tender sensibilities have been bruised head by all of the shut up shot yet you're ridiculous, but that wasn't it that wasn't it. The Democrats also decided that it was very important during this hearing to ignore all of the whistle blower revelations and, of course, talk about donald trump and the and in slam, how are we even doing what we get that momentarily? First, you may have seen the ceo of innovation refunds, howard, bachelor anti, be explaining how they helped so many small businesses with their darcy tax refunds. The arcy is the will you retention credit every year, the us government,
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Raskin he's one of the people. You hear shouting, imagine hitler, and why is this happening? Oh no. I row here He slammed the house hearing as a fear of the absurd, a theatre of the again. I can't can I just point out all of congress is a damned joke at this point, you guys are joke, there's a reason why are in single digit approval ratings? Now one likes you and we all think you're its theatre of the absurd. I want to hear about how you are very serious people top men handling congress from jamie rascal, gimme, a break we might be here today on the matter that the chairman declared is top priority, the crusade to find evidence. Wrong doing by president Biden, but now the majorities long problem star. Witness turns out to be a fugitive from american justice in arms victor indicted on eight federal criminal on the counts in an unregistered foreign agents for china who tried to trade,
these arms for iranian oil. So I guess he's not gonna, be a witness for the majority anytime soon. Well, after the failed sars reports, bank records form ten twenty three. We can conclude that this inspector clue so style quest for something that doesn't exist has turned our committee into a theatre of the absurd exercise in futility and embarrassment. Ah, yes, our our honor has been has been offended meanwhile represented twice. He informed me. He is a a democrat from maryland. He says that dumb are aid, the g o J and the fbi narrow, because they're keeping this democracy in track, which is an admission against interest? I think here's what goals me I dont like these attacks on the department of justice, the f b, I the r s as if they are somehow anti. U S, agencies those agencies, keep this democracy and check you keep them and vote. They provide the check
and may provide the balances. Wait. The irs in the dna of bare provide the checks and balances against the american people. I dont think that means what you think I mean that is actively not their job is not the job of the g o J, the f b I or the iris to keep democracy in check. They have statutory authority to do certain tasks. If they move beyond those tasks than they actually are going, shoot directions they should not be going into. I love that we want to overrule the supreme court, are suddenly about checks and balances. When it comes to executive and agencies, which are not a check or a balance. Its absolute incredible apparently the g o j is just to check into balance. Will its hundred Biden skate without it? serious questions, but goes after donald trump, that's a check and that's a balance. I noticed. Haven't you checks and balances when you guys are, are actually in control. leavers, the power represent chantelle brown of ohio. She she just dismissed.
There's nothing. Landmines has any merit there, the nicest most gracious, most wonderful people. We can't even follow which investigation were discussing day is that the fbi, the irs execs or something new, No, the american people are confused because we're all confuse what we're doing here, not thing this majority has claimed about the president's or his family has merit. No wonder the folks back home are turning out of this confused mess. Oh yeah, that's it Nothing has merit really nothing, which is why one hundred Biden pled guilty to a bevy of crimes. What would that be the reason while Joe Biden was claiming he was innocent as the driven snow row corner from california, he. He says you know. The problem is with with you guys you iris agent, you tracks on democracy, yeah yeah, what's wrong with you guys, you're stickler for the law is now. literally their job. Here's roca and I'm not
I mean I you utter stickler for the law and I remind me of that lay ms and payments personal wanted to get the the person. Whether sandwich That is the worst description of the plot of women's I've ever heard. It's like this likely me, the famous person who want to get the sandwich. First of all, let me point out that in limb is jean valjean steals a loaf of bread to feed hungry children, in the hunter Biden story hunter bite in it. A bunch of foreign money so that he can bang hookers and do crack takes tat right off I'm sensing, not jean valjean. In that story. if the long way from well John, to get all the way over here two hundred riding again skills, of a bridge you hungry children, no kind of like It- reminds me of that. It's like that Over here he's Norton crack offer hookers ass and taken tax. Write off exactly the same and you my friend you my friend, are, are just the view,
in that story. That's! U! Yours of air, the guy who steals the sandwich, these people, but here's the thing they're, all four go to the wall when it comes down to it when it comes from then on the law one is above the law and that's why Donald let's be prosecuted on every events forever. Now I noticed again that you guys are perfectly api to dismiss charges against the or Hillary Clinton or anybody else, because it might be election interference, but the minute they don't want is the guy then settled. Interference anymore. It's the law kicks into place. and their two arguments there. One is the election interference argument and one is you guys, are really jobs are but you're not even share Europe's misinterpreting the law in order to get from each other. you can always make. The case was actually We interpret the law, he was just not applying mercy emanating athens. That's victor Hugo entire point in this particular story. The claim that the, we're making. Is that it's ok to misinterpret law? To get trump, which is what
actually happening? For example, in the Alvin bragg case, the manhattan da case prosecuting trump for campaign? finance violations that clearly are not covered by the law, and it appears more and more clear that that may be the case with regard to the neat charges that are now being brought against donald trump or will be brought by jack smith against donald trump. With regard to what the the january sixth events. So, according to the new york times, federal prosecutors have introduced a new twist into the the sixth investigation, by suggesting a target letter. They could charge for president with violating civil rights statute that dates back to the post civil war reconstruction era. According to three people familiar the matter, so they know that already have from on anything is what it sounds like, and so what they are actively attempting to do now is stretched the definite debts definition of charges to get here I said yesterday, I was gonna withhold opinion until I saw more about the indictment well now, there's more about the indictment being leaked to the new york times, so I can make a judgement as to the merits of the indictment as that sort of stuff rolls out again
things can also be dropped once they are in the classified documents case that donald trump may fulfill the elements of a crime, but it's also a political prosecution. Both those things can be true when it comes this particular charge they're time went on January sex if the sense of being in the indictment is a stretch beyond a stretch. According to the new york times letter to trump, from special counsel or for the three criminal statutes as part of the grand investigation into trumps efforts for versus twenty twenty election laws according to two people, knowledge of the contents of the statutes were familiar from the criminal referral by the how's it generally six committee and months of discussion by legal experts be conspiracy to defraud the government and obstruction shall proceed we'll we'll get to those in just one second, because those both apparently week as well, the third criminal law- I didn't the was surprised me section to forty one of total. Eighteen of u s coat, which makes it a crime for people to quote conspire to end oppress, threaten or intimidate any person in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or which just occurred to him by the constitutional laws of the united states. Originally, this was directed in order to shut down the complex clan,
aftermath of the civil war was, the idea, was we're. Gonna have federal agents, go prevent the coup. Klux clan, from gideon terrorism to stop black people from voting, for example, in the modern era, has been use really, would like voting fraud conspiracies actually stuffing ballot boxes, for example, to nineteen fifty opinion by the court of appeals for six circuit wrote applying section to forty one in a ballot box. Southern case could be correct because we all have rights vote and, if that right to vote how overturned by somebody who's engaging in fraud, then they violate the statute. Same thing nineteen, seventy four supreme court opinion, which allowed section two forty ones Image west virginia cast fake votes on a voting machine, but it's going to be very difficult to stretch that to cover trump and presumably they would have to suggest that What was attempting to overthrow in honest count, a boats or something norm eyes in which the democratic world, the house judiciary committee, on behalf of the Democrats, ring from first impeachment says it seems like
to forty one, there is at least a right to an honest counting on the vote. See minutes. Alternate electoral certificates in congress is a novel scenario. It seems would violate is right. I don't see how I really don't see how, because congress can just reject that sets out the same day as stuffing ballot boxes that saying like your interpretation of this law. Here's my alternative interpretation of the law, maybe we'll go for it, which is actually what happened right. John he's been provided from wood. This gus eat up redeem, was version of how the law works, which doesn't as giannis meant kind of acknowledged, and I and trump then presented that that seems like that falls pretty clearly under free speech not under violation of second to forty one, the other two crimes. Theoretically, the trunk could be. With our section three seventy one of title: eighteen, it makes it a crime to conspire to defraud the united states. The other section. Fifteen twelve, includes a provision that makes it a crime to corruptly, obstruct an official proceeding now Andy Mccarthy, as an ex. run down on those potential charges in national review, here's. What he says is quote: I do not believe the charge of conspiracy defraud. The united states can
Why this admonition, unless the government can prove a defendant, was trying to bilk the government out of money or tangible assets? Is there any evidence that that trump was trying to bilk the country money or tangible assets. I don't see how so that particular section should apply as far as corruptly obstructing com as he says. I don't think a charge abruptly obstructing congress can survive if the alleged corruption, not involve patently wallace behaviour such as evidenced hampering or threats to use, force against witnesses or congress itself from has not been implicated criminally in the violence of the capital right jack smith almost certainly have to argue the corruption late in one from his awareness. He lost the election and be John eastman's, nonsensical legal theory that vice president pence had the authority to discount electoral votes. He said I'd be surprised. The process this can prove beyond reasonable doubt that trump knew he'd lost the elections, and this is my point, yesterday's that proving intent in a trump case very, very difficult, because trumps into it changes moment to moment and he is absolutely chemical. So how exactly do you prove that donald trump like today? Do you think Donald trump today thinks he lost the law
I don't think I'm from savings. You won the election now trumpet me capacity convince himself of things but forgotten for bad, however, says any mccarthy keep your eye. an episode that appears to have gotten a lot of smith's attention. It is said that the trunks in raise tens of millions of dollars on the representation that the money would go to a legal fund that would fight the election fraud by which trump claimed the election is being stolen. According to the general six committee, there was no such fun. At least some of the money was diverted to other purposes. In your time says too thousand hours. We spent a trump hotel properties, so thou look more like traditional fraud. So we'll see what the charges come there, but if the three charges that people are discussing are the ones that are, Those are super weak and listen, even if they want to per week, pretty clearly politically motivated by if their weak and politically motivated it looks like alvin brad the case for political power fusion becomes even stronger. Obviously, while the boy diminished ratios ass yesterday about whether their weapons in government- and they here is good
jump hears response sleep. Former president trunk received a letter from the special care investigated role and twenty election house speaker, Kevin Mccarthy says the binding administration has decided to weapons government to go after their number one upon I'll, say: here's what we have done. The president respects the department of justice, their independence. He has been very, very steadfast on making sure. The rule of law comes back in this administration comes back in the white house and Clearly the administration more widely and that's what you have seen- I'm just not can come in on this amazing, amazing stuff there from the white house now, why is this happening than we know. The reason why all this happening is twofold: one democratic decided down from as a threat to everything and do they know Joe Biden super vulnerable, but guess that momentarily first retired a feeling
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are perfectly happy. Tell me down from an primaries. They think that he's most people candidate, if you asked Democrats about this- they basically pretty obvious about it, but they have built up in their minds. This idea this this, this mutually exclusive idea, one it's good of down from gets nominated was Joe Biden can be demand to down from his greatest threat sort of the republic ever. So. How do you achieve both those things at the same time. The down from his a huge threat sort of like and that also me the nominees for the job. I can beat him Well, the answer is you in dynamo united, because by inviting him you make sure that can't be president and also you elevate him in the primaries. So you've done all the things and then you wonder why people are very suspicious of how these investigations are run, how these prosecutions are run. It here's the thing when Democrats keep saying over and over and over that everything is justified. Pursuit of donald trump. It makes us think that you will justify anything in pursuit of donald trump eddie glad from MSNBC. He says self governance itself is on the table of donald trump winds, the presidency
well. First of all I gotta say I hate this language on all sides. I really hate it. I thought Barack Obama was a terrible person. I hated his presidency. I think Joe Biden isn't if a president, I hate his presidency. I can't wait for him to not be president of the united states anymore. Do I think that self governance itself is on the table in the united states right now, like with every single election? If you want to break up the country, it's a great way to do it but that's exact democrats are perfectly happy to do that. Here is eight years eddie loud we're in this conflict. What will we be? A nation defined the rule of law. Will we hold all of these folk accountable? although our political passions overrun will his passions then deny the legitimacy of the court? Will those she's deny the legitimacy of the decisions will undermine the very foundation of the polity, so we're in this moment. it seems as if the question of whether that everyday, ordinary people can engage in self governance. Right is on the table. Will.
speck the decisions of the court MSNBC hates the court since the overseas, wait overturning will we will respect elections at me. Is that Five years saying, the donald trump was not the elected friends of the united states in its it's just is absurd and you're doing all this by the way and cover for a radical democratic agenda? Fascinating peace by up Thomas So here is a really good data driven peace over the new york times fairly. Often I I agree with him on a lot, but he at least brings the data, and he points out in this piece that, while at the end the twentieth century, the republican party move rightward. Since then Democrats have moved far far far to left and opened a gap in the republic in republicans, if the republicans will take advantage of and Democrats, are freaking out about it bill mic inter founding partner of the republic, pulling from public opinion strategies. study enjoins as adults? It documents shifting views of democratic and republican voters among the findings from twelve to twenty one the percentage of democratic, described themselves as very liberal, grew from twenty nine percent from nineteen percent
in twenty thirteen, when asked their religion, only ten percent of Democrats had none in twenty twenty. that was thirty, eight percent Senator Democrats who agreed the government should do more to solve problems and help meet the needs of people group. Only forty, Five present nineteen. Ninety five to sixty seven percent in two thousand to eighty two percent and twenty twenty one. Two percent of Democrats believe government needs to do more to help solve problems and help the needs of neat meet. The needs of people are spending seven, million dollars a year we need to do more are going to eighty two percent of Democrats. The most able finding over decades has mentioned. Meccans Are- is that republicans barely budget a host of issues, while democrats positions on abortion, climate change, immigration and affirmative action have fundamentally shifted this by the way driving additional fundraising for the gnp how people are watching the gnp? Fundraising politico. Is it tat. The republicans are dominating the cash dash so far in the cut throat battle for the house in twenty twenty four.
european leaders are continuing to read the words of a successful years, long strategy to erase the massive small dollar fundraising advantage democrats enjoyed since trumped took office and twenty seventeen, some sixty five public and candidates raised half a million dollars or more in the second quarter, compared just forty democrats. Accordingly, medical analysis of campaign, finance filings and twenty nineteen. Only thirty republicans crossed that threshold. Compared to fifty democrats so republicans are outraging democrats on house level, Joe Biden innately vulnerable me whenever I tried out Nancy blow. need to defend Joe Biden. You know you're in trouble in probably most hilarious, clip of the day Nancy policy because she is extremely that also not with it. She testified. Joe Biden is actually a spring chicken man. This is this like the the night at the end of indiana jones and the last crusade?
talking about how. How basically Methuselah is a spring chicken here here is here is a nancy pelosi. We have to be hopeful that that's just the way we're an optimistic country will be for that. As we go forward, we can do this in a unifying way and we couldn't be better served in that regard than by president Joe Biden. This is a person who respects other points of view. A person has a vision about our country that is consistent with the vision of our founders that respects the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform to keep our freedom and intact and again, under the aspirations of our children, lead. The wise I mean he's a traditionalist is a traditionalist. First of all, I dunno a nancy Pelosi got two pairs of eyebrows, but in any case it's a it's. It's an amazing, things are apparently Joe Biden? Not only We respect the vision of our founders, he's just a kid he's. A kid he's a spring chicken, as I say age is relative. What
I was in a way of for some democratic so recently in the net. Norman lear is one hundred going on one hundred one, and he was telling me some new shows he was involved in. I was making with frank area Ninety something orkut showing me new buildings is building throughout the world and they were like. Eighty is a kid the fact is that it is relatively he's. He's younger than I am so I get to me that as well. the guy's eighty is the new twenty. Did you know that it's that weird at all. Meanwhile, what is nancy policy actually pushing, as I say that I'm here party continues to move steadily left. They have to protect pride and they have to protect the precious Only way to do that is guaranteed, Would you set a double standard via the department of justice, mean here's, blowsy suggesting that we have to have. military policy that funds trade,
gender surgeries or it's a tragedy that has, lost their minds. This is why I say all would take, for the republicans to win is probably the same republican, but here's nancy pelosi doing the thing. The bill that came out of the armed services committee and the committee you served on was very by partisan. You can have one no vote. It was a couple of just about a hundred percent pipe by partisan until they came to the floor and started really messing. with it it's a tragedy. It's really sad. This is the democratic party, and so, of course they have to protect the geriatric daughter in charge. Of course they have to, and that means they need to simultaneously elevate trump, and then you stopped from simultaneously and that's what a lot of these indictment are very much about. Meanwhile I have to say the administration doing a stellar job, as always with regard to foreign policy, and it is amazing to watch as
vision, pages run circles around people like John Kerry, so G, the dictator of china. He was ass specifically by John Kerry too, do more on climate and he's like nope, not interested. According to the new york times, chinese leaders rebuffed attempts by John Kerry, Joe Biden's climate envoy to persuade them to commit however, climate action during three days, the talks in beijing harry emerge delay. Stay from lengthy negotiations mission with no new agreements. In fact, chinese presidential ping existed in a speech that China would pursue its rules to phase out carver that solution at their own pace in their own way. So what exactly happened here did this. Funny so John Kerry was then asked about this. The fact that vision, paying and the rest of the chinese are responsible by the way They in india are responsible for the bulk of the world's carbon emissions. This point kara was asked about the fact that you rejected him to his face like to convey by mutombo and end on carries answer here was no no, no, that's not what it is Are you sure you're a dragoon made my ears, but that's never seen
made before from and where are your jaw and how well, I think we all agree that nobody should be quote dictated to and we're not doing that way. That's why we had three days of intensive discussions and I think, if you ask she azure moi, he'll tell you It was zero dictation nor I think of you asked directly one ye and and vice president on as well as if you know any of the interlocutors we were talking to, they would tell you that there was no dictation here and there was a clear exchange of ideas. If anything is dictating it is the science Oh, my god he's such a joke. The sciences director aaron guzman, dick and all those nordic- treading- nordic persian, no dick persian to do what a genius John Kerry is
I'm so glad we have him on the climate, be by the way. Can I doubt that there are a lot of headlines right now behind how hot it is outside. I know it's hot outside you know I can do about that zero things. Thank god. We have. This thing called airconditioning its awesome. You know it's a great cure for being super duper hot outside being a first world country. Amazing It worked out tremendously well because it turns out that if you have a really solid energy grid and you have the floor, U turn on that easy, you're living quite comfortably these days, you not sucks global poverty in our brains, but poverty decriminalization also point out that the media, this regime and is very very hot outside they never ever cover. called so it's funny remedial say it. While you know it's a global warming and climate change and the reason they changed, the term from global warming to climate change is because the the climate, many cases is called her drink, winters than it was before so hotter during the summers and colder during the winters they ve called? climate weirding. But that's doesn't really? overall that way so that they call climate change, would you coursing
I, the climate is always changing, however, is worth noting at this point that all of these folks Millions will die of the heat wave there are occurring on play all my god. The ocean is so hot during the summer in four august. First of all, it is this summer in florida also it's like every cell employment of laura. It's really really hot and human, like I noticed when I first visited here, several you his ago- and we moved anyway because air conditioning exists. I just want to point out at this point that done many. Many many more people die of of cold than heat like that I know that we're all very enamored of all of the pictures of it being hot outside and everything, and that the media have decided that, when it's hot out This is just evidence that that is our fault or whatever, but dumb lots more cold. That then he death, and so, if indeed the world, is getting warmer on average. Maybe the means our little milder and am I mean, relief from death, so, according to the lancet there's more that then he'd have literally everywhere, literally
everywhere on earth. Here's a chart cross the period two thousand to two thousand and nineteen asia m It's over two million called that's come here to less than half a million. He deaths africans various over a million cold deaths. Compared to a very large number of he doubts which shocking is africa's located in africa. Europe is a mess, hundred thousand called that's as opposed to less than, two hundred thousand. He doubts over the course of two decades, north America, america. India. All the way way more prevalent than he death. You don't hear about that, because a sort of inconvenient not only that. If you look overall each year, he kills about half a million people called, kills four point: five million people I know that these are all inconvenient fact, but they are reality. It can see a country by country we have a chart country by country actually showing the wild disproportion between cold death and he death. I point this out just because
again, if you follow what have media cover science this? What they do instead, you would imagine this car was exactly reversed, their ten times more coal dust and he deaths in europe. Ten times. I guess that means that we obviously need to focus like like a laser beam on how hard it is outside, ok time for a couple of things like him anything that I hate so things that I like tonight a good old book written in the nineteen twenties written by jose ortega. Yes, it is a book called revolt of the masses and serve a classic in in from conservative circles, the basic premise, The book is that when you have mass man words. What, when the mass becomes the only thing that matters as opposed to principles, you end up falling down the road to to populism and fascism. here's one thing things he says is the fascist and cynical: a species were characterized by the first appearance of a type of man who do not to give reasons or even be right, but whose,
simply resolved imposed opinions. That was the novelty the right not to be right, not reasonable. The reason of unreason de I hear being that, even if people say a thing than magically becomes drew it something the founders very much opposed as well. people talk about pure democracy, they are wrong. Pure democracy is a bad thing. The founders feared mob rule quite properly so pure democracy was never supposed to be the way that governments work. This is why you need checks and balances. Unfortunate with more in the direction of the populace politics in which appear majority guest. Down its opinions on everybody else. I in in really brutal fashion without appeal to reason at the top of the federal government, for example in that is very, very then, get other things that I like tonight. So there is. This really charming story. Are Britain the kings guard? folks with funny had to stand outside of buckingham palace. They they're not supposed to move, read their statue If you go any of his buckingham palace, they just stand there and Now there is a video of migrant herb, whose fifty is better known,
youtube name, cycling, mikey and a youngster posing for a photo. It caused a star because it is again their job to basically stand there absolutely still, but footage shows how there is a member of the guard move closer to MIKE and a boy get a photo. Remember their trip to the horse guards parade. Here's what the video look like, money, nothing The recent debate nancy kids facing here the kid has down's syndrome, so because the cadets down's syndrome his getting too far away and was scared until the guy move just a little bit closer say you could be in the photo and then who, back to his place, classy
and I m really really nice so good for that good. For that uniform soldier, that's that's awesome already, I time for a quick but I hate so I'm the barbie movie by doubt we'll get a full review of that on youtube in very very short order signal as to grant for that, because up wow, what a piece of draft, but the thing that I today, now you're, seeing all the old country stars feel the necessity to dissociate from jason l dean. You jason I'll, do ready to make a music but how about a song in which he said that in a small town they don't allow riots because people actually care about each other like each other and don't want their city burned down, and this apparently is racist in some sort of weird way so sheryl sheryl crow slapped at jason, aldean. She tweeted out In a small town, even people in small towns are sick of violence. There's nothing! allentown or american, about promoting violence. You should know that better than anyone having survived mass shooting. This is not american.
Small town like it's just lame, I mean he's against violence. That's the whole point. He doesn't like looting. It doesn't work and I that in a small town a small town. Don't stand for that sort of thing, which is true. Gerald profiling, the necessity to go out of her way to swipe just that you can be in the good graces of her liberal cohorts is really quite ridiculous, against manufactured kind, we could for algae and for not stepping down from his position Pretty guys, the rest of the show continues right now: you're, not gonna, wanna, miss it we'll be getting into the vaunted ben shapiro show mailbag. If you're, not a member, become member use, coach appearance every two months. Regional annual plans put that link in the description join us, yeah
Transcript generated on 2023-08-14.