« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1769 - BREAKING: Trump Targeted By DOJ Over January 6

2023-07-19 | 🔗

Donald Trump receives a “target letter” from the Department of Justice over January 6; the State of Michigan charges 16 people for calling themselves alternative electors in 2020; and Ron DeSantis takes on Jake Tapper.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Donald trump receives a target letter from the de oj over january. Six, instead of michigan Sixteen people for calling themselves alternative electors and twenty twenty ron de takes on jake tapir I've bench bear the bench I'll show you was sponsored by express vpn. Do you like your web history being seen and sold to advertisers? No me neither could express vpn right now at express vpn dot com, slash men, so apparently Donald trump's team knew about this since sunday, but they waited until tuesday to break the news that they'd received a so called target letter from special investigator jack Psmith jack Psmith. Of course, is these special prosecutor was brought charges against trump in the classified documents case. down in florida. There's possibility. He may also do show up in new jersey and now apparently he's preparing charges against donald trump, another arrest were indictment along the lines of what down from did on january six. Now it is unclear exactly what those charges are going to look like according to CNBC for president trump onto
He said, he'd been told you as a target in that january. Six criminal investigation by special council jack psmith from just ass. You may soon face indictments for ex probe, which is focused on trumps efforts to overturn his loss in the twenties. Election to president Joe Biden, spokesmen for psmith declined to comment from wrote that he was what he called the horrifying news on sunday evening by his lawyers. This does raise the question as to why release that on them, you know tuesday, I would suspected something to do with the fact around. His answer was about to do a rather ballyhoo interview with jake tapir that night till a great way. Do you take attention away from your chief rival? to drop in massive bombshell another one into of the campaign is, I will say, an incredible dynamic. whereby every time Donald trump gets indicted, his pulls inside there. Working party go up, and then his pole, kind of generally go down. an unbelievable dynamic, because an understanding publicans look at trump and they see a man was being targeted over and over and over five Joe Biden justice department, and they say what their that out to get from
we need to defend from the mess we defend. Trump is to vote for him because made the compressed it. Then he can protect himself from these legal charges. I get the dynamic I'm just saying that if your chief goal is to win the press, they may be nominating the guy who's under multiple indictments is not like the best general election strategy we get to that moment. However, a hearing in the class- I documents criminal cases already set for tuesday in florida, federal court terms I want to push that beyond the twenty twenty four election smith's prosecutors opposed that bad it seems like the judge in that case, is sceptical of the idea that that particular case the classified documents case gets push beyond twenty twenty four election. In all likelihood, it probably goes to trial some time at the beginning of de twenty three. So what exactly is in these latest indictment charges? Well again, we don't know because they have not been released as yet. However, according to the new york times present,
trump and his allies are going to be hit with a a variety of charges on tuesday from disclose that he'd been hit with. So with the the so called target letter, but apparently there are three statutes that may be applied here at the the the statutes concern a couple of have different charges. Apparently one is wire or mail flow fraud relating to trump's, fundraising efforts in the name of overturning the election results, they cut him with a fraud charge the fraud charge. Presumably would have to do with the idea that he knew that he wasn't actually still going be pro If the united states, where you started raising a bunch of money which you then put in his own pocket, he didn't actually use for his legal cases for examples that would be the mail or the wire charged propelling obstruction of justice charges. They are also being considered. Presumably that would have to do with president trump going to prison, witnesses in the january six case, and then pressuring them to testify in certain way down sort of b the other aspect of this. But again
it's hard to sort of, say the your, how credible the charges are or how credible the charges are. Not given the fact that we don't actually know what the charges are as yet. One thing that is absolutely clear is that the number of of different cases coming down the pike against trump. There is obviously something political here. It is the same d, o j run by the same merrick garland that appears to have a son we buried the hunter Biden case. That is now dropping a ton of bricks, andand from via the special council who then there is no special prosecutor, who is actually appointed for hunter. By now is kept within the purview of the deal J. In fact, that's one of the big controversies of the guard. Two hundred Biden is whether the attorney, who ended up bringing charges against by an in delaware device, whether he had actually for special council status, establishing been denied it by the g o J. According to the ira's whistleblower garish applicants, exactly what happened that they had been barred a full investigation by the J. So the question there is whether the geo J is blocking charges
Joe Biden allies in pursuing charges against donald trump bunch of theories politically, is what the dynamically frank, promote trumpet primaries by inviting him over and over and over again. I don't think it's probably Complexes- all of that, I think the probably you you six she'll prosecutors on people and the idea they don't come up with charges is really really rare. That is why, when it came to these special these investigation regarding trump russia collusion. I came up with nothing. That means they came of less than nothing because, typically. it works at the minute you, you appoint a special council special investigative special prosecutor, any of these things that person is just going to dig and dig and dig until they hit even some minor level of paydirt, and so it is, if you got shocked, and once you appoint a special counsel in January sixth case that they're going to come up with something little white house, for its part, is claiming that this is the rule of law restored, which I find hard to believe from the administration that continually violates the rule of law. Here is jean Pierre worlds. Worse, press secretary
president trump received a letter from the special counsel that investigated for his role in efforts to overturn the two thousand election mccarthy says: dividing administration has decided to recognise I meant to go after their number one opponent and I'll say: here's what we have done. The president respects the department of justice, their independence. He has been very, very steadfast on making sure that the rule of law comes back in this administration comes back, in the white house and clearly the administration more broadly, and that's what you have seen. I'm just not gonna come in on this particular case, yet again I believe that this administration cares deeply about the role of why absolutely not, I evidenced zero concern truthfully the rule of law. At this point, we get deeper to what these charges are and what they are not because one thing they'll notice that they probably might be under the insurrection. Acrid there's not going charges of treason here from jack Psmith.
They're not gonna, be any charges that that donald trump was attempting an insurrection to overthrow the government of europe. It states anything like that. He's gonna be hit with the same charges as generous those are being hit with he's being secondary charges like obstruction of justice like fraud at those most likely, Is there going to come up for president? we'll get more than a second and how a stick in michigan may magi into the broader generous sixth case against president from first. You know, he's looking out for you when they actually upgrade your service and don't charge you for this great and for new and current pure talk. Customers pure talk just added data to every plant and includes mobile hotspot, with no price increase whatsoever. If you considered pure talk before but have amidst Let's take a look again for just twenty bucks. A month, you'll get unlimited talk text and now fifty percent more five g data plus their new mobile hotspot. This is why I love pure talk their veteran owned. We only hire the best customer service team at located right here in the great united states of america. Most families are saving almost one thousand dollars a year, while enjoying most dependable five g network in america. Remember
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secondary wind. Now there have been some claims rudy giuliani may have flipped the reason there is speculation about this is because apparently he did not receive a target letter. There's a lot of about the possibility. The rude giuliani had been really facilitating a lot of the claims in the aftermath of the election that donald trump won the election and he was going out there and he was actually soliciting alternative electors in various states to create some lecter slates that could theoretically selected The congress of the united states in place of the actual certified electoral slight there there's lots. after giuliani was going get indicted in the generous Apparently, that is something that is not going to happen according to the independent from the uk Jimmy partly participated in a voluntary interviewed prosecutors as partners as part of what is known as a queen for radio, under which the eric and diamond for anything, you tells prosecutors about during the interview and apparently again he did not receive a target letter in the general sixth probe. According to his own lawyer, would that said, Julia
people are saying that that that he's not testifying against president trump. In any of these cases, it is very hard to assess the merits of the case itself before you actually have the incitement. What I say that all of us have been pretty public. I mean we all saw over this happen. It is now the year twenty twenty three all this happened in late, twenty twenty early twentieth One is the idea that any new information has been uncovered here that radically changes. The math- I am very sceptical of that de I just I have a very tough time, believing that then, covered, anything that is brand new in this particular case and, of course, there are still more charges to come right. This latest federal case is not the state case in georgia. Now the big problem for trump session state cases in the federal cases- yes, that is from brimming with medically be prosecuted, he could theoretically get prison time, but it from when the presidency prepared himself. That is not true when it comes the state level cases, so I'd say that he has passed you'd be in georgia for some sort of, election interference statute, let's say that he got prosecuted and convicted.
At the jail just on a legal level. The president of the united states cannot pardon himself of the state crime that will create a rather large constitutional crisis Get the the target letter they are saying is about obstruction, and it's about fraud. These are all secondary charges that might be easier for them to actually prove than the insurrection charges, but I want to see the but in time to see what they came up with that supposed we changed the mouth so radically. The now from his can be prosecuted on this. You know the year before the election, while he is currently the republican front runner Obviously the prosecutors want to get this thing in before the election right. They definitely want this guy in the dock. During the election season, when from says election interference again can you throw once number one? It can absolutely be election interference in number two. It can be the triumph of those the elements of the crime. That's probably true. When it comes, classified documents case, does speak to president the lack of common sense with regard to the classified documents, when it comes to the january twenty january, sexy stuff and when it comes to absent, in fraud and all the rest and the same
may apply that it's obviously political to target him the same exact time he may fulfil the elements I am especially when you are talking about trying him place with a jury that is democratic. Presumably, if jack myth brings charges on obstruction of justice he's not gonna bring in florida, presumably he's gonna bring it in someplace, like Washington DC. Meanwhile, this ties into the up the larger sort of january six election schemes, so, for example, may again, the state of Michigan is now charging sixteen people in the electoral scheme, and that is kind of fascinating according to the new york times Michigan a G announced felony charged on tuesday and sixteen republicans for falsely portraying themselves as letters from the state in an effort Returned donald trump, twenty twenty to be their each of the defendants, was charged with eight felony accounts, including for dreaming conspiracy to commit forgery. Mutations, they'd sign documents are testament attesting falsely that they were michigan, we elected and qualified electors for president and vice president.
as the attorney general, JANET nestle, who is a Democrat who, of course, is bringing these prosecution charges that this seems to me like might violate first amendment considerations, which will, I am sure, be adventure here, Dana nestle announcing the charges as part of the orchestrated plan. We allege that sixteen michigan residents met covertly in the basement of michigan gnp headquarters. knowingly and have their own volition sign their names to multiple certificates, stating that they were the duly elected and qualified electors for president and vice president of the united states of america, for the state of michigan That was a lie: they weren't the duly elected in qualified electors and each of the defendants knew it. They carried out these actions with the hope and belief that the electoral votes of Michigan twenty twenty election would be awarded to the candidate of their choosing instead of the candidate that michigan vote.
there's actually chose now. This looks spurious. The reason this looks furious is because I can call myself the president of the united states today. If I actively think I'm the president of the united states today, if I'm where the weird impression that that is in fact the case, then I violated the intent part of this particular stature. In fact, what in it so is doing here looks very much like to not charges as the predicate predicated going after trump in Michigan. In the same way, they have this. This attorney Any willows down Georgia who's preparing to go after president from down there. As the new york times notes now began investigating matter early twenty twenty one, but then she referred to the geo J and generate twenty twenty two. She the time there are grounds to bring charges, but there was the better invest resources over at the federal level, and a few months later, postpones. What? If what? If we don't hold the people involved in the alternate elector scheme, accountable? There's literally nothing to stop them from doing this again because there have been no repercussions for it. By january of this year, federal prospers had taken no apparent action because, presumably so. This is not a crime. If I said,
document saying that I'm in a letter in the state of florida even now clinical Julia pointed, but think that I am duly appointed, because I believe, because I've been by foolish lawyers, for example, that was in fact a statute underwater I could be considered a duly elected member of an alternate slate and then I could then be selected by congress of the united states intent is part of the crime. Is the big problem, A lot of these statutes that are now being used against people like these michigan electors intended the crime. You have to know that you're defrauding somebody. You have to know the participating in something that is not true. It's not the tropical all wrong is not negligent statute, its history, its statute, where you actually we have in ten years time men's. Rape is men's. Ray a present here I am believe that this is a big problem with the case. From one january next year. I shall have to make the case. The trump new full well if he had not been elected, president of I'd staging, essentially trumped up all of this in order to avoid the consequences of that, as I said before, proving in. Donald trump is actually a really really steep hill to climb this,
Why, for example, the tape in the classroom, doc cases so damaging to trump, because when we saying that he knows the thing that they would have to Ablishn didn't have a tape made from said. I didn't know that the classified documents were classified I I thought I could declares if you just said that anymore, I'm saying I knew I could not be classed by these documents. I was the president, I'm not like that tape. extremely damaging to drop on the genuine. six matters virtually all These crimes are intent, crimes structure is not right, absurd is a is a situation where, if you offer a thing of tangible value to someone to change their testimony, that's obstruction, which presumably is why they will they're going to attempt to bring obstruction charges, but the fraud charge isn't intent charge or you have to show that trump actively knew that the money that you take them from people is not going to be used for legal defense, and not only did he know it was not going to be used for legal defense. He knew that the legal defenses would spurious, and he was doing it's my money in his own pocket. That is again a high hopes.
I'm in ten crimes are very difficult now in a second we'll get to the politics of all of this, because you can see the these sort of way that this is through again the race into disarray, letter that just women. First, let's talk about a simple fact of irresponsible person. You need life insurance. A life insurance plan gives you peace of mind if something god forbid happens to you, you and your family will have a safety net to cover mortgage payments, college costs or other expenses policy genius makes it easy to compare life insurance, quotes from top companies and find your lowest price. I can tell you from person experienced. I have a lot of life insurance on me. That is the thing that gives me a lot of comfort when I go to sleep at night with policy genius, can find life insurance policy, starting just twenty five bucks per month for a million dollars and coverage. Some options offer coverages. as we can avoid this unnecessary medical gems policies is licensed agents work for you, not the insurance companies. That means they don't have an incentive to recommend one insurer over another, so you can actually trust their guidance. There are no added fees. Your personal information remains private. Loved ones deserve that financial, If you know- and you deserve a microwave funding by hand over to policy
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I think it was shown how he was in the white house and didn't do anything while, while things were going on, he should have come out more forcefully, of course, that but to try to criminalize that that's a different. That's a different issue entirely and I think that we we want to be in a situation where you know you don't have one side just constantly trying to put the other side in jail, and in that fortunately, is- is We say that that seems to be the generalised political from a bunch of republicans. Basically like wouldn't be read, I'm from had not got himself in all of this hot water when they had been awesome thing. Also, its politically mobile brain come the governor of Georgia, who is no ally of president from come himself turned down from comes to swell the election in georgia. He said they better have pretty good evidence if they're gonna go out from this way. What are you it is true that he is the target of an indictment regarding january sex on a lot of people it is like. May that are frustrated by thanks
The new york indictment, but there is no doubt that these things are distraction to the former president and I just follows the prosecutor bringing these charges. He better have some damn good evidence if you're going after a former president and will see as the price says, plays out, but it's certainly a distraction from us meeting Joe Biden, and that is that is in fact here. So the question is going to be in terms of political consequences, is there a point at which the republican party many members the base? They have a lot of sympathy for from they think you're being gone after unfairly? and also they realise that it turns out that this battle is not to win them the white house that this is actually a problem for them that the more that that trump is in the house, lines about his indictment. The more he is right. Legal battles, the less the headline is, Joe Biden is a terrible present who ought not be president anymore and others Is there a sort of a drama limit for the republican party in support trump in backroom? In things all unfair all that can be true. At the same time, you can also recognize that
the presidential race should not be. the various indictments of president from the presidential rates should be about something else. It is the case Nicky Hayley was making more clearly than any of the other candidates. Here she was last night, the rest of this primary election is going to be in reference to trump is going to be about law suits it's going to be about legal fees, it's going to be about judges, and it's just going to continue to be a further. further distraction, and that's why I am running is because we need a new generational leader. We can't keep dealing with this drama. We can't keep dealing with the negativity we can't keep dealing with all this. We ve got China that, literally trying to be a war without she's gonna run building a bomb? You ve got north korea detaining a soldier and testing ballistic missiles. We need to focus on the debt and the lack of transparency in schools and crime. and the craziness on the border. We can't be sitting there focused on law suit, over and over again,
again. She is not wrong and this is going to be the question for republicans going forward. Would you like to win? Would you like to battle about the Joe Biden's power he's, or do you just wish to talk about president trump in terms of this election cycle from here until the election date. Do we think that's a winning strategy, serious question we'll get to more on this in just one. Second, first, we have a dog, his name is be this morning have you made me unhappy. I had a book those near his pen and hear somehow got a hold of his book. He ripped off the cover he chewed it up. It did not make me happy and that's my fault, because I hadn't fed him. Yet if I'd them- is rough greens earlier than that and maybe would have in hungary for my literature? Well, the dogs you ve been getting your dog is deadwood has very little nutritional value. Look at it, brown who doesn't exactly scream at nutritional, but green food. Does rough greens booze happy who that's life? It can do the same for your dog. You ll have to go on. I knew dogs will just sprinkle some rough greens on their food every single day and contains all the necessary vitamins. Minerals, your dog's, not getting from their regular dog food, happy loves his rough grains. It's keeping him happy, it's keeping him healthy and is much better for him than the cover.
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lucky and Joe Biden somehow collapses right now. If you look at the new trump verses Biden pulls what you find is the donald trump card, break forty five percent with a with a hammer and a blowtorch, he can't I mean it's just that like there's, not a poll for the last several months. That shows him above five percent that is not a winning over you're, not gonna, win with forty five percent? The only hope that you have that point is that the? now for Joe Biden is just extremely low, but the question is whether, those people are gonna, come home to Joe Biden when the actual money is on the line and the answer is. You know, in my opinion, probably us that most democratic voters are still going to show up. You have to bet on low democratic voter turnout, while the only way you're going low, democratic voter turnout is if democrats, our motive by the presence of donald trump on the ballot right now, Joe Biden is in various poles, ranging anywhere from like forty nine percent in the NBC newspaper. Awfully downs, like forty percent in the economist pole, but again,
a lot of voters that I was Schumer going to come home to buy and who are the voters were not who are going to come home to trump do those voters exist. It seems like his pole. Numbers are pretty stable. It seems Joe Biden has wiggle room right there. Now when it comes to run answers or other candidates inside the republican party. Those candidates have yet to reach, have a few or a ceiling. So if you look at the senses And there's some polls that have the chances all the way up at forty seven percent and some that haven't are forty eight percent. Even fifty two percent in one recent poll and samples that have been avoided like thirty, eight percent there's a big range, a big fluctuation turns out, there may be some people are like you know, maybe I'll give him a shot, maybe written pennant deciding on the last day between two scientists an anti biden you give deserves shot, because you tired of Joe Biden and again that is the story of twenty sixteen, as I've mentioned, and twenty twenty twenty sixteen undecideds broke two to one for trump on the last day of the election. Twenty twenty undecideds broke today, for baghdad last day of the election. So this answer his campaign, has
according to the media, been really really flagging. Like it's been having serious problems now, I don't I'm not sure that I by that entire that that I, by that higher sort of narrative the reason for that I buy the narrative is because, if I look at proposing data with regard to round his answers, he's basically in the same sort of bucket since late may, pulling in the real, clear politics pulling average at bout. Twenty percent nineteen point four percent as ever made twentieth he's currently point twenty percent Reggie isn't really lost a lot of ground since late may and we are now in mid July. So for about the last eight weeks you ve been in kind of the same place, is he hasn't caught fire yet so the question is: how does one understands its catch fire? Well, I mean it well that somebody like dishonest and have to be this answers, but one of the people liked the may catch fire going into hostile territory and knocking some heads together. So yesterday, just answers did an interview with with jake tapper. This was supposed to be sort of the rewards from his campaign and he did a really good job. Tapper asked his questions. His questions were
again. I think, cleverly worded and obviously coming from somebody more liberal bent politically mean jake is definitely a political liberal. There's no question about that. but this is handled him. I thought very, very well and you didn't require cleanup on I'll five. So, for example, Here is run santa's asked about winning suburban arms as you go further and further to the right on some of these divisive social issues that could alienate moderate, suburban moms, etc. Republican voters see you as less and less electable. I took a state that had been a one point state and we want it twenty percentage points, one point: five million votes are bread and butter were people like suburban moms were leading a big movement for parents' rights to have the parents be involved in education. School choice get the indoctrination out of schools. Of course, there's bread and butter issues that matter to inflation,
more economic opportunity, florida economies ranked number one of all. Fifty states we worked hard to make that happen. Crime. You see crime in all these different community. these are that is now even going in the suburbs in some areas again, these are. These are good answers he's entering question, he was to be ass. The question the tapirs asking him right, tapirs, trying to characterize him, a radical on all of these policies and the sensitive refusing to have any part of it. Right here is the chances on abortion, for example, to tapir again those after him and suggestions radical on abortion and yours. The senses answer your recently signed a six week: abortion ban in florida, yes or no, would you support that as a nation wide ban? So I said I am pro life. I will be a pro life president and we will support pro life policies. At the same time, I look at what's going on in the congress, and you know I dont see them making very much headway. I think the danger from congress is if we lose the election they're going to try to nationalize abortion up until the moment of birth and in some liberal state you
We have post birth abortions and I think that that's wrong. He jumped again there's there's dissenters, taking a position that is absolutely winnable in a general election after having passed an extremely conservative law in florida and what he's saying is absolutely crap right. You can get a six week, abortion ban in florida, but you're not going to get that nationally, and so this idea that this is like a giant that the that the congress of the united states surrounding a unifying past six with abortion man, that's really not a thing. That's that national level is is going to happen. That, of course, is true heroes. Chances on ukraine again taking conservative positions with regard to the issues and not messing his pants right now not turning into a massive headline and an eye yeah, it's a lot more boring than trump. Of course it is, of course, there's nothing more exciting and donald trump mean donald trump. Is, alternatively, a night jousting against windmills and and crashing his clown car into a group of raving high like the it's, it's always
hanging there there if there's one thing about trumped, the dude is never not entertaining his always entertaining overtime. Dissenters is not entertaining you just professional, so here is rhonda. talking about ukraine as a presidential candidate, you said that the conflict is not a vital national interests. So, as president, what we What will your policy be? Will you want to stop arming ukraine? Will you stop financial support for ukraine, so first, a vital national interest to me means we would potentially send troops there, and I don't think anybody wants to see troops in ukraine, and I would believe that in two thousand and fifteen well, it's more of a secondary and tertiary interested goal should be assisted noble enduring peace in europe, but that one that does not reward aggression and there's going to be different level. is that you're going to be able to pull. We will pull some levers against russia, we're going to do be much more aggressive, energy and export, because I think that's been Putin's lifeline. I want the europe is dependent on the united states. For that, not him were also going to turn
the screws on the iranians. The iranians have been one of Putin's biggest benefactors and they've benefited from Biden's approach they are so so will use the leverage that we have, but the goals going be a sustainable peace that does not reward aggression and then tat. I asked him about the Franz issues in his adjusting but the senses targeting trans really terrible and look out of here turn this into a normal question for normal people, like should we be subset, in trans surgeries for members of the military should boys be competing with girls. You are the actual practical ramifications of all the fuzzy, radiologists being pushed by left. Your new policy that you announced today about the milk would ban transgender americans from serving in the military, regardless of their ability, and this comes on the heels of your campaign. Retweeting video that the log cabin republicans, which is a conservative algae, be taking group, said, quote ventured into homer territory- and there are more than a million trans adults in the- u s,
for their lives and the lives of the people who love and support them going to be like under a tree at de santis, administer look in the military, it's all about the mission first, so there's a whole bunch of reasons why you focus on mission. First, people's individuality. It does take you, you do have to check that at the door. Yet what he's doing is he's taken temperature down on these issues, while maintaining a very consistent conservative position. It is a smart way to do politics. What sense is doing is one of the reasons why get and he turned a purple state into a bright red state in fort it senses I very good at this and him being hostile situations and showing these we're doing. This could theoretically recast the race, because if what republican vote Looking for someone who can be Biden and whose a conservative. Then they might stop looking at tiny fireworks over here. Right, which is all of the trump indictment kind of stuff, and it made started, The actual question, which is who can be Joe Biden, who is conservative so I've understands did an excellent job on tap. Lhasa. That's no surprise. Again, I think, is a terrific governor. I think that he is a solid can
four presidents out, the only one I think their other solid candidate for president inside the Republican already, but republican voters gonna have to decide whether they wish to be entertained or what they wish to win. We think that it's a binary question. I do not think these are the: Amazing there's no chance that trump, when the presidency have now may, of course, not citizens thirty five percent chance that trunk could win the presidency if it receives the nomination is on zero percent. But it's not seventy percent either. If someone else is the nominee it's at least a fifty fifty you're an increasing the odds fairly dramatically, because again, the purse on the other side should be the issue Joe Biden. Should we not donald trump turbine should be the issue now santa's Joe Biden, has a weak, incoherent president who simultaneously pushing garbage policy. We get to that momentarily first, whatever you have on your plate, lately earnings Degree online seems absolutely impossible. Grand canyon universities, online programmes designed to make earning your degree, easy inaccessible, no matter your age or stage in life when you are busy professional, looking the answer: career or stay home parent juggling family responsibility, she's use. of course give you the flexibility. You need to learn on your own terms. Gc you grant
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can become member watch Prager you masters programme today. Ok, meanwhile, no real issue, twenty twenty four campaign should be the current president of the united states, typically the incumbent the person upon whom there is a referendum? Occasionally, that's not the case where you see that for example, in two thousand and four. It actually became a referendum not really on george w bush gone John Kerry and his failures In two thousand twelve brok, obama was able to to shift the in question into a referendum, believer not on mitt romney is a referendum on him. He lost so many boats between election, one, two thousand and two thousand twelve- that it should have defeated him except He was also able to turn it into a referendum on romney turn out. Amazing on the Republicans side of the island. All the rest, well This should be a referendum on job I'm Joe Biden, his incompetent he's no longer with us, he's, not he's only incompetent that he bad his job here we incompetent competence he's not competent. So, for example, yesterday, whose meeting with the israeli president Isaac herzog is part of a broader but is part and parcel of a broader. ten by the by the administration to draw
from Israel, Joe Biden, who is not congenitally pro israel, There is anyone in his administration jigsaw within all the hold over from the obama administration. Obama was by far the most radically anti israel candidate and president in american history. Brok, obama, staff people, his administration people hated Israel. A lot of those people are hold overs in sort of the foreign policy departed of the Biden administration. He has seen the current. divisions in israeli society, over judicial reform is an opportunity for him to drive away. Between Israel and the united That's why he invited, as occurs out with the president of Israel, not even its now, who is the prime minister, has been some talk. The now he's at inviting maybe we'll get to that in a second, but he has this pressure with isaac. Herzog, again that the president of Israel is a is a non political position, the individuals aren't the presidents of the united states. It's basically more like the queen of england, the president of Israel, you're sort of a a your head, whose there too, to show unity in the state of Israel.
by anybody herzog specifically, so he wouldn't have to buy bb as sort of a a way of of wrapping bb across the knuckles. In any case, Biden just starts babbling incoherently, because this is what he does. Then we brought israelis and palestinians together at a political level, the farm to prime minister. I mean it's just he's just what is he even talking about? What is he even talking about it? The guys were told by the media. He's totally fine. He's in great shape his fit is vital and ready for love and I'll just remind you. Joe Biden has one said. The only way that you'd run for reelection basically is if Donald from was the it wasn't just that, Joe Biden was asked him questions like people in the audience read that the journalist you are assembled for this little presser and start shouting questions at at Biden, and he reacts like your eighty year. Old grandmother would react if you burst into the room asking her very loud questions, because
is your eight year old grandmother who is in a state of decline in his income klein, there's no way not to see this clearly Thank you for your friendship and a lot to talk about. Thank you very much laughter a lot of shouted questions there, but the president were told did not bite on any animals. The israeli president, isaac herzog, makes a visit to the oval office. He looks just off The idea that this man is one deserve until his eighty six years old insane, and everyone knows that everyone knows that democratic javascript, since those which, by the way is why a bunch of silicon valley money people are now buzzing our of caging, your there's little for anybody who is not Joe Biden on that side of the isle According to the wall street journal, twitter, co, jack, he has recently boy voice support for our of K, junior. Against Biden for the democratic parties presidential nomination Kennedy has been by buy handful of other tech titans, including speck king jr, Paula, hipaa, tia and David
co founding executive pay pal entrusted to you. I must again there a lot of people who are looking at candy, not because they they think Kennedy is any great shakes, but because he is just not Joe Biden and that is what the poles are showing inside the democratic party by the way, are of key Europe is not somebody who has a career in politics. That is tremendously compelling. But the national polls among Democrats right now have Joe Biden running in the low sixties in the low sixties lemmings forty percent democrats of Democrats. I think we all want. Maybe the nominee, the latest roca politics pulling average as kennedy running about fifteen percent, but more important step is that you I can, in that same statistic, is running at sixty three point: five percent he's occurrence. President of the united states and the members of his own party are, We favouring him sixty four, that's crazy. These are terrible stats for Joe Biden by the way, there's not a pool inside the democratic party.
For the last, like four months that hasn't rated at above. Seventy three percent. Most of them having download sixties one, the messenger harris exports from MID june has none at fifty four percent inside the democratic party are awful numbers. You supremely vulnerable. Any should be supremely vulnerable. That's why presumably he's now sorting to bribery again. So Joe Biden has now he tried to bribe everybody. The student debt relief nonsense. You try to say he had the unilateral power understands the clearly didn't apply to simple. Relieves june loans to the tune of trillions of dollars. Will now frankly, second attempt james volume under secretary education, according to political, a tuesday, the administration was moving as quickly as possible under the water. Craft and new debt relief programme. In the wake of the supreme court ruling last month, it struck down by its initial plan to wipe out twenty grand that, for tens of millions of borrowers took followed, when trying to end around is not going to work, but that's the the Biden ways make empty promises and then hope that you will notice when there, when they go unfulfilled joe,
Administration is on very, very shaky legs he's relying on a continued strengthen the economy. I think economic stagnation is around the corner and I'm investing like it people are, I'm not the only one. and he has chaos inside of his own party. As well, isn't it erectness democratic party in terms of policy for example, with Isaac herzog, who again, is a rather a political figure, Israeli foreign labour party had right in our opponent to be missing out. You have. The democratic party a segment of which is doubling down on the radical anti israel rhetoric, but it does not have the strength to put down that revolt. So you recall that privilege I uphold, whose made several and remarks with regard to his rug and there's a difference from being critical of his relaxing. The Israel cannot exist as a jewish state and be democratic or israel. Kennedy is rosy racist state as privileged viable, said, printing, we'll differently than any other state on earth is a form of anti semitism, obviously than that. That is something that Democrats in the squad, particularly love to do
where she did so. It was a wild anti semite at me like associates with actual known terrorist borders, rashid ITALY, came out yesterday and said south africa, Israel, just like south africa, which is absurd. It just crazy. I will note again referred to as a huge fan of the governing bodies, presumably in the palestinian areas in lebanon. in the Gaza strip and in the palestinian authority ingredients Mary. Those bodies allows euro judge when apartheid state habit of bourgeois jews if you're driving their you mike murdered at signify but here is overshooting going after Israel yesterday and they- show leadership of the democratic party refused to slap her or any of the other members of the squad in the united nations human rights watch. Amnesty international, Israel's own largest human rights organization, based sell em all agree that Israel is an apartheid state to assert otherwise. Mr speaker, in the face of this,
just body of evidence is an attempt to deny the reality and to normalize violence of apartheid. This week, we're gonna hear consistently that that you know people talking about like all. This is by partisan support here. What don't forget those body, this congress support of the south african arup apartheid regime, and it was by partisan as well? Oh, you mean that you're going to cite a bunch of left wing ngos who hate israel and openly associate with its many bodies was areas from democratic leaderships. They're not really Elsie is doing the same thing else, the anti semitic, jason nationalist, anti semitic, mere elsie, doesn't just hang out with anti semites routinely, says anti semitic things. Here's her latest exam where she says that Israel's in the middle of a crisis of democracy and apartheid interest mirroring the idiocy of her fellow fellow anti semites retreated to leave and an ill had omar here. She was yesterday
president is meeting with herzog. This meeting happening today and democrats say their boycotting the speech. Listen. I will happily this currently a crisis of democracy and apartheid, and I think that this is something that has been a consensus among human rights organisations now she's going for smart people glasses, we can pretend the generally has an ideal above seventy five, its age. very impressive when she smart people glasses in any case the way was specifically asked about condemning these sorts of comments, and I now know we know We're not going to condemn them. We're glad that people are sometimes walking them back like pramila jayapal, but we're not going to condemn those comments. That'd be bad. We can't condemn anti semitism, etc. Plenty of words by the way for our f K, the juxtapose here to do it's anti semitism from from green, jean pierre's, so one is heard on the anti comments of actual elected members of of rome party here, she was yesterday refusing to condemn pramila, jayapal
the president have to dress costume in giant piles. Comment that Israel is a racist state to the us. If you're on the conversation with versa, we didn't hear, was any condemnation of her comment from the white house to the white house. Condemn that cop I mean look. The apology was the right thing to do, and we've been very clear when it comes to antisemitism, this administration and the entire bye. Bye. Harris administration have been clear that when Israel is singled out because of anti jewish hate, that's anti semitism, and that is unexcelled. One of the reasons- and I just citys moments ago, back in may the present it put forward a cop, hence a plan on how to how to counter anti semitism. It is something that is one of its first of a kind strategy that would not seen before and it is comprehensive in his and is ambitious,
you're, not condemning the other members of the democratic party who are doing anti semitic things. I noticed that also the me suppose: it anti semitism fight that the immense she has taken on involved getting the council on american lama relations involved. I could you not actual and smell groups in the room to decide. The white house is anti semitism attic policies there at a summit, semitism houses, new up just contrast, Here's how the white house dealt with our case comments. You recall that our of K was at a dinner and he suggested that maybe about a weapon and been engineered by the chinese government, because there are certain genetic markers with regard to covet, they made it less likely to attack chinese people or or asking us jews and those based on a faulty study but apparently, that super anti semitic. I am not sure exactly habit he's. You may notice a pattern here, the rule is it
or an ally of Joe Biden. Nothing, you say is actually unsystematic. If you are somebody who opposes Joe Biden, anything you say can be construed as anti semitic. That's wisdom, ass, very works. The claims made on that tape is false, it is vile and they put our they put our fellow americans in danger. If you think about the the racist and anti semitic conspiracy theories that come out of of seeing those types of things it to its, an attack on our fellow citizens are fellow americans, and so it is important that we essentially sir, now when we hear those claims are made more more broadly, though, whether some of the remarks on the left is by by them their friends totally fine Anybody who oppose them, even if there are left like our kids, you know now of sudden he he's it is a threat to world you, re or or some such so in us get time for some things. I like and then some things that I hate so things that I today. It is also a thing that eight, so there's, jason aldean song
this new jason algae song is a massive hit. It is called try that in a small town, the video is controversial, so controversial that it was removed by actually country music tv it was removed because it is, we showed various right and then it said like try that in a small town and goes for you, the accusation, is that this was racist, which is where that a lot of black, but live in small towns and tourism. People, also not to provide of writing, but apparently you take of the media is that if you oppose riots anything that dumb in a small town, that sort of thing doesn't go, that means the irrational kill black people just randomly what is now the song is even remotely about here are some of the music video for jason aldean song, then the grand we will rally.
fly the flag, antifa riots, the basically the idea is practically antigua craft beer and see how it goes well They say there, there's not deluding in a small town, because we actually have a sense of community right and then you play Same thing when you grow up small town. It's had unspoken, rule of law have each other's backs and we look out for each other if you like were along the way that sense of community and respect has got lost, down. We're already get back to that. I hope my new music video hubs, you'll know that you are not alone in feeling outweigh, go check it out and well. The left wing insane rage. They beta that's that the song was actually racist, it's racist, allowed to show presumably criminals who are black. and say that you don't wish for criminality to to prevail and the small town a wooden now does
that many, the criminals and they are also white. None of that matters. their accusing them of racism. Anti MTV took an accurate, actually removed the video. So here's what Nineteen wrote quote in the past: in four hours have been accused of releasing a pro lynching song, a song. now since may, and with such the comparison that I quote direct. What was not pleased with the nationwide violent protests References are not only merit whispered, dangerous, there's, not a single european, this on the references race or points to it, and there isn't a single video clip that isn't real news footage and well. I can try and respect others have their own interpretation was one with music. This one goes too far, as so many points it out as present a route? Ninety one or somebody lost their lives in our community, recently suffered another heartbreaking tragedy. No including me, wants to continue to see senseless headlines or families ripped apart. That, in a small town for me, refers to a feeling of community that I had run up or he took care of our neighbours regardless of gender, he's a background or belief because they are our neighbours, and that was above any difference it my balloon you ve, never been something of hidden from and a lot of us in this country, Jonah grin how we get back to a sense of normalcy or where we go at least
without a headline it keeps us up at night, but the desire for two that's what the song is about. and apparently is super duper, neuber bad, it's terrible again, the than the fact that their people on the left, who feel the necessity to try criminality and opposition to it as aspects of re, is itself racist, if I say criminality doesn't fly in my community and your immediate take is that's racist. You are being racist or suggesting that the crime is only from black people or the baton. In crime you're, actually targeting black people, which is ridiculous. where do the crime the country is coming from white people in again A disproportionate share of crime, violent crime murderer, is taking place among black people. I am glad that that doesn't mean that if I oppose murmur, I oppose black people of assets Has vast majority by people in committing murder? Obviously it is the left that suggests that, if a if you target it behaviour,
proportionate share of which is performed by a particular rights rapture targeting the race. That's ridiculous, its absurd! It's like saying that if you target crime. What you're actually targeting his men, these virtually all crimes, performed by men. Digital dean do something wrong here, of course, not now than when they go to their backup argument or back apartment. He film this in a town that two hundred and two years ago had a lynching. You gotta be kidding I really think jason aldean was like well I'm going to go to a town that had a lynching one hundred and two years ago and asked them to film this video, because that's what I really want, this, it's subtle! It's a subtle race bait like come on, come on pathetic dweeb in the people are sitting round thinking like this there not nobody's thinking like this for jason chaldean for not backing down. He shouldn't apologize it doesn't seem like you well, which would make him one. The first artist, not doing that in recent memory, so I'm so good for jason building ok time for anything that I hate so tough science is back so much silencing so
of our great scientists is, of course Rachel Levine. Who am who is it and rachel having who is an admiral was not admiral and is the devil. Assistant secretary of health in human services. He says that young children should be should be pushed to take cross sex hormones and then numb and neuter themselves through surgical sterilization in such they should be told don't go through court of what the wrong puberty soon super medical to me. The wrong puberty. It seems to me like I, if you're actually arguing for people to be themselves and allowing them to go through the puberty that they actually have would be part of that, but apparently not there go through the wrong puberty, says this pig
mystic non scientist. What would you say to folks who think that their being reasonable by saying why can't children just wait till there eighteen adolescence is hard and puberty is hard? What, if you're going through the wrong puberty? What if you inside our meal that mona our female but now you're going through a male puberty what? If? What? If you're going through the wrong body development, you think that you think that inside your actually really fat, you can eat else, but on the inside, you think you're, really that shouldn't we just you know, give your a gas bypass, even if you're, a hundred and ten pounds why the helmet shouldn't you you're, going through wrong body development. Is this pathetic? This has nothing to science. It's all propagandist a garbage as what rachel,
it is all about is being promoted from the high walls or federal government. Absolute insanity, they speaking of the scientific community. One of my favorite exercises in the scientific community is where they conduct a study. It comes up with an actual shocking piece of data that completely blows up a bunch of left wing assumptions, so they just write a headline it doesn't mirror the study. Perfect example of the safe from the allay times here is the headline quote: signed studying, reaches monkeys, find surprising benefits, same sex relationships? you're like I'll get you read that helping all gay marriage exists in the wild. That's probably a thing that they're talking about rights in such relationships, that's, what's creating health in these communities, anything just wait hold on evolutionary biology would suggest that same sex relationships amount to zero offspring in the wild. So probably it's not that great. So what is the study actually say? it has a bunch of things that are really controversial. That you're not allowed to talk about case. The game movement is built on a few key premises. At least it was in the nineteen eightys and ninetys
when it when we were all growing up energy, thousands, those promises were quote what s neck, what promise you were first and foremost, and homosexual activity is inborn genetic component of you, my grace, therefore to say that gay. Men should not be able to marry one. Another is like saying that black people should not be able to marry white people. It's an immutable characteristic. I cannot be changed. I was the entire argument in favour of homosexual rights, not it is behavior but treating it as an aspect of personalities, immutable and unchangeable genetically driven. It also means that the the institutions of marriage etc hager are not under attack. These of sex here is not malleable and it doesn't matter what you do with people who have an inborn tendency to involve themselves in same sex activities, You think do whatever they want, because not going to affect you right, always the argument. How does same sex marriage affect every It doesn't you're not gonna to you're, not gonna, be gauges because of all of that. Your kids aren't going to be
ribbons, one alternative sexual lifestyles just because of the propaganda zation river at em, it's all genetically inborn. What, if every single star That's ever been done with any level. credibility shows that in fact same sex behaviour is- urgency environmental and not genetic, though about Actually, what this study shows that I can say that instead there in to talk about the joys of same sex relationships. So what does this actual studies? I? In the early times headline scientists studying rhesus monkeys, vine surprising benefits to same sex relationships. The findings report this month in the journal, nature, ecology, evolution, suggest Such behaviour is not only natural in the animal kingdom, it can be socially advantageous now they first acknowledge that the same sex behaviour that they are talking about is not paid. Evidently, sexual quote among male macaques, same sex, actual behavior isn't necessarily about sex, but more social interaction, mailbox at each other uncle after grooming eating, fighting playing and resting as well as while travelling. According to the study, the activity could be strengthen bonds between males it's not like mail. sexual homosexual
We, among you know human males were trying to create bonds and sec. It's all about the sacks. Presumably quote. It is important to note that same sex, social, sexual behaviour, observing the study is distinct from home. sexual behaviour because its motivation and purpose our social said jean baptiste liquor private behaviour at the university of left. Bridging can so here's the actual shock and part of the study. Only one of the two hundred and thirty six macaques they studied engaged excuse with other males to remember the original argument for homosexual behaviour. Being an immutable characteristic is that their men who are innately driven to have sex only with men exclusively homosexual, and that has driven We buy genetics and you can Then the animal kingdom do right how many animal kingdom studies have you heard cited we're just like the nobles we're just like my caught it put aside the fact that human beings are not like the nobles and locked in the sense that we actually have the capacity. To control are wants, desires needs, but put all of that aside for a second turns out. Macaques aren't like macaques in the way that their being described right, because it turns out
the two hundred and thirty six murat who they studied. Only one what about exclusively homosexual one. Now ten percent not one percent one out of two hundred thirty six of it. That's not a headline and when it we're not gonna talk about that were also not going to talk about the fact that only sit this is their study at six percent of same sex. Sexual behaviour can be explained by genetic six percent, not fifty percent, not a hundred per cent six percent. Now this meshes well with other studies of genetics. But again, these are the lines around our talk about, because of you mentioned the headlines in a completely berries, the premises upon which much of the elderly. Bt can plus minus abided by. Some movement is built because, if, as it turns out natural behavior is malleable and if certain types sexual behaviour are better for our society than other types of sexual behaviour. We might want to construct a society that encourages certain types of sexual behaviour and discourages other heads and sexual behaviour. by the way we do this well, a wide variety of lines. Right, we discouraged
sure behaviour between people of majority, age and people of minority age. You know that is clearly aspect of evolutionary biology? We discovered That sort of seven you'll want twenty five world having sex with a sixteen year old, because that's bad red violate rules of how we about children- and we are right to do we're perfectly fine with restricting certain sexual behaviour. It shows that we have decided that certain sex Maybe doesn't count as this, because a scoreboard genetic in well, there's only one problem: would you that every eddie ever done? It haven't real trouble. Finding the idea purely genetically driven. So here's a study that should have been like the biggest any debunking. All of this is back in twenty nineteen, hung from the authors of the study behind closed doors, and they told me with results were before the study and I was like how you going to pitch this and like what we're kind of going to bury the lead, we're gonna bury the lead. What did the study find? It was a cole led by benjamin neil of the broad institute of harvard mit and was published in science? He now here's the link here's here is the headline ensigns magazine is the headline in the journal. Science quote,
large scale. G w s reveals insights into the genetic architecture of scenes ex sexual behaviour and spray generic, and it's not like what does that mean As like, we did a study. That's what that that that headline? It means we did a study of the genetic components of same sex, sexual behavior. What did the same actually show. Now set it out. Here is what here's some the headlines in media is from the washington post quote. There is no one gauging but genetics, are linked to such behaviour, new studies as a first about genetic so into every baby or southern meaning. here's one from the new york times. Many genes influence same sex sexuality, not a single gauging is a first what the studies, as is. There is no gauging and all Engaging is alive, it's not real, and that is a study of Four hundred and seventy thousand human genomes? There is no gauging Not only is there no gauging they have no way to genetically predict from genome, whether you will engage in, seems sex, behavior or not quote. It is effectively impossible
to predict and individual sexual behaviour from their genome that quote from Benjamin neil, the director of genetics at the sami centre for psychiatric research at the broad and this house? professor of medicine at harvard medical school. Burying the lead right. This is what we do, because it might blow up the actual narrative, because so much of our entire our entire view on these. Matters is driven by the lie that isn't early genetic and therefore you'll have to worry about how we address this decidedly, you have to worry about it, because and beings are not malleable in any way they they're, not just their magically one thing or the other thing, but there's no malleability sexual behaviour is not social environmental. None of that is just genetic, except that we know for a fact it is not, but you didn't know that. Probably why? Because the media this kind of stuff whenever there is a study that doesn't agree with the prevailing narrative, they just bury it with the headlines again, let me remind you that the headlines from the washington post was on that study. That said that there is no way tell from the genome whether someone is gay or straight or is going to engage in sexual behaviour that it seems
or nonsense. Acts quote jeanette, are linked to same sex behaviour. New studies, as that, that's amazing that that is like that is like saying, genetics are linked to eating, yet I noticed, but what you eat is actually largely socio environmental, the kind of food you like, but yet again that the science will be buried so long as the left wing narrative prevails, that's all that matters left wing narrative and they'll bury their own studies. They'll bury the lede they'll get less coverage of it if it means that they get the pat on the back from the from the proper interests. already guys the rest of the shows continuing right now, you're, not gonna, wanna miss it will be joined on the line by Jim Davis and Michael graham, discussing their new upcoming book. The great determining if you're, not a member, become a member use called shapiro check out for two months: rental annual plans, click that in the description and join us. The
Transcript generated on 2023-08-14.