« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1765 - Republicans vs. The FBI

2023-07-13 | 🔗

Republicans take on FBI Director Christopher Wray in a fiery hearing; inflation eases to the tune of 3%, and we examine what comes next; and RFK Jr. has a farting party.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Republicans take an f b. I director chris wray in a fiery hearing inflation eases to the tune of three percent, and we examine what comes next and ray eps sues fox news for defamation on Ben shapiro. This is the Ben shapiro show the sponsored by express vpn it's time to stand up against big tech, protect your data, express vpn, dot, coms lifespan. So everyone is in a state of high excitement this morning in the economic sphere, because the inflation numbers are in and they are slightly better than expected down to three percent. If you leave aside food and oil prices, of course, it's kind of hard to leave aside food, because food is clocking in still at a four point. Eight percent rate of end of of inflation over last year, however, this is the lowest rate of inflation, has been recorded during the binding ministration. Essentially, according to the wall street journal, inflation called last month's was space of more than two years, giving miracles relief from a painful pure
the rising prices in boosting the chance of the federal reserve will stop raising interest rates after an expected increase this month, CPR clan three per cent in june, from your early labour apartments and on wednesday, that sharply lower than the recent inflation rate of nine point, one percent in june twenty twenty, when gas prices sitting this record average of five dollars a gallon, the generate decline from four percent inflation was last close to three percent. In march twenty twenty one now remember their searching for two percent inflation, so three percent is still fifty percent higher than a normally ought to be. With that
add whenever you have a three percent inflation rate on top of say, like a nine percent inflation rate we're talking about is, since you know two years ago, inflation rate of twelve percent, which is still way way way too high. What this is sort of foreshadowing for those who are watching in the economic sphere is the idea. The federal reserve is going to stop raising those interest rates and, of course, raising the interest rates makes it very difficult for people to acquiesce to access liquidity if they cannot access liquidity, it makes it hard for them to buy things and therefore the economy ends up being slowed. That sort of the theory. So if the idea here is that the federal reserve is now going to stop increasing the interest rates, then perhaps we escape recession because of jobs. Market continues to be strong. We have really seen a fall off in terms of investment as we have. The stock market has not crashed as of yet I am a little bit less sanguine for why variety of reasons, so one of the since I am a little bit less sanguine than others that, because I think that the bite is happening, it's just not been really measured yet is particularly true when it comes to things like mortgages and real estate.
the situation with regard to mortgages is truly out of control. If you look at the map, It rates right now. The mortgage math mortgage math right now is absolutely brutal. If you seeking to buy a home now is an awful time to buy a home austin already, whose co, founder and sea of bloom tack points out more math is brutal, see by one million our house two hundred thousand dollars down at a seven percent rate over the first three years would pay a hunter. I need three thousand dollars, which is fifty three hundred bucks month. After that, Your eight hundred thousand other mortgages still at seven hundred seventy five thousand dollars she paid off. in sixty six thousand dollars in interest and twenty six thousand dollars in principal. So right now you have wildly high rates of interest, plus you have a very, very high rates of amortization. So what that? What that means is the the generalized mortgage interest rate is really high end most of the money that you're paying back is going to pay off the interest, as opposed to paying back the original principal.
so it makes very hard, in other words, for people to buy houses right now. I have rarely seen that bite yet, but it's going to happen in the market is going to drop pretty precipitously in real estate for people, So I ll ask me about buying a house and again don't this financial advice, but I've told people. I am personally close to that. I'd wait a few months. The prices are really gonna jump in a lot of areas. Also underline Inflation still remains double the fed target right now,. Financial conditions are as loose. There are still wooster, then in the fall of two thousand and two they did not tighten in two thousand twenty three, which means there's still a lot of excess capital in the system that has yet to be pushed out at this point. So if the fed, I think, pre stops increasing the interest rates, their southern be a lot of loose money out their answer of loose money out. There is going to continue to promote inflation. Embedded inflation, then you can see how much marty gotten used to this, because we had of repression made every celebrates, whereas yell Years ago, if you had said to people, we have a three percent interest rate you're on
everybody who had been a little bit freaked out. It's also true that we have seen months before, like in the very recent past, in which the interest rates in which the inflation rates actually dropped fairly precipitously, and that was not followed by a pattern of entry what inflation rate decreases. So, for example, if you look back at like march of twenty twenty, two percent change in the consumer price index was it point three percent and that was then followed by another spike, simply I've been in july of twenty twenty two. The same thing happened: in november of twenty two, so you see decree Is it members are followed by increases or until we know, what's going to happen in the next month, We now know what this is lasting trend or whether decisions out month, so the federal reserve not to increase the interest rates, means probably leaving too much liquidity insisted. Meanwhile, the bite, information continues to pour money into the system, which makes no sense at all bring it to the wall street journal and gregg. If you ask
has embarked on the sweeping foray into industrial policy and generations. Congress has enacted hundred billions of dollars of subsidies for semiconductors renewable energy infrastructure. President Biden, like president frumpy form has used tariffs, export controls and by american policies to bolster domestic industries encountered china and then Israel, real policy, is kind of just money that is being helicoptered around there's, not like a specific goal for a lot of that money. The risk is obvious as if without a coherent, not a framework industrial policy, is more likely to fail and discredit the entire concept This wasn't big deal on industrial policy, mostly consisted of small ticket projects that are lost, wonderful we're only five or thirty five million dollars. Today. It's big bucks, trumped up administrations, operation, warp, speed, eighteen billion dollars to development industry. Cover, nineteen vaccines and, of course the by demonstration by economics, is entirely predicated on spent, more money. So the no inflation is done or that the economy has escaped recession. I think a little bit early for people to jump on bandwagon at this point I mean it was
How can we avoid recession to recession? Is that for everybody? However, it seems to me that We have spent a long time assuming blue gravity do not exist in the financial sphere, which is why you ended up with forty, your high inflation, and so will you but on the other end of this- is either economic stagnation, very, very slow growth or outright recession and just Second, we'll get to the fbi being grilled by republicans on the hill first, you know but he's looking. Everyone actually upgrade their service and I you don't actually get charged, or that this is great news for new and current pure talk of customers. Pure talk just added data Every plan includes a mobile hotspot, no price increase whatsoever if considered pure talk before they have made. The switch take, look again just about a month. Yet unlimited talk texting now fifty percent more five g data plus their new mobile hotspot. This, why I love your top
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he him and she her chocolate bar says. Well, one of them has nuts ok. So meanwhile the backdrop to the fbi hearing that happened yesterday on the hill is great and widespread american trust in the institutions. So rasmussen reports recently did a series of poles. in which they show just how deep this distrust goes. Here is what they found leading up to the twenty twenty four election sick these six percent. Voters are now concerned. The cheating is going to affect the outcome of the twenty four election. That includes sixty four percent of independence by the way. A majority of Democrats say that their they're very or somewhat concerned about the possibility of cheating affecting the outcome in the twenty twenty four elections. To pretend this is a partisan thing. It really isn't a partisan thing. There's a bipartisan concern that voting is not going to be reflected in the actual outcome, not a shock, because democrats spent five six years propagandizing to their own followers. The republicans were once rigged the boat in a wide variety of ways. Ranging from gerrymandering to preventing black people from voting
republicans were climbing into twenty election. That was our stolen. Of course. Most people believe at this point that the euro, It is going to be harmed in some way by voted disreputable activities affecting about sixty four percent of voters. Think the fbi has become politically weapon. I think fifty percent of Democrats and sixty one percent of independent. Fifty nine percent voters think the media is truly enemy. Other people that includes forty four percent of democrats. Sixty five percent The americans say that undercover government agents agencies provoke the degenerate six, that capital riot believe it or not. According to Rasmussen that even includes some fifty three percent of democrats fares are fifty nine percent of democrats. sixty three percent say that our current president enrich himself of the paper play scheme with foreign governments, including apparently forty two percent of democrats. Now listen Rasmussen is pulling sometimes off, but what this as to me overall
if the tremendous american distrust in the institutions, a lot of that distrust is well earned? I don't think manifest in ways that are necessarily reflective of the truth. I think people have a tendency, just as a general rule to spot patterns and then use those patterns, and it would be too much to the patterns and so what that means is that if they see one person being corrupt or if they see the media routinely ignoring corruption. That means that this particular adoration of a question must end up demonstrating corruption. With that set the distrust of the fbi's while aren't. We now have macro general reports talk about the fbi, essentially laundered into public view. Hillary Clinton wed against donald trump in the twenty sixteen election. As pretty obvious at this point We also know that the fbi was pressuring social media to take down particular pose during the twenty twenty election There's no well substantiated at this point so yesterday, Chris right, who as originally donald trump, appointing. He went on the hill and he strongly defended his workforce in testimony before congress replaced hours of combat.
questioning by republicans accusing the agency of overzealously targeting their party, namely former president trump and his supporters. According to the wall street journal, the appearance was raised first. Before the house judiciary committee, since republicans took control the panel's chairman represent of Jim Jordan of ohio, who we like on this programme, launched an investigation of what he decried on Wednesday as the weapon, a nation of government against the american people. Really, which back focusing on the everyday fbi? Agents? Now, listen, They do it all the time and shrill virtually every major american institution, the leadership do something really bad and he'll filtered down so top deputies, the stuff with the historically campaign that was being done by top members of the fbi we're not talking about the low level agents were not talking about the guy's guys aren't working the beat the people who are doing the street interviews invokes the people are awesome. I know a lot of the people who work for the fbi at those levels and their great dealt with them on routine basis, including in of my family's personal safety. I trust those guys without a doubt. Do I trust the heads of the fbi not given the activities that they have pursued,
It sort of like a bad really run. Police department, like los angeles or chicago, and you have the political appointees. The police department very often you criticise, and the everyday cop is doing a good job in the everyday up is doing a good job. You're not doing a good job and they happens with regard to military critique of mark milly, for example, germany join cheats, so that guy seems pretty. see and then he'll say, will the everyday soldiers that yes, I know the everyday soldier is doing a job. The same thing is true at the fbi race. The work, the men and women of the f b I do to protect the american people- goes way beyond the one or two investigations that seem to capture the heavens. I mean I'm. Again that that is true, but that does not fix the problem of systemic issues at the top levels of the fbi has represented Jordan. On voting on Chris re, when the courts the fbi misled. That's a nice They have saying they live, they lied and as a result,. port information was kept from we the people days before them. Important election, we have election at present. It states election
the commander in chief miracle, we just censored. Parents are called terrorist. Catholics are called radicals that I haven't even talk about the spying that took place of a presidential campaign or the waiting of a former presidents home, but maybe once more frightening is what happens if you come forward and tell congress fewer whistle blower Come tell the legislature come tell the congress. What's going on, look out, You will be retaliated against gay xo. those accusations, I think, are very well taken in a lot of them, wiccans believe that, by the way on both sides, I don't think that that is necessarily republican. Talking point ray response said that is insane to see that he's biased against conservatives and I ll be personally biased against conservatives, but the department certainly has been run in a way that has been bias against conservatives and multiple reports. of the fbi targeting, for example, particular religious groups. Religious catholics, for example, were targeted white. If your traditionalist catholic goes just me, were threatened. The republic
he's represent harriet agent from wyoming who, going after ray and re going back at her director, ray. What are you prepared to do to reform federal law enforcement in a manner which earns back the trust of the american people? Well? First off, I would disagree with your characters of the fbi and certainly your description of my own approach. The idea that I'm biased against conservatives seems somewhat insane to me. Given my own personal background and again, I'm not letting chris re on a personal level. However, there is no question. The fbi has pursued particular issues that are way outside of its purview- and there are clearly political political in nature- not only republicans critical, of course of the quite movement against trump during the from administration afterward there are very clear hundred biden bleeding it seems very obvious in this and then hunter Biden got a sweetheart deal and again I think that the evidence tends to show that the eye
as whistleblower shit Gary shabbily, as it has a good case, make the deed, J was basically interfered with by marriage. Garland top of the agenda prevent a broader prosecution of a hundred by Republicans are also very upset at the fbi's you pfizer words to target members of the trump campaign. There are very upset the fbi's use of social media very upset. the discrimination against catholics so A lot of these sorts of issues have been creeping long time will get more of how chris re responded to those issues in just one? Second, first, I we have a dog. His name is happy and he's a really really good dog he's a great dog. This dog he's so nice to the kids he's getting used to the baby. Now it's really really well. We want happy to live a long and healthy life. This is why we give him rough greens every single morning. There Would you been giving your dog that is dead? Food doesn't have that much nutritional value, brown who doesn't exist.
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it should not be doing outreach to social media, bully them to take down particular posts where this explosive explosive hundred fifty five page opinion from a federal court in my home state louisiana explained in detail, the fbi has been directly involved and what they can. The court says is quote arguably the most massive attack against free speech in its history, the court. I ordered the white house d, o g and f b, I among others, to immediately cease colluding with and coercing social media companies to suppress american speech. Of course, conservative speech in particular, great, I find it stunning. You made no mention of this court opinion either in your opening statement today or in this lengthy fourteen page report, if you prepare it on July twelve, which is eight days after the court ruling. as representative mike Johnson, going after chris right in the middle of all of this chris re made sermon shocking admission, so he was asked about the idea of particular
but he's turning over information, the fbi that really they shouldn't be giving to the fbi. in recent years. In a bank of america turns over information. Does all the time as thomas massey congressmen from kentucky, after chris re here and re responding in a way that I should bother. Always there is such a thing as the fourth amendment unreasonable certain seizure in specific, since that you're asking about my understanding is that information which shared with field offices for information only but then recalled to avoid even the appearance of any kind of every, but my understanding is that that's a fully lawful process Was there a warrant involved again My understanding is that the institution in question shared information with us, as happens all the time. You request the information I can
speak to the specifics. Ok, where we ve got an email words. As the f b, I did give the search queries to bank of america and bank america responded to the fbi and gave over this information without a search warrant. So the thing that he is talking about here massey is apparently yet the f b I receive from bank of america actual it just records for gun purchases for anybody that was bank of america customer? The question is: why is that something turned over to the federal government? Is there a rational basis for that's all information being even requested by the federal government did they turnover entirely wise, though this causal relationship between corporations, the fbi such that their voluntarily turning over customer information, though Well, that seems wildly problematic, well aired swallow we ve got sweetheart you're about sweetheart deal Eric swallow. Prison was actively slept with a chinese pie. Here he was defender.
The fbi. It's amazing to watch Democrat suddenly turned defend any fbi chairman. I have counted in this hearing and were only about an hour and a half in the use of the word laptop about twenty times, and in fact, in the germans opening statement, he said that he's upset that he believes the fbi. it prevented more americans from learning about a private citizens laptop that is bananas to me. You all are bringing up pfizer every single question: you're essentially saying to the american people that your guardians of personal, security and privacy, but the twenty twenty election was determined germany, because the f b, I note, because the f b I didn't more americans see a private citizens non consensual news that what we're seigneur
so that is I Eric Swalwell defending the f b, I going social media and attempting to get them to take down the hunter Biden posts in the lead up to the october. of the november. Twenty luncheon is an october twenty when they tried to actually stop all social media. Posting that stuff on the basis, falsely that was russian disinformation. All of this and the did the willingness of democrats to defend the fbi in the face of some of these allegations. You wonder, comedy wonder about polarization this would be the reasons when the fbi is overtly putting its them. The scales and democrats are cheering for it. That's going to be a real problem for institutional trust in the united states. as I said before this, sometimes manifest in ways that are not particularly smart, we'll get to that momentarily. First, let's talk about your friend. Your future, you needed, set yourself up for success. One way that you set yourself up for failure is by taking out credit cards, and running, a lot in the credit cards, and then you get behind the april with the interest rates, but here's that, if you got a high credit score, you have more power than you think, it's time to leverage that score to consult Your debt, as interest rates may continue to rise. A credit card consulted
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So if you're a mathematician, you suddenly start opining on religion. You are now operating in ultra criterion fashion, right outside your realm of expertise, While the fbi has now expanded into nearly every arena of american life, just as quote unquote, the science has expanded into never every area of american life was like. The federal government overall has explained into nearly every area of american life, turns out the more things that agencies try to do, the worst they do them and if they do badly, people start distrusting them, and then ever to regain the trust the institutions tried to even more- and I have this toxic cycle or an institution fails people distrust the institution. Institution never tries to do more things, and then the institution fails and the only way fix. That is you do fewer things better, but the institutions are doing that. What one problematic side effect of all that is that this very often leads people to believe that everything the institution is doing is corrupt or or that the institution is always want when it turns out the institutions. Only sometimes line of this brings up the case of re apps, so re apps,
is a theory that isa is a person who is it supporter he was originally. a member for member, the oath keepers and re apps because cancer of national news in the aftermath of the january sixth riots. So day before the riots re apps was caught on camera. telling people they were going to go into the capital building. In fact, we have video apps encouraging people to enter the capital. This would have happen in january. Fifth, You are not, there are probably going to go to jail for capital bad. Ok, and you can see people around him screaming no fed bad, bad, bad, bad right, like even at the time people screaming at him.
he is a federal agent, and that he's We encourage people to go and capital, so they will then be arrested. Will then, of course, people did the capital and they were arrested. Re apps was present at generous exe. But he didn't and are being arrested and has led to questions among people on the right there that maybe was fed they made actually January sex was in part propagated by by the federal government, so representative nels yesterday? This was troy nels of texas. He asked we re yesterday are you? What are you know, arrest re absolute? Why is it that you wasn't arrested? Are you going to arrest MR apps, yes or no
I'm not going to engage here a discussion about individual people who are our knowing how proud I get a commitment yet just watch the video I'm at all law dog. I understand a little bit about probable cause. He did very little. There is very little difference what he did Mister struck. You can see him he's encouraging. Io cities incite the right he's, encouraging people the night prior to go into the capital the day of go into the capital and he was at the first breach and he breach the restricted area. Everybody a lot of people getting arrested for not going into the capital, but during the restricted area, but yet ramps. Many people feel fat, fat fat. and there's a lot of cloud over there. So my point is this: you arrested a lot of folks are unlawful activity. You just saw the video and I will turn automator if you don't arrest, miss the reason behind it. I believe you know what it is and it appears to me. You are protecting the sky,
and re, and then the re ebbs issue was was brought more fully out by chris re hers, cray chris re trying to haggle africa carlson for propagating all these theories about wraps, I think tucker, carlson the members. Colleagues, on the other side of the isle of said they re apps, was a secret government agent. Helping encourage this this crime so as to make the president look bad, give any knowledge of re ups being a secret malaysia- no, I will say this notion that somehow the violence at the cat on january. Six was part of some. operation orchestrated by fbi, sources and agents, is ludicrous and is a disservice to our brave, hardworking dedicated men, women, so again he's trying to rely, unlike the day to day fbi agents, doing their job to say that they re apps thing? Is no big deal in federal
we're not involved with any of this, then re was asked if there were confidential human sources on general sex confidential documents, orson would mean like informants on January sex in his answer, former capital police chief stevenson, ported reportedly, is asserted that the protests crowd was filled with federal agents. Are you aware of his assertion? I am not Would you agree with him that it was filled with federal agents on january six? I would really have to see more closely exactly what he said and get the full context to be able to evaluate how many agents were actually agents were human resources were present in the capital complex vicinity on january. Six were again, it's gonna get confusing because it depends on when we work with deployed and responded to.
breach naysayers, trying to avoid the question here, and you wonder why people are suspicious. This is the reason that people are suspicious because the federal It will tell you how many people, Actually there working for the federal government, who are, the crowd, and this is why pray much every time there is any right activity. That seems bad. There is now a hue and cry that arises on twitter, suggesting that many of the people who are involved are federal agents specifically because of the lack of transparency on issues like this combine that with the investigation into the into the attempted kidnapping the michigan governor, wrench whipper, which involve federal, federal agents who are actively inciting people into criminal activity. There, questions to be asked about all this now. Does that mean that re apps actually was a federal agent? Does it actually mean that re apps was activated by the f b I and that's the reason that he he didn't end up being prosecuted, not necessarily- and this presumably is why fox news is now being sued by ray ups. According to the washington post re ups, the man at the center of the
red conspiracy theory about the attack of the cap on the capital on January six, The laws on wednesday, accusing fox news, Antonio karlsson, of defamation, for promoting equal. What fantastical story that applicant recover government agent who instigated violence at the capital as way to disparage. Then president trump and his supporters factors has not issued any sort of response. for comment. We don't have much lawsuit is forecasting nuns survived amount in damages again, this he's done my laws like this one from Tucker way back in the one here is tucker. Going after re applin, whose on fast is according to the just, department. What re apps did on that? Video is a federal crime infected by demonstrations church several people with seditious conspiracy for doing precisely what you just saw re Epstein, urging others to enter the capital complex on january. Six here, for example, is a quote from a deal J press release. It describes the federal case against five members of the so called proud boys would prefer to be terrified of quote on January six, twenty twenty one, the defence directed,
belies didn't where members of the crowd onto the capital grounds it into the capital and quote again there wait, you just saw re apps tried to do, but here's the difference, others who have done that are in prison or facing long terms in prison but no charges have ever been filed against rate apps. Despite the fact, there's no question did it because once more, it's on tape, that's very strange! It just is, and we don't care how people call us steam for pointing that out. It is strange and we'd like an answer to what the heck is going on they sell, the questions are one thing, the question as to whether he actually did the thing is accused of doing ungenerous, sixty nothing's ever untaped, generally, fifth, sanguine capital building, then there's that emerged of him whispering to one of the people who, essentially than over, and the barriers on january sex. So apparently you standing Zurich we next to another person, preserves ryan sam so and
ran sample than breaches the barriers, and there is a lot of speculation that whose actually telling lines Hansel to breach the barriers. However, according to the according to the new york times, samples, then questioned by the fbi and then fully corroborated absence version. Events in which upset it yeah. She told damsel to calm down samples. End quote: came up to me. Is a dude relax. The cops are doing their job absolute able to prove that he had left it well before the violence even began in earnest. So he wasn't one of the people who actually breached the capital. He was just present on january sixth and a couple of days later, when his name and faced are appearing on the tv, he called up the fbi and offered help. So that is this Innocuous reason why presumably he was not prosecuted with said again. This all underscores the level of institutional distrust that is now endemic, only on the right wing, but also in the right wing. Media apps, for his part, says, had no contact with the fbi and that he did meet with the fbi after the attack was up to explain himself.
we literally hung up the phone and walked right into the house, sat down and called the fbi. Do you remember what you said to the fbi? I told him who I was and that I would cooperate in any way. I could I didn't break any laws. Two months later, he met with agents. So when we met with the fbi, I mean I was like finally clear this up. There was no. I take this. There was none of that. it was just like worth talking right now and went through everything they had a lot of questions job. Yet again, Does this mean that that re apps was the innocent of the innocent, no as meaning the federal agent also know, and one of the things that people can do is because I attended from nearly everything to stupidity, rather than malice these. I just don't think people are all that competent, but when you see that these stupid
falling in one direction over and over and over and over people tend to over a tribute, and everything is very quick to fall into in overall, broader pattern, recognition that we have, and so it is that you can see why people think or would think there apps was a federal agent specifically not because not just because of tape of absence We're saying that he to run to the capital, but also because of generalized distrust of the fbi enough. Yet that still will not tell you how many active federal agents they had in the crowd on January. Sixth, again, just one second we'll get to the updates on Ukraine It might have been one of the tens of millions of people watch netflix is it shall making a murderer as well? daily wire pluses new exclusive tempered shock users with canada, ones, inventing a matter that is coming this summer? There's no such thing as your truth. There is only the truth, seems like we're living in a world where the actual truth is pretty hard to come by. Many of us are still prefer, that includes everyone daily delaware, especially candice owens, when candice found out the key facts, may have been omitted in netflix, a series she set out. under the truth, behind the notorious, even every case, the unreal it is a new series called convicting a murmur. How can one of us it you'll, see that all the other
I content from daily wire plus, including the greatest lie ever so that what is woman and largest collection of content from doktor wouldn't be petersen, including his here, is on the book of accidents. Joined a daily wired outcomes. Lash subscribe, become member, see the truth. When it finally comes out Meanwhile, confusion reigns over the american position on the ukraine war, so Vladimir Zelensky was meeting with president yesterday at the nato summit over in vilnius? Many issues, some some nice words with american public. You should concern send him over a hundred billion dollars. That's why Harry was thanking americans. So much for these, shall we really counted on me. These, I mean that's, told him you gave us huge support. I want to say to all americans. We understand that is more than forty. Three billions for today is big support, and I understand that these, all your monument. You know that use than this money for not not just foggy
spend this money for our lives. I think that we save the delightful for europe and for all and walls. So that's all very. in good that the problem is that Joe Biden has yet to articulate a coherent policy with regard to any of this, as I said before, there are three phrases here from the binding ministration on reaching basis from the west and east phrases are all eyes. One is, is a war for democracy to is, as It takes and three is until he grinned ones, when they say it's warfare- democracy. If they mean that this, war to simply preserve, keep from being rule by Moscow. That's already been done, also items either this administration engaged in words for democracy as a general rule, considering they pulled out from afghanistan and turn a data democracy into a full scale. Islamic dictatorship to when they say as long as it takes. Nobody believes that either Joe Biden has the person. Cut and ran from Afghanistan with billions of dollars military hardware to the taliban No one believes as long as it takes, because it's not true, and finally, when Joe,
and says things like until then, where is one and they provide no actual metric for what winning looks like Just means interminably means open. It means no actual and goal we set off those things yesterday, which again likely means that work continues odd invalid. so I hear, is Joe Biden trying to sound a rather stoic note and kind of failings, and we will not waver. We will not wait We will wait, I mean our committee brain will not weaken we'll stay for liberty and reading today tomorrow, for as long as it takes, so when you keep saying as long as it takes this was this is the phrase kept going as long as it takes. First of all, every American foreign policy is four years long, its recent, Please launch the president, who is the president of the united states so it tends to waver just in terms of public support, because americans support wars until they don't on a public level,
so that foreign policy is really where leadership has to be exercised by the president, but it also happens to be true. no action changed. Everything somebody knows there's a timeline, and all of that theory was again saying as long as it takes day. The memory, Gee seven are launching the joint declaration support for ukraine to make it clear that our support, will last long into the future. They start surprise says by which each of our nations and any other nation who wishes to participate on negotiate long. bilateral security commitments within to ukraine, we're going to help ukraine build a strong, capable defence.
Across land, air and sea from which will force the the it will be a force of stability in the region and deter against any and all threats. I want to thank my fellow g, seven leaders and president Zelensky for their work to make this happen. I think it's a powerful statement, powerful statement of our commitment to ukraine as it defends freedom today and as it rebuilds a future for as, if we're going to be there as long as that takes okay, he keeps saying as long as it takes an interest. I don't know what that means, he's no one She believes that again the only offer up here. if Biden and the rest of the EU are actually going to putin behind closed doors and saying we know what the deal is. Let's cut the deal and be done and resolved to front they're all just saying this sort of stuff to keep the pressure up publicly on Vladimir Putin, saying that we're not going to go away we're going to continue pressing until the deal is done, but if there is no back channeling going on, then I don't understand what they're doing and even in public, I'm not sure why the west continues to suggest that the guy,
Well, here is going to be set by Zelensky. Everybody knows crimea isn't going to be liberated by ukraine. Everybody knows that all of donbass not gonna, be liberated by ukraine, so continuing to fall, that narrative actually does You no favours by setting up an unrealistic expectations for zalewski, and for the ukrainian people get meanwhile Joe Biden. He's too battled teleprompter and it's at NATO yesterday and men this. This do just does not look good Well, there will be thirty. Second free standing have three thirty, three thirty, two free standing members standing together to defend our people and our erika Mann, man that guy's on his last legs, but unfortunately for him, as always, the person I condemn up is commonly harris
couple hours yesterday trying to explain a I. I don't think that you are good at it. I think the first part of this issue that should be articulated is a eyes, have a fancy. We're supposed to letters, envy, artificial intelligence, but ultimately what it is about. Machine learning and so the regime is taught and part of issue here is what information is going into. The machine That will then determine at the end, and we can predict them if we think about what machine, what information is going in? What then, we'll be produced in terms of decisions and opinions that may be made through that process? She's, like a horrible sudden, rhodesia, artificial intelligence, is well it's a because that stance
artificial intelligence. Yet we know where we will yeah. That's great can imagine why eight, her guts or rather cerebral or why are of key junior, continues to be viable in the polls which brings us to the latest ana are a junior. This is one of the great poet we'll headlines have ever read. It is from the new proposed quote, Robert S, many junior preston explodes in its from man it's from page sex robert F Kennedy, junior preston explodes in war of words and farting. So if that's not peak in I'm not sure what well camelot it. Ain't page six regret The report that oppressed it or to boost our case presidential campaign descended into a fellow about screaming important farting on Tuesday night, the white house hopeful attend. a very tony's on the upper east side. No doubt hoping to impress on the ladies and gentlemen of the fourth estate is worthiness to sit
very same oval office desk once occupied by his late uncle, but a shouting match of a climate change. broke out between two boisterous old men, sending down extremely unfortunate path. The gas exchanged, which page six bore a lot to witness began after a guest. Kennedy founder of the ecological organization, water keeper lines about the environment. It seems that inquiry was enough to set off the apparently drunk gossip colleague, MR flack Doug desert the host of the event having regime's glinda the top of his lungs, the climate hoax. Meanwhile, octogenarian craig anthony, hidden guest, who appeared to have been sleeping happily for most of the dinner was roused by the abrupt rumpus having us, suddenly opened his eyes and denounced his long time. EL desert, calling him a miserable blob, shut up. Hidden guess: replied: continued to scream wildly about the climate, change, scam, well, hidden, guess, pepperdine, with verbal values from across the table, calling variously, effing insane and insignificant. Meanwhile, are of K wash calmly. Here seems dashwood sense, the need for new rhetorical tack and let repay loud problem
fart well yelling, as if to a risk of his forehead, I ve Harding apparently he addressing these issues in the same way they commonly herriston as he is it was founded in when it meant well, founded meant he was thirty. The room. which included a handful of journalists who was kennedys campaign manager. Former represented dennis percentage was stunned, see we ensure about whether this decision, farming at hidden. Guess personally, are the very notion, of global warming. Regrettably, we make our readers. There is no room for doubt that the climate change to the immediate environs at the dinner table it can it mean the steady composure in the face of the crisis sam and then someone inexplicably another has brought things it back. climate change. At a certain point leading to another round of yelling, when asked about the outburst the next day dashwoods had I apologize from using my flash violence as a medium of public commentary. In your presence, he also,
to refer to is either a gallivanting boulevardier or a beer fuelled sex rocket. Only but this means our of K junior is going be president. Doesn't it I mean These are the way that this is basically how our culture now works and pretty that our culture networks, like whoever has a innovate, dinner, vancouver by page six at which people are our averring. Their opinions through through fighting that person automatically wins the presidency. I am pretty sure that and that, according to the constitution, that's that's how all of this works very exciting stuff I happening in the hour of K campaign guys will we have a country of three hundred forty million people and the people that we came up with to run for president are in the generic dotard, whose curly, mind your office donald J, trump and are of key junior. These are the people we came up with, I have to say we're
sending our best. This is a general rule. Ok, meanwhile, we now have some goods systems from the twenty twenty two election and the boat, somewhat welfare, publicans, republicans and somewhat ill. For republicans, these statistics are from pure research find is that republicans turnout was way up in twenty twenty two compared to twenty twenty, as opposed to Biden voters. So, apparently seventy one percent of french voters voted in twenty twenty two for a public and how that's only sixty seven percent of Biden, voters voted in twenty twenty two very few people defected so really was the turn out in that seven percent of Biden, voters and twenty twenty voted republican and twenty twenty do only three percent of republican voters and twenty twenty voted democrat in twenty twenty two's again this on a huge can a swathe of independence in the middle of the country according to that new pew research centre, analysis, verified voters and non voters, and twenty twenty two twenty twenty twenty In point, sixteen, if non partisan, princes in turn out account for most of them
looking gains in voting for the house last year. Overall, sixty eight per Those who voted in twenty twenty turn out to vote in the twenty twenty midterms. As in previous election party world, you remain strong in last falls: midterms democratic when eighteen voters were slightly more likely than republican, two thousand and eighteen voters that effect in two thousand and twenty two that flipped party balanced one or two percentage points to the g o p. so why exactly the republicans than under perform in the senate races? The answer is as all the senate races were fairly close, but a bunch of people split their their ticket. A bunch of people who voted republican for house candidates did not vote for the republican candidate in the senate. So that's the part ill. The republican turnout is going to continue to be high because again, republicans are pissed off at the state of the country. There angry at Joe Biden their angry at the current democratic rights not only inside government, but also with written within the media within corporate halls. continued to sharpen vote, but candidate quality does in fact matter.
Canada qualities. But now again, one part of this twenty twenty four elections, It's definitely not getting better for democrats. The same way it did as in two thousand twenty is that people are. more in person about than they did in twenty twenty. A huge number of people voted by mail in because of all of the Democrats, attempts to get people to vote early thanks to scare tactic in about about covered voting in personal election day in twenty twenty to increase sharply compared with twenty twenty over more voters reported casting doubts and personal electronic. Both parties shall remain much higher among republican voters. Fifty one percent among democratic voters, thirty four percent white voters- thou cows- should greece may have a majority Fifty four percent of republican voters and twenty twenty two compared with just twenty seven percent of democratic voters- hispanic what is it did in fact move over toward the republican party hispanic voters favoured democrats, twenty one point margin in two thousand twenty two, but that was a forty seven point margin in two thousand and eighteen black voters continued to
port democrats by overwhelming margins. Ninety three percent voted for democratic and insurance, only five percent for republicans so yet what? What exactly does that mean for republicans, while again, it means that they're gonna have to count, lower voter turnout for democrats in order to win the twenty twenty four election, if Donald trump is the candidate, These are not. Can we winning a ton of independence, the twenty one, election is a is a sort of good forecast. You would presume for what's gonna happen in twenty twenty four again. Twenty twenty is even more of an outlier than a typical midterm election. Whenever you're trying to forecast can happen in the next. You tend to look at the last presidential. I dont think twenties predicate election for twenty twenty four, I she don't because of the wild increase voter turnout because of the changes in the voting rules, because the increase in mail in let's and all the rest, Emily the chaos of twenty twenty? I'm not sure that replicates itself in twenty twenty four, which is why you're seeing democrats becoming increasingly nervous with that said, does now
I actually have a plan to win in twenty four, so you did aid in interview recently within about a globe and dumb, and he was asked civically about what he would do about all of the problems that they had in twenty twenty four and twenty twenty rather and how exactly he meant to collect hid himself and winning twinkling for my question: what are you going to changing? Twenty twenty and twenty twenty four to prevent from being stolen. If you believe the election was stolen, president rob here was his answer. Quite so. Here's the question quote How do you wouldn't twenty twenty four of the system is, in your word rigged from said you have two swamp them. Cheaters. They cheat, they lie there. Horrible, I wouldn't this: two years ago wanting you: wouldn't you did It would have ever thought such a thing like this is possible there cheaters. You have to hope the court's get tough because they see a lot of it. They don't want to get involved they're, afraid or something bill bar was a stiff. He was afraid of being impeach, whose petrified of it p. She was just a stiff and now see what this coming up. It should happen now,
I mean garland, you do something that was taking place, I'm actually sir it's more than anybody a garland because he sees this massive corruption. I'm surprised he loves to go on. I really am. I had a lot of respect for him. He was a liberal man and that's fine. I'm surprised you're allowed to go on its own are to have a scandal. If you're not gonna, write about the public's use, it it's a good thing, but In truth, I have an offence. Ok, you may have noticed that the question was: how do you play? to overcome these systemic obstacles, to your victory in twenty twenty four and he did not have a single sentence dedicated to that answer. This is the part that scares me about his canvas more than anything else, he its poorly organised, if it's a cold. Watch it is poorly organised, then, even if you believe from the She was stolen from him. He has no plans to actually reverse that result over time, some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like tonight, so Brian Cox, Is that the best thing on the show succession on h, b, o he played Logan Roy, was supposed to be sort of a standard Rupert Murdoch is our peers, morgan and he went off from work.
culture, and I appreciate this particular from somebody in hollywood things worse now or is our perception of life worse because a things like social media in flame everything I dont think social media help it It hinders and helps- and I think it's points up. You readily inadequacies that we can write. and the whole work where we ve taught us before the whole work. Culture, I think, is true. you're on the shaming culture and the shaming cut, which I really feel quite strong. Nor does this incessant need to shame and bury plan. I don't know where it comes from. I dont know who's who are the arbiters of these, the shaman rime and that's hard to pin them down, and it turns out it she's a bunch of millennials good verb Cox, man, you certainly from some older actors right Tom hanks, Recently- was quoted suggesting that dumb,
is tired of this notion that actors can't play people who are like the actor in real life insurance, milburgh say some of this stuff. That he's upset that he acquiesce to political correctness and took the shot of eight of a person with a gun out of each. if you're some, the old hollywood, has recognised that all the wilderness is absolutely can destroy their. Three and the need to push back against. It is one of the reasons why the way the big box office heads of recent vintage are all basically just straight away. Canada, without any sort of politically correct attempts. A lot of these. A lot of new movies in the new mission impossible is gonna. Make bank is gonna make bank because there are no sucker punches, it's just a movie and it doesn't attempt the sort of political correct nonsense, these seen so many how the blockbusters So the reason why the most successful shows right now are not really attempting the political, correct nonsense. The american public is not into at an increasingly neither are the actors, that's predicting true of the old school actors in the old school directors. Remember a time before art had been essential put under the boot heel of pieces of good for good for brain Cox right there.
By the way we are doing a mission impossible review on youtube, you're going want to go check that out, ok time some things I hate. speaking of political correctness, I got I am amazed at the wheel. Hollywood, continued worship of the obama narrowly amazed. as obviously when you have an idol and it's golden calf, you continue to worship the golden gap until you until you don't, but the the fact that that Barack obama has won a grammy you wanna grammy. For reading his book. Now that he and michelle obama have been have been nominated for in any form. working what we do all day, it's just so tiresome it's so tiresome didn't want even watch. The netflix doctors working. What we do all day You know a single person who watch I have you heard of a single person while netflix doesn't release, doesn't release internal stats. You have no idea how many people watched it. I'm gonna go with two and and michelle obama,
and then because hollywood continues to worship at the altar of the obama they give them emmy nominations, which means they crowded out somebody more deserving, because literally anyone, I would imagine, would be more deserving working come from the former pro First, lady, michelle obama, production company higher ground. According to the hollywood report, which struck a content deal in with netflix in twenty eighteen bruce films and television series for streaming giant. The in the first lady was also nominated for the first time for outstanding. We did nonfiction series or special light. We carry Michelle obama and open an opera winfrey sharing your nomination with over winfrey what exactly and the emmy nomination on that she didn't interview with wondering: I'm not kidding interview, Michelle obama an interview, though berwin very, and they both got any nominated for that just pathetic brok, obama has already won in any because you are last year in the same category, four narrating netflix is our great national parks. Would you get massively watch documentary our great national parks. That sounds good bye.
Document documentary title on the simpsons hosted by troy, MC clure, troy, mcclure hosting, are great national parks feeling that those warring documentaries, while time happening over here but does matter just turn out- crap and how we will continue to reward him, because why not he's Barack Obama and the and- and he continues to milk- that for all that, that is worth get me, while not a comment on the dumbest fashion trend of the day. There is such an effort in legacy media to make men and women it is astonishing So there is a new peace at the new york times by a personated not grill o called me, our bearing madrid in crop tops some our crops, their shirts at home, others are buying them from stores. Women's sections is, first of all. Ninety nine point, percent of the men who are bearing their merits and crops. Half hour gay they're, not us due to our, like you know,
I do. But I hang my belly out here. Those aren't called crop tops when, when straight dudes, do it it's just you're too fat for your shirt when straight dudes do it, and indeed, every picture from this story is about a gay due to whose bearing his belly. So, first of all, let me say just as fashion matter now, one wants to see the midriff of another man, just as a general amnesty for gay men, women, I don't think are interested. Neither are straight. Men like this is just generally not an attractive thing as a rule, but you're all This female must become male apparently according to emma grow up. It is often the case that a summer rules round in temperatures rise so do headlines as men of em is shorter shorts over the past few years, some of also where shorter shirts deservedly cropped up. No, no men have been known to wear stomach, bearing garments when they exercise or go to the beach lately crops machine on guys and stores and bars. More modest styles Right at waistline, many aircraft short enough to expose enable
somewheres are making theirs by taking scissors, told tee shirts others by them off the rack, often from women stores, women's sections, David Mendoza. Twenty nine operations manager in new york owns crops of varying lengths deciding which, where he said, often comes down to the occasion at first from those who cut short himself, but does he starts where more crops up she discovered. Stores, including agent in rainbow sold styles, with his preferred fit rainbow, he said, has sexier more open problems that are cut even shorter. MR meant, as a start wearing crops. Up two years ago we set for noticing male fitness influencers followed and followed on instagram wore them to exercise. Just just stop just stop the is this is this: is this necessary truly necessary standard, their friends within the gay community? That's totally fine, do what you want to do, but are going to pretend it's like a broad spec a phenomenon that is happening among the deeds because it is not. It is ridiculous and you look silly and please stop
Are we allowed to just say that, and I don't really care we're allowed to say that you look like an idiot. You look stupid. Apparently there are and some men who are straight were doing it or they found the? Let me put that another way they found the one man who is right, who is doing this cody James seven who worked in advertising in new york city, watching movies tv shows in the eightys and ninetys. You started wearing cry talks about a year ago. He said it was influenced in part by thousands on screen when he was younger. He said seventy of the shirts. He owns cropped most. He said LO the naval, though, if you are short enough to show it. My girlfriend always make fun of me because and she wants to wear shorts bed, but they're all crops up. She should make fun of you and also she should run for the hills. One professor said men were incorrect. This comes at a time of shifting dynamics of gender and an openness and masculine fashion to truly embrace a variety of aesthetics or, alternatively, you look like adult and please stop because your annoying everyone already guys. The rest of the show continues right now: you're, not gonna, wanna miss it will be joined on the line by representative Jim Jordan. If you're, not a member, become member use code, Shapiro check out for two months, free and all annual plans, click that link in the description and join us
Transcript generated on 2023-08-15.