« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1761 - Who Left Their Cocaine At The White House?

2023-07-06 | 🔗

A White House hazmat team finds cocaine in the West Wing, and we explore the mystery of who dropped it; Joe Biden still has nothing to say about his seventh grandchild; and we explore the magic of Bidenomics!


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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big mystery who could have dropped, is cooking. Let's say that there was somebody. Who had like a long record of doing crack cocaine and there are lots of pictures of him doing crack cocaine. In fact, there's a story this week about this dude doing crack cocaine while driving Seventy two miles per hour on the freeway to las Vegas said he could, you know, have sex a bunch of hookers what what is it person lived at the white house and actually room with the president of the united states mystery. So like mystery of have a hamburger noah, you have donald while the hamburger goes missing missing in them is a person there, whose Romania's hamburger who could have taken over no one knows it's a giant mystery. Well, according to audio with
now been released of the hazmat team. Here's what it sounded like when they found cocaine in the west wing of the white house record a long long way. Remember: reading, cocaine, hydrochloride glaucoma hi. Sweet nasty was originally. The suggestion from the tape is that there was sound in the white house library. Then they claimed that it was not found in the white house library, but the mystery remains who left? the cocaine. According to the washington free beacon, stories about where law enforcement officials discovered a substance identified. The white house this week are raising questions. how it ended up inside the building in washington dc fire department, dispatch. Collins and they said the why power identified as cocaine hydrochloride was discover. the library of the executive mansion a secret service. Spokesperson later said, it was just found generally in the west wing. The west
How are the daily work offices for president Biden and wiser staffers? The library is located in the white house, in quarters, lower access is more restricted, so it makes sense if you're trying to hide who was behind the cocaine too. I it was just in the west wing. More broadly, the watchword very large, of hundreds of people who are working there. Location of the substance according to the free beacon could provide clues to whether it was brought into the building by a white house staffer a visitor or a Biden family. Member now, of course, you'll remember, Hundred Biden just pledge guilty to tax and gun charges in june has probably struggled with cocaine. Addiction for he's good from the us navy and twenty fourteen after testing positive for coke and resolve very awkward for the Biden. Administration was even more awkward is the is the posters reportedly been appearing all around the white nuts. Somebody is missing, who baggies of white powder and for some reason, that person is offering a reward of oil paintings adena. Who could be? I don't know who could offer oil paintings in return for their return,
ava cocaine, no known really does. Meanwhile, law enforcement is bewildered and bamboozled, which is weird because There are a few cameras in the white house. You'll figure that this would be a pretty easy crime to actual saw, but apparently the fbi is really on top of the classified of documents and our logo. Cocaine in the white house, according to political goals sportsmen officials confirmed on Wednesday cocaine was down at the white house over the weekend, but one official familiar the investigation caution the sources was unlikely to be determined given it was. Covered in a highly traffic, the area of the west wing, it could be anyone small amounts of coke. Was downright cubby area for storing electronics within the west. Exactly agent entryway into the west wing, or many people have often, taxes, including staff or visitors, come in for westering tours fair enough and we have actually been in this area of the white house and this area of what else does in fact have like this little cubby area, where you're supposed to drop off your cell phones, that you don't record anything that happens in the west wing, but that's really stupid. I mean, if you're,
a person walking into the west wing you're like well. I guess I will leave here my cell phone and my cocaine. That is definitely a move asked what the chances are finding the copper the officials had its can be very difficult for us to do that. Because of where it was sitting there, surveillance cameras unless you're waving it around? It may not have been caught by the chemists. It's bit of a thoroughfare people walk by there all the time. Now here's the deal, even if it were somebody associated with the Biden family. We will never find out about that, because I mean this if the surface is covered up for one hundred Biden in the past. You will recall that when hunter Biden actually applied for his gun lies and while lying on forums, Remy plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge on that one. He ended up actually being since what diversion programme for his drug abuse, but he lied Gun forms it should theoretically a felony answer and then his then girlfriend and at his sister, sister in law who he ended up having sex with and sleeping with after his brother was that I, while she she the gun, because she's afraid of them having in she dumped it in a trash combined
grocery store, which is directly across my high school and the secret service action it showed up and then approached the owners of the store. One hundred bought the gun according to politico, and asked to take the paperwork involving the sale according to two people, one of whom had first hand knowledge of the episode. The other was replaced secret service agent, after the fact so secret services up to actually presumably cover up for what exactly hunter Biden was doing at the time. So, even if it were somebody call him out, or maybe his name rhymes with blunter schmieding if even if war, somebody like that the question as to whether secret service would would ever allow that thing to you know be released, is I think, questionable at best we'll get to the white house response all this momentarily? First, it takes a special kind of company to want to partner, with the show there are a lot of things and the show that are controversial. I see them anyway, because I believe that is important to say two things actually believe you're on the show- and you know, companies that stand behind us- we are proud to stand behind that includes our friends over at pure talk. They make it possible for me to get here and bring you facts, logic and truth. Every single day peer talk shares. My values,
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and we sell he him and she her chocolate bar says. Well, one of them has nuts ok so I will say: there's one solid piece of evidence that it was not hundred Biden who actually left a cocaine in the white house and that is that you really loves cocaine and the chances that he would leave behind some very nice cocaine are fairly low. If there's one. Think about cocaine attics. They really liked to hold onto their cocaine as a general rule which does The question is: do wells was attempting to bring the cocaine into the white house There are no answer is forthcoming from the members of the white house press secretaries office, green, jean pierre roads, most uncounted white white has press secretary. We announced that the Biden administration is proud to have restored the rule of law in the white house other than you know, like a drug law and that sort of thing the president is proud to have restore the rule of law in his industry.
And I can tell you here- and I can tell you now- that he will not exploit his the his office with conventions at the white house like it was done in the last administration. He will not do that well. You know that that is. It is a very, very legally oriented administration. administration venom. was example. They blizzard a veritable snowfall of cocaine, questions from the white house prescott and I mean she blew it. Can you give any more details on where the secret service found cocaine in west africa? So, as you know, this is under the preview of the secret service. They are currently investigating what happened over the weekend, so I would have to refer you to the secret from the secret service on all of this, but one thing that I can share that I'll. Then I'll share a little bit of more information. As you know, the the the president and the first lady in there,
and we were not here this weekend as you all reported on this will happen. I may I just say that we have confidence that the secret service is going to get to the bottom of this. As you all know, the president follows all the reporting here x rays to follow. Ups, you said the president has been briefed on the cocaine that was found at the white house in the white house conducting its own internal investigation. This is something that's the purview of the secret service they're, the ones who handle this investigation, so it lives in enough in their purpose in their world. Meanwhile, Joe Biden was asked about this and obviously present, who takes the problem very seriously, actually started laughing. How loud about the question of whose cocaine was in the white house that he runs President
I wish I had some good. I remember. One cocaine was actually in coca cola as good times, good good, good terms, meanwhile he had treated this with all the levity that dumb democrats, z, when bad things happen to them. Here was these young anti cracking up. While talking about the cocaine situation at the white house, there was suspected the field tat said: go came here now these more conclusive loved us here I would like to know blow by blow who is responsible for this failure, no one was injured As far as we know, and it's an illicit drug at the white house, why can you actually how a bit of fun, I don't believe in fun Now I see that they're allowed to about this now it is funny, but here's the thing it's also criminal. Give it the entire media, because these people- who you know if this were during the trump white house, this
The job is done: junior on the sauce who, at the trump white house, those those horrifying Evil people hard jailing, jailing drug It's all over the country, those terrible people who did this. Who would sully the white house this way we need to restore honor to the white house, but if it's democrat or like a man, it's fun and games to sort a few lines. It'll all be good. CBS anchors also laughing hysterically? widely believed to be a common. How long does it take to find out also they're kind of blaming it on the tourists on the tour, a public area? Yes, there are people careless with their cocaine. You know it's It's an expensive drug. So many questions air. So a lot of course. We are now we're not equate to the electric a Jimmy carter level, where multiple officials in the white house in trouble and one person resigned, but now I don't want to hear I don't want to hear from you know, president by nor trial, are related for one person in particular that bill
I used to sit on capitol hill for schoolhouse rock put this in layman's term. What happened, because I'm a little confused, he was already rolled up and hit cartoon. Never stay hungry, guys tell every joke, but hunter joke. If you're a member of the mainstream media, just don't do it now again, here's the thing: if you're a Democrat, none of this sort of stuff matters- if europe up again all the sort of stuff matters. If yours, grab at the white house, you can have a man juggling his fake press at the white house and that's not a problem that actually just sign of of true freedom, if you are brok obama, you can have snoop dog at the white house openly talking about doing part at the white house with no ramifications, no repercussions, snoop dogg. Back in the day when Barack Obama was as an openly jogging about how he talked at the white house
Why are you in? There is open? walk during one of these big star, studded white house events that does snoop dogg was you know doing some pot in the white house bathroom is that that of course is big deal at all and of course, Barack Obama himself made it part of his part of his struggle to talk about his drug abuse, when he was youngster, zoos are no one was george w bush and he was the deal I well before he's running for president. That was like a career shadow scandal that put his presidency in question. Where is Barack Obama openly admitting that he had what a little blow and you know may be back in the day was passing a sort of stuff around well, that was that was, when he said that it was so off limits. Even ask him about it. The people objected to the no and then he would even be asked about a during a presidential campaign in the standards for
ality at all. They just do not apply to democrats from the media. They don't apply at all. If a republican in the white house you'll be outrage, number one george w bush is daughters were caught in college, drink other underage drinking, mistress, terrible. How could they be under age drinking being anything like it? ever- would have applied to the obama. Kids, of course, not because the rule is that, if you are, hunter Biden, a fifty two year old moral derelict who snorts cocaine off the acid hookers. Then you are, a beautiful boy. You are your merely awayward child and the real story here is your beautiful relationship with your addled old father. however, your republican and anything remotely like this happens, and its outrageous had just terrible it's awful across the board. That's the way of this works. lack of moral standards we'll get to the Biden, grandchild scandal in just one moment. First, when you are running
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the dot com right now clean up that liability type bench beer under podcast when you sign up again, is b a m b dot com type and ben shapiro. Get star alchemy. Meanwhile, the other scandal it is a brewing regarding hunter. Aside from you know, the overt criminality of hundred Biden, any very high likely that did. He was involved in a corrupt scheme where he was trafficking in. father's name and then having the money passed through him. Quite possibly to his dad leave all that aside, the other judging hundred scandal is the consider the continuing problem hundred biden, sire de child out of wedlock and Joe Biden simply refuse- is to acknowledge this grandchild like refuses utterly undermining signed, as we discussed in actual arrangement, a custody agreement with his former lover, where he was able to lower the amount of money that who's paying her per month, but he did givers moil paintings also, she was not allowed to use for darted. The last name, which is literally the only thing that has made a hundred biden a success in life at all. These
and failure in life, but the only thing that is granted and any level of monetary fiscal success hundred Biden is trafficking in last name, It is exactly the thing he denied to his village my child by a former stripper and and secretary, who is essentially performing sex acts upon him and with him and into the quest As where is Joe in all this, red is in jolla man of honor, with Biden. Family means everything to him. Well, the white house has asked about this. Green. Jean Pierre was asked about the seventh grandchild, who is never mentioned by the white house in years. Her answer given your times over the weekend about one hundred Biden's daughter in arkansas. Does the president acknowledge this little girl as his granddaughter? I don't have to share from here? I don't have anything to share from here about whether he actually acknowledges having a granddaughter whose clearly his granddaughter that's him like a nice old man's, you Does it seem more and more like across the undermining story that japan is just an enabler and that maybe he enables son, not because he doesn't what to do with them, and there are a lot of parents who don't know what to do with kids, who are wayward, but maybe it's also be
as you know, his unclear, is an awful lot of cash for him as it turns out bright. Bark is now reporting based on a a piece from the washington times quote. Staffer for then vice president Joe Biden, she said hunter Biden on an email to Joe about a scheduled call with former, waning president petrol boorish released by the national archives. Due to, if we request, chose well Are vitamins earning eighty three grant a month as board member breeze? My holdings Joe binds us and john flynn looped in hunter on a scheduling email? Did it may twenty six twenty? Sixteen about a call between Joe Biden, ambrosch anko flynn, wrote to you and undermining quote boss, eight forty five, prep for nine, am phone call of president bush anko, then we're off toward island for infrastructure event and in wilmington for university of delaware. Commencement, nay, will have your draft. I delivered later today or with your press clubs. In the morning I may twenty seventh, the call to place Joe Biden urge pro schenkel to reformat ukraine's prosecutor. office, the establishment media reported at time brees most under suspicion of money laundering and public corruption, prosecuted
Broken was investigating the case before his termination by polish, due to pressure applied by Joe Biden. So is that kind of suspicious that hunter is copied on conversations between Joe Biden and poroshenko, and it was the who fired the prosecutor, who is investigating the the ukraine case that involve griezmann, which was hunter Biden from buying, of course, famously brag about firing and how he wants poroshenko and basically had joke and fire? What I looked at them and said, I'm leaving in six hours of the prosecutor is not fired. You're, not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch, he got fired, said Joe Biden in F b. I informant suggest you piece of evidence showing Joel one hundred Biden received five million dollars each and bribed from brees ma according to house republican investigators. So yet another of corroborative evidence that hunter by was looped into relationships in ukraine involving job. All this is is rather gross, to say the least, a meanwhile Joe Biden trying to forge forth with his twenty twenty four,
campaign economy, continues to be on very shaky ground, but Joe Biden is running directly into it, so he actually tweeted out about by now. so he keep trying to make fetch happen and fetch isn't happening hears it keeps you sing by economics over and over, in the hope that somehow it latch on so he treated our quote Every american willing to work hard should be able to a job, no matter where they are and keep their roots where they grew up. That's by economics. Now you may be yourself what they held out means How is that even a school of economics nominated by not ask reaganomics meant supply side economics right, reaganomics bent lower the tax rate, and that will increase production will increase investment and that will generate a bigger. a bigger economy which will generate more tax revenue that was reaganomics in his private condiments was the idea that a balanced budget would eventually achieve significant economic growth and more fulfilling in the american dollar that that was clinics obama dynamics was, we are going just spend endless amounts of money on random projects under
the demand side. Keynesian theory that if we do so go behind what that was by dynamics. Let me read that phrase again what he says every can willing to work hard should be able to get a job, no matter where they are and keep their roots where they grew up. Why else I can say stupid, say statements. I got every american willing to work hard should be make seven point three million dollars per year at the job of their choice in the beach side, resort of their choice that shapiro nominate what the help them using random sentences. Now every american should be able to work. The job of there without an educational degree, even up to and including brain surgeon in the city of their choice. In a penthouse apartment of at least four thousand square feet that's shapiro nobbing, that's not a school of economics dude I'll see what by dynamics is. It looks like for your highs and inflation. It looks like admitting wages. It looks like a continued
stagnation in the economy that eventually is going to lead to a recession. Here, that's what it looks like so he's friend. It's we drew this thing. It's really! It's really pretty. Meanwhile, of course, it got the media defending him up. The wazoo Andrew mitchell, saying that Joe Biden just doesn't get enough credit for his economic achievements. That's the big problem must be nice to be a Democrat. Tell me about the president's disapproval ratings and how you counteract that he's. Not getting credit for his economic achievements No he's not a lot of it has to do with the fact that people are in a pretty saw mood. I've been studying politics pretty much all my life and I have been really taken a hard look at where we are today in the scheme of things where this picture was back in eighteen. Seventy six women, a vision in the country, was a stock, then, as it is now
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but it just anyone from mixed signals right now and you can sense it in the markets, be, although no were when they should their money in whether should give them money out and when in doubt, people are given the money out and that's a real problem. It's gonna get worse when the water reserves as we're not sure did we raised the interest rates high enough members raise little more next month what what, when they are treating the economy and the strength of the united states dollar, as essentially a soup, and they are just constantly tasting the soup that doesn't lend confidence all of in voting. Members of the policy setting federal open market committee agreed to last month's decision, but the minute suggested at several. Eighteen voting non voting. Officials would have to raise rates, then some of them favoured, or could important a rate increase according to the minutes, because momentum and economic activity had been stronger than earlier anticipated. There are few clear signs. Inflation was on a path to return to the two percent objective over time and that there will come a point here by the way where, if Joe Biden is faced with a a serious economic mess
down here, then you could see a world in which the photos are basically changes benchmark instead of looking at a two percent rate is a you know what it would be so bad if we're like three percent now inflation? Is the silent destroyer of savings it destroys? Even if, if you inflated a two percent rate, and that means that, over the course of the next fifty years, where's. Your savings are worth literally almost nothing you basically by hundred percent increase the money supply at which point of your savings are worth virtually nothing. So that is one of the things that that is happening here and people who are saving don't, than to spend and spend into the economy or they should hold out in the hope that the interest rates go back down. Plus there are some other significant market problems there waiting in the wings and people notice the wall street journal reports. This was suppose be the year that higher interest rates starts by taking down to Gee borrowers would loaded onto much that some are now in trouble, but vex investors don't expect promise to spread far. I think they're making this especially if rates of march higher. This is James. Mackintosh writing. Even distrust company,
I did the headlines, notably a major water utility in britain. The risk is partly by americans perform thus the sea cc rated borrowers closest to default in return. Ten percent this year the worst performing are safe and think grey borrowers with double rated corporate bonds. Returning two point: seven percent- in other words there so so much money floating around in the economy that all of that bad debt has yet to be called in. investors, myself included on a personal level, are betting on you that over the next two years, caches can be very hard to come by and a lot of these companies are going to struggle should come up with the money necessary pay back their banks, at which point a lot of equity, they're gonna, come onto the market, a very, very lowered rates. It's me a buyers, market then, has materialised yet, as mentioned says. For now it's only among smaller companies. The shareholders seem to care just jump on investors like the trash investments, big started the week is balanced measured using economist robert burns. Distance to defaults course are being those stronger balance sheets. The staff for trash make some sense, the big macroeconomic surprise of the years. The us economies remain strong, even as inflate his moderated their weakest borrowers benefit because
famously wide cast recession, history simply refuse to arrive there, creditworthy didn't game fees, the venerable rate will keep rates. For longer. As result, the management's big credit risk has done well interest rate risk has done badly. If your betting on the interest rate, you come down you're wrong, if you bet that people continue to how many of the economy, then you are right, but the rates are still rising, china, will be held back by the need to shore up as highly indebted companies, and so there are, bunch of weaklings in the economy when that debt comes due. Is the federal government going to pump up the inflation again by lowering the interest rates again to prevent companies from simply failing or is there actually going to be a recession in which it will be a virus mark for the smart investors state out mackintosh says: there's a bunch of weak links, you put them in three buckets. The first are the obvious, his ass, Super speculative also ends that fight themselves in the final stage of the post pandemic boom, mostly using specks for some that finance zombies. going bust morrissey by euro interest rates is, if you like,
seconds, your electric car start ups as markets implodes, they? The second cycle, we companies more worrisome, decent businesses with solid cash piled on huge amounts of debt here of easy money, but now facing a reckoning, rising rates. It makes hard service, their debt and steady, supposedly businesses can have problems is where I think market is going think there can be a lot of opportunities for people who have cash in the bank to buy up any decent companies at lord rates, the third type of we companies when they ought to be doing the best business with it swing around a lot without much that these should benefit from The economy, while not suffering much from higher interest rates, the more likely to be lost then a financially engineered hide their businesses. Private equity doesn't like them as much because higher volatility means they can actually borrow much and in fact those and those are the companies that are outperforming right now. While those risky companies, if they start to underperform, if the economy, tanks or if they are unable to pull back there, that industry or you're going to see a pretty significant economic pullback as pretty significant recession. So
just wait for it, and I still believe that bad economic ideas have cost answers and we ve seen over the course of last several years. Some really We bad economic ideas that the voters in the short term, by way of a much bigger from problem and that it the baby we're generation are all about to retire and when they retire, then the sister That problem, the united states, never we sought to is our debt at the entry in the increased interest rates, though, you're gonna come do the boom rather than a want, their social security and the base of people who are there to support them is much smaller than it was twenty. Thirty years ago, as the washington post points out lower numbers of workers per retiree friend the future programme, such as she'll security and medicare of support, older americans by taxing current workers and maybe the stupid, it is in our modern politics. You're literally not allowed to talk about this presidential candidate. The minute you say we need to look, and programmes and restructure them, because we don't have enough workers able to pay these bills You say that people from both- the outcome of yellow you dont trouble, yellow you. If you say
we need to restructure social security, america, which we clearly need to do, and so the Democrats and sold media baby, the broken the so population pyramid normal a population demographic chart is supposed to look like a pyramid- people, twenty to twenty nine at the bottom, for acting as well. Biggest base and people. Seventy eight over at the very top representing like very small slice of the population. So, as you strike the populations from some age, will you end up with it. pyramid looking chart, twenty twenty nine is the biggest followed by thirty three forty, four, nine etc, because people die off as they get older, obviously, but because the boomers arson large generation you're starting to see, population pyramid invert right now, deletion pyramid almost looks like a rectangle up and down that's a real problem, because people- the topic that rectangle those people are not paying into the system there. Just drawing out of the system The workforce currently is older than it has been ever in. Ninety four but under forty were sixty percent of the workforce, as only forty five percent a day.
People are going to continue to retire. They're gonna want their money and all those programmes are inflation adjusted, which means that its workers who are going to pay the bills will look for the stagnation again Market realities still exist. We sought matter lies in terms of inflation? If you don't think the other, market realities, namely the recession that comes in the wake of easy money spent in bubbles. The burst is going to happen. I recommend, Look at reality, a little bit in just second we'll get the job, an educational than the national associated has surprise, surprise, reelected, all of its old boy. as in friends and Joe Biden had things to say about the magic of education will get there in just one second, first, let's talk about the thing that keeps you sane. So one of the things that keeps you sane in life, his connection with god. It's one things: Me in life is going on in my legs like going on in the world and its that connection with, That means a lot to me, which is why I pray three times a day, but if you are looking to up your game regardless of religion, maybe check out
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all of its leaders, who knew there we're gonna do that so the anyway is one the most nefarious forces in american life, along with the american federation of teachers. Both of these groups work very hard to make sure that your child's could not go to the local public school. in all the cover shutdowns for no apparent reason other than it was great to have their teachers paid by the state to not work. Well, now the ne a has reelected all of it's leaders, all of them they're doing such a magnificent job over there not teaching your children. It is fairly amazing that america continues to wildly under perform educationally, and the big solution offered by the democratic party and teachers' associations is pay the teachers more. I am loathe to. I honestly, cannot think of another career the worst you performed, the more you get paid. I gotta go the boy networks of your very bad? They just wave you they just cut you from the team. You lose all value, but if you're a teacher been just blowing it for decades. the only I and democratic party, are therefore you not only that the corrupt teachers unions, because this is how the way this most the empty. The ne in many states
the union Jews are actually collected by the state on behalf of the union's future public sector unions, and then those Jews are used by the anyway and a in order to pay for various political campaigns that invariably back Democrats which the actual corrupt bargain. That is also the reason why, at the end, A annual meeting. The rub end of assembly on July. Fourth, miguel none of your secretary education showed up Joe Biden apparently spoke, so did Joe Biden. What do you have did you get these people to shop? For you, I mean you pay them lots of money, and then you say that is not corruption in politics. One of my favorite things when democrats. When, let's like, there's too much money and politics, except for the giant teachers unions that handle everything related to your kids and use money that you pay in taxes, in order to indoctrinate your kids and get paid richly forming doubteth dropped. That's our money in politics. Money is used from you view your tax money and then pay to these features, and then teachers have pity Hence in the newspaper democrats, that's not corrupt money in politics, crept money and power,
when you give a donation to donald trump of seventy five dollars. That's corrupt money in politics anyway, They are doing a seller job over their miguel Cardona, who is the head of the education department, one of the departments that needs to be immediately erased, overtly federal level. Here he talked about the magic of the national education association, and he talked about the evils of privatizing education. God forbid, your children should be able to go to a school of your choice. In some parts of this country, they're developed an intentional toxic disrespect against teachers in public schools, a toxic disrespect from so called leaders that complain about public education, but sleep well at night, knowing their teachers are making less than forty thousand dollars a year, a toxic disrespect from those who want to privatize education and starve public schools from the resources they so desperately need
a toxic disrespect from those seeking to divide our nation by politicizing, equity and inclusion. Oh my god, you're politicizing equity inclusion. That's what have talking takes respect. My friend no respects like garbage you're teaching, my kids one could equity, which means that if the results are not equal, there must have racism you're too. You want your teaching kids that and then, when we say no, that's toxic disrespect when you teach kids that the only thing that matters misty, and then people say no. You call that toxic disrespect by the way who elsie talk. about when he says public school teachers all over the nation are made under forty thousand dollars a year, I mean it really depends on the state in a state of florida, which is assume. I assume the state he's talking about their the toxic disrespect state. The average public school teacher salary is like fifty four thousand dollars a year, as for nine months of work. Ok, because remember teachers, the summer off, terrible salary. Our point out right here and that's what the average hey sliding hey scale as you gain seniority and all of these programmes.
The thing that is really decrying is the possibility of you. Might be able to choose to get out of this corrupt matrix remains just astonishing to me. Then no one can see apparently in the media or if they refused to see. I suppose the fact that there is a corrupt bargain. Been between unions and the democratic party as long as unions have been a powerful force in american life, a very corrupt bargain in which the democratic party essentially cuts bargains. On behalf, the union's with taxpayer dollars. Then the union's pay off a Politicians, by helping them get elected by spending billions of dollars, what's going on here, it has nothing to do with your kids. Your kids are completely secondary, but this also hagen Biden to show up at your any comment: a job. I should like to thank them as well before the july on job Y know Joe Biden knows very well your folks. Let me start by saying educated have champions in the white house joel,
Mine's me- and I mean this sincerely all the time teaching is not just what you all do. It's who you are sure you are, and I know the last few years incredibly difficult now have never just so much of you, I want you to know, I see you, we see you, we thank you and we thank you beg for your leadership. It turns out Franz people and teachers in exactly the same way. We see for who you are also putting your shirt. There's that also button you're sure my friend, that did this. It is not this one. is nonsense about. You worked so hard over the past years. No, you didn't. You literally did not work in a school between march twenty twenty and in many cases like september of twenty twenty one. In some cases, even later that europe, it was so hard, you you're the real heroes. You people who stayed home and barely time, zoom you're, the real It's amazing other real hero shifted from the doctors and nurses, who actually went into
We dangerous health since situations from time to time, and I other people who are out there delivering your food, those people, talk about anymore. It's the teachers who truly suffered the teachers who are over. boyd, as it is teaching lesbian, dance theory at their local community college and all the high school teachers were teaching. Aren't theory but making sure that all It's no question about diversity, equity and inclusion. Meanwhile, Joe Biden spoke as well. Oh doctor Jill, so much doctoring. She, Of course. The greatest actor of our time have invented nothing and and having a degree from the university of delaware will wait, wait for it wait for it. Her husband has a school named after him you to talk about affirming action
we white lady in history get affirmative action, Joe Biden, and you know I knew that jail will always be the education president, because he knows that our nations, you know the success of our nations- starts with you, the educators who shape our students, lives and so in a way they invested so much in our schools and our cancers and our says and administrators who make them all successful. Oh she tiresome she's, so tiresome one young can be governed jenny was asked about the Biden educate. an agenda and he's like a jewel, is the only one who believes that shows good for education. Let's get your reaction to first lady jill by saying that Joe Biden is america's edge, is president well, I hate to say that I think she may be the only person who believes that I think the vast. Already of of americans believe that job
has so an under supported and an underprepared, our kids, for what we're dealing with a mean, listen schools were killed, for an extended period of time, because Joe Biden thought schools should be. closed unnecessarily and now we're seeing a learning loss across the nation. That's unprecedented. We ve lost decades in decades of progress there there there's that! That's that's hit his of exactly right about all that by the way. How deeply pocket of the union's our democratic politicians or governor Josh shapiro, whose elected Furthermore, the terrible candid doug mastery nano in pennsylvania, so he had em, He had suggested that he might support a school choice programme and and then he made supports wishing vouchers for students and failing schools. So publicans and state legislature pass that what did he do? Unions came in so strong. The Josh shapiro vetoed it him he vetoed it shares these.
And that he put out what pennsylvania is the only state in the nation with a full time. Divided legislature mean nothing gets done unless can make through our public image and it in our democratic lighthouse Oldcastle. We have worked to leaders in both chambers to craft a common sense, responsible budget makes critical investments in public safety, agriculture, economic, developing public education, workforce development, etc, etc, etc. last friday, the senate, a pastor responsible budget that delivers critical funding for our shared priorities and sent it to the house for its consideration. Now we stand in an impasse, largely over Provision of this budget pass scholarships a proposal. I support that has been passed by the senate. But one leader, Bradford is made clear, does not have support of the house where was voted down a committee on friday over the weak leader bradford, requested illegal memo from the office of general council which confirm that, without enabling legislation setting up the programme, my administration we cannot implement it. No teach members will not reach consensus at this time to enact pass, unwilling of our entire budget process over this issue, I will line item veto for one hundred million dollar appropriation. It will not be a part of this budget built so instead of waiting in and pushing his own demo,
rats in the house in pennsylvania to allow for vouchers for kids, Josh apparel, is now using his line. Veto to simply slice it out of the senate budget is pledging to do that. So here the rest of his budget passed. So I'm amazing work there from Josh, shapiro, refusing to say boo to his own party. Did the union's got terms. What happened right there you and the democratic party in his own state. They got to him because again, the democratic party is run in large measure by various public unions, which is one of the reasons why you see someone democrats, like Joe Biden, deeply in hock to these unions. Ok, meanwhile, in and other local democratic news. We have the tragic Earl story of builds blogs, yo and shilling Mccrae, and if, though, to those two crazy kids can make it can any of us truly. So your mom that's our buildup lazo is a very tall. Frankenstein s monster. Looking weird old, Who won, who killed ground on is also
as mayor of new york, and remember that his wife, surely Mccrae is a political, radical. They marry nineteen, eighty four, but now things have changed folks. This romantic story is at an end and I think we should all shed a tear for bill de blasio. The agitator rough couple Years right, he was mayor of new york and then overwhelming people hated his gods. Then he tried to run for out for president and people of Well, he his gods and then either for congress and people of warmly hit. It has got to now turns out that dumb, his wife might overwhelmingly hate his guts as it turns out there's more that story nestorian just one moment. First, are you tired of breathing polluted air? In the comfort of your own home, you in your family self, maybe effect the air quality in your home allergens and germs floating in the air you breathe. They can actually make you sick. The good news is: there's technology out there that helps you fire living space easily and affordably with our new friend. Enviro cleanse you're, not gonna, have to worry again in violence in in home, air purifying unit designs, destroy cold and flu virus?
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two months ago, another stale saturday night of binge watching tv at their brooklyn home building, plaza and truly Mccrae, surprise themselves. It began with an often remark: why aren't you lovey dovey anymore mister? Last year, the former new york city mayor asked, according to miss Mccrae, his wife. It move quickly both said into the sea urgently searching dialogue. They had been necessary for years, but have waited until the moment a fall of their relationship, what they wanted, what they were not getting so first, Why aren't you lovey dovey anymore is like is buildable oz? You a dude, I don't know that's a weird thing: is it your life? Why aren't you love duffy anymore anyway. I Can't imagine why a shilling Mccrae is off the bandwagon. Should you can't make it I do love that they want to the new york times to tell this. This amazing story, so most people, if they had this going on in their lives, they kind of you know people under wraps and live there. Life not de Blasio usually Mccrae there like man, stranger than your times, do we have a tale to sell. You can feel it
Things are off miserable. You said you don't want live that way. They made their decision that night, mister blausser Mccrae are separating not planning to divorce, they said, but they will date. Other people. They will continue to share the park slope townhouse where they raise their children now in their twenties vinyl I did hub they thoroughly modern political family, whose mixed re symbolism helped sending spindly progressive longshot to city hall. As with much about their marriage, it strain is imbued with civic residence a decade after the pair became what was then most significant and dissected by racial couple in american politics. as with much about their marriage. They see lessons for others even installed both for work in a couple. Negotiating the challenges of growing altogether end for the small subset who expose themselves the uncommon glare, palestrina elements. So this marriage fails marriage, their bang and others and their immediate responses. We should lecture everyone else about how marriage should work Allah gallop. his men, like they set themselves unfair in their like. Let me lecture you about fire safety.
I have some words about about asbestos What the hell is wrong with you, people danglars. You said I can look back now in say here with you inflection points, we should have been saying something to each other and I think one thing should have said more is, are you happy? What will make you happy? What's missing in your life, you never asked your wife Are you happy or what will make you have let these are things than ever? It is easy to forget now, after two even terms a calamitous twenty twenty presidential bid a decorative, slashing tablet By turns in and gratuitous precisely because what it felt see mister blausser miss Mccrae step into power. They were visually vis, We distinctive living testament supporters into the breadth and promise of new york well when again, the new york times is making them into the model couple. Oh my god. You know what that they're so amazing, because he was white and she was black and that's just absolute white, I'll just wow- that's never happen any time in modern american history by the way pulsating.
Four percent of americans are totally gold, interracial marriage, an ogre, but it was like amazing over a nearly three our interview omens, people would be. Can you imagine having these people to dinner party is most insufferable, people on planet earth, giant, lurch, commie and his radical. Rachel activist wife show up to tell you about her bang another's we'll for three hours as a dinner come and answer. Over a nearly three our interview, during which they cut hens, sporadically and once high five in agreement Mr De Blasio sixty two and miss Mccrae, sixty eight, while turret Sixty two and sixty eight new northern together, where you are while attractive at sixty two. that point you play out the string, my friends sixty two and sixty eight. A bill de me, hot on that tinder market.
De blasio. Sixty two and MR mcrae six year were, alternatively, wistful and upbeat self critical and defiant, rather than issued to a terse joint statement to announce what they call the trial separation. The carefully worded fate of so many political marriages, before there's the two suggested they wanted to get considerably more off their chests. Ah, there's not obnoxious, instead of just being they're, not even divorcing. By the way they could have just done what they did instead, there like We won't even do a statement. We will call upon your new york times report into a three hour interview. They conclude mister blausser more forcefully and miss Mccrae that their marriage would not have reached this place. If he had never been mayor, as In full, as they said they were for the experience is proud, as they remain of their work. They cited the covered crisis, as in all consuming external shock that suppressed more probing discussions. What their postal hawaiians might look like It made me emotionally very needy, he said and we were not as connected Then he was very annoying, as is the impression I get. You know how I know that cause he's been republican. Europe for a long time and he super annoying. Yet they also plot to shift
their relation to be your earlier. They said concerning roughly with the presidential run, miss Mccrae, viewed with deep scepticism. When she was a realist, I thought I was gonna be distraction. She said kind of true. He said point first lane. ass, it fell into plaza, proceeded anyway. She said she had to be supportive as part of the difficulty of being a package. She said: asked what you seeking from his new formulation she suggested you might enjoy the non glow of being with a non public figure. I just want to have fun. She said adding, as Otherwise you turn. It is not that we have no fun. Thank you, honey. He said there's a certain way. She said the ghosts of being with Mr Mayer MIKE these people there that by wait there are some red flags here I will quote well. Monsieur De Palacio said they become so secure in their marriage had little reason to doubt its strength and welcome thoughts could creep in one of them. said: involve their own parents, difficult marriages, another was values Mccrae, The guy who took a chance on woman who's in out lesbian and rotten
who called? I am a lesbian. Mr Obama said there's a part of me The times is this a ticking time bomb. Is this thing you're one to regret later on, so I always Would that stuff? Oh well, yad, oh, but their happier now then it shows us they're both happier now than they have been in some time. They said taking care to project a practiced. Warmth inside their kitchen were miserable, as at one point wiped something from her face: oh man or web, something from her face. A few weeks after their impromptu session, amid that seven and of television exchange written messages outlining what we felt about the moment, what's cool, what's not cool whatever else. One of the things worth saying to the world as we don't need to possess each other. He added he quota to favour phrases of miss mc grace. Labels put people in boxes and those boxes are shaped like coffins, and I never want to be stuck and one prize by his brother, its button buddhist,
Avoid attachments so they are going to share a home, as can be seen. awkward. And dumb yeah. That's all that's gonna, be there. Well, and thank you guys for sharing and your mercians terrible and if you could go away, thou be unbelievable in any way. By the way, can you imagine what the ashes aids or like, like the blockage, shows up on a date. Can you imagine how fast his date you create a wily, coyote style hole in the wall, running out of the room who boy it's time for a quick thing. I like and then a quick thing that I hate so things that I like today, the sound of freedom has almost entirely ignored by the mainstream press. We talked with Jim cathedral and and TIM ballard, who are involved Making of the movie the sound freedom has blown it out at the box office.
David sweeter. Writing in the jewish journal of LOS angeles point out that this this movie grossed around eleven million dollars on the my fourth opening its per screen average was waste of indiana jones in the dial of destiny about forty six hundred bucks. twenty six hundred theaters compared to twenty six hundred and forty six hundred theaters for Indiana jones, the movement blacked out any coverage from mainstream outlets, because, of course, Jim cathedral is a in overt christian. and the media apparently don't care all that much about child trafficking. There are very there are lots of important messages. The media are perfectly willing to resume too, including, of course, a storylines for children, but when it comes to actually fighting such trafficking. children by making a mainstream movie about it. The media have completely black downtown to freedom, sound of freedom. In the matter. It's been doing amazing at the box office thanks to people like you and if you haven't seen the film yet you totally should it is. It is worth the watch. Here's a little bit of the preview
the fastest growing international crime network at the world has ever seen. Ass, the illegal arms trade and soon it's gonna past attract trade agriculture at one time, the child five to ten children in africa. So it's it's really well made. Its very disturbing is not an end, is being Nowhere literally only major review. This been done of it is over bride. It is the only one other eyes being ignored. Why because people made the chosen made it and because Jim is in the movie- and we must ignore anything that an overt christian is in this way works and how it doesn't matter. The crowd is still out see it so uh good for the makers of the film okay time,
a quick thing that I hate so data pinket smith seems like an awful human being I say that because I should bangs her sons friend, then she tape herself telling we'll psmith about Which seems really really unpleasant and then you're a broken relationships, relationships that don't seem to work to our well. They have Reality is one of those externalities was Chris rocks faced during the oscars, but any case she is, reacting to her son jades claim that she introduce their family to psychedelic drugs, which is an excellent bombing. By the way, I think the best kind of bombing is you're you're, just your home with heads in break out the lsd or whatever was so kids for dinner. We have spaghetti and coke well. What kind of show that not that kind of go it's the other kind. I brought straws not for they not for the soda
in any case. Last week, jaded twenty foretold audience members at the second alec science conference about his personal experience, using second alex according to busby news he claimed is introduced. to this by his mother data. Then I think was my mom actually, those the first ones to really make that set for the family. You said it was just her for a really really long time and eventually trickled and evolved, and everybody in their own ways, he said this. I want to explain the using psychedelic allowed him to feel a new level of love for his sister willow and his half brother tray. That's one way to put things siblings can argue so much and fight. So much in lord knows me, my siblings have done so much then the past he said, but the level of love and empty and feel for them. Inside of the psychedelic experiences and outside of the experiences has been. Something is profound and beautiful. So I suppose that this now aids, the answer to my children, fighting one another- is to drug them. Four of them and they have lightsaber
that occasionally degenerate into you, no actual just kind of smacking each other. So I guess it's time to break out the mushrooms apparently means the siblings you'll love each other. All these families are some success. perhaps unsurprisingly Jayden claim his mom had been the one to increase their family to psychedelic, one that took the internet by storm. Lady Andrews, a dog are camping, your family, don't introduce psychedelics, had one person This is the most on serious family. Others had another ever said. Another janus That should be explaining everything we need to know in her coming, memoir worthy set to be released and October, seventeenth, again excellent bombing. So it'll be like no. Of course, I would not just you know give my kids mushroom she's, like I do, have a memoir too so sure it is. Hollywood is filled with the most narcissistic people in the world mean truly they make washington will take the place of great humility and tactfulness.
wiggins answered the book. She said before, adding that the memoir will also explore all of the assumptions made about her and will's family. I don't think their assumptions. I mean you guys kind of said what you are. I think people are a lot of assumptions, and you know what rightfully so she said I have to take ownership of that in regard to the narrative that I participated, the falsehoods about myself. In a book I really exciting All that extensively, the sounds like a terrible book, so all that is is great. I'm. In fact, data spoke about the subject with Jane himself. Rene twenty twenty one episode of facebook shall read table talk now be the same. Talk show where just unleashed on her husband. She bangor son friend. Explaining rangers introduced to a plant medicine ejected prior to help deal with depression, digital adrian, Jaden? I struggled depression for so long. The thing about the plan medicine as it helps you feel better, but also solves the problems of how you got there in the first. Well, my favorite thing about that is all the people. I trust the science. Here's a plant guys like plant medicine doesn't like arsenic, is naturally occurring substance. I mushrooms can.
It s. What am I favour? I do love it when all of the people who are like trust. The science give your kid the covert jab the science says. So those of this People who, like whew crystals, The crystals will heal you. They have healing properties and also I like plant medicine which plans. I don't ere? I just got my front yard a bite out of a tree, strong stuff from agenda pinket, pinkett smith it's all about where you're sitting a wire doing set every drug. That's on the market. Right now can be abused. You can use it for good. You can use it recklessly. Jane, open up about how he started using magic mushrooms. Out of sheer curiosity after discovering this, If any studies had labelled the drug is one of the most significant advances in treating depression since prozac, explaining that he expert, ego dissolution, a scene which self identity is completely lost. Djinns eddie was always in my head talking telling me what I was when I wasn't. That was the moment that really change me. This seems a So many beautiful families in hollywood, who should probably be writing scripts that in making films and events
Do you and your kids? They have? Families are to operate. With their moral standards, are the best moral standards. We should totally take them seriously on. All of these matters for sure, already guys, the rest of the shows, continue right now: you're, not gonna, wanna, miss it we'll be getting into the mailbag. If you're, not a member, become member use code, shapiro checkout for two months, free on all annual plans, click that link in the description and join us. The
Transcript generated on 2023-08-15.