« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1760 - Why Do Democrats Celebrate July 4th?

2023-07-05 | 🔗

New polls show that many Democrats are wildly unenthusiastic about America, so we ask what they’re celebrating on July 4th; a judge issues an order stopping the Biden administration from pressuring social media companies; and cocaine is found at the White House.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
New polls show that many democratic wildly unenthusiastic about america, so we asked what their celebrating onto life worth a try, issues in order. Stopping the binding ministration from pressuring social media companies and cocaine is town at the white house. Adventure of suspension, show today shows benchmarks If the thousands of my listeners have already secured the network, data joined them and trust me, peons icons, lifespan, So yesterday was independence day and the Democrats celebrated, as they typically do with bunch of slovenia an empty jingoism, because the real question is why exactly people celebrate independence day. I mean I understand why celebrate independence day, because I think the principles of the declaration of independence, the principles that were established by the founding of this country are, in fact the greatest principles ever set for the founding
in a country, but I do not think that a lot of Democrats feel the same way, and so this raises some serious questions as to why exactly certain people celebrate that holiday, as it turns out we'll find out many people don't. But if you're the president of the united states, then you have to at least pretend that you celebrate the holiday with all of the hoopla. So here is Joe Biden. Yesterday, celebrating independence day from the white house, there is a gentleman we've come out of every single solitary crisis stronger than we went in for two hundred forty seven years. That's not! I that's a fact or their own nation has some folks happy. Fourth of July god bless you, and may god protect our truth, exciting stuff. There is also apparently some serious celebration over at the white house. According to the new york times, a small amount of your white powdery substance was found in the has on sunday evening accordingly, person familiar the episode initial test by emergency response. Workers determined was cocaine. President Biden,
and his family were aware. Camp David when a uniform secret service agent found substance during a patrol west wing around six p m on sunday, prompting a brief shutdown of the white house where they try to figure out exactly what was it turns out. It was coke, miss three of mysteries. How can cocaine end up the west wing of the white house, no one knows, apparently the substance was found. A work area of the west wing and dispatch said that substance had been found in white house. I pray that was incorrect. Apparently was found instead, network area of the west wing it may or may not have happened some one, at the white house may or may not have left a note saying if you find a powdery white substance in a bag, please return it to hunter Biden, an unclear exactly. This came from cells. In the fourth of July, in Sao conall Harris also decide to celebrate the fourth of July, with a picture that has very clearly stage her and her husband barbecuing somewhere. I do not think that they are barbecuing by bid that that barbecue is immaculate there. There is, there is
the way? That is the stages that that is the stages you're a july. Fourth photo happy fourth of July, says vice president ce as well again, this is obsolete up to a big question, which is why people celebrate your life worth in the first place, but it turns out that every year there are these polling stats. The come out with regard to how many but I believe they are extremely proud to be american and there's a man. partisan gap in this. Massive partisan gap has existed in america, were literally is long, I've been alive, but it has grown wider and wider in the united states. So there is a gallup poll, and it shows that today sixty four republican say they are extremely proud of american. Only thirty three percent- of independence, say their extremely proud of american. Only twenty nine percent of Democrats say they are extremely proud to be. american know, what's amazing about those stats. Is that right now is the president of the united states. Right now, democrats are in control of the united states. Senate actually viewed the poles. What you see is the republicans are consistently more proud to be a mere American that the Democrats are. This is true throughout the obama Europe, even during the obama era, when Tom
were so proud of president obama, because finally, they'd shown that a black person could be president of the united states. But they still worn exactly proud of the united states. These ass it during the obama era, something like seventy five to eighty percent of republican, so they were proud to be american, and only about fifty percent of Democrats. Forty five percent of Democrats are. They were extremely proud to be american. That of course plummeted. The minute the Donald trump was elected one's own troubles, elected that draft well down into the twenty percent area. For Democrats, independent be independent, being proud of america. That's been on a steady state of decline since Essentially, two thousand one. In fact, if you go on enacted two thousand one more democrats and independent so that they are extremely proud of american. But the bottom line is there's this massive partisan gap in who exactly is extreme. We are proud to be american and it's been existing for a very long time. In fact, there are studies that demonstrate that attendance at a fourth of July parade is a pretty good. It is
good indicator correlate very highly with republican identity. Republicans tend to be flag waivers, I tend to be more patriotic. Why well because, actually like the founding of the united states of america, they think that the country was founded on proper values. They think there is something here worth conserving, because they are, in fact conservative, but if you're on the left- and you feel that america is basically a terrible place filled with oppression. Race the summit, genocide, xenophobia, homophobia and all the rest? What exactly is it that you are proud of, while the the decline in general. I've patriotism in the united states is across the board, so we will get even republican stats back in two thousand some sixty some percent of Republicans said they were extremely proud to be american- that jumped all the way up to about ninety per cent. In the aftermath of the september eleventh attacks, and took all the way until now to hit sixty percent again to drive all the way down to sixty percent. That is because there is tremendous feeling that the country is coming apart right now, according to an axios poll,
This is actually from Gallup. The share of americans say they view the state of moral values in the united states as poor. Seventy four percent of republicans say that the state of moral values in the united states is poor. Only thirty, eight percent of Democrats believe that. So when you call tat. You would think ok. Well now I mean the Democrats are extremely proud of american. No bathing the state of morality. America's great sixty two percent do not I think that the cid morality, america is poor. Meanwhile, Only twenty six percent of republicans think the state of morality in the united states is not worth so. Wise are republicans proud of the country and democrats are not. The answer is republicans or not out of how the american people are acting right now, but we are very, very proud of what the country was meant to be and what the country is all about. Democrats. very proud of what the country was all about. What was meant to be, but a very, very proud of how people are acting right now, so I ask you: are you out of the country. Are you proud of how people are acting right now, because I have to tell you I'm not real fond of how people are asking right now. It seems that granting pretty badly and oppose demonstrate that this that we should believe that they are
pretty badly. We'll get some social science tat in just one second, first, Let's talk about maintaining a healthy lifestyle this summer, so I gotta tell you not a big fan of veggies or veggies are one of god's punishments to us. They are healthy, but they do not. Good, and that, since I have the palette of small trial, that means that I dont like eating them. Well, that also me, is that I have to keep healthy some way, and I rely on balance of nature, fruits and veggies. There are a great way to make sure you're getting essential nutritional ingredients every single day through balance of nature's advanced callback and process It's minerals and vital nutrients from the fruit and vegetables are preserved. You can get that vital interest in each capsule balance of nature as a whole. Food supplement with no additives, fillers extracts, synthetics pesticides or added sugar, pure fruits and veggies. Those are the only things they put in their capsules balance of nature. I sent a bunch of products over to the office. They are kosher, so I've been able to try them myself, and they are excellent for a limited time. This summer, when you become a preferred customer balance of nature, they are throwing in a free fruit and veggies Have you had any giving an additional twenty five bucks off your first order, though, to balance of nature not come use prone coach shapiro for a free travel set in twenty five bucks off your first order, as he preferred customer. That's balance of nature.
dot com, promo code, shapiro, again, balance of nature, dot, com, promo code, shapiro. Are you tired of buying products from whoa companies that hate your guts and your values? Well, now you don't have to join the over two thousand americans, who have made the switch to journeys razors, get your razors hair care soap more at germany's razors dotcom today, oh and we He him and she her chocolate bars as well. One of them has nuts, but ok. So, according to these newts statistics from pew research, twenty five percent of all forty year olds in the united states have never been married a quarter of all forty in the united states who never marry. That is an all time high in the united states, far away an all time high. That figure was six percent in nineteen eighty when it comes to values like family or, like god, when it comes to the values that americans hold dear. Those have been in a state of steep decline in the united states, which again and exactly why it is that republicans. It is that republicans, our proudly countryman, proud of the american people and how their actual are now democrats
a proud of how the american people are acting right now, and I just ask you why. Well, what about how the american people are acting radio makes you proud, of your fellow americans, and the answer is that you really, not all that proud of your fellow americans, are proud of your fellow americans who think like you, and this is holding in tremendous political polarization. Now I think, of political power Zation. Actually in this arena is not a bad thing. I think you should live near people who generally think like you, especially for raising kids, it's very import, that you raise your kids around values. Do you actually agree with the big sort It's been happening in the united states, demographically things, actually quite a good thing factors an entire peace, in the associated press today, all about conservatives moving to read states and left wingers going to blue states as the country it was more not sure, that's a bad thing that it should be a very good thing if we could all stem the federal government, should then take a light hand and then be allowed to live in a red state that does red, say things in vienna, blue staged, blue state things and everybody should leave each other alone. That's the only way that one contain any sort of coherence. Is a country at all, because other
The federal government just becomes a war of all against all endeavour controls the federal government gun pointed at the people. They don't like things are getting it. Ugly, real quickly. According to the associated press, colorado and idaho represent two poles of state level. Political homogenization, both are fast growing rocky mountain states had been transformed by an influx of like minded residents live in. The two states can be quite silly. our conversations revolve around local ski areas mount by trails. Now newcomers are making things too crowded, but politically the increasingly occupied two separate worlds: that right, I noticed them more red colorado is becoming more blue. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. It's happening in places Flora in California, as well, I'm of my entire family to flora from California, so This sort of stuff is leading to a feeling of tremendous polarization, but this brings us back to the original question. What is the democratic jack we're celebrating again, I understand what republicans are celebrating. What exactly are Democrats celebrate and answer, as many of them aren't cori bush, who is a democratic black
matter congresswoman from misery. She literally was a member of black eyes mattered. She was a spokesperson for before she was likely to congress. she's got unbalanced equal the deck. Jim independence was written by an slavers and didn't recognize black people, as human today is a great danger. Ben reparations. Now so does she have a barbecue leg. She think the american flag is a good thing. I've ever think not right mean, after all are celebrating its signing the declaration of independence in seventeen seventy six. I dont understand exactly what she would be celebrating quarry bush. Its reparation drive about how evil the united states is Jamal bowman. Another radical congressperson from from new york, the sixteenth district he treated out July. Fourth, we must remember that we stand on stolen land toil by enslaved africans and commit ourselves to the fight for freedom, equality and justice said these ideals are to everyone, not just the privileged few. We are not free so everyone is truly very so. First of all, this dude makes
fairly recent salary as an elected congress person in the richest country in the history of the world. So I noticed tat his life is pretty good, but the message is: america is really bad. It's all built on stolen land, it's a terrible, awful, no good, very bad place, and thus what exact? is Jamaal bowman, celebrating the americas, a horrible horrifying place, So I understand what it is that he is supposed to be so positive about when it comes to July for In fact, the new york times has an entire article published a couple of days ago called park Laverne these folks, whether because of crowds politics are over so patriotism, some americans are conflicted about celebrating the fourth of July. Growing up in americans, on the lay a tap lunch celebrating the fourth of July, with a family, we would go to braids and see fireworks chosen, hail, friends, she said it was always such a fun holiday, but now that she's, an adult just eighteen and entering Next year commemorating the holiday isn't so simple: it started one in twenty one, the beale movement, spotlighted many of the injustice across the country quote. I lost a lot of my patriotic feelings. She said.
Mr Happ, who now in atlanta also realise many festive components a fourth of july, eligible for her. There are the fireworks. Should there very bad for the environment, their release, alot of toxic chemicals, this year. She is giving the holiday altogether opting instead to travel with her church group to diversity navajo nation community in arizona, but the trip was cancelled because of a covert outbreak. So americans, especial younger people, are rethinking what they want to celebrate independence day a survey by you got found that only fifty six percent of american adults plan to join in the festivities this year. Loretta valori. Twenty I take product manager in Manhattan remembers last time she celebrated the fourth of July. You some summers ago. She's going to the hamptons. She said: this pact, long island, railroad trains you'd ever been on. I didn't get us standing in the aisle. She said the toilet overflowed we all had to hold our beds. She realize never loved the holiday shelters. Political worms court last summer, rovers wade was overturned, mme really less inclined to celebrate so again for a lot of Democrats they only are into celebrating america when they are getting the things that they want and when it comes to the economy,
if the principles of america not so much and that's a real problem? Folks, Ben and jerry's on the corporate level, is a great indicator of this sort of thinking, so Ben and jerry's put out each this has got this fourth of July is high time. We recognise the united states exists on stolen indigenous lana, commits returning. It learn more gotcha now which is interesting, because Ben and jerry's has a very nice headquarters over in vermont. They can turn that back over to one of the local native american tribes, anytime anytime. It's all it's all virtue signal. but it really is, and virtue is being signalled, its stupidity, its being signal, So what does this really mean? What means from left what the fourth of July is you're going to celebrate is america is platform? Is that america is principles, place of creed it? America is platform. America is a place where I can the things, I want to fundamentally transform united states into a place that does things that I wanted to do
that america is worthy of upholding. Whether or not you when you believe in the system. You only believe in you getting your way difference between believing in any system and not believing in the system. So, to take an example, I hate the ira's. I pay my taxes and you know what it's not just because I am afraid that the irish would audibly, although must be real. I may prominent conservative figure there is good shot their autonomy The reason I pay my taxes because I am part of the system. This is a system in which I live, I believe in the system. Even I don't get the outcome that I like that. I don't believe it. War is legally passed in the united states that I just get to disobey it and is the reason that people leaving the authority they system is not because they with every decision made by the authorities in the system is because they believe that this tim is better than any alternative. They believe There is no alternative system that is going to operate better than that change has to come if it's going come from within the system, not from without the system democrats even progressive democratic used to believe that, but
let's get anymore, Rats now seem to believe that the only time that the system is justified in any way shape or form, as and when they are in the white house, when their income ro leavers power. That's not! way. The loyalty works and is not where the patriot morton no country, can actually be upheld. If only believe in the system when it gives you the things that you want in the same way, no family can can be upheld. If you only love, you parents, when they give you stuff that you want. If you only Her spouse, when your spouse gives you the things that you want. If you believe in the institution of the marriage, nor for marriage to last a cancerous be you're, not right now, I'm out I hereby mary, because I'm not getting exactly what I want at this particular time, guess what life in all daisies and roses you're not always gonna, get what you want, but for democrats, it's all about using it as a platform, the country as a platform to pursue their goals, their goals, are in many cases tearing down those institutions will get that momentarily. First and banks in countries like china, india and Australia, but to potentially turn to digital currency. The federal reserve has been
splitting the same possibility for the united states within it currency. The government could track every single purchasing make officials could even prevent you from purchasing certain products are easily freeze or seas. part or all of your money times like these great reminder to diversify. A portion of your savings into gold. You'd hope do that with the help of birch gold they're, the people that I trust with my precious metals investments. So do thousands of other concern. Savers, perch, google, We can convert an existing ira or four one k into an ira and gold. You don't pay a penny out of pocket when currencies fail. Gold is yours, They ve haven. How much more time is that our have? I don't know, but that's why diversity protect your savings, who I do with gold virtual there's an ape trading with the better business bureau. Thousands of happy customers, text ben united- I need an eight year free, invoking angle, the central bank to draw her becomes a reality. Well be nice to have some. to depend on, because, frankly, the central bank has a digital currency, the conflate deflect currency whenever they please there even more control over dollar now diversify at so little bit into a precious metal in ass. If it had never was there to expand. Ninety. Ninety eight ninety eight to get started.
Traditional found hardware and move your business to a club based phone system, enable your teams to be mobile, more productive and communicate seamlessly from anywhere any time through one manageable solution: scheduler free consultation at the modern office, dot com. Ok, so this brings us to the transformational politics that is now being pursued by the left, the proud of amerika, it's all about changing america, the proud of the flag, so long as it is flanking deprived, progress lad or the bella the american flag on its own, is bad american flag on its own is bunch of principles that stand for the robbing of indigenous people and the enslavement into black people and Jim crow and miss trip of gay people and all the rest of it only if the american flag can be used as a stepping stone, a stepping stone towards something better. Is the american flag worth upholding? This is why, for example,
Jen saki she, she was talking about the fact that a lot of muslims in the united states will decide their non favour. The favor of the agenda. This obsession her back these stepping stone of the american flag- is all about the diver, city of the american people. The diversity of the american people is all about overcoming the white male sexual privilege, that is implicit in the american flags that stepping from american flag to the pride progress flag with all the be stuff on it and that's the truth. Relations a she she's very upset. The muslims are now coming out as obvious, socially conservative, which which they are it must be that the evil white christians, are somehow manipulating the muslims or something because again, the intersection coalitions? What it's all about for the Democrats during his campaign for president nineteen sixty The republican party made a concerted effort to reach white southerners, who used to vote for democrats by playing to their fears of african americans and the civil rights movement.
and it worked by pitting one group of americans against another. The jew p successfully managed to split of southern whites from the democratic party. Now decades later? The right wing is reviving that same playbook this time, with muslim americans and trans people, hear me out here. The jew, He is trying to recruit muslim americans, a community that makes up less than two percent of the: u s: population against another tiny march. lies group of americans, transgender people. Ok, do. You know how stupid this is. It's obviously stupid on his face, because muslims are both culturally and socially conservative. In fact, if you look at islamic law, they are even less big on the up. Gay rights movement. Then christians or orthodox choose this this bill. Our notion from gents aki that muslims are the natural allies of trans people is insane but again that is because the cultural politics of that- kind of party demands. Xx
this sort of nonsense, it demands it in fact Natasha cloud who again as I mentioned, more w n b, a players on this show in the context of their politics, certainly than than have ever been mentioned in the context of their w going to be a play. I've never heard of Natasha cloud until she tweeted out something unbelievably stupid over the weekend, but here's what she tweeted quote: injuries trash in so many ways instead of using our resources to make it better. We continue to oppress marginalized groups that we have targeted since in times like, our communities and algae beating you plus man, we are too powerful to still be attacking issue separate. It's the intersection of all our countries, trash names flag is worthy of being burned. In fact, a sense is the highest form. Patriotism burn that amount flag. So we can re establish a new country along different lines. That's why we celebrate July. Fourth, it's not about america being agree place. Amerika was never great in the words of democrats. Now,
really about america being again that stepping stone towards a utopian notion of what america can be something very different from america, a place where not all men are created equal where we can judge people by their race where it can give people special privilege, by their sexual orientation or it can make sure that speech no longer applies and as it turns out, where the our government can use its extraordinary powers in order to compel social media companies to do actually what it wants we'll get to that momentarily. First, we have a dog. His name is happy. Happy is a back home. He took a little break because we had a baby. He is back home and he is absolutely just a wonderful dog we have we have now. He is much more obedient now, like we taught him place, so we he will go where we tell him to go. He's awesome. The kids love him and that's why we want happy to live a long and healthy life, which is why we give him rough grains every morning. Would you mean getting your dog is dead food? That's the brown food, but here's the thing greenfield will help it up rough greens, boucher we flew back to life, it can do the same for your dog as well. You don't have to go out and buy new dog food. Just sprinkle some rough greens on their food every day,
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stating blow to the binding ministration, a federal judge and always yandah ruled on tuesday. The vitamin distraction likely violated the first amendment by censoring unfavourable views on social media over the course of the corona virus pandemic. Calling efforts or well in your sister court judge Tarrytown issued. A sweeping preliminary injunction are numerous numerous federal officials and agencies, including the surgeon general, the big murphy health, inhuman services, very figure but Sarah white house prosecutor green jean Pierre all employees of the deal J, end fbi ramming any contact, social media firms for the purpose of discouraging or removing. First amendment protected speech in order from dowdy, whose in appointing of president trump are the latest, once in a long running, lawsuit, spearheaded by republican, led states alleging the administration pressured social media companies from of post containing propose. Miss information about the corona virus, election security and other issues daddy during the covenant nineteen pandemic period, best characterized by widespread, shouted uncertainty. Yours we seems to have assumed a role similar or similar, to an orwellian ministry of truth. According to the judges decision
wide range of topics are also pressed on social media, the urging of administration officials, including opposition to covered vaccines masking lock out and, lastly, theory opposite into the validity of the twenty twenty election opposition to Joe Biden and other officials, policies and statement, claiming that the laptop belonged one hundred Biden. That story was not true that that story was true. Actually that that that was suppressed. Each topic suppressed said: dowdy was a conservative view. It's quite telling you so called this targeted suppression of consumer ideas. The perfect example viewpoint: discrimination political speech. Working citizens have the right to engage in free debate about the significant issues affecting the country. The evidence produced thus far depicts an almost dystopian scenario. He didn't just restrict it, of course, to to right wing censorship. He also It out that the social media companies centre, Robert F kennedy junior the preliminary injunction forbids nearly all of the federal government from coursing when with social media companies to go after free speech and prohibits these out these.
When officials from meeting with social media companies for the purpose of urging encouraging pressure or inducing in any manner there the wish and suppression or reduction of content containing protected free speech, posting on social media platforms, specific flagging content, repose on social media platforms and or affording such to social the accompanies urging encouraging pressuring or inducing in any manner from deletion, suppression or reduction of content containing protected free speech, urgent, encouraging, pressuring or inducing in any manner social media companies to change their guidelines. going or contacting in any way for removal. Genes pressure, adoption of content containing protected free speech or collaborating or working with intellectual integrity, bishop of reality, project the stand for internet observatory or any like project group for the purpose of pushing sense So does he sweeping order from this federal judge? It is well worth the red is like one hundred and fifty five page ruling it goes through in detail the insanity. the white house was doing and how the white house was explicitly working with facebook in order to
prohibit the dissemination of clearly drew information in many cases. The ten fifteen pages of content, all that had they were essentially prohibiting facebook from amplifying a sort of material. They d, like sort of stuff doesn't bother left whatsoever again, because the principles of freedom of speech are mere platforms. Not actual principles that are worthy of being upheld, see the question on whether you believe in the principle is whether, when your opponents exercise it, you believe that the principle she no longer apply so, for example, your an exercise of free speech. Should they be shut down so You didn't bring me. The general answer is no and that everybody has a right to speak freely. I've never called chapter four. The platform of people explicitly attack man, social media, because again, as their products This is the united states. The left has no such prerogative. No, the left doesn't believe that the left believes that free speech is merely a tool of powers when they control it. Free speech is good when they don't control, and free speech is very,
very bad. This is also, presumably why the left is so all fired, angry and supreme court ruling last friday. That suggested that if you are a person who designs websites that you must not before to actually designed websites, they don't agree with, but if you're egg, sort christian, resigns wedding website. You can be forced to design a same sex wedding website very angry about this in that was so angry about this sooner bring up an entire narrative trying to reverse the case on the basis of nonsense owing to NBC news, the supreme court isn't ruling in favor of an evangelical christian web designer who refused to work on same sex. Weddings didn't hinge on what now appears to have been a request from a fake customer. So what they're saying is that the case cited a request from a customer suggesting a same sex website and then a lawsuit was filed and but and it turns out that the customer didn't exist or something does that the ruling in case the answer, of course, is no. The new republic published an article on lorry stewart
who was the on the web designer would send a previous core filing that someone named Stuart had reached out her and twenty six I'm putting together website for his marriage for personal. Might the narrative historians question after the norm the published article on steward, who ever having reached out psmith, apparently web designer who d married to a woman for years, their revelation ledge, planes on social media. The case should have made it to the supreme court. The legal experts reached my NBC news, disagreed, caroline shapiro, professor carlo, can college I said. I think the supreme court opinion is misguided in many ways, but she has standing because the supreme a enforcement challenge, meaning no actual demand made and wasn't even crackdown on it. But the left is trying you anything you can do to avoid the ramifications of. In hand at war This is why their attempting now to create policies that go around primitive action ruling by the supreme court of the united states its wider. Going to try to craft laws that still crackdown on religious people in places like california and then, of course, there why is that if they lose offered, terrorism has one, so I Hillary Clinton request one were authoritarian area and figures and remember in memory. She said that
donald trump wins. It will be the end of democracy in the united states. What would happen if from one first of all in ukraine, what would happen to the ukraine situation? Look if trump wines, which I do not believe, will happen. Let me just quickly say that if, in some scenario that were to happen, the end of democracy. I state it would be the end of ukraine at would become a week. He Will pull us out of nato if he wins again at just like you pulled out of the iran daily pulled us out of the paris court. He will pull us out of nato, so he is he's an authoritarian, he's very bad he's terrible terrible person. So hillary Clinton whose campaign literally laundered, via the g o J and the fbi, the steele dossier into public view, and then We want a for your investigation into the elected president of the united states and before that, his actual campaign I have a request and wash with simultaneously destroying documents. Now, of course, sort of claim is out there posing an
for emails, hats, while chortling the donald trump might in fact go to jail for mishandling of classified documents, the rule for the left when it comes even issues like authoritarianism is authoritarianism is great for us. We wish to crack down on social media will wish, but if you guys get elected, that's the true authoritarianism, and that goes back again to the idea of patriotism, republicans as there a patriotic regardless, whether Democrat is president or whether a republican is president, they may not like the results of an election. They will become less patriotic generally because of it. However, democrats are deeply ambivalent about the united states and it's founding documents and his found. Principles, which means there only enthusiastic about the country when they get what michelle obama said this pretty clearly back in two thousand and eight. The first time she was ever proud of her country is when her husband was nominated for the presidency literally the first time after spending lifetime benefiting from the man,
if the united states going princeton university, harvard law school and then getting a cushy job at the university of chicago medical center, that was the first time she is proud of the country. Okay, that that is a gap that cannot be bridged. You have to be proud of mental principles of the country. If you wish to live in that country- and I don't see why this is a matter of question, and yet a huge swath of the country is not proud of those fundamental principles, and that is of course, a very, very dangerous thing. Hinged second will get into the twenty twenty for president. race runs. Santas has become the chief target of the media. He is in fact sinking in the polls will talk about what campaign it bodes for him. First, My team knows any method, black river coffee like every single morning, and it is a fact of the world. I have little kay. my kids read me up at all hours message: schedule ass. I went like this too bad at eleven fifteen last night in my son's room, because the baby was waking up a lot and then my small daughter, my three year old, woke up at five and brought me into her room, because she wanted to know about something. So I can.
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enough words to try and convince you to plus two actually equals five. It sometimes feels like the current culture is doing it's best to make you into an idiot when wilderness permeates every aspect of your life, it's hard to know where to turn for guidance, but we have good news. Our friend Dennis Prager is back with additional episodes of Prager. U master's program, we really The first five episodes earlier this year, audiences loved it it sparked a ton of conversation online Dennis offers useful advice on happiness, marriage and how to be a good person plus so much more even also explain the differences between men and women, who the unsaleable in a world that wants to make you woke Dennis, is on a mission to make you wise. Our latest episode picks up by sharing more of the differences between left and right. A few of them might surprise you it's available right now for daily wire plus members. New episodes coming out every week go to daily wired dot. I subscribe become member watch Prager you masters programme, along with so much more content that daily wired. I come soon subscribe today it meanwhile, when it comes to the twenty twenty four raced. The big question for republicans I keep asking is whether they actually would like to win this race or not. It is a serious question made
from his has when maybe he doesn't if he, as? I would like to see it at some point, apparently His belief is that Joe Biden such terrible president people automatically resonate back to his side. I have yet to see data that actually supports it publicans are gonna, have to outwork democrats along every possible parameter in this election cycle. and simply being upset is not a parameter of success. Upsettin is made, you, the polls but you're, going to poles it in all likelihood anyway. The real question is: how do you want Independence. Had you whenever people in the middle, the country? How do you make sure that you are doing the date gathering ballot, harvesting and door knocking necessary to actually win elections. Well, there's a reason why democratic? are increasingly, I would say, enthusiastic about attacking rawness answers. The governor of lord widely perceived as the chief obstacles you donald trump winning the nomination. spent pretty much the entire weaken attacking the santas, doing so by doing worse than trump there there now doing the worse than from protein, that combined with the region
I stand by the media to suggest the descent campaigners over before its begun again little early, we are talking about July of the year before the election right. It is currently July of twenty twenty three. The first primaries are not gonna take place until late january of two thousand twenty four, so Iraq, oh obituaries, just a little bit early, but the media increasingly unbridled in their hatred of dissent, as that is not any sort of true shock here- is up the cnn political Laura bear lopez suggesting that rhonda sense is trying to take where the rights of minority groups its interest in its not says that because seeing the moves that rhonda sentences made in recent weeks, he really appears laser focused on trot and trying to appear more conservative and to the right of the former president. We ve seen him
few immigration policies where he mentions the word invasion multiple times. We saw recently this video that his campaign promoted. That was just staunchly anti elsie bt q, anti transgender, and he is essentially trying to say that he not donald trump is someone who is going to take away rights from these fine or in groups, and that he will do It more effectively than the former president gets to run his hands, oh so scary, worse than from his started very early at this point, pbs is, and- and ours is doing the same thing she does and is trying to demonize immigrants. Clearly this is at least finally being done with an eye towards twenty twenty, four and tromp as president, as can it before. He obviously made immigration one of the most hotly debated issues. Will it be this time to do? You think? I think you governor,
does anything to say about it. It absolutely will be. This is part of a pattern in terms of steps that he's taken two many, demonize arriving communities and undocumented populations we have to remember governor to Santa's was the force behind the flying of recently, I've migrants to marthas vineyard- and we know some of those moves- are under investigation as well by local authorities, there so again be the idea here is that the santa is extremely extremely dangerous. Cnn went out of its way to interview at quantico protest answers mom whose upset about his its weeks, abortion ban in instead of laura. I have
peter concerns about the six week abortion ban. Tell me about you know, I think if he made it clear that he is a states' rights person and that he is not looking to kind of pass a national law. In this regard, I would be less concerned. Not everyone in their twitter orbit agrees on his tactics, but these three do think florida's new six week. Abortion ban is bad. I think that's dangerous, that's something that I cannot get behind and I don't think that's going to bode well for his presidential campaign. I think that that might be a real impediment to bringing in moderate women we are opening up their guns understands it again for a reason. The reason is because they think that down from his bottle now again, they may be wrong. It may be that they get down from nominated or help don't from nominated and then Donald trump suddenly winds. Would you be? worst nightmare, come to life and I'll be highly amusing for why variety including the fact that there is in not
significant possibility. The donald trump may actually be convicted of a crime. At that point, it may have to pardon himself its federal crop, which I mean talk about great right. For season. Seventy front that that is very solid stuff, but the the attacks on chances are very clearly gear by the media in order to sink him in the polls in order to jack up from. in. So what does this and have to do while there is video that emerge of aids de pack spokesperson, who used to work for trump. This would be the same cortez worse than ever back down pack think about how far behind the census is and what they have to do. But to that point of the primaries took, I think this is important. Look right now in national polling. We are way behind I'll, be the first to admit that. Ok, I believe in being really blunt and really honest, it's a it's an uphill battle. I don't think it's an unwinnable battle by any stretch. Okay, but clearly donald trump is the is the runaway frontrunner, a particular since the indictments? That was not the case before the
since it is the case afterwards they so here's. The question. Look in his answers due to turn that around. If you're somebody in the republican party right now from his pulling in the national primary vote, some around forty five to forty nine percent says that fifty percent of the republican party that is not totally sold on trump and even many of the transport are not necessarily totally southern trump. They could theoretically switch their vote over someone else. What does the census need to do to revive what appears to be a flat in campaign. At this point, answer? Is he needs actually go into enemy territory and start growing, some punches, so defensive? I think banking on the idea that he governed really well in florida, and that people would have a memory long enough to remember when he was throwing punches at the national media, during covered. The biggest problem with the science has is that people don't want to talk about covered his biggest pro. his biggest plus, is his handling of the covered pandemic. Normal one was covered. I tell you this by the stats even on our social media channels. Anytime. I talk about covered people do now
and regionally genetics because it was an uncomfortable period. People didn't enjoy bill, don't I talking bout? It people don't like thinking about. It also happens to be a thing for the vast majority of people who like to santa's covered and its in its various, russians essentially ended. I mean the state of law that he ran it s like fully three years ago at this point, so the question really or disadvantage is going to be. How can he reinvigorate rob? against, recognise that he is the best person to be pugilistic. Not just with aren't you Joe Biden, but really with large were media that is going to want to pull out assault on him. He's always been the key feature he's from is unbelievably pugilistic against everybody right against his friends against former employees against his enemies against literally everyone, women it's screwed I mean, like literally, everyone comes under donald trump's fire at some point, which is why, over the weekend, when Donald trump was literally reach, reach, roofing f Biden, a lot of people In the end, these sort of republican party are not super
upset about not only utterly without super upset about that. They actually see something to it, meaning he's so pugilistic that he willing to basically do or say anything and he's wildly pugilistic as the pugilism. The latter republicans are looking for, is under the impression it again hangover twenty twelve, when mitt romney was not pugilistic, that trump's pugilism and twenty sixteen set him up for victory, even if his pugilism into one Twenty did not avail him so when trump sends out these recruits are these truths that are your all caps messages about massive prosecutorial misconduct or when or any tweets stuff like this right. He's fear this out on July. Fourth, what, as my problem go higher and higher the communist, marxist and fascist get more more crazy with their ridiculous ridicule indictments an election interference plans and plot all control bite, I have confronted very corrupt d, o J, f b. I, if weaponized law enforcement in america at a level not seen before deranged jack smith, was a sick puppet for eg, garland and crooked. Joe Biden should be defunded and put out to rest. Republicans must get tough dems will steal another election mega rachel for people who watch.
If professionally, like music, while that that and actually get anything done, but for people who are who are voting supporting candidates basins. generalised perception of who fights? Who fights is always the question, and the truth is that today, is during this campaign. So far he has she put himself in a position to fight what it needs to do and how to forthwith is you need to go on a show like meet the pressing need to get very combative with the anchor when the ankara start asking nonsense, questions the sense obviously needs yet more active, because otherwise real in reality from is gonna run away with this thing? Ok, meanwhile, we could, watching the unfolding of something truly disastrous in ukraine. In ukraine are now accusing each other of flooding in imminent attack on a nuclear power plant, which is just wonderful when you have russian. using your brain you drink using russia. What that's basically setting up for, is you know the thing blowing up according to rule russia, ukraine, on tuesday accuse each other in attack on the russian held separation. Nuclear power station long subject: mutual recriminations and suspicions
many impressive lammers lens. You said he told us french counterpart of annual mccrone about russia's dangerous provocation of the plant in south eastern ukraine. Russian troops seized the station in february of twenty twenty Each side has since regularly used the other shelling around the planet, risking a major nuclear mishap. We're not cartwright! visit to the head of russia, goddamn, which apparently operates russia's nuclear network, said you couldn't plan to drop Finally, with nuclear waste transported from another of the country's five nuclear stations on the plant, which is a suggestions. Lansky then treated it. He had Tom according to tell I'm conversation. The occupation troops are preparing dangerous provocations at the nuclear power plant. Now this we usually woulda, would be people ask why russia bomber plant that was under its own under its own control. The Fourthly, theoretically, would be to up the ante that everybody begs for an end to this conflict is nobody wants you. Nuclear meltdown now would presumably be the idea. So if the thing blows up, it still gonna be very much question who actually blew up? Was the ukrainians or was it the russians?
the bottom line here is that things are likely to get worse, not better in ukraine, and I know that after the attempted coup the abortive coup against one report, there's a lot of thought that maybe this thing is drawing to an end. I think not. I think the putin is so far it at this point. Based on the sun, cost fallacy in the fact that he has so much of his own legitimacy a raid around this particular war invested this particular war. He doesn't have the power to basically stop this thanks, When he's gonna keep going and going in, that means that it is very likely that the anti gets up. I have been saying for a long time that some sort of offer 'em for putin of Putin was willing to take. It would probably be the best solution. That's not just meets Henry kissinger to things me for ones. The allies and ukrainian forces should continue pressing militarily against the russians until the point when the russians actually come to the table and make a deal also, there has to be some deal its offer on the table. Right now is a Wednesday until crimea is completely free, has been russian hands? Two thousand fourteen until crimea,
is completely free. There me an election in ukraine which seems pretty wild overall. It, meanwhile, is ro and the palestinians are again. Why out again in the passengers are launching terrorist attack. Israel goes into a clean out the area that is replete with terrorism and everybody gets mad at Israel. That's the way that this idiotic quote cycle of violence. Game works theirs, radical uptake and the amount of palestinian terrorism again israeli civilians over the course of the last two or three years has been particularly true over the course of last year, since the election of the new israeli government and the break out of Protests in the streets there's been a feeling among iran and its allies that there is We can thus internally in the israeli system, and so they just put their thumb into them and they started killing israeli civilians and to bring down the government or israel a couple of days ago. Launch a major incursion into Janine. Janine is a is a major palestine in population centre. Janine, is They call it a refugee camp. It is not a refugee camp. A refugee camp theoretically is where refugees live. Now people have been living there for four generations in any case. In any case, the
Palestinian city of janine, has been a hotbed of terrorism, for a visa very long time, its population of approximately thirty. thousand somewhere in the neighborhood I end it is indeed a hotbed of terrorists. activity has been a habit of terrorist activity for a very very long time. Hamas has significant presence there isn't. Jihad is very significant presence. There feta, of course, runs the place. so Israel luncheon incursion in which it was targeting terrorists. It killed a vast buggy of terrorists in very specific attacks. Naturally, This meant that the international community are very, very angry israel for the great sin of trying to kill terrorist. Meanwhile, the amount of when the international community of palestinian terrorist, literally driving a truck into an israeli bus, stop in tel Aviv and wounding at least a people that has gotten, not nearly the same level of outrage come on which is a terrorist group funded by iran in control the gaza called on terrorists in the west bank and jerusalem to strike Israel by all available means by by Israel. They don't mean israeli soldiers, they means
israeli civilians by all available means is that this is the stupid game that we play when you grant terrorist legitimacy of pretending, that their attacks on civilians are equivalent to military attacks against terrorist, you end up Centralizing terrorism, something the world press does on the regular, really pretty We all know this conflict I'm trying to. I am not aware of any other conflict on planet earth where the press treats terrorist attacks. On civilians. The same way as military attacks on terrorist it wouldn't apply to any america's other allies, wouldn't like France, when applied to britain, would imply, due to literally the place, but apparently so applies to Israel, because everyone's gonna continue play these stupid double standard game where, when sitting at a restaurant in Sheila which is injured. Mary, the historic heartland of Israel now called the west bank and when they're, sitting a restaurant murdered for sitting at a restaurant? That is somehow the same as seventy your old hamas. In fired terrorist shooting. At israeli soldiers and then getting shot it's, it's an amazing amazing thing, and I,
and truly hideous speaking of shootings that are being covered in not precisely the wrong way. So there is a a bad situation in philadelphia and the situation in philadelphia is likely to be disappeared by the media in very shores are bunch mass shootings over the weekend, but, as we know many, stopping covered the minute we find out the perpetrator is not a white dude who backed donald trump, the. Shooting in this case was a shooting in philadelphia, arrived wielding suspect who dont able professed before allegedly shooting dead, five men and injuring to children in philadelphia. There was the philadelphia police commissioner danielle outlaw talking about the shooting investigation into this tragic incident continues. I kindly ask for your patience and your understanding. Aren't instigators are working tirelessly to gather and analyze. All available evidence. Ensuring a thorough and comprehensive investigation
It is crucial that we allow them the time and resources necessary to uncover the truth includes the. Why that said, let me crystal clear. What last night in our concession neighbourhood was unimaginably discussing and horrifying what was supposed to be a beautiful summer evening, this armed and armoured individual wreaked havoc the shooter forty year old man who is trans, apparently, is in posted to pictures of himself wearing it brought a women's topping earrings with his hair braided long in march three months before the alleged shooting he also really pose about supporting black lives matter, including supporting workers who protest in this right for black lives in july of twenty twenty. So we're not a lot how about this anymore? This is going to go away really fast. This person is the kind of person who one who posted a video on his face. a page of a burning, philadelphia cop card that Bin Daoud graffiti, including a cab. They all cops are bastards
and dumb and also took pictures of himself in women's clothing, so This this case no longer matters to local crime story. Stop pretending international news story. It is not! You should stop covering it now, because Actually, this is not a case, the dead that we should be covering in any way shape or form. Ok time for just the thing I hate today Ok, so I was notified by friend of the family, that she add. Let her kids watch a movie on netflix. It is called pneumonia. I should because this would like the leading children's film. It is a pity rated film with a pretty significant voice. Gassing, would incur a quote raise more. It's in a resolve. Men here, as well, of the trailer for this movie damone and I'll. Tell you why I think this is such a problem in just one moment, we are still out there. Everyone is scarce. He's a murder is about stir he's per
something else. You can see the names dude, who one has been framed for a crime by everyone. mona's, a shapeshifter who wants to be his partner in crime and help him to help and then one account first look. I can help you, I promise me, you won't forget. Why would I trust you roma Siemens unifying, so you know anime accommodate this is the part where you beauty, she's shape, diversion in her neuron, our mouths from air. Whenever I get so looks like you, kids movie, right So that is what my friend thought and then she walked into sea to judge making out. So this is
that is the kids movie. It is directed specifically at children and this person is the gay lover of the main male character? Sees you right So you can see it in the breeding. But if you didn't watched the brave you or you want showing the first minute radio, you know this You're storyline, some personal- why is netflix featuring movies made for small children about gay couples in which the gay couples are concerned is unnecessary, forgets his wondering that appropriate for small children, our new morality. We have to pretend that teaching kids about sexual orientation at the age of the species at the age of like five six seven years old, is deeply important when we say that you're coming after the kids in or to indoctrinate them with a set of sexual values. Yes, the answer is that you clearly are now you may make the case they can should be indoctrinated with the set of sexual values that you think is best if your netflix, but Reading the sort of pingaree and pretending that that parents are all going to preach
and I mean that's the that's, why they're sliding into the content? clearly sliding it into the content rolling stone reports that dumb this particular movie is a fiery off, be poke rock algae beating you plus energy, and I put it in a fairly film with unique programmes, such Joe here's, my warning, you watch movies, you wanted free country, but if your kid ass you, if they watching own age, just be aware. What exactly the film is so here is your morning in warning. Is that a film about a gay love story between a man who is wrong? framed for murder or something and another man as brokered by issue. after who, apparently is supposed to be a trans metaphor, so there is your morning and the reason I puts out there's because it's very hard be apparent. These days you that you just tuned into the netflix kids channel and that that's now save because it's for kids, I do nothing to get appropriate. If you do
your business, but you should at least be warned about what exactly they are attempting to leverage down on you in hollywood articles If the show continues right now you don't want to miss. It will be joined on the line by Dennis Prager. If you're, not a member, become member use code, Shapiro check out for two months, rent on your plans, click that link in the description and join us yeah
Transcript generated on 2023-08-15.