« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1759 - Supreme Court SLAMS LGBT Tyranny, DESTROYS Biden’s Student Loan Bailout

2023-07-03 | 🔗

The Supreme Court rules in favor of religious business-owners and against Joe Biden’s illegal student loan bailouts; the media launch a full-scale assault on the Supreme Court; and universities look for a way to avoid the law on affirmative action.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The supreme court ruled in favour of religious business owners and against your binds illegal student loan bailouts, the media launch a full scale assault on the supreme word and universities look for ways to avoid long form of action I mentioned this, is the Ben show, a dangerous one. It makes express vienne thousand miles already secured the network data join them in express peons icons, lifespan. Two major supreme court sessions that came down on friday, one of them was on religious freedom. The other one was on Joe Biden decision to get rid of student loans centrally to bail out all soon loans in the united states, It's so both decisions came down the right direction. The supreme court, which again this is the big victory for donald trump. The last thing that reads, Donald trump is going to have had from his presidency whether or not he becomes president again it's another issue, but the big victory he's going. I've had from its presidency is the re moulding reshaping of the supreme court. You got three pics on the supreme court and all three of them seem to it been victories on behalf of a conservative jurists
It is an original is in the first case concerned. Religious freedom is, would be three o three creative, I'll see verses awareness. This opinion was written by no more. Such was one of donald trump appointment is actually first appointments to the supreme court and that particular case went six three enters the six conservatives versus the three liberals on the court and this opinion concerned the question of whether a religious website designer could be forced, to essentially create a website on behalf of the same sex wedding. Now you may say of the cells exactly like the masterpiece cake shop case. Nasri pictured case was a case in which there is a guy who was asked to bake a cake for gay and he decided- I didn't want to do that in these records- to that's artistic expression. The question was: how broadly, would that apply to what level of services without apply, because their essentially, two issues in american law that are in conflict right now, one is the so called public accommodations law that comes from the civil rights act of nineteen. Sixty four I've suggested before the public accommodations provisions of the civil rights act are wrongheaded. I actually think that they are
over overstep in terms of constitutionality. They essentially say that if you act in in business, then you quantum court cannot discriminate and written for good reason, it was originally written ignored. Make sure that, for example, black people could say in hotels and people who operate in hotels, bar black people from motels. You understand exactly where it came from. The motivations are good promises over is because it also allows the government now to dictate exactly who you must do business with so the public, accommodations law of the civil rights act is, on the one hand, on the other hand, is freedom of association and freedom of speech. Right. Let's say that, for example, you you weren't a pub accommodation in the same way, wasn't a hotel that was open to everyone. Let's say that your bed and breakfast did the same thing applies, court, he in past that did apply. So these two things come into deep and abiding conflict. When you are too not really about issues race, but issues of activity so same sex marriage is in fact inactivity. So there's a difference
The law between discrimination against cortical, gay people and discrimination against activities done by gay people was not quite the same thing. So far ample. If somebody came into your business and you live in a state that has a strong anti discrimination law sitting of colorado, somebody watching your business and they say our by a donut gay or a straight. that's violation of anti discrimination law instead of colorado. If, however, the comes in and says I want you to beg me a cake and want a giant rainbow flag and huge slogan on is love is love and you say no well. That would actually be speech. Re no longer is clinical doing business or making a service is available, everyone simply available to gay people. Now you are asking for specific messages to be parents in this particular case, which was about website designer creating same sex, marriage website. The question was: does this look more like the donor provider who just refusing to sell donuts to gay people, or does it look more like the person who's being asked to put slogans across the cake? Now in my world, you know in the world of the
original constitution without the river revolution that The civil rights act with regard to public accommodation, jack is exactly right. In barring segregation, barring illegal discrimination by government actors, when civil rights act of maintaining goes too far in this sort of libertarian view is in dictating how you must operate your private business, it seems The federal government does naturally have the power over that constitutionally speaking, but put that to the side What this case really was about was whether this looks more like the donor shall provide won't solved. Doughnuts the gig I or whether this more looks more like a bakery. Their refuses to make a cake with a gay rights hogan on it, and this is really important. Stuff he's very religious person, you're, not just religious in your church, you're, not just religious in your home, you, religious, and how you practice your business cases like this come up all the time or people want their messages. Purveyed by It's just writers and business writers do in fact have a right say. I don't wish to prevail that message or do they. That was the case
in this case too, the majority is written by justice corsican, it's worth going through it because essentially, what's been happening over the past several years under justice courses, jurisprudence is what has been called the utah compromise. You talkin I might suggest that there will be broad anti discrimination laws that apply to nearly everyone. You can't discriminate against somebody on the basis of their status as, for example, a gay person or a as a woman as a jew. You can't do any of that, but there are carve outs for religious people. Who say that certain activities that these people do are in conflict with their own religious practice. That's what course it is attempting to do right here, course which begins the opinion saying like many sage, cholera. Orbiting businesses from engaging in discrimination when it sell goods and services to the public was along. These lines have done much to secure the civil rights of all americans, but in this particular case, does not just seek to ensure the sale of goods or services unequal terms, it seeks to you its large, compelling individuals, an individual's greed, speech. She's, not believe. The question we face is whether that course violates the free speech clause of the first moment since would seem like a pretty clear cut case right. Why should the governor
be able to force you to parent, a message that you don't actually believe wash should. would be able to do that and the answers the court gave us the government isn't able to do that, and not just because of religious objections because of free speech itself. So the masterpiece hit piece cake shop case is about violation of religious freedom or justice. mortgage is saying this unjust. Finally, religious freedom in valleys free speech. There are two separate clauses in the first amendment: coercion, make no law, bridging the freedom of speech and also congress shall not abridge freedom of the exercise. Religion right. These are separate but but important aspects of the first moment. This falling for free speech is a broader latitude than mere religious exemption, which more or less decision in just one second, first, our friends over I sold out of their dark spock rector, our lizards and begging for restock, well good news, its back just in time for summer, genuine, finished dark back rector has not one but three cutting edge ingredients and goes to work fast target sunspots, dark spots, liver spots, even old discoloration, both on your face in her hands. You can now enjoy your summer, sun,
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more at germany's razors dotcom. Today, oh- and we he him and she her chocolate bars as well. One of them has, nuts back to the majority. Opinion when the points the majority makes here is that the plaintive in this particular case, the website zeiner, is quite willing to work with all people, regardless of classical in such a race, creed, sexual orientation engender gender gladly create custom graphics and what for clients of any sexual orientation? But this is being asked of her. It wasn't make a wedding website, for this guy was, a gay wedding website right. Is steve, marrying bob and they want a website celebrating their gay marriage. That's not quite the same thing as steve, saying I'm paying for my sister's wedding website, for example, or we it's also a business that caters to weddings, who want you to make that that business website not the same thing under colorado's logic, says gorsuch right. He points out the colorado protests, this color or beliefs Israel, to crack down on all residents of the state of colorado, their preferred messaging about same sex, marriage, which is unbelievably dangerous, because once you believe that, then, basically, all
which people are under fire everywhere they do business in public life. under colorado's logic, says the supreme court, may compel anyone who speaks for pay on a given topic to accept all come on the same topic The underlying message: if the topic somehow implicates customers statutorily protected trade taken seriously that What would allow the government's force all manner of artist, speechwriters and others who services involved speech speak what they do not believe and paint a penalty government could require an unwilling muslim movie director to make a film with the zionist message or an atheist. Merely to accept mission celebrating evangelical zeal so long. films were murals for other members of the public with different messages. Equally, the government could force website designer marriage. When other man design, what it's for an organization that advocates against same sex, marriage- and this, of course, is true, and it shows the government so is that they cannot compel certain types speech. That means that they can come out all types of speech, so the court says this court is recognised no public accommodations law immune from the demands of the constitution. In particular, this cortisol public accommodation statutes can sweep too broadly, when deployed, to compel speech
his ult will get to the dissenting minute, which is truly an awful descent by Sonia such a mayor, who is a horrible justice she proclaims when she was appointed to choose a wise latina justice which again affirmative action, attributes being attitude supreme court description is very good for your reputation, neither a bad sense, but the majority in this case, takes aimed directly at sort of terrorist attacks is what it is. Well to read the dissenting conclude we're looking at the same case. Much of it focuses on the evolution of power accommodations laws and the strides gay americans have made towards securing equal justice under law. Anodyne there's much to applaud here, but none of this interest western we face today. Can I stayed for someone who provides her own expressive services to abandon her conscience and speak is preferred message instead when there is an finally get around that question more than half way into its opinion. It reminds the facts of this case from top to bottom The recent claims the cholera wishes to regulate, miss myths, conduct not for speech. Forget color stipulation this activity. Miss smith's activities are in fact, expressive, which means that they are in fact speech the descent trades us for deciding
reinforcement challenge but ignores the tent circuits. Finding this myth incredible threat of unless she conforms her views to the states all despite the tents circuit, finding the colorado intends to force miss smith to convey a message. She does not believe with the very purpose of eliminating ideas, the different from its own, nor says, corset the distance reimagining and their claims that for the first time in its history, the court quote as a business open to the public. A rachel used to serve members of protecting class. Never we do? No such thing in colorado itself, stipulated that miss smith will work with all people, regardless of sexual orientation, never mind too And it is the descent there would have this court you something truly novel by allowing a government, of course, an individual to be contrary to her beliefs. If we can issue of personal conviction all in order to eliminate ideas, the differ from its own. Now to be fair, There is confusion that arises when it comes to algae, bt issues. Why? Because that's question of self identity Would you even know what somebody walk into your business and they were gay? I must they told you they were gay
That is literally the only way they did you know, or in fact they asked you to do a message for gay marriage or the explained to you that they were married. Not a person of the same sex there, a lot of people who have various characteristics or gay the gay community is in fact not go stereotypical as tv would make it out to me, which means that, very often, What about discrimination against a gay person is not discrimination against gay person. It's discrimination against behaviour that is kinda. By a person who happens to be gay. That is not the same thing at all and that's the point the court is making. by the way, a major distinction that has never been properly drawn in the lobby needs to be drawn in la began the gay rights movement is claimed that the new civil rights movement- these are absolutely desperate movements. They are not alike in any way, shape or form. The black civil rights movement was about the idea that you have an immunity. Characteristic. That is not behaviorally based your race It has nothing to your behavior is under their feelings, your black, whether you feel, worthy of your black, whether you cortical act black with you, don't act black. Obviously, in fact there is no such thing as cordwood acting black other than stereotypes.
It is not the same thing when it comes to issues of sexual orientation, which is without interior, feeling, behaviour in the real world, and that is why pudding. EL, as members of the court of war, protected class and anti discrimination law starts to get in very dicey activity. As far as forcing other people to accept a behaviour, not an actual objective state, of the world. That is visible to everyone else is not quite the same thing Opinions, as in some places, the descent get so turned around the facts of the case. It opened fire on its own position, for instance, whilst that a cholera company can't refuse the full and equal and enjoyment of its services based on a customer's protect the status and assures us that accompany selling creative services and public does have a right to What message is to include or not to include, but if that's actually true than what exactly are we debating? Finally, if the sun comes out and says what it really means- and this is the the key point- this is how the left would have it if they they ran the world here once miss smith offers some
each colorado would require herds, create and sell speech, notwithstanding her sincere objections doing so, and that is that would force or to comply with that man, even as it does so. However, that refuses to acknowledge where its reasoning leads. Perhaps the descent and these possibilities untroubled because it trusts state governments, to course only enlightened speech. But if that's it, collation is a dangerous. One. Indeed has an excellent opinion. Obviously I wish that went even further, but it goes pretty far in at guaranteeing the ability of religious people to act out religion in their daily life, which, of course, is necessary and not just religious people. Anybody to act out their principles in their daily life, As somebody when, after me on twitter for authorization well, how do you feel somebody rejected you, because you went in there and you wanted some sort of jewish message written on a cake. That's how I feel good examples, america and then walk across the straightway kosher bakery they would do exactly what I wanted them to do it just once. And we'll get to sonya, so tomorrow, centuries and awful justice, and she proved it with her at first. Let's talk about how you make your home look better self one:
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boys. I come when you should get online dont forget to tell them you heard about boys. I come from the bench bureau show rules and restrictions may apply. That's blindsided com go check. It out. Right now, get forty percent off site wide. Okay, so. No, it's funny such medicines. Remember. We were this close to having a left wing supreme that would absolutely green light. The shutting down of rights and states across the nation so soon such marriages. That's what today the court for the first time it is grants. A business open to the public, a constitutional right, if used to serve members of protected class, because first of all, that is just a lie prior to the civil rights at nineteen. Sixty four and the cases that followed hard upon that basically overload the constitution in favour of certain visions like public accommodations in the summer. I checked the reactor, of the world. Is that for most of american history, it was no shoes notion of service including uptorn, including ugly discrimination. None of us would like nations aid on that that stuff is ugly and should be banned by cities or should be banned by states. You can say all that stuff, but the reality is that american law
perhaps did not only not proud of that sort of stuff american. While Gary seed, your right to freedom of association throughout all of that under ending and believing. I think correctly, that if there was a business that discriminates against black a business will open across the street, that does not discriminate against black people and it will out compete the business that discriminates against black people this matter, is actually the story of the early summarize moment. If you look at like nineteen sixty the woolworth counter citizens, those were not legislatively crammed down desegregation those people sitting at the counter. and this is becoming such a public relations issue for wool for words that they had a disaggregate. Their lunch counters indicates so says miracles on, because she's wrong. Obviously, specifically, the court hold the first moment exempts a website design company from a state law that prohibits the company from denying wedding websites to same sex couples. If the company chooses, sell those websites to the public. Around, and then we get into these salons outcome. Slaked outcome pitch meeting for sony, such
This is how you know the difference by the way between the intelligent justices on the court and the ones who are not particularly smart, the ones who are unintelligent write, opinions that sound like they are direct from the letters to the editor page of jack, when magazine ones where she smart like linux. Jeez roma, but she smart In kagan's dissent in the in the Biden student loan case, example is actually smartly written and yet I think, she's wrong, but a smartly written opinion. So tomorrow's our centres, just a disaster area area, should squab around the country. There's been a backlash, the movement, liberty and equality for gender and sexual minorities new forms, We should have been met with reactionary exclusion. This is heartbreaking. Sadly, This also familiar now, if you're wondering, despite what is this report, do with any of this. Your rights be wondering that, because really it doesn't there, the social movements around the country constantly that's not the job of supreme court, in a green light. Turn social movements will shutting down others. In fact, that's explicitly not the purpose of the supreme court, but it is dishonest, sotomayor and her friends on the left. When this in women's rights movement sought equality in public life. Some public establishments review
some even claimed based on sincere religious beliefs, constitutional rights to discriminate. The brave justice once out on this court decisively rejected those claims The court faces similar test. A business opens them cease to deny gay and lesbian customers. The full and equal enjoyment of services based on the religious belief that same sex marriages are false? Now again, you could read just directly in that sense that this is about the. Quantum quote: sexual orientation of the people were coming in business. It's about the particular business request they are making evade, asked, presumably for some sort of quick website fix the business owner. Would it provided it, but that's not what they're asking for they are asking for a website that explicitly endorsed a message that thus argues in a majority of the court agrees that, because the business offer services that are customize, it an expressive. The free speech clause of the first moment shields, the business from a generally applicable law that prohibits discrimination in the sea publicly available goods and services. That is wrong profoundly wrong.
Sonya sotomayor continues. Legal duty of a business opens the public to serve the public without unjust discrimination is deeply rooted in our history. I mean first of all, given the fact that you guys believe that american history is replete with racism. I'd like to see the on this one, but continuing the true power of this principle, however, lies in its capacity to evolve. As society comes understand more forms of unjust discrimination and hence to include more persons as an equal members of the public. So, by the way we should point out here and you're, gorstkin bostock suggested the civil rights act applied to clinical transgender status, So this means that, according to the leftist minority on spring court that assent, if a person walked into your business and demanded he put a trans flag on the cake, you would have to do it is according to sony such may or kagan, anne and Jackson. They would have it, but if you, a person who writes speeches for living gets a call from a trans activist, you have to take the call. and yet for speech, because very publicly available business.
There is no limit on the sort of power. Is all orwellian well in kind of stuff is what the left would like quote. people have existed for argument, and now we just get the roads kind of glad talk from the gallery once against submission. Elderly people have an bt. People have existed for all of human history and assures Exist and others have sought to deny their existence and to exclude them from public life. Those It's subordinate aid, algae BBC people have often done so with the backing of the law for most in history there are laws, criminalizing same sex intimacy, wait a second, I thought. A second ago you said the public accommodations were publications, has been widespread roadmap anyway, a social system of discrimination create an environment. This part is amazing by the way is absolutely amazing. In fact, you know what I'm gonna get to. Most amazing part of this insane opinion is dissent from such me. In just one second. Does it truly is while major complete, miss statement of fact it is like problem lies here. We go in one second, first, the fourth of July. It is tomorrow, family gatherings are lined up that this week. The last thing you need, when hosting your barbecues. Turning on the girl in or out of propane, this is our friends at cinch come in central,
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this part of the sun has its merits. Dissent is absolute nonsense. You she's talking, of course in glowing terms about the gay rights movement and the algae bt, move and out, and what does this have to do the case at hand? Nobody knows it just away for her sound off I what she agrees with bob. A social system of discrimination created an environment in which l, gigi algae bt people were unsafe. Who could for the brutal murder of matthew shepherd matthews, tar by two men, torture tied to a buck fence and left to die for who he was okay. So, first of all, that's probably not true. There are excellent books. An excellent document raised about matthew, shepard and the most plausible conclusions that matthew shepherd was actually likely and alleged meth dealer who went cross ways. Of his glance and got murdered. Refers trouble mean so she citing just it if you think, by the way, this except that you, citing a bad situation, a bad baghdad pattern here about this one or the pulse like
the second deadliest mass shooting in us history, the pulse nightclub massacre had nothing to do with antigay targeting by like right wing religious groups. It was a muslim terrorist who shot up the pulse nightclub. so she thought of inciting proper cases who reach a violent, victimization or so significantly higher for algae people with transgender persons particularly vulnerable to attack. Now again she. Is she setting statistics that just on exists? The idea the transgender people are routinely killed in the united states is not true whatsoever, but she continues algae, deep algae bt. People do not see any special treatment all they cease to exist in public life What they actually seek is to make you mirror all of their preferences, which is why they demand they use their pronouns. It's why they demand that you fly their flag at the white house is why they demand that you poster of a gay rights, flag, in a profile is why they demand that you use your own pronouns remnant. No, that's not true, but again
The basic notion here is that sony such a is not like the perspective that is being put forward by the plaintiff. Therefore, the plaintiff is wrong should be forced by law to do who had sonya such mayor once quote another. Ample, might help to illustrate the point, a professional for tat Where is generally free to choose her subjects? She can make a living voters of flowers or celebrities. The state does not regulate that choice. If the photographer opens a portrait photography business to the public, however The business may not denied to any person because of race, sex, national origin or other protected characteristic. The phone equal enjoyment of whatever services the business chooses to offer. That is so, even though the portrait- aggravates. Arrests are customizing, express it if the business our schools. If the business offer school photos. If the deny those services to multiracial children, because the owner does not want to create any speech, integrating indicating that interracial couple, an interracial couples are acceptable again, interracial couples are not, same thing as a man in a man that is not the same thing again all
involves is a category error by identifying behaviour and then including that behaviour alongside immutable characteristic but says in his sits, may or concluding quote the unattractive lesson. The majority remains this. What's mine is mine, and what's yours is yours? The lesson of the history. public accommodations was altogether different. Is that new friends products society there can be no social case, so I just want to ask what the congress of that is. She says the deed, attractive lesson of the majority. Opinion is what is mine is mine, and what is yours, yours would the opposite What is yours and mine, and what is mine is yours because, I'm pretty sure that's not the american creed. The notion you have a right to my services, the belief system that what is mine is owed to you is deeply american and deeply on free, but that, of course, what the left would like hey. So they were. And after a case, that was one big victory on behalf of constitutional conserved, on friday. The other one they came down late on a late on friday was in opinion
striking down again by a six three vote, Joe Biden's attempt to cram I stood alone bail out He does not have authority under the in the united states is simply declared the student loans subsidized by the federal government you're enough pillows back if congress, India, that authority to the executive they have done so they clearly did not. That is the opinion written by justice roberts in this particular case, and the case is really quite simple. He says quote the secretary stir of education may issue waivers or modifications only as may be necessary to ensure that recipients of student financial assistance under title four of the education act or affected individual. not place in a worse position financially in relation that financial assistance because of their status as affected individuals. In other words, there is an emergency provision of the education act that basically said that if there's a war and the people acted by that war. There there's a terrorist attack in camp here billions of a terrorist attack. Then the secretary has the ability Jewish waivers are modifications as necessary during the first year, the pandemic that apartments
General council issued a memorandum on concluding the secretary. Does not have you statutory authority, in a blanket or mass cancellation compromise distraught. Forgiveness and student, one principle balances and then Biden took off his any flipped that the sex her education asserts that the so called heroes act ran from the authorities, it's a four hundred and thirty billion dollars and streamline principle. It does not says the court we hold today the act allows the secretary to geopolitical wave or modify existing statutory or regulatory provisions applicable to financial assistance programme. the education act, not to rewrite the statute from the ground. Up the secretaries plans, by the same provisions only in the same sense the french revolution modified. The status of the french mobility is abolish them and supplant with a new regime entirely the sacred he's not truly waved or modified the provisions in the education act authorizing specific and limited forgiveness and student loans. Those provisions remain safely intact. In: u s code, where they continue to operate in full for in full force, The secretary has actually done is wrapped in a section of the education from scratch. By waving pro
Root and branch and filling empty space with radically new tax. In other words, they just rewrote the law So, as I say, atlantic Higgins to send this particular case is not convincing, but it is much smarter than these and by such mayor and continue brown jackson in the affirmative action case. Any religious freedom case respectively, those two cents Disaster areas there are straight from the op add page for college newspaper kagan's dissent is wrong, but at least somewhat interesting. First, she suggests that states do not actually have the standing to sue under this particular case standing is the issue that I can sit like. What are you get hit by a car? I can't see the person a hit you at the car. I don't have standing. I wasn't one damage sort of questions was: if student, our bailed out, who exactly is damage the court held, it states can see because there are in fact, bodies inside the states established by statutory law in the states that help to collect on all of these payments, and then the state makes money from that and therefore they have standing kagan says
that she doesn't believe. That's true that these agencies are established as separate agencies. So really they don't have standing it's an interesting argument. I don't think it's persuasive, but it's an interesting argument. At least then, she suggests The statue provides the secretary brought broad authority to give emergency relief to streamline borrowers, including by altering usual discharge rules. What the secretary did fits comfortably with a net delegation, but the court forbidden to proceed. Congress, delegates to agencies, often and broadly, and usually does offer sound reasons, because agencies have expertise. Congress lacks because times and comes down to change and agencies are better able to keep up and respond because congress knows but has do everything many desirable and necessary things wouldn't get done in wielding the major and sword last from in this one, the court overrules these legislative decisions, so basically she is suggesting was delegated powers, the executive branch. Now, what you as there is really over broad. It basically says the congress could theoretically just create a law saying make
good rules and send it to the executive branch. Let all the executive branch agencies fill it in that. Obviously it would be absurd, but We should attempt to make a legal case on micro colleagues on the supreme court, just to prove that not all left us are equally foolish when it comes to their writing of the law. Ok, so too, big decisions, go against Joe Biden that followed hard on thursdays, big decision that, when against Joe Biden over affirmative action striking down affirmative, as an element which it with regard to college admissions, Joe Biden has reacted as you would expect him do. He hasn't. He has mumbled from his face whole incoherently. So Joe Biden, suggesting that the court misinterpret the constitution, which is we're because literally a data, Joe Biden was suggesting that the declaration of independence is the constitution. There are the same thing ass. You quoted the declaration and called it the constitution the authority of your misinterpreted constitution. data. Is that what you think is, I think
and then he was ass, a great question. So if action is war, asterophyton question, why did you sign executive order waving student loans when you knew full? Well, you could not again info neighbours in the government showed the drug demonstrable himself, and I don't have the power to simply overturned student loans and they went ahead and did it in the same way Brok, obama once suggested he had no power to unilaterally make immigration line. Then you just did it. so you're right was asked by fox. Why are you promising people things the you obviously could deliver? The question was whether or not, do even more than was requested. When I did, I thought was appropriate was able to be done and would get done. I didn't get bars fossil, but the republicans That's the way. I hope that if they were given its real publicans national, weird republicans, I hope, as I It was actually the court or justices were not elected, and obviously this is going to be. the democratic plan from here on it. With regard to a conservative supreme court, I can win alike
in this way, if Joe Biden, things is ineffective electoral strategy, maybe it is, then you can see the future here. Issue an executive order. My executive today, president shapiro, I this executive order says from the treasury, the united states, a check will be delivered to every household in the united states with the amount of ten million dollars on deposit for each of you and your household and then well, it turns out that, while the unconstitutional have no basis or authority do it, I say how dare the evil people who oppose me stop such things. How dare they again is a stupid again. job. I never had this authority whose line when he said he had the authority now he's apparently try to use the education department nor do not collect the funds, is going to suggest that they are going actually just delay referring any defaulted loans for for enforcement, but, of course, eventually they'll be forced, actually do what they are supposed to do under the law what? But all this is leading up to another assault by the left on the supreme court itself. The way this works is when, when the left doesn't like the supreme court, the supreme court is an evil institution.
You ever throne when they do you, like the supreme court district court, is the only institution that needs to exist. gets their momentarily first. Everybody knows that I relied deeply on my helix mattress. Did you know that just launched their newest? Most high and collection, the he likes you he likes his harness years of extensive mattress expertise to bring their customers are truly weighted. Sleep experience, the hugely collection, Sixty four mattress models, each tailored for specifically positions and from its preferences I've had my helix mattress for at least six seven years. It is fantastic: beyond keeping alive right now give my lack of sleeping baby because of three other kids because of dog if you're nervous about buying a mattress online, you don't have to be because he looks as a sleep quiz that matches your body type and sleep preferences. The perfect mattress for you, everything else, personalize. Why not the thing you're spending eight hours a night on? I took the helix exquisite. I was matched with the firm but breathable mattress, which is precisely what I need go to. Helix dot com, slash men, take their two minutes. Leap cause find the perfect mattress for your body and sleep type. Your mattress will,
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into a new spate of democratic calls to basically destroy the supreme court shock of shots. The era only stupid alexandra cause your cortez congresswoman, from which she leading the way she suggests that it's the justices who are destroying the supreme court. They won't do what she wants. Are you also saying that the justices power should somehow be limited. I I truly do, and this is not a new. This is not a new development in history. This is part of our system of checks and balances, the courts if they were to proceed without any check on their power without any balance on their power, then we will start to see in on democratic and, frankly, dangerous authoritarian expansion of power in the supreme court has not been receiving the adequate oversight necessary in order to preserve their own legitimacy and in the process they themselves have been with destroying the legitimacy of the
court, which is profoundly dangerous for our entire democracy. My favorite is when she prudential lines in the middle ones, but this is one of my favorites and she kind of pauses. remembers lines. Then she continued the guy's member. What's prevailing dangerous cinema He is a view. A business owner are allowed to actually run your business as you see fit. That's that's anti democracy. Also, it's against democracy. If you are not discriminated against in college missions, you must be discriminate against in college emissions, particularly for asian, for an asian person. Democracy means that you have to be discriminated against because you're, not a black person obvious. That's what democracy is. Democracy also means that the president of the united states can wear any abounds, simply wipe away half a billion dollars in ash. Sorry, half a trillion dollars in actual student loans at minimum, better democracy means, of course, and my favorite is when our central consequence has also suggest the clarence thomas is being insulting he's being insulting to the brilliant. Wonderful khatami
round jacket. How could he it so mean I mean? What's justice, clarence Thomas wrote there I believe, is profoundly disrespectful to I too. I just think it was profoundly disrespectful to his colleague. It includes sweeping assumptions about her world view, whereas when you look at what what the response was from justice khatami brown, we saw that Her descent was grounded. In fact it was grounded in the facts of the case. It was not grounded in anything new read through a lot of it. So last week you showing, holding the clarence Thomas called her out forum being completely full of trapped. But again it's all about creating a predicate for avoiding the war. That's really what this is about. Those with worn is openly calling for avoiding the law infectious calling for packing from encourage baron sweetings rim court has been hijacked by extremists she's, not an extremist.
she is she's, a mainstream thinker who also headed for modern monetary theory, which is the theory that can spend endless amounts money without inflation techniques that won't amazing to rebalance the sis It usually must expanded in the meantime, all keep fighting back against them. To make sure we still deliver student debt relief to protect abortion rights to defend our freedoms, says Elizabeth Warren, while she definitely needs to protect affirmative action, since she got into some propositions, apparently as a fake. native american speaking of people. Attempting to avoid the consequences national decisions by simply ignoring the walk entire peace in our times. Today. Ten with end of affirmative act push renewal. Adversity scores all the goodies going to try and find now the the workers. So we talk about last week these these pathetic workarounds with alike well, how disadvantaged are you in the person? Writing their essay, I'm black and say: well, that's not a disadvantage, necessarily mean you actually have to explain why that would make you disadvantaged in some way. Maybe your clarence Thomas' kid in like what what are we talking about here in ne
the new york times. As for the head of admissions in medical school doktor, mark Henderson is pretty blunt. When signing up the profession, mostly rich kids, get to go to medical school. He said so well here's my view on medical school have mostly kids You score really well on the m cat and are good at school, gets go to medical school because those are the ones who actually should be doctors and our really care all that much about backgrounds as much as I care about whether they're going to kill me in it like what last time you asked the disadvantaged background of your pilot on a plane or oranges, mostly interested they not crashing into the ground. In his role as medical school at the university of California Davis, Dr Henderson, has tried to change that developing an unorthodox tool to evaluate applicants, the socio economic disadvantage scale or, as edi he'll rates every applicant from your ninety nine, taking into account the right circumstances, such as family income and parental education,. admissions decisions are based on that score, combined with the usual portfolio grades test, scores, recommendations, essays and interviews the distance
scale has helped her newsy davis and one of the most diverse medical schools in the country who ah well I'm in here, is my real question: how of those divers. Doctors are really really good at their jobs because of it like out, really really want a good doctor which is sorta point of avoiding affirmative action is that we lower standards only artificially allow people into a particular club, where's merit, then you are lowering standards. That decision the ends with some pretty bad ratification, but it turns out that basically, all Those are not telling on themselves and their setting themselves all up for losses, for example, berkeley school dean erwin chemerinsky. He recently caught on tape explaining how he a voice, long stay of california, the bars affirmative action. for even stated from the action is what, if allergy, university and tell anybody. Doesn't it getting public statements before. I'll, give you an example from our law school, but from the post. Nice said this to you when we
who faculty hiring cod. is that diversity is important ass. We say the person What is right to say that, but I'm very careful when we were there but the appointments committee meeting any time. Somebody says we should really prefer this kind of this get it. This person would have diverted, don't say that you can think it. You can vote it. but our discussions are not privileged, so don't ever or chicken late that that's what you're doing so just lie, in other words, of what the law great me. Well, you harvard president elect clouding gay. She baseless has the same thing: she's hey. I wish only diversity and bite overseas means ethnic diversity and will keep pursuing ethnic diversity, but we'll pray
They were not so our asian students, sorry you're, so like getting in the supreme court's decision on college and university admissions, will change how we pursue the educational benefits of diversity. But our commitment to that work remain steadfast is essential to who we are. and the mission that we are here to advance for nearly nine years, harvard vigorously defended our admissions process and our belief that we all benefit from learning living and working alongside people of different backgrounds and experiences. We will comply with the court's decision. But it does not change our values. We continue to believe deeply at a thriving, diverse intellectual community is essential to academic excellence and critical to shaping the next general of leaders, unless you politically dissuade us globally sugar, thus doesn't adversity, that's just you being that, so we should look. You know
really diverse in terms of like having a bunch people of different colors, but not many agents, and we shall think the same as what diversity looks like So again the courts are going to be busy in upcoming years. I was talking to a college student yesterday actually about the about the results of the forms of action cases. What I said is basically for in the northeast only for lots change if you are in a in area Governed by a conservative circuit court of appeals, then look for policy to change are the radically and a lot of these colleges. But again the left does not. Sleep deal continue push push forward. The supreme court is donald, its biggest accomplishment as president of the united states. Without a doubt the fact three spring or justice were added during terms for years. The massive victory for constitution. Conservatism, and we saw the fruits of that not only in the overturning of rover swayed but in the death of affirmative action, the upholding of freedom and the death of Joe Biden garbage student loan bail out to all. That is good news for those of us who carry the who care about balance of power as well, the actual constitution as it stands. Artie meanwhile,
Your miss, if I did not comment on the situation over in France its whole, France's now arrested something like fat like thousands and thousands of people on Friday night, a thousand more people to have the country. Police units are threatening revolt. Unless a manual macrones governor restores order after protest broke out over an officers, shooting of a teenager outside of paris is according to de and why use dot com today, the police are in combat because we're wars mar will enter resistance in the government should be aware of this. They said. Apparently, Travellers are now being warned not of his friends wise all of this happening. Apparently, there a seventeen year old young man who was killed by the police as there was no him. I use presumably of north african descent. I believe- and I am I point blank by police officers pulled over traffic offences and then he continued to try to drive in his car for he was told by the cops not to do so, so
that time that america is uniquely racist and terrible and george lloyd and two billion dollars and property damage, while France has the same issue over there except their issue In many ways significantly worse, because it also cross cuts not just in terms of rates and also across cuts in terms of religion, because a lot of people who are riding I now have been me muslim immigrants to the country already time for a quick. I like him in a very significant thing that I hate so thing that I, like today's I've, been re watching the series justified with seventy oliver. I never had spent a lot of time with it the time of now. Maybe there half the verses and it is a really well written entertaining show here is a little bit of the brave you, just listen to me, I'm deputy! U s! Marshall, railing, gibbons, offering salvation talk to me come face to face the as they say in the bible, your screw man israel. fun show for those who, like westerns, it is a modern western. It is
It stars one of my one of my good friends at next year: a world famous actor next year c, and it's it's just wildly entertaining it's. It's funny watch or on a and an episode, the episode level one most entertaining shows in the history. Of modern tv and definitely worth the watching go check that our justified over ineffective, we're looking for something to watch on this long holiday. Are they weaken, ok time for anything that I hate Well, I mean I don't hate this apparently much is Joe Biden hated granddaughter That is my only take away from a new times article talking about the horrific relationship between hunter Joe Biden a four year old girl in rural arkansas quote there? Is it we, a girl in real arkansas, was learned to write a camouflage pattern for wheeler alongside our cousins. Some days wears a boner hair another day she threads long, longline ponytail through the back of a baseball when she's old enough nuptial learn to hunt like her mom did when she was young,
The girl is aware that her father is hunter button and then her paternal grandfather is the president of the united states. She speaks about both of them often, but she has not met her maternal grandfather, rob roberts described her as with smart and funny. I may not be the president, Mr Robert said, in a text message using an acronym for the president, but he said he would do anything for grand He said she needs for nothing ever. Will the stories in the president's grandchild in arkansas who is not named in court papers, is a tale of two families, one of them powerful one of them not, but it had story, but at it's core the stories about money, corrosive politics and what it means we have the buying birthright. Her parents ended years long court battle over transport on thursday. Agreeing that Biden was embarked on a second there's a painter who species have been offered for as much as half a million dollars each would turn over a number of his paintings to his daughter, in addition to providing a monthly swore payment, the little girl We'll, like the paintings from MR batten, recordings core documents- oh good, they she gets it. She gets absent, daddy's, fingerprint fingerprinting. without the possibility of money laundering as very exciting. We worked. Amongst ourselves. Had london, Robertson, girls, mother,
hunter right did not respond to the request for comment in this article though tat plan from July has now been averted. People on both sides for the police. we'll taxis random case will remain of hundred bind. The privilege and troubled son of a president missed where is the daughter of a rural gunmakers, have allies whose actions made situation more politicized no evidence the white house is involved in those actions. President Biden, public image centred around his devotion to his family, including two hunter, has only surviving son in law. How did you meetings in recent years? Age have been told that binds have six, not seven grandchildren. According to two people, familiar with the discussions, the white house did not respond to questions about the case in keeping with how officials have answered questions about the Biden family before so just to just to point that out. That is the president of the I did states literally disowning, one of zone grandchildren, because ugly for him and for his on london robbers through do comes from a clan is taking it as the vines. Her father is a red, say, gun, manifest
who's hunting, buddies, have included donald trump Jr and he taught her at a young age at one hunt, turkeys and alligators. She works for the family business which winding country road dotted with pastors on the outskirts of aids. Will the pride of a family I put eight ms roberts graduated with honors from salsa at high school in batesville and played basketball for arkansas state university. After graduation, she moved to washington. stay forensic investigation, a g w? You should never completed the programme. Long, the wage met the son of the future president, whose sliding into addiction in visiting washington's shrimp clubs in mid twenty eighteen roberts was as a personal assistant to Biden, according to a person close to her and messages from a cash of Biden's files, their daughter was born. of that year by then by an stop responding to robert message, including one informing him of the child's birthday. Shortly after that I was born in november twenty eighteen, he removed roberts and the child from his health insurance. He is a class act hundred Biden. What a nice guy he just attracted to troubled youth who's. In his fifties, She found the washing made twenty nineteen dna testing established Biden was the father of the child.
miss robin said in an interview should run used to the onslaught of scrutiny around the case. Republicans to run account how zone story I hope one day when you look back, you find yourself, proud of who you are and where he from and most importantly, who raised you, she capturing a photo of them at the beach earlier this year. Seen through one prison. The photos are a powerful publication of love from other disorders, seen through another, their exploitative, certainly from the perspective of binding I fear the images and the child are being weapon against the by family. Oh not now, now for your old, illegitimate children are being weapon eyes against their fathers who have ignored them. Try to cut off there for medical payment, try to kind of trials, warden end up in court, men, those That's terrible mom, organizing the child that hundred mountainside well horrible. I had no recollection of our encounter Biden, wrote in his twenty twenty one member, that's a little. And I had with any one I was mess, but unless I'm taking responsibility for ah no, no, you have not. In fact you attempted to downgrade, and you you six,
in downgrading your child support payments from twenty grand a month to five grand a month. President Biden has worked over the past half century to make his last name synonymous with family values and loyalty really has the strength of his political persona, which emphasise The decency, family and judy was enough to defeat from the first I'm around. You need to keep it intact from his the republican nominee and twenty twenty four on a proclamation issued on fathers day binds had his father had taught Above all, families, the beginning middle, an end, a lesson I passed out my children and grandchildren, but of course there is a grandchild that he will not speak of present has not yet met or publicly mention is other branch out. His white house does not answer questions about whether publicly acknowledge whenever the child support case is settled amazing amazing, solid stuff there from the new york times still trying to make the case that hunter and Joe are the real victims in all of this amazing stuff. By the way we are now yup that the d o j prosecutors, who allegedly refused to charge hunter Biden, were a donors to Joe that is, according to the daily call
We are also finding out an hundred buttons former business partner, tony Babylon ski he could have been asked to but testify before a grand jury, and he never was so. Obviously that looks like it's all on the up and up already guys rest of the show, continues right now, you're, not gonna, wanna miss it we'll get into the mailbag. If you're, not a member become member use code, Shapiro check out for two months, free on all annual plans, click that link in the description and join us. the
Transcript generated on 2023-08-15.