« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1758 - Affirmative Action Is DEAD

2023-06-30 | 🔗

The Supreme Court strikes down affirmative action in college admissions as Democrats and the media fume – and we examine the historic opinion in every detail.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The supreme court strikes down affirmative action in college admissions as democrats in the media view, and we examine the historic opinion every detail and bench bear is the bench show today sponsor expressly bia thousands. My letters already secured their network data joined them expressly. Peons icon such men so test our decision from the united states supreme court. They ve now struck down affirmative action in college admissions. This violation of the fourteenth amendment, the equal protection clause, which suggests that all human beings, regardless of their race, have to It treated equally under the law and they're a bunch of reasons why they struck down I'm going to go through the opinion in full detail. Let's start with this affirmative action is deeply unfair on every level. Doesn't matter what if you are talking about, if one race is able to get into college with scores that are two hundred points below another race. That is obviously
system is obviously discrimination of equal protection clause. That's exactly what was happening when it came to harvard university as well as the university of north carolina. Both of those particular colleges were the ones who are now in this lawsuit. The statistics that are cited in the in the actual supreme court opinion showing harvard Attempts to boost minority and roman demonstrate the disparity between performances for for the groups that got in, and the groups that did not get in according to the supreme court were, were the top academic decade chances of getting into council worthy top performing people in your particular group top ten percent. So if you're, a top ten percent performing asian you're a twelve point, seven percent chance on envy in terms of getting into harvard, if you're, a top performing white student top deck I'll write, meaning that the top ten percent. This means yet of fifteen point three percent chance of being admitted to harvard, if you're here
Derek yoda, thirty one point three percent chance of being admitted to harvard, and if you're black you had a fifty six per cent chance of being admitted to harvard these are people at the same scores. What's even more astonishing is that when you actually look at this chart, you will find that if you are in the fourth academic tactile, meaning that you perform better than forty per cent of people, you perform better than forty percent of other students when it comes to the when it comes to test scores in g a if you are white, you have less than a two percent chance of getting in if you're asian you have less than one percent chance of getting in if you're hispanic of a five percent chance of getting in. If you are black, you have a twelve point. Eight percent chance of getting in this means You have a better shot of getting into harvard. If you're a black student who perform better than forty, sounds of the population. The need for an agency perform better than ninety percent of the population. It that's insane. disparity is obviously racist. This means it. Robinson scores of two hundred up to three hundred boy. black soon's we're getting at harvard and asians genes for getting an hour
its asians were suffering the most under this regime, because obviously the discrimination has to come at some these cost. There is only one slot cycles to somebody that goes to a black underperforming student. It does not go to an asian over performing student. Asians, are overrepresented relative to their share of the population because asians over perform when it comes to things like the math as eighty as wesley As pointed out in twenty sixteen, there are forty eight thousand lights. Fifty two thousand eight hundred asians forty eight it has managed just twenty two hundred blacks escort above seven hundred on the math at they sh T represents six percent of the overall population. They represent almost half of the people who, on the sh, get over a seven hunter. and those of people were being hurt when somebody else's slot. What when their slot goes to somebody else, it's a massive failure is not just affirmative action on its own terms fails this idea that affirmative act,
is the wrong up. It is the pathway to success for black stones in america. It's just not true, stephen a first from real years and years ago for the atlantic and for the Brookings institute they concluded quote not only to significant advances in black income increases predate the affronted. in europe. The benefits race, conscious policies, are not clear in a decade since, from action policies were first instituted. The poverty rate has remained basically unchanged, despite black gains by Numerous other measures close to thirty percent black family still live below the poverty line and then there's a bigger problem shows that even the students who get into place like harvard ordeal from of avert affirmative action because they were you top performing glass students but because they're perform maybe in middle of the pack. In terms of overall student body, there so more likely drop out by leaps and bounds. In fact, according to richard syn in store taylor in the atlantic and twenty twelve mismatch. Blacks many students who got into significant affirmative action are twice
likely to be derailed from pursuing a doctorate in an academic career, because if you succeed in north western you're really really good black student and then you go to get your md. That is a better grip path, then getting into gale and then flunking out black loss will grow. are currently four times likely to feel the bar is the white counterparts, black college freshman want to go in science. Engineering more than white genes are twice ass, likely to drop out this. As of twenty twelve and about half a black eye. Students ranked in the bottom, twenty percent of their classes and the bottom ten percent. In law, schools there are over represented in terms of the underperforming students in schools they actually got into, which makes a lot of sense again. If you compare them in terms of test scores, vaccines? You got it through a form of action to other students, of course, and under performing this either required the affirmative action. Now. There's this yeah, but the best way to remedy historic injustices is to treat people as groups and then give them a quart of court leg up. But there is no other context in which we would consider this good policy too. for example, major league baseball, just as an example summarily
we'll have to color line for the first half century of its existence is an evil my pleasure out and play is where the negro leagues got started, starting in, like the nineteen twenties and their amazing black players in the negro leagues and nineteen. Forty five Jackie robinson assigned by the brooklyn dodgers. He makes his first appearance in image released by night. forty seven by nineteen forty eight, the negro lives, are out of existence. Imagine for a second major league baseball had said we need a quota of blackmail. We're not just going to take the best black players and then they're going to now play in the major leagues, because we use the same standards. If he can hit, he can field and you can run or he can't imagine if what they had said was. We need in order to rectify passing bells We need to make sure that a certain percentage of major league baseball players are black because, after all, you can't people back from the starting line and then fire the gun. As the metaphor, those and unexpected everybody is going to run equally or evenly. So what major league baseball would do, let's say is an affirmative action programme, as they would now insist that black pitchers would
We need to throw strikes to strike somebody out and black hitters we get for strikes before they struck out. Would that make black performance overall, better We then prove black performance or would be lost the standard meaning the to perform. Well as a black baseball player in order to succeed in major league baseball if the rules were changed just for black players in nineteen forty eight major league baseball also. Would that heighten or lower ethnic tensions in major league baseball. If black players only had to throw two strikes and got four strikes at the plate, that's effectively what we are doing with affirmative action programs, they are racist. They also happen to be racist against blacks, not just against asians the raised against last, because the assumption is that in amerika today, blacks, it is impossible. them to succeed. This can only be the evidence of two things are only two possible arguments. The blacks are unable to succeed. One was presented by Tangy brown jackson, who ironically, was elected to the supreme court, specifically because of her race, in. Our opinion is a very good example of why we should not do that because it is a horribly written opinion that is filled with garbage we'll get to that moment, but
The there are only two possible arguments here. One is that the americans are somehow lesser or inferior, which you just pure races and sought. True, the other is that america so inherently racist, the black airlines will never be able to get ahead. It will be inherently victimized just because of the color of their skin. That's not true, either But that is the left wing ideology that supports affirmative action. The problem is, there is no end point there and there is no way to current and there's no point which you say: ok, everybody is now good, ok, tuna sector. When they get into the actual opinion, because it is quite fascinating. We're gonna go through the chief justice robert. this is a six three decision. He was drunk misleading corset cabinet and bear to the conservatives on the court. The republican nominees on the court can go his opinion that we can go through Clarence thomas's concurrence, which is one of the great pieces of legal writing. I've ever seen really is a tremendous piece of legal writing, and then we are going to get to the so to me or descent, and then we're gonna get to the bridge.
jackson said, which is it just a horrendous piece of garbage will go through all of that momentarily. First, let's talk about sleep qualities. As you know, my sleep has been rather disturbed with us couple of months, not only to have a baby wealth of a dog with a lot going on in the house. What porcelain, cause weight, gain mood, issues, poor mental health and lower productivity. Sleep is in fact the a nation of mental and physical health. Having again nitrogen is imperative, so we are struggling with sleep. You need to check out beam, organics be more organics, David, top selling, beam dream formula. Dream is formulated, help ease your audience reference for all four stages of the sleep cycle with no next day. Rognes dream contains a powerful blend of all natural premium, sleep promoted ingredients and is tested for high buddy, efficacy, Toby, wake up, refreshed, just mix, beam dream into hot water or milk store or fraud and enjoy before bedtime. Today, my losers can aspire This can on beams informal of dream powder and the wrestling healthy, hot cocoa for sleep with me. team calories, no added sugar great way to drift off dreamland. Better sleep has never tasted better. If you want it
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core purpose of the equal protection clause, doing away with all governmental imposed discrimination based on race. So one thing that the roberts opinion the Thomas concurrence and conditions I have in common is they try to go through America's racial history in sort of one document, and what roberts is pointing out here is that the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment mandates. It was passed on the senate, eighteen, sixty six ratified by eighteen, sixty and a mandate that every person born or naturalized in the united states, including people were only an slaved must be, must be given the protection under laws, and what now meant to do as justice Hamish goes into detail about, was ensure that people not different, we're not differently treated by more than than white people. Asia, asian people win not differently treaty by law than black people, and everybody was treated. This aim based on race Robert says, eliminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it and the equal protection clause. We have accordingly held was without regard to any differences of race of color of nationality is
the first one is to put in its application for the guarantee equal protection cannot mean one thing when a pledge one individual and something else when applied to a person of another color and those are citations who prior cases so the list of affirmative action decisions the big decision everybody is worried about is a case called gruner. Be voluntary, gonna beat the ballinger followed on the heels of another case kobayashi. back. He basically said affirmative action regimes. Are we think kind of ok, but whose kind of unclear gravely Ballinger was designed to? Essentially, soften that and make way for the possibility of getting rid of affirmative action at some point in the future is a five four split, It was good of you. Balance. Majority I stand ready, o connor and m. The court held that the equal protection was, did not prohibit michigan law school using narrowly tailored ways race in emissions to further a compelling interest.
Now the problem is they never really defined. A compelling interest group volunteers, very, very badly decided decision and he decision also suggests that some in the future. I mean they openly state in this decision that sometimes, if you twenty five years from now, perhaps We will change our minds about this It has been twenty years since gotta worry about her- and I now was apparently the time. This is some. What the core points our group has concluded with falling cos well, it has been twenty five years since justice Powell first approved the use of race to further an interest in student body, diversity in the context of public higher education. The twenty five years from now. These racial preferences will no longer be necessary to further the interest approved today twenty years later says. The court no end is in sight. Yet both of these costs his insist, use are raising their admissions programme must continue. In other words, there is no actual defined In the feature, the timeline, though, set out by the court in college, starting advantage of that they have no angle, in other words,.
The court has the question whether a particular mixed minority students produces could engage and proactive citizens. efficiently, enhanced, appreciation, respect and empathy or effectively trains The leaders of standard was the entry seek, though, plainly worthy. capable imponderable, in other words in or there there's some there's a constitutional standard. When you examine a a law that appears to violate equal protection clause, it's called strict scrutiny, basically strict Brittany says you have to be really really really really really super good reason for violating the equal protection clause. And then super really really really good reason has to be something. Like you're trying to avoid a race in a prison. As you separate them, action. The white into prison because you're afraid that the nazi gang is going to fight the de blacking or something that's literally the they site in the state other than that. What compelling interest is there? in treating people of different races differently under the law, and the answer is not you can't say things like: we need clear what diversity? Nobody knows, what the what that means
For example, when is a standard of diversity actually reached? Does it have to be representative of the general population. and also what are the gains of diversity just because you have never resented the general population. How is that better? Like explain how it makes things better, and this with the court is pointing out universities may define their missions, as they see fit, says Roberts the constitution to find hours, courts may not like, separating students on the basis of race that an exceedingly persuasive justification that is measurable in concrete enough to judicial review calling college admissions says: the court are zero sum a benefit provided some I can, but not others. Necessarily advantages of the former group at the expense of the latter is what we are talking about. Black genes are getting in, asia are getting booted, so, by the way, are jewish shootings. According to the court, we have time and again forcefully rejected the notion that government actors may intentionally allocate preference to those who have in common with one another, but the color of their skin? The entire point of the equal programme
in closeted that treating somewhat differently because of their skin color is not like treating them differently because they are from a city or from a suburb or because they play the violent really or well and other the industry is a lot of talk about what a seventh generate legacy white student, who has the following characteristics: verses, a poor black student, but the point the court is making is you can say poor without seeing black because it turns out there s a rich black people in this country, too, brawny james is doing just fine disbelief that just because you are a member of particular. Race are therefore disadvantaged in some. Specified way compared to a white person from apple asia or an asian students studying in the closet, because mommy can't afford the electricity to be available. Another room of the apartment. There have extra room in the apartment, people come in varieties, wife, experiences of various different races says the court. In the years after backing. The court repeatedly held that ameliorating societal discrimination does not constitute a compelling interest that justifies race bay, state action
The same conclusion in enclosing a case that concerned a preferential government contracting programme permitting passes discrimination to serve as the basis for rigid rachel references would be to open the george competing claims for immediate relief for every disadvantaged group. Mrs forcefully rejecting it The idea that affirmative action is designed in order to remediate past discrimination, because again that looks a lot more The major league baseball example we're talking about and also at what point you decide which groups have had enough relieve and It was now deserve morally need opinion. Cluj, while the descent would certainly not permit university programmes discriminated against black. Unless you know, applicants is perfectly willing let the programmes you're continue. In its view this course post to tell state actors when they pick the right races to benefit separate but equal. Inherently unequal said brown vs board? It depends, says the dissent that is remarkable you of the judicial remarkably wrong loss in the false pretences, initial humility that the descent espouses acclaimed power, so radical, so to scrap destructive required a second found twenties the claim here. Is you say that you are
if every form of actions one could end discrimination and your promulgating discrimination, europe Glenn side of people who are using the law in order to discriminate you're doing it for a different rates, and that is sensible under the law, gives the loophole in the robber two billion in just one. Second, it's dangerous loophole. First, let's talk about something amazing that you can do for your parents, universe, sell out your garage right now I got a bunch of boxes of old film reels, will vhs tapes or pictures, and all that stuff is just falling apart. Your vhs player anymore, and vcr. So what are you gonna do with it you're going to send it over to legacy boxing and preserve it forever? Do you know where that It's the visas home mouldering on the rock stop that instead send its legacy box, develop I preserving. We lived some of its most treasured memories using their own one cat. He sent an old tapes and film their team of experts digitized than by hand with the utmost care and attention In just a few short weeks. He received his originals back alone with beautifully crafted digital copies. You can easily share with our family and friends, it's incredible, the access of these old home videos exudes you.
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It is an brown jackson. You can't redness ada how being black in america just means that you have worse off, because your black, We don't believe that and we are not going to allow any university to establish. That is the standard that instead of you, Actually writing checking a box on performance as black instilling shred usa, I m black like a hundred times, and then the car jabez you and dollar to continue brown jackson standard for what now counts as admissible criteria. This has leave the door open to future problems right. You can see colleges attempting to end around this. In fact, euro to california I've doing this for years. California, actually an affirmative action in nineteen. Eighty six then re up that in two thousand twenty, as you will recall, and if you look at the admittedly Is it by raising and ethnicity one of them? You ll you'll notice, is that as of twenty twenty one, they were back to life. of black tenants of the uses that they haven't seen since ninety ninety five, one of the ways of they ve been doing, that is by banning tests, will say we
don't take us? A g we don't take gpa will create all sorts of we're new standards in order to effectively avoid the ban on affirmative action so could that happen shore, but is the coroner put a pretty sceptical, and that you would imagine the answer there is yes now. All of this leads up to one of the best concurrence is ever anonymously robber. Sure, just the time is right. The opinion But the problem is that roberts always wants to buy back a little bit anda and that's why he added that loophole. Thomas certainly would not have thomas would have just said. Listen you try to claim that race is the establishing facts before you in washington or college. The answer is no, and so, this opinion is fantastic and, of course, clarence thomas can speak to this going up the and son of sharecroppers, who is now and from court of the united states and other worlds. Forced return, because hungary brown jackson is somehow emblematic of the Migration experience in america. Actually clerks this is much more emblematic of the black racial experience in america can
he's much older and actively grew up in time before the civil rights movement had had full effect, as opposed to say, Khatami. Brown jackson, brown jackson is how old is she she is? She is currently fifty two years of age, which means that she was born in, like the early seventies gave clarence thomas was born. in nineteen? Forty eight is, I get a lot more experience with discrimination than a tangy jackson. So thomas right quote in the wake of the civil war, the country, august, it's attention on restoring the union and establishing the legal status of newly freed slaves. the constitution was amended to abolish slavery and proclaim that all persons born in the united states, our citizens in headed the privileges and immunities of citizenship and the equal protection of laws, because that second founding our constitution is a blind, and neither knows your tolerance classed among citizens. Its courts comment that equality principle has ebb and flowed over time at the council. fishing continues to embody a simple truth to just
when a tory wrongs cannot make a right wasn't again, I've for literally my entire legal career thomas, is the best justice on the court. He's always been, in my view, the best justice on the court. I love justice scalia, he was great he's. Terrific writer, clarence Thomas is clear his concise and he makes his very persuasively in the eighteen sixty says. Thomas congress proposed in states ratified the thirteenth and fourteen amendments and with the us many conferred by these amendments. Congress. Pasture limerick, civil rights acts throughout the day And each of these measures, the proponents repeatedly affirmed their view of equal citizens, equal citizenship and the racial equality that flows from it. In fact, they held this principle so deeply. There, earning accomplishment. The fourteenth amendment ensures racial equality with no textual reference to race whatsoever, history of these measures enactment, renders their motivating principle as clear as their tax. All citizens of the united states were gone. custom. Skin color are equal before the law, however, says thomas, despite the extensive and favouring the colorblind view, as detailed above, if you're increasingly in vogue to embrace. an anti subordination view of the fourteenth amendment that the amendment four,
It's only was that hurt, but not help blacks such a deal. lacks any basis in the original meaning of the fourteenth amendment. Is us three aspects of today's decision will comment first to satisfy strict, universities must be able to establish an actual link between regions, discrimination in educational benefits. Second, engaged and racial discrimination do not deserve deference with respect to their reasons for discriminating and third attempt to remedy past governmental. Discrimination must be closely tailored to address that particular past governmental discrimination. or if he says, makes clear that in the future, universities wishing to discriminate based on race in emissions must articulate and john if I, via compelling and measurable state interests based on concrete evidence given strictures set out by the I highly doubt any will be able to do so, and then he points out that without guard rails suggests in color blindness, the fourteenth amendment quote become self defeating promising, and based on equality but yielding quota encased, ridden society steeped in race, based discrimination.
now the best part of thomson opinion, which is where he just destroys jackson's descent surgeon Is that what will get you momentarily is truly an awful piece of writing. It is evidence in and of itself that affirmative action pacts are not good. She was literally, because Joe Biden said he wanted a black woman. His words, not mine, but it is, and it is amazing how thomas just stops the descent in this particular concurrence. he says, justice jackson has a different view, rather than focusing on Visuals individuals hurt us and focuses on the historical subjugation of black americans, invoking statistical racial gaps in up to and to argue in favour of, defining categorizing individuals by the race as He sees things we are all inexorably trapped in it, eventually racist society with the originals slavery and historical subjugation of black americans still determining our lives today panacea, she councils is too unquestionably
the view of elite experts and reallocate societies, riches by racial means as necessary to wonder what level the playing field all judge by racial metrics. I strongly disagree. He says justice jack to replace the second founders vision with an organizing principle based on race. In fact, on her view, almost all of lights. Outcomes comes, maybe unheard taking ascribed erase this social rights because a statistic, disparities among different social groups, even if some lights, lower household network than some black. What measures you justice jackson is that the average white household has more wealth than the average black household. This or is not and has never been true, even segregated south ride rub individuals we're not the sum of their skin color. then, as now, not all disparities are based on race. Not all people are racist and now france between individuals are scramble to race. Put simply the fate of abstract categories of wealth. Statistics is not the same as the fate of a given set of flesh and blood human beings. That's a quote from thomas hole:
Worse, yet system is just as jackson, user, broad observations about statistical relationships between race and select measures of health, wealth and well being to label all blacks victims. her desire to do so is unfathomable, unfathomable, to me I cannot deny says justice, thomas the grid accomplishments black americans, including those who succeeded, despite long odds nor do Since jackson, statistics regarding a correlation between loves of health well, then being between selected racial groups prove anything. Of course. None of those statistics are capable of drugs causal link between race. Rather, Does he not status or any other factors individual outcomes- in fact, as will see in the opinion, justice jackson specifically site to step into just wrong, is just not a true stat talking about how, black patients of black doctors are more likely to do suffer. Maternal health effects are less likely. If our bad maternal health effects are you need black doctors in order to stop black women from from having from from their babies dying, that's rooted in in false statistics. Justice Jackson cites in any way because she's, just using Abram x candy as her Supreme court guide, her basic premises
tax aim as as it promotes candies. Any disparity is the result of discrimination. If black americans are underperforming may I say: tease: there must be slavery and Jim crow campi, because a bunch of people are dropping out of high school or because it not studying as much justice jackson supplies think resolve the legacy of slavery and the nature of inherited wealth. This she claims locks black since we similarly perpetual inferior kay, Such a view is rational. It has an inch the individual achievement in cancerous young minds seeking to push through barriers rather than consign themselves from legitimate, even applicant, less financial means generational, inheritance or otherwise. Then, surely, a university may take that into account. As thomas is saying, if you apply to a college, say. I group really poor and I had to work my way through high school, because my harrison of money to pay for shoes that army please relevant to your your college. periods and that will be taken into account, but that's she's talking about she says if you just right, I m black on your application. You should get points for that
We can medical struggles or family member with medical concerns. University may consider that uses thomas. What it cannot do is use the can skin color as a horrific assuming that, because the applicant checks the box for black, he therefore confirm, comes to the universities, monolithic and reductionist view of an abstract average black person. Accordingly, justice jackson's race, infused worldview, false flat, any step individuals are the sum of their unique experiences, challenges and accomplishments. What matters is the barriers they face, but haven't used, confront them and their race is now the blame for everything, good or bad that happens in their lives a contrary, myopic world, You based on individual skin color to the total exclusion of their personal choices, is nothing short of racial determinism, brutal language and absolutely roper it in this case thomas just ripping injection. He doesn't stop there. He says, and rising like this tried and failed system devised with war in reason start with the army. its social reorganization in the name of equality, maybe just a the mere fact and statistical disparities, migration groups now organization must continue until these despair These are fully eliminated, regardless of the reasons
the disparities in the course of their elimination. If black feel attested higher rates than the white counterparts, regardless of whether the for the disparity has anything at all to do with raise, the only solution will be re, focused measures. If those measures which result in black failing it get higher rates, the only solution would be to double down in it would seem to be no logical limit toward the government me. you'd level, the racial plainfield, outright wealth, transfers of quota systems, racial preferences, we're all seem permissible In such a system? It would not matter how many innocent suffer race based injuries, although it matter is the race baseball, worse, the classifications that John jackson draws our themselves race, bay stereotypes? She focuses in her opinion on it, The political applicants, John and james, competing for admission to university of north carolina. John is a white haven't generation legacy of the school. While James is black and be the first in his family to attend. as the jackson argues that race conscious admission programmes are necessary to adequately compared to applicants as an initial matters are clear why jens raises the only factor that would encourage you and you to admit in his status
first generation college applicant seems to contextual licence applications as thomas where you have mentioned ratio. first generation died, trying to college. But setting that aside, why do the job can be judged based on the action of his great great grandparents and what would Mrs Jackson said john: when seeming him not worthy of admission substance, Sickly, significant number of white people had advantages in college admission seven generations ago, and you have inherited their incurables and how, for example, says thomas, which it's jackson, explain the need for race based preferences to the chinese student was worked hard his entire life always be denied col The mission in part because of the skin color in such a burden would seem difficult to him a bright eyed young person. That's because it should be. History has taught us, a boar theories that call for at least two kg racial winners and losers and then sociological experimentation and then in a Endorsement of the meritocratic system, which is absolutely correct. Homicides in fact meritocratic systems, have long refuted, bigoted misperceptions what black students can accomplish. I've always you'd higher education purpose. the knowledge and skills to students rather than a communal, rubber stamp credentials process. I can do
We strongly believe in have never doubted that blacks can achieve and the avenue american life whether meddling of university administrators meritocratic systems with objective rating scale? are critical to believe. Such skills have always been greater. We are offering a metric for achievement. The bigotry could not alter racial preferences. Take away this benefit and limiting the very metric by which those of the most approve can clearly demonstrate their accomplishments both to themselves and to others. The point it thomas is making right there is that if you use meritocratic system, this means that when you have a black doktor, your first thought isn't did that guy in through affirmative action to have to worry about a skill set. Which is a normal thought if the person was omitted based on a group stereotype, as opposed to on the basis of a great score if we use ash test scores, and this means that I know that everybody gun harvard had a fifteen. There is an urgent to everybody got how very smart, but if some people are getting over twelve hundred- and I know who those people- probably are statistically because only certain groups get me affirmative action benefits. Am I more likely to go to the black doktor or my less likely go to black doktor
They stereotyped the black people have to carry around with them throughout their lives. even after having gotten the credential okay. So this brings us to concrete brown jackson's is that it is a disaster area. It is an absolute bleep show and disaster area, is concerned. Brown Jackson sent, as you imagine there since you justices were currently sitting on supreme court were appointed explicitly for their race and for their this, as there is an admissible soon as such, was or by Barack obama, because she was a quote equivalent wise latina woman, which is not a good reason to be? watch. It votes recording a tangible jackson because Joe Biden has decided that nor to reach out to black. What are you going? Select black woman for high ranking slots, including vice president and for the supreme court of the united states. He pre commit You sweating a black woman before actually selecting a qualified candidates, the lack of applications with financial transactions on full display in her wild opinion, which seems like just a paraphrase of robin to angelos. Why privilege, with him
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true, but the overall argument is its basically the meme by ryan long, the comedian woke and racist. They think the same thing: that's that's her: because her opinion is indistinguishable. If you just switch the races from a complex planner circuit, nineteen, twenty quote- god sized race These gaps exist with respect to the health and wellbeing american citizens. They are creating the just in the past, but have indisputably been passed down to the present day through the generations every moment these gaps persist is a moment in which this country falls short but the actual as one of its foundational principles, the self evident truth that all of us are created equal. So she begins with the premise that eight despair. Pretty is pure evidence of discrimination. Obviously, Any disparity is discrimination whatsoever. Yet if black americans are poor on average than white americans. It must be that america's the discriminatory system she fails to explain, for example, How discrimination that that rational.
As is why ninety nine percent of people in prison for violent crime are men that obviously discrimination against men or or something citizen explain why why people are far more likely to commit? side and black people obviously must be passed, discrimination or something or why the NBA is largely black must be discrimination. They obviously her argument makes us at any time there a disparity between groups. There are multiplicity of causes. The nation could be one of those causes, but you actually have to look into particulars. Since we are talking about your sheets, history speaks in some. Format can be heard forever forever. The race may gaps that first developed centuries ago, our echoes from the past and still exist today. by all accounts. They are still stark. Social. if you're saying that we need racial reparations for the rest of the time, literally, forever forever treat different racial groups differently forever, literally forever, and here's where she gets to the best this. This is the the worst part of repeating what with what
them eat cake obliviousness. Today the majority pulls the ripcord and announces color blindness for all by legal fiat will know they didn't announce that that the fourteenth amendment announced that it's literally the fourteenth amendments of that that's the text of the fourteenth but deeming race irrelevant in war does not make it so in life. Well, meaning we're talking about the law. We're not talking about in life in like there are lots of reasons why people perform differently. There are lots of reasons why some people are richer than other people. It's not all because of war. That was the war is not sitting having sorted itself. From this country's actual past and present experience, the court has now been lured into interfere with the crucial work. U s and other institutions of higher learning are doing, is all the more real world problems, no one benefits from ignorance the time she brown jackson, yes, clearly clarence thomas, is ignorant of america's discriminatory vast, having grown up any cropping south nailed it. Although former slinked legal barriers are gone, so she she knowledge is that you are not allowed to have legal barriers like by the constitution or the subject. Re still me
the lived, the experiences of all americans in innumerable ways, and today's really makes things worse, not better so lived experience as if europe, if you are springboard justice in our setting, lived experiences, you're running crappy college, says that never should have gotten you into a high profile. Schools in the first place lived experts and are not illegal. Regimen lived experiences, litter Try that in any area of law you again for your. Or hearing with the iris and the iris? Like you, one hundred thousand asic, you don't share my lived experience. Do you know my lived experience, garrison of a crack If you really believe violate the law, you know the law. Is we don't treat? people differently than white people in this country, that's what the law should be, and vice versa, but qatar, brown jackson continues. The best that can be said of the majorities perspective is then it proceeds ostrich, like in the hope that preventing consideration of race will and racism. No, that's that's not what it says. It says that data better corrective than treating people differently based on race, which is clearly true, but if that is Motivation, a majority proceeds in vain. If the colleges of this country
where to ignore a thing that matters: it will not just go away. It'll take longer for racism to leave us yes. Clearly, affirmative action has been a massive corrective to racism in america nailed it ultimately says Khatami brown jackson ignoring raise just me. matter more. This is the one that, whereas, like ok, that is just a k, halon ignoring he's just makes a matter more mean it did. This is where you get that the meme from predator rather too fist gripping like all the ignoring race makes it matter more this is literally what all racists think by those who were not racist We look at disparities and we say, while there are a lot of reasons for those disparities. Prime disparities jump, somebody's black people are black, does because there black people in poverty, its views, one single motherhood, like there a bunch of reasons why their despair? in crime statistics, pathology, branch actors like your ignoring race, what greece the racists The only way out of this morass, for all of us is to stare racial disparity, unblinkingly and then do
evidence, and experts tell us, is required level playing field in march forward together collectively striving to achieve true equality for all americans. It is ozma, irony that the judgment the majority hands down today will forestall the end of race based disparities in this country, making the colorblind world, majority wistfully tat much more difficult to accomplish. Ah, yes, full rachel Communism is the only way to achieve all this. Now, let's take Let's take her edward, let's assume that the united states decided that we one to implement some form of race based redistribution system. We want to spend, trillions of dollars- and he said well, episode, one hundred and ten thousand dollars per family. Something like that. Let's say that we were to calculate. All of that out. You too, where did you all the math? we were two, I believe the booking instituted a calculation spend a couple of trillion dollars, just handing checks. Every black household to equalize, the wealth of white household.
within a couple of years, differences would emerge again, not because of racism does differences would emerge. Is people act differently? People active, really, that's the end of the story. Up to the war to then rectified the imbalances in the consequences of how people act on the individual level, even if they are group differently within within racial groups. Again, you could you can't a room of two hundred people anywhere divided down the middle and assume that the people on one side of the line are going to be equal in a statistical aspect. To the people on the other side of line in literally any way it won't work for height, will work for weight and will work for income. It won't work for educational level. That's not how any of this works and has nothing to do. let's just you line down the middle of the room, underground jackson is, in fact a racist, and so she writes in racist fashion here again, I read that line once more, because it is a racist line in there is no way around. It quote, ultimately ignoring race, just makes it matter more. Ok, so he said to me, or of
degrees with tangier brown jackson get not shockey town if as a wise. Looking with different life experiences because of her latina descent quote ignore, The rates will not equal as a society that is racially unequal. What was true, Who in the eighteen succeeds in again- and I mean fifty four- is true today- equality requires acknowledgement of inequality. Man again the wines, if a racist that equality requires acknowledgement of inequality or to inherent inequality or quality of outcome. But what are we talking about here? That's real ugly language. She said my my member parties, when so mrs mirza you're not allowed to overrule precedent. Overruling outgoing presidency bet my favorite stupid, large muslim people. Like sorry, decisive, says, yeah gimme a break with serious ain't. No one cares. You guys in you're perfectly willing to willingness from bowers were versus Hardwicke in lorries. He taxes I want to overturn literally all of american law in Ober gabelle, because a perfectly willing Return american law on a routine basis- rovers
wade was overturning all american law for two centuries containing care about started, decisive, ridiculous. But so too maybe it's not a stereotyped, acknowledged basic truth. The young people's experiences are shaded by a societal structure where race matters again, imaging there's something special about a student of color who graduate valedictorian from a predominantly white school is not a stereotype. Nor is it a tip to acknowledge that race imposes certain burdens on issues of color. It does not impose on white students now that those two Two sentences are disconnected. She gives a specific example of an experience a black person might have that might be different than experience. White person has right a blackboard graduating valedictorian from a white school, might have a different experience than a white person. graduating valedictorian from oil school shore, you can explain that in an as I explained how that impacted. You ok, that's not the same thing as it is not a stereotyped acknowledge that race imposes certain burdens on students of color. It does not impose on yes, it is that it, of course, stereotype. I mean I can tell you. The stereotype
the only reason that they would not be stirred up is, ironically, because affirmative action, which indicates that a black stewed may have a different educational experience and awaits you by law,. Then what the best line in this automated assent, it truly is evil is what she has. About asian americans position eric again are the ones get skunk by a form of action quote. There is no question the asian american community, continues to struggle against potent and dehumanizing stereotypes in our society. It is precise, because racial discrimination persists in our society. However, that the use of racing college emissions to achieve racially diverse classes is critical to improving cross racial understanding and breaking down racial stereotypes will boy so just to help decode that She sank sure it's true that more discriminating against agent, but it's good. Just nation guys. We have to discriminate against asian. So everybody understands each other better. So you and you sit over there in the corner cause you got the wrong color skin and now all of us understand each other better. That's diversity, all about is you get fifteen? Eighty mercedes and that do
There are twelve hundred necessities, but he's black, your asian you're out, he's congratulations, diversity achieved. I hope you feel better about rachel America. The absolute level of disdain for asian americans- that is replete in that opinion is just just while already say six through majority, the Supreme court's traced out down affirmative action in higher education and the left goes while they are absolutely out of the mind angry over this. How dare you say the constitution does not allow us to preference one rachel group over another racial group, even constitutional was at least as you're not allowed to preference one rachel over another racial group? How dare you again that the left perspective on more is basically that the law is just another tool for power? Remember that the same left, its constantly declaring its enemies dictator. Its projection. They really really love the idea that they ought to be able to use every government authority just do what they want without reference to the actual job of that authority. So job, and led the way I lead the way mean, Will the rounded up and rolled on himself he,
yesterday said this is not a normal court. It's not enough. I am so sick of hearing it's not a normal or not because for you, a normal court is just one that does your bidding. A normal court is just one that does your bidding something. This is not normal when you are absolutely abnormal like physically. ITALY, all abnormal legitimacy, a row with words, the modern, normal yeah undermining institutional legitimacy every day, the weak Joe Biden, that's a dude who loves institutional legitimacy while signing it whereas there are patently illegal and ripping into the supreme court, but don't worry down from his the threat to item. creasy and democratic institutions me well by nodded the interview last night, a twenty minute interview in which he was not asked at all about his own hundreds, corruption and his own likely corruption instead, whose s launch sob, also on MSNBC, so that's what they do over there, and I hear you
his best to undermine the court court is not normal. What did you mean remember that, is still more to unravel basic rights and she decisions than any court relatively recent history and That's what I meant by not normal is gone out of its way to me, for example, take could Roby way take a look, a decision, they take, how it, sir ruled on a number of issues that are had been precedent for fifty sixty years I love when they talk about president. I love it is my favorite thing where they pretend precedent if I may give absolutely any craps about it's. Such a lie: rovers, his weight of room, all american law for two centuries, two centuries felt ruled all american law for two and a half centuries, and Joe Biden was super happy about that. Don't gimme precedent, let these people go crap about press and by the way,
you shouldn't give a crap about the president. If the president is bad, plessy vs ferguson was president also and then brown vs board overturned. It is so irritating to that that, whatever whatever brick is behind their back the? U s? Well, you broke a president, must make you with that weight the president's battles, He would that lagoons, it's ridiculous, and so we also listened Joe Biden jabber about the law is just a maze. and here he is mixing up the constitution and the declaration of independence, because he it is no longer sentient, but you know it's not just because you all this because he was never sentient. If you look back to his information right for clarence thomas, he is just he's always been disgusting. Slimy politician when it comes to his coverage in law. That's also been the case The former senate colleagues on the judiciary committee would go as far as to say that its anti democratic. Do you agree with that If I say to the democratic family gets all I travel. It is his it's fast system is different than
respect for the institutions is different. In that sense? It is there it's not as embracing of how of all I think the convert constitution says we call these truths to be self. All men and women are created equal doubt whether creator unique. Nevertheless, we never we lived up, we're never never walked away from it and an ocean We're tubes say that now it's not always the case. I love of so many problems this one he citing the declaration to literally the notion that all men and women are created equal. I love aliens and women that all men are created endowed by their trade with certain in an unalienable rights means you should not treat them as rachel stereotypes is literally what it means When you say we didn't live up to our commitment. You know why, because we didn't, people as individuals, we treated them as members of racial case. That's why? How can anyone that the well in insanity of citing a sentence like all men are created equal in pursuit.
I have a policy that says black people should be able to score two hundred and fifty points lower on the s, a t's than asian people and get into the same colleges. How do you, even how did the to all those who thought it's in time. It is not possible and I love nicolaus are then a democratic, of course, is to bring gorges anti democratic, that's literally what it does very living. What do you think I do She'll branch is using a judiciary does the legislature? democratic branch of government did you, too seriously, inside democratic branch of government, because it overrules popularly elected officials, that's what it does for a living. Oh I get irritated about this, because not only is an insult is just insulting the intelligence, it so stupid, and then here's your having established nonsensical, because after all, it today ending and why haven't they fix, get it? her on that number the federalist society when you're,
Another new illustration in another part of the well, I don t think I can but the federal society. very, very strict, consider construction. the constant and if it didn't, you used the word to new exists, but this illustration this is this: or has gone beyond and and I just find it turns out. I personally find it just so out of sorts with the basic found? the american people. I think across the board? join the american people zone agree with a lot of the decisions which should make all really investment many people dont rates, or else they call this anti democratic? Here's? The problem it's a I, the vast majority of americans, don't like affirmative action. According the new york times yesterday quote half of americans. That's it we're colleges and universities taking raised. Mrs into account in emissions decisions
One third approve the bracket, but apparently tat democratic. According to Joe Biden, then awkward awkwardly walked off. Is it because this is what we do now because you a senile old man who is in charge of most our country in the history of the world, this interview ends, and he just literally gets up and starts hobbling off the set, my grandpa simpson, forgetting his hat, waiting a lot, but we got a lotta by parson things. Another running on your bipartisan accomplished by could, Nicole, I also her lips plastered any further up Joe Biden's asked This comment is point every american or they voted for me or not. Why, and the ones that didn't vote for your bells, but run on them. Furniture. Minister president, thank you. Thank you. Thank you appreciate that. Thank you. Don't go anywhere. It's a very exciting day around here, a good camera angle. There is Joe wobbles off the set medical walls that some solid reporting their him. Meanwhile edge, if secretary Miguel Cardona, he says
nothing has changed. We're just gonna continue along along these lines and our intent is not changed, which presumably is to stack higher education with people who are unqualified economically, but are, of course, equal, diverse ethnicity. Here he is The president, though, in trying to look forward as we as we had into a new era, said he on two as the deployment of education to light the way to find new areas. Is that look how's it going to work in a few weeks, Lena a national summit on educational opportunity in response to the scottish decision, the ring partners and leaders from across the country to discuss this and in the third thing by September we can put together a report and publish a report on the best practices college admissions to ensure that while the supreme court limited our use of a tool to provide diverse learning communities, we, the entire, it has not changed and
action around making sure that students I've been historically under represented, have opportunities. higher education given by the way plaintives art your words as we speak secretary Cardona then, I went to back this report like in a brief you saying: yes, no, it's been quartet, but we're just going to. Can you do and what we ve always been doing amazing stuff me well barack and michelle obama are sounding off on. Michelle obama is leading the way she has by which was always far more radical than brought brock is a very radical person. Michelle Obama. Was always women, radical. She, her entire thesis at princeton university on how discriminated against It was as a black woman at princeton university general. Roughly prince in university, followed by harvard law school, followed by a crucial from job followed by being there it's the guy who ended up president of the united states. Him he's been real rough anyway. Michelle obama rights quote back in college. I was one of the few black students on my campus and I was proud of getting into such a respected school. So, first of all, I know people were at princeton. At the same time. She was it's not true. There are a lot of black students on campus. I knew I'd worked hard for it
still. I sometimes wonder if people thought I got there because in form of action it was a shadow that students, like me, couldn't shake weather. Doubts came from outside or inside our own minds. Well, I mean that's because those doubts are true. I mean of of course people will have doubts about whether you deserve to be there when literally the standard is lowered for people because of their color. Of course that's true quote, but the fact is this. I belonged well by who stay really by whose get enough by the maritime meritocratic standards, apparently according to you, I belong to mean that you have self esteem now I mean I'm, I'm I'm glad you have self esteem, I suppose I'm so glad that somebody who's better qualified didn't get in, because you had to have your self esteem boost or another semester for semester decade after decades of more than half country college students like me, showed they belong to. Actually a ton of them dropped out because they couldn't hack it, but it wasn't just a case of color who benefit neither every student who a perspective. They may not have encounter let an assumption challenge where their minds their hearts.
have been gained a lot as well cadets makes life experience. It's not speak to color, it wasn't perfect, but there's no doubt it helped offer new ladders. Vat, brittany for those who, through our history, have too often been denied a chance. You show how fast they can climb. Of course, as michelle obama students on my comp, countless others across the country were and continue to be granted one consideration, permissions some apparently grants and from the same school others have families you can afford. Coaches help them the passport, hit up or hit a ball harder. Others go to high school. Lavish resources for tutors and extensive standardized hesper that help them score higher on college entrance exams, we you don't usually question of those genes most First, I've question legacy admission for literally loans have been talking about this The legacy of there is really no point to them. I assume you, here there is just its donor based and want people to give donations, because this court of what my family school as for student athletes, soon athletes, that's for sure. Only benefits people could not get getting academically, and very Those are people of minority of necessity. As far as standard, I stress
wrap and all the rest of this lotta stuff is now available for free in public schools is that people do not take advantage of those courses at the same rate by race. She says Often we just accept that money, power and privilege are perfectly justifiable forms and affirmative action work is going like, I did- are expected to compete when the ground is anything but level while, except that again, you Supreme Explicitly says that you can say that there is a clash. Distinction between you and the other applicant. I scored fifty points. Lower on their city, I had to teach myself while I was right, to work because I had to help them. for my family aid that goes in, and I say, and that will help you. Undoubtedly that has nothing to do with race. so today's as michelle obama, my heartbreak for any young person out there was wondering what their future holds and what kind of chance it will be open to them and well. I know that strength and grit that lies inside kids, who have always had to sweat a little more to climb the same letters. I hope and I pray the rest of us are willing to sweat a little too. Today's reminder you have to do the work. Do the work not just to enact policies that reflect our values of equity and fairness? to make those values real in all of our schools, workplaces in neighborhoods, except by giving blackened
opportunity, rural charter school or giving them a school voucher or by break. the garbage teachers, unions or by making sure the black parents get married in a higher rate or running through the black in study or all those things we can do, but we who's about it a lot, and we can say to me hello, got to go to princeton because she scored lower undress eightys, but she was black, and so should you. I dont solve any the systemic problems that actually led to the disparity just liberates. Then bronco mama put like a to send statement. What like policy, affirmative action was imperfect, but While generations of students like michelle and me to prove we belonged now, it's up to all of us to give young people the opportunities they deserve and help students everywhere benefit from new perspectives. Well, wow! That's it you you could prove you know. What's one way prove you belong to school, I scoring appropriately to get in at school at an amazing way to prove you belong to that school. It really is an incredible thing. he's out broken michelle obama sounding off gavin, newsome, sounder off as well, which knows he he governor of California, put out as we quote. They want to work
wash our nations history. They want to bring america back to the ear of book bans in segregated campuses. We cannot let them I well, I did notice one thing, which is that in your california. Affirmative action has been banned since nineteen eighty six and they re up that bad and twenty twenty. So I started home my friend, meanwhile Elizabeth foreign literally touted herself, the native american, despite no native american background, so important extra the supreme court has once again reversed. The kids have settled law rolled back the march toward racial justice and narrowed educational opportunity. Here's the thing! Nobody left that shootings racial justice is possible to to achieve they. Don't because the minute that happens, their entire gravy train goes. That is the big problem. Given massive incentive, this alignment here, the same people work I mean that they wish to pursue the discrimination or two and racial discrimination. Dont want racial discrimination to end because the goal, Is the means not the end? They liked the racial discrimination I was then power. It allows people elizabeth warrants, pretentious fighting for a group of dispossessed youngsters court. I won't stop by
for young people with big dreams, what is it? equal chance to pursue their future, about of those actual native americans who didn't make it in school because you're, the native american appointment elizabeth about about of that. I suddenly took one of their slots mean harvard university, put out a statement, basically saying that they won't comply. Segregation of segregation forever. Dear members of Our community. We right today to reaffirm the fundamental principle that deepened informative teaching, learning and research depends upon a community compared and people of many backgrounds, perspectives and lived experiences. That principles is true and important. Today, as it was yesterday, and then they are, they put out that they they talk about. How terrible this is how horrifying all this is that was that statement one and they put out a second one quote dear members of the harvard community. A few hours ago, the supreme court issued its decision in our missions case it Isn't it carries weight not only for hovered as an institution, but for many of us, as individuals today is a hard day. If you feel
the gravity of that, I want you to know you're not alone. Ah, oh well, you're not alone. So that's all. That is solid, stuff gate. So here is the deal, but by the way I think some of my favorite And here it comes from the president of colombia, so president colombia, Lee bollinger, he says test where's our discrimination, you knew their going this direction right that if you score poorly a test, this is because racism, not because maybe you're, not as smart as the guy down the hall who scored three hundred points higher so we know that standardized, as scores were introduced many decades ago with the idea that they would help achieve equality of opportunity for students all as the country you wouldn't connect with depend upon connections and wealthy beer, family, etc. You could take the test. and, if you didn't better, then people, the world
well connected wealthy. You could get it, and so that was the idea of standardized s. Increasingly in the past decade, eight or so it's become fairly clear to everybody. That standards test scores are a way of reinforcing inequality rather than overcoming it, and so I have a question: why are they reinforcing inequality as balancer says, entire design of a test is that it is colorblind. It is literally question you answer the question in the nearest war, so why is it that they have become now racist when they were not racist to begin the answers, people are underperforming, performing blaanor, forming based on race and it's not because their black It is because of all the other things that no one wants to actually fix, because people on the left don't give a damn about fixing the problem. All they want to do is forget how terrible america is and how racist it is, because that is how they gain votes. It turns out. You know a real easy sell to people. It's not your fault. It's america's fault. It's a super, easy sell to people, not a hard sell. Maybe we ought to break the teachers unions. Maybe you ought to fix our public schools
Maybe it'll, more local, controlled barents, maybe we're teach kids, reading, writing and arithmetic, as opposed to garbage, see critical race theory. maybe she'd do all those things that aren't into all those things that that is their agenda. Their agenda matters more than the result and when the result is ugly, they blame the test. Score blame the metric. This is like deliberate He stunting the growth of an entire, population by under nourishing them, and then, when you find out nobody's five in shorter than the other. I would, but you know I hate rulers. Rulers are bad. I really hate take measures. Those tape measures are racist or maybe that this measure that racist, maybe it's you because you are the ones who are pursuing these garbage policies and then for I'm your present again. It's amazing. He lit their literally saying the things that will then be used in a pellet court to challenge that our policies, biology or saying anything that is not legal? He says You have to use affirmative action to correct for past discrimination that is literally against the opinion of the court areas.
Brown vs board of education was a great moment in american history declaring that the fourteenth amendments required equal protection and not separate legal schooling and other programmes. in the united states and set off the civil rights era, the great moment, but that was only about stopping with rachel disco, nation. Any kind of manhood. overcome the effects of racial discrimination are not allowed in Israel. To justice is jackson and soda meyer. This is then serpent Marshall. In the buggy case This is wrong. Thank you. Then we ve had several hundred years of discrimination against them. forget americans in particular And we must, as a society, find means to try to correct for that, because their ongoing they haven't stopped to integrate people by raise good luck with it,
when colombia's admissions policy comes up, for I'm sure judicial review inside the next year or so. Meanwhile, the present the national education association, Rebecca Pringle, of course, what actually discussed the actual problems in education she's just again going to because racist that's. Why there's a disparity now, because you, the head of the any a one of the worst unions in america, is responsible for the garbage education, the black kids are receiving across the country. What do you think about This backing how much of an uphill climb is it now if this affirmative action plan? ram goes away from the university. To actual have a diverse student body in every sense of the word. Diversity. So just like your other panel, I have said already, the headline for today is access and opportunity denied.
As John just said, we know that we are stronger. Our schools are stronger communities, are stronger. Countries is stronger when we have spaces that reflect all of the diversity of this country is what makes a strong and today's decision is tat. Us backwards. Yes, judging people based on race that signal forward saying that we should not judge people based on race that takes us backward amazing. facing south members of the media, doing the same sort of routine Al Sharpton. Who again, I have no idea why this person is respected. Member of the media. When he's one of the worst, ratepayers in american history. One most nefarious racial forces in american, modern history. Here he is talking to, It's a dagger in the back. What has gone through your mine in terms of how you believe this will affect specifically the african american community, where I think that this is tantamount to sticking a dagger out back, because what they have said now,
is that it is unconstitutional to even consider rates and given the racial history of the country does not act like blacks are behind, because there's something in our genes tat made us behind. It was a guest. Law for us to even read and write until a hundred sixty years ago? Ok, you know towards it a hundred sixty years ago. That's on sixty years ago. My friend and I m, and so the idea that blacks not been reading in writing. For you know, most true centuries is what he's in greater depth And that's why the disparities exist today, weird because You know what happened with, say: asian populations. It came over here they didn't speak english and others drawing these asked how george populations first arrived in the united states in the early twentieth century, we're actually considered low iq because they couldn't read english and now they are performing
about one standard deviation asking us just for one by one set of deviation above other people on iq test. Is that because of racial and ethnic, while in a inequity, or is it because people learn to read and write, in other words, discrimination of the past and evils of the past hour rectify able, but only individuals who actually go and do the work to overcome those objections is no. The people are failing to day and twenty twenty three when is literally illegal for black people to be discriminating in the united states that the failure is because People couldn't read and write one hundred and sixty years ago that it's it's, so it's it's so pathetic and on every possible score it it's it's not true, and it's pathetic perhaps the best media moments of the day yesterday is one of the one of the plaintiffs in these cases and asian student who it was, the abbe philip, and he just regular abbe. Philip is trying to make the case that some, you d better. If fought
patients need more tables, get no an institution of higher education despite going really high in the cities and he's like ought no because of affirmative action. Black americans graduate from moscow at the bottom, twenty five percent of their classes, largely speaking- and we would we don't want that we want black students to succeed. We want every student, seasick, succeed, low income students to succeed, but you have to put them in scenarios in places where they are likely to succeed, and lowering your standard to admit somebody of a socio economic status or race would not help them do that. In fact, you would harm their graduation rate and excellence while, as the case also points out the standard, isn't necessarily lower and because the incidents are all admitted it's. The question is whether race can be an added consideration. A tipping point down this standard is introduced. Our canning standard is lowered as
premier emissions data shows an asian has to score two hundred and seventy three points higher on the SH t to have the same chance of admission as a black person, since the standard is lowered for black perkins oops in just no getting around that, but apparently that's okay, cause that asian guy F realization his black so if he has to several going left well knew them just that them just the brakes them it's just the brakes and then presume a generation from now, then we can. You noticed him of her vaccine for people or something you never. And in carousel of racial discrimination will continue forever and it'll. Just be awesome. Final take goes to up, will be Goldberg who comes up with Egypt, possible answer here. She says: willis leads, you know, women in colleges. Aren't you know how she only now she gets here and whoopi be That is a mind upon which inspirations brings my goodness. Why do you have justice who says something as ridiculous is I don't get it s just
makes a kid and asian kid native american kid a black? It feel like you, don't matter like you didn't you don't understand why my struggle is hard or your struggle or yours travel Is this leading to know women and colleges? So is this leading to know women in college? It yes nailed. It will be! when concede majority of current college and gradual italy's by way of a sheer majority, yet nailed it would be as asked for our usual mangement probably should put her on the supreme court. Honestly, she can't write an opinion. A worse than katana brown jackson did already coming up. We are going to be joined by coleman hughes is a great piece on the end of affirmative action. Today, if you're, not a member, become member use, coach bureau check out for two months for an annual plans. Put that linking the description and join us yeah.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-01.