« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1757 - Biden Is Obviously A Corrupt Liar


As Joe Biden continues to insist he knew nothing about his son’s business arrangements, we review the available evidence; Daniel Penny pleads not guilty after the death of violent homeless man Jordan Neely aboard a New York City subway; and Vladimir Putin begins to settle all family business.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
As Joe Biden continues to insist, you knew nothing about his sons, business arrangements. We review the available evidence. Daniel penny pleads. guilty. After the death of a violent homeless, man, Jordan, neely aboard a new york city, subway and I put it begins to settle all family business I mentioned this. Is the bench bureau show the the show is sponsored by express vpn. Do you, like your web history being seen and sold to advertisers? No me neither get express vpn right now express vpn dot com, slash men, so Joe Biden, President of the united states continues to claim that he knew nothing whatsoever about hunter bindings businesses. This is not we unconvincing is pretty obviously alai. Yesterday, the president of the it states was asked by a report about her there is a business dealings. Obviously he spent literally decades picking up bags of cash in far One countries ranging from china to ukraine and Joe said the whole time he had no idea any of that was going on. In fact he had said until five minutes The one hundred never did anything wrong than hundred had to plead guilty on a couple of mister
If the charges you should have been hit with a felony gun charge as well, he probably should have been hit with, as will examine felony tax charges, violation of the foreign agents discretion, act and all the rest you didn't get hit with that, possibly because Our garland, the attorney general for Joe Biden, basically said to prosecutors, do not go for with any attempt investigate my son in full or prosecute him in full, but in any case Joe Biden asking. I to stick with fairly obvious? Why that he knew nothing nothing. I do not think about dumb about his son. How is your blog shakedown fact that we are sitting there were here at all Were you know No, no ok well, and I have some questions. Those questions involve like actual dates and times, and timelines and tax, because the evidence is very very strong that Joe Biden we was receiving money through hundreds, more connections. Let's look at ireland for a second, so in two thousand and thirteen, when Joe Biden
was vice president of the united states. This NBC news reporting hundred and enjoying Joe Biden and trip to china. The air force to a quote with granddaughter finnegan into the vitamin sipped tee in confusion. Styles, he has lived through books at local shops and true themselves to mid afternoon ice cream for six years later by disruptive aging, is coming under scrutiny. Amid revelations about donald trump efforts to dig up information to corroborate his corruption, allegations regarding Biden, Oh one of the NBC news reporters he was with Joe Biden. Apparently during this trip. He was one of forwards. who travelled ward airforces with Biden innocent to china. That was sandwiched between stops in japan and south korea when we got wait and a bright sunday afternoon joint base andrews, the vines were already on board. Having just learning from affair thanks thanksgiving gathering and nantucket took wasn't. No man was that as company his father to china under Biden, was forming a chinese private equity funds. That associate said at the time was planning to he's big money, including from china,
hunter Biden, has acknowledged meeting with Jonathan Lee, a chinese banker and his partner in the fund during the trip. Although spokesman said it was just a social visit chinese business licence that brought the new fund into existence was issued by shanghai authorities. Ten days after the trip with wonder member of the board. So again think about those eight we're not talking about two thousand and thirteen. Brings hundred gulden, along with minor forced to ten days later, encloses, closes a round of funding from a chinese businessperson, all chinese business people at the top level, our functionaries of the chinese communist government did they That deal with hundred, because you such an excellent businessperson, of course not turbines, spokesperson, George ma's ears, told NBC. Who's? That hundred I wasn't initially in honour of the company and has never got paid for serving in the board. He said one hundred didn't acquire an equity interest in the fund until twenty seventeen after his father had left office, which means that it was a delayed pay off remy that that's it that's all. That means they can is yolen. Twenty thirteen any basically said I can get to pay off.
after my damn leaves office in twenty seventeen. In any case, the notion that hunter enjoy were riding on air force due to china together, and they had no idea what hundred was doing. That's really really dubious and, of course, there the only open business conversation that was happening in yemen Proximity of Joe Biden Two miranda's vine reporting for the new posts in two thousand twenty one, Joe invited hunters fort associates to breakfast me he's at his vice presidential residents. Antwerp in the white house, according to a hundred items laptop, he took his earlier for, you two countries were hunter, was doing business deals and at least one occasion included one of her. there's business partners on the trip itself, among the more than one hundred event scheduled in hundreds diary: eta vp residence at the naval inventory in Washington DC, there are meetings which appear to overlap with hunter's business interests. According to the laptop quote, breakfast with dad nav apps, that's one such meeting recorded for eight thirty, a m november nineteenth two thousand and fifteen five photographs,
stamped on that day, take an eternal three internal for I m appear on the laptop showing Joe posing with four of there is a business associates, including scan. She can Carlos limb and miguel ottoman Velasco here. Is that picture whose, in it hunter Joe and a bunch of mexican businesspeople, one photo also Glasgow, son miguel element, mcnerney the founder of airline internet and whose acapulco mansion hundred and wife completed state that march just go a long time Biden, family benefactor, who ran one of large asbestos litigation from the country, also appears along with hundred coop and hunter had been working on, energy deals in mexico and elsewhere, latin america. A two thousand thirteen email from cooper demonstrates their high expectations of the associate with the alamo dynasty. Association with the binds began in two thousand five, when you started filing multi million dollar lawsuits in delaware in connection with Jos, late son, bovines from the toronto genji lahti and Biden window, Vice president cooper then put hunt on the board of venture capital from you, george global and given shares in the business netting hunter about it.
Brenda year, according to documents on laptop intent fifteen hundred also received a one time payment of three hundred thousand dollars from you dora. So why exactly was underlined on the board? Well, uses dad's name in origin, obviously trumpet business for cooper, simmons cooper problem, one billion dollar investment in investment happen Four hundred and his uncle Jim's abortive attempt to hedge fund in into thousand nine, when the venture ended, the viands returned the cash. Cooper joined the dvds entourage on air force to to mexico in twenty sixteen or he and hunter are shouldn't she didn't petroleum deal with alimony so again, fairly obvious that Joe knew about all that you squaring around hundreds business partners and that's of course, not the only evidence which more evelyn of what exactly hunter Biden was doing and the fact that Joe pretty obviously knew about it in one second. First, it takes a special kind of company to want to partner with our company here at daily wire. We see a lot of controversial stuff. A lot of people are afraid of us saying this controversial things. pure talk is not afraid of that, which is why they stand behind us. It's just one reads
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Hunter was connected with Joe and they knew full well about it so fast forward to may twenty third at twenty. Seventeen on may twenty third twenty seventeen hunter a business associates suggested a deal in which ten percent of a chinese business venture should be held by age for the big guy held by age for living. So. What exactly does that mean? People are wondering who the hell is the big guy? What exactly is the big guy well, I mean it turns out that the same business associates who is calling who says held by aid for the big guy in his email also happen to be the same person who are in other email exchanged in texas changes, calls Joe Biden, the big guy so Question was already answered, so what is it? and held by H. Ten percent for the big guy is chinese business deal. that was made twenty third twenty seventeen fast forward just about two months July, thirtieth, twenty seventeen, Joe Biden, his son hunter,
has what's up to the head of sea fc china, energy company quote I'm sitting my father, we would like understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell record that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand and now means tonight and see if I get a call Or tax from anyone involved in this other than usual or the german or make certain between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever held a grudge, you'll regret. Following my direction. I am sitting here. We for the call with my father, I get note the proximity of these particular tax may twenty third, twenty seventeen hundred business associate sentiment. Email concerning, I believe this particular deal saying the ten percent. May he held by age for the big guy have contemporaneous taxing emails from this particular person, suggesting that dumb, the big guy is, in fact, Joe Biden. The washington post was able to authenticate that particular email, and so knowing
that this deal is something that probably involve Joe Biden. Obviously the We sent that email. Ten percent for the big I was personally James failure was a business associate of thunder buttons and apparently in other emails, in person earlier had called Joe Biden, the big guy. This, of course, is not the only sort of association we have between hunters business andrew Biden, wheels now that there are members, the breeze my board, who are thanking hundred in four brokering meetings between and Joe Biden, they so back to this particular cfcs deal reagan, may twenty four twenty seventeen hunter business associates, jump genes gallery suggests a deal, percent is held for the big guy July. Thirty of twenty seventeen hundred. What's apps the head see here, see china, energy and says my dad is sitting right here and we are going to bring you on the wheel of pain, if you don't send us our money and on august in august of twenty seventeen, just like a few days later receives a five point. One million dollar wire is going to fox news, a banquet
linked to president Biden's on hunter receive more than five million dollars in august of twenty seventeen. Shortly after his threatening messages in what you said sitting here with his father to chinese roseate were were sent according to die it's the least by congressional investigators on all this. Fourth point: seventeen cfcs, brush investment that by the way, would be approximately five days after that. What's exchange. They wired a hundred grand a hunter binds laugh from a according to a twenty twenty report. Then, just a few days later, on august eighth, twenty seventeen cfcs. Structure investment and five million dollars to hudson was the third a firm that hunter by an open with chinese associates. Two transactions totaling five point: one million dollars came within ten days of messages uncovered on thursday by the house ways. Means committee and. by the way? We still have no idea. Why exactly Joe Biden, Joe had five point: two million dollars in unexplained income according to the uk daily mail. That is report dating back to April. Twenty twenty two, apparently the financials
the president's financial filings reveal, he declared almost seven million more dollars in Honest tax returns than you did on his government transparency reports I point you: million of those dollars are completely unexplained now. What if we had? You know like a text message from hunter. fully explaining that he was a bad man for his dad. Oh wait. We do in twenty nineteen hunter The text message to his daughter, Naomi here is the text of that text. Messages from his laptop the text. Message from his laptop says quote. I hope you all do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for thirty years. it's really hard, but don't worry. Unlike pop, I will Could you give me half your salary when Joe Biden says he knew nothing? Do you think? That's that's true. Do you really think that, through both scores one. He was intimately involved with every detail. A hundred pounds life, even in his new narrative right is narrow
I love my son so much I just trying to save him from his own demons. I was trying to save him from his addiction, the parmesan cheese on carpets and hookers. I was involved every areas I've, but when it came to business, I was hands off right there, I drew the line. I was never know about any of that. That is not credible on his face. But you know, that's not credible. Do you think that hunter was texting, his daughter about giving money to his gatling? How often have you texted, your kids or your friends about hang your parents bills when weren't actually paying your parents bills? How often have we have horace with other people. Would you threaten as a fifty year old man? Biden is not twenty years. Fifty as a fifty year, old your daddy, is sitting next to you, you should get down to other. Do we really think that a hundred was off freely answering this on his own. Does that sound anything remotely plausible that Joe had no clue what exactly was happening here. It's obviously untrue Joe Biden is clearly lying you exactly what was happening and if you know, That was what was happening. The chances
but there is money does actually funneled to Joe through. All of these companies is really high, because I doubt the Joe Biden is just the kind of guy who is sitting around waiting for all this friends and family members to freelance off his name, but nothing was coming back him, especially not when you have fallen text messages from hunter saying, I'm paying dad's bills is passed Well, there's a mutually enabling relationship is inch, the loving relationship from Joe to hunter they made is an enabling relationship where Joe yeah, he loves his on yea was take airbus on yeah. He wants to son out to be a drug at it, but also one of the reasons That is because his son also happens. We picked up bags of cash for him. Examples, this investigation should stop. What do we know more about this all this is impeachable by the way, their two areas This is clearly a mutual area number one. If Joe Biden was clearing money, while he was vice president or making deals well, it does. But by president, via his son, or he pick up the cash on the other and after you left office. That's good.
Its impeach will now too. If he in fact The pressure on attorney general merit garland, which dealers morocco would do this former garland sir pressure. In turn on. U s attorney david wise to prevent him prosecuting hundred by nor investigating hundred Biden or going up the change to the big guy if that's repressed, as you darted, that also is impossible, and right now we have a lot more solid evidence connecting Joe Biden to actual corruption activity than we have to anything remotely light donald trump and the russians. Others out from russian crap was all speculative nonsense till you have actual next from hunter bite into his own daughter, saying I was picking up cash on behalf of dad. You have exact timelines, in which Joe is personally, squaring around his son to make deals in these places? An hundred again staying in these deal. I mean there multiple places in these emails between hunter and its business partners. Talking explicitly about kickbacks today should have full scale,
resignation of a non your absolute, we should still be done. A hundred percent subpoenas should be going out like right now if they haven't already an ugly if the kicker in just a second, because it turns out that all this talk about how loving the Biden family is how it's all just about the love and about giving the altruism and Joe just loving his son. So much yet. It's that's bull. whites bowl in just one second. First, as you plan for financial future, important to set yourself up for success if you've got a high credit score, you'd still have more power than you think. Now is the time to leverage that credit score to consolidate your debt as interest rates, make Can you to rise a credit card consolidation loan from white can help you pay off your credit cards and lock in that low, fixed interest rate rate started eight point: nine percent pierre with ato pain, excellent credit plus there it is fixed, it will never increase over the life alone. let alone from five grand one hundred grand without any fees. get your money as soon as the day you apply legs from believes that people have been cut deserve a better long. Experience has exactly what they are delivering to you right now, just from ellison's apply right now get a special interests.
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the deal j settled with hundred Biden on a couple of guilty. Pleasing misdemeanor cases were like the least of his concerns that same week hunter Biden in london roberts, the mother of his four year old child, reached a settlement in their explosive child support dispute. It prohibits the first son daughter from using the binding family name only and joe are able to add ain't, presumably navy, who's. The four year old doesn't have the capacity to fly off too. ukraine, romania and pick up bags of cash on behalf of grandpa so she is of no use whatsoever, The only people who are allowed use the by name are people who are picking up bags of cash if you're a four year old, who requires child support from hunter. Well then Joe doesn't even acknowledge you exist. no continues to maintain your six grandchildren, he actually has seven. London roberts is thirty june. Two former stripper hundred impregnated in arkansas she'd petitions or rename or daughter, navy joan by never paternity test, confirmed that, one is the biological dad roberts. Reportedly one to change their daughter surnames. The names of the navy could benefit from carrying the by
the family name, according to the uk daily mail, which makes sense everybody else with the Biden family and it was making bank off. Of that thing, however, hunter was never Maybe he's literally ever met his own biological daughter and refuses to Knowledge for existence, semitic, court, violence accords the post and you opposed Navy John roberts changing her surnamed violent, claiming he wants you to have a peaceful existence and to live a life free of scrutiny associate with my family yeah, that's gonna fix it unites us rubber, we had a baby out of wedlock. Definitely it's gonna be proud of the headlines. If you prohibit her from using your last name. Robert was initially resume twenty grand in monthly charge for payments from hunter, but she agreed to have the monthly payments cuts, five grand africa. up to Biden's deposition, prison europe post, you gotta wonder what That was on the other. End of this is the worst, sidney deal. I've ever heard. Jewish is getting twenty grandma. forty thousand dollars a year from hunger and to reduce that you, It's two thousand dollars you're an she can't use, binds last night for the daughter who is in fact binds so what exists there's some pay off their way again.
If you're time, a familiar love. It turns out. One aspect of familiar love is not this owning a grandchild was four years old. For no reason, other than hundred Biden is a derelict, but that's Precisely where we stand right now, I ask you again is about Joe Biden, unbelievable. An unmitigated love for his son, or is there something deeper, going on here, a sort of perverse dependency between Joe and hunter in which hunger is the bag. Man and was glaring money on the other end and yeah. Of course, what's on intra, doesn't want us to be a drug addict, but he's also willing to enable his son in sum, was worse activities cause. You know it's a really terrible thing to do now. Couple lady have a baby with her never meet their baby. Take care of that baby and then bar that baby from using the family name has made you rich. Despite your own lack, any semblance of a functional brain. is an amazing thing, interested
I gets the other half of the scandal, which is the possibility that the o J was militarized by Joe Biden in order to protect his son, with whom he is almost certainly in business, we'll get to that in just one second, first as July fourth approaches we are coming together americans and savoring the delicious taste of home grown american made beat our friends over good ranchers have the best quality meat. You ve ever tasted, I know because they made mercosur stake. Mohammed was awesome. They only some those raised right here in the united states producer stabbing every morning becomes an issue still jabbering about the sirloins, take her husband aid for her last week, it's over and over and over at this point like savages, stop will get you more meat from good ranchers. It's fine from now, until independence day, good ranchers will be offering the best deals to give you freedom from the meat I'll from revise new extracts, all natural borders, the most delicious chicken you could ever want good ranchers has something for every one plus right now to get thirty bucks offer their code ben. a good ranchers dotcom if you're looking for a way to while the family during the fourth of July, gathering check out their website recipe of the texas style chopped patty melts. What are you waiting for? What a mouth watering
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but they ve been analyzed round, point three million he received from they came from from China from CFC came from ukraine and from romania incredible, that's a lot of money right into the one hundred pay tax on a lot of that. No, it turns out that he did not. According to shapley, hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes were not paid by the deal. Simply what those tax charges expire, also say shabbily. We wanted and questions out who is the big guy? What we know that that the big I was getting ten percent, who the big guy shapley says the route they literally would allow ass. I question as follows: president's involvement in that, so this kind of croxley, of one of the issues here is that we weren't allowed to ask questions about dad. We want. to ask about the big guy, we weren't allow to include certain names in document request and search, one so we were preclude.
From following that line of questioning. That is incredible me. Wouldn't that seem to be a worthwhile questioning is where is some of this money going especial? when again, we know that the person who used the term the big guy also referred to by now, the big guy also shabbily. There were no steps taken to investigate whether in fact, Joe was sitting next to hunter when he was sending those. What's our messages, wouldn't that be relevant in any way, shape or form. because again, you could be influence peddling back in two thousand thirteen, and you just said the payoff comes in twenty seventeen and by the way that might lead to some dispute, because it is quite possible, but, let's say you're the head of cfc and let's say that one hundred biting flies to china makes a deal with you in two thousand and thirteen, and he says you know what will make the deal with you now and don't worry, we'll be nice to you and I twenty seven dean ever my daddy's out of office, then you pass money right then we close the deal and all avoid appearances of impropriety if you're Cfcs had at that point Joe irrelevant twenty seventeen. So, maybe centres of yourself? I feel I paying and then hundreds
japanese like well, my dad still has a lot of influence in this town and he can wreck you and then you send the money here is a shabbily saying there are no steps to investigate if Josie with hundred during the twenty seventeen tax. By the way, we know that hunter in Jos house, at the time, because the Washington freebie can actually examined the photographs on hundred binds laptop and there it their contemporaries on that day of hundred with Joe next to the corvette this what's up message, I mean it obviously raised most eyebrows in washington, because It seems to go directly to this. Do you know if there was an effort to authenticate that or to make sure that that had followed sure- and that was the reason why that was included in my testimony- was because when We received the d, a turning client filter, reviewed copy of of information from the search warrant to apple which produce that document. We went back to the un prosecutors and we requested to take very sophisticated steps
and they were not supported as and when they were supported said. Well, maybe he wasn't call located with him so well. We we can take investigative saps, too, firstly, if that happened ran they didn't support anything in relation to that too. That effort meanwhile say shabbily the process there's were basically working hand in glove a hundred thousand a pair Wait, there's a storage unit, the maid had documents the relevant this investigation instead of just going in rating the storage unit, because you know he was a suspected criminals in the same way that dumb the fbi rated mile, instead of doing any of that, they simply just told hunters people about it. Transitioning into another search warrant was storage unit nor the virginia and during the day,
And on December eighth of two thousand and twenty we got updated information. That said, the records were in that location that we're. You know that would be evidence in this particular investigation and the prosecutors initially were supportive of it. An affidavit was drafted the night of December eight, two thousand and twenty to go forward for approval. Eventually the prosecutors decided they didn't support it. So I called the us attorney. David Weiss, with my senior executive on the phone, and we said we need to execute the search warrant. They he responded that the process didn't want to, and I asked if in thirty days, if that storage unit wasn't accessed, and that was the deadline for the document request, it was served on that day. Then we can execute the search warrant and he agreed to that and no sooner had got off the phone with David. Why
had we learn that the prosecutors were informing defence counsel of their storage unit and the evidence it existed there. Okay and an obviously be beyond hundred Biden. What it must obtain immoral people to scottish we're and straining incriminating you'd, never do anything. Why get me one happily says that the delaware? U s attorney given, is one charge hunter with his cup misdemeanours! In the gun felony that that he ended up actually being sent to a a for sharply as that, the u s, turning David wise said that he was in a special way, we'll status by the way than your terms backs up in your terms, buried We have twenty one of the story yesterday, but it turns out that their multiple witnesses to occur precision which David wise openly suggested that he was asking for special, shall council status and was denied by the oj.
D c: u s attorney matthew graves would not allow him to charge in his district. So I didn't learn that fact until october, seventh of two thousand and twenty two, so looking back to march of two thousand and twenty two and that's when David weiss in october, seventh, two thousand twenty two, that the diesel- u s, attorney's office, it will not allow us to charge there and then he added that he would request special come. He requests a special council thirty and was denied in that meeting. I even had him repeat that, because I knew how important that fact wasn't. I want to make sure stood? It you were there and you remembered crystal clear in your mind, I only do I remember crystal crystal clear, but I documented it the email this and exhibit. How's ways means committee. Testimony was when I returned home that evening I documented in an email and in some exhibit you can look right on there.
According to shabbily, all of the most lonely is charged were left off the table because of course it was hunter and an hundred had to be protected at all costs, but that, but I think yourself for a second. If, if your job I'm an you, the hundred can get up legal anyway. Why intervene. This way, My why you intervene this. Why did there should be? No any intervention, obviously Is there an upstanding and all the rest or why not let one hundred get clocked by the law? I mean, after all, some tough love for your life won't son may not be the worst thing that ever happened to him in mid made it or maybe there's a pound. ability that this is not about tough love or any sort of love that may be actually a lot of this is just about protecting your own ass, because you're a lot richer than you should be having been a lifetime government, employee or no implications what you were investigating when it comes to hunter by absolutely and. the most substantive phony charges were left off the table which would have been won
which would have been evasion for fourteen false return for eighteen and twenty nineteen so as of right now and the information that that's been out there in a public they use. The term in excess of a hundred thousand dollars were twenty. Seventeen separately for twenty eighteen true numbers, five hundred and eighty thousand dollars of failure to pay for twenty seventeen o six hundred and twenty thousand for twenty eighteen. Yet this document puts it close to one hundred thousand. Amazing, amazing stuff so who intervene again We investigation a situation. America arlene because somebody's lying here, obviously He's lying here, either david vices lying, choose our investigators or more garland is lying when he says that he had no to do whatsoever with whether special councils this was given to David wise and then there is to be a full scale, resignation of all these threads where luckily was Joe Biden on the day. Nominated hunter was asking the chinese ford the cash. What exactly did
Joe Biden. No, and when did he know all of it, whereas others money coming from had while the shell companies How is the irs not all over this? Why strange? If you did any of the things in hundred minded the ira's track you down. There is no question about it. if you are, if you're writing off hookers on your tax returns, which is apparently what undermine You would be in jail and would ensure a long time ago it if parents were involved in what appears to be a low level, actually not low level of fairly high level money laundering scheme, and if that is, you and your dad would be showing a cell, but if Joe Biden renewed away with it more. The reasons you get away with. It is because Britain not only the president of the united states that you're you're a babbling fool and his your babbling, your own, threatening one of the great I've said this for awhile, one of the great assets the Joe Biden has is that he appears to be in a state of cognitive decline in the same way that you watch a mafia movie and you will see, somebody in a mafia movie who is under investigation, pretend to be crazy or pretend to be
state of cognitive declines that process a guy couldn't have done it that guy's walking around a bathrobe. That is basically Joe Biden at this point. Only is pretending, but I certainly think that his hit that that wine in his cognitive faculties, make him a more sympathetic figure than he otherwise would be Joe Biden of two thousand and eight was not in any way sympathetic. Now he seems but that is mainly because your he's going to literally kill over and die at any moment, it makes every every speech they give feels like evil, knievel, jumping snake canyon. It's amazing here is here is Joe Biden. Yes, babbling nonsensical lesson. the guy driving a truck kid, a book that anyways knocked down a whole bridge and the whole fuck four lanes of the highway did edifying. Isn't it Also by the way, Joe Biden is very happy that were defeating Vladimir Putin in the war in Iraq. Apparently that's another thing that that he said yesterday and then the white
in reports clean up the transcript, they said he actually said that were to feeding in war in ukraine, but this out he said the top or war. Why around the world emily believe? The second time in two weeks the Joe Biden has referred to the war in ukraine as the war in Iraq, because he no longer has a functioning brain in other Joe Biden, health news. Apparently, he's been using a sea pap machine to help deal asleep avenue. Is very common. There are a lot of younger people will have it, but it's a little different when the person whose using a sea pat machine, the reasoning see that mission by the way is mostly by I can tell you, because you know your basically it's your throw closes up while you are, while you're sleeping so you're, snoring, really heavily and theoretically Have you ever supply and so that machine. Essentially forces open your air supply, it's a little differently. Already than is when your eighty, so that
is indeed a matter of some public concern became public when Joe Biden was wandering around and he had the actual lines from the straps on his face. Now. Do I think that dumb? that is going to hurt him. I should think, and in some ways along this helps him because again it This way from the simple fact which the Joe Biden is a terrible president he's both incompetent and corrupt. It turns they from that and instead we're focusing on the fact that he might kill over at any second. But that really isn't the story here. Ok speaking is that policy he's out there pushing bide nominees brand new term, there is ever heard of like reaganomics know not what what It's a brand new term he's out there pushing it gets them momentarily. First world filled with uncertainties, crucial to be ready for whatever comes your way, whether today It's a sudden emergency or unforeseen circumstances. Having reliable food stores system can provide you with peace of mind and the assurance you and you don't. we will be well taken care of right. Now. My patriots supply is often major savings on the popular for weak emergency food get tell you stay prepared for anything, go to prepare,
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comes to this case. She found out he facts were omitted. Netflix areas, and so she sat to uncover the truth behind the notary, Stephen every case. The unrest, this new series called convicting a you're not going to want to miss it. There's no A better time to become a dealer plus member sign up now for convincing murmur you'll, see in early bird discount of twenty five percent off your daily wireless membership, you'll see the other premium content from daily, where plus including canisters. The greatest live sold. What is a woman from wash and largest collection content from that? peters, including his series on the book of accidents, join our daily work. come slash, subscribes, become member, see the truth when it finally comes out. Meanwhile Joe Biden, isn't just to grub liar he's also a failure when it comes to economics, among other things and you're buying it. their pushing Biden homage yes, yes, yes, I Does that sound exciting to you by economics? Here was Joe Biden trying to push this yesterday, but man, it's hard to watch him, I'm an honest to god. It's difficult wash them the these days. Progress bar our press person, sporty helicopter unwashed. Why one ask about by not mix a long time. You said you didn't know it was
I said I'd never by not reside in realising economies through the wall street journal, but I think it's a fleet- and I was happy to cooperate Our knowledge is work. No, it isn't No, it isn't. I know. E g on over the washington post thinks it does here's how he describes what by nominated quote It is no longer shying away from pushing investment towards specific goals and industries so taking your money in their investing it in a bunch of stuff where you dont get any of the money back because not their money. It's germany spending on works, is back in fashion. Eu are government spending. Now the amazing knew for Trade treaties are no longer at the heart of the nations international strategy. Yet yes, from now on, and go with awe turkey an expensive costs for everyone challenge. monopolies providing support for unionization efforts are higher priorities mean if you are for nineteen seventy economy. This is how you do it. You boost the union's that you increase labour costs.
we simultaneously increase inflation to pay for the labor costs? You then get rid of free trade treaties which artificially boosts all of the costs, and you dump more public money into this hill just makes perfect sense Well, here's the thing real hourly wages under Joe Biden have fallen. Report one six percent underlines our other lying so binds owen director was out there like yesterday, suggesting that show young that dot therein. It appears a massive wage growth literally every every month of eurobonds, presidency wages with inflation, take into account going goin down. Real wages are down every month of Japan's presidency, and here they are lying about it do you see a mild recession as possible with the first part of this year, Not when you see jobs. Members like this will obviously wage growth like this, that it is not consistent with a recession you for two years. I've been asked the same question or told us not sticking There's say a recession is coming and we
continue to see a strong labour market in this country, we'll just like this. Had inflation is incoming member that there's a friend for phenomenon no big deal and its. three years in and the inflation is still sky high. embedded in the american economy, they're doing the same thing now they're saying, though no recession is coming dies. Stagnation is And you know who knows this everyone with an invest? everyone is investor, is holding out on the side and all their cash out of the markets. Market are attempting right now to essentially get liquid is humanly possible because they do want to be invested in these markets when it goes down. Many people out. People are really really. Why am I talk of busy people ever Everybody is wearing. No, no instructions are going, but they do not very people think that a big boy economy, is coming or isn't or is currently working right now by not is a failure
It's not just that Biden's strategy has failed nationally. It's also that when you localize Biden, strategies that fails as well so this takes us to new york city. So new york city has set a new, Our guys, you excited record one hundred thousand people living in homeless elders. During doing amazing job in your me, there's a big numbers the new york times Europe. Should he passed a woeful milestone this week, spur by an influx of me runs from the nations southern border sign there. Now over one hundred thousand people in homeless, shelters the officials and, on Wednesday days earlier, the city center migrants in shelters had passed. Fifty thousand that they now make up them. What do people in homeless, shelters in a city white? Why who's in charge of border policy? Who that be? Oh, that's right! It's the president, the city, under mare. Eric atoms has been over a billion dollars to how's the migrants since they started arriving in large numbers in the spring of twenty. Twenty two expects you spent over a billion dollars by next year, but it's not just migrants, who are the problem is that your massive embedded homeless problem in new york city, where they refuse to put-
people who are severely mentally ill or drug addicted off the streets. They leave them on the streets to commit how horrifying crimes than when you defend yourself. Then when you others than they throw you in jail, which brings us to the case. The annual penny yesterday Daniel bunny, who is, of course the The military veteran who put jordan neely, in a fatal submission hold. He was here charged replied not guilty in court. Jordan newly was, of course, a career, violent criminal who had some forty, two prior and he was threatening people and screaming at them on a subway when, when Daniel, a marine corps. Veteran came up behind him, in a home. He was many by two other men of divers race. It did not matter, he was still convict here, still been charge. Now, with that, second degree manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide. Yonder The pleadings arrayment mistake: wharton manhattan. According to the wall street journal up will he wore main release on one hundred thousand dollars bail? His next appearance in court is set for october, twenty fifth and, of course the media continue to date,
continued. You out call nearly a third year old, Michael Jackson, impersonator as opposed to it. a career homeless person. Who was scully panhandling on the subways, while simultaneously threatening people In time Daniel penny was charged in a piece of in a piece of better news. Another person who had accused of em a stabbing aboard a new york city subway has now been let go according to the new the big apple straphangers, charged with stabbing a rowdy ex con cons, death on a brooklyn J train was found to have acted in self defense, leading to his water charge being dismissed on Wednesday according to the or according to the near the grandeur declined to indict twenty euro, Jordan Williams would mention manslaughter in criminal possession of weapon in doing that malay that left another man dead. His self defense comes bolder by bolstered by video. presented, the grand jury, which allegedly showed the need. The person who I'd, choking williams and slugging his girlfriend before William stabbed him accordingly sources. So the question-
Why? Exactly? This guy is off well. Daniel penny is going to be tried for criminal, negligent, homicide, it could have any with rates good at the person who, who is just like go as you shouldn't. is black and your penny is, of course a white person inordinately. Is black person prosecutor? are now saying that they plan to use more footage and statements from Jordan. Neil is new york city subway death in the upcoming trail, according to current ports, They said they of additional cellphone video from witnesses of the incident cords outcomes. The prosecutors claim they obtained at least five other cell phone videos from three separate witnesses in the deadly incident, and they plan to use that as evidence in the upcoming trial the document also state. The prosecutors have two witnesses. Videotape statements to she's railings videos and police body can footage disclosures and the documents from prosecutors include a videotape steven penny maids police. The day of the incident before authorities released him without charges, paint or police court. He came on three as with John, was very aggressive, going crazy as behind him
we want a job is a news acting, I re dropping things on the floor and he doesn't care if he goes to jail so up men. and as for journey, album brag? Who is your to prosecute donald trump for on crimes apparently also jangle plenty for non crimes. He can needs to move forward on this. One penny face up to nineteen years in prison if he is convicted on both counts in this particular case, meanwhile, people are fleeing the big cities as well. They should portland has now lost three percent of its population between twenty twenty one, twenty twenty, two Maybe it's because you guys society are not companies crime ever again, the drop Seventeen thousand four hundred people was the six largest decline among fifty of the large cities in america. Mere ten wheeler Democrat who is basically given the city over to lawlessness, has come under increasing. Sure to address rising violent crime and sprawling homeless, encampments, bad? tuesday, governance is what creates these sorts of problems and they're only going to get worse,
already in just one second, we'll get to the latest in russia, where Vladimir Putin's settling all family business first hour, you exhausted, with woke corporate amerika, trying to push messaging that further alienates conservative americans. It's happening the country, obviously family, retailers are showing took friendly. Bathing suits and coffee shops are strong. and customer support abortion in beer companies? are forcing gender ideology on you. When are you really wanted to do was to have a very watered down beer? Thankfully, with public square we don't have to fund these please any longer with our dollars. Public squares in athens say where you get connected to tens of thousands of businesses from all different greece who share your value for life, family and freedom swear also offers discounts to many highquality businesses on the platform checks. You have an incentive to spend money with companies that actually don't hate your guts. What you're looking for new athletic putting it knows what a woman is or a banking party, count on or simply a new restaurant in your area, they're not going to lecture you about your political views as you try to enjoy a meal with your family had an average public, sq dot com public square-
free to join as a consumer or a business owner. You can get started right now at public sq, dot com or download their app today as public sq dot com. Right now I get this question from because I'm, how do I find businesses who don't hate me, Well, this is the answer. Public square go check my right now, public sq dot com or download their apt to ok, while, when repugnant is now settling all family business. According to the wall, street journal he's moving too He's control of the Wagner lobal empire the kremlin is assuring nations in africa and the middle EAST that is going to continue to manage the wagner forces which is frederick power at little cost a buddhist wagner is a mercenary group has been used by Vladimir Putin's, basically twenty fourteen to do, his dirty work everywhere from ukraine. syria and. apparently he attempted to assent the override the head of the wagner group yevgeny, have promotion and then take control of it, and that is why promotion tried to lead a revolt against Putin and that went sideways very very quickly and he is now in belarus awaiting his up his suicide, but
wagner is apparently now in the crosshairs boot and he's going to sort vertically integrate these mercenary forces directly into the russian armed forces. Russia's, the foreign minister, according to our regional street, to damascus to personally Deliver a message to syrian president bashar Al Assad wagner group: where's. It would no longer operate independently. Senior foreign ministry officials- phoned the president of the central african republic. personal bodyguards include wagner per mercenaries, offering assurances that saturday, prices, would not rail. Russia's expansion into africa, government judge from she's ministry of emergency situations shuttled from Syria to molly another of wagner's key foreign airports. The rush diplomatic activity, reflected put attempt to play down the costs at home and ensure russia's partners in africa. The middle east, there going anywhere because these mercenaries we been used a shock troops by a bunch of bad foreign regimes. Gyp your family from a special envoy the west african sappho regions had wagner help, russia build its influence and the guy is loathe to give it up. Bognor gives didn't give question is where they can manage its complexity and deal with additional scrutiny in any answer. Now is the rational in care right now what the
but what was originally offered to Putin is they could commit what human rights violations that want to commit an putin couldn't be the blame because hidden run them a user connected to them, but he wasn't indirect control will now. I'm not sure to cares, can turn he's been firing rockets at apartment buildings in kiev. So I think that at this point, what what the harm vertically. Integrating then the big break between wagner, and the russian government came over defence secretary, victor I go done, apparently a terrible job in the ukraine more and the longer groups have like guys, you're doing a horrible job. We hate this and theirs from the russian government, was to essentially try to take control of the entire wagner group itself. So now, russia's deploying all of its have diplomats to various foreign regions to try to convey then that wagner is not going away, that this entire battled, not change the face of russian sore footprints across the world, while putting it sounds like it just getting rid of top people who may be involved in the attempted coup, according to the guardian of russian general, who previously led the invasion forcing Ukraine has not been seen.
Public sincerity with yours, intelligence, The claiming had prior knowledge of the uprising led by promotion general, their gates. Revision is there of the russian aerospace forces, informally moscow, supreme commander and ukraine promotion and welcome his weapons that persons, I twenty two calling the legendary figure and born to serve his motherland, those, while publicized links if the rumors that Sarah be purged were put under investigation for supporting the mutiny so I hear suicide notice, I'm sure, will be issued in the near future. Sometime again, I ever gonna come forward. reboot, and it turns out that dumb, you had best make sure that you're not drinking any plutonium laced coffee any time in the near future because a poor, is fond of assassinating his political opposition. Hemingway controversy. Were at the vatican still unclear. What the full story here is but there are a lot of suspicions that the vatican is now investigating one particular Bishop named Joseph Strickland tyler taxes, because he's critical of pope frances
critique of pope programmes is because he thinks the propensity to socially liberal and assessment, which I who have no dog in this particular fight, have I fully agree that I think pope ism is a disaster area of about pope Benedict was great. Pope is not too much, but apparently the vatican is now investigating bishop Joseph Strickland. That this was let off at least allegedly by strickland leading a protest against the ellie dodgers for, Them am the sisters of perpetual indulgence, a gay hate group that that hates catholics in and makes fun of cash. Catholic iconography and all the rest of us. According to the catholic news, Urgency is unclear how many of which are related to the investigation. One directly addresses his supporters in which he thanked in order nation fred support other than that. His twitter feed appears to be on par for the widely puppet. Firebrand bishop was admired by many catholics for his outspokenness against prominent modern day issues like abortion, gender ideology and go agendas and elected officials who blatantly disregard the sanctity of the unborn the causes. Investigation from rome is unclear and it comes from.
His participation in that eucharistic procession and prayer rally in l a to pro to protest. Baseball's l, a dodgers honoring, the sisters of perpetual indulgence. So it could be that this is just him overstepping his boundaries when it comes to the critique of the pope, because it's still hierarchical structure in the catholic church, or it could be that the pope is again standing forward, bend attempting to quash people who are insufficiently liberal for his taste or whatever it is. I would say that its fairly obvious from all the catholics that I talk to Schism is arising inside the catholic church in that schisms worldwide or not narrower, and that is largely due to the vagaries in leadership of the of the current bob. Ok for a couple of things. I like em and some things that I hate so things that I like, tonight, there's a series on ethics called the bear and out not sure why I to watch it. Maybe just I had no idea what what the hell it was was at a comedy was a drama is actually really good. So it's a lot of cursing it's blue
but it also really really well done to my parents are from Chicago. I know Chicago fairly well, and this like a real chicago series like it's like south side of chicago chicago whites, ox area, which my team and dumb it's it's a trip. serious about a guy who was atop chef at noble, which is widely ranked as the best restaurant and his brother, commit suicide and was running a beef meat very essential in chicago and now yes to go back home to chicago, and he says, to take up where's brother left off at the restaurant, try to fix restaurant, and so it's all about running restaurant. It's all about cooking! I end all the performance are great. It's really well shot and beautifully directed, I hear is low, but the radio, I'm not sure, I ordered to wonder what is the reason
at that meeting the twelve fifty for that one baseball, the indians like a bait again, it's it's really fun. To watch too weird thing that I think we all kind of like watching people's house, make you very hungry to watch the show for sure, and you leave it to you. You can't taste any of it, but it looks good. The performers the great began plays leader is really terrific from chef Jeff I referred. It needs greedy and realistic, and again one of the things that I like about this show is that what it really is mostly about is a guy. Who is very good at a thing trying to make a place better? I meant that can also never happened it's very capitalistic in that in that way it's really prose business, And pro small business shall we have to change the candy, its It's really about competence of our core competence. One of the things I realized about tv shows and movies. I like to watch. I, like watching people, be good at things, and this is a show about a guy who is very good at a thing and how he's, make other people better at the thing, and it's it's pretty wonderful, ok time.
for some things that I hate so, as we all could predicted by the amount of glowing media coverage that barbie movie was movies, was receiving it's going to be just a liberal, bleed shall now actresses live alone, kate mckinnon, is praising the barbie moving for showing that called gender roles deny people half their humanity. I yes, if you're a woman, and you are expected to act like a what this means that your being denied the other half of your humanity, which is just I'm sorry, the notion that that women ought to be feminine, and men ought to be masculine and its as mean like in every aspect that there's no cross over, but the debts a general expectation, That is the people you know, denies people their humanity, not allowing them to be what they are, and what they are Women are feminine men, masculine telling them that women ought to be masculine. Menotomy feminine is absurd. Mackay. The commons, during an interview with fandango, where she, along with barbie coast, is rae america, ferrera embargo, robbie, discussing the themes of the somerville. During our discussion within dangle the axis delved into some of the feminist themes of bari, namely,
the movie is in part, the story of female empowerment that relegates male characters like ken to more of a support role, while now is necessary because, as we all know can is really the star of the barbie shall I mean like can was always in after by the way. Costar is a re who portrays a barbie lands. President commented on the feminist themes, while Mackinnon went even further, claiming the film scripts torches gender roles entirely in the various candles play. My ryan gosling semi, similarly, and others have gosling playing robberies. Particular male counterparts re emphasise that The barbies this world are the ones who do everything it can to back them up. She says: barbies can do everything cancer there at a kind of support and don't answer We have known story. I think that's not necessarily a negative thing. Credibly, strong from indian supporting roles and sport. The greatness that is women and barbie that's only another movie saying that men are unnecessary in society, because that we're gonna, amazingly well for feminism over the course of the last fifty years in which women, every metric aren't happier than they were in the nineteen seventies, it is worth saying that men
are are completely unnecessary to life, is its working out a meal using for ladys now, having a great time with it, except that they're not in its actually miserable other things that I hated. It is an amazing one, so there is something called the algae bt foundation in national charity. Delivering advice, support information services. EL gb de communities is based in manchester to british outlet, apparently and em. They are now encouraging people to stop using the word vagina because it might offend quote using the crackling. When referring to someone's gender identity is a simple and effective way to demonstrate, support and recognition. If incorrect language is used without being corrected, it can cause someone to feel hurt and distressed. So what sort of language do they recommend well under be for the glossary they use? The term bonus bonus all in alternative word for the vagina. It is important check with words which words someone would prefer to use bonus, whole bonus or so
the orifice that is responsible for literally all human reproduction for all time is a mere bonus as it turns out these! Congratulations! You want a bonus, the bonus hole which I assume means that the primary hall would be. You know the butt. I assume they mean unless they mean like your face, like your faces, your primary hall or ear Here's your nostrils, wood, which one I assume, may mean the ass right. I mean that's presently demean, which is weird, because all they are really what what that really does again in the same way that sis is in fact a slow. because it assumes that that there is something non normal. About being you know, a male who thinks he is male like has a special term and everything So I suggest that basically the norm. Is you don't have that because the bonus, and that is unnecessary. Actually because two bonus right, like you could live, as bonus, you bonus re your salaries, fine. Now what
What really spells again is me send for of sexual hedonism to this entire movement? for most of us, if you said like what is the most biologically speaking just in terms of propagation of the human species which the most important bodily orifice when it comes to sex is the most important bodily orfis? Is there Now what the answer to that is in terms of propagation of the human species. Of course there is not, of course, there's no conference about the decimal point propagation human species is utterly unnecessary. Sex be utterly disconnected from childbearing child ruin, which makes women basically an afterthought. A man could, a woman, a woman could be a man and it doesn't make any difference at all, because I mean, after all, What function does the bonus whole serve other than as a bonus? It's incredible. How sex one once you boil way its inherent connection to childbearing childbearing this? What you end up with references to women as bearers a bonus holes article,
The rest shows containing right now, you're not going to miss it. I will be interviewing Tom Kenneth. One of the war representing daniel penny, if you're, not a member, become a member use, the code shapiro checkout for two months free and all annual plans, click that link in the description and join us the
Transcript generated on 2023-07-01.