« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1755 - They Want You Fat, Stupid, And Lazy


Our society promotes fatness, stupidity, and laziness – all subsidized by the government; Hunter Biden’s attorney admits his incriminating texts about Joe Biden are real; and full audio of Donald Trump talking about his classified documents emerges.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Our society promote fetnah stupidity, laziness all subsidized by the government hundred pounds, He admits his incriminating tax about Joe are real and full audio donald trump. Talking about his classified documents emerges- I mention here. This is the benchmark. yeah eventually ben Shapiro, sponsored by express vpn, protect our online privacy today express vpn icons, lifespan well, folks, the federal government medium inner city. A large have decided that it is very very important would promote fashion and stupidity and lazy as there is a fascinating piece out by roy, in? Does studies a scholar on religion and marriage over at his sub staggers block graphs about. Religions are come in which he examines the fact that the kind of key ideas I always have. Success in the world generally exist among the religious population in the united states in their declining among everybody else, and this is a fascinating phenomenon to look at their bunch of charge that he put up. To show this so, for example, he put up a charge showing that as edges
Increases religious practice, I believe, also increases to a certain extent which is sorted Firstly, what we ve been told the reason This is the cases because he's talking about not just people who identify as atheist, now. You talking to people identify as none of the above. So when you look at people who are not religious in any way or people whose just It dissociated from religion. What you find them with some high school education. Thirty two percent of them are believin. None right in these poles Twenty eight percent of high school graduates are unknown. Twenty. Six percent of people want to trade school, but by it to a masters degree. Only twenty percent of people who have a masters are nuns right. The nuns are people who suggested did they have nobody can religion or that just on associated with religion, entirely nuts if he has any people who say none so as rapporteur, went out. The trend is unmistakable. Those who are most likely to ascend services weekly are those with a graduate degree. Those least likely
to attain are those of a high school diploma or less and water. things that that correlate with is income, so what you will is that the share of people who attend weekly by education and income level, the more educated you are, income you have the more likely you are to attend church, on a regular basis, which is precisely the reverse of what society tells you? What the media tell you, what the media tell you is that it's the most educated among us who never go to church and it's the least educated among us who always go to church, and that actually is not true when you despite that, would marital status. What you find that mary people go to religion, services, weekly at a far higher rate than people of the other marital status. So that means that the people who are at your local church are probably in your community. The best educated, the most likely to be married and mostly we parents as well, because what you find that they share a people who attend weekly religious services based on marital and parental status. By far people who are married and parents attend religious services far more clearly. So here's the thing:
Aquila chanted for second, the identifiers us success in american life, married kids, high income, education, so now correlating extremely highly with religious practice, is the point that right urge is making any right. He says results, are hard to ignore and should sounds a major lan for any person of faith concerned about the large state of american society. Increasingly, religion has become the enclave for those who have lived a quote, unquote: proper life college degree middle income mary with children? If you check all those boxes, the likelihood of you regularly attaining charge is about double the rate of folks who don't so ryan reads that as a critique of the church, the church needs to be more welcoming and it needs to find ways to reach out to people who are not married. People who don't have middle class income people who are not college educated, but there is a way to read this universe, and that is that the rules that the elite of our society marital leave, the parental leave, the income, a lie. the educationally have applied themselves are very different than the rules they have promulgated to the rest of society, and you see this very clearly in the social science data, Charles Murray wrote a phenomenal book called coming apart. Probably
eight and a half ago in which he examine differences among white communities because he's been ripped up and down for talking about rachel disparities, so he decided to your book talking about sociological differences and white communities and he said get it out to separate white communities, one I believe you called new technological fished out new tales. Like the high income group, the high income group had people generally we're married generally. People who had kids generally people who are involved in social institutions and people who alone more the opposite. Now, if you look at the media, You look at the way the government treats. This is precisely the opposite. They pretend, people who are most likely to be successful in our society are single female. berkeley graduates with no children who hate god and hate the church. Those people are most likely to be set. successful if you watch tv, but those in real life are not the people who are actually successful, in other words, the message that societies promulgating is precisely the opposite of reality. Has real world consequences. These bleeds down to the people who are wiring, to be at the top of the hierarchy
An american society, its appointed that you can see the throat american history, There is always one of a group of people that everyone aspired to be back in the nineteen thirty, for example. I've used example before if you look at pictures from the great depression of people who are waiting in line at at food. Fusion centres at charity services there people were suits you Today's billionaires years did rustling schwab's the aspiration. has now become an aspiration to be the The lowest common denominator, as opposed to the aspiration, is to be the highest. What here's the thing whenever people see people? we are successful and everybody knows what successes we can all pretend we don't want successes. We know what success looks like successful marriage, successful raising of children successful in your community successful in terms of income. Successful in terms that we all know that looks like with I have decided that because we don't like the results of that, we are going to pretend that the measuring stick doesn't exist, but the measuring stick does exist and we all know about measuring stick and so innately. We look to the people were successful by all those measures in our society.
People used to be loud and proud about what it was that they did in their personal lives, what it was they believe, but now they do so. the measure of virtue, do precisely the opposite, the measure of true virtue is a sure I live that way. Sure you know, I don't my kid to a public schools are making to a private school sure, I'm married sure I got an education, I followed all the rules than traditional religious society would actually have me follow treatment, but you know what because I'm an elite, I'm going to promulgate a new morality. That includes you now that the dirty secret about this what that really is. Is it's a form of ugly paternalism in which people at the top are saying that people at the bottom are incapable of rising? And that's not true. It's not true the same things that got people at the top to the top are the things that can take anyone. to the top, but we have a society's out dedicated to the opposite proposition that there are some. sort of injustice in measuring stick itself. Thus we are no longer even want to shoot for the things that we all know to be good and true and
the thing once you remove the measuring sick. What you end up with is chaos. You dont end up with equality. You end up with just turmoil. ass, an unsuccess because we're subsidizing lack of it. That's by removing the measuring stick for success. all is that these rules are clear. Go to church get married, have kids get a job. finish. Your education by these rules are all very clear known about. There's nothing new. Here we ve known about these rules for at least a cup hundred years. There's nothing in terms of eight mobile american society from unsuccess to success, but we have decided at the elite levels of american government. An american media to obliterate oliver rules and pretend that we have done somebody some good and is precisely the opposite. We get more on this in just one second. First, it takes a special. Company to want a partner with they show that a lot of companies afraid to partner with chose like this one, the give you the truth, the unvarnished fat While pure talk is not one of those companies and
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There are seven additional, fifty percent off your very first month of coverage already so the precise opposite, of the things that bring success, are the things that our society promotes. So to take a stupid example, our culture promotes people like cardi, b, cardi b. I've ripped on her before because I think that is a perfect example of virtually everything wrong with our society. She is a rat, who used to be a stripper who bragged on tape about drugging and robbing men, and she also happens to be a person who is deemed by our society, is the height of sex appeal. That section satisfaction is supposed to be attained by acting like cardy, be or by imitating. Carnegie but the reality is that of cardy be lives cardy these values. She ends up very unhappy, so carnegie is married to a person named offset these are both of their given aims. They both came out of their mothers in cardiff these months, and I shall call her party and often Mother said I shall call him offset. I don't want my answer, but also shelby his net undone,
and these two lovers married one another and they had a rather fraught relationship and this is the model by the way, for literally millions of people in the united states. Where the thing we used to model in the united states? Was you know a solid marriage that lasted for an entire lifetime in which you are dedicated to the uprising of your children, but carter, these marriages now splashed across page six, so the latest within the beautiful marriage, the carnegie has presented again the height of sex appeal uk her husband, dining it. But she's the height of sex appeal she cheated. To twitter spaces monday to address her husband, offsets claim that she, after another man, so apparently he put up a in instagram post, which is really just at the light by the way they have to get, which is often play amazing for the kids. she put up in it. He put up in instagram posed. That's as my wife asked word on me, gang ya'll inwards, no Now I come and then here their apparently took that down. But you responded to that,
first of all, let me say you can't accused me of all the things you know you are guilty of. Seeing with me all, and I see that it is easy for you to blame everything I mean yes honey. Then she went on speaking directly towards listeners. Don't they attend that country man, your so here is cardy, be talking in them. The most eloquent terms about the state of her marriage. Pay attention to that country me on, don't pay it says. Is that offend? You me? That's bases the other day gum spiralling and thinking come on now, inquiry being, I think, sometimes began, crying being given this to anybody. There will be out all night just anybody kept in a regular, devilish smuggler, because the data for the world- I don't even want to translate that in any case this is the this is what is presented by the upper echelons of our culture as high culture, and we have to stop pretending that this is low culture in the united states because it out
This sort of stuff is promoted by every major media outlets in united states is promoted by every thing major streaming service in the united states. It is promote as the height of american culture? Your literally not supposed to say things like this stuff is ugly, bad and her music socks you're, not allowed to say that sort of stuff without people going away the on you, but the messages, promulgated by people like hardy or for that matter and given off that this music is garbage and that it actually, is promoting harmful messages, instead we're supposed to britain that is a form of female empowerment and that people who follow its are likely to lead, happier lies well, here's the problem. Carnegie is not leading a particularly happy marital life, The people are leading having their lives are boring, funny, duddy the people who are being promoted by our society as the models of marriage are people like carnegie. Obviously, these are the things that that, actually matter it, society that promotes stupidity it's a society that promotes failed marriages, we're not getting married at all, I mean I'll, give it to hardy, be at least she actually got married he's. Seventy.
And have kids were born black community today are born out of wedlock. Forty percent of the kids in the white community by the way are born out of wedlock. Today, now as will discuss in a moment, none of that happens in a vacuum. You actually have to have a supporting governmental structure, jitsu promote all that because of the leaving or promoting from promoting stupidity in relationships. and we are also promoting fairness maybe because we had decided that we're going to obliterate all the measuring six. So here's the thing again, we all know innately what success looks like success. When it comes to marriage, looks like you marry a person. You love that person, you stay with them until you die, you bring up kids with that. your relationship deepens over time. We all non success, looks like it's not a big mystery and, yes, there an ideal in insulting to people who don't meet the ideal to point out that the ideal exists cabinet thing exists in the physical realm. We have decided That's very very mean, and very very bad to point out that people should, for example, be in shape, there's an entire go by presenting Daniel pinnock about lizard. Second, using a and culturally but here's the reality they have looked at, that
the actual numbers in the united states. The number of people who form their vows is based on sheer politics in the united states is very well most people do get their values inculcated to them by watching fox news or by watching, shows like this one. This is not the way that our work, that's not what the number show mostly get their values either the local institutions in which they participate, which would normally be charged or if they dont get it from the church. There are getting it from there surrounding mill you, which is usually social media? And yes, culture like carnegie, has many many many more fans and followers. Then I will have yeah because she is in the cultural realm and the same thing is true of lazo, and so, when you have an entire media infrastructure dedicated to the proposition that being extremely overweight is actually a sign of health and beauty What do you think? You're gonna get your incentivize in people to participate in that sort of behaviour which, moreover, momentarily. First, if you run a small business important to plan ahead, one of the best way to do that use, stamps dot, com to mail and ship we've been using stamps dot com a daily wire since twenty seventeen, because we don't like to waste our time or our money, stamps dot com lets you print your own posts.
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A pinnacle actress, writer and comedian and star of the seabed, sitcom ghosts and the creator of the one. When we show body slash courage, a man will be more stunning, or will it be more brave Since these over the washington post settled what the fat chambers Get about lazo aunt em, He says that I understand why lizard to the beef from twitter last night, the onion grammy winning multi hyphen, an artist, a classically train flew playing, singer, songwriter, actress and fashion mogul was under attack again from internet trolls bombarding her with vicious messages about her weight. This time it got so bad locked down her twitter account. Writing you don't know how close I b to giving up on everyone, including I don't think that was phrased in in the shakespeare. Is the sort of old english yalta How close I'd be only I what she's going anyone this embraces inclusive for every one who has a body everyone who has a body as opposed to what the body less and, of course, if you dont have a body, wasn't she, including them she
the mantra body positively for all humans, not just the fat ones, hers arms, including good as Helen true thoughts have resonate with millions of people as anthems of empowerment and self acceptance. Self acceptance and apparent here's, here's the reality. If you want a path to unsuccess use Follow me pathway of empowerment and self acceptance. Grew. weight of elements empowering empowerment and self acceptance, means that you say, you are fine, just as you are no one. No one saints should not be fine, just as they are the best Are people are always striving to better themselves and to better the people around them. you should not feel empowered. Just being you, you shouldn't wake up in mourning, feeling I am my best me you're, not you're best you. There is a better you out there and it's just a short, since away if you start to change yourself, energy again when it comes to credible of life the criminals moving on. I need you if you're standing, still you're moving backwards, either go move forwards, are you're, fallen off the treadmill, but empowerment and self acceptance, but she
lives, freely and unapologetically. The sort of language mention just one about it freely and generally, as opposed to living in chains apologetically, whether torrent on the beach with her These or modeling stylish cropped up from four shape, where bran yeti, but for years, lizzie history, backlash from people made uncomfortable by her unabashed acceptance of herself rather see her concealed in over. cardigans and potatoes acts. I loved the as you are potatoes act or thongs, I feel it there's a whole wide range of magical range of clothing that fits between potato, that potatoes acts and thorns What about her white people say she's promoting obesity? No, she isn't. There is a difference between endorsing obesity and practising self love. Well, now, she herself. Love involves promoting obesity in that there is a fairly high crossover right now when most people think of obesity says this column is perhaps they think of skyrocketing, be an ice or overweight people of chronic diseases or tv show.
Such is my six on about life or the biggest loser so is not promoting any of that she's just trying to exist while lifting others up at such a lie. By the way she says, the new standard of beauty is lizard and tourism, the a little is a beautiful, beautiful woman, she's, beautiful and whenever waiters you gotta be at least a hundred fifty pounds overweight, but it matter, because this is the new standard. Now I have a question: isn't it so before your success to imitate was those actions. loved this. This lady trusted her was o into a sort of fitness. Grope grew. She got back in the gems, as is gonna. Seeing someone who looks like me, not ashamed or hating, robotic exercising change. My entire perspective on fitness did it, though, as opposed to saying to yourself mate. Maybe we actually should not look like that in the way to not look like that is not just to go to the gym. It's to actually change our diets. Caloric deficit is a re they began? Our culture says that he even say such things as judgmental and very very bad
and then you wonder why there's a backlash that comes in the form of some of the stupidest presidential campaigning in human history and people resonating to it to our of K, junior is running- for the presidency, he's going about twenty percent in the primary poles verses, Joe Biden and the rest for that is because Joe Biden is a doddering elderly gentleman who looks like he's going to literally kill over, and I in front of us are of K. Junior a person who has expressed a number of wild theories. And then also does a campaign where he takes off his short at the age of seventy, pretty clearly on testosterone replacement therapy placement araby forever its worth and and looks pretty wrapped Doesn't push people like falling over this yesterday and so we at it and it is funny I mean president. Can you imagine Abraham lincoln doing. This is part of a presidential campaign, be weird, be real, weird calvin, coolidge strip boffin down very strange, but Is there a reason that this is receiving some sort of support. The answer is yes: The alternatives are seven year old, are of K, junior
like a prison yard, doing work out or lizard talking, while fat. American society knows what better better shape looks like britain, we don't you resolve to junior yesterday. Okay, let's go, various seven year old age and pushes an enormously for a seven year old. Do this? Is this pretty impressive, now is vinyl set, so he he said he had to tweet out that this was actually his last ex. He only got like eight push ups there, but it doesn't matter the role that this this went viral and the reason this went. Viral is number one new seven year old student really good shape, and also because it is backlash for society. That says that it is actively good to ignore your weight. That is we good to ignore standards now none of this can be promoted in. Any sort of scenario where the government in support it, because it would turn out unsuccess. Would we do, for example, lack of income lack of success?
in these very bad decision making would have consequences, but we have constructed in entire utopian world in which bad activities stupid decisions actually not being rewarded by the government, because we're supposed to treat bad decisions with sympathy, the same way the wood, some sort of medical condition get to that momentarily. First, we have a dog. Our dog's name is happy and happy is a delight. Happy is a wonderful doggy it's love him very much, which is why one happy to win a long and healthy life, and that is We give him rough greens every morning. The dogs would you in giving your dog is dead food. He doesn't have that much nutritional value because you know brown, but rough greens is green. It boosts happiness back to life. It can do this for your dog as well? You ll have to go out and buy new dogwood, just just sprinkle some rough greens on their food. Every single day it contains all the necessary vitamins. Minerals dog is not getting from their regular dog. Food happy loves his rough greens. That is it. That is why he is a joyous, and happy too rough greens. The only supplement, you're double asked for by name rough rings, get it it's it's a joke natural path of doktor Dennis black he's. download is so confident. This product will improve your dog.
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it has been the single greatest force undergoing a system of morality that allows for the values that create success will appear. according to fortune magazine pope Francis praised on friday is true visionaries who can see dream and invent as you, some two hundred artist, filmmakers and writers, into the sistine chapel to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the vatican, museums, contemporary art collection, Francis, and some in the crowd, there is undress toronto of piss christ fame. Sometimes you confrontation make people think, but he said their aim was to find harmony and beauty. you want to have your reality also in its contradictions and in those things that is more comfortable inconvenient to keep hidden. France said, like the biblical profit you confront things that at times are uncomfortable besides, it is false myths and new idols. It's empty talks, the play who consumerism the schemes of power, so that is Similarly, why you invite a person who literally put a crew to fix in a jar of urine and called it art
to think of anything more self defeating than that of our chief religious institutions and in doing so to the same thing they ve been mirror. In the desires of the elites, instead of mirroring the values that allow leads to become elites in the first place and give it as to the lead status to literally everyone, they did, helping the least destroy the latter of success, the got them where they are buying We need the values of maternity that are a complete veil. Meanwhile, say all that has to be subsidized by some government, and that is what Joe Biden is doing so is now trotting out a new thing, it is called by economics. What exactly is by now, apparently by by nominees, we just spray money at pretty much everything my name, is all about ensuring that people who make bad decisions are something As in that's true in the economic sphere, if you get into an industry, that's failing then presented the administration is going to hold you up. If you are a person who is food stamps and you dont want work. The administration tries to hold you up by these.
are all very important things for Biden economics to push according to political visit pivot when you can pay message centred on dynamic shorthand administrations, economic strategy of boosting the a classroom government investments rather than stimulative tax cuts focusing on the wealthy. So here's the difference by the way between government investment rather than a stimulative tax, that a tax that is where you pay less access and then you are rewarded or punished accordingly for your good or bad decision making. Because what you do with your money is now your fault, I do. I make a bad investment. I pay the price for that if the garden, takes my money invested in something bad, then, presumably I say pay the price for it, but you don't pay the price for it in some in some way and if you are at the bottom end of the scale you're not paying taxes, then you really don't pay the price for it. Instead of just take money out of somebody else's pocket, this had not exceeding or by an advisory and needed done in my donovan, wrote in a new memo court implementing that economic vision and plan decisively. Turning the page on the europe trickled down, economics has been v defining project of the Biden presidency
there's hawking about by not that's the thing that really matter so what exactly is by dynamics by economics? Again? Is redistribution of income from various governmental means in subsidization of political allies, that's the story of the american federal government, really, since the authorities but More importantly, since the war on poverty, which utterly restructured american society along the lines of promoting fat, stupid lazy. You, you know paid by the federal government to make their decisions here is going on here, promoting the phrase by not it visited penalties there. I I'm not sure how they endemic to more populous instrument is very unpopular. President I want ask you about this new bite and Alex smith being pushed. Can you just give me a sense for so you guys coin
fraser. Why did you decide to go with branding the pretty color? It's pretty good look. It makes good sense by dynamics kind of flows off the tongue really well, but in all seriousness, look what you're getting here in the present? I don't want to get ahead of him waiting. We kind of laid out a little bit of why what we, what we are thinking, of what we think the it's gonna lay out what he is going to lay out. Certainly it's a vision right. A vision about growing the economy No, the the actual vision is pretty clear, is not about growing the economy. It's about restructuring american society and Joe Biden's been very clear about this. He says that equity undergirds everything that he seeks to do, including presumably by dynamics equity, is the why if we simply redistribute all income than justice. we done equity. Is the idea different inequality equity is
I get the no matter what bad decisions you make if there is a disparity, it is a result of american discrimination, the evils of our system, so the system itself must be restructured and again We've been talking about this in terms of marital morality, been talking about it in terms of weight and is certainly true in terms of income and education level as well, and then you wonder why the education system is failing is because of precisely this mentality again, what the different scene, the elites of today and the elites of yesterday united states is the elites of yesterday used to say here's a series of rules. We followed that everyone should follow. These are good We should probably get them The elites of today's. I hear a series of rules that we followed. You don't have to follow those rules. Because we are better than you are. We are innately more meritorious than you are, and so we actually, but those rules could have ignored all of those roads and we still would have been successful, which means you really don't have a shot. Even if you follow those rules, you won't be successful. Sort of restructure all american society around the assumption that the people at the bottom rungs of the ladder are going to stay the bottom rungs of the ladder, no matter what decisions it makes they may as well make really crappy decisions that make their lives worse. What is that
what makes everybody's live worse, and that is what we are watching happening in real time and meanwhile, Joe Biden continues to be, apparently, as corrupt as the day is long very bizarre situation. He was doing. Am a white house presser with Modi from india, and he somehow dropped a joke about selling state secrets, which is where we are now now we have not just president's who who may have committed crimes president who openly joke about maybe committing crimes. Honestly, if it's the best crop of candidates that our country has to offer is is Joe Biden, other democratic side, donald trump. On the Republicans, in Rfk Jr as the the candidate? I I don't even know What to say about that here here is here is Joe Biden, a mentally defunct
human being with a long history of apparent corruption or just thirteen february. I started off without you. I saw the latter state secrets in whatever important values shared I miss it all. Joking aside, it shows a lot of Zerg prisoner. While you are out of the room, can you imagine if trump joked about you know, selling state secrets, while he president of the united states may or at a hundred Joe Biden, so the media will never ever actually investigate the sort of stuff. Then he just said, This kind of stuff now we have hundred binds attorney admitting that the what am text in which hunter claims that romania's sitting next him, while they shake down a chinese business person who is a front and for the chinese government the leg the attorney tibetans he's admits that text is real and it apparently there. There are no consequences, this whatsoever
which is why Joe Biden is joking about it fairly openly at this time Now, what what's truly amazing is that the lawyer statement according to robart. Came on the same day. The break our news report. The binding family received five point: one million dollars within ten days of hundred pounds message: do we see appealing businessmen who worked with chinese energy conglomerate see the energy. According to a twenty twenty cent report on the Biden, family. The IRA's whistleblower testimony revealed on thursday, the FDA investigators wanted to obtain the location data to confirm. Joe Biden was in the room, but there's no comment The fbi actually obtained that data, so again. Joe Biden is easily openly joking about the corruption scandal that is now engulfing him in the foreground is that you will be covered up or by the media, he's not wrong about that Anna Navarro. These supposed republican on the view, is out there
repeating the talking point to what this whole stories about is what an amazing parent, Joe Biden is. I can't tell you how much has life has been marked by little thing, not one child by two children here and once you ve lost a child I think you are absolutely determined that even more urgent, that even a bigger issue that you will not lose another one, hunter Biden story the scandal- that is, that that is also the story of a father's love, and Joe biden- has never and will never give up on his son son hunter and will never treat him lesser them, and so he is a father. First, take it or leave it. That's who he is, that is part of her. heart, there was three hundred and eighty people at this does dinner. It's not like hunter was sitting at merrick garlands lap and was a bunch of of people,
and then I will of the reason that hunter Biden has been able to get out of addiction is because Joe Biden embraced him in hi early, the entire time when he was vice president when he was candidate when he was out of office and now as pressing I mean, of course, turbines and get away with it. He's not the entire he apparently this garbage. Then We'll story here is not whether hundred Biden was cut out for his dad making money The real story here is the Joe Biden is an amazing amazing parent. Meanwhile, chemicals, because the house he's running impeachment proceedings against attorney general merit garland. If the whistle blower allegations are true, a garland shut down all indictment of hunter by on felony charges in various jurisdictions. Divine says that Joe Biden met with his business partners. Twelve times, twelve differ
times and twelve different deals. Perhaps those courtier rob walker who is in on all this stuff good friend he's all over all over the laptop. So with this prompt you to do a impeachment inquiry, well, you apparently don't follow me on twitter cause, yes may, I laid out very very clearly by July six because of the legation from the iris, because the whistleblowers and the deal jaded the garland, what he is saying and what David wiser saying privately, are two different things right and if it can true what the irish whistleblowers saying we're gonna start in peace, inquiries on the attorney general as a matter of fact, it shows that that is an appropriate levels, If there's any follow up on that now, meanwhile, you might be thinking yourself. Well, maybe republic, should work on. You know winning the presidency away from Joe Biden. Well, I have unfortunate news for you on that score. First, the fourth of is right round the corner there
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all things, Jordan waited plus. There are even more new exclusive content on the rising really upset about that stuff. This is only the beginning become a daily wire plus member you'll embark on an unfree will experience that fuel your thirst for knowledge, inspire personal growth like never before going daily wired outcome. Slash subscribe, become a member today, Meanwhile, republicans have an opportunity to you know have job I not be in the white house, but they would have to run a candidate likely to defeat Joe Biden, so there, brand new pull out from a damn pollster called g q. It includes leaders and people who mean one merely another. One finds Biden over trump plus two in the swings dates it The trump and Biden are essentially tied. Forty nine forty nine, as far as by for citizens, as it shows that up one forty, nine forty, eight again very close election, but in the swings it chose to Santa's up fifty three to Forty two, and if we've learned anything, it's that most states in the union? They don't really matter when it comes to the presidential election, because they're gonna break sixty forty or fifty five, forty five. a few days, the really really matter I really only of you you talking
sconce in pennsylvania, michigan, arizona, georgia, but that's nearly a complete list. It's a very, very small list of states. It is going to decide the election, so the real Austria is not how the candidates internationally, because my pocket about down from lost the elections in which was involved there. the question is how they are going to do on this day. Why level because of course, doubled from one in twenty succeed then watch those states in twenty twenty. The real question is that well, here's the thing if you wish to Joe Biden. Perhaps it would be good if a candidate was not embroiled in a bunch of ongoing legal dramas involved, mainly doing them things they. So, as I said before, two things can we draw once there is no. If Donald trump or Democrat, who would currently be prosecuted for his classified documents, treatment, he wouldn't. Hillary Clinton did stuff. That was very similar, as we pointed out one thousand times, and she was not in fact prime. Forget it also down from made this bed down from
did a bunch of things that were incredibly stupid and he did them on tape, suggesting one of the charges in this documents case that is now going to be tried over in fort pierce, which, by the way is, is pretty good for trump, because fort pierce, a pretty conservative areas, you assume the jury pool, is going to be more kind to trump. One. The allegations is that donald trump, not only hand classed by material after you left the white house, which is truly a thousand different president and vice president in various officials, but that he kept it after he was told by the parliament of justice and the national archives, you turn it back over and then and he had his lawyers go out there and attest to the f b I and the national archives and the d o j that he had overall. The documents me while he was hiding classified documents from his own lawyers, so that he could essentially play with them for no reason and again the left. When, on this yet agenda. Saki, suggesting that trumps theory here was that he wanted to give documents. Dictators here is just audio, run MSNBC, suggesting just that, as you just said
term in reading the itemised list of thirty one documents and the clearance levels as as a former ranking member on the entire community, there were five eyes classifications there. There were some of the highest level classifications and knowing, to know about former president donald trump? We know he has an affection for dictators do have concerned without us, knowing at this point of what he may have wanted to do with those document. No, I dont know about. What I do know is that he seriously jeopardize our national secure many implication that he wanted to hand over documents, indicators, dictators something is really really really stupid, but in what else? is really stupid. Keeping the documents there's no purpose to it, and even down from china, knows that, which is why his interview would prepare. He actually did. He very often does, in these circumstances any fibbed, so he sent abroad there. There's a tape of him and the transcript of that tape appeared in the in the indictment, the tape
was was of him speaking to a group of women Some of them are journalists apparently, and its heels. He's taking out classified documents and saying directly to them. These are classified I could have declassified them when I was the president, but I did not do so, which is kind of game set match as far as the actual legality of his actions. If you say I know these are classified, documents then you also know asian beholding them and if you say, have no power to classify them in what she actually says on the tape, then you know you shouldn't have them so for the thousand time. It could be true that prosecution is political in the sense that, if your democratic a be happening to him, also, why would he put it get squarely on his back. This way, in any case here was from telling barbaric, The documents he's talking about in that taper, actually just newspapers I said that I couldn't be classify it now this because I was in president. I I never made any bonds about that when I'm president. I can't eat less. If that's what you should you just said it ass. I said no, no. I said I
I do have a pleasant argument: bread There was no document that was a massive amount of papers and everything else talking to ran and other things, and it may have been up or made up, but that was not a document I didn't have a document per se. There was nothing to do where's, my these were newspaper stories. Okay, these are newspaper stories right. He says that a national television knowing Government has an ape. Ok, the tapers now broken. So here is the actual tape of donald trump. Talking about those arguments are we only had the actual text, so transcript the actual tape and somehow got two cnn of course. Of course it did. How does such links occur? Who knows in any case cnn gets a hold of this. Of this tape and turns out that he's not waving around newspapers. In all likelihood, we have obtained what is expected to be a central piece of the government's case,
donald trump, the actual audio recording recording of the former president talking as if he is showing a highly classified document on you as war plans against iran with people not clear too they know it exists, let alone. What's in it, amazing this totally wins vacation. Except it is highly secretive. Look at this. You attack and Hillary would print out all the time every winter programme by the way is a credible. I was just anchors we're talking about any reason he was attack are wrong, please this was done by the military have given to me. I think we can probably
it's trying to teach you how to choose president, I couldn't eat like shit now. I can't get over this Is the interesting, ok He literally says that hilary had birds like this and that probably sensing anthony wiener via server, which means not talking about newspapers again should should he be under the gun for this legally speaking, not one hilary isn t mean again the injustices, clear, also This is I'm sorry. This is stupid, is unbelievably stupid apparent. I knew being able in his work in the state recording. I assume that in fact is the case. I believe that florida is a two party consent state, which means that, with very few exceptions, virtually all conversations that take place that are taped in in the state of florida and he was at mar a lago at the time, have to have the consent of both recent taping. So he knew a tape recorder was on and he is so arrogant than he. What? Then he could say into the tape recorder here? Everybody classified documents that I have right here and I shall I go.
declassified them. But I didn't and then he won national tv and said that he was waving around newspapers, which he pretty obviously is not in that recording. Put aside everything else. Is this a smart thing to do? is anything that is likely to win you election year. Here's my deodorant If he's gonna be the nominee, I want him. Someone I want your right not to be president anymore, that that is one that it is my top political priority comes only twenty four, as I do not want to abiding to be. President of the united states, come genuine twenty twenty five he's a terrible president whose, with terrible things routinely which means, trump is going be denominated. Lets you trump when is this, We're behaviour leads one to believe that victory is, is in sight, victory is inevitably, does it right now she's or lower your chances. When you do this sort of stuff- and you do it routinely- he can still win, I'm it's impossible for from to win I wouldn't twenty. Sixteen you never say. Never, because never sometimes happens with. That said. Is this the kind of activity that is likely to lead to excellent performance in a national election, particularly in swing states that he lost. Last time. I have some doubts,
just a second we're gonna get too. We are nearing the end of pride month, but now it may turn into the summer of pride and then maybe the europe that maybe the decade of pride, maybe century of bride, actually, first there's a lot left as propaganda at their endless. critical race to resettle explicit books and more, all easily accessible to minors, virtually the public education system? There are literally fights taking place in public schools right now that school boards and make sure that your child is indoctrinated with pornography. Essentially, colleges, meanwhile, are dumbing down their courses to accommodate the average income in freshmen. You can barely read and write any seventh grade level, and this is why you should be. Looking and freedom at project academy they ve but in all my morning, by offering live on demand in whom school courses for raids, catering, twelve freedom project can is built on judeo christian values and classical curricula their dedicated to mastery of subject matter and teaching kids, how to think not what you think right now, can say ten percent on switching when you unroll at freedom for school dotcom. That's freedom, F, O our school that come in a lot of people who are constantly asking our home school curricula and what is actually they should
with their kids, given its public schools are a giant s, but why not check out freedom, school dotcom while you're there, you can read about their teachers, privy video the courses and request a free information packet. It's not worth handing over another generation, to laughed take back your child's education, freedom for school the common, that's freedom, F, o r, school dot com, Why hand over your kids to the depredations and public school system that wishes to turn them into a good little leftist apparatchik instead, however, to free for school dot, come what may wow: are you excited because you thought we are nearing independence, that is june twenty seventh today and last, I hope they're, not many days left of june, and so we were like. Oh my gosh. We are less than a week away from the end of pride month. Our secular holy month, in which we worship at the altar of the sin of pride, wrong you are it's been extended, according to our absolutely beautiful, super female with twig and berries intact. Assistant, agent, secretary rachel, levine apparel, it's no longer just a pride month
It is now a lie, not expanded its a summer of pride. why not a year of pride, dec, a century a millennium of pride, perhaps because from here until you know cited dies out because those refusing it's gonna be proud. all the way down the line here. Rachel, Levine, a beautiful and strong woman talking about some of bride blow? My name is admiral rachel and then I have the honor of being the assistant secretary for health at the united states, department of health and human services, happy pride happy pride month and actually, let's declare it a summer of pride happy summer of pride. How happy summer of pride? For me, a beautiful woman, also as hhs secretary, says that during this summer of pride, you should be reminded that cutting the genitals off your child is a sign of love, the greatest sign of love? You know it's it's, so it's such an important
issue for our youth and adults? As you said, some of these laws are actually standing and into adulthood. You know we often say that gender firming care health care eugenio. Affirming cares. Mental health care engender firming care is literally suicide prevention care. Would that be your view as well? I one hundred percent agree. Oh my gosh. Well, cutting healthy breast issue, it prevents you from committing suicide, guys I mean, sure, there's to actually support debit, but yeah, why Why? Why the hell? Not what what else expect summer, prime, They used to say that in our europe as our box, a hockey game broke hockey, game broke out, the joke, being, of course, that games are filled with. it's casual violence and then fight they used to be the case back in the nineteen nineties. You went to a boxing match winner in a hockey game broke out and was very. It was very shocking, while during pride month, there's a there's, a pride parade image much pride parade broke out when I've everything.
About the way that the media have treated these pride parades for literally decades, is they just ignore all of the stuff? That's been happening in primaries for activists? Oh there's, a nice family friendly pride parade, it's just the People walk down street, carrying the rainbow flags and then people shut up and with some dude and analyse chaps living each other. and now all of a because people have cell phones and have decided to notice. Well, all the footages is coming up and as it turned my favorite thing about this, is when what's it like. This is representatives of private? Yes, it is in what sense is it? since it did not seriously, is my favorite things about the pathetic and and disgusting white house ceremony featuring me pride progress live flying over the white house or from the ass from the white house from the rotunda of the white house. when a transgender man shaking his fake breasts at people, nakedly like that, my favorite things like we are shocked at this is happening. This is not what the normal private, is it, though, is it is not really because
I feel like you're lying. I feel it does true because pretty much all the forty from all the rate, has some of this stuff, so for it and what else I'm noticing I'm noticing that all the same people who are saying how does it affect your family if, if two men get married, are very into like teaching the kids about this stuff like they really really want kids to know about it and in the most egregious possible ways? And now, because they feel the winds of change their back the pretty open about it. So here a bunch of europe's any drag martyrs. Literally changing by calling for the kids bye, here were clear, we're coming for children, but if you mentioned that, that's actually have no its not happen at all. There's people want to live in the privacy of their bedrooms, leader private
I've snapping bother while they marched down the street chanting, they're coming for children wearing stripper tassels? How dare you know meanwhile, over and over again Primary reply broke out this way You know performers, simulating oral second from children. Sets that's really good stuff happening over there. Yeah. So there is a man and woman in generating genitals underground you did, he didn't eat it. That would be an so knowing all of I shots, I'm shocked, I'm shocked. I was informed. That was basically the church service accepted rainbow pride flags, but it turns out not. It turns out that it's all about saddam in Gomorrah behavior in public. I can I believe that it is. It is a giant shocked to find that the absolutely not talking behaviour that that we're supposed to be not shock buys happening. I can I can. I can operate meanwhile, over in you have a fully
naked men, riding bicycles down the street in the middle. Don't worry it's just about their privacy, respect their privacy to shove, their genitals in the face of children. That's privacy, privacy, when take it and balls and waved them in the face of a young child was privacy. We used to call pedophilia now, it's just a form of privacy those are privacy move from what we do in our own bedrooms is none of your business too. We can import children and or shake our genitals intervention. We how that happened here, in the footage Here are the naked bicyclists making their way down the street to the cheering throngs. so much pride, so cried. What what a society we built for ourselves? Guys This is just this- isn't a form, a pagan barbarism, possession culture and yet bring children to be educated, can see some some junk really really important again any better age. All these people be arrested, and they bitterness
elsewhere. The sort of public indecency, but now it's great. and I love it in the background are the are the more subtle and modest people, the leather pride? get brigades behind them. Whether these. What this was actually the m, the weather People are the real modest. So now the left is out and full events of this sort of stuff, because of course, they are because the summer of pride the greatest summer, a bride- you may say the most private by brian cresson steam an idiot in the twitter, our minds. He treated seeing a man naked on a bike isn't going to have much of an impact on any kid they have likely, their father or brother, naked before. I'm a minute. I can be a defence in court. My friend he's. exposing drunk, because I well probably saw their seven euro brother naked. That's the same me at thirty five zero men waving my balls and in the face of a child number one single, a man naked on to have much of an impact on a good right shore check out. By diary for up contrary indications, number two.
sharing an uncensored video of a naked man on a bike to an audience. Possibly thirty million kids on twitter is arguably worse than riding a bike naked in front of a kid or two in a planned event that the kid's parents took them do so idea, is that you're not supposed to notice that you are you are wrong. How dare you reach, we'd any of these videos. You make it public knowledge. This stuff is happening because there could be kids watching twitter. Well, our point is that you guys have you guys are thriving in the darkness provided by social media, blackouts that when people notice stuff. You know they don't like this stuff and there's react. Into this stuff The only answer to a summer pride is it winter of morality, number greece's brian crashes in there are much worse things. The average people see or hear online and offline in a we really name them. The typical the average I've a question like really so I have. I Nine seven three and and newly born I can promise you that make it you're not gonna, see anything on the order of an of naked dude waving. His balls from I dont know what
what he thinks children normally see, but it's not that it's not that george decay had, I think, the greatest one, the great tweets of all time here from george decay, so the decay, who is famous, one part literally his entire career and then saying. Oh, my lot, George de he he treated up If there were no naked dies on bikes this year, they would find pictures or generate them and push the same agenda anyway. There's no fixing this calling for self censoring? Ah one of the great we tomorrow So the idea here is that if you notice that their naked deeds on bikes, then would that that does mean should stop doing the naked do done bikes things is george decay, because you guys could generate vague images of that. Ok, This literally applies to all of the things all the things man mirrors his wife, we should arrest that humor his wife outcomes, george Decatur, say well. you ve had murders why'd. You could create an image of him, murdering his wife. So really should he not murder his life.
dude. You shouldn't do the bad thing, because it's a bad thing to do, but here's the thing the left doesn't believe these are bad things to you. The left believes that world of complete moral relativism in which all standards are vague and vacuous exe. For the morality that says that you're not allowed to be traditional, be transgresseth moral, ideology. The Dave now promulgated. in our world. The great sin is noticing not doing. Meanwhile, is this being promoted at the highest echelons of our culture and pretty much all sides. So badly contains just shoot itself directly in and trust. Either they decided in toronto to sponsor the toronto pride of it. Are they? Just? cruising for a bruising. What are they begging for There is a broad light flowed at the bribery gracious genius level stuff here from the the but my marketing team. They are they are, so brilliant man last march,
You know. Who else is really smart disney doesn't think superstar smart, so my kids are very very into star wars like the series star wars and now the peoples a gale of it. My son actually has a book with every star wars ship in it and he and says that every night I redeem The different ship in the star wars, galaxy aids, an engineering line. He loves that kind of stuff. So or is that so we would be like a family that would probably be interested in purchasing material related to star wars. Here's a piece of material related to star wars. I will not be purchasing disney star. Wars has now cast his first transgender actor in a major role: hiring british male to female youtube personality. Abigail thorne for a role the upcoming disney plus years the accolade, because children must be taught that men can be women in star wars it is deeply deeply important, Abigail Florence, partly set to play character and ends in euros in this area, which is expected. In streaming some time next year, so that that's really that's great Here is a video. This person advocating puberty blockers, minors view a very necessary this kind of crap be krim,
Aren't you small children by the most powerful cultural corporations on planet earth? My name is Abigail phone, I'm a vehicle actress from because upon time I live in london and I'm the creator. Philosophy tube, an educational show that teaches people about philosophy in a fund way. yes, I started the show almost seven years ago when the coalition government tripled tuition fees, because I wanted to give away my philosophy degree for free at time of recording the show has just over eight hundred thousand subscribers. In my most recent video identity, I came out as a transgender woman. All thank you to everyone who kept my seat credit for such a long time as I prepared to come out publicly. It's very important disney cast his person really really really important, because, like does pride, cancer is in your city. They are, in fact, after the gets. Ok time for good thing I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like
There is a very good series on em gm plus. It is called the spy among friends, and it is about the british by Kim Philby and the ferreting out of the so called cambridge five, which this year series communist spies in the british government who were essentially hundreds. If not thousands of anti of your dissidents. Murmured in eastern europe, and inside russia from the thirties. Today, to the six here's a little bit of the trailer wine and that the most dangerous, so he penetration asian countries ever known, legged, on your watch, it is quite a good series. I trust it is totally worth a lot with russian spy Imagine my first of all, I live the gas, its Damien louis, whose great you remember, and brothers, in guy peers he's also terrific, really really good casket. And beautifully photographed beautifully shot. great, sound engineering like it's, it's really worthwhile and again it's one of the few
it's kind of weird over the past ten years. Hollywood has suddenly recognise the soviets were bad, so took them until twenty years after the end of the cold war, to recognise that the soviets were actually bad now I know there is a movie they came out fairly recently. That was all about soviet atrocities in ukraine and it took them only like. Ninety years, to say that it was ok due to make them aware that the death of stolen, comparatively twenties in twenty succeed so now were allowed to sit in soviet were bad after the soviets indian fell like a generation. After that, we can point that out. The reason it took so long by the way is because all of hollywood was deeply in thrall to the soviet union for a lot of the cold war, for a lot of the war, the nazis, real bad soviet, were kind of ok, not only hey! There is misguided. They see the same sort of mentality that now bounds about china in some quarters ends This. The series puts too bad once again the theory that the soviets had anything a valued to give to the world. They were won a most various forces, maybe most nefarious force in the history of the world.
time for a good thing that I hate So another example of media outlets pretending that aspects of poverty and suffering are actually kind of cool things. To do She had an international is now featuring. I can you not a phenomenon that I called stir fried stones and theirs. That this is China's latest street foot street food fad, then, that's not a euphemism limitation stir fried stone they mean literally rocks that have spices on them. Like here's, the video
If I stir fry stir, fry features rocks as the main ingredient in social media called a quote: the world's hardest dish. People are supposed to suck off the flavors, then spit out the rocks, hence the dishes name. So the meanings suck and dispose the dish originated in HU bay province and is said to date back hundreds of years. It was reportedly passed down for generations by boatmen through their oral history. The street vendors cooked the pebbles with spices, chili oil and garlic on a sizzling well each portion costs about sixteen when which is around do dollars and thirty so excited guys, thereby ensuring we don't you suck iraq, ok, so I'm things are going amazing. China, I think, would be the tag later. It is just that it's just a different culture where you are sucking rocks for nutritional value or
or maybe- or maybe things are not great in china, if it turns out the communist countries off by the way, primarily latin america seriously. You know something that nobody will will eat in america rocks america's go on problems. He won't walking on the rocks over here already guys. The rest of the show continues right now, you're not going to miss, it will be. by aaron, Ginn, co, founder and ceo of hydra host. If you're, not a member, become member and use code, Shapiro check out for two months free online, your plans click the link in the description and join us.
Transcript generated on 2023-06-30.