« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1748 - Fox News Just BETRAYED Every Conservative


Fox News employees leak internal Fox corporate training on radical LGBTQ+ politics – and it’s shocking; the White House struggles to navigate its alienation from the American body politic on gender and sex; and RFK Jr. gains on Joe Biden as the elderly president fades.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Fox news, employees leak internal fox, corporate training on radical algae, be jijiu plus mine is divided by sign politics and its shocking. The white house struggles to navigate its alienation from the american body politic on gender and sex and are of cage gains on Joe Biden as the elderly president fades and ben. This is the bench barrel. The if you don't show sponsored by express vpn privacy, is right, not a privilege, defend your rights at it's best: vpn, dot, com, slash ben Wilson, a very young person like an actual child. Fox news has been the place for conservatives to get their news from television right. It was news with a conservative slant. It was the only place at a monopoly on cable, It came to conservatism being represented because obviously MSNBC was to the far left. Cnn was a left wing organization as well, and tokens, lives have relied entrusted fox news for literally decades, while now to say when it comes to issues of pride. Fox news has been in a problematic state for a very long time and it all
has all burst out into the foreground. Now, thanks to Matt walsh, our friend here at daily wire he's now, trained internal documents from fox news employees leaked those documents to us because they are so upset about fox corporate is doing so. Fashion is owned by fax corporation tax cooperation is, of course, a publicly trading company, and they have ingested all of the EU s g d. I nonsense. All the rest of the probably traded corporations barely have ingested andean crammed down on their in own employees. Now people. In the no have known this for a very long time. The something new at fox. If you go all the way back to twenty twenty one, you recall that the same at times that many members of the fox staff or out their complaining about Joe Biden, vat mandate. covered mandates and mass mandates. Fox corporate was actually crime that's tough down on their own employees, where we hear a daily, where we're not only refusing to enforce any or a voluntary mandate on our own employees, who suing the federal government to stop the federal government from implementing that on
employees are literally spent millions of dollars to do that. Fox news use going right along with the programme, is from the associated press back and twenty twenty one, pointing out kevin, more executive. Vice president of human resources, fox parent company fox corporation, said norman. The company would require all unvaccinated employees to be tested every day, not just once a week in order to work in company facilities. That policies first reported by cnn last month required its own employees report, evidence of their own status and ninety percent of full time. Employees had been fully vaccinated over at fox. We hear a daily wire whenever we never mandated, not only we do not and a mask spore vaccinations for our own employees. We actually see the federal government to stop all of that, a fox. In fact, what one with programme has had its own building while preaching the opposite on the air and, of course, if you go back to We have twenty twenty to be covered this last year during the last pride months celebration during the holy month, pride fox news
cram down on its own broadcasters mandates to cover things like trans kids, they a full scale segment, promoting the transit of the children. You remember this is big conference is back in june of twenty twenty two years for the town like fourteen year old, rhineland whittington is a typical southern california teenager and the whittington along with mom hilary dad. Jeff Anne sister brindley or a typical family. The difference, though in ryan's eyes is what this family can mean: so the tens of thousands of kids under eighteen who identify as transgender We put our story out there, so people can see there's another family out. There is going we're going through your there's another day, I mean proud of who they are before rhineland. Couldn't spinner muslim age. To tell us, if not in vienna- and he is on fox news- I can just see as all unfortunately, in june twenty two. So all the indicators were there, what turns
The behind the scenes, fox news, has been promoting on employees. This topic is fast corporation has been mandating the stuff to all of its employees or match. We did last night we obtained internal documents from fox news employees fox corporation, to sell, getting pride by encouraging employees to read about glory holes supporting a group they give paralyzing hormones to homeless, youth and deployed woke a item honour everyone. It produced a bunch of documents. Those documents were then put on the employee, portal for fox news employees or, for example, under the heading support one another fox, encouraged employees to donate to the trevor project, the alley forty centre and the l, a l g bt centre. The traveller project is a horrifying organization that overtly promotes the transit of the children fox as it was devoted to helping algae meeting you young people, but it jose sexual explicit chat, room? The connects children as young as thirteen years old with energy bt adult the alley, forty centre which again fox praises for rescuing homeless. L gb to youth appears to admit as much as on twitter and its website.
Then injects these homeless young people cross sex hormones which are known to cause sterilization when the allay ellie algae bt centre, which fox calls unstoppable I posted a video of the mothers surprising, her quote: unquote: trans daughter with the child's first dose of hormones you two that ended up removing the footage for terms of service violation. The screenshot is still on twitter. That's only beginning of the kind of material the fox news. Employees are expected to be subjugated due by the fox corporation upper level staff, and the question is: why do the fox news brass allowance, why are they going along with this? Why is this part and parcel of that fact? His employees are now being told to do and framed in unacceptable from a conservative company, because you are talking about employ policy that now affects everyone mean we. We saw how reached the air last year during pride month. I expect that sort of stuff to break into the open pretty regularly over at fox, apparently, because fox corporate now runs the building gets there momentarily. First, how often do you pray? The answer probably is not enough. I pray three times a day, but
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If the goal place, if you're looking to deepen your relationship with god and improve your mental and emotional wellbeing, try hello for three months: free at hallow, dot, com, slash, Shapiro, that's hallowed, dot com, slash shapiro, Are you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up? Then you need to know: sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast out then follow this, show their apple spotify or wherever you listen K? So when you take a look at the russian materials, the fox is presenting to its employees pretty egregious mats as employees are also encouraged to expand our perspective by reading books by trans activists, including a man, Our tabled, fairest about a precocious boy who would grow up to be a woman
the book contains information. It's obviously important for vocs employees, for example, in early seen, explains what a glory hole is a glory over we're not in the non urban dictionary as a whole that is cut into bathroom stall, so people have anonymous x it through the hall without one another. That fox indoor spoke also details. The authors graphic description of oral sex, another book, the fox leadership encourages its employees? Read called red white and royal blue is about a fictional gay relationship between the prince of wales and the president's son. dialogue, calling america genocidal empire and, of course, includes a bit of gay erotica this. What fox corporate is. commending to its own employees. Fast leadership doesn't just pick up its adult employees? They suggested a pride rainbow filled his book with a character who comes out as unicorn unit presumably symbolizing, coming out of the closet is elegy. Beating you, I plus minus, whereby sign and fox recommends that people listen to pack s like query and watch
is TED talks about algae peachy life years, an excerpt from one of the ted talks recommended by fax corporate to fox news employees with this type of structuring has to be framed in order to let love in my body never betrayed me, and my body was never wrong. Is this? Is this restrictive by mary thinking on gender that said that I didn't exist, but when we met she loved me for exactly how I showed up, she would I saw her fingers along the numb keyboard scars left by my tap surgery scars that from the middle my chest all to my utter torso. She said that these were minors of my strength and everything that I went through in thing for me to be ashamed of so sprinting towards her hand in marriage was the cuirass thing that I could do the well. What what what magic fox news employees are forced to be exposed to elsewhere on the fox,
way portal workers are encouraged, attend a ben and jerry's powered pride event at the new york headquarters of fox news. Now it turns out that a lot of people at fox news are not really happy with this as you'd imagined. A lot of employees over at fox news or not there were fans of this radical gender ideology, which, presumably is why box experimented with the solution to moderate employee commitment to d d aids and hiv platform called s gallery which tracks employees, commitment to the cult of de I fox leadership, told employees. Forest galleron so the day I could help them engaged in activities, deepening their understanding of identity and exploring more nuanced d, and I topics as cholera says that it pulls in data from various sources, including the email imperil systems. It generates a pure comfort index and diversity index based on peace in part and how employees practice micro effort joint wows, their monitoring. How often you micro affirm your at your compatriots, one of the key Functions of this aid is doing
once decisions involving personnel ay, I can even calculate nutrition caused. The different visions suffer if they fail to promote the eye. There is many fox it Whose employees who obviously despise the audiences met points out the instagram page, one the pronounced in bio, whose influential over fox news is actual content. Frequently post about his work at first, news and AL lashes out at the fox news audience by calling them hicks. For example, Fox news, employee also commend supported the sisters of perpetual indulgence. So what exactly is happening over the fox news leadership? y. All that have what you have to imagine that some of this has to do with the fact that some of these shareholders in box are, of course, wait for it lack rock vanguard, red black recommend. Are these massive massive fun that crammed down de ion, yes, gi on all of the companies with which they engage, and so the money you're gonna, get the dea and is going to go down a fox news as well. It turns out the tea
institutional holders in fox corporation are vanguard, which is seven per cent owner of fox and black rock, which is a four point, six percent owner in fox. So that's an though those are big numbers right there and obviously this is going to have some impact on what exactly hits the air. As we mentioned during parliament's last year, it's going to have men back and the kinds of policies that are enacted with regard to covet, for example,. And it's gonna have some impact on who get hired. You get fired over at fox news, big scandal. ok yesterday, when the fox news producer behind a controversial cairo on calling presidential. By now wanna be dictator, was fired. So your ecologist a couple of nights ago, There was a a a big controversy because there was a up a kyron that went up in the middle of the show. I believe the sean Hannity show calling Joe Biden a wannabe dictator who tried to have his political rival arrested, and this created all sorts of heartburn over at fox. How could this be?
for us in thirty seconds and then it was removed. How could you say the Joe Biden is? Why did it it will? First vote is, on an opinion, show second of all the the Joe Biden as they want to be dictator. I mean he did use executive orders to illegally leave student loans that he has attempted to use he has suggested, has the power to basically raised that ceiling unilaterally? He that of afghanistan without any real congressional approval or oversight. He hasn't age in a wide variety of unconstitutional seizures of power, up to, and including using osha itself in order to cram down of act mandate on private industries across the country, So is then arguable arguable opinion that you want to dictator listen, arguable opinion at the very least, but fox fired the producer who put that up as revealed by Tucker karlsson last night. He claimed latest tucker on twitter, video and the women who run the network, panicked and then school to the police but the banner on screen, and then he resigned apparently these producer bit
for more than a decade, that's according to karlsson, show is fox network can be trusted. Listeners the most conservative network on cable news by a long shot. But do you have to worry that there are some level of corporate control that is being exe sized over the people have a lot of great evil thoughts of a lot of friends in the building it. But is there a corpse in the robbing exercise over the employees version is hell. Yes, there's corporate control being exercised over the employees at fox news and hell. Yes, that has an impact on what makes it on the air, obviously, and by the way, what this does decrease openings for people on the left. For example, the white house has been shellacked over there. Absurd pride progress, demonstration on the white house lawn, which included a transgender woman juggling his breast is their breasts and what an has been, shall act over that and fox news criticize over that. So the white house immediately responded by pointing out the fox news, it use, deprived progress lag in some of its internal.
we're communications, for example. Here is the white house, the press secretary andrew bates, he tweeted out we'll foxes refer their dishonest story will that release statement condemning themselves for using the same flag last year they a quarter. Cnn story, fox corporations or mobile had been raped the very same pride flag last year, will who do you think dictated that the fox news, corporate logo be decked out in the pride progress, I can't imagine that it was the actual hosing. Only we sean only was laura and was Dana reno fairly certain I know who I was and is the corporate brass over vocs. That's you merely for four conserve. It's a betrayal of conservatives. The company has to live out its own values. a daily wire do and we would expect the same from any other conservative organization in the space and just one second, we'll get you the consequences of allowing left to run the space first. Let's talk about the way that you get money back,
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Meanwhile, the by demonstrations continues to push forward when it comes to radical. gender identity, algae bt keep us policy in every area of the government. It really is amazing, and we want, when Joe Biden came off me said the equity, with the root of every government policy. He was not like his weapon eyes. The entire executive branch in favour of cornwall equity power these, which are predicated on the notion that any disparity in numbers is caused by discrimination and also accordingly, shortly discriminated against groups ought to have an upper hand against all other groups will now this has taken a very bizarre, formally space forced lieutenant general deanna, Bert actually said yesterday during pride, american military will discriminate against particular people at space force from florida. Why? Because they might be forced, It closeted if they are in florida, because florida is so egregiously anti gay according to this idiot, and that means that we might not be the trust them and military. So we are now apparently closetings people because they live in florida or something here is
insane point from space force, lieutenant general deanna bird, affordable, whereby Donald trump again, that the people who are helping from staff is duration. We're betraying enough on the regular this fairly obvious at this point. In january of this year, more than four hundred anti algae bt q plus laws have been introduced at the state level. That number is rising and demonstrates a trend that could be dangerous for service members, their families and the readiness of the force as a whole. When I look at potential candidates, safer, squadron command. I strive to match the right. Person to the right job. I consider their job farmers in relevant experience. First, However, I also look at their personal circumstances in their family is also an important factor. It's a good match for joy, does not feel safe being themselves in performing at their highest potential. At a given location or if their family could be denied critical healthcare
due to the laws and that state, I am compelled to consider a different candidate and perhaps less qualified made it. So she is now saying I mean that that such an insane idea. The idea is that if there is a lesbian, gay, bisexual trans person in the military in florida, she might be forced to bypass the person because they might have to live a closet life in florida. This is what the white house has now become. This with the executive branch has now become now. Here's the thing this. The sort of garbage is really unpopular americans by virtually pulling data. Americans are not in favour of the radical gender identity ideology they just or not. They believe that the main stream america rule ought to be male female child. They ve always believe this mean they're, not tolerance. People fit that box, but the notion that that shouldn't be the centre of gravity when it comes to the formation of civilization, is utterly uncontroversial throughout human history and remain only under uncontroversial today. Again, tolerance is not
same thing as re centering identity. Without regard to this sort of stuff on the white house is running into a saw on this. Even the washington post is now recognising. The Biden has a tricky path on trans issues, quote as republican what stage of an active, an unprecedented number of anti transgender bills in recent months. Alarm bells have gone off in EL gb, he keeps plus communities and at the white house white house officials have held numerous behind the scenes, discussions are democrats and transferring advocates and how to fight back in phone calls and faced face meetings. They, discuss the legal grounds for challenging the bills. The human rights campaign, a top algae boutique, you plus group, they are radical. The agency is a radical has been a near daily contact by officials and congressional democrats supply strategy publicly. The administrations approached a trance she says, sometimes in more cautious. In what way exactly have they been more cautious? The political sensitivity and peril of the issue were highlighted when a trans activist posted a video for his health it'll a man according the washington post into others, topless at last week's whitehouse pride event. So much.
These groups also criticise the activists. What's behaviour was inappropriate. It's important understand the actions of a single individual do not find the entire community said. Roger Hang Lehtinen, executive director on them. National centre on trans gender equality, trenchant people, families in church family friendly events, just like anyone else, haha yeah, though, that the putting up of sex and gender identity at the center of one's life having predictable ramifications? Obviously, as we discussed earlier this week, obviously- and it is a great shock when people do that publicly after you invite them to do so, but here's the rule. I mean that the white house understands that they are pushing too hard to fast, but they can't stop themselves because they made this the new civil rights frontier and everybody can see that happen. On the one hand, there saying we don't want people juggling their fake breasts at the white house, because that's offensive, on the other hand, we would like, for that person give the red children stories about queer unicorns in classrooms round us answers
this out, he's been on the campaign trail, and he pointed out hypocrisy here. You know when they had at the white house. You know this transgender flag as the precedence over the american flag. That's wrong! That is, and how you display the american flag, and I think, when you have the inappropriate conduct at the white house with with like you're used to gender flashing people, nude and all this stuff just totally totally inappropriate and I think even the white house had to acknowledge it was inappropriate, but I would ask them if it is inappropriate. do that the way out which I certainly think it is. Why do you want to have that occur, kill em jammed into a second graters classroom. That's what you're always talking about
It is exactly right exactly right and that contrast should be brought to the fore in the two thousand and twenty four presidential race. Obviously, with more on this in a moment. First, what's the secret to having great looking glowing summer complexion? Well, it's using great skin care products from our friends over at jeonju, so leathery dehydrated then covered in dark, but there's a problem for all. Was during the summer season, especially where the sun is really bright like down here in florida, Jenny sells beautifully curated summer essentials package is the limited edition package that includes their one of a kind ultra retinal super moisturizer, their ultra retinal is a powerful plant extract alternative to retinal is perfectly safe to use in the summer sun, but any of those harsh side effects you sometimes get with retinal the summer essentials package. Also, with the genius of classic skin care therapy for under eye bags and puffiness, plus a concentrated vitamin c serum that nourishes your skin. For a clear glowing complexion, my wife uses their firming serum, so does my mom they put on it, if they feel a lot better in the morning, they look better in the morning, go to jenny's hell, dot com, slash up your right! Now get your summer essentials package just for the summer season. Every subscription order includes a customized
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We all know where that's going, we mean but bands and whitewashing of history and culture wars getting into the classroom. This is why I declared a state of emergency in public education and north carolina because of the confluence of all of these issues, are being debated right now in the general assembly. These diseases, You're gonna be made over the next few weeks. I want the people of north carolina to talk with their legislators to email them. to. Let them know that they want to port for our public schools, our public school teachers that they dont want culture wars in the classroom, not that is They don't want public wars and they don't want wars in the classroom. Well, then, probably, you should take out the pornography from the school classrooms. This is the conflict ideology? The Roy cooper with north carolina governed democrat is Europe is purporting to push and governors answers who just announced that there will be a permanent tax exemption for baby items in the state of law
so easy ones. Date is pushing man, woman, child and helping those families actually pay for their expenses. The other is pushing the idea that the government has to indoctrinate your kids in the idea. The boys can murals that we were able to do permanent sales, tax exemption on all baby and toddler item. So crib strollers, diapers wipes children's clothing, anything for age, five and under his now tax free in the state of florida sought starting July first, and so that's gonna, make it easier to re scared. meanwhile, over in LOS angeles, the allay dodgers are moving forward, their cultural perversion. They have decided to honour the sisters of perpetual indulgence, a nancy catholic Hey group, so much of the algae bt, q, pride movement is rooted in the idea. The traditional judeo christian, dowser, evil must be overturned and sisters.
for petrol indulgence are again just a sort of symptom of that there's been a majestic crystallization of all of that will now it's. Bishop, Jose gomes of the archdiocese of angeles, is fighting back. He is inviting all area catholics to amass kicking off of prayer on the solemnity of most sacred heart of Jesus plan for friday. They are doing this. In light of this, by that address to honour the mocks catholic, religious sisters in stages, loot and profane performances into ridiculing visas and the catholic mass among other provocations here, the elder archbishop, torturing, the dodgers los angeles, Bishop jose gomes expressing disappointment dismay and pain as a dodges prepare to honour the sisters of perpetual indulgence during the teams, algae, bt, pupil, Pride night celebration this friday and a statement, the archbishop all on all catholics to stand together in prayer and said the church will dedicate a mass that day, following the dodgers decision to honour a group that he says quote intentionally denigrate send profane the Chris
faith fridays also. The day the church celebrates the feast of Jesus sacred heart, the dodgers said they have comment on the archdiocese statement. Of course the dodgers don't have a comment but you know what the american people are going to comment on a lot of this stuff. It turns out that they may people are not hot on this sort of stuff. In fact, there is a new report out from actual showing that the cost to pride, flash the american people not enjoying this sort of stuff and deciding not to shop at places that are decided to propagate. This nonsense is about twenty eight billion dollars in the stock market. Twenty eight billion- those are not small numbers of meanwhile job and is facing and actually fairly serious challenge by the point. Data from our f K, junior now are of key junior, as I said before, is a wild dude are of key junior person who said that not only did the cia, probably kill j f k, but Hopefully they also killed his father, which is not true sir. Hence her hand was a palestinian terrorist shot, his father to death, but of gauging. There has also been barred by the main
stream media and legacy media from virtually. the appearances largely because says things that the left doesn't like is not because the conspiracy them it's because of everything else that they are barring him from all of their shows and so that means that he has been relegated to going on places like Joe rogan and the problem from the legacy media is that more people listen to Joe rogan, listen to that than listen to any of their shows. The problem is that when Rfk Jr goes on, shows like rogan or goes on, shows like tucker's, presumably at the point that or or goes out with you. I must go in twitter spaces. Those numbers actually dwarf what you would normally get I go on MSNBC or cnn robert F Kennedy is currently topping both Joe Biden and donald trump, and a new favour ability, bull in fact, he's variable favourably by forty nine percent of research.
Clinton unfavorably by just thirty per cent leading him with a net rating of nineteen points higher than any of the other candidates in the poll. Joe Biden, meanwhile, has a negative at nine percent favorability rating. Fifty two percent, don't like him, forty five percent have very or somewhat favorable impressions. Trump has a negative ten point rating. Fifty three percent unfavorable forty three percent. Favourable there about twenty one percent of respondents didn't offer an opinion on Kennedy, because a lot of people are know anything about him lot, people to identify him by his last name, but again the reality is that Ok, junior is getting popularity because he is saying that the covered regime was dictatorial, which it was Our problem is that also comes at a package with our of gauging you're, saying kind of crazy conspiratorial things on a lot of other subjects. So, for example, here with jargon, claiming that the cia might assassinate him. If he talks about what happened jfk, it turns out that people like
at walmart- and you know we should be projecting economic power around the globe and a military power. It will make us much stronger. But what do you think happens when you get an office like if you're, you're talking about your uncle, whose assassinated and you believe the intelligence agencies were part of that. What happens to you? I gotta be careful. and I'm aware of that- and I I you know, I I'm aware of the of that danger, and you know I don't live in fear of it. You know at all, but I'm not stupid about it, and I take precautions ok, so yet again, Robert Kennedy had a very long time now kind of weird guy for sure, but Kitchen junior has also, as I say, suggested, he's going to seize everybody's guns. He has suggested that the governments
treatment of citizens during covered was, in fact a dictatorial, and that, of course, is true it some, it sort of fascinating to see how much success he's got in this success is largely not because of him. It's because everyone in the democratic parties uneasy about Joe Biden. which means that, where there are more serious progressive challenge or to Joe Biden, Bernie sanders type, that person would probably draw thirty percent from from Biden, minette that is eight, that is a serious challenge. Biden could easily lose like. I want new Hampshire, which is presumably why they are the dmz red trigger, they rejected all of the numbers ideas actually leads. Now, a south carolina prevent exactly from happening in twenty twenty that didn't want that. in twenty four. They don't want somebody like Bernie sanders coming in and when a couple, prime and humiliating the sitting? President of the united states sitting presidency, united states, notably loose primaries Joe Biden, could easily with primary in iowa or new Hampshire, which is up kind of amazing statement, but again that's because Joe Biden is falling apart is other I've had juniors is so incredible. As I say
the Joe Biden is so bad. I mean Joe Biden is clearly falling apart and the media are obviously covering it up. They are just as they have no interest in the fact that Joe Biden is essentially rusting ship that is barely and ride off here is Joe Biden yesterday, claiming he's going build a railroad across the ocean like what the really. We're going to end and we're going to help. We have plans to build a railroad from the pacific all the way across the indian ocean. We have plans to build it in Angola. Largest solar plants in the world. I could go on, but I'm not I'm going off script. I'm gonna get in trouble, but you're going to you're going to build a railroad to the indian ocean, how I mean I do understand. The Joe Biden is old enough to remember pangaea like when all the continents were one, and so maybe he said thanks dad can be achieved, but what is build a real across the ocean also
apparently remember bill back better he's a thousand times I, while he can no longer say it, because he speak words out of his fatal anymore. The mobilize the world's leading emitters, to help poor countries deal with the impacts of climate change. They call it the g seven, the bill back Biden build back better than we realise that got confusing. So now we don't what we call is there's a bottom line. Look were the ones who caused the problem is it all set in the united states hears about. It was weird all our land. We did all the things to make our make things more easy for us to make money the demagogy seriously votes. That's what I'm trying to say as well start and then. yeah yeah trump. That's can it that campaign and it turns out that is not actually all that heartwarming do
even Democrats invite. Yesterday Joe Biden was asked by a reporter about dumb about his affiliation ukrainian oligarchs and the fact that their emails that exist in which he has referred apparently as the big guy. These would be emails, details money, changing hands or be with regard to china as the allegation. Tony babylons give former hundred Biden associate and job got mad about it, big mad. At the moment, we've a the question. Why does it you dumb question? smart question, be who did it on matlock as his mark question, as required? good question, be like kinsman sure do I need to two eggs. I don't don't kill over or did preserves brimley extra set of depends. Those would be good questions burke, I wish well it's again. It turns out the job, I'm not a popular guy.
No, I know, kids, you know get numbers now, do the reason why our of gauging you're, crazy and all is getting the numbers. That would be the reason and meanwhile, and then the media again. They are in defense mode for Biden, and this means that you are not allowed to criticize him even on his. You know in we're. Mrs Joe Biden is very handy with people just as a general rule, he's very hands people. So, for example, yesterday I got very hands you with evil longoria you longer, visiting the white house, and he made a weird stephen about how he's known for a long time since she was seventeen and he was forty and then he got a little lamb, awkward around the boom area. So he was he put his hands on her, in a strange way and dumb she literally has to take. his hands and remove them from her body, which is always a great luck. When I say I, this has never happened to me ever I mean it has never happened to me ever not once because
don't touch women and weird ways. That's it said. That's a strange thing to do like this woman is not his wife. Here. Look Again, if this had been donald trump, there be headlines up the wazir, it's Joe Biden, so apparently no biggie, here's what it looked like. No, she literally Take his hands offer yeah yeah good bid, stuff right there. He really mad yesterday these Entire Biden campaign and media are very, very angry because the white house had put out of it suggesting the your kids are his kids. It put an l, gb, ciccu plus bidest, divided by sign private area in which they suggested that they're all of our kids, by which I mean your kids belong to them now and the defences and then put out an ad saying. No, they are not your kids, including a bunch of church of Joe Biden, snipping sniffing the hair of small children and again Joe Biden is a weirdo. Ok, he's weird: can we just say it he's a weird? Do it
we're just sniff the hair of random kids. It's weird gets handy with random children. It's a strange thing to do and I have four children. Three of them are old enough to have friends. You randomly sniffed. The hair of children, like what What in the hell, I'm I'm into many more children, Joe Biden, Jo Leinen, in touch with one is grandkids I want. And could no longer part of the binding family, because a hundred items up to a lady and then and then had a baby, and that's embarrassing to Joseph Jean ever includes that baby in his calculations of the grandkids. But Joe Biden is a weird die, so the descent the sentence campaign noticed in the way our kids do not want. nor should you smell them and and here's what it looked like? These are arc
These are our neighbors. What is he doing that kid or kids over and over and there's a famous one him grabbing this girl's like arms and she's? Like I don't want to be near your old man, I dunno why you're whispering to me now? Are man children, her she's, like she's, trying to get away from him trying to kiss her? Would you be to humor? So weird children, your loved your herd, nutrition, has your back stop grabbing children. Stop it as weird as those are your weird old man or or or stop it stop touching people in weird ways so mediate immediately rana headlines, suggesting that that the the demands his campaign was accusing Biden of grooming, no their accusing me we're old person who keeps grabbing other people's cage they're, not your kids, that's true, we're old guy. Who does all that stuff? You know who's noticed everyone. All the people have noticed was amazing.
about this and I kind of love? It is the fact that our of cage- as our declared its candidate given new some is running a campaign hoping the Joe Biden dies. That is clearly what is happening. The governor of California keeps running away just as in a little bit against from hoping the job I slums over his chair one day like he, he running ads in florida and knock. What are you doing? Dude you're, the governor of California. Your state is a disaster zone. I know I used to live there. I moved there. I took my employees with me like what are you talking about so
His finally came out and him and he's like dude if you want to run just run, you're a coward like if you won't take on the old man, then what's your problem, I mean you see it in San Francisco. You see it in l, a you see it in the people fleeing california from its inception gain population every single year until he became governor. But if you're leaving like southern california to move to like jacksonville, which is a great place, you're not doing it because of the weather cause, they got probably have the best weather in the country you're doing it, because the place is so mismanaged and they'll govern that you just can't take it anymore, and so and yet with all those problems, he has a real serious fixation on the state of florida. I mean, I think it is bizarre that he does that, but what I would what I would tell him, as you know, what stop pussyfooting around are you going to
are you going to throw your hat in the ring and challenge Joe? Are you going to get in and do it? Are you just going to sit on the sidelines and chirp when the answer is gonna sit on the sidelines, ensure because democrats are stuck with this guy Get you more. Moron is in just one moment. First, when you're running a business or employees create all sorts of fascinating into situations for you, unless you have the right, in our department. You need to go to hr department, but nobody ever thinks about the eggs when you establish a business you're thinking about. Can I get product on time to my customers? You're, not thinking about whether bob shipping is a weirdo. This is why unique hr and you don't need to pay tens of thousands of dollars. Do it. Instead, you need bambi bambi gives you access your. dedicated hr manage restarting just ninety nine bucks per month. This person is available to you phone email in real time tat. You have your own play on board and performance reviews with mammies hr autopilot. The jury can automate important age. Our practice like setting policies, employee training and feedback procedures of babies, hr managers are based in the united states and can support the nuances across office He states hr managers can easily cost eighty million per year, but bambi starches. Ninety nine bucks per month schedule your
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capricious policies, and the arbitrary enforcement in the meantime will keep fighting in speaking the truth. Wherever we can well spent, Glaringly evident, we can rely on third party sites to support us, which is why you should have an overdue daily wire plus is the best platform for you to find content free from big text, vague guidelines, so leaving our work in fighting for the ability to debate some of the biggest culture issues facing america while now would be the time to join us. So what are you waiting for a sign up today, you'll get twenty five percent off your daily wire plus membership go to daily wire dot com. Slash subscribe, and join the fight. Meanwhile, speaking of the village, the binary ministration they are about to surrender to IRAN again again soon, when the obama administration and run nuclear deal that basically achieved nothing but gave them palace of cash about Joe Biden is trying to do the exact same thing. The motivation here is unclear. Biden basically just wants to get out of the middle east entirely, which sounds great until you realize that the moment that that happens, the chance of one middle east go dramatically in people's like saudi arabia. nuclear and
war breaks out, and then the united states is sucked back in isolationism always sounds amazing until precisely the moment which isolation results in catastrophic war, which is usually what ends up happening. In any case, the mullahs want their money and Joe Biden wants to give them money, and so the bite administration has been negotiating with IRAN's limit teheran's nuclear programme and free and prison americans according to officials from three countries. So what exactly with the united get out of this. Well, you recall that the mai Has it been claiming that a one building nuclear weapon, but even enriching nuclear material? For my twenty percent sixty percent. Since two thousand and fifteen They are claiming that once you stop sure there are virtually no verification protocols here Iran says we'll stop trying to kill your soldiers in iraq and Syria, which I don't. I don't believe you. They also say they're not going to ship armaments to the russians use in ukraine, which, again, why would they not and your binds like well, I can pretended to win so, probably I'm just going to ship them pallets of cash
why not? Why not? It worked for Barack Obama. The media, of course, are over the moon about all this. The reality is this radically increases the chance of war in the Middle east, because if the united states takes the clamps of money flowing to IRAN, saudi arabia is going to have to arm up saudi arabia is going to make common cause with china. Israel's gonna look at striking iran's nuclear facilities. That's I this going to go, and everybody knows this house going to go, but the vitamin ministration doesn't care again. This is the worst foreign policy administration, since at least less democratic foreign policy, racial? Meanwhile, speaking of bad democrats, buildup lazo apparel oh the city of new york, four hundred seventy five thousand dollars, instead of incredible the blood. Well, the former communist mayor of new york city now history, first, the city, nearly three hundred and twenty grand and pay a one hundred and fifty five thousand dollar fine, because he brought his security detail on trips during his failed presidential campaign. Remember he ran for president
with that. I don't either. It was like five minutes long and no one cared who's. A weirdo, six foot, nine frankenstein looking dude homeless, kill the groundhog actually did kill the groundhog as it turns out the hefty fine and repayment. but the highest penalty enlarged mount. The board's headed has ever issued, maybe most lasting impact at eight. as long doomed run for the presidency. Apparently, the city spent three. Twenty thousand dollars in travel related costs for members of the blog security detail to accompany either him or his right. Surely Mccrae on thirty one out of state trips related to the campaign, expense included, airfare. rentals, alright, lodging meals and other incidentals shortly fordable. As your launches campaign, the board toward the plaza the city could pay for salary in overtime for security tell but advised him that paying. For officer. Travel costs would be amiss sincerely resources, the basel went ahead and did it anyway, so he will pay a fine He will do no jail time. I would imagine, despite the apparent fraudulent charges to the city of new york, because that's the way it works if you're a Democrat, it pay the fine If you're republican and uneven brag will drag up in court for a region,
we paying stormy daniels money to ought to be quiet about the fact. He stopped her at a club, one time that the that's the way it works in the city of new york law and order. In the city of new york overnight city. They have now made criminal to defend yourself. So it's not just in case Jordan neely, where, apparently, if a person threatens about people, including women, children on a subway, and then someone stops him and then he ends up dying in that procedure. Then, and then the person who stopped you has to be dragged up on charges that, of course, we talked about yesterday with regard to Daniel Daniel penny, Al Sharpton, who is one of the great race baiters and grifters of our time. He was over on MSNBC, it is a source of never ending shock to me than elsewhere, in a person who is involved in not one but two race riots. In the city of new york, who is repeatedly uttered anti semitic nonsense. Who is one of the most? previously terrible people in american public life, who literally slandered a a d and claim that he had committed a false rape
that this guy has a sean MSNBC. But here is pretending that day he is legitimate new source, while Your nearly was not threatening anyone which the weird thing from to say, considering that everybody recognised that use threatening people the families own admission nearly had mental health issues that we need to deal with. People in the streets that cause nearly was having melt down on the training was not threatening. Anyone says he's a straight line: it was ready to die. He was ready to go to jail, so we've you gonna? Do you remember how health? Oh so I'm here zero, the mental health issue, but that ok, so that means you have to prosecute the person. You stop them on the train. But that's not the only story like this. According to the in our post. The man accused of fatally stabbing ex con who punched his girlfriend on a J train. This week was released without bail, thursday efforts. Raymond in brooklyn criminal court assistant district David even had asked the judge, proposals hundred thousand other cash bail and Jordan Williams. He's a twenty year old I was queens who allegedly night the victor our dragon
on tuesday during a subway struggle. Minds refused instead electing to cut Williams loose surrounding a flight risk Goldman wednesday. Twenty seven core the client works at fedex, help pay the family bills. You never been in legal trouble, apparently has collapsed, precarious position where either sit there and assaulted and let all the people get assaulted or eventually stand up for yourself and get arrested. Basically, what happened is allegedly The person who was stabbed was harassing commute. a board of the train as it approached marshy as it approached marcy avenue and williamsburg on tuesday evening, and then he apparently punched this guy's girlfriend in the face he approached his girlfriend ass, want to ass. We two men get away from them by or draggled cataracts. His girlfriend push him away and told me not to come closer during the clash of drug, also push william's girlfriend in the face. According to common police sources, the deceased took one step: the defendant, it have been at one or two times your mood refolding knives stabbed the deceased in the chest, and she's got off the tree,
the marcy avenue and then collapsed on the platform accomplished wanting to nine on one confound about eight p m and russian, the hospital where he died, so apparently self and is now illegal in the city of new york and is all because the city new york has decided that basically, they are going to make policing illegal, which is something the divine administration certainly would like to do all over the country. Administration has been cramming down. Consent agrees on every single police department confine clay systemic discrimination and all the rest. Today there scheduled to share resulting police department problems. apples which presumably will end with some sort of consent we're, making it impossible to police in minneapolis as well me well in san francisco offices. Going raising westerfield is actually some. During its mall in san francisco, quote Nord from old navy anthropology h, m creighton barrel severance goes down turn according to the new york times, has seen a mass exodus retailers in recent months. This Gamala odor decides walk away from prominent property, perhaps more trouble I can also see the city cells ways to go before the hemorrhaging stops.
The city now has the highest office vacancy rid of any large american city. Basking rents. Retail spaces have robbed twenty one percent, since before academic, even as tourists are visiting san francisco again, the amount of money they spent on the city is twenty three per cent less than it was in two thousand and nineteen, the mall was feel tat? It was handing west field san francisco centre backwards. Lender who decide who operate the property going. Forests are literally just walking away from their mobilization in giving it backs and leonard like we care on them all here, you ve decided to make this a criminal centre. Meanwhile, san francisco that's spiral is continuing. Cornbread bar with cinema closing its downtown movie theater. This week, shopping center was you'll announced that close cinema made its own announcement. Untold customers will be shuddering its theatre in them all with his last showings happening on thursday. According to the san francisco standard, more than twenty major retail chains have closed their doors since twenty twenty in this area, thanks to the pathetic taken on crime by the democratic party, meanwhile, you continue to get all sorts of excuses for the crime fascinating and it
adding up ed over in los angeles times on this topic is by president sick. If who Hutchinson called vice against black women and girls and reported here's. How we can address it and the whole thing is about how violence against black or and women is well as gang national epidemic that has been overlooked. Make up less than five percent of our population, but black women are far more likely to experience multiple forms of violence and trauma than other groups. Apparently black women from twenty seven twenty point: two, made up one third of female homicides yearly, one third of all missing women. There are nearly one of all female rape? Victims in comparison to not black women, lacheneur three times more likely to be killed by an intimate partner. The report was commissioned by the l, a city council as part of a january, two thousand twenty two motion. So the question becomes well, why is it not more focus on is. The answer is there is not more focus on this, not because the media our racist in the way that the left would like to believe media racist as they don't care so much about black people, and it is because they are afraid that if they,
We report the black women are being victimized generally by black men, and this might lead more black men being jail. It might lead you more policing, the taught from the left wing media is you do not cover the recently perpetrator if the perpetrator is a black person in the room Don't do this? Is my creed stereotypical presumptions about black people in general? We can't trust our audience with basic information and we want to lie and want to suggest that black men are generally in prison because they didn't commit crimes, but because the american system is racist, so this foolish column suggested the real issue here is generalised american racism. As a black trans, women aren't adequately captured in lhc data, because law enforcement and reporting agencies haven't been trained to capture multiple protected class identity gets a reporting problem. That's the problem, it's not a problem of actual crime. It's a problem of reporting oral the major problem of actual crime in your requires actual police officers to stop all this time, You think I like and then some things that I hate so thing I like today, starbucks is now
that they are under serious scrutiny. Over their removal of pride decorations they've been caught in the middle as well. They should be starbucks have been a woke company for a very long time union, according to the new times representing hundreds of starbucks stores, said this week, workers in twenty one we're told by their managers, not to decorate for pride month the annual algae beating? plus, monitored by sign wholly month, a claim, the company, it represented outlier decisions by local leaders that did not reflect corporate policies, but even york city, There are almost synonymous with pride: traditional rainbow displays were more muted. It visible at all than in years past in manhattan. No pride decorations could be seen at several. bookstores in chelsea in greenwich village, including the luncheon, not from the stone, while in starbucks workers. got in ohio and Virginia had in interviews range through their union that store and district managers him to take down existing decorations like flags or streamers streamers, until they would, I'll allowed to decorate stores for private. Unlike in previous years, well good, you can be by saying. We are not interested in being propagandizing you about your alternatives, heterosexual values, what we get our coffee good for americans
I imagine that a certain point- the population in india, my objective starbucks, put out a bizarre commercial. It we talked about in india about a tree woman, meaning a in indian man introduced, himself too, parents as woman at starbucks. I get a certain point Some people are like this are very much in the blow back now, ok, okay, some things that I hate a generalised american ignorance when it comes to matters of biblical judeo. Christian is now extraordinary. There is a a bizarre situation over on jeopardy, where a question was issued that even I a jew knew the answer to like, as the jeopardy contestants were asked to fill in this blank quote our father, who art in Heaven blank be the name. There were three contestants, not even one guest now, I'm a jew. Ok, we'll do the words, but that's not the sort of thing for us. Ok, but I also have wash
isn t v shows, and I live in america, so I know that the answer is hallowed right, but no the un, jeopardy, knew this. Here's what it looked like the adjectives, two hundred. Matthew six nine says our father, which art in Heaven this be thy name hallowed, be thy name view. But but you know this as it really says that the level of biblical judo criminality in this country has absolutely plummeted through foreign. It you want why america is collapsing socially that'd, be the reason. The reason is there used to be a natural backdrop in the united states of politically christian values, that everybody sort of understood back there, there's an old story about a couple of rabbis. prominent rabbis in the jewish community, and they ended up in a backward hattie together, and they were in the back of a taxi when they're talking, about their educational background ones. As you know, I went public school and it goes well really. I was political, do and he said. In the first one says what prove it show me went to public school. What
sidney silent night, there. They are actually in the back of attaching these two rabbis, How am I to each other? Because we want public school now, the part of that The way that used to be funny was rabbi singing silent night now. The part of that story is that funny is the idea that you would learn silent night in a public school read the part, that's weird the idea that you like, when I was going to public school when I was a young child, I'm a browser, christmas boy, so my son, my sister was in the christmas lay and she played a christmas elf about my sister is a rabbits meaning. She is married to a rabbi she's, very orthodox, I'm I'm orthodox. My sister has even a little more orthodox than I am okay, so like was that harmful? Was that terrible? But the fact it was good. The reason it was good is because the inculcation of christian values in the body politic generally does not mean the Jews have to be christian, or anything like that. I we said have a stake in that particular battle, but it does mean is that there is a common set of values shared by jews and christians and muslims actually, and that set of values actually makes a difference in american public life. It's why the notion that we should be posting pride progress.
In classrooms, but not the ten commandments is so absurd. On its face, we had supplanted religion for another religion and new religion is bad. It is a bad religion. It is a cultural religion that requires not just acceptance and intolerance, but distress one of the traditional forms of morality that used to guard all of western civilization. Are you guys, threats, Joe continues right now, you're not going to miss. It will be joined on the line by reporter James Rosen. If you're, not a member, become member use. Culture para check out for two months for an online. Your plans put that link in this join us yeah
Transcript generated on 2023-08-15.