« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1745 - If No One Is Above The Law, When Does Biden Get Investigated?


Senator Chuck Grassley reveals shocking new information about alleged taped conversations between Joe Biden and a Ukrainian oligarch; Karine Jean-Pierre violates the Hatch Act; and Donald Trump prepares for his arraignment.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Senator, which are gradually reveals shocking new information about alleged tape. Conversations between Joe Biden end ukrainian oligarch cohesion, your violates, the hatchet act and donald trump prepares for his arraignment on Ben. This is the Ben show then if the show is sponsored by express vpn, protect your online privacy today and express vpn dot com. Slash ban, while today is one of the most crucial these in the history of american politics, when the former president of the united states incur republican programme shows up at the court house in miami to turn himself in four raymond. That is the reading of the charges and here's the thing well. Donald trump is about to enter the criminal bar on are all docket. Joe Biden continues to be subjected to very little scrutiny by members of federal law enforcement, and this discrepancy is very clear to pretty much everyone at this point, because when we look at our political class generally speaking any most americans, they look at the political classes,
a lot of people who seem to be corrupt. People who seem to violate the rules for rebuilding certain types of people seem to get fully investigated and then prosecuted the discrepancy in Hillary Clinton behaviour exoneration at the hands of the fbi and donald trump behaviour and his criminal indictment at the hands of the g o j this discrepancy is very clear to everybody. But it's also clear to everybody that the current occupant of the white house hidden your family's been making millions of dollars off his name for years, while whose vice president of the united states going around and picking up bags of cash and We have this information that has been very little covered by the legacy media information from a whistle blower and what's called the ten twenty reform, suggesting that Joe Biden was fully aware of hunter Biden working with breeze in order to essentially facility bribery, while he was president vice president of the united states, the goal apparently was for breeze. My two open bit this arrangements in the united states, using hunters relationship with Joe too by the way and also to get Joe Biden to exert pressure on ukraine
in prosecutor to go away, because that ukrainian prosecutor was looking into charisma. These questions have been very open for a very long time, but this whistleblower document, which the f b I was refusing to turn over to congress, has been looked at by members of congress and some of the information. things build out there, my pretty serious people were it not friend members, the republican clocks, people like Senator chuck rashly longtime republican centre of maya, pretty shocking, so yesterday senator gradually he pointed out that it is fair stating how law enforcement, Harold law enforcement has been laser focused on donald trump, but there's been almost no laser focus on the Biden family, based on the facts known through the congress public is clear that the justice department, the f b, I ever nearly had the same laser focus on the Biden. Family he's obviously right about that, and everybody knows that he is right about that. So grass they want
to actually describe some of the information in this so called tension. Three whistleblower document, so that information includes the fact that apparently the person- Please make the allegation says that there are taped recordings like audio recordings between not a hundred biden and ukrainian oligarchs working with charisma, but Joe Biden and ukrainian oligarchs working for bereavement. Now that doesn't mean bribery was facilitated on the phone call, but it does raise some pretty serious questions as to why. it was getting on the phone with the people that hunter was picking up cash from I mean that obviously creates a pretty significant appearance of impropriety. Given the fact that hunter was completely not in the government at the time and a lot of people have been comparing, for example, Jared Kushner and donald, from two hundred Biden and Joe Biden, because during cushion are now runs a very well funded hedge fund, that as a sadie money in it, the differences, the journal I was actually working for the american government, facilitating peace policy in the middle east when he was working for donald trump. Hunter was basically freelancing out in ukraine. Snorting coke off the floor, well, picking up giant
from greece, but with no expertise, neither natural gas or ukraine, while facilitating phone calls between his pops and these ukrainian old. Apparently, some those phone calls were now on tape. Here's gradually alleging just that or national, who allegedly bribe joan utter Biden, allegedly has audio recordings of his conversation with seventeen such recordings. According to ten. Twenty three, the foreign national possesses fifteen audio recordings of phone calls between him and the hunter by, according to the ten twenty three, the for national possesses to audio recordings of phone calls between him and then its present job. I showed the real question here is whether the f b, I actually done any of the research on this sort of stopped, because the f b, I was more than happy to launch an entire
investigation, based on garbage information about george Papadopoulos mouthing off in bars based on this a lousy at which a compendium of nonsense. They watched a full scale for your investigation into donald trump and suppose it inclusion, but meanwhile have whistleblower, whose alleging actual take phone calls between the vice president united states. Now the president of the united states and corrupt ukrainian old were paying his son and we, information is whether the fbi's actually even bothering to investigate any of this. Meanwhile James comber, the republican congress person, who is on the house, oversight Maybe he's been saying that divine family pretty obviously shovelling around money. Here they have twenty shell companies you're hot on the trail. this trail guess, hotter and hotter, and the bribery scandal grows in the evidence points to it. Does this not constitute an impenetrable offence for president button. If we can trace bribery, it sure does look what we ve already
they'll learn, the Biden family is at least twenty shell companies that were created for this purpose to launder money to at least nine by family members. You create a bunch of shell companies for the sole purpose of laundering, money, that's called racketeering and the end of the money laundering Those are my words are the words of at least six big, publicly traded banks that file bite violation to get the by family. They said it sure appears at their money laundering non you lack of investigation into the Biden. Family is going. The political push back, you're going get from the trunk camp and they should get from the trump camp, which is again donald trump. When it comes to this indictment on its handling of classified information on charges of obstructive justice and all the rest, what he has to prove in a criminal court, we'll get you in a little while in order to preserve a defence in order to actually succeed in his defence that's a different thing from what he has to do in the public eye in order to push forward elect orally and the push
electoral is actually fairly easier, and that is they're out to get me out to get me since day, one if they actually about the sort of stuff they would want after hilary, and they would currently be going after Joe Biden and by the way, preventive calmer, also has now issued a subpoena for former undermine business. Hundreds business partner archer for deposition. This week we not heard back from archers attorney and, of course it is divine archer whose helping facilitate a lot of deals that hunter Biden was making abroad. Basically, here the handler for hunter Biden, because divine archer was not nearly as much of a crack addict, apparently as hunter, and so he was kind of squaring him around to pick up these bags of cash while using the big guy's name that'd be Joe Biden's name can just one second we'll get to the. Other myriad absurdities plaguing the Biden administration as Donald trump prepares to head to a miami courthouse for his arraignment. First, it takes a special kind of company to want a partner with the show like a company that is not afraid of the contract. Sees engendered by the show, not afraid of chose they actually speak. The truth, pure talk, is a company like that.
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bill reelect effort here that its keep the folk central evoke as ever back to Joe Biden he's in serious trouble. This is the rule of elections, and this is something both begins and democrats should keep in mind. I think democrats understand this, which is they want. From top of the headlines, the more people are discussed. Donald trump, unless they are discussing Joe Biden being very bad at his job, unless there discussing Joe Biden's corruption? It's all a giant mr rack, and think that about trump trump really likes talking about from yeah, but you're talking trump all day long, but the problem is that was his actual electoral strategy and twenty twenty and it didn't work out particularly well. So do you talk about binary warrants augment europe. We should be talking and since he's the actual president of the united states, not a former president who is currently running for president of the united states. But all the talk is about trump, because I love that story line and Joe Biden is really boring, but well Joe Biden is being boring. You his palace. It's not boring at all see the thing about the binding ministration is that he put you trust. Because he's a doddering old fool and feels threatening because his dotterine oval, but his agenda,
is actually extraordinarily threatening. Twenty core values united states are not even talking here about Silliness is of green, jean Pierre, who apparently violated the hatch act because she kept talking about mega man. Without republicans in the run up to the twenty twenty two midterms, according to the office of special counsel. According to NBC news, that office of special counsel has now determined that you violated the hatch act now they. They decided to close the matter without further action, of course, of course, because this is the way that it works. If you're a democrat- and you violate the hatch act, nothing happens to the hatch act in and of itself. Is a ridiculous piece of legislation? yet their little things like gambling there much bigger things a so there is a video that has now emerged from pride day at the white house. This is one the sickest things I have ever seen- probably the sickest thing I've ever seen at the white house itself, so the white house is the people's house read this. Is this a house where Abraham lincoln sat here? This is the white house is the
These were president of the united states are supposed to behave and honourable fashion. It is not a place that is supposed to be the home of disgrace. Now it's been disgrace before. Obviously, whether it is bill Clinton in the oval office or whether it is members of of Barack obama's fan, The club, smoking pot in the white house read those natural thing that happened when he invite a bunch of celebrities and they brag about smoking pot in the white house. This, however, is the most horrifying thing I think I have seen at the white house. I don't think no that I've seen it. The I ask is this was done in full public view. Ok, bill Clinton at least had the yet attacked too. receive oral sex for monica lewinsky inside an office with a closed door. This just happening on the white house long because when you say what, when the left pride, what they want you to think of is a monogamous happily married couple of gay men or couple of gay women, or something and then what they actually mean by bride is this stuff. So the person you're about to see is rose montoya
It rose, montoya was among hundreds the news we welcomed by presidential, on saturday for a celebration on the south one described by the admins, China's largest pride event ever hosted at the white house and as we described on the on the show yesterday- this administrations. How did you hang deprived progress, flagging joy, giant pride, progress, flag directly from the rotunda, the font facing rotunda of the white house, phasing out the lawn demonstrated that he knew natural religion of the united states, which is what pride progress. Gender ideology, crap that's the new religion of the united states and you must bow before because it must be winners. There must be losers. Well, one of the new advocates for this religion is this person rose Monterrey rose, montoya put up a tick tock video sank. What I had honor of attaining whitehouse pride largest one in history or the pride five flute for the first time. This is trans joy, we're here at the white house, unapologetically trans, queer and bread. hey. So for those who have no clue who rose montoya was again. I had no idea who rosemont way was rosemont way is a man
whereas montoya is a man who had multiple surgeries rest, replacement surgery, jaws surgery, shaving down it did the Adams apple, all the rest of it and I m. here is rose montoya meeting the president of the united states and then jiggling his constructed breast on the white house lawn their bare trusted. Next, you by the way a trans man, meaning a biological woman who has had her breast issue removed. All this on the white house long on the white house, warn you paid for this folks easier. Your taxpayer dollars at work right here, With romania, in honor of the gesture been doing selfies. With this, with this dude, rosemont were dancing pretend to be a woman.
And here is that its exact continuous residence by opposing with his right hand, there is rose, montoya short down, juggling his bake breasts hands over nepal's jiggling, his fake breasts next to again trends men who are women who have cut out the rest issue, Joe These are most raven inspiring people he has ever known ever. This is this is apparently what pride looks like this is what pride looks like gene, stuff here, montoya than posted video, responding to the average quote, has recently come to my attention that conservatives are trying to use the video of me topless at the white house to try to call them rumours, etc. I would just like to say: first going topless in Washington dc is legal. I fully support the movement in freeing the nipple because, while my chest now deemed inappropriate or illegal, when I show out when I showed off how before coming out as transit was not all. I dont know what why what looks like female breasts is different than the male chest.
If you didn't believe that by the way rose montoya, then you wouldn't have gotten a fake boob job. Would you if the female looking breast exactly the same as a male chest, then you wouldn't have bothered to get a very expensive and painful surgery. I assume all yours he's affirming that I'm a woman says rosemont oh you're doing a thing: the trans within our women, because for summer we reason people into sexual eyes women's bodies and say they are inappropriate by train. ascalon friends are showing up their top surgery scars and living enjoy. I wanted to join them and because it is Thirdly, within the law in Washington DC, I decided to join them in cover my nepal's just to play it safe, because I want to be fully free and myself fully free myself. The the siren song of the new morality, fully free and myself, meaning I have to carve my body up and then bear my trust at the white house that what america's really all its founders platform, John items George Washington? There are sitting around like what we need to revolt against king george, the third, because
the reality is we need men who believe they are women's, be able to carve up their chest and then show their tits on on the white house. Lawn protect, ok, super important that. the fighting men and women of the american military over the course of the centuries do this for the progress that is very important this is your binds administration, eurobonds, administration right here. So of course I want to They want all the attention on donald trump. Why wouldn't I want the attention on donald trump? You've you gotta, eat borderline senile president, whose presiding over a stagnating economy whose promoting the most article gender ideological nonsense in the history of the united states. Of course he wants his attention on and donald trump is that a shock Meanwhile, the fbi is basically looking the other way on hundred binding company angelo, apparently more on this in just a second first, not getting a lot of sleep these days. That's that's what it means to be a new father again for the fourth time, my little son, very cute, not great at the sleeping well. That means, when I put my head on the
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right now? Are you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up? Then you need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another pine cast out then follow this show their apple spotify or wherever you listen hey, so you may be wondering who have many people who are standing behind by bite administration? Well as it turns out? One of those people is not george soros, but his son Alexander soros so remember supposedly, is anti semitic. You talk about. George soros is in a fairy, is force in american politics, which he is he funds defend the police prosecutors all over the united states. If funds wildly anti israel causes all over planet earth and then hides behind his jewish ethnicity.
in order shield himself from criticism, which is quite disgusting as an orthodox chew. It isn't. Let me just say right here right now: it is not anti semitic. George soros in his garbage spending is bad for the country and bad for the world. His political bona fide these are dad will now he's handing over his fund his money to his Thirty seven year olds on alexander sorrows, a self described central left thinker, who grew up self conscious of the family's wealth and wasn't thought to be a potential successor He said that his broadening his father's liberal aims, according to the wall street, journal that a more political compared to george, he recently with binding ministration officials, including Senate majority leader trucks, homer, you also met with Brazil's president we in Austria lula DA silva, who is in an increasingly fascistic fashion, going after political opposition in bringing the system over there, as well as canada's prime ingesting trudeau, who is definitely definitely not fidel castro's on the sorrows nonprofit nonprofit, been society foundation notice us after at one point billion dollars a year to groups such as those back
human rights around the world and helping build democracy. Well, that is a euphemism in the united states. At the very very least, Alex said he was concerned about prospect down trumps region, so the white house suggesting a significant financial role for the soros organization in the twenty twenty four presidential wretch remember its anti semitic dimension, george soros in Alex or spending hundreds of millions of dollars to try to defeat republicans, but they're allowed to do it as much as I would love to get money out of politics as long as the other side is doing it, we have to do it too. He said. Well, he doesn't want to get money out of politics. Then he'd be irrelevant. Nobody ever heard of Alex soros if it weren't for money in politics, it just be another thirty, seven year old, dweeb living off dad's money, in contrast to some on the left else, believes that speech on college campuses else and elsewhere has become too restricted, but he does meet apparently on the regular with the white house is visited. The white house
couple times, he was not expect to be the person who took over the family firm there supposed to be his older brother, Jonathan, but dumb. You know. Apparently, he was politically aligned with daddy, and so he gets control of the money. According to the new york post, VP harris has been huddling with sorrows harris greet Harris, greeted open society. Foundations share alexander dangerous shortly after flying back to washington from philadelphia just last week where she held an with the service employees international union. At that point, alexander sars a great to catch up with. Madam vice president kamel Harris president did not acknowledge the sit down on her public schedule, but he's made a dozen other visits to the white house according to a visitor laws, including so tennis winkies. They dinner for french press. emmanuel mccrone late last year he also contributed almost seven hundred fifty thousand dollars to bind victory fund into, you twenty and he's, but another eleven million dollars in the pockets of left wing packs. Since twenty ten, his father george-
the two hundred and twenty five million dollars to democratic groups in candidates in the twenty twenty two cycle through his democracy pack. So these are the people The republicans you're gonna have to go up against the george soros funded far left crowd, who thinks that the height of human bravery is a man gallivanting around dressed up as a woman would surgeries to prove it jiggling his bare brass, the white house lawn in the name of sexual fluidity and individual freedom. That's what the republicans have to go up against. So naturally, the Democrats would prefer that you put your focus on donald trump, which is why all the focus in the media today will be on the former president of the united states, showing up in corridors that in just one second, first congress once again allowed itself this year to be pushed into appeasing the bite administration. They raised the debt ceiling again, again. You can argue as to whether the debt ceiling should have gone up should not gonna should not have gone unless they handle the actual underlying entitlement issues in the united states. We're just going to continue spending, which seems to be the plan
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the biggest news of the day and the media will not be Joe Biden or his agenda or anything else, it'll be donald trump heading to court. So, according to politico, at about three p m today, trump is going be heading to a federal court house. In miami on tuesday, before departing for floor former president spent Monday morning at his club house in new jersey, where he spoke with aides in both the congressional ally trump and his team of advisors and attorneys plan to spend the united gulf resort in miami. It's it's rough, apparently preparing for his court appearance and trying to bolster his legal too. It is unclear displayed by the way who exactly his lawyers are, because you just switch to over a bunch of his legal team. Political playbook actually has a pretty run down and what trumps defence could theoretically look like. They say this would be ryan lizzie rachel bade an eugene Daniels reporting? They say that day it's unclear who exactly is going to be representing trump at this point, trump has been scrambling to identify, in forty trial or willing to take the gaze from attorneys high blanche and guys were leading that search are likely to appear today in court. So what exactly will advance
look like they tore they they talk to a guy named Timothy. Pilots worry left the trump team last month and parliamentary made a sort of compelling case as to exactly how trump could defend himself. He said there are few things that trump is going to do. One he's going to pursue agree if discoveries, whenever you have an indictment like this, that spilled into public view, you now need full discovery from the prosecution right. You need. Every document that they've looked at is now the defense is entitled to it. So the defense has to look at all that stuff. and see exactly what the alternative explanations for trumps behaviour could be, there also get a look at the possibility of profit. for I was content to your member. Just a few days ago, Donald trump went untruth social and he alleged that the justice department counter intelligence chief J brat had pressure trumps, codependent walk now that is aid, the trumpets directing to move boxes around allegedly trump alleges that J brat pressured while now to during if you by mentioning that now, as attorney stanley woodward was was applying for presidential nominated DC superior court judge ship so going to I can say, is that its witnessed hampering the basically now it was in the room with his attorney that the deal j c,
through his attorney. Listen you're up for a dc court judge up. You know the leader guy to talk here, which of course, would be illegal, you're not allowed to pressure client by pressuring the authority with the threat of essentially communication from a judicial seat? There also under attack search warrant, pilots where he said, he'd go after the legitimacy of that search warrant. The trump team will finally have access to the unredacted version of the search warrant, which again we're going to have to see what the grounds were for the for the search warrant in the first place. Remember what the search turned up were a lot of the confidential documents that trump had already if it is worth very testified that he didn't have. You have to have good grounds for the search warrant, a cancerous b. We feel like riding up a search warrant. We that happened before we saw fi's a warrant that was taken out against carter page on the basis of absolutely nothing. It was essentially illegal, so would not be a shock if the bear the ground for the search warrant were bad. Also, the defense is going to try to exclude notes that were taken by transfer Evan corcoran. So a lot of the indictment is rooted in
allegations that incorporate who's, trump's lawyer right. That was stuff like trump saying what would happen if the admins just disappear. What would happen if we destroyed that accurate? Now? Trump can make the case even then that that is attorney. Client privilege for bass, the way the government made the case the corcoran had to turn over those notes, because here's the deal you're not allowed to conspire with your lawyer to commit a crime rate attorney. Client privilege applies to virtually everything like you can tell that your your lawyer that you have commit the crime in preparing your defence. But you can't say to your lawyer: I'm that's commitment. Tomorrow. Can you help me like preemptively with how I should analyse I that is now you attempting to facilitate a coup? I'm with your lawyer and turning clan privilege does not cover that until you're planning a crime with the law We are asking the lawyer to help you plan a crime attorney. Client privilege does not cover that, because there is a criminal exception to laws called the crime fraud exception. So the prosecution's arguing that essentially trumpet asking can I get rid of the documents. What happens if they're just destroyed
that violates the crime brought exception. Presumably trumps, lawyers will try to argue. That's not right, well. How can someone be charged with criminal counts for simply asking questions of their words during what they believe was a privileged conversation? It should have been a crime fraud exception once it was It have been the evidence for a charge said sorry, it's insane so making the case that No one. When you ask your lawyer like, is it legal for me to do act or is it legal for me to do why or what would the consequences be invited x or why that's not the same thing is planning the actual crime. It seems like a pretty good defence, actually Parliamentary also alleges a pattern of misconduct. He says you witnessed inside the grand jury or prosecutors, repeatedly asked about privileged turning clang communications. then argued jurors, invoking the privileges, evidence of guilt. That, of course, would justify emotion the entire grand jury process was flawed because you're not allowed to use failure to testify against yourself or failure to to break privilege as guilt. But if, if I grow you and you say, listen, that's privileged. I don't have to talk about that. That's not evidence.
Criminal activity has taken place. Pilots worry says. Basically, the goal is to attack the conduct of the entire investigation and show through just by a thousand cod. Why this entire investigation is irreparably tainted by governments conduct the case should be dismissed or minimum minimum. The prosecutor should be disqualified. Now that really is not a question for the jury you shouldn't, be questions for the judge. There'll be fascinating to see which of these motions actually succeed where these are motions to exclude. That is not true but the jury is going to hear. So that's what trumps defence presumably is going to be. That, at least is his his actual legal defence. His political events have said is going to be listen, there's an obvious double standard here, and that political events is obviously true right. This is why trump's poll numbers have not collapse in the way
Baldness. The reason that trump's poll numbers have not collapsed despite the vet. You know, aside from the fact that a lot of republicans are very loyal to him on a personal level, because they believe that he pulled out a miracle in beating Hillary Clinton. The other reason is because virtually all republicans agree, even if you think that that trump never should have done what he did here. Even if you look at the conduct know like this looks like criminal conduct me, even if you think all of that you can still think. As I do that this is the full on double standard and you can see it in the end. Ending hypocrisy of Democrats We obviously committed Crawford's actually going around on MSNBC and cnn, be galling nature of these people going around claiming that donald needs to be indicted for a crime, while they themselves have committed pretty obvious crimes is pretty insane. So, for example, John Brennan, who is the former director of the cia If you go all the way back to twenty fourteen, he openly lied to congress. I mean openly lied to congress and everybody knew that he lied to congress at the time. And yet here he was yesterday talking about how, was a threat to national security and now-
been charged under the espionage act is the whole problem national security threat. now and if he is, I think I know what you're going to say. Why isn't that. Do. You know now of urban a thread everything that all of his opponents for the white house for saying today, he is definitely a thread, major dangers and our national security has been for many years, will continue to be, which is why I just find it so so disheartening and and It makes me angry when I hear people like linsey graham make excuse since and apologies for down from the meat. That's that's amazing, because Brennan is a person who literally lied to the senate, eureka back in twenty fourteen that he suggested that the cia had not improperly spied on us senate suffers I was not true as it out Brennan was actually forced to apologize privately to the intelligence committee chairs. Now, if he had not been a member of the democratic administration at the time, he certainly would have
brought up on some sort of of contempt charges by the senate of the united states. They didn't do it. simply because he was a democrat and part of the administration, which is again the rule that the double standard for John, When you go out with everything Enron, MSNBC talking about the importance of rule of law, your agenda, in twenty fourteen lying is at the council on foreign relations. As far as the allegations of cia hacking into Senate computers, nothing could be further from the truth. We wouldn't do that That's, that's! That's just beyond the scope of reason, interminable cage is a as the guardian said back in twenty fourteen. The nation stops buys is, in fact a proficient lyre as about as obama's top to members are present here for some of the white house or an in built oversight executed. An ex excuse me, robotic assassination programme intelligence documents linked to a classic confirmed. The brennan was why about all that for literally years on end John Brennan is walking around phrase a bird and talking about the importance of the rule of law, of this sort of thing
incredibly going- is not just him right. Andy Mackay, Andrew mackay, these former member of the fbi You will recall that economic aid actually was fired from the ep for violation of leaking enjoying the fbi. Ninety ninety six and then in twenty twenty one he had to settle with the d o j, a wrongful termination suit to be filed in twenty nineteen. He was fired in march of two thousand and eighteen twenty six hours. Where scheduled retirement, because mackay as it turns out, leads informed, into the wall street journal about an investigation into the in foundation, and then misled agents who question about on four occasions: three which were under oath going to attorney general just sessions so basically in You show that James commies happy I was on the up and up he was leaking information without authorization to the press even claimed. Of course, call me had allowed him to leak. Then information. then, in two thousand and twenty, the justice department shakur announced that they were not going to prosecute mccabe. So this is a person who leaked info
and to the press rare, which is one of the allegations against trump, is that trump was a classified information leaking to the press? Mccabe leaked an investigation to the press here or being fired for it before he could reach. air ended up embroiled in a lawsuit and then carry was defending. Nobody Clinton on national television yesterday. But let's talk about the Hillary Clinton case, because that was a serious breach of protocol, and she was criticized by the f b I director at the time, but for being, I think he used the word reckless. I might be wrong, but what is the difference? There's huge differences here, jake and, unlike what you've heard from congressman mccarthy and Biggs
system is not based on you know we don't play by organised crime rules. It's not you take out one of my guys I take out. What are you guys? It's all equal. Every one of these cases is analyzed based on the evidence, evidence that you ve been able to uncover during the course of the investigation, in the Clinton case, a top secret documents. Thirty, seven secret dot, not documents content than those that was judged to be at that level and ten, if they confidential level, important to note that none of that was actual documents bearing headers in floaters and classified stamps and portion markings and all the sorts of things you expect to see so he's now defending Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton, who absolutely criminally was hiding information than obstructing it and had it by the way not stored. Unlike hard copies in a bathroom, my donald trump, We had stored on a server that game call me admitted in his failure to indict he admitted that hilary was likely exposed who have before sources so very likely that information ended up in the hands of an affair.
foreign sources. Anaemic ape, who himself leads information to the press and was fired for He's no national tv talking about the evils of down from this is the sort of stuff that, politically speaking, is good for trump, at least in a primary now in a general election islands and to help him very much because again, everybody those about all this stuff going in almost baked into the cake, already people think of from what they think of from. However, you want to know republicans, are rushing to trumps defence it because the double standards, because the behavior because of the double standard that double standard is so obvious and its also driver the fact that the media are obviously just salivating over this media been warning from jail since day. One end of oral over the view again politics for dumb people. She says she hasn't had this much fun reading anything this illegitimate the indictment here since fifty shade gray. So, first of all that shows you something about her sexual unliterary days, and it also shows you something about her. I give this man is so one fit, and any republican candidate was not jumping at this opportunity to say: hey he is unfit for office live in the future. There not running syria look.
Few things number one. I haven't had this much fun reading anything since I read fifty shades of right wasn't the best reading. I can imagine that's that's delightful. Well, you want wear publicans respond. The way they do. This is the reason why turn about will be fair play if the aim here is that Hilary zaka prosecuted mackay does not get prosecuted John Brennan's, knock it nothing, he would get prosecutor, but from does get prosecuted. Eventually, the warm is going to turn things. We have now broken the glass down from showing up in court today means the glasses and broken so prepare for political opposition to be prosecuted from here for the rest in history. This is where we now gone. This is really dangerous stuff, even if you believe the allegations against trumpet is very very dangerous to prosecute him under these circumstances, for the future of the united states, because once. You have a double standard. That double standards Not stand
There will be a single standard and if the single standard is you prosecute your political opposition, that would be the standard which more this moment. First picture that perfect summer night summer, kids, the actually bugging me for a change to the dog s behalf being the families over for a barbecue, it's beautiful outside the grocer be sizzling with it's delicious smells and food, but the propane take his empty. Ah tragedy strikes. While this is where our friends at cinch come in, since, as a propane grilled tank homes delivery service, they deliver propane tanks to record. Here too. On your schedule. They require any new, long term commitment or subscription, plus the worries completely contactless, don't have to wait around at home trap you order on the cinch app from anywhere the perfect summer night would not be. Complete without synch, go to synch, dot, com or download that synch app use promo code shapiro to get your first tank exchange for just ten bucks that is c Why and c h, dotcom promo code shapiro. I gotta tell there's nothing more irritating that europe ought to get started on the bar. You and you look in appropriate hank and it is empty since can fix all that. For you, it's a limited time offer you have to live.
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and about his fair play and the way that american politics from here on in is going to work than what this means is that the Biden family better, prepare that the minute they're out of power, whether that is in january, of twenty five or one that is in january of Twenty nine there will be prosecutions coming for them. It's just going to happen. Donald trump basically vowed as much yesterday, europe the weapon is of the justice department under donald trump. It didn't happen, remember from did not prosecute Hillary Clinton even after taking office, under the assumption that the that you don't go after your chief political opposition, which is not a thing Typically, do Joe Biden had no problem having their guard Then do it again. I think america lending to abide by a lot of people on Jack Psmith. These special council in this case, if your job smith, and your literal job is just look at the facts on the ground in donald trump classified documents case, and just look at the that fact. Pattern is very high see how jack smith could have said doesn't like a crown me we're. Not that's, not jack smith's call. Jack Smith recommends the charges I have garland and Joe Biden to take into consideration the actual political ram effect.
In for the country should they decide to go forward with the prosecution of donald trumps of blaming it on Jack smith is wrong. Smith is doing his job, it is Merrick garland, the Agee and Biden, who are not doing their jobs and protecting the country from the ramification, of weapon icing law enforcement. Only for one side re again, the basic groove authoritarianism is for my friends, anything for my enemies. The wall That's essentially what we have right now, there's donald trump. Predictably enough, when I'm from social needs and now that the seal is broken. In addition in the border and removing all the criminal elements can be legally invading our country, making america, energy independence and even dominant again really ending the war between russia and ukraine. I will point a real I shall prosecutor to go out the most corrupt precedent in the history of the united states, Joe Biden, entire Biden, crime, family and all others involved with the destruction of our elections, borders and country itself. So you that the Democrats manifested the form of their destroyer. Remember they said back in two thousand fifteen. This is what trump was going to do from would be elected. He would immediately
went to head. The g o J, a lackey who's gonna go out for all of us political opponents in jail them and then they proceeded to lecture by and I guess what everybody under the now attacking and attempting to prosecute button jail, donald trump and so trump. Predictably enough like ok, fine, you aren't you at all to do, and this will be the gay from here on out when the justice department its reduced to peer politics, gotta problem. Now I hear people screaming or what, but you Add that may have committed criminal activity here. The allegations against some are very strong that, through the only way that you actually restore the credibility of the justice system is to have republicans prosecutor, publicans and democrats, prosecute democrats, the minute that is now crossing the I would become so politically polarizing partisan that if the basic line here is there We are just supposed to accept that republicans were guilty of crimes. Get indicted and democrats are guilty of crimes, get slots on cnn and MSNBC. That is not workable solution for anyone in order to re establish credibility, will credibility has been lost when an institution is lost its credibility. Everybody has to do something
everybody has to do something. Everybody us make a sacrifice. The sacrifice in this particular case would be job. I, Looking at this insane listen, I think that he probably committed the crime, because what I'm not gonna prosecute him because we believe that Hillary Clinton should have been prosecuted or, at the very least you could this woman needs. You call by the way the geo Jake what it said. And they are doing this politically speak miracle increase that were also bringing charges against hunter right now. What are shielded may because under is clear guilty of a babby of crimes up to and including violation of gum or so beckett. and they didn't do that either the double stand, this. What's going to destroy the credibility of the institutions, the only way to restore the credibility of the institution is even here, the application of justice against your own side, not when it looks politically valuable to go after your chief political opposition and that's why There is going to remain incredibly polarized chemicals, mccarthy, the speaker of the house. You actually made this As regards the andrew aid, we mentioned mackay before the cables and assistant rector over the fbi and whose
when classified information, apparently to the wall street journal. Nothing ever happened of it, you got fired and then he settled the lawsuit with the judge and no prosecution here was mccarthy going after cnn, because cnn has no hired mccabe as a commentator on this case, the former president is accused of misleading law enforcement of Conspiracy of obstructing justice. That's indifferent Are you prepared to defend as the former president and what other actions will the house take in judiciary committee in terms of funding or uber? to defend your your network. Cnn handed, I man, I'm answering your question. You could ask me any question you want, but I'm entitled to answer the question. Ok, you can't put words in my mouth even though your network and higher Andrew mackay, who was fired from the fbi for leaking classified doc,
did you remove them from your network? No, you continue to put him on to give judgment against president trouble again that he is right about that data media double standard. The fact that if you commit a crime, I'm in your aid, if your your james call me your horrible, your job and you're the person who basically destroyed all faith in the justice system in the united states just treat as national hero by the left can mean republican candidates are trying to figure out exactly how to handle the donald trump situation most of their public. candidate seem to be coming down on the same side of this, which is, it is a double standard, and also these are serious allegations which, by the way is true. All that happens, we drew true got the senator from south carolina. He says it's a serious case would serious allegations what we see today, process station and the drivers leadership is a double standard. That double standard is both on. America is unacceptable. We can protect bureaucrats while targeting
hunting republicans this case is a serious case was serious allegations, but in america you still innocent until proven guilty general scott, obviously run by their Nicky hayley, taken a very similar line. Other candidate for the presidency orders about how they should look at this two things can be true at the same time, one the day, o J and F b, I have lost all credibility with the american people. Getting rid of just senior management, isn't going to be enough to fix this. This is gonna, take a complete overhaul and we have to do that to the second thing can also be true. If this indictment is true, if what it says is actually the case present tromp was incredibly rich. Class with our national security. More than that, I'm a military spouse my husband's about to deploy this weekend. This puts all of
military men and women in danger. If you are going to talk about what our military. Capable of or how we would go about in vain. or doing something with one of our enemies and if that's the case, it's in its reckless its frustrating and it causes problems. Although it is true, we can all its rude forms. Behaviour in this case was reckless, not just right. With regard to america's national security, but as I said yesterday, you know you're the crosshairs. What are you doing? What are you doing? But that does not change the fact that the double standard is in fact a massive double standard Ok time for some things that I like and some things that I hate today. So a couple of things that I like well I have to say, Johns Hopkins has really outdone itself. Today, Johns Hopkins has put out a state on diversity and inclusion, that has a glass a for various terminology? With regard to the energy bt q I,
plus minus via by sign to spirit I'm running out of symbols. Community is I'm in communities much slower. Has anyone ever but never glossary there doesn't of the word lesbian, is fascinating, fascinating and who areas here is there doesn't The word lesbian you're ready a non man attracted to non men. That is a lesbian is a non man attracted to none, and so the word man does not require definition, but we can't the word woman we literally have gone all the way on. Matt is what woman. There is. No definition no definition of the word woman, interesting non man, a non man attracted not meant quote, while pastime I refer to lesbian as women whose emotionally romantically end or sexually attracted to other women. This updated definition could non binary people who may also identify with the label. So if you are a lesbian, your now non man attracted to nine men, which is great- that includes squirrels schools are now lesbians, because on men attracted to non men. Zebras are now lesbians
in fact, the entire animal kingdom is is now lesbian, apparently to cans, are not men attracted to non men so glad for the geniuses over johns hopkins university, one of the foremost medical institutions in america? Yeah? Well that we we may have lost the thread in this country a little bit. I I do love it, though I mean like really just just say the quiet part out loud. You don't even know what the hell you're talking about anymore. You just megan crazy things up good stuff there, meanwhile JP morgan is you haven't. Shall I join in ninety million dollar, two Jeffrey Epstein victims according to cnn currently they are doing this to settle a class action lawsuit from Epstein sexual abuse of victim. Going to David boys, who is one of the victims, attorneys big democratic attorney. Also the victims had it Is the bank of enabling sex trafficking by the deceased to finance year when he was a client? A joint statement from the nation's largest bank and attorneys for the victims said quote: they have informed the court. They reach an agreement in principle to settle the putative class action, lawsuit related, Jeffrey Epstein's crimes, that'd be fair, jp morgan chase.
is worth like trillions of dollars, so eighty or ninety million dollar seven sounds like a lot of money to regular folk, but it actually is not all that much money. The agreement is subject to court approval. Under terms of the settlement. Shaping morgan chase will not admit liability in the case, but upon the settlements approval, the bank will put out a statement running its association with Epstein. It's not clear exactly how many going to benefit apparently there more than a hundred women who are expected to seek compensation. So what exactly did m J morgan, do they also litigation pending between J P, morgan and the? U s virgin islands Essentially, the allegation is they Gibby. Morgan trace was in formed over and over and over again, the Jeffrey Epstein was that it was using its bank accounts in order to facilitate his sex crimes, that's it that's. The basic allegation is that they are a bunch of red flags in they just failed to recognise the the red flags. You claim that J p morgan ignored according to the new york times, repeated warnings that Epstein have been trafficked. teenage girls and young women for sex, even after he registered as sex offender.
Employed guilty in a two thousand and four to cases soliciting prostitution from a teenage girl. The complaints at the bank overlooked red flags in up scenes activity. All you do. Is wealth inclined to access the dozens of wealthier people, so basically the idea was that he was go between for future jp more client and they started looking the other way at major transfers. funds coming out of that seems bank account. There are being used to facilitate sex trafficking for documents into This testimony reviewed by the new york times revealed that bank employees had filed numerous. special activity reports about Epstein repeated large casts withdrawals. Legal documents reveal that, after designate, Epstein, a high risk client in two thousand and six. The bank kept him on as a customer. Despite all of those media reports- and they continue pride, vet provide banking services to him all the way up until two thousand and thirteen So what did they know and when did they know? It totally unclear all of this that the secrets in the obscene case still have not dropped and who was the fullest of people were visiting Epstein island? How did that you'd make all of his money who's facilitating all of us? We know that he was blackmailing people.
That's pretty clear at this point that he had tapes of everybody. These essentially bringing people their blackmailing. And then using the money in order to treat famous people two trips to his island, where he would then blackmail them. I doubt his game is who is bankrolling all this stuff and who else had access to that intelligence, because this story, as not even remotely been told yet when it comes to Jeffrey Epstein, I am glad the Jamie morgan is, is settling the case, but the digging needs to continue ok time for some things that I hate will you jaguar corporate amerika going woke? I mean what, just doing the means. Now so am I and yesterday on the show there is a very famous meme. The meme is when republicans run the country and it shows a bomb with an american flag on it dropping over another country, and when Democrats run the country, with a transgender flag on dropping over a country while Lockheed Martin, which produces the most their barely all in so lockheed Martin showed up at a pride parade over the weekend is it be. It looks like in Washington DC and
lockheed martin native and contract are marching for bright eyes. Yup producing you know heat seeking missiles. On behalf of the lgbtq plus I a community while corporate america, all the way down to who are way down to, like manufacturer of our of our jet engines, has been hijacked by this entire pathetic ideological movement. It is insane bulleit, bulleit, crazy, mark cuban. For his part, he is a saying that he is woke, so Turning to the bright bart cuban was speaking with business and political leaders at michigan. Makin island is a call me woke. You don't need to call it de. I call whatever you want. I call it good business, it means tat. A taking the people, selling to and making sure you're workforce looks like demonstrate can reflect their values being able to connect that that's what worked for me and he says,
Constituents wake up and morning. They don't think about by light. They don't think about target. They dont think about any of that stuff. Giving their heads I live, their lives are what's going to get them satisfaction. Now that is not true at all, and and and cuban is going to take it in the teeth if he continues with us. According to the wall, colonel companies mentions of green and social initiatives during earnings calls have fallen off sharply in recent quarters. Reversing the more boastful approach taken over the past few years made intensifying pressure for some investors and conservative activists doc. You sign, for example, where to find actual officer, cynthia jailer. In march twenty twenty two said: the company achieved carbon neutral status during that year. Well, now, at the time she said the company will continue its efforts to reach a net zero, but company executives have not mentioned sustainability initiatives, carbon neutral status or nets. Omissions on earning call. Hence why? Because it actually is not investor interest to do any of these things. It turns out that a lot of brands are running headlong away from yes, she d, I sustainability executives at useless,
companies mentioned environmental, social and governance d. or sustainability. On five hundred. Seventy five earnings calls from April first to june. Fifth, on thirty one percent from the same period last year, that's largest such a year four year decline in the fifth consecutive quarter of year over your dropped following the pick up in these discussions, so much we can talk all he wants about getting rich by going woke, but I to see any of the evidence of this by the way when well. talking about some things dead, we hate This is an amazing headline. So there's a piece from the Washington post called quote: target store, seymour bomb threats over pride merchandise. Now you read that headline in you would think who exactly is ism, who exactly is threatening with bombs Ray who, whose making these rat you would think that it's a bunch of wild, I'd right, wingers, who are making these threats? Well, that's actually not what is is happening as anyone out what is happening according to the peace,
quote: police in lafayette, Louisiana searched, restores stores there interviewed security footage after bomb threats were sent. Multiple news organizations, the unknown centers, had target, quote: betrayed the lgbtq plus community and are pathetic cowards, who bowed to the wishes of far extremists who want to exterminate us is so, bomb threats were made in ohio, pennsylvania and utah from people to be angry about the removal of the merchandise. So if you just right have one. You would think that its Matt Walsh, fans were threatening to bomb target people was they showed running bomb target wrong. Who is it it's? All? People were pissed off about the removal of trans bathing suits from target They bury that down in paragraph twenty. So again the headline was targets dorsey, more bomb threats, overpriced merchandise. Now that is the more dishonest have whenever it really target store. Seymour bomblets over the removal of pride merchandise,. because the people threatening of your mad about the removal of the bride merchandise, but the media have to play this as though it
evil right wingers, even when it is not in fact, evil right winners final thing that I hate for today, so megan fox, who is legit, not I mean crazy person by all available evidence, so Robbie starbuck, who is agreed follow over on twitter. He recently whose megan fox of forcing her three sons where girls clothing against their wishes, and he treated out a picture of the act as with her boys know, attend body. Nine and journeys have sex, starbuck use in the same community in cities to have her sons have a full and breakdowns in there are forced by their mom, where girls closer their nanny. Try to conceal them, he said, is pure child abuse, pray for them. Well, yesterday, Fox posted a screen shot of that by proposed. She said. I really don't want to give you this attention, because your clearly a cloud chaser, let me teach you something irregardless. First of all, there is no such word or disregard was irregardless
of how desperate you may become at any given time to acquire wealth, power, success or fame, never used children as leverage or social currency says the lady dressing, her boys as girls for the for the joys of being known. As virtuous mom, especially under malevolent erroneous pretence explaining my I'll gender identity to gain attention. Your political campaign has put you on the run, one side of the universe. I have been burned at the stake by insecure, narcissistic, impotent little men like you many times, and yet I'm still here, you eft with the wrong which, while you sound totally not crazy you sound like a person who should be trusted with children. You f with the wrong, which also you should probably not dress your three boys as girls. I say problem, you definitely should not that's an actual act of. You should not do that sea than this now upside outward. Looking the upside down the upside down is where it is considered an act of child abuse to tell your boy that he is a boy.
but it is an act of amazing parenting to forcibly dresser male child in female clothing. Welcome to california going out as the rest of the show continues right now, you're not gonna, want to miss. It will be getting into the latest economic reports. We got some inflation reports that are now out. If you're, not a member, become a member using the shapiro check out for two months. Regional annual plans put that link. The description enjoying Yeah
Transcript generated on 2023-08-15.