« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1744 - How Screwed Is Trump?


We examine the details of Donald Trump’s indictment for mishandling classified information; Trump prepares his defense strategy; and Joe Biden declares that America is a “nation of Pride” while flying a Pride Progress flag from the White House.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We examined the details of donald trump indictment for mishandling classified information from prepares whose defence strategy and Joe Biden it there's that america is a nation of pride while flying a pride progress wag from the white house bench. This is the bench bureau, the Ben shapiro show express bbn, protect your online privacy, drainage, presbyterians icons, lifespan of as we do, from a supposed to show up in court in miami for his ass arrangements on thirty seven charges ranging from the of joy If the system is handling of classified documents, we need to go through the actual indictment, the actual indictment, the text of the indictment dropped late on friday afternoon and the united is not good for president trump. Let's be frank about this. Two things can be true at once. One trump clearly mishandled classified material so have Joe Biden, so MIKE pence said
relented trump. Also, if the allegations in the indictment are correct, is going have a tough time rebutting charges of obstruction of justice. The indictment is really really detail. Now again, Hillary Clinton did pretty much the same thing and got away with it, and this is why I suggested the last week to things: can we draw once one from its behaviour? in this matter has been abysmal and too he should not be prosecutor. based on a common standard which was established. lord to exonerate Hillary Clinton. Here's the thing that the american people are not going to be able to sustain a department of justice when a Democrat is empower. Republican gets prosecuted, owner public our power, a Democrat does not get prosecuted and nobody gets prosecuted or, alternatively, If the republican is in power and democrats get prosecuting democrats from how republicans get prosecuted, the stakes are wildly for every single election, because you now know if the opposition is in power your in actual danger of going to jail, and this is a real. We scary thing for the vast majority of americans, its banana republic type stuff or hildy hunton gets exonerated by james call me and then
I'm? Its later, Donald from is being hit with the exact same indictment, but this You may go to jail for literally decades for pretty much the same activity in which Hillary Clinton engage. Now, if you're jack, smith and you're, the special council was brought in to investigate this case, that really is not a question for you, and a lot of people are upset with jack smith for bringing the indictment xenon jack smith, is on merrick. Garland is an Joe Biden. Jack Smith is the special counsel. It is his job to look into whether a crime was committed, and if you look at the I mean what he thinks he is established it hard to say that he should be not bring indictment against front, but merrick. Ireland is the sitting attorney general of the united states, japan is sitting president of the united states, and they are the ones who are going to have to decide whether the indictment is actually brought or not turning general of the united states, its recommendation from the special council and then it's his deal. That decides whether to go forward the case, and that does involve factoring. In other questions like
is the political ramifications of prosecuting the former president of the united states and the corn front runner for the opposition party right. That is a question for a political appointee like mary garland is not really a question for Jack Psmith chicken meat Things can be true once in order to understand the case itself, because the detail Patient is going to be on both sides. For democrats to say I should go to jail and hill region of going to jail. There is no distinction that there is a distinction, a massive distinction. Hilary was clearly and sent from clearly guilty guilty trumpeted, clearly go to jail. That's not true pictured on the right is going to be to say that trump did nothing wrong. here that everything was perfectly on the up and up that the indictment itself is a sham and, and that's not true, either. The things that are true, are one if you read the indictment they prove what is an indictment from its behaviour. Egregious and probably violates the criminal law and to this case should not be brought specifically because you cannot have the appearance from the deal. jane that they will exonerate any Democrat, but they will, That's any republican! You cannot do that if you do that
in the d o J loses all legitimacy at that point it becomes just a political tool, so we're going to start today by going through the actual indictment. So you know as people who are following the news, what is actually the indictment of the rumours to renew the indictment meridian I just chunks of it, so you actually know what trump is being charged with and what he allegedly did and what they have evidence of. Now again, these raw allegations are going to have to prove all of this in court. Beyond a reasonable doubt. Trump has ribs just like every other criminal defendant, a presumption of innocent until proven guilty. I will say: where did? The indictment in this particular case is significantly more damaging than the indictment and hadn case alvin, brags ridiculous case up in your bag case, where Alvin bryce right playing down from violated campaign finance law on the federal level, and therefore it can be wandered into a state law violation that amounts to a felony. Even though it's really a misdemeanor in the state of new york and anyways is beyond the actual limitations that whole case ridiculous, on its face on its face. It is not the case with this particular indictment again is perfectly within bounds to say Hillary Clinton. The same thing, there's no reason you shouldn't be in jail where you cannot say is the dome
from did nothing wrong here, because that is not true. If the indictment has any Level of credibility to it at all, a trump is supposed to show up on tuesday in court, along with his alleged co conspirator walt nata, whose in aid who is removing boxes around for him. And the trump team is is creating a defendant's defense is largely rooted in a non legal defense right. It's a political defense which again is going to be the double standard, which is true, the double standard, Israel. There is one hundred per cent double standard. It is also true and from is, can have a very tough time in a court explaining how Have your ear we'll get to what is an insight In just one second, first it sometime about daily, whereas most trusted privacy, partner and premier sponsor of this show express vps when powerful interests when push their agenda. They get big texas ones, any voice that does not fit their narrative and then the big money off a view. For example, there's a major big tech service right now that is act actively attempting to kick off other daily warehouse for the great crime of speaking truth on matters of transgender ism.
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Information regarding defence and weapons, capabilities about united states in foreign countries, united states nuclear programmes. Potential on their abilities of the united states and its allies to military attack and plans. For past whereas allocation in response to a foreign attack, so in other words the original sort of argument that tramples making. is that it was basically signed letter from control, and that appears not to be true if indictment is correct. The indictment is correct. This is highly. Five material is due. from his leaving around in his ballroom documents amounting to specific american retaliatory plans, in case of, say in iranian strike in the middle east, well What are some should not be hang around it down from ballroom. Obviously, amateurs. other one of the key witnesses in the spring. Other cases actually trumps. Nowhere said before, and as soon go through the indictment. Worse job in america is being down terms where the reason that is the job in america is because he frequently will tell you a thing and then you will go out and you'll absolutely confident that thing you will change on the fly you everything that you as a word till your client not to do there and that the first rule of wearing
Did you tell your client to shut his mouth down from, has never done that not once, which makes it very difficult to be. His lawyer number two: if you are a lawyer, one of the first things that you also tell your flight is, if you have any critical communication to make, do not make it in writing, because if you make it in writing, it will be now verbal discoverable means that the other side prosecution they can see that sort of stuff. So if you have to do something bad make sure the you pick up the phone and call somebody here, I'm giving criminal defence advice, but here is the reality in europe. do something bad dont tax that you're about to kill your neighbor. It's a really bad idea: a do not write them an email Doreen, peltier your boss being like. I would like to embezzle. How do I go about it very, very bad idea now better thing is not to the criminal thing at all, but just as they are here again the legal advice, you don't want your clients be talking in your reply to be texting down from the latter, both of those things, and it turns out in this case that one of his biggest obstacles is that he put his, lawyers directly in line of legal fire which actually flipped some somewheres so here is allegation of vat in the indictment it we're starting on page
and of the indictment quote in general? Twenty twenty one she was preparing to leave the white house trump and his white house staff, including while Nada again is one of his age pact items, including some from it is from was personally involved in this process from causes boxes containing hundreds of classified documents, be transported from the white house to the are alive, oh club. In again, as totally normal people leave office, they bring with them a bunch of boxes from gender, from march fifteen point twenty one. Some of those boxes were stored in them are allowed the white and go ballroom. which events and gathering took place from boxes were for a time at stack, ballroom stage as depicted in the photograph below somebody to the picture of the fact kept all of these documents, including classified documents on a giant stage in the ballroom. Start showing twenty one now to, in others, moved some, the from boxes from the white and gold ballroom to the business center at mar a lago club on April. Fifth, two thousand twenty. on an employee of of trumps office, texted, another employee of that office, to ask whether from boxes could be moved out of the business sector to make room for staff, use it as an office? The second
boy, you respond to quote well, ok supposed specifically asked what for those boss in the business answer, because they are his papers later that day, exchange text messages again something for you. Chu said we can definitely make it work if we move his papers into the lake room and the first employee said it's a little room in the shower, whereas other stuff is. Is it only paper? cares about his mothers stuff near that are not papers could not go to storage, want everything in their on property and the second employees at yes, anything, that's not the beautiful mind. Paper boxes indefinitely go to storage wanted to. look at the space to start moving to morrow at an after that texted shape before and from him play one and trump employee to an april twenty twenty one, some of trump's boxes were moved from the business center to a bathroom. You can see the picture right here of all of these boxes stored up in the bathroom and I into the shower at the mar a lago club lake room as depicted in that photograph. so far, this nothing different than anything. The Joe Biden has done right so far. What you're doing that is Joe Biden, taking a boxes and shoving in his garage next to his next or putting it at the buying centre for Biden drift in Washington DC or any of the rest of stuff? Is that good notes,
good. Is that usually yeah it's kind of unusual and that the fact of the matter is We now have multiple public officials who have taken classified documents and put them in places. They ought not be putting apparently in the bathroom over here I won't it gets worse. Is the album in may two thousand twenty one trump directed that a storage room on the ground floor of the mar a lago club be cleaned out, so it can be used to store his boxes. The hallway leading that sword from could be reached for multiple outside entrances, including one accessible from my level club pool patio. Reduced way that was often kept open. Distortion also near the liquor, supply, closet, linen room, lock, shop and various other rooms, and then all the boxes in june were moved to the storage room. Now again, you can see all these boxes lined up in the storage room. In december now to found several of trump's boxes fallen and their contents spilled onto the floor of the storage room, including a document marked secret relative to u s f viii. Why would she noted the information in the document was releasable only to the five eyes intelligence alliance, consisting of australia, canada, new zealand, the united states and the united states united kingdom and the united states, from now texted wanted from simply
When I opened the door and found this from voting, said, oh no, oh no, I'm sorry put his head. My phone one of the photographs now texted you from employed to is depicted visible classified information rejected. So a bunch of stuff had spilled on the floor. Now get his clumsy and bad handling of classified information, and it is no different than not then Joe Biden. Keeping this next was corvette in his garage, so they are bringing charges on this particular stuff. But this is not the distinction between what trump day. in terms of bringing home documents and what happened next in may in twenty one, from close some of his box to be brought to a summer residence at the bed. Minster club, like them, are alive, oh club, effort from since the bed. Mr club was not authorize, location for storage, possession, review, display or discussion of classified documents. According to the indictment on July, twenty four twenty twenty one when he was no longer president from gave an interview in his office at the bed, minstrel club to a writer and publisher in connection with the forthcoming book to members, staff also attended that interview, which was recorded with crumbs knowledge and consent? Ok, it's not, as you can wording? Is not somebody wearing a wire from new that use being recorded before the interview the media published reports,
and if trump's term as president a senior military official has to be mark, milley purportedly feared that trump might order. An attack on the country presumably iran and the senior military, its official advised from against doing so upon greeting writer publisher and to staff members from stated, look what I found this was millions line of attack rita and your show it it's interesting later. In the end, Trump engaged in the following exchange quote: well, only a. Let me see that, for example, he said I want saccharine. Isn't it amazing I've a big power papers? This thing just came up, but this was him. It presented me this. This is off the record, but they presented me this. This was and this was the depends department to him. And the writers as well and from says we looked at some. This was hymns. Wasn't I I mean this was in all sorts of stuff pages. Long look established as trump says. Wait a minute. Let's see here I just found out. Isn't this amazing is totally my kids, you know, except it is like highly confidential, and the staff are, alas, and from its secret. This is secret information. Look at this you attack and then by the way, isn't that incredible services yap is out.
Just thinking because we're talking about it, you know you said you wanted me to attack IRAN and what is it? was done by the military and given to me. I think we can probably right declassify it and he, see as president, I could have declassified it and instead France's yeah is it now. I can't you but this is still a secret. Well, that's not right bob The reason that is our great bob is because that is download from on tape, alleging that he now has classified information in his possession and he's review, it's a non classified source and using? I could have declassified it, but I did not see classifieds whose blows too from defences out of the water. If this tape is accurate, if as number one, the trump, theoretical used. I didn't know this classified material is just material they're now calling a class vibe. I didn't really know right. Ignorance is in fact a defense under the law, if you're using the intent standard or if the, if they'd use the of intent to hide classified material. You have intent to mishandle closet. You have to know that as classified material in or if you have the proper intent idea right. If I take this piece of paper right here on my desk,
just hide. It is on a crime if it turns out that is classified- and I didn't It was classified, it's still, probably not a crime. You have to have intent in order to do it too. Defense number one was going to be trump saying that he had no intent because he didn't know is classified jerry is on tape. Saying is classified defends. Number two is one that from his frequently used where he says I declassified everything I left the white house, I by nature declassified everything good problem is But when you say things like quote word, he says I could have declassified it. I get now you know, but this is still a secret record. She as president, I could have been classified it now. I can't you know, but this still a secret. I mean it what you are admitting in full and on tape. Apparently on tape. Your admitting you had the power to classify and you did not, which means it is not declassified, and you know it is classified both of those things.
It will continue at the indictment in just one. Second again, I think is important for everybody to have a clear picture of what, in the statements that they have a clear picture of the facts on the ground in this particular case, and then we'll get some political ramifications and the fact that again there is aid o j double standard here and there the arrangement was put it this way. If Hillary Clinton member scared by james coming in summer of twenty. Sixteen, if that had happened, to be very difficult for anyone to argue. The trump should not be processed on these grounds, because hitler was not prosecuted on very similar grounds. It is fully within the realm. Rationality to say the d o J should not be prosecuting the chief political opposition. to the current president of the united states on these grounds what's more on this in a second first, I tired of breathing in looted, air and the comfort of your own home. But here's the thing you in your family maybe affected by the air quality in your home allergens into floating in the air you breathe, can make you set, but the good news is that there is technology out there that helps you purify you're living space easily and affordably. With our new friends, I request you won't have to worry again in arrogance in in homes. A purifying unit zine to destroy
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preventative of his pack during the meeting from commented that ongoing military operation and country b was not going well from showed pack representative a classified map of country b and told the pepper preventative. You should not be showing the map to the back representative and do not get you close. Pac representative do not have the clearance or any needs no classified information about the military operation, We started showing classified maps around people again, who were not? Actually, you know under classification standards on ferries, in twenty seventeen for years before crumbs, disclosure of classified information trump said in a press conference quote the first thing I thought of when I heard about this is how does the press get this information? That's classified, how do they do it? Why? Because any legal process and the prohibition be ashamed themselves, so the indictment goes out of its way to do is courtroom. Basically, twenty in twenty sixteen twenty seventeen saying this stuff is prosecutable. In other words, he knew a criminal activity is criminal get, but here is the problem. So all of so some of this is It goes to mishandling of classified matura. That's pretty agreements!
it is egregious you say I could have declassified. I did not see classify it is classified here. I need you to read this in your book right, that's pretty obvious mishandling classified in fresh now again. Still, even that even that is agreed as it is, is within the boundaries. We have a wide variety of public officials who leaked classified information to the press. It happens on a routine basis and some happens all the time where things start to diverge. When gets the obstruction of justice charges, because here is just plain, stupid. Okay, I gotta say that trump's behavior when it comes to the handling of classified documents, could say before that it was foolish. He could say before it was messy. You could also say that was precedents and storing boxes bathroom Clinton literally had a private server in her basement and was connected to a bathroom in denver. Hey, so there's that so when you say, Donald trump is showing around classified documents to various other players. That's bad right! It is In fact, a violation of statue also that stuff happens all the time I mean the press is constantly going last night information and then reporting on its list of does happen. When it comes,
its this is. This was an all of this self inflicted wounds by president drum. You know that the bad guys are out to get you. You know are people who want to see you in jail. You know they spent all day long coming up with fake criminal conduct in europe, but there the latter who just want you to commit a crime and their begging you to commit a crime of you're, a smart person do the smart thing. What you do is make sure you don't. Are you very carefully your behavior there's a reason that pub figures. Like me over pay their taxes, I deliberately over my tax- is why these want. The IRA is coming after me under Joe Biden or donald trump, because presumably he thinks that he has kind of full scale immunity. He acts in ways that are very foolish, and that is particularly true when it comes to this obstruction stuff. So now we get into the obstruction area. and this is different materially and what we ve seen from other people, except for Hillary Clinton. So here is what the incitement sets quote getting it may twenty twenty one national archives. Good administration, which was responsible for archiving presidential records, repeatedly demanded it from turnover presidential.
Records kept kept his presidency on multiple occasions, beginning in june, narrow warmed from through his representative that if you did not comply, I would refer the matter of the missing reference in the oj tuna we're twenty twenty one january, twenty twenty two now die and another from employee robarts is from the storage from two trumps residence for front for view. On november twelve point twenty one problem Please you provided from a photograph of the boxes in the storage room by taping. It's worth the boxes, trump employed. You had placed in crumbs residents from play, you provided from photographs from could see how many boxes were in the storage room on november set. In twenty one now texted from employed you about the phone draft sank what he mentioned about a picture of the boxes? He wants me to see it from wages by calling you shortly november, twenty fifth, twenty fifth from wages, texted now about trust. view the boxes sank. What has mentioned boxes to you? I delivered some, but I think you may need more and you ask like more in the final, this is another entry room from residents. Now Europe like or nothing about boxes yet
As one he's working on in pine hall knocked out two boxes yesterday, there were and continue with this indictment in just one second, and I think it's worthwhile for everybody to have a full fluidity with the criminal charging document here, because again, this is the most it's going to be the most controversial prosecution in american police. We'll history? What's happening right out? First, let's talk about you say time, money, your business, so we run a business here. We can afford to lose time. It can afford to lose money, and this is why we use stamps dot. Com stamps, dot com. What you bring your own postage shipping labels directly from your home or office. It's ready to go just minutes? Junior backed running your business sooner scams come off right, you can't find anywhere else with up to eighty four percent of europe. S end you ps, plus the automatically tell you. This, in fact, is shipping options for twenty five years stamps outcome has been in. sensible for over one million businesses get access to the ship, services? You need to run your business right from your computer, no lines, no traffic and awaiting you can print postage wherever you do business. Even then you have resale she'll. Have every
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and whether he wants to go through more today or tomorrow, and this trump employee replied. Thank you again. it's a trump employee, jew who's, basically trying to work with the national archives now to send trump employee to four successive text. Messages quote. One thing he asked was for new covers for the boxes for monday, and we get nuke box covers before them on Monday. If too much writing on them, I marked too much so they replace the the the boxes is ungenerous, seventeen twenty twenty two from them. I are now together, fifteen boxes from from residents loaded the boston out his car and took them to a commercial truck for delivery to the national archives. When enough, by the fbi and made twenty twenty two regarding the location of movement of those boxes now than it falls in misleading statements as set forth in count. Thirty, eight of the un's I've been including false, saying he was not aware from spots of being brought to trumps residents, falsely standing and I know how the boxes that even from brought from france, residence to the commercial truck for delivery had got into the residents and what He knew what from Boston, had been store before their entrance residence. She said you didn't know that, of course, is false and they are prosecuting him for that it. So when the fifteen boxes fronted provide,
Reach nera engendered twenty twenty two narrow reviewed the contents and determined fourteen of the boxes contain documents with classification markings, specifically the boss, contained a hundred ninety seven documents with classification markings, of which ninety eight were marked secret. Thirty one worktops topsecret see and the remainder, remarked confidential? Ok enzyme, then we get into the moving around the boxes and the concealment of the boxes. Okay, so may twenty third, twenty twenty two trauma with his attorneys m- are allowed to the response to the national archives subpoena from twenty one and from paternity told from they needed to search for that MR, would be responsive to the subpoena and then provide a certification, if they'd complied they'd handed over other documents. From then said quote I don't want anybody looking. I want anyone. Looking for my box, I really don't. I don't want you looking for my boxes. What, if we? What happens if we just respond or don't play ball with them. Wouldn't it be better? If we just told them, you have anything here. Isn't it better if there are no documents. while meeting with the attorneys that a trump also said quote attorney. He was great. You did a great job. You know what he said. He said that it was him
that he was the one who basically deleted all the emails, the thirty thousand emails, because they basically dealt with her scheduling and her going to the gym and having beauty appointments, and he was great- and he If she didn't get in any trouble because he said he was the one who deleted them, this is trump saying to his attorneys effectively speaking, I want you to destroy the documents then claim that you destroyed the documents by accident and therefore I will be off the hook if that, ok just disappear from related the story more than once that day. So again, what you have here again in this. Just bad behaviour by trump, not particularly smart, behavior by trump is trump saying. I know what hillary Clinton did was criminal and she got off because her lawyers were clever. What, if you are by clever lawyers, right May twenty third from also confirmed his understanding with trumpet turning that trumpeton wood internal monologue to search for any documents of the classification markings. The trump attorney made it clear to trump that he would conduct a search for responsive dawkins by looking through the boxes, from indicated he wanted. We present and the trouble changes The plans to do so after meeting with him journeys, translators, departure from our logo and then apparently, between that meeting with his attorneys
when the attorneys we're supposed returns, review the boxes, that is, when now removed at trump's direction, a total of sixty four boxes from the storage room and brought them to trump's residence hey now. What that means is that trump was effectively this material from his own authority- and I say it's a bad job- to be trumps attorney. This is why, because the attorney said we want to look through the boxes that, when we attached that you have turned over all the material, we can say, we've seen all the material you turn over. All the classified stuff and that's essentially what his varies wanted to France's great come back in a week come back in a week and from his now removed a bunch of those? and move them elsewhere. So then, when they go through the boston turnover everything they attack, that they ve turned everything over front knows: that's not true, because he's remove the boxes on june. First, twenty twenty two spoke with his attorney by phone and asked whether the attorney was coming to morrow, rather than I stand for exactly what purpose the attorneys he's gonna review the boxes on june. Second, the trump was supposed to come. Chinese was supposed reviewed from spices from spoke without a for twenty four seconds and then later that day,
an employee of marla them of thirty boxes from the residents in storage room in some between may twenty third engines can, before from security, reviewed trumps boxes now to move sixty four by from storage room to trump's and brought to the storage of only thirty boxes. So thirty four boxes. Basically, what missing so This is a problem. Ok, this is where you get into the obstruction situation, because the warriors then said to the sabena. they did so a diligent search conducted of the boxes, move from white house of laura at any and all round the documents accompany their certification and, according to the indictment, these statements were false because other reasons from had directed now to move boxes before trump attorney. First, before trumps, attorneys June second review, in other words, when they went back to the government. They said we turn over other documents from already knew that he retained all those documents rights. That's where the obstruction charges are. They run. That is essentially the case, so the case that we have here is twofold: one is the the mishandling, classify material and
it's down into, he took classified material homely. Certain is baffling and no different from Joe Biden in the garage, and then you have the trouble waving round the documents in saying that they were classified in front of people who did not have plastics clearance and he was emitting in those conversations that he had not actually declassed by material, so he knew classified annual, showing it to other people now again bad It's very much like many government officials who and of leaking to the presence of those people to get prosecuted, far as we are aware, we're we're not sure that Hillary Clinton actually took those glass materials and was showing them to people who did not have classification standards, Abedin was her aides or maybe she was emailing him, but it ended up on anthony wieners computers. He could speculate that maybe she was doing something similar and then you have the obstruction. The obstruction is that he went his own attorneys- and I mean this- is just I'm sorry this is it a self inflicted wound its a gaping hole. You go to your own attorney. You haven't testify to the governments that they cleared all the documents and then you hide more documents from your own attorneys and then he caught on that just forget about hilary for a second that, on its own is bad. Now, what did
what did you tell her it bleach bit her own computer. Hilary literally took a programme and clear her own computer of all the documents that are being searched for, and they are only found later when they ended up an anthony, wieners computer. This is why I say the double standard is very much in play here as a political argument as a legal argument, and the question is whether that's going to make any difference so bill bar who trump's, former attorney general and a person who actively watched the investigation into the origins of the trump russia probe. He said the bull crap probe in the first place and launched a investigation into it's origins, has been very critical of manhattan, DA's prosecution. bill, Barr went on fox news and he said like look, I read the indictment and it's not great what about this. This cheap argument that comes up for the president's allies and his legal team that this should have been handled under the presidential records act, not this sb an act of espionage, act, charges other federal,
such that we used here it started out under the presidential records act and hand the archives trying to retrieve documents, on had no right to have, but quickly became clear that what the That was really worried about where these classified and very sensitive documents. I was shocked by the degree of sensitivity of these documents and how many there were frankly, I Think we have to wait and see what the defence says in them and what proved to be true, but I do think that even half what what Andy Mccarthy's and which is even half of it, is true that he's toes I it's it's a pretty cool detailed indictment. It's very, very damaging so again, we're not really sure what the defense is going to be. At this point, I've just spelled out you what an indictment we have yet to hear from the defense the defense may blow apart the prosecution's case. We don't know yet and we're going to have to see what that looks like, but the indictment itself. They have text messages. They have record things they have pictures. I did a lot of stuff. It will Donald trump responded to bill
bar he's not responding to the indictment in sort of specific fashion at this point, but he has the final bill, barbecues that the basic rule is that if you have ever worked for now trumpet, then you cross donald trump and you become an enemy, whether your kelly makin any or the bill bar. He was from going after bill bar for those comments it is a disgrace and virtually everybody other that allow lifelike belmont bill bar. Do I, as you know, I terminated because he was gutless. He wouldn't do what you're supposed to do, but everybody says? This is a disgraceful indictment. It shouldn't happen. It was done. Medical reasons, but it was also done. I guess, to cover up the car and of a massive crime that now being revealed by the republicans and ass it. Sir, it's incur But when you look at what happened, when you look at the kind of money that flows into the Biden family and did Joe Biden by the way He says a political matter. What, from his anger, is exactly right, but the fact is that you don't The d o j going hard after hunter Biden here into
the oj go hard after Hillary Clinton and the double standards of political argument is not actually a legal arguments. We're not sure what the defense is going to look like you're. In fact, trump's defense team is currently in flux. According to the wall street journal, he has now replaced one lawyer with another former a prosecutor blanche was going to lead that events now he's already part of ways with two where's represent him through. The special council investigation is in a book up the legal team, but the defence Human flocks remains unclear, according to the wall street journal, exactly how trumbull confront the criminal charges elected president arguments is lawyers have made in their long legal. Idle to head off the prosecution in the first place, even many big kind of legal terms, there's a gown dershowitz said the indictment against from his very strong here. The real question is going to what the defences and also again that political double standard, but offends where, with expertise in there, the security rob kelner said. One of the big challenges jack smith faces is persuading every one of those twelve jurors. It could be a criminal offense for trump to share documents that a couple of years before when he was president, he would have been free to share, but again that that
it's, not really legal defence as much as it is a political defence. One of the key figures who is going to be testifying here, presumably, is going be true. we're having corcoran who's. The person who is cited in that us talking that as trumpeting number one the person who is going in telling the national archives, I turnover of it in the meanwhile trumpets fitting to him and moving the documents round behind the scenes corcoran. Accordingly, wall journal figures prominently in the government's case it from conspired to obstruct justice and caused a false statement to be made to federal authorities. Corcoran's compel testimony from a word him proletarian three others. What was clearly a sub optimal unconstitutionally, dubious substitute for more complete search of the property under consent from lawyers could see ahead of proud to challenge evidence from corcoran. They could try to prevent corcoran from testifying somehow I'm not sure exactly how they would achieve that now, from does have one advantage in this case. Presumably it has been assigned by lotteries. mean cannon whose a trump appointee to the federal court in south florida cannon is very controversial because she pretty They presided over losses from brought in this case in which
special master appointed to go through the documents before the fbi was allowed to go through the documents was eventually overturn. I believe the eleven circuit court of appeals so she's going to the judge in this particular case. The left is, of course, very upset about all of this about about that particular judge being appointed. Only at you trumps response to all of this, in particular injustice, one moment. First, let's talk about how you can live a healthy lifestyle me just don't have enough time. So yeah look, I'm sure on time, I'm short on sleep and I'm sure I already eat vegetables. I don't like vegetables, they taste like garbage god's revenge on the man, but you need the new strains that are in the vegetables, for how do I actually fix that problem. Well, I hadn't over the balance of nature, balance of nature fruits and These are great weight, make sure you're getting a nutritional ingredients every single day through balanced natures, advanced call back and process wins, minerals, environment trends of the fruit and vegetables are preserved, can get that vital nutrition and each capsule, belgium, nay a whole food supplement with no additives, fillers extracts, synthetics pesticides, rather sugar, pure fruits, and vague the only things they put in their capsules thousand nature has sent a bunch of product over to us to try its kosher cycle.
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well, trump should not be, however, did donald trump creed this wound for himself he didn't all he had to do was give the documents back. That's literally, all he had to do with national archives called up. He should have felt he should have figured, listen, there's a bunch of people in the deep state who hate by god and they are waiting for me to screw up on this wire. I just give them back the documents, what is so vital documents into cannot give them asked why? What with that's the question, people should be asking especially going going interpol, in like is this. The kind of judgment that you think is likely to be cesspool in waging an all out battle. half the american vows, especially inside the deep state, is like the best thing that you can do to walk directly into a trap created by your political and legal opponents. Is that the smartest thing into a chair president trump from use mocking the charges over the weekend tromp is indicted and they take one origin. They turn it into thirty six charges. You say that everybody's amazed, I'm an innocent man. We prove that again, seven years approving it- and here we go again very unfair. I trump also said
This has been great respond, numbers which it has been because the general rule is that when people feel that is being victimized by the law enforcement apparatus is there, good for his poll. Numbers inside the republican party now is good for his poll numbers in general. No one is good, is going to be great for him in the general election, presumably no, especially because there's every possibility that, if he picks if he gets a jury, it is not friendly to him he could theoretically get jail time. So we could have the historic opportunity to vote for a person who is currently sitting in prison when we went when we vote in twenty four now, we also deal on, unlike just a sort of pure excitement level. My seven that would be really high. Not again, I think, from sugar recovers know what, if that happen, would it be one of the weirdest, most amazing things to happen in the history of their public. Well, yeah, I mean if one major republic, if the major political candidate, on the current incumbent of the united states was sitting in jail and were voting for him, and then he had a pardon himself. Thou be fascinating. We are living in a weird alternative universe
which some it got gods writing the season is very strange, strange writing by god this the season of trump, wherever, unlike season six of trumpets and its the writing has gotten a little bit, it's a little bit wild we're close to jumping the shark in season six of frontier? In any case here was a president trump talking about the poll numbers as far as the joke of an indictment. It's a horrible thing to a horrible thing for this country. I mean the only good thing about it is driven by paul numbers. Weigh up, can you believe means His poll numbers way up, among republicans, so eighty percent of Republicans said they would vote for him, even if he is in prison, which of course, is correcting. If he's the nominee, you gonna vote for Joe Biden, jack, I guy, like an upgrade, do you he's in a horrible job? However, there is a problem for him in a general election. Are you we to be elected under that under that position. No, according to a new abc tromp indictment pull sixty one
sense. Document charges are serious, including thirty, eight percent of republicans and sixty three percent of independence. Again, don't worry about what republicans thinking what Democrats think and think about what what independence think sick over six intend independence think these are serious charges against trump and when you at the number who believe that trump should be charged in this particular case. What you see is that forty eight percent believe he should be charged and thirty five percent believe he he should not. His approval rating is currently at thirty one percent. Are these numbers likely to go up or down, as this case continues it? Probably, they're not likely to go up so this is. The problem is also a problem for republicans again every day the Republicans spend talking bout trumps, various committees is a day. They are not talking about Joe Biden, various activities and all the bad stuff. The Joe Biden has done, and the potential corruption that Joe Biden, embroiled in and the fbi, whistleblowers, that really should be the big story in the country where the lindsey I was getting ripped up and down yesterday for making the compared
from jailer and he's right on this. Ok to the again two things can ensure once he is right it Hillary Clinton should have been charge. Also, you cannot simultaneously make the case that hilary should have been charged and from should not be charge unless your basically willing to say that hitler should have in charge. She wasn't it because she was in should not be right. That's the case that I making once you set the standards standards, the standard, you don't get to change the standard cause republicans in the cross hairs. However, what trump wants republicans to is that you did nothing wrong. We simultaneously say the trumpet nothing wrong and also hilary did something wrong. That is not a plausible case to make here at lindsey, graham trying to defend trump here, said repeatedly repeatedly bit. He did nothing on. Do you believe that jet donald you may haters guts. Buddy is not a spy. He did not could be commit espionage. We he did is very similar in my view, to what is very clear that people and
when in case took hammer to a blackberry undestroyed it they white claim with bleach bit emails. They the personal, but somebody actually were classified as well. anthony winners, computer and not a damn thing happened or me again, Graham is right about all of this red. He is correct about all this, but the best case that you can make for trump at this point is that they didn't prosecute Hillary one troubles leading chance of locker up and twenty. Sixteen, then you know it's awkward, its offer, Jim Jordan. Good congressperson from ohio. I liked him a lot, but Jim was was stuck The more situation on cnn trying to say that the trump made, maybe from did declassify this minute and then Dana barrett sentence. I while I mean he literally said on tape, you didn't declassify material and- and this is a problem data. This standard is clear. The standard as neighbours is eager to nineteen eighty eight case unanimous decision from the course from the court, just as blacken wrote, broke the opinion and it said the prince.
sensibility to classify and control access to national security information flows from the constitution. He decides he alone decide. He said he to classify this material. He can put it wherever he wants you can handle have really wants that. The wall give evidence that the president, when he was president now former president, actually declassified these documents before he took them. I go on the process word and he said he did and the supreme court said: that's what counts. So we can have all the all the things Jack Psmith wants to say, but everyone sees this for the political operation. It is the standard, is the standard I didn't set the standard the constitution and supreme court did, and they did it in a unanimous fashion and of his opinion, written by justice blackness, so that It's standard now now normally be trump's. Defense and Jim Jordan is right. The problem is, he was caught on tape literally saying I could have declassified it, but I didn't which makes things kind of awkward from has a habit of putting
defenders in awkward positions over and over and over from somewhere tried make argument that you only had mementoes and he did I mean I'm sorry, but but those are not mementoes. We saw a picture that spain widely publicized right of a box. That's flipped over. What's in that box, newspaper articles Yours things that are momentous things that he has a right to take. So if I'm someone with documents that I have a right to have as the president who left the white house, do, I want but rummaging through my personal items now. So I think you are remember again, like I said, there's contacts to everything that context will be brought out on defence and and and that's not gonna, be our opportunity. We have not had an opportunity to give our side it and that's the image right there that I'm discussing its newspapers, its pictures,
manto living, ok, except that again, according to the indictment will see. Maybe maybe we can make this case according to the indictment from himself is saying that there are secret documents, including classified maps and including secret documents inside the deity who is revealing to non classified source. So here is information. Indictment is a problem for trouble. if this gets in front of a jury which presumably it well, it's any these gases, which way this, is going to go when it comes to weather the india. Should had been brought in the first place. That is a question. ireland and Joe Biden. You live in a country where it is good idea to prosecute your chief political opponents and exactly the same behaviour that Your party was exonerated on entwine. Sixteen. That is really the political question. Once it gets it,
A court though, this very dangerous stuff trump, it's its self inflicted wound for from you didn't have to do any of this. When the documents were asked for by the national archives, you should have returned them, not because the national archives deserve them, not because they are the most wonderful people in the world, but because out of an abundance of caution, if you know people are gunning for you, why? Wouldn't you just do the thing, especially because it's not like trumpet special used for these papers mean we know what from one in four europeans want them. As I've been saying, literally since the beginning of this entire peculiar, their situation. The reason that prompted this is because I like that simmons was doing it to to the chinese, was giving in to the russians there's nothing to various. He just wanted the documents. Same way down front legs, putting his name on big old letters on buildings. He wanted these documents in his I because they were his is that foible of peace in reality a smart idea to humor in the middle of a situation in which your political opposition hate your guts and wants you in jail. No, it isn't, and it does speak to judgment when you go forward into a primary,
you'd think down from understands his opposition better than literally anyone's he's. The person is being targeted by them. If you know that, don't you have a meal oil obligations, your own supporters and your own agenda. guard yourself to be careful, so they can't do this to you. And what will see how all of this place out already. Meanwhile, the fix is in somebody has to win in. Somebody has to lose in this culture. War. we used to believe in the united states. There is such a thing as neutral. There is no such thing as neutral any more in the culture wars reason. There is no such thing as neutral is because new- I used to be you like the way you want to live in all The way that I want to live when it comes to the teaching of children, we will restrict that you writing, reading arithmetic, how you raise your kids will be a matter of baseline morality and that's pretty budget will will all each other one, and then they'll have decided that they have a new religion. It must be propagated to every person in the united states. The left quite rightly pointed out that the default position in the united states was judeo christian morality. That was the defaults for silent background to a mirror.
Life and that had to be dispensed with it had to be done away with in the only way that could happen is through sheer silencing silencing bubble pressure and shouting and screaming and legal crammed downs. It's the only way that the current culture could be destroyed and replaced with this new counterculture pride less progressive ism, forcing it play out in real time entities hideous, and it also means that everyone who thought they had true standing aside unjust, washing their hands been saying whatever you do. You do wrong luxury has now gone away. You cannot watering This, because the battle is upon you, whether you like it or not, we're seeing it online. So apparently, Youtube has now been going through literally all of the accounts, over a daily wire and even looking for strikes rotation I guess what I mean here is they. They ve been looking to basically get rid of all of the various accounts that are socio daily wire. My account out wash the count. Qantas owns account michael moles account your peterson's gown and requirements account bright, coopers account. These accounts have a combined total of a hunter.
And fifty seven million views on youtube over the course of just the last months about twenty million views today, you do is attempting to kill these accounts. Why? Because all of us speak the truth when it comes to the question of men and women and whether men are women or vice versa, says jeremy points out last month over the past few months daily, where has received about two hundred violations from youtube across our accounts. And these are violations going back years, so they now have their little apparatchiks going through all videos looking for violations last month, Matt Walsh was the man ties on friday can zones, and michael mules were suspended for seven days after receiving their second strike in peters and was given his first strike? Three and ninety days in your account is terminated. In last ninety days, our council received hundred and four violations for hateful interrogatory content, earning them limited. An invitation, again. Nearly everyone. These violations comes from our coverage of the trans debate. Again, the basic idea here is supposed to be
that if you say that a boy cannot become a girl- and that is an absolute sheer anti scientific garbage. If you say that youtube will be you youtube will strike you down. As german point out, youtube claims the ability to openly debate political ideas, even those that are controversial, is core to a functioning democratic society, but this is presumably at the same time, literally silencing, like preventing you from saying these things, and if you say these things and they strike you you have the strike, and even if you mentioned this stuff by the way outside of youtube, they can hit you with a strike. Apparently this is one of the things they've been attempting to do, and it's not just from ip or youtube is just the source where twenty five percent of the population gets. It's news, but it's not just youtube. The white house is pushing this stuff too, and the white house is pushing this at the top level. As you know, greater sign, then the white house over the weekend and we have now seen the complete collapse. We ve seen ideologues cocoa in the united states Did you know? Christian values system has been completely destroyed in favour of pride progress, radical left as gender
algae. Individualistic nonsense, Joe Biden put up the sweet quote today. The people's house Your house sends a clear message to the country into the world of work. is a nation of pride giant pride progress, I came from the centre of the rotund in the navy centre center rotunda of the of the white house. Looking out over the white has long. Here's another picture of that. From another angle. You can see it's actually centred american. wags on either side of the pride progress like. But this is the regime. Your new regime is deprived progress, regime you'll be ruled by it, no longer, is it a matter of float whatever flow about live your own life behind private doors. That says your problem no longer is that what the united states is. The united states is a place where this is. The official doctrine of the united states is that boys can be girls. Rules can be boys, and if you stand up to that, you may be illegal peril. You could wind up actual legal peril. Is the country where a view
say that marriages between one man and one woman you could be criminalized. You can have your life taken away from you in a wide variety of what is because that is the new regime. Again, there is no neutral one. The american flag was put aside and the pride progress flag was flown in it's place. As I pointed out, this is a coup. It is a coup because ideologically speaking, no american soldier has ever died for the pride progress lead because normally, sandra has ever served under the pride progress lag because that is not the elected flag of the united states, no law has ever been passed under the pride progress lab cause. It is not the flag of the unit estate. It is an ideological flag. All you have to do to understand how sick and perverse this is is just replace the pride progress flag with the flag of the vatican. If you put that up there, everybody would recognize that this was a coup but a pride progress lag there and everybody says: oh well, you know there's just neutrality, it secular neutrality is not secular and it is not neutral. It is religious movement is, netteke religious movement dedicated destroying all of its opposition through silencing and through. Yes, the force of law.
See that hanging I mean again, there's no shock you seen brok about we back and twenty fifteen lighting up the white house and gay pride colors. When you see he pride progress, flag, giant pride, progress, flag, centred the seal of the president of the united states, while the american like a shunted off to the side and what could maybe be a violation of laggard when you see that sort of stuff, you recognize what is happening here, the replacement of one ethical by another destruction of one ethos and its replacement by another. Joe Biden spoke over the weekend because they their big pride celebration because, of course it is, I'd month, most holy month in a secular catechism ends, I e made some pretty astonishing statements. Erika we all talk about courage Y see more courage in this law that I've seen at any time in the recent past. In literally broken military academy. Ten days ago, a military academy, I've always met the joke, said them the. Whenever we talk about courage and pride, no others oh so much courage or the massive courage of young people finding their own genitals and
that they wish to put them wherever. Ah, the courage is just like normandy, but One basically says that part out all the means have become reality. and you say the Joe Biden has replaced Every of normandy, with the bravery of deciding cut off your own penis, if you're a boy and pretend you're a girl, he means that when we make the joke that, essentially the u s in that, the republican foreign policy is a is a bomb with an american flag on it, and the democratic foreign policy is a bond with pride progress flag on it. Joe Biden just says. The thing and here is Joe Biden, saying that any anti algae beach eu law right any law restricting, for example, gender queer for third graders in school libraries violate our most basic values that we have an obligation to spread those values around the world. He is now replaced the sort of moral, periods of the united states, which used to be rooted in freedom of speech and property rights, for example democracy, but while guarding individual right here
Our place that, with these single litmus test, is how you treat gay marriage. Well, good luck with that here is carriers turbine. farmers across the guard rephrase excruciating decisions to relocate to different state to protect their child from dangerous entitled, gb tiki laws. We have to act, we have to act as a nation. We need to push back against the hundreds of callous and cynical bills and laws introduced in states, targeted trend, children, terrified families, criminalizing doctors and nurses His bills, laws attract the most basic values and freedoms. We have, as amended That's all right, purple, that's a fact. Our most basic values Most basic gaucho america are apparently alternative forms of sexual activity being spread the children, that is it, that is most basic form virtue in the united states and if what you think and I am exaggerating this- take a look at the state of California instead of california.
Is it the bleeding edge of all of this? I ve been warning about this for literally a decade at minimum a decade. At this point, I been warning that the the end point, the next logical end point for the price, I rest movement was going to be taken. Kids waving, their parents to their parents, refuse to abide by the garbage that is, gender identity. If your child goes to a public school and expresses gender confusion, and then your child's as mommy and daddy won't call me by the name of a person of the opposite sex school will go to child protective services and I'll take your kid away from you. I've been saying this. For decades, I've been saying for decades they were going to for every church and every synagogue, the refuse to abide by this garbage, and they will California, is now looking at a bill. It would treat parents to quote affirm their child's gender identity as a violation of health, safety and welfare in the context of custody disputes the bill already passed, the state assembly require judges, adjudicate
such disputes over transgender, identifying children to favour the parent who affirms the child's preferred identity I wore earlier this week. The other reach, an updated version that specifically defines the health, safety and welfare of the child to include a pair affirmation of the child's gender identity so effectively. When you say that gender affirmation is the child's best interests for healthy, and welfare. You can call it abuse under all circumstances. To suggest that you denying that billy is a girl is a form of child abuse. The amended bill is known as eighty nine. Seventy five. It is co authored by the perverse state, senator scott wiener. He called with assembly woman, lorry Wilson, their Simon, is the advancing a separate billet require foster parents. You promised to affirm trans identifying children before they could foster. Kids are the right. You leave them the orphanage in twenty twenty two. He also introduced a first innovation. What enshrining California is a haven where out of state minors can go to get their sex changes that parental consent here is some here. Is this ridiculous
states and lorry Wilson explaining why kids should be removed from their home if the parents deny their critical gender identity? So this particular bill adds the very important factor that affirming a child's gender identity is in their best interests, which is what your question is about. Why does it get? Why does it actually say that in a format of way- and it really is because if you have a seven year old, whose who's talking about having a potential to say, I be enabled to articulate that they believe that they are not the same gender as they are biologically than it should be affirmed and through care. It should be determined and that's it. We did with our own child, and that would give the ability for a parent who wasn't sure to affirm and get their child the care that they need to make that too, they can begin to artists.
Late that determination, but by saying and rejecting it and wholesale then you're essentially rejecting your child, and that is not in the best interests of the child. We should be a farming, our children, in every possible way. So because she's grew up her own kid. This way you must grow up. way or she will threaten you with the watch. Ticker get can away from you that california is pushing its already passed the state assembly. now she's the question of state senate and then being signed by gavin him. Are the only insane law. The California is looking to push california bill espies in twenty five, seven, twenty nine. Rather, she should now define infertility as status as opposed to a medical condition. So what does that mean? Well, Lee infertility is medical condition that has experienced by say women. Woman is infertile. Therefore, There are certain insurance companies that will provide and should provide treatment for women within fertility health, once you changed to a status. Well, if you Jeanne fertility to establish like your status, is infertile. This now applies to all men, because guess what men are enforced
because they dont have uterus it. There are other of uterus its, which makes them. Fertile by status, another run for in traditional sense they can still impregnate a woman, but the idea that if they cannot carry a child- and this means your infertile, which insane. Ok, by definition, that's not even your new statement is men can have babies. Therefore, insurance companies must fund men to have babies. What the actual f, but what is really about. What that's really about is California now wants to make insurance companies pay for surrogates forgave ales, that's right, it is now right. They won't make any medical right in the state of california for two dude who, when they have said. can produce a baby because they don't have the proper body parts. For that thing they want you now have the ability with it and money to go higher a woman. To use her womb. Mrs, this is disturbing garbage. It's insane. According going to post millennial the village past, the senate last month would require insurance. Come is to cover in vitro fertilisation procedures, not because of actual
infertility among women like it in a medical shortcoming but because of the natural state of men, generic gonna cover ivy of women who can't babies with each other, which is all men. In organization called men having babies, both the bill will remove financial barriers for gay men wished rent a woman's wound to have a child. Who has the dna of one of the males in its relationship? This will cost insurance premiums. At least we heard three million dollars a year and again The here is to establish alternative family structures as just as wonderful and moral indecent for children as any other family structure, is all about that one side is going to win and one side is going to lose. California, one side is already running, has working out for all of the people of traditional bent in instead of california, I promised one of the reasons When I talked about moving from California, I literally said to her in five to ten years, will not be possible to raise a child. british away, California, it will not this, it will not allow it. We need to leave
The same thing is going to happen in new york. The same thing is going to happen in in new jersey. Any seriously blue state is going to start pushing this crap because one it is going to win and once it is going to lose so yes matters an awful lot when Joe Biden flies the pride progress fled from the centre of the american white house and declares that this is now the flag of united states. It is absolutely one hundred percent, not the flag of the united states, is a radical ideological flag that florence biology logic and decency, the notion that we are all being our task is to that government. When did that happened? Did we vote replaced? The americans live with that when and how in ideological? Who is it while there is no neutrality in this ideological battle book because left will not allow neutrality, they won't, it will see full domini it was steamroller. You already guys, If the show continues right now, you're not going to miss, it will be getting into some stuff. I like and some things that I hate as well, remember, become member use code, Shapiro check out for two months for an all annual plans, click that linking the description and join us
Transcript generated on 2023-06-13.