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President Trump announces he’s been indicted by the Department of Justice on seven counts relating to treatment of classified documents; Congressional Republicans claim that Joe Biden was likely bribed by Ukrainian company Burisma while Vice President; and the Supreme Court moves to the Left on racial gerrymandering.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
President trump announces he's been indicted again this time by the department of justice on seven counts, relating to treatment of classified documents. Rational republicans claimed the Joe Biden likely bride by ukrainian company breeze. My well vice president and supreme court moves to the left on racial gerrymandering. I ben this is the bench. I shall be revenged spiritual sponsor, make best. Vpn privacy is right, not a privilege, defend your right to express vivian's icons. Lifespan Obviously in cinema of news today, president trump apparently has indicted on seven criminal charges in this classified documents case now. You will recall this classified documents case actually began in like two thousand and twenty one, because it turned out that president trump in two thousand and twenty one had a bunch of documents over at mar a Those documents were actually requested by the national archives. May six, twenty twenty one, they loaded trump. There was seeking approximately two dozen boxes of records. We return to it as required by the presidential records act according to ryan's veteran daily, while the national arc
worn trump and late twenty twenty one they could escalate. The issue to prosecutors are congress, it teenage refused to hand over the documents. He was also then worn by former trump white house lawyer Erik hersman. He could face serious legal jeopardy if he did not comply in january, two thousand twenty two about fifteen of those boxes were returned at which time officials discuss there are hundreds of pages of classified material in the boxes. Then federal law enforcement was notified of the discovery, and then they came to believe there are more materials that had not been return, and then it may twenty twenty two affair rendering issued a subpoena seeking additional classified documents. A few weeks later, the geo J sides ray marilla, mar from legal team signed a written statement claiming that all the classified material had then been returned. When august eighth, the fbi executed towards the property and recover more classified material. Is that sequence of events leading up to all of us now, whether it be stated up front that the treatment of classified material by very
public officials is extremely messy. So among the public officials that we now have had classified material into place, they weren't supposed to have classified material. Maybe like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, my pants down from the only one of those four people when the power to summarily declassify, if he had gone through any sort of procedure with regard to de classification was present interim, the president can summarily That's by anything is the head of the executive branch. None of those other characters were able to declassify anything. So that's number one number two. Why exactly was from holding these classified materials in the first place to all the furies at the time when the news broke back and twenty twenty two is that it must have been because trump was seeking to pass him off russians who using to pass muster the chinese are some sort nefarious evil plan by donald trump to do something with it he's going to hand the nuclear codes over disease, in paying he was going to ensure that vladimir Putin, who exactly where nuclear submarines were, or something like that and then as it
Outgoing pay, much everybody who has testified in this case a barely down from just decided to hold onto documents because wait for it, donald from just wanted to hold onto documents which only fits with everything we know about whatever you say about trump trump is a willful human being who likes to do the things that he likes to do, and this is true in literally every area of his life. So the likely thing that happened is you left the white house and he's like hey? Look it's a letter, kim jong un Kim signed it. I'm gonna, I'm gonna bring it into brought it, and that was the end of the story and then national archives. Like can we have the letter he's like I dunno it is. Does it there's pretty much the extent of it now is that a national security threats, to the extent that the former president of the united states and the current republican front runner for the nomination, ought to be indicted on criminal charges, There is no, and the reason the answer is no is because we have the disparate treatment of those other public officials, including most egregiously Hillary Clinton and look at what, however, quite naturally did
it's actually relevant in this context that the fbi and the geo J decided not to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her activities surrounding taking home classified documents and loading them up onto in unclassified server, a secret private server that she kept in her bathroom, and then she actually ended up using bleach bit to clean the documents. When it became clear that you suspected of holding those documents- and then this classified documents ended up on the very not classified computer of a pervert anthony wiener, whose whom aberdeen husband hilary and whom our very closed sort hop aid and Documents ended up on the wieners computer, where he was sexting fifteen year old and she stolen debt prosecuted. I mean it's hard to think of. Looser use of classified material. Then it ends up on anthony wieners, computer next to anthony's wiener. That is it that is very difficult to think of down from doing anything that is remotely as sloppy as that but here is what we know right now about the indictment from himself to score indictment according to see NBC in a series of post on his true social media site on thursday evening,
he also said he was summoned to appear in court in miami next week on tuesday and news soon after confirmed, the indictment is the second time in recent months. The trump has been criminally charge. Of course, he still under criminal investigation by the J and a georgia stay prosecutor for his efforts to reverse his lost. You, president Biden in the twenty twenty election in the state of georgia's. That is the third case that is outstanding, trumped that one has yet to be decided by george, a grand jury unclear exactly what's going to happen in that particular case. That's the one about him, calling a bread rapenburg, the secretary of state of georgia and saying I just need twelve thousand votes that that routine it so we have three cases with the other. A case in manhattan, which is clearly a put up job. That is the key manhattan trying to make a name for himself. He would know Alvin brags name other than he criminals out of prison, except that he decided to prosecute president from on the basis. of some sort of bizarre campaign, finance case. That is such a stretch that even the new york times like that, probably not prosecutable, then you have
space, and this one we are being told his serious- has a heart attack. Disease super duper serious case. So what exactly does this case constitute? But right now the indictment is sealed, so the charges are not fully public but trumps attorney James trusty, so that the charges include false statements. Conspiracy, tourists and woefully retaining documents in violation of the espionage act now suggesting that He is violating the espionage act, does not mean that they suspect Donald trump is actually like a traitor and then he's going to be hanged or something or that means that there are provisions of the espionage act that relate to the treatment of classified materials and obstruction of justice. The charges carry a maximum penalty, twenty years in prison of prompt is convicted than the actual sends would likely be lower because federal sentencing. Guidelines. Trump, of course, is the only you as president ever to be criminally charge under any circumstances
Hey so we're going to go through the details, the charges in just one second, what we actually know first, you know this show very political show. Lot of advertisers are very scared of advertising on shows that don't have the imprimatur of black rock and and the like, that is not true of our friends over at pure top, which is why they are the official wireless partner of the daily wire pure talk shares. My values was values of our other house. That's not the only reason we were When that you use pure talk for your cellular coverage, we, the coverage prejudice premium here talk, is most dependable, five. Finally, networking united states. I use it myself on my business. Calls are taken me up your talk. They have the same five you to work as one of the guys so you are spending less money and you are given that money to a company that doesn't hate your guts and their coverage has just as reliable mix and match or plans to put every person in your family choose from talk text in five g data for just twenty bucks month. All the way up to unlimited did with mobile hotspot. For fifty five dollars month, remember you vote with how you spend your money so stop supporting, woke wireless companies. They dont support you and switch on,
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russian that they are not political in any way is when you take some of the evidence and spreading out on the floor. Well, then, you take photos of it and release into the media. The property inventoried list so show that agents gather more than eleven thousand documents are photographs, without classification, markings of which were described as property of the united states government any Mccarthy were at national view, has the run down on what he thinks the charges are disappointed. notable thing I've seen, is that in charging trouble than espionage act. Defense pro Yours are relying on a provision to criminalize is wilful violation of the rules that government officials are acquired bottle in handling national defence intelligence. as mccarthy says, the reason that they are doing. This is because, if they say that he accidentally me and classified information, then robin ass, the obvious question: wizened, isn't Joe Biden being prosecuted? Why wasn't my pens prosecuted wasn't Hillary Clinton?
persecuted and so they're going out of their way to say that, unlike these others who are just sort of in the dark, oopsy daisy, a classified document was in Joe Biden's corvette. Donald trump was willfully and maliciously hiding this material. That's why they're going after the intent now intent for trump, as I've said before, is the hardest thing to brew in any criminal case about president trump, because trump does not have intent beyond the next point five seconds. That may be an overstatement of The amount of time that he hasn't had for it maybe point two seconds. Donald trump intends to do the thing that is right in front of him and then, as soon as it is not in front of him, he no longer intends to do it, which is why he shifts if compositions pretty easily, and he will a person who is best friends with five seconds ago, so proving wilful intent on the part of trump in any of these cases is very, very difficult, but just as a prosecutor, boreal matter but as mccarthy's as this seems like an obvious ever to distinguish trumps alleged crime from president binds mishandling of classified documents, which the white house in the media democratic, complex have described, reduce inadvertent the result of sloppy staff work, not wilfulness.
What intrigues me about the allegation is that it takes two to tango when it comes to the obstruction of justice charge because their charge him now it's just obstruction but conspiracy to obstruct justice, which means there has to be more than one person or obstructed. Justice conspiracy, by its very nature, requires more than one person on clerics. We don't have the indictment in front of us. What exactly is in the charges? Again, we are only operating off of the leaked info. This point, which could turn out to be largely drew or could turn out to be that there is more evidence than stated. However, I will say that in the past, whenever we have said- or maybe there will be more evidence to come, it seems like it. Doesnt generally happen Furthermore, Europe, whereas in all my gosh, the other she was going to drop in turn? there were no choose to drop see. Does he all? Maybe there's other should not know they're, not their noses alvin braggin manhattan. Maybe he has not about note. There are no shoes fresh out of shoes. Trumpets also tend to be charged going to animate harvey with making false statements. One theory the special council appears to be pressing is that trump is responsible for a false sworn statement is worse conveyed to the fbi,
june. Third, two thousand and twenty two at that time, whereas represented that a thorough search of mar a lago had been conducted already at thirty eight documents bearing classification, things that there's rendering were the only ones in france possession. After that point, the government continue to investing. Invalid evidence that troubles still hoarding documents that remarks classified as result, prosecutors sought and obtained that search warrant that we talked about, and- when they re more allow in august of twenty twenty two under the federal aiding in the statue, the principles responsible for the criminal acts of his agents, including false statements. We told his lawyers go lied to the goliath, the f b I about the classified documents tell them we turned everything over. Even if we didn't then, theoretically, he could be charged with that right. That is, that is one of the things that they're talking about charging him with now is also unclear whether the documents that were found were clinical marked classified or maybe he thought he'd already. declassified them or it's unclear a trumpet said before that by the very nature of me, taking them home, they were declassified now again on a legal level. Is that enough?
sort of like Michael Scott running into the middle of the often shouting. I declare bankruptcy and bankruptcy has been declares that how you declassed by things typically not, but that has to be led to get it out, presumably most interesting reports that, from his charges, wilfully retaining national defence information. We can't be sure- and so you see me- Women's hosanna mccarthy is appears refer to sub section d of the espionage act. Impertinent part that section says quote whoever lawfully having possession of says to control over or being entrusted with any document relating to the national defence or information relating to the national events which information, the possessor has reason to believe, could be used to the injury of the united states or to the advantage of any formation wilfully retains the same, and it's a on demands, the officer or employee of the united states entitled to receive it is guilty of a crime punishable by up to ten years imprisonment.
Subsections assets for the more serious offence than the provision that usually applies to government officials who miss head of who mishandle classified information. That the problem, of course, is that sub section F, which is one of the other subsections, their considering, which is substantially broader and easier to convict, would also convict president Biden as mccarthy says, the strategy of the vitamin inspiration and a special council seems to be one alleged from community wilful offence to put him in a different, more egregious category from binds conduct and to pretend, in connection with Biden, that is not a felony for government officials to be grossly negligent in mishandling. Classified information now get me the line between grossly negligent mishandling, classified information and like full scale wilful mishandling classified information as a daisy line as We'Re- about when we get to Hillary Clinton and the fact that these cases very, very comparable. Hillary Clinton was overtly not prosecuted in twenty. Sixteen by the commis me fbi and the air colder deal
I was already lynch d o j at the time, and yet from is now apparently being prosecuted from, for his part has released a statement says the corrupt by administration has informed for my attorneys. I've been indicted. Similarly, overly boxes hopes, even though Joe Biden has eighteen hundred and fifty boxes. mercy of dollar additional boxes in chinatown deasey, with even more box at the university of pennsylvania and dogma struggle over its garage for repair of the corvette. Secured only by a garage for that is paper. Then an open. Much of the time I've been summoned to appear the federal court as miami tuesday, three pm, three p m. I never thought it could be possible in such a thing could happen to a former president of the united states, more votes, far more votes than any sitting. President history of our country is currently leading by far all candidates, but democratic republic in the poles of between twenty four presidential election, I m an innocent man or capital letters you I must, for his part, responded, we need this ain't there does. He may be of our higher interest in pursuing from compared other people in politics very important justice system. We bought what appears to be a differential enforcement or they will lose public trust. Well, yeah I mean that is the understatement. Of the century,
you'll get to president from video statement. Just a second will compare this to hillary includes case, which again the notion that the o J is operating the basis of some sort of objective determination of law here is pretty absurd. First, we have a dog. Are dogs, name is happy and happy right now he's learning to run off the least we have some video of him. We sent the train or for a couple of weeks, while we integrate new baby in our lives and happy, is a happy doggie him over the weekend. Our kids love him he's great because I want him to remain happy and healthy. This is why we give him rough greens. Every morning the dog food you've been giving your dog is dead, mean look at it. It's brown and dry and terrible, but rough greens boost happy's food back to life. It can do the same for your dog. You don't have to go out and buy New jobs would just sprinkle rough greens on their food every day. It contains all necessary vitamins and minerals. Your dogs not getting from the regular dogwood, happy loves it eats it up.
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Because now we're leaving the Paul's again by a lot against Biden and against the republicans by a lot but we'll inspired by allotted tremendous amount, and we want to a level that they figure in the way they do to stop us, is by using once called warfare. That's what it is. This is warfare for the law and we can't let it happen. We can't let that happen our country is going to hell and they come after donald weaponizing the justice department weaponizing the f b. I we can't let this continue to go on, because it's ripping our country to shreds he's a wrong about this. He is not here that we have had a long history in this country of not prosecuting the party of the president of the former party when he
was in when he's not in power anymore. That's a good thing, and if you look at countries where people are routinely prosecuted after leaving office, these are not really great places to live and Joe Biden he better get his ass ready because here's, the reality now this glasses been broken. This is gonna, be the rule from here on out Joe Biden and being prosecuted after he leaves office by Republican da's somewhere. If this sort of stuff continues its really bad, it truly is now what the trump basically as to backup cases, his defence nor lie in a couple of things defends number one is going to be. I actually declassified everything right here. You ve heard him say this before. I declare that I have the power to glass of now. That's a pretty weak cases, birthplace, apparently, that's been blown up. Cnn has apparently obtained transcript of an audio recording, in which trump acknowledged on tape and twenty twenty twenty one meeting it here, in quote, unquote secret military information that he had nazi classified apparently, according to the transcript from says quote as president, I could have declassified, but now I can't and he's waving around a document supposedly in the state now again
It cnn synonymous sources, you everything not just of the grain of sand with a giant block of salt like an iceberg, size block of salt, but if that's the gazing have blows up the idea that debt that trump summarily declassified everything simply by taking it home. The transcript of the audio recording suggests that trump is showing the document he's discussing to those in the room. Several sources have told cnn the recording captures the sound of paper. Rustling and he apparently so secret. The secret information look look at this. This was done by the military and given to me. Apparently, completing the meeting about the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general mark milly, he says: well, Millie, let me see I'll show you an example. He said I wanted to IRAN isn't that amazing. I have a big pile of papers. This thing just came up. Look. This was him. It presented me this. This is off the record, but they presented me this. This was him. This is the department events in him. We looked at some. This was hammett, wasn't obey, it was him, then he says, wait a minute. Let's here I just found, isn't that amazing is totally ones my case, you know, except it is like highly confidential secret. The secret information look look at this:
says I could have declassified it while, whilst was braided so the argument that he was again. All wrong that he'd classified the stuff not true, but is that is real defence is real events that it declassified or is the defense? Basically listen. This is differential prosecution. We can all tell this is differential prosecution. Everyone can see. This is differential. Prosecution mean, let's be real about this again. Hillary Clinton stored thousands of documents, like tens of thousands of documents, on a private server in her home. While she was secretary of state, many of those documents were classified. Those documents were then bleach bitted from her server. She used a code, a cobbler, I bet in order to wipe them from her server when she realised that this might fall under investigation, and then those classified emails turned up not in her home. They turn up on the computer of anthony winner, the husband, a pervert husband of her aid whom avenant, which is why, of course, we had this bizarre.
or two stabler and james Comey, originally announced he was not going to prosecutor and then right before the election. He was like, oh by the way we just found a bunch of classified emails, so we're not sure what that means and then a few days later as well. It's probably ok! You remember this. Here's james call me sort of twenty six sixteen announcing why he was not going to prosecute Hillary Clinton and listen to the language we use it. Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgement is that no reasonable prosecutor would such a case, prosecutors necessarily way a number of factors before deciding whether to bring charges. Their obvious considerations, like the strength to the evidence specially regarding intent, responsible decisions, also consider that the text of a person's actions and how similar situations have been handled in the past. No, how similar situations have been handled in the past and is, as sure there's evidence of pension violations of the statutes regarding how hilary actually handled the documents, in fact, call me admitted in that pressure. He said that there is
I likelihood that and foreigners ended up unclasped material because of Hillary Clinton is there are high likelihood that The materials ended up being seen by the chinese or russians, because Donald trump hid this stuff in, like a closet at mar a lago. Is that a high likelihood? How exactly would you stack up the treatment ass. I materials by tromp, as opposed to buy Hillary Clinton, where sheets specifically was not indicted by james millions of people who were spending? Millions hours and thousands of men. Hours investigating nonsense, like the steel dossier, going after trump. it seems like animas, that's because it is animas in second we'll get to the fact that dubai still in the middle of an ongoing investigation. With regard to classified documents. First, my team knows I need my black rifle coffee every morning, this particular since we had our fourth child He is a wonderful baby and his very, very bad at the sleeping in this means that when I get up in the morning after the army of the children is coming up all night, that's why they call themselves the army of the children. I have to have like two big cups of black rifle coffee, black rival, coffee literally feel
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occasionally Joe Biden, keeping thousands of classified documents, apparently all over the place, Joe Biden leads classified documents around the nation like hundred by leaves illegitimate children? It's amazing, maybe just like, weaves these documents lying around in his garage next to his corvette and then pretends that he handled this right. You'll recall just a few months ago, when Joe Biden was defending his kindling of classified documents, well, I did keep them in a locked garage. Okay, I'm gonna need an explanation as to why you're locked garage in Wilmington delaware is significantly safer than donald trump's locked closet at mar a lago material natsir core. What were you thinking? then he rang and get a chance to speak on all this god willing soon. But, as I said earlier, this week by the way my conventional, lock rash location I, like you sitting out the streets. At any rate, he asked where's. My corvette ai weiwei
that obviously ism is a great events. Thereby Joe Biden by my case is still ongoing. Going to NBC news, the federal investigation into president? his handling of classified documents shows few signs of an imminent conclusion, even as the probes informer vp MIKE in former president Donald trump have reached appear to be reaching the end. According to three people familiar with matter binds advisers have and he would provide an interview to the special council investigating his handling of the classified documents, ones buttons we'll team in the d o J agree on the conditions, but Biden has yet to be interviewed suggest but the investigation is not yet during a close interviewing. The percinet this dr investigation, is typically among the final actions before a probe is completed. A spokesperson for binds per the attorney Bob our declined to comment at this point. So again, Joe Biden was hiding documents, or at least yet. These documents that were all over the damn place so is donald trump being prosecuted on the basis of doing something extraordinary, like extraordinarily differ.
From Hillary Clinton, for example. The answer, of course, is no he's doing something very similar to what hillary Clinton said. It sounds like, except you naturally wiped it off smith's. The way that Hillary Clinton said- and he is president- candidate, the same way that Hillary Clinton was a presidential candidate. They decided they didn't intervene with hilary because she is a presidential candidate, but they are perfectly willing to intervene with donald trump. Now, politically speaking, does it help from every time from his targeted? from in a republican primary now again, is that going to things can draw once one from being on. Only targeted ism align use of law enforcement. There is no way in hell that there would be doing this don't trumpery democrat. no way in hell, and we all know it and that's perverse, and it's undermines the credibility of Enforcement, the d J, the fbi, these institutions are low ebb in terms of credibility among americans- and there is a reason for this- is incredibly dangerous. What they're doing right here they have now been in the glass the Manhattan DA, broken on the state level, bringing on the federal level is a completely different ball of wax bringing down the state. It is bad enough, but their lot to states various political opinions, and so you don't, you think,
it always with like- and you know, okay, fine, so Alban bragg's a Democrat and he's prosecuting trump in new york, whatever, when the federal government does it and the federal government can reach you in your home and then hand they can't review in alabama, really is meant handier like was going to come to alabama grab, you mean, theoretically, he could try to extradite you're something, but like let's be real about this, we all understand politically motivated prosecution by liberal prosecutor looks like in Manhattan. That is not the same thing as an institution that requires all like. I don't have a lot of trust in the new york government, but you have to have a certain basis level of trust in the american government. Since you pay taxes to it, and you are subject to its legal requirements on it on a day to day level when the geo, the fbi are obviously weapon eyes in themselves against trump? In this way, It is a serious problem for american democracy, and that means the republicans are rushing to prompts defence and they should russia trumps defence on this, because obviously this is where innovation against trump. to turn that, however, into a referendum on his electability is another question
and when I'm seeing right now, it's conflation on the right side of the auditing. Well, we're really pissed about this week which nominated. While I mean really pissed about it. Yes, we should nominate em. well think about whether independence are more likely to vote for him, because he was just indicted by the deal j ai. something that is more likely to win the elections, I'm seeing a lot of analysis today from people on there while this is gonna drive him back to the presidency, one that's driving back. Republican nomination, but the chances that is gonna flip, like five six seven million voters back it trump, because the d o J is going after him on the classified documents. Better ignores all of the polling data showing that independents by and large are fine would the prosecution not because they care about the prosecution per se, because they don't like trump very much. That is a perhaps or two things can be true once one we should all defend trump on a legal level. We should all
and what the g o j is doing is gross abuse of power, because it clearly is what the f b I is doing here is gross abuse of power, because it clearly is, and then we should seek to elect a person who's going to clean that out. Until like that person, they have to win, and the question becomes who is most likely to win again just because your passion is up for, I get my might have for suffered. Do I get the emotional appeal? Does that mean that trump is likely to win a general election more likely now than it was yesterday? I dont really the reason why. I think that ocean it. The america public going to react, an absolute outrage against Joe Biden and therefore going to throw by out of in favour of europe a very polarized political climate here in the united states and independent dont, really like either of those people. But by pulling data they actually have more probable trump than they do with Biden. At this point was that radically shift. That is something that republican voters should taken their calculation when it comes to voting for the republican nominee. But again, that's it separate question. Then the really deeper issue here, which has this banana republic and of crap
really is the D jangling after trump for precisely the thing, Hillary Clinton is supremely corrupt, really grow java is so corrupt the job I naturally yesterday had to disavow having any involvements. I never suggested what the d o J should do. While nobody said that you suggested what the d o J should do. But it's it's your attorney, general Merrick island, with presiding over all of this and jack smith is, it is, is his appoint a special council because you notice, I have never once one time suggest just what they should do or not do well to bring a charge? An operator? George, I'm honest, Oh he's a he's honest guys. He assures you that he is honest. Now, let's talk about Joe Biden's honesty, the same day this indictment came down for trump. There are pretty significant accusations that Joe Biden was actually paid bribed money by bereavement executive is part of a bribery scheme. An fbi document fox news now reporting that bind was allegedly pay. Five million bucks.
executive of ukrainian natural gas from a very small holdings or sun hunter sat on the board. A company documents or told the fbi during the june twenty twenty interview according to sources familiar the sources brief fancies, you're on the contents of the fbi generated empty ten. Twenty reform, alleging criminal bribery scheme between then vp Joe Biden and a foreign national than above influence over years policy decisions that form dated june thirtieth twenty. Is the upper edge interview with a highly credible confidential source who till multiple meetings in conversations he or she had with top recent executive over the course of several years, starting in twenty thousand fats usage has not seen. The form is described by several sources were aware of its contents and after ten twenty three is a formula. image by f b, I agents to record unverified reporting from confidential human sources. It's good enough for the ceo last year. Obviously the form is used to document information as told to fbi agent. That doesn't mean that it's been validated or has been fully weight at this point, but the accusation in the empty twenty three says that the breeze my executive discussed hunt
binds rule on the board. You remember that hundred items being paid in extraordinary member may, like fifty thousand bucks a month or something in order to be a consultant charisma given hunter, binds extensive expertise. In natural gas and ukraine as a joke, has no expertise in either of us things. He has his expertise and crack cocaine and an nailing hookers. That's it, then that is his actual areas, expertise under button, but apparent That's gonna get on breeze my board. Why? Because daddy was vp at the time and there are there ve been act. nations going on. I mean this is what underlay your recall. You first impeachment president trump president trump went lawnmowers once he had of ukraine is well before the russian invasion and here, and he asked him essentially to look into accusations that breeze mamma was attempting a pay off to Joe Biden and that in return for off Joe Biden was going to fire. Some prosecutor was looking at breeze, my or pressure a prosecutor be fired in ukraine, whose
in a basement. That's been the longstanding accusation against Joe Biden, the combination In short question: why the breeze my executive needed his or her advice in acquiring access? U S, oil! If you had a hundred by none aboard the breeze, executive answer by referring to hunter Biden as dumb, I mean so far. We know that ten twenty three is accurate hundred Biden is one of the stupider humans walking the earth at this point, despite apparently his massive artistic talent for money laundering, perhaps recent executive explained the confidential source, the breeze monk. What had to pay the buttons, because ukrainian prosecutor the shogun was investigating berries and explained how difficult it would be to enter the us market in the midst of that investigation, the confidential source further detailed, the conversation suggesting to the brougham executive that he pay the Biden's. Fifty and each torch the breeze. My executive replied: it's not fifty grand five million dollars from one bite and five billion for the other biden, apparently the document makes reference to the big guy, which is said to be a reference to Joe Biden, my executive told the confidential source. You didn't go, pay the big guy directly
Your recall that language is highly reminiscent of language that was used in documents between hunter Biden and training investors talking about the split of money to the big guy in another investment and a question always was was the big guy? Is that big guy Joe Biden, your recall that also Joe Biden openly brag about getting victor Shokhin fired, I'm sure it was investigating breeze. My hunter had a highly lucrative role on the board, then vp threatened with hold a billion dollars of quickly a state of shock- and it was not wired member down front- was impeach for attaching supposedly attaching strings ukrainian aid based on their investigation, a breeze ma, and now it appears that Joe Biden and accordingly, allegations basically did the same thing, but was taking actual bribery money and in coordination with it. So. Will this be real, would end up being real unclear at this point, Those allegations are now out their openly and the public byron. Donalds was actually seen the document. These republican from flora
money was being moved through accounts to get to Joe Biden. This document also stipulates that, according to confidential human source, that money was being moved through several accounts, multiple accounts to get to Joe Biden, almost eight again, money was moved or purpose through multiple accounts to get to Joe Biden well If that's true, then I'm that guy's gonna get impeached represent a martyred greenish in the same document makes them more accusations back twenty contains twenty. Sixteen snow was looking, thereby: u s based oil and gas company and Came from being advised by hunter by partners by had taller binding said show
was correct. That was around the time of this meeting was when Joe Biden, as vice president, said that the prosecutor chopin was correct they hired Heiner on the board to make the problem. Go away. That's where they specifically said burned down a brave man said the hunter was stupid and then his other business partner was smart. He I said that he paid five million to one mine and he paid five million to another by and it was all a bribery to get shokhin fire and end the investigation into maurice man. Now that is what the the ukrainian source apparently said. Fox news has another apart from one of its In saying that the document is naturally say, divine received any money that is trying to pay the money so unclear. Whether he was actually received or house actually passed job I was asked about,
needs like well, I'm not going to answer any questions except to just say, where's the money. So here's fox news reporting that money. It's the document doesn't suggested actually passed, hands or anything. Her fox news members of the house oversight committee, were able to view the f b. I ten twenty three document republicans contend. The document points to a legal problem for the president. There's no doubt in my mind that Joe Biden is guilty of bribery. One hundred percent I mean there is two separate transactions, one that went to Joe Biden for five million and one that went hundred biting four five nine dollars. So I mean, if that's not grounds for criminal activity, and I dont know what it is about: a dozen O p members viewed the document in a classified setting at the capital, but a source familiar with the document tells fox quote: the document does not say Joe by received any payments that was binds response
as well he's as where's. The money here was responding. We saw that response where's the money The punch, I'm joking, weird response: dude where's, the money, It is that that is a weird response: no moments. It gives me a bribery I gotta get past has not true. I like where's them Maybe the money is in all those houses you now own and your massive income- or maybe you speak we structured many many companies which the allegation in order pass the money I mean. I assume that we will find out. Will we not in just one second we'll get to Joe Biden attempt to push? forward, radical policy in the middle of a corruption investigation into inverse. Look at your house even upgrading, eight making it look better if the floors repainted the place, but there's still something wrong. You know what that thing. That's wrong is the way the white flows in your house
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It's a fascinating episode of the sunday special here's a little of what it sounds like critical theory is not a bunch of ideas. It is a cult. It is critical. Pedagogy is called indoctrination. There is no other way to see it. We're worried about k through twelve. This is a very different situation. These are children. Children do not think same way as adults. You may forget that when you get older, but they don't, they have an authority figure telling them. These things were not operating in a field of you know, open debate. The marketplace of idea doesn't exist for seven year old. It just doesn't go check it out on sand it will be available go to daily wire dot com. Slash subscribed to see the Thank you also have to listen to it over at our normal feed. Well, meanwhile, as Joe Biden is apparently you're? Always islands are being rejected. We haven't seen any of these documents, yet, as Joe Biden is being accused of open, corruption, while who, as vice president of the united states, is continuing to fight,
a radical gender ideology. So, of course it is primarily the most pride full of all the months I mean can I cannot wait for greed month last month. I think is private. I think they're kind of the same on there. there's a lot of crossover in particular on some of these deadly sins. But in any case pride month Joe Biden was asked about the transfer of the children, and he says it's hysterical and prejudiced not to be in favor of the transfer of the children, says Recently I spoke to the parents of a transgender girl in texas who told me that they are afraid and then added
we're considering lee leaving not just their state but the country, sir. Why do you think this is happening? And what do you say to parents like the ones that I spoke to to those families who are contemplating leaving the country because they don't feel safe anymore? Look as president, I was proud to end the ban on transgender troops and our military shine. The respect for marriage act, strengthen civil rights, protections for lgbt it'll, be gg, americans, events algae bt, human rights around the globe, but our fight is far from over because we have some hysterical and I would argue, prejudice people who are engaged in all. What's new sea going
The country is hysterical and prejudice, not to cut off kids hysterical. Prejudiced must create fair flesh penises for young girls other eyes, America, is this. What george Washington would have wanted. This is, Isn't he bind administration readily? Joe Biden has now painted in anti book ban coordinator as part of the new she beekeepers most, whereby sign protections that he is signed into law via executive order. So, first of all, let us make clear that that the left likes to ban books an awful lot. There are a lot of books had been banned across the nation, particularly in left wing areas. Those books tend to be things like to kill a mockingbird but the The book bans that the job I missed on is that school labourers are not including gender queer, four year olds Well, what you really want is for your local second greater to be able to walk into a school library and see graphic cartoon depictions of angels.
And that's that's really what Joe Biden once I noticed that everybody on the left who constantly talks about these books, bannings that they are unwilling to actually read out loud. The books that they think should not be did from being disseminated school labourers. Also, the banning zone involve prevention of the sale or dissemination of this material in the state or in the city. Did you say that they should be publicly about Annabelle at school libraries for children, which is not exactly a book ban gay but Joe Biden he's now launching Joe Biden is. He is the greatest advocate freedom of speech, is Joe Biden. The only ones been trying and while you're not allowed to disagree with him on on issues like this one, because you're of the prejudice and another grim, but he's so in favor of his speech, so in favor of free speech. So I challenge somebody from the vitamin is ration to get up and read
out loud on camera, while showing the pictures genderqueer and explain why that should be available to nine year olds or fifteen year olds. For that matter, at public expense. I'm going to need explanation, they're, never going to do this. You wonder why? What what effect this is happening? I'll, tell you what the what effect this is happening. Social conservatism in the united states is now at the highest level that it has been since two thousand and twelve should social conservatism is actually on the rise very significant rise in two thousand twenty one, only about thirty percent of americans said that or socially conservative their numbers to thirty eight percent, which is a very satisfactory, significant increase. I wonder why could it be that you guys have pushed too far in your crazy? In fact, there is a new pole from acts. Yos bet surveyed people of different religions, share of eu us adults who say they would be comfortable learning that a friend uses gender neutral pronouns by select religion? So, first of all, let me point out there a single religious denominations in america, where a majority of people say they would
comfortable learning, their friend is using gender neutral pronouns, not one, but it s very widely according to religion, the people who are apparently most okay with a using gender neutral pronouns, our people who say they are jewish, and I find this particularly galling because whenever there is a pole of cornwall jewish people, what they mean our people ethnically jewish, but have never been inside a synagogue orison once a year, so they can hear guitar and see a pride progress lagging then leave for brunch on young people, or, if you survey orthodox, Is there going in those concerned with any of any of these groups is going to be, and two percent three percent right, very, very small numbers, but other religious denominations. Only twenty percent white evangelical process say they be comfortable learning. A friend use gender neutral pronouns. Only twenty six percent of his death protestants overall, so they be comfortable this only thirty five percent of black protestants say they would be comforted there's. Only thirty four percent has been a catholics said they would be comfortable with this, and the left pushed too far too fast on. All of
stuff and they're going to continue pushing and the backlash is going to come by the way it's going to completely undermine us, not just in terms of domestic comedy, but also in terms of foreign policy. The dumbest tweet, maybe I have ever seen, concurs a b morons, the social media team of the cia member this year. It is supposed to be, according to the treaties, all powerful. All knowing ingenious. As you keep us if they put out a tweet, I it's hard to scrap, cuba, dissuaded Zeb picture of these yea headquarters and it has the worry, its colored rainbow and says pride. But the eye in prague It is then used as sort of a crossword puzzle. C I a cia is vertical and pride is horizontal here Okay, because the cia is all about pride. Cia is twenty twenty theme for pride month. First of all, they have themes for pride month. I thought that was the theme, but apparently they have like special teams is, well call me, oh, my god is because, yea is all about. Welcoming you to a black site where we torture is welcome me nothing so
individualism, like the see I it's when you come to express your gender identity. Is the cia? That's where you got your cap. Terrorists and torturing them in site to morocco that that is, that's also a great place to express your gender identity. What is their theme? Wellness equity? I'll, gb, jijiu plus mine, it's right by sign community openness. Me so. First of all, I love their culture celebrates me openly, like as unlike the individual, what is also self centered, narcissistic, idiotic culture and government. We have pride month. Cynical for all of us at the agency to pay tribute to the rich history community admission contributions of our algae, bbq plus mine, is divided by sight officers. Is it yes, Look into the history of this at the cia. It's been various guys gonna an amazing also is there better way to undermine our ability
to gather intelligence in lands abroad, then pushing this crap seriously, just wondering like you what you want to get a pakistani source, a confidential pakistani source, to tell you about an upcoming terror attack or a plan. to secure some sort of territory against the allies of the united states to go to that pakistani muslim, and you like here, I am my name. SAM Britain. I work for the cia and I'm a dude wearing address- tell me all about your terrorist friend. Again, one offer domestic consumption, the cia doesn't promote this abroad and if they did, it would completely undermine our ability to gather intelligence under all our species, because that's how stupid we are. This is that the cia's job, in fact, isn't the government's job at all, but our government doesn't do its job or government isn't even good at it, I've got my job is apparently to prosecute president trump like full brunt of the law and to remote pride progress lies with the cia abroad. Man we're ingrate shape over here. Ok in just one second,
and we are going to get to a supreme court ruling. That was a win for the left because, as it turns out, some of these justices are not in fact supremely on the right. First, this father's day let your dad unleash his inner grill master, whether he prefers a sizzling steak or savory grilled chicken look no further than the gift of meat from our friends over at good ranchers. Good ranchers offers rabbis at new york, strips t bones all natural burgers and all the most delicious chicken you could ever want plus right now get thirty bucks off with our code ben and good ranchers adcom good ranchers also offers a price like guarantee for the next couple of years. Imagine if you could have locked in your price. Two years ago, you'd saved hundreds bucks, not sure how to grill the perfect steak. What if tons of recipes on their website like our favorite, how to cook a steak better than gordon Ramsay, whether your dad is a steak lover or a barbecue enthusiast or just enjoys a good old fashioned burger good renters has something for everyone order today make this father's day a sizzling success head on over to good wrenches dot com use our code ben for thirty bucks off any box. That's promo code ben, a good ranchers, dot com.
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from entering how you draw these districts, it's really questionable it's very difficult to draw districts that are quote unquote objectively, fair because, after all, you have houses on the same street that are divided by like congressional lines. If you look at how new york I did draw it's maps it. It can have snaked around certain areas, people making fun of the design of congressional district for literally years, and the corrective to that is that you elected from people to the state legislature and they shift the gerrymander. This happens literally all the time in Allah, there is no evidence that there is racial animus at work when the state alabama actually drew is lines and in fact the only way to come to the end. The state of alabama did something illegal. Is you suggest that the proper portion of a population racially must be represented by that proportion in congress. Well, that strange is weird case to make, first of all is racially discriminatory because you're not supposed to divide people by race. No one ever make the argument that, because about thirty percent thirty five percent, forty percent of californians vote for republicans forty
Sense of all representatives from California have to be republican re nobles of may I came nobody's ever argued that the congressional representation from massachusetts- needs to represent the inner remembers either their view. Hundred thousand remembers in massachusetts, while they have their rational like no one actually thinks about and rational districts. This way it's it's simple game of peace. Willpower always has been unless you are blatantly preventing people from voting you're, not in violation of the voting rights act, but essentially was argued that, because there was one congressional district that was majority black and it should have been two congressional districts that were majority black, then this must have been avoided. The voting rights act and these supreme court decided in favour of that proposition, which is really weird strange. So the voting majority was John robert, of course. Of course,
and I'm the only conservative america who oppose John roberts for the supreme court when he was first selected and justice brett kavanaugh and again I was very luke warm on kavanaugh, even before the left attacked him over. But honestly, once the left attacked him on bull, crap, rape charges, it became clear that he had to be confirmed just to stop the left from winning and on trumping up nonsense. But I was never a big fan of Kavanaugh. I never thought that cabinet was gonna, be like the great shakes on the supreme court, but both. Then voted along with the three members left to overturn the jury and ring in the state of alabama. The other four conservative justice descended on thursday. justice, clarence thomas as time has had a very brilliant descent. Again, I'm a huge justice, Thomas Mann. I think the justice Thomas is the best justice answering He even was when justice glia was alive, he's the most consistent here, he's the person whose most we are in his analysis, so he says this case not close. The plaintiffs did not prove that Alan
the district in plant imposes or applies any voting qualification or prerequisites, voting or standard practice or procedure that affects a denial or abridgment of the right to vote on account of race or color, and other residents tat black people from voting in terms of a bridge black people from nor are they prove it alabama congressional distress or not equally open participation by black albanians, the plaintiffs and not even prove possible to a to achieve two majority, but MR it without resorting to racial, german or in other words he saying you actually have to purely jury. And on the basis of race, which is illegal under the fourteenth amendment. In order to get to the conclusion, the court to hear that the voting rights rights act requires two black congress. People, essentially you actually, look at race, which is illegal, so if the voting rights act means that you now have to look rachel composition of a particular state and decide that a state that is eleven percent has been has to have eleven percent majority hispanic district- that's illegal allowed to do that under the working amendment would make the voting rights acting legal itself. If that's what you interpreted it the most, they can be the century.
Is it? Sophisticated merrymakers can proportionally allocate alabama congressional districts based on race, in a way that it sees the federal judicial, its ability to recognise, as you, rachel, german or with the naked eye, says justice thomas this record. How held at this showing plus racially polarized voting at its can start view of alabama racial climate was enough to require the states redressed, redistricting plan on the basis of race at that the benchmark for both dilution under section two of the voting rights act, section two, nothing more than a rational entitlement to roughly proportional control of elected of offices limited only by visibility, wherever differential groups consistently prefer different candidates. If that is what section two and the court should hold this unconstitutional it. That's not what it means, but section two applies to district in the court should hold that vote. I wish challenges require erase neutral benchmark that bears no resemblance to unconstitutional racial registers. In other words, you have to come up with another way of drawing districts that has not really
and on racial representation. You have to say, for example, that is specifically drawn to only maximize republican districts at the expense of democratic districts, rents politically drawn and therefore prevents equal protection of the laws or some such at the attempted to draw on racial lines actually violates the constitution of the united states. He cites a case that he that he wrote a dissent in back in back twenty nine years ago, quote, in my view, our current practice. Could not continue not for another term, not until the next case it not for another day the disastrous implicate and of the policies we have adopted under the echo to grab it assembling an hour to the actual damaging to the credibility of the federal judiciary in her intention. Indeed, I call it in europe: unsaleable conflict between the standards we have adopted for evaluating, vote, dilution claims and the text of the voting rights act. What itself efficient, in my view, to warn overruling the interpretation of section to set out, in another case called jingles when that obvious conflict is combined with the destructive effects. Spencer. Reading of the act has had in involving
the judiciary in the project dividing the nation into racially segregated electoral districts. I can see no reasonable alternative to abandoning our current unfortunate understanding of the act and, of course, justice. Thomas is exactly correct about this. The predictable result of all of this is that the the congressional districts at issue will be redrawn. A bunch of probable republican districts end up in the democratic line or least end up his toss up. And, of course, democrats, are immediately claiming that it was because of the gerrymander that republicans won the congressional majority. Not it's, because republicans won a majority of the vote in the last electoral cycle, that that is the reason it's not actually because of gerrymandering. The amount time that we spend in his country, worrying about gerrymandering is wildly disproportionate to the amounts of an evil actually done by gerrymandering in the united states is as a whole, any gerrymandering. That's attempted in new york is generally cancelled out by gerrymandering now of ammo, and vice versa. Ok time for a thing that I like ok, so the thing that I like
as we are now finding out some facts about what exactly happened with regard to one with regard to this canadian fire so we are told there is global warming. Global warming once more varied and global warming, just like fires and random places, generates enormous clouds of smoke that hover over new york city. Well now doubt that probably was arson according to the throne, so when they ve learned that go back police are investigating the possibility of smoke creating poorer. Already in southern ontario and making downtown skylines disappear may have been the result of arson. There's an instigation, because the causes us back said certain to cut back media officer huge bureau screw. Then you up narrative is not made as many headlines its polar opposite to what members on the left have been saying, which is, of course, that it is all about climate change and climate crisis and all the rest prime minister just introduced postponed a friend and former principle secretary general, but streak what the fires are worse because of the conditions in the forest.
Editions are caused by climate change. Well, actually, the conditions are caused by the fact that you didn't clear any of the brush and now turns out that some do problem just at the fire on purpose, so em There is that which we have seen before in places like california, but again never lets facts get in the way of a good story. If you are on the left to time for some things that I hate, Remember that time that everybody was supposed get the change, I shot the colored action day issued emergence use authorization we are told there is perfectly fine about the FDA, has revoked its opposition for Jane J D. Not before many millions of people got the J J shot at. As of your thoughts, the code pants having early two hundred thirty, one million americans have received either one changes shot or two doses of an era in a seen from pfizer or madonna. So most people that pfizer order, but Jane J That was responsible for tens of millions doses affair
with a renewed wave of demand for changing single those vaccine highly unlikely. The pharmaceutical company opted to step away from the covered vaccine field entirely. change told the FDA would not update formulations of a child to confront emerging strange better. That is what matters adviser did instead, so the FDA said because Because you have to understand that the ownership company has requested after withdraw the emergence, use authorization for Jane J Fda is determined. It is appropriate to protect public health or safety, to revoke this authorization Nineteen million shots were administered to people be J and J, so again emergency. One thousand possession was just that and the fact that people lied about it and then they misinformed the government again. If the FDA is supposed to protect you from this sort of stuff, and then they tell everybody else, including people like me that that it's safe and effective, and then you say it's safe enough your lie: do the FDA, lied to people and now they're revoking their emergence, use authorization just amazing, amazing stuff.
One more thing that I hate tonight so Elliot page read, who was Ellen page, is a woman she's, a woman was woman, Well now we are finding out the full story of how Elliot page discovered that she was a he and it just demonstrates full scale how horrifying the trans movement is because elliot page, nay, Ellen page is a very disturbed did you call this a person where serious problems in an expos a yellow? Amy Kaufmann. Report that at the height of the government in crisis this according to bounding into comics pages to a cabinet, canadian forests by herself and started to crack kaufman reveal this crack. Turning to fall blown self harm, as pig tried to knock yourself out, took her knuckles to her face and pound over and over until bruises formed the self harmless, reportedly done because of all of hatred. She'd been pushing down for years. That is comfort. She felt in her body the anger toward those who had told her to repress her identity. But then she heard a voice, saying you: don't it
feel this way page windows. If something in my brain turned around the agonizing, I know you're not know just can't switch switch and became very gentle. Nothing! Oh, maybe I'm friends! Why aren't I explore that within weeks page schedule the video consultation with a doctor, disgust self mutilation, pigeon that out schedule the mutilation procedure with november two thousand and twenty page paid twelve grand to a canadian clinic on December. First, twenty twenty page claimed that now she was a he. So this is apparently her bashing herself in the head. Apparently, she had started restricting calorie smashing her head with a hair brush cutting or shoulder with a knife and attending. When pale herself on a bed frame at sixteen years old to self harming at sixteen and then apparently shoes, opposition by reverend sexually assaulted by a grip and then apparently also sexually assaulted by a crew member ensures problem by a member of the film staff of hard candy, so after bashing resolve in the face with a fist.
And then hearing voices she decided she was trans, yes, clearly, the pro clearly the solution to this. Mental health problem is to carve a fake flesh, penis and sew it yourself and cut out your healthy breast tissue. Clearly, that's the answer. If the problems with the breast tissue and with that and with the vagina, the problem is not obviously with any sort of mental health issue Here perversity argues the rest. They show continues right now, you're not going to miss. It will be joint, unlike my Jim. Can diesel and timid ballard tim's spend more decade working as a special agent for de age, as is his job to police, child sex tourism, stop it. Jim plays him. A new movie called sound of freedom. If you're, not a member, become a member use code, shapiro checkout for two months- parental annual plans, click that link in the description and join us the
Transcript generated on 2023-06-11.