« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1738 - Elon Saves Twitter -- AGAIN


After Twitter visibility limits “What Is A Woman?” for supposed misgendering, Elon Musk steps in to restore free speech standards; Joe Biden falls down at the Air Force Academy graduation – but are we allowed to laugh or not?; and the Biden economy is petering out.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
After twitter visibility limits. What is woman for supposedly miss gendering elon musk steps restore free speech standards. Joe Biden falls down at the air force academy. Graduation but are we loved laugh or not, and the Biden economies petering out alleged services of inferior? today shows belgium expressly bia you like a weapon. We're being seen insulting advertisers no mean either inexpressive, yet right out expressly peons icons. I've been so yes Confusion reigned over at twitter. We had made a deal originally with twitter that we're going to have a dedicated twitter space to premier publicly. What is a woman out from behind our what was the one year anniversary of the release of Matt washes transformative documentary, what woman the most important doc free maiden america in the last ten years goes through all of these transgender. again has led to a mass movement in order to ban
surgical mutilation of children on behalf of the transit ideology and all the rest, and our plan was that we're going to release that on a dedicated twitter events. Page was going to then be promoted and twitter went along with that. They were perfectly happy to do it, and then they watched the movie and they came back at us and they said. Not only are we not going to do that? We are also going to throttle any attempt to post anything from the film we're going to put visibility filters on it and we said wait hold up a second you're telling me that you on mosque bought this service from forty four billion dollars to free. The Babylon b is of abolition, basically been banned from twitter for the great sin of saying that men are not women and women are not men and and musk bought the service in order to restore speech standards, as he himself told Seth Dylan from Babylon me? and yet you are telling us that there are going to be hateful content. Visibility limitations put on what is a woman for suppose it miss gendering isthmus, generally, part of the policy. What exactly is the policy and over the course of history? As we prepare to release what is woman publicly on twitter, it was totally unclear
What exactly was going to happen? If we had seen a few preview quit The man had released immediately, been hit with visibility limits. You could not. You literally could not retweet. You could not share them, they are clearly being throttled, and so we went to. Elon musk. Can we ask what's the deal with this pretty publicly german boring delaware, ceo co, founder of company here, Hope you, I must, will reconsider its awful policy. If we can debate these issues on twitter, where can we debate them if consumers are well? on twitter, where they welcome. It's unlikely sensibility normal come along to offer an alternative, so you must replied. He said this a mistake by many people on twitter. It is definitely allowed whether or not you agree with using someone's prefer now is not doing so. Is it most rude and certainly breaks no laws? I should know that Personal use, someone's preferred pronouns just say you summons, preferred name simply from the standpoint of good manners. However, for the same reason, abject ruby, hey ostracism or threats of violence of the wrong pronoun or name is used case out
I they disagree with elon musk about publicly using someone's quote, unquote preferred pronouns, because that gives credibility and credence to a false statement about reality. It's one thing to tell people who you love what they want in private. It's another thing to publicly embrace falsehood, but Put that aside, he had essentially said right there that it was a mistake, but then last night it appeared that it was not a mistake, because when we actually premiered the movie, when we put it up, it was totally on clear whether it would actually be free or not, because immediately visibility limitations were placed on the film, and what does woman was absolutely stopped, was blacklisted, so it start running twitter yesterday in the afternoon and boom. It was gone immediately. you on had issued a statement that was pretty unclear about exactly was happening, Matt Walsh, tweeted at him yesterday, for the response. To this mean we can pose the film of the full region, everything else we agreed to also the what does woman Frankie's disappearing from the trends list is still blacklisted. Anyone rode back you'll, be advertising restricted as advertisers
The right to decide what content their ads appear with, which will impact reach to some degree. and so it was completely unclear what that meant. What what does it mean if advertisers dont want to appear next to a particular thing shouldn't that restricts where the advertisers appear, not where mats content appears or where our content, appears this kind of strange to suggest that if buddy he doesn't want to be associated with what is woman, that what is woman is, four downgraded in terms of its reach and ask them progress in as we have cleared, the visibility limitations were still on the release of what is women? There's a water below back for twitter and allow blow back for you on particularly saying. Ok. Well, you said there is a free flatworm. What's the deal, why can't I share the movie? Ok, so as of the morning of friday, eight june. Second, and then changed. So suddenly, the visibility limitations were gone. You can now ratio we and share to anybody in your feed the film, and not only that, must then went personally onto
twitter, feed any tool out. Every parent should watch this, which is an amazing thing, it suggested last night that the movie would benefit from the circle. tracy and effect. The structure and effect is named after barbarous rice, and there is a famous incident in which a random photographer had taken a picture of the cap. when a coastline, it included her house? Nobody knows her house and say he put that photo mine, and she immediately sued to have it taken down and suddenly millions of people knew the photo was unwilling to start looking at pictures of her house was the so called straight manufacture he suggested last let there be a strike, an effect to This in many many more people would see the movie specifically because of the controversy surrounding movie, and that is undoubtedly true, but thanks to you and mosque for doing that now, do we still need clarifying? so what twitters actual policies are we do is miss gender. So covertly part of their policy, we don't know what is their advertiser policy is
their actual reach restriction on stuff. That is not what is woman, it doesn't becomes public view. In other words, let's assume these. It seems to be the case that you on he will step in, and you will stop this stuff when crops up but part of the problem here I assume, is that iwan was in china when the cat away Cat is way than the mice play middle management. The circle deep state doesn't exist inside Agencies very often exist inside companies themselves, you seen this in a wide variety of corporations to take massive hit, so it's possible. There are still people who are more twitter or, like you know what I don't know, We want once so I'm gonna err on the side of wilderness automobile, You know anyone wants, I'm still going to err on the side of weakness. so hopefully there'll be some more sort of concerted standards that come out of all of this for twitter, but suffice it to say that musk eventually got to the right conclusion, and that's a very good thing, because there really was a serious question as virtually all day yesterday, as whether twitter was simply going to be
the old rules under new management and elon has made clear that that is not the case. We dank obviously elon musk for doing that right now. Today we are making the entirety of what is women available to you should go check yourself and watch the film again. As I say, it is the most important document for the last ten years has transformed the entire conversation surround the mutilation of children and the entire conversation around whether american society ought to go, with a lie. The men can be women and women can be met again, just one. Second, we are going to get to the latest with Biden whose literally falling down on the job first, it takes a special kind of companies, a partner with this shows. You mentioned a lot of advertising every skittish about tartarin, with shows that a controversial but true things you're talk is not one of those companies. They are happy to partner with us because they stand with our values, which means we're happy to stand behind your talk. They make a pass for me to get him bring effects. Logic untruth every single day peer talk. My This is why the values now walsh, michael moles, kenneth, collins, Jordan Petersen, there s a daily warehouse, that's what we made, then the official
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where you headed over to pure talk, dot com, slash Shapiro right now. Are you currently enjoying the show on the stitcher app? Then you need to know. Stitcher is going away on august, twenty nine yep going away as in conflict, gone dead, rest in peace, stitcher and thanks for fifteen years of service to the podcast community, so switch to another podcast app and follow the show their apples spotify or wherever you listen. Ok! So meanwhile Joe Biden that you role- Joe Biden worthy reelected you'd be eighty six when he left office, which is you know, four five, six years beyond american life expectancy. So yesterday Joe Biden was doing is that use speaking at the us air force at me. Graduation is babbling, as for his usual arrangement.
the oval office, my office with twelve leading me, eight lady sign is the area they are Some are very worrying day I can actually over take. You would think even plan, so we got a lot to do. What does he time manner Maybe we are there I do I if there's candidate for neural link, our president is probably at the top of the list, but that was his only viable of the afternoon. The big headline from the afternoon is that Joe Biden fell over again so soon, just wigan a stationary bike falling over he's a pretty hard fall right here, so he is trying to walk off the stage Barely he trips on a sandbag of some sort and he goes down pretty hard at the
he goes down hard and then he tries to get up and he's having some trouble like getting to his feet. He has to have like two three other people held them up to his feet, ass, to have secret service jump up and help him to his feet. Right there myself, this raises the question: are we loud laugh or are we not allowed to laugh so the z binary question? The reason I ask the question is because we are being told by the media simultaneously that the man is hale, healthy, fit and ready to go and also you're not allowed to laugh when he falls down, which is not accurate. It was put it this way my wife and I have a bit of an arrangement in our house. If I, above my head the normal reaction, that I'll get is that you will laugh hysterically if I bought my head requires stitches, because I'm bleeding then another, and this is true for pretty much all the people. You know inherently when people fall down. It's funny. when people get seriously hurt and it is no longer funny. So here is the problem. If you say the Joe Biden is just ready to go, he's ready, physically able and down on all stages,
in the same way that it's funny, when any other president falls down on a stage. If, however, you recognise the reality, which is the Joe Biden, the fragile elderly gentleman and then he could have fallen down and broken a hip and that could have begun his decline to to the coffin. Then it's really not very funny right. And so the immediate response the media is prevailing because there are many, Science is not always net funny, oh, what a foible their me response was: oh, my god Well scary, while it's a little scary, maybe he shouldn't be the president of the united states he's eighty years old, because again, as I said, the media have no problem mocking living hell out of people or a hale and healthy when they fall Yeah gerald ford famously in the nineteen seventies, was the president of the united states and he fell down. A flight of of airline stairs is coming off the stairs of air force one and he fell down and remember gerald ford. Is that not not only was he sort of in the prime of his life
not in old man when this happened. Gerald ford was probably the most athletic president we've ever had in the history of the country. He was literally an all american for university of michigan football, so he fell down the stairs and here's. What that looked like for president fold, the years seemed full of snacks. In june he fell down the plane steps on arriving in Austria. but a whole lot more serious with Israel needs to address in a rage, raining slippery and he fell down and he immediately gets rebecca, and then he moves shake the hand of the person who he is supposed to meet. This became endless fodder for chevy chase on Saturday night live In fact, many people believe that was chubby, chasers, ridiculously stupid, impression of gerald ford that basically lost him. The president who's a very close reelect effort for gerald ford and nineteen. Seventy six against Jimmy Carter and one of the key factors. People think, is the widespread person from that. For was ridiculous figure promoted by people like chevy chase me. is literally became goober famous because he would pretend to fall down like over.
Over and over? Let's get efforts, get efforts, it's gonna snow Gerald ford fell down in the rain, got immediately back up, you see it. And this became the fodder for like months at a time for chevy chase falling down and non funny fashion by the way. the I know a fellow he's drink using an empty, lacks massachusetts and every other primary, and I know he is going to win and ideas any other competition right up to the end of nineteen. Seventy six. Thank you. and if I don't win
She glanced happening on Israel there now for my second announcement. She fell down like once some from an endless. endless fodder for cheap laughs from from chevy chase you. But again he was sixty one years old when he took office as president of the united states in nineteen seventy four by the time the election, he was sixty three. Seventeen years junior to Joe Biden, endless mockery, endless mockery and it wasn't just tributaries. You remember that dumb donald trump, when you president of the united states and whose significantly younger at that point, then Joe Biden has now hear it. This is june fourteenth twenty twenty He was walking down a ramp at west point because he was afraid. Was slippery and say walk down sort of gingerly down the ramp. You'll. Remember this
basing their ran. Pretty slowly round is remarkable because obviously he's not he's not gonna go now library and according the media went viral and social media raised questions about health they raised questions about it, how can you went down a ramp slowly at west point? Not only is it a raise questions the entire late night team marked, over the ramp right it was it was. It was a laugh, a minute over the ramp Here's, the entire late nineteen doing that very slowly, tippy tapping down the ramp tentatively like he's, walking, barefoot on sharp rocks or maybe the bone spurs, are acting up. Yeah apparently trump was a little sensitive about the incident because he then tweeted The rent that I descended was very long and steep had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery final
feed. I ran down to level ground momentum. Yet that's about the only momentum. Trump has right now. for a guy who constantly talks about how tough he is. He sure walks like a baby dear on frozen pon. What is wrong with him? A rap can't be both along and The the longer a rap is the less steep it gets. It was a slip and slide using the west point. Ramp was a slip and slide. It was very treacherous ramp coated with oil littered with banana appears now we know why he launched his twenty sixteen campaign coming down an escalator if it had been a wrap. He'd. Still we coming down. Ok, so bad writing, but it remember it was endless: endless, mockery, endless fodder, endless fodder. Your excellency into second, no one make fun of Joe Biden when he falls down, which suggest a few things in the media have a massive double standard that, when a republican does something
is clumsy or awkward. It becomes fodder for literally years when Marco rubio is still mocked for having had a bottle of water. In the middle of the speech in like two thousand and twelve for years, they continued to play this idiotic game. So, yes, or and or they are afraid of, mocking Joe Biden over this, because he is an eighty year old man who felt him we'll get to that momentarily first picture the perfect summer night. The kids aren't. Really bugging me for change. The dog is behaving everything's, great, the families over for bbq, the girls should be sizzling with delicious food, but, alas, a propane tank. The propane tank curses upon it. It is empty, and this is where our friends at cinch come in synch is a propane, grill tank homes, delivery service? They deliver propane tanks directly to your door on yours. actual they don't require any long term commitment or subscription, plus deliveries completely contact free. You have to wait around at home. I tracked the order and synch app from anywhere the perfect summer night. It will not be complete without that working propane tank and you can't get that without synch, go to synch dot, com or download the synch, app and use promo code shapiro get your first tank.
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those emerald heart, and then currently on his way off the air force one he also bumped his head. But let me follow that either researcher Four fell down like a wet flight of stairs like three stairs endless, mockery down front involved, went down a ramp slowly and gingerly endless mockery. Joe Biden is like The three stooges combined is poking himself in the eyes of both of his both of his fingers and then is walking directly into cream cream pies, most slipping on banana appeals and falling over and like don't, laugh, don't laugh because that could be like an angel. I know to be eliminated man, I'm not laughing so much so here was Joe Biden yesterday, spawning to falling down. the you do look out for vitally is, as you said, he the law jumped step right. There did looks like re run, a marathon or, alternatively, when he did it
we'll jumps about one, the president! Now don't do it don't do it Joe met my favorite part of quebec, Italy is when he actually falls down the original club. He starts pointing back at the sandbag, a girl goods. It's her tribute jumped out at Bibi, jumped around a bit me the sandbag. It's it's pretty. It's pretty good perk up again just so. We can see him actively and actively pointing at the sandbag that On the floor and is in fact, his hand, bag and apparently had jumped out and bit him again, boomerang goes down Mozart. Cheering you're, not gonna, get here He gets up in his can appoint back, look it's assigned by geared fitted the sun, bragged. Ok, Sherlock! You detected the culprit. Well done there from the present If the united states, while the republican candidates responded Donald trump responded last night same
I hope he wasn't hurt, which is a pretty good. He just fell on what stage he's at the air force academy. He actually fell down. Well, I hope it was hey, I hope it was it has. But it's the whole thing is like the whole thing is crazy. You gotta be careful about that. You gotta be careful about that, because you don't you don't want that. Even if you have to tip toed down a ramp, he got the Credit granted from india did still has in a maiden sense of humour, and meanwhile This anti responded as well to debate and falling over now he did see. I think a lot of people saw he had a fall at this air force. A van- and you know I I I don't know fees sustained injuries, but I just want to say that we hope I wish yo buying a swift recovery from any injuries he may have sustained. But we also wish the united states
Erica swift recovery from the injuries it sustained because of Joe Biden has policies there as well. already in just one secular and get to the failure of europeans policies. First, get a better night's sleep by ball and blanche, as you know, not getting a lot of sleep lately. The baby number four are now suffering through a cold. It is just like the sleep quality is not amazing, except that bull and branch makes it possible for me to sleep at all. So here's the thing once you've slept in embrowned sheets or is bomb branch. Privacy really are kind of ruin for all of the price of meat and bone branch and has for years on end to make the world a best reasoning. Maison, blankets as well, and once you slept on those you really like how do you substitute uk yet, which is why we got rid of all of our other sheets over the blankets. We only use bolin branch at this point and brand sheets are made from the finest one two percent organic cotton threads on earth, if you'll buttery to the touch the super readable their purpose of color and more months, their signature, him sheets were made with threads so luxurious that they have been slept on by three. U s, presence there made without pesticides.
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mansion of west Virginia, who is in a very rough reelect battle right now in west virginia, probably with Jim justice, the current governor west virginia john test of montana, who of course in a very red state, but it's a blue senator and christians, of arizona who is now a registered independent. All three of those voted with republicans on the final passage vote, as well as the motion to take up the measure only a simple majority of senators were needed to pass legislation and send it to Biden's desk. The white house warned that Biden would veto the resolutions just to be clear. What's happened here is the Joe Biden usurp power from the legislative branch they passed a law saying you can't do that now he's going to veto it it'll end up at the supreme court and he'll end up losing, but it is a slap in the face to him. Meanwhile, how ridiculous is this administration? Here's articles. This administration is hundred Biden whose currently under investigation for violation of a variety of was up to and including gun laws will now hundred Biden. My misgivings is to become a a gun advocate, according to political hundred, could soon find itself in a surprising position at the cutting edge of the fight to strengthen the second mended.
the president's son is the target of a justice department investigation scrutinizing his purchase of a gun in two thousand eighteen, a time when he had said he was regularly using crack cocaine, federal law bans, drug users from owning guns, but the constitutionality of what is new in question after a supreme court press hands down. Over a year ago, his lawyers have told the deal J that is charged with don't cry. they'll challenge law under the second amendment. So suddenly, the presidency is going to have to file a lawsuit, broaden the second amending in order to avoid being prosecuted by the g o j on charges of really obtaining a gun to soak slow, opera hunter Biden, who has done nothing but make trouble for his father and his father's administration. Meanwhile, president, by himself has taken up the mantle of pride month use the use, the elected pope of the holy month of pride, obviously, and has put out a statement and his statements has got today. Our nation faces another inflection point in two thousand twenty three,
and state and local legislators have already introduced over six hundred heedful laws targeting the algae b d. You I plus it is by certain community books about algae beating, you I plus mine, is divided by certain people are being banned from libraries that there is not a book banned by the way saying that a a seven year old should not be able to access boxing. Boys are girls. It's not a book ban, transgender youth and over a dozen states have had their medically necessary healthcare banned, and this is Joe Biden coming out however, the transit of the kids. It is now medical, That's very healthcare to chop the penis off a fifteen year old boy in order to pretend that he is a girl, homophobic and transfer. The vitriol spewed online has spilled over into real life, has armed hate groups, intimidate people at pride marches and dragged performances and threatened doctors and children's hospitals that offer care to the elderly bt q. I plus minus divided by sign community again that that right there that notion that these hospitals offer care children's hospitals. That is deeply disturbing, medically necessary care. So Joe Biden is fully on the side of the
perverse transit of the children once amazing about that is even Democrats are not in favour of this sort of stuff dubai maybe at the bleeding edge of this. Apparently, literal bleeding edge of this, considering the surgical procedures that are utilized to mutilate kids, but even Democrats are not in favor of this new poll from Rasmussen asked quotes the states have recently passed legislation making it illegal to perform sex change. Surgery, minors, you approval approving such was so forty six percent of all- american city strongly approve another. Sixteen percent say that they somewhat approved between sixty we're percent of americans struggle, are somewhat approve. Another eight percent are not sure, which is seventy two percent of the public, which you do not, somewhat approves are strongly approves of laws to ban this sort of stuff. Only twelve percent somewhat disapprove. Only eighteen percent strongly disapprove What are those numbers among democrats? Among democrats, at least fifty six percent of Democrats say that they approve in for more fashion of laws banning sex change, surgeries on minors, another nine
since I do not know what reason. we're all the way up to sixty five percent, only thirty five percent, a democrat. If they approve of sex change, surgeries on minors being legal but Joe Biden, running directly for those people, which is an amazing thing, the ideological capture of the democratic party by the pride problem coalition is something to behold, and this is a sixty forty matter in the united states. Americans are not up for this. It was one thing when the gay pride movement was made the case, leave us alone strewn want in the privacy of our own bedrooms. That was like an eighty twenty per fishermen most marathons again. I don't see why the government has anything to do with what you do in your bedroom, but that changes real fast. We are talking about. Let us trans, the kids, what does propaganda eyes to children that all forms of sexual fermentation are equally moral. Then people start to have a problem but is being promoted, by the administration bring much everywhere every year. Now we have the this. The obama administration did before putting a pride progress flag for month of june, the holy mother june at outside.
was embassy at the vatican they literally put out at the vatican. I don't see them doing this and by the way in saudi arabia. I don't see them doing it in in any muslim country, indonesia that, like nowhere, that the basic rule is that you can be as nasty to christians as you want, because christians are actually tolerance those two islamic regimes, presumably well People over to take down the flag U s embassy at the vatican said during the month of june, the american flag celebrates pride month really does all of america celebrate pride month. I didn't realize that it was like an official american policy that is worth celebrating. Okay, there's a difference again between tolerance of people who are doing a thing that you don't put together like and celebration of the thing itself, but are not the same thing. No any durable society is any durable society for all human history is rooted in simple basic biology. Man plus woman equals child all of it, heterosexual, fair,
we formation must be normative in any durable society, of course, want to incur men and women to marry one another and have babies. That is how society propagates itself. These are the emotional little platoons that actually provide the supporting basis for society. When you have an entire month dedicated to pride in backing the norm into in overthrowing the norm in pretending that the noise doesn't exist that society should be added that is about whether the norm exists. You undermine the norm and what you end up with is more, but when you subsidized behavior, you get more of it, and when you as a society, decide that the norm itself more. Be destroyed on behalf of toleration and acceptance that those aren't enough, you need a celebration When went when you had the norm, and then you had the marginalized and when the marginalized such destroy the norm and there's no more nor many more what you end up with a societal. And that's what you're saying in the birth rate in the west. We talk about this yesterday. It's really an amazing.
thing to watch as the united states american government slaps, the vatican, like the catholic church for the rebellion adherence directly across the face by flying a pride progress, propaganda flag outside the vatican. They say quote: we stand with the algae beating you, I plus community, against discrimination, other forms of persecution due to who are an whom they love to get all of this is is a lie. If you claim the remember of the opposite sex or not you're, not we're not celebrating who you are we're celebrating, who you pretend to be? Not only that when you say who you love I assume that the left has some restrictions on that I soon left does not pay. Of say incest, for example. Maybe there may that's an ex step here, but this has to be propagated by the entire cultural to nanny. As I say, which is why, of course, we have to pretend, along with absolute lies. Glamour magazine in the uk, now features for pride progress, man, a trans, pregnant man, logan round
ok, now the normal have when we are breaking news. Women get pregnant because looking round his check because logan pregnant and I can tell logan trick because she's pregnant you know what does at present, people with no uterus and prostate. Does everybody pregnant, you know who does get pregnant. Sometimes people start taking their testosterone long enough to get pregnant in their uterus right that that would be that, a glamour magazine in the uk is pretending that men can get pregnant now. So yet it we win. Have arnold schwarzenegger on the cover of junior with danny devito to veto. Getting getting pregnant, did the end and and we're gonna pretend that this is a worrying pretend this the pregnant man We ve broken all bounds of biology. British glamour So continued national posted more on logan brown, and it's not it's not ideal The glamour met logan two weeks before he gave birth to his daughter. Nobody to talk about queer love, gender.
Exploring and navigating the nhs as a pregnant, transgender man, that's a chick who just had her breasts removed. That's all! That's all! That's having right there and good luck to back. Had men and it's gonna be a hell of a life. Meanwhile, sesame street is propagandizing to the youth of america, where everybody who pretended is just about privacy of what you do in your own. Bedroom was lying. There long is that propagandizing to your youth, that all forms of sexual experimentation and orientation are equally moral and at the height of you, identity lies in where you wish to put your genitals, so here they are promoting it to children. This is sesame street. It's made for three year olds alone. I wanted to share that. Everyone is always welcome, and that's me straight this month and every month we want to uplift and celebrate our energy. They take you. I a plus family friends and communities very demonstrate family.
and I love you almah. My love is organised and there that forced me to ask what kind of love is happening on sesame straight now in love is love guys, it's elmo, promoting to the young children better. What can you, girls, girls can be boys and all forms of sexual activity are equally moral though, but little league is promoting garbage. Little league like where you send your kids play baseball promoting this quote here. Everyone is included in place the same game hash team, one little league are ya? sure that all the other, the so called trans kids they would we will. We have to make sure that there are of course, they're targeting the It was always part of the program and the lie that it was not part of the program. It was the only way that the lgbtq I plus minus, divided by Xy movement, was able to make progress in the united states on their own behalf, that ally simpler way, there's been a why we just want the price see and our bedroom. No, you didn't We want civil unions, know what you want
in such matters, and I will leave you alone. No, it turns out nope is that what you actually wanted to do was destroy. Hetero normativity knows that word means in southern, been able to get away with it or they actually want to do is substitute an entire world view for another entire review and then promoted your kids. That's what they actually want an get very offended by the way. If you stop them from doing this, so you take, has now emerged from a teachers. some sort of teaching event in which a woman named m victoria hunt was talking to teachers in florida, and their time at the fear they feel informed because for us, as they are not allowed to teach sexual
annotation or gender identity to watch the kids and they're talked about how terrible this is. How awful here we go. No one is teaching your kids to be gay. Sometimes they just are gay. I have math to teach. I literally don't have time to teach your kids to the air, even if I cared enough to I don't so, then why are you protesting really, so I upset I notice you upset. Why are you upset? You would really say you don't have time to teach them to be gay and they are not interested in teaching them to be a non interest in teaching about it. So then, why are you upset we say we are not allowed to do it already in just one second will get to the incipient economic. Degradation is about to happen under the bush administration. Some stats cannot yesterday that are pretty bad from my administration. First, if you ever buzz? Is you need to plan ahead? One of us wasted that is by using stamps dot, com, mail and ship samsa com. Lets you put your own postage, shipping levels directly from your home office. It's ready go in minutes to get back to running your business sooner stamps outcome, Of his rage, you can't find anywhere else like up to eighty four percent off
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the economy under Joe Biden, is stagnating there revised numbers that just out from the bureau of labour statistics, and I gotta say it's kind of stunning to basically we relied you again. So there are a bunch of previously published statistics talking about wage increases in Joe Biden's haven't been out there really pumping up the wage increase on all wages, wages under my version of resin average annual. Ah, no, so the previously published real hourly compensation increases. This would be the the in present changed from the previous quarter at the annual eyes rate in fourth quarter. Twenty twenty two, the previously published step, an increase in real hourly compensation was zero point, seven percent for non farm business and one point. One percent for business. here's the hourly compensation, the real hourly compensation right, inflation adjusted now they revised it. There were off by five point four percent
the actual real hourly competition was negative. Four point: seven percent not positive point. Ten percent negative four point: seven percent there off by five point were present in their original estimate of real hourly invitation for increase in wages in fourth quarter of twenty twenty two They said it was one point: one percent is actually negative. Four point: three percent same thing in non financial corporate positions. Data important cretin. Wigs one point: six percent, the actual numbers negative at three point: two percent in manufacturing mating dates an increase in wages of zero point six percent, the actual real, hourly. Compensation was down four point, one percent, these numbers suck they are bad the wages are coming down in the reason the wages are coming down is because both inflation and the fact that people are are not giving people as many labour as many wage increases in the region doing. That is because people are just investing
Nobody sees this economy. Doing anything but stagnating over the course of the next couple of years. Everyone knows this. I talk to people in finance, overtime and everyone is quite easy, which presumably is why the federal reserve is now preparing to skip its jude rate rise rate rise the reason there doing. That is because they are afraid of slowing the economy too. Much now do they need to increase the rate. Of course they need to increase the rate. The inflation rate in the country is still five percent. It's two and a half times what they're supposed to be aiming at they're supposed to be aiming at a two percent inflation rate is currently clocking in at five. when something but they're not increasing the interest rates to tempt down the inflation. Why? Because they're afraid that if they do it's going to tip the economy over the cliff, according to the wall street journal federalist, official signalled their increasingly likely to hold interest rate steady at their june meeting before preparing to raise them again later this summer. Now, why? What? What is the point of that investors in recent days had expected the fed would lift rates at its meeting in june promising to policy Acres wednesday to publicly underscore their preference to forego a high
barring sizzling jobs report on friday. that strategy would give officials more time to study the economic effects of the fed's. Ten consecutive prior rate increases right now. The rates range between five and five point: two five percent- that as a sixteen year high fed Refilled jefferson's had a decision to hold our policy rate. Constant and upcoming coming meeting should not be interpreted to mean we have reached the peak rate for this and why are you waiting? Why are you waiting for palace have become a long way in policy. Tightening the stance of policy is restrictive. We face uncertainty about the lagged effects of our tightening so far about the extent of credit tightening from recent banking stress it. came up. All this is doing is creating chaos and uncertainty in the markets. Of course, it's absolutely unclear where people are putting their money. And this means the banks- are really wary about giving out small business loans. Liquidity is beginning to dry. Up now was an as an investor. I work for their markets. I love bear markets on a personal level, bear markets or people make them. It's. Where you make your car
if the basic idea is by low so high, when in general, best malevolent like benjamin gran level, then The way that you do this as you wait for a bear market, then you buy up everything in sight and then you sell when it's actually a bull market. People invest wrong, intend to wait for a bull market. Then the stocks are running up and they're like oh, I don't want to miss out and then they buy. That's not when you do it when the market goes down. That is when you buy especially particulars, ass to have good underlined business, bona fide ease their meal, one those opportunities available. You can just ended dollar cost averaging we're just keep money into the market every single every single month? And if you do that and your basic gonna live out the low times and you're going to be able to survive the high times as well, but put out The devices I ve just second, the reality is that so now tightening their lending standards, largely because they ve what the hell is going on. The interest rates are really high right now, the highest and sixteen years, maybe like I'd overnight rate and then beyond that you have inflation rates that are super Perhaps what do they do with their money and illegal cables? Leave it here.
There is no reason for us to lend this thing out, because we don't think we're gonna see a rate of return that is equivalent to us just buying bonds. Right now, for example, some on those are finding it more difficult to get a new loan or had existing equipment. according to the wall, street journal's other others report stricter terms, higher borrowing costs longer wait and tougher questions from their bankers and isolating more conservative said brok, Hutchinson, chief executive officer of big frog, it maker. Of course drink, where, in north sue city, south dakota, things are taken up tougher stance in higher interest rates have prompted that's. What is forcing companies to delay play ray new three million dollar building with warehouse in office space. The economy is going to slow it's going to slow because we know did the economy too much. Now we are seeing the downside of that hill. This was bound to happen Meanwhile, the white has maintaining their doing an amazing job. Here. Is the white house staffer around rama morty? Is a member of the national economic council say
no job, I haven't done anything to quash business. Things are going very guns. I won't be clear about something which is that the present put in place incentives for companies to invest america and what we have seen over the last two years is four hundred and eighty billion dollars of pledged private investment in american manufacturing, the american production, whether its and semi conductors, or it said in a clean energy production. Here at home, the idea that the president's agenda has been restrictive to business investment is not based in reality. I think what the present has done is made america very good place for companies to invest in companies that have their choice of which country all across the world to invest in our choosing, for the first time, in many cases to invest in it erica? Ok, that is such a lie and if you, to anyone in the financial industry. They know this is a lie. According to the wall, street journal lending conditions for companies, consumers and real estate developers tightened this spring to levels not seen since the height of the coven pandemic
the flow of cash, and while she was already slowing this winter, recent turmoil in regional banks made it worse wrangling. if the debt ceiling has ratcheted up the risk, but we avoided that ceiling and it's still going to be really really tight out there. The slowdown as a consequence of the but our reserves, interest rate hiking campaign against inflation, all of which was riven again. by overspending by the centralized american government I'll get meanwhile Conversely, just answer trace continues to heat up again, it's it's a matter of entertainment and charisma, verses policy, hard headed, This is what this re seems to be coming down to so Donald trump atoms. a rather active at twenty four hours. He was. He was asked about the fact that since its head he's going to serve to terms, whereas trumps only eligible for one term and from then suggests that. He doesn't actually need to terms, as president fix everything he needs about thirty seven seconds, and you know one of our opponents. They were. they were out there saying that we can be there eight years and it takes eight years now. It takes six months to fix it or less
If you have to have you have to rely, you have to rely on. Somebody needs eight years, the fix it then. These One guy he's the wrong. You don't need you dont need for years either and then you're handed, if you do a great job ahead enough to someone with our values for another, eight years or four years or whatever it is. he's going around saying, oh well, I can serve for eight years. It takes eight years to fix it. No, he made a big mistake of his hands his proper sponsor. That was so. Why did you do it remember that It would be the proper response when he was the president for four years. It's kind of weird to say you can fix it all in six months, when you are the president for four years, and not only did you fail to fix it, the deep state then had deeply damaging applications for your administration from them call. This answer stupid, which again-
payment value, but I'm not sure like what this means change his name in the middle of the election. You don't do that you do it before or after, but ideally you don't do it at all. I liked it before anyway. I liked his name better before I don't like the name change who we tell him that, but most people don't know what I mean. No, it's actually sort of changed the name. Let's say the labelling, they college once a syllable name, but we are doing really well we're just up on everybody of people. Come into the race, you know they're pulling at one percent two percent- I don't know what they're doing that they must know something. That's they're, not very some are stupid. I know. Actually some of em are pretty stupid. So symbolic is not a word. Just gonna pointed out right there. Does it mean syllabic very mean syllabic and then from this, again, there's an odd move from I understand it. He he's attacking the word woke, so trump himself has used. The word woke to describe his opponents many many many times, but now because de santis has said that
basically, Florida is where wolk comes to die and he sort of made it his brand. Now trump is saying he does No work means you're from well weft, MR president, you just have to say I did a good job when I was the present. I should be president again. People don't want to be president because they know that I'm going to do a good job again, that's pretty much. The accent I'm not sure why we're moving left to cut off the use of the word woke now I'm sick and I don't like the term work. As I hear work, work work, you don't suggest a term that use have the people can't even defined it. They don't know what it is. Well, I mean why don't you liked it, but now then it's a left wing attack. then finally trump yesterday he he suggested that he was because of covert, which is true covered that there's no christian Democrat change, the rules about covered. The problem is that said before I dont know what his plan is to overcome. Democrats, if you believe that did trump lily only one in twenty one election or even if you believe that he didn't, but the rules were changed bent him from one in which I pretty much agree with when it comes to the male, the male imbalance and all the rest
even if you believe that you're gonna have to figure out how to overcome that assigned to just you know, say things about it and then we got more votes any sitting president has ever gotten by millions and millions and millions beating obama by many millions of votes, and we did Better than any president has ever done any sitting president Then he had a rigged election. Let's face it. Ok yeah a rick, they use gave it to cheat and we're not gonna. Let that happen again when I can let it happen again. And how are you not going to let that happen again now? Does he have? This actually does have an answer to this, so he will. are you gonna do ballot harvesting during the upcoming elections, of course, hindu ballot harvesting? Each state is different in nevada. They send everyone, a foul which is bad, but we're going to do we're going to do all departments, I'm doing my god yeah. That is a good answer.
We'll be doing ballot harvesting by the way, that's exactly what we did in florida. I voted early. My entire family voted early, but that's a national strategy for sure. Meanwhile, the sand- this was that was getting kicked around by media. It's amazing to see him have really turned in this raising of trump agenda. Reuben is out start tweeting about the evils of dissenters. The entire mate like matt drudge, who has been reliably anti de santis throughout this entire. A couple of your cycle he's now tweeting on things like the santas praise. Voucher, not noting, of course, that they're talking about in march of twenty twenty, which was like the the beginning of the pandemic. In any case he was getting kicked around. What was the census for this response to report, and my question is why they think this report the reporter is particularly appropriate. Actually
it wasn't me, nothing would be more. You can be whatever they want to be alone, are angry at him. How can he say such things to reporters? Oh, my god, it's just terrible he's! First of all, Donald trump beat the crap out or poison. It was the best part of his administration. By far, In fact, he constantly going after the media. The fact that he would not accept their premises was very good sense says the same thing here, it's a stupid question and you get an answer like that. When you ask a stupid quest Therefore, as like weren't, you asking answering questions from voters he's early in a crowd of voters in answering the questions at the time, if you think that's gonna hurt fancy godmother think coming our time for a quick thing that I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like. I started a series, couple years old was on em seeds, the terror. I got
when I'm a sucker for historical drama, particularly historical drama involving yet trips to the frozen north, their bunch of these that are now out. and this one is critical under my three episode in the cast on that's it- it's called the terror the cast on the terror is absolutely outstanding. All my favorite actors, all in one series, the the cast includes- bunch of faces, the recognise from from different there all sort of character actors. Really, really good character actors. You have Jared Harris who, of course, stars as he is start in the crown and a wide variety of of his in the expands where one my favorite actors, great working after you, have, me, you haven't Karen hides was a terrific. As well. He was he was just in the recent region. Can approximately belfast also tinker taylor soldiers by the look of the show is phenomenal, stand
I really appreciate sound on the show in the sound is really good cause. The whole thing is basically about these. These ships that are caught in the frozen north and we know well. The result, which is everybody on the show, was going to die. The question is how they get there and it's it's quite good. It's it's. It's really compelling sort of stuff so worth the watch. If you're looking for something to watch this weekend, and you can stand creepy, time for a couple of things that I hastily. So if you thought- Academia and getting dumber wrong- you are echoed. Emu has gotten dumber former shook the mayor lorry lightfoot, who is so bad that she lost in a real act, effort insured, though, and also has presided over a a riotous city, a city with rising crime rates with murmur aplenty lorelei foot has now gained dimensional senior leadership, fellow position at harvard universities, schools, public health, because
something's has public health policy. It is lorry lightfoot, the lady who said that she was going to go, get her hair done in the middle of April, dammit, while everyone else could not, because it is very important to her job she's going to teach We're settled. Health policy and leadership. Couldn't we shall Williams faculty at the harvard caged chancellor public health quote. I am delighted to welcome airlines to harvard in school as essential senior leadership. Fellow as mayor she showed strong leadership in advocating for health, equity and dignity for every resident of chicago, from her declaration of structural racism as a public health crisis, to her innovative initiative to bring mental health services, libraries and shelters and of course she led the city to recover nineteen. So in other words, it is a very good. Apparently, and she declared structural races. May public health crisis she'll be teaching at harvard. Meanwhile, that's not the only major person who is going to be teaching over at a major university chase about who you remember being the J who was arrested in san francisco just about and is now going to be
king at berkeley law, which is really really exciting stuff. I know that I'm excited aren't you, because, when you think of people who ought to be teaching abruptly law, definitely the guy got ousted san francisco d for allowing crime to bloom. According to the berkeley website. About me, spent his whole life grappling with incarceration and has far reaching implications. As founding executive director of brutally was criminal law and justice centre. He's he's an exciting upward, We need to build on his work of transforming the criminal legal system in prevent then just give him like got a temporary teaching position. They me him at the leader of an entire new criminal law, injustice centre, Academia is deeply corrupt, and this is just the latest prove alright, guys there if the and he's right now, you're not gonna, miss ingram getting into the absolute lies there, told by the media rp basis with regard to college vaccines. With rather roth. Even remember, remember you Shapiro check out for out for two months, randal annual plans could bellinger description and join us. I
Transcript generated on 2023-08-15.