« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1735 - The Debt Ceiling Bill Explained


Kevin McCarthy and Joe Biden come to a compromise on the debt ceiling – after three months of Biden pledging not to negotiate; corporate America prepares for the Holy Month of Pride; and the Trump vs. DeSantis primary heats up.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Speaker of the house. Can mccarthy and president Joe Biden come to a compromise on the debt ceiling after three months, abiden pledging not to negotiate corporate amerika prepares for the holy month of pride and from versatile sense, primary heater I bench this is the bench shapiro show. The Ben Shapiro show makes vpn protect your online privacy today and express vpn icons, lifespan woes he's going to happen. The debt ceiling was going to be raised in some sort of debt. Crisis was going to be averted mainly because it was not really in anybody's interest. For that ceiling to be hit was not. Weakens interest for the debt ceiling to be head, because every time that has happened, it is not really redounded to their benefit elect orally, and it certainly was not injure. Binds interest for the debt ceiling to be had The recession hits on his watch and it puts his reelect efforts in jeopardy. The only question is going to be whether Joe Biden was going to cave or whether can Mccarthy was going.
And now we have to define the terms of what it means to cave here, eh. So there are a few different descriptions of what it can mean to cave. Under these circumstances, a number one- the real definition here is Joe Biden. At the he set the groundwork. Joe Biden said I will not negotiate. He said over and over and over I'm not going to negotiate on the debt ceiling on the shit over the budget. I won't negotiate on that ceiling. His entire team, There are four. Ninety seven days said they would not negotiate on the ceiling and then negotiate that ceiling and actually gave away some fairly significant concessions to cover mccarthy said is one definition of caving. If, however, you wish to take it up, definition of caving in that is republicans going along with any part of the democratic agenda that basically republicans at your friends down the government until Joe Biden became ronald reagan or better. Yet venza became cattle. coolidge- if that was your definition than presumably mccarthy cave, and so the question as to how you view
This debt ceiling bill is largely about the gauge against which gauge the bill. He so that the measure against which a gauge the bill, so are you trying to measure the debt ceiling compromise bill against what you wish would happen like what would be the best possible outcome, or are you trying to measure it against the worst possible outcome, was possible. Outcome here would have been for republicans to you simply cave to Joe Biden, given the clean ceiling bill, which is what republicans historically have done, and let him spend as much money as you could possibly want. That would be the worst case, area for the Republicans case scenario for the Democrats would have been the Republicans shut down. government, presumably, but that I'm going to materialise, because again, this eyeing the worst case scenario for the Democrats, because they end up then winning elections on the basis of that's the worst case scenario for the Democrats: prison is the Joe Biden, kids, to the extent that he is serious. Real concessions gave up. If you are looking at her escaped the worst case scenario. Republicans escaped.
Worst case scenario, significantly more than democrats escaped their worst case scenario. Whenever a deal gets made is the essence of deals whenever aids you'll get made, everyone is unhappy If a deal happens for one side is very happy in the other side is very unhappy. Well, You know who won the deal when both sides are kind of unhappy, that's most deals and again I think that one of the things that you are seeing we can go through the details of the debt ceiling bill that is now going to be voted upon in the house is very likely to pass one of the things that you seeing the commentary on the right side of the ilo is proper. True critiques of that ceiling bill of the budget process all the things they are saying, our true? We should we do in our programmes. We should be looking at systemic that in the united states we should be looking at vastly scaling back. the administrative state sure we should be doing all those things and the best of all possible worlds. We would do those things. Also Joe Biden The president Democrats runs on it. So in realistic world were those things going to happen, how much good mccarthy actually price
out of the cold dead hands of Joe Biden mean that that really is the question, and so again I said get when you do this. That ceiling bill agree with every critique of the nets healing bill from the right. It does not tremendously lower the arc of spending in the united states. it does not reduce the entire programmes. It does not suckled. All the power of the administrative state. All that is true. Are you most the bill against what you wish the bill would be. Where are you bring it against what republicans were what was possible to get with a democrat president and democratic. Now, I'd like to remind everybody here. Publicans didn't exactly scale back as many one's own tromp? Was president a normally what you would in a normal sort of political psych. What you would say is that when republicans have unified power, meaning the house, the senate and the presidency, when they have those things that when they should tremendously scale back spending and yet, ironically, if you
with a history of party politics in the united states. Of course, the last hundred years. What you see is that spending actually tends to get scaled back. Only when there's a split in the government, when republicans have unified control of the government the george w bush, when they have it under donald trump to actually blow out the spending. When democrats have control of government unified control of government, they blocked the spending even more only when there is a certain government. Is there any sort of hold back in spending and was into somebody, was very fiscally conservative. Someone who believes that the systemic third one trillion dollar that problem of the united states will come back to this in the ass, I turned be kind of a most when it comes to the idea that our political actors are incentivize, in order to make serious systemic change to our spending. Instead, I think it's very likely that the united states is going to follow the pattern of every other western country that racks up too much that are going to hit a cliff when we hit the cliff we're going to have sick austerity. because when has a state ever serve, him did back in the last blossoms. Come back in a blue canada and, like the nineteen seventies, it's been a long time since a western state looked at itself in the mirror and said
thirty years from now wouldn't have a massive debt problem and it can be a bomb in glove and our economy. Let fix it now. Preemptively solving problems. Now politicians do they tend to kick the can down the road. So from that perspective, mccarthy, forcing bite into the table forcing Biden to give concessions yet it at least say that on a political level, that is a good play by mccarthy for, according to the wall street journal more make of it, in washington on tuesday will face intense pressure from leaders on capital, Hell Emma white house to support that ceiling bill and overcome up action on both the left and the right for now by an mccarthy appear on tracts again enough bipartisan supports spend the debt limit the measure could still run into procedural obstacles, complicating the race to avoid an unprecedented default. The legislation's first test comes on tuesday when it goes before the house rules committee, which acts as a gatekeeper for legislation coming in the house floor too. Conservative republicans on the committee represented chip, roy of taxes and ralph norman of south carolina have said they oppose the deal already. The committee is made up of nine begins and for Democrats, so the republicans could lose a couple about and still passing out of, the house rules committee
We'll get into the details, what exactly is in here and why, again you can view every one of Those the giant. Failure from the perspective of our government cannot have itself in argument has generated more dead than any government in the history of humanity Probably all governments combined in history of commit you raised is the size of the debt we have run up here in the united states, recognise all of that and still recognise the. Maybe this is the best that Biden that that Mccarthy could pry out abiding. Or if you could write a little bit more, it wasn't like. So the more they are gonna get like in a man using a better deal and avoid that limit being hit. A tribute. Listed with my audience, get the easiest thing in the world when it comes to this business. Is you take the absolutely purist view, though Republican should do is completely shut down? The government, hit the debt, women and let everything burned to the ground in origin, Joe Biden, is going to do so when it what's gonna do revise its entire view of spending. He is the press and he is sitting in the white house being realistic about that means the Republican should focus on, is winning back the white house winning,
bat like winning races, as opposed to bitching about Joe Biden being in the white house and the democratic controls huts. We win some races and then we actually do the hard work of governing now would be the thing that that is worth aiming at and if you can gain some sort of concessions from Joe Biden every start, ups. Anyone you negotiate. That seems like a political win from a car. The very least more than just one. Second first, and we hear the I shall we very interested in ensuring a corporate amerika, not ram their values down your throat. One of the reasons why we are big fans of the people over at pure chocolate They stand behind us pure talkative veteran owned one hundred percent american workforce values laden company. The official cellphone wireless partner the daily wire? That's the it not the only reason I'm telling you should support pure talk to most pendel five, you network in the united states. They are taught to your at a fraction of the cost of the oil companies. You know about me, like eighteens eve horizons. Mobile in fact, get unlimited talk, tat the element of data with a mobile hotspot for just fifty five bucks month. You vote would have you spend our money to stop supporting this woke wireless companies that
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we're using to examine the deal measured against what you wish. American government work like the deals, crap measured against what you can get out of Joe Biden. The deal may be the best thing you can get out of Joe Biden. You can hold those two thoughts simultaneously. It's not the best deal in the world because that that deal was not available Joe Biden is very bad president, the senate of the united states to restructure and all those things you can hold in your mind at the exact same time. I remember this This serve recapitulation of a battle that happened all the way back in. Was it twenty fourteen, when centre. Ten crews from Texas decided that he was going to essentially hold up the budgetary process or to shut down funding for albania care and a lot of begins german, because this Ok well he's gonna force obama to make some sort of concession, and instead what happened is what was about. to ever repeal obamacare on the basis of ted crews filibustering. There unlikely, considering that again brought about by the president. obama was named after him
because you can only say that cruz was speaking on behalf of a party that controlled the house and the senate at the time. In this particular case, the republicans don't even have control, of the senate, they will go very slim control, the house, so prying concessions Joe Biden on this sort of stuff is on a massive victory, but finally, a victory over Joe Biden, which is why Joe Biden was resisting it for so long, okay. So to under and what is exactly in this that ceiling deal yet stand how spending works in the united states, so withered spending works in the united states, there's two types of them there is mandatory spending in theirs discretionary spending, a mandatory spending which amounted to the one percent of the federal budget back and nineteen. Seventy now constitute about two thirds of the federal budget, in eighteen. Seventy thou be social security, medicare medicate, a vote programmes alone. That's the mandatory spending in the united states, meaning its already written into law, must restructure those entitlement programmes you're, not touching, that represents two federal spending year on year in the united states, then you have discretionary spending which use
the vast majority of spending in the united states and believe or not defence is not mandatory. Spending defence is just missionary spending, meaning it's decided on every single year is not written into the law. You have to have a budget process where you decide how much money to allocate to defense. Defense rep then something like forty five percent of all discretionary, running in united states and the rest is split among all of the various other elements of the government. So again the the amount of Discretionary spending, as part of the budget is fairly low. At this point. All debt ceiling bills designs, lower discretionary spending, because no one is actually touching. The entitlements in town the rail of american politics, you say obvious truth, like social security is not sustainable. The demographic base of united states is large enough to sustain social security. The economies not going fast enough since social security, social security, for example, should be converted for people under the age of fifty two private savings accounts if they wish who opt out right, sir, if you say things like this in american politics, yet ripped up and down so them
It's very spending of the united states, which was not going to be touched anywhere in here. It remains mandatory. The only question is what happens with the discretionary spending. So, with regard to discretionary spending deal, that's what it is today that ceiling. In return for essentially hold Discretionary spending, steady according to the wall street journal holds non military spending roughly flat for the twenty twenty four fiscal year. from this year. After factoring in some appropriations judgments, the deal sets a one percent cabin spending increases for the twenty five fiscal year house, republicans portrayed the twenty twenty four spending level as rollback to fiscal, twenty twenty two levels. The deal also includes a pro. In that forces a one percent cut in government spending is also of appropriations. Goals are not passed by the end of this year, so without mean is that basically, we hold a budget study this year as postal astern, now, Critics of the deal are saying correctly. We spend more money than god in the last year, cheers holdings, addy at the amount of money that you spent last year. This isn't a real cut corrected as a cut to future spending, which means it's not a cut. It's a holding, steady, but there
the key element that is necessary to understand when the wall street journal says that the deal holds non military spending roughly flat. What did you mean is, let's say you have ten dollars and that ten dollars is allocated to discretionary spending last year, which means going to spend ten dollars this year because we're holding it flat- and let's say that normally the military budget compromises for out of those hand hours what we have now capped the the flat non military spent, but military spending can can continue to go up, which means that will have to be some caught in the nun. Military spending portion of this bill. The military spending theoretically could go up to six out of those ten dollars, which means cuts to the programmes that used to be the six an hour. The four math is working here, but the neatly portion, machinery spending that is non defence spending is actually under this budgetary deal, likely to shrink somewhat he's the military budget without house republican majority is likely to grow military benny in fiscal, twenty, twenty four would be roughly at the level of buttons fiscal. Twenty twenty four budget requests as a three percent increase to six.
Eight hundred and eighty six billion dollars, the deal would come to any one point: four billion dollars. The ira plan to use to boost attacks fourth and modernizing technologies, or we're going get rid of some of those agents, presumably congress, it provides Eighty billion dollars. Those plans last year about one point- billion of their money, would be taken back from the agency immediately. The rest could be used in toys report and twenty twenty five different cuts to other federal programmes that you also was back about thirty billion dollars in unspent money congress passed to battle the pandemic. So again, these are all cutting around the edges issues because we spend you know six seven trillion dollars in this country every single year the white house did agree to He gnp demand tightening some work requirements for federal aid, primarily by temporarily, raising age people have to work in order to receive food aid through snap. That's the subtle so an intrusion, assistance programme and people are learning about. The sun went down my god willing to go hungry. It's called these supplemental nutrition assistance programme, supplemental, like it supplements You going and working detention of deal would require able bodied low
come adult without dependence between the age of eighteen, fifty four to work to receive food aid right now, if you are d. You have no dependent in your able bodied. You can still gets without trying to work so raising that age to fifty four, which seems find a very are able bodied and fifty retirement age in this country in until age, sixty five. So so there is that currently under rules resuming in all states by July, those adults can receive benefits for no more than three months within a three year period, unless there working or enrolled in a work programme. The deal makes him The hood adjustments to states can decide to grant exemptions for individuals to the existing work requirement for food aid. Currently states can opt to drop the work requirements from the twelve percent recipients. That's going to go down to eight percent of recipient there also some permitting of energy projects, including mountain valleys pipeline, which presumably is at some sort of. I shouldn't you senator John mansion to get him, Go along with the deal as well, so again mass in the major changes to spending in the united states
not really, I mean there's some good stuff about this. For example, the bill text applies congresses, pagel rule that requires new spending too, offset by siddons elsewhere to executive actions, which means that of Joe Biden tries to spend money from these extra branch. Without can russian brutal helps us to show where he is cutting? However, the text also says that the office- management of budget. The white house lamby could wave the requirements of necessary for the delivery of essential services or necessary for effective programme delivery and also the olympics. we single handedly do that, so that looks like a fairly empty requirement. Joe Biden have to resume collecting student loans in charging interest on them. So all this crap about Joe Biden really student loans in the face of court challenge? All of that is going to stop. These are all concessions by, but remember this process started with Joe Biden sing. He would not negotiate on any of these things. Member who said that today, Democrats are trying to play this as a victory, for them is not really victory from because what real victory for them would have been Joe Biden agenda, which is raised that element without
it sort of strings attached and gets more of this in just one. Second: will analyze the political calculus here? First, let's talk about how light flows into your homes. Up when you look around your home, anything men says pretty good, but it feels dark, and then junior its cause, your window comings and nobody ever looked to the window. Currency should, because you can get amazing. window coverings from blinds dot com is the number one online retailer of custom window coverings with over forty thousand five star views install it yourself or have blinds dot com. Take care of it with local professionals. There is no showroom and no retail markets, no matter how many order installation is just one low cost. If you don't have one for design blinds dotcom experts are always available to help choose the style and color right for you. Everything they sell is covered by the perfect fit in one hundred percent this fashion guarantee, with hundreds of thousand colors to choose from wines outcome is sure to have the perfect treatment or your windows. Shop blinds dotcom memorial day sales, a forty five percent off like products plus door busters as forty five percent on select products right now blinds dotcom through may thirty. First, when I got online, don't forget to tell them you heard about blinds. I come from the bench, a bureau shall rules and restrictions may
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and utopian world in which I was president of the united states and mccarthy was bigger. Mcconnell was the was the majority here in that world. We make massive contrary, because all this stuff, but tat, the world we live in and by the way, when the reasons that we don't actually have controlled. The Senate is because we do It was really really important to vote in georgia Senate run off. It was. It is more important to complain about it anyway, the Republicans one of it, Mistakes have been republicans made with their own based and honest with them. So I think publicans ought say: listen. This is not even remotely what we would love to see, but it's the best thing priority job I mean most people understand that as with most people, not interested in looking at a debt limit cry, as in which the bond rating of the united states is wildly downgraded and there's more economic turmoil, but here's what the republicans our pitching basis stops out of control inflationary spending by cutting spending year over a year it. It doesn't really stop outcome.
Well, inflationary spending, considering we're already in the middle of a cycle of massive inflationary spending, just means that Joe Biden can't continue to increase the budget from six trillion dollars to eight trillion dollars to ten trillion dollars. It claws back. Some money from the when it rains in executive, overreaching an admin pago since we can waving, it seems pretty weak to me. It restarted loan rooms, all things we talked about all those things are, in fact those are good things. Now a boy and a lot of the republicans like now, we ll like any other stuff right Lou. We should ve gotten way more out of this debt ceiling bill and and again I dont disagree with chip royce critique. I think everything that trip roy says here is correct, three it's a boy says he opposes the dolan again. I, like representative roy, I'm very friendly with representative roy. I think that he is a pure hearted conservative and if you look at the way that he is critiquing the bill, I agree with all of the predicts, so he says that the limit save grow but which was the one pass by republicans in order pressure Biden that one had essentially added one point.
A trillion dollars to the dazzling, as opposed to this one, which has four trillion dollars with that ceiling that originally the bill passed by the I had one hundred and thirty one billion dollar cut the annual spending next year shrank the federal bureaucracy to pre covert and kept growth for ten years, and this one caps growth for maybe a couple of years and has twelve billion dollars in toppling cuts that negate by other spending that could grow the federal bureaucracy. It has my what requirements imposed a strong requirements. It had a I'm, a fool means acts of the reins act as a piece of legislation that allows a congress to basically override any attempt to regulation by the vitamin restoration. Instead, they have pay, go which may mean again chippewas critiques. All of them are right to things neutral ones. Everything Roy says is correct. In the saying about this bill and shortcomings are right. The question is where republicans going to get much more of Biden on this negotiation and, I say,
I made a little bit doubtful that they were going to get a lot more out of Joe Biden on this particular negotiation. Democrats have been pretty cavalier about blackmailing people over the debt limit about government shutdowns and all the rest because they think that we're down to their benefit actually in just one. Second, we'll talk about the fact that many democrats are not particularly happy with this deal. First, we have a dog his name is happy he's very few dog every single morning after my kids are ready for school. My son opens his opens. His can play pan and it makes a very strange, sound ten, something like us, and this is a signal to our dog. You lose its mind and run around the house as our kids scream and laugh. So we, like listen happy, for that one's live a long and healthy life. This why we started giving him rough. Greens every single morning. There would you can giving your dog is dead food. It doesn't have an attritional value? It is brown, green food. Does better rough greens boost happy's food back to life? It can do the same for your dog. You don't have to go out and buy new. food, you sprinkle some rough range on their food every day and contains other
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Sustaining warrior, who is the former house, majority leader. Now he's one of the house minority whips. He says that dumb the the deal is not good. He doesn't like the deal is urging people to vote for it. Despite the fact, that he doesn't like the deal very much. The white house seem blow back from other progressive, the pramila jayapal wing, the ale ceiling the democratic party according to poetic, Well, the white house is now forced to basically go back to Democrats and say it could have been a lot worse. We we really stood up to that republican pressure, but that's that's not really correct white house aides said quote it protect the historic economic gains we made really allowing one of the strongest recoveries on record to continue by taking the threat of default off the table. It protects set of historic legislative accomplishments according to a senior
administration. Official granted anonymity described the lobbying strategy. The argument being maids Democrats vote for the bell has focused on how medicare social security, medicaid inflation reduction of ships and other programmes are all being preserved and funded under the agreement. Ok, but again, Joe Biden was not going to cave on any of those things in the world light, and then there are a lot of democrats. Era are very upset one. what kind of house member said. I don't think they done a good job of communicating with members. What's been happening, people on no republicans were raped and ninth p m saturday when I've been briefed on five o clock on sunday, our leader you mean giving details on any of this reverence that representative even horse ford, the chair of the congressional blackest voice, similar concerns so again. A lot of these are radicals on the democratic party. Side are pretty upset with Joe Biden over this entire deal. Meanwhile, well mccarthy points out that we did pride. Joe Biden off this position? That was not can negotiate and we February first set down the president said less work together
to be able to raise the dead ceiling, her of the amount to spending daylight there could be able to work again, cut red tape, work requirements to help people get back into work. I think disagreement frames all that from limits save grow. It doesn't everything everybody wanted, but that's in divided government. That's where we end up, I think, is a very positive bill. I want to say Gary get grades and Patrick MC henry for the hours that they put in for the very beginning, no one thought in any given day that we would be where we are today. The president Had he wouldn't negotiate with us for ninety seven days, you when you allow us to talk after we passed a bill we able to get in, but it wasn't till the final two weeks that would we really be able to sit down in community with one another. I do want to thank the presidency team that he put together very professional. Very smart- I am mccarthy, is, I think, doing his best to up to butter the bride here, but
is an amazing. You sound amazing deal is the best at my heart can do yes? Is it also again, I think of three over Biden, I'd using as a victory provide maiden want any of this sort of stuff? That's why You have a keen jeffreys, the house, minority leader, is of the ladys of protesting. Much is said we at best it, but it's pretty clear that data but one thing I came to make: there's nothing in the bill for them. There is not one thing in the bill for democrats. Did you say that and how do you convince Democrats are more there. What he's talking about, particularly because I have not been able to review the, a legislative text all that we have reached an agreement in principle that what I have consistently thinking even talks at both privately I talked to him yesterday afternoon. I would I have to talk to him since that point time what I have consistently said, however, privately and publicly
It was that the extreme mega republican negotiating position and that they extreme bill that they put passed on April twenty six to default on america act contained nothing that was consistent with democratic values, more american values. So again are democrats, who are happy, probably not at this point, it is a flex by mccarthy to ought to win one over over Biden on this and pretending that it's not a victory for mccarthy or that it's complete republican cave or something and depends what you are. And having against. As I said at the very outset, ok. Meanwhile, we have now approached the holy month of pride. I yes, just days until the holy month begins with all of its sacraments of its martyrs. We're going to have various wholly rituals that we perform throughout the holy pride month and at corporate amerika is going all in on this, which is a shocking and stupid move, because it turns out that the american public has decided that they are not up for this, particularly since
the ubiquity of new rainbow propaganda has now reached it down to the small children which presumably is why target has now lost. Billion dollars in market cap in ten days. According to the new post target, has now lost. billion dollars and market valuation of the last ten days as the popular retailer continues to face backlash over its pride in clothing line for children we week go Wednesday target enjoyed stock value of one sixty want to share following calls to boycott minneapolis base retail over its pride collection. The value plummeted, enclosed friday, At hundred and thirty, eight point: nine three, a share which this he's drop. That's a fourteen percent drop in value for the blue chip stock, which translates at a ten billion dollar drop in mark a cap that is the pillars, lowest start price in nearly three years and was an. I am a big fan of this idea that consumers should start exercising their
when it comes to being propagandized to by various outlets. By by various members of of corporate america, see what what all the corporations have been betting on they've been doing this fort legitimately twenty years. What they've been betting on is that the right doesn't care that the razor is going to go and shop at target less of whether target is pushing pride nonsense during the holy mother that you know you can get your kid Why goes that? Dream go and get galapagos at? Where do you go well? Target's logo and it's it's easily available. So that's where you're going to go in no reason precise market choice. Well, as market choices become more available, it is easier for consumers to express their outrage on stuff like this, and they are express their outrage and stuff like this now. So I think that target is a brand, is completely finished. No This is a shot over. The bow and target isn't done like bud. Light is done. reason is I don't, but light is done is because bud light. Harrington mulvaney and now making itself unsaleable tool wide swathe of the american public consumed its product, but light was really vulnerable,
but lay vulnerable, because it's super easy for you to go that go to the liquor, store and pick up some cores. Instead, super simple, all it requires. Is you open the next door over and you pick up some chores and you just don't pick up the bud light? That's literally all it requires and so bud light. How did they recover from that? Their competitor right next to it in the fridge, is like the same price probably a better beer anyway. So as long as there are readily available alternatives, it makes it very difficult for by like to ever and of dig itself back out of this whole targeted somewhat different target is a mega store, is where people to their shopping for everything. From groceries too close. And so what that means that their lot of areas where target is the most convenient place in Michigan, I'm or of a short term spasm of public rage against target, and eventually going to dissipate, which is why, when it comes to corporate boycotts, I highly recommended strategically began. super glad to see happening the target. I think we should keep it up, but I think we should also recognise what sort of the end point, There is an pushing target off of it lets trend,
the kids material, the very front of target may go to the back of the store, we shot over the balance but should take. It is shot over the bow, the kind of brands than permanent destruction and we are capable of exercising permanent structure over those brands are to be single product brands. We're an alternative is readily available. That's where it that's where the fights can make. Now it doesn't it many of these four loudly stores to say the same thing that the computer says in war games. Are the only when they move here is not to play which, if corporate amerika went back to neutral, that's pretty much all we are looking for but it is clear that corporate amerika of our has not gone backing to shorten. This also requires a conservative. A conservative entailed and yet that is willing to fight and there's a lot of sort of intelligentsia. That really is not and is deeply upset about the idea of fighting back against this nonsense. We get to that in just once. First, the of innovation refunding get refunds. Dot com has been on tv, explaining how developed so many small business with their e r c tax refunds have completed thousands
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we didn't have taken a sunday in going with our very little kids to disney, and then move to florida. We wanted it the world and now course, the last, like three years disney world disneyland they've, decided that it's very important to woke themselves. At the behest of people like bob iger, who is just one of the world, most ridiculously perverse political figures. So this weapon emerge from disneyland. There is something at disneyland called Bibi body boutique. Fifty Bobby the boutique is made for small girls. That's what it's for case vert for small girls to go, get made up to look like princesses, we did this. For my gino nine year old daughter, we this for my daughter when she was maybe four years old. If you loved it, it was amazing when we bought her a dress and they do her hair up like a princess and is beautiful. He will now because just you and which used to be a place that actually had a so that brand involved in basically in meshing, you in fantasy world, in which all the people were like walked down main street in disneyland. The ideas were you you're in main street nineteen,
What he's america I'd say: music, cobblestones! I get that's what I look like and when you went in a fancy land, the idea was, it was all princes and princesses and yes with gender specific garb, because anything less would be ridiculous. Now there cited, the personal sexual preferences of their employees. Take since over the brand itself, which, by the way is brand death. It's ridiculous in other business, I mean I, I guess now it's a lot of businesses, but name another business. Twenty years ago, where people were like your personal value of individuality is is now going to overcome, corporate brand. In fact, this was joke in office space or the joke in office space was that were personalization extended to like the flare that you could work small pins. The where on your uniform, if you're in a restaurant, there was the extent of the end of it and now you're individuality has extended we're at disneyland. You can be a man with a mustache wearing address in front of small children, so tape from everybody will take twenty twenty three entered into
these are for this. For small girls, that's what it's for my name. I mean it. I don't know either a shop, you may go action through the day make is a fairy godmother. Nick is a total do like wearing I'm wearing a mustache wearing moustache and guiding small children in their I'm a amerika, because that's what you want to explain your four year old child is why this individual is, is wearing a dress and some and talk, small children, about wise, very godmother. That's what that's! What you pay hundreds of dollars to go disneyland presumably and then disneyland did disney wonders why they are losing market share. May maybe it's that what concerns should call the stuff out, because it's bad about some conservatives seem more morgan's and, with, I will say, maintaining opera. Option of civility than they are in fighting the fight. So I'm not, I don't mean to single anybody else out in particular here, but there are a couple of examples of this over the weekend. So philip klein
winter over at national, the I enjoy a lot of phillips work. I think that a lot of the stuff he says really intelligent. This is not one of them, so the account and woken us on twitter, tweeted out pictures from kohl's kohl's in honor of the holy month of pride, has put out lgbtq pride gear for small babies like onesies for small babies, the pride progress flag on them. And philip Julia, I don't have a problem with this. Is somebody wants to dress their baby and pride ones you? Why should a matter we're talking transition minors. Here, it's just a short. Well, it isn't it it is an attempt to indoctrinate in philosophy and sexual fluidity its multiple, that's what it is It's amazing to me that, like educating small children, we all take a fair bit of time and thought to figure out how we wish to educate our children to pretend That is a matter of absolute moral apathy. Whether aid all child like a baby is wearing a trans flag and others nothing to do with the future trajectory of the child. It will be just a giant shock executives.
sexual confusion. As the kid gets older it'll come on, come out of nowhere. No, I m not is not from a matter apathy, morality that has taught to the children of this country. That is not a matter of moral apathy to me. I think it is an active evil to teach smallpox. When the boys can be girls in girls can be boys. that is not a matter of apathy and the guy that you, where is, of course associated with that everybody recognise this whatever gear you where, if your trial is wearing a piece of religious iconography. You can present the parents are going to teach a religious law speech that child. If a child showed up, at school wearing the Taliban lag. You can assume something about the parents and what that kid is going to be incorporated into the kid shows up at school. wearing a trans lag or to baby we're in france, where you can figure out exactly what the parents are going document internet trial, corporate amerika, taking advantage of that would be certain knowledge that republicans are going to be apathetic that's how they ve been able to win for so many years will now Republicans are pushing back and its fascinating to see.
Was deeply uncomfortable with all of this. So, David French, who again I'm I'm friends with david- I don't understand why his beat now he he a national review, is real. Our conservative. I think in the way that he viewed the world his beat over the new york times is just all the things liberals about how much they hate conservatives, but as a apostate conservatives, person whose too, moreover, the conservative movement, that's the only way I can interpret apiece titled will de roy conservatism, as we know it now? This is just this absurdity is just absurdity and its of a piece with We much everything that David is now writing for the new york times these days the last year. These are things like the right is all wrong. Masculinity shrinking onto is not a masculine virtue or a guilty experts, aging, an windsor suit against donald from for sexual abuse and defamation or took carlson's dark darkened malign influence over the christian right, or
versus dissenters, how strong the company's lawsuit so in other words, David's, beat it in your times tell liberals everything they like to hear, but guys in the language of conservatism and from the most pure possible perspective of what conservatism could, simply be, and so the idea now is that he suggested that front was a particular danger to conservatism so dangerous that Not only did he not batman twenty. Sixteen, he also wooden batman. Twenty twenty is again that the conservative movement was was being done, right right now, he's moved that you include rhonda santa's, the only rival to trump whose spinning dozens of them in the primary and then and that is upset with rhonda santas, presumably is because Rhonda Santa's is is taken up. Arms against corporations are getting special benefits from the state of florida. He says dissenters. His primary victory would signal the transformation of conservative since twenty. Sixteen wasn't a mere interruption of republican ideology, one in which republic
return to fusion is ones. Trump leaves the scene, but rather the harbinger of more permanent change disadvantage is ambitious, This political commitments have an underlying consistency that extends beyond that ambition. He fights the left when you understand that. Distinction between the two men between tremendous and you understand the course of the racial far and it's likely shape going forward To see who does answers to taxes ultimate less important and how he does it, the chances punishes disney for merely speaking in opposition to afford a war, a restricted structured on sexual orientation and gender identity in florida, public school classrooms santas attempts to read it social media moderation, he attempts to restrict it. about raising racial equality in public universities in private corporations he's even banned employers from imposing uncovered covered mandate. Now you can disagree with scientists on all these things and still recognise the forces this answer is fighting are quite nefarious and that, in order to understand what the is doing on the corporate front. You have to understand the dirty combination of democratic party politics,
and corporate amerika cramming down politics on americans via the market mechanism, which is in fact, what is happening, it just goes after disney and remove their special tax benefits. That, in fact, is not a betrayal of conservatism. The special tax benefits shouldn't be given to corporations anyway, it is the insider cronyism, but he says that again, you have to oppose both trump and his answers. Now. this sort of idea that your pure ism is going to somehow win victories on behalf of A conservative world view is absolutely beyond me: target should take it on the nose cause should take it on the nose disney should take it on the nose And there's this notion that that only the purest only the only the most pure people can ever represent us on every particular aspect. In order for us to achieve utopia good luck with that, because it ain't going to happen and you're going to lose every battle, or maybe you don't mind, losing every battle. Maybe it's one!
Maybe you would rather have Joe Biden continue to be president and wrecked the country among all these lines, fishermen whose more restrictive free speech- Biden versus ground his hands, as that is not a particularly close gall drove out into actively to to use the federal government to implement into law discrimination why they basically crackdown on every religious institution, the country so there's that by theirs the republicans, are gonna have to get wise you up to all of this. I think most republicans our wise to it and that's why you're fired we're starting to see some backlash against corporate amerika. Meanwhile, quick update on corporate, corporate spokespersons over mulvaney, with single handedly taken down the butler brand. So here Dylan Mulvaney, costly as a woman well just apparently being stranded. So I recently my parents that I may be a little bit romantically interested and women, and I was a big shot.
For them. Considering the past ten years of coming out his gay then queer than non binary, then trans, and I think it is just a bit of a shock. So I tell my dad he goes. Why would love to see you get woman pregnant- and I said- oh- no- no, no, she would be getting me pregnant and then he said what he of the vagina now and, I said, never say. Never, and then I tell my mom and she goes. I would love to see you on property one day and in california that sort of you no apparent dream its having kids or getting married it's it's are you able to own a house? Wouldn't that be nice? Well, that's, sir, that is the ideal, is too heavy fake, vagina and pretended this can get you pregnant in some way by a woman.
Hey did hear this person is not understand basic biology, so clearly he's a woman, I'm am soaking wet an enemy I love this ends with dilemma of anything like my parents room for me, too, buddy, I'm sure that wasn't when you're going up, I'm sure those your parents room your parents. Room is probably for you to be this, but with like a small house in the san fernando valley already in just one. Second, we're going to get to but america's insane take on crime lou lemon and that the stories, the story there totally insane? First, let's talk about the different ways You can build your career and the first thing is you make a resume better. Second thing: is you need to get your resume out to as many job possibilities as possible that you actually like that's really really tough and you know what, similarly, it's very tough for employers to find the best employees. This is why ziprecruiter exist to make those hookups happened. Ziprecruiter helps you find the most qualified people for your role fast right now you can read ziprecruiter for free at ziprecruiter
Dot, slash daily wire, zippers matching technology helps you find the most qualified candidates for wide range rules. If you see a candidate, you like easily sentinel personal, invite the more likely to apply their user friendly, what makes it easy to filter of you and re your candidate all from one place once the procureur help you find the best people for all your rules. Forty five employers supposed to procure. Get a quality cancer within day one. She fears of reciprocal its outcomes, lush daily where'd. You try zip recruited for free again that zip recruited dot com slash daily wire ziprecruiter is indeed the smartest wade as I have been using the procureur ourselves here, ideally where, for years upon yours, go check them out right now, zip recruiter, dotcom, slash daily wire to try them out for free and find the best possible employees. Meanwhile, corporate amerika, apparently there now so delusional that in its union, really reached the edge of illusion when it's not just your virtue, signalling to the left in the hope that the right remains apathetic gets underway and will give in the last twenty years of right wing apathy and the right wing sticking its head in the sand and pretending everything's gonna be fine,
truly amazing is how many corporations have decided that against their own direct business interests, they are now to go walks. The best example of the day is lou lemon which really really overpriced work. Our gear like to be fair, the mortgage their eyes also. Lululemon is apparently insane on corporate level so to former We have now said that they were fired for allegedly breaking store policy at a lugal lemon store in georgia. So apparently there is the earl of a robbery at the store in georgia. This new lemon. and the women who are working for the store, called the cops, and then they were fired for calling the cops. Here's. The report Lemon is defending its decision to far too employees after snatching grab anyone had county. It was the latest in a string of robert, the same location, no no rachel, rogers and jennifer risen. Rico
at the scene inside and outside the store, they don't appear to try to stop the man, but they do say they did call police the looting and look says it has a zeal torrent pal this policy for chasing or physically engaging with suspects during a robbery. So what is the purpose? having people who work at a store, politically insecurity, now that the reason the lemon push preserve presumably has this policies, because they are deeply afraid that the woke are going to come after them. If that's just, are prosecuted shoplifters, so the entire business district of sand Just go has basically been emptied out of businesses, because stores have gone go up there so afraid of the works, but they decided rather shut down their stores, but only after years of seeing mass shoplifting it is that we are now living in environment. The united states were shoplifting is not done on the one one kind of personal level. What would it shoplifting? The way we think of? It is some fifteen year old kid goes into the local, a and b, and still the slim, Jim and put in their pocket
not what we're talking about here. We're talking about organized gangs of people who are running in and stealing thousands of dollars worth of gear from the lemon, and it is so petrified of the possibility, that they will be sued by the criminal, but how optimal arrive and call them racist. Theirs was scared at the Ben crump will be on their front doorstep, that they've told their own employees. Employees who again they work for the company that they're not supposed to call the cops tape. Any of this jennifer ferguson, rachel rogers, topical eyelids. They reached out to authorities. Every group of robbers came into their storing peach tree corners despite company, while she sang employees should not intervene in robberies is several we're not get in the way you can path, whatever they're gonna do and then efforts over. You scan a cue our code and that's that we ve been told put in any notes because might scare other people were not supposed to call. The cops were not really supposed to talk about it so lululemon apparently has now put itself between rock and a hard place cause. What they're afraid of is that there will be reports of their robberies at the store. People will stop going to the store, so you just consider it breakage for people to rob the store and they're afraid
higher security at the stores, then they're, afraid and you're gonna be, racial profiling or some such nonsense. Illumine spoke and told inside or in a statement the safety and security of staffers choppers top priority, the company s policies and protocols and place to upholding safe in dammit, we dig Datsun Van, was very seriously and are focused right, no support. educators. This was continuing to collaborate with local partners and law enforcement. Company policy says that women were likely fired for Courting interacting with the robbers rather than for calling the police, so then along you taping any of it or posting it, because criminality is not a public interest; instead, they just don't they wanted romania secret, so that you can means had a lululemon store, wanna get robbed by a group of shoplifters corporate amerika man. I gotta see this. This hassle one aspect of managerial decline in united states that there's a worry of managerial decline at companies in which the founders of companies really take their business seriously and then, after a certain point, then working for the company ten fifteen twenty years and the founders decide you got
pastor and they handed over to the managerial elite, the term by James burnham, and the manager elite. Basically arduous they are two to rent, see they want their salary but their own contributions. They make a bunch of risk averse to say or risk averse decisions, get you mass rubbings understory, that's what risk averse decisions do corporate amerika and that the preserve of of political power. and what that means for a coward. As am I, germany, boring, let's say cowards, don't get themselves, gotta get the friends guilt and that's what's gonna happen, one of the source, eventually it's going to when somebody will get killed at one of these stores by a shoplifter comes in with a gun and security. Justice because these stores are too afraid of liability. Pretty amaze stuff. Ok, meanwhile, the triumvirate suggests answers race is currently heating up. donald from continues to sort of flail around. Looking for a political line of attack on this answer. Most of his attacks on his answer so far have been calling him round. This hand, damone s aura or making weird suggests, since about various policies
so make a lot of sense, for example, from by is now attacking this here, silver over disney. So your member very early on he said that that the santa's should The attack and is needs gonna lose business for the state. Now he slept in its history He has become a woke and discussing shadow of its firm resolve with people actually hating. It must go back to what was or the market will do. Irreparable damage is all happened during the governorship of rob descent damone stone confused. Why rob became a thing that gives us to highlight the very like. What's the lot somebody hit me smells is is calling him rob, because the idea is that he's to obscure for to mention his actual name is known, believes that or is it just that he doesn't, that he's robbing the? What is look what the hell happened during the governorship rubbed, his anger bias didn't complaining now for publicity reasons. Only he should have stopped it long ago would have been easy to do still is ok, how run dissenters literally took away their special tax district he's for them in the press? He's damage them in the market,
what is trunk done with disney aside from appointing bob Agur to an advisory board back in two thousand, and sixteen apparently anyway, he's all of our honour. From still the front runner disadvantage however, it seems to have hit on what I think is actually a fairly successful political line here that the successful political line here is that he is going to win now, he's not saying that lost in twenty twenty. What he is saying is that Joe Biden has the president right now and I, I urge that. Have you given the nomination, all wine, which is co op, wiggins, why I mean, if you're, just looking at the thing republicans wanted to win now complaining losing what you actually winds years, his hands as most of the people support. You probably voted for present tromp twice and first comment here. Over and over again is one: does its rhonda saint just wait for present tromp second term and then run in what is it best answer was right now the time for ronda scientists to run for president, because
Everyone knows if, on the nominee, I will beat Biden and I will serve to terms- and I will be able to destroy leftism in this country and leave woke ideology on the dustbin of history. At the end of the day, I've shown in florida an ability to win huge swaths of voters that republicans typically can't win, while also delivering the boldest agenda anywhere in the country is a nigga. That's the promise. Now you maybe don't believe they believe. Trump is the best shot at victory, but that is the line that that santa is going to have to pursue right here now. Embedded in that line is, of course, the notion that is obviously true from his, not the president, that he lost to two it sees as conservatives in the state of georgia in two thousand and twenty one that he blew a bus. In the senate seats in at twenty twenty two and that's all embedded in his hands his pledge victory, whether you believe it or not. Okay time for some things I like and then some things that aid so things that I like today. I like this one, a lot, this one's great so apparent
there is some sort of swedish dance show. I guess, like dancing, with stars or something and environmentalists decided to crash the swedish dance show and the cameramen was having none of it is pretty spectacular here. What for what for the activity by the camera man give this guy metal is everybody's dancing, dancing here, come the environmentalists and they're coming and with their there with their dust and their their flag and then, if standing there, and then I heard the camera man o directly to the base. Yes, and the answer is still going. Togo just keep on nansen ass. More of this. Oh, that's it well the carriage jacked up as good. I like it.
It was more of this more of this. You you run into a public space to obstructing and you get mashed, I'm all for it. This dates all the way back to that that great tape of the the idiot charging into the middle of a dodgy stadium onto the field, to proposed his girlfriend insecurity, absolutely destroying I'm. So I'm very much indeed from this sort of stuff. In every time someone does, this is an art museum. I want to see somebody tackle like hard tackle, form shiver more, that's, ok time for some things eight already so over the course of the weekend. Law mermaid did pretty well, it did so on solid holiday, showing I think of the essence. Where there was going to like hundred thirty hunter forty million dollars at the box office now, basically to cash disney's run out of ideas, and so their new idea is what, if we just take all of our old animated movies and make them worse but put people on them, which seems not great
and it did make a lot of money over the weekend, because again, people are looking for something to take their children to kids movies tend to do, well over memorial day weekend, traditionally speaking, apparently it's gross to ten point three million dollars prior to fridays, full they launch and, and over the course of the entire weakened it grows over a hundred million dollars now again among may really is to make over ten million dollars from that thursday starts there only a couple that have failed to make a full hundred million dollars. The little mermaid has the fifth memorial. They want behind top that maverick pirates to the caribbean, outwards and indiana jones, the kingdom of the crystal skull ex mental I stand, and it was about a half million ahead of fast and furious six. So those are those are big numbers for sure. I do not think that this movie is going to have. tremendous staying power. The reason I dont things move is gonna have tremendous staying power is because they took what was a great score by Ellen megan, and then they added some extra music. With lyrics by wind manual miranda and
when manual miranda has I've talked about before is, I think, maybe the single most overrated talent working today in both theater and hollywood. Some moments in the heights, but overall it's kind of air, and I I was an early naysayers hamilton, not for any of the woke reasons, but because I thought that it just was overrated, it seems too the easiest thing to do and writing lyricist make them incredibly wordy and not use exact limes, which is annual ran his way I'm gonna give you an example of a lynn manual, miranda being bad job now, so one of the they added a few extra songs, one as for songs? They added is a song from the sea scuttle. Apparently, The movie is no longer as eagerly some sort of other bird and also no longer mail. It is now up athena, which no way out of his in things, but apparently aqua vena, not the water, like deed, like an actual human because herself up athena shoes and one of the marble movies. She is she placed scuttle in this, and they are. worded anew song for little mermaid, which of course, has a really good.
score. The original This may be the worst song ever recorded this song right here called scuttlebutt. which is supposed to happen in the movie. You remember in the animated movie, if you remember the plot of little mermaid, not explain the whole plot, But low mermaid wants to go, live online and be with Prince Eric right and she's in the sea, just make a deal with ursula in order to give up her ways and get legs in return the transit of the mermaids, in any case she and going on shore and and he does have a voice and there's one point a film where scuttle comes and tells her the prince Eric, is about to propose to her and she's super excited. It turns out, of course, that's not true that he's about to propose to Priscilla who's made herself over as a wedge into like an actual woman any case. That's this point in the movie in the movie. It takes like twenty seconds, in the new wide action version. There is a full song. They inserted for no reason here with awkward vena wrapping about this. It is called scuttle, but an if
however, our military men, when they get mo, needs, get information out of a terrorist in short order. They need to play this at full volume for like twenty five seconds, this makes water boarding. Look like a trip in the park in visiting is this is audio death. Here we go scuttlebutt by win manual miranda element. Oh boy erica.
hey we're gonna, like white ones. Have you not heard that cattle dial up, but now the gossip devise double, thereby, oh god I gotta get all by well. I was flying over land and sea and there on the ground. Then I can fly in here for you to see and hear what I remember remember much of what I would like to know player, but well those that's his name, the guy with the hair and assuring the bridge. The french has been dropped, and do you know when humans death, I might add their penguins? Stop it stop it. I can't I can't I just I cannot. I can't I can't stop at that level, secondly, we get through their how many second, we get through their before I had to stop. That does like thirty five seconds. Other, maybe wow, that's songs, violation of the geneva conventions that that is it, that is a horrible song wow. Now,
and our heatley literally everything when manual miranda does. There are a couple of songs from in Congo that are sort of catchy, although again, I think that he is messy in the way that he does his lyrics, but that is just death. Some of the youtube com and sentencing are just spectacular played. This I repeat, out the window and dad twenty years ago came back with the milk to turn it off. The song is legit catchy kind of like the flu. You know it's probably not gonna kill you, but doesn't stop you from wishing for death every second, you have to endure it. This is This is undoubtedly one of the sounds ever made in all of human history. Song is pretty need, fits the theme he took out his song, is pretty need, fits the theme of the movie? Well, my name:
daughter said it sounds like pestilence writing his wailing pale horse. It's not good guys is just not good it's bad, so good luck to other parents. Now, if you, if your child asked you to it that the good news is that you ve been forced to play disney songs for kids, you know Just it because you kids wanna, hear them, now you have it isn't so that you can play them in revenge. We found it. It is need scuttlebutt, one more additional note here on them on the little mermaid. So there is a new york times reviewer Wesley Morris, who just rights garbage so Wesley morris, ism, he's a film critic, sort of and everything that he does is incredibly woke. Of course Morris's is gay. Did this comes to play? Because here is his description of the movie? He says
correctly. That movie reeks of obligation and noble intentions, but then he adds this term quote joy, fun, mystery risk flavour kink, their missing king, Why why having kinky thoughts about the little mermaid did when the king, its eight children's movie nor times of your king that's great stuff already guys. The rest of the show continues right now: you're, not gonna, miss it I'll, be recasting the final episode of succession on mass, not hbo max anymore you're, not a member become member use, could shapiro at checkout out for two months: rental annual plans, click that linking the description and join us and
Transcript generated on 2023-08-15.