« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1734 - DeSantis Launches, Twitter Melts Down


The optics of the Ron DeSantis 2024 campaign launch are glitchy as Twitter Spaces fritzes out – but DeSantis puts on a policy clinic nonetheless; Trump responds in Trumpian style; and Target begins to slowly back away from its full-scale embrace of Satanic trans insanity.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The objects of the round us answers. Twenty twenty four campaign launch our glitches as twitter spaces fridges out, but the census puts on a palace clinic none, the less from responds in trompe in style and target begins, slowly back away from its full scale, embrace satanic trends, insanity, I'm benchmarks, is the bench Barroso. I Experience shows sponsored by express vpn, protect your online privacy today express vpn dot com, slash Ben baryon early on is designed so that that's actually what it sounded like last night and the centers decided to launch his campaign on twitter spaces with elon musk yesterday I said this is kind of a cool idea right, because this is edging around the legacy media. Instead of relying on legacy media to introduce you to the crowd, you just go direct to the crowd. It's basically an extension of what trump did in two thousand and sixteen when he took to twitter in order to set the narrative very much every morning instead to scientists I did that he was going to combine with elon musk was one: was powerful? People enriches person on earth,
in order to introduce himself to a very large crowd, and one of the big questions was going to be how that played, and the other big question was going to be. Would it even work? Well, not so much was the story of yesterday night so about six p m bunch of people to new razzie, a bunch I mean a lot of people. I mean seven hundred thousand people simultaneously tune in to us to around his answers. Neil, I must rowing say to one another and they waited and then they waited to more and then about five six minutes in a few voices could be heard whispering into microphones people not being clear if the, if the texts, work and and to a certain extent, was like wow. Is this really what a campaign launch is going to sound like what is going on? This is really weird, on the other hand, is like wow look at the authenticity. This is cool what's happening, and then it glitched out seven hundred thousand people who are waiting to hear what you have to say for a campaign launched and just glitches out now. Is that the fault of rawness antics? Of course ninety doesn't run twitter. That is the fault of mosques engineers, that is the fault of twitter spaces for glittering,
and then again when you want a new technology is extremely extremely risky. Twitter space is not a new technology, but carrying that sort of, listener burden is a very, very new. For twitter spaces to have to do, and you know, as co, founder of tech company new media company. I enjoy it. We ve had glitches ourselves. We ve been hacked, remember that when we premier met losses huge movie. What is a woman that we were literally have this sort of stuff. Does. a fairly reaching basis, which is why, if you're, looking for kind of a safe and secure place in order to launch campaign. Twitter spaces was not it so the thing starts to phrygia here's what it sounded like
When twitter spaces started glittering authority for europe, I think we are. We are kind of halting the servers, which is a good site. Aren't I liked it this interest that the up the folks in in the room here so it safe to say, will be making history without demanding next may elon musk his decision to purchase the spot from last year for a store to its original mission as a beacon for free speech and even to expose twitters past complicity with the governments of supervision, might have surprised many, but not those of us who have known I work for nearly a quarter century has commented. Three diameter freed eminently were put its money where its mouth is: seven arab, several items on our government, and then it cut out and so seven hundred thousand people were kicked out of that. What has been said to launch a second twitter space and took a while for people to able to log on, I couldn't anymore
and I'll be honest, I was, I was trying to re log ins that I could actually listen to and it just kept kicking me on twitter space was dead, so complete tech failure, like complete tech blow out. That was a huge problem. If you're going to launch, obviously optics matter a fair bit. If you remember the biggest campaign launches in our history, your you remember that donald trump, of course, and twenty succeeds in the famous descent down the ethical waiter or at from tower, and people marked it. Oh my god. What is he doing that so crazy and it turns out that became incredibly iconic, ensure a lot of people, who are seated in the rafters apparently paid it? Who cares it doesn't matter? Thousands chronic showmanship thing. This was supposed to be the dutch into a new wave of politics in which again legacy media was cut out of loop, and the new was going to happen, and people in the media we're started painting this immediately as egg understands his face again, his advanced team should have worked with twitter to me, sure this was not going to happen. The true edge should be on the face of the people over a twitter spaces, again failed to santa's enfield mosque in this particular in this particular situation.
Most himself on the second go around, he said yeah, the servers are pretty clearly straining somewhat just a of people online to its services, training, someone. that awkwardness is gonna. Make for a thousand means can make for a lot of mockery, of course, and that's precisely what happened as would imagine, The substance got left behind in favour of all of the coverage of the of the kind of craziness of a campaign launch where can't even here the person who is launching the campaign and hundreds of thousands of people are trying to get in Joe Biden of course responded by tweeting out a link to his own campaign. Saying here is a link that works. and then it was a link to the Biden harris donate campaign. Donald trump responded in a in typically trumpian fashion and again that the people who love this kind of stuff love this kind of stuff that the people who think that yeah. Maybe this campaign is, can be a fight between substance in style made. Maybe
That contrasts pretty strongly right here so trump before this happened, he treated out. Similarly, I'd like to personally congratulate rob the sanctimonious Abdi sanctimonious. They call him rob announcing that he will be entering the race for president of the united states. Hopefully will get thugs very to being attacked by the lax as the communists and the regular lunatics of our country, but how which I never know the kind of guy these doing these It means which are far worse than the leaders of our foreign countries. It must be soundly faded in order to make amerika great again now, as before lunch myself. I don't understand. Why is calling run this answers? Rob it's because I thought: Is that a typo in one of his tweets, and so now he's made this a thing he's going to call him rob again. This is our sixth grade, silly kind of guy. baby. I'm sorry like calling people rob when their name is wrong or we like ten. It may apparently answer is yes, it works, but like still wake
I guess it'd thrilled to that sort of thing. Ok, fair enough and then of course, he then responded to the glitzy failure of the twitter space launch where's. That momentarily first remember the last time not a free phone. You started feeling pretty, thereby yourself and then came those have deactivation these the forlorn requirements and, of course, the binding contract pure talk is giving you bob you samsung galaxy phone. Without the feeling you ve been duped. When you switch over to your tongue limited talk and tax data plan that comes the mobile hotspot, you will get a five g samson galaxy for free, that's right alone, Everything in a fraction of the price of rising agency or t mobile plus you'll be on america's most of it. Besides you network, but how do I know because I am a customer, while my business calls I'm here to make the switch to peer talk, cell phone wireless company, I'm proud to stand behind because they are proud to stand behind our mission here at daily wire. Pure talk to us based customer service team. Helped me make the switch in as little as ten minutes as even able to keep my phone number headed over to pure talk dot com, shapiro meet your free samsung galaxy when you sign up for unlimited talk text and unlimited data. That is pure talk, dotcom slash appear again. Pure talk is wireless for americans,
I americans are a company that doesn't hate your guts and they'll, bring you the best available cell coverage again head on over to pure talk, dot com, slash she's growing at that samson galaxy, when you sign up for a limited talk text, an unlimited data, a so from continued along these lines in attacking in attacking dissent, is in the end the twitter launch. So he he also tweeted out again calling rhonda chances rob which is apparently his is new. No, not sure I get it, but ok rub my red button is bigger, better stronger and is working troth, exonerated social supposed to twitter. So, first of all I would like to point out here that Social has never supported. Seven hundred thousand people simultaneously streaming anything like so if it were time out, the back end of twitter the back and fruit social, but rob rob. Ok, my red button is bigger, stronger and is
king. Yours does not permit conversation kim Jong. I've not soon to become my friend who gave wherever o k our eye, so that was response number who is that he is best friends with Kim jong own and has a big, strong red button. Chester hung bigger, a stronger red button, rob and then, of course, note note from tweet thread would be complete without his team sing out all of the different headlines from the media outlets, who are very, very upset and very shocked and appalled at the failure of the twitter spaces, launch they tweeted. Rhonda is twitter disaster news headlines from break our news: no safe spaces, twitter, launch debacle for santa's day male biggest failing campaign launches in history. since it is not for shambolic twitter room presidential announcing with you. I must the crash is five times and leaves users bamboozled. Just the news two sets announced,
well with major tech issues. Trumpery actually mean the washington post, twitter, repeatedly crashes and to translate presidential announcement cnn glitches. goes and melting the servers crashed. His senses campaign launched on twitter. The new york times has his big moment goes right with the twitter mountaintop trumpeted have one more response. He put out a true social, a fake twitter space. Including in a voice of Eli mosque, in a voice around us answers and then also twitter spaces imagined, twitter space verandah senses launch includes. I could you not? U unmask rhonda santa's george soros, Klaus schwab, dick cheney, Adolf hitler, the devil and the fbi. This is this is is trumps idea of of a funny responds to the twitter space camp campaign. Lunch is that de santis, his backers include soros adolf hitler, satan and the fbi wit
some boomer, meme energy coming in strong here. Can you hear me we can hear you george? Can you held hold on for over? I dont know: They can hear me where you find george, just speaking, don't think George, knows how to use twitter Can you hear me now? Can I please make my big announcement now everyone just hell shot up. George. Can somebody just mute george? Could you not a coffin okay. So how are we gonna take out trump you guys. the guys from the f b. I this is not a private call. This is a public twitter space. Everyone can listen in anyway, guys we invited everyone to this, this twitter space, so governor ron Desantis. Could everyone just shut the hell up, so I can make my announcement. Okay, you go girl with the devil,
gay to what everyone in this call is gay, zoo, yanza, trumped up, sell em I'm your choices for their public and primary. I guess I guess sort of a case that is, that is trumps response and, of course, the media pick up. This also, as you can imagine right, all those headlines are from mainstream media outlets, knowledge, the vast majority of them, and meanwhile you have overt fans, have trumpet the jolly and MSNBC declaring mistress a full scale, disaster total disaster serves the biggest in the political life of iran and basically santa's, and it has become absent Thirdly, humiliating raleigh embarrassing How do you live? Animals are more than five years. Your work, This is a disaster rawdon casey the santos, because even the decision to do this on twitter space leads into the weirdness of rhonda centres, and it also suggests is great
vulnerability is this idea that he's governor safe space He can only be approached and he can only get in front of people if it's been orchestrated and these in a bubble. So he does it on twitter spaces and then we get to the real dangers, the ideology associates tonight with someone who is it as a platform for regressive ideology, elon musk and it brings to the forefront these things that, then, is why nationalist themes that bring up is culture warders, marginalizing of already marginalized communities in the state of florida, sensitive, jolly prerogative. Public congressperson known as a machine It's a disaster enjoy read, I mean she enjoy read is so happy at the end of the clip. Joy reid looks like she needs to smoke a cigarette after all of that and there's a reason that MSNBC is happy and endless, and is that good for this- and this, of course, is not good for this, and it isn't good for this answer is again one of the senses. Basic pitches. Is I'm extremely competent, I'm good at what I do. we're going to get from me is like the meat and the potatoes of politics you're going to get good policy. It's not going to be a shambolic.
leap show and then, of course, you get. We got on twitter spaces. So that's a bad luck! That's a bad luck now. does this mean the campaign is over. So many members, the media, like the campaign, is now guys. We calm your asses down for half a second the campaign. Even twenty four hours old at this point in a campaign has barely begun and in fact there are pulls out that are showing that basically trump incentives, primaries in many of these states are hadn't had when it comes hedberg like ahead. You had match between trump and answer that any of these other candidates in the race waves, marquette poll, shows trump and enhances pretty close to even like trumpet You just answered for either other pole showing him where had because you include the other candidates and they start picking away at the senses, support in others. It is very, very early and remember there is no such thing. I mean there's one thing we know from the from presidency. There is no such thing as they sent me to our new cycle. There is only a forty eight hour new cycle, so if you are suggesting that the shambolic nature of the twitter spaces launch is somehow going, you
crippled dances campaign for the long haul. I have a tough, believing you. That's not me. that was good launch. It was not. The launch is a very, very much and belarus, because again it undermines the reality of the senses campaign which, as he's is an excellent governor, he's very gonna. What he does ever he's gonna hit all his marked, and then, when you watch is you don't eat the marks and when you're running the greatest showman in presidential political, his The person literally made his name, I'm being showman. That is not what you are looking for, so that decisions for his part, tried to respond to this by saying that, basically, this victory resonance victory is not because twitter spaces crash theirs victory is because I mean Donald trump had to act like a room with his supporters and marilla donor. A jewel launch it was pre, is pretty disappointing. will recall, at least this answer. when they get seven hundred thousand people minimum we're ready to watch simultaneously. Him announced this act we'll thing here was on a census announcing that they broke the internet. We
huge audience it did. It was the biggest ever had it did break the twitter space, and so we're really excited with the enthusiasm. But ultimately, it's about the future of our country. I try I'm running to lead a great american come back. We know the countries on the wrong track. We see it with our eyes. We feel it our bones. We see the border being overrun. We see crime infesting the cities, we see the federal government, making it more difficult for families to make ends meet and we have a president who is a listless thus all not energetic and not dealing with the key challenges that are facing our country, but it does not have to be this way. Our decline as a country is not inevitable. It is a choice and I think we can choose a better pathway. Okay, so TIM's senses responds again. You've got to spin this somehow the way they're spinning it is not falls, but it obviously doesn't overcome the the sort of glitchy failure. Twitter spaces is
there are so many people who want to see me that obviously there's a crowd and again that is not incorrect. They did in fact break the internet, although obviously they would be better off if the internet had not broken may soon. Just one second will see exactly what this Anti said, because again, so much of this is about the objects and it's matter, but you know what else. Matters is kind of what the census would do as president of the united states we'll get to that momentarily. First, we have a dog. His name is happy. He is a cutie and one of the things that my kids really like to do with happy just release him as we into the wild which measures running around our house. A top speed is a very frisky little puppies, very, very cute. We want happy to live a long and healthy life. This is why we say giving him rough greens every morning. It's the dog food that will you know nutritional value back to your dog's dead food right now it's got that brown look and it's all dried, weird, doesn't exactly scream nutritional, but green food makes it better rough greens was happy food backs life. It can do the same for your dog. You have to by new dogs, though just sprinkle rough greens on their food every single day it contains
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That's really. What is launch was about now. You know you can see. There is no. Such thing is, publicity. But again. The contrast year is not particularly great for his answers. But if you the substance, the substance is really really good, as always because this answers is really good at this. That's the thing, if you had to pick between forget about all of the media battles for a second forget about whose style you prefer right round the fantasy, very very directly linear and his style or trump who we come swinging out of freeze on a vine punching people right leg, forget about the sale for second and focusing on who gets things done, who, when the last election in florida by twenty, points we ve taken a state that was really really purple and turn it bright red whose implemented conservative house across the board in the state of florida, and the answer is obviously dissent is when it comes to policy, and so when it came to the substance, when you actually sat with moscow with David saxon. They took questions from a variety of different people in the chat. This is like what sense is good. It is actually good at the business of governing
so here is what it sounded. Like wonders. Answers announced his run. I understand that you may have an announcement to make. We ve god, I think, are a record audience assembled here. You know the play the biggest room. That's probably ever been assembled online. What what would you like to tell them? I am running for president of the united states to lead a great american come back, ok and then he launched into his actual political speech the first six. Seven minutes of this call were taken up by his hands. Explaining exactly what he was going to do. He you started with a disk. Of our challenges under Joe Biden. Look, we know our countries going in the wrong doing
can we see it with our eyes and we feel it in our bones. Our southern borders collapse drugs are pouring into the country. Our cities are being hollowed out by spiking crime. The federal government's making it harder for the average family to make ends meet into attain and maintain a middle class lifestyle and our president. Well, he lacks vigour flounders in the face of our nations challenges and he takes his cues from the woke mob now, obviously, all of that is true, and then he suggested that basically, what he was looking to do is restore sanity to the nation which, by the way, is a good campaign. Okay, the the best campaign best version republican campaign. Here is now wild crazy mud fight. The best version of the republican campaign is Joe Biden say very that
president who's not up to the job he's wrecked. The economy is wrecked. Our foreign policy has wrecked our border. He's wrecked us socially, you know, it'd be awesome. Normality here is just an mc nutcase. We must restore sanity to our nation. This means embracing fiscal and economic sanity, stop pricing, hardworking americans, out of a good standard of living through inflationary, borrow print and spending policies, and please embrace american energy independence. This also means replacing the woke mind virus with reality, facts and enduring principles. Merit must trump identity, politics. We must return normalcy to our communities. America is a sovereign country. Our borders must be respected. We cannot have foreigners pouring into our country illegally by the millions. We cannot allow drug cartels to poison. Our
population with fence in all. Public deserve safe communities and law, and order must be maintained in american cities get all that is bread and butter kind of stuff that I think eighty percent of americans agree with that's the kind of stuff they get from the santa's again That's why they twitter spaces launch was in It is for him, although the numbers again were very, very large ones that momentarily first, as you know, baby shapiro number four has joined us. This means no sleep for anyone, but when I am able to lie down in this brief moments between when he is waking, my wife up and when we are changing diapers I need to be able to sleep, and this is why I rely on bowl and branch bowling. Brands sheets are made from the finest one hundred percent organic cotton threads on the planet. They feel buttery to the touch they're super breathable. They are perfect with cooler and warmer months, their signature ham sheets were made. Threads, so luxurious that three ex presidents sleep on them. They are made without pesticides, formaldehyde or other harsh chemicals. Best of all born branch gives you a thirty nine risk. Retrial friction
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He was talking about defending law enforcement in restoring honour to military. We can't have inmates running the asylum and we must reject a tax on the men and women of law enforcement. We also must re, establish integrity and our institutions. This includes the military, I'm proud to be a navy veteran in Iraq veteran and I review our services, but when revered institutions like those that our belts area we're more concerned with matters not central to the mission, whether it's global warming or gender ideology and pronouns morale declines and recruiting suffers, and you need to eliminate these distractions and we need to get focused on the core mission, let all that happens to be great, and then he ripped into unelected bureaucrats who went through Sarah the the rest of his campaign bill, but the part that really mattered. There are two things he said in this that really matter, and these are going to be the contrast going into two thousand twenty four he says: listen, politics is not entertainment governing is not entertainment. We get results
This is going to be the actual petroni santa's. Is you want the goods? You want the glamour. You want the distractions you want that crazy entertainment of it. I'm probably not your guy, if you want somebody who is actually going to govern strongly, is going to get done. What you need to get on if you'd like to win policy terms, will then I am your guy and I have the receipts to prove it, because I'm running a state that is gained hundreds thousands of citizens. Since twenty twenty thanks to conservative governance. Here was trying to how governing is not entertain it. Obviously, some tweeting trump here, but we also understand governing, is not entertainment, not about building a brand or virtue signalling. It is about delivering results in our results in Florida had been second to nine. We can and we must deliver big results for america. and since talked about covert, they talked about how he did not allow backs mandates in the state which is true and how freedom was written by combination. authoritarianism. These are all going to be points of comparison with donald trump
So this campaign is going to be about rawness answers, calling out donald trump on making anthony voucher, world famous figure and then allowing him to essentially run his policy and fragmentary fashion? While I'm ok, isley suggesting that operation warp speed is a great things. Have happened in the history of humanity as saying that georgia should lockdown, and then syndrome should not lockdown michigan should be, for it was all very descents, very consistent in its policy. It was always looking a data it's going to be one point of differentiation. Another point of differentiation he's going to say: listen, you want to talk law and order. I literally paid a stipend to cops come to the state. A ten grand peace during a blacklist matter riots. You are tweeting your campaign was literally tweeting out in support of george led protesters that, as they think that did happen in the middle of summer, twenty twenty down from did not apply the national You talk about building a wall, you didn't complete the wall. You are the president of the republic republican congo you didn't get the wilder right. These are all gonna be points. The advances can be able to make an front, doesn't have a great rebuttal to a lot of that sort of stuff from Rebuttal is probably can be calling him rob its volume. Is
has no personnel or tell them be personal stuff. So that's can be the choice, I think, republican primary, if you think it's really a two percent primary- which I do it's gonna, be you love the personality of from you think he is I'll bet he's eccentric and that's the only way things get done. Ok, I hear I dont think that is fully justified. His administration and, I don't think, is justified by the electorate when you twenty twenty twenty one, twenty eight. But I hear I get the argument and I understand why people love it. and then the other side of the argument is going to be dissenters, saying listen you can speculate on from or can earn a very nice consistent rate of return by investing in mind That is a and that was essentially has been, should listen. There's no substitute for victory whining is not a substitute for it
if complaining about losing is not a substitute for victory. Pretending you won when you're, not the president is not a substitute for victory. Here was the santas. There is no substitute for victory. We must end the culture of losing that has infected the republican party in recent years. The tired dogmas of the past are inadequate for a vibrant future. We must look forward backwards. We need the courage to lead and we must have the strength to win and to voters who are participating in this primary process. My pledge to you is this: if you nominate me, you can set your clock to january twentieth twenty twenty five at high noon, because on the west side of the u s capitol, I will be taking the oath of office as the forty seventh president of the united states, no excuses, I will get the job done. Hey, that's the big
It's right. If you, if you nominate me, I will take office because I will win read that as that and here's the thing dissenters can answer the question that trump cannot so descent trump has one question that he cannot answer and I've been asking everyone around him, and I don't trump not even answer, none of his words, a good answer, let's assume its trump is right election of twenty twenty was stolen from him like full on stolen, and I don't mean like soft rigged. I mean not none in the way that I agree with not in the way that, like facebook was suppressing content that is beneficial to trumpet harmful, divided or like the rules changed in the last few the campaign be recovered from as an increase in mail in ballots that obviously benefited democrats. I agree with all that in a soft sense, the election of twenty twenty was rigged, but trump talks about it in hard cents. He thinks that was like actual voter fraud, fake ballots that were being bused into fulton county in the middle of the night and then tabular read that that's the thing that, from his actually claimed in arizona in georgia, he hasn't.
I mentioned it so much in wisconsin and michigan, which is weird because even if he'd won arizona and georgia, if he loses wisconsin, Michigan pennsylvania is still not the president, but put all that aside, let's assume that what trump says is absolutely correct. Foreign stolen from twenty twenty the question I've asked and that no one has answered so far because it's a relevant question is how do you plan to reverse this truly how'd you plant overseas is your actual plan for becoming president of the united states. Your case is that the system is so I'll, get you that hundreds of thousands. We're literally change your prevent you from becoming the president going in social and mouthing off about is not going to change that results. What exactly is your plan to change that result? Now the thing that de Santis is that he actually does have a plan to dissent. Instead of lord of for example, and that this has been true the twenty eighteen gubernatorial raise disadvantage extremely meticulous about how humans campaign it is not thinly staffed? He is not
going to rely on the vicissitudes of of the media. In order to boost his campaign, he will actually get people out. ground, knocking on doors, he's going to make sure that there are people or harvesting balance The states where ballot harvesting is legal, he's gonna make. where they compete on every right, as opposed to trample on twenty twenty late. Twenty Many early twenty one told the vote of georgia, not to vote in the georgia senate ray because he was so mad about how georgia ones that he basically handed two seats in this. United states in it to the Democrats leading to the greatest unprecedented spending beings in american history. It doesn't happen if from doesn't help people to stay home in georgia. Unlike that, this answers looked at this the florentines, I'm ok. Well, you know they're doing ballot harvesting their organizing a particular at once just out, organise them. Are we just to outdo it and then one by twenty point? That's where you actually win meddling in a well knows. This is brain aap, a sweeping victory in georgia. At the same time, the trumpets lose georgia an to georgia,
there's we're losing their seeds because people in shock to vote in the run off. So that's the actual plan. if you believe you're believer that elections got stolen. The only way to defeat that is to actually mobilized. On the ground in change, how you do the elections not a bit about an hundred social. so. This answers can actually make decades, because that see what he has done in the state of Florida that that's it That's going to be the final line of attack. I think the chances is probably going to use against trump. Now again. Trump's line of attacks are pretty clear at this point. He's gonna call him rob He's going to suggest that he's meatball ron is going to do this sort of stuff and maybe throw that ok, maybe find outstanding. Okay, the question is: who do you think is most likely to be Biden. So when I say that this answers is actually pretty go to the aim of politicking, let me point out that, despite the twitter spaces debacle- and it was a debacle there- that the watch did- the glitch failure was a debacle that, despite that, in the first hour after that
In the first hour after that, you just answer campaign raised one million dollars to put that in perspective. When done, from declared that the aim in hand was about to prosecute him. It took him three days to raise one point: five million dollars in the first our defences raised. One million dollars dissent is currently have Two hundred million dollars in the bank in new times as a full article talking about how to Santa's is preparing an outreach, push so big. Then they plan to knock on the door of every possible defensive voter in at least for at least four times in new hampshire. atta ants after one in five times in the kick off I will caucuses. as part of an underground organizing operation and intends to hire more than twenty two hundred field organizers by labour day, an extraordinary number for even the best funded campaigns top officials. With the protests answers group, a superpower called never back down, provide the most utility yet of their battle plan to aid dissenters who may believe they can.
I was the only candidate to take on and win the cultural fights. There are definitional for the republican party in twenty twenty four. The group said it expected to have an overall budget of at least two hundred in dollars, including more than eighty million dollars to be transferred from an old santa state political accounts for the daunting task involving the floor governor past former president donald J trump hey. So that's how you, when elections by the way right, If not, I understand we hear on the show. We talk about thirty thousand foot politics right. What's in the headlines, what people are saying today, but the truth is the vast majority. The american public does not just politics and their granular level. They just don't that's why the voter turnout rates in this country, like sixty five percent. though the way people actually consume politics, they have a generalized feeling. What does that mean? It means that voter turnout matters means hard on the ground work matters. It means that staffing up your campaign matters, so you get the views which candidates, you think, is most likely to beat Joe Biden and
The reality is that if you look past the style of the twitter launch into the substance, what he was actually saying, if you're to the stock pass the style to the substance, what descends is achieved as the governor of florida, it will pass the style of from bunch social lasting out, weird videos of bacon a voice, his view on mosque in it. If it weren't satan talk with round his aunt us- and you will do you no spending money on the ground, getting people do not endorse. That is actually how you win elections. Now that doesn't mean that answer can be trumpet the primary from obviously has the upper hand. Famous person. America Republicans generally love the guy. Understandably, he was great president for the first three years. I think the last year was a real problem I am obviously which lies at the president anymore and yet a real problem with being unable to activate the film between his brain and his mouth, which is why you up. In any more. I said all the time during the trump administration that, if you can just take twitter away from, from you- would never have stopping president you'd have continued to be present, be present right now, with all that said, we can primary voters anybody who,
as the last night was the end of the campaign. None of you know last night was just the beginning of the campaign, no matter how badly things went on at twitter spaces again just one. Second will get you something is going very badly for Joe Biden, and that, of course, is the debt ceiling fight. First, most of your dad's tastes get better with age. You know stakes cars naps. When it comes to underwear, he is still rocking the for the looms from like nineteen, seventy nine. No, that is no good. Give him the new time john underwear, when you are Tommy John you're, much more comfortable, so you can do everything better. That's because time John moves with you and keep cool thanks to a breathable lightweight fabric with four times the stretch of competing bans. Tommy John makes the best underwear on planet earth. I know because I, where only tommy johns they grace this magnificent, took us we single day since dad's always want the best for you grow a pair of tommy john for yourself as well. Every purchase is backed by tommy John's peril everywhere or its free guarantee get your father's take its early. I mean memorial day, sale now from thirty thirtieth, save thirty percent off so wide I'm john d coms lifespan, as thirty percent off at all
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a couple of bad things happen for Joe Biden, one serious financial turmoil. So a lot of people in wonder whether the Eurostat is actually good, can be a very difficult ashley raising knew that in order to pay for the old that and all the rest of it, and so that that's that's problem, one prime number, two, as we have heard that ceiling the truth is, will continue paradigm that is mandatory, spending its scratching airy spending that is going. He had cut that discretion spending is what keeps democrats afloat in social security in medicare medicate. Those things are mandatory. Spending it is going to be all the discretionary spending is going. A kind of covered spending is, can be interest. Sure bill green new deal garbage and it's gonna get caught and binding go back to his base and explain why all that stuff is being cut if we hit the debt ceiling. So these are two serious problems for Joe Biden and then he's cred from some. The problem, which is that took a very strong position or other negotiate under anyway those arab and then he has to negotiate as it turns out that he does not run the congress and there is a co. Equal branch of government called legislature that sometimes you have to negotiate with
you can always rely on the media to do his dirty work form. The Washington post as geo p, unites in brinkmanship over default, rejecting Biden, compromises it is precisely the opposite of what is actually happening. The actually thing that is the actual thing that is happening is that the Republicans passed passed. They bill raising debt ceiling in saying no spending above twenty twenty two levels: and Joe Biden has merely dismissed all of that claimed that he is negotiating. This is false. The Washington post says What ahead of another round of negotiations with the white house mccarthy told her publicly had the upper hand in the discussions, and she's members to show their support for colleagues facing tough re like bids next year. As a sign of unity, Mccarthy urge members make sure vulnerable. Lawmakers makers have plenty of campaign money from geo peak offers. The overture referred, the jewel peace determination to stay unified behind spending cuts, even as the nation has for the brink of a default despite a rapidly approaching deadline, and why has suddenly A compromise and democratic led effort to push a petition that could fall force a vote on raising the debt sailing over mccarthy's objections. So first, while no repetition,
Are you succeed? You have to have majority of votes in order that a petition to succeed number two point does not suddenly eager to compromise If they were, they just sign off on the bill and in fact the same washington post is noting the Democrats, our very nervous over this whole battle. Quote Democrats worry groves of white house approach to that talks house What kind of leaders are voicing frustration over president Biden, protein negotiating it. That's you'll enjoy republicans worrying their priority. Is there not being champion aggressively enough and abiding hasn't Fourthly pushed back publicly against republican demands. They have left wing of the democratic party, and are very, very angry. At Joe Biden for not holding the line, I came jefferies. acknowledged that represented sheila jackson, liese team, pushing the Democrats do not compromise, are really him. Jeffreys night raised the question with the president. According to a person familiar situate, who, like others, who spoke to the washington post, did so condition of anonymity. Jeffrey said it's my expectation that, if republicans continue to play games at the america
call me threatened evils and drive us into a very dangerous situation we need to hear from. You illustration of not the president himself up that he can say whatever he wants, but the reality is that if we hit the debt ceiling here after republicans, have appeared as moderates, who actually want to compromise, Joe Biden is going to feel the full brunt of the american public right now. Is he even split in appalling on who gets blamed if that ceiling has breached, but must be real about this the economy itself thinks it can make in russia republican today. That price is indeed, president of the united states, jenny I, for her part, is trying to bring the pressure. She says that the EU could I am unable to meet all of its financial obligations as soon as june. First, this by the way is not fully true. As I say
will continue to pay our debt, we'll just have to cut discretionary spending. I I will plan to update congress shortly and try to increase the level of precision, and you know, there's a lot of uncertainty about government payments and receipts even a few weeks out and it's hard to be precise about exactly which day we will run out of resources, but I early june is seems almost certain that we will not be able to get past early june I do intend to provide an update pretty soon we can. Meanwhile, the Democrats are trying to cram through the idea they can. Mccarthy in the republicans, are the ones who are extremists on all this. The problem is that I've already got away from them. When the republican ass, a bill that increase that ceiling democrats wrong foot it may have not adjusted in any way shape or form. There is great
I'm here world's worst. Why has press secretary explaining that you know if we d, there will be a recession? Yet we know some of your bullshit sign something a default would have catastrophic impacts in every single part of this country, whether you are in a red state or in a blue state. It doesn't matter every single part of tree. We're talking about millions of jobs, lost, devastated, retirement, counts and a recession. Okay, so who are you understand again if the american public perceive that you guys are the ones who are not being moderate on making a compromise. Your basically talking american look into blaming. You die. It's very bizarre. The irrepressibly stupid general cause. You got, has the representative from twitch end and also brooklyn? She says
Mccarthy is engaging in quoting extortion extortion, we go the reason why anyone is asking anyone on this stage about what we would vote for it, because Kevin Mccarthy needs our votes. So if he wants any democratic support, he has to come to the table and we have seen him over and over again say that he will not negotiate that they are engaged in hostage taking, not negotiation, extortion, not conversation, and that is not something we can establish. It is not something we can reinforce in this country. except for mccarthy, already passed the bill like they? They just it's amazing, honestly Joe Biden, it's the biggest political blunder that I've seen a president make just as a pure matter of political gamesmanship. The president always has the advantage in a debt ceiling standoff because he can Listen. We need to raise the ceiling among a few minor compromises, but it's imperative that we not breach that's it
japan start over them, not making any compromise already been talking about this. We're not gonna, have a conversation and republicans we're like. Ok, possibility raised the dazzling now who looks like the moderate did the only way that the Democrats you can try by this back in the face of their own base, is presumed to try and and blame mccarthy, but it's just not working from illegible progressive leader from washington. She says that ray That's an these sacred principle, amazing. What the Democrats consider sacred right. Abortion same sex, marriage, financing of the children and raising the ceiling. These are sacred items to democratic leadership, ranking members if the committee brendan boyle, has a great bill on this to take care of the debt ceiling, allow the treasury secretary to raise the debt ceiling. Many of us are proud to be on that bill, and I think this is really. important, because I think there used to be this idea that the debt ceiling was sort of sacred. You know that you, it was just paying your bill this at all.
Been negotiated. It was already agreed to and what we ve seen as republicans increasingly taking on those very sacred principles of keeping the economy of not defaulting of not throwing people into uncertainty in chaos. yeah, that's, a progressive, are famous for his paying their bills and offering people into uncertainty and cast may well get mccarthy is coming out of this. Looking pretty good at this point again, it's pretty astonishing turn of events for the speaker of the house, who was largely derided for his near inability to gain the speakership is pretty good, gamesmanship here from mccarthy was now moderate, mccarthy sounds. We talked about the debt limit ox
we need to have a deal this week in order to avoid the pain. I still believe we have time to make an agreement that the watched anything about my life- I never give up at anything, so we will get a deal when we have one worthy of the american. So again pretty moderate and carter points out. We offered a lot of concessions at this point or what exactly is the problem remains democratic, both probably the house. Definitely the Senate democratic. Why does why not offer a single concession beyond saying we're not going into forms creeper offered a lotta concessions. The cap on the spending. Is a democrat idea. They wanted to work on in the work requirement. Was a democrat idea the whole time, I can't help it if the democratic becomes so extreme
How is a party of Bernie sanders than the party where Joe Biden was elected? Joe Biden is the president of the united states. She is the head democrats, but it's a o c and Bernie sanders is going to run their party. That's not my fault, he is right and it makes Joe Biden look very bad, and so if the debt ceiling gets breached, Joe Biden is going to pay the price. For that again, very very bad strategy is strategically here by by the president of the united states. Okay. Meanwhile, we are quickly reaching the point thank god in corporate amerika, where corporate paymasters. They are starting to realise that the only winning movies not to play our war games, like you, can't mess around me. If you do you're gonna find out, but like found that out when they got absolutely trash, I've never seen a brand. trashed harder than but light has now been. Actually literally, cannot give way beer you're, seeing pictures from like walmart of free stacks of light and nobody picking them up. Nobody wants to what dude is interested in purchasing
or even drinking the beer that is associated with a brand that believes that men are women and women or men like it's, not a thing that a lot to do I are going to do well now, target has really stepped in it and they've got a real problem on their hands. So remember it wasn't. Just that target was pushing the pride month stuff them doing that for years and it was annoying and people kind of ignored it. Then they started pushing This parliament, the like giant pride, displays everywhere because during month of june. We get the holy month prying during the whole month. Pride every covering rainbow vomit, it's important a single product be covered in rainbow bottom at every single one, and not just now also in pride, progress vomit, so trans vomit, so you have to have some you have to have some bathing suits in which boys can talk there pulling berries underneath themselves. They can look more like girls
to make sure that your baby ones ease talk about bisexuality over at target, and we would like this very much. They also didn't like that. Dumb target had started retailing in partnership with the uk based brand called. I am proud to sell merchandise and in a search on targets. Website found some of the items. Those items were designed. by a person who Eric colonel in outspoken satanist, whose ran features occult imagery and messages like certain risks. Pronouns on brand apparel, which is just delightful. parliament also cells merged with aggressive messaging, attacking critics pins or the phrases hetero normally is a egg and burn down. The system are featured on What's that, along with one it's as homophobia, headrest with an image of a guillotine cartel, transgendered zeiner. Behind the brand explain, instagram, post satan represents passion, pride and liberty and loves all algae bt, q plus minus about it by saying people. So am I mean no argument, no argument for me. They think that that's not literal, I think it's
little literal, I'm not a believer in the christian version of satan like Satan, as is almost at a gnostic there s a nasty opponent of of god, you know the fallen angel. Who now opposes gods? Kingship Brenda, that's jewish concept of satan, but the idea that the aids are hurrah at the evil inclination is very into pride, passion, liberty and sexual licence. Yeah I mean yes, so target just got they're getting ripped by a lot of their customer base, and so now they decided and try to walk off at the problem is once you engage. You cannot disengage, deprived progress What have you to disengage? You'll be forced to re, engage and now you're force to play this tuesday, you, gotta take one side or another you'll be neutral and just provide products to people to buy them or you can take. a clear demarcation line on issues of the day. Now, what, raising about this- is that you happy like avenue some, the governor of California, who
whose done aid and actually absolutely horrific job in the state of california, to the extent that five hundred thousand people left the state of california net between twenty twenty and twenty twenty two and given you some, out there tweeting about target and suggesting, This is just a terrible. We cannot allow this sort of thing ever ever again and in fact Evan some, then started to do the the old holocaust poem first. They came and then they came forth by the time they came for the Jews. There was no must defend me, hey so Gavin newsome treated, so your target. Brain cornell selling out the algae plus community to extremists is real. Profound courage why is he saying that? Well because target decided to move some of their pride progress nonsense to the back of the store in states where it ain't that popular? He said this isn't just a couple of stores in the south there's a systemic attack on the gay community happening across the country Yes, as our gaze across the country are under systemic breton, a country were gay marriage, not only legal, but now they are attempting to force your children to learn about it in kindergarten. Wake up. America has given you some. This doesn't stop here your blood.
Your aging, your jewish, your woman, your next yeah you're, right, probably it can stop selling women's clothing. Probably now, and also as a jew, I'm feeling real threatened by them by people who are not into the transit of the children like as an orthodox jew. I feel super you'll notice that target has been selling connachar gear for literally ears like every kind of disease and what kind of a year as there the boycott of target on that basis. Nope, I ain't nobody care you as soon as the target for black history month, cells, all sorts of black product, some of that serves pre device. It is, however, boycotted target over that now really has overman anti asian move against target nope. It is only when you start trying to transit kids, the peoples are to get a little uptight for good reason, but again now targeted stuff
when a rock and a hard place of its own making, as all corporate brands will be. So all you, corporate brand leaders out there are preparing for pregnant. Just remember this could be you if you decide to step into this minefield and then you get blown up ain't, no sympathy for you over here. In fact, some of us are quite happy to make an example of you. If you just to become a bleeding edge of the pride progress team attempting to foster a so final viewpoint that damages children Rex, traditional morality using them step here from the l, a dodgers, the iliad actually the most clear example. They decide they're going to have a pride night. They become pregnant for years. Nobody much cared like if he didn't like he just didn't go to the ballpark and then they decided Youngah honour the sisters of perpetual indulgence, which is an anti catholic group in which game and and gay women dress and Franz people dress up is Jesus and mary in blasphemous in blasphemous for displays, and then the dodgers had walked that back
turns out like a huge percentage of their fan base, is hispanic catholic and then the algae, kiki plus my divided by sank. Me was so mad. They reinstated the sisters of perpetual indulgent, so here's what you guys can do don't play the game. Just sell the products and stop trying to proselytize on behalf of left wing crap not that of don't vomit rainbows everywhere and pride month, just sell pants. I know the real tough stuff. Here I know this is really the way this would make for aid You wanna hear you nonsense. You're about this. It makes very lucrative america. If we do this, it makes for a less lucrative daily. Why We literally launch germany's razors on the back of woke brands. We launch germans, chocolate and backup opened does want to keep polarizing. This thing we are happy to take money from people who feel scorn and upset. is their brands, who hate or got. But you know I prefer america, where you just go back to selling a product and stop trying to promote the idea that jewel of being as a moral exemplar to us all, it's very simple: go back to neutral and every all weapons go away, but if you're in a play this game play,
The games, winds, stupid prizes, f round and find out. I've studied multiple times, there's a harvard business school. The harvard business school study shows that the left has basically been leveraging brands, the last couple of decades that that left wingers use. There are against conservative corporations in order to rip on them, whether its chicks, or their tommy lobby that will go after them full scale if even poorer, eve, any whiff of conservatism? Meanwhile, conservatives fervour literally decades have just been legal left wing corporation whenever also go there not anymore. Those days are over because you have pushed too far. You have decided is imperative. The you become the loudspeaker for a system of morality that sustains traditional institutions like the nuclear family that sustains the naps. the necessity of heterosexual relationships and pretence at all sexual activity is morally equivalent and equally fulfilling. an entirely and there should be moral apathy about all the stuff. That's you you did it so now you have a choice. You go back to new challenges but this garbage or you can continue to walk down the primrose path, and I
more than happy to take my business elsewhere and more that we heard earlier we're happy to start our own businesses that don't scorn our audience. target is at it if you think it's over for target and it ain't over, but for target not by not by a damned long shot. Okay, meanwhile, speaking of local news stories became national news stories and then went back to being local news stories. This one's hilarious, so you'll remember that a couple of days ago there was a man who crashed a? U haul truck into a security barrier outside the white house. Now this sort of thing has happened before, in fact, back in April of twenty twenty one, There is a police officer in washington. We see who's actually killed by a person who ran him over near the capital building. We don't talk, that situation because wasn't connect with january sex, no, the names of people I Brien's ethnic who may have died as a result. Sex, but did not I on january. Second, it still unclear yankee, you know his name. You don't know that
but the officer who was killed in an actual quasi terror attack by the? U s capital, because a person kill them was was not actually like a mad. Remember it. While this is a perfect example that sort of lip so a man who crush you all truck into security barriers at the white house- and this was top of the news- was the biggest story in the country. Why? Because he had a nazi flag and a nazi flag, and he said that he's gonna kill president Biden and so for a brief hot. Second. The meter, like ah our dream scenario has emerged here. It is a white super, His mega headed jesse small, wet attacker was about to ram into the white house with a u haul truck and a nazi flag. Oh all of our fancies are about a country all of them Members me were jeffrey tubing. It they broke out the store, ok, why they are really getting ready to forge a party, and then it turned out that the person- we did. It is a person, personal sigh marshes, candour, and- and he is an illegal immigrant who knew it forward.
Europe can do also began to emerge when acquaintance who attended high school with him in suburban saint louis. Apparently, the friends were shot by allegations against it, betrayed him as caught, quiet and kind not a what country whose originally from or when he arrived in the united states, assistant, federal public, defender, diane Shrewsbury, who is appointed to represent kansas, did not offer a defense of kansas law in court. Apparently they say that it appears this guy's a crazy person. In fact I can do what like to wear a surgical mask with Biden's name on it during the pandemic, because it got a reaction from the people at marquette university where he was going school and you were apparently has begun. lost his mind and again not here? Legally, he told authorities. What the flag does not yet have great history, and he admired their authoritarian nature. Eugenics there one world order according charging documents and call it off. a strong later, but he wasn't from support. Also not a national news story. We can set we
We can't have a conversation about illegal immigration or who's in the country legally and who's, not that that would be a conversation. Media doesn't want to have so. Instead, we will just won't. Have the conversation at all, and so the story poof disappear. It no longer exists. Just like many local news stories. It popped into the news for a brief hot second and then like that, It was gone I'll, get time for some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I liked it. I can't zones she made a documentary about black lives matter is called the greatest As a result, there is all about a blacklist matter. Was a giant scam The entire organization was designed to make money for its founders. It paid patrice colours. A lot of money colors brother, a lot of money at one point: six million dollars for security services and twenty twenty two another sis, on a board member and one point: one million dollars for consulting. They cleared tens of millions of dollars from ridiculous left wing progressives in This is like California, who decided that they wanted forlorn sign on their law Reading in this house, black lies
Water is delicious, that kind of garbage, so others it's a sign tracks, two black lives matter, and it was. It was used by a black person, patrice colors, to purchase resolve a very, very nice house. Will now according to the daily mail below. national organizations at risk of going bankrupt efforts. Finances play Eight point: five million dollars into the red last year, while simultaneously handing multiple staff, seven figure salaries. Oh you mean was a giant scam. No, you shock me He'll disclosures obtained by washington, free beacon, show the perilous state of being global network foundation, which visually november, twenty twenty as more formal way structuring the civil rights movement. Despite financial controversy be alone. Continue to hire relatives of patrice colours and several board members. Paul colors one of the airlines, only you paid employees during the year he collected one hundred twenty six thousand, our salaries head of security on top and consulting these he's best known as a graffiti art, with no background insecurity, the previous twenty twenty one tax filings reveal the bee olympia to come.
Or by demon ter, the father colors child, nearly nine hundred seventy thousand dollars to help reduce live events and provide other creative services. the system for black lives matter board, member raven hair howard was employed as a concern. Maybe Daniel Edwards. Her knew him happy This is paid one point, one million dollars for consulting services in twenty twenty, two, so donations. Lines, because everybody stop feeling bad about about the, where's void of it all and decided she sat start sending their checks to their global warming, scamp actually just move. If one scamp act to another stand back on bottom, it is delicious to imagine how much money went to black lives matter. and in their founders and all that money went directly to somebody pocket, so just slow, clap for the racial scam that that paid off. Until until they went bankrupt, yeah I'll get me well things that I hate so roger waters of pink floyd. He is a vicious horrible, anti semite he has been for years
he pretends that anti semitism is, is actually anti zionism button up, it's actually just full scale, anti semitism. So, apparently, over the last couple of days he did a concert mercedes benz arena in berlin. Now berlin, you will recall when it comes to You know anti semitism nazis and it has a history there. Some things that happened in germany, a few things In fact, he brand mercedes Benz may been involved in some of those things actually your waters decided. It would be an excellent idea to dress up in essence officer and then compare Anne Frank demurred fourteen year old, jewish girl too, Al Jazeera, journalist, serene abu ALA, whose accidentally shot, probably by idea of forces, whereas they probably roaming. The Jews accidentally shot, probably Accidentally I mean that probably idea of forces accidentally shot her. It's still not clear whether that is the case or not. Well, it's assumed the case after investigations. Clearly the idea was not tar. being a prominent journalist to kill her. That would be a very stupid thing to do, and obviously it is not what happened, but that
ambrosch waters that you too now, comparing a journalist was actually We killed in middle shootout terrorists to afford, you're a girl in denmark taken out of an attic and shipped to auschwitz, where she was gas to death, because roger waters is a piece of human bree, he is our budget being at the beginning of the year, Announcement was displayed on a screen. Reading put on a matter of public interest. Accord in Frankfurt has ruled that I'm not an anti semite just to be clear. I can do anti semitism unreservedly. Nope he is. He is a vital piece of crap and he hates the Jews, the Jews, and then he comes of course, a bunch of victims of the nazis to various people have been killed in conflict with the israelis. He is what what
while these guys here's what it looked like the gross and terrible yeah already we've reached the end of this part of the show, but you don't want to miss. What's coming up next, we'll be speaking with bishop Robert barron, we'll be talking about the duty position of catholicism, if you're, not a member, become a member use, could shapiro check out for two months: brindle annual plans, click that lincoln inscription and join us and
Transcript generated on 2023-05-27.