« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1733 - DeSantis To Launch Tonight On Twitter!


Ron DeSantis prepares to launch his 2024 campaign on Twitter, breaking the internet and throwing mainstream media into a tizzy; Joe Biden has played himself on the debt ceiling; and Target wades into the culture wars.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Rhonda. Santa's prepares to launch is twenty. Twenty four campaign on twitter, wrecking the euro and for a mainstream media into a dizzy jobs plead himself on the debt ceiling and target wades into the cultural wars, and bench is the benchmark show this episode is brought you buy good ranchers Europe, the gorilla memorial day with good ranchers dot com and use my code bend to get twenty percent off site wide. It's good, ranchers, dotcom, promo code ben today will finally the twenty twond republican primaries can begin in earnest. Today, governor renaissance of florida, long awaited long expected will announce his campaign for the As you can see here. A hundred and fifty million dollars in the bank he's ranks second to donald in virtually all the polls in the national polling, trump has a very solid lead over the santas in the state pulling things are a little bit more dicey for donald trump. This race has not yet begun for people, suggesting the race is preliminarily over. Let me remind everybody, the back in two thousand eight, the two nominees for the, working in the democratic party respectively. At this point, in the region
suppose we rudy giuliani and Hillary Clinton and, of course, none of that happen, these rates are unpredictable, obviously trumpet the upper hand going and considering that he's the former president of the united states, the hammer lock on twenty five and thirty percent of the republican base, but that does not mean that he is not a vulnerable incumbent candidate. He is a candidate who lost in twenty twenty and twenty twenty. I and twenty twenty two. He has a person who's going to have to run at rhonda's answers from the left not from the right, and he really has never faced a candidate quite as determined, and I and I think, method as dissent is in a republican primary in western can primary and twenty sixteen? Of course, although the republicans bumper card each other leave a wide open lane for down from to run straight up the middle rubio crews that, when, after each other Chris prison, performed a political murder suicide during a new hampshire primary debate with marco Ruby. Yet a bunch candidates can estate stayed in too long splitting the vote a bunch of different ways and from was able to run right up the middle in that raised. This race
appears that it's going to break down probably into a two men race at this point, barring some sort of cataclysmic circumstance between two cents in trump. That is a very clear alternative if you are buddy, who believes insarov, conservative governance and solid ability to actually get your agenda through the sense your guy for looking for colorful. If you're looking for provocative than donald trump is probably your guy. I thought those are sort of how the factors break down here, there's a lot of personal loyalty, obviously for a lot of republicans for trump, because they think that he was a good president. I think that the first three years of his presidency were quite good, as wasn't. The last year kind of a disaster area with his handling of covert and the riots. But with all of that said, this is essentially a two percent right now, the way that runs santa's is about to launch. Campaign is quite fascinating and you can see everybody. Upset about it. People in the meat I upset about it from steam, obviously upset about it because he's doing something different and frankly, somewhat creative There is an attempt to pigeonholed santa's as critical to our mind, which is a weird rip on somebody who won a swing state by twenty point in life
the material elections? I got an somebody who buy. All the conventional wisdom with regard to call it an somehow emerge stronger for all of that, the way the two senses, Launching a campaign is now the traditional rally in the manner of tim, scott, ronicky, Hayley or something the way that he is launching a campaign is not with a campaign video like Joe Biden from his basement. Instead rhonda sense is going to end. This campaign for the presidency on twitter. Now there a lot of people who are free. out about this in the media, because, frankly, it is a full scale. Rejection of legs. He media one thing to santas he's doing here, then no other Republican really has done is he's just ignoring the legacy You two donald trump, actually had a lot of interactions. If you recall back and twenty sixteen with the legacy media is very friendly with joan meagre over on MSNBC, he would appear on pretty much any show he was going everywhere and he got a ton of earned media from that de santis. Who knows that he's being targeted by the legacy media? He just doesn't do interviews but because he knows that they are going to ask him ridiculous, since or edit him out of context, since so, instead, what he has done is interviews with me
we're not gonna, ask him ridiculous questions, and then you will answer questions from. You mean you, members during press conferences and intends to face plant a lot of these reports. During the press conferences because again it's live and they can actually edit it. So how exactly is he laundering he's launching any twitter space with one musk, some people are trying to play this, of course, as some sort of minor league launch- that is a weird take concerning that elon musk is probably america's most famous for and at this point you want musk has one hundred and forty one million twitter followers does elon musk and the fact that launching on twitter spaces of illicit tucker karlsson when he side of the who's, going to put out a statement about re, launching a show on twitter. That statement had something like twenty five: thirty thirty five million views, as compared to his vaccination, which every night had like three million viewers, so you're torment was of magnitude more penetration in terms of audience reach If you do it, we twitter spaces, and you crowd than you would, if you didn't on any sort of normal. network plus the news gonna cover whenever it doesnt twitter anyway, sexual quite a smart move again,
You must be seen as free willing and interesting and creative, and this This anti squarely in that space, according to fox news sources, familiar confirmed the popular conservative government, where he's a candidate for president on Wednesday, at six pm eastern during a conversation with elon musk on twitter, along with his announcement, that sense is expected to file paperwork with the fcc which officially launches his g o p presidential campaign. His first national tv interview following the announcer we'll be with trade gouty wednesday at eight p m eastern on fox news tonight now, of course, from steam, is immediately claiming that this is a way for him to avoid people, but that's a strange thing because how's it avoiding people and eaten what if he did, a rally isn't going to do a rally you're actually interacting with tons of people you're not you're on a stage and a lot of people are cheering for you and then you walk off the stage and security whisks you away. I know I've done many rallies. What, when you are now on twitter, with interaction with other people on twitter that actually is more interactive, not less interactive, but a trumpet as he told vice news, what announcing on twitter is perfect around santa's. This way have to interactive people, and the media can't ask any questions and again this answers
just questions from the media. He refuses to do sit down interviews with people who are deterred, and bound and firm and to lie about him at every at every turn. I mean they're doing this again today in doing it the last couple of weeks, everything from case to scientists is lady. Macbeth to these, so called don't say gable in florence, florida being run by IRAN. That science is the number of lies that sentences had to take on from legacy media, wasn't I'm all I'm all admiration for any republican government or any republican centre or new republican present. Who tells legs you media to screw off their terrible at their jobs. They lie for a habit, and there is no reason why you should give them ratings, and you should give them the credibility of pretending, they actually are not biased. Intermediaries. In the middle of this campaign, a formal campaign kick off likely take place some time after this week's gathering of top donors and butlers no details have yet been shared by the campaign. then again doing on twitter is an active slap at the media and something that really is good for you and mosques, twitter and musk in its big one from us I mean it's a big winfried twitter to begin from us and we
A daily wire fully realise the potential that exists the new twitter under under dilemma, which is why all of our shows all of those things are gonna, be available on twitter because a free speech medium that is not going to us down the way they say youtube shut down, met, wolf, atop twitter is is going to be a new place that threatens. The media threatens a lot of the old guard, even tech, media understands is jumping rent, the middle middle. That I think, is actually quite a smart move because we did it in four frictional fashion. The ripple be he's doing a traditional rally what's to cover. Who cares doing it this way, that's a lot media right off the bat which more on this in just one second first memorial day, is an time to honour. Remember our brave service people who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom the time to come together as a nation gather with our loved ones and enjoy some excellent times and some excellent meet. What better way to do that, and with premium one hundred percent america meat from good ranchers, good ranchers isn't like the other meat delivery companies that important majority of their products, their passionate about delivering
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site wide for memorial day? Are you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up? Then? You need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another pie cast out then follow this show. Their apple spotify or wherever you listen. Ok, so naturally If the media are hot and bothered about all of this, the atlantic has a piece by Charlie Wardle, who used to write for the new york times, so he has a resume filled with legacy. Media outlets called twitter is a far right social network. It can no longer beads I'd and again, the entire pieces about how evil and terrible you and musk is how to point out what earlier today and misuse
where did flora gonna run its answers to slay due to kick off his twenty twenty four presidential campaign and its leader space about? What must put it quite literally, is a launch pad for rightwing political leaders. All today the daily where the concerted media, drug or not, that is home to Ben Shapiro, as well as to political commentators. Mouthwash Michael's, where known for arguing against trends rights announced, should bring its entire slate of podcast to twitter starting next week, again, smart move by two cents to simply end around the mainstream media, especially who are the means from people like the people of the island. If who are a joke and speak to a very small audience of select coastal left, wingers or vanity, fair, which put out a report, titled quote report ron de santis will formally announce his twenty twenty four bid. Elon musk, because apparently David you wasn't available, that's an actual headline from them. Then you ve got. The idea is that if we are in favour of free speech- and you wish to let a thousand flowers boom with regard to free speech, then you are again to David, dupe famously april free speech, person, Dave
duke to the media are fighting mad about this. Even fox and friends is laughing about this, and I understand why fox and friends would again fox and friends is a is a she. A network media outlet read it's a cable news outlet, and so the internet is very threatening to places like fox news. Not a superstar but they would find it threatening. It must is not that sense, not launching and fashion frenzies, launching with moscow on twitter. So he's gonna make the big announcement with elon musk at six o clock tonight on twitter spaces. What the heck is twitter spaces I wish I knew more, but I think he's trying to make his eyes like a video function run with those of the boy was dreaming and some pod cast in that kind of thing. I think it's fascinating that their using social media as a way to announce a presidency gate honestly, like like people on fox and friends, and we don't know twitter's based on ne, is- is of little relevance to the fact that the number of eyeballs that defense is going to I mean is that, like fox and friends
covered senses announcement on twitter spaces. They will present appearing on fox that night with reality again need the entire stick here by members of sort of the legacy media, television, media of course, they're angry. They should be angry. because the senses ending around them he's making their entire play irrelevant, and that, of course, is an extension of stuff. The Donald trump did back in twenty sixteen, so trump was using network media in order get mainstream coverage. It's why he had maggie shipment of the norton. it's on speed dial. Whenever maggie haberman cited a source inside the trump campaign, dirty secret is using either steve bender trump himself. Those were the only two people talking to maggie haberman over at the trump camp in so far as I am aware it, but from it also doing something else, which was very clever at the time people pointed it out. He was using twitter to go around the media. He was using twitter as a laser on the wall and then and then the mainstream media would jump like cats are trained, swat that the laser on the wall and sort of It is doing the same thing, except in a much bigger fashion, by announcing with mosque on twitter spaces, so
the again the mainstream media response is coming in to forms for one is the angry that they are being edged out of the process and then form to is that they are angry that round de santis is running at all, rather than the Democrats would much prefer to run against donald trump. They think the troubles more beautiful because they because Joe Biden, one in twenty twenty, and so they think that trump is likely to run directly into a mountain, and so why? Wouldn't they want to see that guy nominated again? This is what your by its collective hidden the ball here. Dryden openly said in interviews like six months no he's asked: are you gonna run again and using not sure, and then he was and then the question was: if trump wins the nomination, will you- and he said absolutely democrats- have the present right or wrong democrats have the perception that donald trump is easier to run. against, which is why, presumably, there are going run its answers to the new items in going for Nicky alia this why there are going effort him scott. This way, the only going one candidate, the republican primaries this way, and it is not now drunk donald trump. They already have the rip on, but you
turning to see a strange nor respect emerge for donald trump from the weirdest people in the online space so, for example, bill crystal who hates donald trump left the republican party. Basically him a Democrat over all this bill crystal he put out a statement today quote I ten, perhaps foolishly today tell the alpha beta male stuff, but disasters was always on fox. Rupert was for him now he knows on twitter when airlines form kind of beta. No, Does CNN town hall goes into the pseudo lions and looks kind of alpha tat bill crystal talking up from kate question? Why why would he do such a thing? I think we all know the answer: nina turner, who is a left wing activists at race, power palace? and up and cheap is on the young turks as while she she treat around us answers can be donald duck. How the hell do you think he's gonna, against ireland propagating the level of left wing hatred for disasters is actually stronger in some ways and the hatred for trump, not in the same way, this the trump that from hatred is visceral. Why it? Obviously they hate both Republicans, but they they would like to see doubled from
Actually, I think it a lot of Democrats who likes him actually plot by keel over, but in terms who they like see when the nomination. I think there's any question about this, which is why Hillary Clinton yesterday was targeting round this answers. So hilary put out a ridiculous, we yesterday, as is her want saying. Rhonda stances ultra The florida isn't safe for people of color algae, beating you plus people or even multi billion dollar corporations. To this, like the perfect Hillary Clinton, we let me just point out that her coalition is extraordinarily rich corporations and people of color and gay people It's those it it's a weird college, and I will grant you that, but this Hillary Clinton, going after dissension, suggesting the floor isn't safe for people of color. First of all, can we just point out that florida is largely people of color flora is fifty two point: seven percent white alone case just barely a majority white. Twenty six point: eight and hispanic or oral and seventy was black for is very diverse state, so this notion that flora go to
I am in miami, is a very, very diversity. In fact, south florida is basically like latinos, blacks and Jews, and I know I live here, and then this notion that Florence, like an overwhelmingly white rural state, is absurd. But democratic and run it has one of those places. That's what Hillary Clinton is angry about me. My green, jean Pierre worldwide, has passed Secretary she's doing the same thing attacking santa's over this bizarre stupid and allay cp travel morning. Yandah lacy put out some statements. dressing. There is unsafe for black people travel to florida, which is weird since some literally spring break miami beach is filled with black americans who are travelling to florida, a party it up What do you say to what the naacp has done? I mean they're falling behind other groups,
ray for plus, but they're, making the whole thing when you saw I'm not going to have to come in on travel advisory, specifically, but I'll say this more broadly and where we have been as administration as a white house, we ve been spoken about the impact of misguided policies advanced by of florida. Lawmakers republicans and in Florida have attacked diversity. Theyve attacked inclusion efforts, they ve limited the teaching of black history and eva launch attacks on the eligibility youth they at the only way to you that chad These are ridiculous ridiculous, but you can see their hatred for the santas, because again they don't want santa to get the nomination. They hate trump more, but they're, also less afraid of trump. Both of those things can be true simultaneously again, just one second we'll get to the trump team's response to all of this. First, let's talk about the fact that right now, the? U s dollars
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A college education. But remember you must respect the doktor in doktor jewels name but casey. You two sentences like lady macbeth, so she tweeted out a promo video for his hands his campaign. Her was they face because in the face of darkness- and you can see that brighter future faith- that our best days lay ahead of us, but is it worth the fight I have the courage. Is it worth the sacrifice? America has been worth it. Every see time it s, a pretty good video lindsey text launched two five one. Two three four met with the with the logo coming up for dances campaign. They so trumps response is pretty much exactly what you would think it is. He treated out a piece from wayne ellen route calling on santa's.
Step down and said, please stand down and there's what trumped weeded out and then he put out another couple of statements. The truth shall now again what's heno amazing about this is that from his relegated himself tutor Social, even though, must readmitted hymns twitter so originally whose kicked off of twitter, which was unconscionable and ridiculous, and we took that at the time now trump You could have back on twitter, but he started this truth: social business. Until he is putting his own business interests at root, social ahead of his political interests. The man is eighty seven million followers on twitter. Why he's not back on twitter is absolutely beyond me. The middle, the presidential campaign, but he put out a couple of statements, quote, look rob the sanctimonious rob robert sanctimonious caned me asking for help using idly by thirty one point: two popular agricultural commissioner, Adam Putnam, he's getting ready to drop out of the race. and a terrible campaign and me at one last chance. My support and encouragement, which putnam and everyone else wanted. Also I give to run in the race was over, one day he went from losing badly twinning by a lad, with real
from brad, as you won the general in an upset disney. I now I've ever question. Are you to vote for a republican canada for president based on loyalty to drum It's all! You have only one candidate for there's. Only one person whose world to trump to extend the trumpet that world, and that is donald trump down from us our world to anyone else around him. All those people are losers. Nato's, but now trump is very world. Today, If you want somebody who's super loyal to trump, I recommend a vote for trump. If, however, you would like a candidate who is not going to be judged based on a loyalty test to donald trump, you might want to look elsewhere. Trump also put out a statement running directly at the santas from the left, so in two separate truth? He calls him rob the sanctimonious and enron distinctness, which I know that means isn't it. When the general election weaving get denomination, because you voted to obliterate social security even wanting to raise the minimum age for seven, your more voted to badly one medicare and fought hard and voted for a twenty three percent tax on everything sales tax, as opposed to by the way like would be a one one: taxing no income tax. He wasn't it
table of horrible rhino, Paul ryan. By the way you know wondrous, Paul ryan for the speakership. That would be your friend donald from up there. Is that as well also. He desperately needs a personality transplant best of my knowledge. They are not medically available, yet a disloyal person. So again, trump just keeps going back to the disloyalty notion, we'll get to more of the trump team's response to de santis. Jumping into the race noticed by will contrast between tim Scott welcome to the raised him. We love you and round it, demoniac robbed sanctimonious round as they or their laws abroad, which, when you think from is more threatened by pretty obvious, it's more on this in a second first men do not like going to the doctor. If you make it, Women spend half today's sitting around the waiting room and often ensures some uncomfortable conversations about your body with another person, you hardly know rex empty is FDA approved. It is the most trusted leader in men's. Tell health, it's fast, simple and cheap. You can access your? U s license rex, empty physician anytime, you need afterward rex empty, makes it easy unaffordable
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twitter, because he has no personality again. If this is about personality and toxic and a general watching. It is hard to think again who has been more toxic and in general election and donald trump, who drove a dead man, bite into eighty one million votes. Whenever people ask me, you say that that trump lost between twenty election How did you Biden when eighty one million votes he didn't donald trump lost eighty one million votes. That is the answer to that question. The answer is that down get out the vote for his side, and he really really really gets out over the other side as I'd again that they don't. There is much in this election because they think a loose as they do to him. But they certainly hate him the most of any human being on earth, as I said before, like many of them, would be very happy for him to just kill over tomorrow it, but it is interesting to watch some of them. dantes from team from so they trotted out carry lake desperately desperately wants to be down from vice press it will conduct, should he, when the nomination so after losing erase to a what did rag in katy hobbs, honestly katy hobbs is not. I would call
hey I but she's, not even ay. I should a cardboard cut out of an air. I just a piece of paper that is cut into a paper shape of a human as katy hobbs and somehow carry like pulled out a loss to katy hobbs at it, and yet she still maintains that she is in fact the governor of of arizona despite the fact lost every. I challenge, and yet she should have one that race walking away. Presumably she supposed to she lost to katy hot and here she is ripping unwrought sentencing round the chances can't win. Maybe he can't but is hard to make their case when the person who lost to Katie hobbs. When you pick a fight with disney, you need to play to win, and so far governor de santos has been out worked and out maneuvered by disney As far as I know, reedy creek is still exists. There still hosting trans events at their park. This addition,
donation is continuing in there actually rubbing it in the face of american families. You know if you can't beat donald duck. How are you gonna be donald trump? I think that the question we have to ask when it comes to governor to scientists- I have to point out here that carry like has issued no plan for actually stopping disney from doing these things and donald trump has taken the sight of disney in the battle with run dissenters. So there is that as well. Now again, none of this is just that the census is the front runner It is just that when all the guns from all sides seem to be trained on one of the candidates, perhaps you should ask yourself why? Why is it that all the republican candy in the case of our have attacked his answers- and very few of them have attacked trumpet any serious wife? Why is it that trump is not attacking any of the other republican candidates? training all his fire on Rhonda santa's. Why is it that the legacy media who have expressed their hatred for trump, extended. They say that he is a fascist threat to the united states. The only difference between trump and hitler is the moustache the little most of the orange hitler. He is. They say these same exact people.
all day, you fulminating miranda send someone. Why could it? Because, she fear him getting the nomination. guaranteed when the general, but certainly the media, he's better shot of winning the general donald trump things that defence of his greatest threat. MIKE pence, not nikki, haley, not vivek, not not tim, Scott, none of them when everybody is lining up against one guy, and it's not trump, and you have start asking your so why that could be by the way the media have an ulterior motive here as well, which is down from means ratings, The same way that the nba was really rooting hard for a celtics lakers final and there can be varied that's my army? He denver nuggets in the same way The media are rooting super hard for dollar from when the nomination, because that dude means ratings. round his answers, on the other hand, is a disciplined politician who won't give them the time of day. Literally will not to interviews with them some course. There rooting for donald trump in this particular case. Ok, meanwhile, Joe Biden continues to. just be clown himself on a regular basis, so I noticed last night,
two o clock in the morning. So for those of you who have very small babies, babies, a very small baby, his three days old, and when you change a male babies diaper very often they tend to pee on themselves and in at that point, while this is happening, I have to admit I thought of Biden because is an eight year old man who peace himself on the regular- and he has done so spectacularly in this- that ceiling fight he has been at work, has been played with regard to these out ceiling fight, every which way as andrew, to and right over the wall, street journal Biden has no good options and that ceiling fight, the use could be able to pay all of its bills as soon as june. First of binding congressional republicans can reach a deal and every password carries political risk for binding agreement if I could simply economy in recession and potentially unleash global financial chaos in the middle of a real act, untried methods to pay the nations thou congress could also carry economic costs incurred require by make painful political choices about who gets paid. First, pulling spinning
after the republicans over the issues courting backlash from progressive lawmakers, so you know whose fault is? Is this this we draw binds vault purely and simply because Joe Biden is a fool, and so he started off. Isn't in the process about negotiation over the debt ceiling by saying that he would not negotiate over the debt ceiling. So here is Joe Biden. This is april nineteenth saying that he would not negotiate over the net ceiling Maybe the guard women not on whether or not that women get stuff. That's not negotiable sociable right. He started offered the position, I'm not even going to negotiate on the debt ceiling, which meant when Mccarthy passed a bill. It said sure we are raise the debt ceiling. All you have to do is go back to two thousand and twenty two spending levels. He looks like a moderate and Biden looks like a nutcase because guess what that's a nutty position for you to say, you're not negotiate with a co. Equal branch of government over budgetary issues is totally crazy. And that is what Biden let off with, because you got out over skis. This happens a lot with president's lately,
and to feel the winning their sales and they get a little bit too confident about their agenda items and then reality slap in the face. That's exactly what happened with Biden here. Remember those the exact. In time, the green, jean Pierre world's most untenanted press secretary, who saying that the gnp had to raise the ceiling without breaking there'll? Be no negotiations? No preconditions. We should not have a house republicans manufacturing a crisis on something that has been done. Seventy eight times since nineteen sixty this is their constitutional duty. Congress must act. That's what the present going to make very clear with the with the leaders tomorrow. Congress must avoid default without conditions without conditions, as they did three times before in the last administration for democrats joined republicans, put their pot politics aside, democrats it and made sure that that occurred. That happened was it turns out. They were lying because now they've been negotiating with mccarthy, because it turns out the Mccarthy actually did pass a bill already to raise the debt ceiling.
And they had a deal that so green jean Pierre again world's most untenanted press secretary. She says, actually we were always clear that we are negotiating with well that's weird, because I noticed that you want. I noticed that it was one month ago when you're saying you wouldn't negotiate or that ceiling, and now you are saying that you ve been absolutely clearly are negotiating. Oh, is that the gas lighting is so strong. I'm sorry you're old gent. I mind trick is of no effect year corinne. Can you say that one we're time which changed you were saying would change were very strategic and saying they're, not negotiations their conversations. While I've always said, I've always said that budget it is. We are negotiating on the budget. I've always been very clear about that said. That default is not negotiable. It's the stupidest thing ever they are linked. There are linked. that's ridiculous. The whole conversation is, we will raise the ceiling if we lower the spending and she's like will talk about the spending, but we will not no shit over the ceiling, but then you are negotiating over both in its that's, that's it
That's like you saying to your wife that I'm going to negotiate. We have two things that are linked right here. One is I'll. Take out a second credit card for you if you promise to spend less anxiously. not a second credit card. For me, I'm not gonna promised to spend less and then later she comes back to the table Ok, we're gonna, take out a certain credit card and we'll talk about me spending less, but I'm not negotiating. Let you You are, I mean, that's literally the precondition that you said you would not fulfil and now you're doing it so they lied and other stock crazy, I'm here also I did that you didn't know how often Biden was speaking to Mccarthy. So again, this is just wild incompetence. What they should be saying, if they were smart, is they're speaking every single day. The negotiations are ongoing, we're not going to hit the debt ceiling, because we know that We have to make sure that the economy is stable here in the united states, where we made a deal we like may not get until the other side likes, but that's how Inigo creations go they're, not doing that instead they're playing this game where they pretend like. Oh, we don't even care if we did until the marriage, You know like when we know often she's so bad at this
the president and speaker mccarthy, have an agreement to talk on the phone or in person on a daily basis, as a speaker, Mccarthy implied that what happened and so do they the agreement- and if I can say this, dont, have any meetings or calls to announce, but obviously the staff is going to continue to have this conversation. They just do just wrapped up a conversations moments ago and the president will speak to the speaker when its necessary. I just don't have anything to share at this time ok now. The reason they ve had a flip is because it turns out that polling shows that people hate their position on this to the art of politics is to make it very very hard about free upon a very easy to vote for you, which means taking eighty twenty positions. King April twenty positions is really really helpful thing. Sixty forty positions, really really helpful. Democrats have themselves out on a wide variety of issues, which is: why is he the media attempting to spin away from their own decisions on the issues we'll get to the polling. On that
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The vast majority americans want then actually increased. But again the vast majority of americans believe that it's imperative that we start cutting our spending and so Democrats are suffering a rock and a hard place because job I had made a clear He was not going to negotiate overcrowding in spending. Now he will. You are so first, there lie syndrome continues to lie that he reduce the deficit by one point: seven trillion dollars again. He did not. Everyone knows who did not he's spending record amounts of money if, by reducing the deficit, he means, Did he spent money less money than he did last year was still running up the deficit. That's true, but that's only because twenty twenty one and twenty twenty two and twenty two where the biggest spending years in american history, so that means that twenty two he's been slightly less than twenty twenty one and still made it. biggest many years in american history as that. Lowering the deficit here is a job lying every year. Domestic familiar makes progress because we both agree the false. Not
and the controversial repair bill would be. The american people would have an economic wellbeing. As a matter of fact, the rest of the world war two, and so we also agree, we need to reduce the deficit. I might add that my first two years as president reduced by one point, seven trillion dollars so getting he is having in his line. Meanwhile, cringe armchairs pretend we don't have a spinning propaganda that they ve box themselves, inheritors regional here, We agreed in figure mccarthy. The Democrats have a standing problem. No, nobody knows It sounds a note to it. Look and I'll say this: the president's budget reduces the deficit as you, as you know, by nearly three trillion dollars over ten years. Oh okay, again lying and wants more. Meanwhile, the left is very unhappy
prospect: button caving on that until he's been played turbines monopoly by Mccarthy. I know there's an unthinkable outcome for media and for some people on the right, whore suggesting that we should just what the ceiling behead and what's what withholding melt down a good luck with that The reality is that bind out last year and he got played by himself. He played himself in the words of jean dj, call it that's what he did. He played his privilege. I uphold of left. You like there's gonna, be clash in the streets against Joe Biden. If you actually cuts the spending. I think that would be a huge backlash our entire house, democratic caucus, certainly progressive, but also in the streets. You know I mean. I think that this is it's important, that we don't steps back very strong agenda, the president himself shepherd land over the last two years show feeling blow back from Meanwhile, who's who's moderate here again take sixty forty positions. Folks is how you win elections, Kevin Mccarthy says: hey. We can find common ground on the debt ceiling. We passed a bill, it's reasonable when
mccarthy sounds like the rational and reasonable one. The Democrats are losing on certain points that we have differences, but I believe we can. We can find common one get jumping. He sounds like my remember, democratic going off their rockers by declaring that maybe job I'm not just in the the fourteen amendments unilaterally increase the dazzling james kleiber and who is binds early. Back or in south carolina who We stood him to the nomination. He says that that's what they should do, that you just use the fourteen admit, which was clearly not meant to increase the debt ceiling to increase the debt ceiling. Do you think that it took too long for the white house to reach out to the speaker and start at that negotiation sooner and I'm just think it. What is it going to take for democrats and republicans in the house to try and get something?
We're not long it's gonna take, but I think that we all recognise that yet in the mid, a very clear to us that something needs to be done about june first, and I think it will get that the president has made a very clear but he would like to have a by partisan resolution that this he says no one saw well as I do that the fourteenth amendment is still there and, as president of the united states has, authority to use it, but here other than not rather have a bipartisan resolution, as it has always been. Ok, so are the fourteen amendment is what's going having again finds play himself, he's gonna make idiom and then the democratic rip up for it and he well deserted me. While speaking of sick, He forty issues. It is amazing to war, as the media and democrats rush to defend woke corporations pushing
Some of the most egregious garbage on children I have ever seen so target is the cooperation of the day. As we approach the holy month of pride june, As this happens, we see more and more corporations coming out of the woodwork to demonstrate their fields to the grid, religion of our republic. Of course, that is not christianity. It's not geo christian values system, not anything tradition. The great religion of our nation is the pride progress. That is the thing that we must all pay obeisance to. In fact, we have an entire wholly month, complete with martyr ology complete with religious ceremony was the children's crusade and every corporation must bow before it the latest corporation to bow before it is over a target so target. You know that it's it's actually fairly easy to boycott, bud, light right, but light it's pretty easy boycott because, the game. When you target one beer, you can just go, buy another beer and yeah that that beer may be just as woke but you're, making the point that when you go higher a man dressed as a woman. You sell your beer to tools
we're income. Men is not going to work very well target because it is a store that has everything in it and many people use it is like where they often grocery shopping, plus, where they go for closed plus, where they go for games and was because it sort everything that everybody is harder to boycott, but that's mean it is not worth the boycott because now they ve been pushing. As you mentioned, on the show, trans propaganda to children, they actually pushed a swimming suit. That has tuck abilities in four boys it's pretend they're girls. They can shove their penis and balls back underneath them, so they appear more like girls, and these are available for people of all ages and also not not specifically, children's have the fact checkers but available for all genders and for people of various sizes and ages. And of course, target had plastered their stores with a bunch of algae bt, q propaganda all the way down to like l gb thank you once again for a small babies, because there's nothing says: tolerance and diversity, quite like shoving in El Gb. you agenda down on a small baby. So now the backlash has begun.
According to fox news, some southern target stores were forced by the corporation to move lgbtq pride merchandise, away from the front of their locations after customer outrage, to avoid a bud light situation, many target locations across country feature massive june pride months displays on an annual basis with does your ranging from tuck friendly bathing suits for transgender people to mugs its age. Gender, fluid but the retail juggernaut has been criticised by some conservatives for the displaced with children's items, particularly working. Many customers will just be children's rights. I am not aware of any other ideological campaign that takes place on a yearly basis at these major corporations other than black history month against this kind of attention, and that their literally it doesn't happen is like that well if doing agenda items of women's history month, black history month and pride month. Those are the those are the holy trinity of actual holiday seasons in in judaism, the big three
She was circus pesa right. Those of those are the three big holidays, though, so they they challenge for thou. It was the ones where you too, you make me be in the ancient times: you'd go on foot to the temple, toffler sacrifices on those holidays, ok in it The pagan mythology of united states. The three big months are black history month, women's history month, pregnant those are the three big ones, and so all the corporate. And as our mirroring this sort of garbage and now Finally, consumers, like you know what now we're not interest. helping you with our money propagandizing these particular efforts. A targeted, said: the emergency calls on friday, so managers and district senor directors would hold attempt down the pride sections mediately we're given thirty six hours. I take down all the pride stuff, the entire section and move it into a section? It's one, third, the size from the front of the store to the back of the where you can have anything on mannequins and no large signage. We call customer I guess there's outrage on their part. This year is just exponentially more than any other year. I think with the current situation, but, like the company is terrified of a bud light situation, good, they should be terrified. bud light situation because they have made their bed and now they ought to lie in it.
Again. This is not just target that is promoting this garbage garbage kids, they, the dodgers, as we pointed the angeles dodgers have now reinvented, quote unquote, queer nuns that the ridiculous Izzy's of the sisters of perpetual indulgence. They call them lifesaving lifesaving groups like the sisters prepared indulgence who every year hold events of which they have queer people, recipe is Jesus and mary and mock the christian story and mock catholicism genius move by the l, a dodgers by the way for a catholic, don't go to a dodgers game. It is that simple if you're a christian you, even if you're a person who believes in judeo christian values, you should not go to a dodgers game based on their decisions. To do this stuff. We went very quickly from live and let live to you will celebrate flag or you will be deemed a traitor to be state religion. It's pretty amazing, it is not just the dodgers. It's also nor face rights. Every corporations gonna do it every corporation, you will be forced to participate by corporate amerika combined with the government. You will be forced to participate
in the celebration of alternative sexual lifestyles that completely undermine the fundamental basis of judea, christian morality and traditional society here- is nor face promoting this kind of nonsense. I it's me patty ghonim, a real life homosexual, and today I'm here with the north. Please let me invite you to come out and make sure whether this is nice. We like. To call this little tour this summer of pride this division supernatural thing? It's like the nature of you so much nature happening ado with much national, less beans and long hair, latin ladys gaze, holding with its lobby in the middle of the old celebrated pride across the us, then hundreds of you so much pride guys, you should hear were back back back again with two new stops land several days. Will be every cooperation from and prepare ourselves is waking up I'll have lines of this If the left once this is a fight the left is going to have, and they know it unpopular. They know that most americans
we're not in favor of this stuff being shoved in the faces of children that most americans, you know who still do but go to church on a fairly regular basis. A huge number of americans will go to church they're, not real fond of like the sisters of perpetual indulgence, they're going to push this crap anyway. Okay! Well, you know player please do begins wins stupid prizes of your corporation f around and find out where she, how goes for you or is it turns out? The most americans are not in favour of transit, the kids or pushing pride progress. Flagging. Can regarding classrooms or any of the rest of this sort of nonsense and despite the best efforts, the media to pretend? Otherwise, that is just a simple fact. Every time they tried to claim that the quorum quote, don't the gala in Florida which, by the way, people say gay all the time here in florida. I live here, but a lot of gay people who live in florida as it turns out that this notion that you can gayer can be arrested. That's a lie. It's true, but you yields
with the popular walk, saying: they're not allowed to teach sexual orientation and gender identity disks to school kids. But that is not the job of teachers that actually is a really popular proposition across the country. Parents don't want their garbage being taught to their kids if they want to their kids debts of themselves. That is their problem, but this notion that you are obligated to turn your kid over to a state employees to be taught to state religion, of algae beating he was mine, is divided by sign is absurd. Most americans are not enough, so the left has to come up with what they think are sixty. We politicians the other way in order, one against the conservatives right if consumers are now winning when it comes to the economy which they are their winning on social issues, which they largely are well, then Democrats have to come up with some response, so they have in sixty forty issues they think they're going to win. They think abortion is a sixty forty issue. It's why they've been featuring, for example, so much talk about these abortion bans and states like Florida that start at six weeks, and then they think that's a sixty forty most americans are not into those sorts of abortion bans and nationally speaking, that may well be correct, nationally speed
most americans are somewhere between ten and twelve weeks and where they think abortion should be banned. But that's very at at that may be true nationally some states pacific, which they can exploit the gap between how people feel in florida and how people feel nationally in order go after people like RON de santis or brain camp in georgia, for example, or mike to wine in ohio. However, the the when it comes the algae beating you plus minus one divided by agenda. They run some real issues because, as it turns out, people are not fond of an agenda that suggest that all sexual labour is morally equivalent or that we have built ourselves. rear and better society when twenty one percent of all young people are now identifying as members of the algae, bt, q plus minus divided by scientific progress flat minority, the victim group, the sexual victim people are not super hot on this, so they ve come up a small eyes until they come up with. Lies there. Big lie is they're coming to ban the books there, but this is just the latest version of don't say: get their coming, tibet.
the books of the latest, why there's being promoted by the mainstream media? The legacy media? Is this? Why that is lorna, amanda, gormans, the hill we climb is now restricted to day is now being banned in schools is nothing banned in school. Was personal. Amanda gorman is literally in the most overhead poet I think, ever ever by any metric she's, not very good poet, her her words do not saying she generally does not use meter in any sort of methodical. way but she's been treated as though she is some sort of magical, william butler yeats type, She read a poem at the Joe Biden inauguration in which he essentially suggested that eurobonds victory was occasion of democracy. All of his opponents were not in favour of democracy. In other estimate, ok, well, her poetry, It may be bad, but the very least it's not for like kids in third grade, I did the notions, pushes in the in her poetry about
stomach racism and white privilege in all this kind of stuff, not appropriate for thorough graters, maybe appropriate for middle school is right. your poetry. Is I've been reading level for third years. I know I have a third greater it, but If you say that if you say we're not banning the book, we're just saying it's only appropriate for kids, who are in like fifth sixth seventh grade. Apparently that is now book banning. That is how the media are treating this amanda gorman story, and it's not true. It is a lie, they're treating it, though amanda gorman has now been banned?. across the state of florida, so rolling stone. His peace handle florida school bans, unmanned gormans inaugural the hill we climb home. No, I didn't I just that is not avail itself to be taught in classes for elementary school students like fourth graters and third graters. only time to demand the gormans inaugural poem, is the latest in book bans audiences, amanda, gorman, gutted after floor to school bans, integration is a one school someplace in florida moved the hell. We climb nothing
the class is out of an elementary library at miami did school and in international news stories about BBC usa. Today, NBC news, axioms, she's got it she's got it because door graters can check out her her garbage book over at the at the school library in elementary school. That is holy book band. according to one of the parents. She claimed that the the hell we climb and a few other books contained references to little race theory, gender ideology and red tape, messages and indoctrination, especially of socialism, and who agreed to restrict the title to middle school students which again, that is now a book ban. A book ban is where you see the book cannot be available anywhere in the state of florida, not at school library. school webber's routinely restrict what kids can and cannot see based on age. but their pushing that lie anyway or maybe they're gonna focus in on the notion
Texas is going to reinstate its evil practice of displaying the ten commandments publicly can't you that we can do. That is one two of these fundamental civilization code of conduct on classroom walls and the ten commandments? Can't you that what we must have, however, is black lives matter flags and properly. What he's going to state religion of the united states? Is america systemically racist and scoring. Whoever you, please, is a fundamental human value that is of equal moral, equal moral merit, rather than that, that's what america stands for. After all, the ten commandments know that stuff cannot be in classrooms. That's establishment of religion, but it's not establish religion to put forward this pagan religion and force it down the throats of every school? Can america. So, accordingly, Washington, post quote texas. Lawmakers had been scheduled to vote tuesday on whether to require that the ten commandments be posted in every classroom in the state part of a newly energized national effort to insert religion into public life. Again one of the great lies with west, pervades the. Why is number one that
are forcing religion when you display any text that has the word god in it in a classroom, but your Promoting any religious or civilization point of view when you grow wild left secularism. That argues that Boys and girls, and girls can be good. Boys knows pagan, fashions is one The system is going to have to triumph in one biosystems, gonna have to lose. There is now no neutrality in this particular battle. As we have seen, we tried to do neutral in what happened. The left us, a neutral and hijacked it and now neutral is your kid will be targeted. it can be. A girl in a girl can be a boy. That's the new neutral, my claiming that neutrality, let's go we suggested the alleged bigoted subject again: their freedom this is a sixty forty game that if you want to put ten commandments in the classroom, sixty percent of americans on support it, but here is that there may well be true, but you know what is also true. Eighty percent of it chickens are not gonna support, pride progress flags in the classroom for verdure greater than not interested or any school kids by the way, so you have here is pair of completely babbling premises, and maybe one can when and if only one can win, I certainly know which one I think should win and which,
and stands for up some full of morality, decency and civilization, durability, ok, timeframe, things I like and then some things that I hate so things: but I like it, there is a series that is available on hbo mass is called the murmurs at white house farm. It is quite good another four british crime series. This is about a horrific murmur of five people at a farm in in Britain really while acted, really well written. I hears what are the preview, I love you too sweetheart a to date. Is based on a real live case. It was suspected that m that a mother had shot her kids and then her parents than herself, and then it turns out that the person convicted for it was actually not. The man. So it's a real it's it's a very good series. It is definitely worth the watch can go check it out, okay time for a very extensive thing that I hate today.
So let us talk about the evils of social media. Even the surgeon general of the united states is now warning that social media can harm children and adolescents. That, of course, is exactly true. Now, I'm not sure exactly why they think that is harming children, adolescents, considering that the chief messages being pervade on social media, are left wing messages that sexual fluidity about promiscuity, about doing that which is taboo about these central the centrality of progressive identity, that's kind of the stuff that gets pushed on social media, that's really damaging to kids and kids, studying the bible and social media that's damaging to get, in other words, what Can we get really does the weapon ice is worse in human beings and it makes it go. Viral and worse, anyone being since have very very have heavy overlap with social, progressive ism with the transgressed, nature of these social morality that the left likes to push surgeon. Getting to watch the left come around to the message that social media is bad for kids. It is, but not because of the social media. It's because of the act well material contained in the social media. It there's no question
social media has no incentivize some of the worst behaviour in america so, for example, Kelly I'm com We teenage daughter, claudia, has now launched a new career as a playboy bunny, creating racy content for the defunct magazines website. According to the daily mail, the pretty blood has been operating a subscription patron playboy dot com since the end of April. Six months after she turned eighteen and so far, a bloated eleven posts, most of which show her any revealing selection of bikinis. For those who, splash out raunchier. Your pictures, like cleavage closeups, are available from his little five bucks. Most expensive photo often cause ninety nine dollars now, Claudia, obviously her home has been kind of a mass, considering the fairly open battle between her parents who are now getting divorced. But the fact is that this particular young woman has been in the social media limelight and she was sixteen years old featured by the media, as somebody who siding with. add against mom who thinks the donald trump is really really bad and that you down some pretty perverse pathways. This does not seem like the pathway toward fulfilling life is probably not posing provocative
wait for playboy dot com. This is not actually an aspect of women's empowerment. I always find it highly amusing and ironic when women who claim that the can be value for more than their body believe that it is also feminism to show as much of their body as humanly possible in order the men will pay them for it. Prostitution is the highest form of of feminism is a very weird thing, which is why feminists tend to cross like real less than across cross with the evangelical christians and religious jews on the idea that women are more than their body parts, but this Social media tends to do. Social media also tends to incentivize some of the worst behaviour imaginable. So there is a lie. I've streamer, who has gone viral in great britain for doing so, the worse things humanly possible, and this person was basically just sort of walking around and performing crimes until people modest and then claim but that he was being targeted because everybody was races to him. This person
aim is apparently, missy is what he called himself he's. A teenager impact, bronze or girl. Eighty known anti talk as missy now in charge of failing to comply with community protection noticed, but that's after months of performing criminal activity. randomly on the internet. So, for example, here he was walk, into a library and just reading books, a skinny will occur, yeah. If I came walking the library and just ripping the pages out of books like a complete piece of trash in the library employees, don't know what to do they call security by dumb, apparently, security nothing, because five minutes later this dude is back on There is walking into the castle of labour law because some something pranks her of course
Now, what does security do? Apparently nothing because he's back on the street about five seconds later and his wife, in romania, people's houses So here is a video him walk it literally just walking into a random persons house for the social media, clicks and levels of it he ism, a black person, along with a couple of his colleagues and they in only point that out because I do believe that there is relevant to the factories. Person continues to be on the street zero whiting. performing himself walking into random people's houses, I highly doubt at least we have let him get away with putting this on social media for months. At a time when europe is a fine or then walks up the stairs. If you can't see it, he has children in the house and he's telling them to leave they. Don't they just walk in? They sit right down on somebody else's couch and start to taking over the systemic racism of look at the systemic racism. That is happening right here. If other thing I've, by the way, just a note. This is a one of the reasons I like living in florida. You know what happens if you walk into somebody's house randomly and sit on their couch in florida. You get shot down care. What race
Are you get shot you busted somebody's house while MIKE it? Well, please get our home you're getting shot. That is the way that is going by was it's not just kind of soft criminal activity like trespass or or ripping books at the library. It is also Actively assaulting people, so I hear he was throwing himself assaulting random. Jewish guy. Stop I would like is walking up behind. I consider jewish kid and jumping on him and the kid runs away. You know, you're with anza and then tear every tribe everywhere you want escape believe I was just looking at me. Bro you just look at benefits. He was just looking at you wrong, unaware where were they assaulting you, those orthodox percentages? What were they now again? There is no point it is because the sort of stuff is replete on social media. Social media is just a viral system for making the sins of mankind more and more popular
since mankind all tend to fit a particular pattern. That is the part that I find rather puzzled about riddick murphy's statements, the dangers and social me. I totally grew them it s, because I think that the values being promoted by social media garbage. I one explanation for why the progressive left thinks the valley, to being promoted by social media garbage. I need that explanation again. It ain't, Tik, tok, teach math and china. That is a problem for kids. It ain't, Tik, teaching, kids Bible, that is a problem for kids, is a particular type of committee. That is a problem for kids, blaming social media for the underlying activity who a thousand and where misdirecting from the fact that perhaps your own moral system is wildly skewed articles wrestle no continues right now not go amiss. It we'll be getting into the mail bag. You ve got a member become member use coach of euro check for two months. Regional annual plans, click the link in the description and join us, the
Transcript generated on 2023-08-15.