« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1718 - The Satanists Are Winning


SatanCon 2023 features all the typical Democratic talking points…plus Satan, of course; the Met Gala features freaks and weirdos of all sorts; and the White House prepares for an unprecedented wave of illegal immigrants.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Satan con twenty twenty three features. All the typical democratic talking points, plus eight. Of course, the met galaxy Friction weirdos, all sorts and white has proper. As for an unprecedented wave of illegal immigrants, and then, where this is the bench Barroso, The this episode is brought to you by good ranchers changed the way you buy me some or go to good ranchers dot com use my code ben for thirty bucks off any box. That is good, renters dot com, promo Ben today. Well, folks, the rise of the satanist is kind of fascinating. Now, I'm not saying there satanist surround every quarter that the satanists are hiding under bed. Anything like that, but one of the things that have happened in our post god, culture- that satan is a minute and it's sort of weird philosophical offered embedded themselves. All over american society. I mean people who literally worship satan. I just mean that the political positions and the philosophical since there are taken by satanist, like sort of the modern day, sadness the embedded themselves up everywhere. The reason that
comes to mind, is because there is equipped those voting or on the internet. Yesterday from Boston, Satan com So first of all, I should mention at this point the satanist allegedly have we beat the satanic kanak temples, their bunch of different satanic little institutions. And these italian temple, the one that was holding satan gun, apparently has about seven hundred thousand members at this point registered members they put in a press release on this according to citys, it's published by the pew research center as new membership in rags, satanic, simple, ahead of worldwide numbers of rastafarians, just under unitarian universalism in total, worldwide adherents, There's a video going around from satan conduct, twenty twenty three of a young woman whose ripping pages out of the bible and throwing them on the ground. Here's what I look like he shouting you rip pages out of a bible and cast them on the ground. She said before doing this. What we stand here today in divine of their seed and destroy their symbols of oppression. She also up
up a thin blue line flag representing the police. A male leader, joined her in tearing that thin blue line flag into they, tossed that on the floor, while the crowd, cheered and then this apparently picked up the ripped pages off the floor imposed with them for pictures the male leader apparently said we must build true community outside the virtual reboot. It comes in many forms to each and their own within their own capabilities. In their own situation, for some of us merely existing one more day is victory for those of us who can we must stand up to those who cannot so that if all the satanic temple the temple of satanism, or whenever this, this It was organization. Is it claims to be non theistic? They said They don't actually believe in a personal satan like these supernatural being that would be satan and serve traditional christian theology and, as will note, the crossover between the fundamental tenets of the satanic temple and the fundamental tenets of sort of left wing liberalism. At this point are almost indistinguishable, which is why these Satan con at twenty twenty three schedule,
are now reading you, the names of some of the sum of the events at satan, con twenty twenty three deconstructing your religious upbringing with Judas marduk, fake name, right, reclaiming the trans body, a theistic strategies for self germany and empowerment. Ah, yes, the trans body, because obviously Satan is a big fan of the trans according to say, tat, a temple sins of the flesh, satanism and self pleasure from four eric sprinkle re, imagining Lilith as an architect for reproductive justice. According to a mandate, barton and satanism, any bypass experience from sit loudly and panel, so just it check off those boxes. That would be why religion is terrible that would be transgender ism. That would be hedonism and masturbation abortion and racial and her sexuality. Those are the things that are being reviewed at satan, con twenty twenty three right, that there is a reason
for this you're, the seven fundamental tenets of the satanic temple and the reason again that I'm bringing this up not just because this clip is floating around the internet, but because, once you recognize that so much of today's politics, so much of today's value system is built. round: opposition to traditional morality, inaction spot where The problem may lie in the destruction of our civil society. The seven fundamental tenets of these satanic temple are one should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in a court with reason by reason is going to replace again. These are people comes sageness reason is going place religion. There is no objective morality. All that exists is what's in your mind until about compassion and reason. This is the hallmark of sort of in mentally thinking, post, enlightenment thinking. It goes absolutely no because it turns out when you these people to their own devices, forms of reason and compassion. They tend to have compassion for themselves and their friends tend to utilise the reason to justify their own cruel and bad behaviour. Another of these seven fundamental tenants, the struggle
for justice is an ongoing, unnecessary pursued that should prevail over laws and institutions right. All information should be warned and destroyed, because we have these high I just can't actually explain, but it means that everything that is old should just be bashed down ones. Body is inviolable, so to one's own will alone all you are. Is your body and your subject incense and pleasure, the freedoms of others should be respect cutting the freedom to offend so hopefully in unjustly broach upon the freedoms of another, is to forego one's own. Well, this had had a temple, presumably does not believe totally in the freedoms of others because there. Obviously very much pro abortion there in favor of the transit of the children and all the rest believes should conform ones best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit ones. Belief says once again, these eight hannah temple that is called the sitting temple and also is, is it back or of abortion and trenchant was among children? People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, once you do it's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that may have been caused in every ten. It is a guiding
well designed to inspire nobility national thought. The spirit, compassion wisdom, injustice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. So again is the sort of gnostic spirits prevails over the over action spirit prevails. Over word, spur prevails over law, its feelings, also science, but it also Satan, is another reason again that I'm bringing this up is because the perspectives that are being mirrored by the ten example the these secular cultures, nothing itself from Satan satanism in this particular duration- is hanging itself from just general secular values, and so, when you see the identity of the two, that should tell you something about where we stand morally in western society today, mrs martens and it's one second first summer, is your good ranchers would like to give you what you've been craving a nice summer steak on the grill. Can you hear that sizzle already good ranchers has specially sourced kosher steak? Just for me, because I'm a special person- and it was
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off any box to get started today. Are you currently enjoying the show on the stitched up? Then? You need to know. Sticker is going away on august, twenty nine yup going away as in conflict, guy's, dead, rest in peace dinner and thanks for fifteen years of service to the pod cast community, so switch to another part cast out then follow they show their apple. spotify or wherever you listen already, so the once between a secular morality and satanism is very clear at least did the satanic temple. They said they do not subscribe to supernaturalism In that way, we do not believe that taken as a deity being a person ass, an organized religion. We actually provide outreach participate in public affairs, where the issues might benefit from rational satanic insight. What is their mission
The mission is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people. We believe be guided by our consciences to undertake noble pursuits, guided by individual wells nietzsche in superman. It's all will I a temple praxis non theistic satanism. We believe religion can and should be divorced from superstition. As such, we do not believe in their god or the level of supernatural forces we bow. oh god, oh god, or celebrate our I status answer. Outside of status. To embrace the name. Satan is brace rational inquiry remove from supernaturalism and archaic tradition based superstitions satan should actively worked on critical thinking, an exercise, reasonable inquiry in all things, I believe, must be malleable to the best current scientific understanding of the material world. Never the reverse! So They say that they differ only in secular philosophies and a couple of ways. Quota unifying attribute of all satanism, brace of our outsider status sickness, adhere to the principles of enemy. sovereignty and the rejection of tyrannical authority. Additionally, Satan is
It's deeply rooted in a rich historical tradition which spans thousands of years in cultures across the globe. We embrace our literary and philosophic roots as part of our religion. These histories and concerns are of paramount importance to us, but are not fundamental components of humanism or other secular philosophy. So, basically they are just secularism, but they like to hook that up with satanism. Now again, Things are not indirect opposition. Remember that satan as a sort of quasi biblical- serbia into virtual judy's to christianity. But historically speaking, Satan was the opposite of god. Of secularism also considers itself in many ways: the opposite of god, so there, an identity between the two, which is why see the values of Satan com be mirrored in summer, our society like this income? being taught to take two hundred now taught in third greater public schools across the nation why gender is? It is a spectrum. Why should be to trans the kid why abortion is an ultimate good. They, the value of of trends, of intersection of identity. They all of these things that are being taught in the widespread culture are being mirrored by the satanic temple and vice versa.
Because when you realise that secularism defines itself in opposition to traditional religious values, you understand the nexus, the necessity of transgress all the rules breaking down all the rules, breaking down all the boundaries, and so when I say that satan, is now the future is that you get out mean that people worship satan. I mean that in the original original sense. You read the bible, like the original hebrew bible when it talks about certain its about the adversary. The adversary in jewish philosophy is supposed to be a messenger of god who whose sort of place must prosecute turning against man, but the idea of being adversarial toward religion has now been taken up by all of our society, which is how you get to the cultural actions that we currently see in which all traditional ideas have to be torn down. I will mention the cowardice of the people over the satanic temple. I noticed one thing they were not doing is ripping the pigs out of koran and then they're very fond of, ripping pages out of bibles, because they know that christians are going to be totally fine with it and and don't care and are annoyed, but but let it go. You rip the pages out of a currency.
For you over Satan time, twenty twenty three it now get. This is spread itself politically, culturally, throughout american city. Secularism forms itself in religion, the barrier between secularism, knowledge practices, actually really really low secular We saw itself is the hard rationalistic scientific opposite of supernatural based religion, and this was always a why? Because supernatural based religion, which is basically the idea that there is a god the creator of the universe and who designed natural systems in which we all live, it actually allows for scientific proof. As these means one and understandable universe. The human mind is capable of grasping to a prediction universe in which rules actually applied and three an apparent for you to know god and therefore to know the universe. These are all inventions of monotheism, with that said, the secular world, basically rejects all of them. If we're going to jettison god when get rid of object, moral standards wouldn't use. What's in your own head as the moral guideposts end,
I have a guy puts. The problem is a human being. The human brain requires religion and so secularism is now formed itself into a religions, wholesale satanic, but it is, in fact religion complete with saints and devils complete religious iconography, complete with bizarre spectacle and supernatural type interventions, secularism has become its own religion, I wish to take temple is saying what is a lot? We say we're non theistic religion, secularism claims that it is not irreligion button It is significantly more religious, emotional, These communities it cast out heritage and destroys them. It has child sacrifice attached to it and the the game that you have to play in or be part of the secularize religion is, you have to be willing to violate taboos. That's the biggest thing. All the religious taboos must be broken, which brings us with the met gala will get to that momentarily. First, you know about those big wireless companies out there. They lock you into expensive contracts. If you try to get out of them early they tackle. Registrars! You don't need any of that in this terrible economic climate. That's why I made the switch over to pure
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simply smarter wireless. That is the reason I made the switch and you should do head on over to pure talk. Dot com enter promo code. Shapiro save fifty percents of your very first month of coverage that pure talk, dot com, promo code shapiro, alright. So this brings us to the met gala met. Gala every year is sort of a mix between taking cons. Twenty twenty three and eight bizarre event from the capital of the hungry aims. So met. Gala this year features a bunch of people who obviously believe in the secular religion and who dress up in europe, in a bizarre fashion in order to violate taboos and slay the luke's that spelled l e w K S, that's what the kids tell me and I'm in doing so. The goal is to shock, because if you shot that the shock effect of what people were at michaela, it's all about violating the prescribed rules.
now very often prescribed fashion rules. Ain't too certain in certain sense. What fashion rules are arbitrary, never wear, white after labor day read these are these are sort of just things that people have done culturally speaking and there may not be a great reason, for maybe there is good reason for nobody knows, but there's a lot of the good violated to make Allah like traditional rules, vat beauty or financial rules about modesty or hershel rules about gender and they're. All right, it did and the more you violate them. The more the press, adores you, the more the press, loves you. This is why over at the some of the most treasured people are the people who speak to the press outside and then talk about their violations, traditional morals and norms, a couple of gas over at the met or wayne waiting Gabriel union, when one of things they have decided to do is to trans their child. They have a teenage boy who they say is a girl and the guy. Him hormone therapy and all the rest. They started this when the kid was like eleven twelve years, old dwayne waiting, Gabrielle union talking about their friends, kid
instead of what these are the heroes and their place. Like Alan, your message to IRAN, dissenters, I don't I don't know him, but I do know man lie when the lab and numbers down. I do know that when children phil, except it that forty three percent of our judges that fills accepted from their parents from the world, it lowers the duff. Re suicide is high and trains community. It's high in in youth, and so I'm going to step on the side of acceptance and I'm not going to even go on the other side. I'm just focused on acceptance that so, let's, let's make sure our kids have an opportunity to live. This life that we all get to live and it starts with our gun safety laws, obviously a lot of work to do there in our schools, but also to you know in our community acceptance. That's the that's the that's it you did. The only thing of value is acceptance,
tolerance, diverse, except for you, no religion, worldviews, those are those are really bad and, as may notice mirroring so principle, one of this heat had a temple there. One should strive to act of compassion these were all creatures in accordance with reason, in accordance with morality, not in accordance with objective decency, in accordance with
If you think today, here's Gabriel union, who is, I believe, the stepmother, not not the not the biological mother of the trans child in question- confront your husband about moving from Florida, one of the reasons of safety for your family produce them. We like to live to, tell me about yeah, I mean we had to think about where every member of our household would be comfortable and welcome and celebrated, and I you know in two thousand and sixteen there was a move towards a lesson close of world, and we felt that pretty immediately. You know, of course, all of our friends in miami are like. When are you coming back and- and I was thinking well, where would our children, where would caveat james, go to school, where they're open to teaching facts and actually actually accurate? And you know accurate his?
tree and and work, and they say gay much less trans and where would we maybe not get arrested for affirming our childs identity? She is so awful, but again that's the nicest and by the way, to move to california in two thousand nineteen surrounding asked manner. I now obviously because this answer the governor and may run for president here, but that these are the kind people would have an hour. They are all part of these sort of religious community that is secular, slash, satanic. Community again, I use satanic here in its in a sort of most generic sense not like the they. Actually, they draw Pentagon's on the floor and then like candles in the centre, or something like that let's go through some of the average, because again fashion says something about the inner person now You are what you wear, then it's fascinating to see how people are about violating the rules The media have decided to violate. Other reasons. Looks like the capital in the hunger games is because the whole purpose of the capital and a hundred
hungary and that's the imagery that obviously springs to mind for everyone who watches magala the reason that that's brings to mind is because the hunger games about a group of elites who live at the expense of everybody else, while vial in all of the rules they impose on everyone else, because they are the elite and they get to do that. So here what let's go through some of these lots, because again it's all about transgressors amidst all about the cult of personal identity and the belief that your feelings are sufficient to guide the rest of mankind and that the only value system is what you home internally, it's all about tolerance of you. It's about your tolerance of other, it's about everybody else, tolerating you it's about, shifting all societies, rules and mores in order to please yourself and the media sure this kind of crap on, because, if you're talking about the high priesthood of the secular religion that has now taken of our society that high priesthood is hollywood, and then these sort of town criers for the regime are the members the press will all by
in this exact same moral system, this secular moral system that region the notion of an objective morality with actual rules and traditions that are worthy of respect will get to the actual luke's over at the at them. Gala and one second, first I'm, I guess I've got some That actually is great that you can do to preserve your past. Your family s, I'm talking about legacy box legs you back to the safest and easiest way to preserve at your family's every memories, your family's special moments recapture on analogue media, like film reels or tapes are in danger. You can't keep these things in a hot attic. Damp basement and then expect them to survive. The test of time, with mother's day, quickly approaching legacy box, makes a great gift for the entire family relive those special moments like a wedding day or your kid's. First steps at your favorite wait vacation legs about is a simple and safeway digitize, your treasured videotapes, film, rills and photos. Everything is professionally. Digitized. Writing In the united states are sending your old media, their team will send everything back in a digital format. You can short on social media, for your family and friends, million families have trusted legacy back to preserve their memories, social, due for a limited time,
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Here he is obviously a hero because he's dressing up in women's quoting river. Leading the taboo and person who has tremendous no power mean running five of the biggest theatres on broadway gives you the nobody to basically say what enters public culture and what does not add about low mass, actually talk about, say to annex and secular, actually merging. That's woman. that's right and one of his recent videos was early a video of him being stopped by satan, giving a lap dance to Satan, because obviously os ex came out as gay and not only come out as gay. He came out like the most gay. In fact he came out of so gay that there is a for that emerge. I believe a few weeks ago of him make now the woman, and he had put out a statement saying that he was not straight that's how far we have come in our culture. It used to be a game and would masquerade straight in order to get roles and not be cortical cancelled now low mass x has to make sure that nobody, nobody should think this guy straight. So he shows up to the met. Gala wearing silver body paint studied
with rhinestones over his body wearing. Basically, a thong and platform heels in an attempt to shock and upon that, none of this is shocking, because again, secular culture has become so predominant, then nothing shocks any more. Once secularism becomes actually second like throughout the culture. Then it doesn't shock any more but dumb pretty pretty amazing that manette thousand actual form that that will not sex was wearing right there and he looks I mean he really does. Look as though he's here, So from the last vessel, like the all the funds overgrew his basin and all this, but the idea these violating the rules, because, like clause, you know whoo, hoo, hoo, so shocking again, relation of rules is the is the idea here or if you dont, like that violation rules about doha, cathode recipes, an actual add for no reason that anyone can discern so again
it's. The met. Gala always has a theme. The theme this year was Karl. Lagerfeld is a fashion creator of her chanelle and anti, and somehow this is the result, a person who's dressed up as a cow like from the creepy cats, trailer with james, coordinate taylor, swift, looking horrendous, renders He is human animal. All boundaries can be violated, it's good, it's a good thing is I'm freak? Show it's a good thing when boundaries are violated, everyone is more free, violate the boundaries violate the scruples of traditional distinction making and you've made the world a better place. As so, much of the bible is rooted in the idea of distinctions, the bible's rootedness or the notion of in hebrew, kudos holiness, is that it distinguishes between that which is not holy and that which is holy. A the entire book of Leviticus is about the pure and the impure. The whole goal of religion is to separate off that which is bad for mankind from that which is good for mankind in both action, and even
for those of us or jewish info read this would be kosher system is about. Religion is based on distinction. Secularism is based on intermix everything altogether and then pretend that it makes for a better non chaotic world than is precisely the opposite. Florence pew shut up as well Then again, the idea is the more that you gender banned, the better you are so forest pugh has now Schaefer had known understands why and is apparently apparently she killed the peacock and has now taken all the feathers off the back the peacock and stack them on her head: exciting, have your layer a actually just came as a cat, I'll give to jared letto. He understands this just halloween every year. He just comes as like something super wearin bizarre. He doesn't bother with with bloody I'm in a pretended I'm affair and I can't live one year. He showed up actually holding a second head of jerry. Let us are always give appreciate and for the clear and the clarity, the jura letter presents on a sort of fashion and moral level. Carriage levine showed up. As well apparently after having raided her hotels, bathrobe and said
and the goal here is not to where things at a wearable or beautiful or classy or anything. The goal at the met issue shock the goal that this is how you gain all sorts of credibility is by shock. and violating all sorts of scruples and wearing idiotic things, and then we're all supposed pretend these are luke's. You look like an idiot, I'm sorry, you look like a stupid idiot, that's all but because your violin, those rules, it too good a moral good. This is why we must pay. into this sort of stuff I dunno monet showed up like without national dress, which very exciting for everyone. Chad, looks one is, I don't even know what this to be shut up as a black and white christmas tree she is wearing for those who cannot see a hoopskirt that is but over with a giant coat apparently sown from like one of my was knitting gets and then she stacked her hair all the way up on her head in the form of a bizarre tower. I don't know what what she she's
The piece of furniture. Now these put her in the quarterly. Were there that's exciting, stuff always find this. I was living the real world, or here she is that this is true fashion, true fashion, as you show up wearing ridiculous boots, a bra and and high riding panties and a completely transparent who skirt dress. That goes the way up above your breast and all the way down to your shoes. We can see directly through it because it's actually just transparent island then this is because distributing tribunal, guys redefining all the terms redefining or the term cells and do not want to give women, but that has nothing to do the fashion. The fashions garbage is not meant to actually make her look. Beautiful is meant to shock. That is the entire goal here. The reason that I point this out is because, if the value of your culture is to shock, if the
value you have your culture is to break the taboos and there are no more taboos to break. You have to keep finding new taboos to break when you are in a culture that is in search of taboos to break because again it's the opposition's. Whatever is the status quo that defines you as a as a rebel defined us moral person, whatever the things of whatever fences around you, no matter what they are have to be obliterated you, and finding worse and worse, fences to obliterate instrument fashion. It also happen to be true in terms of things like sexual mores, there's, a reason we move from homosexual relations as legal, fine to civil unions ever they all got to gay marriage, to transgender ism. To let's trends, the kids and now to that, the next push is going to be the idea that, if you're are a youth attracted person, meaning pedophile, this is just another form of sexual orientation tat taboo must be violated in the name of reason and compassion. Every tablet, violet, because once you obliterate the moral standard, there's nobody left to prevent and there's nothing left to prevent the expense.
one of your own rationale too. Pretty much anything is appointed need she made a hundred fifty years ago. There's nothing new here. We need to talk about the death of god, and he suggested that there is nothing left to replace god that that it would essentially nothing but an issue of will he wasn't wrong, he's quite preshent in that and visit. We It all seemed silly because we're doing this with regard to the culture and in the culture, We pretend doesn't matter, but the culture does matter quite alot high culture is there a lotta means have gone around on twitter in recent. In recent months and means that show what did it between actions, architecture and modern architectural show. Like a church, there was built like a gothic church that was built in twelve hundred in england, and then it will show you like a brutal scope. in washington DC and young people can brush that off, but fashion it just another form of human activity. and if the leaders of fashion are no longer into providing the beautiful and there are no longer into providing the feminine for women and he mascot, four men, and instead it just all about me.
All of it up and violating all taboos, should we really be the price that is a manifestation of a culture in confusion, its manifestations of culture, that has no rules, and culture with the rules, the culture it is destined to die and that's essentially the direction that we are currently having our in just one second, we're going to get to an actual crisis on the border that the white house continues to deny. First jenelle, okay, they're helping you find the perfect gift for mother's day this year to prove it they are offering over seventy percent of their most popular package plus for them. time ever, jenny cells, including both the altar retinal end darts back record with every purchase of their most popular package. Don't miss out on this amazing deal just in time for mother's day, jenny cells, ultra retinal, contains a powerful retinal alternative and safe to use on your skin in the summer. Sun. Their dark spot corrector helps reduce the appearance of dark marks and sunspots. So I've seen the comments you guys but I'm aging just amazingly well, genocide would be the reason I've been using. Journeys are since, like twenty fourteen,
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got a daily where'd accomplish cold war to star watching. Ok, meanwhile, the legal immigration. Crisis is about to explode down in our southern border. Joe Biden has presided over the worst illegal immigration problem in the nations history yesterday cringe I'm here words must untenanted press secretary. She there until what is probably the biggest either this administration is ever told she suggested The Joe has an amazing job on the more. In fact, border crossings. Illegal border crossings are down like ninety per or some such nonsense. He has tools that he's used to to make sure that we do this. We actually deal with immigration system in a human, in a way in it in a way that is that actually deals with what we're seeing at the border and that's why you ve seen the poorly programme be so successful? Has it has it has when it comes to illegal migration? You ve seen it come down by more than ninety percent, and that's because of
at the actions at this person it has taken. That is John sorry, that is just crazy, crap, ok into Twenty two we had the highest number of crossings ever recorded ever according to w, Oh a ice and antonio- and we are talking about over two million migrants stopped in twenty twenty, now's up from over one point: seven three million the year before about to get way the hell wars, like wit where's, because bureau tanzania declared a state of emergency total. Forty do is about to be lifted accordingly, town hall that come up may I ask release or a Democrat implemented the state of emergency starting a money if there's no more, why'd you new state of one them, I've been saying is no margin see the boar is totally fine, always under control me. While I m accredit mayor in EL paso, like ya, know, we got a problem. The city is already been experiencing a new way view the illegal immigrants, even before title for each was officially gone, resulting in more power this migrants being on the city streets after their released by border patrols. Radio also declared a state of emergency on sunday that's gonna last for seven days will probably be renewed again
don't brownsville brownsville in the Rio Grande valley, the city has been a significant increase in illegal crossings. Recently browns it will also declare in the immigration emergency, presumably in the coming days, up to ten illegal immigrants a day will probably crossing our southern border. One set of war who is no longer in a fat abysmal, when it is a really good job covering the sort of tougher foxes hatred, yesterday over twenty two thousand more apparent apprehensions and less seventy two hours in average of over seven in principle. This right back into big numbers, we're seeing last year, were now ten days away from working, a forty, two, unexpected major surge buckle up well, yeah, it's gonna! really really bad really really quickly, because it turns out that when you offer pretty much open entry to everyone, when you say show up Will process you and release you into the interior or don't show up and just crossed the board and will leave you alone. Tons and tons of people tried to cross the border. Meanwhile, The white house just lies about the consequences of illegal immigration, so, for example, riddick story mentioned yesterday. Any legal
in france is go oral pesa shot five people in texas, hey let this person was deported three times three supper times crossborder again and then murdered people, including an eight year old child in cleveland, access for egypt, let's take on this is that it is about gun control, number legal immigration not about the border is about gun control. On friday evening, a nine year old child was murdered along with others in yet another shocking horrific act of guns violence in america. This time in cleveland, texas, too, of the women killed, were discovered. On top of surviving children peer to be shielding them from gunfire in all five people were murdered by individual armed with a powerful our fifteen style rifle as the man hunt for the suspected assailant continues. We urge the public to heed all guidance from law enforcement. Shells and stay safe. I notice that you left out all the relevant information or replaces
SK in national allegedly committed the executions downwards. Last friday, after a family member, the victim complain about him firing a rifle in the middle of the night. He then went into neighbour's house with the rifle and fired the individual's inside five, people living in the home or murdered. Apparently, this entire area in taxes is basically run by the drug cartels, so excellent job once again by diminish. In they're doing just wonderful job. How bad is the illegal migration crisis. Lorry Lightfoot, the mayor of chicago, is now begging the state of texas apps. Any illegal immigrants up to chicago is often and gay until legal immigrants actually hit democratic areas in the north, chicago outgoing they are lower, like voting you just heard from is now urging tat this governor gregg abbot, to stop sitting bus loads of migrants to her city of chicago but yesterday wrote in a letter to him saying quote your lack of consideration or coordination in attempted was chaos and score. Political points has resulted in a critical tipping point and our ability to receive individuals and fail and a safe, orderly and dignified way. Have you heard anything norway?
heard anything back and frankly, I didn't expect to hear anything back, but I felt like it was important to once again try to engage the governor, but also let him know what his policies and practices are doing, and cities like Chicago. We are completely tapped out. We have no more space, no more resources, and frankly, already in a surge we ve been seeing of last week, two to three two hundred plus people come to Chicago every single day. Wow, You mean you mean that since, like august of twenty twenty two because has seen something eighty one hundred illegal immigrants shipped up to chicago from taxes I was, I told him indigo, seven thousand a day a day entering texas right now, that's how many people are being accosted at the amount, can bore. It can go up to ten thousand a day we don't have. The power is she. Is she calling on Joe Biden to do anything, of course, not she's? A Democrat? That's not how any of this works. Meanwhile, Joe Biden, he needs to maintain that everything is going great guns on the economy. Yesterday he celebre
regulators, ensuring the sale of first republic, is any second big. Bank failure in american history by the way- and he said writing it- is a big when I what you will foot the bill for some of this, because it's gonna have to be the f b. I see filling in Some of the depositors here is here. Is Joe Biden yesterday pleased to say that the regulators have taken action to facilitate the sale of first, your problem bank sure that all depositors are protected and the taxpayers are not on the hook the text there is not interesting. So, according to the wall street journal, J, p morgan chase their purchase a failed I would thank boost in europe, acts massive loan book and dominant deposit franchise. It gives them, and a new crop of rich customers. At a time when it is trying to expand it's wealth management operation, it allows chief executive jamie diamonds once again play the role of industry savior, so the big get bigger, jp morgan used it's huge balance sheet to beat out smaller banks for first. it received early monday by the f. The I see for radical,
Several using a hundred billion dollars in deposits in march run and followed the implosion of we'll be aerial under silicon valley. Bank now again member what happened! A silicon valley bank is basically bought a bunch of government bonds from Joe Biden government on the belief that would not be a tremendous rise in the interest rates, devaluing their bonds. Eventually, bonds would come. Do it we find that get their money except that people start pulling the money out of silicon valley banks. They needed their money to pay their bills, and then it turned out that so and I'd like to have them money. They don't have the asset base that they could liquidate in order to fill back in the deposit gap. So they went on to then first republic started seeing depositor withdrawal, from then it turns out that a lot of unsecured credit holders, unethical wowzers rather and those people like. I don't want my money disappearing, like it did for some people at silicon valley bank. So I'm just gonna take my money out until the first republic was on the verge of collapse. Now JP morgan is to assume all the first republics. Ninety two billion dollars and deposit its buying most the bank's assets. Putting about a hundred seventy three billion dollars and loans and thirty billion dollars insecurities at the end of the first quarter. Jamie morgan had
when seven trillion dollars and assets into point four trillion dollars in deposits, but here's problem a lot of the assets of a lot of these banks are just not good there there's a there. There are lot of assets that are unbosom a lotta banks that are going to come, do and they're not in good shape. According political deposited, first republic will simply become deposits and chase bank It's a good outcome for the FDA, see didn't want to replay march in which they another government officials agreed to invoke especial league, provision allowing them to back uninsured deposits at b and signature. It took that step for the two banks, because they that if they didn't uninsured depositors and other banks would also run, and that did happen at first republic, the have, as he expects you, take a thirteen billion dollar lost, which deposit insurance fund financed by fees from banks. So they it's coming from you that wrong, because the fees from the banks, where those coming from their pass along to you, in other words, all the people at first republic they're getting filled in by J P, morgan and the f see how we have to ask you getting money from nato. thanks who's filling in money. Together, banks you mean money is to come from
where you can make it up out of nowhere without inflating the currency. Meanwhile, the service such raise interest rates to a sixteen year high, raising the civility of recession. According to the wall street journal officials are like he'd their options open as they finesse carefully calibrated signals in their posts. Meeting statement in remarks by fair Jerome paladin news conference after meeting ends on wednesday The binding legislation is cruising for a bruising with regard to this possible default. So the republicans in the house, That ceiling bill is eminently reasonable. It puts the spending back twenty twenty two levels: meal Joe Biden, like I'm, not even negotiate over this, because when you have the backing the press What do you need actually be good at the job of governing for here's Joe Biden most important, that we have to do and I regard as they make sure the threat by the speaker of the house to the fall on the national debt it is off the table for over two hundred years, america's
never ever ever fail to pay his debt to put in the capital in colloquial terms. America is not a deadbeat nation. We have never ever fail to meet the debt as a result, one of the most respected nations of the world. We pay our bills and we should do so without reckless hostage. Taking well, some of the mega republicans in congress is is is is reckless. First of all, this mag republicans crap has to stop saying that we should spend a lot the less money does not make you a quote. Unquote: extremist maga superman or the ultra duper maga republican. It's ridiculous. If you're talking about paying your bill One thing you might do to pay or bells east, you spend less money. That's the whole point of this particular exercise, now, apparently Joe Biden, at that meeting with Hell leaders according to political invited com. is tat for leaders and both parties for may ninth meeting after the treasury department delivered a stark warning on monday of the nation could hit the existing that ceiling as soon as june. First, the secretaries letter was sent for the markets
and while street the prediction landed hard on the hill law makers and hope they have munster maneuver pass. The impasse seem Biden and mccarthy on Monday night cinema, What are we retraction retreat of two pieces of legislation that debt limit bill house republicans passed last week? That includes significant spending cuts and one that we suspend the deadline through the twenty four election with no strings attached the sugar spokespersons as that process is designed to ensure that basically, the republican house bill goes down to fleming defeat feet and all your left with is a clean that ceiling in greece. Joe Biden Jimmy negotiating over the stuff, but he doesn't care. He would much rather play politics with the dead ceiling by never cutting anything. Then, would actually come to some for rational agreement, and this is why the last decent demo, president believer not was bill Clinton who actually negotiated over these of topics. Now speaking of Biden and his incompetence again I'll keep it getting it over an hour. Joe Biden is extremely weak candidates like a very, very weak. How so again he just he's not with it he's not. Sentient person, so here's Joe Biden yesterday randomly talking thing
phone colleague in the middle of oppressor, almost and seeing his wife is waiting for. Him why were good bye a joiner motives which so a Joe Biden, again had trouble with the reading of the teleprompter Joe Biden, versatile, teleprompter again going very poorly for the president of the united states We see it here again today and companies like hope, pronounce a ride on a power as an army. I believe that is right there on a power florida, small business winner, ward, winner of the business week winner, you won he gets frustrate with his own brain. Are you warrior? Where am I know? Now, meanwhile, is
This person job, I knows hunter- continues to be just a garbage bag of a human. According to the washington, free beacon, by his lawyers painted him is financially strapped in his first appearance. arkansas court on Monday, as he sought to get child support payments to his fellow mistress and their four year old daughter, reduced the president's son who made millions of dollars off deals and cushy board positions for foreign companies in the past decade? Apparently now has no salary had his porsche repossessed and was forced to sleep on a cot in his father's room During a recent presidential trip to dublin a fringe binds where's yeah, I'm sure that's your house's stooped taken. Actual support from a generous friend how a common morris according to the court according to suit. lawyer, abbe low one most expensive attorneys in washington Dc Lowell said the Biden is paying london alexis Roberts tour. Twenty thousand dollars per month and transport under an agreement reached in twenty twenty apparently losses and is paid roberts. It we some kind of fifty thousand dollars for the past few years. This should be to care for the four year old child. The Joe Biden refuses to acknowledge its is grandchild During his days after the arkansas circuit court, judge highly mire or binding his hat
childs mother robert to appear for all future chordates argue absences, our needlessly delaying the case binds lawyers objected to attempt by robert seem to frame and his privilege and while the arguing, he's only travelled on air force. One one time and state on a car his dad's gazprom and dublin during their recent ireland visit he no longer. support all he now drives in unspecified are given to him by celebrity where Kevin Morris, so he has a rich do. Bad news, entire lifestyle, but he has no money, what a scam artist, but a garbage human being. During the hearing Biden's lawyer said his only income as a percentage of his art sales from a new york gallery and Biden has one but to provide a list of whose bodies paintings and how much they are worth. said, bind doesn't know the names of any of the buyers under an agreement with the gallery, which then to avoid political influence peddling, which of course doesn't avoid political influence, pendant peddling in any way shape or form.
The fact that the media are so wildly curious about undermining, given his continued close association with the father in the white house. It's quite astonishing. Meanwhile donald trump, currently the republican front runner, there is new pole, poles I that he is up in their publican primaries by maybe thirty points and there's a reason for that. According to a twenty twenty four republican nomination pole from CBS news, eighty five percent of republican voters? for a candidate who challenges woke ideas, sixty six percent, support a candidate who oppose any restrictions. Sixty one percent say they will the candidate who says trump one in twenty twenty and fifty seven percent say they would like Candide who makes liberals angry. Well, I mean that's a pretty attack in favour of it down from now. I do think that their question says from one in twenty twenty and fifty seven percent makes liberals angry. I think that's almost one hundred percent cross over me and I think the real the a republicans are saying they want people to date from one is because it pisses off liberals, but put that aside from right now,
is leading on on a couple of different measures which candidate vote for today which candidates they are considering backing. he has majority support right now. According to this ball, fifty eight percent of republican voters in the primaries say they will vote for donald trump, Eighteen percent say they are not voting from, but they are considering twenty two percent they are voting for. Honest answer is thirty percent. Are considering some the entire, considering crowd and put it on top of the senses. He comes in at fifty trumpery now's, fifty eight and then you have Hence the diagram swami Nicky Hayley. Those are all in single digits, pensive, five rama, swami, five nicky hayley at four etc. Right now, among the people who see their voting for from ninety four percent sight his past performance is president. Ninety four percent. Seventy fight for people. Like me, eighty four
I think that he be Biden. Eighty two percent say that he deals with his political opponents well and seventy five percent of those people that he actually one in twenty twenty shockingly only sixty four percent of it. See the voting for trump are doing so because they like him personally and only five One percent say that they are voting for him because he makes liberals angry kind of interesting. The smaller non from group says: they're, not vote but from because they like other candidates, more sixty five percent. Fifty four percent say because he's too controversial fifty percent, because how deals with political opponents and forty one percent is on legal fights. Forty nine so they are exhausted by the edge donald trump in the in the primary joe it'll be be without names, yadda primaries play up. One thing: the donald trump is Doing, however, is he really playing footsie with the left wing? I mean he really is he's sitting down with cnn now he's doing an interview with cnn. According to politico he's gonna participate in a town hall that would cnn the event takes place and you Hampshire's saint, anthony college next week and martin major moment in the intersection of politics in the media. In this still early
mary these again round his answers, isn't even in the race yet you're not going on fox news, presumably because he's pissed In fact it is these things that they are shutting out. Cnn is you? Have a town hall moderated by Caitlin Collins now it's kind of a wind for donald trump. Politically, because no matter what happens, republicans presumably will rally to his defence it will certainly be a highly biased vent. All from has to do is not fall down completely on the job, It is very weird that he will rip the reagan libraries insufficient to hosting debate with him, but see it is totally vine. Fox news is bad, but yet it is totally fine. I think the thing They then frustrates alot of conservatives about donald trump, namely his lack of that fealty to sort of conservative principles and or outlets, maybe the same thing, and that a lot of people in the republican financially like about from budget, is utterly unpredictable and will do pretty much anything will see how that plays out for him, but the way Polls show by the way is the down from, is currently losing in every single swings day he's down one in georgia, provided for in pennsylvania, divide and four in wisconsin Joe Biden. Three
airlines divided to in arizona Biden three in may into button indisposed could all be wrong, but when you are look up at the possibility of losing pretty much every swing state. That is a serious problem that is a serious problem for republicans moving forward. They should think about who they, it's actually lose to win would be a pretty solid question, I'll get em some things I like and then some things eight, so things that I like today, so I do like to hollywood register. I I'm very excited about this hollywood writers right most things because it means that of late night those are not going beyond their that's exciting. So tonight there will be any we fell in, there won't be any. There won't be any jimmy kimmel. All those shows me off the air tonight because it turns out that somebody actually rights, those jobs which is kind of a shocked, makes their all really really bad, but now, for the first fifteen years how it would work are going out on strike guild announced they work stoppage, beginning tuesday afternoon after negotiate and with the labour group representing studios and streamers faltered on Monday night in a statement
in a dummy J said its negotiating committee began. This process intend on making a fair deal, mosquitos answers have been wholly insufficient, given the existential crisis right writers are facing. So what exactly is that crisis? Apparently you studiousness streamers, will not agree to any guarantee of a number of weeks. Unemployment for tv writers and talks it proposed creating a day rate, How many variety, writers and they'd stone nine proposals over minimizing work with no pay and proposals to regulate air writing like chat, you pity, and w g covered work. yeah there can a lot of unemployed holly writers in the very very near future. Hollywood is the traditional industries in serious trouble. It doubly J strike is just another symptom of that, and no one could deserve it more meanwhile, but light continues to have just absolutely get destroyed. in terms of the number of people buying it according to outbreak like jails continue to think like a break as they don't know. Any following years? It's one month anniversary ways: numbers The folk sudan has a bush may want to look way according to beer business daily, but lights off premise, sales volume amount,
So that's at a restaurant in barcelona on twenty six percent. For me, earlier in the week ending April twenty. Second, that's even worse than the twenty one percent increase from the we prior while butler numbers are now known eight percent this year, that includes figures at grocery stores, convenience stores in that restores beer business, they broke the shocking degeneration of but later but like glues, market share continue to paste We of April and actually somehow worsen, never seen so dramatic shift in national share in so short a period of time, ooh. Well, I'm yeah. It turns out that when you completely patronize your audience and you make them feel ridiculous. those people who want to buy your beer so good for all of you for not bind by light and keep it up. It deserve it. Ok, temper, the thing that I hate already so apparently fraud, and told, are now going to be gay. So there is a a series of broken toad by
writer and illustrator honourable bel, air for books, frog and our friends frog and how to get these are. These are children's books, Apparently apple tv is now making a series on frogmen toad and they will tend to make them sort of gay is the idea now why Actually this desperately arm about himself is a gay man. There's nothing in the actual books. That's just that they are gay, their animals or, unlike one another, but our friends, sort the farthest falls into the gay subculture burden. Ernie are stopping category rather than the base. We any two characters of the same sex live in close proximity to one another in children's cartoons, end up being picked up by gay subculture and then treated as though they are actually a gay couple who are jack hammering in backroom right. That's that that is the way to this. In our popular culture and its really quite silly and quite full the polarization of children's tv, the iter you sexual eyes. Children's characters is real, screwed up like really screwed up and and ford is obvious, because it is a form
of changing the minds of small children. That is the goal is Illogical worming not like the one have sexual gets what they want those to believe the same things that they believe about the world and sexual orientation and sexual identity and all the rest of that kind of stuff into anything. they can insert that in children's programmes. We wish to do so. This is the exact reason why we hear delaware going to spend a hundred million dollars on child its content over the course of the next couple of years. Don't have to worry about all this. However, the the fact that, dumb, the daily basis now reporting that the that they're going to keep the gay subtext is pretty assigned did the title again from the daily beast? Is frog and total still gay and apples newt kids show, if you want them to be, isn't that wonderful is again imperative that children's the be made more gay, very, very, very important, speaking of which also very important here that James bond be made into a black woman new piece in the washington post, who says double o seven has to be white, british and mail, or you mean
author of the entire James bond series,. Only works in one direction nobody's what have you made? Shaft white female, never does now, because it stupid it turns out. The characters have characteristics and those characteristics, though, to character The same people who will tell you that raises an innate identity will tell that doesn't matter if you take a white character and make a black and it made no difference whatsoever, makes no sense. Negative I've, no problem idea, the blackmail by the real estate from dimly but would be between what between male and female, because it turns out the men and women are widely different, As I said before, the idea of a woman who is able to bed down with good looking men. That's just called a woman. The whole point of james bond, is the james bond is a man who is able to get beautiful. Women, which is a male fantasy and again hold different, said, rob those in doing that, if you are a man and if you are a woman as everyone happy brain knows, but his entire peace by a person and Anna Petronia says at the latest.
Or from James bond franchise, gives us the heroin. We ve been waiting for our lives. We is but only. This is what we need. Will it the? My six agents in question- a young black woman named know me identifies yourself to bond, is double o seven, not to end not any doubles of an agent, I'm double o seven. She clarifies you probably thought they'd retire at this, of course, is a quote from the last movement, the last movie but says Anna potomac. If the one of our imagination is really just a series gestures, martinis, the gunfights, the sex. It opens up a much wider array of passive but he's one of bond were black. What if bond were woman without change nothing about the essential bonnets, a bond, if not what we would yes, it would, of course, many women are different. It's also tiring, but you know that the tiring is the point. It's all gas lighting They do something that is transgressive. They destroy your ip. That is characters they may take children. you and they turn a gay, and then there like. Why are you noticing, stop that? It's all gas, letting nonsense
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Transcript generated on 2023-08-16.