« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1714 - Corpse Declares Re-election Launch

2023-04-26 | 🔗

Biden officially launches his re-election campaign by promising to “finish the job”; Donald Trump says he might not do any primary debates; and the fallout from Tucker Carlson’s abrupt Fox News firing continues.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Joe Biden officially launches his re election campaign by promising to finish the job or settled from says, not you any primary debates at all and the fall out from took her carlson's abrupt fosters firing continues adventurer. This is morocco is today shows my express vpn. Thousands of my lessons have already secured their network data, join them at express vpn dot com, slash men, while Joe Biden finally on tuesday decided to launch his not really awaited president. campaign is real. That's coming everybody knew he was going to do this. We talked about a little bit earlier this week. The expectation was that he was going to do it in a the yo and that's precisely what you did, because he does not have the capacity to give some sort barn borough speech. He can't get five senses out of his face before he starts to physically collapse. He's going to be a very rough reelect campaign for Joe Biden, when you can tell that by the add that he actually cut this three minute walk
want to add he did the same thing four years ago, when he, when he again launched on video in this three minute launch ad, he appears on camera. Speaking for three seconds at a time because any time the cameras on him for more than a few seconds, it just gets extremely awkward and here's the thing but is not very popular man. According to a variety of poles, his job approval among independence, is worse than dirt. Cbs news has met thirty. two percent approval among independence and pierre merest has meant thirty six percent among independent fox news, hazmat thirty percent among independence and harvard harris has meant thirty, eight percent, among dependence. Those are not reelect numbers for the president of the united states. And so he is relying solely and completely on the idea that Europe hence are going to run donald trump That is what his entire campaign is based on. You can tell it from his longevity which is not about anything as president of the united states is purely about the idea that he stands between you and me
it'll be in darkness. We will go through this launch video in detail cause. It really does show you who Joe Biden is what his campaign is all about. Here we go, It opens january sex. Obviously, more images generous exe and then abortion is health care outside the supreme court. Freedom of ways out o my personal freedoms, fundamental rights, are still pictures of him. Nothing more important, nothing more shape, esben the work of my first, her personal freedom for democracy. We shouldn't be, ready to protect our rights to make sure that everyone in countries treated equally Everyone is given a fair shot. Maybe again, his zol audio is all audience a video of it. But you know around the country magic january. Sex are lining up to take on those bedrock for you, okay, pause right there, it's all about trump, it's all about trump right. There's a picture of trump trump with the santas trying, smear just answer by association with travellers mature Margaret hale agreeing. The idea here is that a bunch of mega extremists,
the people who he's been going after for the past several years. The people who are putting democracy in danger- those are the people he is there to stop. Remember up till this point, his launch at is not mentioned. A single thing is actually done as president of the united states, his entire sticker is, I was elected to save democracy from trump and that's why you need me is to do the same thing, because he can't actually stand on anything he has accomplished. Typically, you run or what you ve done. Your first term according to Biden, the only thing he's done this first term is not be trump, which is true. He has not been trump, but that's not a very strong pitch aid continues Did you pay for your entire life? Are cutting taxes from a very wealthy dictating what healthcare decisions women can make banning books and telling people who they could love all I'm making it more difficult for you to be able to vote again. Closet is all the same speech that he gave back in philadelphia. Remember that terrible speech or speech, I've seen president gave in my lifetime speech. They gave in from a blood red independence hall where he declared half the country his enemies and suggested this.
in the way of democracy. This is what he saying right. standing in the way of all these bigoted, terrible republicans and if they gain office than the country will be thrust into a new dark age and then cue, the rising music here as he strives for with the least I feel a politician in america kamel Harris to buttons level Instead, that's not natural motion. Tell you walked, then its jill and is judged flexible, hugging people. Years ago. I should we're in from the america still are, seems less. You refrain is whether, in the years ahead, we freedom or less free, rachel few. I know what I want to use and I think you do too This is not a time to be complacent he's not place to do anything money for real action, is, I know america,
I know a good lot people people looking- the camera countries lesion honesty, respect the treaties, which was incredibly, they were newish, there's Barack obama that gives you out and who safe harm. We believe that everyone is equal, that everyone should be given a fair shot to succeed. This is all warmed over platitudes now, not one, but like five separate photos with the tangy brown jackson generation, a black woman, she can tell what a woman is to defend and there's jill Joseph from a persian fleet stand up for the right to vote or chivalrous. John Lewis. And this is our moment- the heat he ran for, like a step, announce a bunch baskets of people doing things being people or people, yemen, real, people hitting shots, people, people on trains, people hugging well like humans, for people with faces
somebody speaking spanish, might be talk of or burrito going to jail. Jo Leinen, and there is this tumble harris? is this: what is the job he's trying to finish? This is the big question, let's finish the job, What what job is it that you seek to finish? This would be the question that everyone is left asking. That is eight arable slogan. Let's finish the job, Kate, your entire stick again, your reelect stick is the same as your prior. he watched at which, as I will stand in the way of donald trump how's that finishing the job. What does the job that you were elected to finish his? tired campaign in twenty twenty, and he made this very clear as he was elected to stop donald trump from being president and he kind of implied that he would step down before a second term, because he don't got the duty,
we're old. How old is he he's so old and in his campaign want? Yet he does not appear for more than three seconds at a time. It's Audio take he's not capable of speaking it was led into the camera without stopping and falling over, like wallace shawn in the princess bride after taking the io cane powder just so? Instead they cut that is at which a fast cuts of still photos of humans, humans who do things, and then he's like. Oh finish, the job here is the problem. If you finish the job, we got a problem. Everything is done so far has been garbage because that in just one moment first, let's talk about the fact that your big cellphone wireless, carry their. Are you they locked you into bad contract? It's time for you to change. That's why I made the switch to pure top. Were there no These no contract, no hassle pure talk, has arranged affordable, cellphone plans to choose from and find the perfect option for your needs, like unlimited talk, text and plenty of native just thirty bucks a month.
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I get all time. One of the international tensions escalate markets are in freefall. Is five hundred regional banks, financial systems from regions were override by a surge of thousands well yesterday, what? If our border is gone? City of san Francisco this morning said what if crime was insane and fentanyl crisis who's in charge. Here it feels like the train is coming off the track just beat Biden; okay, that's a pretty good pitch, because joba so Joe Biden's interior, It is don't vote for donald trump vote. For me. Let's finish the job at every and that's the pitch. I mean that's his entire picture. He does not at any point say what he has done. He has said that he is stopped for publicans from stopping black people from voting or something which was always patent garbage black people are not stop from voting
Why republicans that absurd? Hey? He says that he has stopped democracy from being overthrown by the january six protesters, who were essentially a couple of hundred morons who went into the capitol building the ones who actually violent and who actually got jailed. They they ones were actually violent were, were morons who got arrested and then, within a couple of hours, the electoral certified as encounter people who wandered in thinking that there was an actually illegal, because the cop for actually showing them through the building and showing how the people were protesting outside, but that was a threat to the republic of such d. Your nature. According to your mind, you have to let them not once but twice because if you re elect him too finish the job it apathy. Then that means that you want those people to win now. Here's the problem he's a president and everyone knows- is a bad precedent. Any super all that everyone knows that two green, jean Pierre world's worst, a secretary shoes asked: is he to actually serve eight years, where he doesn't look good in fact, they won't even put em on camera because he's an animate corpse at this point. They shoot him full of something.
and then he stumbled out his eyes wide and his pupils dilated? And then he proceeded to speak through his face whole freight non problem. period of time, and then he step It was nonsensical off the stage looking for where to go next before they rap him back into it. coffin at night book. It closes, they pipelines him some old perry, mason episodes happy hamper a waist up the next morning. They do it all again. Here's green jean pierre asking is this man gonna be able to even serve eight years and she's like oh, the planets are all eight years. I'm not I'm just not going to get ahead of the president. That's something for him to decide. I was not going to get ahead of it and we're there's a twenty twenty four campaign. anything related to that. I would refer you to that. That's crazy! How does she not have an answer to that question? I mean the answer to that is yes, he what does he plan to start like it's not like he's quit being president's. We can run for a higher office. Very often politicians, governors
I'm nervous answers he's running it. africa knows, there's a good might run for president and when people ask, are you going to serve out your term or are you going to run for higher office while I'm still thinking about it? What's there to think about he's the current president, if he wins again he's going to step down to become like nfl, commissioner what exactly is depressing job that would be on the dark for him James claiborne. The biggest background south carolina, probably put em over the top of the primary even use we've gotta show some energy, because, frankly, he looks a lot like tat for in the electricity experiment. I think they're shooting them some electricity and was letting is like flopping around a little bit. Here's james cliburn. First of all, I think the president is going to have to earth deal with the whole issue of age. He is eighty years old, my dad. Eighty two do believe that it is up to the task, and that is something We just cannot pretend is not on people's minds, so I think he has to show the energy that he has been showing over the past
several months any ass. It continue to pursue an agenda that we, as he says, bill those economy from the bottom up? and from the middle out, so that people can feel a part of this ok, so even james clyburn, whose two years older than the present like I would better neck ideas, which is trojans type of a lot better than Joe Biden currently does meanwhile morning, Joe is still trying to figure out. Why come here is still on the ticket. Here they were trying to you're out why this wildly incompetent politician is on the ticket, I have a hint it rhymes with she's a max woman. Yes, yes, that would be the reason here we go. Maybe there's been a lot to talk about the vice president, and are they going to replace the vice president and you you always get this by the way you always get this vice presidents, always they turn There is secondary fate figure for good reason, but also a lot of
people leading up to the reelection campaign campaigns the sailor. They dump this when that now she's she's there she's their voice on abortion yeah, Gee, certainly is, has been their voice on abortion. She had a successful trip to africa and and jean robinson? There is absolutely no reason why they should upsetting apple card as as said. Why would you have said applecart me? She is wildly unpopular, their lot problems for Joe Biden, but he does Some systemic advantages and those advantages are built around one person and one person in particular. We all know who that is because their momentarily first this year marks the seventy four. anniversary of Israel's independence? Coincidentally, the international fellowship of christians whose also celebrating forty years ministry today, thousands of jews, both Israel, anymore torn ukraine are struggling to survive like threatening crises, including extreme poverty, hunger and violence in the form of conflict antics it has been terrorism among these vulnerable people are tens of thousands of how, Survivors and elderly jews will not survive without their basic needs met as well
a of time with holocaust survivor, some most incredible people on the planet. There, a lot of them in ukraine who suffer not only through the holocaust, but then from communist oppression, and now there haven't suffer through war. Just forty bucks, you can write one person with an emergency, but an hot meals. For one week today we ve got a special matching opportunity, where gift will double in impact to forego give become. Eighty dollar gift, one hundred I'll, give becomes a two hundred dollar gift. Could you ben for the fellowship dot, org or call eight hundred three We won thirty, seven thirty, seven to rush in emergency food box. Today, you're special gift will double in impact right. Those need with twice as much nourishment that's been for the fellowship dot, org or Oh eight hundred three three one, thirty, seven, thirty, seven at eight hundred three, three one, thirty, seven, thirty seven so get Joe Biden is extremely weak. Now we need gets was agenda yet his act, agenda items, have been terrible right. Now you, the stock markets, are already fallen. Why well, because they're. Looking for the possibility of some really bad reports a so well, there is talk about the financial system being healed. That's not right is not pretty
According to wall street journal first for public bank shares in forty nine percent on tuesday adapter aborted customers pulled back. A hundred billion. There's a deposit out last month alone. The region, in general, have suffered since the collapse of several smaller MID says lenders. Last month, first republic has been the focus of market access following a surgeon deposit outflows last monday and people in very uncertain about places like first republic after what happened with silicon valley, bank plus There's a lot of talk about. What's going to happen. If there is the federal raise the rates again and you can The earnings reports that are about to happen are scaring everybody. According to the wall street journal the tough day for stocks essential started after training closed on monday, after the first for public bank reported the banking turmoil, but also the tec. Ass, a composite dropped about two percent: the Essen p. Five hundred fell one point: six percent, the dow jones and dust that one percent all of this, because people are expecting some earnings reports to come out this week
and those earnings reports are not likely to be particularly good turbines. Economy is fighting, and everyone knows this. He frankly happy talk is way past this, but the man can't even regular top level, happy talk. Harry was yesterday talk about how he's turning things around in a big way. Folks, trickled down economics, doesnt work. We have a very different plan for it. Call me when you- and I together we're turn things around and we're doing in a big way. I know- and he also said we are bringing down costs which are yeah no one's laughing. Mr president, we thought maybe people should start paying their fair share. Inflation reduction asked me to bring down hundreds of billions more in decades ahead. Bring the cost down we're doing all of this by making the biggest corporations just begin to pay part of their fair share just pay their fair share.
Pay at least something, but I have to hear the schmuck talk about people paying their fair share, any sign that the people who actually pay the vast bulk of taxes in the country. It is very, very irritated me well, even Joe mansion, whose find onto the inflation reduction accurately where the guys should sign onto that boondoggle suggesting who's. Gonna somehow bring down inflation, mainly because there are a bunch of provisions that are supposed to protect the mining for coal and natural gas. for dinner, will now is realising the job I naturally shaft at him and then draw my number at any intention of protecting energy production in romance in some states. Now Joe mansions out there like yeah, I really got screwed yeah. You did sir made you shouldn't trusted him you. Shouldn't have done that. Let me make it very clear: if This administration does not honour what it said it would do and basic continue to liberalize that were three and native four billion dollars is what worse to invest over ten years and name oh that out of the water, and is it six or seven or eight hundred. I will do
everything I can in my power to prevent that from happening, and if they don't change, then I would vote to retail my own bill. What that makes no cares when you vote repealing on Billy, you jerk, you look at it for the thing. In the first place, it's late, now he's going to have to wait until after the next presidential election in order to reverse all of that. But even Joe manchin is saying, yeah I thought he must be a moderate yeah he's not a moderate, meanwhile green job. Here she is pushing for. The agenda of this wildly unsuccessful administration. She says that unlawful immigration is down. Things are going amazing on immigration. Did you know that? Did you know that things are just going swimmingly on immigration in this country? So this the department and the department of my security will have more to share soon. As you know, the department of homeland security shared their plan back in january, and we have seen from the data we have seen the that the lawful immigration is down and silver. What they have put forth forth in their protocol on their processes is working.
but they will have more to share they're doing an amazing job according to korean jean pierre. How amazing is the job that he did SEN kamala Harris to the bottom and they didn't really, but they pretended they did, what an amazing how amazing six point? Three million. legal border crossings under by six point three. Million illegal immigrants have crossed border under Joe Biden, while people got sent back, but at least one point: three million. Are known, illegal immigrant god always he's most unsuccess. president in american history on the border. Just as he is the present, brought about forty year, inflation, the goodness it he really has his head screwed on, I will He had his head screwed straight in this particular context. Has his his heads grum properly, comes to the social issues, which is why regional here was celebrating the thing that matters most lesbian visibility week. I have a question: is there we, the calendar that is not some form of algae bt. Q. I plus minus divided by sign, happy face sign sad, say some salvation, mogi tilda hashtag carrot week is that is
a week in the calendar left, for you know like heterosexual people, as I gotta say a more and here we were at the white house yesterday- green jean Pierre, celebrating lesbian visibility, weak as opposed to the other fifty one which the, which I guess I lesbian, invisibility week, which, as you know, I think troubling do we have- made of crime from the invisible lesbians. No one knows so this week is has been visibility. Week has the first openly queer person wow hold the position of press secretary for the president of the united states, s yeah. see every day how important visibility as so important are. Today. I am honoured to welcome the cast of, though l, word and generation. Yes to show time series that chronicle the friendship, the love, the challenges in the triumph of strong funny and
zillion queer women up here with me- are the amazing, talented actresses, who play those very roles: jennifer beals, LISA, Hayley and catherine manic, and the shows co, creator, writer and executive board. I lynching so basically, why don't? They actually just turn the white house into the up front so be great. We can actually have Joe Biden trot out there and an preview, a bunch of shows for the old Here's we got going on CBS for those of you who are no longer alive, and then have green jean Pierre and she'll get up there really for all of you who are people of color who are queer. We have every other show on tv it'll be amazing. I mean they've already done, like the the the TED stupid show, the one with the soccer yes, ted lasso that stupid show there. He did that one we've already had like which other stars that they had it. The way it's like they've they've had a bevy of them, matthew, Mckay. Hey, notably everyone whose whose whose in hollywood has shown up to do a junk. It suddenly struck
have a swag banks that they give out at the white house. You know with like a card for Dylan mulvaney. His latest sponsor product then they can actually just pitch the tv shows here she is prevailing, showtime, the outward sponsor the white house. This is your white house. You must reelect this present new. Must it is imperative that we re elected president he's doing important work. Very. Very important. Work is more of the president's import work in just one second, first talk about living a healthy lifestyle, so I tell you, as you know, I have the the taste buds of child, which means I hate trials vegetables are one of nature's great evils, but I still need the nutrition of the vegetables, which is why I use balance of nature, roots and veggie. There are great would make sure that you're getting essential nutritional ingredients every single day through balanced, advanced, called back in process and vitamins, minerals and fido nutrients of the fruit and vegetables are preserved, sing it that vital nutrition in each capsule. Balance of nature is a whole foods, no additives, fillers extracts, synthetic pesticides or added sugar. The only thing in their capsules is pure fruits and vegetables.
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internationally have been holding onto its limited over from, but even with or behind governor rhonda chances of florida, and then there's the map the twenty twenty two midterms sure, but a disaster for the four this president. Instead in pennsylvania and michigan, the democratic party greatly strengthened its head and its electoral infrastructure with victory governors races in both states, the pennsylvania, how slipping through the Democrats in michigan legislature following two complete democratic control for the first time in italy, forty years were both states in which trump wing of the republican party had outsize influence at the outset of the twenty twenty four campaign: two thirds upper midwestern blue, while from shattered and twenty sixteen and by rebuilding twenty twenty appear to favour. The Democrats, somebody grounds: cholera, virginia Hampshire. These are starting to look more and more reliably democratic. So what does that mean that only a few states that now matter wisconsin georgia, which used to be republican Zona, which used to be republican pennsylvania, which used to be which went for trump in two thousand and sixteen, but went for Biden in two thousand and twenty if by
oxfam pennsylvania, and you only need when one of wisconsin georgia or arizona twin. So that is the big question Biden right now is leading down from every one of those states by every available. So what is it for the Republicans. Well, it means you might not want to nominate the guy. The Democrats want to run against again at the entire basis of Joe Biden campaign is democracy dies in damage. Do damage is donald trump, that is it that's the thing and meanwhile download from I gotta say this guy a his campaign looks like a campaign of fear. It really does. He looks like he's afraid of something the reason I say this because he came out yesterday and he put out untruths, social, the following statement quote: I see that everybody is talking about the republican debates, the republican rights, but never got my bravo liberal, drunk a ban before announcing them, and then he continued deleting by seemingly insurmountable members and of hostile networks with angry trump and mega hating anchors asking the questions. Why subject yourself to be labelled and abused also
second debate is being held at the reagan, library, the chairman of which is amazingly fred, ryan publisher of the washington post. No, so this is our trump saying he will not do Anybody he's gonna run away from the banks. Now he did does, in twenty six senior recall, we'll call it. He didn't like questions from making Kelly actually did one of the debates, but I'm not sure you can wait I card, stein. I don't think a lot of republican voters are up for an uncontested primary. If he just skips the debates, I don't think that's going to play very much in his in his favor, especially if people on the stage continue to focus on trumped, even if he is not on the stage and again, one of the questions for republicans is how much you wish to run this campaign based solely on president trump from by the way is focusing all of his all desire, like every every element of his fire powers, now focused like the eye of sovereign. On rhonda santa's, without a doubt, he is now apparently attempting
to lobby the floor to gnp to entirely happy to deny a bill that would allow runs is to run for president, while maintaining his lot is governor. So, first of all this and we can pull out there right now, that's not going to work. The florida gnp is going to actually in the legislature change law. So you can Simon we serve as governor and run for president. The reason they will do this is because imagine the consequences if they don't let's it. I wasn't a change that war and they basically that, if you have to run then and and then you lose. You can't go back to being governor like what is the expected outcome if he then, It does not run for president to maintain his lot as florida. Governor does go amazingly well for those legislators or all members of his party, probably not it's a weird strategy. It also looks pretty weak If trump is trying to use every legal means at his disposal to stop this It is from even running that's a problem for him and again every headlines about
from now until the end of the election cycle will be about from it will not be about Biden. I very simple rule when it comes to presidential politics. Whoever election is a referendum on loses its that simple into as nate the election was a referendum really on george w bush and then become referendum on John Mccain in two thousand twelve. It should have referendum on Barack obama, but the media pulled a magic trick. it's referendum on binders romney. In twenty succeed, the election pretty popular opinion was not a referendum on trump is referencing Hillary in twenty twenty years, and it was referendum on donald trump in two thousand twenty four, should be a referendum on Joe Biden, but if trump runs it'll be a referendum on trump. why those was on the right who are looking at, for example, this this. What looks to be foolish civil trial about eight a twenty year old rape allegation. Thirty year old revaluation from aging carol that sort of stuff is still not gonna play amazing with independence accordingly, Washington, examiner jury selection against tuesday and a lawsuit brought against former president from by the humor and
Colonists aging carroll who says from for some time in ninety ninety five or ninety. Ninety six was now seventy nine years old and minimum the alleged attack took place about twenty seven years ago apparently never reported. The alleged crime to any authorities should tell anybody else years past the statue, women. Agents came in one's even when he ran for press twenty years later. She said nothing. She session speak up for you. Because our elderly mother, a longtime time republican, was ill and you want to set off a distracting controversy, but then she asked information in twenty seventeen, it's a very, very weak case, because this much time passes and it's a he said she said, going to be very difficult to actually demonstrate Donald trump's guilt, but is: are they gonna fill the headlines with the sort of stuff you bet they'll fill the headlines with this sort of stuff. So is that what republicans want to fight is that the battle that they want to fight, especially when Donald from his currently attacking round chances consistently from left. I don't know, certainly
Joe Biden is betting on republicans. Doing precisely that cain, just one moment go against the most horrifying story of the day. First, regardless of your religion, everybody around here needs a little more. Peace in their life is too much chaos in the world too much anger in the world when it's time for you to come down and connect did he prevail values? You need something like hallo. Hallo is an incredible apt that offers unique approach to prayer and meditation. Unlike other meditation, apps hallo is tailored specifically for people of faith. in their relationship with god, the Hallo app is filled with studies meditations, reflections rooted in judeo christian at prayer practices. Obviously, good luck, the shins who work here at daily wire they've been using hallow. They love it as well. You can pray alongside mark Wahlberg, Jonathan romeo praise Jesus in the chosen. Even some world class athletes, you can access the number one christian pop asked the bible in here with father. My comments on hello, hello, you maintain that daily prayer, routine with features like progress, tracking and strict in stay mode, it and make prayer regular part of your daily routine if you're looking to deepen. Your relationship with god and improve
mental and emotional wellbeing. Try, however, three months free at hallowed dot com, slash shapiro, that's hallo, dotcom com, slash shapiro! Now, speaking of god, if we are made in god's image, It means that there is an ethical and spiritual infrastructure to the universe. We're supposed to behave according to god made us in his image. Obviously, but we had this discussion on the show exodus starring, Jordan Petersen, I was privileged to be on that show. Here's a club and isn't there's an irony that, for all the insistence upon equality, The very foundation for that equality in western culture. I, the idea that human beings are made in the imago day in the image of god, has been lost, rules So it's almost as if, because of the erosion of this foundation, the drive
Equality is stressed, all the more that studies exactly what natures. That's exactly what nature claimed would happen when he wrote what, when he's, particularly in beyond good naval, said that was that was inevitable. That would be an irritable consequence. It's a fantastic series. In addition to douglas and Jordan, I sat alongside a group of big thinkers from different backgrounds to explore of the most seminal books in the bible, we're heading into the conclusion of exodus. It's exclusively for daily, wear, plus members. If you haven't it started the beginning because it well worth your time joined. daily, where it comes lashed, subscribe to watch exodus, also, craning company, our friends, their hosting twenty twenty three out of Hell. Draft wives dream it tomorrow, thursday april twenty seventh, but we taken bets providing enough analysis on draft picks and the upcoming season. There will also be having some very special surprise guess tune in, at seven forty five pm eastern you don't want to miss what they'll do if they had. A hundred thousand subscribers during the stream Meanwhile, this is the worst story of the day according to the post millennial, a twenty Sixteen medical article documenting the tragic death of one of the participants in the linchpin dutch study, upon which the entire,
child sex experiment. Sex change experiment is based indicates. The purity suppression was to blame for the young persons death the case is that of an eighteen year old trans identified male, whose puberty was blocked by the dutch researchers at a very early stage, meaning there wasn't enough penile tissue for surgeons, too, used to create a neil vagina. Therefore, more risky proceed using a section of the patients bowel was necessary which resulted in fatal neck retiring for shyness The manuscript begins by saying the absence of a functional vagina has had a negative effect on sexual quality of life of transgender women and explains the multiple surgical procedures have been described for version reconstruction reconstruction, meaning actual construction in these patients. The patient was described as being a healthy eighteen year old, for whom standard vagina plastic surgery was not feasible due to having underdeveloped genitals as a result of early puberty suppression. So instead they decided to literally grab a piece of this person's colon and tried to form this into a false vagina and person died and the person died
and from this apparently jazz jennings star of the reality tv show. I am jazz faced a similar issue when it came time for general surgery. Jennings was an extremely gender nonconforming child, who would almost certainly have grown up to be a gay man, but was instead transition at a very young age. Jennings puberty was blocked from early, childhood, meaning vaginal ass. It was not possible, jennings required three corrected surgeries so struggles in the world and has never experienced orgasm, which of course, is going to be a lifelong problem, and we are all supposed to pretend that this is lifesaving care. According to the media and the current white house, speaking which jazz jennings has now responded to criticism from people like me. A criticism for me is not of jazz jennings, as it can being my criticism is actually a jazz jennings, his parents, because there's a person who's indoctrinated from the time that he was a very young person like a small child, into the idea that he was actually a she and then facilitated into life, altering hormone treatments and surgeries that have not alleviated jazz jennings underlying feelings of depression. Anxiety
did he and other issues here is jazz jennings? However? Responding to to that claim- and I am this person was born in two thousand person- is a boy I and I and was transitioned by his parents when he was a very, very young kid. yeah. It's almost like comedic. At this point. I've been watching these videos over and over again- and it's just not for these people to define. And tell me why I found myself. I know why I have been, let me be lit our community, the let us thrive. You know why do you have to bring us down? Why do you care? you just saw a new beginning and so still bear they don't know my life and my personal business in I'm. Here say right now that I have no regrets what spy transition. I am proud to be so for people to jump to that conclusion that I regret my transition. It
not sure you and me saying that right here, right now should be. Why are you talk? help me when I am on tv making the case the young very young people- should be transition. That be the reason why your public figure you make a claim which is boys can become girls. I deny that claimed exist, not true yo. As far as your own personal happiness and your own personal mental state, you are the person putting that on television. I played clips from your show on my show, and I talked about the clips of you, obviously being in a in a dire emotional state. you put that out. I do not put that out. It was not be secret was on national television to point out that the why it's all rainbows in unicorns once you take hormones and sword, When you let your body to point that out does not make me the villain, the villain was the people. As adults decided that a small child was capable of picking his gender. Those are the villains in the story, but again
we're supposed to pretend that everything is hunky. Dory. We're supposed to ignore the horror stories restores pretend that none of this None of this has any impact on real life. It obviously does have some very significant impact on real I've. Meanwhile, in terms of the broader culture debate, and it turns out that a lot of americans are not fond of having the message that boys can be. Girls and girls can be boys crammed down upon them. Bud light has taken it directly on the chin in market terms, but light has now offered, a seventeen percent sales plunge amid vigilant mulvaney botch up according to your opposed the way, Sales data from nielsen, iq and bump Williams? Consulting shows, but, like sales fell, seventeen percent in dollars well William dropped a whopping twenty one percent in the week ending April fifteen. That's sharply ahead of the six percent drop in sales dollars, an eleven percent drop in volume, Light had suffered during the week ending April. Eighth. Seventeen Yet we followed the April first launch of the controversial mulvaney campaign on social media insights, expressive, beer focused, What is that these numbers are staggering right now is an extra
the only difficult scenario for anheuser Busch, the bud light brand and for a b distributors. So the question is going to be. Who else is going to stand up and say enough of this nonsense that the real big questions women here? The reason that that questions can be for women is because the vast majority of brands of actually used mulvaney as a brand new ones are our female oriented men Arnett you talk about. men were standing up for women and men who say: no you don't get to women face. You don't get to pretend a woman and more women in them as an inert millions of dollars doing. It is not something that we, as men are going to stand for, but women are gonna, have same thing: men can't you all the heavy lifting her ladys. You are going to have to say and up there, many women, usually J, K rally. Many women are going stand up and say: no, you don't get to pretend to be if a woman and make money off the bus at the same time, currently Dylan mulvaney his list of sponsorships includes dilemma of full list, includes alto beauty, mac, sir ravi Kate, spade Instacart
nike see this as a a large list, a very very long list may between. Maybe it's may baleen and maybe that's a dude. I visited its ladys. It's up to you. I can't decide which makeup you buy, but you can decide which making me, but I don't buy makeup, I'm a dude. In fact, even for the show I don't buy. The makeup fabby buy some makeup make sure that are really looks good on camera pay, but the reality is that people buying make up should take it. at their bright and women should have most of the state in this wire men, the ones who are leading the way. Why only when it has but light, is their responsibility women should be the one were offended by this nonsense. Is a man pretending to be one of you and saying the menu able to go into the bones bathroom and compete against women. Women need to stand up at a certain point here. Ah the hollywood. I continued to do there their worst, so Kevin bacon is now speaking out against a drag bands, which is very setting stuffy. He and Sedgwick are dancing for the dragons
No not know there were assured. Since they drag is an art and drag is a right. It is neither so that is seven degrees of awkwardness right there from kevin begging me. Well, the less continues to celebrate in the media world, the outdoor of Tucker karlsson from fox news and the one of the worst things about Tucker's ouster from fox news is, of course, left reaction which has triumphed lest we finally did it. We find we achieve victory. Fox news will continue to exist or continue to not agree with you. Tucker will continue to as you will continue to be successful, but it is raising to watch as govern actors call openly forty platform in censorship and so long as they are, unless it is totally fine here was alexander Abkhazia quartet, so fresh sophie's irrepressibly stupid talking about how tough,
being gone, is good thing. It shows the deep lad forming is a wonderful thing is, it must be a wonderful thing to be elected. Official who can say anything that you want on the floor of the house that any fear of legal blow back. It must be fun to be her and I never actually have to earn a buck. Never actually have to. You know pay for dresses when she goes to the met. Gala never have to do any of those things must be, must reach the pleasure, or at least you'll pay. Much much later must must be great. While you call for the platforming of other people, you know, as a government, employee, tucker, carlson out at fox news couldn't have happened to a better guy. I. What I will say, thou is why? I am very glad that the person who knows arguably responsible for that.
Some of the largest driving some of the most amounts of death threats and violent threats, not just to my office better plenty of people across the country. I also kind of feel like I'm like waiting for the cut scene at the end of a marvel movie. After all the credit of roles, and then you see The berlin like hand re emerge out to glib grip, like the end of a building or something but d platt forming works. So I it's always fun to watch as members of congress call for supply forming a literally free body about whom there is a federal constitutional provision, saying that congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech so that it remember to threaten marks and went from Chris as is the press when a o c says that people should be the platform and censorship should be applied to people. She doesn't like that's totally fine, she's, incredibly fresh and incredibly face so fresh and so face that she makes marvel movie references because she has the I q of a kumquat
honestly get a better set of references. She wasn't the only celebrity who celebrating Tucker's asked her of course set myers was out there, joking about it. sub. Myers is amazingly he's urban cancel, considering that he has fewer viewers, then a normal toenail being on a street corner in los angeles, but here is myers there's the first I'm anyone's actually seen this. I'm I'm excited to bring you a purse named seth Meyers telling a joke. This will be the first time you've ever heard of him or have seen any of his jokes fox news announcing in the last hour. Tucker carlson is out effective immediately. Tucker carlson is out at fox news. Oh my god this
I mean fox news has gone woke the show funny guys do that guys, hi. Where is all the stages of tucker's face in one sitting? First, I was shocked then I was confused. Then I did the tucker lab is closer than you think the many questions. What are we going to do without Tucker? Who else is going to tell us when and and ems are anymore, you know It'll be really funny, though, if they replaced him at eight pm with the new green MM, that'd be pretty funny who wrote these jokes, the only thing that was funny about that is Tucker actually laughing as the
I think the funny about that entire class. By the way, I just wanna point out that from twenty sixteen to two thousand and twenty two seth Meyers his show went from a one point: five million viewers, two seven hundred eighty six thousand viewers, He's on a network guys- and here he is criticizing to what you have to do- to get canceled at one of these networks. That's the real question in all of this. Watching these dolts celebrate Tucker's house Tucker wherever he goes, will certainly about ratings. Then south myers in very very short order. It's more unjust. Second, first, if you're on a business has for years have been a really bumpy ride. You probably use a break innovation, funds can help innovation. Funds, knows the value of your time, that's why they made it easy to apply for the employee retention, credit or e r c go to get refunds. Time come get started in less than eight minutes, see. If your Business qualifies for years. The assistance, your business, be eligible for a payroll tax rebate of up to twenty six grandpa employee kept on payroll during it covered nineteen invade. The funds already helps clients claim over three billion dollars in peril. Tax reforms through the arcy mobility
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Collins was sitting there like you know what I'm just gonna browse my email like I'm just I'm super bored with us. It was not a good segment, so, instead, again, black people secured their freedoms. After the civil war, it is a historical fact study it only after their second amendment right, we're secured the automatic cured their freedoms after the civil war that it's not you. You are discussing reconstruction in this continent, a whole host of things that happen after the soul when it comes to african americans, including the whole reason that the civil rights movement happened because black people did not sick.
their freedoms after the civil war, who are sitting here telling an african american about the right in what you find in solving about that be the way I live, the skin. I live in everyday, usually when I went to black and white that black people don't have in this not review and their black people do have one hears where you have a different point of view. I think we should be able to express our views regardless of the color of our skin. We should have this diplomats, english. I'm gonna use a lot of halting that many regarding it as a fellow citizen years here, whatever ethnicity, your spleen party, I would like to be black whatever ethnicity. Are you what I am I'm an indian american and proud of it? But I think we should have this debate. Black white doesn't matter that we should have the sunday hunting of the island and do what you should do. It been honest way and accordingly, at times quality. Is the internet left. Several cnn leaders exasperated the people said yeah. You know nobly sherlock coming. Yes, he's an exasperating human being, which is He was ass it. My favorite part of the media coverage of this is the view which they did the wave when they found out the tugela, litter
We did the wave on air when they found out the tucker carlson had lost his job, they they had. The even the view was like we kind of have to admit the don lemon says Sometimes we sometimes and he's the best basket, but also he says themselves sometimes dawn. Yes, said some things that were sexist and I think ages, he apologized for them formal training and he spoke to us. I know, but we all know him here. Sarah stated this house can live on and he loves her and she needs to hear that over again. But you know he has been on the air for a long time, fighting bigotry whereas sancho has been for memory died out lemon confiding bigotry in what world than some some damn thing and apologize never but I only know him personally, I don't know what he does when he's with his coworker. Why do because I guess I'll work or did there all defending went to view the one who you know actually was was
currently dealt mean to women in terrible when, like on the air and meanwhile in megan is made silver is actually out at eight in his needs. Over, of course, is the founder of five thirty, eight famous Dana analysed, and apparently he was like oh five, thirty, eight as retained as a brand or basically gutted in the process. What's amazing about this is that it wasn't as though this was a particularly expensive proposition for espaa for disney's e s, p n and a b c news link million bucks a year, but they must be just lookin for nickels and dimes to get their autumn to make their way through this particular period legs, media is having its over a difficult time over here for good reason, ok time for some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like today. I was forty one of the great peace I have ever read. This is truly one of the rapists I've ever read. It is a by a student named carolina, ara ara, whoa, whoa she's from a place called Kenyon college.
I will admit that I was not really aware of cannon college until I actually you read this. Bees apparently is in nam gambier ohio. It is eight private, liberal arts college a four year, liberal arts college, caroline carolina, our oho is very upset. Here is the title of herpes quote. Kenyan has failed to provide me stable housing as a student of color within E s. A What is it he has? An emotional support animal, so canyon, the college? They failed ride this person stable housing as a student of color with emotional support animal. Then seeds, a massively wong self centered story about how this person. and, unlike in terms of housing and was com. At every step of the way, but they didn't do enough because she is a person of color who has a cat. I could you not. This is, is the generation that we have bread here in the united states quote from us. Two months
been in communication with the office residential life trying to figure out where I'm supposed to live cables. Until now, the fourth residents have been assigned to during my first year, opinion after after transferring from mountain, I switch schools because this back to receive from being emblems residential life. Oh so yeah, so big mountain didn't actually give her the housing join, so she instead went to kenya in college More recently I chose to be a member of sisterhood began. I may a non binary le person that next person, with an emotional support, animal attending a predominantly white institution I found a community in which femme identifying people of color can unite like many. My identity is multifaceted, intersectional and vulnerable. while searching for other say space. I realize unity house was not an option. Sisterhood includes queer people, but there are additional space by the college for algae beaching pupils? Students such as unity house, but unity feels exe, because there are too many white algae beaching could. Plus people spoke not there, so sisterhood made it easier.
Sisterhood wasn't good enough quote my emotional support. Animal is one of the few therapeutic methods and of successfully supported my disability. But when I moved into sisterhood housing after spring break, I wasn't allowed to remain with my cat due to some one in the house being allergic, so the campus immediately create a list of options resolve the conflict. The first option suggested I make my own judgments to move my cat elsewhere for the remainder of the semester and keep living at the sisterhood, but this was not acceptable. So then, this and was placed in metal lane housing, despite my emotional support, animal and physical disability, and then, apparently that wasn't good enough, so they moved her again and then again and now She feels marginalized by continuously exercising their power to instantaneously, remove students from residential halls canyon more signal that marginalized students do not have a right to a guaranteed comfortable space. It feels as though the administrations primary concern is regulating and maintaining the college's reputation any up
since the administration such as the refusal to move is suppressed and belittled advocating for yourself is perceived as rudely defiant, regardless of identity, all students deserved safer so that they kept accommodating this person and turns out when you accommodate the woke they're, not grateful. They just laugh at you and then they did you do complain? We have bread agent, people who endlessly complain forever and always know accommodations will be sufficient. Meanwhile, Steven Spielberg has come out this thing I like and admitted that he should have done one of the very stupid things that he did so Steven Spielberg is, of course, a very leftwing human being makes. What enormous number, a phenomenon that is, of course, one of those phenomenal easy to remember near the end of each year. There is a scene in which the kids are writing their bikes and they have easy with them and right before the bikes take off for the sky, it makes all of them.
why? When increase to the theory that italy is in fact agenda bright before that happens, there is a shot of the sheriffs and they have guns. Are there they're holding shot guns, because sometimes the two thousand, it was deemed inappropriate for there to be guns in kids movie They see Gee out the guns from the scene as steven Spielberg admitting yeah. That was stupid. I don't want point. You took some guns out of iti and then regretted that one. How did you take? That was a mistake. I never should have done that because he cheat is a product of it's era and it's not you don't know film should be revised based on the lenses. We now are either voluntarily or be forced to peer through, but the t was a film that I was sensitive to the fact that the that the federal agents were approaching
a bunch of kids with firearms exposed, and I thought I would change the guns into walkie talkie and he admits now. Did you stupid idea? Yes, correct? So maybe all the artist you do those maybe there All stop at this garbage would like what, if we just revise all of the older and then do malice troublesome where we pretend that were real, sorry for having a gun in eighty, so the first milburgh for coming around a lot late on this. When I get time for some things, I hate So it's a lot of fun to watch everybody who is super pro vat mandate and from mask mandate and pro forcing nobody to do what they like, forcing like giving them after forcing them to do they wanted. It is funds watch all those people now run screaming away from their own policies. Just ensure who is leading the way yesterday, just ensured a handsome Bernie sanders of canada. Here he said he had never hidden force people of action. Canada did you know that a time wyndham, they literally took weighty bank accounts on truckers, were testing that management of that time. He says you never
and was all your imagination. My responsibility was to keep as many canadians alive as possible and all of the scientists and the medical experts and their researchers, not just in canada, but around the world understood that vaccination was going to be the way through this Therefore, while not forcing anyone to get vaccinated, I chose to make sure that all the incentives and all the protections were there to encourage canadians to get vaccinated and that's exactly what they did. We got vaccine to a higher level than just about any other of our poor country and that's why we had a less deadly pandemic. Now it's fun to see how I'm, how we have now reached titled government.
immersion into changing incentives. That's like saying that we didn't. You know we're not forcing anyone not to shoplift we're just saying if you do you're going to go to jail. We change things like that. That's the whole point. If you're trying to get people to vax, you provide government incentives that force them to, So here was this dolt back in two thousand twenty two pushing the vax mandates. This government has been focused every step of the way on following the best science, following the best public health advice, to keep as many people safe as possible and, quite frankly, it's worked. We've seen the curves lower in canada than elsewhere. We seen lower death rates were seen quicker economic recovery because, because canadians stepped up because canadians got vaccinated and I can understand frustrations with mandates, but mandates are the way to avoid further restrictions or having to be restricted as people get
actually, as canadians have gotten vaccinated, we ve been able to get through this team is gonna stay focused on doing exactly. That is an irritating dullard sage, the why now there are gonna lie out this sort of stuff, by the way you know who else is a source of no anthony algae, Joseph one interview in the euro times and which is now admitting something clearly went wrong. What went wrong all of you, you people! It is your fault that things went wrong, so he did a series of interviews with David wallace wells of the new york times, and he said a lot of stuff, he suggested that the united states was uniquely bad with regard to covered, which, again now a evidence. You support that body says. How is this? The divisiveness was palpable just trying to get a coherent message across the following fundamental public of principles. I understand that be differences of opinion among people saying well, what's the cost benefit balance of restriction or masked? When you have fundamental arguments
things like whether it get vaccinated or not. That is extraordinary, or maybe the fundamental argos about whether to force people. To that end, when the vessel equally effective for everyone and whether you will lying about the transmits ability, virus, post, vaccination and there. You are lying about whether children actually had sufficient data of acts. Maybe that was the controversy and then he continued and he admitted something. Kind of strange. So after putting enormous focus on numb the de masks right, he acknowledged that it didn't work, well said quote: I'm not someone who doesn't think masks work. I think the sciences data show they do work, but they are imperfect at the population level. The effect Me somewhat small, it was probably Are you from bangladesh in places where mask use tripled positive test reduced by in ten percent. Fetch said good morning. no, but I disagree with the premise of it from a broad public health standpoint at the population level masks work at the margin, maybe ten. And but for an individual who religiously where's mask a wealth in uk
eighty five and ninety five is not at the margin. It really does it work weight, so you pushed mass mandates across the country. Algae- and you admit that the population of that in work and your excuse, while you are really tightly fit again, any fibre and ninety five. It did that's, not the arguing you are making you weren't making the argument. Everyone should be sent. They can ninety five hundred and ninety five by the government and then you could choose whether or not to I tend to wear the mask? You were saying: everyone should be forced to do this sort of stuff it is. It is incredible it really. The up. The the oracle of algae is just a perfect exit. Of a person who is now covering his ass and pretending he did nothing wrong when again, the mistakes were myriad across the course of the pandemic. Our the guys the rest of the show continues right now: you're, not gonna, miss what we're getting to the mailbag plus kind of amazing story about a woman who is sadly body, shame for- and I quote letting my boobs hang out at the gym. Yes, it's it's a strange
the story. If you're, not a member become member use code, Shapiro check out for two months free and all annual plans, click the link in the description and join us. Are you tired of buying products from whoa companies that hate your guts and your values will? Now you don't have. To join the over two hundred thousand americans who have made the switch to journeys. Razors get your razors hair care soap and or at Jeremy's razors dot com today, o enemies. He him and she her chocolate bar, says well, one of them has nuts.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-16.