« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1713 - BREAKING: Tucker Carlson OUT At Fox News


Fox News fires Tucker Carlson; CNN fires Don Lemon; and Susan Rice is out at the White House.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Fox news: fires, tucker, karlsson, cnn, fires, lemon and susan rice is out at the white house. I'm bench girl. This show the The show is sponsored by express vpn thousands. My listeners have already secured their network data, join them express vpn, dot com, slash ben What is the biggest media news of the last decade? Tucker karlsson has been apparently fired by fox news. The statement those originally put out by fox news media suggested in agreements part ways, but we can all tell that that is not exactly. What happened according to fox news code, fox news media and took across and have agreed a power ways. We thank him for a service to the network as a host and prior to that. As a contributor. Mr Carlson's last programme was Friday April. Twenty first faculties network, live at eight p m eastern starting this evening is an interim show home by a rotating fox news person it is true until a new host is named its earth shattering immediate terms, it is enormous. Tucker is the biggest
will host on t v to three million viewers a night according to the latest ratings. The market immediately responded by not liking what happened very much, so the fox news stock took a serious dive. It went from a ITALY. Thirty three fifty share all the way down to about thirty one. The shares or lost like a couple bucks in share price, which was ill when you, abrogated, six hundred ninety million dollars- and I not regain a lot of that by the end of trading, but just shows you- the tucker meant a lot to the network in terms of the actual value of the network. Tucker we'd not see coming so any talk that this was some sort of planned arrangement in Tucker carlson and fox news that he was ready to go with, for example, another media outlet, or that he was readying a presidential run. That appears to be belied by the simple fact that an fyi nay, Tucker literally said we'll see you here on monday, and what we are hearing from people who are in the know is that Tucker was prepping, show as Monday morning, getting ready for Monday night when the news came down that he had been summarily fired from
since you are the last moments of tucker's, show apparently forever on friday from fox news Talent, morale joins us. Instead, it he will deliver literally anywhere tar. well, grandma is for me too, in the first couple of cocos pies. So we add, these are from cocos established nineteen. Seventy eight! This is sausage that sausage and pineapple, and really quick as a pizza professional. Do you look down on this orders as I do? I think that guy consider a criminal yeah? That's it for us for the week we'll be back. By the way, the entire episode of let them eat bugs acquitted, goose pizza streaming. Now taxation is a promo code originals for thirty days, free and we'll be back. On Monday. In the mean time have the best we can with the ones that you are. That was the end of took across and Joseph personal I mean you, can you can see Tucker a really really good and talented broadcaster very exciting, to watch on air. Really beat an interesting very often but capable of doing anger in a way the primitive, no one else in the media
is capable of doing it. This way, you so beloved by his vans and again he's not dead he's going to come back in some other form and he's going to be wildly successful when he does he's an incredibly talented person. But this of course raises questions as to why exactly he was ousted. When fox news covered the ouster, they basically just the statement on the arguments harris factor doing that we have some news from within our fox family, fox news, media and tucker com. some have mutually agreed depart ways. Tucker's last show, with this past riding in starting tonight, fox tonight will air live at eight p m eastern, it will be an inn from show with rotating fox news personalities until a new host is named. We want to thank Tucker karlsson for his service to the network as host and prior to that the long term contributor in that was the entirety of boxing uses coverage of the issue when it first broke. This follows hard:
tucker, giving what was a pretty spectacular, addressed in a heritage foundation on sunday again, no input, no indication that he knew what was coming on Monday and again, it's tuckers stark ability to to characterize the difference between good and evil and politics. That's him so wildly popular with his audience. Here, with some of his speech to her to translation, I know someone who's in the room. During the speech I was in the best effort, our speeches they had ever seen, Harris tucker on Sunday night, so I started heritage. The presumption was in this is a very anglo american assumption that the debates were happening are kind of rational debates about the way to get should mutually agreed upon outcomes. If you have, people were saying, I'm going to do, let's castrate the next generation with sexually mutilate children. Sorry, this is not a to you called you do with politics. What's the outcome or desiring here if you say well, you know I think abortion is
always bad will. I think sometimes this necessary. That's a debate I'm familiar with, but if you're telling me that abortion is a positive good, what are you saying? Well, you're arguing for self sacrifice, obviously, when people or crowds of people or the largest crowd of people all which of the federal government largest human organization, human history decide that the goal is to destroy things: destruction for its own sake: hey, let's tearing down. What's your watch, he's, not a political movement. Its evil may again used tuckers ability to characterize good and evil. They made him so wildly popular, as I say before, Tucker is really really talented he's in a land on his feet somewhere. It maybe it'll, at a place that you ve heard of? Maybe we place they haven't whatever it is that that comes next, tuckers can be this latter, because again he's a very, very talented guy, with a large crowd of people who really like this all requires us to ask the question: why did this happen is particularly true, given the fact that he re opt within it?
back in february of twenty twenty one and brings deadline hollywood, this february, twenty twenty one, there's a lot more token causing coming the top rated fancies channel, host had just signed a new malta. Your deal to bolster sister streaming service vaccination with a video pod. and took across it specials literally and figuratively, bringing the big dog to just or two year olds, dreamer, karlsson will drop a true of new shows every week umbrella company factories media said on Wednesday This was again a multi year contract that was designed to allow Tucker to expand his footprint, not just to the to the network itself, but also to the streaming platform that was fox nation. So what it actually happened because he's still under contract and then he was summarily fired. I mean that is pretty clearly what happened here, we'll get to the actual details of the firing and what may have lie behind it. Just one moment. First, you know all about the big cellphone why companies out there they walk into these horrendous contracts contract you try to get out of those early, they'll tack on the outrageous charges. You don't need any of that in this economic climate. That's why I made the switch to pure talk with
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as a consequence of the dominion lawsuit visitor of the washington post, the washington post says carlson's private messages or among hunter, internal communications made public in the course of the dominion lawsuit because augustine embarrassment for fox and heightened the company's legal jeopardy thoughts, ultimately agreed to pay dominion, eight hundred million dollars, or so, among other comments, karlsson expressed scepticism. Election fraud claims made on air by attorneys affiliated with present trump and declared that he pay definitely hates the former president, whose rise to power had been shared by fox in order to avoid people like tucker having to testify or judge Jeanine having to testify or wide variety of other fox news host having to testify fox news instead decided you in this would be but I said to sign in eight hundred million dollar check to dominion, but according to the washing imposed. Wasn't those comments that were so bothersome, it was Carlson's comments about fox management is revealed in dominion case, the played a role in his departure from fox. According to a person familiar with the companies, thinking quote to the executor, I understand how much credibility and trust we've lost with our audience. Carlson wrote to a colleague in a message a day after fox, like the other media outlets, called the election for Joe Biden.
This is a sentiment echoed by others had fox in the fall of twenty twenty, as you network officials who disbelieved trumps election fraud, conspiracy theories, friends, the countering this lewd, alienate their concern reviewers so, in other words, a lot of the lasting effect. They we're looking at the fact that Tucker really believe a lot of the things that were being allege by sea He powell and from legal team, but also was deeply worried about how that was going play with the fox his audience in all that had now come out in another message: karlsson referred to management than expletive court. Those Efforts are destroying our credibility. He later wrote a combination of incompetent, liberals and top leadership of too much pride back down is what is happening. Cars did not have a farewell show. Obviously, so this is theory number one is that this was the natural after effects of the dominion lost the basically every he who is involved in any sort of of credibility, giving truly election fraud near is now going to be on the line and to back out theory. You have the fact that fox news also did ways with danbridge gino. Just last week
invenergy know, of course, had been very vocal in his support not only for president trump but also had wanted to do an interview of years ago in which traditionally areas grievances about the election. The foxes brass cut the interview and. naturally one on the errand. He said you should cut the interview with the former president of the united states, the vice president of the united states, who, just a few days ago the fox news parted ways with bunch. You know it's hard not to see carlson's ouster in the context, of of denbigh geno, also being ousted as last week. Now that's the only possible you're a hearing number two is that their ancillary issues that we act? We are only now becoming aware of warnings los angeles times, and this would have been steve battalion, reporting staff writer over their people. Familiar with the situation here authorized. Common publicly said the decision to fire karlsson can straight from the top from rupert murdoch directly and exit is related according to them to the discrimination lost file by adding grosbeak there's another lawsuit that has been on the books. She's a produced,
fired by the network last month, according to certain people, crossing senor executive bruce are just in Wales has also been terminated according people familiar with the matter. So what exactly was in that particular lawsuit? A bunch of ale nations were not particular lawsuit. None of them, particularly according to yahoo news just about a month ago, discrimination. Lawsuit included allegations that constant in gas lighting caused the producer so stress and anxiety are stomach, ulcers, flared up and she was in excruciating pain and that she had been discriminated against based on gender, religion and disability. Discovery may have uncovered other ugly messages. Perhaps maybe this is what fox news was worried about the network set in a statement fox news, media engaged in independent outside council to immediately investigate the concerns raised by ms gross bird, which were made following a critical performance review. Growth complaint contains allegations. The foxes warriors pressured her brightness testimony in the dominion claim in the union voting claim who says resignation in connection with the men in case our baseless will vigorously defend
against oliver legal claims which have no merit, so The allegation here is that a former tucker producer was alleging anti semitism and sexism, and maybe this handsome legal ramifications status. number two. It was only ancillary issues that producers lawsuit. Another possibility was that the network was very upset with the past. Lady of additional legal liability created they thing by talker karlsson, for example, re apps, who you will recall from Tucker, show He was a texas man who, the day before the the actual storming of the capitol building, urged people to enter the capitol building that a lot of people on the right have suggested that hussam sort of I plant and abs was interviewed suntan sixty minutes here he suggested the tucker had had targeted him. maybe fox news, didn't wanna be hit with another lawsuit. That's why possible, after having suffered an eight hundred million dollars settlement, which is actually the largest media settlements in american history. So far as we are aware, and that that is a possibility as well. There is also talk about the possibility that the network was upset about
where's coverage of january six tucker had done a spy So now that long, though we covered some of talkers allegations in the special, for example, the fact that the these so called buffalo oh horned man, whatever his name was cool down sham and that he was right Looking around the building shadowed by a bunch of cops net, what kind of different and the idea that who's gonna running around the building threatening people physically and all of us and Tucker had sort of downplayed than it's january six, maybe the maybe the brass didn't like that very much. But what this all comes down to is. It looks as though fox news is quote unquote, cleaning house and that can be you know, for bad. There are a lot of people who not only love tucker, but also think that tucker says things that other people won't which is road, tuckered out, say things that other people you can see. A fundamental divide has emerged. Obviously, inside the fox corporation- and that was pretty clear from what members of the fox news brass were saying election, twenty twenty there's a clear divide between some of the top brass, rupert murdoch, maybe laughlin, murder, Paul Ryan, the agenda.
the other people who are sort of at the top of the of the fox brass and some of the other people who are who are again near the top more sympathetic to the perspectives of the hosts. Who, for example, did not want arizona called in favors of Joe Biden have been suzanne Scott and J wallis. For example, we get to that momentarily. First. The past year. Israel is based on five thousand terror attacks. There's one one. Just yesterday in Jerusalem, twenty eight israelis have lost it hundreds of others, have been injured. stream, emotional and psychological impact on a family, friends and neighbours. One person who knows this very well is it given Dave his young son wounded in terror tat, while hearing from there from David realized his family's one thousand struggling to recover from similar experiences. Many of those families are dealing with post, traumatic stress, panic attacks, fearing citing depression. Isolation. The moment us that's when David founded the shoe Israel, children's fund and trauma experts, righty range of nuclear tailored therapies that are radically improving the lives of thousands. families and children devastated by terror? I urge you to visit their website. Israel, children, dot, org, slash men watch the debt,
Sitting stories, storage damages suffered tremendously the hands of terrorists, but she low Israel. Children's one is doing to ride the healing they need, and this week s remarks both your husband which is Israel's memorial day as well as young cosmo, which is Israel's independence day. It's a wonderful time to give you care about israel in one particular story: shilo Israel's children's fund save the marriage of a couple who lost their child to a terror attack. They're doing amazing work head on over to Israel children or slash bends you and take to save the life of a terror stricken child in Israel biblical heart, you won't believe how easy it is to give children a brighter future that Israel, foreign dot, org, slash Ben okay. So if you look back at the text of the various members of sword, the fox news brass, they very different opinions and sort of what was happening twenty twenty and a lot of what seems like having to talk on Monday morning seems like theirs It was fall out from twenty twenty just late and as a result of the dominion judgment. So, for example, if you look at the text of rupert murdoch at the time he he texted suzanne Scott was this yellow fox news, There are twenty first point: twenty one thing: scylding mud thrown us, maybe sean and laura, went too far over what, for
when I tell you who's in despair about from. But what did he tell us viewers so much apparently was not happy with the behaviour of some of the hosts. With regard to the division between what they were saying to the viewers There's hangs on behind the scenes locally Murdoch was the fox course yo, and an opportunity to news guys have to be careful how they cover this rally. The narrative should this, be it should be. The secured celebration of the president does does a message that and sudan Scott november fourteen twenty twenty two coverage for trump rally in which two fox journalism contradicted election fraud, claims Paul ryan, also I said that the twenty twenty election coverage was an inflection point for the company and a chance for people to tell the truth about what they actually thought about. The election fraud claims. Meanwhile, Suzanne Scott took the position that there are reporters. who had not gone along with some of the election fraud claims, and I but she was sceptical that this would not harm them with the audience. When I can't keep defending these reports, we do understand our viewers and how to handle stories. The audience feels like we crap I'm with damage their trust and believe in us. We can fix this. We can't smirk and our viewers any longer so yeah I get there.
all this sort of back and forth inside the networking. You can see the various points of view that we're taking shape it. Tucker was at the center of the because at the same time that he said what we are very, very close to being able to ignored from most nights is generally fourth, twenty one. I truly can't wait. same time, he was obviously giving a lot of airtime. Do members of terms campaign, including people like sidney pow now again, yet you can is very confused time fast and take a particularly strong. Wine is what it wished to see said, and what I didn't wish to seize at bottom line is that it the unclear right now whether this is simply a matter of tucker crossing over the fox news is attempting to awesome new lines about how they cover the issues. Whatever the case may be again All these points of view are arguable, whatever the case, maybe tucker, was a major asset to fox news, Zhang, be so easy to fill that time, slot. That is very difficult time slot to fill again, is the number one host in prime time for fox news. Now there are people, where immediately chortling over the impact of this than your time,
been shortening over the impact of this suggesting that fox news in serious trouble or the tuckers in serious trouble. The truth is both will go on to success in the various the number is not the first rodeo revenues news is fired, fired, o Reilly back in about three point. Seven billion of yours- and I took her- has about two point. Nine million of yours and I no o reilly. When I make a lot of money and other endeavours and fox news when under I continue to be wildly successful. Fox news has parted ways in the past, with some friends of mine people like Glenn Beck people like Megan Kelly. Yet again, those are all business decisions and It went on to continue to have wide ranging viewership, but you see a lot of people, of course, very angry and very upset about tucker carlson being ousted from fox news, and that is a direct response to the fact that Tucker again is an incredibly compelling performer in some way who has a unique point of view on politics and our group with Tucker alot their times. Talked about on the show where I strenuously disagree with Tucker. If you wanna see some other times where I strenuously disagree, tucker all you have to do is watch the sunday special. What already did with him- or we disagreed on everything from foreign policy to government,
government meant interventionism in the american economy. He, for example, things Commission intervenes strongly in the american economy. Give subsidies prevent technological developments in order preserve certain types of jobs. I don't think that, but, whatever tucker. Is you certainly a compelling presence, and he does when it comes to social issues critically, have an extraordinary amount of moral clarity and data interesting to see how fosters tries to have that they try to fill that gap. So when I say that left is celebrating, took her house in being fired from factors I mean literally celebrating by doing the waves of the inn actual luminaries over the view led the charge here again, combined I lower than the pen I currently hold in my hand possible, have negative iq points. The view would somehow achieve that signal. They hear here as well. on a view when they found out the tucker had been. Let go for it
just come down that fox news, media and tucker carlson have agreed to part way wave now they're doing the waved their literally doing away. Brainer does first time some of these people have stood up in at least eleven years, so that is a very exciting. I so gap great great stuff there from from those view, by the way they were excited about network never watch there really really excited about like if someone I fired on MSNBC a network. I never watch, I wouldn't be like. Oh my god, that's amazing I'd be like. I never watch that network. I don't care. Just shows how much the left is: bewitched third and confused and upset by the presence of an alternative point of view, like fox news in the first place, and certainly talker cnn, of course, was very exe. about all of the cnn's oliver darcy. He. He says
reason the tucker was fired because he was leading them in an extremist direction which of course, is always can be seen in line on this. This raises a logical. Since about whether the network potentially is trying to at least rain, in some of the more extreme people on the channel immunity, Tucker karlsson, the most extreme, probably on that channel. I should also note john why this is so important that took across and outside donald trump, really was the person commanding the geo p really directing it? You saw republican lawmakers, prominent republican lawmakers, often grovel at his feet at groups- ted cures, for instance grovel that is free and others, because they were afraid of him going on his prime time show and lashing out at them. So this is not only cute news in the world, a media, but also in the world of politics where he was really pushing the geo in that extremists direction. And Tucker is not going to go away here. Despite cnn, really reveling in all this tucker is not going to go away. I mean there were immediate rumors that Tucker might run for president now. I think that that is it. I think
That is a very sketchy rumour, given the fact that that again, Tucker karlsson tends to be a private Prison is somebody who really enjoys his private life and he doesn't want to see that up on a screen, I'm not sure that he wants to go head to head with donald trump man who has no limits when it comes to attacking his political opponents, but it is going to watch the members of the We media has been wildly dishonest for years about trump about tucker, about pretty much everybody now have revelling in the new york times. Re ran a peace today, titled times an investigation into how tucker karlsson, stoked white fear to conquer cable. This, of course, is there is there. Anybody they don't like is a white supremacist. That is the way all this works, I'll repeat it again, Tucker's an immense accounts. A guy he's gonna go have men success in whatever he choose do next does not. Fox news remotely the fox news, because again fox news still is the prime I'm destination. For the vast majority of america's really motivated conservatives is it going to harm It is certainly worth Tucker's viewers. It will but again near the
rule in concerted media is the fox news continues to truck on an ex post. They continue to have second careers as well, so this is hardly the end for either of them in just a second we'll get to the big media firing of the day in this. One is actually kind of funny that momentarily first. As you know, I m the world's best. Yet I mean, if you just tell me we drew they ve done. Studies on this- I am the world's best father will often my children comes me wanting to jump on my bed and then have bill. Have rights, fights and because I'm the world's best and I'm like totally- and not only am I the world's best dad with that. I say you can only have pillow fights on the world's greatest sheets, and this is why we have bull and branch sheets in our home, my little ones. The very particular views on the sheet quality of sheets of their jumping up and down in messing up my bet. While I rely on and branch bomb branches are made from the finest one hundred percent organic cotton threads on planet earth if you'll buttery to the touch their super breathable air, perfect from of cooler and more months there sing hence sheets were made with red. Soldiery is for you, as president, slept in them, and she d actually softened every wash cycle and may without pesticides. Well to hide or other hush chemicals best of all, but one branch gives you a thirty night risk free travel,
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I said I want to thank my colleagues and the many teams I've worked with for an incredible run. They are the most talented journalists in the business and I wish them all the best. so I he's obviously implying when he says there are some larger issues at play. Presumably his implying that sexism is to blame he's gay man or racism is to blame because he is a black man or whatever else it is that women is going to claim that why he was fired. The reason was fired disuse, getting lower rate than some forms of calling cancer, and also because he had a really bad habit of doing creepy weird things to his colleagues. That is the reason why, as the faculty, long be fired in saint. I mean profiles and years ago, like hitting on waiters at restaurants in the profile areas like that certainly vitamins what's the big up now I have to just point out the radical irony, I've done women being fired cnn and still losing to talk a thousand. That's hysterically funny. So Not only does John Lennon get fired, but still any cable come titian for who actually cares about dilemma, but he still comes in second to tackle karlsson.
the guy. Integrate irony, of course, is fast forward now several decades and some there definitely die on the same day right and Tucker is going to be above the fold and don lemon's going to him, who patently a seventeen is the way this is just it's only god could have a sense of humor like this when it comes to dine lemon, because that is that is really really on cnn immediately said that down, Levin was inaccurate, which is good. so dont lemon getting fat checked by his own network. Member was there news anchor, who can't even tell the truth about how he was fired according to cnn pr quote: this statement is inaccurate. He was off heard an opportunity to meet with management, but instead released a saving on twitter since wanna come in and talk about easing nope, and then you will the statements- and I was never even contacted so great jobs yet and delegating truly amazing job. Delegating all of this to em Take all your news coverage to a person within lied about his own firing such that you had to correct the record really seventeen years
of news coverage so bad that even when he leaves CNN has to fact check him retroactively about leaving and that's the person you trusted to read the news for you guys to slow clap for, doing an amazing amazing job. Here's what it looked like an ear when cnn announced the astor of dominant dawn lemon and seen an have parted ways. This is according to a memo that was sent out to sea and an employer is seeking an and dont have parted ways. Don will forever be a part of the scene and family, and we thank him for his contribution over the past seventy years. We wish him well and we will be chairing him on in his future endeavours, and then it goes on to say that the network is committed to the morning show seen in this morning, which of course is hosted or was hosted by dawn lemon, as was caitlin collins and poppy harlow. Now this statement is coming from scene and c o Chris licked. It does not to tell what
happened. Why? What led to dawns departure but Adon lemon is no longer with scene and technically. The sad trumbo music from the press is right here. I think that woman said on air before his untimely demise. Kayla- and I agree on this, but someone called like what's wrong: what do you call me? Oh? No! No! No, don't ever do that to me. Are the people who face time out of the boot, I'm like that answering a facetime. This is especially I harry, and then they give some idea thanks. I am. give for joining us. This morning said a new central starts right after this bright by rule well by so so much for downloading ok about why there was one other person who that ousted from the media over the course of last forty eight hours, apparently these ceo of NBC universal has also been ousted. His name is Jeff challis haven't heard of him, even though he's probably more powerful than any of these people. He was the ceo of NBC universal. Apparently he was ousted. Inappropriate, conduct,
CNBC, ankara and senior international corresponded hadley gamble and be You parent comcast, announced today that she was leaving for an investigation may outside council, shall acknowledge what I hadn't inappropriate relationship with a woman in a company which I deeply regret. Apparently headline hollywood, learn that shall had a relationship, a gamble which started on eleven years ago and continued adequate up until a couple of years ago, when it ended the complaint, well lodged in the last month unclear. Why It actually get the guy fired, but so and I am happy trails to the head of NBC. Universal will also be replaced now in world politics. Something I fight or to that person would be susan rice. So susan rice is out. She was the domestic policy adviser to Joe Biden. So very often I get asked like who is the person standing behind you by the who's? Designing Joe Biden's, really really bad policy? There are several answers and ron Klain before he left his use. The white house chief of staff, but susan rice was definitely near. The
of west and now she's gone according to the washington post. Susan rice will, step down. white house domestic policy adviser present bind announced on monday praising done some the most divisive issues for his administration, including immigration and healthcare. So why exactly She ousted well. According to your mind, she was announced. it was great minds. Susan was synonymous with foreign policy, but I knew then what we all know. Now, after more than two years of her steady leadership at the domestic policy council, it's clear there is no one more capable and more determined to get, porn things done for the american people, then susan rise, so sheets official botched foreign policy in the brok about it? Then she batch domestic policy under Joe Biden. She will step down in late may. According to white house press secretary corinne, Pierre right does not specify. What her plans were. After leaving the white house, she was possible for overseeing policy, including economic mobility, healthcare in changing amazing job. On all three of those things: economic model, you shouldn't amazing job by helping to craft a policy that has led to forty.
eyes in inflation, as well as a stagnating economy on health care, she's, an amazing job, helping to oversee a complete butchery of covert, which is legit extraordinary levels of excess staff puff plus offended all crisis that has taken hundred thousands, wives and on immigration she has had her hand in immigration crisis in the modern american era, which is really exciting by the way, how bad is the immigration crisis? Well, apparently, according to national view and Jim guardian, twenty twenty one as images of children sleeping under four a blank in overall centres dominated the news using rice, the white house, as head of the masterpiece you told staff members shoes frustrated with the situation, this race, vended No, you scrambled on a memo detailing the position of advocates who believed a pandemic you're, a border closure compelling parents and unaccompanied children sometimes called uses. This is be ass, rice wrote according to a memo what Reading voluntary separation is our generosity to unaccompanied children. In a statement patterson went spokeswoman said any
Justin rice, felt constrained by the demands of the wall was false and she was proud to be doing the right thing and treating children with dignity and respect. Well. Last week, the new york times reported that quote, thousands of children have ended up in punishing jobs across country working overnight in slaughterhouses, replacing roofs operating henry in factories, all in violation of child labour. Lawless all long there were signs of the explosive growth of this labour force in mourning. The binding, ministration ignored or miss the times found. So, in other words, times, reporting that a bunch of those unaccompanied children who entered the country ended up being used for child labour. Who is in charge of that susan rice, so NBC news says adds nothing to do with her immigration problem called the timing of races. Departure coincides with the controversy over the white house, his handling of migrant children, who arrive unaccompanied southern border and weather members of the white house, including rice, ignored warnings and sponsors of migrant kids, were made work, gruelling jobs in violation of child labour laws, the white house. He said this is not the case. A senior administration official said rightly proud of our work on the border,
or maybe they're just throwing her off the team before Joe Biden runs for reelection in either case we bid a fond farewell to susan rice, who again was part of two administrations, ching policy absolutely thoroughly. Another question becomes who's running the button white house now, since obviously The old man you, Joe Biden, can He's too daughter around nonsensical, we'll get to that in just one moment. First, You may have noticed. The economy is getting worse day by day. You need to change our spending habits. Even change. When you buy meat, yet you really should. Let me give you three reasons to subscribed good ranchers. First good rancher is giving you not me free bacon. Only the freebie it's a pound and a half of bacon in every box, a two hundred and forty dollar value. Second good ranchers offers a price lock guarantee, meaning when you subscribe your price doesn't change for the length of your subscription when the price of meat is expected to increase by another four points: I presented in the coming year, this could be a huge savings for you and your family. Third good ranchers meat is, unlike any other they're, all natural burgers at u s d, a prime steaks then we're gonna chicken will change your standard. For great me, it's a stick so good that you'll be talking.
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War go to daily wire dot com, slash cold war to start watching. Meanwhile, democrats are reluctant about Joe Biden, but they have no other choice. According to the washington post quote, the leftover pizza was divvied up. The girl scout cookies had been exchanged that Grats of north fulton county sat and chatted about an issue. They'd been in back of their minds for months, president Biden, the future. There is no question that people in the room, dedicated democrats, who'd gathered in johns creek georgia to talk strategy and advanced the party james, would vote for Biden in the general election, but the court The fuel debate was about people outside the room, the friends and family neighbors. They would try to comment again for him another Democrats in twenty twenty four Debbie watson, a sixty six retired paralegal said she thought of. When she heard on the radio about the eighty year old president stumbling on the stairs of air force, one I noticed in speeches when he gets off script. He starts make mistakes and worried about his health. J like camel hair ass. If something happens, rooms had watson. So again, the democrats based no. They are tied to the anchor that is Joe Biden. They they Another choice and Joe Biden continues to kind of look terrible. I mean
simple fact of the matter. Is Joe Biden yesterday, proclaiming that there is no such thing as your kids did. You know that your kids do not belong to you, that you have no authority of your kids. Joe Biden has authority of your kids. In fact, the entire if society has authority over your kids, We talk about unborn kids, in which case you just tell them willy nilly here's Joe Biden yesterday Rebecca put it teachers crean into words once he said, there is no such thing as someone else, this child. No such thing as someone else's child our nations, children, are all our. I know wrong. Go my kids are my kids, you don't know their names, you don't care about them and I'm not going to let you threatened to gender transition. My children, because you have perverse views about reality. That is not going to happen. They should run on us in truly the reason why Democrats are here of Joe Biden running, but there also scared, not running is cause he's a terrible gathered it, but they are nothing in the background nothing going on here. In fact, Joe Biden is he's gone hard into reelect pander mode.
We're gonna amazing. He should be swivel into the middle, but he is not if you suspicious the republicans are going to dominate donald trump or they're. Gonna go more extreme shouldn't, be pivoting the middle, but he's actually not doing that. It keeps doubling down on the extremes, which is why the three tennessee state lawmakers who faced expulsion after participating in it has over last month's school shooting in nashville the so called tennessee three met with Joe Biden on monday at the white house. Remember the rule. The rule is that if you are a left winger who is black, then you get to go to the white house that that those are the rules or if you're white lady, who just attack along, which is what one of the tennessee three is. If you are, however, the family of a child was murdered during a national school the actual shooting that these young legislators are protesting about. If you are the family victim of that, you don't go to the white house. If you are a register who is suspended for violating all of the house rules in tennessee. Then you go to It has so long as you have the right color and you speak in very bizarrely bad m l, K, cosplay and tones. Then you get to go to the white house.
Joe Biden said. You were good reassuring. Our communities of the Republican Legislature just was shocking- those under the gradual is tragedies what's happening stand? Erroneous earlier city browser across the can but the country. Nothing is good dear about democracy, ugly, every generation is to fight you're, doing just that erroneous. So they had to go to the white house, which is very exciting. Again he's swilling hard to left hearts and left guess what I'm getting at work, because you still a wildly unpopular president you'd think at some point that he would swivel, but apparently not in fact he is so France is Joe Biden that he can continue to be Joe Biden and win that he still having under squire him around, which is amazing. In fact, hundreds lawyers are so confident an hundred get away with anything that the Washington post reports, four hundred Biden called Monday for a congressional ethics investigation into the behaviour of julie, taylor, green alleging that year,
repeatedly directed unmoored verbal abuses of the president's on including false accusations of human trafficking and voting with prostitutes. Oh wait hold up, whereas the false accusation coordinate prostitutes. literally in photographs cavorting with prostitutes enduing drugs, which is the part that false I'm so confused we're abalone wrote in a letter to the office of congressional ethics. Representative greens on ethical conduct arise from continuous verbal attacks. Defamatory. The publication of personal follows, and data and promotion spirits. He theories about and against robert hunter by none of these could possibly be deemed be part of any legitimate legislative activity. So I have this: hysterical, green posted photos of undermining driving his niece and her cousin on president binds convertible and falsely alleging. He was on crack and with prostitutes. Wait a hold up. We supposed. The hunter was not I'm cracky literally in his memoirs. Talk about sooner
parmesan cheese off carpet like the xcel crazy making. Nowhere in that piece by the way do they actually bother to fact check hunter Biden's claims that it is false that this is happening, but Joe Biden leaves that he is invincible, which, presumably is why not bothering to negotiate over the over the debt ceiling. Even democratic decision like maybe he should make a call to Kevin Mccarthy over the debt ceiling. Right now, mccarthy, the speaker of the house, is about to whip into place a debt limit bill. It hits the floor this week that bill basically pushes that limit up by one point: five trillion dollars or a year. Whichever comes first, and it so insists on. Holding spending steady require medical to work eighty hours per month, which is twenty hours per week, which some doesn't seem like critically crazy work requirements attached to it. There seems like a good idea. We did this back in the nineties. You know who's in favour of it. Bill Clinton, Joe Biden was actually when using the senate is well other bill. components included, clawing back unspent pandemic funds and
There is funding for customer service and finding tat street also rollback on energy tax credits from the inflation reduction act. Yet none of this is politically arguing by japan is gonna argue about it anyway. Green jean Pierre says that this budget is cruel. Forcing people to work Are we just give them unending mounts monies, barely a form of cruelty. Now we in very, very clear. It is unreal able to put forth what they did last week. It is cool that piece of legislation. she is cool, and so they need to really make sure that they that that we don't go into default and that's what they're asking to do. They're asking to hold our whole dichotomy: stayed and go into the fall in that's something that we're gonna continue to call out there. That's the dear old the economy. Has I noticed that dumb, you already shot the hostage. That's one of things that I noticed economies trash because of you. According to the wall street journal, the panic phase, of the past months, banking crisis may be ending. The big question now is how much we had
caught me faces from a lending pull back. The answer may not be clear for months because, as it turns out, depositors are not actually depositing in the bank's they're keeping their money They are afraid of it. A slow and steady erosion of deposits in small and middle sized banks could continue long time, consumers have awakened the positive potential to earn more on their money by moving into money, market mutual funds by the way and some personally I know a bunch of people who have done. That is the rates. The market mutual funds are higher than the rates of banks. So what Z is lending drying up all this because again Joe Biden, waited the currency inflated the economy, but we're supposed to believe this is a guy with economic specialty and we should listen to him about spending more money via the debt ceiling increase. Meanwhile, on foreign policy, the fundamental just sixteen thousand american citizens behind in sudan with nobody to even care for them. They evacuate the embassy you're on your own over their anthony. lincoln, whose last seen in the news beckoned twenty twenty affair. We attempting to launder into the pub.
You the lie that hundred items laptop was rushing. This information will now he's back the same. You saying that you know what yeah we left. You know. Sixty thousand people in sudan but you have referred is getting our people out of sudan. It does not include the sixteen thousand american citizens in sudan, vision to suspend operations at the embassy. Remove our personnel from their sign posts is among the most difficult that any secretary estimate, but my first priority is the safety of our people, and I determined that the deteriorating security conditions in khartoum post an unacceptable risk to keeping our team there at this time. I want to be clear that, even as we have temporarily suspended operations on the ground in khartoum, our diplomatic and consular work in sudan, continues o does it because I feel like come, I feel like everyone. There is basically screwed in fact, John Kirby, who is the area spokesperson. He's We literally have no idea how many people who are americans are stuck into down. This is one of the late dogma,
Last interviews, gonna want to push How can this idea that there's sixteen thousand americans you want to get out I don't have firm estimates of the exact number of americans citizens who are in sudan. They don't have to register with us. They don't want to tell us that they're there we think the the vast majority, these american citizens in sudan and there at all in khartoum are doing nationals. These are people who grew up in sudan who families their work their businesses there you don't want to leave, so I think we need to be careful about that number? Are they want to be there in Sudan? Well, things? Are william floating around? They are the same thing that people in Afghanistan got stuck there, duration is such a big job. It has a highly people, administration, obviously, and the fact that Democrats have to run with what they got. the real opening for publicans. If republicans taken it, okay, quick update opting for you? So remember that time the disney was supposedly beating around us answers will now, apparently they are having to cut employees Serious economic difficulties are bringing their second round of lay off his previous. As far as part of their previously unveil plans got seven thousand jobs. Employees this round are being let go
divisions, including s espn, which is MSNBC with footballs and basketballs the company according to the water? colonel said several thousand years. Employees would be cut this week from all, what business areas, including entertainment and its parks, experiences and product divisions. It turns out that when you, completely alienate your entire customer base, including parents like me that has actual serious side effects. May they lost thousands of dollars from the shapiro family? How has disney and milk we need to do that so long as they embrace a radical left wing policy position will get a more on all of this, Just a second first standing out can be tough, especially when you're looking for a job on the flip side, when you're high Can we really tough to find an applicant there? stands out, which is why you need to check out zip regrew reciprocal to help to find the most qualified people fear roles fast right now in trade. For free at ziprecruiter com. Slash daily wire superpower is met. technology, helps you find the most qualified candidates for a wide range of roles easier Did you like you can easily send them a personal invites the more likely to apply their user friendly dash,
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tying I've read our back, maybe surpassing him a current member as the most championship laid. coach of all time. Well, she says I'm angry that I was never a big phil jackson, fancy at the hall kind of like new agey thing in which you would quote zen and and and talk about how your crystals we're going to make his team work better. Meanwhile, tax winter was in the back actually doing the triangle offence in all. This My feeling was always that that, when you are blessed to coachee team with like kobe and check on it, or Michael Jordan and scottie pippen done a pretty good shot at in any case, put aside my christmas village, for now, because he actually said something: correct fell. Jackson was only a podcast any other temerity. To suggest that he doesn't watch the mba anymore, because it's too political, here's what he had to say do you feel like it just made little of the game like it made it.
act like a sideshow. What do you think it was that turned you off, but it was. It was up the Burnett slogans on the floor and the baseline. It was catering. It was trying to cater to an audience, are trying to bring a certain audience into play and they didn't know it started. Other people off. You know People who want to see sports as non political. Obviously, what he's saying is true and he's coming from Phil Jackson. Phil Jackson is no wild, eyed republican by any stretch of the imagination. While this is verboten, you cannot say this, so Jalen rose. He then put out a statement on how terrible it was that fill jackson did not appreciate equality. Rejecting black lives matters during the nba. In two thousand and twenty, which is what you would see. Two people would like their jerseys the names on back of the jersey be like equality, black lives matter, etc.
And here is jalen rose, being very upset of Phil jackson, the same phil jackson. They want championships with some of the greatest black athletes in the history of the game. Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, shaquille, o'neal, Kobe bryant made millions on their backs and off their sweat, equity, you're sitting there watching a game with your grandkids and y'all think is funny when justice passes, the ball to equal opportunity was somebody shows you who they are believe Well, I mean I'd, I think it's funny, because neither those peoples name that just Is it there's no named justice, and there's only me opportunity, so you haven't bumper sticker, is passing the ball back and forth, but I love the fact that it because Phil jackson works in a league the players are largely black. Now he's a racist we're not wanting to be overtly political when he watches basketball, which is an amazing thing you can go on with this see how works out, for you keep keep
aging out large segment of your audience when, when you lose they'll jackson, guys you're, not just losing small, so if your audience using large segment of your audience, okay for some things that I hate maybe so merrily. There's a magazine called brides today, and today in india has a special, feature. Oh no or no No feature is of a dude A gender non conforming. I know this is a dude, because this person has more hair than the carpet in this entire office. I mean this it is just covered in human hair, my goodness the laws ass from running these persons body could populate entire worlds. Apparently a truly amazing stuff in conversation with brides today, The dude was dressed up in indian bridle, garb like as unlike the country vineyards in conversations
today, gender non conforming and trends, feminine author performance artist, poet and comedian alack, vade minon, who performed moniker alack, makes it telling case for love. Is love bride, sneakers, scenery, brass face it, you look absolutely fabulous in these photographs. Tell us how you style, indian, we're ok, so first of all lie lie you not look. Absolutely fabulous, who put a horror, show I'm sorry you're. The one put yourself uncover magazine, once wears off on the cover magazine cleared up beautiful, then we'll get comment on it. die nope, it's a big nope, my goodness Alex has in the u s, indian diaspora, we're only spoke. We're indian and samples for community events like weddings and holidays. However, I, like doubting indian outfits across occasions indian, where elegant, vibrant and timeless. While we deny the world is beauty, some, I combine anywhere with western style clothing. That's the fun in fashion its playfulness, its high pretty. Well I mean that is
Like you know, their traditional male indian clothing is well brides, How would you define your personal style and styles mobile poetry? There are no guidelines. I addressed to be joyful too. it's my capacity for all or amazement in this world I dressed for me. Ok, first of all, that is the biggest crack of ramp. Gay people generally dress for each other I know this because we are at home and time for bed you put on a talks, but on some PJ's election. hub because your dressing for you now to be comfortable, but apparently we're supposed to believe that You dont bridle garb indian, vital for small, how indian women feel about the sort of thing apparently ok, is that the answer here? It's I feel it's not right. innovation. What is love media quote: loves vat expansion, not construction permission, not prohibition becoming ourselves, not betraying ourselves, also. I love just means you do whatever you want,
without any sort of limits whatsoever, now they're no sort of some sort of limited. All none because I feel it even you would think there are limits, say children or Like you know, an infinite number of sexual partners, but no, maybe not- I spoke bridesmaid we have been conditioned to abide by the institution of marriage. What are your thoughts on marriage and he says I grew up in a sexist culture that conflated marriage with maturity, one that told us we had to be marriage, Complete marriage was less about what we wanted and more about what was expected of us and this car. So much grief. Yeah, I'm sure this that you are. You are a deeply happy individual in an individualist culture dressing up in it's clothing and bearing your extremely harry belly to the world on macabre brides today, marriage marriages, the problem guys, probably when I look at the average person If the choice which way western man seriously think mary on the one hand, or this ok, your choice. your choice in so that night. He calls for marriage. Equality, of course, am I.
Quality. He means the marriage is bad. We just heard that you should recognise that for a huge number of people when they marriage quality. What they mean is the fundamental institutional marriage ought not be respected. There ought to be deconstructed and marriage. Equality is just one tool in that deconstruction which, by the way, is one of the reasons why we move directly from gay marriage which has come That is an argument. You men can be women because maybe women are worn, embedded itself, broader argument which that marriage is bad and once you hollow out the institution from me and women and children and all of a sudden it doesn't exist anymore. It's been completely exploded. So you're well done and brides today and as an interesting choice. Brides today it meanwhile I recommend that you not allow your children's watch mighty morphine power rangers reunion special you rob watching mighty morphine power rangers and then all I got a semi guccio with a bunch of young people who would randomly turn into spandex wearing crime fighters in such low now
reunion is going to feature the adult sex lives of the of the people, which makes perfect sense according to entertain a weekly power arrange. Your star diagnosed has been open about how the hopeful He faced while working on my timor from powering just let him to walk away from. It hid series in the ninety ninety, but now, and she returned to the three of them we're through special once and always he's seeing the algae, bt q community explicitly represented on the series. I think it's great An element like that, obviously, is where we are, because it's important people see representation yost. It tells you w of a once and always scene in which yellow ranger trini his daughter min helps a man and his boyfriend fend off some of rita repulsive. How do you put trawlers that is very important to children, see a gay couple being defended from the party, patrollers of Rita repulse her! Don't worry it's not about the kids guys they don't want. They don't want to indoctrinate the kids in their values. It's it's just it's just about exposing kids to different lifestyles and all the rest. It then the kids know you can't go back Joe Biden, saying that they're, not your kids they're, all of our kids, and yet you know exactly where this is coming from already guys. The rest of the world
continues right now, you're, not gonna, wanna miss it will be getting into the vaunted ben shapiro show mailbag. If you want to have your question answered, you have to be a member if you're, not a member, The number use coach appear shapiro check out for two months, free on all annual plans. Click the link in the description enjoy the the we look normal, but getting back to feeling normal takes time. If you're feeling overwhelmed it's time to get the support, you need to move forward talks. Peace makes it easy to connect with the license. Therapist online start messaging, your therapist. As soon as the day you sign up all from the comfort of your device. You can even schedule live. Video calls right in the ep start feeling better with talk. Space get one hundred dollars off your first month with promo code, sleep at taxpayers, com
Transcript generated on 2023-04-29.