« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1712 - BREAKING: Biden To Announce Re-Election Run This Week


Joe Biden prepares to announce his 2024 presidential bid; the United States evacuates its embassy in Sudan; and the Bud Light executive responsible for hiring Dylan Mulvaney takes a “leave of absence.”

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Joe Biden prepares to announce his twenty twenty four presidential bid. The united states evacuate it's embassy in sudan and the bud light executive well for hiring dylan mulvaney, taking leave of absence eventually services bench Barroso the Eventually, I shall respond to my express vps particular online privacy. Today it expressly begins icons, lifespan already, so we have reached the week. There is a lot trepidation wet whether Joe Biden would in fact announce his candidacy, or, in fact, just sort of you know, makes sound out of his face, no one really knew, but apparently we have finally reached the point, the president of the the states is supposed to announce his reelect bid on tuesday tomorrow, according to the washington post by this I'm air force, one returned from ireland in the pre joint hours April. Fifteen president buttons plan to announces Election campaign were already in motion of any out of her soon met him in the whole of beach. Tell what were binding the weekend. After arriving in dover to twenty six, a m with sister valerie and his son hunter again. Joe Biden has been why
It's an hundred around then no one is to care about the fact that one hundred Biden is one of the world's biggest derelicts. That's totally fine. One hundred Biden spent the last many years, picking up sacks of cash in foreign countries using his daddy's name. We don't know where all that money went, that hunter Biden in fact uses sexual trafficked people mainly use prostitutes on a regular basis where use them that he is a drug addict that he is father. Children out of wedlock would slippers. What none of that matters he travels around with daddy and no one bats in that light, because media are so far in Joe Biden's quarter, which, let's be real about. This is the only reason that Joe Biden can run for reelection. The only reason one of the first places, because the media decided the donald trump was the worst thing in the history of mankind and therefore we needed a dead person run against him. The only way you can Eight year old man, whose obviously in a state of cognitive decline, run for real. It is because the media are the praetorian guard. The real story of Joe Biden is not Joe Biden. Joe Biden was vague, handed it when you first nineteen eighty eight, whose bag hands when he ran again against brok lama in two thousand eight, whose bet he's been bad kennedy,
a thousand times, but his bare candidacy is not the issue here. The issue here is what the media are willing to judge what lengths they are willing to go in order to prop him up according to the wash in post, once Biden returned to the white house, he and first lady Joe Biden met with senior aides to finalize the details of his reelect launch after Biden signed off on the plans. The officials ramped up their final preparations, top fundraising officials at the Dnc scrambled to make dozens of phone calls frequently ending up invoice. Else, inviting top donors for hastily ring summit with president to plan events. Again, the idea here- is that he is going to announce on tuesday. You'll probably do so now they giant rally, but with a video that is not a shock because again, a dry rally in which he announced this is real act. Bed is probably going to fall absolutely flat. Aids are instead looking too red tape, a video announcing his real act bed- there's not a person is capable of getting up and inspiring and try and crowd man can't inspire above opium, I mean there's immediately. We he he's not capable he's, just not with it. According to the washington post, widening, team are preparing to announce a real campaign this week and they ve targeted too,
for the release of the video to coincide with the four year anniversary twenty twenty campaign launch, they keep saying that might be the late and maybe welby, but again there. Have to get in at some point here just to prevent anybody else from ramping up and starting to suck money out of the system as political points out. A lot of people air. When Joe Biden actually announces one camp he's there's no reason to push, because, obviously, once he jumps any clears the field. But there are some other democrats who are upset about the possibility that there can be other people get in the field and start sucking up attention. they want him to jump in as fast as humanly possible democratic. He's my long devices just good for the party finally be definitive about it. Well, I mean the ring. Presumably the Joe Biden is being more definitive about his disease. Looking at the polls- and he said this for a long time, the big issue for Joe Biden
can run against if he thought he was going to run against anybody, but trump he might think twice. If he thinks it's going to be trump, he is very enthusiastic to run against president trump because of course, trump lost to him last time around now, as I say, he realized entirely on the goodwill of the media. He relies on the media to never report a damned thing about him. That's how he can go out and say stuff, like you said over the weekend, news he's giving a speech and he he suggested that basically he's the worst. these controversial politician that doesn't matter that his entire career he's been By accusations of corruption going all the way back to his time as centre in delaware he was receiving. Sweetheart real estate deals from credit card companies, but he now says if he's really only known for ray and ice cream, and it's just a replay of rock obama. You remember during obama's second term, there are myriad of scandals that hit the obama administration from age addressed to the irs what little in every area of his administration was plagued with problems, one sort or another, but we were told that Barack Obama, The only scandal he ever had was the tan suit, because one thing should undertake
when at hand, suitors and ugly suit, have you made fun of the transit and so now Only scandal we ever had will now Joe Biden is trying to do the same thing. Apparently, according to Joe Biden, he's an absolutely scot free clean as the ribbons In addition, there is no reason why you wouldn't love Joe Biden, he's known as the guy where's re bands and licks ice cream guns Why distinguish ran from massachusetts and good friend argue that there is really very if you're a dull, when, after all these years in public life, you're known for two things, ray ban sunglasses and chocolate chip ice cream. Now that that is not what he's known for actually he is known for many things, including once again aside from sniffing the hair of young girls and appropriately the present. Of the united states is known for not being with it. He is and also for his son hunter who yes, that is an issue for him we just last week it was reported that his campaign helped trot out the lie that hundred lightens laptop was actually russian disinformation. It turns out
Anthony blinkin was actually shopping. That story around people like MIKE barrelled, the former cia director for Barack obama, in order to launder into the media, the story, the hundred pounds laptop, was a vacant. A phoney sitting banned from social media and make morale and put out a letter with a bunch of other intel officials who suggested. Of course, there was russian disinformation information. Remember the back in october, twenty twenty by actually said that suggested that the his sons laptop was rushing disinformation. Her was back in october, twenty twenty. What about the americans, who really today only want me to ask you about hunter binds laptop. How are you going to get them to see that you are fighting for them when there so dead set against you there's nothing to do in doing that is all smear. Every major outfit. Every serious investigator has pointed out that this is a smear. This is classic trunk. We have
Four days left and all of a sudden there's a laptop and the money. You may recall, there's also talk about six former, before there was a similar thing, there's somebody had allegedly He is a lie. Yours overwhelming evidence that, from the intelligence community that the russians are I mean he was lying that you want me. He knew that the laptop was really use line because he is a liar and he's very at present, whose liar he's a corrupt. while this president of the united states has presided forty your high inflation has presented. Over a stagnating economy and he has presided over a collapse in foreign policy which will get to interest moment, because once again, this is that this in whose preside over not one but two saigon. Like incidents in foreign countries in which we have to pull people off the roofs of our embassies, we'll get to that momentarily. First, it's time to talk about delaware's most trusted privacy and premier sponsor of I shall express it. Bbn are your way. Your browsing data is constantly being tracked and monitored. Have you ever stopped to think about who has access to that information and what they might actually do with it? We like most you probably haven't thought about that whole hell a lot, but the truth is your browsing data
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Let's area is now going to be evacuated and already has evacuated american government personnel from khartoum, which is in sudan, The president's weeded out today on my orders, the united states military, conducting an operation to extract. U S, government personnel from khartoum in response to the situation in sudan and grateful for that our embassy staff, in the scale of our service members, who brought them to safety and receive regular reports My team, on their ongoing work to systematically in sudan to the extent possible, were also working. With our allies and partners in this effort. The tragic violence in Sudan has already cost the lives of hundreds of innocent in its unconscionable must stop. Let me if he says so, then probably that will stop the violence as we found out in Afghanistan. We get to a report on that amount. In just a moment. Or temporarily suspending operations at the us embassy in sudan. But our commitment to the sudanese people in the future they want is unending. Oh man did the absolute balls on this guy. Like unending, it just ended. You literally
pulled the: u S, embassy staff out of sudan, but don't worry, I'm going to tell you. Violence is bad or in Joe Biden towards murderer. Have you gotta do according to the associate? as us, special operations forces carried out a precarious evacuation of the us embassy incident on Sunday sweeping in and out of the capital with helicopters on the ground. For less than an hour, no shots were fired. No major major casualties were reported, the united states, then its diplomatic mission indefinitely remaining behind in these african nation are thousands of private american citizens, so just like Afghanistan, only thousands of americans behind which went to cut, went to run when gonna leave no options for getting out it's officials said it would be too dangerous to carry out a broader evacuation operation. So you leave them behind. You know, after all, what are they doing? Narrowing The americans will job and got away with it the first time. What is he care? Was he care of a bunch of amerika get left behind enemy lines, totally fine battles between July
sudanese commanders and forced the closing of the main international airport left roads out of the country in control of arm fighters. Skirmishes already killed more than four hundred people about one hundred. U s: troops in three image: Seven helicopters carried out the operation they airlifted all of the roughly seventy remaining american employees from landing zone of the embassy and move to an undue undisclosed location in ethiopia. Biden. Then now then said that he was proud of the extraordinary commitment of our embassy staff who perform their duties with care, and professionalism and embodied america's friendship in connection with the people of sudan, so I'm not ever, everybody is stuck there. This is, as a result, apparently of a power struggle between the head of the armed forces, general other fats about brand and the head of the rapid support forces, paramilitary group chairmen, condoms, anglo and Apparently your basically this is this lead. You fill out civil war in the country. Now direction
Sudan has been a disaster before, but the amazing nature of this, the fact that the Biden administration is once again pulling without any plan whatsoever. out of a foreign nation that is filled with terrorists and leaving can citizens behind its reminder. That is present. It only has no plan. He has failed signally when it comes to foreign policy, like everywhere he has failed when it comes to foreign policy, in fact, as it turns out one of the players who's having an outsize impact on the breakdown in africa. Right now is the so called wagner group. Apparently, the Wagner group is an a set of russian mercenaries is fomenting instability, while using their paramilitary and disinformation information capabilities to bolster Moscow allies, the rapid expansion Russia's influence in africa has been a source of growing alarmed us intelligence and military affairs according to the washington post, prompting a push over the past year to find ways to bargainers, network of bases and business fronts and strikes. Sanctions
cyber operations according to the documents. So while the united states has been funding the war in ukraine? Russia has been expanding its footprint elsewhere, the washington post says at a time when vulgar leader yevgeny you have guinea production has been preoccupied with kremlin in fighting over the paramilitary groups. Deepening involvement in warning crane use officials to pick buggers expanding global, put footprints as a potential vulnerability, so once again, the president of the united states yet well, he said that gives exceeding he actually is failing because, as it turns out France is talking with china now about possibility. Chinamen bade taiwan in france might do nothing. The russians who are supposed to be tied down in Ukraine yeah I mean it's definitely bird, the russian military in ukraine, but they're making trouble in god as well, and thousands of americans have now been left behind to according to w c viii, b, dot com. There is growing, turn for thousands of americans in sudan, including a mask, whenever young daughter, as the bloody fighting it has involved. The african nation enters its second week trillion clifford of ash,
and move to sudan less than a year ago, to teach at a school in the capital. Khartoum and her daughter alma, currently sheltering in place in khartoum, they ve contacted government officials for help none come so far. The family believes the united states we doing her more to bring her and other americans back home. The white house, first, as you know, you're on your own, apparently they said Americans do not work for the embassy should not rely on the military to help them leave. The country have been clear eyed about how american citizen should not travel sudan for months we communicate to american citizens in the country that safety and security measures and precautions, they can take, said vending patel spokesperson for guess, permanent state. How many africans are currently in sudan. Sixteen thousand six thousand americans are being left behind in sudan once again slow, clap, forty by vitamins, and doing an excellent job, speaking of which, member that time, when will that of afghanistan ignominiously and we left behind billion dollar military equipment. We let the taliban and eighth century group barbarian simply take over the country, a blog, some thirteen americans, in passing member that I'm a member that Joe Biden at the time said
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monsieur churches, business centres and the fifa world cup soccer may wish to more than two million spectators. Last summer in qatar, on officials were aware in december of nine such plants coordinator by ices leaders in Afghanistan them roast fifteen by february. According to the assessment, the assessments Ices has been developing a cost effective model for external operations there, on resources from outside afghanistan operates in target countries and extensive facilitation networks. Will likely enable isis to overcome obstacles like competent security services and reduce some plot timelines, minimizing disruption opportunities. So once again, it turns out that having pulled out from afghanistan without any plan whatsoever was one of the worst ideas in modern american history manually. Remember that job which the liar he's a liar. You back back in April of twenty twenty one years, we're running up on the four your end of story of the president of the united states and now it is going to run for president. We are also running up. On the two year anniversary of the president of the united states, we should just pass it saying that report I'm from Afghanistan, which led to the death of thirteen american soldiers.
We. Thousands of american allies people dropping off we'll wells of planes and honey. Americans left behind your was Joe Biden April. Fourteen twenty twenty one saying: don't worry, guys we're going to bring our soldiers home and everything will be fine, so we ve ended the threat of terrorism, as it turns out, went to Afghanistan two thousand and one to root out AL qaeda to prevent future terrorist attacks against the united states plan from Afghanistan. after consulting closely with our allies and partners with military leaders and intelligence personnel with our diplomats and our development experts with the congress and the vice president, as well as with MR gandhi and many others around the world. I concluded tat is time to end america's longest war. It's time for me I troops to come home and then, if you fast forward, all the way to september is fairly obvious. At this point, the ices K was taking over along with the taliban ends in matter job we're was still lying. He sent out his chief of staff round clean to explain that everything was handled as well as humanly possible.
amerika was in this war for twenty years and I think any effort to unwind that any effort to bring our troops out any effort to end our military presence in afghanistan was gonna, be filled with a heartbreaking scenes and difficulties that I think the bite administrations manage that as well as it can be managed under the circumstances we were places while they do wonderful job. You remember that lloyd, Austin secretary events had it was a historic withdraw that an amazing, amazing job guys there is was all part of the plan. People dropping off the wheel those planes from thousands of feeding exploding on the turf like watermelons. That was bells totally vine. There's all part of the plan, we have concluded our historic Evacuation operation can ended the last mission. who war in afghanistan. My thoughts have been the brave americans who I stood up to serve after Al Qaeda attacked. Us
when september eleven, two thousand and one in my heart. with their families and love and what our friends and allies. With our fellow citizens whose lives were lost or change forever. Now concluded the largest area evacuation of civilians in american history, it was heroic. It was start it amazing job according to them, and this this precedent is going to run for real action on the basis of things like that so glad that we can do it again over in sudan, leaving sixteen thousand americans behind a corner nathan sales. Hartman coordinator for counterterrorism during the trump administration court. Ices K has enjoyed safe haven f understand since the administration withdrew twenty months ago. The group has the ambition. Attack american interests in the region, ultimately the us homeland itself. None of this is a shock of any sort. Joe Biden
liar and he's a cowardly wire at that when it comes to foreign policy at the very very least, which means that republicans had better get their heads on straight when it comes to defeating him and who they nominate is going to make a large difference in this effort who should be nominated so at the polls show right now with regard to Joe Biden number one. Nobody wants Joe Biden to run something like seventy percent of americans. Currently say that they do not want bind to run for president. Only twenty six percent of americans say that they want to bind run for president. Going to new NBC news, small only thirty. Eight percent of americans have positive feelings for the current president of the united states, His job performance rating currently is forty one percent according again to NBC newspaper, which means that this old dollar- is unbelievably vulnerable, but our publics want, take advantage of that. Are they going to continue to run headlong at a brick wall? That's the real question here. Well, as we discuss dangerously
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an epoch, willed, icon, slash, erosive, ten percent on epic wills, complete will package, that's epic will die, comes lasher bureau again, epoch will dotcom, slash, shapiro, and so what polio is the Joe Biden is wildly, and miller like very, very, very unpopular. However, the republican public we sixty sixty percent of americans. Think trump should not run for president only thirty five percent think donald trump should run for president of the united states, not only that the leading feelings that people have with regard to the possibility of a trumpet binary match is exhaustion pitch. Frankly, I I can't imagine why I can't imagine survey again from yahoo news at you gov, and found that thirty eight percents controls, exhaustion after being shortly list of aid feelings and asked to select all comes to mind when considering another Biden verses from campaign and among registered voters. That number is even higher forty four percent, the other numbers
fear twenty nine percent sadness. Twenty three percent hope: twenty three percent anger. Twenty three percent excitement sixteen percent pride, eight percent or gratitude. Seven per and yes. Americans are very positive about another trump bide match up it's what the people want. They demand it and is one of them is that you have the weakening of parties counter intuitively the weakening the republican and the democratic parties means that basically, the basis of both parties and the more involved basis. Both parties end of outsize influence compared to the rest of the american population, which means very often that canada toward not wildly popular with demand, public end up being the nominees of their parties, a trump for what it's worth is currently rapid a bunch of congressional endorsements. You imagined was, and is the former president of the united states is the republican front runner he should be. He is also the only major candidate to have announced thus far you have nikki haley who's announced and they of the vague ramaswamy is announced. Not yet announced bottom from his ragged up endorsements, particularly in flora. Again, not image,
shock, also because of you are a state or congressional politician, what you're honest from attacking you from us for an endorsement. The safest thing to do is give it to him, because if you don't endorse kansas his hands is going to attack you, but trump will, if you don't so I hears his is covering that I'll be asking everybody to support when I try and understand us, hasn't declared his reign for president? Yet I think he's a great governor of fora, so, if Our florida I give to scientists a third term, and everybody gets President uganda weather congress intermodal savannas take time to. Let us know: there is growing and where is heading and who is supporting congressmen? Who is it Well, when I was seeing that I'll be supporting president donald J trump for for president in two thousand and twenty four, I think he gives us the best chance of winning nope He has had a solid track record as president and yesterday at the at the dinner,
He lay out a solid plan for the future and where we need to go so on. This idea that died from gives rehab thus chance winnings belied by pretty much all of the poles at this point, as well as the fact that he already an election campaign against Joe Biden, and it didn't go amazing. He's out the president of the united states right now, trump seem is vote in on random around us answers like a laser beam according to rolling stone. It from adviser, says, quote team from does not what a beat him team from us to humiliate him. Maybe more than I ve ever wanted to humiliate anybody on the national stage. That is driving a lot of this. Now that the problem for from is that the angle that he's with regard to this answers is one that does not make the base particularly enthusiastic. He is currently attacking the santas with alacrity, from the left almost entirely from left cause it's impossible to get to the answers right. So, instead he's attacking him from the left, so over the weekend, trump did a speech in which he ripped on the santas repeatedly. The important thing here is really not the attacks. The important thing is the crowd reaction.
was no quieted except you don't see that tabulation. We did much better in twenty Twenty in florida, I got one point: two million more votes than you're successful governors campaign. You know that We got one point: two million laughs, sure I'd love to have your support, sir I'd love to have your support, I'm down at about three I'd love to have your support. Think about it. Then there was like a rocket ship after I gave it otherwise, right now you have a lawyer. Someplace look for business and in the crowd, is pretty much silent there the reality. Is that debase, unlike unlike one trumpets, attacking nobody back and twenty sixteen, when nobody, I should like to any other candidates, is the dirty secret. Nobody likes. What else was running in twenty six feet and so from a bunch of big disadvantages? People actually like rhonda senses, record of governance and so trump been relegated to attacking this answers from left. He put out a statement, a lengthy statement over the weekend, in which
said that florida has now become among the worst states to live or to find you're, not a cop procurator or to work or to retire or to raise a family. No one believes this. No one can move by family to florida in large part because it governor santa's, has done an excellent job and to the annual gillis. where the governor of laura- I don't know there, move by family here and my family, my parents move my I was moved to my sisters and their families moved. There is a reason and over the course of the last several years about seven hundred thousand people have left their homepage and move to florida. There where's. My florida is the fastest growing state in america, and it is not because it is a terrible place to live. This dogs does not hunt it's a real problem for donald trump, actually,. that it does not hunt if issues matter at all so dissenters. For his part, he is finally starting to open up the guns on trump and he has pretty angle here. His angle here is that from blew it uncovered. The trunk was too weak uncle
that anthony vouchers, only a household land is down from appointed him and then left it left him in place and didn't actually have any control over its own policy, because you know what to do. So here is run. This answer would weaken, saying, listen when it came to covert. I took control because that's what leaders do they take control into me? Leadership is having the courage to make difficult decisions in the teeth of opposition and criticism. A leader must have the confidence to stand all alone, if need be, and so for us, as I got an office cove, it presented that situation for us, because we are in a situation that third largest stayed in the country, one of the highest percentage of elderly economy based on tourism, which we needed travel to continue. So this situation was an existential threat to our state, but I made the judgment. Leaders take the bull by the horns and make the
fishing for themselves they dont, subcontract out their leadership to health bureaucrats like doktor FAO chain that is going to be a very rich vain for attack from the census towards from because there's enough actually say anything I drop in interest. It wasn't when it comes to. Actually we letting policy and being a leader I was right uncovered and your attacking you from the left, and that is a fact because no from was to two senses left throughout the bends at it. In fact, here is donald trump attack. governor branca, not the April twenty. Twenty four reopening the state of georgia you'll, remember if you have, if you have the memory, that donald trump actually was very angry. Brien come for reopening the state. I told the governor of georgia brian camp, that I disagree strongly with his decision into open certain facilities which are in violation of the phase on guidelines. I would advise him not to just turn them
which, on ngo, would I do that? No I'd keep him a little longer. I want to protect people's lives and I went to Deborah ann doktor, fancy and other people and they weren't thrilled about it. I think it's too soon, and I don't want this thing to flare up because you're deciding to do something that is not in the guidelines. There is a danger of a rebound. They can wait a little bit longer just a little bit. If you ask me, am I happy about it? I'm not happy about it. Safety has to predominate, and I'm not happy about Brian Kemp. Don't remember that was trump. opinion in the early days of the pandemic, and then you gonna went back and forth whose, like we need a way to open up michigan browsing to close down. George was all over the place, in fact, in the middle of the twenty twenty election down actually put out a campaign add featuring anthony valerie talking actually to denmark livin in this particular area,
he has never over. The travel was another recommendation. No, we went in and said we probably should be doing that, and the answer is yes: when I made recommendations have taken them and then another time was, we should do with europe, and the answer is yes, he never cow did all over with me and the next time you should do with the uk, and the answer is yes. I never in the multiple times that I've done that prices for scientific reasons. We really should do this. That he hasn't said: let's do the first, The only time that DR burks and I went in and formerly made a recommendation to the president to actually have a quote, shut down the president, listen to the recommendation and went to the mitigation. Okay, I mean that was an actual trump pence ad in two thousand and twenty the chances you just replayed that ad accepted to donate, but I'm not sure what to do about the fact that donald trump was doing this.
in the middle of the pandemic. I mean he was that that is the reality. It was Was the slings and arrows when it came to the sort of stuff. Trump was unwilling to make call, in fact, in the middle of the twenty twenty covert pen, from talked about how he was a genius for the policies you taken, including shutting down the country. We did the right thing we closed the country down could have kept it open and I could have done what some countries are doing. I had to shut it down or we did the right thing. I thought of keeping it open and we did just the right thing. We've closed it down and a group of very smart people walk in and say, sir. We have to close it and we did the right thing. They can't do anything without approval of the pressure? Even the Democrats aren't blaming me for that by contrast, rhonda santa's in the middle of twenty twenty, and that this is actually kind of him. His own surgeon general was out there jesting that until there is vaccine, they were going to have to basically socially distance and sensitive. down the room he's. I know we're not going to do that.
And you're not wanting to make that decision. So as long as we're gonna have covered in the environment- and this is a tough virus, we're going to have to practise these measures so that we are all protected area based on pot based on plant. What has been reported probably a year, not longer is. What some individuals have talked about here, he's being told you leave one of the senses assistant assistance. humphrey to leave the room. What they're, closing his microphone and telling him to You see the difference there. By the way, I know that this difference applied because governor de Santis called me in the middle of the global pandemics. Like June two thousand and twenty to explain his policy of reopen.
In granular detail. Yes, that makes a big big difference in the primary people can have for me who was then actually demonstrated more leadership when it came to the pandemic in just one. Second, we'll get to the left, attacks on the census, because it is very clear who they would love to see nominated. I mean they're, really not making a lot of bones about it at this point. First, it's very important you have life. Insurance is an important thing for you to do. God forbid. Something should happen to you. You gotta make sure the please care of this is to head on over to policy genius right now. I have law I have life insurance on me. My business partners have life insurance, my wife has life insurance. It's the responsible thing to do. Policy genius can make it happen for you quickly and easily, without spending a ton of money how's, the genus find life insurance policy, starting at just twenty five bucks on four million dollars and coverage. Some options offered in as little, we can avoid those unnecessary medical exams policy. as licensed agents work for you, not the insurance companies, which means they don't have an incentive to recommend one insurer over another. You can actually trust their guidance. No added fees or personal information remains. Private. Your loved ones deserve a financial not using this motorway defined by it, and I'm deposit genius tat comes lashes,
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these charming people on planet earth? She said that Rhonda DE is a jerk, and that is the thing that's really going to harm, as opposed Joe Biden has a really really nice guy who who just leaves you know, hundreds of americans by an enemy lines to die, but other than that of an being love eating, blowhard, jackass ease vast around his answers. Superman What happens now? They're all sorts of people who in theory are running against donald trump, but he has a remarkable ability to up to two to pick people off one at a time. he really does and let's face it, I take a little bit of joy in predicting that run his hands. This was going to crash and burn he's a jerk and it's hard to disguise being a jerk when you're running for president of the united states, but he just was not ready for prime time and I think the disney episode is going to look like the little marco episode in retrospect. Making him seem small and petty, and now rather silly frankly, it's gonna make them look small,
and rather silly to take one of the big corporations in american history and force them to back off of their insane politicking. With regard to the indoctrination of small children. Is it everything Maureen doubt has settled on the same why she has a piece in the new york times doing exactly the same thing, suggesting that rhonda santas isn't likeable enough and then who should? She quote David Axelrod, the former, A adviser who said that the the governor is coming across. What like highschool quarterback, who throws the geek against the law? fuckers to get a laugh from the cheerleaders. That's not a good look, oh as opposed to two No, president trump with our love was apparently according to them incredibly charming according to marine down even world make. Will or by social media and donald trump to Santa seems mean putting out a mickey mouse immigrants, gazing women pushing through an expansion of his puzzle to ban school discussion of sexual orientation in gender identity to include all great as well napoleon ban on abortion for six weeks, even admonish them high school kids during the pandemic. Wearing mass note, that's not true. We actually laughed with them and jobs with them that we can understand what the adult for forcing them to wear masks. Actually, if you watch the video,
But this can be the line going lines these not charming enough, so they can't come up with a political reason why he be a bad precedent, what they're coming up with is he's not charming enough. So did we find a way, when they do the exact same thing, with TIM, scott to TIM, Scott is senator from south carolina who they all pretend to like in the moment, but the minute that he runs. They will throw him directly under the bus. He's been thinking now throwing his head into the ring. He says he doesn't have. A timeline would like to make a decision going from exploratory to official fire or just the simple answer is, as I continue on the faith of america tours. I continue to tour farms and businesses and churches. It gives me an opportunity to understand whether or not what I am focused on, which is an optimistic positive message. Anchored in conservatism is working as long as it's working. You continue to build momentum. You continue to make make good decisions if you do it prematurely the likely adult. So my goal really isn't to figure out the timeline. My goal is to continue with it. The more I listen to verify a plan, the same members of the media, who think TIM Scott is charming and wonderful and super nice and TIM's
a very nice person? It will be ripping his hat off the many he declared for the presidency, because this is what they do. That there is only one person would have been pretty weaving alone at this point in it, in so far as candidacy it'll go after him with regard to his election behaviour and will go after him with her. to his taxes and everything else and his Michael coat. But when it comes to Actual election behaviour me have basically decided at his hands off with president from there's. A reason for Ok in other news, but light has begun the climb down at least publicly there now attempting serbs, off everybody whose angry them and no longer will shop and by light by putting on four a name suspension the marketing executive, who originally put together the partnership between but light and Dylan mulvaney. According to the associate press, Alyssa Heiner shy. Later vp of marketing will be replaced by todd on the most recent global vice president budweiser. According to reports, peter business daily and at age, a spokesperson for butlers parent company and hydras or bush on sale
do not directly confirm leave of absence but said that Ellen as gps light war port directly to the? U S, chief marketing officer. This should not end whatever boycott people have going against my life because again, this is obviously just some sort of pr move. That is why you announce a move like that No, they say: listen, we're not going to give our toes into politically sensitive waters again we're here to sell beer and the like america does the omens. You things that we Therefore, until they actually do that, then you don't need it. Bible admission by it anyway. It seems to be not very good beer, but, aside from that, it is fairly obvious at this point that when people on the right and people middle say we're not interested in thing. It turns out the company's actually do answer to that, at least in small parts of that. But what does that tell you It does tell you is that companies respond to pressure campaigns and hilariously, there's a piece by Brian broom over the washington post, blaming the bud light controversy not on stupid marketing ideas. Where, in a beer, largely marketed poor white people is
to be, and is going to be best best marketed by a man pretending to be a woman. Now the real problem is you wait we're way for toxic masculinity, acquaint you Brian broom, Dylan mulvaney? friends influence, or with more than ten million followers documented heard transition over the course of a year to celebrate day three five of her journey, but light centres and personalized cans of beer. This attempt on bubbles parts be forward thinking about how to customers live in love has been met with backlash by one group of people, seem to believe that another group of people should not exist for some time people represent just latest bad, a bet, a bad joke, a complex fear. They cannot tolerate a note to those folks were upset and has a bushel wide on trans woman is a quasi spokesperson, whether you like it or not. Quit People have been drinking your beer for decades. In fact, as long has been beer. Queer people have been drinking it, mulvaney celebrate for some reason threaten the very existence of a whole bunch of guys we're ready for that reality. This will surprise. No one has ever been a small boy. Everyone knows the sting of being called a sin
Yes, it's toxic masculinity because of If a man doesn't believe that a man can be a woman, that's me so the best way, obviously, to demonstrate solidarity with women who are in fact, being lied about and marked when a man, It tends to be a woman in the entire society, pretends that the man is woman. When men say no we're not going to go along with that. That, apparently, is an aspect of toxic masculinities. We have now redefined toxic masculinity to mean men, defending women from other and pretending to be women, the attempted way. Masculinity, as it has very concept, is absurd. The reality is that if women want be protected and what they need. They need masculine men protecting them. I give you another example that comes to mind here. So one of these stupid things I have ever seen is happening now in canada, apparently, canadian politicians, male politicians decided that they had to wear women's.
Pink high heels to raise awareness about violence against women. Think about was hosted by halting women's place as part of their hot hope in high heels campaign. and one of the members of the canadian parliament, tweeted violet against women still prevalent in our society, hoping heels an event that spread, whereas on violence against women, while encouraging men and boys to be part of the solution, we wore their signature, pink heels and support this important cause you're some of the video. You can see them dancing around in high heels, at least three. These guys look like god is not the first time, but yeah did who gave the event sensitize men and boys about gender based violence and the need to end it starting a systematic conversation regarding violence against women in society. Ok, see one actually know how to stop violence against women, what intimidating men who defend women in the of men who are attempting to harm women, giving us One of these politicians is going to prevent a single act of violence against women. Giving us going to have
because they're gallivanting around where women's shoes guess what doesnt solve toxic masculinity femininity it doesn't. It doesn't the thing that solves toxic masculinity is men being good goodman, but this what we done, we desire the masculinity in and of itself, is toxic. It's bad! The only way. Men can defend women's if they dont high heels or if they allow and galvin around pretending to be women and mocking women in the process. That is the height apparently of the new masculinity issues feminine as humanly possible, and somehow this going not bad men, from doing bad things, which of course, is absolute silliness at every level. At every single level, already. Meanwhile, this year marks the seventy fifth anniversary of Israel's independence. Coincidentally, the international fellowship christians and Jews also celebrating forty years, a ministry today, thousands of jews, in Israel and in war torn ukraine struggles is rather late, threatening crises, including extreme poverty, hunger and violence in the form of conflict to anti semitism and terrorism among
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I these days is very happy very happy so today in amerika, the number of people who consider themselves very happy used to be back and say twenty. Sixteen, the number of people will consider themselves. Very happy was a bit over thirty percent. Now the number of people who consider themselves very happy about twelve percent. So who are these? People meant not just not just happy or pretty happy people concerns very happy. The number who consider themselves pretty happy is basically stagnant, it's somewhere in the fifties, but people who say like they wake up every morning and they are very happy very happy who are these people according to the wall street journal and our the between percent with a smaller share a very happy you will ever recorded in this pole dating, although it back to nineteen seventy two who exactly are these people? Well some? Seventy six. Sixty seven percent of these people say marriage is very important to them, regardless of their own. Marital status, compared with only forty three percent of respondents. Overall, these people tend to say the god is important, two thirds brad themselves is very or moderately religious, compared to less than half of adults overall
community involvement rates as more important among the very happy that, among those report, lower levels of happiness, while many very we are satisfied with their personal finances as group. They don't attach high importance to money well, who could have suspected So here is the description of the very happy person in america. A person who is: reed or believes devalued marriage? Who is involved? community or believes that it is very important in the community and a personal policing god, those of people who are very happy in america, and those are precisely the people we are apparently desert determined, bound and determined as society to essentially push out of the population. How are we doing this? Well, there are a couple of ways we're doing this. One is we just making one appeal that religious living is bad in terrible and bigoted right. This is the case of the hard core left. This is the case that the presumably is being pushed by people like the amazing atheists, there's a tweet that has now gone viral from a person calls himself the amazing atheists and never have I seen
eight, these men paganism so closely connected in won't wait. It's pretty incredible between goes like this from the amazing atheist, hey trans votes it's. Ok, you won't you suck girl. Bleep leap is the word, for it is penis hatreds, homes. Ok, you ought to suck global the only people, judging your other friends folks, who also secretly wants you suck girl bleep, if you're stopping bigots. At the same time, you could goon to girl bleep as one it's ok, so obvious and direct to the idea that a woman can have a penis and that everyone who opposes this particular atheist must actually want to have sex with a man who says he's woman. This is the this is the tweet. So there there, in the militant folks in our society have decided religion is just bad, it's evil and needs to be wiped, wiped and then there's a softer version of this. The softer version of this is where we substitute faith in a quote: unquote higher power or in the universe,
or in something for god and religion and tradition. Faith in a thing is effectively this hemisphere than nothing. You actually have to specify what the thing you have faith in is it when people say that they believe in it, in a higher source of spirituality in a spiritual path: they're, not religious, their spiritual. What they're really saying, as they have no idea that they understand them mystery in the universe. They ve no interest or idea of what them we could be or how exactly to penetrate it, and so they are going to live, would be bound, The secular humanism is, MR morality, it doesn't connect them without our guide for, morality, isn't connect them to a community, because there is no secular, humanist community, in fact, secular humanism, is to lead to individualistic added atavism. That is what we have been doing a society. So there's an article again from laws regional tonight, a greater share of your. Elsie to believe in a higher power or god, but that's not the same thing. So, what's your drove him puzzling, because it said that a higher share people are now saying that they believe in god, or a higher power. But
there is a big difference between saying that you believe in a higher power and ten, you believe in god, when you said billy, you believe in god everyone understands obligate, in duties now attend to you that you now have to do things. You believe I will go demands things of you, you say believe higher power. This doesn't mean anything of you. What is the higher power is, is frolic, it bubu crystals like what is it exactly unless you have a belief in god that is embedded in your life and their wines up? binding you to a community into a set of values. I believe higher power. Does not do you much good? In fact, it ends up. Erected in very, very we're directions and ends up being pushed toward a pagan atheistic and which is why you end up with people making the case the earth day should actually religious holiday. There's a piece in I'm magazine today by Paul green bergen Carl Vena, green, teachers it and what use animal studies programme Sophia holds the entire region. Sure for nature, inhumanity and stony brook university, and they say
for the two of us. Environments was one of us not only to jewish, the other recovering catholic. We find the ill by nature of the only ha only day, honoring place that makes life it's one possible more than a little sacrilegious. So on his fifty third birthday, we thought it useful to pose with a real earth day should represent and how could form a central time for a new approach to worship. So what exactly do they want? While they say that in earth, reverent belief system would look like this, to begin with. Let's take a look at what established religions get right and we're romantic iq, perhaps a first. It might be unearth. nature centred origins of our existing religious holidays. Most of us know, in the background Is the christmas in hanukkah fall around the time of the winter solstice that eastern pass over our celebrated in tandem with the arrival of spring? That's a coat, and while we mark harvesting summers, last warmth and aid following the path of the moon These holidays have origins ingratitude gratitude for the sun returning gratitude for the harvest, thanks for when we did avert it, we also met What religions you to help us from community a mark likes important benchmarks, birth maturity, marriage and death? What if we were to come to
by these benchmarks. What they are biologically birth ecstatic the joining of atoms and molecules resulting in sentience, my parents have ritual of truthfully and factually recounting how inanimate objects become animate. Well, that sounds like absolutely incredible. You're just going to do like atheistic materialist projections of how lifeless form come life form, instead of or an addition to bar and by miss. Would it be too much to expect our going to go beyond the average twenty daily minutes. Most american kids spend outdoors in committee ray the names and descriptions of local plants and animals, and we're going right back here to paganism nature, worship pantheism, maybe so that get rid of god, and people find something to believe in what they apparently believin is. You know the trees, the leaves now, if you find yourself
believing that a community can be built on this or lifestyle kindle or this. This will make you happy. I have another thing coming for you, it's not going to make you happy! No community can be built on this sort of nonsense and make people happy the reason being it does not find people together. Nature wants to kill you nature both keeps us live and also try to kill. Us is what nature does obey the notion that you're going to worship the inanimate powers of nature, a visitor I'm going to make you feel better about life or that you're going to jail in religion entirely and fall back on a pure subject. To this view of what humanity is untrue is such that you end up, like the amazing atheists talking about girl that, if this is you approach the world. You are likely to end up less happy grip he's by a liebowitz over a commentary magazine tunnel, the return of paganism john on exactly this topic. He says how to make sense of statements in which people say that there are men who have vaginas
he's an appealing to reason, hardly helps. Instead, one wishing to find his way through the thicket of american public discourse. These days by embracing one simple and terrifying idea, the barbarians or the gates, I mean It- was literally everywhere. You turn these days. Pagans our foot, busily hacking away, the christian and jewish foundations of american life and replacing them with a cosmology. There would have been absolutely coherent followers or of say, vote I know the etruscan earth god or to those who worship the celtic tribal protector to tate us. If you think the above paragraphs a little overblown consider the numbers in you. Ninety scholars from trinity college. That's warrant just how many of their fellow americans practice some form of pagan, religion, we're, unsurprisingly, small about eight thousand or enough to pass average journey reunion concert with reach. For the asked again in two thousand eight this time. three hundred- and forty thousand americans said yes to paganism a decade later the peace or impose the same question. There are now what point. Five million americans professing an array of pagan persuasions from which you, viking, lore, so
It is now one of the fastest growing religious persuasions in the country, but is not just that it turns out the paganism. has also now been embedded into a huge variety of the ways that we live today, and that means that people are likely to start worshipping at the altar of untruth, isn't that the key to paganism is to understand that what pagans believes that we lived in a chaotic and violent universe in which everything was nearly an understandable, and because of that, you tried to propitiate the gods with various aspects of sacrifice: human and nonhuman. this is what paganism was all about and then His religion ever only said there. Is it there's, one god who stands behind all of this and we can everything about it, but we can understand something about him and he is communed with human beings to the extent that he has given us a moral code to live by an approach, as traditional wisdom in it, in a way that we and understand and act out and as that More central shows once again, these up ten the things that make human beings actually with fulfil wives paganism has taken the place of all that, and the result is really really ugly.
Already time for some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I, like I gotta say I do wonder, sometimes whether the left hears itself so over florida. A gay parade has now been cancelled. Why, according to local ten official, in florida city of cancelled gay pride, operate unrestricted other pride events to people twenty one years, an older in anticipation if the governor understands santa signing a bill meant to keep children out of drag, shows the pride of lines of the trash cause posted wednesday on facebook, the decision to change it. Saturday's pride events was made for multiple conversation with port. Saint Lucy officials show why a pair we need a sense. Was it acting down a mood displays before children? It basically said no atlas chaps or displays of dildos and in front of a kids and the good programs that, instead of being like ok, will fire rainbow flags and we will celebrate gay marriage there like nope we're gonna pull the parade
Do you hear yourselves guy, I mean I'm fine with it, that's what you want to do, but it seems like you're kind of like it. Is that the pr if the purpose of the gay pride parade is the with chaps, and I and the simulated sex act in front of kids, and so you have to cancel it to the extent that, like a law that says you can't sexually indoctrinate kids affects the parade. What does that say about your parade? really. Are you, meanwhile, other things that I, like? The the trans movement, obviously is going to have some radical ramifications for a lot of other things in american life. One of those things obviously is going to be the question of age, so you'll recall that a few years back, a very, very famous exchanged me and a college student. In which this college student took the position that men can be women. Women can be men, and I asked this college student, her age and she told me her age that she that she was twenty or something twenty one, and I said why aren't you sixty and this? Of course, viral, because I was angry, you can't change your age and you can't change or sacks of what. What are you talking about here? Let me out
That's how I won't ask you how old I will ask you how old you are. Ok, because you're young enough, they probably not insulting to ask you So no, where sixty. Why are you sixty What do you like you, I dont via sixty? Why would what? What is the problem with you? I don't find us you're right ages, significantly less important than gender. Well now I guess we'd we hit the end of parity. because now we have six eurobond identifying a six year old girls. This is a clip that was viral on twitter is of a six year old man in great britain, claiming that he is in fact a six year old girl now solaris. This is the reason why put in things like, rather than things I hate ism. I think it does quite well expose the transgender if this remain claiming that he is indeed three sixty five girlhood He would be getting all sorts of ad deals from may baleen and tampax and but light
But since he claims that he has a six year old man who's a six year old girls, the age that really is upsetting people, it's the it's the age, the troubling, not the fact that this is a dude I think that he is a a female. Today is my first day of having my living room as my favorite, and my coral is here with me, but I didn't have any friends over for the play date, because it's covert time, but I'm having fun with my. What oh my cup with Franny she's my baby anyway? Why you see I made you too, with my voting machine oh no hand, strip pretending to be a little, There is no,
Oh, no! But here's the thing: why not questions left? Why not. Why can the six year old man be a girl you say he's a man can be a girl again dated three. Sixty five girlhood means that you're getting calls from the president of the united states, So what does the prime minister of Britain not reach you sooner? I could actually has his head screwed on straight on this. Maybe some of the former prime ministers. Why why? Why do they call up this? This guy? gradually him on becoming a six year old girl mean the good news that, according to the law, this means that he is basically a moral because you just keep. Identifying is younger and younger person who'll never die? That's that's very excited. None of this ideology make sense, because it is all pagan crap and it has nothing to do with reality. Ok time for some things that I hate already so there is a human named jewels, hoffman. Jos happen? Is a woman but Johns hopkins as that debt?
She is a day according to jewels. The reason this is of relevance is because jewels hoffman is one of the sources of aid wildly popular youtube channel for babies and toddlers called song for levels. If this is apparently a person named miss rachel. Now I've never watched this nora exposed. My children, too, a woman who says that she is a day not three year old children, nope, but This is what is it so miss rachel used to be just a place where you would hear acute cute song to your three year old now to play we can learn about that. Why gender is non binary,
why are you? Are you ready, for greece is awaiting ok right in most areas. And with very high voice, which is not that is a lady singing. So what are the pronouns so hoffman uses it? They them pronouns and That's I'm sure very exciting for your tiny child who doesn't understand what the hell is going on and yes distinctions matter to small children and to everyone else in life, but now I have an entire piece in the washington post, saying that you must expose your child to this or you're. A bad parent quote. Hoffman is one of the stars of songs for littles, using their niece and nephews, which they referred to as nibbling says, insp.
I have been out tunes on pizza, dinosaurs and hoagie bogey, the channels most popular videos been viewed than two hundred and ninety million times, but the channel come under fire recently have for some parents, turkish with half means identity, asserting falsely they show introduce the content, They then pronouns to their young audience of idiotic soccer. I think this shows when viewed more than four hundred thousand chuck times off into the backlash, was a surprise sent them on a roller coaster of emotion as they waited through hundreds of tiktok. and comments are some critical and others supportive. Apparently, the shows star rachel a curso educator and songwriter announced she a break from social media to address our own mental health after the fall out hurtful the in cosmetic. How much tension they get will not bring you. What you want. Only love can do that. Oh, how how radically exciting again about this you should leave screening. Premature everything I could watch is the fact that there are people.
wish to present themselves to your child and a guys that is deliberately confusing to your child. The fact that that exists means that you just have to police it harder and parents who refuse to police this material for their kids should not be surprised when their kids become very confused about these things, because they are inherently confusing because they do not make sense because they are not true. It turns out that jules Hoffmann is a woman, not a them. It's just an amazing amazing stuff. Already, as the rest of the show continues right now, you're not gonna, miss it will be getting into the director of queen cleopatra, who is very upset that people are bothered by the idea of black cleopatra, because cleopatra was, you know like greek you're, not a member, become member use. Coach of your check out for two months for annual annual plans. Click that linking the description, join us
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Transcript generated on 2023-04-29.