« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1711 -  How They Shut Down The Hunter Biden Story


The Left-wing grandson of the 84-year-old shooter of Ralph Yarl calls his grandfather a vicious racist; Elon Musk’s latest launch succeeds and then explodes; and the Democrats vote unanimously to ensure men can compete against women in women’s sports.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The left wing grandson of the eighty four year old shooter of ralph yarrow calls his grandfather a vicious racist, elon musk's latest. want she succeeds and then explode and the Democrats vote unanimously to ensure men can compete against women in women's sports. I am Ben shapiro. This is the Ben shapiro show NATO's national express bbn Thousands of already secured their network data joined them, express, vpn, icons, lifespan, what folks the media has been watching drooling over this horrible case, in which eighty four year old white man, shoddy black teen through his front door of the circumstances of the case, have really yet you entered the public view. All we ve been told that this point is that Ralph yarly sixteen year old, black it did not actually enter the home. Presumably the defence is going to present some sort of contrary viewpoints, and I soon that sky is gonna plead guilty to what would presumably be manslaughter or murder or attempted murder. Ten manslaughter. There is a story that I think sort of fascinating because it grants a window
into the generation gap that has now emerged in the west. It is a story. The grandson of the eighty four algeria. The named andrew lustre that this person, the grandson, is ripping on his grandfather and calling him a racist and It is calling him a racist, presumably them the media very into this, of course, because the suggestion from the media is that this eighty four year old white man shot the black kid because he was a vicious racist and whose is a vicious racist, maybe because he was conservative watch fox news that has the nerve the media are looking to run with, as the reason why Ralph yarrow is go to the white house. That is the entire narrative the media wishes to pursue. While the grandson of this of this shooter is a person in clint ludwig and dumb clint again. The grandson is obviously a left wing social justice where activist on cnn to rip his grand
other for being a racist and his evidence that his grandfather is racist is pre scanty. Do you believe your grandfather is racist. I believe you held holds, raises tendencies beliefs. why you say that he is to start the american christian. Male, it said the older. You know, that's how they are is concerned. cs weird, random phrases things they say up, so that it does make sense, but they're scared, the stock american christian, whose scared of change around him now the grandson went on to say in the last five or six years, or so I feel like we ve lost touch is every said that used to be very close with his grandfather. I've got an older and get my own political views. And sent and he's become staunchly right wing further down the right wing rabbit whole as far as do in the elections and I m conspiracy stuff in covered conspiracies into information fully buying into the box.
news away: unkind of wine. I feel it gets really for the radicalized him in a lot of ways, and then he suggested that his grandfather had been first in twenty four hours, new cycle of fear and paranoia. When I heard what happened as upholding shocked and shocked, transfer read in disbelief. That was true. The second I heard it like you. I could see him doing that again. He says it's stock fox news: conservative american stuff its anybody who gets an abortion is a murderer and father was black These are the reason why crime exists in this country. It's tough everybody's heard, hearted thanksgiving table every year this what he told the Kansas city star. He said I hesitate got more extreme because all the stuff has been extreme and it's been the same story for decades and decades and generation to generation of people believing the same things it does. Nowadays, people are acting on it a little bit more now. The grandfather is a former military veteran, an apparently he would come to his school grandpa lunches, and he would spend time the summer with grants on and all the rest of this. But the thing is the current hasn't older brother willow Is that your watch on CNN right there is other brother is a guy named Daniel. Ludwig is older brother.
He says, god is just sad. I wish it didn't happen. It seems like a bunch of mistakes in a row that resulted in a tragedy. I mean a lot of mistakes all the way around. Unfortunately,. He said that he's gonna wait for all the actions to take due to come out. but he said that he didn't think the race played a role in the shooting, a nephew of lester It's said that his uncle was a decent man to be dean smith of jewell ridge virginia. I really didn't know what to think. When I heard about this, it kind of shocked me don't expect something like that now that the reason that I am pointing out what the grand sunset here is because it does reveal a man if shift in how generations think about one another in the united states. I don't know all the facts about andrew luster, you don't know all the facts about Andrew lester, the eighty four year old man, we don't know his motives. We don't know all the facts of the case whom all that will come out and of what we know so far ends up being the whole story, namely a black kid knocked at the door and Andrew lester. The eighty four
well just blasted a gun through the door. He will go to jail for the rest of his life and we will find out, presumably whether he had racist motives will offer all that will come out in due course. The point that I'm making is that the grandson is not actually saying that he's privy to special information on his grey father and res users, his grandfather must be a racist because he is a a white. American conservative is innovative, and this is unfortunately way that younger generations now view their elders. What ends yesterday. It does not serve any respect, but when younger generations view their elders, just by just by the mere dint of the fact that they disagree politically and happen to be older as racist, bigots, terrible people. This is a culture that has decided that the we'll lead it. Cultures that decide that the young will lead them are typically cultures that fall apart very, very quickly, and even cultures like ours, in which very old people are leading us re, look at the old political class that all political class is only leading because they
suggest that they want to mirror the desires of the young people like job. I Albania is not doing this because he represents some sort of storing wisdom that some data of the passage and brought forth you today and then he's an old. older man, whose presenting the truths of the past to two new generations, which is typically how wisdom actually get past no he's an old man doing the work of the ten year old. Using Oh man doing the work of the thirteen year old, This intergenerational conflict means the civilization is in serious trouble because the way there, functional civilization works is that young people get older, they learn things, they have kids, they become good. parents and then their job in societies to pass down age old wisdom. Well, when we don't respect, our elders means a tree. National thing in most cultures, to respect your elders mean you take with me sad face values mean can't have bad people who are your elders. But when you simply say by dint of the facts, money is older and scrutiny politically, it is They are bad and you are you. You found your own. Politics now, and this means that you are the virtuous person
What you are doing is discarding all of the realities and wisdom of the past in favour of a certain sort of narcissistic egotism that is likely to break down, because your new found rationales really do not stand up to the test of time have been tested, haven't been. Try gets more on this in just one second, first Well, the fact that when you discard the wisdom of the past when it comes to the economy, you're, making a large scale mistake with the wisdom of the past soldiers who had the government has control over the uk currency. Very often they use their power to inflate the currency they mess around with the interest rates. It all sorts of things that can screw around with your asset based is one reason why I trust birch gold with my metals investing because the only company and trust to help me invest invisible, gold and silver and everything. You need. Take your money in an unstable economic climate even help you can bring existing irae or four one k into attacked, sheltered, irate and precious metals. When you invest with birch gold, Protecting your savings from inflation, economic uncertainty,
runs swanson in hoarding golden and bacon and eggs. I buy goal from birch because I want financial safety net. For my family, you can do the same. To expand Ninety, nine, united in a free information kit ongoing start investing in your financial future. Today, with an a us waiting with the better bureau, thousands of happy customers, countless five star abuse, birch gold is the company. I trust, protect my future endured text bench and ninety eight, ninety eight ninety eight today again that's ben to ninety eight. Ninety eight ninety eight today so I get one of the things that is happening in our culture is that we have simply decided as a culture that young people I have all the answers now. We don't actually believe young people have all the answers. What we do believe is the young people are going to rebel against the old answers, and so they they ought to be granted. Additional measures of respect and people who are older should simply be dismissed. they should be treated as though they are as though they are bigots and fools, even though they have to saint might be rooted in accepted wisdom. been tried and true. There is a clip it's about three years old that was,
flying around the internet yesterday and was fascinating to see the sort of rorschach test. This clip represented was a clip from a youtube channel called participant in which a bunch of drag queens were asked to pose and dance with elderly men reaction of one of these old men who happens to be black is pretty indicative of how a lot older americans think about the idea of men gallivanting around dressed up as women arrogant, I'm going to pair up, I'm not into touching ogaden, I'm not putting it out for now, I'm noticing not touching, I won't say seventy, and then we will. Let's look at the gentlemen gentleman you guys can acknowledge us eu. Who is this? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I can't do this. I can do I'm sorry, I'm serious god. I can't do this until know. I love those people are pray for them, Whenever can do ending the hurt him or condemn, but men are not supported. Dress like women are not going to go along. can go along with that. This was it
our task left was. I look at this awful evil. All big. This man who doesn't want opposed men dressed up as women in gallivanting around as women and someone What there's nothing wrong with, in fact, or something very right. at the age of the men should not recipes. Women is reason there big prescriptions against men dressing is women, because it turns out that gender and sex roles are deeply working to a functioning society that the fact that this is an elderly gentleman whose sort of being marked for this position is again indicative of a culture that is in decline. Cultures that are in decline, look at the wisdom that that has been passed down traditionally, and not only do they ignore it, they decide that it must be overthrown and simply again, not because the elderly people necessarily did something that is. That is terrible, as in the case of of presumably his eighty four year old, but just generally- and this is the general trend line across western society- is that the youth have the answers. Here's the thing you don't have the answers. If The answer is very often a crap. The really really bad youth movements historically across history have been incredibly negative. There's a reed
why fascism was a youth movement is reason why communism was a youth movement. Virtually all youth movements very, very bad because they rely on the edge of the people who have not tested their ideas through time and across space. Somehow have the advantage of prophetic knowledge, and it's not true. It's the reason why this is almost a pagan belief in like the child leaders, but it's the same sort of thing that they get with Breton timber, so great a timber she's been making around again. She did a up venting, which was given some sort of award in europe and that she started rip well the soccer players in the celebrities getting attention which is where is because Greta thunberg is literally famous worldwide for being a child who doesn't know anything about climate change dancing around and in talking about how elders are really really terrible where a football game or film gala gets more media attention than the biggest crisis. Humanity has ever face
where's celebrities, film and pop stars, who have stood up against all injustices, will not stand up for the environment and for climate justice, because that would inflict on their right to fly around the winner. There's a reason. They're gonna timbered was propped up for years a sort of the face of the young prophetic movement. With regard to climate change. There is a reason why the left now focusing in on it child transitions, there's a reason why that's happening and the reason that happened because the idea is that young people have some sort of special mouth now. Let me just explain something: young people do not have any special knowledge. Young people I was speaking dont, know things. It is your job to civilised them. It is your job get them ready for the real world, I have three kids. Fourth, on away it on things, a very innocent: this does not mean they are good, all three of them are quite terrible this morning. Actually, if I
were to delegate all of the moral power to my children. I would be a fool and yet that is exactly what our society is doing and in fact we use their youth as most. It is both a sword and issue. Are you and you're innocent. Therefore, we must listen to them and also there. And they are innocent. Therefore we have to make sure We defend them against all critique which makes them unanswerable. Essentially, this is, by the left uses children as its tools. Any movement that uses children as its tools is a bad movement. Children should not be the spokespeople for political positions. Children should not be the spokespeople Some sort of new fangled world view. That is not what this is for an for generations ought to have a baseline level of respect for their elders. There's something wrong. the grandson who goes and starts jabbering about his grandfather to the media, because he has woke principles at stake
and there is something wrong with it. Even if his grandfather is in fact, a bad person aids, it did a society that that refuses to to acknowledge that there is a baseline level. of respect that is owed to the elderly is a society that is doomed to actually collapse in on itself visit again. This is why you're seeing, for example, the incoming mayor of chicago suggesting every bunch of young people ransacked the loop and chicago that it's all over, that we have to prevent the demonization of children against both things into that. Don't have special access to knowledge and also the children are perfectly It must never punched in the seventeen year old, eight year old people who actually have the ability to think at this point there is incoming mayor of Chicago who is protecting against charges of criminal. By suggesting that the children are being demonize,
nice in children is wrong. We have to keep them safe as well. Have you ever taught middle school? I have have you ever raised young people. Do you understand the risk that young people take just because our young do you know that home plate is at the bottom of my stairs? I found out what my son was sliding down those stairs trying to score. their young. Sometimes they make silly decisions and yet, at the same time, that we say that it makes the decisions. We also say that they are very, very wise right. This is exactly the sort of wine that katy pour I tried to use against bill Maher Katie porter. Had this ridiculous exchange with amara, she was like, but young people. You know that you're old young people have the wisdom mars, I well I mean I should have had a stupid that while they are kind of stupid, it's like you, you wanna both ways in the region- both ways, because the thing you're really seeing is not about young people. The real thing that you are saying is about older generations, using that, though,
will have nothing to bring to the table other than he facade of gravitas. That is pasted on the youth movement, which is what the democratic party now present again. This is why Democrats have fully and into the cult of the political trends. Youth is why Ayana pressley is out there promoting the idea that The children have special knowledge when it comes to gender and sexual identity, which is absurd. Children are small, stupid people. That is what they are. A mineral girl brilliant nine year old girl, not forty, I noticed, does not think like a forty year old. She shouldn't she's child Z, developmental stage banana presley like to think that again we must follow the use and we don't follow dudes than this makes you a bad person, democratic congresswoman, from democratic congresswoman from rice today, in solidarity with our children across the nation. I want to speak plainly to our trans It's you belong. You are enough. You deserve to show
fully in this world. You deserve joy and every single opportunity. You are perfect, just as you are in the classroom and on the soccer field, you should not be subject to discrimination. You should be able to just be a kid I will always be in your corn or to anyone who supports is cruel bill. Shame on you! You want to advance policy on behalf of our kids. This isn't it banned assault weapons, so they to the last year's irish box and stop politicking with our kids lives. You have yourself, Is that partly that's literally what you're doing your literally saying I expressly at small children? Have the cap to engender again not because you actually believe us, because you believe that the info emissions of generally need to be ripped down and who better to do it than young people, the new wave of the future that the great thinkers of our time. What this really has to do with is not the wisdom of the youth. It's about a deliberate attempt to eliminate from the past. That's what is it sociologist robert nesbitt eurasian, because the quest for community aid
Nation from the past obviously affects youth. It helps make the problems of coming to adulthood so widely painful and baffling how far from stable ties with preceding generations. Can the image resulted be kept clear in a site? That's all point we don't want. The image would also debate There is a side we have created a society in which adults are true, like children and children, are treated like adults to erase all distinctions. That is the point. It will get more this in just one. Second, first, I woke up this morning MIKE, is already yelling at me. Eminently mcafee like I need my coffee every morning. This is why I need black rifle coffee. Black rubber, gloves, feeling americans before they go out and do epic things with their lives. They're ready to drink cans are crafted for quality and convenience. If you want a spartan level, caffeine, kick try black rifles ready to drink three hundred for fine blend of mpg well and amino acids that will supercharged today ready to drink. Three hundred is packed with great one hundred milligrams of caffeine plus it comes in a variety of wishes where's each combined with large dose of wake the heck up, ready, bring cans are an amazing grabbing. Go option is I'll. Give you the boost you need to get through your day. I love black rifle coffee, not only because their coffee is top notch, because
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I apologize, if announcing his name change title that definition of sacks one based solely on a person's genetics birth, which of course makes perfect sense. Title mine was what is its literally designed to preserve women's sports and then because of the foolishness of neil bore such israel. It has now decided that civil rights act somehow was meant to encompass it. She's like the idea that a man can be a woman in a woman can be a man, and so that meant that, I was basically obsolete because no men whom identifies women can compete as women. is basically the idea, so this bill would say no to know what the bill meant very obviously, is that there should be women's borgian. There should be none sport, this bill earned, although, in votes and zero democratic vote. Zero. Not a single Democrats voted in favour of the proposition that women play in sports shoes elected from men masquerading as women in sport. Two hundred and three Democrats voted nay on this bill. That's an amazing thing by the way about two percent of high school students
are currently identifying as transgender, but that was twenty seventeen today, it's way higher is going up radically. The vince baseline again, this visit. The idea here is the youth movement and the social contagion that is trans in his right now is a youth movement that is going to over all the institutions of society, Kevin Mccarthy, the sea What the hell is, this listen, there's a reason, their men's and women's once again, the seems fairly in arguable, but there's reason why title nine was created, there's a reason why there's men and women sports there's a reason why there's a professional basketball for men and women? It's about fairness, and if there is one final fiber of america is about giving people an opportunity. They walked. Democrats tragedy, offend against the bill by suggesting as an issue that doesn't exist or again that their favorite here. Is it's not happening and its good that it is isn't it
every game of democratic media. It's not happening, but it's good that it is here. A keen jeffreys, the house minority lead who is pushing us an extreme anger. Republicans are trying to sensation. Sensationalize been issue that doesn't really exist in the way that they are falsely portraying cell. Yeah. It does in fact exist. Msnbc went even further, they suggested. Of course. This is the going lie that, if you our a that that if your backing a bill like does this means they want kids to commit suicide. But again certainly at the highest order, because they also passed a transgender sports ban for schools, and this is at least made for the base, but it's gonna be vetoed if it got through the senate, women you're not doing anything about guns are a lot of other issues. This is very familiar
I point you to what happened and how gay people were below my eyes for years by by elements of the republican party, that this is another layer of that light, and this was a concern that folks had after same sex. Marriage came through and went through and now that everyone's kind of used to it. But what is the next thing? And when you talk to the down, because this is what they are worried about and, most importantly, they are worried about the numbers. The vast numbers disproportion, numbers of younger tradespeople who killed themselves were a little scared and leaving it this country, we have books trainer ass, both exit youngest among us get to decide their own gender and then they get to decide for everyone else how sex and gender were. And if you don't, if you don't agree with any of that- and it's obviously because you want trans kids to commit suicide in the wind between you know, the the sort of great line logic between I oppose they do their boy can become a girl and committing suicide, has yet to be clearly drawn in any of the data, but that is gonna, be promoted by our intrepid media
and we get more on the destruction of societal standards. In the name of new societal standards and using the youth is sort of a proper that momentarily first, let's talk about the EU So I have several youths in my home. I have a nine year old, a nearly seven year old, a three year old one on the way. One of their favorite things to do is to have pillow fights in my room and to jump on my bed great well, here's the thing they really into one of the reasons they really enjoy. It is good. My bed is really comfortable. One of the reasons my bed is really comfortable is because it's got those One branch sheets, and those bowling branch, it's not only saying at a great nicely kids can roll around in the battle and enjoyed themselves when they are having pillar fights and an annoying me bone branch. Each are made from the finest one hundred percent organic cotton threads on earth. If you'll buttery to the touch their super breathable, they approach both cooler and one amongst their signature. sheets, were made with red soldiery. He for your presence and slept in them all in branchy to actually saw with every wash cycle and made without pesticides, formaldehyde or other hushed chemicals. That's all. I'm branch gives you a thirty night risks. now with free shipping and returns on orders, you're, not gonna, want to return them. One branch to their better than others
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of having their licences revoked gay teachers have been forced to take down pictures of their spouses from their desks and sensor their classroom materials. Censoring our classes is not how public education is supposed to work. In a free country, censoring our classes. Well, I mean that's exactly our public education is supposed to work where you literally teach everything in a public school. That's the yet it is. The kids will be harmed if mister bill can't teach bout his about his polly amorous lifestyle to the children. It's all for the kids. I too, on behalf of the EU. Please. I'm here went on tat, of course, slammed the violence in vitriol surrounding bud light and theirs, into a hire. A man masquerading as woman
the movie, has been the target of a pro raj attacks from anti trans individuals online. The couple of weeks ago, she's someone who has been here to the white house she interviewed the president last year and had a lot of warm words prefer. Has anyone here at the white house reached out to her since she became the target of these? I don't have any calls to review at this time, and I don't have anything to say specifically about this report, but what I can say when a transgender american supposedly a video about a brand of beer they enjoy, and it leads to bomb threats. It's clear that that level of violence and vitriol against transgender american has to stop, and the president has been very clear. I just leave this out. The administration has a is going to do everything that they can to protect lgbtq. I plus people who are under attack. It keeps think he's got my algae eating you I plus mightest about about again
hobo here is the traditional institutions have to be exploded. They will be, they will do this from highs the government, and then they will. You trot an old man around like skin suit, in order to promote the idea that this actually traditional american values. Not none of this is traditional american values. All that is a new fangled youth, meant that is completely disconnected from history, from reality, from science and from an from decency. Now. You're. Imagine that our news industry might actually be interested as the democratic party moves ever left for, but of course they aren't there actually just adjunct to the democratic party. How how much are they just the democratic party, so much so that much The media has now remained silent when a democrat stacey plaskett, who is on the demo right from the? U s virgin islands. She actually you recall just that journalists matt tybee, who was one of the people who have the twitter files you, I must gave him access to all the old vials of and how you be released. A lot of those online Emily testified before congress.
She suggested he wasn't untrue, journalist now she's threatening to prosecute mattei. You be the reason that she is threatening to prosecute mentality is because, supposedly on twitter, he mixed up to acronyms see I ass a and another one. That dumb it is that is a different organisation called see. I s so apparently you screwed up acronyms on twitter and does not bring to prosecute him an apparent Most of the media are pretty silent about this, because they don't care mentality is not doing. The work of the democratic party best way is actually worth. We have two separate stories in demonstrating the close, an unbelievable, unbelievably close ties between the democratic way. and the mainstream legacy media apparatus, and they are both just horrifying. So story number one end smith, who was the one of the co founders of buzzfeed- and he was the editor of Buzzfeed when they released the so called steele dossier. The steele dossier was a compendium of absolute garbage trotted out by the Hillary Clinton.
campaign. They hired a firm called fusion gps and then went to an expired named Christopher steele to compile basically a bunch of crap rumors about donald trump being peed on by russian prostitutes and such and then they took all of that and the funnel it through to the f b, I in an attempt to launch an investigation into down from its opens the predicate for the investigation. Russia investigation, out front that was launched in the middle of the twenty sixteen campaign the steel dossier limit its way into full public view. In january of of twenty, seventeen right is trump was about to take office. Buzzfeed released the full casa into full public view. Without reading any of the claimed so Ben smith. He has a new book coming out and in his book he talks specifically about why they decided to to release the steele dossier on one of the detail. here is that the way that they got a hold of the steel dossier is those trotted out by a david brok, david broccoli was one of the founders of media matters is a Hillary Clinton. Flack here is what bend psmith right eye
but the report again over lunch in brooklyn when a peculiar character and Hillary Clinton orbit passed through town David brok had been antics, journalists in the ninety nine he's now he was Hilary fiercest ally, a junior raising money for democratic groups. He showed up at a cafe a couple of days before christmas wearing a car with a lavish for or instead shot full shopping bags beside the table, rock was consumed admission of stopping from medic, whose heritage For a heart attack the lens them in the hospital you want to spread the word but a dossier of allegations robbing from sized russia brought didn't have. When he said we knew the washington post it and so did the new york times. Politicians have to be told and spies. As far as I can figure out, So did everyone except the reading public, and me immense MR said that I believed made exactly the sort of thing he should publish, You would be a great story, journalistic and traffic sensation. In other words, media just did. The work of David brok was in open clinton, flap, better story, number one, It is not totally unrelated to the fact. Busby news is up, is now shutting down. It turns out the people, don't the media- and they are not clicking on Buzzfeed news, not not not a tremendous shock, it at a story number one and then
media story number two which is even more damage. That's the twenties, single election, when the media are basically just doing the whims of the Hillary Clinton campaign at getting steel dossier in order to presumably harm donald trump hate that that Israel, story. Number two is even worse, so according to the washington examiner. If we're tops, yea official who helped right. The and sign the infamous october twenty twenty hunter by laptop later letter basis, claiming rush involvement has testified. A phone call would now set there is need, anthony blinking triggered its creation. So your call they knocked over twenty twenty, the hunter by laptops very broken in europe, both and then there is a letter I'm politico that was signed by dozens and dozens and dozens of intelligent, specialists and m, and it is suggested that this was a clear atom. Russian disinformation it was created that letter MIKE morale, former actings yea record under Barack obama, when a recently scrapped interview with congressional investigators. He testified that before
His october seventeen focal lincoln the tony blinken. He had no intention to write the october nineteenth hunter laptop letter. He testified yes and absolutely if a call with blinking, whose then atop adviser Joe Biden so twenty campaign was what triggered that intent in you. In other words, anthony blinken, closer visor, Joe Biden, announced secretary of state called up my former yea director under brok obama and said I want you to put together a letter claiming from all the elgin specialists. You're, my laptop stories of scam in a phoney and was agreed by the russians? That's the implication of the story. Girl testified one two reasons he held with the letter together was to help Joe Biden defeat former president drums in an honest assessment of the vat instead was how to get from prompted by the democratic party and dutifully trotted out and political. And these revelations came in a letter obtained by the washington examiner that was sent to blinking on thursday by representative, Jim Jordan. The news comes one
I am for an iris agent alleged that the d o J investigation into one hundred Biden has been infected by politics and preferential treatment. Jordan and turner told lincoln mrl Will the secretary of state had played a role in the inception of this statement while serving as a Biden campaign adviser and that, according to morel, although your outreach was couched as simply gathering morales reactions, the new york post story is set in motion. The events that led to the issuance of the public statement, apparently day of that blinkem or I'll call blink and also email morale, an article published in usa. Today, an alleged After I was examining whether by the laptop is part of this information campaign. Apparently lincoln had told that the very bottom of the email you sent morel included a signature block of andrew bates and director of rapid response for the vine campaign is now the press secretary, the white house, so in other words dividing paint, simply wandered into public view, the aquatic, what intelligent specialists, the view of the hundred by laptop, was just information on the basis of that a bunch of socially if the companies took down the one hundred my laptop story, that is how tight the media are with the democratic party. They just do
bidding of the democratic party, all they had its super ease. All you have to do is find out. The democratic agenda is, and then you link it with a couple of suppose it democratic officials with with highfalutin it was like MIKE Morrell and then you go to the media and you say: listen we have a letter we'd like to publish. Would you like to publish it in the media? Like as absolutely would love to publish this absolutely baseless crap? And then you just put it out there, it's just magic again. This is one of the reasons why legacy media are having we'll problems right now. It's one of the reasons why more more people are going to other outlets for their news places daily wire and daily, where plus in shows like this one. This would be the reason, as I said, busby news source of this he'll dossier for the viewing public now is going to shudder. The move was part broader layoffs across Buzzfeed according to join up ready who's. The Buzzfeed ceo, the company, slashing fifteen percent of its workforce or a hundred eighty employs advice could be next week with the help of god, we can help already in just a moment. Will to you and musk wanting iraq and ends up it goes well until then, Is that momentarily first,
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despite the lacklustre economy, the daily, whereas thriving- and we are hearing it anywhere- is right now, looking to add a senior associate, general council serves a member of it enrolled council's leadership team, this position and it's not entertain. Inside of legal department, the responsibilities of this position include most corporal the matters under the general counsel, supervision that includes without limitation all manners of transactions, privacy, insurance, risk management, regulatory compliance, we're looking for a top notch legal expert who thrives in a fast paced environment. The fifteen plus year? relevant legal experience and you're ready for a new challenge, apply now to be considered it is based on national tennessee for more information and to apply visit daily, weren't icons, slash careers that steely, where d com slash careers today, but meanwhile, big news today. Yesterday's that you musk launched a his starship. This is the single biggest attempt to take an object to space, like forty stories told enormous really cool inheres is here's a video of the starship tat fight test.
the size of the I mean much. Power takes to get thing off the ground, pretty amazing there are even able to get this thing off the ground, like our next move, problem is that the bottom of the rocket adverse would not disconnect from the top of the rocket. after and so on. However, it ended up, I think, blowing up so space acts was actually pretty here. With this test. Why? Because again, this is how you learn things. According to riders to tap the flight test was the first for a starship mounted a topic. These new super heavy rocket is the first launch ever for that lower stage. Booster spacex had Harris the most powerful launch vehicle on the planet, even though the two stage rocket ship made a less than halfway to the edge of space climbing to just under twenty five miles
wait achieved a primary objective of getting new vehicle off the ground it lived on, despite some of the engines actually failing. The mission did Well short of reaching several objectives. The plan was for the starship sort is basically some ninety miles above earth before re enter the austrian and plunge into the pacific near her wise. It wasn't as though the expected to actually but real land the thing or something, but apparently these spacecraft, various multiple engines out during its assent and unless the altitude and started to tumble before the flight termination system was commanded and both the booster and the ship musket already suggested back in February. The real goal is not to block the launch pad now its funding to watch all these Career losers on twitter were like, oh, my god. You know he blew that, as that was terrible. That was first of all look at the old sort of nasa tapes. You know how many things had to blow up in order to actually get to space in the first place and then to put a person on the moon. very early stage fast and it is, it is always amusing to watch people who have never built a thing criticised. Like you, I must go. I actually doing extraordinary by trying to taking forties rebuilding off the ground. Scattering to
same thing again we have. We have a society that is, that is filled with with people who are critics, but not builders, and we need more builders and and fewer critics, so we should actually be celebrating. The the test is: what listen Spacex is it's? It's super cool. I mean what musk does between tesla and space, it's very, very cool stuff. Okay, speaking of people, are more interested in not doing cool stuff the administration continues to make the case that we should draw closer to china. I don't understand what they're doing here. It makes no sense to me so that sit still seem to be operating under assumptions from like ninety ninety four, which is that if you You are warm and embracing toward china. Maybe they'll be nice to you yet to see the evidence for this asian penguins ever more aggressive, so Jenny and the secretary of the treasury, whose unjust superb job in generating forty, your high inflation and stagnant economic growth, She says we need a healthier economic relationship with china. We seek a healthy economic relationship with china when that fosters growth and innovation in both countries.
A growing china plays by international rules, is good for the united states and the world. Both countries can benefit from healthy competition in the economic sphere, Now get a happy talk. Our relationship with china right now, mainly because his administration continues to undermine america's economic health as well as our military readiness and continue by saying that we believe china can share global prosperity, which is weird sends out there not doing it now some see the relationship between the? U s in china through the frame of great power conflict It's a zero sum. Bilateral contest. We're one must fall for the other. To rise, prison biden- and I don't see it that way- we believe that the world is big enough for both of us, china and the united states can and need to find a way to live together and share in global prosperity.
Well, a sad sad news for you, that's not going to happen. The chinese have no interest in sharing and global prosperity with the united states. They prefer to have to start an era of great power, competition, which normally would be a call for the united states to strengthen its own position, but have another agenda. The the other agenda is that we have to spend endless amounts of money in order to presumably achieving equity or something so to that end. The abandonment stretching continues to promote the idea that they are not going to cut a single damn thing in order to achieve an increase in the ceiling, even some house while, like maybe be binding, should call a mccarthy at this point? According to political prisoner, by Italy, rejected mccarthy's opening deadline. The proposal, but a prompted movement elsewhere, are growing number. Has democrats would like party leaders to restart negotiations. The party still firmly by an antenna, majority leader, trucks, humour, but a growing tinge of the of Democrats are acknowledging that binds blanket refusal to engage with mccarthy mainly to change, especially if house republicans managed ass. Their bill is planned next week in macao. does that several house Democrats have this week. Buying would probably need to meet with speaker representing dvd.
What michigan she says they ve got to do it soon, these that there will be a clean that ceiling increase, but the administration can keep waiting many harmony, two of them sitting down to talks as first from represented gregg landsmen of ohio. Yet you were even coming this close to a potential divulges insane I mean that's true, but I get Joe Biden. Billy, the able to get away with pretty much anything because so far he's Will you get away with pretty much anything new, but but reality is when you set into home prices in march, actually posted the biggest annual decline in eleven years. That is the result of Joe Biden. Increasingly inflationary and stagnation based economy records in wall street journal homes, cells fell across the united states in march Sluggish start to the crucial spring selling season is higher mortgage rates squash momentum from the prior month. The good news is fine cells media in his corner. So this means time to start happy talking bad things happening this once what my favorite brands of media coverage, Oh Brad is something bad happened because they democrat, and so it's but we have to shift our minds at that meeting available because of meat shorter
is generated by supply chains breakin under Joe Biden, and suddenly you have a spate of articles. Were her meat is really bad for you, and actually should probably bugs Here is the latest in greatest, so it turns out that nobody can actually afford to buy a house right now. because the mortgage rates are so unbelievably high and the real estate resource Elevated then, the real they price are still they too by the amount of inflation the economies, would say that it's kind of a millimeter triangle in terms of people who are trying to buy new house itself. The Washington post has a peace today, titled rethinking go family, living, roommate, pay bills create community. Yes, thinking about you know getting married having kids white picket fence the home, something about that. Instead, you should be like beyond dough, so thirty. Eight assured her seattle home with a rotating cast of eleven roommates, since she and her husband, Nathan friend thirty, seven bought it in twenty twelve. During that time they had three children, no seven foreign one. Having There's provides meaningful source of income for Joe and friend, both from a whole part time, jobs in the education and non profit sectors, allowing them to work fewer paid hours in devote more time to caregiving dose,
The decision is more than about savings. It enhances their family life. My children love it. I'm sure your kids love having random strangers just living in your house, I'm sure they love it. Many families budget are squeezed mid, ongoing inflation. Meanwhile, an affordability crisis in the housing market is put buying a home out reach for many. According to a recent report from Redman only about one in five years, For sale and twenty twenty two was affordable, very typical household, bringin, roommate, and help everyone involved navigate these challenges, This is a new movement or multigenerational living says m. Choices. Reader associate professor at the department of family social site. at the university of minnesota, as they now, We need a bunch of articles now. Tiny homes are good. You should living tree houses. This is the best way to live. Now. Democrats are wrecking the lifestyle. The answer to that is that you get used to the new ice now, it's gonna be awesome interest to second willing, the implications of all this for the twenty twenty four race worthy, the unspoken silent primary is heating up. First, this year marks the seven
then the anniversary of Israel's independence, yamaha mood is gonna, be celebrated. Next week coincidence, the international fellowship of christians and jews? Also celebrating forty years of ministry today, thousands of Jews button? ro end in war torn ukraine struggled survive like fretting crises, including extreme poverty, hunger and violence in the form of conflict, anti semitism in terrorism. Among these vulnerable, People are tens of thousands of holocaust survivors and elderly jews. We're not gonna survive without basic needs. While these folks are absolutely but when I was younger, actually helped go straight. The memoir, a holocaust survivor in many holocaust survivors in ukraine, have gone through not just the holocaust, but then they ve gone through soviet occupied and now they're going through the russians actual work attacking their homes. Helping them out is a really good thing to do. Would just forty bucks you by one person with an emergency food banks in hot meals for one week today of a special an opportunity where your gift will double in impact. A forty dollar gift becomes an eighty dollar gift. One hundred dollar gift becomes a two hundred dollar gift. Go you ben for the fellowship dot org. article eight hundred three three one: thirty, seven, thirty seven to russian emergency food back today, you're special
It will double in impact to provide those in need with twice as much nourishment again. It's been for the fellowship dot, org or call eight hundred breathe one thirty, seven, thirty, seven, a so job, I'm not doing the job as people know not event. This would mean Adam, maybe republican should think about nominated him who can beat down who can be job? I'm right. That may maybe that should be our top priority, in fact, is, is who actually can beat job new pull out from the wall street journal, but it shows, is that a plurality of republicans forty one to thirty one thing in florida around us the better shouted beating Biden, then donald trump does that same poems Fifty one percent of republicans do thirty eight backing trump against the scientists. A primary I'm need next later on this one. I'm the need an explanation for the twenty point. Yeah between people who believe in the republican party that donald trump can win. Thirty one percent
and people in the republican party who want to vote for him in a primary fifty one percent explain yet they really. I want for this is like my big critique of a lot of people who are voting for trump. He loved the guy, I love everything you did in. You can love the tweet. You have all, but you have the nfc east of it. If you do care about winning or do not care but winning because apparently forty percent of the people who are going to vote for donald trump primary believe, is less likely to win against robot and then is rhonda santa's. What So you want to vote for him in the primary so that he will lose like what? What is the logic here and there there is a thing that people do their vote sometimes or it's like my vote is a vote for who I love it. It's like a dating game, it's a vote for who I love? No, it's not it's vote for who you think can beat the other guy. That's what the vote is about something for somebody said well, you know I owe donald trump so much what you can be grateful to download from here's one thing that you don't own donald trump, your vote. He owes to you his best capacity to serve. The people of the united states in the constitution is running for the office. You don't know him
Look, I don't know anybody your vote this on how that works, reason I keep saying this is because Donald trump is running ever to the left, so donald trump has decided that he is not going to attack runners answers from the right he's, not going say, listen I have around his hands governs in florida, but I've been present before I know what it takes. I know how gay get hit and next time around I've learned a lot. You know exactly which buttons to push and or prevent the deep state from forty. My presidency, that's not the case. The tunnel troubles making- I don't know making the case for all the wonderful things. I did president a second term, a lot better than Joe Biden and I'll make it happen, and then a pass. The baton live ones from left I'll, pass the baton to somebody. want. That's not the case is making instead has fallen on attacking round us answers from the left. It's bizarre, its super weird cures. donald trump ripping rhonda stances, covert response for being too little and permissive for allowing too, Many people today this is the same, attacked the mainstream media, we're making on.
This answer during corbett's the Andrew cuomo attack on round its hands, has been mirrored by president from what in the world what what do you think you're better? worse than dissenters. Well, actually, if you look at the numbers, you didn't do a great job. If you take a look at the numbers, is very high on crime very high right at the top, almost at the top. He I think he gets good people. the city? Although now people are started, cause I'm putting out the covered numbers proceed into well uncovered, he had more deaths and almost every kind in florida, I hate to say, because florida is my state, but he had a hidden not have he did not do well. It's it's really. It's very interesting. I don't want to knock anybody, but the thing did well on his public relations, because the numbers word. What they pretended to be that is a lie, is actually doing rebecca Jones crap now the numbers. What would you do that
exactly what you said. They were florida in terms of its its age. Well, outperform a bunch of other states. Forty has approximately the same death rates from carbon as California, when you're just for the ages and forty does better, and we wouldn't kill our economy here in florida. Everyone knows this is why Rhonda senses popular so so trumpets, basically saying reasonably me your mine eyes and and running at him from the left, and presumably this means that you have been in favour of lockdown because one since it was not in favour of lockdown. Presumably this would be an meet mean that you'd be in favour of acts mandates because we understand this was not in favour of acts mandate. Presumably this would mean the trumps of mass mandates. Mass mandates. Consensus was not in favour of mass mandate, so I have a question for you again. Are you voting for trump, because you actually think that he is going to be so What protector of conservative values are voting and because you think that he's going to win is both of those seem to be in doubt by the way he's running the campaign in this the party drives me. Nuts are safe for the one,
time. If he's the nominee, I'm highly likely to vote for him. That does not mean that he is the best nominee should take that into account. We look at the if you believe that, so from himself sites poles, you cite some overtime right here. some to the effect that is winning the primary right. Now he's running the primary Those same exact polls show that donald trump, loses two Joe Biden and that run a census does not lose to draw Biden,
That is the same exact poll, same exact poll that is showing him up. Thirteen of on his hands to the primaries by the way, just chances hasn't even declared, yet that same poll shows that the census leads Biden. Forty eight forty, five and trump lags by three points. He lags forty five, forty two, that is not a massive shock, again drop. I ran against Donald trump already. We know how he performed in that. The fact is that, when, when you look at the key here is the is kind of amazing you're, the sheriff job primary voters describing from versus dances according to this new wall street journal poll the saturday, so fifty three percent say that trump is a strong leader. Twenty one percent say dissenters. Fourteen percent say both equally, which really is kind of saying to sanders she has for what you believe. Forty six percent say: trump. Twenty three percent aid to sentence and get a lot of this is the attitude now, because people will prompt eleven. I get it. Forty two percent say that europe has an impressive record versus twenty four percent who say this answer
twenty two percent say undecided, which means that whenever people say there undecided between trump and its answers, it's really a lot of, seeing they like this answers, but they don't actually want to say trump from as a person to say you love him. Are you don't like either if somebody says under I didn't trump. This means they are not a fan, know a lot of people who tell pollsters that they are undecided in their actually look super big fans of trump, at least not in polls like this one shares my values. Thirty nine percent say say: thirty three percent, say de but here's where just and has led is most conservative, thirty five percent say seven presented his answers. the best chance of beating Biden, which is the big question. Thirty one percent say trump. Forty presented its answers. Has the right temperament? Twenty eight percent said from forty eight percent say de santis. Again, if you are, if your person who is a conservative wishes. Your values upheld if you wish to win. Maybe
What you ought to think about this before I'll also wonder you might want to think about. Is the people that donald trump surrounds himself with I'm not sure how many more times I can read a statement from donald trump about a person he hired about how terrible that person is well point of everyone you hire is terrible. Maybe your batted hiring in it The latest example of this, of course, is never mic. Mulvaney was originally uses chief of staff in then he put out like altered social about terrible MC mulvaney. Is it really is Michael lindell out who is still showing up to every donald trump about like in the front row? My pillow guy here firm, has now been told to pay five million dollars any prove mike wrong. Election fraud challenge made a bold, offering august twenty twenty one and south Dakota he claimed year data showing chinese interference and said he would pay five million dollars to anyone who could prove the matura was not from the previous years. You're selection, then actually computer forensic experts and the sixty threerd trouble ruining robards I've been actually proved it and was entitled to the five million dollar pay out so oops. Meanwhile, apparently even donald trump.
What about the idea that doug mastery otto might run for senate in pennsylvania trump liked messed around in the gubernatorial primaries. Now, here, what master own on a ballot. Wonder why this mess around with the candidate in pennsylvania, in twenty twenty four and trump is at the top of the ticket master and dragged from. But Mascherano was this guy. This is all of this is, is just it's evidence of lets a lack of discipline at the at the very best. The other thing that is very obvious. Here's who the media Enforcing terrorist wisher, whose truly want a more the more people in american media and she is dead, it is the proposition people just ruth or should be silenced, she spends basically her entire career. Just yelling attack heads too quiet. Proponents. Well, now, she's out their attacking this answers in any notice that the media are just
falling into line to attacked his answers because they desperately want drum. He sounds like everybody's ex husband re fettes ex. That's what he sounds like, oh that guy like oh, I can't stand listening to many more that he sounds like everybody's ex husband there thrilled to have gotten rid of that's what it is to me. What do you call by buying or the cashmere prince? What would you call rhonda fantasy, always just the polyester, who only esther fired court Jes ali esther clown. He really as he's the polyester com is a clown and not a funny one to threaten to put a state prison next to park or put another park next to bark is just it's just he's. Just junior viruses sent him junior junior varsity rural intramural. I think a little order, looking for so yeah that some you to know who the media are rooting for they're they're, telling you out loud okay time for some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like today there's a clip that is
that is going around of representative rosa de lauro, and she is praising people to judge the secretary of transportation, who is so bad at his job that you know his name typically are not supposed to know. The name of the secretary of transportation so rose Rosa de laura, who is a un representative from connecticut who has purple hair she, and she was praising him for the crashed her apparently a big accomplishment is that he wants to put female crash test dummies in the cars in one then they're testing these cars, because women's bodies react differently than men's bodies. Here she was explaining you also plan to make important investments to address the roadway safety crisis, including the critical funding that would accelerate the development, and this is an area I have written to you about- have to use a female dummies in crash testing. This will start to fight the gender inequity among vehicle safety and crash victims.
job. I am fine with this that there should be female crash test dummies, because we we should actually you know, know how women's bodies react to two crashes. I just want to know why Rosa de lauro is assuming the gender of the current male crash test, dummies that this is apart. It doesn't even believe the men women exist. So how exactly? Are you saying that there is a sexual dichotomy necessary, so you can actually call of crashed test dummy females? I love the tacit admission that there in fact sexual dichotomy in the world and that women are not built the same as men, but you're not wanted it out loud, you can only say about inanimate objects that are like mannequins, then you're allowed to say it. So so that's kind of funny other things that I like today so recommendation for theirs. There's a of a book by george guilder coming called men and marriage is book was written. All back in the early nineteen eighties. Friends are really fascinating. Take on the the death of roles in american society and what marriage was finally designed to do,
in the great wise of of feminism is that marriage is a patriarchal institution. Will george gilder points out is that it absolutely is not that basically what men are in in a vacuum, men have a genetic drive to go and procreate with as many women as possible, not, settle down to go and hunt to do all of these things that aggressive testosterone driven male, that's what he does in a vacuum and when a man is forced by women and nature, to actually settle down and subject his drive to the living pattern. of a woman and women's drives are not nearly as peripatetic. Women's drives are largely rooted in not only procreate, but then you actually have a commitment that goes along with procreation, and this allows me. and also to start planning for the future, because if you will the parapet, a cleft style and you're, not actually in a plan for the future, is moved from moment a woman from place to place all the rest of this. But you settle down with a woman who is bearing our child. You now have to take all that aggressive energy and carolyn toward civilization and the future george guilder,
they point out. His marriage is not simply a ratification of an existing love is the convent, is the conversion of that love into a biological and social continuity. Regardless of what reasons particularly this may give we're getting married the deeper generic and sexual propensities explain the persistence of the institution, all sorts of professional variations from homosexual marriage to companion it partnership maybe played on the primal of human life, but the themes remain. The natural fulfilment of love is a child. The fancies and projects of the child was couple may well be considered as surrogate children. in other words, is the thing that your building together that makes marriage worthwhile and also takes the aggressive and terrible toxic instincts of men and captures them in channels them in a proper direction. This is one of the reasons why, by the way the average married man and a lot more money than the average single man, despite the fact that he has your costs ripe and again this In order to understand this, you have to understand the basic difference between male and male drives Joe georgian others as this in a world where women do not say no man is number four settle down to make serious choices? Is sex drive most power, Compulsion in his life is never used. Make him
civilization as the suborder of a family, if a does not fall make a long term commitment to marry in general. He won't. It is maternity. The requires commitment, his sex, I've only demands conquest driving him from body to body in unsettling hunt. Variety and excitement and which much of the threat is the chase. It's all a man needs to be taken, the problem is that many young women think they're better things to do than socialized single men and using that play out right now it turns out that the family- woman has basically liberated men from the thing that made them civilized in the first place, and then we wonder why there is an increase, in quote unquote, toxic masculinity and by the way what women have been liberated from is the thing that most women actually want, namely, am married and have children. It turns out the vast majority of women actually want to get married and have children and enjoy being married and having children. The book is really good. It's worth the george guilder, men in marriage. You pick up a copy of the real that should be coming up shortly. Ok time for a quick thing that I hate we'll boy did you go Ok, so warner brothers warner brothers has decided
to celebrate than one hundredth anniversary by doing something special according to their website. The warner brothers discuss free diversity, equity and inclusion. Team yay dvd, I all they do- is produce garbage than they slap and approved by the woke label on it today than veil. plans for a short film series. That re imagines studios, conic films, three diverse and inclusive, when six filmmakers have been selected to develop and shoot twentieth short film annotations, bringing a modern ones to classical warner brothers titles. What are those titles a star is born. Ventures, robin hood calamity Jane jack in the bienstock and the proper and rebel, without a cause with representative casting storytelling and narrative who have you ever wanted to see rebel without a cause, except instead of the movie starring, natalie, wood and James dean. It stars like two gay dudes. I've ever really wanted to see that darcy rubble that cause, but it's about a young boys coming out of the closet story, howard, the adventures of robin hood, but starring, a disabled little person who happens to be pen section
It's it's man, marion and big john. Have you ever wanted to see that warner brothers is here for you, a star is born not like the the remake of a star is born that that a similar, but worse legal remake of the one with James mason and dumb and judy garland accept this time. It will presumably be about a couple of of woe. Gay people who I have decided they need to trans themselves, but that is going to undermine their career and one of them commit suicide because of the meanness of american society. A star is born, two thousand and twenty three This is about as bad an as you can have mainly, It's going to show is that almost really grey, and then it will be suck uncharted bregetio. humans are garbage compared to this kind of stuff. When you're talking about like the adventures of robin in, like nineteen, thirty, nineteen, thirty nine adventures of robin hood errol flynn, olivia de havilland, this is be the greatest adventure phone ever made fantastic score by cornfield. It's like
truly an amazing film claude reigns, as I did so good, so you're going to destroy that by what making a remit of it, but it's gonna havoc, eddie murphy in it or something what what exactly? What exactly is the watch you haven't, make something new, that's good about that, or how about you do what? How do we use to do? What you pay homage to the good, old movies, without putting a warning thing on the screen so my calamity chamber, calamity jane is it is a question of course is that it is just amazing were absolutely thrilled to work with w b deeds. Diversity acquitted team to expand opportunities for a broader range of talents to real their dreams of war. Brother said MIKE de LUCA and pam abbe, co, chairs and seat yos warner brothers. is good by the way I'm hearing from people in hollywood they literally on the sets, are hiring people who are minority to just sit in the room, so they can tell people diversity, equity inclusion, they can't find qualified people in particular specified infrastructural check marked so just like higher and they put them in the room. So they can say that they're doing this thing, I have also heard from people. I know who have done
breeding in hollywood that you are supposed to actually give like extra benefit to scripts. They come from particular minority authors featured filmmakers were selected idea. I industry veterans including w bees senior vice president of de I in north american, Karen horny, liberation with more pictures executives. I'm I'm really excited about this, whose really palms. I can't wait to see again the monica more psoriasis adventurism. Robin hood now, like the Michael credit, is one The lady who directed netflix is fear street cannot wait I see her version of the adventures of robin hood. That's literally who's doing this by the way, so so pumped for this be a sikh siddique chief, diversity, equity, inclusion officer, border brother, said quote: the impact of warner brothers films, last century has been tremendous, if shaped our culture and our understanding of the world around us in celebration of the studio
one hundredth anniversary. We are thrilled to empower these talented filmmakers to create modern and diverse reimagining of these iconic productions. Well, this sounds like film death. This sounds just absolutely awful. Gradual warner brothers on unstring, their classic ip in favour of wool garbage already guys rest shows continues. you're, not gonna, unmeasured I'll, be speaking with Orban he's his political direction for prime minister viktor Orban in hungary. If you're, not a member become member use, could you check out for two months free on all annual plans, click the link in the description and join us? the
Transcript generated on 2023-05-07.