« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1700 - BREAKING: Trump Indicted


A New York grand jury votes to indict Donald Trump; leftists storm the Tennessee State Capitol to encourage gun control – and the media are curiously silent; and the media continue to blame conservatives for a trans man shooting Christian schoolchildren.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
On your grand jury boats to indict donald trump leftist, the tennessee stay capital to encourage gun control and media are curiously silent, plus them. I continue to blame conservatives for our trans man. Shooting christian schoolchildren adventure of his is the bench Barroso. the data bunch of expressing libya. You, like your web history being seen and sold to address, there's no may neither can express bbn right now express vps outcome, slash Ben well, they finally did it. He did it. It finally indicted, Donald trump, it's the thing that they have been seeking for years on end. Basically, since twenty fifteen one donald trump decided that he's going, run for the presidency, certainly since he actually won the presidency in twenty seeing the west- has been foaming at the mouth, seeking the day when thou trumpet be fraud, marched into a police sing somewhere and then thrown in jail and many prosecutors. Oliver nation been aiming at this for
long time, but it was only alvin bragg, the brave and true, you know the guy who won't prosecute like any crime in new york, but he definitely will prosecute a suppose. I mean her that happened back in two thousand and fifteen that guy, while he is going for it, the grand jury yesterday, finally decided they would go forward with the indictment of donald trump Alvin, bragg tweeted out quote this evening. Contacted. Mr transit attorney to coordinate has rendered to the manhattan vs office for rainment on a supreme court indictment which remains under seal gains, will be provided when the arraignment date is selected. According to the new york times, troms indictment comes on as many as thirty four charges of falsifications business record. Now, here's the thing these charges, the falsification of it his record charged as a misdemeanor, in order to elevate that to a felony so as to escape the statute of limitations and so as to effectuate, probably an arrest in order for any of that to happen? If to tie that to a campaign, finance violation. The campaign finance violations we ve talked about before is specifically the question as to whether stormy Daniels was paid off by down
from using his own personal funds, rather than using campaign funds when it actually was acquitted what campaign expenditure? So the question is going to come down to whether trumpet stormy daniels, because you have paid at any time you see for sure sign hush many times before or whether he was doing it as an election expense and then failing to properly bill that to his campaign instead paying it via Michael Cohen. Now my comp did go to jail and basic pleading did you something like that, but then I was vans. Was the dossier in new york at the time refuse to elevate those charges against trump the feds refuse to elevate campaign finance charges against trump only when brag, seven later is now doing this, which is kind of absurd in your time, says, Donald trump indicted in manhattan on thursday for his role in paying hush money to a porn star, according to five people, knowledge of the matter, a historic development that will shake up the twenty twenty four president. raising forever mark him as the nations. First for the present phase, criminal charges. Listen, be Democrats have now broken the glass
It broke glass in case of emergency, and now that glass is broken, be very hard to put it back together, because here's the deal democrats do this all the time they take a step is absolutely unprecedented. American history say: kill the filibuster, for judicial nominees and not very long afterward, the that entire process, boomerangs round on them and republicans are ramming, throws supreme court nominees with fifty one votes. Well, if you think this Last time you are going to see a former president indicted yet another thing coming now. The Democrats have made clear there to go after a former president on the flimsiest of charges and you will get to how flimsy these charges are in just one. Second, you can just expect their will politically motivated prosecutors on every side of the outgoing ever everybody's favour politicians. So we have no entered an era in which the opposition is basically under threat. Legal indictment at all times, according to the dark times on thursday evening after news of the charges had been widely reported, the DA's office confirmed that trump had been indicted and that prosecutors had contacted trump's attorney to coordinate his
three people have knowledge of the matter. Said trump was expected to turn himself in and face arraignment early next week, at which point the specific charges would be unsealed from her for decades, but the criminal charges, despite persistent scrutiny and repeated investigation, putting an aura of legal invincibility. The indictment threatens to puncture. That's one way to put it in york times. The other way to put this is that this is a without charge in it there going after from mainly because alvin brag one make a headline and because Democrat had they have their day and they did this whole situation just smacks of the check off the gun idea. There's this idea in theatre daily playwright an attack off that, if, if you put a gun the mantle in the first act must be used by the end of the second act. Did the looming right of an indictment on trump. That's been the gun above the mantle since twenty fifteen. It was going to be used somewhere in here from himself put out a statement in response in which he called brag a disgrace from actual statement reads: this is little persecution in election, interference of the highest level in history from it
They came down the golden us glittered from tower. Even before I was sworn, is your president of the united states, the radical left democrats, the enemy of the hard working men and women of this country have been engaged in a witch hunt. To this where they make amerika great again movement, your member, just like I do russia, russia, russia, the mahler hoax, ukraine, ukraine, ukraine, impeachment hoax, one impeachment. To illegal an unconstitutional marijuana rate, and now this Democrats have wide cheated and stolen in their obsession with trying to get a trump, but now they done the unthinkable. In writing. It completely innocent person in an act of blatant election interference. Never before our nations history. Has this been done? The Democrats have cheated countless over the decades, including spying on my campaign but weapon, icing our justice system to punish a political opponent. We just so happens. We oppose Of the united states, and by far the leading republican candidate for president, has never happened before ever says it donald trump. In his statement manhattans yea, alvin brag, was handpicked and funded by george soros is a disgrace. Rather than stop the empress. Thence in crime way that taking over new york city he's doing turbines dirty work, ignoring the murders and burglaries results should be focused on. This is how brag spends his time in the cell donald trump statement
believe this witch hunt will backfire massively on Joe Biden. The american people realize exactly what the radical left Democrats are doing here. Everyone can see it so our movement and our party you I strong, the first defeat. Alvin brag then will defeat Joe Biden we're going to throw every last one of these crooked democrats out of office. We can make amerika great again it wasn't, is a shot in the arm to trump's campaign on a political level get to the politics of this after we get to the legality of all of this and what comes next in terms of procedure because things are going very spicy very quickly. Now, first have to talk about delawares, most trusted privacy, Barbara Your sponsor of this show express vpn going online without express vpn. The dumb ideas like using your smartphone without a protective case most of the time totally fine, then one time it drops out of your pocket and boom. You broke the screen. Don't do that sort of stuff when it comes to your internet data that data belongs to you. The best way to protect all that is by using expressive. Vps express bbn protects you from hackers from big tat from the government. They create a secure encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet. To hackers can steal. Your sensitive did
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ramifications not only for donald trump campaign, but also for the other campaigns round. His chances in particular we'll get to that moment. First, you will be fingerprinted, he'll, be photographed, you might even be handcuffed now, all of us for terms campaign again as a shot in the arm because be feeling that he has been very Lastly, attack for no reason other than they hate. Him is obviously to boost him in the republican primaries, just politically speaking, that is only what is going to do trump for political, reasons is going to want pictures, insulting victimized by alvin, brags, ridiculous prosecution here and barring some sort of extraordinary age and the seal charges from what we have seen before. It is a ridiculous legal case from will almost certainly be accompanied every step of the process by armed agents of the secret service. They are required by law to protect him at all times to weird unprecedented situation. They'll probably be some accommodations made for him most
Defendants were russian and felony charges our hand cut, but its unclear whether there will be some sort of exception made for trump particular, because again he's going to turn himself in a negotiator. His words and already said he's not going to resist any sort of extradition or anything like that. The daily gallery of the case itself is incredibly, we even trumps. Most vicious enemy if you'd, like Eli, missed all over the nation. Even he says that this case is particularly weak. He suggests the oz the path real justice, then one prison time runs through the manhattan. Da's office still seem very, very warm. He points out that go call whose their key witness initially. Why two federal investigators? This makes him an opportunity, good witness the fact that these are district of new york has already looked at these charges and decided not to do anything that the federal government. What did these charges and decided not to do anything? The fact that this can be a state of mind, prime really, how do you prove that donald trump paid off storm again keep quiet because of the election as opposed to eat. He paid her to keep quiet. He just wanted to keep quiet state of mind. Crumbs are very difficult to prove intent. Crimes, particularly for trump, are very, very difficult
prove an ill. I must also tell the nation there, I think, as somebody who hates from more than you I missile, I mustn't, maybe David. If you had french over the new york times, says exactly the same thing. He says mostly The prosecutors will rely on an allegation of violating federal campaign financed. More specifically, the but the hush money payments Daniels were illegal campaign contributions, but this it's a simple case to make the prosecution might claim that state campaign finance was applied from an stamens violated newark law. But remember we talk, not a presidential election, a federal statute expressly states relevant campaign and thence wants to proceed any state law that is a formidable barrier to prosecuting trump understate campaign finance was there's no obvious path around it. The claim that from violated federal law isn't necessarily frivolous, but his defence is really simple, which again is that the hush money payments had nothing with the election and everything to do instead with his desire to keep the story quiet. So is this prosecution actually going to succeed? Here's the thing, because everyone knows the prosecution is so weak. If it does people going to feel that one of the great
carried. You have justice in modern american history if Donald from ends up being convicted charges this flimsy just because it happening in europe, every hates his guts. Can you Imagine the political consequences for the country. If that goes forward right now, Now remember. This is only the first trial it tramples on on the docket. or maybe others coming up. There are still some for the three other open cases against trump. There there's a special counts. Jack, psmith on the federal level whose currently investigating whether he interfere with the peaceful transfer power on january sex he's also investigating firms. william classified documents. Both of those cases are still open again. I think both of those probably amount to nothing but there's a fulton county. very well as again Democrat, whose attempting to ask you trump on the basis that you try to overturn the twenty twenty election in georgia, so this may only be the first case against donald trump. Obviously, so now we get to the political follow up again in the primaries. There is no point
in this boosts donald trump, because ever public and in the world is going to swing behind trump they're. Gonna say what is true, which that he's being on early targeted and from the victim does really warming publicans, because there is the feeling a correct feeling It is from we're, not republican. He would not be getting mistreatment and from what I said ending in the way of a bunch of other people that the left desperately hate. He would not be getting this sort of treatment, so trump is dead, really get a boost from us and here's the thing. I think Democrats notice there there's sort of an internal debate in conservative circles right now over whether democrats are targeting trump because they want to take him off the table for twenty twenty four or whether they're targeting trump, because they actually want to elevate him in the primaries for twenty four. for knowing that if he wins the primaries, You will then lose the general election. This is the guy in theory and democratic circles. The same theory that used in twenty fifteen twenty succeed. They could be totally wrong by the way they could elevate trump and then from could win, which is their worst nightmare, but it is certainly plausible from their perspective. If they indict trump and from his an elevated, the primary. What's he wins the primary
does that when any independent voters and in general election who voted Donald trump has now it. While he was unfairly indicted, I'm in a vote for him this time variables in unison, lot of voters in these undecided category back toward trump, based on a flimsy indictment. Democrats, you notice me they are coming out of the woodwork. This we democratic basis saying that their their hoping desperately for down from here Joy bay are doing exactly that. Yesterday, I sit ancestors They call a do we as the one who needs to get the nomination, because then the Democrats will, when he's he's at tat time- and we have already read aloud- he also begin democrats want drum. George Conway red was made his money for the past several years, ripping on donald trump he's actively encouraging and has not run this cycle is before the indictment came down quote. It makes no sense for his ancestor and the cycle to be trumped. His hands would have to go hammer and tongs one on one race against him. The census is incapable of that and no matter what trump would try to destroy the g o p
Whenever became clear, he wouldn't get denomination smart play for the to fleece donors by pretending to run and pocket the cash for twenty I hate when he'll still be only forty nine years old, Sir George Conway, encouraging there'd be no rivals to trump or how about the lincoln project, which is attacking the santas in the left, would love nothing. They make all their money drop in that they get their their base out because of trump and right now the polling data. What pulling data shows that in general election campaign dissent is, is the candidate who scores most favorably with independent latest quinnipiac poll has trump up. Thirty, it has dissenters up thirteen points in the favorable vote: favorability ratings, forty three percent favorable, thirty percent unfavorable got trump net negative, twenty seven thirty, two percent favorable fifty nine percent unfavorable. So there is every reason to think that one reason Democrats may be very happy with this. Indictment is presumably because it elevates donald trump, which brings up the question of how exactly is round his ancestors this because we saw the round the chances sort a botched. His first adoration of this particular question.
a couple of weeks ago in from suggested that who's gonna be indicted, and scientists said Well, the indictment was unfair. He then he then talked about paying hush money to porn stars, and it looked as though he was taking kind of shots at trump love left was attacking him while now de santis has a second bite of the apple and he learned something for the first go around we'll get to that in just one. Second. First sight of the fact that it's very difficult to get the fruits and vegetables that need on a daily basis. I've been traveling lot of just in rome, so here we are always on the go and what that means. It is very difficult to get the allotted image of nutrients that you need. This is why I'm a huge fan of balance of nature, balance of nature, fruits and veggies are the best way to make sure that you're getting essential nutritional ingredients every single day or capsules are packed with one hundred percent whole food, You can take at any time balance of nature is a cold vacuum process that preserves the natural, vital nutrients and sixteen whole foods and fifteen whole vegetables and encapsulates them for easy consumption. Balance of nature sent a bunch of product down to the studio for my team to try they've all been taking them. I've been taking them
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He's doing so with alacrity and aggressiveness, because again, last time this happened. He be wasn't fast enough off the off the mark. This time within in our of the news coming down. He treated out the weapon is of wood system to advance a political agenda, turns the rule of law to ted. It's on american soros, backed manhattan. Just. the has consistently bent the lot downward felonies into excuse criminal misconduct. You now stretching the law to target a political opponent. For a woman assist in an extradition request, given the questionable circumstances at issue with this soros back manhattan prosecutor and his political agenda. That doesn't mean that run a census. Send people out tomorrow, woggle en block federal arrest. officers from from getting into marilla thou, but if even has the ability to do that he's limited in what he can do here. Basically, the standard for extradition. Now again, all this kind of a moot point, because the prediction is that trump is going to go to new york and just turn himself in he actually doesn't want to be seen being dragged at a mar a lago bodily. That's not a particularly good look. It makes him look weak in
he's going to turn himself in new york sam innocent and proclaim the Zola witch hunt which it is it. But what did he were to take the radical path of attempting to avoid extradition, while the process of extradition the census has some say, but not poodles. Echo under article four section, two of the constitution states are supposed to extradite people who are guilty of crime or who have been accused of crimes. state to the states where they are being accused matches pure article four section two, but there procedures that that this answers could theoretically to slow the process. So, for example, the standard message met the standard method for inter state extradition in florida is basically, the governor of new york would write to dance cathy hopeful right to disenchanted with the form signed by alvin bragg, including a copy of the indictment, and then dissenters would have to make sure the indictment is valid for ordering trumps extradition from florida. Now making its mixture is valid, they can be.
In one of two ways, one is, he just looks and sees that it's facially valid, like all the blanks are filled in properly. The other is that he actually reinvestigating the case and determines that the indictment isn't just a show trial or ever now he could be around We do that, but in the end that's going to be adjudicated by a judge, not by rhonda centres. It is actually have the power to fully stop extradition. He could theoretically delay the extradition. theoretically. He could ask his legal affairs or our prosecutor to review the extradition of an interim report on it if the extra two, if there, In addition to man, release legal? You would have to sign it within another sixty days. But again I don't think any of this is going to happen. I think the smart political move for the stances to say that he's going to do this without actually having to do it. Certainly if he had not been fast off the mark again from would have attacked him for that and that would have been a a smack against a santa's that scored, because again, one of the things that the trump is trying to suggest
this anti is insufficiently fighting the left, which is an absurd contention, but it is trumps major line of attack against scientists in the twenty twenty four race. so what does the effect of all this going to be well again again? Vote for trump in the primaries is great for trump in the Where is? He is going to ease willing to zoom in the polls, because we're hobbled injuries rally round the trump there will be a rally round the net will that last long enough to get em all the way through the printers I mean it's only march of twenty twenty three, so it's doubtful it is going to last long enough to actually get them all the way through the primaries. But there's no question that at this point he is certainly the very strong frontrunner in the presidential race and, as I said before, that may have played in Do the entire math the Democrats are doing here is the. I don't think the Democrats when it comes to this stuff are completely stupid. I think they're corrupt. I think what they're doing is wrong, but I think their smart enough to realise what they are doing and as I say before, it's got: are they trying to take?
above the table, or are they very much trying to elevate trump inside the republican party with exactly the same issue that will hurt him with independence in a general election? It seems to me is probably the latter could be the former in a in any case they may get for more than they bargained for here, because, as it turns out, maybe Kids, don't actually like when you trumped up charges against a former president of the united states. Now get the precedent is being said here is absolutely insane and- I promise you there will be retaliation from the other side because we are no longer in an era where Democrats can break all the rules and expect Marcus queensberry rules to apply for their opponents. Job and will be indicted by someone. Somebody will come up with an indictment shell for incitement. They won't item either while his breast, or or AP rees president, there will now be a significant push by begins in positions of power to go after political opponents using the methods of of law. If Democrat you're going to do this, so mutually assured, destruction has to be created. What album break is doing here is really really dangerous stuff in fighting for
of the united states on charge that are not clear, cut and open and shot is, is a wild radical risk when he's gonna have to prove more than you proved so far. If what we have heard so far is reflective of what the underlying case is going to be. Here then he is just but a pandora's box, this can be almost impossible to close these exacerbating the massive divide american life. It separates american from american. We all like to believe there is a rule of law and that people are coming just be brought up on charges their members, the wrong party, that faith is fading really really quickly. Honestly, if job, I naturally want to help the achieve the unity that he preaches about so much, he would actually tell outbreak this the but very doubtful the Joe Biden is going to get involved at all, obviously okay and just one second speaking of the country coming apart, we are now seeing insurrections new insurrections, not generous. Six different kind of the good kind of insurrections according to media will get to that momentarily. First. All this may keep you up at night
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in the idea that the right is intransigent on gun control and that's why kids are being shot this materialized in the halls of congress. The other day when Jamaal bowman Democrat of new york got into a thomas massie of kentucky bowman looks like a a crazed nutjob here Guys here. which I wait- some more and the the it was the the because germany, that Larry
EL the barrier pointers according to each moment, so this is the products they have to understand that for the left, the actual arguments don't matter it's these loudness with which you make them it matters and you're allowed to be as as free and loud and insane as wannabe. If, if you're a republic, in protest in favour of donald from one january. Sixth runs out of control and some people and prospects in the capital and violet with folks? That's it? russian that almost over through democracy. If, however, left is storm, the tenants capitals, men and gun control. That's just people who are a little bit over We enthusiasts infect your games. You can they're overly enthusiastic they're just concerned about gun violence. That's what we learned yesterday when a bunch of left us rushed into the tennessee say: capital building on a national is thursday morning. Now four hundred people broke into the capital building. We have footage of them outside the capital building amassing themselves, and you can see them large crowd.
And they are trying to bash through the doors as you'll see they actually did I get inside and save you'll, see them actually joscelyn with the least answers on the inside of the building. They regard in sea, see people, physical with the police officers. The police officers Trang create some sort of acts. Are visible barricade here so that the various legislators in tennessee can be rushed to the bathroom for safe keeping physically It's insurrection, area or dangerous in any way, this just people who are our peaceful and family the things that really matter and then they actually guy into the state capital poll itself as she got into like the center of the capitol building, where they proceeded to grab the microphone to yell at people, and but the Zol. Ok guys. This is not a big deal and I see it. This is the rule. The rule is that when left is true, pass on state property illegally, then that is
is because they are good, wonderful people if right wingers, do it it's an insurrection that threatens the very core of our democracy. That's the way it is worse because the way, all the way back to two thousand eleven, your member, that wisconsin saw teachers union activists who broke into a criminals. They they broke into the wisconsin capital building occupied the wisconsin capital building took up all of them all the places around here were screaming shouting doing damage. Remember as it is by words in time What kind of legislators in wisconsin were fleeing the states to try to deny a quorum simple measures, each break some union power in the state. This was ok. It is the way that it works. When democrats do it, it's fine, and it's always the rule. I'm do it it's find me. Well, you have the entire media that has that has rallied around the idea. The tennis you republicans are to blame when a trans and shoots up a bunch christian school kids. Tennessee republicans are our blames. You have the wall street journal with apiece titled.
You republicans face pressure after national school. Shooting us, the republicans or are facing pressure naturally is not is not democratic is not people who a perverse ideology suggesting the boys can be girls? None of that. Not enough is the Republicans, of course, or perhaps it is the new york times and aftermath shootings republicans expand access to guns right because, of course, the problem is. The guns is not the problem of disturbed people, an increasing number of disturb peoples. We talk about yesterday on this. None of that is the real problem is that too many guns and republicans are complicit in that or perhaps maggie heymann over the new york times, reporting His chances is to visit gun store on book tour days after nashville. Shooting dems call it beyond. The pale is now beyond the pale for you to even be in the remote proximity of guns, because somebody got shot. That is. That is the way that that all of this works according to the left, so you're allowed to take over Government buildings you'll, endured everyone you're you're on the left after all,
publicans are the ones who are truly to blame, meanwhile, in in the the second pen of line of of narrative here is, is even more perverse them a gun, control one of narrative The gun, control narrative is ridiculous in the sense that this person lee We obtain the guns, I'm unaware what war would would be possible to prevent this person from obtaining the guns. I'm perfectly fine with banning people who heads gender disorient from producing weapons. That seems to me a pretty significant symptom an underlying mental malaise that is got there could theoretically be a problem in terms of owning firearms, but I dont think the left believes the same thing but that exist us second narrative. The second narrative is that the true victim the real reason? This happened, the real reason, a trans man shot up bunch christian school kids is because right, wingers, our intolerant bigots into the real victim here is not christian school, kids, dumber, those it and not the christian school teachers dumber those demons there's not none those below the real victims. The real victim is the shooter and people like the shooter.
that is it. That is the narrative the media are drawing today, and it is just its vile. I am not sure that I've ever seen the media turn this much in favour of sympathetic stories about about a shooter this quickly If you've seen him perform and he's a rolling stone, featured the Boston bomber at one point on their cover, but it's it's. many rare they don't do it all that often, and so now you have the m, nay, have the media rushing out to declare salad dirty with the trans community and the any administration, by the way so green, jean Pierre, in what is the clip of the day green jump here from the white house press secretary podium, she says the real. You know we have to be careful. If you don't careful, bunch of school kids got shot in num in a christian school you know is under attack to transmit.
He says grange on beer in one of the things that we saw during the mid term elections is that people dont want their freedoms to be taken. They want is to fight for their freedoms, and so it is shameful. It is disturbing and our hearts go out to those france community as they are under attack right now. I you know: there's some other people who are literally under attack, actually they're dead, the people here, not by a member of the trends community, those people are dead, amazing. If this administration could muster even one smidgen others, I that they have for these suppose it Franz people here under vast assault for the people who actually are dead, including children that that that may be nice. I didn't leave these these supposed to be the the apex sympathy creatures, and yet they can't you to muster any sympathy at all member Joe Biden out their suggesting that this shouldn't be investigated as a hate crime, because, after all, Josh hawley says it should be investigated as a hate crime or Joe Biden,
up his pressure about this particular shooting. I joking about eating ice cream. Weird, have sympathy, dries up immediately when the shooter happens, to be somebody who has ideological kinship with allow leftwing causes as an amazing glitt ring here I mean literally a trends person shot a bunch of kids eddies, a christian school. for what appear to be ideologically motivated reasons, and the immediate response of the entire media is well. Obviously, the river thames are trans people. In fact, Joe Biden put out a statement on thursday morning. Just a couple of days for again, a trans man shot up a bunch of school kids saying as for the transgender day of visibility, quote transgender can shape our nation soul proudly serving them. during deadly diseases, holding elected office, running thriving businesses today many transgender americans- are still denied rights and freedoms. A wave of discriminatory state laws is targeting trans youth, terrifying families, hurting kids we're not hurting anyone. I can think of some kids who were murdered
and were hurrying anyone but that doesn't fit your narrative. Does it and this ties more broadly into that same exact symptom that we saw with regard to gun control, act signal for buildings. If france act Take over that's also, okay, so in Kentucky there was a vote. On banning tree and gender mutilation of children and never had vetoed it and then the kentucky legislator late, the kentucky legislature past it over the veto. Friends activists took over the kentucky capital they trespass bunch them arrested, but this is considered, but not only finally, good by the media here. Some the footage of friends activist the kentucky capital, then and that is a dude wearing and trans colours, and I and horns, and looking for all the old sort of like q non chairman, but his hero, a hero because, after all, stressed the trans activists, in kentucky then performed a die in
and is relying on you pretend that your dad, you wanna talk about folks who are absent, the ship was. This would be it after. A kids are killed by a trans person would appear to be political reasons. You are going to do a die in as though you are under threat of death from a legislature. The just says that you're not allowed to mutilate children of the media, of course, by into this benjamin ryan, who again is the same NBC new pseudo journalist, The person whose had a m reaching desire. Shall we say to go out. The daily wire because of our because our conservatism eve right away, the daily delaware again for this national shooting sanco national nationals, homes daily, where we're shapiro and unmet walsh of wooden ideological war against france, people ideological, organs tradespeople. No, logical war against perverse radical gender ideologies, Boys can be girls and kids must be taught that their colleague michaelmas cover trends. Andrews and to be eradicated. Visit the larger social context in which the nash,
shooting occurred, oh well, you know they address. The threat is so the threat always was with trans people. A threat we are told is but if you dont give them what they want, they will commit suicide if you, if you don't give me they want, then we'll kill themselves. You have just put their members of the opposite sex. Now I guess that has expanded such that, if you don't give them with what they commit homicide, and so therefore, you to actually just give them what they want: the washing posters when the same exact routine by the way. The Washington post put out a headline stating We're still shooting exploited by right to escalate and I translated all the pouncing. A pouncing has happened quote the attempts on the right to connect. Violence to transgender people come even though trans people are rarely the perpetrators of mass shootings which are overwhelm we carried out by sister men according to criminal justice experts, there is a thing called per capita per capita examination even for mass shootings carried out by people who are generally binary or trans in the last couple of years alone- and there are very few
General binary, france, people per capita might be something worth exploring might be worth exploring is whether you in fact are participating in the radicalizing of individuals by claiming that they are under genocidal threat when people simply say that boys are boys, and girls are girls, that this sort of media narrative was also put forward by MSNBC, so charlotte glamour. Who is a man who believes that his woman was begun MSNBC. What matters here is not just what charlie climber is saying. What matters here is the is the is the friends, gender americans under siege, not christian school kids who are add transgender americans under siege charlotte glamour has more about god and in such children are only unsafe? A drag shows when a shooter shows up to kill them. That's right! That's where the threat is I would challenge anyone just to get to know trans people. We are invite when diverse community as diverse as anyone else gone from the great taxes. Serpent military go to refresh generous shooting suspects. Bunch outrage on the right is like IRAN. God me
me in her image, god made me and transgender and to see These people so cynically weapon eyes that exploit these children's doubts in their teachers. That's it breaks my heart. I wonder what those families earthly. Right now, I'm my guess is that what some of those families are? Probably thinking is it's really screwed up there, but trial. The clamour going, a national tv and defending an agenda to to push lies about gender two small children in, or to what makes some sort of it, use for what happened in national. it is a very dangerous game, but of course the media are fully perpetuating this game because they agree with the agenda agenda over Alice for the media. Everything has to be fit into their narrative and then narrative is. Creasy, we send for centred on the idea that shows must be. You should be, subjected to the idea of radical, under ideology and anyone who stands in the way of that is perpetuating, but suicide, and now apparently homicide this in just one second. First, let's talk about,
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shapiro, gun policy, genius, dot, com, slash or every person. Who's responsible should have a life insurance policy, be responsible, go to policy genius, dot, com, slash shapiro, also, folks, not many things can get me excited to visit the sad wreckage of what has become present day, new york city, but got to chat with my old friend megyn kelly, and that was certainly exciting and fun. We just filmed the latest episode for season. Two of my show, the search available to stream at right now was fantastic to catch up with megan. We talked about fame at making friends and, of course, the culture wars sneak peak of our conversation when first get married, your spouse's is sick. You're, like oh, my god, I'll, take care of you. This is so I feel so bad for you now. When you have obligations like, why do you get to be
I need your wife here right now, because every woman out there knows that that the man flu is way way worse than the women flu ever is in fact that there's no accident, I did not get the flu, because the guys get all the illnesses and the mothers are not allowed. You have to build up immunities before we get married and have children, otherwise the whole family collapses. To watch this episode and all the episodes of the searchers one is particularly fun, including our latest episode with comedian Russell brand become a daily were a plus member today get instant access to the entire daily wire plus library of shows, movies, documentaries, upcoming, kids content and more just head on over to daily wire plus dot com and get started today. Okay, meanwhile, the the propagandistic crusade on behalf of the transgender agenda, continues apace it. It is amazing again to see. What's her behaviour is excuse as okay, considering that it's coming from the sword, community and which behaviour is, is considered not okay, so, for example, you're allowed to basically emil
violence as much as you want ones or member of the victim eyes. Community here is a trans activists gushing over a book in which a j k, rolling dies and say well. I wish you'd only been more gruesome and people like J K. Rollin meet up top because my people are dying because of her. She is killing us, oh, but one more good thing about this book. J K, brawling guys gretchen had the nerve to kill off the queen of the turks, and it is glory, is I only wish that sink have been even more brutal seems like an angry and unpleasant man right there. Meanwhile, are our nations biggest corporations have decided to away way and in favour of this wild left wing. Propagandistic effort so kate, spade new york has a brand new spokesperson, wait for it wait for its dylan mulvaney yeah. You excited and this exciting and who has been a woman for zero days. A claims have been for one year is now getting, mainstream vashon contract to promote
purses and dresses, and such here is a pair. of a woman, pretending to be a woman, so that actual, when will buy products that Don't look all that great on a man who pretend to be a woman. He all started with the first if spring, I have a kate spade new york to find the perfect spring outfit. Let's go kate spade new york is a staple in my wardrobe and I think they absolutely need to have this as my spring bath the many bags or in their input. You know I love pink and I think the bag legal, with this, let's try rod, which can always use another pair heels right here, I love a puppy sleeve and artisans will read, because more is always more and honestly, I think I'm an awareness the store so happy spring. I love you. I love you. You know that line, as goes it gets were jack Nicholson says that the wedding a woman is just right, a man without reason, or accountability at that time and house jug. Then,
that's literally how half of the american population now defines the word woman were women, there is now a man without reason or accountability. Absolutely man plus crazy, equals woman. Now, That's that's! That's how far we have different but again into political cause and pursuit of that political cause. All is justified. aiding stay capital, buildings, violence, threats of islands, all that all of it and then the implicit bread is, if you don't go along with this, things are gonna happen. Bad things are gonna happened. I was being of bad things happening. Russia has now rested a wall street journal reporter on spying charges, according to the associated press, russia, Security service arrested in american rapporteur for the wall street journal and espionage charges. That's the first time a: u S, correspondent, been detained on spying accusation, since the cold war was john for its part, denied the allegation, and demanded his release. Isms evan gush, of which he was thirty. One is obtained in russia's fourth largest city, known by
the afternoon, if ever be the sort of seeds, mystic security agency and main successor to the kgb, their alleging that this report was acting on instead from the american side to collect information about the activities one of the enterprises, russian military industrial complex, it constitutes a state secret whilst fraternal vehemently dinner. those allegations and said they stand in solidarity with Evan and his family, totally your what d by administration plans to do about this. They said they had spoken with both the journal: anger, excavators, family whitehouse, press secretary career jean Pierre. She condemned the arrest in the strongest terms and urged americans he'd government warnings not to travel to russia, so great, mean, apparently, that that's can be enough. His will use a few strongly worded letters to get back our citizens. Jean pierre, so we ve been very clear about americans not going to russia is not a lot. powder. Our journalists must cover things precisely anthony blink in these sectors I stated in the strongest possible terms. It condemned the kremlin's continued attempts to intimidate, repressing, punish journalists and civil society voices. Now again, the
the russians are saying that the course which was a girl of edgewise. I'm looking at it state secrets and that he was. He is currently now being held in custody until may. Twenty ninth at this point is really second and of high profile american, whose being held presumably over the conflict with the united states by proxy over in ukraine. The first was: was britain greener, whom we traded for? victor bout, the arms traffic wearing one of the worst w nba deals in w and be a history also, the only deleon video anyone's ever paid attention to at all, but nonetheless it is their national plenty. A gush of attract absolutely unclear at this point, represent our moscow it's democratic floor. He just don't dory buying is gonna, be strong. He'll show that that he won't be toyed with and kidnapping in amerika. I assume you believe that russia should release him immediately immediately. I mean you know problem is that there are now going to use him as leverage, and so it's not going to be that simple. Unfortunately, but obviously this is,
at the game that Putin should be playing. I have Joe Biden has shown that he's not someone who's going to be toyed with when it comes to these sorts of things. So, yes, his family say he should be are released. immediately. I sort of beg to differ. Actually Joe Biden has shown that he is a person be toyed with when it comes to taking american citizens hostage so that russia can get say you know. World's most notorious arms dealer, traded for a female basketball player, who was once famous for having once dunked basketball as I am sure, russia's very, very intimidated at this point. What, meanwhile, you hear me talk about being prepared for forever, like throws it you lot on this show There are lot of weird things happening: the world supply chain breakdowns conflict in the middle east, conflict in in ukraine. All that stuff has an impact, and sort of the way we live our daily lives. When those supply chains begin, you can't get the medicines at the you need. Many of you take some kind of medication every day or if you don't, you probably know somebody who does maybe have appearance. and turned his uncle s role, medication of medication for diabetes, heart health, mental health, blood pressure won't happen or if you
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social media tries to convince us authorities? It isn't beholden to the chinese government. Now you might think. Well, I wonder which politicians or former politicians they're going to choose. Will they be right wing or will they be left wing? Hmm, let's think super hard, oh yeah. Another hour left wing david proof, ensure Messina veterans of Barack obama's presidential campaign and xenia LUCA. Before former longtime communications, sheaf of walt disney company, advising tik tok in their fight against efforts abandoned in the united states. According to people familiar with the rules you mean disney, which has done business with china like an exactly the area. Where, where their imprisoning, we are muslims, and you mean David booth and Jim machina obama, people weird, that they would that they would call upon top level democrats in order to try to lobby strange if they saw the Democrats is as true opponents. Why are they going solely to democrat to try and get other Democrats do what they want them to do it. So it's odd so strange speaking of which democrats on Hill
The ones were really pushing something called the restrict act. There are a couple of different versions of a bill that would ban tik tok in the united states. More ridiculous version is the so called restrict act according to reason, dot com, the restrictive, carries the possibility actually criminalize people using a vps to access stuff that has been banned according to centre Josh Halley interest to talk back in january. His bill would direct the president's use international emergency economic powers, act to lock in private all transactions and to prevent commercial operation of Tik tok parent company in the united states, but this new act restricts doesn't specifically mention tik tok, whereby dance instead, it grants the us secretary of commerce, broad power to court identified, deterred, disrupt, prevent, prohibit, investigate or otherwise mitigate any risk around from any covered transaction by any person or respect or with respect to any property of the secretariat
I missed your postcode in and you are unacceptable risk in different areas. So that seems really really broad like what? What exactly are they trying to apply this to it's? It's certainly confusing it also seems like it could theoretically be read to imply that a person using a vpn to access, inapt controlled by foreign adversary might be subject to criminal penalties, shall leave its congress to describe this thing up around Paul centre from Kentucky. He says this act violates the first amendment There are two main reasons why we might not want to do this. The one would be the first amendment of the constitution, speeches protected, whether you like it The second reason would be that the constitution actually prohibits bills of attainder you're not allowed to have a specific. bill against a person or a company, so fails onto egregious points, pretty obvious points, and I think we ought to think about that I think we should beware of those who pedal fear, I think,
should. Beware of those who use fear to coax americans to relinquish our liberties to regulate in limited our first amendment rights, every accusation of data. Gathering that's been attributed to tick. Tock could also be attributed to domestic big tech companies. Well, I mean he's right about that, except for the fact that tiktok is, of course, the chinese front group, but with that said, yeah draw these bills very, very near very narrowly. Doesn't look like the restrict act is drawn nearly as narrow ways. It ought to be a time some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I, like mrs keller, hilarious. stories that there's a personage are avi. Silverberg is the head coach for team. It canada power, letting since twenty twelve he's competed three times and world bench press. You won a bronze metal in twenty ten and apparently he shattered the women's bench. Press record I marking the canadian power lifting unions rules the permit biological men's compete as females, so it would be marking it, except for the fact that the
record is held by a transgender woman, meaning a man? You asked that was set by transgender power, lifter, an andrews whose recognise the female the open power lifting ranking site, Andrews and wise image bench so bad, I mean now compared to me. We all know I'm a tranny freaks that doesn't count. I mean standard bench and power lifting competitions for women. I literally don't understand why it's so bad. Well, I mean maybe it's because men have completely different body construction. Maybe it's because of that and lots more testosterone, different muscle composition, Silverberg banned from five hundred one pounds back and twenty sixteen under rule rules that required unapproved way belt, brutes, england, progress, wraps and chalk, but Apparently this or he's he's allowed to use even more stuff here. So he said I am a woman and then he came in and he broke the the record left by the last transgender weightlifter, which is hysterically funny I mean, like good notice,
When our friends, you be decided that he was going to become a woman for a day and break every single record at the local jim that happen. except by a woman These are the wages of these stupidity that we have now embraced. Other things that I like so my friend high rachel lives of tiktok. she has been unjustly accused by fools. Like general cause you're cortez of, hitting violence against, for example, Boston, children's health, both for pointing out the boston. Children's hospital literally told her on the phone that they were performing trend. Surgeries on minors, and so she confronted joint it. She tried to violence, six complaining against z and try to confront her on it. She went her office as you can run away from there and then italy meeting her and here's how that went. I attempted to ask airs why she lied about me in a committee hearing coward away. She refused to talk to me so back here today, one week later, and I want to deliver her and ethics complaint that I filed for
lying about an american citizen in a committee hearing, together with my from the parent age foundation oversight, he humbly fathers ethics complaint. So we file that and if you can give it to a really per se, that thinking and artists lying about american. That ok, I just attics may say nothin and unfortunately she wasn't there. So we laughed and then I was walking through the capital and guess who I mounted to the transphobic, and I thank you you superman's relic began motions. Let's do this thing Oh hi is very pleasant person,
and if I was the guy, I delivered an ethics complaint to you and say well, you're transphobic by I will catch you letters out for LZ. Well, you know you shouldn't lie about. People is just a bad bad thing to do see and so are you deserve. Whatever is the effect of that ethics complaint? Hey time for a couple of things that I have. so. The these trends insanity has now gone international. His it's way over to to various foreign lands in sixty minutes apparently, is now featuring. Sixty minutes, australia, thou featuring parents who have decided to completely botch what it means to be apparent by now raising their children with regard to genders. They are now raising them is what they call babies, which is a great way of during confusion and mental health. Among your kids, great parenting, guys munchkins hinder my proxy or, at the very least treating our kids like you would a purse it makes you feel.
is any authority because of its really really unpleasant and horrifying? Here we go didn't sign and at birth in your term of office on land. person be who they want to be it is spare me. What they're doing is unprecedented and idiotic and chrome. can't tell william gender is by looking at your body. What are some of the biggest challenge strangers. Industry have had quite strong response. Why are you so upset? Why didn't you need to know What I'm trying to eliminate gender really helping kids and their own path to it oh so getting to know, guidance whatsoever, giving them no rules and no restrictions and no actual, no actual Well, civilizing influences it'll, be great it'll work out fantastic yeah. This is a great way to completely hope you kids emotionally mentally, and that their being no long term studies done on these kids for another fifteen twenty years, and I guarantee you one hundred percent certainty. Put are on the record right now. The kids worries this way
the bullet more screwed up, then the comparison group, because they always do because that, in fact, is the goal about the parents feeling good about themselves, then get on sixty minutes union. Sixty minutes, just raising your kid, who is a boy as a boy illegal and sixty minutes. If you do something stupid like seminaries kid generalists, it's it's so it so vile, but unfortunately, is not restricted to australia and the netherlands. They ve gone even further this it in an apparently. This is actual thing that is happening on the tvs in the netherlands. There is a sham. in which a bunch of adults on garb in front of dron to demonstrate what a trans body looks like it's also experiences. Today, our guests, our transgender and a bunch of people getting naked, and yes killing can simply be a feeling, but you can also do something about it. Example: I had surgery the grocers adversity later, we realized actually pretty normal. It's actually really normal says another. Getting
male and female there's an entire spectrum of tenders says male and female back to cyclone is not going to let another Did you feel africa surgery? Yes, this married some person or do you know the word euphoric no says the king Europe means really happy extremely happy. I woke up and My breasts were born. Like I always wanted to loss of us all dates: veils us from forming a fool only mentioned a few inside. It now made me feel ecstatic, so it feels like flying. Yes, you simply, feel intense happiness. I want that tos as the kid so are indoctrinating. Kids in life, ending insanity, that's great slow, clap for our her stern. We are it the same civilization that brought you back beethoven Brahms the sistine chapel augustine gray works. Of western literature. The enlightenment and capitalism is now bringing you, let's teach small.
Children of men can be women and get adults naked in front of them. In order to make that happen, these functional door there are calling for the kids that it's all it's all just it's. What what's the effect I swear you so that worry subset. After all, the salt dissolves to open mindedness isn't damaging kids it. I already guys the rest of the shows continue right now: you're, not gonna, wanna, miss it we'll be getting into the mailbag. But to have your question answered, you have to be a member, so become a member use code, shapiro checkup for two months, rental annual plans, click that link in the description enjoy The
Transcript generated on 2023-04-20.