« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1697 - Trans Mass Shooter Murders Children At Christian School


A mass shooter who identifies as a trans man murders three children and three adults at a Christian school; the media struggle to ignore the facts of the story and focus instead on gun control; and a new Wall Street Journal survey shows that American values are in serious peril.



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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
A mass shooter who identifies a trans man, murderous three children and three adults and a christian school immediately, to ignore the facts in this story and focus instead on gun control and a new wall street journal, survey shows that american values are in serious peril. Adventurer this bench show Well horrifying story out of nashville tennessee, yes, a sure who identified as a trans man, twenty eight year old woman, biological woman, shot thrace and three adult covenant school in the green hills, neighbourhood of national, it's a private christian school in national tennessee. According to the wall street journal. Apparently this person was a former student. At the school on this show we don't actually name shooters, because we believe the decades glory to shooters. given the attention they so desperately seek, but the facts of the case are things that are highly relevant. We are going to be discussing many things.
the sugar. There are highly relevant, especially given the politicized environment in which these shootings happened, in which Media just decide to lie about the source of the shootings. So in this particular case the simply spokesperson on airlines have police received the call of an active sugar, a covenant school ten thirteen. I m local time the suspected entered the school on the first floor and then proceeded to the lobby area on the second floor, firing multiple shots upheld the shooter broke into the school source was we're not locked. Erin said the officer respond can seem discovered the shooting occurred on the school. Second foreign quickly engage issued in the suspect was dead by ten twenty seven, a m, unlike in other cases, officers actually do. here the gunshot and charged the shooter this immediately. into a battle over narrative, which is what happens in every mass shooting in the united states. The left immediately jumps to Syria. Of narratives rooted in or of left wing storytelling and this house every single mastering you can tell before the shooting, even happened if
victims of shooting our acts and if they should or is why here's, what the narrative will be If a mass shooting in the united states in which the shooter is white and the victim is black than me, It is going to be about both guns and racism if your master in which the shooter is black and the victim is white. It's going to be our guns and systemic race, and dispossession. If the sugar is muslim and the victim is gay, then it's going to be about christian bigotry, which is again who had haven't Yolanda pulse nightclub shooting if the shooter is asian and victims are white, as happened in virginia attack wouldn't be talking about gun control. If the shooter- these trends and the victim is gay, as we turn it is, will discuss. In a moment be talking about guns and maybe about the virulence of prayer. In france, people in the united states. If the shooter is transit, Victims are christian, then to be about guns and about christian bigotry which, narrative media are taking away from this particular shooting is absolutely insane because again tells them emerge emerged suggest that the shooter her former student, I didn't
as a friend's man. Apparently this person also left a manifesto here's the nest. the police chief confirming that the shooter was, in fact a trans man, meeting a biological woman and saying that there is a manifesto that sort of speaks to the politics of the shooting. If she does identify as transit, yes and no motive, because the now we have a manifesto, we have some writings that we're going over that pertain to this day the actual incident we have a map drawn out of how this was all going to take place. There is right now, a theory of that that we may be able to talk about later. But it's not confirmed, and so we'll we'll put that out as soon as we can reason to believe that identifies is as any motive. The that we can give you that
at a later time. There is something erie today we're investigating all the leads, and once we know exactly we'll, let you know the target at the time it was, is a targeted attack, which means that by any by any stretch of the imagination. What we are talking about here is a trans identified person shooting up a christian school. That would be in normal context to hate crime. If christian went to a very left in school and shot up the school on the basis of trans students being there that would be a crime and the national news story that the evils of the right wing and the quote, what anti and an ideology that they push us we'll see the media going to try and push that narrative anyway, even though the story is actually the reverse. This time a trans identified person shooting up a christian school and murmuring of very small school children. What are they fascinating elements that emerged right after the shooting is the amount of
what mrs gendering that happened in the media are one of the things that we have been told by our mainstream media legacy. Media is that you must never miss gender ever under any circumstances. Miss gendering is super bad. Miss gendering is approved it's whereby you speedily biological sacks of a person as opposed to the sex to which they claim membership, so Friends? Man if I say that a woman just shut up the school which is jack, What happened then you're not allowed to say that this apparently miss trending you're, not its discriminatory in some way, been fastened the media engaged almost immediately in a bunch of portable miss gendering in this particular arena. So you saw, for example, the daily put out a headline specifically miss gendering, the the shooter saying that it was a woman. You saw the de roo, rolling stone. Italy, a bunch of other publications cnn, suggested that a woman had done his daily beast headline suggested that the cnn, said the shooter a twenty eight year old woman who was once a student at the school,
and calabria adults before responding officers killed her now again in another context, we are supposed to protect. I bet men who say they are women, are actually women, but the media were having a real tough time with this one and the reason they're having a tough time with this one is because they don't want to acknowledge the narrative. If they ask We go, there's something a rock and a hard place if they properly logically gender, the person, the stories. Accurate, but they have transgressed their own woke commandments. If, on the other hand, they do not do that if, in fact, they they go with the transgender pronouns preferred by the short Then they are giving credence to the fact that a person widened fight as trends and whose motive likely how to do it that just shut up a bunch of schoolchildren there comes directly against the idea that victims can ever be victimized and again. This is part and parcel of a broader left wing rubric, which is that if you are a member of the victim class, we can never call you victimize or even if you are shooting school children. The most general aspects of this fascinating. So apparently that strict rule of construct
terms of the left that goes immediately out of buy by the wayside so long as it does not serve the narrative later. Of course, the new york times would come back and then try to correct the record. The the new york times actually put out a tweet saying that confusion later on Monday about gender identity of the assailant in the national shooting officials and use. She and herds referred to this aspect will, according to the social media, opposed Linkedin profile appeared to identify as a man in recent months. Oh well. At least we cleared that up. At least we made sure that the the trans shooter is granted the honor of identifying, as particular type of a human being, the media have to sort of narrative here now, normally one of the things that come up what's the actual narrative one thing that we certainly should discuss is the fact that when you create crisis narrative, as I said before, rhetoric, I don't tenable in rhetoric for actual violent acts. on any side when down from stuff, that's really heated up and then a direct fan of down from causing does something and blame donald trump for that when broccoli,
I says something that really heats up the temperature and then iraq, obama follower goes and does something. I don't think Barack obama's response. When a Bernie sanders supporter shoots up a congressional baseball game, I don't see the Bernie Sanders is responsible for that. However, what everyone is responsible where are the words that come out of the mouth and they're all responsible for these Jos, day scenario in that leads vulnerable people to go and do drink, The range person is still responsible for their own acts activities. However, when you keep raising the temperature dangerously. This is going. have some predictable side effects. The pot is going to bubble over it. Almost universal attempt to cross the western, nearly every issue to suggest that the apocalypse is upon us and on the issue, of people who have gender is for you or gender identity disorder or who claimed their member of the opposite sex there over and over and over that they are on the verge of being genocide. It is just the thing that, they. Then he said over and over and over in the transgender community and by legacy media
people on the right are attempting to wipe them off the face of the earth. Therein literal genocidal danger- and this of course necessitate violence and sort of the same thing, the Jonathan height and social psychologist from from, and why you said about micro, aggression, ideas when, when you keep telling well, but they are being aggressive upon everything that happens to them. Everything they are insulted by is a micro aggression. They tend to react with macro aggression, and so, if you keep telling people over and over and over again that they are about to be destroyed. Their mountain wiped off the face of the earth you shouldn't, be all that surprised when the range people take, that message and ngo do horrific, horrific things and one of the thing luke rosy acapulco over daily, where was pointing out, is that, mrs, from march six, twenty twenty three? There was a call for eight Franz day of vengeance, stop transgenic
trans day of vengeance april? First, eleven am in Washington DC. There was a group of transgender activists, and this sort of language is unfortunately, not particularly rare. The national group's website for day of vengeance has like the stonewall riots. The gays and lesbians were experiencing. What the trans community is facing. Now the cycle of hate needs to end. In fact, it must ally, siblings. We need new, now more than ever, the ral revolutionist. I still am a radical revolutionist, I'm glad I was in the still more wide, our member when someone through mountains cocktail. I thought my god. The revolution is here. The revolution is finally here sylvia rivera that sort of language, if, if we're remember The entire media was willing to blame Sarah Palin for the shooting of e commerce. woman by a deranged not based on a map, a targeted, congressional district It was not even close to a call for violence, but here you have people who are intimately are calling days of vengeance in days of rage- and you have people who are assaulting other people are rallies and new zealand, and the idea here is that this is all good and useful
by weight is worth noting at this point that there is a full study. I can you not. They came out from national library of medicine. This was published in the front. In psychiatry, circa, two thousand and twenty two and The things that I found a rather crucial thing that it found whose is all about what is called violent, radical position the possibility of different populations being subjected to violent radicalization and what this study found the requisite transgender engender, diverse youth emerge as the group at the highest risk of support for violent radicalization, in line with results of a recent survey conducted during the pandemic. That highlighted high levels of support for violent radicalization, as well as psychological distress among gender minorities. In other words, We take a group of people who are very confused and when you preach to them, this solution to their confusion, lies in things like gender transition, and then you teach them that who refuse to accept that they are members of a sex to which they re membership and that those people are threatened them a violent threatened them. Then
it may be that you end up with more violent incidents that may be fact one of the things that result- and so this creates kind of appeal- media, because of course, we are complicit in precisely this narrative, if you're person, who doesn't believe that men can become women? Women can can become men if you have believe the lie that gender is completely fluid. If Europe the why that sex engender a disconnected if you'll believe, any of those things. The meals and dress that you are responsible for trans racial transgenesis. Friends, death, trans suicide, and so what you're doing and fighting a christian school, which is part and parcel of this indoctrinated apparatus, is something that is theoretically virtuous in this particular world. That's what a sick mind, say- and this was a sick mine, because no one insurance children was not particularly a sick mine. Media are complicit in this particular area, which means they have to come up with an alternative narrative. Now turn of narrative is wait for way for it. You gotta
Everybody who opposes the transgender is actually responsible for transfers and shooting up a christian school. The media have an incentive to cover up the actual source of shootings like this one. Which is why, for example, you don't remember Are you legume generally, do not recall the mass shooting, then been in colorado in made twenty nineteen at school. This is airport from eighty seven court, a teenager who told the authorities you launched a fatal shooting attack on his urban denver school last year with a classmate, because you wanted them to experience. Trauma like he had experienced, was sentenced on friday to life in prison was thirty. Eight years of the past, Www pearl after two decades behind bars, I apologise to the parents of Kendrick castillo was killed he tackled, one of the government and the attack and stem school highlands ranch and you on the other agents wounded in the attack is was those traumatized by it. What actually happen you're. Well. This was a person who says that he was marked because was transgender
he wanted everyone in that school to suffer and realize the world is a bad place, had an affidavit summing up his statements, but that that shooting got memory, hole holdings of course that doesn't fit the narrative, which is that victims. supposin victims in american society can sometimes be horrible that minors- or perhaps you remember, the club, q shooting your memory. The nature it a shooting at a gay climate, originally the entire the legacy media apparatus decided, but this was an act of christian bigotry against gay nightclub. In fact, it turns out that the shooter had a very daisy childhood that his identified as general binary and and that the shooter in this particular case identified as general on bioenergy and used they them pronouns as well. That story just from the headlines pretty quickly after after that came out Isn't that had to be memory holed, okay, so a new narrative has to now be created about this particular shooting. If you get memory hole, what exactly is going on a quote? Unquote: trans man shooting up a christian school. You have to come up with
narrative the new narrative that is being promoted by some members. The media is that the people to blatant truly are tenancy, republicans, tennis, your public, we heard the daily, where we are the people to blame, because after all, we are pushing the idea, they shouldn't trends, the kids that you shouldn't to actually to gender mutilate small children who are gender confused, if hormone treatments shouldn't shoot girls full of testosterone, it might be bad for them. You might not want to actually carve a fake human. A fake flesh penis out of an arm. You man, I want to do those things. if we say that- and apparently we are somehow responsible for a trans person, shooting up a christian school yesterday in one of the most insane said the knight abc course. Monetary moran, trying to in tennessee republicans and christians, apparently for a shooting at a christian school by a self identified, transposon the police confirming six dead, three children- one eight years old to nine years old, and
ray adults, including catherine consumers, the head of the covenant schooled the police chief also said that the shooter has been identified as twenty eight year old, female audrey hale said she's a former student of the school and confirmed that underhill was a identified. Herself has a transgender person state of tennessee. Earlier this month passed and the governor signed a bill that band transgender. medical care for minors, well as law that prohibited adult terminate, including male and female impersonators after a series of drag, show controversies in that state. I was actual controversy. You see it because of all the concerns about exposing children's perverse sexual material. Because of that, No, you can see why the sort of thing might have had it we're making excuses for people who should children apparently the way this works. Now it is the push to protect. Children on an eye
illogical overall indoctrination into a gender called that is now the excuse for shooting actual children that The the logic boggles the mind, but I guess, when you have a narrative to push the narrative is that the right is always somehow responsible for a school shooting, even a school shooting, which are trans person, murders, a bunch christian kids. Then you have to go with it. To go that that wasn't even the worst take of the day. worse, taken today came courtesy of Ben Ryan, who has been going after the daily wire with a rhetorical hatchet for weeks now, suggesting, of course, that the daily, what are basically runs tennessee, which a whit. What did it worse But that is not in fact, the case Ben ryan, tweeted out NBC report NBC has idea national school shooter as the person twenty eight identifies as transgender and had no previous criminal record national, was home to the daily wear, a hub of anti trans activity by Matt, walsh, blog ben Shapiro and Michael J knowles. So just to get this straight, if a person does violence.
It's a trans person and none of us have called for violence against the trans person. We are all responsible for that. Also, if a trans person does violence against christians were responsible for that too, I feel like it most doesn't matter, what have? You just say the worst possible for the violence, Meanwhile, you have newsweek pushing a learn, sort of story. Newsweek had an entire tweet. It said drag shows engender affirming care for minors were banned in tennessee this month, while assault weapons remain legal. Since the other alternative The other alternative take us. Why are you even focused on things like that children from eligibility q indoctrination focus on the guns, man, just look at the jon stewart take that we saw a couple of weeks ago, where he's asking republican legislators. Why aren't you banning guns if you're trying to protect kids and it's like? Well, maybe I don't think banning guns protects the kids and also I don't see why not. dresses, women should be gyrating, sexually infernal children and what that has to do with with school shootings. Precisely
but this is this is the going line is well our hundred carbajal, who is a trans person tweeted, thank god, tennessee protecting children from So called horrors of braggin gender forming care, so they can be shot up its or by an eight hour, fifteen instead. Well, here's the thing they weren't china might just an air fifteen. Randomly It is truly amazing how, when the left does not wish to, for example, blame certain some people or certain ideologies for an idea that you blame me instruments, so radical muslim terrorist drives a car over a bunch of israelis, then the car did it and when it Franz man should bunch of christian schoolchildren, the gun did it The shifting narrative is is absolutely clear and absolutely odious. Narrative number one at the left has tried to promote. Is the pathetically stupid narrative that people who don't wish to see children mutilated or indoctrinated into a gender called, are responsible for transposing shooting up a christian school desert of number one which, by the way, is actually inert if they help foment the
ideological insanity that contributes to stuff like this. If you keep saying that there is an existential threat to trans people, the world. When you just say the boys are boys and girls are girls, and then people take that seriously and they go out. and they say- ok! Well, you know I'm just going to attack anybody who says that, because after I'm, an existential threat. Then you're actually using this shooting at eight as a platform, nor a jew forward a narrative that actually makes similar events more likely. Statistically, that's insane. The secondary narrative, the beloved always has on these ones, is guns, of course, up Joe Biden yesterday our incoherent president, he came downstairs and he began his prescott He apparently already knew that the shooting it taken place. You randomly started talking about ice cream, which was very strange kinda are talking to president ice cream before even got to his is assault. Weapons ban call was Joe Biden talking that ice cream,
was Joe Biden. I'm doctor Joe Biden husband and each of these ice cream chocolate chip, I came down preserving shock occupied by way of a whole refrigerated for upstairs. I think I'm kidding not know. things are getting. We all think that you're, essentially small school child in a president's body, the brain power of some Lower and mammals is pretty much where we are at this, He then no launched into his call for this all weapons ban, of course, we have to do more. Its top gun violence, its european, our communities apart, ripping saw this nation ripley, the very soul of knowledge, and we we have to do but to protect her school, summarily turned in prisons, shooter Wait reported we had to assault weapons in a pistol, twinkie forties,
so I call on congress again to pass my solomons bill it's about time. We again the makes more progress. I welcome it he's already at the answer, I d go way with school and, of course, you had the regular sort of cultural leaders out there are suggesting the gun. Control is the answer peter Frampton. Another, culturally, he he treated out, There is a school shooting in the ninety nine these in the uk and they called for a massive gun, buy back and Registration and seizure programme have any school shooting sense. I would just like to note at this point that there were no school shootings before the new school shooting in scotland that happen in, I believe at nineteen. Ninety six that that's cool shooting was and when the only recorded school shooting in all of the uk in decades, so you're taking ample size that does not exist, and then you are suggesting that the have an independent variable, now changed this the sample. And if you have zero and fit forties you're in the fifties, urine sixty zero, the seventy zero in the eighties one in the nineties,
piece legislation: zero on the two thousands zero in the two thousand tens I'd like to suggest, it might not have been the gun legislation that actually changed that when you have a sample size of one, that is very difficult to draw any sort of serious database conclusion. But again the left doesn't need data that the left has. He do something mentality and do something is always take. The rights of normal americans, who aren't the problem so exactly example: green jean pierre Wordsworth press secretary out there saying doing the how many we'll have to be murder regime and lets me real about this. If democratically to this Firstly, you know they would have done and then try to push this sort of us weapons van gun, control, routine. It don't try to seriously push that when they control both by because of congress and the presidency, which was last- I checked about thirty five seconds ago here green jean pierre doing the what what What, if I get very emotional about gun control too, to push this
in his state of the union. The president called in congress to do something to stop the epidemic of gun violence, tearing families apart tearing communities apart. How many more children have have to be murdered before republicans in congress will step up and act to pass the assault, weapon? spare me, the do something is not in actual plan, you know, it'd actual plan I only knew a few things will be national plan. The Democrats have rejected all of these by the way so far as I'm aware addition of school security at all schools yet jewish days goals are guarded like bags, and they should be because there is a high level of suspicion that if there are going to be a target of attack that you need somebody there in order to stop it and better school lockdown procedures, obviously issues to lock the outer doors, which didn't happen in this particular scenario,
and yes treating people who are mentally ill as though they are mentally ill. This person was clearly mentally ill. This person was clearly unwell. All the red flags were there, but we had to treat it as though it's an act of heroism rather than make. indicated this person is wholly well, doesn't mean that every person why don't fight is transgender is potential school should regard forbid. That's obvious, not true mean that any, but that that everybody with generous for your gender identity disorder is potentially violent. That's how these are not true either, but you pretend that somebody whose exhibiting signs of abnormality is somehow perfectly normal and that there were no red flags with. I guarantee you as time goes on we're going to find out that there were a bevy of red flags, because there has yet to be a school shooting in which there were no red flags. It always turns now that there is a vast football field filled with red flags. Nobody looked the other way and you don't have to been indicated that somebody might be having a problem, one, wait indicated, so we will be having a problem. Not a violent problems. Problems generally great indicator. is when they say that they are a member of a text which they do not belong. That does not mean
we violent again for the third time in four morons media matters. It does mean if we are looking at sub group of of folks who are who are suffering from a mental illness and who ought to have a pair of eyes on them more than the person who is in the control room, that's a symptom that. The fact that we are not supposed to say any of that is is demonstrably exactly the problem in american society. We do not take the problem mental illness seriously in amerika, we just don't we don't we don't. We pretend it away and particularly when it when it falls along the lines of politically correct truisms and softened sophistry? We pretend it away. It's really. It's really prevent again. No there's nobody out. There would argue that that somebody who is suffering from schizophrenia should have an extra pair of eyes.
There's nobody whose arguing that somebody who several ran directly, I just for their own health and safety, should have an extra pair of eyes on them. But when it comes to certain types of particular mental disorders, we're supposed to pretend that everything is hunky, dory and then we're supposed to act. Apprise wouldn't when something terrible happens mean listen, statistical outliers like this, are always going to be shocking. But can we stop Turning to the normal person whose walking down the street not identifying as member of the opposite, gender is in, exactly the same mental health status, a person who is walking around identifying as a member of the opposite gender. That is just not true that doesn't mean there can be a school shooter. It does mean that, if If we are categorizing folks in terms of mentally this, werder vs not mentally disordered yesterday Look at mental disorders that are on the table about what I I do that now, where we're just going to work, we're going to do they do something routine. Here is Joe Biden. Doing that you know. I I hate to say what I'm gonna say next because
you're, so enthusiastic and with so much energy and hope, and I feel it, but why then, in this room, I don't know whether you ve been on your phones by we just learned about another sheet in tennessee, school shooting and I am truly without words, and our children deserve better and we stand all of us. We stand with nashville in prayer, she's alive to saint. By the way, people on the run an honest emperor, Joe Biden slot, is it I'm but but do better is not actually legislative proposal. It is likely to result in anything useful, but it's not about useful. It's about what you can. Demagogue off of a pair,
wait, which presumably is why Barack Obama is former education secretary, Arne Duncan's weeded out at what point do we consider a national boycott of schools our children are safe to learn their and our adult are safe to teach. How many lines need to be lost before we actually decide to do some vague and keep everyone's it. A national boycott of schools. Genius little stuff there from the actual former educate the secretary of the united states of america, just don't go to school anymore, wonderful, representative steve cohen, democrat of tennessee he's doing the same routine. He says it's hard to sit with republicans because they are the ones who are at fault for this. Is weird, because there is an actual shooter who didn't actual thing. It had an actual personality and actual description and actual agenda, but fairly just generalised republicans, Didn't you did work and new town that consider setting up tat, kids, really working evolve, yeah right works there. There, political power, their money that they make got many actors, money less will push the right that that'd been live.
It's the flu as it's horrific to thankful and the congress, people won't adjust their thinking and do what any better the thoughts and prayers. That's. What we've heard people right now in congress is pathetic. it's it's hard for me to to to to to serve up there now with some of the people that I have served with, I mean I that they're there are the danger and we make it go. I don't get it They are so attached guns and- and this of course is part of a broader attack by anybody in the press and on left on anybody who actually likes guns or, for example, that this isn't it some of the dumbest headline dead they're just too many of them there. There is just a fire hose stupidity, so between sea cohen, suggesting that he can't somewhat people our programme because their responsible for a trans person shooting a bunch of christian school kids, washington post, which printed this actual headline giovanni congressmen from national district heartbroken by shooting but Democrats gun control,
his highlight any twenty. Twenty one christmas photo showing represented andrew oboes in members of his family, the firearms. So just it just to get this absolutely clear, the she'll be congressmen is not allowed to be heartbroken by shooting in his district, because He and his family held guns in a christmas photo in twenty twenty one. They are responsible there, the wild misdirection, the insane misdirection. It really is almost too To take a meanwhile there's a study out from the wall street journal. That is just fascinating and has real consequences to it. It cannot yesterday and what it found is that america, american values, thereby simply dying generation over generation. It here is what was originally patriotism religious state having children and other priorities that help define the national
character for generations, are receding and importance to americans according to a wall street journal and o r c poll, and the these findings of this poll are just astonishing in the poll asked him pretty simple questions like do. You have faith in the economy? that is excellent. We're good eighty percent by the way so that the economy is poor or not so good in the united states asked if, if they think that their kids are gonna, live better, like the they do. A huge number. Americans say they think it'll be actually worse for their kids than is right now, but what is really What's fascinating about this, this wall street journal poll is it shows that central values to social cohesion are completely fading away in the united states, so, for example, patriotism in ninety. Ninety eight, seventy percent of americans had the patriotism was a very important value than seventy percent, which would obviously imply significant bipartisan agreement. The patriotism is pretty important, but if you live in the united states pretty excited about living in the united states and should believe in american exceptionalism bite you.
Nineteen the number and dropped some, but not entirely radical to sixty one percent by twenty twenty three then number had dropped to thirty. Eight percent like off a cliff So, between twenty nineteen and twenty three november dropped from sixty one percent of thirty eight percent americans, you think the patriotism is important. Religion sixty two percent of american seven. Ninety ninety eight, their religion was important to them. Forty eight percent said, but was important by twenty nineteen. Today, it's at thirty nine percent no less than four intend. Americans in the religion is very important to them. When children in ninety. Ninety eight fifty nine percent Americans are that having children is important value to them. twenty nineteen, those down to forty three percent, and today it is down to thirty percent less than in three american say that having children is a very important value. This one is The fastening community involvement and even following your community, forty percent american said that it was very important, be involved in your community in nineteen. Ninety eight that jumped to sixty two percent in
Nineteen. I can only assume that people meant politically because by do you twenty three, that number was down to twenty seven percent, less than one in three americans at a core of americans. Believing unity involvement is actually an important value. The only area in which americans say but they had more interest in. This is an american value than anything else than then. Since ninety eight is money when it comes to making money, that is is now considered very important by forty three percent of women It was forty one percent of americans in two thousand and nineteen. It was thirty one percent of americans in nineteen ninety eight and this breaks down pretty significantly by age. The the the of people who say, for example, in the eighteen to twenty nine age group that patriotism is really important to them is slightly over twenty percent. Less then, quarter of people between eighteen and twenty. Ninety having children is important to them. Barely thirty percent of young
will say that religion is very important to them, and even so only sixty sixty two percent of eighteen to twenty nine year old say that hard work is important to them right now there's a mass and partisan breakdown in all these questions when it comes to simple patriotism, fifty nine percent of them of republican, say patriotism is important compared to twenty. Three percent of Democrats welcomes religion, fit three percent of republicans say, religion is important compared to twenty seven percent of democrats having children, thirty eight percent republicans say important. Compared to twenty six percent of Democrats When it comes to community involvement, this one's kind of shocking Democrats, it say that they believe more community involvement to the tune of thirty two percent. Republicans now say only twenty five percent say that they will in community involvement as important as an important and me because the nature of what community involvement involved in saint ninety nine is very different. What mean today in eighteen, ninety eight a future community involvement, people immediate, would have said or even go to church today, committee of autonomy, go to a protest march or something
where there is no gap at all is when it comes to making money comes, making money. Forty five and of democratic and forty five percent of republicans say that making money is a priority. when it comes to other values like transgender ism mascot. Gap between republicans and democrats. When it comes to schools diversity is using affirmative action. Massive gap between republicans and democrat, but here is here, is that the real thing that is happening right now, all the way They used to be the cortical. Unifying values are dying away. Their falling apart in the reason there falling apart. I think it is pretty obvious thee centralizing institutions in american society, the intermediate institutions in american side of completely disappear. These were the things that allowed us to live together: churches, local schools, so actual clubs are all the all the arenas with family. All these things all these arenas they use actually allow us to unify all of those who fall away the into
in institutions. American society have died away is something Robert has been predicting the quest for community back in the nineteen forty, as you suggested, that over time is the as the polluter estate became more more important, always intermediate institutions would be removed and all that would be laughed essentially. War was was a tutor every state at the very top american signing a bunch of atomized individuals. Those individuals still have individual economic interests there also interested, making money on the part on the personal individual level, but they have any of the militating institutions in life, but actually give people meaning and purpose. It's no coincide the exact same time more and more. again are saying that they are our disk. enacted from american values. More more, Europeans are unhappy, a huge number of americans are now unhappy. A huge number americans believed their kids are not better off A huge number of American believed that america is in serious trouble, that is, being as as you remove those intermediate institutions were supposed to have some
of abiding faith in an overarching political infrastructure. But why should we then can political infrastructure used to be a reflection of common values that we air, but now those common values are basically goin. it's not as though this is some sort of giant mystery of going all the way back to tocqueville de Tocqueville suggested. Quite correctly, can like eating thirty six, exactly what would happen western societies. The rise of soft despotism area is a quote from a lot. To togo, and if this doesn't sound modern american sided, you I'm not, I'm not sure to tell you here's what to what such quote. I seemed to trace the novel feed. Under which despotism may appear in the world. The first thing it strikes the obsolete, is in innumerable multitude of men are equal in alike, incessantly endeavouring to procure the petty and poultry pleasures which with which with which they got their law. lives, each of them living a part, is a stranger to the fate of all the rest, his children and private friends costs. to him the whole of mankind. As for the rest of his fellows, since his close to them, but he doesn't see them, he touches somebody doesn't feel them.
exists only in himself in for himself alone. If his kindred still remain him, he may be at any rate of watches country above this race. and stands in immense and to to literally power, which takes it upon itself alone, secure their gratification and to watch over their fate. That power is absolute minute, regular, profit and mild. It would be like the author the parrot give liked apparent. Its object was to prepare men for manhood, but it seeks on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood is welcome People should rejoice, provided they think nothing of think of nothing but rejoicing for there we need such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be the sole agents and the only arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security forces and supplies. Their necessities facilitates their pleasures, manages there What concerns directs their industry regulates the descent of property and some divides their inheritances or remains, but spare them all the care of in all the trouble of living it everyday renders the exercise of the free agency a ban was useful and less frequent. It circumscribes the will within a narrower rage and gradually robs man of all the uses of himself. The principle of equal has prepared men for these. Things is predisposed men to endure them,
nothin to look on them is benefits after having successively taken each member of the community and its powerful grasped and fashioned him. It will the supreme power than extend start over the whole community. It covers the surface in society with a network small, complicated rules minute and uniform through which most original mines and the most energetic characterised cannot penetrate rise above the crowd. The willow man is not but softened benny guided men are seldom forth by it to act, but their cost refrain from acting such powers. Story, but it prevents existence. It does not yet is but a compresses enervate extinguishers in supervising people to each nation. Is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd. I've always thought that this Budget. The regular quite and gentle kind, which I have just described, might be combined. more easily than is commonly believed that some of the outward forms of freedom and there might even establish self under the wing of the sovereignty of the people, yeah that now. Let's just over regulating thirty sex again of all of the actual intuitions and rolls and rules that shape us and what you end up with is people were completely disconnected and pursuing their
the version of what they think of as as happiness, a restricted in their happiness from engaged with the things that actually make life meaningful and then were shocked when there is additional mental illness, and we are shocked when there is additional depression. We are shocked in there is additional suicide were shocked when people are anxious. Scared for the future of the country and feel nothing in common with their neighbours when you will be in all of those institutions? That's how you get that this is how that national shooting in some ways. symbolic level. Is it it says a lot on a symbolic level. They need attack of the radical individual on this all community church school the idea of the person who is freed from all rules and rolls and who must attack a sore rules and rolls and attack children. In that way, if we are going to the left likes to use, particular shootings do use predict
violent incidents and sort of metaphors for broader american society. If we're talking about the the metaphor, a broader american society, that would be a a pretty solid one, already meanwhile, in other news, Ben and is now in Israel who now suspended the judicial overhaul. That chaos was was causing there is shut down in the state of Israel according to the wall street journal internally, MR benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, suspended a controversial judicial overall plan and attempt to pull the country back from the brink after mass protests in strikes rock the nation Netanyahu. Yesterday both explained what he was doing in terms of judicial reform, and then he also explain why he was temper really delaying the judicial or hide here he was with peers, morgan explaining why exactly he was
can you shall have a home affairs place like now? You have a situation where fifteen unelected members of the supreme court effectively governors. They can decide things that affect our military, our economy, our foreign relations, are battling with terrorism. Is that right? Is that democratic? No, its, not democratic! You want to correct you. Dont say that those other democracies are some are painted. Some are not democratic. if they have a better balance of power. That, obviously, is is pretty uncontroversial and here's the thing even in Israel, it's relatively uncontroversial, but the right and the left, many in the sense a great there has to be some reform of the judicial system. There battle in Israel, as I explaining yesterday, the real battle. it is not really over judicial reform, the real battles over the future of the country. So basically, what happened in the last election cycle is that the right one We solid victory in the polling day, but the sixty four seat majority in the knesset that allowed them to govern the left, does not like threat one is the left decided to deploy to the streets in all
or to essentially shut down all the major mechanisms of the israeli economy. They blocked highways. They shut down the ports yesterday this they, these two extra illegal means in origin. Try and threaten the government into not pursuing this judicial reform so to suggest that's a democratic movement is bizarre, have elected coalition. That is attempting to pursue a more democratic policy which has taken our way from an unelected branch that is power in bad ways, and then you have people being in the streets, supposedly in defence of democracy by trying to overthrow the will of a democratically elected majority in a simple story The truth is that they do. There are serious sort of underlying political issues. Here the left looks at the right and what they see as a cold, I know some people who actually want some procedural changes for good reasons, and then they also see some people who they believe are simply trying to grab the levers of power and to prevent any checks and balances from obtaining in the state of Israel at all and that but nintendo,
did the right thing. S rings it. We have to slow this and we have to be more incremental in how we approach, which is, in fact the right solution. The right move forward, too fast. They drove almost opposition by what they found out is that the extra governmental levers of power in israel are quite, are quite dynamic. There there there able to literally shutdown, pretty much the entire country because again the economic and even military power in Israel is not necessarily on this the government into that that split was sort of exposed, which means more incrementalism and more compromise. That's exactly what Netanyahu pledged yesterday, the only nor the Google bomb is likely to launch what he's trying to avoid a rift within people This has a horrible shop position in the second and third reading from the law in this pleasant tenure. Norton give time their broader consensus and I ll go back to the drawing board, which is they should It is worth noting. The yesterday there in massive counter protest in Israel by a hundred, and people minimum,
in middle of Israel who are on the side now. Who's immediately come on one side and suggested this was sort of a rising up against a totalitarian dictatorship as a lie on every level and again this year It is a one sided issue. It is not. There will be discussions recently. Some sort of traditional formal, eventually get done, but common as in conciliation, are going to be the path for writer. I will say at this point that I think that this is a good indicator that there there are just tons of people out there who are constantly seeking an end of the world apocalyptic scenario to talk about, made it on all sides like this is the last election. If we don't get extensions going to the country will be over civil war. People are saying that in Israel you'll see that with every election in the united states, that is not only bad politics. It is bad policy It may be good politics in the short term, because you're allowed to get people in the streets and get people all wrapped up, but if you she wish to effectually change, it's a real problem stands in the way of the actual constructive dialogues that we can actually have with one another in order to foreign policy, and instead it just makes politics is
there is a reactionary swings from one side to the other. One side says the apocalypse, and maybe they went their senses whatever I want the apocalypse and then they went and then you never actually get to any effects, waited change time for some things I like and then some things that I hate so things that I like today. I can see the backdrop I mentioned at the whole but we are actually in rome today and filling with my four Jordan peterson, we have a new series. That's gonna be coming out very soon in which we visit some of the world's great places and and talk about the history and philosophy of western civilization. It really is fantastic behind aspirin for those who were don't over looking at these at saint peters and ask him: peters, obviously, is the center of catholicism them. The most powerful church institution in the history of the world, It's it's an astonishing building. The city of rome is absolutely incredible that the history of rome is fascinating from the actual sort of rome of hbo. And indeed the swords and sandals rome. I then there was all about
senatorial power, verses, verses, dictatorial power, democracy, republicanism, the people versus the elite and all the rest of it to the rise of christianity in the the aftermath of the of of the new testament, obviously rome central to the idea western civilization? I can't wait to bring you that's here. Is it really is quite amazing we couldn't get. We couldn't resist, actually doing doing a shoot up here, because I mean, if you can shoot this backdrop. I would you do when you do that, as opposed to shooting in a dark and studio somewhere. Other things that I like, today, some ways out about rebuilding those local institutions? Obviously church is made local institution that needs to be rebuilt now requires an actual forward. Thinking leadership from people are in the religious sphere, and that means that religious leaders and stopping so shy, what they believe mission sent out fishing nations on what they believe, rather than attempting to secular morality essentially steered about. It also means that we need a government that allows for the thriving of local institutions, and so
I'm I'm very excited than the state of florida instead of flora has now passed universal school choice. Then the money now follows the students now found the school That means that every kid will have the ability in the state of flora to get tat a credit of something like thousand dollars in order to pursue a private education if they so wish, It was governor round his aunts in florida, the wind for him and so
people have said: wait a minute. If you give parents a choice, have you let parents take scholarship and go to the school of their choice? Somehow that's going to hurt education performance in in florida. Work. Proof positive that that's just the opposite of what actually happened. Fact that the matter is our school districts perform better because they've embraced choice. Our charter schools perform better because they have to compete for individual students are not entitled to get anybody as a charter, school and, of course, having private schools that can service the needs of parents, so that a parent will take that scholarship and say you know what I want to go to this particular school because of what they're offering all that has created a very positive feedback. It can be great and in this makes lord of the fourth state, actually adopt universal school choice. More of this, this is how you rebuild local institutions. Can power back to parents to re in their communities instead of you the power government. You break up those communities already time for a couple of things that I hate.
so we ve already seen the bold rotation of royal doll and the public generally like that, and so they they walked it back a little bit. This is the attempt to remove words like fat from augustus. Gloop descriptors in charlie, and the chocolate factory will now yet and reports that the novels of Agatha Christie are. The latest works to be revised. Removal, racist references and other language concerned offensive to modern audiences. According to the uk, the telegraph publisher happened and has some passages in entirely move to others from its new digital editions of some of christie's, detect mysteries, featuring procure quarrel and this marble, I'm a big agatha. Christianity really enjoy procure poirot the amendments to the books include changes to the narrator's inner monologue, for example, while rose description of another character as a jew, of course, in christie's, debut novel, the mysterious affair thousand and now been stripped out of the new version. Now as a jew. Of course, I can say that I don't find that particularly useful. I think that actually understand devices of authors when their writing is quite useful and historically
interesting and necessary, nor its actually understand the books, the your reading, if you strip out all this up, the we find offensive today from the book you're missing, half of their context throughout europe, eyes. Version of the short story. Collection is marbles final cases into other stories that we need it has now been replaced with local, which doesn't change anything ass is describing a servant as blackened grinning has been revised and the character is now simply referred to as nodding with no reference to his race. also you're not allowed to refer to nubian people, indefinite death on denial and none of us going to make the books better anyway, and it's not going to prevent people from taking offence at Agatha, these original verbiage. But it is a great way to demonstrate your fealty to the woke idiots sided than is necessary to rewrite history in order to appease their modern sensibilities, mommy, speaking of woke idiots who are attempting to appease modern sensibilities and attacking parents in a process, the inexpressibly, wish. I was under a casual court. Has she yesterday was
in bad timing. Here she said that predatory the cisgender and straight men are the ones after your kid is a holiday men. Of these disgusting and insinuating attacks on trans and algae bt. People are actually projections of what predatory sis, gender and often straight men do when left alone, the presence of women or sometimes horribly children instead of getting you to challenge the patriarchy they're trying to get you to on the very gender expressiveness, that challenges patriarchy, don't get a twisted cause a lot of people, tat, drag projecting outside as our projecting so now, men gyrating sexual wise, around kids, objected out it's because you wish to centralize kids in some fetishistic way. Ah, they need the utter insanity and stupidity of this point of view. But it. None of it is designed for the benefit of the children. It's all designed to make a particular constituency I'll feel better about itself that that's that's all. This really is the final thing that I hate. So this
be again major national news story. If the parties were reversed, according to kentucky centre, ran It confirmed on Monday that member state was brutally attacked on the streets of washington dc over the weekend. He said in a statement. We got a member of my staff was brutally attacked in broad daylight in Washington DC. I join you too. I ask you to join kelly and me and praying for speedy and complete recovery and thinking first responders hospital staff and police for their diligent actions. Apparently, the person sustained life threatening injuries, a suspect, was arrested, with an assault with intense you kill using a knife, parallels repeat stabbing again if it we'll get him intact in republican area. That, of course, would be worthy of no, but it's republican being attacked in a democratic area. So obviously that is not worthy of note whatsoever. It is completely irrelevant to everyone and can final thing I hated it worse taken today we were in search for the worst take of the day with regard to the shooting the worst They actually came courtesy of a person in David pack, man who is a left wing podcast rapidly
and he treated this airport very surprising- that there would be a mass shooting at a christian school. Given the lack of prayer is often blame for these horrible events. Is it possible pray enough or correctly, despite being christian school? That's how take right. There is probably they needed to their praying wrong. The kids were praying wrong. So you know, that's probably why that happen, or obviously is attempting to mark the idea of religion at all. Isn't prayer supposed to protect you? well, I mean behind me, as I mentioned before, same peters. What have I well, they would there's an entire religion predicated on the idea that the son of god was killed by humans. What right what you like What are what I told you there's inherit legion predicated on the idea that there are people that they call martyrs and their budgets actors of them right over there. You can see them and they prayed super hard and also died as martyrs. What if I told they ve packed in that? what my favorite things is when atheists pretend that their their questions about the odyssey. Unlike the first questions that have been asked about this, this this matter
god you're saying the bad things happen to religious people. What does not hunger, your entire religion. No, actually, let me just explained it does not debunk any of my religion or any of any religion, because that's the stupidest think of all time. Many that sometimes doesn't answer prayers in the way that we wish to answer our prayers and his god isn't us, but that does not change why people prey? Is it say it's so there already guys. The rest of the show is continuing right now, you're, not gonna, wanna miss it we'll be jumping into the mailbag here from rome. If you're, not a member become a member use. Code. Shapiro check on for two months and all annual plans, click the link in the description and join us. The
Transcript generated on 2023-03-30.